. Rules for which there is a world of IP. Future fate of heroes.

. Rules for which there is a world of IP. Future fate of heroes.

New Season " The game of thrones"It starts in a week. And we decided to reflect on one of the main issues that worries all the fans of the series - "Who will die in the 7th season of the Games of Thrones? What do you think? We suggest thinking about those who do not survive this season.

Last year, season 6 "Games of the Thrones" was remembered primarily by the fact that Deeneris finally went to Westeros, as well as the fact that John Snow, who tragically died in the fifth season final, returned to life thanks to Melisandra's magic.

He also can not definitely resist Brienna from Tarta. Chance of the experience of the season: 10%. He is a little fingger, and he survived so long, so the chances are crap. But Brandon Starck probably knows the truth about the betrayal of the Ned Stark, and Littlefinger frankly licked Sanas and John about it.

Season 7 "Games of Thrones" begins on Sunday - and you know what it means: the bloody battle begins again. As we repeatedly reminded, all people must die, but some of them will do it before others. We can make some educated guesses due to the lack of the best phrase. Here are characters who have a high likelihood that they will be killed, and will be considered from most to the least likely.

Also last year a number of secondary antagonists left the series, but this does not mean that in the seventh season no one will die. After all, this is "the game of thrones", here it is impossible. On the other hand, only those heroes that we really love and worry about them remained. But some of them have every chance not to survive the new season.

The six seasons were four ruler. So, Sersi is a prominent woman, even before you think that the prophecy hangs over her head. Most of them have already come true. She married King, gave birth to three children and buried them. The only thing that remains is "Wallincar" - a little brother - kill her. If this means Tyrion, well, it goes to it.

If it is Jaime, he must have many opportunities. Joramomt. Shades of gray is not a joke. This is a miracle that he survived last season. Some just take longer than others. We had to live with a bright brand name of Joffrey for more than three seasons and a dark smile Ramsei even longer. However, Euron does not reach these peaks of evil. It seems short - rather an obstacle, indeed, in the form of Yanosa Slut or Hal Moro. Human villains are such a season. The only question is who will do honors.

Bengen Stark

Uncle John Snow and the brother of the Ned Stark went missing in the first season "Games of the Thrones". However, in the sixth season it turns out that Bengen Stark is alive, but became something like undead. He saved Brane, but he himself could not go beyond the wall, since the dead could not do this. In the trailer, which we showed the creators of the series, we see a large-scale battle with white walkers behind the wall. There is a chance that Bengen Stark will come to the aid of John and sacrifice himself, so that Snow does not die.


Theon Griad Theon is a sad, broken person, and will be tragic if he leaves after saving Sansu, but he seemed to go to battle. Is it really so many battles left in it? Gregor "Mountain" Klegana, he may have already died technically - it's hard to say that it was this charlatan kaiburn that did with him. But it may be the season when his brother, the dog will finally revenge the hooligan, who gave him all these scars. Trailers hint that the dog goes to the north of the wall along with the brotherhood without banners, but all the stars of the show continue to say that this season events are very fast, so who knows?

This hero is the main rumor in the world of the Games of the Thrones. Throughout all the past seasons, Varis led his game, concluding transactions that guaranteed him the situation in any scenario. However, there is a chance that in the seventh season, one small miscalculation can cost him life.

Zlakotria Autumn is inferior to his cold and merciless sister. Clouds are coming to Westeros. From the north, white walkers lead the army of the living dead. From the east through the narrow sea floats the huge fleet of the deyeneris bordean with three grained dragons. In Winterfelle, the newly new King of North John Snow is trying to understand that he brought him an unexpected union with the Knights of the Valley and Lord Mizinyz. Furgeting his children and half of the city of Sersi Lannister collects troops in the royal harbor. The shore of the seven kingdoms landed the ship with Ajay, cherishing his own list of revenge for his father and brothers. Everyone is ready to skip the knife in the back to another. This is a big game where the bid can be not only your own life, but also the life of your associates. This is the "Game of Thrones." Song of Ice and Flame, Roe Dragons and Klinkov Zon. Saga about the world, which has long ceased to be someone's fantasy and turned into a huge universe with millions of fans.

During the trailer, we see that Berick has a fiery sword, which looks pretty striking, but the only reason he could need is to fight with a white Walker north of the wall - can not be a good sign. Few people survive in battles. You should always be a bit suspect when the "Game of Thrones" gives his characters a sweet purse.

It does not look promising for our beloved eunuha, but at least he found love! Sandy snake or two girls can dream. It would be just a heartbreaking moment, when viewers love a dish to give a series of emotional resonances.

The editorial office of Game2Day is looking forward to the beginning of the seventh season "Games of the Thrones" - one of the highest serials of the XXI century. Kinosaga overtook the events of George Martin's books and now that there will be in the 7th season of the "Games of the Thrones" can be guessing only on trailers, fan theories and scribe information from the Internet. We have collected everything that is aware of the series at the moment in one material. There will be a little spoilers. A bit of theories and horses of memories. Ready? Go.

Preston Game: Season 7 - Episode Overview "Dragon and Wolf"

And who else can it be?

Thrones Game: Dog and Tordamund Release Clean Duet

Will SERSIA Lannister stand like the Queen of the Andes and the first men and the defender of seven kingdoms? There are several characters who have good newsletters to fold the napkin this year, but if I had to bet on someone, it would be a menik. Considering that Sansa Stark revealed that she did not trust him, and that we promised that the young woman would return more ruthless, she would most likely turn against his adviser to Makiavell.

When does the 7th Games begins?

The premiere of the first episode is scheduled for 06/17/2017. The seventh season, which is symbolic, consists of seven series of 60 minutes on average. The last two will last a little longer. Schedule and duration of each episode below:

  • 1 series - 06/17/2017 (59 minutes)
  • 2 series - 24.07.2017 (59 minutes)
  • 3 series - 07/31/2017 (63 minutes)
  • 4 series - 7.08.2017 (50 minutes)
  • 5 series - 14.08.2017 (59 minutes)
  • 6 series - 08/21/2017 (71 minutes)
  • 7 series - 28.08.2017 (81 minutes)

The series of 7 seasons "Games of Thrones" will be the most lengthy for the entire history of the series. And the Sagi trailer scored 61 million views 24 hours after publication on YouTube.

Theon and Yara Grazy will face almost the EURO River. And from there we can expect that one of the two brothers will enhance the battle. Will there be a painful habit of the American series to kill all lesbians that appear on the screen? If so, the theon would have to leave their injuries behind and take a step forward to take the reins of Gradi's house. If he is the one who dies in the competition, we can have an emotional ending for a disgusting character who managed to buy herself.

On the side of Targaren, we would insure losses. On the one hand, we have Gusano Gray and Missanda, who produce romance in accordance with the trailers, and this puts them in the attention center. He had already dreamed of death in Marene, but he may not have so easily when the cliff casterley.

The official ART scored less, but also very cool:

What is waiting for the main characters of the "Games of Thrones" in the seventh season?

A lot of events are shown in the two-minute trailer. We try to decipher what is. We will rely on the forecasts we will be on the crumbs of official information, hints from the stars of the series in official interviews and their own intuition (rumors from Reddit).

Olenna Tirell or Elliari Arena - other possible sacrifices in this alliance. Others, whose future can be in the coming days, is Lord Davos, although, in my opinion, Melisandra, people of fraternity without banners, including a dog, or Tormund, may be loss in expeditions behind the wall. But all these offers do not cease to be small characters. And, as we all know, every season deprives us at least one powerful character. What will be the great death this year? An alternative could be that instead of her brother and lover Lgut.

Of course, Tyrion Lannister would be the most painful minimum for the Fandom, and if we do not lose sight of it, it turned out to be too minor role to support Danery, his death would not be so crazy. Will he ever meet with Cerem and Khaima again, and sparks fly? Of course, she likes it.

Lannisters are ready to pay debts?

The ruling Royal Harbor SERSEY Lannister is surrounded by enemies from all sides, but it is not going to give up: claws of lions from Rock Casseri are still sharp, mines are full of gold, and the queen does not know the mercy. It is not yet known that her native brother Jame, who managed to kill one king for his short life, to instruct the story to another, lose his hand and the position of Lord Commander. Most likely Jame will fall to the side of Serne, but what will happen if he meets Tyrion? Lannister has no allies left after the death of Margery Tirell.

A similar feeling would be if they distorted Sansa's life or Aria Stark, that we have already suffered greatly from wolves, but their plots could end. What will make Sansa in the north, if John will go to Great War against walkers? What mission of the aria still have to do, besides your list of revenge? Crazy. Can you imagine that after His resurrection he will be charged again?

And he would leave us with heroic orphans, fearing that good would not win evil and would not think who would now become the third head of the dragon. When the game of the throne is coming to its outcome, the plots of some characters are steadily moving towards their goal, and others are forever. In fact, in the last episode of the sixth season "Wise Winds" fired several of their main characters ending their role in history.

John Snow and Daereweris Targaryen together?

The fans of the "Games of the Thrones" dream that the Chief Bastard Westeros and the Blonde Dragon Tamper joined their strength and hearts, destroyed white walkers and sunked her hand on the iron throne. You will not believe, but millions of people await from the TV series of the Vanilla ending in the best traditions of Hollywood. Somewhere causally grinned in the beard George Martin.

Confirming the intention of Showerunov to make two new seasons shorter length, it seems to be safe to assume that the seventh party, like the six, will continue to close frames after the final straight without free ends. In addition, the collisions that will lead to the arrival of the shadows, in combination with the desire of Aria Revenge and, of course, the arrival of winter and walkers will inevitably lead to a new death.

Now, without children and drunk power, the queen has the right to do so much that it may be necessary to kill her to remove it from the stage. Melisandr: Several people want to remove it from the middle, in particular, in Aria and Davos. In addition, he is now in exile and does not have protection against Stannis Baraton or John Snow.

Something builds insane parallels between the son (or not the Son) Eddard Stark and the daughter of the insane king. They say, both lead the savages behind them, both sacrificed with their love for higher purposes. The fate itself leads them to meet. The most awaited already understood that John most likely wears the blood of Targarians, being the son of Rainear and Lianna Stark. But this is not exactly (c). In any case, John should be saved to the dragon stone behind the weapon against the White Walkers, where he must meet Deeneris, and there ... See you with her, John has to deal with traitors of the Starks House, find out the goals of the mother's and a couple of times to sleep with Melisandra to catch a living dead man in captivity To prove to all the rest of the Lordam Westeros their own right.

Jaime Lannister: For the past few seasons, we saw how the nature of the Danish actor has a smaller weight in history. In addition, his blind love for Serssi inevitably puts it in the center of attention and those who will have to transfer the Queen to take the iron throne.

Briann de Tart: Charismic fulfilled his mission to reunite Sansa with his family. Stark remaining faithful, it seems undoubted that Brianne will play a fundamental role in battles that will inevitably fight in the West. With a dead Stanis and with the restoration of winter, the Davos has no fixed target.

Not passed and seven seasons like Daenerys Targaryen At the head of the army of impeccable and huge Khalasar led his warriors to dismantle Westeros. Grajoy gave her ships. Lord Varis gave her the Union of Martellov and Tirellov. But the chief trump card deesener is Drogon, Radiheal and Visrion. Three grown dragons burning all living on orders their adoptive mother.

If he led a new battle with Stark, he could be in hurricane. Gregor Klegan, "Mountain": He is also in the list of Aria and, being bodyguard Sersi, all his enemies are aimed. Jorammont: With Psoraris, Jora has a lot of ballots in order not to survive the disease.

Martin, should not be bored both by the number of characters and get rid of them. In any case, the discretion is recommended. Of course, it is impossible to confidently learn the fate of characters who enjoy less global significance in the "Games of Thrones", therefore, although we say goodbye more than one confidence, this time we will focus on more heroes. Or Varis, or Petir Boreshi "Pinki" may leave us, although some of them are unlikely because of the tricks they showed from the first season, while the death of characters, such as Missande, Bronn, Gregor "Mountain" Klegan, Georra Mormon, Tormund or Baryna from Tarta is noticeably more likely.

The authors of the series have already stated that they broke the record for the number of burning people during filming. In one of the scenes (the battle with dragons, obviously) on the set of 20 cascaders flames with fire at the same time. Guys burned at work in literal sense of this word. So far, the Dragon's mother seems to be a clear favorite in the struggle for the iron throne. But her main enemy does not sit in the castle and does not carry the title of Lord. He goes from the north with a huge zombie army. White walkers, judging by rumors, they will be able to break through through the wall and start moving south. And if you believe even more fantastic rumors, then one of the dragons will get the king of the night and will turn it into an ice monster. It seems that this blue-eyed bastard is the only one who has cheats.

Being a Davos Sivort, "Luke Knight", is also in a very swampy terrain and with a very high risk to see his end. On the other hand, Lenna Mormuth, the youngest regent of the Island of the Medvea, may well survive and a lot of war in the last season. Gusano Gris, the commander of the immaculate, has the same indefinite fate, as mentioned above, but, of course, is closely connected with the fate of Missanda.

Poin's pitch could be another candidate to leave the series, and Gendry one returned to her, like others, such as Sandor Klegan or Bengen Stark. It is especially likely to death as the theon of Greydoya and his sisters of Yar, as they have already reached their main task in the series, which is nothing more than anyone's seizure of Denry's troops.


Reunion Stark

Somewhere in the forests, inexorably approaches Winterfella Arya. Stubbornly crawling to the father's house Brandon Starkwho has seen. The editors suggests that the role of Brane in the fate of seven kingdoms is very underestimated. It was he who can bring John to the conclusion that he is the son of Targaryina and has rights to the throne.

Sersi Lannister suffered greatly, but at the end of the sixth season we saw how the situation was rotated 180 degrees around him. In any case, it is well known that the one who sits on the iron throne, in this position it becomes very little. Serbia won on the throne, it's true, but he lost the fact that he most wanted his children.

His own actions aimed at to avoid the trial at the end of the sixth season, were those who indirectly touched the lives of his last living son, Tomman, so we most likely we will have mentally unstable in the upcoming season. In addition, the prophecy is mentioned that he will become a queen, but soon another young and beautiful, which will remove the throne to him. Did he talk about tenery?

Curious fact: Three-chapted raven aka man-tree once lived another life. The illegitimate son of the king Eiyepon IV Brindan Rivers wore the nickname "Bloody Raven", was a handicap of two kings. After - I was exiled in a night watch, went over the wall and did not return.

Arya StarkAnd without having received a diploma at faceless, returned to Westeros. Again, according to rumors, she will find her older brother with her sister and become one of the main actors of the North. We are waiting for the conflict with the little finger, whom Eddard's younger daughter will never forgive for betrayal.

Sansa Stark Finally reflected myself ... will and steel. Handsually acknowing Ramsi Bolton, the red-haired beauty gained a reliable ally in the form of a brother and not too reliable friend in the form of Peter Baleish. He still calms the hope of issuing Sansu for Malachol Robin Arrena and in parallel to look into her bedroom with the most, that neither there is dirty goals. But as Sophie Terner (actress, the acting role of Sansa) sees the perfect ending for his heroine:

Hmm, the final for my character ... I would like to write a good death scene. Ideally, she would kill all their enemies, reunited with her family and died in their hands from a loved one. I do not see a happy end for her, I don't see for her "and they began to live long and happily." She does not need to marry and give birth to children, she is so good. Already too much she grown out of his young princesses. So yes, the qualitative scene of death would be a beautiful finale for this excellent character. As for the entire TV series, it would be cool if Sersa had remained at the Iron throne to the very end. I am her fan, I watch all her scenes with open mouth. She is delighted in his unmandant sadistic malice. Its final triumph would also be quite within the framework of this igrithol paradigm, where good almost never wins. Like in life.

Otseyubita and all-all-all

In the "Game of Thrones" just an incredible number of iconic, key heroes. If you argue about each separately, you can accidentally release the next part of the "Ice and Flame" song. We will not select the work from pensioners and briefly run on the possible fate of those who do not participate in the fight for the throne directly.

Tyrion Lannister. Just should live to the end. Smart and cynical dwarf with a good soul and a slight tendency to alcoholism takes the post of the Daenery Daenener and sincerely believes that the flame of her dragons can assist his plan to take revenge on the "beloved" sister.

Family of Grayjoev For the most part, takes the side of the branience. Only the question remains with Euron Voronene Eye. At Pikabu there is a post, where one of the fans managed to shoot the scene with the captive of sand serpents from the house of Martell. EURONE leads them on the leash, only here is ... Plus, according to the spoiler chapter of the "Winter winds", Euron owns a dragon horn and is able to intercept power over flying monsters. Do not forget that the Voroniye of the Eye is the best of the currently living Admirals (Flotovattess, if you want) and in the event of a maritime conflict with the ship, Deeeneris can present a nice surprise with a nice blonde.

Martella Lost all their men and now Dorny rule the extramarital daughters Obserina Martella, whom he finished in a huge amount. Together with the Tirellah, they take the side of Deeneris. Like Lord Varis, contributed to this alliance. Now Miss Targaryen has a fat eunuch and slender eunuch, in love with Milashka Missander.

Sam Tarley It is studying in the Citadel with Lilly. His knowledge can be useful in war with white walkers, loyalty to John does not know borders. In general, Sam is a handsome, albeit slightly absorbed.

Westeros - Indian Kingdom

In the "Game of Thrones", where neither spit, you will find a strong and independent lady with an army or a couple of donastic cattle of dragons. Sersa Lannister burns his own children. Elliaria Sand poisoned daughter Serne. Arya Stark began to kill people before the first monthly. Daereweris Targaryen at the hand of thousands of eunuchs with spears and a crowd of huge peasants on the horses. Well, the dragons naturally. Attention, question. On one side of Ring - Sansa Stark. In the Allies - the theon of Griad, the young man without principles, wearing free linen. In another - Ramsey Bolton. In the allies - the army of northerners, hefty and hungry dogs plus dad, adoring to skip skin with living people. Who won the end, remember? And Lianna Mormont, who is able to kill on twelve Valuev, per second? Well, no one will forget the brutal Babency deer Tirell, who quit the challenge itself!

The author of this article is not surprised at all, if in the end the family of the kingdoms will rule the woman. No one seriously believes that it will be John Snow-Targaryen. Or believes?

If you are not afraid of the most high-profile spoilers and tend to believe rumors with reddit, we attach a link to the post with short content All episodes of the seventh season "Games of Thrones". And the best thing is to wait for the release of the series to large screens and see everything with your own eyes. We say goodbye, good luck and remember:

What is dead, can not die, but rebels again, stronger and stronger than before (s).


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