How to determine the endings in the compound words of the Russians. How to check the end of the verb: the rules, methods of checking

How to determine the endings in the compound words of the Russians. How to check the end of the verb: the rules, methods of checking

Russian language has always been and remains an integral part of the culture of our people. Knowledge of rules will help to make speech rich and rich. Of great importance are independent parts of speech, especially verbs. Language learning begins at school. It is important to remember the rules not to make mistakes when writing and drawing up proposals. How to check the end of the verb? The answer to this question will be provided in the article.

Verb in Russian

Independent part of the speech answers the questions of the subject of the subject, denotes the state, acts as a surehead. Permanent sign - view. It can be perfect, the code action is made, and imperfect if it has not yet been finished. All signs relating to the verb are taken into account when determining the endings.

Return is another sign of the verb, which suffers suffix-ourselves. He stands after the morpheme, so called postfix. An input is a sign of a part of speech when the verb is combined with pronoun or nouns. For example: I love (what?) Milk. In case of incompetence, the action on the subject does not pass. Return glasses Always are such (lifting up the mountain).

Hiding is a change in persons and numbers. In Russian, there are I and II appearance. Part of the speech is represented by several forms, so it is important to know how to check the end of the verb. This includes infinitives (watch), communion (sparkling), verbalia (looking), hidden views (seen). Part of the speech answers the question what to do? (with imperfect), what to do? (with perfect). In Russian, there are exclusive forms that are secondary members.

Depending on the speech situation, the necessary forms of verbs are selected. The hidden have an inclination, the infinitive and verbalia have no number, in the past time and the subgunite tilt have a genus. Forms of expressing inclinations - time.

What is the end in Russian?

Before you know how to check the end of the verb, it is necessary to understand what is morpheme and for what it serves. Part of the word that changes, expresses the grammatical meaning of the face and the numbers in the verbs. For example, "Jump" stands in the 1st face in the singular. "Jump" - 1st face, the only number, "jumping" - 2nd face, multiple number. Finding the end is not difficult: it is necessary to decline or hide the word. The variable part and will be completion.

Personal form is closely related to the face acting. It is used with nouns and pronouction, difficulties occur only if there is an unstressed vowel. To do this, it will be necessary to know how to check the unstressed endings of verbs in simple and complex proposals. In grammar, the rules allow this question in the simple way: the verb is translated into infinitives.

What endings are found in the verbs?

In Russian distinguish the lining of the I and II of the view. In the end, the letter "E" is put if it is the first; Letter "and", if the second. When checking unstressed personal expirations should be used by the rules. The first sidusing includes infinitive words with graduation, "like,", "," do it. The second lining is distinguished by words that end to smear. In personal shape - ending with unstressed vowels -U (YU), -E. For example: dig - dig - digging - digging - digging - digging - digging.

The personal shape of the surveillance II is characterized by endings. They apply to them, -Ah (I), y (yu), ",", "-t, -at," For example, love - love - you love - loves - love - love - love. The words of the 2nd face of the singular number have the ending with the hissing, after which the soft sign is put (you look, you look).

Find out how to check the ending the verbs are, "you can, if you pay attention to the emphasis. The rules will help not make mistakes when writing words in which the emphasis on the end does not fall. It is necessary to remember that the words II of the liner are expressed by infinitive verbs with the end of the onset.

The rules for writing a part of speech with the prefix

The verbs with the prefix have the same lifting, as in a single-tempered word without a console. It is important to know to understand how to check the end of the verb. The prefix attracts the emphasis. The word "departs" was formed from the word "flying", in which the shock personal ending, which indicates the second lifting. Unstressed letters in words with the prefix are checked by picking up an smooth verb (you sleep - sleep; drink - drink).

Check spelling verbs

Knowing how to check the unstressed personal endings of verbs, you can competently write and communicate. Words of hiding with hissing at the end are checked by stress. Instead of the letter "O" is written "E". For example: entails, burns.

The verbs in an indefinite form emanciphered to be on, he is, - in them, - " To separate the words in the third person from the infinitive, you must ask a question. In the first case it will be - what does it do? What is done?, in the second - what to do? what to do?

  • My brother likes (what to do?) Learn.
  • He wants (what to do?) Do basketball.

Writing an imperative inclination occurs with soft sign In the only and multiple number: Sit down - sit, eat - eat, smear - smear. The exception is the words of Lagge - Liege.

How do vowel sounds write in the end?

Infinitive verbs and words last time have endings, -Yu in the 1st face. They are easily distinguished by the existing suffix -OV-, -Eve- (talk - talking; speak - I say). Words in the 1st face ends on - I, I, I. If they put them in an indefinite form in the past time, the end will be -I, there is no emphasis on the letter. For example: I water - water, click - press. The same alignment of the end is characterized by a combination - it will, "hang, the emphasis will fall on the letter" A "(humming - sissing; combine - combine).

Do not everyone know that in Russian there are differenceproken verbs. In them, unstressed personal endings can be both lesions. In the group there are words "run", "want" and "honor." Different endings in the verbs give and there, if you change the face and number, however, they are not included in the group of packed words.

Writing ending endings

Present and future verb time implies writing various endings depending on the leasing. To find out how to check the ending the verb is or, it is necessary to study the rules for writing words that relate to I or II solving. In the first case, it will be a combination - it is, and in the second it is set.

Determine the lifting after the ratio of a certain form with infinitive. The word "roller" is formed from "to drive", but "drives" from "to drive". The imperative inclination is easy to distinguish, since there is suffix in the Word. In the imperative ignition takes place to act: "Washing dust. Take out the trash". In the zealing ignition, it is necessary to determine the lifting. If this is a second look, the verb coincides with the imperative ignition: "Keep hard, and the shelf will not fall."

Exception verbs: what you need to remember

In Russian, it is not necessary to check personal endings in the verbs that cannot be general rules. This includes words-exceptions and their derivatives, as well as words with a personal ending in the II of the lining: drive, keep, breathe and hear. It is important to remember how to check the personal endings of the verbs so that they coincide with the existing and pronouns used. The words put in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd face: i hear, we hear, you hear, you hear, he hears, they hear.

If the verb has a different ending, it will be the I hide. For example, in the singular verb "Want." Second Hiding, if you change it: wants, want, I want, want, you want. Derivative words are written: they drive, keep, breathe, hear, thrust, they see, depend, they hate, offended, look, suffer. The endings of the verbs need to be learned by heart and remember, as they are not tested by any rule.

The ending selection algorithm when writing verbs

The spelling of the endings in the verbs is amenable to simple rules. The first is to determine the lifting. The word determine the emphasis that can be based on or ending. If you are prefixed, you can designate the hide in synonym without a console.

When the emphasis falls on the end, immediately determine the lifting. If this is the basis, put the verb to an indefinite form. The three latter letters in the Word play an important role. When writing, remember the exceptions and pavement of verbs. This will not make mistakes in difficult words, where in the process of pronunciation there may be several options.

The use of rules and a clear algorithm will allow you to properly designate and choose the end. After that, the letter will be correctly selected in an unstressed person.

The verb is a complex part of speech, which does not obey the general rules. The use of knowledge will help in the future to avoid mistakes.

Objectives:introduction with the end of the word as a variable word and his role in the proposal; To form the ability to find endings in words.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Read the words in the order of the specified values.

Read the offer you made up.

III. Actualization of knowledge

1. Individual work

Find the unnecessary word in each line and write down the remaining words. Highlight the root in words.

1) Flight, pilot, flying, arrival, summer.

2) Gold, gilding, ash, golden.

3) Horny, mountain, mustard, mountainous.

Spish. Find one-sided words, highlight the root in them.

I looked for a long time on a bear game, then got out of the stone. I saw me cubs, got sick, look at all eyes.

And here and the bear noticed me, jumped up, snorted, threw back on the sieve.

On N. Sladkov

2. Frontal work

Write down, as the baby animals and birds call. Highlight the root in the frames.

Sample:hare - Run.

Crow, horse, fox, wolf, bear, cuckoo, sheep, cat, elephant, duck, goose, daw.

Are all couples - single words?

How is the root in single words written?

Read words. Street, on the street, street, street.

What can you say about the lexical meaning of these words? (Same.)

- Is it a single word? (Not.)

Why? (Have one lexical meaning.)

What part of the word is changing? Which of you knows how it is called?

This part of the word is called ending. Word the subject of the lesson.

V. Work on the subject of the lesson

1. The end of the end

Read offers.

Our cottage is outside the city. Every summer we go to (cottage). For (cottage) spread a pond. Well in summer on (cottage).

What did you notice? What needs to be done so that the suggestions be understood? (Change the word form.)

(Teacher erases brackets, writes and introduces the term ending)

What have we changed from words in brackets? (Ending.)

And the meaning of words from this has changed? (Not.)

- Why was it necessary to change the ending in the word country house? (So \u200b\u200bthat the proposal made sense and the words in the sentence were interconnected by meaning.)

What is the end of? (To communicate words in the sentence.)

Write the phrase in which the word includes country house.Highlight the end.

3. Work on the textbook

UPR. 142 (p. 79).

Read the text.

What can be said about the dedicated words? (Have one lexical meaning.)

What is changing in words? (Ending.)

- Perform a written job for the exercise.

Read forms words aspenand name the end of the words.

UPR. 143 (p. 79).

- Read proverbs. Explain their meaning.

Spin the proverbs.

Read forms words dewand name the end of the words.

Read the proverb that you liked most.

UPR. 144 (p. 80).

- Read. Is it a phrase? Why?

Make a phrase, changing the word a fox,and write them down. Highlight the end.


Vi. Fizkultminutka

Work on the textbook

UPR. 145 (p. 80).

Read. What needs to be done to get suggestions?

Perform tasks. (Mutual test.)

Read the following language information.

What is the end?

What is the ending?

Read the rule again, close tutorials and tell us the rule of neighbor on the desk. UPR. 147 (p. 81).


Find pairs of selected words, compare. (One word is in the singular, the other- in multiple.)

Are the selected couples of words in single words? (Not.)

- Why? (These are the forms of one word.)

Perform a task.

Read the words of words, name the end.

(Change the word form.)

- Read the following language information.

What needs to be done to find the end?

Read the rule again. Close tutorials, tell us the rule to the neighbor on the desk.

VIII. Reflection

Find the unnecessary word in each row.

1) Birch, birch, birches, birch.

2) Birch, birch, Bereza, Birch, Berezonka.

IX. Summing up the lesson

What new did you know today at the lesson?

What is the end?


UPR. 146 (p. 81).

Topic: ending words

Purpose:deepen ideas about the features of the end as part of the word; Develop the ability to find endings in words.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Check homework

Read the poem. Name missed endings.

What is the end?

What is the ending?

III. Actualization of knowledge

Vocabyant Dictation

Garden, dinner, peas, lunch, capital, potatoes, computer, parsley, cucumber, tomato, vegetables, black.

IV. Self-determination to activities

Guess the riddle.

From the branch on the branch,

Fast like a ball

Rides on the forest of red circusch.

Here on the summer he broke the bump,

Jumping on the barrel

And in the hollow escaped. (Squirrel.)

- Change the word form squirrel.Highlight endings in words.

Word theme lesson

V. Work on the subject of the lesson

1. Work on the textbook

UPR. 148 (p. 82).

(Work on the tasks of the exercise. Check.)

Read the second proverb, name the end.

How to find in the word ending? (Change the word form.)

UPR. 149 (p. 82).

(Self-execution. Mutual.)

2. Working with words from the dictionary

Explain the lexical significance words of dinnerand dinner.

- Highlight the end in these words. What did you notice?

Read on with. 82, what is the name of this end? (Zero.)

- Find words dinnerand dinnerin the spelling dictionary.

Write them down in a notebook. Recognize orfograms.

Make proposals with words dinnerand dinner,write down.

Remember the writing of these words.

Material for teacher

We are accustomed (and correctly accustomed to) that dinner is in the evening meal. But this word appeared as a meal designation. Old Russian uGmeant south.The sun is standing in the south at noon, and a meal dedicated to the middle of the day, received the name of South - dinner.

Over the course of centuries, however, the word passed on it dinner,earlier meant (again paradox!) Time between meals, and the word dinnerit began to denote the "evening table".

As we said, the language reluctantly throws words, even giving way to another; Often he simply finds them new use.

Vi. Fizkultminutka

VII. Continuation of the work on the lesson

Work on the textbook

UPR. 150 (p. 82).

(Self-execution. Check.)

Read words with zero ending. Explain the writing of words with orfograms.

Read all other words. Name the end. Explain the writing of words with orfograms.

What can be said about the spells in these words? (These are unverified spells.)

UPR. 151 (p. 83).

- Read. Make up of sentence words.

How can I unlease this text?

Perform a written job for the exercise.

Read the text.

Read the information in the page "Page for Curly".

What new did you know about words in Russian?

Make a proposal with any of these words.

What parts of speech do not have endings?

VIII. Reflection

Spin, paste the missed endings.

Time., Not money .., you will lose - you will not find.

Explain the meaning of the proverb.

What is the end?

What is the ending?

What end is called zero? Give examples.

IX. Summing up the lesson

What are the tasks today in the lesson caused difficulties?


One of the features of the Russian language is the presence of endings in words. The end is part of the word, standing after the root and suffixes. The change in the endings for a logical ligament of words in the proposal complies with the rules of the Russian language, the norms of which are responsible for the question of how to define the end. On a short example, the proposal of three words when changing the end in two of them is clearly visible, the changed meaning is clearly visible: the present time has become the only number - multiple: "I read the book" - "I read books." The endings of the verb and nouns have changed, changing the proposal itself.

Executions of verbs: how to determine

Being one of the main members of the sentence, the verb may vary, "Introducing" to the rest of the words. And here the first place is the concept of how to determine the end of the verb. It depends on the auction. In Russian, two hides: I and II. The verbs of the I hide the words ends on -Y, ",", "," you, ",", " Take the verb to "think" and sort it up: I think we think, thinks, you think, think, you think. And only 11 verbs are taken into an exception. They just need to remember to correctly determine the end: drive, keep, breathe, hear, watch, see, hate, offend, vytem, \u200b\u200bdepend on, tolerate.

If the verbs of the end of the end, ",", ",", ", -at, are,", they refer to the II solving. For example, joking, joking, joking, joking, joking, joking. Determine the end of the verb easily if the end is shock. In other cases, there is a verb to hide. But not all verbs correspond to I and II solving. There are also post-staring verbs: run, want and break. The endings of these verbs are suitable for both I and KI II Helding: run - run - runs, but run - run - run; I want - you want, but we want - want - want. If the verb of the imperative ignition, the ending is always like a rigging II: -t. It is necessary to remember the verbs - put - ride - go: with the endings in the imperative ignition they look like this: put - put - go.

Determination of the end of the noun

Knowing the decline, you can answer the question of how to determine the end of the noun. In the nominative case, the ending does not cause a big doubt. Difficulties may occur when for a ligament of words in a sentence, this noun should be changed in kind, including the case, i.e. to draw it down. In principle, nouns are inclined by the rules. But, for example, the word-noun male genus in the nominative case of a plural may not have this, as the leaning rule 1, ending: instead of "and" or "", the end will be "a" or "I". Example: Forest - Forests; address - addresses; Poplar - poplar.

There is a group of words that have several endings options in the plural maldly case. As a rule, this is the words-professionalism words: you can write and say "designers and constructors", "instructors and instructors", etc. and in parental case Multiple number Some nouns are obtained by zero ending, -s, -Ev or whene. These words: boots (from the boots), mandarins (from tangerina), nails (from nails).

In order not to make a mistake on how to correctly determine the endings of a few more words, you need to remember that they are detailed and need to be remembered. All of them are the middle kind with the end on -th: burden, stirring, donkey, time, seed, the dark, banner, name, flame and tribe. These names nouns in the parent, dating and proposed cases of the only number are pumped out on-and, and in the appropriate case, they have an end, like nouns II decline: -.

Russian language has always been and remains an integral part of the culture of our people. Knowledge of rules will help to make speech rich and rich. Of great importance are independent parts of speech, especially verbs. Language learning begins at school. It is important to remember the rules not to make mistakes when writing and drawing up proposals. How to check the end of the verb? The answer to this question will be provided in the article.

Verb in Russian

Independent part of the speech answers the questions of the subject of the subject, denotes the state, acts as a surehead. Permanent sign - view. It can be perfect, the code action is made, and imperfect if it has not yet been finished. All signs relating to the verb are taken into account when determining the endings.

Hiding is a change in persons and numbers. In Russian, there are I and II appearance. Part of the speech is represented by several forms, so it is important to know how to check the end of the verb. This includes infinitives (watch), communion (sparkling), verbalia (looking), hidden views (seen). Part of the speech answers the question what to do? (with imperfect), what to do? (with perfect). In Russian, there are exclusive forms that are secondary members.

Depending on the speech situation, the necessary forms of verbs are selected. The hidden have an inclination, the infinitive and verbalia have no number, in the past time and the subgunite tilt have a genus. Forms of expressing inclinations - time.

What is the end in Russian?

Before you know how to check the end of the verb, it is necessary to understand what is morpheme and for what it serves. Part of the word that changes, expresses the grammatical meaning of the face and the numbers in the verbs. For example, "Jump" stands in the 1st face in the singular. "Jump" - 1st face, the only number, "jumping" - 2nd face, multiple number. Finding the end is not difficult: it is necessary to decline or hide the word. The variable part and will be completion.

Personal form is closely related to the face acting. It is used with nouns and pronouction, difficulties occur only if there is an unstressed vowel. To do this, it will be necessary to know how to check the unstressed endings of verbs in simple and complex offers. In grammar, the rules allow this question in the simple way: the verb is translated into infinitives.

What endings are found in the verbs?

In Russian distinguish the lining of the I and II of the view. In the end, the letter "E" is put if it is the first; Letter "and", if the second. When checking unstressed personal expirations should be used by the rules. The first sidusing includes infinitive words with graduation, "like,", "," do it. The second lining is distinguished by words that end to smear. In personal shape - ending with unstressed vowels -U (YU), -E. For example: dig - dig - digging - digging - digging - digging - digging.

The personal shape of the surveillance II is characterized by endings. They apply to them, -Ah (I), y (yu), ",", "-t, -at," For example, love - love - you love - loves - love - love - love. The words of the 2nd face of the singular number have the ending with the hissing, after which the soft sign is put (you look, you look).

Find out how to check the ending the verbs are, "you can, if you pay attention to the emphasis. The rules will help not make mistakes when writing words in which the emphasis on the end does not fall. It is necessary to remember that the words II of the liner are expressed by infinitive verbs with the end of the onset.

The rules for writing a part of speech with the prefix

The verbs with the prefix have the same lifting, as in a single-tempered word without a console. It is important to know to understand how to check the end of the verb. The prefix attracts the emphasis. The word "departs" was formed from the word "flying", in which the shock personal ending, which indicates the second lifting. Unstressed letters in words with the prefix are checked by picking up an smooth verb (you sleep - sleep; drink - drink).

Check spelling verbs

Knowing how to check the unstressed personal endings of verbs, you can competently write and communicate. Words of hiding with hissing at the end are checked by stress. Instead of the letter "O" is written "E". For example: entails, burns.

The verbs in an indefinite form emanciphered to be on, he is, - in them, - " To separate the words in the third person from the infinitive, you must ask a question. In the first case it will be - what does it do? What is done?, in the second - what to do? what to do?

  • My brother likes (what to do?) Learn.
  • He wants (what to do?) Do basketball.

Writing the imperative ignition occurs with a soft sign in the only and plural: Sit down - sit, eat - eat, smear - smear. The exception is the words of Lagge - Liege.

How do vowel sounds write in the end?

Infinitive verbs and words last time have endings, -Yu in the 1st face. They are easily distinguished by the existing suffix -OV-, -Eve- (talk - talking; speak - I say). Words in the 1st face ends on - I, I, I. If they put them in an indefinite form in the past time, the end will be -I, there is no emphasis on the letter. For example: I water - water, click - press. The same alignment of the end is characterized by a combination - it will, "hang, the emphasis will fall on the letter" A "(humming - sissing; combine - combine).

Do not everyone know that in Russian there are differenceproken verbs. In them, unstressed personal endings can be both lesions. In the group there are words "run", "want" and "honor." Different endings in the verbs give and there, if you change the face and number, however, they are not included in the group of packed words.

Writing ending endings

Present and future verb time implies writing various endings depending on the leasing. To find out how to check the ending the verb is or, it is necessary to study the rules for writing words that relate to I or II solving. In the first case, it will be a combination - it is, and in the second it is set.

Determine the lifting after the ratio of a certain form with infinitive. The word "roller" is formed from "to drive", but "drives" from "to drive". The imperative inclination is easy to distinguish, since there is suffix in the Word. In the imperative ignition takes place to act: "Washing dust. Take out the trash". In the zealing ignition, it is necessary to determine the lifting. If this is a second look, the verb coincides with the imperative ignition: "Keep hard, and the shelf will not fall."

Exception verbs: what you need to remember

In Russian, it is not necessary to check personal endings in the verbs that are not amenable to general rules. This includes words-exceptions and their derivatives, as well as words with a personal ending in the II of the lining: drive, keep, breathe and hear. It is important to remember how to check the personal endings of the verbs so that they coincide with the existing and pronouns used. The words put in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd face: i hear, we hear, you hear, you hear, he hears, they hear.

If the verb has a different ending, it will be the I hide. For example, in the singular verb "Want." Second Hiding, if you change it: wants, want, I want, want, you want. Derivative words are written: they drive, keep, breathe, hear, thrust, they see, depend, they hate, offended, look, suffer. The endings of the verbs need to be learned by heart and remember, as they are not tested by any rule.

The ending selection algorithm when writing verbs

The spelling of the endings in the verbs is amenable to simple rules. The first is to determine the lifting. The word determine the emphasis that can be based on or ending. If you are prefixed, you can designate the hide in synonym without a console.

When the emphasis falls on the end, immediately determine the lifting. If this is the basis, put the verb to an indefinite form. The three latter letters in the Word play an important role. When writing, remember the exceptions and pavement of verbs. This will not make mistakes in difficult words, where in the process of pronunciation there may be several options.

The use of rules and a clear algorithm will allow you to properly designate and choose the end. After that, the letter will be correctly selected in an unstressed person.

The verb is a complex part of speech, which does not obey the general rules. The use of knowledge will help in the future to avoid mistakes.


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