What will be February 17. Plot against mistress

What will be February 17. Plot against mistress

According to the Orthodox calendar, Rev. Isidora Pelusiota, Kirill of Novierzersky and Blessed Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich Vladimirsky, is remembered.

The holiday of Nikola Studema is celebrated and Nikolski frost come and the poppy sunset.

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Traditions of the day

It is customary to study only by household chores, read a security prayer and a conspiracy to a meeting with wild beasts.

Folk signs

The blackening of trees in the forest indicates the coming thaw, the bird in a dream speaks of the news.

There is information that the payback for the spell is inherited in the form of a generic curse.

He suffers from the entire Customer to the seventh knee.

Love spell is a terrible thing.

In essence, this is a damage that cripples the victim, his health and all life in general.

Do not envy someone who went to this black villainistance - the consequences of the attitude for the customer will be terrible.

- The consequences of love spell

If the pig is dreaming, severe tests are waiting.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the most suitable description of your description and find out what your hidden magical possibilities.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot to work hard to achieve the goal and believe in your hidden opportunities.

Remember that the absence of a mentor and control of abilities will pay commemorate and unknown to anyone how destructively the consequences of the devilish influence may be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With certain efforts and supporting higher forces, you can develop a gift to the recognition of the future and the vision of the past.

If the forces are not monitored by a mentor who can help them cope with them, it is possible to break the temporary space and the evil will begin to leak into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

For all signs - a medium. We are talking about the possibility of establishing communication with spirits and even control the course of time, but years of practice and the right mentor are required.

If the balance of strength is disturbed, the darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and strength that could serve for the benefit, I will go to another hyposta and the darkness will reacted.

In all indicators - witchcraft. It is estimated for you to study and guid the damage, the evil eye, you can make love spells and the stubborn will not be unbearable.

But everything must be used exclusively for the benefit and do so that others do not suffer from their innocence from your supernormalities given over.

For the development of domestic strength, at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor are required.

Most of all your favorite telecisenesis. With proper concentration and efforts that can be compressed in spherical force, you will be able to move the thoughts to move small, and over time and larger items.

When choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which can be overshadowed by the transition on the dark side, if there is not enough strength to keep yourself from Satan's temptations.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and all that is connected with this is not just words, but your life choice and power that is given by the highest mind and it is not just like that, but for the sacred goal that you will soon find out.

It will be like a vision similar to a prophetic dream, which you can never forget.

Remember that this force needs to be applied only for good, otherwise you will absorb darkness and it will be the beginning of the end.

February 17 holidays in the world

The ceremony of awarding the Higher Law Prize "Themid" is held, which takes place in Moscow and is assumed to be considered the most authoritative legal Russian award-winning awarded in 1996 with the support of the Moscow Club of Lawyers.

France is a lemon festival associated with future harvest festival. All the celebration takes a couple of weeks with a mandatory feast and eating citrus.

Fuel Sun of the Russian Federation

One of the services of the rear of the Armed Forces of Russia is the combustible service in Russia, which performs an important task in ensuring the combat readiness of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
This service was created by order of the People's Commissar of the Defense of the SSR Union back in 1936 on February 17 as a combustible management office, then as a combustible aircraft service of the USSR. The main task of this service is to ensure the combustible hostilities of the Russian army.
The composition of the combustible USSR service during the Great Patriotic War worked under the motto: "Fuel - front!" And made many feats. It is enough to recall the fact that during the defense of Leningrad existed the only way to this city - the "road of life" through the Lake Lake, which was subjected to continuous bombardments. The combustible officers were manifested at this time the courage and heroism - they laid the pipeline on the DNU of Lake Lake in a record time and from June 1942 to March 1943 on this underwater 27-kilometer pipeline from June 1942 to North The capital is over 47 thousand tons of fuel. So thanks to the combustible service was a "fuel blockade" of Leningrad.
During the period of the Great Patriotic War, almost half of the officers of the fuel of the Russian Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and this is more than one and a half thousand people, were marked by government awards.
Today, the combustible service of the Russian Federation continues to support the combat readiness of the Armed Forces of Russia, providing Russian troops with rocket fuel and fuel and lubricant materials.

Mardi Gra or "Fat Tuesday"

This holiday Mardi Gra in the literal translation from french Means "Spear Tuesday" or "Fat Tuesday", it begins on Tuesday and ends until the midnight of the ash environment. This holiday is celebrated in many countries of the world on Tuesday, before the beginning of the Grand Catholic post preceding Easter.

Day panca

The very first holiday of Blinov took place on March 4, 1950. This holiday is celebrated in one of the "fatty" of February or March. The holiday was originally over 500 years ago, he was held in the English town of Albi, today it is also held in Kansas and in many other cities of the world.
Holiday in the USA:

Spontaneous manifestation of kindness

The Day of Spontaneous Manifestation is celebrated in the United States annually on February 17 at the initiative of international charitable organizations, but has a global importance, because it is celebrated, regardless of citizenship and nationality, all people for whom "mercy" and "responsiveness" are not just words, but the meaning their lives.
The organizers of this holiday call on this day to be infinitely and disinterestedly good to everyone. If a person expects some gratitude for his kindness, it can no longer be considered true kindness. Good deeds should take pleasure, giving or helping others, you should not expect for this awards. That's what a real kindness means. Many people in our time in a state of irritation from pressing concerns are increasingly indifferent passing by other people's problems. But when problems will affect them themselves, they are looking for support from people who have the words "mercy", "responsiveness" and "disinterested help" became the meaning of life and vocation.
In Russia, this holiday is still unknown in a wide range, but in our country the spring week of good is held in the country - all-Russian voluntary promotion.
Also celebrate February 17:

  • Air Castle Construction Day
  • Day of creating internal affairs bodies on regime objects of the Russian Federation
  • Treppi Day in front of Bakhus

Religious holiday

Nikola student

On February 17, all Orthodox Christians honor the memory of the St. Nicholas Confessor, Hegumen Studiorsky, who lived in the 9th century and during the persecution of Christians of the Byzantine Emperor Lion Armenian was repeatedly concluded in the dungeon and in every way, but continued to spread Orthodoxy among Christians.
Rev. Nicholas, with his life, received from God the gift of healings, who, after his death in 868, did not dry.
This holiday in Russia has also had another name - Wolf Swat.
Our ancestors believed that the animal weddings were held on this day, they said that only Nicola student knows about everyone animal trails In the forest, only him led, where the Mother Wolf is satisfied with his lair.
Nikola's student nicknamed because on this day there were often frosts in Russia. In the people, therefore they said: "A student day is a fur coat again."
The peasants at Nikola were watched by trees.
It was believed if long fir branches would be pressed against the ground - then this is a blizzard, and if the forest is deciduous, then you can soon expect thaw.
Name Day February 17 Alexandra, Alexey, Andrei, Anna, Arkady, Boris, Vasily, George, Dmitry, Catherine, Ivan, Joseph, Kirill, Mikhail, Nicholas, Peter, Sergey, Fedor, Yuri.

February 17 - 48th day of the year. Until the end of the year, 317 days remains (318 days - in a leap year).

International holidays and memorable dates.

International day of spontaneous manifestation of kindness

International Day of Spontaneous Manifestation of kindness (eng. Random Act of Kindness Day)- Informal festival, created on the initiative of a number of international charitable organizations, according to which this holiday has a planetary value.
Organizers Spontaneous manifestation of kindness Call to celebrate this holiday "All the world" February 17, regardless of the place of residence, citizenship and nationality. Being this day is not just good and responsive to someone else's trouble, but a good endless and disinterested. An outstanding American writer, journalist and public figure Mark Twain spoke: "The kindness is what can see blind and hear deaf".

Memory of Saint Alesio FalconiRimi;
The memory of the Holy Consciousness;
Memory of Fintan Clonenakhsky.

Name day.

Catholic: Aleksis, Consciousness, Fintan
Orthodox: Avraamy, Alexander, Alexey, Andrey, Anna, Arkady, Boris, Vasily, Georgy, Dmitry, Evagry, Eustafius, Ekaterina, Jaisor, Iasim, Ivan, Joseph, Isidore, Cyril, Kopry, Mary, Methodius, Mikhail, Nikolay, Peter, Rafail, Seraphim, Sergey, Falalight, Feoktist, Fedor, Yuri

Nikola student.
A rare year in Russia this day costs without frost.
On Nicholas Frosts beat.
The time of animal weddings (Nikolai - Wolf Swat).
If the forest has been black, then you should wait for the thaw.
If the long dry fir branches bend - there will be a blizzard, and if they are straightened - the weather will be favorable.

Events that have happened February 17:

1598 - By decision of the Zemsky Cathedral, the king and the Grand Duke of the Moscow Boris Godunov climbed into the throne.
1740 - A record was recorded for St. Petersburg, minus 40 ° C.
1810 - Abkhazia entered the Russian Empire.
1814 - Napoleon broke the Russians under the command of the Count Palion in the battle under Morman.
1864 - the first in the history of successful combat application Submarine. In Charleston Bay Submarine Confederation "G. L. Hunley "(" H. L. Hunley ") Skilled the steam gate of the Howustonik Union (" Housatonic "). ( Civil War in USA)
1880 - The fifth attempt was made on Emperor Alexander II. An explosion in the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, prepared by Stepan Halturine.
1936 - Started by the USSR Championship for hockey with the ball
1944 - Great Patriotic War: Ended Korsun-Shevchenkovsky operation.
1947 - The International Lawyers Association established
1947 - The radio station "Voice of America" \u200b\u200bbegan broadcasting to the Soviet Union.
1972 - the diplomatic relations between the USSR and the Republic of Niger are established.
1972 - The research and development center of the USSR Academy of Sciences is formed.
1975 - The joint Soviet-English Declaration on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons was signed in Moscow.
1979 - China's People's Liberation Army invades Vietnam. The beginning of the Sino-Vietnam War.
1983 - "Birthday" of the programming language of hell.
1993 - In Russia, established RAO Gazprom.
1994 - The leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the CIS countries signed a "agreement on cooperation in the fight against organized crime."
2000 - "Games of Good Will" opened in Lake Placide (USA).
2008 - In the Republic of Kosovo, the Parliament proclaims independence from Serbia.
2009 - spill oil in the North Sea.


In our country, on February 17, you can mark the day of the fuel service. Such guys are always in service. Thanks to them, we can fly on airplanes, swim and launch missiles into space.

What events are held in Russia on February 17

Day of the combustible armed forces of Russia

Such a service is one of the youngest among the rear of the Armed Forces of Russia. The history of the combustible service begins from 1936 on February 17. Then she was created on the orders of the People's Commissariat of the Defense of the USSR.

The very first serious test of the readiness of such a service was to ensure the combustible hostilities in Lake Hasan. More than 8 thousand tons of fuel then was spent by the troops in two weeks. In 1939, from May to August on the Khalkhig-goal River, the fuel consumption was equal to almost 87 thousand tons. And when there was a war with Finland in winter, then the fuel took 215 thousand tons.

With the defense of Leningrad, the personnel of the combustible service worked without downtrend. Cut the fuel could have been one expensive - through the Lake Ladoga. And workers coped with such a task, with a record time on the pipeline, they were able to send 47 thousand tons of different types Fuel. Due to this, it was possible to ensure the needs of not only troops, but also the whole city.

Before the combustible service in the postwar years, new tasks were delivered. When nuclear weapons appeared, then the new means of his delivery also began to change. Rockets appeared. When the army had already a rocket technique, the troops needed to provide liquid rocket fuel. And to solve such a task, tedious were new technologies and other scientific studies.

To date, the combustible service makes one of the most important tasks in ensuring the combat readiness of the Russian Armed Forces - providing troops with lubricant and combustible materials and rocket fuels.

Common celebrations of the world February 17

Spontaneous manifestation of kindness

Worldwide, such a holiday is celebrated every year on February 17. This tradition appeared quite recently. The initiator was international charitable organizations. His holiday history leads from the United States. Most of all the celebration is popular in the USA and Western Europe. There, in many cities in tradition, charity events and marathons are held. Even famous actors or political figures can take part in them.

Such a holiday in our country is not very famous. Although, on this day, some companies organize charitable events. The most important thing on this day is to be kind to everyone. And not just kind, but disinterestedly kind. It is worth understanding that if a person is waiting for her good deeds in return, it cannot be considered true kindness. Good deeds should also deliver the pleasure of someone who does them.

In our turbulent time, not many are ready to go on such a feat. Most often, people simply pass indifferently past others, until they touch them themselves. So, do not forget to take part in this day and try to make some good deeds for people, you can even other people and strangers.

In folk calendar February 17

Nikola student

On this day, the Orthodox Church notes the memory of Rev. Nicholas, who lived in the 9th century. Nikolay lived in the times of Emperor Lion Armenian, who hated Christians and engaged in their persecution. At the same time, Nikolai suffered as a fate as the farodore Studit. He was in the dungeon and tortured. But it did not stop Nikolai zealously disseminate Orthodoxy among other Christians.

In all his life, God gave Nikolai Gift of healing. And after his death, the gift is not dried. Such a day in Russia people were also called - Wolf Swat. It was believed that at such a time in full swing a beast wedding in the forests. The ancestors rumored that only Nicholas was known where his lair holds a Mother Wolf, and where the foxes are launched into the dance. Nikola nicknamed student either not by chance.

On this day, it was very rare in Russia there were no frosts. So according to this regard, people rumored: a student day - again the fur coat. On the day of Nikola, it was also possible to look at the trees and guess about the future. For example, if fir branches are long and bend to the ground, there will be snowstorms. And if the deciduous forest is black, then there will be a thaw.

Name Day 17 celebrate

Alexander, Alexey, Andrei, Anna, Arkady, Boris, Vasily, Georgy, Dmitry, Ekaterina, Ivan, Joseph, Kirill, Mikhail, Nikolay, Peter, Sergey, Fedor, Yuri.

That in history happened on February 17

  • 1600 - Gordano Bruno burned in Rome.
  • 1852 - Hermitage was discovered for the public.
  • 1880 - there was a fifth unsuccessful attempt on Alexander II.
  • 1947 - American radio station Voice of America began in Russian.
  • 1993 - Gazprom's Russian joint-stock company established.

February 17 were born

  1. Hou 625 has a concubine of the Chinese emperor Taijun.
  2. Peter Schmidt 1867 - Russian Marine Officer, revolutionary.
  3. Agnia Barto 1906 - Russian writer.
  4. Evgeny Abalakov 1907 - Soviet sculptor and famous climber.
  5. Gevorg Vartanyan 1924 - Soviet and Armenian intelligence officer.
  6. Vyacheslav Malezhik 1947 - Soviet and Russian pop singer.
  7. Evgeny Grishkovets 1967 - Russian Writer, actor and musician.

Spontaneous manifestation of kindness

The day of the spontaneous manifestation of kindness (Random Acts of Kindness Day) is one of the recent initiatives of international charitable organizations. This holiday has a global importance, celebrate it to the whole world, regardless of citizenship, nationality and religious beliefs.

In Russia, this holiday is still little known. On this day, as the organizers call on, you need to try to be kind to all, and not just kind, and the good one is endless and disinterested.

Remember, if a person awaits gratitude for his kindness, this is not a real kindness. You do not have to count on the fact that you will witness the joy of others and hear them to praise.

Good cases by themselves should give you pleasure, and at the same time, giving something to others or helping them, you should not expect award. Such is the real kindness.
Few in our turbulent time are capable of such a "feat" - in a state of fatigue and irritation from pressing concerns, we are increasingly indifferent to other people's problems, while they do not touch us. And then we are looking for support and participation in people for whom "disinterested help", "mercy" and "responsiveness" are not just words, but the meaning of life that has become a vocation.

1598 - By decision of the Zemsky Cathedral, the king and the Grand Prince of Moscow Boris Godunov climbed into the throne.
1600 - By decision of the secular court, Jordano Bruno lost to burn in Rome on the square of flowers.
1740 - Frost recorded for St. Petersburg - minus 40 ° C.
1740 - The jester wedding of Prince Mikhail Golitsyn and Kalmychka Avdoti Bezheninova in a specially built ice house in St. Petersburg.
1810 - Abkhazia entered the Russian Empire.
1814 - Napoleon broke the Russians under the command of the Count Painhane in the battle under Morman.
1864 - The first in the history of the successful combat use of a submarine. In Charleston Bay Submarine Confederation "G. L. Hunley "(" H. L. Hunley ") Skilled the steam gate of the Howustonik Union (" Housatonic "). (Civil War in the USA)
1880 - the fifth attempt on Emperor Alexander II was committed. An explosion in the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg prepared by Stepan Halturine.
1935 - the decision of the USSR Council and the Central Committee of the CSP (b) "On the organization of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition in Moscow" was adopted.
1936 - I started the ISSR Championship for hockey with the ball
1943 - Great Patriotic War: The undergrounders freed the city of Pavlograd in the rear in the German fascist invaders.
1944 - Great Patriotic War: Ended Korsun-Shevchenkovskaya operation.
1947 - Instant International Lawyers Association
1947 - the radio station "Voice of America" \u200b\u200bbegan broadcasting to the Soviet Union.
1972 - Diplomatic relations between the USSR and the Republic of Niger are established.
1972 - The Scientific Research Computing Center of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences.
1975 - The joint Soviet-English Declaration on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons was signed in Moscow.
1979 - China's People's Liberation Army invades Vietnam. The beginning of the Sino-Vietnam War.
1983 - "Birthday" of the programming language of hell.
1993 - In Russia, established RAO Gazprom.
1994 - The heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the CIS countries signed a "agreement on cooperation in combating organized crime".
2000 - "Games of Good Will" opened in Lake Placide (USA).
2008 - in the Republic of Kosovo Parliament proclaims independence from Serbia.
2009 - Oil spill in the North Sea.

Calendar of holidays, dates and events of February


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