Dropbox from a computer is not deleted. Dropbox - how to use cloud data storage, as well as work with the Dropbox program on the computer and mobile

Dropbox from a computer is not deleted. Dropbox - how to use cloud data storage, as well as work with the Dropbox program on the computer and mobile

The view does not need - it allows you to automatically synchronize local files with cloud storage. Describe the process of registration and installation of client software, I suppose is also no need. This process is simple, well documented, and in addition, numerous reflectivity reviews are available on the network. Instead, we will focus on less obvious things.

Starting the second Dropbox instance

The work makers proceeded from the assumption that the user starts only one Dropbox client during a session with operating system. They are difficult for it to blame - it is difficult to present the situation of the simultaneous connection to the service with another account, and it does not make sense with one thing. Nevertheless, the discussion of this issue often arise in the forums, so we will try to figure it out.

The Dropbox client starts in Windows as an ordinary user program with a label placed in autoload. The simple change of the working directory does not give anything, and the only way out here is a copy of the label to run it on behalf of another user. The account must be pre-created through the control panel.

In Windows XP it looks like

The method has one more advanced application: if there are several people at a computer with different accounts, they can use the installed Dropbox instance independently of each other (change the properties of the shortcut is no longer needed).

When attempting to first launch the client program, it asks to enter the username and password DROPBOX. All setup steps are standard here, but it is worth paying attention to the choice of a catalog for synchronization - by default it will be in the profile of the user, on behalf of which you run the client. If you do not suit you, then instead of automatic configuration (typical) you need to select manual (Advanced) and specify the directory yourself.

As a result of non-good manipulations, we received two copies of the Dropbox program, working at the same time with different accounts of the service. Catalog for synchronization is also two - in the "My Documents" folder and on the desktop.

Two instances of the Dropbox client and two directory in Windows XP

There may be nuances with file access rights, but they are not critical for home users, because they work in a system with administrative rights and have full access to the disk. Another problem is autorun. For example, in Windows XP, it was not possible to find a staffing method to automatically start the program on behalf of another user with a shortcut. The question is solved by third-party utilities, which there is a lot.

Synchronization of files is not from the Dropbox directory

Dropbox is intended solely to synchronize files via the network and does not know anything about these applications (unlike some branded services, like an ICloud or Ubuntu One). In addition, it works with a special directory on a local machine and cannot synchronize data not from this directory. In Linux, the problem is solved by creating inside the Dropbox folder - let's try to do the same in Windows.

Most interest Ask Here - how correctly the Dropbox for Windows will perceive a soft link, which is an independent file system object, something resembling a shortcut. In the screenshot, it can be seen that everything went well - the program perceives simlink as a directory and loads its contents to the server.

You can achieve similar results in other ways to create hard references to files or, say, mounting partitions inside the Dropbox directory. As for the application data, here are also options: for example, you can make a symbolic link to the Thunderbird profile - and backup copy Your mail will be in the cloud.

The article will be useful for those who do not use these cloud storage. You may have not even installed it. Dropbox can be installed with other applications. As a result, it constantly starts, takes place on the disk and interferes normal work for PC.

We offer simple instructions how to remove the Dropbox cloud from your computer. And recently we wrote, pre-installed on the "dozen" storage of ONEDRIVE.

Universal way

This method is relevant to all Windows users. You need to go to the control panel and find the "Programs and Components" section.

But we will do easier. Press the Win + R keys combination and the command in the row appwiz.cpl. The desired partition panel will open automatically. Here we need to select the "Delete Program" menu.

We act like this: we find the Dropbox program in the list, choose it - and click "Delete".

Through Windows 10 parameters

Users "Dozens" can delete an application from standard parameters. You can go to them by pressing the Win + I key combination.

Sophisticated software

Delete Dropbox cloud will help special uninstallator programs. We have a popular CCleaner. We go into the program, choose the "Service" section. Before us immediately appears the "Removal of Programs" tab.

Further act, as well as usual: We are looking for a program, click on "uninstall". It is important to choose this item. If you choose the usual "delete", then simply disappear the icon of the program from the list, and the most app will not be deleted.

You can use other utilities to remove programs: Revo Uninstaller, Iobit Uninstaller, Uninstall Tool, etc. Read more about such utilities.

Note. In all three cases, after clicking "Delete" (or "Uninstall") a uninstaller will start. You will need to click the "Uninstall" button and wait for the end of the removal.

Delete Dropbox folder

After deleting the application, the folder with the data remains anyway. Remove it. Do not be afraid to lose files, as they are still stored on the cloud and are tied to your account. At any time you can restore remote content. The folder is usually on the C system disk in the user folder (C: / Users / user_name).

This is so easy to remove the dropbox cloud, which you do not use. Read more about deleting and installing applications. Also do not miss an article where we tell, from the Microsoft Store store.

One fine moment ceased to grab 18.8 GB on Dropbox, it was decided to search, and is it possible to use several dropbox accounts on one computer? It turns out you can ...

1. We need to download the DropboxportableAHK program Samoa latest version.

2. Unpack it in the root anyone D: \\ DropBoxportableAHK)

3. In order to know what files there I create a folder in the root of the same disk (D: \\ Test)

4. Run from the unpacked folder DropboxportableAHK.exe

5. After some time, such a window will start

8. We are offered to specify in the previous folder with Dropbox files. In principle, everything is clearly written

9. After you first see the update settings. I put a tick only to "Check the updates dropboxportableAHK \\ update automatically also, respectively," and "Check Dropbox Updates". Press Further

10. Addition settings

12. Press Download Dropbox filesand click Further

13. Press Running the Dropbox installation And wait

14. The Dropbox window appears. Choose "I ALREADY HAVE A DROPBOX ACCOUNT" (I created it for earlier) and click Next

15. Enter email and password. Next

16. Choose 2GB Free.. Next

17. Choose Typical. Install

18. If not interesting training is pressed Skip. Tour I. FINISH

19. Throws this message, click Yes

20. Must be returned to the installation of DropBoxportableAHK, where you need to click Complete

21. Open dropbox folderPortableAhk and launch again DropboxportableAHK.exe

22. Synchronization must begin, and files from your folder must appear on the Dropbox website.

P.S. I noticed that if you want to add more than 2x accounts to the computer, then you need to download DropboxportableAHK. I tried to copy previous folders with DropboxportableAHK to another disk section, but nothing turned out.

At the moment I have three simultaneously working accounts.

Thus, you can get a practically unlimited place for files that will be synchronized with the remarkable Dropbox service, and from there you can open them on any drogh device (Mac, PC, iPhone, iPad, etc.).

Sooner or later, many users have a problem with the amount of memory provided for storing data on the Dropbox service. Therefore, the opening of the second account for working from one computer becomes relevant. Such an opportunity exists in the paid version of Dropbox, but using non-hard techniques, you can solve this problem.

The first, the most obvious method of obtaining the right to use two Dropbox accounts on one computer is to install the application for the main account and opening the second auxiliary account through the browser. In the second, additional account, the user receives the right to access the posted files, the ability to create folders and download files.

The main drawback of this method is the lack of database synchronization capabilities in the background. Therefore, it is best to put the files that you use extremely rarely in the second account.

The main problem of this method is the inability to use the root folder for joint viewing. All files and folders needed to work with two accounts should be placed in a shared folder. This method leads to the use of memory on both accounts, but allows you to work with the necessary files without difficulty.

Another way is to create multiple Windows users. For this you need:

  1. Open the second account in Windows. In case the account is required only to work with Dropbox, do not attach it to the Microsoft account.
  2. By pressing the Windows + L button combination, you can enter the second Windows account, without leaving the main one.
  3. Download and install the Dropbox application for Windows, and go into it, using the additional account (password and login from the second dropbox).
  4. We return to the Windows master account and open the "Users" folder, located on the disk with the operating system.
  5. Open the folder of the new user created before this and click the "Continue" button. We get access to the files as administrator.
  6. Return to the Dropbox folder.
  7. Synchronization of the account data with the DropBox server will be carried out only after entering the second Windows account and subsequent return to the main account.

To work under MacOS, you can use the Automator program:

  1. Install Dropbox and enter the Main Account.
  2. In your personal folder, create a new Dropbox 2 folder.
  3. Open the AUTOMATOR program and press the "Process" button and then "choose".
  4. In the "Library" submenu, select the "Run Shell script" entry and drag it to the right window.
  5. We use the following script by inserting it into the address window and replacing Dropbox2 to your name of the folder created (p. 2): Home \u003d $ home / dropbox2 /pplications/dropbox.app/contents/macos/dropbox &
  6. Press the "Run" button. You will have a doublebox double program that allows you to open an additional account to configure.
  7. Go on the command File → Save to save the Action executed in Automator. In addition, the script can be added to the "input objects", then it will run each time the computer is turned on.

Reading time: 39 min

Excellent describe such an expression as "cloud storage". Dropbox is a service that allows you to transfer files to the server that will be stored on the cloud. Thus, you can store individual data at a remote location and secure them from loss in the event of a PC failure.

Dropbox on computer: basic functions

For the full use of the program will have to buy Dropbox, then the entire arsenal of features will be available. The main limitation in the free version is a small amount of allocated memory. To expand or limitless use of the memory of the resource, you will have to pay the price, $ 10 for 50 GB or $ 20 per 100 GB, but the price policy is gradually changing.

Dropbox has such advantages:

  1. Dropbox allows you to store data on the Internet, so the concern for the safety of documents goes to the service and even if Windows fails, the information will still remain. In addition, for third-party eyes, without your desire, files will not be available;
  2. You can access files from another device or share data between multiple people, but you need to configure account access rights or by downloading the file, specify sharing. So you can receive a link to the file and transmit to the user to use;

  1. A free program provides only 2 GB of memory for use. There are also special promotions and bonuses, so really increase the volume to 25 GB at the same time without paying;

  1. The application is integrated into the system, so after installing the Dropbox, a separate folder appears on the computer, all content in it is synchronized with the server. It is easy to edit the contents, but it should be borne in mind that the transfer rate is much slower due to the Internet connections;
  2. Branch system. Many firms that work remotely use a similar branch system. The popular service is Git, so it is possible if necessary to find a file that has been deleted or edited earlier, because there is a backup version of the versions. Less functional system is contained in Dropbox, but probably enough;
  3. The data on the server is stored as it is, that is, no encryption is used. In general, it is difficult to name a disadvantage, since it is not implemented, it means that it is provided without that reliable protection of information. If desired, the specialized application will help encrypt data alternative option - It is archiving files with a password job.
See also: Yandex Disc - How to use it? Saving files in Yandex

Based on the listed properties, determine whether the Dropbox program needs specifically. In general, the application is very high-quality and originates since the beginning of the existence of cloud storage and today takes a proper place in the life of users.

How to install Dropbox?

Previously follows Dropbox download to a computer and other devices. For the full use of the service, registration is needed, it is basic and no difficulties cause. Download link .

It is convenient that immediately after installing the application, a small presentation is launched, an animated instruction for use.

Immediately after dating the folder will open, which contains a guide file. It is this directory and is a link to use the cloud. By downloading, deleting, editing files here, they are automatically synchronized in the background with the data on the server.

The notification menu indicates the program icon (open box) by clicking on it - the latest synchronization procedures will be shown, that is, a small report.

To configure the application you need:

  1. Click on the icon in the notification panel;
  2. Next, in the window, click on the gear and select "Parameters";

  1. Total present 5 tabs for settings:
  • General - Basic settings for displaying notifications and program language;
  • Account - allows you to perform a manipulation with the profile;
  • Import - Indicates whether you need to download the modified versions of files from the repository if someone has downloaded them;
  • Bandwidth - allows you to establish a limit on the number of traffic consumed so that the cloud does not prevent comfortable work at the computer;
  • Proxy servers - allow to use third-party machines to hide a personal address.

Not only using the application you can access your data, also the web interface has a cloud. It is also necessary to log in here. Next will be specified detailed information on file manipulations, you can download them through the browser.

See also: How to disable or remove ONEDRIVE in Windows 10?

Removing the program

If you do not need this application or you want to replace it with an alternative version, you should remove Dropbox. To delete the application, you can use the standard option:

  1. Click on the Dropbox icon;
  2. Deploy the parameters and select "Exit";

  1. Go to the "Programs and Components" section, located in the "Control Panel";
  2. Select the appropriate Dropbox point and "Delete".

Note that even after deleting the program, the data will not disappear at all, they will be available if you go to the site or install the application again. The information is attached to the account, so you can access only it from it if you do not open access.

Thus, it is easy to use cloud storage and prevent data loss even due to serious failures with a system or HDD. Easy use, functionality and safety - all this is the indisputable advantage of Dropbox among other services with similar functionality.

If you have questions about "Dropbox - what is this program and how to install it?" You can ask them in the comments.


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