How to understand the proposal complicated by a separate circumstance. Offers complicated by separate definitions, applications, additions and circumstances

How to understand the proposal complicated by a separate circumstance. Offers complicated by separate definitions, applications, additions and circumstances

Separate circumstances are expressed by verbalias or a height turnover.

1. Mother, strictly looking at her daughter, came out of the room.

2. The river, riding a clay coast, disappeared by turning.

3. On the opposite shore, flashes, flashed lights.

4. The terrace was surrounded by splashing trees, leaving the rest of the sun.

5. Having arrived in the early July morning in this resort town, we went to the famous Lake with each other.

6. Waiting for an unpleasant conversation, the boy timidly entered the room.

7. Rydy dog, approaching a little girl, licked her cheek.

8. Opening the suitcase, the passenger sought something hastily.

9. Slipping the beds, schoolchildren planted different flowers in front of the school building.

10. Returning home, the daughter went to bed.

To begin with, we understand what a proposal is, and what is a separate circumstance. The proposal is a group of interconnected words or one word, which makes a certain meaning. The circumstance is such a member of the sentence that answers questions as? when? where to? where? etc. A separate circumstance is called the circumstance limited to the comma or commas. The particle capital or separate verdict is considered separate circumstances.

Simple sentences with separate circumstances

Simple sentences are suggestions containing only one grammatical foundation. Such proposals with separate circumstances are often accepted for complex proposals due to the presence of commas. But you need to be able to distinguish between separate circumstances from another grammatical basis.

  • Catherine went to the shopping center, having fun singing his favorite song.
  • My friends with my friends, once again having encountered, decided to give all our savings to the charity foundation.
  • Nastya, hung, threw a backpack on the shoulder and left where the eyes look.
  • Maxim, bringing order on the head, left the house.

Complex proposals with separate circumstances

In complex proposals, each part has equal value, and these parts are interconnected by writing alliances.

  • Andrei, having tried in Nastya, rushed into the depths of the forest, and Nastya, having tried to Andrei, just got up and began to cry loudly.
  • Without thinking for a long time, I went on the road, and my roommate, I approved my decision, went with me.
  • She did not sing, condemning all the audience, and these spectators continued to talk loudly, not paying any attention to it.

Completed proposals with separate circumstances

In a complex proposal, the main part and one or more apparent are allocated.

  • Vova, reflecting on this topic for a long time, forgot about the kettle, which was about to witness.
  • My friends, satisfying your thirst, went to the forest, which was two kilometers from us.
  • Gosha, forgetting about all his works, about watched TV, until Mom came.

Connecting structures are such structures in which the secondary member has the value of an additional message. Means of communication: Yes, and yes, and even.

Father, and the Son did not want this arrival.

Explanatory structures are such structures in which a secondary member of a homogeneous series has a character or re-denotation, or clarification. Means of communication: that is, or, precisely, namely, somehow, whether.

Razubre, or spotted deer, lives in the forests of Transbaikalia.

A variety of explanatory structures are clarifying structures.

Clarification is the most accurate name of the signs of the subject or its qualities. Usually narrow the meaning of the explanable concept, less often - expand.

It has the clarifying value of the circumstances of the place or time.

On the opposite bank of the river, under the pine, sat the hare.

Early early, on a dawn, I accounted for a good campaign.

If circumstantworthiness combines the value of the place and time, then they are not clarifying.

Separate supplements are substantive designs with derivative pretexts.

Prepositions: Besides, in addition to, instead, including, along with, unlike, it seems, not to mention, compared to ...

All operational documents, excluding combat magazines, destroyed.

In addition to poplar, Mongolian oak grew here.

Designs with additional predication

Severe is a structural and semantic selection of secondary members of the proposal in order to give them a larger sense. Separate definitions, circumstances, additions, applications, comparative turns. In a broad value, such revolutions include clarifying, explanatory and connecting structures.

Inside of these relations are allocated as follows:

A) Semi-limits.

Semi-immutortion is the syntactic relationship between the intonationally isolated name and its defined. This is a relationship between a subject and a predicate, which includes the characteristics of the subject. Inherent in separate definitions expressed by involuntary turnover, substantive turns, aduteactive turnover, separate applications.

A semi-limited member of the sentence is, as it were, a fault, which is included in the proposal for the rights of a minor member of the sentence.

And he, rebellious, asks the storm.

B) revolutions with additional verb predication

Additional verb predicatence -uks on an active sign of the subject, as it is formed by particle prudes and infinitive turns.

These are separate circumstances expressed by the hemplifted turnover or infinitive.

And the stars, listen to me, the rays of happily playing.

Recently, Baev has sought to go to Storeskaya Marya - talk.

C) Rolled predicatence is characteristic of substantive revolutions with derivative pretexts: in view, despite, due to due to, contrary to, due to, on the occasion, if there is, to avoid, under the condition, etc.

Despite taken measures, Water is just a little launched.

All measures have been accepted, but the water is just a little start to decrease. Of these proposals it is easy to form a complex proposal.

These turns are of circumstantial values:

time (as we move to the coast, the wind became more sharp): as it is, with the onset;

causal (on the occasion of driving, I was sitting at the station): thanks to, due to, by virtue, due to, due to lack of failure, as a result, according to;

conditional (on the occasion of a big holiday, the area was decorated with flags): on the occasion, provided, if available, depending on, regardless of;

seven (contrary to expectations, night was warm): Despite, despite, although, contrary;

targeted (in order to increase the life of the service, the fabric was impregnated with a special composition): In order to, on PPPsTemet

Separate definitions are divided into:

· Consistent

· Discasive

Agreed definition

A consistent separate definition is expressed:

· Pursuit: a child who slept in my arms, woke up.

· Two or more adjectives or communion: the child, full and satisfied, quickly fell asleep.

An inconsistent separable definition is expressed most often with nominal phrases and belongs to pronouncements or names in their own.

Definition structure

The definition structure may be different. Differ:

· Single definition: excited girl;

· Two or three single definitions: girl, agitated and happy;

· A common definition expressed by the phrase: a girl excited by the received news ...

Separate applications

The application is a special type of definition, expressed by nouns in the same number and case, which is a noun or pronoun, which it determines: Dragonfly abnormality, beauty-maiden. The application may be:

1) Single: Bear, Fidget, tortured everyone;

2) Completed: Bear, terrible fidget, tortured everyone.

Separed additions

Separate supplements expressed by nouns with pretexts: except, besides, except, except, including, excluding, instead, along with. They are transmitted to the inclusion of -cake or substitution.

Separate circumstances

Currency circumstances expressed:

1) Temployees:

· Single: sowing, the child fell asleep.

· As part of the particle turns: Discussed the results of the work, we diverged.

2) circumstances with the pretext despite.

3) comparative turns with unions: how, as if, accurately, as if, what than, more than, etc.

The structure of a simple common sentence containing this or that number of secondary members may be even more complicated by the separation of one (or several) of them. The concept of the essence of the extraction, the characteristics of the means and conditions of separation and the description of various types of separate members has a greater theoretical and practical value in the study of the syntax of the Russian language.

Separation - this belonging simple sentenceDespite some similarity of separate members with predicative parts of a complex proposal. A. M. Peshkovsky, who was first described in detail the separation, found in separate members of the proposal (similarity) with the apparent parts of a complex proposal for melody and rhythm, as well as links with the surrounding members. For example, in the proposal In scalah, overgrown with orange lilies, wild pigeons nested (Paust.) A separate common member contains an additional statement that could be decorated and in the form of a dressing part (Wed: In scalah, which threw orange lilies ...) However, separate members of the proposal, no matter how common in the composition and deployed in content, do not have their own grammatical nucleus, do not have predicatence.

Essence of separation

Separation is an intentional rhythmic-intonational and semantic deduction as part of a specific sentence of a word or a group of words. A separate member also has a weakened syntactic relationship with other members. Wed: Down below, in the hall, the clock struck six (Paust.). - The clock in the hallway struck six snacks was a lot, and different (Perm). - There were many different snacks.

The purpose of the isolation is an expression using a selected member of a certain additional message about one of the words or the entire supply. On the letter, a separate member of the sentence is allocated by punctuation signs.

The means of separation are changes in the height of the height of the pronunciation, rhythm, pauses, as well as the change in the location of the members, in particular the submission of a separate secondary member in the absolute start or end of the proposal. The punctuation marks are not withdrawal means, but only transmit it in writing speech.

Separate members are performed in relation to the proposal or to certain words a variety of functions. The main ones can be considered the following:

  • 1) Expression of additional statement: Over bays stood silent calm, tighted by evening smoke (Paust.); Large raindrops broke about the Earth, turning into dust and smallest splashes (Sol.);
  • 2) Explanation, refinement: But here was also another, his little mystery - mystery of an unless Ozerka (Sol.); Departed to the left, in the corner of the garden shaft , chernela Ylannik (B.);
  • 3) allocation, restriction: No one was on the pier, except wrapped with a lantern (Paust.);
  • 4) Attachment: Minutes I was close to fainting - from happiness (Art.);
  • 5) Comparison, like: I will say truth, i never had so fun, like this evening (KUPER.); More than a week walked cold, as in October , rain (Shishk.); I missed the village as a puppy locked (T.).

Separation conditions

Separate minor members of the proposals are very diverse by value, functions, by a method of communication with a word-defined word, by volume and location. Also very inhomogeneous and numerous conditions for the separation of secondary members in specific proposals. According to these conditions, it is possible to systematize, allocating general conditions, significant for the separation of any members of the sentence, and, along with them, private and additional conditions.

The most significant for the separation of various members of the sentence are three general conditions: a) the possibility of semantic discharge, separation from the explanable word; b) the volume of a member of the sentence is more than one significant word; c) an unusual location regarding the defined word.

1. The possibility of semantic selection, separation from the determined word involves the absence of close semantic links of a separate sentence of a sentence with an explanable word. This condition is undoubtedly unthinkable with respect to non-valid words. It is deprived of the components of phraseological units, indivisible

revolutions (sort of give consent, have a kind of independent, impress), syntactically indivisible phrases ( two fighters, any of us alone from boys etc.), as well as words with a great degree of dependence, conditionality (strongly relevant). So, in the proposal In all these people, despite their external difference, Samghin felt something uniform and annoying (M. G.) The possibility of semantic discharge does not have words something (close dependence on the verb selft, strong control), as well one and annoyingwhich are closely soldered with an indefinite pronounter due to its incompleteness; At the same time, the possibility of semantic discharge has a common concession despite their external difference.

  • 2. The volume of a separate member more than one word not only means an increase in the semantic capacity of a member of the sentence and, consequently, its semantic independence, but also contributes to the weakening of the relationship of a separate member with the dominant element of the proposal. Wed: Wind, strong still, blew now from the east (A. T). - The wind is a strong blowing now from the east.
  • 3. The position of a separate member relative to the defined word is the movement of a member of a sentence from a conventional, relevant norm, a place with respect to the definable word to unusual (from the preposition in postposition or vice versa), and in some cases - the separation from the defined word (distant location). Wed: Occasionally in this smoke Deadly glitter sea, looking like mercury (Paust.). - ... glistenedly similar to mercury sea; Father arrived in the evening black from dust. with blood-eyed eyes (Ch.). - Black from dust Father ..:, for feed, all in foam, quickly rush river (M. G.). - ... River quickly rushes in foam.

Private conditions of separation are such lexicogrammic properties of the dedicated or dependent member of the sentence, the presence of which in itself is sufficient for separation, even if there are no general conditions (of course, except the first). Examples of private conditions are:

  • 1) The presence of verbalism, if there is a minor member of the sentence, is isolated in any volume and at any location (if it does not lose values): Tram flew calling To the very sea (A. T);
  • 2) belonging to the defined word to the category of personal pronouns (any secondary member relative to it is isolated at any position): Light, fast on foot, very funny, about N was two years younger than Tatiana (M. G.).

General conditions of separation (except for cases of private conditions) must be presented in full set: in the absence of at least one of them, a sentence of the proposal is not separated [for example, in the event of a participation of involvement: A neuropal flame with a whistle and clapping grown in the stove of raw firewood lit upholstered, probably the Hosts have long been abandoned (Sim.).

However, the missing general condition can be reimbursed by the condition optional. Such conditions are very different and numerous, they are applicable only for certain types of secondary sentences.

An additional condition for the separation of circumstances is the clarifying nature of the value of a separate member relative to the other: 3 d e s b, in the bedroom, reigned the dead rest (C.).

An additional condition for the separation of a common prepositive definition may be the shade of a causal, conditional or other value attached to this member in a specific proposal: We have a mosquito cloud, but, closed grids, our heads were invulnerable (Shishk.).

In a specific sentence, taking into account a certain situation, one member may have the value "extended", i.e. More than one could judge the semantics of cash words, and the "excess" value is borrowed from the situation from the preceding context. Such a secondary member of the proposal concluding an additive statement may be isolated with an incomplete set of general conditions. For example:

Dad Rubachin, with their kidneys, sat nearby in the chair and with love and fear looked at the daughter (L. T.) - A separate member expresses an extension message about the kidneys of the Rubakin (which is known from the previous context) and has a granting tint, perceived on the lobby of the subsequent message about the feeling with which Rubakin looked at the daughter. In the absence of an "excessive" content and additional shade, a sentence member in these grammatical conditions would not be isolated (Wed: Daddy Rubakin with gray mustache sitting in the chair...);

To the house it was necessary to go through a narrow wooden pavement paved, for the sake of dirt, between two row of wide centenary lip (KUPER.) - Separation caused by a similar additional condition (preceding knowledge of dirt, an additional shade of the cause).

Such additional conditions that are implemented in specific proposals, in a particular situation, are explained by the cases of the so-called individually copyright.

The ratio of general and additional conditions differs in the separate structures of different types of secondary members.

Separate definitions

Thanks to the separation expressed by the definition, the sign is actualized, and all the content of a separate member acquires the nature of additional "microwaves" about the subject matter, which is indicated by the defined nouns. Separation of definitions is a productive admission of complications of a simple proposal structure.

In accordance with the general conditions, the definitions represented by adjectives (as well as ordinal numerical) or intersections with explanatory words and postposition to those defined, as well as inconsistent common definitions issued in the preposition or separated from the defined words by other members of the proposal are: The smell of white cloves heated by the sun filled the wagons (Paust.); On both sides of the fireplace are ficuses, nishchenski poor leaves (M. G.); House, pretty big, sometime white, from shiny wet roof, stood at a completely naked place (B.).

In the absence of one (or two) of the general conditions, the separation of definitions may be caused by additional conditions or private:

  • 1) Any forms (and in any position) definitions during personal pronouns are isolated: Not controlled from the inside, I was powerless before large tragic tasks, standing in front of my creative feeling (Art.);
  • 2) Single agreed postpositive definitions are isolated, as well as inconsistent postpositive (normal position), if there is a different definition before the defined word: From the bedroom led somewhere else, also the naval (C.); This ko m, windows west and north, has occupied almost half of the whole house (B.);
  • 3) Separate prepositive definitions in the presence of an additional circumstantial shade (causes, conditions, concessions): All captured respectful admiration in front of this magnificent live building, Professor comes in a fist of a red Iron of his beard (KUPER.);
  • 4) Positiable agreed single definitions are isolated if they represent a number of homogeneous membership members: And among the day and river and forests played a lot of solar spots - Golden , blue, green and rainbow (Paust.);
  • 5) On the separation of definitions in the absence of general conditions, the neighborhood of other separate definitions may affect: Passed Makarov, in the black strict suit, slim, gray, with frowning eyebrows (M. G.).

Separate applications

In accordance with the general conditions, common postpositive applications are isolated: Especially shrill, persistently and especially not in Lada choru sang the urban head of Voroponov, son of the Truck (M. G.). Separate applications in any position if they explain personal pronouns: Oh even dreamed of me sometimes this piano (Paust.).

If the general conditions are presented incompletely, the separation of the application may occur if there are additional conditions similar to those marked for definitions: the presence of another definition to a definable word, an additional circumstantial shade of the value, etc.

A single postpositive application is also isolated if it is clarifying: One of the sons Misha , heads an experienced ichthyological station on the Lake Great (Paust.).

Separate circumstances

First of all, the separation of circumstances is determined by the general conditions. However, private and additional conditions have considerable importance. Taking into account the various conditions, three groups of isolated circumstances can be distinguished: verbalism, common circumstances, clarifying circumstances.

  • 1. The circumstantiation of the function is the main for verpride. Different relationships of verbalies with the verb-tajam create shades of time, conditions, concessions, causes, goals. Temploying, performing the circumstance function, as a rule, does not lose the process values, which is the basis of an additional statement, an elementary message. This feature of the verbalism as a specific verb form by itself is a condition of separation, regardless of the presence of explanatory words and on the situation in the text: Mother stopped choking put hands to the chest (M. G.); Returned to the hotel, Lopatin Loe in bed and not singing on this day
  • (Sim.); Hares, fleeing from skiers, confused complex loops (Paust.).

The only reason for the notion of the verbalism is the loss of the verbal value of the action. It is observed, firstly, in the phraseological units that have a frozen form of considerable turnover, but denoting a sign of action: He was doing his own business, because the hospital was still built (M.-S.); We broken their heads rushed on deep uhabam and potholes (A. S.). Secondly, single verprices are not separated with the value of the qualitative characteristics of the action, close by semantics to high-quality adverbs or proposed-case forms of noun. Wed: Yakov Artamonov was not in a hurry, putting his hands in his pockets (M. G.) - she was leisurely; Mother fled without looking around and sobbed on run (Ch.) - fucked without looking back; Birch foliage hanging without lying (Paust.) - hanging motionless, motionless. Here there is a partial contextual transition of the desperations in adverb.

  • 2. Western circumstances with an unusual arrangement relative to the defined word (as a rule, the verb-fag) are isolated. This is observed in position before the legend, in the absolute start or end of the sentence, as well as in the case of a distant (disconnected in other words), the location relative to the main member of the sentence. Correct circumstances with the values \u200b\u200bof the cause, conditions, concessions, time: So we turned left and somehow, after many hassle, got to a meager shelter, consisting of two sacks (L.); Steamer began to move carefully, from fear to stumble (KUPER.); Olga Nikolaevna, with his mind, sincerely believed, that after the explanation they will become friends (S.). For separate circumstances of this group, the use of distracted nouns, which serve as a core of an extension message (see: challenges, fear, mind). Indicators of the corresponding circumstantial values \u200b\u200bare the prepositions (causals from. from, for, due to, in view, thanks; Conditional - at. when, SEED - contrary to, despite, despite the; temporary - by, after, before, during and etc.).
  • 3. The separation of clarifying circumstances is caused by completely different conditions than the proposed suggestions characteristic. If there are two circumstances of one discharge, explaining the same word, in relation to each other they are not equal. One of them directly explains the defined word, and the other is associated with this word through the first circumstance and clarifies its value. For example: Kovrin arrived at Pesotsky in the evening, in the tenth hour (C.) - the circumstance of time in tenth hour explains, clarifies another circumstance - in the evening; At the same time, both of them determine the verb-led i arrived (arrived in the evening, arrived in the tenth hour). The refinement ratio is the basis of an additional statement concluded in a separate circumstance. It must be emphasized that in itself the presence of two circumstances of the same discharge of the NA predetermines the separation of one of them. Only the value of the clarification implemented by the speaker intentionally determines the separation. For example: Next day, hour in the first, Litvinov went to Osinin (T.) - In this context, two circumstances could be a unified circumstantiary group without refinement relations (On another day hour in the first).

The clarification is usually lies in the fact that the separate circumstance narrows, limits the scope of the concept indicated by the refined member: There, in the embroidery, already shone the summer sun (Paust.); Right, right from under the wheels of the trolley, ran down the break (IN.); Not especially for a long time, spring last year, one of my buddy showed me a pretty outfit (KUPER.). As a rule, separate clarifying circumstances are spatial or temporary.

"Separed additions"

Supplement in its essence is a secondary member of the sentence, semantically very closely related to the explanable verb, i.e. It does not possess the first of the general conditions of separation (the possibility of semantic release). Those structures that in grammar are customary called separate additions are restrictively excretory turnover with various values \u200b\u200b- object, subject, or even circumstators: I bought everything, in addition to notebook; Returned everything, besides Petit, I am always here, in addition to Saturday: Not anywhere, in addition to Moscow. With the addition, these structures are similar only in shape - a noun in the form of an indirect case.

The condition of the separation is the limitative value of the turnover, which is the basis of the additional statement; Wed: He came running, including a neighbor. Came running all, including a neighbor. The specified value is expressed using prepositions. in addition, in addition to instead, tea, excluding, along with and etc.: Russian writers-noble, per the exception of the German Alexander Pushkin, did not pay attention to folklore, extremely rich dramatic material (M. G.); Except rivers from Meshorsk Territory Many Channels (Paust.).

Complicated sentences

Uniform members of the proposition i am the main or secondary members of the proposals that meet the same question relating to the same member of the sentence and pronounced with the intonation of the listing.

Uniform members of the proposal are associated with writing and non-union bond, they can be both common (to have dependent words with them) and unprofitable.

Separationsuggestions are intonational and semantic selection; In writing, separate members are separated from other members of the proposal to the signs of punctuation.

1. Separate coordinated common Definition - This is the most secreted involuntary turnover or the name allocated by commas adjectives with dependent words.

Old woman, / picking on him because of the partition /, I could not know this.

Separate coordinated non-proliferated

Definition- This is a solicified single name adjective or communion. In the evening tiredI was returning home.

2. Outlooked CIRCUMSTANCE - These are the circumstances allocated intonational and punctuation.

Circumstances are answering questions where? WHERE TO? WHEN? Where? WHY? WHAT FOR? And How?

Separate circumstances can be expressed:

1) single verproy

Sudumyev , river calmed down .
2) a heavier token, seeing landlord , removed the caps.
3) comparative turnover

Her head is crossed like a boys.

4) Turnover with a pretext Despite

N. despite the bright sun , burned lights.

5) noun with derivative pretexts due to, as a result, due to, due to the reason, etc.

In the room Elena, thanks to the tight curtains ,

it was almost dark.

Children, contrary to frost , went out to walk.

Children , because of youngsters , have not defined any posts .

Additional turns with apparent determinants:

Here is a book by reading which You will learn a lot of interesting things.

Dozens of problems arose before the old factories, without deciding which It is impossible to go to new methods of building ships.

Conditional turns with introductory words:
Apparently, our journey will delay.

According to conscience, I do not want to tell about it.

3. Separate application - This is a definition expressed by commas or dash, expressed by solitary nouns or nouns with dependent words, which answers questions who exactly? What exactly is?

His room, real, except that too small but the usual room,

peacefully resting in his four familiar walls.

Application( see below below )

* indicates the degree of kinship, nationality, rank, profession, age;

* explains, clarifies another name or personal pronoun on the proposal and is used in the same case as the word to which it applies.


Total task. Write a guest number .

Answer: _____________________________

1 1. Among the proposals 1-3, find offers with a separate circumstance.

(1) At the pier, a man in a blue jacket cleverly picked up the rope and pulled to himself, snarling her hands. (2) The rope was tied to the cable, which with noise, raising the high splashes, bought a steamer in the river. (3) The same cable was transferred to the shore and from the stern, and finally the steamer was tied, or, as sailors they say, moored to the pier.

2. (1) Gentleman was bored, and he walked on the embankment to see how boys catch fish. (2) His favorite entertainment was to throw coins into the water and watch the guys dive behind them. (3) By the way, he now had coins, he was completely unnecessary. (4) And boys will still dive. (5) This gentleman-loaf all the port guys already knew. (6) When it appears, some of them quickly undressed. (7) Despite his childish age, it was excellent divers and swimmers. (Kokovin E.)

3. Among the proposals 1 - 4, find an offer with two separate circumstances.

(1) Far Mountains, Will Blue Moley, Revenge and, It seemed melted in the Ethoma. (2) Easy wind moved thick herbs, multicolored with multi-colored iris, kopeck and some other than countless yellow and white heads. (3) Our horses were worth turning the head to grab, not even bend, bunch of juicy herbs from the intermala, - and they fled further, causing luxurious bouquets clapped on her lips. (4) Somehow suddenly opened small lakes, exactly the shreds of the blue sky, fallen on the ground and marked in the emerald greens ...

4. Provides 1 - 4 offers from a separate circumstance proposals.

(1) Anxious crunches of the bitch. (2) Someone is big, strong walking through the forest, without disassembled roads. (3) The bushes have shuffled, the peaks of small pines were noticed, creaped, settled, washing. (4) Soroka screamed and dismissed the tail, similar to the plumage of the arrows, in a straight line flew away.

5. Among the proposals 1-3, find a proposal with separate circumstances..

(1) The sun has already touched the water, and the shining strip, laid on the sea, began to repose. (2) A huge globe, overcrowded to grief and hatred, turned, and with him rolled back from the sun rays the Black Sea. (3) Little, tiny boat, persistently buzz engines, climbed on the bulge of the earth, stubbornly catching up the sun, winding over the horizon. (Sobolev L.)

6. Among the proposals 1-4, find a proposal with separate circumstances.

(1) A large field is broken by a crack with steep walls, and between them and the river flows, which is indicated on the map such blue paint. (2) From the cliff, on which Ninkin stopped, small stones are clearly visible, cutting bottom. (3) Water sparkling, runs over them. (4) At the very middle of the river there is a calf and, shouting by the tail from annoying blindly, drinks water, lowered his warless head. (Seliankin O.)

7. Proposals 1-7 find a proposal with a separate circumstance.

(1) barely will rush the winter, barely appears the first proglinka on the sunny slope. I won my legs themselves carry us into the steppe. (2) Those who are bored for winter boots and well, to drive barefoot in the catchpits along the fatty, playing in the lapto, in the grandmother or to speak with broken warehouses Kandyk - the first sweet herb! (3) Perhaps the spirit of the graze of the Earth, the Moala snow, last year's herbal, and something else, the Otradnaya Heart, long-awaited, spring. (4) And there is still snow. (5) But the blues of the blizzard was silent, Trescun Frost, and the Earth, waiting for the cherished hour, moves away. (6) Every day, the drifts are shoved, settle, come off apart from his boyfriend. (7) Farred - as if the geese swans crossed the rest and are about to remove and flew away.

8. Among the proposals 1-7, find a proposal, which includes a separate circumstance with a derivative pretext.

(1) For some time passed, then the door opened and entered the twelve-year-old Matilda. (2) She looked peculiar. (3) The costume consisted of a striped knitted blouse, similar to the sailor vest, only with short sleeves, and brown trousers, narrow in the hips and the loudspeakers. (4) The pants of these Matilda sewed under the guidance of Mom and herself, despite the protests of Mary Danilovna, decorated them with embroidery. (5) On the right hip, she was concerned with a heart pierced by an arrow, and under the knees on a flower, remotely resembling a rose. (6) A big mouth and very big eyes stand out on the widespread face of Matilda. (7) These eyes were brown with long dark eyelashes, and Matilda's furred hair was bright and hard as the old straw. (Sotnik Yu.)

9. Proposals 1-8 find a proposal with a separate circumstance.

(1) Girl caught trout. (2) She was sitting motionless on the stone, and the river joined her noise. (3) her eyes were lowered down. (4) But their gaze, tired of the shine, scattered everywhere above the water, was not adapter. (5) She often assigned him aside and rushed into the distance, where the round mountains, autonated with the forest, stood over the river itself. (6) The air was still leveled, and the sky shredded to the mountains seemed only to the plain, a little illuminated by sunset. (7) But this air familiar with her from the first days of life, and this sky did not attract it now. (8) She watched widely open eyes for eternally running water, to present in his imagination those unexplored edges, where and from where the river fled. (Fraerman R.)

10. Among the proposals 1-4, find a proposal with a separate circumstance, expressed by the height of the turnover.

(1) On the promotation, near the high forming heap, the Nana Boy Fillaries stood and manifes her with his hand. (2) She walked, friendly looking at him. (3) She saw a bowler, full lingonberries near the filter. (4) And the filter itself is a narrow hunting knife made from Yakut steel, purified from the bark fresh birch rod.

1. .

(1) The day ended. (2) Behind the Corywoods of the Dead Pihtachi bugs the sunset. (3) Dopied heaven. (4) In the lumens of trees lit by the bone, silhouettes danced. (5) After dinner, the camp calmed down. (6) Crouching from the cold, people slept at the fire. (7) Horses fed from the vehicles. (Pedoseyev)

2. Among the proposals 1-3 find a proposal with separate unpropered definitions..

(1) Skipping and sparkling, crouched on the frozen peaks, shot down by the fall of the aircraft. (2) Silence, druming and power, collapsed by the forest. (3) And it was clearly heard in it, as a groaned man and how hard it was grinding under the feet of the bear, whom the unusual hum and crackle expelled from the forest to the clearing. (B.Poleva)

3. Among the proposals 1-6, find a sentence with a separate definition..

(1) Chigareva, they found in one of the bludges. (2) Vladimir was sitting, put the palms for a long time for a long time, and as if she slept with open eyes. (3) He did not even move, when the comrades entered and sat opposite him, having podded the boxes with machine-gun ribbons. (4) Norkin examined. (5) Cutting a trunk in an earthen wall, stood a machine gun, like a punished boy. (6) The tapes were sticking out of the boxes that were lying around the floor, and a machine-gun case was a shapeless komom at the threshold. (O.Selyankin)

4. Among the proposals 1-4, find a proposal with a separate definition.

(1) All these years, as soon as the girls ended the exams, Arsenyev moved to their farm. (2) With the first spring sun, the Dink began to count the days remaining before moving. (3) And every time, the observed familiar, dear places, was surprised how the garden rose and screamed, what delicious water in the cold, burning the lips of the spring, how gently noise walnut alley. (4) Dink assured that even the frogs on the pond immediately recognize her and, blowing away from the scream, float upstairs ... (V.OSEEV)

5. Proposals 1-3 find a proposal with a separate definition.

(1) The ships are rapidly accustomed to the ships, as they get used to homes, to trees on the street, to striped clock booths. (2) They stopped noticing. (3) Only in those rare clear days, when the White Sun, officers, soldiers and residents of Mariragamn were embarrassed from the brilliance of ships, and were surprised by the beauty of this spectacle. (K. Pouustovsky)

6. Among the proposals 1-5, find deals with separate definition.

(1) It was seen how under the steamer boils and circling the water of two colliding currents, as far and weakly go in the ocean of the waves. (2) From the right bank, speaking into the sea, the boat went to meet the boat. (3) Turning quickly, the boat challenged to the board, and it became clear that there were two women and a man. (4) Women, laughing, waved with scarves, they answered the passenger, holding the rack and fuck in the sea. (5) Sailors, descended the ladder, saw again, as she deftly and quickly fled down. (6) She waved his handkerchief three times the captain standing on his bridge and smiled. (I.Sokolov-Mikitov)

7. Proposals 1-7 find a proposal with a separate definition.

(1) The execution forest stretches far. (2) Slap its deep ravines, dense franks and overgrown nettles. (3) In the middle of this forest on the fork of two roads costs the hut. (4) Her roof has long been rusty, the woven fell, the sneak of the old well. (5) Behind the hut cool runs down the deaf ravine, densely overgrown with blackberry and raspberry. (6) At the bottom of the ravine, not resin neither during the day or night, murmurs the stream. (7) Due to the thick greenery and treated from all sides of the trees Hut Jacov, only one sideline is supervised on the road, like a curious girl with a big white shawl. (V.OSEEV)

8. Among the proposals 1-7, find a sentence with a separate definition..

(1) The girl remained alone. (2) She looked at the sun, which was already close to sunset and kneaded to the top of the spruce mountain. (3) And although it was too late, the girl did not hurry to leave. (4) She slowly turned on the stone and leisurely suggested up the path, where the high forest was descended toward her gentle slope of the mountain. (5) She entered him boldly. (6) The noise of water running between the rows of stones remained behind her, and silence was revealed before her.

9. Among the proposals 1-6, find a sentence with a separate definition..

(1) The horses knocked in a bunch and were alerted. (2) Everyone was silent, and the wind fastened and soon moved to a hurricane. (3) From the roar and noise that reigned around us, the impression was created that the last fight took place between the storms and the dead forest. (4) And, retreating, the forest moaning, broke, fell. (5) just a few minutes, as powerful wind gusts swept forward, leaving behind the swinging taiga. (6) And long heard the removing cracking of the falling trees. (Bedaceaev)

10. Among the proposals 1-5, find a proposal with a separate definition..

(1) As soon as Gilyarov began to talk, we, students, did not notice anything around. (2) We followed the unclear muttering of professors, a miracle of human thought. (3) Gilyarov revealed it leisurely, almost angry. (4) The Great Epochs echoed one on the other. (5) We did not leave the feeling that the flow of human thought could not be fused into parts, which is almost impossible to trace where philosophy ends and poetry begins, and where poetry goes to ordinary life. (K. Pouustovsky)

1. Among the proposals 1-3, find offers with separate members.

(1) On the old man on the shores - sand dunes, overgrown with the Chernobyl and a turn. (2) The grass grows on the dunes, her name is in the luggage. (3) These are dense gray-green balls, similar to the tight rose. (Pouustovsky K.)

2. Among the proposals 1-3 find a proposal with separately agreed distributed definition.

(1) Getting acquainted is always happening for the forever established custom. (2) First we snatch, then there is a polite and cunning conversation, aimed at bringing, who we are, after it are a few uncertain words about the weather. (3) And only after this conversation can freely go to any topic. (Pouustovsky K.)

3. Among the proposals 1-4, find a proposal with an anticipated coherent distribution definition..

(1) In September, it went raining. (2) They rustled in the grass. (3) Air from them warmed, and coastal thickets smelled wildly and sharply as wet animal skins. (4) At night, it rains leisurely noise in the forests as deaf, unknown to the leading roads, on the tone roof of the waggelon, and it seemed that they were written on the other ones on this forest country. (Pouustovsky K.)

4. Among the proposals 1-3, find an offer with a separate unprofitable circumstance.

(1) If the writer, working, does not see the words of what he writes, then the reader will not see anything. (2) But if the writer sees well what he writes about, then the most simple and sometimes even the structures acquire novels, act on the reader with a striking force and cause him the thoughts, feelings and conditions, which writer he wanted to convey. (3) This is obviously the mystery of the so-called subtext.

5. Among the proposals 1-3 find a proposal with an optional common consistent definition.

(1) On the blind rain, coming with the sun, the people say: "Tsarevna cries". (2) Sparkling drops of this rain look like large tears. (3) And to whom to cry with such shining tears of grief or joy, as not a fabulous beauty of the princess!

6. Among the proposals 1-4, find a sentence with separate additions..

(1) All this is just an insignificant part of what can be said about the rain. (2) But this is pretty to indignant with the words of one writer, who said to me with an acid grimace: (3) "I prefer live streets and houses with your tedious and dead nature. (4) In addition to trouble and inconvenience, it rains, of course, does not bring anything. "

7. Among the offers 1-4, find a proposal with a common application..

(1) There is a word "Zarya" in one poetic row next to the salary - one of the most beautiful words of the Russian language. (2) This word never speak loudly. (3) It is impossible to even imagine that it could be shouted. (4) Because it is akin to the well-established silence of the night, when the rustic and weak busty is engaged in the thickets of the village garden. (Pouustovsky K.)

8. Among the proposals 1-5, find a sentence with a separate clarifying member..

(1) In this glow hour low above the earthly, the morning star is glowing. (2) The air is clean like spring water. (3) In the dawn, in the dawn, there is something virgin, chaste. (4) At the zory of the Grass of Overwhelming, and the villages smell like warm pair milk. (5) And they sing in the fogs behind the oceans of shepherd poles. (Pouustovsky K.)

9. Among the proposals 1-3, find a proposal that is not complicated by a separate definition..

(1) The idea of \u200b\u200bcollecting words related to nature came to me in the head that day, when I heard in a meadow laugh, as a hoarse girl listed different herbs and flowers. (2) This dictionary will be, of course, sensible. (3) Each word must be explained, and after it should be placed several passages from the books of writers, poets and scientists who have a scientific or poetic tange of this word. (Pouustovsky K.)

10. Among the proposals 2-4, find a proposal with a separate distributed application related to personal pronoun..

(2) But no one has ropal. (3) Downstairs, in the first floor of the store, the fussy and somewhat suspicious activity artistic artel was deployed. (4) At the head of this enterprise, there was an old grumbling painter, known in Odessa under the nickname "King of signs". (Pouustovsky K.)

1. .

(1) Coming out of the park, the stray troupe went down to a steep, a bulk path to the sea. (2) Here the mountains, retreating a little back, gave place to the unwarf flat strip, covered with smooth, tired, stones, which now, with quiet rustle, gently splashed the sea. (3) Seedlings in two hundredth of the shore tumbled in the water of dolphins, showing her fat, round back for a moment. (4) Away on the horizon, where the blue atlas of the sea was frowning with a dark blue velvet ribbon, stood immobally slim, slightly pink sails of fishing boats.

2. Proposals 1-4 find offers with homogeneous separate circumstances.

(1) He finally walked down to the shore, but before dressing, grabbed Arto and, returning himself to the sea, threw him away into the water. (2) The dog immediately floated back, putting out only one face with the ears popped up to the top, loudly and offended snort. (3) Jumping into the land, she shook with all the body, and the clouds splash flew to the old man and in Sergey. (4) The path quickly descended down, unintelligible shouting and waving his hands, the same gloomy janitor in a pink shirt with black peas, which a quarter of an hour ago drove a wandering troupe with cottages.

3. Among the proposals 3-5, find an offer with homogeneous separate distribution definitions..

(3) Not far from the bridge, perched through the ground and dirty mountain stream, ran out of the ground, a cold stream of water. (4) She did round shallow reservoir in the soil, from which he had escaped in the stream of a thin snake, glistened in the grass like a living silver. (5) Near this spring in the morning and in the evenings, it was always possible to catch pious Turks who fought water and worked out their sacred ablutions.

4. Proposals 1-6 find a sentence with homogeneous separate circumstances.

(1) Troy began for their modest lunch. (2) It was heard only, as three pairs of jaws chew. (3) Arto eating his share as a sideline, stretched on his stomach and putting both front paws on bread. (4) Grandfather and Sergey alternately Makali in salt ripe tomatoes, of which the tech on their lips and the hands are red, like blood, juice, and hone it with cheese and bread. (5) Satisfied, they drunk water, substituting a tin mug under a stream. (6) The water was transparent, beautiful taste and so cold that there was even a mug from her outside.

5. Among the offers 1-5, find a proposal with a separate distribution definition..

(1) The old man and the boy lay down next to the grass, an old jacket under his heads under the head. (2) Above their heads were noisy than the dark foliage of the root, spreading oaks. (3) Through it, the blue blue sky. (4) A stream running from stone on a stone, murmured so monotonously and so inchiborated, just fascinated by someone as a hypnosis. (5) Grandfather grumbled the grandfather, Kryakhatetel and said something, but Sergey seemed that his voice sounds from some soft and sleepy given, and the words were incomprehensible as in a fairy tale.

6. Among the proposals 4-5, find a proposal with a separate distribution definition relating to personal pronoun.

(4) Once it seemed to him through sleep that Arto roasts. (5) For a moment, in his blurred head slid a semi-conscious and anxious memory of a long janitor in a pink shirt, but, sprawled to sleep, fatigue and heat, he could not get up, but only a lazy, he called the dog with closed eyes.

7. Among the proposals 1-4, find a proposal with a separate distribution definition, expressed by the involvement of the turnover..

(1) Gone by a white mosque, surrounded by a silent crowd of dark cypresses, the boy descended on a close curve to the alley on a big way. (2) For ease, Sergey did not take the upper clothes with him, remaining in one trite. (3) The month shone him in his back, and the shadow of the boy fled ahead of him with a black, strange, shortened silhouette. (4) On both sides of the highway drew a dark curly shrub.

8. Proposals 1-4 find an offer with homogeneous separate unprinted definitions.

(1) Sergey was a little terribly among this major silence, in which his steps were so distinctly and boldly, but at the same time in his heart it was poured some kind of tickling, dizzying courage. (2) On one turn suddenly opened the sea. (3) Huge, calm, it quietly and solemnly wounded. (4) From the horizon to the shore stretched narrow, trembling silver track; Among the sea, she disappeared, - only in some places, her sparkles broke out, - and suddenly the very lands were widely splashing the alive, sparkling metal, washing the shore.

9. Among the proposals 1-8, find a proposal with a refinement.

(1) Sitzlessly slipped Sergey to a wooden wicket leading to the park. (2) There, under thick trees, it was completely dark. (3) The noise of the restless stream was taken away and his raw, cold breathing was felt. (4) Distinctly grown under the legs of a wooden bridge outline. (5) Water under it was black and terrible. (6) Finally, the high cast iron gates, patterned, accurately lace, and witching wisterium creep stems. (7) Moonlight, cutting through the thicket of trees, slid along the threads of the gate weak phosphoric stains. (8) On the other side was darkness and sensible-glowing silence.

10. Among the proposals 1-4, find a proposal with a separate distribution definition..

(1) Elegant cast iron curls, which made a drawing of the gate, served as loyal points of support for tenacious hands and small muscular legs. (2) Over the gate at a high altitude, he spread from the post on the pillar a wide stone arch. (3) Sergei Slap took off to her, then, lying on his stomach, lowered his legs down, on the other side, and became little to face all the body, without ceasing to look for some protracks. (4) So he has already completely tightened through the arch, keeping her edge with fingers of elongated hands, but his legs still did not meet supports.

1. Among the proposals 1-3 find a proposal with inhomogeneous separate

Common definitions.

(1) Tina only this year was allowed to device a Christmas tree. (2) No further as for the past Christmas at that time was locked with the younger sister of Katya and with her peers in the nursery, assuring that there was no Christmas tree in the hall, and that "just seized polloters." (3) Therefore, it is clear that now, when Tina received special privileges that were equal in some way with the older sisters, she worried most of all, hassled and ran out for ten, coming every minute to someone under his feet, and only increased the overall bustle that reigned usually On holidays in the Rudnev House.

2. Among the proposals 1-5, find a complex offer with a separate concession.

(1) These days have been a complete anarchy with the despair of a servant. (2) All conditional concepts about the time, delimited, "like people", tea, breakfast, lunch and dinner, were mixed in a noisy and erratic bustle. (3) At the time when one ended dinner, others just started to drink morning tea, and the third whole day disappeared on the rink in the zoological garden, where they took the mountain of sandbrods. (4) From the table never cleaned, and the buffet stood open from morning to evening. (5) Despite this, it was happening that the youth, hungry at all an unspecified time, after the skates or a trip to Balagans, sent a deputation to Akinfych to the kitchen with a request to cook "something delicious."

3. Among the proposals 1-5 find offering i with separate disseminated applications.

(1) The honorable housekeeper, the thick, good-natured Olympiad Savichna, said that he was revealed to her to order about the taper, if the music does not arrive, and that she told Camnedier on Luke about it at the same time. (2) Onions, in turn, was justified by the fact that his work was going near Arkady Nikolaevich, and not run around the city for pianoans. (3) The maid of Dunyash, moving and clever, like a monkey, a coquette and a chatter, who considered a debt to get involved in each unpleasant incident, came to the noise. (4) Although her no one asked her, but she got to everyone with hot assurances that let her God break out at this place if she had heard something with a rap of ear. (5) It is not known how this confusion would have completed if Tatiana Arkadyevna had not come to the rescue, the fun blonde, who all the servants admitted for her smooth character and the amazing ability to settle the inner crossbursions.

4. Among the proposals 1-3 find a proposal with a separate circumstance..

(1) As soon as she managed to pronounce this, as the front door, the bell swirled loudly. (2) Tina already fled there, striving, towards the whole crowd of kids, smiling, ruddy with frost, rushed by snow and made the smell of winter air, strong and healthy as the smell of fresh apples. (3) It turned out that two large families - Lykov and Maslovsky - faced by chance, at the same time driven to the gate. (4) The front is immediately filled with saying, laughter, football legs and ringing kisses.

5. Proposals 1-7 find a sentence with homogeneous separate circumstances.

(1) Calls were distributed one after another almost continuously. (2) All new and new guests arrived. (3) Rudnev's latles barely managed to cope with them. (4) Adults were invited to the living room, and small kept in the nursery and in the dining room to locate them in a treacherous way. (5) In the hall they still did not light fire. (6) A huge tree stood in the middle, weakly drawn in the semit of their fantastic outlines and filling the room with a resinous aroma. (7) There and here on it dimly blushed, reflecting the light of the street lamp, the gilding of chains, nuts and cardboard.

6. Among the proposals 3-5, find a proposal with a separate distribution definition, expressed by the involvement.

(3) Supervisory Tanya, throwing a few glances to him, immediately determined to himself that this boy was shy, poor and proud. (4) His face was ugly, but expressive and with very subtle features; A somewhat naive look was given the vortices of dark hair, curling the "nests" on both sides of the high forehead, but large gray eyes are too big for such a thin kinderfish - they watched smartly, firmly and not in childish seriously. (5) On the first impression of the boy could be given to eleven - twelve.

7. Among the proposals 1-6, find a proposal with a separate circumstance, a pronounced inaccessible turnover..

(1) For the loud sounds of a march from "Faust" were hurriedly lit candles on the Christmas tree. (2) Then Arkady Nikolayevich himself opened openly the door of the dining room, where the crowd of kids, stunned by a sudden bright light and burst into them with music, precisely petrified in naively amazed, funny poses. (3) First, timidly, one after another, they entered the hall and with respectful curiosity walked around the Christmas tree, laying up their cute face. (4) But after a few minutes, when the gifts were already distributed, the hall was filled with unimaginable gamas, a peak and a happy ringing children's laughter. (5) Children exactly inxicane from the glitter of Christmas tree lights, from resinous aroma, from hands-free music and from magnificent gifts. (6) The eldest could not be able to assemble them into the dance around the tree, because one, then the other broke out of the circle and ran to his toys left to someone for temporary storage.

8. Proposals 1-3 Annate offer with comparative turnover.

(1) Without ceasing to play, he saw how an elderly master was entered into the hall, to whom, for sure by magic, the eyes of all those present were chained. (2) The widged was slightly above the average growth and quite wide in the bone, but not full. (3) He kept with such an elegant, unpatched careless and at the same time a greatest simplicity, which is only characteristic of people of Big Light.

9. Among the proposals 1-3, find a proposal with a separate distribution definition..

(1) He played alternately waltza, polka and Kadrili, but from his head did not come out the royal face of an extraordinary guest. (2) And the more he was amazed, almost frightened when he felt someone's glances, and, turning to the right, he saw that Anton Grigorievich looks at him with a bored and impatient look and listens to him that he speaks Rudnene ear . (3) Yuri realized that the conversation was about him, and turned away from them in embarrassment close to the incomprehensible fear.

10. Among the proposals 2-4 find a proposal with separate circumstances.

(2) Turning sideways to the mirror and bent back his beautiful nude neck, she, slightly squinting my eyes, chained a tea rose into her hair. (3) She did not endure any noise and belonged to the Melon with cold and polite contempt. (4) Looking at the reflection of Tina in the mirror, she noticed it.

1. Among the proposals 1-3, find a sentence with homogeneous members..

(1) And how good in winter covered with ice and snow Forest lakes, frozen small rivers, in which life is continuing an invisible eye! (2) Good in winter aspen trees with the finest lace of their naked branches against the background of a dark fir forest. (3) Someone blush in the forest on a rowan insulated berries, hang bright borders of Kalina. (Sokolov-Mikitov I.)

2. Among the proposals 1-4, find an offer with homogeneous members.

(1) For the trunks of the old Lip, a huge blazing ball rose over the wokeered earth. (2) It seemed that he was inflated, shone with joyful light, played, smiling. (3) My soul is my shower. (4) For life, I remember my mother's face illuminated by rays ascending sun. (Sokolov-Mikitov I.)

3. Among the proposals 2-5, find a sentence with homogeneous members..

(2) As if in a steam light haze for singing of countless birds rises above the ground sun. (3) exactly the living breathing of the Earth, light golden fog steaming over the fields, over the real ribbon river. (4) The sun climbs above. (5) Cool transparent dew in the meadows shines a diamond oscillation. (Sokolov-Mikitov I.)

4. Among the proposals 1-5, find an offer with homogeneous members..

(1) The kidneys are bursting on the trees, young herbes get out of the ground. (2) Green forest from head to heels. (3) hundreds, thousands flying birds from the south. (4) The songs are poured in the forest more often. (5) Everything came to life, everything woke up, everything got out out; Kipping activity goes to the forest.

5. Among the proposals 1-7, find an offer with homogeneous members.

(1) The color of the sky itself changes, the golden blue tent of the covering sea covering the sea. (2) Foam on the crests of the waves seems to be gold. (3) Golden seem to fly by the feed of the seagulls. (4) Scarlet gold chop the masts, glitters the painted side of the ship. (5) Standing, it happened, on the watch on the nose of the steamer, the heart is filled with unspeakers. (6) A new day is born! (7) How many meetings and adventures succeed to a young happy sailor? (Sokolov-Mikitov I.)

6. Among the proposals 1-6, find an offer with homogeneous members.

(1) The air smells in spring. (2) By discarding purple shadows on the snow, the trees stand real in the forest. (3) Transparently and purely sky with high light clouds. (4) Under the dark firs, the nozzled snow was covered with fallen cheese. (5) A sensitive ear catches the first familiar sounds of spring. (6) That almost over his head heard the ringing drum trill. (Sokolov-Mikitov I.)

7. Among offers 1-4 find offers with homogeneous members.

(1) Good, clean Russian snowy winter. (2) Deep glitter on the sun drifts. (3) Focused on ice large and small rivers. (4) In the frost silent morning over the roofs of rustic houses, the poles rises into the sky smoke.

8. Among the proposals 1-7, find offers with homogeneous members.

(1) The inhabitants of large cities are rarely admored by the sunrise. (2) High stone romances of urban homes close the horizon. (3) Even rural residents wake up a short hour of sunrise, the beginning of the day. (4) But in the living world of nature everything is awakened. (5) Nightly singing on the edges of the forest. (6) Weave with fields into the sky, disappearing in the rays of dawn, light larks. (7) Joyfully dug cuckoo, whistling frozards.

9. Among the proposals 1-5 find offers with homogeneous members.

(1) Not always on the island, we favored the weather. (2) There were tightening fierce storms. (3) The sea, affectionate and calm in quiet weather, became during the storm formidable, terrible in his indomitable strength. (4) From the top of the island, it was seen as huge water hills rise to the horizon itself. (5) Huge waves violently, without tired rolled on the coastal rocks.

10. Among the proposals 1-7 are sentences with homogeneous members.

(1) Three hours continues to rise. (2) During this time, it stopped the rain, and the rays of the sun melt blue prottasins. (3) We are already high. (4) The spacious sky is closer. (5) The approach to the pass is free from the forest. (6) The non-cristed stony slope is copied by polar birch, staber, alder. (7) The shrubs are higher than shrubs, minor and completely disappear.









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Application -a special type of definition expressed by nouns.

Feature application The fact that it characterizes the subject gives him another name. Thus, the defined word and application give different designations of the same subject.

The application shows:

Various quality subjects

Chija slammed villain-trap.

Western (what?) villain

Relation degree

Brother Danil went to school.

Danil (what?) brother


Slowly marching the watchman old man.

Watchman (what?) old man


Girl- waitress Brought the menu.

Girl (what?) waitress

National Affiliation

Taxi driver- georgian Brought us to the station.

Taxi driver (what?) georgian

Appointment of the subject

Rocket- carrierready to launch.

Rocket (what?) carrier

Names of newspapers, enterprises, etc.

Atomhod " Ermak"Communicated the North Pole.

Atomhod (what?) " Ermak»

Types of Apps

Agreed app

Inconsistent app

It is in the same case and number as the defined word.

Therapist, doctor, doctor,


It is in the nominative case, no matter what the word is the definable word.

Lake Baikal, Lake Baikal, Lake Baikal,

about Lake Baikal


Uniform app

Heterogeneous application

Separate sentences

Details may be separately (agreed, inconsistent, applications), circumstances, additions.

Separation is the allocation of words in the proposal of punctuation signs.

So, if you need to find a separate member of the sentence in a proposal, - find that part of this sentence, which highlighted commas. Remember that the commas can not only allocate , but also divide - Proposals in the composition of complex, homogeneous members. Make sure you find exactly outlooked member of the sentence, that is dedicated commas.

And now check: did you find that member of the sentence that you need?

Do you know how to distinguish members of the sentence? If not, repeat the theory!

Definition .

Answers the question "What?"

Separate consistent common definitions , pronounced by communion or adjective with dependent words that stand after the word determined.

For example: popols, covered dew Filled the air with a thin aroma. (Chekhov) are those three, muddy all . (Bitter)

Separate and unprosted, that is, single definitions standing after the word determined if they are 2 or more and they stand after nouns with the definition.

For example: Favorite face dead and alive come for memory. (Turgenev)

The agreed common definitions expressed by communion or adjectives with dependent words facing the defined word are usually not separated.

For example: Early in the morning The detachment passed four versts. (L. Tolstoy)

Before the defined word, the common or single definitions are allocated to commas, if they have an extensive circumstantial value belong to personal pronoun, behalf of their own.

For example:

Tired by mother's chopotacy Guys have learned to sick. (V. Panova) Guys have learned to be sick, why? Ubayukany sweet hope He slept hard. (Chekhov) Embraced by some unclear premonitions , Korchagin quickly dressed and left home. (N. Ostrovsky

In addition to agreed definitions, there are others:inconsistent and applications.

Of course, you can ask them the question "What?", But with a small stretch. The fact is that these definitions are expressed nouns.

Uncoordinated definitions.

He went high old man, with a thick white beard, in a huge hat . Here the first comma launches the separation of an inconsistent definition, the second completes it and at the same time begins the separation of the second inconsistent definition.


Application - This definition expressed by the noun, which is consistent with the defined word. application gives the second name subject, face, phenomenon .

For example: more mother said, lady with gray hair . (Turgenev) good-natured old man, hospital watchman , immediately let him. (L. Tolstoy)


Answers questions of indirect case "Who?", "What?", "Who?", "What?" etc.

It will be allocated in one case: if there are pretexts, similar to "except" or "instead" (in addition, except, except, excluding, including, along with) with the value of restrictive or expansion. For example: here, in addition to a small table with a mirror , herd and rags, there was no other furniture, and instead of lamp or candles , Burned bright fan-shaped light. Mr. Gopkins, along with other people in gray helmets , stood motionless.


Answers questions "How?", "Where?", "When?" And others showing how the action takes place.

1) Most often, separate circumstances are consistently accompanying turnover, that is, they answer the questions "What Making?", "What made?" And denote an extension action.

For example: Without noticing a note on the fireplace, Bilbo decided that the gnomes went hike without him. The first comma shows the border where the detached circumstance ends.

2) Separate circumstance can be expressed and solitary verbal.

For example: Sudumyev , the river calmed down.

3) Comparative turnover is also a separate circumstance.

For example: Fine air is fixed, like water forest lake . (Bitter) Like a furious beast , the river rushed in his shores. (Arsenyev)

4) Separate circumstance can be expressed by a seigning turnover with a pretext Despite, despite. For example: Frau Ditmar has preserved despite their age , features of former maidenhood. (V. Kozhevnikov)

5) Separate circumstance can be expressed by a noun with a derivative pretext due to, contrary, due to, due to, due to the cause, etc.

For example: Thanks to the mass of new impressions , the day passed for the chestton, unnoticed. (Chekhov)

Contrary to my desire, They met. (Garin)

6) Separate clarifying circumstances.

Most often allocated with commas clarifying circumstances of the place and time ("where exactly?", "Where exactly?". "When exactly?")

For example: from there with unknown steppe places There was a night. (Bunin) for another day slightly light We were on the shore. (Arsenyev)

Be careful! Do not confuse!


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