Between and the possibilities of social psychiatry. Chapter i: foundations of social psychiatry, psychiatry and social aspects

Between and the possibilities of social psychiatry. Chapter i: foundations of social psychiatry, psychiatry and social aspects

Social psychiatry

Social psychiatry- A branch of psychiatry that uses the influence of social factors on mental health. Social psychiatry includes both an empirical science, which is based on sociology, and therapeutic practice, such as the preservation of mental health and the integration of individuals who suffer from mental illness their discord in society.

Rose-mounted designation


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    Psychiatry Specialization: scientific journal on psychiatry Frequency: 6 times on the Mova River: Russian Editorial address: Moscow Chief editor: A.S. Tag... Wikipedia

    English psychology, social; Nyumu. Socialpsychiatry. A branch of psychiatry that includes the influx of social Umov viniknennya crazy, sick. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    "Psychiatrist" redirects here. An article is needed on this topic.

    This article is presented for the sake of clarity. An explanation of the reasons for this particular discussion can be found on the Wikipedia page: Until December 19, 2012.

    I Psychiatry (Greek: psychē soul + iatreia treatment) is a field of clinical medicine that studies the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture and breadth of mental illnesses and reveals methods of their diagnosis, treatment and professional ilaktiki, order and method... Medical encyclopedia

    Psychiatry- science aimed at identifying the causes of mental illness, at studying syndromes and symptoms typical for illness, at analyzing criteria for the prognosis of illness, at treating and preventing illness. * * * (Greek psychicos - psyche ... Encyclopedic dictionary from psychology and pedagogy

    - (Vіd Greek. psyche soul and iatreia treatment), the field of medicine, which identifies the causes, shows and treatment of mental illnesses. The history of this medical specialty is radically different from the history of therapy and surgery. History of psychiatry, ... Collier's Encyclopedia

    Psychiatry- (Psych + Greek iatreia - likuvannya, likuvannya). A clinical discipline that examines the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, and breadth of mental illnesses, which develops the methods of their clinical treatment laboratory diagnostics, nutrition diagnostics, ... Tlumachny Dictionary psychiatric terms

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  • Transactional analysis in psychotherapy. Systemic, individual and social psychiatry
  • Transactional analysis in psychotherapy. Systemic individual and social psychiatry, Bern Eric Lennard. The first monograph on transactional analysis, which has become a classic text and the main source of its work. The whole string of Ege's theory is located at the bottom. Berna, and how її…

The prevalence of mental illness is approximately 3% of patients with psychotic forms of illness and 10%-15% of patients with borderline disorders. These indicators vary in different territories and in different historical periods and lie under a variety of factors: - Unstable social situation in the family, economic and political crises, wars, Due to the stress of psycho-emotional stress, there is an increasing number of patients with neurotic and other psychogenic disorders. - Social officials, such as social instability, poverty, unemployment, low level of education, tolerance of marriage to the adoption of these and other psychoactive substances (PAR), significantly increase the spread of news in PAR. - The older population has a larger population of patients with mental disorders in the late and old centuries. etc.) – the spread of endogenous mental disorders is less likely to be due to external causes. Schizophrenia in any part of the world affects approximately 1% of the population. However, the lack of migration in enclaves leads to an increase in close relatives, the accumulation of pathological genes and an increase in the frequency of endogenous psychoses. - Organization of psychiatric care, its availability (more doctors, more cases of illness, more statistical indicators, or better treatment, then the second and third prevention of mental disorders - decrease in breadth) Epidemiological studies have established that about 50% of patients in polyclinics and about 80% Many specialized hospitals will require psychological and psychiatric assistance in connection with early-stage mental disorders, symptoms of either somatic illnesses themselves, or aggravations of any kind. In connection with such frequent coexistence of mental pathology, the daily organization of medical assistance is transferred from the staff of polyclinics and hospitals to psychiatrists, psychotherapists and psychologists.

14 Social foundations of psychiatry.

Social psychiatry- divided psychiatry, by which means the influx of factors of the social environment into mental health. Social psychiatry includes not only empirical science, but is based on sociology, and therapeutic practice, which is aimed at preserving mental health and integrating individuals who suffer from mental disorders, into society .

Formulated by G. Huber ( 1987 ) social psychiatry is a variety of forms and methods of treatment and rehabilitation of people with mental disorders (day and night clinics, patient clubs, workshops, ki toscho). In addition, the author includes in this concept the provision of marriage to the mentally ill.

According to the famous English scientist A. Leighton, the subject of social psychiatry has five main principles:

    Social psychiatry focuses on sleepiness people.

    Vaughn focuses on sociocultural processes matrimony and constructively vikorystov to help those who are mentally ill.

    It is important to confirm this before marriage and its institutions, not before a specific patient.

    Vaughn to bring clinical knowledge to strategically important social structures systems partnership.

    Won bring up clinical psychiatry knowledge of the spouses sciences about behavior people.

One of the leaders of German social psychiatry is K. Dörner ( 1995 ) formulating the main basic principles of social psychiatry:

    Social psychiatry conveys the sensitivity of the capabilities of all members of the marriage, including those especially with mental disorders.

    Psychiatric diagnoses are not required stigmatized character.

    Social psychiatry is based on the principles of solidarity with individuals who suffer from mental disorders.

    The priority of the psychiatrist’s activity is prevention and rehabilitation.

Zhidno T.b. Dmitrieva, B.S. Position ( 1994 ), psychiatry and medicine:

    Connections between factors of the social environment and the breadth, severity, clinical manifestations and dynamics of mental disorders.

    Possibilities of social infusions in therapy, rehabilitation and prevention of mental pathology.

One of the founders of Radian social psychiatry is Dmitro Evgenovich Melekhov.

15Biological ambushes of psychiatry. The term “biological psychiatry” has been around for a long time (it was coined by S. Monakow in 1925).

Biological psychiatry was formed and intensively developed in opposition to the numerical trends in psychiatry, which postulate the primacy of “psychogenesis” in mental illnesses (psychodynamics, psychosomatics, psychoanalysis, etc.). In other words, the guilt of this vision of biological psychiatry in its own right is, to the bitter end, because psychiatry is afraid to pay for the many risks of its own unilateral development.

Today's biological psychiatry is a defined area of ​​psychiatry that is developing on the basis of modern biology, biochemistry, immunology, neuromorphology, genetics, endocrinology ї, neurophysiology and other scientific sciences. She has an arsenal of methods for the most subtle analysis of structure and function nervous system and the body of the sick as a whole.

The following direct observations are made to biological psychiatry:

genetics of mental illnesses (genetic analysis of biological signs of illness, molecular genetics, pharmacogenetics, etc.);

Biochemistry (including neurochemistry);

Immunology (including brain immunochemistry, immunomorphology);


Neurophysiology (investigation of high nervous activity, encephalography methods, etc.);

Biological psychopharmacology (pharmacokinetics and metabolism of psychotropic drugs, treatment of individual sensitivity, etc.);

Experimental modeling of psychoses.

At this time, fundamental research into the structure and function of the nervous system has reached such a level of development that real foundations have emerged for new approaches to studying the pathogenesis of mental illnesses. These achievements are related to the detection of neuronal transmitter and drug receptors and their endogenous ligands, analysis of the sequence of nucleotides in DNA molecules in nerve tissue, and the identification of brain-specific antigens and .

Regardless of the fact that some of the existing issues and new directions appear to be the main ones on the way to understanding the nature of mental illnesses, it is obvious that their secret integrative theory is not the result of a multi-disciplinary approach This is not the problem. Biological psychiatry plays an important role in high-level work.

The mental health of people is perhaps the most important factor today's world. Psychiatry (translated from walnut language means “to rejoice the soul”) - this is a medical science about abnormal disorders of the human psyche. It includes problems such as etiology, detection, pathogenesis, treatment and many other aspects of mental illness. The main nutrition of psychiatry is the identification of patterns of improvement in mental functionality, various signs of mental discord, therapeutic approaches, diagnosis and prevention of mental illness.

Categories of psychiatry

Current psychiatry is divided into two categories: social and clinical. The statistics will look at this directly as social psychiatry. In this branch of medicine, especially in the field of medicine, most of the attention, it turns out, was focused on the biological aspects of spiritual healing. One of the main activities of emergency psychiatry is the treatment of social problems. As an object of science and practical activity, this topic of psychiatry has not been fully studied and is the subject of dispute among leading experts.

Physicians in this field of medicine, both domestic and foreign, have a lot of different ideas related to social psychiatry, as well as specifying ways of their implementation.

Social psychiatry

Otje, social psychiatry This is partly the case of psychiatry, the task of which is to monitor the influx of marriage officials into the mental state of the individual. To what extent can we add that social psychiatry can help improve the mental health of the population. We take into account the level of mental health of the population, which is reflected in the prevalence of such problems among people as:

Rozumova vidstalist,
mental illness,
drug addiction,
various forms of destructive behavior,
The relationship between a number of people and the presence and absence of mental health problems.

Social psychiatry- This is a broad interdisciplinary scope, which includes the removal of knowledge of such areas of medicine as psychiatry, sociology, psychology and psychotherapy. This science examines the social aspects of pathology in an individual’s behavior and the problems that arise in his immediate interaction with social conditions.

The branch of social psychiatry includes psychohygiene, which deals with the development of approaches to protect the mental health of people, and psychoprevention, which means the prevention of mental pathologies. Over the past dozen years, social psychiatry has experienced constant significant changes. In the opinion of the world-famous medical minds, social psychiatry can be considered as the model that is closest to the needs of the individual with mental disorders. Also, this goal of medicine is respected as effective, consistent with the institutional system. There is evidence of the effectiveness of treatment, as well as the availability of funding, which is intended for medical assistance of a psychiatric nature.

Head of the Department of Social Psychiatry

The main function of social psychiatry is to ensure that the patient with mental disorders is able to fully experience marriage, so that the mother can understand, heal and develop. Planning and implementation of systems based on social psychiatry will require an integrated approach and close cooperation between institutions of social assistance, health care, and public health. This principle guarantees the best possible organization of psychiatric care that meets the needs of people with mental health problems. Social psychiatry provides a wide variety of nutrition:

mental health of people of different age categories and different social groups;
the influx of microsocial and macrosocial conditions on mental health, on guilt and overcoming mental illness;
patterns appeared and the development of mental discord under the influx of psycho-emotional stress;
social reasons for the appearance of inappropriate behavior;
social inheritances of psychiatric pathologies;
the possibilities of social input in the prevention of mental illness, therapy and rehabilitation of patients with mental disorders;
problems of reducing the methods of organizing social assistance for patients;
provision of marriage to people from psychiatric hospitals.

Social psychiatry makes it possible for any patient to consider himself a full-fledged member of the marriage. According to the experts, main function social psychiatry – when a person’s ability, perhaps mental disorder, can function fully in society. This means that such an individual can work well and begin.

In the hour of planning a system at the root of which lies social psychiatry, it is necessary to promote the integration of approaches, it is also necessary to ensure close interaction between such institutions as the you, social assistance, health protection and robots. Only by using this approach can the best possible organization of psychiatric care be achieved that is consistent with the interests of patients.

Mental health is the most important part of a person’s healthy life. Under these concepts, there is respect for such a state of specialness, which is characterized by the wholesomeness and goodness of all mental processes in the body. These processes are responsible for ensuring a sense of special mental comfort, allowing for comprehension of actions and adequate behavior.

"Community psychiatry"

Doctors in the USA and Europe call the practice of social psychiatry something else, and call it “community psychiatry.” This practice promotes the idea of ​​decentralization of psychiatric medical care, so that the sick person can be assisted as a hospitalist with a strong social care. In this case, the practice of community psychiatry is infused into life with the idea that services such as medical psychiatric assistance and specific assistance in rehabilitation are close to the client. All this is necessary to ensure that a person with mental pathologies is not cut off from the social environment he knows, and that there is little opportunity to gain employment at the place of his residence. Social psychiatry, regardless of the vagueness and super-clarity of its theoretical frameworks, rejected for the rest of the rocks The concept is broadly expanded and continues to gain meaning, opening up new possibilities for people who suffer from mental health problems, and for marriage in general. And mental health is the intellectual and moral potential of the nation, the most important factor in the progress of world prosperity, its well-being and stability. In the twenty-first century, the importance of socially oriented methods in psychiatry increases every day, which is influenced by the social processes that occur in the world.

Be normal, high-grade
Psychiatry is not social psychiatry.
C. Muller

The reform of Ukrainian psychiatry has been discussed for ten years, but in practice there is no progress in reducing the incidence of illness in psychiatric hospitals and in a small number of illnesses in carnies with a halal profile for those who require inpatient treatment due to mental disorder. The still broadest form of service provided is the treatment of patients in long-term treatment at the great psychiatric hospitals, where a paternalistic approach to the patient and a biological model of treatment dominate. At the same time, psychological and social problems of particularity due to mental disorder are lost on another plane.
And beyond understanding the need for change, such reform is not really a strategic change of the system itself.
The effectiveness of mental health care in Ukraine is influenced by the presence of a number of services that provide services to people with mental health problems at their place of residence (in the region). In our opinion, the integration of these and other aspects of the world justice reform of psychiatric care, outside of social psychiatry, may turn out to be truly valuable and pleasant in our country.

U the rest of the time The term “social psychiatry” is increasingly being used in various publications. Few people who do not suffer from psychiatry understand the meaning of this term. Psychiatry and clinical psychology see it as a different approach that focuses its attention on social factors in the etiology and treatment of various mental illnesses.

We are focusing not on this academic value, but on the explanation of this term by the head of the Swiss Association of Social Psychiatry, L. Ciompi, to clarify for us the practical side of the matter. Chompie defines social psychiatry as “... a part of outside psychiatry that understands and cares for the patient within his social context, and also from his social context.” The key words in this context are: “ at the boundaries of social extremity"ta" at once from social differences people with mental disorders. Thus, social psychiatry embraces the entire range of social factors (homeland, living minds, economic and work situation, sociocultural environment). Apparently, in order to change the breadth, discomfort and level of disturbance that are associated with mental illness, treatment is provided on three levels:

In countries where the insurance system has been abolished, the practice of social psychiatry is called community psychiatry (Community Mental Health). She has the idea of ​​decentralizing psychiatric care and distributing it across large clinics on a smaller social scale (distributed according to the patient’s place of residence) with the necessary set of instructions ceremonial and outpatient clinics.

Community psychiatry is also used in everyday life The idea of ​​bringing services closer to the client(services with supervision, rehabilitation, medical and psychiatric assistance), if the illness does not “cur” from its natural social status, but the necessary services are removed from the place of residence - where there are close days that can provide support. This is due to the fact that, due to the fact that people with mental health problems are increasingly concerned, the level of their social functioning may be higher than the social isolation that is most important to them.

Pochatkov’s conceptualization of community psychiatry was introduced by Gerald Caplan back in 1961. She saw the mass as the reason that gives rise to stress, which, in its own way, provokes the guilt of psychopathology. On the one hand, it is necessary to work with the community in order to change the influx of stress factors (primary prevention), and on the other hand, the community bears the burden of caring for people with discord, which is responsible for their appearance . In other words, community psychiatry is a different organization of medical and rehabilitation care for mentally ill people with an emphasis on supporting social functioning instead of psychiatric treatment carni (isolation from one’s social isolation). This organization conveys the presence of a wide range of psychiatric and social services in the community (region), which are provided at an increasing level of intensity.

Most people are aware of their fate in outreach programs. This is a model of comprehensive psychiatric care based on the assessment of needs and transfers the assignment of medical services and supervision to home or community psychiatry services. Such programs will increase access to mental health services and improve the results of mental health care. Since the completion of such programs does not bring further harm to people who suffer from mental disorders, outpatient clinical services, a day hospital, and only if they are ineffective, a hospital is used izatsiya.

Moreover, within the framework of these services, in addition to pharmacotherapy, such methods of delivery as psychotherapy (individual, family, group), psychosocial rehabilitation, and vocational rehabilitation are widely used.

Duje important moment This is the fact that the work of community psychiatry services is based on package of principles, what to create value system and the mission (ideology) to which lies:
inclusion (comprehensiveness);
continuity of care;
multidisciplinary teams;

Inclusiveness– one of the fundamental principles of providing a wide range of services and services to meet the various needs of the population of the community (region), and the specific needs of certain groups of mental health services. The main benefits of services that provide care and supervision of patients on a community basis are:
satisfying the needs of all age groups (including children and elderly people);
The assistance provided may be fully supported by the provision of uncomplicated assistance;
the possibility of specific problems (for example, chemical deposits, etc.);
adaptation of regional services/agencies to the needs of the population groups in the area to be served.

No interruption I believe, linked to the first principle, it aims to help mental health workers avoid the relapse of illness and navigate the boundaries of public social services. This means that the services are tied into a single framework - a system of services that, without any changes, could be implemented in a coordinated manner, so that the routes of a companion from one service to another would not be difficult or cumbersome. For example, before registering a patient from a psychiatric clinic, representatives of the surveillance service and the clinic are responsible for contacting each other so that the doctor can provide information about the person who is being registered, in order to The social worker fell asleep on her plan for his further interbreeding with this roommate. The manager checks the existence of connections between the necessary services to confirm its functioning.

Availability conveys that community psychiatry services will be open in the future for those who require supervision and social rehabilitation services. This means that they are responsible for residing nearby or working as companions, close to public transport, their work schedule includes evenings and weekends, even if they falls. To achieve this, community psychiatry services must be distributed evenly across areas and centers where residents of the region are served. The benefit of these services lies in the accessibility of such services for people with physical disabilities and hearing impairments. In addition, services are responsible for addressing cultural and gender aspects.

Multidisciplinary teams- This is another principle of community psychiatry, which conveys that the police, who ensure surveillance and rehabilitation of the community, may be organized into separate teams. The rest consists of psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses, social workers, rehabilitation therapists and consultants. In addition, some members of the team are experts in various fields, for example, in life security and vocational rehabilitation.

Personality– this is the principle that transfers the responsibility of services to employees and tax payers. The service of community mental health services may be heard in recent years about their work, both to the co-workers of their services, and to those who benefit from these services (to all members of the community). Humanistic values ​​are reflected in the fact that people who participate in the management of community mental health services as well as members of community boards or for the sake of Igachiv. If the rich people realize their potential power, they will be active in the greater world for the most important hour.

The adoption of these principles in the work helped to overcome fragmentation and inconvenience between different services in the countries. Over the years, the number of community psychiatry services has increased, they have developed connections and morbidity among themselves, which has led to the need to consider them as a measure of community psychiatry services.

Social and community psychiatry in Ukraine is possible for singing minds.

1. Reform may be aimed at changing the relationship between institutions and other forms of assistance.

2. It is necessary to shift the emphasis from the long-term care of patients in hospitals to the emphasis on care, supervision, support and rehabilitation in the minds of living in confinement for everyone who does not require int intensive celiac clinical care.

3. Since the state does not have sufficient funds for urgent reform, it may delegate part of its obligations to provide public services to the non-state private sector, religious organizations, in order to fill the empty niche service behind the borders of the doctor. In the first ten years of power, the financial services of the state may be obligatory in the range of 50 to 70% due to their responsibility to the state structures. Other types of community psychiatry services may benefit from fundraising efforts.

4. The adoption of such a political decision will help doctors (psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses) to have additional capacity for effective management between psychiatric hospitals and services focused on mental health problems. iatric services in the region. To change the tension in nutrition, shorten the number of lungs at the doctor’s office and, obviously, finance medical deposits.

5. It is necessary to expand the forms of providing psychiatric assistance and reduce the emphasis on the importance of specialized deposits in the delivery of psychiatric services with support and support from the social community outside the place of residence.
