Card index of Igor in the development of word creation in the children's century. Card file Igor and right for development of mental processes Card file Igor for development

Card index of Igor in the development of word creation in the children's century. Card file Igor and right for development of mental processes Card file Igor for development


Igor is right for the development of mental processes:

sprinyattya, respect, memory, mislennya

(senior preschool age)

Prepared by a teacher-psychologist

But Nadia Ipatievna

Games and right for development


Tsіl : Increase in the quality of the activity of the zoro analyzer; development of color differentiation.

Didactic material : a pyramid that is made up of a bunch of different colors.

Job description: Children are encouraged to name and show on the pyramids all the colors you need.


Tsіl : Development of caution, focusing on the form

Didactic material : round and rectangular objects

Job description: Three objects of round and rectangular shape are displayed in front of the different places of the room. Children are preached for 1 min. Bring all displayed items.

What forgetting to paint an artist?

Tsіl : Rise of caution, vminnya vikoristovuvat at the time of apprenticeship of your minuliy dosvіd that knowledge

Didactic material : a set of cards (4 pcs.) For example: a fox - without a tail, a comb - without teeth, a car - without wheels, a fish - without fins.

Job description: Children proponuetsya hand-drawn skin card, and the teacher asks: What if the artist forgets to paint?


Tsіl : Rosvitok Orientation in space

Didactic material : arkush iz avdannyam, on which a bunny is painted (near the lower left coil of the arkush) and a bunny (near the upper right duct of the arkush), between a bunny and a bunny a large number of dots are painted.

Job description: The teacher is like a child: “The bunny has lost its way and cannot know the way to its booth. Do you want to help youma? Todi, step by step, paint a path from the bunny to the booth.

"What is painted?"

Tsіl : Rise of the wisdom of winning at the time of spying your knowledge

Didactic material : a set of cards (4-6 pcs.) from dotted images of familiar children, objects, creatures.

Job description: The teacher shows the cards according to his will and puts the question: “What is painted here?”. If a child cannot be seen, you can propagate it to the bottom of the dotted line with an olive.


Tsіl : The development of building for a low sign indicates an object

Didactic material : be-like riddles, what do your age-old group of children say

Job description: The teacher makes riddles, the child can guess a riddle.

"Fold the picture"

Tsіl : Sprynyatt's Rose

Didactic material : image, cut into 2,3,4,5,6 parts

Job description: Fold the whole picture from parts

Games and right for the development of respect

"Stumps in the Valley"


Job description: The teacher seems to be a child: “At once I call different words. If I call a creature like a creature - sing in the valley "

Words: style, book,grove , steel, doors, grapes,dog , knives, book, shoes, olive, ball, window,gut, choboty, goat, slope, budinok, road, apple, tree, kilim,a lion, wall, dakh, kavun, sled, snig,Tiger , soft, zoshit, fork, ice, yalinka,zaєts, vovk, crib, lemon, witch , dinya, teapot, plate, police, oil, coat,protein.

"Yistivne - not їstіvne"

Target: navchannya zdatnostі to mikannya respect.

Job description: The teacher seems to be a child: “At once I call different words. If I call myself stіvne - sing in the valley "

Words: style, book, book, style, doors,grape , dog, knives, book, shoes, sheep,gingerbread, ball, vikno, gut, choboty, goat,milk , slope, budinok, road,apple, wood, kilim, lion, wall, dah,kavun , sledge, snig, tiger, soft, zoshit, fork,bread, lead, yalinka, hare, vovk, crib,lemon, witch, dinya , kettle, plate, police,butter, coat, squirrel.

"Litaє - not litaє"

Target: navchannya zdatnostі to mikannya respect.

Job description: The teacher seems to be a child: “At once I call different words. If I name a flying object, dance in the valley, do not let your feet fly”

Words: letak, book, book, crow, door, grapes, dog, titmouse, helicopter, shoes, olive, gingerbread, woodpecker, vikno, snowman, choboty, goat, milk, sklo, budinok, hawk.

"Forbidden word"

Target: navchannya zdatnostі to mikannya respect.

Children become pivkol. The teacher calls the word "harrowed", as if it is not possible to win at the victories, and throw the ball to the children according to the will, put the food.

"So" and "nі" do not say, do not wear black.

Meta: development of sufficient respect and self-control.

The grown-up proponuє children pograt at zapitanya that vіdpovіdі. A child can say food in a different way, but he can follow one rule: you can’t remember the words “so - no”, “black - white”. It has grown old to put such food, which conveys the victorious words of the fenced word. For example: “What color is the doctor’s robe?”. At times, pardons are gravely replaced by misses.

Games and right for the development of memory

"Memorize the picture"

META: Unleash Zor's memory.

Option 1:

Prompt the children respectfully glance over for 50 seconds. try to remember the details of the picture on the picture, then look at the other picture and see what has changed?

"Memorize the words"

META: Develop auditory memory.

Option 1:

Instruct the children to respectfully listen to the kіlka slіv (oval, tricutnik, colo, rhombus, rectangle, square, p'yatikutnik) try to remember them.

Option 2:

Like two groups, you can separate the words.

“What kind of toys do not play? »

Put in front of the child for 15-20 seconds. 6 toys. Prop on flatten your eyes. Take one toy. What toys do not play?

Gru can be folded:

More quantity of toys.

Do not tidy up anything, just change the toys around.

"Malyuemo on the riddle of the viserunka"

META: Develop Zor's memory.

A vizerunok is painted on the arch paper. Prompt the children with a stretch of 1 whilini to marvel at the whole vizerunok and remember yoga. Clean up the next little glass. Ask children to do yoga for memory. Under the hour of the fire, not only memory develops, but also fine motor skills of the hands.


META: Develop Zor's memory.

Zavdannya: Ask the child to respectfully marvel at some geometric figures, scribbled in the same way, in the same sequence of stench roztashovan, and then paint the same way on the arch paper.


META: Develop Zor's memory.

Zavdannya: Draw a picture on the arkush paper, like a stretch of 10 s. showing you grown up.

"De shovana igrushka"

For the organization of the wedding, it is necessary to glue three sirnikov boxes together. In one of the boxes, in front of the child, put a small toy: “Remember where I put it.” Let's clean up the wardrobe for the next hour. If a child asks for a distant toy, I will bury it.

Gru can be folded:

Clean up the boxes for more than three hours.

Take 2, and then three toys.

Replace toys.

"Memorize at once"

One child names some object. The other repeats yoga and adds his word. The third child repeats the first two words and adds her third word, etc.

For example: 1 child seems to be: “kolo”

2nd - "colo, rhombus"

3rd - "colo, rhombus, square"

Qiu is grouped and repeated more than once. Every once in a while, the number of words will increase, like children will remember, so that they will increase their memory.

"Susid, raise your hand"

Playful, standing or sitting (sleepy in the mind, make the stake. They choose the leader behind the foal, who stands in the middle of the stake. Walk calmly on the stake, then we sing along the opposite of one of the graves and loudly cry: “Hands!”) leading, continuing to stand (sit, not changing position. And insulting your judge is guilty of raising one hand uphill (susid right-handed - left, and susid left-handed - right, then that hand, as closer to the grave, as it is between them. Yaxho htos) - then having mercy on the lads, they change their roles.

Play at the installations for an hour. That child wins, who has never once been a leader.

Gree rules. Graveets is respected in such a way that, if you try to win, you can only try to lift the wrong hand. The leader is guilty of zupinyatisya exactly the opposite of the engraving, which is the fault of the beast.

"Falcon and Fox"

Vibirayutsya sokіl that fox. Other children are falcons. Sokіl vchit their falcons litati. Vіn it is easy to run in different directions and at once to rob with your hands the lethal ruhi (uphill, to the side, forward) and still see how folded the ruhi with your hands. Zgrayka falcons run after the falcon and chase after yoga. The stench is guilty of exactly repeating the falcon's ruhi. Unstoppable viskakuє s nori fox. The falcons squat on the hips, so that the fox did not remember them.

Gree rules. The fox comes after the leader's signal and catches quiet children who are not siv.

"Wikonai ruhi"

Meta: Develop the movement and the good memory, respect, coordination of the movement.

Hid gri

To the children who stand at the row, show the complex of ruhs, and ask them to repeat the rukhs in that sequence, in which the stench was shown. Gravtsі, yakі pardons have started, roar ahead of the crop. Children win, as they did not destroy the month.

Complex 1

(І. p. - main stand)

1) hands up;

2) bavovna above the head;

3) hands killed;

4) arms to shoulders;

5) hands down.

Complex 2

1) hands on the belt;

2) nahil levoruch;

3) out of camp;

4) badly right;

5) out of camp.

Complex 3

1) turn your head left hand;

2) turn your head right-handed;

3) trimati head straight;

4) lower your head down.

Complex 4

1) hands forward;

2) systems;

3) out of camp;

4) turn your head right-handed;

5) turn your head left hand;

6) head straight.


1. The display of rights can be changed from the name of the movement. And here the auditory memory develops.

2. Rukhs are not shown, they are called less. The child can guess, how the stench will vanish.

"Remember the Order"

Purpose: to develop memory, respect.

Hid gri

Children will be in a row in good order. The leader, marveling at them, is guilty of turning back and overturning who is standing behind him. Let's lead another child. Naprikintsі gri slander on the quiet, who has won the task without pardon.

Who pishov?

Purpose: develops memory, respect.

Hid gri

Children will be in a row in good order. The leader, marveling at them, turns around. At this hour, for the instruction of the teacher, one of the children comes out of the hall. The leader is guilty of turning around and guessing who the children are not picking up.


If some of the children are gone, the reshta will change missions, so as to confuse the leader.

"The boys have a good order"

Tsіlі: develop the memory of death, respect; close the navichiki perebudov.

Hid gri

Gravts_ vishikovuyutsya in a column one at a time, or a line. At the command of the stench, they begin to walk in order in the hall, while saying the words:

The boys have a strict order,

Know your own place;

So trumpet more fun:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!

After the words of the teacher win the right, or the left hand in the air and command: Stand up! ". Children are guilty of promptly attending their job, directly ordered by the teacher.


1. After the skin prompts, the order of dressing the gravels is changed.

2. If the teacher pulls his hand forward, then the children are guilty of visikuvatisya in a column, if the teacher raises his hand sideways, the children will be in a line.

"Enchanted bag"

Purpose: to develop a memory for words, coordination of movements.

Material: two repeated bags.

Hid gri

Inflate two double bags, show the children how the stench floats in the window, and let me play with them. After a deaky hour, tell the children that you know the spell. Rub the bag on clothes to charge it with static electricity, and say a spell:

Snip, snap, snure - one, two and three!

Kulya is enchanted - go and marvel!

"Stick" the bags to the wall on such a stand, so that the children could reach them, play with them. Repeat the spell, let the children glue the bags themselves. Let the children themselves repeat the spell and stick the sacks.

"Charming figure"

Tsіlі: deepen the memory; close the mathematical shell; develop coordination abilities.

Material: cards with numbers, kilimok chi mat.

Hid gri

The teacher seems to be good at knowing the numbers, then you will spend knowledge at the edge. For skin wines, tell me about yoga charіvnu figure.

Put numbers on the kilimok (for the number of participants in the hryvnia). Gravci remember the number, remind the teacher. At the signal of the teacher, the participants run to the kilim and whisper their figure, then they circle the right-handed kilimok and turn around until the start time.

Children are commemorated, yakі shvidko and correctly vikonali zavdannya. If a group has a lot of children, you can hold a relay race.

"From so pose"

Meta: to develop motor and healthy memory, more self-control, steadfastness of respect.

Hid gri

Participants of the gry take poses that show the singing sport (singing profession, the movement of the creature is too thin). The leader, marveling at them, is guilty of remembering, acknowledging them and commenting on the fact that the children should turn around at the exit position.

Gra can be folded: the host repeats the positions of the number of children, which will increase.

The best leaders are appointed.

"Viklich on im'ya"

Meta: to develop a rukhovu memory, to develop a memory for words, intensity and steadfastness of respect, almost an hour, peace.

Material: ball.

Hid gri

The participants are divided into two teams. At the signal of the teacher, the stench freely shifts around the entire hall. Raptom the teacher gives the ball and names the name of the participant of the first team, which can catch the ball. Similarly called by a member of the other team. Remagay team, yak got the ball more times.

"Secret Rukh"

Meta: to develop the mind and motor memory and the ability to communicate between them.

Hid gri

The presenter shows different gymnastics right. The participants of the wild repeat after the leading mustache, the crim of the taєmnogo - behind the back of the delusional. Natomist has the right to make the children guilty to win even more, the same, behind the back of the mind. For example, the deputy of the taemnoi has the right to stink and raise their hands on the mountain.

Children are commemorated, as if without pardon they were right.

"Pastas with a ball"

Tsіlі: develop memory, spritnіst, shvidkіsnі zdіbnostі; close the rahunok.

Material: ball.

Hid gri

Children, standing at the stake, pass one ball to one with the words:

One two Three -

M'yach shvidshe take.

Chotiri, p'yat, shіst -

He's out, he's here.

Sim, visim, nine -

Throw someone to you.

That gravel, who has a ball in the last word, it seems: “I” and throw yoga at the children who are breaking up. Having salted the first gravel with the ball, the "trap" takes the ball by the hand. Gryuchі will be again at the stake. Gra continue.

Games for the development of different types of memory

"What's gone"

For children of the preschool age, there is a game “What is gone? "("What you don't pick up"). A sprig of objects, toys are placed on the table. The child respectfully marvels at them for one or two quills, and then turns back. For children of the senior Doszhkіl Vіku proponed the folding Variant - Zi Znikhnnnyem Two of the Two Bіlsh І Roshok). Diya Vіdpovіda you can buy Bethi Riznimi e. This is the second option. Children need to remember the place of roztashuvannya igrushka of the middle ones, and after that, as a grown-up behind a screen, destroy your order, turn it on a lot of space. , if you don’t pick up the grown-up, but add an object, or a sprinkling of objects behind a screen.


One more game to remember - "Box". Before her, babies can grow from 2 to 6 years old. The screen is folded from small boxes, which are placed in pairs, and glued together. The number of students gradually increases (up to the senior preschool age up to 12 pieces). In one of them, in the eyes of a child, an object is shoved, after which the box is screened for some hour. Let's teach you to know the subject.

"Find yourself"

Zorov's memory of children is kindly developed by a gra (similar to the "Box") under the name "Know it yourself." For her, it is necessary to glue 4 and 3 boxes of sirniks, putting them one on one so that 2 veins come out. At the first stage, put the grill in one of the boxes, for example, Gudzik and close the boxes. Children proponuyut show where they put the gudzik, in yak z vezh і in yak vіddіlennya. On another, foldable stage, in different sizes, one of the bows is already 2 objects. At the third stage, objects are taken away from different things, and children need to guess where to lie. Vіddіlennya vіdіlennya little baby's little bosoms can be inadvertently, as an object of burying (the development of a short-hour zorovoї memory) or, for example, through the first year, and for the older preschool age - the coming day (the development of a long-term zorovoї memory)

"Recognize the subject"

To the right, for training tactile memory, you can use the game "Recognize the subject." Children of the older preschool age tie up their eyes and put different objects on their hands. When you call them, they don’t speak out loud, the little one himself is guilty of guessing what the speech is. In addition, as a number of objects (3-10) will be wrapped around, you should be told to name all the speeches, moreover, in your sequence, in such a stench they put their hand in. The complexity of the task lies in the fact that the child needs to perform 2 rozumovі operations - recognition and memory.

"Wonderful words"

The memory of older preschoolers develops the game “Wonderful Words” with a keen memory. It is necessary to add 20 words, tied together with one another for a silver: you can have 10 pairs, for example: a hedgehog-spoon, a window-door, a face-n_s, an apple-banana, a gut-dog. The number of words is read by the child 3 times, moreover, the bets are seen intonation. After a certain hour, the little ones repeat only the first words of the couple, and the other ones can guess. Tse training of short-hour auditory memory. For the development of a long-term memory, it is necessary to ask the preschoolers to guess other words of the pair not in a row, but through the year.

Draw a figure

Children show 4-6 geometric figures, and ask them to paint on papers, which they remember. A more foldable option is to ask the young artist to create figures, changing their size and color.

Who knows more

Games and right for the development of the mind

1. Development of analysis, synthesis and classification.

Put in front of the child 3-4 pictures from the images of various objects (you can win the little ones of the child's loto). The child can be named, as if from the pictures of the zaiva. For example, as in the pictures there is a girl, a witch and a ball, then we’ll take the ball, because the girl and the witch are alive, and the ball is not.

2. Development of analysis and synthesis.

According to your will, take the little ones from the childish loto and describe the object, painting on the little one, without naming yoga. The partner from the gri is guilty of guessing for the description, what kind of object.

3. Development of analysis and progress.

Tell me what suits you in this subject, what are the manifestations, and what is not. For example: why do you like winter, and why don't you? It’s necessary, because you can ride on the sledges, grab at the snow, shoot Novy Rik. Winter does not fit, it is cold, you need to dress warmly, the days are short, and the nights are long.

Give an assessment to such concepts as a board, an injection, a fountain pen, an alarm clock, a bow.

4. Development of analysis and aggravation.

Name with one catchy word, or word-forming such objects:

Cup, spoon, plate, fork; (dishes)

Apple, pear, lemon, banana; (fruit)

Golub, pavich, pitching, chaplya; (birds)

Dog, cow, pig, ram; (house creatures)

Chamomile, corn, nettle, convalia; (Kviti)

Winter, spring, summer, autumn (pori rock).

"Memorize pictures".

The game has the right to straighten out the development of a golden memory, a sufficient memory for the additional method of “grouping”.

Groups of pictures (5 each) are placed on the type-setting canvas: clothing (summer, winter), transport (vantagny, passenger).

The teacher teaches to play at the memory group. You need to memorize 10 pictures. How is it better to rob? The memory algorithm is suggested:

1. Memorize groups of pictures: clothes, transport;

2. Remember for subgroups: winter, summer clothes; vantage, passenger transport.

A). The teacher picks up one of the groups of pictures (5 pieces)

Question: “Which group is gone?”

b). Let's get 1 picture. Catering: “What kind of little ones did the group have left?”

C) Pictures are flipped.

You can ask to reshuffle all the groups, then the subgroups, then the order of the pictures in the subgroups.

"Fork from memory".

Children are taught a sketch of a schematic representation of an object. Let's pick up. Children with wands make an image in memory (otherwise they paint it with olives).

Tsіkavі nutritious, іgri-zharti.

Directed to the development of sufficient respect, non-standard thought, quick reaction, to train memory.

Warm-up on swidkіst reaction.

Why can you see the street?

Didus, what kind of gift giver?

Natural character?

Part of the clothes, where to put the pennies?

What will be tomorrow?

Add a phrase.

If the piss is wet, then ...

Boy, put your hands up, bo...

If you cross the street on a red light, then ...

The bus zupinivsya, more ...

Finish the proposition.

Write music ... (Composer).

Vershi write ... (Sings).

The whiteness is erased ... (laundress).

The peaks of the mountains rise... (alpinist).

Off to cook ... (cook).

Riddles - fry

    At the garden gulyav pavich. Pidishov is one more. Two paviches behind the bushes. Skіlki їх? Enter yourself.

    She flew with pigeons: 2 in front, 1 in the back, 2 in the back, 1 in front. How many geese?

    Name three days of sleep, not scorched by the names of the days of the day, by numbers. (Today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, yesterday, today, tomorrow).

    Viyshla hen go for a walk, Took her kurchat. 7 were beaten in front, 3 lost in the back. Turbuetsya їhnya mother and can't stop. Cheer, lads, Skіlki blulo all kurchat.

    Stand in a row on the great sofa: 2 matrioshkas, Pinocchio, and cheerful Chipollino. How many toys?

    How many eyes of a svetlofor?

    How many tails do some cats have?

    Skіlki nіg bіlya gorobtsya?

    How many paws do two vedmezhat have?

    Skіlki near kіmnati kutіv?

    Skіlki wuh two mice?

    How many paws do two have to press?

    How many tails do two cows have?

What's up."

Select from a large number of cards from the images of the image from the given subject.

Suitable - not suitable.

You can play with cards, or you can use words. An object is chosen, otherwise the appearance is revealed, which is appropriate for itself, and which is not, then the object is evaluated. For example,small intestines: fit - m'yaka, reception on a dotik, greyly, catch mice ...;do not fit - fray, tick, etc.

Buvay - not buvay".

Option gry "їstіvne - neїstіvne". We throw a ball and tell the truth to the sky. With the correct phrase, the child is to catch the ball, when the pardon is revealed, it is necessary to catch the ball.

Zrazkovі nebilitsі: let's swim by the sea, a square ball, salted zukor.

Vidpovidaemo shvidko”.

Tezh gra z m'yachem. A grown-up throws a ball to a child with the name of objects (namer), and the child is guilty of promptly naming a prikmetnik. You can do it, that the little one is named less than the color of objects. For example:ogirok - greenery, sun - yellow, stele - white And so on. As an option, you can make the group easier: a grown-up person says to me either name-bearers, or prikmetniki according to your calling. Like a grave, having said it out of place, and wines do not show activity - that grown-up child is minus missions.

"Guess the description."

The grown-up proponu guess, about what (about a sheep, a creature, a toy) one should speak and give a description of the object. For example: Tse ovoch. Wine red, round, juice (tomato). As if a child cannot be seen, pictures with various vegetables are placed in front of her, and she knows what is necessary.

Vidgaduvannya nebilits

A grown-up rozpovidaє about shchos, including in his opіvіdannya sprat nebilitsa. The child is guilty of remembering and explaining why it doesn’t happen like that.

Butt: I want to tell you what. Axis of learning - I walk along the road, the sun shines, it's dark, the blue leaves sway under my feet. And raptom from behind the horn like a dog jump out, like growl at me: "Ku-ka-re-ku!" - I already set the horns. I'm grinning and vtіk. Would you be mad?

I'm walking in the woods. Driving around the car, svetlofori shine. Raptom bachu - mushroom. On a heel of growth. In the midst of the green leaves, I hid. I shave and shave yoga.

I come to the river. I marvel at sitting on a birch riba, that sausage is chewing one leg over the other. I pidishov, and she cut off the water - and poured water.

Gra "Who will be kim (chim)?"

The city is good for you, that you can join the company and be with a child together. Put one to one food, stitch, shob little ones, vodpovidayuchi on food, competently cheating names.

Kim will the egg? (maybe a bird, a crocodile, a turtle, a snake.)

Kurcha - pivnem;

The lad is a man;

Telya - cow abo bicom - paper - book

Snow - water

Water - ice

Today - with a ticket

Boroshno - with mlints toscho.

Gra - navpaki: "Who is kim buv?".

Kin - colt

Kvitka - we're sorry.

Gra "Once upon a time...".

Grass on the development of myslennya, kmіtlivіst, consolidated knowledge about the current world. Grati can be doubled from a child or a company, feeding according to one's will.

Let's apply.

For children, less food is simple, for older people, it’s more complicated - you choose the “steps of the problem” yourself.

Mature to put the question:

"Alive-bulo curly, what happened to him then?" - "Vin becoming a pivnik".

"Once upon a time there was a hawk, what happened to her then?" - "Because of it the plank spilled"

"Alive-boov strumok, what happened to him?" - "Vzimko froze", "Dryed at the sinter".

"Once upon a time there lived, what happened to him then?" - "From the new ticket grew"

"Alive-boov little piece of clay, what happened to him then?" - "They broke a ceglu (a vase ...) from a new one."

Gra "What's up?"

Playing in the same group, the children learn to compare, understand the power of objects and understand the meaning of such things to understand how height, width, dozhina; classify objects by shape, size, color. Putting the spit on the back is mature, and the child is reassuring. Then we need to give the child the opportunity to show himself.


What is high? (Tree, stovp, people, booths). Here it’s better to feed, what’s more - a tree of chi budinok; people or stovp.

What's up for a long time? (short)

What is wide (narrow)?

What is round (square)?

The group can include different understandings: what is fluffy, soft, firm, warm, cold, white, black, etc.

Right "Who can't do without something."

To help children learn to see signs of reality. The grown-up read low words. From these words it is necessary to choose only two, the most important ones, without which the main subject cannot be dispensed with. For example,garden … what are the most common words: roslini, gardener, dog, parkan, earth? What can a garden be without? Can you get a cage without roslin? Why? .. Without a gardener ... a dog ... parkan ... earth? .. Why?"

The skin from fortune-telling words is reported to understand. Golovne, so that the child understood why the very same word is the head, sutta sign of this understanding.

Healthy task:

Chobots (laces, sole, heel, glitter, freebie)

River (shore, fish, fishing, mud, water)

Place (car, wake-up call, natovp, street, bicycle)

Gra (cards, graves, fines, early warning, rules)

Reading (eye, book, picture, friend, word)

War (letak, harmati, battles, towels, soldiers)


Another option. We name the words and ask: why can’t you be without this object, why is it the most important thing?

For example: water, dry, olive, slope, cegla.

"Live - not live."

We know the child with the concepts of "alive" and "non-living".

At the same time, it is explained that all living things are called "XTO", and inanimate objects "SHO". We suggest a sprat of applications.

Let's take a look at the question and answer. You can win books with plot pictures.

What is growing? Who is growing?

Who is flying? What are you talking about?

Who is swimming? What are you swimming?

Who is the greatest? What is the most? І etc.

What is called, what is in the middle?

The grown-up one names a couple of objects, and the child seems to say which ones can be called, and which ones are middle.

Budinok - shafa; book - shafa; bag - hamanets; hamanets - pennies; kastrulya - porridge; aquarium - ribi; booth - dog; nora - fox.

Then change roles - let the child make a bet of words.

"Who?" know the professions.

For goodness sake, cards from images of people of different professions and tools.

1 option: Asking food: who is elated by the sick? Who teaches children at school? Who is prepared to offend? Who works on the tractor? Who will carry the sheets and newspapers? Who is sewing the cloth?

2 option: Inquiry: what to rob the door? What to kill the doctor? What to rob an electrician? What should a teacher do? What to rob the driver? What to rob a painter? What to rob a perucar?

3 option : We see riddles For example: tsya people work on the streets, maє mіtlu, a shovel.

4 option : "Who needs what?" What is needed for leafy? What is necessary for a percar? First of all: who needs knives? Who needs a neck?

"Guess the object from yogo parts".

Qiu gru can play in two variants.

First option - with a selection of cards and pictures. For the participants of the gry, cards are drawn from the images of various objects - furniture, vegetables, creatures, vehicles, etc. The child, without showing her card to other graves, without seeming to be painted herself, names the parts of the object. The one who guesses first about where to go, takes the card and takes one point.

Another option - No cards. Sens gris is left with the same one. This option is a good one, so you can play together with a child. For example, on the way to a child's garden, sitting in a black to the doctor's skinny.


Chotiri legs, back, seat.

Numbers, arrows.

Letters, little ones, leaves.

Stovbur, woods, leaves.

Root, stalk, leaves, pellets.

Screen, buttons, electric cord, remote control.

Spout, handle, lid, electric cord.

Lapi, whip, nashinik.

Paws, tail, trunk.

At first glance, does everything seem too easy? But really, in full communication, children can describe objects. Try it!

"Guess the item by description".

Wash your grit yourself, which is at the front. Ale, it’s more complicated here. It is necessary not only to know the correct designation of objects, but also to correctly take care of the birth of the clerks and names, and also to know how to understand like furniture, vegetables, fruits, clods, domestic and wild creatures too.

Wild creature, live in the forest, great, kudlata, love honey.

Wild creature, cunning, ore, with a fluffy tail.

Komaha, with different colors of krills, is similar to a flower.

Transport, great, important, with wings and a tail.

Vegetables, red color, round, yogo put at the salad and in borscht.

Licorice, small, at the side of the papirci.

"I am a month, and you are a star."

Gra in the development of a logical thought, quick reaction.

Grill option for two:

One seems, for example: "I am a thunderstorm!". The second is guilty of shvidko vіdpovisti scho-nebud podkhodyasche, for example: "I - doshch." The first continues the topic: "I am a great gloom!". You can give quick feedback:

Option for gri group:

Have grі maє buti no less than six people.

All, except for one, sit on the chairs in the gurtok. There are three chairs in the middle, and one of the children sits on one of them. Vіn kazhe, for example: "I'm a fire team!". One of the children, who first came up with something suitable, sit on the vilne stilec and say: "I am a hose." The next time you go to another style and say: “And I am a fireman” Ditina - “the fire team is guilty of choosing one of two, for example: “I take a hose” something new, for example: "I am a sewing machine!" and the game continues ...

"Par_vnyannya obtіv".

Porіvnyuvati - means to show similarity and authority.

For example:porіvnyaєmo ogіrok and tomato.

Posіbnostі: i those, and іnshe ovoch, grow in the beds.

Vidminnist: color, shape, taste.

Por_vnyannia is the basis of all great winegrowers. It seems that the "parachutes" of the Roslin type of kulbab have been forced into thinking about the creation of a parachute. The idea of ​​the construction of a suspension bridge fell on the mind of the winemaker, if the wine had caught a cobweb. The creation of the shape of the wing of an airplane was helped by the feathering from the wing of a bird.

Porovnyuyuchi, the child knows the world, and develops rozumovo: you will learn about the reasons for the similarity and identity of objects and manifestations.

On the back, you need to praise the child for trying to match one item from the others.

Even better, like a child, you can tell the truth in the distance. Ask the child nutrition, as if prompting to explain the difference and similarity. Propoyte youma independently shukati ob'єkti for equalization.

Read the verses, how to know about mismatched marriages.

"De mi buli, you can't tell, but what they robbed - it's shown."

The originality of the grie lies in the fact that the grown-up pronounces the children to play with her without words. Tato chi mother (teacher) guess a simple subject matter (for example, "reading a book") and for additional mimics and gestures, show children. That torment to guess what to shy dads. At the time of the right, the vidpovidi are gravely changing the hands. If the little one successfully copes with the tasks, try to tell him to guess, or show him the lancet of the last steps (for example, "having thrown - standing up - falling - falling down" thinly).

In another version, you can play a short verse in a child’s house, a fairy tale to sleep a dog. Mustache develops visually, fantasy, guiltiness, smartness, smartness of change.

"Find a shovanka."

Paint on the paper the plan of the room, de pass the gra, put it in a toy and show on the plan the place of the roztashuvannya. A child can know richness by relying on the scheme. You can also work on a childish Maidan, which will significantly simplify the task.

It will help the development of a logical thought, a spacious orientation and a thoughtful activity behind a singing scheme.

"Vіdpovіday shvidko".

A grown-up, throwing a child a ball, naming a color, a child, turning a ball, can quickly name the object of this color. You can name not only colors, but be-like the quality (relish, shape) of the object.

Encourage the children to name the most words that mean to be understood.Name the words that mean trees; Chagarniki; kviti; vegetables; fruits. Name the words that are worthy of sport. Name the words that mean animals; domestic creatures; ground transport; repeated transport.

"Speak fluently."

Instruct the child in the game "I say a word to you, but you also say it, only in the same way, for example, the great - the small." You can win such a pair of words:cheerful - sumny, shvidky - povіlny, empty - povny, sensible - bad, practical - lazy, strong - weak, important - light, fearful - good, white - black, hard - soft, short - smooth, etc.

"Shvidkist thought".

Encourage the children to play in such a group: you will start the word, and you will finish yoga. "Guess what I want to say!" 10 warehouses are being promoted: PZ, ON, FOR, MI, MU, TO, CHE, PRI, KU, ZO.

As a young child, it is easy to cope with tasks, encourage him to come up with not one word, but styles, more than you can. Fix not only the correctness of the statements, but the th hour, which is an indicator of the swiftness of the rozum processes, the sharpness, and the activeness of the movement.

"Par_vnyannya obtіv".

The child is guilty of revealing herself to those who are beyond her. Ask you a question: "Ty bachiv fly? And the blizzard?" After such food about the skin word, pronounce them equal. Ask the food again: "Are a fly and a blizzard similar?

It is especially important for children to have familiar similarities. A child of 6-7 years old may work correctly: they see and draw similarities, and identities, moreover, behind the present signs.

Pari sliv for a match : fly and blizzard; budinok and hut; style that style; book i zoshit; water and milk; juice and hammer; piano and violin; winding and beat; place that village.

"Put it in order."

A series of final plot pictures are ready to win. Children give pictures and ask them to look. Explain that the pictures can be sorted out according to the order of the larynx. At the end of the child, she stores up a story behind the pictures.

"The Fourth Zaiwi"

Target: the development of a smarter classification of objects for suttєvimi signs and zagalnyuvati.

Didactic material : five cards, the skin card depicts some objects; three objects are tied like a sacred sign, and the fourth - zayviy.

Card options:

  1. chobit, plate, slipper, cherevik

    fork, plate, apple, saucepan

    apple, pear grapes, ogirok

    tomato, carrot, car, potato

    hats. Machine, light, train

    Job description: Children show cards in handwriting. The teacher seems to say: “Look at the qi objects: їх chotiri, three objects are tied between themselves, and the fourth is zayviy, you need to clean it up. Show me the name of the object. (For example: chobit, chobit, slippers, cherevikiv - tse vzuttya, and a plate - dishes)

Gra "Nanizuvannya".

Tsіl: develop fine motor skills

macaroni of various shapes, fermented for children, hair, berries, gudziki, paper rings.

Description: the vikhovator proponuє children take the fate of the fair. For whom it is necessary to work namisto, bracelets, photo frames for additional playing material.

Gra "Rozfarbuy correctly."

Qile: develop fine motor skills; read to hatch objects with a bold right-handed, left-handed, straight, lines, parallel one to one.

: olives, contour images of various objects

Description: children are encouraged to take part in the competition for the best hatcher. The picker distributes contour images of objects, explaining the principle of shading (lines, one parallel, one, right-handed (left-handed, straight).

Gras "Paper's virobi".

Qile: to develop fine motor skills, to form a folded sheet in different directions.

Game material and helpful tips: paper

Description: to propagate the game “The paper toys store”. Let's show the images of figures from paper, like children can grow (cap, jackdaw, boat, blue).

Gra "Shadow Theatre".

Tsіl: develop fine motor skills

Game material and helpful tips: screen (light wall), floor lamp, lighter.

Description: before the thunder, it is necessary to darken the room, the light is to blame for hanging the screen at a distance of 4-5 m. Placement of hands between the wall and the light to lie in the strength of the rest, in the middle 1-2 m from the screen. For the help of children, to help them create shadow figures (bird, dog, lion, eagle, fish, snake, guska, hare, gut). "Actors" of the dark theater can accompany their actions with short dialogues, playing scenes.

Gra "Chim not Popelyushka?".

Target: develop fine motor skills.

Game material and learning aids: cereals (rice, buckwheat).

Description: the child swears at those who have become a little unacceptable with her, two kinds of cereals (rice and buckwheat) are mixed up, but they don’t take it out for an hour. That needs some help: to lay out the groats from different banks.

Gra "Litera growth".

Target: develop fine motor skills.

Game material and learning aids: arkush paperu, olive.

Description: the child takes the arkush paper, in the opposite kintsy there is a kind of daubing of letters - one is too small, the other is too big. To propagate the child to depict the process of increasing or changing the letters, so in order to paint a little letter more, coming more and so on.

Games aimed at the development of fine motor skills in preschool children of the senior group

Gra "Move the road".

Tsіl: develop respect, caution

Game material and learning aids: images from the images of the meshchants of the city (mothers with children, schoolchildren, grandmother with a cat, students), people of various professions (water, leafy, alarm clocks, painters), types of transport (bus, trolleybus, tram, bicycle), budive, embellishment of the city ( mail, shop (dishes, books), fountain, square, sculpture.

Description: pictures are laid out at different places of the city. For help, the children are divided into 4 groups of 2-3 individuals. Tse "mandrivniki". The skin group is given a task: one is to marvel at those who live in the city, take pictures from the images of people; others - why do people ride, choose pictures from images of transport facilities; the third - pictures, which have a variety of people; the fourth - take a look and see the pictures with the little ones of the beautiful life of the place, yogo embellishment. Following the signal of the leading “mandrivniki”, go along the cloister and pick up the pictures you need, check the turn, watch for them. Turning to their place, the mandrіvniki put pictures on the stands. Participants of the skin group tell why the stench took the picture itself. That group won, the graves that did not have mercy, they put their pictures correctly.

Gra "What has changed?".

Tsіl: develop respect

Game material and helpful tips: for 3 to 7 toys.

Description: put toys in front of the children, give a signal, so that the stench flattened their eyes, and pick up one toy. Flattening your eyes, children are guilty of guessing, like a toy is hidden.

Gra "Be respectful!".

Tsіl: develop active respect

Description: children crochet on the stake Let the leader sing the word, and the children are guilty of starting to sing the song: on the word “bunny” - stribati, on the word “konyachki” - hit the “hoard” (foot) on the pidlog, “crayfish” - zakuvati, “ birds" - bigati, having spread their hands killed, "leleka" - stand on one foot.

Gra "Listen to the bavovna!"

Target: develop active respect.

Description: children walk along the stake On one pole in the valley of the stink of the vine, and take the pose of “leleka” (stand on one leg, the friend is folded, hands are to the sides), on two poles - the pose of “toad” (sisti navpochipki), on three bells - encourage walking.

Gra "Chotiri verses".

Target: develop respect, po'yazanu z coordination of auditory and rukhovo analyzers.

Description: sit on a stake like a leader, say the word “earth”, all the blame put your hands down, like the word “water” - pull your hands forward, the word “repair” - raise your hands uphill, the word “fire” - wrap your hands around the promenevo-zap 'Yastkovyh and promenevyh swamps. Who is merciful, vvazhaetsya so, scho progr.

Gra "Paint a figure".

Tsіl: develop memory

Game material and learning aids: papier, colored olives, 5-6 geometric figures.

Description: show children 5-6 geometric figures, then ask them to paint on paper, that the stench has forgotten. More foldable option - ask to paint figures, vrakhovuchi їх size and color. Help the one who is smarter and more accurate to make these figures.

Gra "Fox, sea".

Target: develop respect.

Game material and learning aids: ball

Description: throw a ball to a child, naming the area where the creature lives (fox, desert, the sea is thin). Turning the ball, the child is guilty to call the creature tsієї mіstsevostі.

Gra "Rozfarbuy correctly."

Target: develop respect.

Game material and learning aids: papier, red, blue and green olives.

Description: write the letters and numbers in large font, drawing them one by one Ask the child to circle all the letters in black olive, and all the numbers in blue. To make things easier, call out all voice letters, circle them with a red olive, all voices - blue, numbers - green.

Gra "I'll show you, and guess what."

Tsіl: develop respect

Game material and learning aids: toys

Description: to propagate the children according to the vision of being like children, as one can recognize one of these toys. For example, they thought of a witch. It is necessary to walk along the kіmnati, imitating the klishonog of the walk of the bear, show how the animal sleeps and “moisten” the paw.

Games aimed at the development of logic among preschool children of the senior group

Gra "Find the options."

Target: develop logical thoughts, kmitlivist.

Game material and helpful tips: cards from images 6 kіl.

Description: children give a card from the images of 6 kіl, to propagate them with such a rank, so that there were equal numbers of zafarbovannyh and not zafarbovannyh figures. Let's look over and see through all the options for farming. It is also possible to carry out magic: who knows the greatest number of solutions.

Gra "Charivniki".

Tsіl: develop ideas, reveal game material and reference help: sheets from images of geometric shapes.

Description: children mooning leaves from images of geometric shapes. On their basis, it is necessary to create folding little ones. For example: a straight cut - a window, an aquarium, a booth; colo - ball, snowman, wheel, apple. The graph can be carried out at the form of a zmagan: who will come up with and draw more pictures, vikoristovuyuchi one geometric figure. A symbolic prize will be awarded.

Gra "Take a ticket."

Tsіl: development of ideas, building up to analysis, synthesis

Game material and learning aids: cards from images of objects, as if they are worth one understand (clothes, creatures, coma, skinny. bud.).

Description: a leather child sees a round card - the middle of a future card (one is cloth, the other is an elephant, the third is bjola thin). Potim gra is carried out just like a lotto: the host distributes cards from images of various objects. The skin participant is guilty of picking up a ticket from the cards, on the pads of such objects are depicted that one understands (clothing, coma thinly).

Gra "Logichni kіntsіvki".

Target: to develop a logical idea, awake, building up to analysis.

Description: children are encouraged to complete the propositions:

Lemon is sour, and tsukor ... (licorice).

You walk with your feet, but you throw ... (with your hands).

As if the stele was behind the stele, then the stele ... (lower at the table).

If two are greater than one, then one ... (less than two).

If Sashko left the house earlier for Sergius, then Sergiyko ... (viyshov later for Sasha).

Like a river glibsha for a glass, then a glass ... (drіbnіshe for a river).

If a sister is older for a brother, then a brother ... (younger for a sister).

If the right hand is on the right, then the left ... (levoruch).

The boys grow up and become men, and the girl ... (women).

Gra "Ornament".

Target: develop a logical idea, build up to analysis.

Game material and learning aids: 4-5 groups of geometric shapes (tri-cuts, squares, rectangles thinly), made from colored cardboard (figures of one group are subdivided into sub-groups, which are distinguished by color and rozmіrom).

Description: to encourage children to look, like on the playing field (arkush cardboard) you can create ornaments from geometric shapes. Then we will viklasti the ornament (on sight, according to the best idea, according to dictation), using such concepts as “right”, “left”, “uphill”, “below”.

Gra "Korisno - shkidlivo".

Target: to develop thoughts, to realize, to analyze smartly.

Description: look at whether it’s an object or a manifestation, indicating its positive and negative sides, for example: if it’s good, if it’s good, it’s better to grow up to drink water and it’s better to grow, but it’s worse the root of roslin can rot in excess of water.

Gra "What did I think?".

Target: develop the mind.

Game material and learning aids: 10 kilos of different colors and sizes.

Description: lay out before the child 10 kіl of a different color and rozmіru, ask the child to show those colo, as if guessing a swivel. Explain the rules of the game: depending on, you can put food, only with the words more or less. For example:

How much more for a red? (So.)

Win bigger for blue? (So.)

More than yellow? (Ni.)

Tse green colo? (So.)

Gra "Plant the flowers".

Target: develop the mind.

Game material and learning aids: 40 cards with images of colors with different shapes of pellets, rosemary, heart color.

Description: to encourage children to “plant flowers in flowerbeds”: on a round flower bed, you must have flowers with round pellets, on a square one - flowers with a yellow heart, on a straight flower bed - more and more flowers.

Power supply: how many rooms are left without a flower bed? Yaki can grow on two or three flowerbeds?

Gra “Group for signs”.


Game material and helpful tips: cards from images of objects (orange, carrot, tomato, apple, curry, sun).

Description: lay out cards in front of the child from images of various objects, as if you can combine a group of signs by a sign. For example: orange, carrot, tomato, apple - food products; orange, apple - fruit; carrot, tomato - vegetables; orange, tomato, apple, ball, sun - round; orange, carrot - orange; sun, kurcha - zhovti.

Gras "Guess the shvidshe".


Description: ask the child to guess and name three round-shaped objects, three wooden objects, and some household creatures.

Gra "Everything that is flying".

Tsіl: develop logical thoughts

Game material and learning aids: a bunch of pictures with various objects

Description: to propionate the children to select the proponated pictures behind the sign. For example: everything is rounder, everything is warmer, everything is spiritualized, everything is light, skinny.

Gra "Why is it broken."

Tsіlі: develop logical thoughts; zakryplyuvat vminnya signify, from which material the subject is prepared.

Description: the wielder names the material, and the child is guilty of overworking all those that can be worked out of it For example: a tree. (Throughout this, you can make papers, boards, furniture, toys, dishes, olives.)

Gra "Scho buvae ...".

Tsіl: develop logical thoughts

Description: call on the children according to their will, put one to one food of the offensive order:

What is bigger? (Budinok, car, joy, fear too soon)

What is narrow? (Stitch, mite, denunciation, street toshchoo)

What is low (high)?

What buvaє chervonim (bіlim, zhovtim)?

What is long (short)?

Games, directed at the development of a movie among preschool children of the senior group

Gra "Stop the proposition."

Tsіl: to develop the vminnya to live with the movі skladnopіdryadnі rechennya.

Description: ask children to complete the propositions:

Mom put bread... where? (At the bakery.)

Brother sips tsukor ... where? (At the zucchini.)

Granny made a savory salad and she put yogo ... kudi? (At the salad bowl.)

Tato brought tsukerki and poklav їх ... where? (At the zucchini.)

Marina did not go to school this year, because ... (she fell ill).

We turned on the heaters, more ... (it became cold).

I don't want to sleep, bo... (it's early).

We'll go tomorrow to the fox, like ... (if the weather is good).

Mom went to the market to ... (buy groceries).

The gut has climbed onto a tree, so... (grunting like a dog).

Gra "Mode of the day".

Qile: activate the movement of children; zbagachuvati vocabulary stock.

Game material and learning aids: 8-10 plot (schematic) pictures from images of regime moments.

Description: solicit to look at the pictures, and then explain them in the song sequence.

Gra "To whom is the chastuvannya?".

Tsіl: to develop in the mind important forms of names in the language

Game material and learning aids: images of bears, birds, horses, foxes, rice, giraffes, elephants.

Description: the widower seems to be gifts for animals in a cat, but he is afraid of getting confused, who should ask for help. Promote pictures from images of a bear, birds (geese, chickens, swans), horse, wolf, fox, rice, mavpi, kangaroo, giraffe, elephant.

Power supply: Who needs honey? Who is the grain for? To whom m'yaso? Who wants fruit?

Gra "Name three words."

Tsіl: activate dictionary

Description: children stand in line. Ask the skin participant for help. It’s necessary, roblyachi three steps forward, to give three words with skin-like words, not encouraging the pace of walking.

What can you come up with? (Dress, suit, pants.)

Gra "Who does Kim want to become?".

Tsіl: develop in the mind important forms of the language in language

Game material and learning aids: plot pictures from images of labor activities

Description: children are shown plot pictures from images of labor activities. What are the boys doing? (Boys want to make a mock-up of a fly). Kim stink want to become? (They want to become pilots.) Children are encouraged to guess the proposition with the word “want” or “want”.

Gras "Zoo".

Tsіl: develop the sound of the movement

Game material and learning aids: pictures with creatures, game year.

Description: children sit at the stake, looking at the little one, not showing them to one alone. Kozhen is guilty of describing his creature, without naming it, for such a plan:

1. An eerie look.

2. What do you eat?

For the gris, there is a “game year”. Turn the arrow on the back. On whomever you say, that one begins to be blamed. Then the arrows signify the wrappers, who is guilty of guessing the creature that is being described.

Gra "Parіvnyay objects".

Tsіlі: develop caution; expand the vocabulary for the rahunok naming details and parts of objects, their features.

Game material and helpful tips: speeches (igrushki), however, after the name, but yak, they sound like signs or details, for example: two buckets, two aprons, two shirts, two spoons, etc.

Description: the vikhovator reminds that they brought a parcel to the children's garden: “What is it?” Distant speeches: At once we respectfully look at them. I will tell you about one story, and some of you - about another. Rozpіdatimemo on cherzі".

For example:

I have a crazy apron.

I have a robotic apron.

Vіn white color with red peas.

And my - dark blue color.

My embellishments with frills.

And my - with a red line.

This apron has two intestines on both sides.

And tsyogo has one great one on his chest.

On these guts - a vіzerunok іz kvіtіv.

And on whom the instruments are painted.

At this apron they squint on the table.

And this one is dressed for robots at the main.

Gra “Hto kim buv abo chim bulo”.

Qile: activate vocabulary; expand knowledge about the current world.

Description: kim chi chim earlier bulo kurcha? (Egg.) A throw (losha), toad (tadpole), blizzard (caterpillar), chereviki (shkiroy), shirt (fabric), riba (ikrenkoy), shafa (doshka), bread (boroshnoy), bicycle (zalіzom), light (outward) and so on?

Gra "Name the most objects."

Tsіlі: activate vocabulary; develop respect.

Description: children stand by the row, they are proponuetsya by the name of the objects, which they will dissipate The one who, having named the word, rob the croc in advance. The winner is the one who correctly and clearly articulated the words, naming the largest number of objects, without repeating.

Gras "Pidbury Rome".

Tsіl: develop phonemic hearing

Description: the vikhovator explains that all words sound differently, but they are similar, how to sound. Proponue to help pick up the word.

Dear ishov bug,

Sleeping by the grass... (tsvirkun).

You can victorist, be-yakі vіrshi chi okremi.

Gra "Name the parts of the object."

Qile: improve vocabulary; to develop in the mind spіvvіdnosti the subject of that yoga part.

Game material and learning aids: images of a booth, a vantage, a tree, a bird.

Description: swivel showing pictures:

1st variant: children are called part of the objects according to their hearts.

2nd option: the skin child takes off the little ones and names all the parts herself.

Games for learning to read and write preschoolers for the senior group

Gra “Know who sees these sounds?”

Tsіl: develop auditory awareness

Game material and helpful tips: a set of subject pictures (beetle, snake, file, pump, wind, mosquito, dog, locomotive).

Description: The animator shows a picture, children name the image of a new object. To the question "How to ring a file, ring a beetle, etc." the child is sounding, the children are sounding this sound.

Target: develop auditory intelligence.

Description: The leader stands with his back to the children, and all the stench read the verses in unison, the rest of the row of such a winding up one of the children behind the vkazіvkoy of the whistleblower. As a leader in yoga, a child is assigned to the leader.

Smart material:

Mi trohi pograєmo, like you hear, know.

Try, guess who, having called to you, recognize. (I'm the leader.)

Before us, the zozulya flew into the city and slept.

And you, (im'ya leading), don't stop, who's kuku, guess!

Sіv pіven on parkan, shouting at all podvіr'ya.

Listen, (name of the leader), do not guess who we have, recognize!


Gra "Guess the sound".

Target: to practice clarity of articulation.

Description: the leading one makes a sound to himself, clearly articulating. Children with the hand of the leader's lips guess the sound and move it out loud. Whoever guessed first, becomes the leader.

Gra "Who has a good ear?".

Tsіl: develop phonemic hearing, reduce a little sound in a word

Game material and learning aids: a set of subject pictures.

Description: the vikhovator shows a picture, calls the children caressing at the valley, as if they smell the sound of the name, which is whirring. At the last stages, the facilitator can move the picture, and the child promotes the name of the picture to himself and reacts like that. Vihovatel zaznaj correctly identified the sound that is quiet, who did not know how to know that vikonati zavdannya.

Gra “Who lives at the budinochka?”.

Tsіl: develop in the mind to signify the presence of the sound in the word

Game material and helpful tips: budinochok z vіkontsyami and gut for vykladannya pictures, a set of subject pictures.

Description: the vikhovator explains that less animals (birds, domestic creatures) live near the budinochka, in the names of those є, for example, the sound [l]. It is necessary to place these creatures at the houses. Children name all the images in the pictures of creatures and choose the middle of them quietly, in the names of some є sound [l] or [l "] The skin is correctly selected picture is evaluated by a game chip.

Smart material: hedgehog, wolf, witch, fox, hare, elk, elephant, rhinoceros, zebra, camel, rice.

Gra "Who is bigger?".

Tsіl: to develop a slightly sound in the word and spіvvіdnosti yogo with the letter

Game material and learning aids: typing letters for children, subject pictures

Description: skin child moon card with one of the letters given to children. The facilitator shows the picture, the children name the subject of the image. Chips are taken away by the one who feels the sound, which sounds the same letter. The one with the most chips wins.

Gra "Vertolina".

Tsіl: develop in the mind pick up words that start from a given sound

Game material and learning aids: two plywood disks, laid one on one (the lower disk is fastened, letters are written on it; the upper disk is wrapped, in the new it is narrow, with a width of a letter, a sector); chips.

Description: children on their own to wrap the disc. A child can name a word in that letter, in which sector-prorises are zupinyaetsya. Vykonav zavdannya correctly take the chip. Naprikintsі gri kіlkіst kіlkіst fіshok pіdrakhovuєtsya, vznachaєєtsya vomozhets.

Gra "Logo".

Target: to develop in the mind to see the first sound at the warehouse, spivvіdnosti yoga with letter.

Game material and learning aids: large lotto card, divided into chotiri squares (three of them have images of objects, one square is empty) and dressing cards with embroidered letters for leather children; for the leader, a set of four small cards with images of the objects themselves.

Description: the leader takes the top picture from the set and asks who the subject is. A child, who puts a picture on the loto card, names the object and the first sound of the word, after which he closes the picture with a card of a different letter. The one who first closed all the pictures on the loto cards wins.

Smart material: leleka, pitching, donkey, whip, catfish. trojan, lamp, etc.

Gras "Lanciuzhok".

Target: to develop in the mind the first and last sound of the word.

Description: one of the children names a word that sits instructs to pick up a new word, so that the remaining sound of the previous word will be the first sound. Continue stepping on a child in a row. Zavdannya row: do not tear the lancet. Gra can look like a magician. It will help to see that row, which found the “pulling” lance.

Gras "Where is the sound?".

Tsіl: to develop in the mind to establish a place for the sound of the word

Game material and learning aids: the viewer has a set of subject pictures; a skin child has a card, divided into three squares, and a color chip (red with a voiced sound, blue with a voice).

Description: the teacher shows a picture, names the images on a new subject Children repeat the word and show the place to the sound that twists in the word, curling one of the three squares on the card, depending on where the sound is found: on the cob, the middle or the end of the word. The one who has correctly placed the chip on the card wins.

Gra "Where is our dim?".

Target: to develop in the mind the number of sounds in the word.

Game material and helpful tips: a set of subject pictures, three buds with intestines and a number on the skin (3, 4, or 5).

Description: children divide into two commands, the child takes a picture, names the image of a new object, considers the number of sounds in the said word and inserts a picture into the gut with a number, according to the number of sounds in the word. Representatives of the skin team go out as usual. Like the stinks have mercy, they correct the children of the other team. For the correct skin score, a point is awarded, which wins in that row, the gravity of which is to score more points. Qiu group can be carried out individually.

Smart material: lump, sack, catfish, pitching, fly, crane, lyalka, bear, bag

Gra "Wonderful Bear".


Game material and learning aids: a small bag with stringed fabrics with various objects, the names of which have two or three warehouses.

Description: children in order come to the table, pick up an object from the little bag, name yoga. The word is repeated behind warehouses. The child names the number of warehouses in the word.

Gra "Telegraph".

Tsіl: develop vminnya diliti words in stock

Description: the teacher seems to be: “Boys, at once I’ll send you a telegraph call. I’ll name the words, and you’ll send them by telegraph in another place.” The first word of the teacher is to move behind the warehouses and to supervise the leather warehouse with bavovnas. Then we call the word, and the viklikan child independently performs yoga behind the warehouses, accompanied by clapping. If a child incorrectly scribbled the factory, the telegraph is lame: all children begin to slowly splash in the valley, you can help the telegraph zip so that you can get the word right in warehouses and splash.

Games with mathematics for children of the senior group

Gra "Be respectful".

Tsіl: fasten the items by color

Game material and helpful tips: flat images of objects of different colors: red tomato, orange carrot, green yalinka, blue sack, purple cloth.

Description: children stand close in front of the board, on some flat objects. The teacher, naming the object of that yoga color, raises his hands to the top. Children to work for yourself. If the color of the names of the teacher is wrong, the children are guilty of raising their hands uphill. The one who raised his hands, program phantom. When drawing fantasies for children, you can ask for a task: name a sprat of red objects, say what color the object is on the upper police shafi, and so on.

Gra "Porіvnyay ta zapovni".

Qile: to develop in the mind of zdіysnyuvati zorovo-intelligent analysis; close the statement about geometric figures.

Game material and learning aids: a set of geometric shapes.

Description: to graze two Leather from graves is guilty respectfully look at your plate from the images of geometric figures, to know the regularity of your roztashuvanni, and then fill the empty cells with the sign of food, putting in them the figure you need. The one who wins is the one who correctly and quickly jumps into the tasks. Gra can be repeated by rotting in a different way the figures and food signs.

Gra "Zapovni empty cells".

Tsіlі: close notifications about geometric shapes; to develop vmіnnya zіstavlyat and pоrіvnyuvati dvі grupi figurov, znahoti dvіdmіtnі signs.

Game material and learning aids: geometric shapes (circles, squares, tricutniks) in three colors.

Description: to engrave two leather engraved is guilty of roztashuvannya figures at tables, savage respect not only for their shape, but also for color, to know the law of rozashuvannya and remember the empty cells with food signs. The one who wins is the one who correctly and quickly jumps into the tasks. Then the graves can be replaced by signs. You can repeat the game, in a different way, rotting the figures and food signs at the tables.

Gras "Wonderful Cup".

Target: assign the place of the given object to the numerical series.

Game material and helpful tips: 10 cups of fresh yoghurt, a small toy to take away from the cup.

Description: stick a number on the skin bottle, choose the leader, she is guilty of returning. For the whole hour, steal one 3 cups of a toy. The leader turns and guesses, under some bottle the toy is buried. Vіn pitaє: “Under the first flask? Shall we go? And so on, don't guess the docks. You can give hints: Ні, more, Ні, less.

Gra "Holy at the Zoo".

Target: read the number and number of subjects.

Game material and learning aids: soft toys, lіchilnі sticks (gudziki).

Description: put the toys of creatures in front of the child. The wielder calls out the number, and the child puts before the skin toy the necessary number of sticks (gudzikiv).

Gra "Dovgomir".

Tsіl: fill in the meaning of “dovzhina”, “width”, “height”

Game material and learning aids: Paperu's wife.

Description: the teacher guessed an object (for example, a wardrobe) and rob the paper's wife's tie, equal the width. Then you can think of another object, vimiryawing your height, and advancing, viminating your dozhina.

Gras "Come at the gate."

Game material and helpful tips: cards, "gates" from images of numbers.

Description: children lunat cards with a different number of kilos. In order to get through the “gate”, it is necessary for the skin to know a couple, to a child, how many people in the sum with stakes on the master card, give a number, as it will be shown on the “gate”.

Gras "Rozmov numbers".

Tsіl: zakrіpluvati straight and zvorotny rahunok.

Game material and learning aids: number cards

Description: children-“numbers” take the cards off one by one in order “Number 4” like “number 5”: “I am one less than you.” What did “number 5” sound like “number 4”? And what did "number 6" say?

Gra "Don't stop!".

Qile: close the knowledge sheet from 1 to 10, smart to read and write down the numbers.

Game material and learning aids: number cards, fanty.

Description: children lull cards with numbers from 0 to 10. The teacher tells a story, deciphering different numbers. When guessing about the number, as if showing the numbers on the cards, the child is guilty of a day. Whoever did not grasp the vikonati tse, that prograє (vin is to blame for the pundati phantom). For example, a "wikup" of fantas is carried out (rozvyazati zavdannya, zhart, guess the riddle and in.).

Games in the development of verbal creativity in children's age.
Didactic games for teaching children the formation of figurative characteristics of the object (seeing the sign of the object, matching the objects behind different signs, understanding and explaining the sense of metaphors, separating, matching)
 “Tell me, is it a wine?”
The grown-up person names the word - the object, and the children resurrect the signs of the named object. Named up to 3-5 characters. Objects are better than grouping: living, non-living, sheep, creatures, natural phenomena.
 Word options: apple, ball, dog, plank, sun, pea, lamp.
Didactic games for teaching children to analyze situations
(Seeing that sign of a real and fantastic situation in the works of literature, the presence of characters in both head and other row signs, the place of subs, which appear, links between characters or situations)
 "What kind of world situation"
A grown-up proponuє to children situations from real life, from fairy tales, from various literary works. Children determine what kind of world the situation is given: to the real Kazakh.
Didactic games for teaching children the main rhymes
(significance of objects with a pair of opposite powers, naming of causal and hereditary links, verdict of protirich)
 “Is there any prolapse?”
A grown-up man names the object and pronounces it over and over again the parts that may hold the power (tree: thin leaves, thin leaves; short bark, smooth leaves; yearbook: ...; book: ...).
 "Good - bad"
The grown-up one reads the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen" and pronounces to the children to discuss what is good and filthy in the golden egg.
Didactic games for teaching children robots with fairy tales
(Analysis of fairy tales, characters, their vchinkiv, learning the basics of the plot)
 “Who is the best in the world?”
A grown-up proponuє to children to guess good characters of fairy tales, describe their zvnіshnіy appearance, character, way of life, do good. Fantastically, what will be, how will the character of the character change? (for example, with a character: Popelyushka, Chervona Hat, Hare). You can paint them.
 “Being like this - becoming different”
Mature proponuє look at the hero of the fairy tale H.K.
RIGHT, directed to the development of the visual
Let the children transfer the functions from one object to another, start before the parts, form the internal position of the child, create in the visual image of the objects and situations on the basis of schematic images, intercessors of the objects.
 “What does it look like?”, “What are these objects for?”, “Good and nasty”, “Change of bloopers”, “Baby on the dots”, “Paint a curse for a fairy tale hero”, “A card from geometric shapes”, “ Whose tail? ”,“ Draw an enchanting object (for part of yoga)
Series to take “What shall we do next?” The task of pov'yazani z prodovzhennyam vіdomih rosіyskih folk, author's fairy tales, short stories.
 Topic: “Fairy tale completion”
Literary repertoire: fairy tales, which have three novels by D. Rodari "Great Carrot", "Cunning Buratino", "Charming Drum" and others.
 Topic: "The fairy tale continues"
Literary repertoire: Russian folk tales: "Ripka", "Teremok", Hen Ryaba", "Zayushkina hut", "Three witches", "Masha and the witch" etc. Author's fairy tales: Ch.Perro ", H.K. Andersen "Thumbelina", "The Snow Queen", A.S.
 Topic: Continue the story(behind the beginning of the teacher)
Series to take "Change of the situation" of the zavdannya pov'yazanі zі zmіnoy mіstsya dії, charac- ters, who are going to die, the zmіnoy hour of the fiї, object, kintsіvki іstorії, additions of objects, characters.
Theme: "Know the heroes change the place of living."
(Kazka: "Kolobok")
Theme: "An old fairy tale with new heroes."
(Kazka: "Masha and the witch")
Theme: "The fairy tale has moved."
(Kazka: "Teremok")
Topic: "Replace the subject at the kazci."
(Kazka: "Popeliushka")
Theme: "An old fairy tale with a new movie."
(Fairy tale "Three Vedmedi".)
 Series to take "Fantastic Hypothesis" the task of directing the development of verbal creativity by the method of "fantastic hypotheses", with the support of the nutrition "What was it, yakby ..."
Topic: "Decipher the task"
 How do you pretend that Ivanko drank some water from the Kalyuzh, but did not pretend to be a kid?
 How do you think so that the Gingerbread Man instantly hides in the sight of the Fox?
Theme: "Yakby and yakby."
Material: What will happen, yakbi ...
- The fox did not want to s'ist Kolobok.
- The golden fish was good enough to serve the old.
 Series to take "Nebilis navkolo"
Theme: "Nebilis play at the hovanka."
Theme: "Unravel the Nebile".
- Prickly gut barks. - Fluffy gut yavkaє
- Bearded cow laying eggs. - Horned cow gives milk
Theme: "Come up with a nonsense".
- Veseli kurchatov pecked at the grain. - Sumn_ curly lapped milk
Theme: "Come up with a fairy tale from the sky."
Nebilitsa: “King Pipin is more maly,
Ale zbuduvav palats
Having closed the walls from the cake,
And dah is an icicle"
The grown-up pronounces to children such an ear of a fairy tale: “Alive - king Pepin. Vіn buv small in size. And even more loving mustache licorice. Yakos vin asking for alarms.
 Take the series “Ah, tsі hotіvlіvіrshiki”
Theme: "Merry Vershi".
Topic: Think up a fairy tale from a hot liar.
Material: Hot Virshik:
-Navіscho shoelaces?
Yakscho straight,
Schob Vіn no more
Dismissing language.
Cob of a fairy tale: Like a night, if the shoelaces were broken, the language went for a walk and began to tell everyone about ......
 Series to take "Funny Pictures"
Topic: "Literary fantasies from a series of comical little ones"
Algorithm for busying with a series of small or small pictures:
designation of the sequence of little ones;
the significance of the main characters and wild objects in all the pictures, the reasons for the comedy;
the appointed place, for some, there are diya in the pictures;
vyznachennya hour podіy, scho vіdbuvayutsya in the pictures;
seeing naskrіznyh heroes on a specific picture, destined for them;
the folding of the description of the fairy tales with the improvement of the series of pictures, drawings.
Topic: "Literary fantasies with funny plot pictures"
Algorithm for busying with a plot picture:
 Significance of objects in the picture,
 establishing an interrelationship between objects and explaining the reasons for comism,
 designation of the locality of objects,
 collapsing porіvnyan, metaphors according to the picture,
 giving of possible considerations for the help of various organs,
 description of the object from the change of its characteristics in the hour,
Series to take "Literary fantasies about hand-made objects"
 (stimulation of verbal creativity based on an object, a toy, an intercessor.)
Topic to take: "Miniature stories"
 “Non-Virgin History”, where different material is presented in the role of playful characters: gudzik, olive, pobutové smittya, cloaks of fabric, geometrical figures, flasks. (make: "Hudzichny kazka", "Smith's kazka", "Shmatkov's story", "Geometric kazka")
 "Create with the style of mnemonics"
Stage 1 - Looking at the table and analyzing what is shown in it.
Stage 2 - Re-encoding information is being created
Stage 3 - After the recoding of the information, the retelling of the fairy tale (recapitulation) is based on the symbolic image, i.e., it is applied to the memorization method.

 Take the series “On the basis of visual images seen by a baby” (activation of verbal creativity based on a charming object, babies)
Topic to take: "History to charming little things and objects"
 "Charming Pomіchniki" children are encouraged to choose a picture from an image of a charming object from a fairy tale and tell a new story, to put it into a stink of yoga.
 "The transformation of the lyapka", children are encouraged to guess the history, the fairy tale is marveling at the little ones, vikonan in the technique of monotype, lyapography. Little ones need to be homemade.

Olena Kovalenko
Card file igor development of logical thought

gra "The birds were raised."

Playing material and background help: 20 cards from images of birds: domestic, migratory, hibernating, sleeping, hut.

Description: to propagate children of roses and birds by nests: in one nest - migratory birds, in another - all, which may be plumage, in the third - all birds with long dzhobami. Yakі birds lost their nests? What kind of birds can be settled at the sprat of nests?

gra "Make up a proposition."

Purposes: develop logical thoughts, movement activity; shape a little more.

Playing material and learning aids: ball for ping-pong.

Description: wihovatel with children sits by the colo and explains the rules of the grill. Vіn seem to be like words, and children see a proposition from this word. For example: the wielder calls the word "close" and she passes the ball to the child. To that bere m'yach and shvidko vіdpovіdaє: I live close to a child's garden. Let the child name his word and pass the ball to the seated order. So, through the ball, go to one, who is gray to the other.

gra "I guessed."

Purpose: to develop a logical idea.

Description: the wielder guesses whether there is an object. Ask the children for help clarifying the food, explain the name of the object.

What object is being cast? (So.)

May you cry? (So.)

Does it fly high? (So.)

Is Vin alive? (Ni.)

Vіn preparations from plastics? (Ni.)

From the hall? (So.)

May a propeller? (So.)

Is it a helicopter? (So.)

gra "Kviti in the flower beds".

Purpose: to develop a logical idea.

Playing material and useful help: different-colored cardboard, knives.

Description: the spinning machine turns from cardboard into three flowers of red, orange, blue color and three flowerbeds - round, square and rectangular shapes. Promote children's roses on flowerbeds in flowerbeds ranging from rose to pink: “Red flowers did not grow on a round and not on a square flower bed, orange ones did not grow on a round and not a rectangular one. Where did the money grow?

Purpose: to develop a logical idea, kmitlivist.

Game material and reference help: cards from images 6 kіl.

Description: children give a card from the images of 6 kilos, ask them to fill them up in such a way that there will be equal numbers of filled and unfarmed figures. Let's look over and see through all the options for farming. It is also possible to carry out magic: who knows the greatest number of solutions.

gra "Ornament".

Purpose: to develop a logical idea, building up to analysis.

Playing material and reference books: 4-5 groups of geometric shapes (tri-cuts, squares, rectangles thinly), made from colored cardboard (figures of one group are subdivided into sub-groups, which are colored by the color of the world).

Description: to encourage children to look, like on the playing field (arkush cardboard) you can create ornaments from geometric shapes. Then we will viklasti ornament (for the sky, for the supreme idea, for dictation, using such concepts as “right”, “left”, “uphill”, “below”).

gra "Guess what's wrong."

Purpose: to develop a logical idea.

Description: ask the child to guess and name three round-shaped objects, three wooden objects, and some household creatures.

gra "Everything that flies".

Purpose: to develop a logical idea.

Game material and useful help: a bunch of pictures from various objects.

Description: to propagate the children to select the proppo- nated pictures behind the sign. For example: everything is rounder, everything is warmer, everything is spiritualized, everything is light, skinny.

gra "Association".

Skin people from early childhood form their own associative manifestations about the object of that appearance. Tse own key to understanding the type of thought. Have tsіy grіti children start razmezhovuvaty understand suttєvih and other row sign of the subject. Explain the child's manager like this: “I'll say one word at a time. Vono will be the leader. Then I will read the others below, as if to lie down to the first word. Name your task those without which the most important word cannot be done. Discuss the skin-promoted word, let the child tell your own opinions, and help him see the real signs.

Apply a command:

Kіmnata (stіni, lizhko, pіdloga, stele, TV set, kilim, chandelier).

Lyudina (body, brain, cloak, capelyukh, ring, legs).

Shop (buyers, goods, music, television, pennies, seller, soft).

Wood (root, flowers, water, wind, stovbur, lava, sun, leaves).

Publications on the topic:

1. Problems of learning children from mental development (ZPR) is supervised by difficulties due to confusion, aggravation of character.

Card file of igor for the development of the idea for the selection of the game set "Dari Frebela" methodical technology. “Card file of igor in the development of a thought with the help of the game set “Give Froebel” The main form of molding.

Self-education program 2 young group Methodological education programs

Formation and development of mathematical habits, development of logical thinking in children of preschool age The development of science and technology, global computerization signify the growing role of the mathematical training of the young generation. Mathematics.

The development of logical thought in children of the senior preschool age in the sight of didactic games 1. Wash away the guilt, the formation of the dosvіdu. Provision of the power of equanimity for the skin child in the otriman yakіsnoy.

Play in the development of respect.

Gras "Kolni in the Valley".

Tsіl. Develop stamina and remembrance of respect.

Children proponuetsya splashing in the valley, if you hear a word on the topic, for example, a creature. After that, grown-up, you will be lowly born. Sit down again, if you hear a word that means roslin.
Let's go to sleep first and another appointment, tobto. the child sits down, if you smell the name of the growing, and splash to the bottom of the hour, wash the words that mean the creature. Bazhano conduct a group of children.

Gra "Gudziki".

Tsіl. Take the development of the concentration of respect, memory.

Play two people. In front of them lie two identical sets of gudzikiv, joden ґudzik is not repeated. Leather gravel maє igrove field, divided into klitini. Chim skladnіsha gra, tim more kіtin can avenge the field; for the cob, 4 or 6 klitins are sufficient. The one who starts the game puts 3 gudziks on his field, the other grave is guilty of marveling (20-30 sec.) and remembering, like a kind of ґudzik to lie. After the first one, the engraver closes his playing field with a piece of paper, and the other one is guilty on his own field, repeat the same roztashuvannya Gudzikiv. In this case, it is recommended to especially follow him, so that the child is correctly oriented and does not stray at the straight lines "uphill", "down", "left", "right". The more clitin and gudzikiv are victorious, the more the gras becomes cіkavіsh and folded.

Gra "Find the right color"

Materials: 30-40 geometric figures of various colors.

On the Maidan, geometric figures are scattered, virizani from cardboard. The leading name is the color (for example, red). Behind the signal, we should choose the most severely responsible for the selection of the largest figure of the assigned color.

Gra "Listen to the bavovna!"

Tsіl. Develop active respect.

Children go stake. On one head in the valley of the stench, one should swell and take the “lelek” pose (stand on one leg, the other is folded, hands are to the sides), on two heads - the “toad” pose (systems of the navpochipki), on three heads - walk.

Gra "Catch - don't catch"

The rules of tsієї gri are similar to those of grі "Їstіvne - neїstіvne". Tilki umova, if a child catches a ball, and if not, you can change in a skin horse. For example, at the same time you are housed with a child, if the word is carried to the roslins, then you should catch yoga. If the word is not growing, then it will beat the ball. Similarly, you can choose the following options, like "Riba - not riba", "Furniture - not furniture", "Transport - not transport", "Litaє - not litaє" and others.

Gra "Be respectful!"

Tsіl. Develop active respect; navchannya svidkogo and accurate response to sound signals.

Children march to the music on the stake. Let's keep the leader repeating the word, and the children are guilty, start to win the song:

"Bunny!" Children shave, imitating a roc hare

"Konics!" Children kick with a foot on a pidlog, nibi throw a b'є hoard.

"Crayfish!" Children zakuyut, like crayfish back.

"Birds!" Children run, throwing up their hands to kill.

"Leleka!" Stand on one foot.

"Toad!" Squat and jump at the squat.

"Dogs!" Children bend their hands (imitation of the rush "to serve a dog") and bark.
"Chickens!" Children walk, "shukayut grains" on a pіdlozі and wiggle "ko-ko-ko".

Gras "Gawkers".

Meta Gris. The development of a strong (previous) respect.

Children walk along the stake, one by one, holding hands. At the signal of the leader (“Stop!”), they rumble, sway the chotiri bavovni, turn 180 degrees and begin to move in the next beak.

Changes directly following the skin signal. Like a child, she got lost and had mercy, she went out of the forest and sat on the table near the room. Gram may end if 2-3 children are left behind.

Gras "Magpie-Bіlobok"

Tsіl. Develop concentration of respect.

Material: 5-6 small items (igars).

Lay out objects (igars) on the table. Instruct the child to respectfully marvel at the table, remember the objects to lie on the new one. Let's sweat the child out. At this time, take away and replace one or a few objects. The child can tell which one she drank forty, and which one she improved.

Gras "Catch up and get stuck."

Tsіl. Develop remembrance of respect, mova.

Prop on the child, until the rahunka is up to five, reach for something red, soft, cold, etc. You can fold the group, zbіlshivshi number of objects: Dotorknutis up to two round objects.

Gra "Fly"

Tsіl. Develop stamina, rozpodil, that remembrance of respect.

Material. Іgrove field, rozkreslene for 9 or 16 clitin and shmatochok plasticine.
Prompt the child to help the “fly” (plasticine) reach the other edge of the field, ahead. That the "fly" is flying only in zigzags. Growing means the path of the "fly": "One cell forward, two to the right, one to the left." The child is guilty to go through this path "fly" on the playing field. Vihіdne stanishche - the central wall of the playing field.

After mastering the rules, a group can have two children. Commands are given by the participants according to their wishes. Gravtsі guilty, inaccessible stazhach for moving flies, do not allow її vilotu for between the playing field. Whenever you waste a thread on the gri, or if you want the fly to leave the field, you give the command Stop! And, turning the "fly" on the central cell, start a group of heads.

Gra "Mavpochki".

Gravtsі sit or stand up alone against one. One of them to rob different hands: raise your hands, collapse them in different sides, smell your nose. The second - I repeat all the moves of the first.

Gra "Chotiri verses".

At the command of the leading child, the singing rush is beaten with hands.

Children put their hands down.

"Water" Children pull their hands forward

"Povitrya" Children lift their hands up to the mountain

"Vogon" Children wrap their hands in elbows and promeneu-zastkovy swamps

Gra “I take from me a bag….”

The grown-up starts a game: "I'm going to the entrance and packing my bag. I'll take my toothbrush with me!"

The child continues: "I'll take my toothbrush and toothpaste with me."

Dorosliy: "I'll take a toothbrush, toothpaste and a red T-shirt with me"

Ditina:":"I'll take a toothbrush, toothpaste, a red T-shirt and a blue olive with me"

Let's grow up and repeat everything and add one more speech. And so doti, the docks do not zіb'єtsya and intertwine either the order, or the color of speeches.

Gra "Virno - Nevirno"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Mature wimming different phrases-virnі and nevirnі. As the phrase is virna, children applaud, as if not, then stupid.

Let the chamomile bloom in the winter. (Children are stupid ).

Lid - the water is frozen. (Children applaud ).

Wool hare ore color. (Children are stupid ).

Get the money back to the snow. (Children applaud and stupefy ). І etc.

Gra "Most Important"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Children to sit on a stake and beat the ruhi at the vіdpovіdnosti with the words: “Water” - the hands were killed; "Earth" - hands down; "Vogon" - close your eyes with your hands; "Povitrya" - raise your hands uphill.

GRA "What sounded?"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Children are shown the sound of various musical instruments. Let's play musical instruments behind the screen, and preschool children name what it sounded.

Gra "Repeat after me"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Preschoolers are encouraged to act at a glance, as if they are asked by a whistleblower, rhythmically hit the table with a stick.

Gra "Who has a little twinkle?"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Children walk on a stake, ringing in a little twinkle, which is passed one to one. The child from the tie of the eyes should stand at the center of the stake and respectfully listen to the direction of the valley. If you are mature enough to say the phrase: “The little girl is not a little bit”, the child, who is standing at the center of the stake, is guilty of showing his hand in that beak, the stars of you will be restored to the little bit.

Gra "Words"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The teacher clearly speaks six words to the children, after which ask the boys to repeat the words from that sequence. For example: a dog, a trigger, a cow, a pitching, a piglet, curly skinny.

Gra "What's in the box?"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Children are shown sounds in sirnikovyh boxes: sand, earth, millet, peas, kaminchikiv. If the grown-up one gets the boxes, she teaches the children for the sound of what is in the box.

Gra "Tell yak bulo"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The children are encouraged to look at the folding plot picture and remember all the details of the grown-up about the suitability of these heroes. Then the teacher put the food on the picture, and the children give them a suggestion.

Gra "Who is it?"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

A grown-up person reads riddles in verses, preschool children can name someone to go about.

Gra "Lyalka walk with a drabinka."

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The children have cradles in their hands, and the teacher has a metalophone. If low notes sound, the baby go down, and if the high notes sound, the baby go uphill.

Gras "Kvochka and Curly".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

In the hands of the teacher, the kvochka is a chicken, and in the children it is curly. The hen pecks at the cob, and the chickens listen. And then we chicken. The stench is guilty of pecking the stylka once, like a chicken. You can repeat at a slow pace and fast, loudly and quietly, at a singing pace.

Gra "Find a toy."

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The teacher of one child will close his eyes. One of the children gives a toy. A child calls children. Still far away, the children applaud quietly, and still close - loudly.

Gras "De sound?".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Children cry. The teacher plays on the metalophone, roaring yoga in different directions - uphill, downstairs, right-handed, left-handed. Children see straight to the sound.

Gra "Look at the Vedmedic".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The teacher from the vedmedic is in his hands to walk around all the rooms. The vedmedic has a pipe, and the children have their eyes tied. Marvel at the vedmedic - turn your head in that beep, the stars sound the bear's pipe.

Gra "What kind of instrument to sound?".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The teacher to know children from the sound of musical instruments. Children sit with their backs. Sound instrument. Children name the instrument.

Gras "Ensigns".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The teacher distributes ensigns, plays metalophones. It’s like a metalophone sounds loudly, raise ensigns and wave, like it’s quiet - hands lie on their hands.

"Gra with fingers".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The teacher graє (splashing at the valley) swidko and rightly. Children at a speedy pace twist their fingers quickly, at a right pace - rightly. (Dance, knock with a fist on a fist, with a handful of steel, with a ruby ​​hand, “bigti” with your fingers).

Gra "Rockets fly for a month".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The teacher helps a different object sound directly - a rocket. The astronaut transmits a signal by radio. Children from the eyes of the guilty, direct the rockets, which are in their hands, at the straight line, the toys, which sound.

Gra "Dosch".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The teacher plays on a metalophone, seeing voices and quiet sounds. How to sound quiet music - children are walking, middle-sized - open a parasol, loud - run at the houses.

Gra "Tell me what you can hear."

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The teacher ask the children to flatten their eyes. It is respectful to listen to that signify that you smelled the sounds of the stench. Children may be reassured again.

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The leader's eyes are tied. Children move quietly or run from one month to another, seeing the sounds. The leader is guilty of evil of one of the children who run. If you want to kill a child, it is guilty to cast a vote, and the leader will decide whom he has drunk.

Gra "Sun that rain".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The teacher quietly knocks at the bubo - the sun, the children are walking. Guchno - a plank, children are ticking at the houses.

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Children sit with pivkol. In front of them, on a song stand with their backs to the children, sit a child with a medical officer. Speech therapist preaches to some of the lads to call the vedmedic. The leader can guess who by clicking on it. The one who was recognized, becomes the leader.

Gra "Hto tse".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The teacher keeps a handful of pictures from images of creatures and birds. The child is playing one picture in such a way that they didn’t hit it any other way. Vin inherit the cry of the creature that її

ruham, but the children can guess.

Gra "Know behind the sound."

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Gravtsі, sit with your back to the leader. Vіroblyaє raznі noise and sounds with different objects. The one who guesses who is leading to make noise, raises her hand, and without turning around, talk to you about tse.

Gra "Catch the whisper".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Mustache children sit on a stake. The teacher, in a voice of great intensity, asks the vikonati to be ruh, and then, with a barely perceptible whisper, he imitates the one who can vikonati. As if the child did not tell her own name, the teacher called out to another child.

Gra "Anniversary".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The room is subdivided into two parts. From one side there is a flock of a child іz tying eyes - vartovy. All children from one side can quietly move to another side. Yakshcho vartovy feel sherekh, vіn shout: "Stіy!". The mustache is buzzing. Wart go to the sound and try to know who is making noise. Knowledge - get out of the Gri.

Gras "De knocked."

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Mustache children sit on chairs on a stake. A child comes out in the middle and flattens his eyes. The teacher goes around all the colo behind the backs of the children and gives a stick to one of them. The child knocks her on the stіlets and hovaє її behind her back. Children shout: "Hour!". Leading shukaє stick, if you know, then sit on the seat of the one who maw stick, and drive that idea. And if you don’t know, you continue to drive.

Gra "Mountainman".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Children sit on a stake on the bed and move the ball. Like a child to kitten another ball and say: "Cold", a friend of a child can chop a ball. Ale, it seems to you: "Hot", the chip is not to blame. Whoever pardons and hits the ball, takes a penalty point.

Gras "Blind Man's Buff with Bryazkalets".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The leader's eyes are tied. Children have rattles or twinks. The stench is ticking off the leader. Leading to catch children, focusing on the sound. Child, yaku was drunk, flock


Gra "Guess who is."

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Children stand on a stake. Leading to enter the middle of the stake, squashing your eyes and sweating, go straight ahead, until you get on one of the children, which is guilty of casting a voice in the back of the line with the established rank: “crow”, “av-av-av” or “meow-meow” skinny. The leader can guess who the children are shouting.

Gra "Toad".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Children stand on a stake, and one of the tied eyes is worth the middle of the stake, and it seems:

Axis toad along the road

Jump, pulling your legs,

The mosquito bounced, screamed.

The one on whom the blame was pointed out, at the same moment it seems: “Kva-kva-kva”.

Gra "Wind and Birds".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Children are divided into two groups: birds, wind. With a thick sound of musical play, the wind will blow: “children-wind” will be free, but not noisily, the big ones will go along the herd, and the other group will be “birdies”: they will be at their nest. The wind is in the air (music sounds softly), children, who imitate the wind, quietly sit on their own place, and the birds may roam from their nests and purhati.

Gra "Find a toy."

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Children sit on chairs. Leading flattening eyes. The teacher wants a baby. Behind the signal, the leader will flatten his eyes, and the children will seem to you:

Lyalka Tanya flowed in.

Vova, Vova look.

How do you know її, then boldly

Dance with our Tanya.

As if the leader is opining in that mist, where the baby is buried, the children are loudly caressing at the valley, as if moving away - the birds are smelling.

Gra "Grey - do not fly".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Children sit, hands lie on their hands. The teacher names the objects and asks: “Litaє, not litaє?”, at his raising his hands, it is independent of any object. What is the name of the object, what kind of litae - children are guilty, raise their hand. Like objects are called, like they don’t fly - hands don’t follow up.

Gra "Find a pardon".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The teacher shows a toy, or a picture from the images of the creature and calls the svіdomo wrong action, like a nibito copes with the creature. The children are guilty of confession, it’s right, and then we’ll overthrow those things, as if the creature could work.

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Gravity sit. I am one of them standing in a circle and flattening my eyes. The teacher does not name names, pointing with his hand at someone from graves. That wimovlyaє іm'ya, scho to stand at the center. The rest can guess who by calling Yogo. As if standing at the center, knowing, roaring his eyes, and changing places for him, who, having called yoga on his name. The teacher teaches the children how to grow a room. For the signal “Bіzhіt і kolo”, the children flock to the kolo. One child is left at the center of the stake. Children walk along the stake and seem:

We had a little fun

According to the missions, we spread out.

Guess the riddle

Who called to you, recognize!

Gra "Guess, de knocking woodpecker."

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The teacher imitates the sound of a woodpecker, sometimes quietly, sometimes loudly. Children are guilty of recognition, de knocking woodpecker - close or far.

Gras "Listen respectfully."

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The teacher strikes the bubo or splashes in the valley. The children are guilty of the system stylka times, how many times they felt a blow to the bubo.

Gra "Repeat".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The teacher splashes the clumsy rhythm in the valley, the children are guilty of doing it (at the valley, tambourines or drums).

Gra "Commander".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The teacher gives the children different commands and accompany them with different actions: hands up, hands down, sit, move, hands to the sides, lower your hands thinly. If the command is accompanied by the orders, the children will follow the order, if the commander is not sent, the children will not be sent. The one who destroys, wash the gris, vibuvaє from the gris.

Gra "What is needed?".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

The teacher explains to the children what is gratimed by the group “What are we planting on the city?”. The teacher names various objects, children respectfully listen. As an object is called, that planting a city, children seem: so, as if the object is not that child, it seems: no. Whoever has mercy, that program.

Gra "Hear the words"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect
Take care of the child, that you will keep different words. The children need to clap in the valley, if the word is heard, as it means, for example, dishes. Grass begins: different words are called: steel, tree, plate, pen, fox, potato, fork. The child is guilty of being caught in an instant flashing in the valley. Shchob gra not nabridala, її you can ur_znomanіtniti. Having plundered a sprat of khvilin, you can change the task. The child needs to be more timid, for example, dumb, if you hear a word that means growing; shave, if you smell a word that means a creature; take it for yourself, if you hear a word that means furniture. If the little ones start to cope, the task can be made easier by taking them two by two, and then three by three. For example, the children need to clap in the valley, if you hear the words that signify the growth, and cut off the words for the hour, that signify the creature.

Gra “On the steel! Pid steel! Knock!"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Promote the children to play in the group, in which case you will correctly win your teams. You give verbal commands, and when you try, you get lost in the child. For whom at the beginning to say the command, and yourself її correctly win, the child will repeat everything after you. Let's start to swindle the child - say one command, and work more.
For example, you say: “Pid steel!” and hands hovaete under steel, child hove hands, repeating everything after you. "Knock!" And start knocking on the table, child for repeating. "On steel!" - put your hands on the steel, the child to rob the same and so on. If the child does not call to repeat the roc after you, start doing some roguery: say one command, and repeat another roc. For example, say: “Pid steel!”, And you yourself knock on the table. The child is guilty of working those who you show, and not those who win.

Gra "Nіs - pіdloga - stele"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect
Take care of the children, if you say the word "nіs", the children need to point a finger at their nіs. If you say the word stele, the children are guilty of pointing your finger at the stele, and if the stench smells the word of a lie, then point your finger at the lie. The children need to explain that it is not possible to respond to a provocation: you need to follow those commands, that you will follow, and not those that you will show.
Then start saying the words: "nіs", "podloga", "stele" in different sequences, and show it either right or wrong. For example, name the nose, and show on the sublog. Children can always show the right one directly.

Gra "Choose to give birth"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect
For the gris, you need to see the silhouettes of different fruits and vegetables - orange carrots, red tomatoes, green cider, blue eggplant, yellow apple.
Spread different colored figurines from cardboard and ask the child to choose one vegetable or fruit. Shchob bulo tsikavishe pick up the birth, you can see the baskets.

Note: the games of the series of the series will give rise to the development of concentration, vibrancy and rozpodіlu respect. Tsі іgri good vikoristovuvatime scenarios in child saints.

Gra "Catch - don't catch"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect
For gri you need a ball. A group can play with one child, or with a group of children.
Take care of the child, so you throw a ball to you, and you will catch it, or you will beat it. If you say a word like this, for example: “Catch!”, Children need to call the ball. If the ball is thrown by the move, you need to hit it.
Start the game, chasing the word "Catch" that movchannya pіd hour kidka. If the child calls to the rhythm, start beating it up, then say “Catch” a few times later, then move it at the hour of the kidkiv. Step by step fold the group, adding the word "Don't catch!". The child is all the same guilty of wickedness of the ball, the one who, after the minds of the grie, kicking the ball out, may be less than an hour away.

Gra "Zrobi correctly"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect
For gris, you need bubo and hustochki. The number of Khustin women can be equal to the number of children who take the fate of the Greeks.
Distribute the chants to the children and explain that if you ring the bubo loudly, stink, raise the chants and wave them, and if you call quietly, let the children lower the chants down. Demonstrate what it means to ring loudly, and how to ring softly. Under an hour of fire, draw a thicker, quieter sound no more than three times - a couple of times.

Gra "Listen to that blast like me"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect
Splash the singing rhythm in the valley and instruct the child to repeat after you. Tap the rhythm with a stick on the table, drum, pan, kniz or jar. Let the child follow exactly your rhythm. Then change roles - the little one taps the rhythm, and you repeat.
Chim older child, Tim folded maybe buti rhythm. For a tribal baby, the rhythm may be no more than 5 - 6 beats. Once you master the rhythms, you can step by step make it easier.

Gra "Walk around chi ni"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Take care of the child, who you name different words, and he needs to listen respectfully. If you feel the name of the creature or the object that you can walk, the child needs to clap his knees. If you smell the name of an object, if you don’t walk, then you need to raise your hands in front of you. Start the game: “Ball, ogirok, fox, parrot ...” - say you follow it, so that the child reacted correctly to the skin word.
At qiu group it is possible to grow from a group of children. You can periodically change the greeting: “flying chi” - children raise their hands, if they smell the name of a flying object, and caress at the palm, if the names of the object that do not fly. “Round chi ni”, “fluffy chi ni” - variations of the grill can be finished richly.

Gra "We say whispers"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Place toys on the table: cubes, a doll, a rabbit, a car, and so on. To put the child at the table and explain to you that you should give it a quieter whisper - whispers, so you need to respectfully listen to you, so that you can feel everything. Look at the child for 2-3 meters and start giving a task: “Take a bunny. Put Yogo in the car. Putting one cube on the next. Let's be short, forgive the task, speak quietly, ale clearly, so that the little ones feel, having understood that task.
If you take the fate of a small child from a child, you can give them a dream, for example: “Take hands”, “Pistribate”, “Get around the style”, “Raise your hand uphill”, “Show your nose”.

Gra "Quietly - loudly"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

At qiu group you can play as with one child, so with a group of children.
When you are at home with children, if you speak quietly, it is your fault to walk quietly on scarves. And if you say loudly, the children are obliged to march loudly. Explain to the children that they need to respond not to words, but to the sound of the voice. So that you did not speak in a quiet voice, the children are all the same guilty of walking quietly on their toes. So that you didn’t speak in a booming voice, the children were all the same to march.
Start the group. Back to back, whisper in whispers: “We walk on scarves,” and in a deep voice: “Everyone is marching.” If children call to change commands, start to make the game easier, give different commands, for example, “Everyone stribayut” - you say in a quiet voice, or “Everyone wave your hands” - in a loud voice. Let's make the chorus even more complicated: "Everyone is marching" - to say whispers. “We walk on scarves” - speak loudly. Try to confuse the children, change the commands, that voice is unmatched by the voice.
Children are not guilty of provocations, they need to always walk on toes under a whisper and march under a voice.

Gra "Dzvin"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

For gri, you need a twinkle and a bandage on your eyes. Promote the children from the flattened eyes to guess and show with your hand, to ring the little little little girl.
Tie a child's eyes and stand up in two or three meters, ring the phone. The child can show directly, the stars are a little bit twinkling. Remember your place and call again with a twinkle.
If the child takes the fate of a small child, then the game is carried out without a twinkle. The children stay at the stake, the leader is chosen, they tie their eyes and put them at the center of the stake. Take care of the children, that at once the stench of the sky is splashing at the valley, and the leader is guilty of showing that the stars are heard from the bavovna. It is only that child who is to blame for splashing, on the yak you show you. The skin sprat of the leading whilin changes, so that the mustache of the children stood at the center of the stake.

Gra "Guess what object I'm hitting"
Purpose: Development of auditory respect

For grilling, you need a metal stick or an olive and a sprat of various objects, for example: a bottle, a cup, a wooden cube, a plastic cube, a saucepan. Golovne, that all the objects saw a different sound.
Prompt the child to listen, like sounds to see objects, then tap on the skin. Let's ask the child to turn around and guess what object you are hitting. Then change roles, let the child knock, and you guess.

Gra "Find the Repeat"

Purpose: Development of auditory respect
Take care of the child, who at once speaks different words and you cannot repeat yourself. Ask the little one to growl in the valley, as if you repeated the word with a raptom, and tell you wine, as if you repeated the word. Start the game: "river, elephant, ball, elephant" - you see. The child can be shaken in the valley on another word "elephant".
Why is a young child, how short can be a sequence of words between repetitions. Flatten the group only if the child is good guessing, repeat after one or two words

Gra "Telephone".

Purpose: Development of auditory respect

Children sit in a row. Who is the first right-hander to sit, it seems like a word in the ear of the susidov. Vіn convey the word dalі toshcho. After some child, starting from the rest, can say a word like they smelled it. The child persha confused the transmitted word, sitting on the end of the row. Others sit in such a rank, one place is closer to the first. Gra continue.

Gra with rahunkov sticks or sirniki .

Children pronounce viklasti on a letter, number, viserunok, silhouette thinly.

Grass with different colors of namistins.

Meta: the development of the zorov's respect

Children are proponuetsya srazok or a scheme of stringing a namist (for example, -ОХОХОХО- -ОООХХХООО- -ООХХОКХХОО-), a thread or a drіt, namistinki. The child is taken by usisto.

Gra "Guess what I'm doing."

Meta: the development of the zorov's respect

When I look at the picture books, the gra begins to grow up: “I’m running around, it’s red! What is it?" If it is known, change roles, guess the child.

Gra "Zrobi yak with me"

Meta: the development of the zorov's respect

Older children pronounce sticks (or mosaics) for a single letter, number, visor, a picture. (You can vicariate)

Gras "Rostav yak bulo"

Meta: the development of the zorov's respect

In front of the preschool children on the table, the tutor places this toy. After that, as the children looked at the toys, the grown-up ask them to turn around at the table, and at this hour the toys are minus the hands and give the task: "Put the toys in that sequence, like a stench of the bulls."

Gra "Draw"

Meta: the development of the zorov's respect

The grown-up gives the little ones to the children from the images of objects, on some day-to-day details. Prop on to name what you yourself don’t know about the little one and home them. For example: a car without kolіs, booths without dahu toshcho.

Gra "Know the Vіdminnostі"

Meta: the development of the zorov's respect

The teacher teaches the preschoolers a card from the images of two pictures, like a sprig of powers. It is necessary for children to know more clearly the values ​​of authority.

Gra "Who is smarter"

Meta: the development of the zorov's respect

The grown-up one shows the children the lines of different colors. The leaders of the preschoolers are smart about naming the most objects, vegetables, fruits, creatures thin, like they match the singing color. For example: Zhovtiy - pear, olive, sun, lemon ...; red - apple, tomato, cherry ... greens - toad, horseradish, ogirok, grass ... thin.

Gra "Who's got himself in?"

Meta: the development of the zorov's respect

Mature spread on the table in front of the children 10 pictures of creatures. After that, as the lads looked at them, the wielder asks them to flatten their eyes, and they take 3-4 pictures from the hour and ask: “Look, what kind of creatures are hiding?”

Gras "Zmalovuvannya for clients"

Meta: the development of the zorov's respect

Children are given a leaf at the clitin (great or small), an eye for painting (an ornament or a closed figure), an olive. It is necessary to repaint the visor for the clitins.

Gra "Know Zayve"

Meta: the development of the zorov's respect

Children are shown a card from images of 6 - 7 objects, one of them is shown in the others. It is necessary to know yoga. For example: fox, witch, vovk,gorobets , squirrel, hare, hedgehog. (Gorobets - bird).

Gra "Find the letter"

Target:development of stamina and concentration of respect, training in the meantime is enough to increase and change respect.

A small text is needed for the grie, and that pen is instructed in great letters. Give the child a text (to type it like a little one can’t read yet) and show it, how the letter needs to be voiced. If the child’s respect is nastily blamed, then paint the letter, as it is required to be baptized on an okremy arkush, and put the arkush with the letter in front of the child. Explain what you need to look at the leather row. Let's change that order and make it easier. For example: "They closed the letter B, and added the letter C."

For children of 3 years, write 2 - 3 propositions in large type. The better the little one copes, the more words get to the text. Pentacle child can give texts of 2-3 paragraphs.

Gra "Labirinth"

Children show a picture, ask: Who is inking? Why won't (stink) roar? Explain what a maze is. Read verses and tell a story like a fairy tale, and then ask, for example, to help the girls know the house, who lives with a grandmother.

On the back, to propagate the child to prostrate the line of the eye, as if she can’t cope with the tasks, she proponuetsya to prostrate the line for help. Dali from a simple option to move to a folding one.

Gra "Popeliushka"

Meta: development of stamina and concentration of respect;

For gris, you need zhmenki of three different cereals: kvass, peas and sochevits.

Mix a sprat of peas of skin groats in a small bowl and drink children's roses of sumish groats. Children will need to choose from a bowl of skin groats in an okremі plate, or just buy.

As an older child, then more for the quantity and less for the size of the grains, you can vicorate. For a triary baby, 5-7 peas of kvass and peas will be enough. You can give a five-year-old child a choice of mixed rice, buckwheat and cinnamon.

Gra "Find a couple"

Meta: development of stamina and concentration of respect;

For grilling, you need a sprat of the same pairs of different objects. You can match a pair of spouses of a different age, you can choose a pair of different Gudzikiv. Put in front of a child, put together a selected pair of objects, and let her make a bet. If you have a wife, then it is necessary for you to choose a bet with a husband of the same dozhina. Yakshcho tse gudzik, child betting the same gudzikiv. For trinity children, 3-5 pairs of different items will suffice. The older and the older child is, the more pairs of different items you can give to him.

Gra "What's missing?"

Show children 3-7 toys, then sew one of them. The number of toys may vary depending on the age of the child, for the smallest enough 3 toys, for children aged 3-4 years, they can be up to 7. After that, feed the child, why not.

Gra “What has changed?”

Purpose: development of an obligation of respect.

Put 3-7 toys in front of the children. Give a signal, so that the stench will flatten your eyes, and take one toy at this hour. Flattening your eyes, children are guilty of guessing, like a toy is hidden.

Gra "Find a toy"

Purpose: development of an obligation of respect.

Choose whether it’s a small toy and hide it. Let's tell the children what you've done and ask to know the toy for clues. Apply hints with which you can shuffle a toy: for blue, for yellow, for square, for round, for wood. If the child knows the toy, she becomes the leader and takes the toy, and You follow the child's promptings. If the child takes the fate of a small child, then the role of the leader will pass through the skin of the child.

Gra "Istіvne - neїstіvne"


Fallow in the name of the named object (stivniy vіn chi ni), children are guilty of catching or hitting the ball, throwing it is grown up.

Gra "Repeat after me"

Target:The development of motor-rukhovoї respect.

The teacher calls the parts of the body of a person, and the children are guilty of vikonati vidpovidnі ruhi: touch to the nose, vuha, elbow thin. (You can vikonuvat ruhi pid rhythmic music) Gra. "Litaє, stribaє, swim"

The teacher shows the children pictures of creatures, birds, skinny coma, and the children need to show them without words, like the stink of the stench can work. For example: a bird - children imitate the flow of water, a hare - stribayut, a toad - stribayut, that buv swim (chi navpaki) thinly.

Gras "Winter and migratory birds"

Target:The development of motor-rukhovoї respect.

An older one shows pictures of wintering and migratory birds, the children are given a command: “Clap in the valley, like a bird - migratory, like a wintering one - put your hands down.”

Gras "Vegetables and fruits"

Target:The development of motor-rukhovoї respect.

The grown-ups read out the names of the vegetables and fruits, the command is given to preschoolers: "Sit down - to smell the name of the vegetables, pick up - the name of the fruit."

Gras "Fenced Rukh"

Target:The development of motor-rukhovoї respect.

The teacher shows the children the hand, which cannot be repeated. Let's sweat the wines and show the difference with our hands and feet. The one who, having repeated the fall of the ruh, vibuvaє іz gri. We can defend it buti be-a kind of ruh chi poednannya ruhіv.

Gra "Potyag"

Target:The development of motor-rukhovoї respect.

Children melt on the stake and imitate the ruh of the train, show the cards as grown-up, as they signify the song rush: the yellow card - the train is falling, the red one - the train is ringing, the blue one is the train at the return bik, the green one is the train there is shvidshe.

Gras "Respectful lads"

Target:The development of motor-rukhovoї respect.

Children will be at the column. An old man names different objects, after which a skin child, like to stand at the colony, may go to the table, on which to stand a cat from objects and choose an object of a similar color with the name of the object. For example, the teacher calls the word “papyr”, the child is guilty of walking to the table and choosing from the cat the subject of a white color - a white baby, an olive skinny.


1.Andreev O.A. Practice respect. / O. A. Andreev - M .: Prosvitnitstvo, 1994 - s 135

1. Baskakova I. L. Respect for schoolchildren - mentally retarded. M., 1982


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