Views of sciences and that they are studying. The concept of science

Views of sciences and that they are studying. The concept of science

The concept of science

The object of the study in science under the object of the study implies the main field of the application forces of scientists. In one science (scientific direction), however, there may be several research facilities that constitute a logically connected being and the purpose of research in this science (scientific direction).

Such an object becomes every unknown phenomenon, an unknown earlier science, or part of it, which involves investigating this science. The preliminary division of something unknown (unknown) to logically reasonable parts of the phenomenon is often used. This is used as a completely independent scientific method, if such a division is possible on the basis of a priori visible signs of this phenomenon.

The subject of the study is the result of theoretical abstraction, which allows scientists to allocate certain sides, as well as the patterns of development and functioning of the object being studied.

purpose of work scientific activity And science is to obtain accurate comprehensive knowledge of the world and its component elements.

Research Methods Literature Review, Information Collection

The science science is based on what topic a person is engaged in and in that area it finds use.


Science is a special kind of human cognitive activity aimed at developing objective, systemically organized and reasonable knowledge about the world around. The basis of this activity is to collect facts, their systematization, critical analysis and on this basis the synthesis of new knowledge or generalizations, which not only describe the observed natural or social phenomena, but also allow to build causal relationships, predict.

Science is the main form of human knowledge. Science Nowadays, it becomes an increasingly significant and significant component of the reality that surrounds us and in which we are somehow necessary to navigate, live and act. The philosophical vision of the world suggests sufficiently certain ideas about what science is how it is arranged and how it develops that it can and what it allows you to hope, and what is not available to it. In the philosophers of the past, we can find a lot of valuable fores and tips, useful for orientation in such a world, where the role of science is so important.

1. The concept of science

Under the content of science, it is necessary to understand its definition, including goals, ideological basis (or, maybe more narrowly - paradigm) of science, i.e. the complex of adopted ideas, the views on what science is what its goals, ways to build and development, etc. In the same circle of ideas, it is necessary to include the problems and problems of scientific ethics - the systems adopted, but legally not obligatory Rules governing the relationship of people in the field of scientific activity. Scientific ethics in critical, historical and philosophical works is usually given little attention, although it, by virtue of an important place occupied by science in modern society, is a significant part of the relationship of people. We will pay a deeper attention to this issue, since in the development of modern science there are rather gross violations of ethical standards, affecting the rates of its development. Every ideology is essentially the design of experienced data on the interaction of people with nature and among themselves. We are accustomed to treat the postulated and already tested rules or laws, as a final truth, forgetting that the establishment of truth is accompanied by numerous delusions. Checking the ideological principles is experienced by a number of reasons difficult. Therefore, it was still not possible to come to an unambiguous solution to these issues, and this affects, in turn, on the development of the sciences themselves.

Most of the issues related to the ideology of science are described in detail in numerous and affordable philosophical works. We will focus only on specific issues important for our topic. We only note that although the ideology of science has roots in the ancient natural science, the wording adopted at the present time will rise, mainly to the Middle Ages, to the works of F. Bacon, R. Descarte and some others.

Science is the sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge of reality; one of the forms of public consciousness; Includes both the activities of obtaining new knowledge and its result - the amount of knowledge underlying the scientific picture of the world; Designation of individual sectors of scientific knowledge. Direct goals - description, explanation and prediction of processes and phenomena of reality constituting the subject of its study on the basis of the laws open by it. The system of sciences is conditionally divided into natural, public, humanitarian and technical sciences. Binding in the ancient world due to the needs of social practice, began to develop from 16 ... 17 centuries. and in the course of historical development turned into the most important social Instituteproviding a significant impact on all spheres of society and the culture as a whole.

1.1 Structure and Science Functions

Depending on the sphere of being, and therefore, three directions of scientific knowledge differ from the genus of reality: natural science - knowledge of nature, social studies, knowledge of various types and forms of public life, as well as knowledge of a person as a thinking creature. Naturally, these three spheres are not and should not be considered as three parts of the whole, which are only versions, adjacent to each other. The border between these spheres is relative. All totality scientific knowledge About nature is formed by natural science. Its structure is directly reflected in nature logic. The total volume and structure of natural science knowledge is great and diverse.

This includes knowledge of the substance and its structure, about the movement and interaction of substances, about chemical elements and connections, about living matter and life, about land and space. From these objects of natural sciences originate and fundamental natural science directions are taken.

The second fundamental direction of scientific knowledge is social studies. It is subject to public phenomena and systems, structures, states, processes. Social sciences give knowledge about individual species and the whole set of public relations and relations. In its nature, scientific knowledge of society is numerous, but they can be grouped in three areas: the sociological, the subject of which is society as a whole; economic - reflect the labor activity of people, property relations, social production, exchange, distribution and relations based on them in society; State and legal knowledge - they have, as their subject, state-legal structures and relations in public systems, they are considering all the sciences of the state and political sciences.

The third fundamental direction of scientific knowledge is scientific knowledge of man and his thinking. A person is an object of studying a large number of diverse sciences, which consider it in various aspects. Along with the specified major scientific directions, knowledge of science about themselves should be attributed to a separate knowledge group. The emergence of this industry knowledge refers to the 20s of our century and means that the science in its development rose to the level of understanding of his role and in the lives of people. Science studies today is considered an independent, rapidly developing scientific discipline.

In close connection with the structure of scientific knowledge there is a problem of science functions. They are allocated by several:

1. Descriptive - identification of essential properties and relationships of reality;

2. Systematizing - assigning the classes described by classes and sections;

3. Explanatory - systematic presentation of the essence of the object being studied, the reasons for its occurrence and development;

4. Production and practical - the possibility of applying knowledge gained in production, for regulation of public life, in social management;

5. Prognostic - the prediction of new discoveries within the framework of existing theories, as well as recommendations for the future;

6. The ideological is the introduction of knowledge gained in the existing picture of the world, the rationalization of human relations to reality.

2. Definition of science

For many practical and theoretical goals related to the management of scientific activities and scientific and technical progress, it seems insufficient knowledge of the intuitive idea of \u200b\u200bscience. Of course, the definition is secondary compared to the concept. Science, no matter how determining it, includes the progress of the generation of concepts, and determining its concept, we become involved in this process.

Much of what concerns the relationship between science and society is associated with the place of science in a number of other types of human activities. Currently, there is a tendency to give science overly important in the development of society. To establish the truth in this matter, it is necessary, first of all, to find out what kind of activity should be called science.

In the general sense, science is called activities related to the accumulation of knowledge about nature and society, as well as the very totality of knowledge, allowing to predict the behavior of nature objects by modeling both their most and their interaction with each other (in particular, mathematical). It is believed that science in the modern sense of the word appeared in Ancient GreeceAlthough it is known that huge knowledge reserves have been accumulated long before that in ancient, Egypt and China. From the point of view of practice, knowledge of examples is quite equivalent to knowledge of the theorems recorded in the abstract notation. Therefore, we conclude the equivalent (in the practical sense) of these knowledge systems. In other words, for the convenience of comparison, we equated the usefulness of Babylonian and Greek geometry. Apparently, if at the same time there is still a distinction between them, then it should be a basis for determining science. It turns out that in the general case in the geometry of Euclidea, it is not necessary to remember the theorems themselves, and even more so solutions to practical tasks: it is enough to know definitions, axioms, rules for constructing and have practical skills so that in the event of a need to derive one or another theorem and solve the right task , relying on this knowledge system. Using the found theorem (or theorems) is easy to solve many tasks. In contrast, the Babylonian "Science" provides for memorizing the aggregate of examples required for all occasions. Babylonian knowledge of the accumulation of knowledge is always associated with big flow Memory resources and, nevertheless, does not allow you to quickly receive answers to new questions. Greek method is associated with the systematization of knowledge and, thanks to this, the maximum as possible. Similar examples, and the number can be multiplied - recall, for example, Linneia and Darwin's activities on the systematization of knowledge in biology and the progress associated with this in this area are allowed to identify science as systematization activities, the ordering of knowledge. Since the time of F. Bacon is aware of the idea that science should not only passively watch and collect ready-made, but also actively search and cultivate knowledge. For this, a person must ask the nature of the questions and by experiment to find out its answers. Another side of scientists traditionally is the transfer of knowledge to other people, i.e. Teaching activities. So, science is the coding of knowledge, building models of various objects and systems, calculation (prediction) on this basis behavior of specific objects and systems.

2.1 Approaches in the definition of science

1. Terminological approach in defining science

A generalizing and important for all possible definitions of science remains that we somehow know what science is. We are talking about the explication of the knowledge of our knowledge, and the knowledge of the knowledge is quite objective or at least we shared with a significant part of the scientific community. Science includes not only knowledge in the sense of action or activity, but also the positive results of this activity. In addition, and some results that are directly and literal sense It is difficult to call positive, for example, scientific errors, the use of science in antihuman purposes, falsification, sometimes very sophisticated in many criteria still enter into science.

It is necessary to terminologically differentiate science from several adjacent and sometimes mixed with her concepts. First of all, we will fix the category of innovation activities, i.e. Such activities, the purpose of which is the introduction of certain innovations (innovations) in the established cultural complexes. Thanks to its innovative aspect, science is different from other activities related to knowledge and information. At the same time, science is not identical to research activities: the latter can be defined as innovative activities in the field of knowledge, and this does not include many aspects of science - organizational, personnel, etc., besides, "Activities" there are activities, and not Its or another of its specific result, while science includes the obtained and obtained results in the same one, if more than more and more than operations on obtaining them.

Methods of evidence and belief in various spheres of human activity, such as science, political structure, oratory, philosophy, replaced the earlier "method" of an arbitrary or purely traditional solution to the relevant problems on the basis of a hidden postulate on uniformity of human actions reflecting even greater uniformity of natural and superpricted order.

Since then, the terms "systematic" and "reasons" remain key to any definition of science. The first one can be considered more versatile, since the complete lack of systematics relieves the very question of the availability of science (and even the cognition, if you understand the last, as it is often done now, in the sense, at least similar science).

2. Phenomenological aspect of science definition

Determining the science, we are inside it, as within something we are known, although not yet explicated. The subject seeing science is not like something external, but "inside" itself is in a situation, excellent and from the situation of terminological or speculative design of science and from the situation of the purely empirical contemplation of its object (science). As part of science as the system higher (compared with any disciplines in its composition), the totality of disciplines, from the other side of the science they study, forms a certain subsystem. Thanks to the introduction of the principles of operations research, system approach And phenomenology managed to mainly overcome the reductionist dogma on what "all knowledge, ultimately, is reduced to the totality of elementary statements." In particular, science is not alien to the value (moral, culturally significant) party. This trend towards the imperative value must be taken into account in the definition of science, which is, as mentioned, the predominant area of \u200b\u200binnovation. Phenomenologically science grows out of relatively elementary value-dyed manifestations, such as curiosity, the need to be aware, practical orientation in the world.

3. Value aspects of science definition

Since science as a whole and in all its systemic states is one of the products of the development of the value consciousness of mankind, the definitions of science should not ignore how it is sometimes done, its value aspect, or limit it alone with the value of knowledge. At the same time, if there is also a medieval science for the grade of ancient science to reflect the value plan and, perhaps, it is enough to include in the definition of science orientation to comprehend such cosmic value as a universal law in its hierarchical interpretation, then for the antiqua, renaissance steps As well as modern (classical and postclassical) science, the spectrum of relevant values \u200b\u200bis significantly wider and includes the principles of an objective and impartial study, humanistic orientation and imperative of obtaining and summarizing the new knowledge of the properties, causal relationships and patterns of natural, social and logical and mathematical objects.

3. Basic principles of science development

The first of them is, apparently, the principle determining the attitude of a person to nature is largely dictating methods and the possibility of studying it. To the IV century BC. e. Two basic formulations of the first principle took shape: materialistic and idealistic.

Materialism postulates independent of the person's existence in the form of various moving forms of matter, and a person considers as a product of natural development of nature. This principle is usually as follows: nature is primary, and the consciousness is secondary.

Idealism believes that nature exists in the form of ideas accumulated by the brain, about those forms of matter that a person feels. Depending on whether the existence of ideas is recognized independent, or they are considered to produce a soul (mind), distinguish objective and subjective idealism. One of the forms of objective idealism is a religious ideology in which the existence of the primary carrier of ideas is postponed.

Thus, the first principle in idealistic formulation has many options, while the materialistic formulation is essentially the only one (maybe, therefore, idealists consider materialism to be a primitive ideology.).

From the height of the knowledge gained by humanity, modern materialists consider idealism, as a misleading. Not denying it, we would like to emphasize the following idea for our topic: the choice between materialism and idealism should not be substantiated with a logical way. You can only with numerous experienced checks to show that materialism, as the basis for the knowledge of nature, gives a more complete and useful knowledge system than idealism. This situation is not exceptional in the field of ideas: all the first principles of physics cannot be proven, but are practical conclusions.

Another support for idealism is the form in which our knowledge is embodied. The latter exist in the form of ideas and symbols that are absolutely nothing in common with natural objectsAnd, nevertheless, let us communicate with nature correctly. Veliko temptation to give these symbols some independent importance, which is so characteristic of abstract mathematics and theoretical physics of our time.

So, the choice of one or another wording of the first principle cannot be predetermined; In other words, the freedom of conscience in this sense should be recognized for scientists. Only experience can convince the correctness of this or that wording.


The basis of the progress of human society is to develop various means of use stored in the nature of energy to meet the practical needs of a person. But as the history shows, the appearance of these funds has been extremely rarely connected with science. Most often, they were born as inventions (often made by poorly educated people, no relation to the subject of their invention; it is doubtful, which can be called scientists of those Neanderthal and Cryanons, who invented ways of ignition fire, stone processing, metal forging, Metal Melting and T .p. The discoveries that made us what we are now). Improving inventions also occurred by samples and errors and only very recently began to really use scientific calculations for this.

Speaking so far about science and scientific knowledge, we considered them as a realistic object of the study, which we analyzed from a formal point of view. However, humanity in its history has accumulated the most different knowledge of their nature, and scientific knowledge is only one of the species of this knowledge. Therefore, the question of the criteria of knowledge is arising, which respectively allows them to include them to the category of scientific or any others.


1) Bezuglov IG, Lebedinsky V.V. Bezuglov A.I. Fundamentals of scientific research: Tutorial for graduate students and students - diplomuses / Bezuglov IG, Lebedinsky V.V., Bezuglov A.I. - M.: - Academic project, 2008. - 194 p.

2) Gerasimov I.G. Scientific research. - M.: Policy, 1972. - 279 p.

3) Krutov V.I, Grushko I.M, Popov V.V. Fundamentals of scientific research: studies. for tech universities, ed. Krutova, I.M, Popova V.V. - M.: Higher. Shk., 1989. - 400 p.

4) Skill M.F. Fundamentals of scientific research: Tutorial / M.F. Skill. - 3rd ed. - M.: Publishing and trading corporation Dashkov and K, 2010. - 244 p.

In a modern sense, science is considered to be considered as one of the components (along with, ideology, etc.) of mankind.

- This is a certain system of knowledge about Nature, O, O, as well as a special type of spiritual production, the goals of which are to obtain true knowledge, their accumulation and improvement.

In addition, the science means a combination, within which this production is carried out.

In the strict sense of the word science as a phenomenon Appeared in the XVII century, which was associated with the possibility of experimental by checking the truth of the knowledge gained. Science and Society are interrelated. Science can neither arise nor develop out of society. In turn, modern society can no longer exist without science, which contributes to all spheres of society, acts as a factor in social development. Based on the knowledge of the laws of functioning and evolution of the objects under consideration, science predicts the future of objects of objects in order to practice reality.

Guided definite ideals and standards Scientific activities that are certain approaches, principles, installations inherent in scientists at different stages of science development and changing over time (such, for example, the transition from the physics of I. Newton to A. Einstein physics). The unity of ideals and norms of scientific knowledge that dominated at a certain stage of development of science, express the concept " scientific thinking style ".

Development of scientific knowledge

American historian of science T. Kun analyzed the nature of the development of scientific knowledge. He defined the periods when science develops gradually, accumulating facts when theorems are proved within the framework of existing theories. This state of science developing on the basis of the norms recognized in the scientific community, rules, methodological plants, KUN called "". As science develops, as part of a certain paradigm, facts that do not fit into the framework of existing theories inevitably accumulate. Sooner or later, it is necessary to explain to their explanation to change the foundations of scientific knowledge, the fundamental principles, methodological installations, i.e., scientific paradigms. Changing paradigms, kuuna, is scientific revolution.

Scientific picture of the world

The scientific revolution entails a change scientific picture of the world - holistic system concepts and principles about common properties And about the laws of reality.

Distinguish general scientific picture of the world which includes the representations of both reality (i.e. about nature, about society and the very knowledge of knowledge), and naturally scientific picture of the world. The latter, depending on the subject of knowledge, can be physical, astronomical, chemical, biological, etc.. In a general scientific picture of the world, the decisive element is the picture of the world of the area of \u200b\u200bscientific knowledge, which occupies a leading position at a particular stage in the development of science.

Each picture of the world is built on the basis of certain fundamental scientific theories, and as practice and knowledge develops, some scientific paintings of the world are replaced by others. So, the naturally scientific and first of all the physical picture was built first (in the XVII century) on the basis of classical mechanics ( classical Picture of the world), then (at the beginning of the XX century) based on electrodynamics, quantum mechanics and relativity theory (Neklissical picture of the world), and now on the basis of synergetics ( post-Neklissical picture of the world). The scientific paintings of the world perform a heuristic role in the process of building fundamental scientific theories. They are closely related to the worldview, being one of the important sources of its formation.

Science classification

Complex, but very important problem is classification of sciences. An extensive system of numerous and diverse studies differing in the object, subject, method, the degree of fundamentality, the scope of use, etc., almost eliminates the uniform classification of all sciences on one basis.

In the most common form of science, they are divided into natural, technical, public (social) and humanitarian.

Sciences include sciences:

  • on space, its structure, development (astronomy, cosmology, cosmogony, astrophysics, cosmochemistry, etc.);
  • Earth (geology, geophysics, geochemistry, etc.);
  • physical, chemical, biological systems and processes, forms of motion of matter (physics, etc.);
  • man as a biological form, its origin and evolution (anatomy, etc.).

Technical Science is meaningfully based on natural sciences. They study the loliar forms and directions of development of equipment (heat engineering, radio engineering, electrical engineering, etc.).

Public (social) Sciences also have a number of areas and are studying society (economy, sociology, political science, jurisprudence, etc.).

Humanities Science - the science of the spiritual world of a person, about the attitude towards the world around the world, society, to itself (pedagogy, psychology, heuristics, conflictology, etc.).

Between the blocks of sciences there are binding links; The same sciences can partially enter different groups (ergonomics, medicine, ecology, engineering psychology, etc.), especially the line between public and humanitarian sciences (history, ethics, aesthetics, etc.).

Special place in the system of sciences occupy , mathematics, cybernetics, informatics etc., which, by virtue of their general nature, apply in any studies.

The following classification involves the selection fundamental and applied science. The criterion of their allocation turns out the degree of remoteness from practice.

One of the classifications of types of science reflects stages of formation Modern science:

  • classical science - Science formed in the XVII-XIX centuries. The distinctive feature is an extreme objectivity, that is, a fundamental exception from the scientific knowledge of everything that is associated with a learning subject and means of knowledge;
  • neklissic scienceprevailing in the first half of the XX century. It comes from the fact that the subject and object of knowledge form a unified system and, moreover, the act of knowledge itself changes the object under study. An example of non-classical science - quantum physics;
  • postno-classical sciencethat appeared in the second half of the XX century. This science requires accounting for the value and targets of the researcher, assessing the social significance of the results obtained. Ecology, genetic engineering, etc. can be attributed to the number of such sciences.

In the course of historical development, science from the class of single (Archimedes) is gradually turning into a special, relatively independent form of public consciousness and the sphere of human activity. It acts as a product of long-term development of human culture, civilization, a special social organism with its own types of communication, separation and cooperation of certain types of scientific activities.

The role of science in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution is constantly growing. Among its basic functions, it is necessary to name the following:

  • ideological (Science explains the world);
  • gnoseological (Science contributes to the knowledge of the world);
  • transformative (Science acts as a factor of social development: it underlies the processes of modern production, creating advanced technology, significantly increasing the productive forces of society).

To the exact sciences are customary to attribute such sciences as chemistry, physics, astronomy, mathematics, computer science. So historically it happened that the exact sciences mostly paid attention to inanimate nature. Recently, it is suggested that the science of wildlife, biology can become accurate, since the same methods that, physics, etc. are increasingly used in it. Already, there is an accurate section related to the exact sciences - genetics.

Mathematics - the fundamental science on which many other sciences relieve. It is considered accurate, although sometimes in evidence theorems use assumptions that are not subject to evidence.

Computer science - About methods for producing, storage, storage, transformation, transformation, protection and use of information. Since all this allows computers, computer science is associated with computing equipment. It includes various discipline information related to the processing, such as the development of programming languages, analysis of algorithms, etc.

What distinguishes accurate science

Exact sciences are studying accurate patterns, phenomena and objects of nature, which can be measured using installed methods, devices and describe with well-defined concepts. Hypotheses are based on experiments and logical arguments and are strictly checked.

Exact sciences usually deal with numerical values, formulas, unambiguous conclusions. If you take, for example, physics, the laws of nature act in equal conditions equally. In the humanitarian sciences, such as philosophy, sociology, each person may have its own opinion on most issues and justify it, but to prove that this opinion is the only right thing, he is unlikely to be able to. The humanitarian disciplines are strongly pronounced factor of subjectivity. The results of measurements of the exact sciences can be checked, i.e. They are objective.

The essence of the exact sciences can be well understood on the example of computer science and programming, which uses the "If - otherwise" algorithm. The algorithm implies a clear sequence of actions to achieve a specific result.

Scientists and researchers continue to make all new discoveries in various areas, many phenomena and processes on the planet Earth and in the Universe remain unexplored. In view of this, it can be assumed that even any humanitarian science could become accurate if there were methods to disclose and prove still inexplicable patterns. In the meantime, people simply do not own such methods, so they have to be content with reasoning and draw conclusions on the basis of the experience gained and observations.

Humanity has always sought to explain complex phenomena, note their manifolds to some certainty, system. Not exception and science, which seeks to explain not only the external and inner world, surrounding manBut also to classify itself by any criteria.

The greatest fame in the scientist received the classification of sciences, this F. Engels. In the work of "Dialectics of Nature". Based on the development of moving matter from the lowest to the highest, he allocated mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology, social sciences. On the same principle of subordination of the form of motion of the matter, the classification of the sciences of the domestic scientist B.M. Kedrov. He distinguished the six main forms of motion of the matter: subatomno-physical, chemical, molecular-physical, geological, biological and social.

Currently, depending on the sphere, the subject and the method of knowledge, science distinguish:

1) Nature - Natural;

2) about society - humanitarian and social;

3) On thinking and knowledge - logic, gnoseology, epistemology, etc.

In the classifier of directions and specialties of the highest vocational educationDeveloped by scientific and methodological advice - Departments of the UMO in the direction of education, highlighted:

1) Natural sciences and mathematics (mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology, soil science, geography, hydrometeorology, geology, ecology, etc.);

2) Humanitarian and socio-economic sciences (cultural studies, theology, philology, philosophy, linguistics, journalism, bookstrap, history, political science, psychology, social work, sociology, regions, management, economy, art, physical education, commerce, agroeconomics, statistics, art, jurisprudence, etc.);

3) technical sciences (construction, printing, telecommunications, metallurgy, mining, electronics and microelectronics, geodesy, radio engineering, architecture, etc.);

4) Agricultural Sciences (agronomy, zootechnics, veterinary medicine, agrogenineering, forestry, fishing, etc.).

We draw attention to the fact that in this classifier, technical and agricultural sciences are highlighted in separate groups, and mathematics are not attributed to the natural sciences.

Some scientists do not consider philosophy of science (only by science) or put it in one row with natural, technical and social sciences. This is explained by the fact that it is considered by them as a worldview, knowledge of the world as a whole, the methodology of knowledge or as a science of all sciences. Philosophy, in their opinion, is not aimed at picking up, analyzing and summarizing the facts, the detection of the laws of the act of reality, it only uses the achievements of specific sciences. Leaving aside a dispute about the relationship of philosophy and science, we note that philosophy is still a science with its subject and methods of studying universal laws and the characteristics of everything endless in the space and time of the objective material world.

The nomenclature of the specialties of scientists approved by the Ministry of Science and Technologies of the Russian Federation on January 25, 2000, the following industries of science are indicated: physico-mathematical, chemical, biological, geological and mineralogical, technical, agricultural, historical, economic, philosophical, philological, geographical, legal , Pedagogical, medical, pharmaceutical, veterinary, art history, architecture, psychological, sociological, political, cultural and earth science.

Each of the named groups of sciences may be subjected to further membership.

There are other classifications of sciences. For example, depending on communication with the practice of science, they are divided into fundamental (theoretical), which find out the basic laws of objective and subjective peace and are not directly focused on practice, and applied, which are aimed at solving technical, industrial, socio-technical problems.

The original classification of science offered L.G. Jahai. Dividing the science of nature, society and knowledge on theoretical and applied, he inside this classification allocated philosophy, basic sciences and private sciences bothering them. For example, to the main theoretical sciences about society, he took history, political economy, lawwork, ethics, art history, linguistics. These sciences have more fractional division. For example, history is divided into ethnography, archeology and world history. In addition, he gave the classification of the so-called "butt" sciences: intermediate sciences arising at the border of two neighboring sciences (for example, mathematical logic, physical chemistry); crossed sciences that were formed by connecting the principles and methods of two sciences distant from each other (for example, geophysics, economic geography); Comprehensive sciences that were formed by crossing a number of theoretical sciences (for example, oceanology, cybernetics, science studies).

Classification (from Lat. Classis- the discharge, Facio - I do) Sciences implies grouping and systematization of knowledge on the basis of similarity of certain properties.Modern sciences are subdivided into three large classes: natural, public, technical.Differences of natural sciences are that they are based on the connection mathematical description Nature and its experimental research. Technical sciences were formed as an indirect link between natural science and production. Technical knowledge indicates the success of the practical application of science. Social sciences reveal the specifics of historically developing social objects.

The source of the empirical science F. Bacon proposed the classification of sciences, which was based on the fundamental

the abilities of the human soul: memory, imagination, ra zoom. In its memory classification corresponds to history; Willingly - Poetry; Reason - philosophy. Philosophy - generalized knowledge that disintegrates into natural philosophy, or the doctrine of nature (physics, mechanics, metaphysics and magic), and per-philosophy (the doctrine of axioms and transcendes).

IN science classificationsthe generic team of rationalism R. de mapa tree metaphor is used: the rhizer is a me-taphysics (science of the root causes), a barrel - physics, krona includes medicine, mechanics and ethics.

It is important to consider how the ideas about the development of sciences and their classification developed in Russia. From the earliest "experiences of philosophizing" should be allocated V.N. Tatishchev(1686-1750), which is counted for the ideologists of Petrovsky re figs. By occupying high administrative positions, he was simultaneously prominent member of the "scientist of the squad" and knew well scientific and philosophical literature, he belongs to the works in natural science, geography, pedagogy. He called Philosophy's philosophy and considered it as a higher science, a synthesis-powered all true knowledge. "Philosophy" is not good, "he wrote," but also needed faith, and prohibiting philosophy either the ignorant themselves, or like the "oxid church-friendly employees" deliberately strive to keep in ignorance in ignorance. The philosophical world of Tatishchev is set out in the TATTE "Talk of two buddies about the benefits of science and schools", main topic which is a self-knowledge of a person with the help of the natural "light of mind." Basic science classificationsTatishchev Polo-lived principle of utilityand divided science on "Necessary"("God-Vie, logic, physics, chemistry; their" need "was determined by the fact that they studied God and the nature created by him), "Schegolsk"(various arts), "Curious"(astrology, chiromantia and physiognomy) and "harmful"(fortune telling and witchcraft).

A peculiar classification of science gave Hegel. The stages of evolution identified by them reflected the stages of evolution interpreted as the development and implementation of the creative activity of the World Spirit

or "absolute idea". Hegel highlights the logic that coincides with dialectic and the theory of knowledge and includes three sections: the doctrine of being, about the essence, about the concept; The philosophy of nature, where Hegel emphasized the transition from mechanical javal to chemical, further to organic life and practice; Philosophy of the Spirit, divided into the doctrine of the subjective spirit (anthropology, phenomenology, psychology), objective spirit (socio-historical life of a person), absolute spirit (fi losophy as science science).

Serious milestone in the formation of classification of science was the teaching Saint-Simona(1760-1825), approving the need to base scientific judgments on the observed facts. Private sciences There are elements of common science - philosophy, which will be positive when all private sciences (and, above all, physiological and psychology) will become positive, i.e. When will be based on the observed facts. Saint-Simon tried to transfer the most naturally scientific disciplines to the area of \u200b\u200bknowledge of the Company and believed that universal laws should be sought, managing all the phenomena of nature and society.

O. Kont(1798-1857), the founder of positivism in philosophy, took the basis of the classification of sciences The law of the three stages of the intellectual evolution of mankind.In his opinion, the classification should be responsible to two conditions - dogmatic and historical. The first is the location of sciences, according to their contents, the second is in the location of sciences, so-like their actual development, from ancient to new. The hierarchy of science according to the degree of decrease in abstractness and increasing complexity is as follows: mathematics, astronomy, physics, chi-mia, biology and sociology,considered by the right, as Socyal Physics. Conveniently, he considered a group of two sciences, representing them in the form of three pairs: (a) initial (mathematics - astro-nomium), (b) the ultimate (biology - sociology), (c) intermediate (physics - chemistry) . In the Contovoy classification, the logic is examined as part of mathematics, and psychology - as part of biology and sociology.

The basis of the classification of sciences F. Engelsthe classification of the forms of motion of matter is laid. But since the classification of the forms of motion of matter went along the ascending line from the lower-to-higher, then the classification of sciences took the view of the subordination chain: mechanics- physics- chemistry- biology- social sciencies.Engels predicted the universality of the transition of one form of movement to another, although at this time only transitions between mechanical and thermal forms were studied. It turned out to be true and his assumption that outstanding discoveries will arise at the junction of sciences in the border areas. In the XX century It was on the sty of the sciences that many promising areas of study appeared: biochemistry, geochemistry, psycholinguistics, informatics, etc. The principal difference between the Classifications proposed by Engels consisted of the fact that the principle of objectivity was found in its foundation: the differences between the sciences were determined by The lickens of the studied objects.

The principle of classification proposed by Engels may be continued with the current discoveries of new forms of motion of matter. Due to the new data of natural science, six main forms of motion of matter are distinguished: the subatomino-physical, chemical, molecular-physical, geology, and biological and social. Such a classification of forms of motion of matter can act as the basis of the classification of sciences.

There is an approach, according to which all the diversity of the world can be reduced to three forms of movement of matter: the main, private, complex.The main forms include: physical-kaya, chemical, biological, social. Private forms are included in the main. Thus, physical matter includes vacuum, fields, elementary particles, kernels, atoms, molecules, macrotel, stars, galaxies, metagalaxy. The complex forms of movement of matter include astrological (ME-Tagalakik - Galaxy - Stars - Planets); geological (physical and chemical forms of matter in planetary body conditions); geographical (physical, chemical, biological

and social and social forms of motion of matter within lito, hydro and atmosphere). One of the essential features of computers of motion of matter is that the dominant role in them, ultimately, plays the lower form of matter - physical. For example, geological processes are determined physical forces: gravity, pressure, warmth; Geograx-shaped laws are due to the physical and chemicals and the ratios of the upper shells of the Earth.

Further steps in the development of classification of sciences V. Dlypey(1833-1911). In the work "Introduction to the Science of Spirit" the philosopher distinguishes science about the Spirit and Science of Natureon the subject. The subject of the first is human relations, the subject of the second is the world in relation to man. In the sciences of the Spirit, the connection of the concepts of "life", "expression", "understanding", which is not in the sciences of nature. Understanding is the source and method of science on the spirit (see section and, ch. 4).

V. Windelband(1848-1915) offers to distinguish between sciences not on the subject, but by the method, highlights science nomethetic(from Greek. Nomothetike - Legislative Art), aimed at the US-Tanning of General Laws, and idiographic(from Greek. idios.- OSO-BEN + grapho -i write), studying individual phenomena and events.

The opposite of nature and spirit does not give an exhaustive explanation of the diversity of sciences, so Rikkert(1863-1936), developing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe existence nominated by Windelband, comes to the conclusion that the difference of science follows from the value orientation of scientists. Natural science free from values, culture and individual-lysiting understanding of history is the kingdom of values. On now, he divides science on the science of nature and science on culture that covers such areas as religion, church, great-in, state and even the farm. Rickert distinguishes the spheres reality, valuablesand sensewhich correspond to three methods: explanation, understanding, interpretation(These concepts are discussed in detail in Section II, GL.4).

4. Science philosophy 97

Danger taxonomy. Taxonomy - Science of classification and systematization of complex phenomena, concepts, objects

Taxonomy -science of classification and systematization of complex phenomena, concepts, objects. Since the danger is a concept of complex, hierarchical, having a lot of signs, taxonomies them performs an important role in organizing scientific knowledge in the field of activity of activity, allows you to deeper to know the nature of the danger.

Perfect, fairly complete danger taxonomy is still under development.

Some examples of taxonomy:

P. by origindistinguish 6 hazard groups:

  • natural;
  • technogenic;
  • anthropogenic;
  • environmental;
  • social;
  • biological;

P. by the nature of the impact on a persondangers can be divided into 5 groups:

  • mechanical;
  • physical;
  • chemical;
  • biological;
  • psychophysiological;

P. in the appearance of negative consequencesthe dangers are divided by impulsiveand cumulative;

P. on the localization of dangerthere are: associated with lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and space;

P. according to the consequences:fatigue, diseases, injuries, accidents, fires, fatal outcomes, etc.;

P. by affected damage:

  • social;
  • technical;
  • ecological;
  • economic;

P. by structure (structure)dangers are divided into simple and derivatives generated by interaction between simple;

P. according to the realized energydangers are divided into active and passive.

Passive belongs to the dangers that are activated due to the energy of which is the human carrier. These are sharp (stitching, cutting) fixed elements; unevenness of the surface on which man moves; slopes, lifts; Minor friction between contacting surfaces, etc.

4. Dangers on the likelihood of human impact and habitat are divided into potential, real, implemented.

Potentialdanger represents a threat to a general nature that is not associated with space and exposure time.

The presence of potential hazards is reflected in the statement that human activity is potentially dangerous. It presents that all human actions and all components of habitat, primarily technical means and technologies, in addition to positive properties and results, have the ability to generate traumatic and harmful factors.

At the same time, any new and positive action of a person or its result inevitably leads to the emergence of new negative factors.

Realthe danger is always associated with a specific threat to the impact on the object of protection (human); It is coordinated in space and time.

Realizeddanger is the fact of the impact of real danger on a person and (or) habitat, which led to the loss of health or to the death of a person, to material losses.

Realized dangers are taken to divide on accidents, accidents, disasters and natural disasters.

Incident - an event consisting of a negative impact with causing damage to human, natural or material resources.

Emergencies (PE) -the event that happens usually briefly and possessing high levels Negative impact on people, natural and material resources. ChP includes major accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters.

Accident -incident B. technical systemIn which the restoration of technical means is impossible or economically inexpedient.

Catastrophe -the incident in the technical system, accompanied by death or missing people.

Disaster- an incident associated with natural phenomena on earth and led to the destruction of the biosphere, to the death or loss of people's health.

Science classification

Criteria of classification of sciences

The classification is a method that allows you to describe a multi-level, branched system of elements and their relationships. The science of classification is called systematics. Distinguish artificial and natural classification. In the first, the essential properties of classified objects are not taken into account, the second of these properties takes into account.

Natural Sciences Learning phenomena, processes and objects of the material world.

This world is sometimes referred to as the outside world. These sciences include physics, chemistry, geology, biology and other similar sciences. Natural sciences are studied and human as a material, biological creature. One of the authors of the presentation of natural sciences as a unified knowledge system was German biologist Ernst Geckel (1834-1919). In his book, "World Riddles" (1899), he pointed to a group of problems (riddles), which are the subject of study, essentially all natural sciences as a single system of natural-scientific knowledge, natural science.

"Riddles E. Gekkel" can be formulated as follows: How did the universe arose? What types of physical interaction are in the world and do they have a single physical nature? What ultimately is everything in the world? What is the difference between a person's living and what is the place of a person in an infinitely changing universe and a number of other issues of a fundamental nature. Based on the foregoing concept of E. Geckel on the role of natural sciences in the knowledge of the world, the following definition of natural science can be given.

Humanitarian sciences - These are the sciences that study the laws of development of society and man as a social, spiritual being. These include history, right, economy and other similar sciences. In contrast, for example, from biology, where a person is considered as a biological species, in humanitarian sciences we are talking about a person as a creative, spiritual creature.

Technical sciences are the knowledge that a person needs to create the so-called "second nature", the world of buildings, structures, communications, artificial energy sources, etc. The technical sciences include cosmonautics, electronics, energy and a number of other similar sciences. In technical sciences, the relationship of natural science and humanities is more manifested.

Systems created on the basis of knowledge of technical sciences take into account knowledge from the field of humanitarian and natural sciences. In all sciences mentioned above, specialization and integration is observed. Specialization characterizes a deep study of individual parties, the properties of the object under study, phenomena, process.

For example, a lawyer can devote all its lives to the study of the problems of criminal law. Integration characterizes the process of combining specialized knowledge from various scientific disciplines. Today there is a general process of integrating natural science, humanitarian and technical sciences in solving a number of topical problems, including special meaning have global problems development of the world community.

Along with the integration of scientific knowledge, the process of formation of scientific disciplines at the junction of individual sciences is developing. For example, in the twentieth century.

there were such sciences such as geochemistry (geological and chemical evolution of the Earth), biochemistry (chemical interactions in living organisms) and others. The processes of integration and specialization eloquently emphasize the unity of science, the relationship of its sections.

The division of all sciences on the subject of study on natural, humanitarian and technical faces a certain difficulty: What sciences are mathematics, logic, psychology, philosophy, cybernetics, general theory of systems and some others? This question is not trivial. This is especially true of mathematics. Mathematics, as noted by one of the founders of quantum mechanics English physicist P.

Dirac (1902-1984) is an instrument specifically adapted to deal with the abstract concepts of any kind, and there is no limit in this area.


Theoretical and Empirical Sciences

According to the methods used in the sciences, it is customary to divide the science on theoretical and empirical.

The word "theory" is borrowed from ancient Greek language and means "thoughtful consideration of things."

Theoretical sciences create a variety of models of actually existing phenomena, processes and objects of research.

They are widely used abstract concepts, mathematical calculations and ideal objects. This allows you to identify significant links, laws and patterns of studied phenomena, processes and objects. For example, in order to understand the patterns of thermal radiation, the classical thermodynamics used the concept of an absolutely black body, which completely absorbs the light radiation falling on it.

In the development of theoretical sciences, the principle of inclusion of postulates is played.

For example, A. Einstein accepted in the theory of relativity of the postulate about the independence of the speed of light from the movement of the source of its radiation.

This postulate does not explain why the speed of light is constant, but is the initial position (postulate) of this theory. Empirical sciences. The word "empirical" was made on behalf of the name of an ancient Roman physician, the philosopher of the sext of the Empirik (III century. N. Er). He argued that only these experiences should underlie the development of scientific knowledge. Hence the empirical means experienced. Currently, this concept includes both the concept of experiment and traditional methods Observations: description and systematization of the facts obtained without using the methods of experiment.

The word "experiment" is borrowed from the Latin language and means literally translating the sample and experience. Strictly speaking, the experiment "sets questions" nature, i.e., special conditions are created that allow you to identify the action of the object under these conditions.

There is a close relationship between theoretical and empirical sciences: the theoretical sciences use these empirical sciences, the empirical sciences check the consequences arising from theoretical sciences. There is nothing more efficient than a good theory in scientific research, and the development of the theory is impossible without an original, creatively thoughtful experiment.

Currently, the term "empirical and theoretical" sciences is replaced by more adequate terms "Theoretical Studies" and "Experimental Studies". The introduction of these terms emphasizes a close relationship between the theory and practice in modern science.

Fundamental and applied sciences

Taking into account the result of the contribution of individual sciences in the development of scientific knowledge, all sciences are divided into fundamental and applied sciences.

The first strongly affect our image of thoughts, the second - to our lifestyle.

Fundamental sciences are investigating the deepest elements, structures, laws of the universe. In the XIX century It was customary to call such sciences "purely scientific research", emphasizing their focus exclusively for the knowledge of the world, changing our way of thinking. It was about such sciences as physics, chemistry and other natural sciences.

Some scientists of the XIX century. They argued that "physics is salt, and everything else is zero." Today, such a conviction is delusion: it is impossible to argue that natural sciences are fundamental, and humanitarian and technical - indirect, depending on the level of development of the first.

Therefore, the term " fundamental sciences"It is advisable to replace the term" fundamental scientific research "that develop in all sciences.

For example, in the area of \u200b\u200blaw to fundamental studies include the theory of the state and the right in which the basic concepts of law are developed.

Applied sciences, or applied scientific research, are as aimed at the use of knowledge from the field of fundamental studies to solve specific tasks of the practical life of people, i.e. they affect our lifestyle.

For example, applied mathematics develops mathematical methods for solving problems in designing, designing specific technical objects.

It should be emphasized that in the modern classification of sciences also takes into account the target function of one or another science. Taking into account this reason, they are talking about search scientific research to solve a certain problem and the task.

Search scientific studies communicate between fundamental and applied studies when solving a certain task and problem. The concept of fundamentality includes the following signs: research depth, scale of applying research results in other sciences and functions of these results in the development of scientific knowledge in general.

One of the first classifications of natural sciences is the classification developed by the French scientist A. M. Ampera (1775-1836). German chemist F.

Kekule (1829-1896) also developed the classification of natural sciences, which was discussed in the XIX century. In his classification, the main, base science performed mechanics, i.e., the science of the simplest of the movement is mechanical.

Articles are accepted into a new (first in the world) Strict-Scientific Journal of Exact Sciences About Man:

Scientist (Metonimia from the "Scientist") is a person who is extremely subject to non-critical assimilation of relatively large volumes of repetitive information and specializing in systematization relative to homogeneous information (exercises).

Features of the scientist

A scientist, unlike other types of people, faith and knowledge may be coherent in his consciousness throughout life. It is invariably that it does not occur in the surrounding reality. The most vivid examples:

  • geologist can know exactly that the territory of Russia is not divided into "European" and "Asian" parts of the "light" and at the same time it is unshakable to believe it
  • the lawyer can know exactly that the USSR Constitution of 1977 proclaimed the presence of "genuine democracy in the USSR" and at the same time unshakably believing that the word "democracy" was not used in the Soviet period,
  • the historian can know exactly that the countries of the Mediterranean basin differ significantly from the countries located north of the Pyrenees, the Alps and the Balkans and at the same time with the manic persistence to believe in their "cultural and historical unity".

Differences by scientist from researcher

Unlike researcher, the scientist critical perceives, rethinks and systematizes only the information on which it specializes.

All other repetitive information, he perceives as a typical believer.

Types of scientists


The vast majority of scientists are believers.


In its pure form, knowledgeable among scientists are extremely rare.

Types of scientists


Theologians are a carrier of theological Memplex.

Social scientists

Socss scientist - a carrier of a science-shaped memplex or in this context of the Worker of Public Sciences.


Humanitar is a variety of social studies, a figure of humanitarian sciences.


"Techinar" is a figure of the so-called natural sciences.

Funny facts

Scientists are the most autistic among believers, which are limply executing the role of "wedding generals" in the popularization and distribution of faith.

Classification of sciences on the subject of research

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Science classification

Criteria of classification of sciences

The classification is a method that allows you to describe a multi-level, branched system of elements and their relationships.

The science of classification is called systematics. Distinguish artificial and natural classification. In the first, the essential properties of classified objects are not taken into account, the second of these properties takes into account.

More Thinkers of Ancient Greece raised the type and types of sciences, the purpose of which is knowledge. In the future, this issue has developed, and its decision is relevant today. The classification of sciences presents information on which item is studying for this or that science is that it differs from other sciences and how it is associated with other sciences in the development of scientific knowledge.

The generally accepted is the classification based on the following features: the subject of sciences, the research method and the result of the study.

Classification of sciences on the subject of research

On the subject of the study, all sciences are divided into natural, humanitarian and technical.

Natural Scienceslearning phenomena, processes and objects of the material world. This world is sometimes referred to as the outside world. These sciences include physics, chemistry, geology, biology and other similar sciences.

Natural sciences are studied and human as a material, biological creature.

One of the authors of the presentation of natural sciences as a unified knowledge system was German biologist Ernst Geckel (1834-1919). In his book, "World Riddles" (1899), he pointed to a group of problems (riddles), which are the subject of study, essentially all natural sciences as a single system of natural-scientific knowledge, natural science. "E. Riddles

Geckel "can be formulated as follows: How did the universe arose? What types of physical interaction are in the world and do they have a single physical nature? What is the ultimately all in the world? What is the difference from a non-living and what is the person in an infinitely changing universe and A number of other issues of a fundamental nature.

Based on the foregoing concept of E. Geckel on the role of natural sciences in the knowledge of the world, the following definition of natural science can be given.

Natural language is a natural-scientific knowledge system created by natural the process of studying the fundamental laws of nature development and the universe as a whole.

Natural science is the most important section of modern science.

Unity, the integrity of natural science gives a naturally scientific method underlying all natural sciences.

Humanitarian sciences - These are the sciences that study the laws of development of society and man as a social, spiritual being. These include history, right, economy and other similar sciences.

In contrast, for example, from biology, where a person is considered as a biological species, in humanitarian sciences we are talking about a person as a creative, spiritual creature.

Technical sciences are the knowledge that a person needs to create the so-called "second nature", the world of buildings, structures, communications, artificial sources of energy, etc.

d. Technical sciences include cosmonautics, electronics, energy and a number of other similar sciences. In technical sciences, the relationship of natural science and humanities is more manifested.

Systems created on the basis of knowledge of technical sciences take into account knowledge from the field of humanitarian and natural sciences. In all sciences mentioned above, specialization and integration is observed. Specialization characterizes a deep study of individual parties, the properties of the object under study, phenomena, process. For example, a lawyer can devote all its lives to the study of the problems of criminal law.

Integration characterizes the process of combining specialized knowledge from various scientific disciplines. Today there is a general process of integrating natural science, humanitarian and technical sciences in solving a number of topical problems, among which global problems of the development of the world community are of particular importance. Along with the integration of scientific knowledge, the process of formation of scientific disciplines at the junction of individual sciences is developing.

For example, in the twentieth century. There were such sciences such as geochemistry (geological and chemical evolution of the Earth), biochemistry (chemical interactions in living organisms) and others. The processes of integration and specialization eloquently emphasize the unity of science, the relationship of its sections.

The division of all sciences on the subject of study on natural, humanitarian and technical faces a certain difficulty: What sciences are mathematics, logic, psychology, philosophy, cybernetics, general theory of systems and some others? This question is not trivial. This is especially true of mathematics. Mathematics, as noted by one of the founders of quantum mechanics, the English physicist P. Dirac (1902-1984), is an instrument specifically adapted to deal with the abstract concepts of any kind, and there is no limit in this area.

The famous German philosopher I. Kanta (1724-1804) belongs to such a statement: there are so many science in science as mathematics in it. The peculiarity of modern science is manifested in the wide use of logical and mathematical methods. Currently, discussions are underway on the so-called interdisciplinary and general-purpose science.

First can represent their knowledge about The laws of the objects under study in many other sciences, but as additional information.

The second is developing general methods of scientific cognition, they are called general-purpose sciences. The question of interdisciplinary and general methodological sciences is a discussion, open, philosophical.

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Science classification

Humanity has always sought to explain complex phenomena, note their manifolds to some certainty, system.

It is not an exception and science that seeks to explain not only the external and inner world surrounding man, but also to classify itself by any criteria.

The greatest fame in the scientist received the classification of sciences, this F.

Engels in the work "Dialectics of Nature". Based on the development of moving matter from the lowest to the highest, he allocated mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology, social sciences.

On the same principle of subordination of the form of motion of the matter, the classification of the sciences of the domestic scientist B.M. Kedrov. He distinguished the six main forms of motion of the matter: subatomno-physical, chemical, molecular-physical, geological, biological and social.

Currently, depending on the sphere, the subject and the method of knowledge, science distinguish:

1) Nature - Natural;

2) about society - humanitarian and social;

3) On thinking and knowledge - logic, gnoseology, epistemology, etc.

In the classifier of the directions and specialties of higher professional education developed by scientific and methodological advice - Departments of the UMO in the direction of education, allocated:

1) Natural sciences and mathematics (mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology, soil science, geography, hydrometeorology, geology, ecology, etc.);

2) Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Sciences (Cultural Studies, Teology, Philology, Philosophy, Linguistics, Journalism, Bookstrap, History, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, Regional Science, Management, Economics, Art, Physical Culture, Commerce, Agroeconomics, Statistics , art, jurisprudence, etc.);

3) technical sciences (construction, printing, telecommunications, metallurgy, mining, electronics and microelectronics, geodesy, radio engineering, architecture, etc.);

4) Agricultural Sciences (agronomy, zootechnics, veterinary medicine, agrogenineering, forestry, fishing, etc.).

We draw attention to the fact that in this classifier, technical and agricultural sciences are highlighted in separate groups, and mathematics are not attributed to the natural sciences.

Some scientists do not consider philosophy of science (only by science) or put it in one row with natural, technical and social sciences.

This is explained by the fact that it is considered by them as a worldview, knowledge of the world as a whole, the methodology of knowledge or as a science of all sciences.

Philosophy, in their opinion, is not aimed at picking up, analyzing and summarizing the facts, the detection of the laws of the act of reality, it only uses the achievements of specific sciences. Leaving aside a dispute about the relationship of philosophy and science, we note that philosophy is still a science with its subject and methods of studying universal laws and the characteristics of everything endless in the space and time of the objective material world.

The nomenclature of the specialties of scientists approved by the Ministry of Science and Technologies of the Russian Federation on January 25, 2000, the following industries of science are indicated: physico-mathematical, chemical, biological, geological and mineralogical, technical, agricultural, historical, economic, philosophical, philological, geographical, legal , Pedagogical, medical, pharmaceutical, veterinary, art history, architecture, psychological, sociological, political, cultural and earth science.

Each of the named groups of sciences may be subjected to further membership.

There are other classifications of sciences.

For example, depending on communication with the practice of science, they are divided into fundamental (theoretical), which find out the basic laws of objective and subjective peace and are not directly focused on practice, and applied, which are aimed at solving technical, industrial, socio-technical problems.

The original classification of science offered L.G.

Jahai. Dividing the science of nature, society and knowledge on theoretical and applied, he inside this classification allocated philosophy, basic sciences and private sciences bothering them. For example, to the main theoretical sciences about society, he took history, political economy, lawwork, ethics, art history, linguistics. These sciences have more fractional division. For example, history is divided into ethnography, archeology and world history.

In addition, he gave the classification of the so-called "butt" sciences: intermediate sciences arising at the border of two neighboring sciences (for example, mathematical logic, physical chemistry); crossed sciences that were formed by connecting the principles and methods of two sciences distant from each other (for example, geophysics, economic geography); Comprehensive sciences that were formed by crossing a number of theoretical sciences (for example, oceanology, cybernetics, science studies).

Questions for self-control:

What is the specificity of scientific activities?

3. How do you understand the saying of A. Einstein about various types of people staying in the "Temple of Science"?

4. What does the main objectives and tasks of science?

What elements is the structure of science?

7. What do you think is the meaning of the life of this scientist?

8. What is the classification of sciences? What classifications can you call?


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