Teaching children from deep rozum vіdstalistu reading. Methodological recommendations "Special child

Teaching children from deep rozum vіdstalistu reading. Methodological recommendations "Special child

Udmurt Republic, m. Glazov

There is a significant interest in the problem of helping children with limited abilities, including up to children with intellectual disabilities. Children with a profound decrease in intellect are affected by significant impairments in cognitive processes: active acceptance, sufficient respect, memory, verbal and logical thinking, a significant regulatory function of language, and impairments in spacious acceptance. Children with mental retardation are up to development, if their development is improved, atypically, with a bagatma, sometimes with sharp respirations, pro- vono
є step-by-step process to make some changes in the mental activity of children. For the transfer of a child-oligophrenic to a savage development, acquired knowledge, understanding and learning, it is not important for everyone, but specially organized learning and learning.
Основним завданням такого навчання є підготовка дітей до самостійного життя, вміння орієнтуватися в навколишньому, виробити вміння діяти в конкретних життєвих ситуаціях, надати знанням побутову, ситуаційну пристосованість, а так само навчити використовувати математичні знання, без яких неможлива соціальна реабілітація та адаптація дітей. everyday life.
In the development of rose-like children, there are processes that are blamed through those that the organism and the specialty of the child react to those difficulties, with which they collide, respond to the lack of water, and in the process of developing active attachment to the middle, they develop a number of functions that are not able to compensate for additional help . The peculiarity of a rose-colored child is compensated by the development of a child. The last compensation will be social rehabilitation and adaptation of the child to life in the household.

The need for correctional and developmental games in the classroom for elementary education

Under the rozumovoy vіdstealіstyu sіd razumіti such a camp, yоu poserіgaієєstsya vyrazhene stіyke і irreparably damaged pіznavalії іyalnostі, scho vіnіklіl nasledіk nasledіk іnіlіchі urazhennya tsentralї nervoї sistemy. Rozumova's life complicates the education and training of children. To rob especially foldable molding process їhnyoї osobennostі. Such children from the earliest century will require special minds and methods of training and development. Dosvid work shows that in case of a significant appearance of children in the normal development of their camps, it can be improved.
The nervous system of children is plastic, malleable to learning, and the systematic and purposeful directing of occupations can lead to positive disruptions. If you are talking about the education of rozumovo old children, you may learn not so acquired knowledge, learn and learn, how much development in children of higher mental functions, for the help of such wines and win the initial program.
The method of such training is the creation of minds, which is to adopt the development of a child and to the effective mastery of the initial material, but it is nothing else, like a corrective-developmental training.
It is reasonable to grow a child, like a skin child, to grow and develop, but the development of yoga is improved on the cob and on a defective basis, which creates difficulties in entering the social environment.
L.S. Vigotsky, declaring that “only teach good, as if stimulating development, lead yoga after you, and not simply serve to enrich children with new knowledge.” Therefore, the greatest effect in development is achieved in vipadka, as the principle of correction is established in the learners, corrections are made in them, and in some cases, some shortcomings in children are given, and others - weaken, wanting to be treated differently.
The scientific basis of approaches to the correction of defects in pink-eyed children is the theory of the development of mentally retarded children under the infusion of education, as was developed by L. S. Vigotsky.
It has been shown to a new man that from a rose-colored child, under the infusion of education, folding is formed and mental activity is formed. In practice, work with rozumovo zumovo dіtmi іsnuyut pedagogіchnі priyomi, sryamovanі on development іn children іnіnі, vykonuvat rozumovі ї ї ії dіії іn the process of acquiring znan, zavdyaki yak they form all mental functions. Spiraling on L.S. Vigotsky about the role of training in the development of abnormal children, it was established that the correction of the work is carried out not on isolation in the initial programs of special occupations, but in the process of training the development of rose-colored children in the ways of the special education teachers.
The physiological basis for the correction of short-lived mental and physical development of adult children is a study about the plasticity of the functions of the central nervous system and the compensation of defects. Compensation for one of the forms of adherence to the body in case of impaired functions.
In a child, the functions of the central nervous system are richly rebuffed at the molding station. At times of special correctional and developmental training and development under the influence of a purposefully directed pedagogical influx, there is a great opportunity for development. At the connection with the cym, they blame the yakіsnі zmіni pіznavalої dіyalnostі.
It seems that the main defect of rosum-like children is found in damaged folded forms of cognitive activity, especially - misunderstanding. Therefore, a correction robot is needed to correct the defects in the mind. The basis of thought is the collapsible analytical-synthetic activity of the brain, which is created by the combined work of the sensitive and verbal systems. An indistinct link between romatic processes and practical actions at the stage of scientifically effective thought.
For rozumovo old children, it is characteristic that the development of their thoughts in 7-8 years is more likely to be on a par with scientifically effective thought, even as in children from a normal mental development at that hour of wine is completed. Therefore, the correction of the work of rose-colored children in this child needs to be directed to the development of that variant of their scientific and wild ideas and is similar to the development of the development of a child’s building correctly and clearly accept the objects of that phenomenon and the vicorist’s development of their own.
Apparently, scho priynyattya - tse fermentation in the presence of people of objects and manifestations of extraneous activity in the totality of their parts and powers for an uninterrupted splurge on organs of sense. Insufficiency of spriynyattya of children-olіgophrenіv polagaє in vіdhilennyah priynyatti like folding psychic functions. Work on the development of sprynyattiv lie down to corrective work. Tse vyyavlyaєtsya at a special organization guarding children. The very process of spryynyattya ob'ektiv, scho guard, is to blame but active. And it is the responsibility of the organization to include all kinds of reasonable operations, directing them to the analysis of the received objects and seeing in them the essential signs and sounds. One of the methods that activates the process of sprinyattya є porіvnyannya dolіdzhuvanih ob'ektіv.
On the skin lesson, it is planned to correct the robot in the form of іgor, which is specially designated for the activation of mental processes, the development of rosy vitality, the training of memory and thoughts of children. Developing games help to gain and consolidate knowledge more quickly, to gain knowledge in the classroom, to develop caution in rose-colored children. You can ask for corrective games and the right to be held in the classroom at our Center.

Games and right for the development of motor skills and respect

The child is responsible for the instruction:
- pull your hands uphill (down, right-handed, left-handed);
- Show with a wreathed hand the names of the object (style, book, window, etc.);
- draw a circle (stick, cross) on the top (bottom, left-handed, right-handed) of the dot or zoshiti with a creid (olive) circle (stick, cross).
- Right for fingers:
- open your fingers, clench into a fist, squeeze;
- with a clenched fist, straighten your fingers along the cheeks;
- download bags from plasticine (snakes, lances);
- Transfer other items (sacks, bags) from one box to another;
- Pick a selection of other items in a box;
- pierce with a tovstoy bare dіrochki in a tovstoy paper.
- To put two dots on the dosh or on the dosh, it is the child’s responsibility to draw a line with his finger, which is the way to go (the dots are given in different lines.)
- The child is guilty:
- walk along the cross line (straight, round, hvilepodibna);
- run through the plank, go through the line, carry any object.

Right for color differentiation, form that size

It appears as a figurine from a colorful geometric mosaic (rhombus, colo, tricutnik). The child is guilty of choosing the same for the form (colour).
- A song figurine is shown (from tієї and mosaics), and then we get out. A child, by memory, can pick it up herself.
- Arrangement of different-colored mugs, bags, sticks at the kupka for the color.
- Storage of various pyramids, matrioshok.
- Vibudovuvannya lansy cubes of the same size and one color.
- Vibudovuvannya cubes of different sizes in a row according to the principle of incremental change in the size of the skin cube.
- Vishikovuyutsya similar objects of different roses (mushrooms, matrioshkas). Children are encouraged to show the biggest (least.)
- Various objects of sharply contrasting colors are laid out. A child may admit objects of one color to objects of another color.
- Let's start to correctly name the colors, step by step introducing new ones. A path is right on different objects, grouping them, naming colors, a child learns to correctly recognize and name colors.

Right for the development of memory and respect

The vikhovator shows pictures and quickly picks them up, the child is guilty of remembrance that she bachila.
- Dekilka strikes once in the valley or olive on the steel. Child can say, skilki razіv.
- Rhythmic knocking (olive about the steel or in the valley), the child is guilty of repeating yoga.
- "What has changed?"
- Option 1: put toys and pictures in front of the child. Proponuetsya respectfully marvel at that memory. Close your eyes. One toy is picked up, squashing its eyes, the child knows what has changed.
- Option 2: put 2 - 3 cubes of different colors. Proponuetsya respectfully wonder, remember, flatten your eyes. One more cube of another color is placed. The child can tell what changed what kind of cube was given.

Gra "Mavpochka" or "Dzerkalo". The child repeats after the mature physical right, finger gymnastics, articulation.
- Child maє viklasti іz dvoh, trёh wand figure for zrazkom. (III, +, =, etc.)
- "Fold the vіzerunok" overlay of geometric figures on the little ones in 1:1 scale.
- Folding of different pictures for two, three, two or three.
- Sorting objects (pictures) by size, color.
- Gradation on materials and behind the table of figures

Vikladannya viserunkiv from two contrasting colors.
- Storage of chickpeas:

- "Wonderful little bear." A child can have such an object, like a grown-up little bear.
- Postal screenshot. Recognize the object of the contour image.
- "To whom?" Children are proposing pictures, for example: a hand, a mitten, a gut, milk ...

Right for the development of respect

- "What has changed?" (Vbrannya lyalki).
- Find two identical objects or two identical pictures, for example, for five.
- "Sorting". Guys objects or pictures are sorted by color, rosemary, "litaє-non-litaє", "їstіvne - not їstіvne", clothes of boys or girls.
- “What did you forget to paint?” Show pictures with visual elements on objects.

Correct for the development of auditory memory

Repeat 3 - 5 words.
- Memorize the words for the help of pictures.
- Learning virshiv, dog, cleanliness.
- Retelling a short pink series of pictures.
Practice shows that the activities carried out on the developing іgor zdіysnyuєєєєєєєєє єєєєєє єєєє єєєє є є є ії ії tapіv і: іn the first іtаі іtіtі begin razumіti verbal їnstruktsіyu; at another stage, after the bastard repetition, the children beat the task for a streak; at the third stage, after a short and well-known instruction, it is understood to win the task. Corrective-developing games oriented to the activation of these mental functions, as a maximum task for the hour of this occupation. For example, in the classroom for an elementary rachunka for children, it is necessary to logically rozmirkovuvat, also the most active praczuvatime rozumova diyalnist (process analysis, synthesis, classification and matching). Therefore, games are held for the development of the mind, in order to bring motivation to the wedding, to improve the contact with the promoter, to activate the movement and communication.

Vykoristannya didactic mathematical Monresor material for an hour of learning the rahunka

Mathematics is considered to be one of the most complicated and less intelligent subjects for children with a conserved intellect, and even more so for children of a wiser mind. When a child is vaccinated, they often run into suttivim difficulties, connected with a high level of abstractness of science. It is with great difficulty that children-imbeciles find a concrete rahunok, and the transition to an abstract rahunka is inaccessible to them. They do not blame the right understanding about the number and the warehouse of the number, they just memorize the ordinal rahunok mechanically. The education of children with mental retardation in the world of ambiance is organized on a practical, scientific basis.
Imbecili children may sound like a concomitant disease of the eyes, hearing, musculoskeletal apparatus. Zrozumilo, sting, do not snatch the great successes at Vivchenni mathematics, one of the stench is to eat the douce of the sutt, yakshcho vicoristovati in the forefront of Montessori, and the desktick was not the same. The natural preparation of children before the start of the rahunka in Montessori is necessary for the help of the right to a practical life and for an hour of work with “sensory material”. For the help of the "sensory materials" of the child, you can learn more contrasts and know the pair of objects, however, for example: for color, temperature, smell or relish; vychitsya vibudovuvaty posledovnostі obtіv, vhodyachi іzmini be-like їхної authority. Vіn know from the main, flat geometric figures and volumetric bodies. In this manner, “sensor Montessori materials” literally prepare a child for the adoption of mathematics.
Establish various didactic Montessori materials, among which there is a significant place to use mathematical Montessori materials.
Mathematical Montessori-materials allow you to understand how the essence of mathematical activities, and literally chime in them. You can touch a child in your hands, touch that "calling" such a number, like singles, tens, hundreds and thousands. All mathematical materials are proponuyutsya childish logical sequence, with the improvement of the previous material. As if the child didn’t understand, but the vikonal was not enough engraved, it’s still possible to propagate her other materials, which are recognized for repetition, that are enshrined already twisted. The work with Montessori-material develops in children for the time being to concentrate, to be serious, but to be like a child. The education of children is carried out according to the principle from the simple to the foldable and from the concrete to the abstract. Іsnuє chotiri groups of Montessori materials.
The first group of mathematical materials is to introduce children at the light of numbers from 1 to 10. These materials serve to teach children the fluctuation up to 10, like in direct, and in the reverse sequence, familiarity with the numbers from 0 to 9 and the number 10, between 10 and the last symbols of the number. Already, on the materials of the first group, two of the most important methodological principles of Montessori are well laid out: from the concrete to the abstract, and from the knowledge of numbers through the knowledge of numbers to the spіvvіdnoshennia of the numbers and numbers. On the basis of these principles, there will be a series of mutually related one with one mathematical materials, no matter how group. It is necessary to use one methodical rule, which is used when presenting mathematical materials: firstly, the number of characters, the number of symbols, and then the number and quantity are entered one by one.
The first group includes the following materials: “Rakhunkovi rods”, “Numbers from a short paper”, “Rakhunkovi rods and numbers”, “Screen with spindles”, “Numbers and chips”, “Graph for memory”.
On the mathematical material "Rakhunkovi rods" the child is known from the number of 1 to 10 for additional rods, divided into red and blue spaces of the same length. Win in order to rise to 10, moreover, new concepts are introduced after an additional three-step lesson. Vіn appointments for memorization of new ones to understand that enrichment of the child's active vocabulary. At the start of the lesson, one or two new understandings are introduced. At the first step, each child will name the object, the power of the quantity: “Tse ...” Bazhano repeat new understanding of the number of times, getting better at it, even if it is possible, not only auditory, but thorove, tactile, stereognostic that m'yazovu memory'yat.
At another level, the teacher gives the child a task like: "Give me.", "Show me." And so on. The first and other steps serve to form the child's passive vocabulary. At the third step, the passive vocabulary becomes active. The teacher instructs on the subject of chi kіlkіst i zatuє child: What is it? or "What is it?" or "Skіlki tse?" For additional material “Numbers from a short paper”, the child should enter the numbers from 0 to 9, and later, after knowing the number of zero, the number 0
The material “Rakhunkovi rods and numbers” of appointments for equalizing the number of 1 to 10 with the same numbers. The child is also familiar with the number 10. With the help of this material, draw a series of right and wrong, as if in the middle, prepare the child to fold the numbers.
On the materials “Boxes with spindles”, the child is known for the difference of zero, and also continues to be corrected at the successive rahunka that spіvvіdnoshennі kіlkosti i numbers. The material “Numbers and Chipsy” is test and serve for re-verification of a child’s score up to ten; Krіm tsgogo, the child is indirectly familiar with the guys and unpaired numbers. In "Grі na zam'yatovuvannya" child zam'yatovuє number that bring vіdpovіdnu іlkіst of objects. Tse zastosuvannya nayavnyh knowledge in practice, in everyday life.
Another group of mathematical materials is recognized for familiarity with rich numbers and basic arithmetic numbers with these numbers: additions and insights.
For oligophrenic children, understanding the development of mathematics with Montessori material in the range 100.
The famous “Golden Material” of Montessori, made of golden namistins, allows you to not only dance, but with your hands, smear the shape and make such large quantities, like a sprat of dozens, hundreds, thousands. But behind the program for deep-seated children of mathematics, only small scores of up to 100 are transferred and applications for additions are made without passing through the rank, mathematical Montessori-material is not stagnant, acquaintance with thousands is not carried out.
From another group of mathematical materials, we win: "Golden Material" with namistin, "Small set of cards from 1 to 100", "Great set of cards from 1 to 100", "Playing with stamps", "Text assignment".

The introduction of numbers: one, ten, hundred (on the "golden material")

Child on a specific material, vicorist sensory information, to get acquainted with the number of different categories in the tens system. The presentation is carried out in the form of a classic three-step lesson. Let the children propagate a whole series of right didactic games to learn new ones to understand; In addition, you should learn to understand the number of people and get to know the concepts of “more”, “less”, “styles”.

Entering numbers 1, 10, 100

The child is familiar with the symbols that they show to them, as they already know. During the presentation, the speaker asked for the names of the numbers, name the rows: “one one, one ten, one hundred”. The presentation is carried out in the form of a three-step lesson, then following the right, in the course of which child is recognized other round numbers from 10 to 100, that is from one dozen to one hundred.

Pobudov's tenth number system

On one of the kilimks, in a singing rank, they lay out a golden material, on the other - a great set of cards from 1 to 100, then put the number and number. The material also clearly demonstrates that the skin rank of revenge is no more than 9 ones, and the increase in the tenth one is before the transition to the offensive rank.

Arithmetic dії іz "golden material": addition, vіdnіmannya

Show children arithmetic numbers with two-digit numbers for the help of the “golden material” and sets of cards. Stink bachat hіd dіy ta take an active part in їhnomu vykonanna. Arithmetic exercises are carried out in the form of a group right from two or three children. Dії vіdbuvayutsya schorazu for one and the same scheme: children take cards with numbers, bring a certain amount of "golden material", under the kerіvnitstvom vyhovatel vykonuyut dії; The facilitator gives an explanation and names the arithmetic action, the children take the result.

Games with stamps

Children give the opportunity to practice again with the solution of applications for adding and understanding with double-digit numbers, but also for more abstract material - about "stamps". Great respect is also attached to the independent recording of numbers and applications.

Text tasks

The child reads the task, put together in such a rank, so that she would sing in one day and swear її for the help of the material he had taken: “golden material” or “playing with stamps”.
The third group of mathematical materials serve as a starting point for the last row and for memorizing the correct, infamously accepted names of numbers. The stench can be zastosovuvatisya after the materials of the first group, if the child is already sung by rahu up to 10 and is known with the numbers 1 to 10. On this material, the child should be familiar with the numbers of 11, 12, ... 19 namistin and count successively up to 19.

Doshka Segen 1 ": 11-19

The child is familiar with the numbers from 11 to 19, and then it starts to set the number. Number of representations of "golden" and colorful namistins.

Doshka Seguin 2 with gold namistins"11-19

p align="justify"> The work with the material is carried out in an offensive order: memorization of round numbers with one-hour setting of їх with numbers, giving memorization of the names of double-digit numbers in the boundaries of the skin ten when setting їх with numbers. Let's follow the right to secure the wounded.
The materials of the fourth group are recognized for mechanical training in the top stocks for supplementing and exercising. The materials were divided into series in a progressive manner up to arithmetic ones. When prompted by the skin series, the principle from the concrete to the abstract is applied.

Doshka with smugami for additional

The material gives children the ability to compose all applications of adding single-digit numbers like 1+1 to 9+9 with additional planks-bands like numbers like 1 to 9.

Doshka zі smugami on vіdnimannya

The material allows for additional plank-smug, depending on the numbers from 1 to 9, all butts are applied on the day, so that it can be seen and the difference is in single digits.
I have described those materials, which are awarded in the group of our Center, which are taught, and for the help of such children, it is easier to acquire a program for learning a rahunka.
At the lessons of learning the rahunka, children-imbicili learn to practice in the team, practice with didactic material and learning aids. When working with mathematical material, like any other didactic Montessori material, the principle of from simple to folding is achieved. After a detailed explanation to the children of how to behave with mathematical material, the child will pass to the numerical right to repeat the main activities. Wisely, children on a specific mathematical Montessori-materials can create such butts, as if, it would be used, they could be folded.
The training of children for the help of mathematical Montessori material in a group of children who are learning is carried out in a kilka stages.
First stage. Read the mindfulness of the kіlkіsnі spіvvіdnoshnja: one - rich, more - less by 1, 2 and so on, equally for the help of numerical bars. Short numbers. Spivvіdnoshennia numeric rods іz digits. Last rahunok up to 10 years ago.
Another stage. Solutions for applications for supplementing and reviewing between 10 on a specific material. Pobudova numbers next to 1 to 10. Virishennya the simplest tasks in one day. Third stage. Screenshots of Seguin 1 and 2. Linear scale up to 100. Doshka dodavannya. Doshka vіdnimannya.
Fourth stage. Acquaintance with the “golden material” step by step (2 ranks, 3 ranks). Pobudova tens system. Acquaintance from BNK. "Playing in the bank".
Fifth stage. Work with "marks". Dії to add that vіdnіmannya with two-digit numbers. Recordings and virishennya applied.
The method of rehabilitating a child with a disability is to be included in the suspension, for this it is important not only to give these children a song of knowledge, but also to increase their child’s ability to work in specific situations, to give knowledge of the situational, situational attachment.

As it was conceived more, the method of corrective-spiritual work with children with a pronounced rozum vіdstealіstyu є їх social adaptation and maximum integration in the present life, in modern life. But today’s prosperity is impossible to manifest without penny vodnosin, we have set it as a metaphor for teaching children how to earn a penny.
Maria Montessori was aware that there is no more practical method, as if she were aware of a current coin and there is no money for the right, like an exchange of coins. Vaughn intended that “one of the first expenses for the education of children is to make a rahunka of pennies. The change of pennies is the first form of numbering, as a rule, it is attached to the respect of the child.
Dorimuyuchis principle from the concrete to the abstract, we zastosuvali mathematical material "Stamps" to teach children rahunka pennies. By the path of bagatorasis repetition right with the "Stamps" in children, the singing algorithm is vibrating for a century, which helps them with pennies.
Familiarity with coins of 1 kopeck, 5 kopeck, 10 kopeck. more early stage of starting a rahunka, if children are familiar with the numbering no more than 10 and with a warehouse of numbers from 1 to 10.
It is based on the “Program for training and education of children with a pronounced pink mind” TsIETIN and adapted for children to the Center, as they are taught for the Montessori method.
The training of children with penny signs is carried out at the kіlka stages:
- familiarity with coins of 1 kopeck, 5 kopecks, that 10 kopecks;
- Change of coins in 5 kopecks. from coins of various goodness;
- Otrimannya coins of 50 kopecks. from coins of various goodness;
- understand "more expensive", "cheaper";
- a robot with coins no more than 50 kopecks;
- Rozmin 50 kop. for an additional coin 10 kopecks;
- Come in vartosti: 1 rub., 2 rub.;
- Change and change 1 rub. 10 kopeck coins that 50 kop.;
- Coin change of 2 rubles. 1 rub.;
- Come in vartosti: 5 rubles, 10 rubles;
- Change and change;
- Understanding the symbols of paper pennies 10 rubles, 50 rubles, 100 rubles.
Teaching children a penny does not convey pennies, so that it is necessary to lie in the material acquired by children and the need to carry out individual corrections to take with children, which they do not grasp.
As already planned, the creation of children's money is based on the classic mathematical Montessori-materials "Marki", and all the classic Montessori-materials allow you to repeat it and fix it already acquired, before that, the singing algorithm is used when working with the material. This algorithm helps children in getting to know penny signs and operations with them, tse:
- three-step oral lesson from acquaintance with penny marks;
- Spivvіdnoshennia penny signs from stamps;
- spiving of mathematical operations with stamps on mathematical operations with coins (change, addition, withdrawal);
- Verishennya text pobutovyh zavdan.
Acquaintance with penny signs go hiba scho spiral, so do. little by little, children get acquainted with kopіyka, then - with rubles, then - with kopіyka and rubles at once. Fragments of a kіlkoh are being propagated to take іz nаvchannya children's rahunka pennies.

Familiarity with penny signs (coins) with a face value of 1 kopeck, 5 kopecks, 10 kopecks.

Material: box with coins of 1 kopeck, 5 kopecks, 10 kopecks.
Meta: get to know children with coins 1 kopeck, 5 kopecks, 10 kopecks. that preparatory work for a penny.
Hid busy:
1. The teacher shows the children by one coin and conducts a 3-step lesson: “For 1 kopeck, for 5 kopecks, for 10 kopecks ...”
2. The master asks the child: “Show me 1 kopeck, show me 5 kopecks, show me 10 kopecks...”
3. The facilitator asks the child, showing the cards on the coin: What are the skils? The child replies: "For a penny, for 5 kopіyok, for 10 kopіyok."

Signing of "Marks" and penny marks (coins)

Material: a box with "Stamps" and a box with coins with a face value of 1 kopeck, 10 kopecks.
Meta: link between "Stamps" and coins of 1 kopeck, that 10 kopeck. that preparatory work for children to rahunka
Hid busy:
1. On the table is a box with "Stamps" and that box with coins. The facilitator tells the children to take 3 tens and 2 ones. Name the number, tse - 32.

2. The hoarder was charged with a leather "Mark" coin of 10 kopecks. that in 1 kop.

They took 3 coins of 10 kopecks. and 2 coins of 1 kopeck. called a number, tse 32 kopecks. Children are encouraged to score on the "Stamps" of the number that add up to dozens of those alone, then for the analogy of those numbers for additional coins.
Collect a penny sum of pennies for additional coins, for example: 43 kopecks.

Folding sumi pennies

Material: box with stamps, box with coins. Purpose: folding pennies without replacement. Hid busy:
1. The writer writes down two numbers on the paper, adding those that do not change the ranks, for example: 24 and 43. Offending numbers are added for the help of “Marks” one under one. Tse roble for additional coins, add up 24 kopecks. that 43 kop.
2. Dozens at once and at once alone on “stamps”, then on coins. Dear. Go out 6 tens and 7 alone. Named number, tse 67. Write down: 24 kopecks. + 43 kop. = 67 kop.
3. Addition of different numbers for the additional “Marks”, then similarly for the additional coins (the addition of numbers is not due to transfer through the rank).
4. Additional sums of pennies from the record.

Vіdnіmannya coins

Material: a box with "stamps" and a box with coins with a face value of 1 kopeck. that 10 kop. Tsіl - vіdnіmannya one sumi pennies from other sumi without change. Hid busy:
1. Write the number 45 kopecks. Child writes the number 45 on the "Stamps".
2. Similarly, we calculate the amount of 45 kopecks. for extra money.
3. If you want, read from the number 45, another number, for example 14. Draw down the “Stamps”, obviously see the number 14. Stamps that are lost, redeem, lose 3 tens 1 single, the whole number is 32.
4. For an analogy, one sumi pennies from another is spent. Vіdnimannya one number s іnshoy on the "stamps", similarly vіdnіmannya one sumi pennies z іnshої. Vіdnimannya one sum of pennies from the last of the entries.

Change of coins

Material: box with coins of 1 kopeck, 5 kopecks, 10 kopecks, 50 kopecks. Meta - try to replace large sums of other coins with larger coins. Hid busy:
1. The facilitator propagates the children to collect 87 kopecks. from coins 10 kop. that in 1 kop.
2. Resurrect tens and kopiyka, 8 tens and 7 singles. The wizard shows how you can replace 5 tens with one coin. Children are advised to change the exchange of other coins for more pennies from different sums.

Storage of small sums of pennies from the change in the boundaries of 1 ruble

Material: box with coins of 1 kopeck, 10 kopeck, 5 kopeck, 50 kopeck.
Meta - learn how to exchange large sums of small coins for large coins,
what is the result of folding.
Hid busy:
1. The facilitator instructs to fold two sums of coins: 34 kopecks. that 42 kop. Offensive sums are paid for additional coins. Consider at once a number of dozens and a number of copies, 7 dozens and 6 copies come out.
3. Replace 5 tens with a coin with a face value of 50 tens with a coin with a face value of 50 kopecks. We take 50, 10 and 10 (one coin of 50 kopecks and two coins of 10 kopecks)
4. Replace 5 kopecks with a coin with a face value of 5 kopecks, or take 5 and 1
5. As a result, replace dozens and only one can get the sum of a penny 76 kopecks.

Resolving tasks by changing coins

Material: coins of 1 kopeck, 5 kopecks, 10 kopecks, 50 kopecks, 1 rub. Task text:
The girl bought a haircut for a pen for 80 kopecks, and an olive for 90 kopecks. The girl paid a few pennies for the purchase.
Meta - read out the task of adding in one day from the replacement of coins. Hid busy:
1. The facilitator encourages you to collect a sum of 80 kopecks, for 8 tens, 0 singles.
2. Child collects 90 kopecks, 9 tens, 0 singles.
3. We add insult to sumi pennies, we will take 17 tens.
4. Children know what 10 tens, the price is 100 kopecks, and 100 kopecks. - Price 1 ruble. Leave 7 tens, but 5 tens - 50 and 2 more tens. Replace 5 tens of coins with a face value of 50 kopecks. We take 1 ruble, 50 kopecks, 10 kopecks. that 10 kop.
After the gamers have the right to practice the bedrooms with the children in the shops. Little by little, the children will take care of the procedure of buying goods, then the leather will be taken independently.
Cleverly coveted a penny and an important crochet to social adaptation. Children, as if they could earn money for a penny, it is easier to stick to the life of a soul. For whom, in our Center, a purposeful work is carried out based on the development of the Montessori methodology, as it forms the life of the necessary knowledge of that beginner, helping children to assert themselves.


1. "Pilot program" - promotion of the qualifications of teachers of the first classes of the correctional school of the 8th type. M., 1997 Lighting Scientific and Methodological Center "Development and Correction"
2. "Right with Montessori - material." Pedagogical center "Experiment" M., 1995
3. "The program for the education of deeply wise children." M. 1984
4. "Program of secondary school". M.1975
5. "Mathematics in Montessori Pedagogics" - heading guide. M.G. Sorokov. M., 1995
6. M. Montessori "Budinok child" translated from Italian by S.G. Zaimovsky. Gomel, 1993
7. “The painting of a rose-colored child on the sim” by A.N. Smirnova. M. Prosvitnitstvo 1967
8. N.B.Lurie "Watching a deeply rosy child on the sim". M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1972
9. "Correction and development" - programs for deeply wise children.

Rozumovo vydsteli uchnі vyyavlyayutsya impossibility to opnistyu vminnyam vperedzhayuchoy osmyslennya sche residual said text, wanting quick reading, like a technical side of this process, the stench can be formed.


Povnotsіnniy novice reading is characterized by such features: correctness, swidkіstyu, variety and understanding, The process of molding the skin of the ability of the rozumovo-wise scholars to complete their own. Своєрідність проявляється вже в період навчання грамоті: діти повільно запам'ятовують літери, змішують подібні за накресленням графеми, недостатньо швидко співвідносять звук з літерою, тривалий час не можуть перейти з буквального читання на складове, спотворюють звуковий склад слів, відчувають великі труднощі у співвіднесенні прочитаного an object, a deed, a sign.

The Zvyazkok is a contingent to the class of special (cake) schools are repeated behind the character of the sensory, uniformly lacking, in the process of forever the etaph of the ethaph of the gum. So, in the 2nd class, deyakі uchnі can already read okremi at once, just for the structure of the word. But more children are less likely to master warehouse reading. And the same learners (6.6%) continue to take care of the letter reading. Moreover, children (1.6%) speak out, as they have not acquired the right letters. This is the kind of versatility among equals, the first-time reading is taken from the senior classes: in the middle of the fifth year, 20% learn to read smartly, 58% - in big words, 22% - behind warehouses.

In the world, the software has been upgraded to the technology of reading, and there are few new difficulties. Wisely, scholars have accumulated more and more warehouse images. This is due not so to the insufficiently quick spiving of sounds and letters, to the confusion of them, the difficulty in igniting one sound with another (there are some shortcomings as the world is still in the 1st class), links to this, that children do not understand the image of a warehouse namagayutsya mechanically memorize the skin warehouse okremo.

Today's fathers begin to praise the food: how to teach a child to read, if the little ones pass between a century of one, two, three, and so far away fates (to lie down due to diligence of fathers). Іsnuє kіlka razroblenyh techniques. This efficiency has been improved by numerical butts. Three methods are found to be important:

  • Zaitsev's cubes (for yoga author's method),
  • Doman's cards (using the author's method),
  • traditional "Primer".

Skin from these methods may have its own positive and negative moments. The fathers are guilty of being appointed, as the technique is more pidide to їkhny malyukov. Rozbero skin method okremo.

Vchimo read on Zaitsev's cubes

Tsya miraculous technique will be in your own mind two things to do: rough and navchannya. Therefore, reading after her is possible from the court vіku. To learn how to stand in front of you is the task of learning to speak your child correctly, you can already put it another way: how to learn to read. At tsimu vіtsi abetka or a primer can not screw up the respect of a child for a long time. Two chi three rocks - tse vіk, if you want to chop everything, change it, throw it, fold it, twist it with your hands, ruchami. Cubes with different images and sounds, as you can see, will be more interesting for him.

Zaitsev, rozroblyayuchi his system, trying to understand, as if unobtrusively read a little kid. For whom it is necessary to simply watch for yoga behavior. A child cannot sit in one place for a long time, it will be tedious, get tired. So Zaitsev came up with a way to engage in interest - through the game in knocking and twinkling cubes!

Using Zaitsev's methodology, you can learn to read a baby earlier, and then speak more or less correctly. Golovne - the child is guilty of making sounds. Leo Tolstoy laid the basis for the folding of words and "warehouses" that reading in such a way. Vin vikoristav primer Kuzmichov. The great classic himself began to read, vikoristovuyuchi warehouse. Zaitsev united Tolstoy's system of teaching children to read from the elements of gri. With cubes of vicory, it became easier and easier.

This is a unique way that allows children of foreign powers to master reading Russian, as if they did not speak Russian. Moreover, the stink of science was denounced for a record short term. Your fathers, not knowing the Russian letters of the Russian language, already after 30 minutes to take up the basics of reading.

  • Positive sides:
    • Children already quickly master reading. On the whole it is necessary: ​​for children up to three years - 8-9 months, up to four years - 16 lessons, up to five years - 10 lessons, up to six years - 6 lessons; mature foreigners - up to 40 khvilin.
    • The method of learning to read from Zaitsev’s cubes is to help you know more blatantly busy for grown-up children, to bring them closer, to help you better understand one another.
    • In this way, you can learn as an individual, and as a group. You can win in children's gardens and other preschool mortgages.
    • At times when you are sick, you can make a break at work. Do not appear negatively on the material covered.
    • The method can speed up, showing miraculous results, "special" children with diagnoses of ZNR, ZPR, MMD, autism, alalia. A way to improve for lads who may have problems with hearing and zor.
  • Negative sides:
    • A set of cubes from tables is expensive to complete.
    • The method of transferring a table of schemas to a grand format. Їх rozvіshuyut on the wall for the growth of the child.
    • It is not recommended to allow interruption at work with a child.

Zaitsev's methodology has its opponents. Tse conservators, yakі vvazhayut for more beautifully victorious traditional methods of cultivating nutrition for children reading. There are no great retailers between warehouses and warehouses, so you can’t blame the school for problems. Unfortunately, Zaitsev's method, which saves children's health, is like learning to read a baby, it is not universally accepted. Yogo, as a rule, zastosovuyut okremі non-state organizations. But in Belarus, the system is planned to be recommended by the sovereign system of education.

Vchimo read for Doman's cards

Glen Doman was an American doctor. Vіn spetsializuvavsya on the delight of rozumovo-old children. Vin did not finish the aspect, like learning to read a child. Yogo zavdannyam awake rozumovі zdіbnostі in little patients.

Naturally, before the health programs, the task of reading was included. And how to learn to read according to the primer Rozumovo saw a child? Let's keep healthy children for a long time to explain the principle of folding letters in a warehouse, and warehouses in a word. With his young patients, the doctor did not have anything else.

So, in the 40s of the last century, as if at once, the method of teaching children for help cards was everywhere. Doman zastosuvav such a method. Elementary words, written in great black letters, were repeated loudly and loudly many times, until the child could remember his memory. The occupation was three times more than 10 seconds. On the day of similar lessons, it was necessary to conduct 20-30 times.

The result is bogus. The children memorized the letter meanings of the letters and words. The problem, how to learn to read such children, was not. The stench learned, in such a rank, the Swedish reading, moreover, it activated the brain’s work, and the glee began to protrude more successfully. Todi likar so virіshiv try virіshiti zavdannya navchannya zavchannya reading of healthy children. What way to spratsovuvav navit іz nemovlyatami!

  • Positive sides:
    • Mustache children without blame master this science.
    • Short hours have the right not to turn on.
    • You can take up less individually, nagodzhuyuchi close contact with the little ones.
    • Wisely, the children quickly mastered the skills of reading.
  • Negative sides:
    • Set cards cost expensively.
    • Children cannot speak at the hour of the lesson.
    • Consequence to take it is necessary to do it slowly.
    • Break for a few days work is not recommended, otherwise you can get stuck on taking the results.

An hour ago, a program was broadcast on the TV channel on the topic of how to teach children to read in a different age. We looked at different methods. In one of the programs, Andriy Manichenko, director of the Umnitsya company, spoke. Vіn є we will tighten the Doman's method with a prihilnik. Yoga opponent, Mar'yana Bezrukikh, professor, academician, director of the Institute of Physiology of the Ages - yoga opponent has been defeated.

The super chick burned hot. How to prove against the methods of using the argument її "string of prescription". At that hour, the human brain may be twisted. Navіt in our days, in the past, the brain is even richer and richer. Dosledzhennya inflow to the people of Doman's methods were not carried out, it is important for this to be true.

Traditional way: "Primer"

How to learn to read a child, the Radian people knew for sure. All the children did their best according to the "Primer" and "Azbuts". For the first hour after the break, the daily alternative methods did not come up. Most of the fathers themselves touched the memory behind the traditional radian lighting programs.

It’s only for us, grown up, that everything is so easy and simple. Such a method of teaching is to make it foldable for a child. Letters of native language, as they are written in a different way, as they feel, bring sum'yattya into a young head. The alphabet is given by alien inscriptions and Chinese hieroglyphs, which are impossible to understand.

Mikola Zaytsev encourages grown-ups to try to put a baby on their plate: small black letters all for one person, like gnats and boogers; there are voices, voices, soft, firm. Hiba here can you understand "what and why"? So the little one can be angry with all the abracadabri, and then the fathers will have to live for a long time, like learning to read their own slump.

Navit Olesya Zhukov, how all life writes "Primers" for children, it seems that the beginning of reading is based on the alphabetic-sound pair of words, smartly knowing the sounds between sounds and letters. Such an analysis is not valid for small children. What can be attained only by a better informed person.

  • Positive sides:
    • Like a little one read for the "Primer", zrozumilo all without blame. There was no special training for the fathers.
    • So navchayut children already a lot of ten years. The method is recognized by the state educational bodies.
    • You can take a break for consumption. On otrimani knowledge is not in vpline.
  • Negative sides:
    • The method is not suitable for children of a young age.
    • In this way, it is impossible to teach the reading of rozumovo to old children.
    • Busy tedious and tedious, both mentally and physically.

How is it more effective to care for a child?

We have analyzed the pluses and minuses of the three most popular systems that perform tasks, like teaching a child to read. Yaku їх vibrati, it is necessary to virishiti by the fathers themselves. Tse maє come out of your abilities, for the sake of the baby's vibes. The fathers are guilty because of their satisfaction and interest in conducting training, otherwise for a child or a busy one they will not be a cub. Vіn pochne spriymati їх as obov'yazok, scho unequivocally sign up for yogo farther pragnenі vchitisya. We wish you good luck and patience!

Oleksiy Burov, General Director of TOV "Early development"

Let's take a brief look at the shortcomings of the systems for learning to read for cubes and warehouses (using the Zaitsev method), for cards (using the Glenn Doman method), and for the traditional primer.

How to teach a child to read according to the system of Mikoli Zaitsev

Zaitsev's cubes are a unique tool for learning to read in two years. Have you thought about it, why do children bother with the alphabet and the primer? And why the stench with such interest start grati in twinkies and Zaitsev's clattering cubes? The secret is simple - in the classroom, the little ones run, make noise, carry the cubes, reach for the tables!

Zaitsev's cubes are taught to pass by looking cheerful, friable and hoary. When learning to read according to Zaitsev’s methodology, a child simply cannot sit in one place (and is not guilty).

If I expand my thinking, the foundation of such a system of teaching reading is not by Zaitsev, but by Leo Tolstoy. And to be more precise, then Leo Tolstoy himself began and by the year won the robotic primer Fedot Kuzmichov, a kind of viishov on the cob of the XIX century. The merit of Mikoli Zaitsev is undoubted in the fact that he systematized and introduced the idea of ​​starting reading "behind the warehouses" of wines, which made the method of starting reading even more simple in mastering.

The optimal time for the development of the methodology for learning to read from Zaitsev's cubes is for 2.5 years. The maximum vіk not enclosing. And the grown-up foreigners, who did not know their own Russian shoes, show phenomenal results - after 30 minutes of stink it is already easy to read Russian!

Advantages of reading for the Zaitsev system:

  1. Shvydky result (an hour, by stretching a child to learn to read, to lie down for a long time (2-3 years: 6-9 months, 4 years: 16 to take, 5 years: 5-10 to take, 6 years: 4-6 to take, grown up foreigners) : 30-40 strands).
  2. Merry, fluffy and hoarsely busy with a child.
  3. Possibility to interrupt the training for the next hour (for example, for an hour of illness).
  4. Even better results in work with children, who can diagnose ZPR, ONR, MMD, alalia, autism, as well as with visually impaired, hearing impaired and deaf.

Shortcomings of the Zaitsev system:

Against Zaitsev's methods are the deacons of "traditional" enlightenment. The stench is stupefying, that when they are taught at a school in the middle of a school, some children are blamed for the folded hour of the transition from the rabbit reading system behind the warehouses to the school reading system behind the warehouses. Wt_m, v_dm_nnost_ m_zh warehouse and warehouse minimum.

I have known the teacher Mikola Zaitsev for a long time. Tse duzhe tsіkava, lit, slaughtered people. It's a pity, in Russia, the technique is overwhelmed by the demanded only by enthusiasts and non-state clubs for fathers and children. And the axis of the Republic of Belarus to Zaitsev shows the interest of the sovereign lighting system. A few years ago, we held a seminar for all those who need it, and for the first time they made a film about Zaitsev and his system of learning to read.

How to teach a child to read using the Glen Doman system

In the 40s of the 20th century, the American doctor Glen Doman began to take care of the delights of children, as if they were suffering from the destruction of the rosum activity. Prote, before Glenn Doman there was another task: not to teach a child to read, but to activate his brain. Prote to learn how to read rozumovo old children for traditional primers did not go. The children didn’t understand how the words come from the letters (in fact, you don’t understand the children until the singing hour).

Glen Doman, having tried to show the children cards with words written even in a great black font, and voice them out loud. The whole lesson took 5-10 seconds, but there were dozens of such lessons today. The result is overturned ochіkuvannya! Glen Doman baldly, that the stench no less poked their way into the school, and the stench learned to read! The brain of ailing children was so active that the stench easily mastered reading, moreover, it was a swedish.

Let's improve the system of learning to read Glenn Doman by stopping at the robot with healthy children. І result is also positive.

The optimal time for stosuvannya method of learning to read for cards Glenn Doman - from 3 months to 3 years.

Reading tips for Glen Doman's system:

  • Guaranteed result.
  • Occupation is too short for an hour.
  • Bringing positive results in robots with special children who may have serious difficulties in the trainee.

Shortcomings of the Glenn Doman system:

  • High variety of card sets.
  • It is not allowed to let a child in for an hour to occupy, it is her fault to sit and marvel only at you.
  • The need for a clear understanding of the order of conduct to take from the child.
  • It is not recommended to allow interruption at work with a child.

Dekilka rokiv to that on the channel "Home" we had a series of programs for different methods of learning to read. We asked Andrii Manichenko (general director of the company, Russian successor and propagandist of the method of teaching the reading of the Glen Doman system) and - like an opponent - Mar'yan Bezrukikh (professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, director of the Institute of Physiology of the Institute) for the cherkovy transfer. They have a wiyshla to finish the speck super-chka.

How to teach a child to read according to the classical system, tobto. for the primer

Behind the primer, all the children of Radyansky (and three post-tradyansky ones) began to learn, to which we put the same for you. There is nothing new, singly, I can’t tell you.

It’s smart to read to come to the child zovsim not because of the fact that we’re guilty of letters. Would you like to read Chinese, how can I show you all the hieroglyphs? For a little child, a text, even if it was written by my dear mother, is such a "Chinese letter" itself.

Axis to say Mykola Zaitsev: "See in the position of a child: the letters are small, black, one on one similar, and they appear, that the stench is voiced, voiced, twinkling, deaf, firm, m'yakі - he is like a rock and a sight" scientific "names Not just "be", as I thought earlier, but rather resonantly, dzvinka, she is firm with whom.

And the thought of Olesya Zhukovoy, the author of numerical primers: "The traditional method of teaching children letters will be based on the sound-letter analysis of the word - to establish interrelationships between sounds and letters, to analyze the sequence and the number of words and the strength of operatic analyses. only Another argument - it is less possible to start reading, if the child correctly imitates all the sounds of native language, but life itself is most often a simple thought of teachers about the analysis of the word.

  • Rehabilitation and socialization of children with rosum age - ( video)
    • exercise therapy) for children with a rose-colored steel - ( video)
    • Recommendations for the fathers of the labor education of children from the rose steel - ( video)
  • The prognosis for a rose in the state of health - ( video)
    • Why give a child a disability group with a reasonable disability? -( video)
    • Trivality of life of children and adults with oligophrenia

  • The site provides additional information, including for information. It is necessary to pass the diagnosis and treatment of illness under the supervision of a specialist. Usі drugs and mayut contraindications. Consultation of an obov'yazkov specialist!

    Jubilation and correction of rozum's appearance ( how to exult oligophrenia?)

    Jubilation and correction rozumova vіdstalosti ( mental retardation) - Folding process, which requires a lot of respect, strength and time. Prote, with the right approach, you can achieve the same positive results already in a few months after an ear of jubilant visits.

    Chi you can vilіkuvati Rozumov vіdstalіst ( take the diagnosis of Rozumova)?

    Olіgophrenia is not vilіkovna. It’s tied up about those who have a causal injection ( provoke an illness) factors in the development of the brain. Apparently, the nervous system ( especially the central її vіddіl, that is the cephalic and spinal cord) develop in the intrauterine period. After the population of the cells of the nervous system, it is practical not to expand, so that the building of the brain before regeneration. update after the bad day) is practically minimal. Like a poshkodzhenі neuroni ( nervous cells) will no longer be remembered, after which Rozum’s strength, which once rose up, will be saved by the child until the end of his life.

    At the same time, children with a mild form of illness are kindly succumbing to jubilant and corrective approaches, after which they can take away the minimum light, learn self-service skills and learn to master a simple job.

    So varto signify that in such vipadkas by the method of jubilant entrances, it is not the lure of rozum's oldness as such, but the adoption of reasons that allow you to save the progress of illness. Carry out such an examination next time after the risk factor has been revealed. for example, when the mother is suffocated until, at the hour or after the fall), the shards of which the causal factor has added to the body of the little one, then the greater discord of thought in the new one can spread far away.

    The treatment of the reasons for the rozumov's death can be carried out:

    • With congenital infections- in case of syphilis, cytomegalovirus infection, redness and other infections, antiviral and antibacterial drugs may be indicated.
    • With maternal diabetes.
    • When the exchange of speeches is damaged- for example, with phenylketonuria ( impaired exchange of amino acid phenylalanine in the body) vines from the diet of products that venilalanine can help to solve the problem.
    • With hydrocephalus- a surgical operation in the wake of the manifestation of pathology can save the development of rosacea.

    Finger gymnastics for the development of fine motor skills

    One of the damages, which are jittery at rozumovіy vіdstalostі, is the damage of the fine motility of the fingers. For children, it is important to follow the exact goals of directing the ruhi. for example, trim the handle of the olive, tie the laces thinly). Vipraviti tsey nedolіk additionally finger gymnastics, as a method of development of fine motor skills in children. The mechanism of this method is based on the fact that the ruhi, which is often beaten, is “forgotten” with the fingers by the child’s nervous system, after which in the future. after bagatorazov training) the child can be more precise, stained with less zusil.

    Finger gymnastics can include:

    • Right 1 (pererakunok fingers). Appropriate for children with an easy stage of oligophrenia, to begin to get better. It is necessary to fold the hand into a fist on the back of the head, and then straighten 1 finger at a time and shake it ( out loud). Then we need to bend our fingers, so they are resurrecting them.
    • Right 2. The child's back is to be blamed for opening the fingers of both palms and putting them one in front of one so that only the pads of the fingers stick together. Then we need you to raise the dolons at once. so the stench stuck together), and then turn to the outer position.
    • Right 3. Under the hour of tsієї it is right for the child to fold his hands in the lock, with which the beast is guilty of rotting the thumb of one hand, and then the thumb of the other hand.
    • Right 4. On the back of the child, trace the fingers of the hand, and then call them so that the tips of all the five fingers of the fingers were picked up at one point. You can rightly repeat a lot of times.
    • Right 5. Under the hour of tsієї, the child should be able to clench his hands into fists, and then straighten his fingers and crack them, repeating tsі dії sprat once.
    It is also important to designate that the development of fine motor skills of the fingers should be practiced regularly with plasticine, painting. Let's bring a child just to drive an olive on a paper), rearrangement of other objects ( for example, different-colored gudzikiv, prote with what you need to stitch, so that the child does not forge one of them) and so far.

    Faces ( drugs, piguki) with rozumovіy vіdstalosti ( nootropics, vitamins, neuroleptics)

    The method of medical treatment of oligophrenia is to reduce the exchange of speech on the brain, as well as stimulate the development of nerve cells. In addition, medical treatment may be used to relieve symptoms of illness, which may be manifested in different children in different ways. In case of any type, a juvenile scheme is necessary for the skin child individually, protecting the severity of the underlying disease, its clinical form and other features.

    Medical treatment of Rozum's health

    Group of drugs


    The mechanism of jubilation

    Nootropics and drugs that improve cerebral blood flow


    To improve the exchange of speech on equal neurons. nervous cells) of the brain, pіdvishyuchi shvidkіst vikoristannya sour them. Tse mozhe take the patient's head and yogo rosemary development.









    Vitamin B1

    Necessary for normal development and functioning of the central nervous system.

    Vitamin B6

    Necessary for the normal process of transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system. For a short time, such a sign of rosy steeliness can progress like a galvanization of thought.

    Vitamin B12

    If this vitamin is missing in the body, the death of nerve cells may be accelerated. including on the brain), which can take the progress of the Rozum age.

    Vitamin E

    Protects the central nervous system and other tissues due to various factors. zocrema in case of acid deficiency, intoxication, intoxication).

    Vitamin A

    For some small amount of money, the robot of the zonal analyzer can be destroyed.



    Ignore the activity of the brain, allowing the child to show oligophrenia as aggressiveness and psychomotor agitation.





    Also, the activity of the central nervous system is underestimated, helping to reduce aggression, as well as anxiety, increased irritability and sluggishness.





    They are prescribed when the psycho-emotional state of a child is depressed, which is taken care of by a trivial hour. more than 3 – 6 months later). It is important to note that saving such a thing will become a protracted hour, significantly lowering the building to the beginning of a child.



    Varto signify that the dosing, frequency and duration of stosuvanie dermal overexposure preparations are also indicated by the doctor, fallow in the form of impersonal factors. zocrema in the case of the patient’s severe state, the importance of quiet and other symptoms, the effectiveness of treatment, possible side effects, and so on).

    The head of the massage at a rosy age

    Masazh shiї that head є part of the complex lukuvannya rozumovo vіdstalih children. At the same time, massage of the whole body can stimulate the development of the musculoskeletal apparatus, improve the patient's self-confidence, increase his mood.

    Head massage for oligophrenia є:

    • Polypshenya microcirculation of blood in the tissues, which are massaged, to reduce the delivery of sour and vital speeches to the nerve cells of the brain.
    • Polypshennia in the flow of lymph, to improve the process of removing toxins and by-products of the exchange of speech from the brain tissue.
    • Polypshenya microcirculation in m'yazakh, which helps to increase the tone.
    • Stimulation of nerve endings in the area of ​​the fingers and palms, which can take the development of fine motor skills of the hands.
    • The creation of positive emotions, like a friendly infusion of the burning camp of the ailing.

    Influx of music on children from the rozum v_dsteal

    Occupying with music, or listening to it, is positively pouring in with a protract of rozum's voice. Why is it practical for all children with mild and deadly forms of illness to turn on music before corrective programs. At the same time, varto signify that at a more severe stage of oligophrenia, children do not accept music, do not understand sense. for them it's just a set of sounds), and the positive effect of the stink cannot be reached.

    Musical activities are allowed:

    • Develop a modern device ditini (pid hour sleep song). Zokrema in children pokraschuetsya vimov okremih letters, warehouses and words.
    • Develop the ear of a child. In the process of listening to music, the patient will be able to distinguish between the sounds behind their tone.
    • Develop intellectual vitality. In order to sleep in a song, children need to vikonate once a sprig of the last ones. type in your chest twice before the devil's verse, catch up with the right melody, correctly choose the richness of the voice and the swedishness of the voice). All this stimulates the romatic processes, damaged in children from the romatic steel.
    • Develop knowledge activity. In the process of listening to music, a child can play new musical instruments, evaluate and remember the nature of their sound, and then recognize ( appoint) їх one more sound each.
    • Learn to play children on musical instruments. More expensive for the mild form of oligophrenia.

    Illumination of osіb іz rozumovoi vіdstalіstyu

    Regardless of the appearance of the rosum rose, may all the patients with the rosum rose ( deep form cream) can follow the singing tutor. At that very hour, not all children can get the best education programs of great schools. It is very important to correctly select the type of training that will allow the child to develop his own zdіbnosti as much as possible.

    Zvichayni and correctional schools, boarding schools and classes for schoolchildren with a pink background ( PMPC recommendations)

    So that the child developed as intensively as possible, it was necessary to correctly choose the initial mortgage, to some extent.

    Rozumovo education for children can be carried out:

    • At the spiritually enlightened schools. This method is suitable for children with a mild form of mental retardation. In some vipadkah rozumovo, children can successfully complete the first grades 1 - 2 of the school, if there are any vіdmіnnosti between them, that children will not be remembered as outstanding. At the same time, varto signify that in the world that tight school program for children has grown up as one-year-olds in success, which can cause serious difficulties ( low spirits, fear of failures and so far).
    • In correctional schools, there are boarding schools for rozumovo vіdstalih osіb. A special school for children with mental retardation may have both its pluses and minuses. From one side, the education of a child in a boarding school allows you to add more respect to you from the side of your teachers, lower when you see an excellent school. In the boarding school, teachers and trainees trained robots with such children, because of which it is easier to establish contact with them, they know the individual approach of the teachers only. The main disadvantage of such training is the social isolation of a sick child, as it practically does not interact with normal ( healthy) children. Moreover, under the hour of rebuking in the boarding school for the children, there is a constant watchfulness of that retal watch, like a stench chirping. After the completion of the boarding school, the stench may appear simply unprepared for life in society, after which it will require a constant look to the end of life.
    • At special correctional schools in chi classes. In some of the world's most enlightened schools, there are classes for rozumovo old children, where they offer a simple school program. Tse allow children to take away the necessary minimum knowledge, as well as to change among the “normal” one-year-olds, which will help them to promote the success of the nadal. This method of learning is more suitable for patients with an easy stage of pink disability.
    Directly from the child to the deep-light or special ( correction) the school is occupied by the so-called psychological-medical-pedagogical commission ( PMPK). Doctors, psychologists and educators, who enter the warehouse of the commission, conduct a short conversation with the child, assessing at the same time the savage and sensible state and trying to reveal the signs of the rosum age or the obscurity of the mental development.

    For an hour of obstezhennia at the PMPK, a child can be fed:

    • What is Yogo's name?
    • How many youmu rokiv?
    • De vin live?
    • How many people have Yogo Sim'ї ( can ask briefly about the skin member of this)?
    • Chi є in the house of domestic creatures?
    • How to play to love a child?
    • What kind of stravam vin volіє on snіdanok, obіd chi supper?
    • Chi vmіє child sleep ( when you can ask to sleep a dog or tell a short song)?
    For those of other children, children can ask the vikonati for a simple task ( arrange the pictures into groups, name the colorful colors, paint the pictures and so on). As in the process of obstezhennia fahivtsі show whether they are in the psychic mind development, they can recommend sending the child to special ( correction) school. Well, the appearance in the rozum development is insignificant ( for what season), a child can lead an excellent school, but at the same time he will be left under the supervision of psychiatrists and teachers.

    GEF HIA ( federal state lighting standard

    Federal State Educational Standard - the main education standard, which can be achieved by the initial laying of the edge ( for preschoolers, schoolchildren, students). This standard regulates the work of the initial mortgage, material, technical and other equipment of the initial mortgage. what kind of staff and in what quantity is to blame for the new work), and start the control of the beginning, the availability of the beginning programs only

    GEF HIA is the federal state lighting standard for those who are learning to improve their health. Vіn regulates the initial process for children and children with various physical and mental defects, including those for rozumotically aged patients.

    Adaptation of the main global lighting programs ( ATOP) for preschoolers and schoolchildren with rozumova vіdstаlіst

    Given the program part of the Federal State Educational Standards of HIA and є the optimal method of learning skills from rozumova vіdstalіstyu in preschool mortgages and schools.

    The main tasks of the AOOP for children from the Rozum society are:

    • The creation of the minds of rozumovo educated children at the globally enlightened schools, and navit at special boarding schools.
    • Creation of similar educational programs for children with mental retardation, such as to master these programs.
    • Created educational programs for the well-being of children of preschool and global education.
    • Development of special programs for children with different levels of mental retardation.
    • The organization of the initial process with the improvement of the behavioral and mental characteristics of children with different levels of mental retardation.
    • Quality control of lighting programs.
    • Control of the acquisition of information by scientists.
    Zastosuvannya AOOP allows:
    • Maximize the development of the rozumovі zdіbnosti dermal okremoї child with oligophrenia.
    • Teach rozumovo vodstalih children self-service ( how is it possible), vykonannya simple work and other necessary skills.
    • Teach the children to behave properly in the presence of the child and to interact with him.
    • Develop interest in learning before learning.
    • Use or smooth out imperfections and defects, as they can be in a rose-colored child.
    • Teach the father of a rozumovo old child to behave properly with her and so on.
    By the end method of all resurfacing points, the most effective training of the child, as it would allow him to lead the most complete life in this life.

    Working programs for children from the rose industry

    On the basis of the main global lighting programs ( what regulate the global principles of education of Rozumovo for steely children) work programs are developed for children with different levels and forms of mental retardation. The advantage of such an approach is those who work with the program to the maximum extent possible to protect the individual characteristics of the child, to build up to education, to receive new information and socialization in society.

    So, for example, a working program for children with a mild form of mental retardation can include learning self-service, reading, writing, mathematics, etc. At the same time, children with an important form of illness are not good at reading, writing and raising in principle, after which their working programs include only more advanced skills of self-service, learning to control emotions and other simple things to do.

    Correction of employment in case of a change in employment

    Corrective occupations are chosen for the skin child individually, fallow in case of obvious mental disorders, behavior, thoughts and so on. These classes can be held at special schools ( professionals) or at home.

    To take corrective aims є:

    • Navchannya children to basic school novice- Reading, writing, a simple rahunka.
    • Education of children's behavior in society- For whom zastosovuyutsya group employment.
    • Rose of the movement- especially in children, in whom vim's sound is broken or other similar defects.
    • Teach a child to serve himself independently- under which the vikladach is guilty of emphasizing respect for the needs of the tariziks, as they can sturge a child in everyday life ( for example, the child is guilty of stealing what to grab for hot or hot objects is not necessary, the next thing will be more painful).
    • Develop respect and perseverance- it is especially important for children from damaged buildings to concentrate respect.
    • Teach a child to control your emotions- especially at the new one, the attacks of anger are fierce.
    • Develop fine motor skills of hands- It's like it's ruined.
    • Develop memory- memorize words, phrases, speeches and learn verses.
    This is far from being a complete list of defects, which can be corrected for an hour of correction. It is important to remember that a positive result can only be achieved after 3rd training, the oskolki building of rose-aged children before the development of new skills is significantly reduced. At the same time, with the right selection of rights, that regularly carried out activities, the child can develop, learn self-service, and simply work hard.

    SIPR for children with a rose-colored steel

    SIPR is a special individual development program that is selected for a specific skin-specific rosum-like child. The task of this program is similar to those in case of correctional employment and adaptive programs, prote with the development of SIPR, not only the steps of oligophrenia and її form, but also the particularity of illness, which are in children, the steps of їх virility and so on, are damaged.

    For the development of CIPR, the child is obliged to go through the fencing of rich fahivtsiv. at a psychiatrist, psychologist, neurologist, speech therapist and so on). Under the hour of obstezhennia, the doctors show damage to the functions of various organs. for example, impaired memory, impaired hand motility, impaired concentration of respect) that evaluate their viraznist. On the basis of otrimanih data and folded SIPR, poklikana koriguvati nasampered tі damage, like a child's expression as much as possible.

    So, for example, as in a child with oligophrenia, there is damage to language, hearing and concentration of respect, prote rukhovi dissatisfaction during the day, there is no sense to recognize it as a rich work for improving hand motility. On the first plan, at the same time, you should be busy with a speech therapist ( to improve vimovi zvukіv i slіv), occupied by the promotion of buildings to concentrate respect and so on. At that very hour, there is no sense of staining the hour of learning a child with a deep form of oligophrenia, reading letters, shards of wine, however, do not master these skills.

    Literacy methodology ( reading) children from rosum society

    With a mild form of illness, a child can learn to read, comprehend the sense of the read text and often retell yoga. With a milder form of oligophrenia, children can also learn to read the words of that speech, reading the text is not understood by them ( stink to read, but don’t know about what). Retell the read stink is also not in the mind. With a severe and deep form of rozumova, the child cannot be read.

    The beginning of reading rozumovo for steely children allows:

    • Teach the child to recognize the letters, the words of that speech.
    • Learn how to read differently ( with intonation).
    • Learn to understand the sense of the read text.
    • Develop the movement ( under an hour of reading aloud).
    • Create a change of heart on the writing of the letter.
    For learning to read rozumovo, it is necessary for children to pick up simple texts, like folded phrases, old words and words. It is also not recommended to victorize texts with a great number of abstract to understand, adjectives, metaphor and other similar elements. On the right, in the fact that the rozum’s old-fashioned child is weakly blamed ( or zovsіm vіdsutnya) is an abstract idea. In the aftermath of which one should be followed after the correct reading, whether or not you can comprehend all the words, however, you cannot explain the essence, which can negatively impinge on the exercise to the point of nadal.

    Sheet instruction

    Less than children can learn to write with an easy stage of illness. In the case of severe mental retardation, children can pick up a pen, type in the letters of the word, but they cannot write with understanding.

    It’s very respectful, so that before the cob, the child’s education would like to learn how to read with the minimal world. After this yoga, read and draw simple geometric figures. cola, rectangles, squares, straight lines too thin). If you master the wine, you can go on to writing the letters and memorize them. Then you can proceed to the writing of that word.

    Varto signify that for a rozumovo-old child, folding is not only in the mastery of the sheet, but also in the rozum’s mind of what is written. At the same time, in some children, there is a manifestation of impaired hand motility, which makes it necessary to roll the leaf. In this situation, it is recommended to improve grammar and corrective rights, which allow developing rukhovu activity at the fingers.

    Mathematics for children from the Rozum society

    Teaching mathematics for children with a light form of rozum's maturity spryaє development of mentality and social behavior. At the same time, it should be noted that the mathematical well-being of children with imbecility ( pomirniy step oligophrenia( fold, see), prote folded zavdannya virishuvati not in the mind Children with severe and deep oligophrenia do not understand mathematics in principle.

    Children with a mild form of mental retardation may:

    • Take natural numbers.
    • Learn to understand "fraction", "proportion", "area" and others.
    • Master the basic units of the world of mass, dozhini, swidkost and learn how to zastosovuvat їx in everyday life.
    • Learn how to make a purchase, invest in a number of items and a number of necessary tasks.
    • Learn to squirm with vimiryuvalnymi and rakhunkovy accessories ( line, compass, calculator, rachunks, years, wagami).
    It is important to note that the science of mathematics is not to blame for the banal memorized information. The children are guilty of understanding those who stink and start and immediately learn to zastosovuvat practical. In order to achieve, the skin lesson can be completed by situational tasks. for example, give out “pennies” to children and collect them from the “shop”, they will be guilty to buy like a speech, pay and take it from the seller).

    Pictograms for children from rozumova vіdstalіst

    Pictograms are their own schematic pictures, in which images of the same objects are different. Pictograms allow you to make contact with a rose-colored child and learn in quiet moods, if it is impossible to contact her for help. for example, as if they were deaf, and also, as if they were not understanding words).

    The essence of the technique of pictograms is to associate the children with the same image ( little ones) with be-such a singing voice. So, for example, a picture from the image of the toilet bowl can be associated with a woman to go to the toilet. At the same time, a picture from the images of the bath or the soul can be associated with water procedures. Given these pictures, you can fix them on the doors of different places, after which the child is more likely to orient himself in the booth. if you want to go to the toilet, you will know the door on your own, in which you need to go).

    From the other side, you can use pictograms to match with a child. So, for example, in the kitchen you can trim pictures from the images of the cup ( gleck) with water, plates with a hedgehog, fruits and vegetables. If the child sees spragu, you can go to the water, then point to the picture to help you understand that the child is hungry.

    More boules are more likely to be made, apply more pictograms, prote for the help of this technique, you can teach a rose-colored child and the most demanding occupations ( clean the teeth of the vranci, independently fill and spread the bed, put the words down). However, it is important to note that the given technique will be as effective as possible for mild mental retardation and less often effective for the mild stage of illness. At the same time, children with an important and deep degree of rozum's ability to learn for help pictograms practically do not follow ( through povnu vіdsutnіst associative thought).

    Pozaurochnaya diyalnistnost of children from rosum society

    Pozaurochnaya diyalnist - tse employment, yakі held out of class ( how are the lessons), and in other circumstances, for a different plan ( at the sight of igor, zmagan, more expensive thinly). Changing the method of presenting information rozumovo to children allows stimulating the stench of the development of intelligence and cognitive activity, which is pleasantly signified at the edge of illness.

    The goals of post-hour work can be:

    • adaptation of the child to the suspension;
    • zastosuvannya otrimanih novice and knowledge in practice;
    • development of the movement;
    • physical ( sportswear) development of ditini;
    • development of logical thought;
    • the development of the building of orientation in the unknown world;
    • psychoemotional development of a child;
    • nabuttya child of the new dosvіdu;
    • development of creative abilities ( for example, at the hour of hiking, igor near the park, at the fox toshcho).

    Navchannya at home for children from the Rozum family

    Rozum's education of old children can be taught at home minds. The uninterrupted fate of whom can be taken by both the fathers themselves and the fathers. speech therapist, psychiatrist, teachers, how to work with such children, and so far).

    On the one hand, such a method of training may have its pluses, to which the child is given much more respect, lower training time in groups ( classes). At the same time, the child in the process of learning does not come into contact with one-year-olds, does not acquire the necessary skills and behavior, after which, later on, it will be richer to merge with the suspіlstvo and therefore partly. It is also not recommended to practice rozumovo in the minds of steel children, including in the home minds. It’s better to stop insulting the methods, if on the day of the child you see the lighting, and when the father is offended, they take care of her at home.

    Rehabilitation and socialization of children with rosum age

    As a diagnosis of Rozum’s age of confirmation, it’s important to start taking care of the child at the same time, so in case of mild forms of illness, allow her to get along with the society and become a rightful member. At that very hour, with special respect, I should add the development of rosy, mental, emotional and other functions, impaired in children due to oligophrenia.

    Busy with a psychologist ( psychocorrection)

    For the psychologist's first tasks, an hour of work with a rose-colored child and the establishment of friendly, trusting friends with her. After that, in the process of intercourse with a child, the doctor reveals those other mental and psychological disorders, which are more important in this particular patient. for example, inconstancy of the emotional sphere, often tearfulness, aggressive behavior, unreasonable joy,). Having fixed the main damage, the healer tries to help the children wake up, by the same token, speeding up the learning process and painting the quality of their life.

    Psychocorrection can include:

    • psychological development of a child;
    • help in understanding one's "I";
    • social development ( learning the rules and norms of behavior in the court);
    • I will help with the experience of psychoemotional traumas;
    • friendly fold ( friendly) the situation at the sіm'ї;
    • thoroughly navichok splkuvannya;
    • teaching children to control emotions;
    • teaching newcomers about important life situations and problems.

    Speech therapy activities ( with a defectologist-speech therapist)

    The damage of that underdevelopment of language can be guarded by children with different stages of rozum's maturity. These corrections are assigned to employment with a speech therapist, who will help children to develop their own health.

    Occupation with a speech therapist allows:

    • Teach the children to correctly sing the sounds of that word. For whom the speech therapist has the right, for some time, for such children, it is possible for them to repeat those sounds of that letter, as if they stink more.
    • Teach the child correctly to speak. Tse also reach out for help to take, for an hour such a speech therapist talks to a child in a written form.
    • Promote the success of a child at school. Inadequate mov can be the cause of failure in a variety of subjects.
    • Stimulate the wild development of children. Having learned to speak correctly and to move the words, the child immediately remembers new information.
    • Polipshiti is a place of a child in society. If a schoolboy learns to speak correctly and correctly, it will be easier for him to communicate with classmates and make friends.
    • Raise the child's building to concentrate respect. For an hour, a speech therapist can give the child a voice to read all the necessary texts, which will increase the concentration of respect.
    • Expand the word stock of children.
    • Polypshiti rozuminnya oral and written language.
    • Develop abstract ideas and awake children. For which doctor, you can give a child to read books with fairy tales and tell stories, and then discuss the plot with her.

    Didactic games for children with a pink background

    For an hour, a watchful eye for rozum's old steel children was appointed, that the stench is reluctant to learn new information, protege with great satisfaction can play with the powers of the game. On the basis of this and bula, the methodology of didactic ( primary) igor, pіd hour of such vikladachs in the game form to convey to the child the same information. The main advantage of this method is those who, without knowing it themselves, develop in a rosy, mental and physical plan, learn to mate with other people and gain new skills, which they need in a distant life.

    With the initial method, you can beat:

    • Games with pictures- to teach children a set of pictures and ask them to choose creatures, cars, birds, etc. from them.
    • Games with numbers- like a child already vmіє rahuvati, on different objects ( on cubes, books and toys) you can stick numbers from 1 to 10 and mix them up, and then ask the child to put them in order.
    • Play with the sounds of creatures- the children show a series of pictures from the images of the creature and ask to demonstrate what sounds you see on the skin of them.
    • Games to develop fine motor skills of hands- you can paint letters on small cubes, and then ask the child to pick up a word from them ( the name of the creature, bird, place toshcho).

    Right that likuvalna physical culture ( exercise therapy) for children with pink steel

    Metoyu exercise therapy ( recreational physical culture) є zagalne zmіtsnennya organism, as well as the correction of physical defects, which can be a rose-colored child. Choose a program of physical education to take up the following individually with children with similar problems in groups of 3-5 people, so that the instructor can give enough respect to their skin.

    The goals of exercise therapy for oligophrenia can be:

    • Development of fine motor skills of hands. So, as the damage is most common in rosum-old children, you have the right to correct it due to inclusion in the skin program. In the middle of the right, you can see the clenching of that clenching of the hands at the fist, the raising of that link of the fingers, the dot with the tips of the fingers one to one, the hand-shaped clenching of the skin finger is okremo skinny.
    • Correction of deformities of the ridge. Dane damage occurs in children due to a severe form of oligophrenia. For yoga correction, it is right to develop the m'yazi of the back of the abdomen, the hummocks of the ridge, water procedures, the right to the horizontal bar and others.
    • Correction of rukhovyh pistons. How do children have paresis ( with some vins weakly crumble with hands and feet); bending that splitting of hands and nig, wrapping hands with them and so on).
    • Development of the coordination of the revolutions. For whom you can win so right, like haircuts on one nose, haircuts in the dove. if the haircut of a child is guilty of saving her jealousy, she will be deprived of standing on her feet), throwing a ball.
    • The development of romatic functions. For whom you can win the right, which are added up from a few last parts ( for example, put your hands on your belt, then sit down, pull your hands forward, and after that, vikonate yourself in the reverse order).
    It is also important to indicate that children with a mild or moderate stage of illness can go in for active sports, they are less likely to be prote with the constant caution of an instructor of a slightly older age ( healthy) people.

    For sports activities, it is recommended for children:

    • Swimming. Tse dopomogaє їm learn to virіshuvati slozhnі poslіdovnі zavdannya. come to the pool, change clothes, get in, swim, get in again and get dressed), as well as the form of a normal setting before leading to water procedures.
    • Lying walks. Develop movement activity and building coordination of movement of hands and feet.
    • Bicycle riding. Sprinkle the development of jealousy, the concentration of respect, and the building of a building quickly shift from one task to another.
    • Get up ( tourism). The change in the environment stimulates the development of the cognitive activity of a rose-colored patient. At the same hour, when the road rises, a physical development and a change in the body are observed.

    Recommendations for fathers on the labor education of children from the Rozum steel industry

    Labor development of a rozumovo child is one of the key moments in the treatment of pathology. Even the same in the building to self-service and to lay down to work, so that a person can live independently, or it is required by the sight of third-party stretching his life. It is not only the teachers at the school, but the fathers in the minds of the home that are responsible for working hard for the children.

    The development of labor activity in a child with oligophrenia can be revenged:

    • self-service training- it is necessary for a child to learn how to dress independently, to follow the rules of special hygiene, to look at his own beauty, to take a zhu and so on.
    • Learn what you can do- even from the early fates, children can independently lay out speeches, pick up the street, pilosity, yearn for domestic creatures, or clean up after them.
    • Starting a job in a team- yakscho dad to go vikonuvati yakus clumsy robot ( for example, pick mushrooms and apples, water the city), take the child with you, explaining and demonstrating all the nuances of the work, as well as actively practicing with him ( for example, entrust youmu to bring water for the watering hour of the city).
    • Versatile training- Batkam sled to teach a child to different types of practice ( navіt yakscho pokobuvaty yaksho the robot at the new one does not go).
    • Informed by a child of the crust in their own practice- the fathers are guilty of explaining to the children that after the watering of the city on the new growth of vegetables and fruits, like little ones we can then get good.

    Forecast at a rose-level

    The prognosis in case of this pathology is uninterrupted depending on the degree of severity of the disease, as well as on the correctness and timing of the splendid and corrective approaches. So, for example, if you regularly and intensively take care of a child, who has been diagnosed with a morbid stage of oligophrenia, you can learn to speak, read, chat with fellows of the same age, and so on. At the same hour, if the first days, I can take it, I can provoke the patient to become aggravated, after which I can develop an easy step of oligophrenia, I can progress, turning into a death or make an important.

    Why give a child a disability group with a reasonable disability?

    Oskolki building to self-service and full-fledged life of a rose-colored child is destroyed, you can take away a group of disabilities, which allows you to sing with songful advantages in the household. At the same time, that chi іnsha group of іnvalidnostі vystavlyaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє OF THAT chie chi chi chi chi chi chi ta chit chi chi ta chia chia chi chi chi chi chi chi stavlyayutsya zalezhnі stavіl oligovіl opіvіd chi chi chi chi chi chi level of the patient.

    Children with a rose-colored steel can be attracted by:

    • 3rd group of disability. Seen by children with a slight degree of oligophrenia, they can independently serve themselves, get trained and can lead the best schools, resist the promotion of respect from the side of this, the same teachers.
    • 2nd group of disability. It seems to children from the deadly stage of rosum age, like zmusheni in the special correctional school. The stinks are rottenly trained, rottenly get accustomed to the suspense, weakly control their own intrigues and that it is impossible to confirm deeds from them, in connection with which they often require a steady watch, and inspire living in special minds.
    • 1 group of disability. It seems to children with an important and deep oligophrenia, as it is practically impossible to learn how to serve themselves independently, from whom they will require uninterrupted observation of that opiky.

    Trivality of life of children and adults with oligophrenia

    Due to the presence of other illnesses and vices, the development of the triviality of life is rozumovo-dstalih people without a middle lie in the building until self-service, or in the presence of watching them from the side of the otchuyuchih.

    Healthy ( at the physical plan) people with a slight degree of oligophrenia can serve themselves, easily get started and learn, they can influence the work, earning pennies on their own. In connection with this, the average trivality of their life and the causes of death are practically not considered in such environments of healthy people. The same can be said about patients with severely pronounced oligophrenia, but, however, they also need to be trained.

    At the same time, patients with severe forms of illness live richly less than ordinary people. Nasampered, tse can be tied with multiple vadas and congenital anomalies in development, which can bring children to death by stretching the first fates of life. Another cause of early death may be the untimeliness of a person to critically evaluate their own actions and how sharp they are. In case of any ailment, you can be in unsafe proximity to the fire, so that you can work on electrical appliances or they will wipe it off, fall into the pool ( when you don't swim together), eat a car ( vipadkovo vibigayuchi on the road) and so far. The axis is why the trivality and the brightness of their life without a middle lie in the respect of the side of the lonely.

    Before zastosuvannyam, you should consult with a faculty member.