Russian Greek vocabulary from transcription and voices. Greek language: words that get used to the most

Russian Greek vocabulary from transcription and voices. Greek language: words that get used to the most

The Greeks are already clamoring for language. Tse navit not the style of Danina's fashion, but the need. 20% of the Greek economy falls on tourism, and another 20% - on navigation: the skin of the father-Greek of the past, that the knowledge of foreign language is the pledge of the bright future child. As a reminder, in tourist places you may not need knowledge of the words of the Greek language. Tim is no less, the Greeks even love and value, if the tourists want a little, but try to speak walnut. And in a traditional tavern for a qiu, the master will not please you even with a dessert.

Spillo with Anya - our tutor of Greek - Grekoblog having compiled a list of 30 words / phrases, which were the most requested by the trainee. To make it easier to understand unknown words, instructed us to use a skin phrase to translate Russian and Latin transcriptions. Those letters, yakі do not zestrichayutsya in the Latin alphabet, left out "yak є".

It is also necessary to vrakhovuvati that the words of the Greek language have great meaning in their voice. At the sight of the Russian language, the voice of the Greek Mayzha always falls on the rest, or on the other hand, the third warehouse of the word. For the sake of simplicity, in Russian transcription, we saw percussion voices in great letters.

The Greek language has a great meaning, it can be called out: may you always fall on the rest of the warehouse

Vitanya words:

1. Γειά σου (I am su) - hello, hello (literally translated “healthy to you”). So you can be welcomed, whether it’s an hour to finish it, as if you were a friend of yours “on the tee”. The form of voluptuousness is more often taken from the Russian language. Well, you want to graciously welcome an unknown or older person after a century, say:

Γειά Σας (I am sas) - hello.

With the phrases Γειά σου and Γειά Σας it is also possible to say goodbye. To become stench in good luck and as if someone ordered you to sniff: Γειά σου and Γειά Σας will mean in this type of “Be healthy” or “Be healthy”, obviously.

2. Καλημέρα (calimera) - good morning. So you can get in touch until about 13.00, but between here you can meet. For someone καλημέρα, it is relevant until 15.00 - whoever has already slipped through :).

Καλησπέρα (kalispera) - Good evening. Actual, as a rule, after 16-17 years.

You can say goodbye at night by praying “for good luck” - Καληνύχτα (kalinіkhta).

3. Τι κάνεις / κάνετε (ti kanis / kanet) - Literally, the words of the Greek language are translated, like “what a robish / rob”. Ale in pobuttse means how to do it (ti / vee). With these very meanings, you can extract the phrase:

Πως είσαι / είστε (pos Ise / pos Iste) - how do you do it / how do you do it.

Responses to nutrition “how do you do it” can be done in a different way:

4. Μια χαρά (m'ya hara) or καλά (kalA), which means "good";

Another option: πολύ καλά (poly kala) - more good.

5. Έτσι κι έτσι (Etsі k'Etsі) - so sobi.


Recognition, like the sound of a svіvrozmovnik, is possible for the help of offensive phrases:

6. Πως σε λένε; (pos se lєne) - what is your name?

Πως Σας λένε; (pos sas lene) - what is your name?

You can comment on it like this:

Με λένε…… (me lene) - call me less (im'ya)

After the exchange of names it is accepted to say:

7. Χαίρω πολύ (xEro poly) or χαίρομαι (xErome) - - the radium of knowledge.

The Greeks already value, if a tourist is somehow trying to hang out with my own

Important words:

8. Ευχαριστώ (EucharistO) - thank you;

9. Παρακαλώ (parakalO) - be kind;

10. Τίποτα (tipota) - nothing, nothing for what;

11. Δεν πειράζει (zen pіrAzі) [δen pirazi] – nothing terrible;

12.Καλώς όρισες (kalOs Orieses) - kindly ask (ti);

Καλώς ορίσατε (kalos orIsate) - kindly ask (vi);

13. Εντάξει (endaksі) - good, ok;

Words like this and nі in the Greek language are recognizable as no, yes or si etc., which are familiar to us. We sounded that the negative word begins with the letter “n”, but in Greek language everything is navpak - the word “so” begins with the letter “n”:

14. Ναι (NOT) - so

Όχι (Охі) - ні

Words for rinku ta shop

15. Θέλω (village) [θelo] - I want;

16. Ορίστε (oriste) - axis be kind, similar in English here you are (for example, you are given a task that seems oρίστε or they brought that seem oρίστε). If you give pennies, you can also say (be kind) oρίστε). Actual tse and yak reaction to someone calling you to im'ya or when you call the deputy "Hello".

17. Πόσο κάνει (according to the cani) - skilki cost;

18. Ακριβό (akrivo) - expensive;

19. Φτηνό (ftіnО) - cheap;

20. Τον λογαριασμό παρακαλώ (tone of logariasmO parakalo) - “rahunok, be kind”;

Words for orientation

21. Που είναι…….; (Pu Ying) - where do you know ...?

22. Αριστερά (arіsterА) – levoruch, levoruch;

23. Δεξιά (DeksA) [δeksia] - right-handed, right-handed;

24. Το ΚΤΕΛ (that KTEL) - an abbreviation is given - naming the Greek bus operator, but everyone understands it like “bus station”;

25. Το αεροδρόμειο (aerodrome) - airport;

26. Σιδηροδρομικός σταθμός (sidirodromikOs stasmOs) – transshipment station;

27. Καταλαβαίνω (katalavEno) – to the mind;

Δεν καταλαβαίνω (zen katalaveno) [δen katalaveno] - not to reason;

28. Ξέρω (xEro) - I know;

Δεν ξέρω (zen ksero) [δen ksero] - I don't know;

І nareshti vіtannya:

29. Χρόνια πολλά (chronya stati) - so you can graft on be holy: the day of the people, the day of the angel is thin. Literally, tse means "the old fates".

30. Στην υγεία μας (stin Ya mas) - tse toast, which means "for our health."

I am sure that these words will help you at a higher price and in connection with the Greeks. Well, I’m dear to Anya - our teacher of the Greek language - for help with the written material, I’ll tell you what else since 2010 on Grekoblog Anya is doing a lot of work, whoever you want to learn from scratch or raise your own Greek ribs. More reports about my busyness on Skype, we wrote at the articles.

KALIMERA-KALISPERA, good morning, good day, you can smell these words everywhere, if you drink from GREECE! Axis and I leaned on the Greek earth-earth dream of Tata, who did not reach here, did not reach for all his life, even though our ancestors once lived here.

The trip turned out to be spontaneous, we climbed back to Egypt, and then, through the turbulent situation, fell to Greece, the land of olives, Sirtaki, and my historical Batkivshchyna. They flew with the Greek airline company, the uniform of the Greek stewardess struck me, even more beautiful, dark blue cloth with a frill on the back, and the husky dressing of the Greek ensign on the neck. Everything, like a pidbir, smart, thin, dark-haired and even smiled. At the letaka, in the best economy class, they poured dry walnut wine and tasted meatballs with mashed potatoes, with a savory sauce that tasted like savory herbs. The whole flight on televisions showed our movement at the window, an hour before the end of the flight on that territory, as if it were flying at once. Like a zavzhdi, splashes on the crew for professional flight and instantly giving a ladder.

Viishli and the same thing happened like, sho drank in the sauna, no wind, no sea breeze, no sea breeze, after the rainy and cold St. Petersburg weather seemed to be unseen. I realized that half of the speeches from Valisa could not have been taken.

As you can see, the island of Rhodes, for which once brought love to a higher price, is washed by two seas: the Middle Earth and the Aegean. Our hotel

Marianna Palas 4 *, located on the Mediterranean Sea, for 30 hours from the airport of Rhodes, near the village of Kolimbiya. So, in the village itself, for the vranci were thrown under the cry of pivniv. Hotels roztashovani on the birches of the sea with private booths, shops, taverns, so you are busy in your life.

More information about the hotel.

Upon arrival, they suddenly turned their attention to this sound, I went out of the sound, not clinging to the fluff, then the cicadas went before me! Exactly, I chula them at my home, in Anapa, so, one by one, crackling, but the floors collectively and the commas slept for a whole day! Tsіkavo, what kind of place for your body stinks see this sound? We watched, if the cicada chirps, tіlce її і krilltsya all three sing-along, after all, not with the throat, no such streaks can be seen!

The people all the time called and mi, zvichayno, called, the next day it was already given that it couldn’t be done in a different way!

To find a hotel for 400 meters from the sea, the way is not included, to go through an even journey and borrow no more than 10 hvilin, to go through transshipment. Come and look, how the local population is alive. The nature of that climate is even more similar to ours in Anapa: it’s on fire, the rocks, the grass was burned in places, it was so obvious that I’m staying on the coast of the Black Sea, here near the Sukko chi Utrish area. I’m happy that we have more growth, greenery and picturesque nature. Ale tse pershi vrazhennya, perhaps, scho will be in other areas of the island. The hotel is small, like yogo territory, three 2-3 superstructures, two swimming pools with clean and warm water - seaweed and childish, a bar, from 12 days to 12 nights you can drink without intermingling different cocktails, dry chervone ta beer wine, beer, cava. Mitsni Napoi did not try to snuggle, because it was impossible for the speck, they did not want to wind the evening. At the bar, it’s not easy to live, it’s unimaginable, to that our, Russian people, the sound of zdiisnyuvat the process of drinking at savoryly served tables, which is already a sin, we love to eat! And not to those who are hungry, but for the sake of order: with charms, you can have a plate! Well, that's my thought, you might not wait.

Zagalom, yearned for good, snidanki, like snidanki, we and at home so: egg.

fried eggs, scrambled eggs, sausages, lubrication bacon, fruit and natural yoghurts, plastics of various types with milk, cheese-cowbaska, whites just the sea, all kinds of savory (not for lasuniv). Tea, kava - whether you want to cook a kava machine, alcohol for dinner and evening and the whole day, juices, Fanti Sprite Pepsi, simple krizhana water. Soup is served for the evening, such is already a tradition in them, wiped soup, savory - also good, drank from our borscht - rossolnikov. I wouldn’t stop eating, but for a change, for the sake of versatility, it’s better to wind it up nicely and for a slut it’s scary. For lunch, there is enough, a sprinkling of garnishes: rice in all its variations, greased - stewed-boiled potatoes, macaroni, two or three types of meat, rib, salads, baldela with walnut tzatziki sauce (daily natural yogurt, olive oil, lemon juice and fresh ogirkiv, chasnik, spices), it’s better to season vegetable salads with it. Fruits: kavuni, dinі, peaches, bananas, apples, oranges. From the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bproducts, there are still only mussels, cooked right in the turtles, poured with lemon juice and washed down with white dry wine.

Pleased the robot of the spіvrobіtnikіv hotell during the service of snіdankіv, obіdіv that evening, utensils vibliskuvav, spoons-forks-knives do not need shukati (it used to be in other hotels), there were tablecloths. Moreover, tidying up the table for the guests, who were sent in new glasses and when the least chicken was revealed, the tablecloth immediately changed to a new one. I would like to see the work of air conditioners at restaurants, or for even more comfortable temperatures, vrakhovyuch neymovirnu speku on the street.

Our vіdpochinok trvatime two days, the hotel kitchen is completely satisfied, and those that are not here, try at the local taverns, stink here on the skin.

There is no respite in the hotel, no appointments for a calm, calm rest. This time we were like that and joked, more than the rіk bov was more stressful.

Somebody lights up the pool, one goes to the sea, and one sips cocktails at the bar.

The staff is even nicer, to work, like a bdzhіlki from the morning until the evening and always ready to come to the rescue, in Russian nobody seems, but mine, I still don’t know how to forget English. Tidy up the rooms cleanly, the towels change every day, the whiteness, it’s so obvious that it’s the same. The safe was paid, they didn’t fawn over it, there was nothing to be desired, all the speeches lay in plain sight, nothing was missing. The air conditioner worked silently, with hot water, and cold water all the same.

A bathtub with a bathtub and not a shower, shampoo gels are added if necessary, the hair dryer didn’t cory, in such heat the hair hung mittevo and without it.

The beach of our hotel is pebbly, the pebbles are dry - masage nіg, for those who are especially rich, special caps are sold. To the hotel, for those who want to go quietly, go by bus 3 times a day. Water of clearness, warmth, without any algae and mud. The main minus of the beach is the presence of cabins for restrooms and toilets. They took one shower, next to the rental point for catamarans, cheesecakes, closer to Mount Tsambika. Parasols and sun loungers are paid, beach towels at the reception at the outpost at 10 euros, then turn around (we took our own for the beach, from home). They changed their clothes behind the majestic stones of the white mountain and looked wildly unreasonably wild, they are here neimoverna impersonal, they climbed along the strim skelyah-mountains, trimmed by the unreasonable force of gravity, the people would fly head down for a long time.

E catamarans, cheesecakes, canoes, don’t nudguvati!

Without good luck, our family didn’t have it once, for two times before arriving at the hotel, it turned out that the person FORGET THE RIGHT! It’s not easy to show my reaction, I thought I’d keep my panchohoy and without anesthesia! I have planned all the arrangements, laid down routes, if you see, like bays, beaches, reminders. Well, when I thought about it, I thought, maybe God saved me from an accident in such a rank, no matter what happened, I didn’t forget them! Aja smut, calm yourself down, reconsider the situation in your head. Against the backdrop of a bunch of zahisnyh arguments for the melancholy Earrings: it’s bad, so tired of the river, the whole hour and so on the robot for kerm, you can’t drink a man, you’re on the right, that and the Greeks started to drive a car without everyday rules, from and try not to have an accident . Slowly, while sitting in the seat, huddled at the seat of the transfer bus, in the heat of the sky, I knew how to calm myself, I pouted all ten times, then I changed my anger to mercy: summer, speka, we are in Greece, cheers! Why don't we know what to borrow for ourselves? On the next day, with the hotel guide Lena, they developed a new scenario for our work, took some excursions: I looked around the island, Rhodes, Lindos and on a yacht, on the island of Simi. Let me tell you, you could have traveled by yourself, a bus zipper for two hours in front of the hotel, sit and for two or three euros a day. Ale! When it's hot, + 37, it's simply unrealistic, buses and walks in every position, succumbing nerves, maybe we just didn't have mercy?


Do not forget to take fumigators, walnut mosquitoes, obviously, so aggressive, like ours. Don't stink, like Messerschmitti, and don't attack with an unacceptable squeak, bite properly, smartly, and silently, perhaps, following the motto of Greek life-Sega-Sega (slowly-slowly). I bite into them, I have an allergic reaction, they may have been unmemorable before the coming day, even though I still took Fenistil.

The rooms do not have white hanks and pinches, pickup machines, as you can imagine, in a 4-star hotel there are none. And for two tizhnі vіdpochinku, that for such a speck of work is inevitable, that powder, clothespins, that construction for drying the white were taken with them (any

Liu, to live comfortably, like at home). T

Internet only at the reception and the swimming pool, paid, cost 15 euros for the whole hour, you can see your individual login and password, write it down on the check, don’t waste it, it’s only your password, not the one at the hotel. Spend (like it was with me), happen to ask for new ones.

Snіdanok from 7-10, obіd from 13-15, supper from 19-22

Do not hurry to rent a car in a hotel, buy a room in the surroundings, you can find it cheaper.

It seems that you can do it yourself with excursions, but we didn’t risk it and bought all the excursions from the hotel guide.

It’s necessary to walk on low pedbors, or start up without anything, so that you happen to walk and walk, and the little streets in the old places are brukovani. Moreover, the fireplaces are laid like that - not flat, like a wind, but a ruba.

Whoever smokes, takes cigarettes, the stench is much more expensive here, a pack of winston is light - 3.5 euros.


SEGA-SEGA, which in translation from Greek means SLOWLY-SLOWLY, this is the life motto of the Greeks. It seems that the stench is more and less vapid, ice-cold, but it’s not true. People practice a lot, but they know each other for help, to be safe in the soul.

Our first excursion was looking around the island and was called "ZH, PRAY, LOVE", like the same book by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Thematically, obviously, it consisted of three parts, and in the first part, we saw the villages: tomato, honey and wine, tasted fresh juices from kavun to ox, tasted different types of olive oil, dry wine, fine, homemade siri 'Yalenі. tomatoes and olives, pine and thyme honey (exalted throat and voices). At the end, we were taken to a Greek tavern for an obid, de Lord Sava himself, having treated Moussaka, Tzatziki sauce, savory soft lamb and bagatma with other national herbs. Everything is cooked with soul and home-style, for the first part of the "JJ" program, we sang on all hundred windows and at the same time got to know the national Greek cuisine.

At the other part - "PRAY", they began to wave to the church of Panteleimon, who sings and prays for our health. The church is located on the mountain, in the arc of the pied-à-terre, go down to it with stones, as if in the hour (even from the face of the clock) and in the sight of the number of people who climbed on them, they became smooth and slimy, like ice. To that, it was necessary to climb down and go down more carefully. As you see, they rise from the heights, the spirit hoots!

The Greeks have risen as a religious nation, they don’t earn pennies on religion, and in the church it’s enough to lose a sum of pennies, even if it’s one cent, you can take a candle as much as you need, leave notes for the health of your loved ones and for the death of people dear to you. After this part of the excursion, there was a lack of peace and warmth in the soul.

Seeing Miss PRASSONIS became the final stage of our excursion and was called "LOVE"!

PRASONISSI - the kiss of two seas, the place where the Middle Earth and the Egeysk Sea, the most important point of the island, are angry. Vletka, in the spek of їх spreading a bunch of smoky land, a spit spit. And the payment of insults from the sea is angered to buy more. Behind orders, like kissing your soul mate on a braid, you will be long and happy with your life.

From the observant Maidanchik, on the high ground, photographs were scattered in front of the mise, where the lion hand is clearly visible to the quiet and calm Mediterranean Sea, which is turning right, in the curly-haired sheep of Yegeysk. As if zvorushlivіst have pragnnі two morіv z'ednatisya near the potlіnku.

Turning back to the bus, having bathed in both seas, if there will be, in the mystic tavern, on the birch, they ate freshly caught (you can catch them right here, on Prasonissi) and grilled octopus, lubricate the tentacles, sprinkle with lemon and serve with white dry wine . . SWEET! I recommend to everyone who loves seafood to try. Mi їili octopus uppershe, we also made a bajannya ...

Well, the axis and reached the end of our marvelous-informative-informative-wonderful excursion. This is an ideal solution for those who do not rent a car, and for everyone who wants to live on the island, leave the world. We covered all of Rhodes along the perimeter in one day, wafted on the faceless beautiful places, memorials, visited two seas, on the most beautiful mountain of the island of Ataviros, reached the saint - saw the chapel of Panteleimon, got to know Greek cuisine, which is still necessary for happiness ? I recommend this tour to everyone, do not hesitate!


That was the name of our offensive tour, conducted її by the same guide Nadia from St. Petersburg. The girl is zakokhana in the island, lingering here 4 rocks, pratsyuє according to the tour operator Bibleo Globus.

For the first time we went to Pivnich itself on the island of Rhodes, the same place as the capital of Rhodes. On the way we saw Mount Fileromos, where the icon of the 15th century is known, the list is from it. LIST, so called a copy of the icon, the original is taken in Chornogoria. The mountain is named in honor of the chents Filerim, a kind of duck from Israel, vryatuvav іkon. Miraculousness lies in the fact that it was written out of the Mother of God for life ...

The mountain is dominated by a majestic cross and from an observant Maidanchik, from the heights of a bird's field, the spirits of the naming color of the sea, which write the greenery of the mountain and the islands, are wailing.

On Fіlerіmosі there is a miracle alley, where walkers are proud and beautiful. Nadya told a funny story...

If, as a guide, it is unsafe to tell one of the tourist groups that you should know a pen from a pavich's tail on this mountain, then you will inevitably become richly wealthy! This tale has taken root, is passed from group to group and it doesn’t matter how timid tourists are when they set foot on this holy land! Obviously, go and look at the old icon, think about it. No more times no, the stinks are chasing after the unfortunate pavics, trying to find out the bazhane pen! The peacocks have already called, having pumped the devil's group of tourists, they immediately start up! Sideways posterigati-hunt! Alemie didn’t get involved and thrashed like that, like a herd, you couldn’t see anything. As a result, I didn’t know the pen myself, but I gave it to our other Greek guide Stefanos! Happily, there was no boundary, the axis is now being checked by a person, if unimaginable wealth falls upon us!

Burn with fire, and the excursion was serious and informative.

The city of Rhodes viniklo in 408 years before ours, as a result of the anger of the three ancient world powers, and Kameros, Lindos and Yalissos itself, turned into a single power, who only did not rule, who did not conquer, but live every day, hooting everyone with their beauty.

Everyone knows in school programs that behind the legend on the way to the place from the sea there was a majestic statue of the Colossus of Rhodes, a monument to God Helios. The bula won 32 meters of crowns and was made of pure bronze, was 12 roki, stood 65 roki and lay in the ruins of 600 more roki, then arose inexplicably where and donin did not know the desired fragment.

Crashed out in the wake of a strong earth coward, Colossus slumped in the knees and fell by the sea from the mustache of his height, rotting on shmatochki. The ancient Greeks respected it for the curse of God, they were angry and were afraid to restore the statue, being afraid of the payment.

So lay there for a long time, for a hundred years. Ale mid at the hour was more expensive metal and one obliging Egyptian merchant, I’m still following the legend, having bought the tricks of the statue, ordered a majestic caravan, which consists of 900 camels and sent a desert to the Batkivshchyna. Alya was not worthy of this winding of the God Helios and sending a storm to the deserter, the storm wiped the caravan from the face of the earth,

having buried the remains of the statue in the days of the night! The axis of such a story is neither ours, nor yours, don’t talk to someone else’s cow company, what else can you say!

In truth, as our Nadya rose, the statue of the Colossus could not stand on this place, on the way to the port of Mandraki from the sea, either just sitting on the twine, fire would get out, more too far away one view of one - wide-stitched pedestals, on such imovirno were the feet of the beetle.

Tse taєmnitsa vіkіv, let the taєmnitsa and get rid of, wake up our wake!

At once, on the fortune-telling place of the statue, on the pedestals, where the Ear of Rhodes stood, the deer and the deer-symbols of Rhodes were calmly roamed. Behind another legend, a bunch of islands were flooded by brittle snakes and nobody could live here for a long time. Ale and beautiful reindeer trampled all the snakes with their hoofs and Rhodes knows a new life, blooms! Myths, legends...

Nareshti mi bіlya vorіt at Stare Misto, people live there, vvazhay near the museum live just like the sky. Place-fortress hours in faces of ionites, walls in three rows, no one can pass through, no one could take this fort in the face of hours and only Sultan Suleiman Chudovy stinks without battles gave a fort to replace life and the possibility of drinking in the light, and not to the one that the boys didn’t want to fight, but to the one who had a greater temple meta-expand Christianity in the world. What's the point of dying?

The old place had an unforgetable defeat on us, I just suffocated in the new one. So, you see, you were transported in the hour, you wanted to flatten your eyes and resurrect me, in what capital? Vuzki, brukovanі vulichki, bagatovіkovі vіni budinkovіv, like the primarny spirit of antiquity hovering creaking. We walked and walked, the hour was so little. Obov'yazkovo we come here for days again without a tour.

When the time came for offense, that Nadyusha herself led us to the home tavern, de zavzhda offend herself. Znovu did cook the octopus on the grill, steamed mussels in a kind of spicy, lemon-wine sauce, all the stars from the sea, I’ll eat it again, you’ll lick your fingers. You can still remember the savory stravi, but it’s impossible to take the insoles, they have deprived the offensive time. Even more benevolent masters, the Greeks did not just give us food, but gave us a hundred times water, which was worthy of us. As a compliment, they often served walnut liqueur with anise and cavi. Rahunok was brought in a mirrored screen (in the middle of the zukkerka - dribnitsa, but it’s welcome), you can see that people live and love life, beauty for themselves. Vizhdzhati categorically did not want to, obov'yazkovo turn around and all the raja!

Zabula important fact from excursions - on the Pivnochi Islands there are angry seas, not so obvious, closer, like on Pivdni, but still! Living near the city of Rhodes, you can bathe in two seas at the same time - the Middle Earth and the Yegey.

The tour is over, the winds are gone, the bajan turns around and, like a fortune-telling, a feather from the wind of pavich and walnuts, shkiryan sandals, bought by me in one of the crannies of the Old Town ...

Lindos charivny

Seeing the Charivny Lindos and the Seven Dzherel (Epta Piges, as the place is called in Greek) was the third excursion in our program.

Lindos, one of the three ancient world powers, merged into the warehouse of the single power of Rhodes. The place is roztashovane on the mountain, on the top there is the Acropolis and up to the new vede a serpentine of narrow, brooks with white buds. The bus was looping on a special parking area, far away, until dawn, the lights went, so that the transport couldn’t get through, didn’t turn around, it’s too narrow. And they gave a surprise, the miserable taxi-donkeys, the stench itself, to carry the strongest of the tourists to the top of the mountain, to the Acropolis. We were satisfied with 5 euros, but we were ahead of us, so that they only climbed up the hill, so that down, from the fire, the donkeys run more quickly and it’s extremely expensive not to sway the skin. My Seryozhka, like a right person, navіdrіz was inspired to win like a taxi of these donkeys, with the sum of my eyes, maybe, even languishing in the sight of innumerable pіdёmіv and descents. But I, a tendentious woman (as I described myself to calm my conscience) nevertheless stepped on pity and dared to go away, I really wanted to, how much more happened? Donkeys go with the couple, at the link, and accompany their guide. I have already ridden camels, donkeys are more comfortable and not so scary, I tell you.

Nagori standing Sergiyko with a camera to capture this historical moment: LINA ON A DONkey! Farther, we went on excursions and independently looked around the place of the Acropolis, for the sintering was unbearable, to grasp the historical facts of my brain melting. And honestly, I’ll say that I didn’t get far away as a guide, well, it’s not given to the skin to take the respect of the group, it’s easy to give information. Ours, picturesquely shone with erudition, being kind to herself, through the word she inserted drastically Her and figured out the naming number of historical dates of those names, as if everything is one, in life, no one is forgotten. A hundred times they guessed with a kind word to Nadenka, the next guide, as she spent the first two excursions, the axis is already a person in her place! As a result, such an axis of the place, which unrepentantly spread out near the narrow streets, left the group, appeared not alone.

From the heights, burn, which have become already zvichnymi, see invisible beauty, the bay of St. Paul in the shape of a heart, the miraculous beaches of Lindos, a cobweb with little streets with trading shops, taverns and private houses. Calm and calmness, peace of life - the axis of observation from the place. Ale Rhodes I feel like it’s a bigger soul, it’s a better place for life, it’s not so mountainous and it’s warmer in my eyes.

Tormented by the scorching sun, a group of glass on the bus and we broke on the road to the protected park area - Seven dzherel, to the underground tunnel, into which the strings were angry. The Italians spent a lot of time arranging the change of their rule over the island, in order to deliver water to the other side of the mountain, de її did not happen. I didn’t realize how I practiced it, maybe I was given signs of that, but I believed the legend and miraculously remembered it, to that it’s beautiful and I give hope for the vision of the world!

Behind orders, like going through a tunnel, where you get angry with this strumkiv at the outer darkness (not igniting any lights), at the outer silence and ankle-deep in cold (+16 degrees) water, then you will clear yourself from your buds of the earth, and get dirty! Who is in charge of such prospects? I can’t say that it’s comfortable to cross the tunnel, the wine is narrow, dark, without any flashes of light, there is only one bright light in the middle of the way. The bottom of the unknown, the ice-cold weather and the blinding uncertainty. Our group followed the instructions in full, went in a lansy, one by one, at the silence of the silence, not seeing a sound, the axis is discipline, I thought, even if we can, if we want, if we want to beckon with a licorice roll! Tim and our strongest Russian people are gathered in extreme situations, let's go, as they say, in one foot, with sentimentality and trust in our souls. For example, the Italians and the Germans, as if they followed us, did not take over the legend, we sweat from the light vikna, if already along the top of the tunnel they went back, chuli, like stench screamed under the ground, roared, maybe, they had no sin, no orders. bazhan and not so easy stench, yak mi.

Let's go, let's go, the whole of eternity, the unacceptable thought so drilled the brain, and rapt to collapse and we fall into a stone bear! And it turned out that in total they had traveled 180 meters, they shone until the light was cleared in the end of the tunnel, we were free, cheers!

So, it was about 7 years younger and leaner (on the nerves, not otherwise).

I immediately rushed to the mountain river, to marvel at my own vibrancy by the water, maybe even a string, like a cypress tree is young ???? Alas, it’s a pity that I didn’t reveal the memory of the ranks ... Chantly, the transformations are not at once, I reassured myself again, even more smut!

Axis and one more day of life in Greece has reached the end, the screen of hostility and vidchuttiv has noticeably replenished, the sea has become more expensive on the island of Symi, check for new impatience.


It is true that the island of Kazkovy, which can enter the warehouse of one of the Greek archipelagos of the Dodecanese and be located in the Aegean Sea. The excursion was for the whole day, they took the hotel by bus on the 7th wound, and turned on the 7th evening.

From the place of Rhodes they sailed on a boat, 1.5 years, looking at the islands and islets passing by, they are really rich, there are over 2000 islands in the Greek archipelagos, over 120 in the Dodecanese.

The first zupinka is the bay of Panormitis and the monastery of the Archangel Michael. Archangel, which means the first angel on the 8th day of the fall of the leaves. For many days now, the name of the world has been seen ... Thousands of pilgrims, from the US of Greece and other lands, rush to the island, so that the miraculous icon will bow, right in front of the pier, on the knees, the stench will go up to it. Go down to the entrance to the church, and their stench can also pass on the knees.

Monastir lives for his own, resurrection life, to bake bread to bake in wood-fired ovens. The bread is even savory, consecrated, you can take it from the great wicker baskets and try it. Candles, again, for a symbolic fee, or you can pay nothing. The skin, who takes a candle, sees an icon and an ole. The politics of the Greeks in the sphere of religion and faith and pennies are appropriate for me, as for me, I don’t understand. On the island, one hour, a few judges can rush, there are a lot of people and that in the church, where the icon is known, happened to stand black, like here, at St. Petersburg, to Xenia of the Blessed.

There came a zupinka on the island, after a pіvgodinny watershed, in the spring, yоgo administrative center, they rounded the skeleton and looked up just a marvelous look ... How do people live here? And it’s a miracle to live, as the guide told us, they practically have daily heart-sudinal disease through their normal physical adventure! I noticed that I climbed up after the robot to get home, stretched out on the couch and then guessed what I forgot to buy in the store, I didn’t even go for two or three, I think ten times it’s necessary for you to be right. Mіstsevі inhabitants z ієї cause all strings, tovstunіv did not fight.

Simi islands are famous for their sponges, which are seen and sold here in a faceless form and quilts, seam sponges, woolen, in the form of an elephant's ear (they are cut into shmatochki and vicorist for peeling skins). It’s important that a sponge is seen from a larger depth, it’s ok, it’s important, dear. At the same time, you need to attach that technology for vilov sponges, and earlier, you need to finish the laborious and unsafe process, so that you can get to the depths of the fire to hang your own stone on your stone with a load of up to 15 kilograms!

Dali we saw Mr. Takіsa's worker, a designer and a maker of different wool samples in one person. Yogo paintings with a width of 1.7 by 2.0 meters were brought to the Guinness Book of Records. Thus, in my own person, I proved the master-class about those, how to recognize the natural skin, invigorate them in pieces and sweat, they could buy their own everything that their souls would love: bags, gamants, business cards, vzuttya.

After the excursion was completed, it was three years of free time to walk around the island, swim in the emerald-sapphire, implausibly clear sea, dine in the local taverns, try the famous Sima shrimp.

Take a walk, tse, loudly, loudly, go over your head in the heat + 42 (for the information of the guide, the temperature is 5-6 degrees higher in Simi, lower in Rhodes), under the scorching sun it’s even more problematic. Therefore, we were surrounded by a promenade on the lower tier, on the embankment, gazing at all the superfluous beauty from the bottom uphill, and everything is so miraculously visible. And at the same time, legs, unseen, straightened at the bik cold tavern (її we also pleased the guide).

Greek taverns, not like those, have taken their own course on the masses, the mass eating of tourists and earning money on their pennies, but the Greeks themselves, the Greeks themselves, where the Greeks themselves eat and dine, and it’s always a good idea to come in. Only here you can see the color of the mass life and national cuisine in a right way. Apparently, you came to visit friends, they checked you and you are deed for the sake of it. We were lucky, in Rhodes we were on such a visit and at once drank until that lovely little place was quiet. Strolling along the narrow streets, between the fairy-tale miniature houses, we leaned on a small square covered with grapes, where was the tavern.

Tables are laid on the fresh air, two majestic fans are blown, it is even more comfortable and fresh. Viyshov himself is the master, or one of them, who is called, with open arms and a grin in disguise, seated at a table and seeing the menu of Russian mova with a description of the battles. There are not a lot of people here, for those who don’t have a mortgage on the mass tourist flow and the skin guest is called to that, like a guest at home, it’s welcome. I vzagali, in Greece it is already receiving-warmth and soul, and body.

Having caught the hunger, they punished me, obviously, everything that they looked at fell. Nasampered, assorted seafood, grilled: octopus, mussels, squid, red mullet (red mullet with lemon juice and sour cream, mayzhe bezkistna-just a song). I called the main grill - mix of seafood RIBNE SIRTAKI. Sims shrimp, similar to our Anaps, are also small in size, but don’t boil them, but deep-fry them and then eat them right with the scruff.

The next dish is shashlik with mutton with baked vegetables and before that, serve a large plate of walnut salad and side dish (buttered potatoes and rice, wild supermish with spicy). They ruled their holy belly, since life is alive (so I, who always lost weight, calmed myself down)!

Portions in Greece are majestic, the rajah is one for two;

Saying goodbye to the hosts of the hosts, they decided to go to the beach to splurge, it’s impossible not to pierce the sea near such a color! That calorie-gathering needed to be burned, as it seemed to me to fight with them!

In due course, like a guide, they slandered the old-fashioned place with bread of ribok, there are whole grains, throwing shmatochok and stench are thrown over like torpedoes-piranhas, waving from the water.

The sea refreshed, pidbadorilo, ale not for a long time, smoky and even smoky! With joy, they plopped down on the sofa on our boat, remanded for five credits ...

We spread out on the first deck, where the air conditioners and the windows were covered with sunscreen curtains. The people, who were vibrating with strength, as if falling on armchairs and sofas, in such inconceivable poses and falling asleep: who had his head thrown back, who had his hand turned up, like a batig, who had his leg in the aisle - a dream and then looked at all. It was obvious that the evil enchanter had enchanted mandrivniki on the Kazkovy island and turned the ship into a sleepy kingdom. My Sergiyko also turned on, resting his head on the pillers (in our opinion, the column was taught me the correct terms). Well, I, having won the victoriousness of the calmness and quietness and the calm, romantic atmosphere, walking on the winds at once from the ship, the strength for writing this song ...

We arrived at the hotel at about 19-00, we were delivered right to the entrance, we immediately kicked in the coolness of our lobby, KALISPER- greeted the spivrobitnikiv at the reception and found out the radio novelty- this year's GRICH EVENING! So do it, but you have no strength! Big room, cold shower, refurbishment of the restaurant. And it’s holy there, the waiters at the Greek, national dress, the tables break in the Greek hedgehog, the Greek music. Another sighed, and we got involved in the process! After the evening, in front of the pool bar, the hotel staff set up armchairs and tables, the musicians came, the dancers started to come! Greece - Fatherland of the word DEMOCRACY, such a country and є, everything is possible and everything є і nіyakі crizi їy їy і іt's not terrible! If you want to drink at the table, if you want to smoke, if you want to dance, nothing will look good on you and not look askance! The people of all nationalities: Greeks, Italians, Poles, Russians - all spun in one great circle of SIRTAKI, putting their hands on their shoulders, one to one. Axis, I thought, politicians cause confusion, divide, conflict, but it’s all right for the common people!

I already wrote that our hotel is trimming the Greek family, I don’t know who to whom and how it happens and how it works (information from the opinions of tourists), but it’s obvious that it’s the same thing, it’s necessary to rob the staff like a gentleman their work, they make themselves as if for themselves. So the axis, at the restaurant and the bar, we were served, two Greeks, we wrote for ourselves, what a father that son. One ten is up to 35, and the other is even more important, with a sivia, aloe zhivchik neimovirny. From 12 days and until 12 nights, they constantly sing cocktails at the bar, pour alcohol, serve guests at restaurants and laugh at everyone and not strainedly, but broadly.

I tsі lads, raptom, at the walnut evening pretended to be artists! The old man's voice was brighter, he sang, and the son, under a red belt, danced, and everything was so professional! Dance and renew for the barn stіyka pour a black cocktail, we just marveled

energy and privacy. It struck me, already in the dark, it looked unbelievably beautiful, if one of the spivrobitnits of the hotel poured a combustible homeland on the stake and sweated it, and the bartender-dancer in the middle of the stake did a flamboyant Greek dance.

An offensive dance for women, they made a steel, and a skin woman, asked for help, danced on the same style, and our love bartender sipped її from a cat with quills! The mustaches, having lost their seats at the tables, stood for a long time and applauded!

On the right, in the fact that in Greece it is a great honor to be put up to a woman, here the order of speeches is different - the girl was born, the fathers will immediately repair the houses (well, ideally, obviously, whoever you can afford, but lie like that). Bo not a team go to hati to a man, but a man to a squad!

Evening thrived until late night, we went earlier, there were signs of that, she wanted to sit on the balcony for a little more, discuss the day's defeat, wondering at the dawn of the sky. Such a finale is the hour of remembrance in Rhodes, having already become a tradition.


On one of our excursion days, we independently went to the sandy beach of Tsambika, overlooking our pebble beach behind the mountain, 10 miles away. The bus didn't arrive, they checked for sun, as a result they got a taxi for 10 euros. The beach is not rozcharuvav, just gorgeous and the sea, and the sand, and the countryside. Great possession of cafes, cabins, showers, toilets. The Zvorotny Way was more fun, the bus still didn’t check again, the taxi didn’t know and we went uphill, then down! In the heat, which is called "language on the bik", the Abiyak reached the head line and there, miraculously, they boarded the bus, but not to the hotel itself, they walked, it was a long time ago, they brought me to the hotel practically on my shoulder. The meta rises to a high mountain, the Tsambika monastery was not reached, maybe it’s stitches, a short path, but I didn’t know yoga. Virishila, so as not to strike the enemy on the island, then we will take a tour of the churches. Catering price: sightseeing around the island - 50 euros, Rhodes-35, Lindos-35, island Simi - 45. The bus is served directly to the hotel, comfortable, with air conditioning, a guide and an accompanying excursion.

If it’s a calm one, then so, if you joke around for the good, then joke around again. Practically speaking, only foreigners, but Russian language, are still cool, most importantly people over 40, young people are few. For children, there is only a small pool, a couple of goydalok, no girok. I’ll say one thing for sure, you definitely need to take the car! Tse comfort, mobility, greater protection about the island and, obviously, freedom of change and choice.

If you have already been chosen, but before you are sent to Greece, it took another three hours, the people who have learned the mandrivals try to win the opportunity to memorize a lot of phrases in Greek, even if you know how to say “hello”, “be kind” and that “weasel” - a good gesture, if you go up to the edge of the world, and then more to Greece, where the population is so jealous of its rich history.

We have chosen a short handbook for tourists - a dictionary of the most common Greek words, phrases and gestures, which will help you in the airport, hotels, shops, taverns, cafes and in any, such situations!
I, perhaps, yogo vvchennya will become the first crop for a greater deep acquaintance with a beautiful old one, and ale and dosi not old mine.

Words and phrases for conversation


For the cob of varto, give respect to the songs, but with the help of this arc, subtle sounds and deaf sounds in Greek words, for example, I will give special respect.
So, the greatness of the meaning in the Greek language may be voiced, which, if it is improperly implanted, can radically change the sense of a single word, but a whole phrase.

For example: word " sweat"translated like" if ", and" sweat” means “no way”. Having asked: " Pote anachori that leophorio?”, You know “When the bus is running”, and, having told the speaker that “ Pote anachori that leophorio”, Viklichete terribly surprised him, which is why “the bus must not be destroyed”.

Do not be so surprised, if you sing in deyak words a sign to your voice, statements of two. For example, " Pu іne that іsіtirіo sas?- "Where is your ticket?" Itself so, from two accents, and to promote.

1. Varto is also important, what is the most important meaning for a Greek sound. "pro"”, which is a trace to be clearly seen, for someone else, it doesn’t change yoga in the Moscow manner s“ a».

2. Sound " G"the greater number of words grow softer and more muffled, closer to the Little Russian dialect, and" l»practically don't sound firm - get closer to « "l"».

3. Voice " "e"» ta « «і» less than the last thing "l""to be read softly, like in Russian, it is more important, they move harder, closer to" "e"» ta « "and"».

We will not discuss here vim sounds similar to those in Russian language, we will simply replace them in our transcriptions with the closest similar analogues.
I sing, the Greeks will understand you in this way, and for someone, perhaps, I will become an additional motivation to the greatest development of Greek phonetics.

Let's get started with the numbers

Numbers occupy an important place in the theory of whether it is a language, and in practice, everyday skin people.

The walnut has a special role to be alone, as vikoristovuetsya as a non-significant article and maє podіl after childbirth.

So, " Enas Kyrios mu ipe…”- “One pan me saying ...”, ale with tsomu “ Miya Kiriya…"-" One lady ... "and" Ena pedi…"-" One child ... ". Crim loneliness, podіlyayutsya for childbirth also 3 and 4.

0 - Miden
1 - Enas, Miya, Yena
2 - Dio
3 - Triya, Tris
4 - Tesera, Teseris
5 - Pende
6 - Exi
7 - Efta
8 - Ohto
9 - Ennea
10 - Deca
11 - Endeka
12 - Dodeca
13 - Decatria, Dekatris
14 - Decatesera, Decateseris
15 - Decapende
16 - Dekaeksi
17 - Dekaefta
18 - Decahohto
19 - Decaennea
20 - Ikosi
21 - Іkosienas, Іkosіmіya, Іkosіena
22 - Ikosidio
23 - Іkositria, Іkosіtrіs
30 - Trianda
40 - Saranda
50 - Peninda
60 - Exinda
70 - Efdominda
80 - Ohdonda
90 - Eneninda

Words connected with numbers and numbers

Room - Numero
Aritmos number
Skilki - Poso
Stilki — Toso
Kolkist — Poso, Posotita
One kilo - Ena kilo
Two kilos - Dio kila
Half - Mіso, Mіsi, Mіso
Pivkilo — Misokilo
Pіtora kilos — Enamisi kіla
Little - Ligo
Bagato - Poly
Smaller - Pioligo
More - P'epoli
Mensh (і/я/її) (per kіlkіstyu) — Ligoteros, Ligoteri, Ligotero
More (i/ya) (for the quantity) — Perissoteros, Perisoteri, Perisotero
Small (for rosemary) - Mikros, Mikrі, Mikro

More (outside the world) — Megalos, Megali, Megalo

Calendar that hour

Rik - Chronos, Ethos
Season - Epochs
Summer - Kalokeri
Osin — Ftinoporo
Winter – Himonas
Spring - Aniksi
Mіsyats — Mіnas
Tizhden - Evdomada
Monday - Deftera
Second - Third
Wednesday - Tetarti
Thursday - Pempi
Friday – Paraskevi
Saturday - Savato
Week — Kiryaki
Weekend – Savvatokiryako
Today, pіznіshe - Apopse
Today - Simera
Tomorrow - Avrio
Day of Tomorrow - Metavrio
Vchora - Khtes
Day before yesterday – Prochtes
Zaraz - Torah
Early — Noris
Pizno - Arga
Day - Measure
Nich - Nihta
Opivdni — Mesimeri
Pivnich — Mesanihta
Hour - Ora
Khvilina - Lepto
Secunda - Defterolepto
Negaino, now - Amesos
Terminovo — Sindoma
Through yakіs pіvgodini Se kanena mіsaoro
A quarter of a year later - Se Yena Tetarto
Through five hvilin - Se pende lepta
Khvilinku - Ena lepto
One moment - M'ya stigmi
Torik - Perisi
Offensive fate - Tu hronu
Skilki hour - Tiora ine
If you cry - Pote anіґі
If you curl up - Sweat klini
If you arrive - Pote ftani
Koli vіdbuvaє — Pote fevgi


We kindly ask - Kalos orisate! Kalos Irfate!
Good day / Goodbye (ty) - Yasu / Yasas
Hello/Docks — Ya
Pokey (Adyu) - Andio
Vіtayu vsіh – Herete/Heretizm se olus
Hello - Ela/Legete/Embros
Good morning - Kalimera sas / su! Kalimera!
Good afternoon (live after noon) - Kahlo
Good evening (with zustrіchі) - Kalіspera!
Good evening (at breakup) - Kalo nonsense!
Good night (farewell before going to bed) - Kalinikhta!
Yak Vi / ti - Pos iste / ise
Yak do it - Tі kanete / kanіs
Kinda good! A vi / ti yak - Kala ime, efcharisto! Есіс / Есі?
Haven’t chatted for a long time - Kero ekhume on that puma / Kero echo on that do


Your / your name - P'є іne then onoma sas / su?
Yak you / you call - Pos sas / se Lene, Pos Legeste / Legese, Pos Onomazeste / Onomazese
My name is Melene... / Onomazome... / Legome...
Zvіdki Vi (ti) - Apopu iste / ise, Apopu katаgeste / katagese
I am from Russia - Ime apotin Russia, Katagome apotin Russia
Radium acquaintance - Harika ya tin gnorimia
Duje radium - Hero poly


Good luck to you (to you) - Nase / Nastya kala!
Good appetite - Kali orexi!
Garnoi is expensive - Kalo taxidi!
Receptionist - Caliptis
Good luck - Kali Quiet!
Healthy toast
Cheers - Їs'igіyyan!


Garny Rіzdva - Kala Christugenna!
Happy New Rock - Eftikhizmeno to neo etos / Kali chronya
Happy Easter - Kalo Easter
Christ is Risen - Christ Anesti
Truly risen - Aliftos anesti
Rich Rocks – Chronia Polla
Happy National Day - Harumena Genetlia.
Vitayu — Sinharitiriya


Vibachte mene - Me sinhoris / sinhorite
Vibach - Signomi
Sorry - Lipame
Be kind - Paracalo
Dyakuyu - Efcharisto / Efcharisto Poli
Vіdpovіd podyaku — Parakalo


Help - Sign in!
Pozhezha - Fot'ya!
Stіy (tі) - Stamat / Stamatiste!
Call the police - Caleste tin astynomia!


Friendship - Philia
Kiss - Phil
"Smack-smack" - Fіlak'ya
Love - Agapi
My speech - Lipame
Sumuvav after you - Mu lipis
I love you / you - S'agapo / Sas agapo!


I am his
Ty - Yes
Mi — Emis
Vi e Esis
Vin, tsey - Aftos
Vaughn, tsia, Afti
Vono, tse Afto
Voni, qi - Aftі / Afta
Cholovik — Andras
Zhіnka — Gіneka
Girl - Cinnamon
Ditina - Pedі
Granny - Yaya
Didus — Papus
You are friendly - Iste Pandremeni
You are friendly - Iste Pandremenos
You have children from Ehete pedia
Skilki you have children - Posa pedia ehete
De Vi live - Pu Menete esis


Rozumiyu – Catalaveno
I don't understand - Den catalaveno
I know - Xero
I don't know - Denkzero
I want - Felo
Don't want - Denfelo
Can - Boro
Can't - Denborough
Yes - No
Ні — Охі
All - Ol
All - Ola
Nothing - Tipota
Garniy(y) - Kalos/Kali/Kalo
Pogano (s / a) - Kakos / Kaki / Kako
Dobre - Cala
Pogano - Ashima
Dobre/Order – Endaxi
It's All Right - Ola Endaxy
All is well - Ola kala
Possibly - Іsos
Maybe buti (in food).
You have є Mipos ehete
Be kind, speak fluently Paracalo milas/milate pio arga
Say it again - Fight on the epanalavete
Speak Russian Mіlate rosіka
Speak English - Milas / Milate English
So, trochs Ne, ligaki
How to say it in Greek - Pos Legete sta elіnіka

Words and phrases for topics

Tourism, vіdpochinok

Vidpochinok at the town of Ksekuras, Anapavsi.
Tourism - Turismos
Moscow — Moskha
Saint Petersburg - Agia Petrupoli
Thessaloniki — Thessaloniki
Crete - Crete
Vidpochinok - Adya
Holidays - D'yakopes
Non-working day.
Car — Aftokinito
Litak - Aeroplano
Tourist office – Turistiko grafio
Tourist police – Astynomiya
Guide, tour guide — Xenagos
Excursion – Ekdromі
Excursion around the city – Perіїgіsi polis/Yiros tis polis
Mountain, in the mountains - Vuno, a hundred wuna
I like to rise in price - Mu aresi na taxidevo
Tomorrow we are going on a tour.
I was honored with an excursion to the monastery - І ekdrome of a hundred monastery
Greece is more like me - I Hellas mu arasі parapolis

At the airport

I need to exchange dollars for euros.
Dovidkova - Plіroforієs.
Turning MPE — Epistrofi Fі Pі A
I've put in a ticket / passport - Exasa to іsitirіo / d'yavatіrіo
I fell asleep on my flight.
Yaka I have baggage transfer - Poso іpervaros aposkevon echo
Skіlki I am guilty to pay additionally - Poso prepі
I need a declaration form – Chryazome
I have only special speeches - Echo mono prosopikamu andikimena
Misce zustrіchi group - Topos synandis.
I want to report my luggage - Body on Diloso Tin

At transport

Airport – Aerodromio
Train Treno
Bus – Leoforio
Metro — Metro
Ship/Ferry – Plio
Pributtya — Afiksі
Executive Office - Anahoris
Dorosliy — Enilikos
Childish - Pedikos
Kvitok - Іsitirio
One ticket, be kind - Ena Isitirio, paracalo
Metro station/train — Statmos to metrotrain
Zupinka bus - Stasi tou leofori
Where is the next bus - Pu pai afto to leoforio?
Where do you see - Pu pate esis?
De zupinka bus, scho go to the city - Pu іne і stasі tu leoforiu, prostіn poli?
Tse place occupied - Aftі i teі іne p'yazmenі?
Where can I buy tickets for a heat transfer?
White (t / ty) there and wrapped.
Reply not earlier – Anahorisi ohi noritera
Turning no better - Epіstrofito argotero

In the city

Misto — Poly
Gothel - Xenodochio
Shop — Katasima, shops
A pack of cigarettes - Ena a pack of cigars
Rinok, bazaar - Agora, pazari
Post -Tahidromio
Bank - Meal
Pharmacy – Pharmaco
Restaurant – Estiatorio
Tavern - Tavern
Cafe - Cafeteria
Church - Eklіsia
Museum - Musio
Square - Platiya
Center - Kentro
Voulitsia — Odos
Road – Dromos
Avenue – Leoforos
Parking - Parkin
Police — Astynomia
Livoruch - Aristera
Right - Deksya
Straight - Eftia
Far away - Makriya
Near Konda
Here - Edo
There - Eki
Map - Hartis
De... Puine...
De to know - Pu vriskete
Where is the hotel located - Pu vrіskete?
I'm Lost - Hatika
Can you help me - Fight on my voice?
Police station - Astinomiko
How many years of parking?
How far is it to the center of the city - Poso makriya apo do mekhri to kentro tis polis?

At the hotel

Receptionist - Receptionist
Passport - D'yavatirio
Luggage – Aposkeves
Valiza — Valitsa
Key - Klidi
Lunch – Mesimer'yano
Supper - Vradino
Hot/cold water – Zesto/Crio Nero
Towel - Peceta
Prostiradlo -Sedoni
Pillow – Maxilari
Salon, vitalnya - Saloni
Rest — Kamar'єra
Go - The Rock
Corridor - D'yadromos
Above - Orophos / Patoma
First over - Isoyo
Another on top - Protos Orophos
Room, room – Domatio
Single room – Monoclino domatio
Double room – Diklino domatio
Doors – Porta
Vikno — Parafiro
Balcony – Balcony
Sanvouzol – Banio
Toilet paper.
Conditioner — Yerkondіsyon
Rahunok - Logar'yazmos
De Pu ine?
Where can I take - Pu boro on steam?
Who is there - P'єs Іne?
Axis of my passport - On those diavatirom
My calling - Te epifeto
Chi can I call - Boro on telefoniso?
Do you have a room with air conditioning - Ekhete dodomio me erkondisyon?
Chi can I skoristatisya safe - Boro on hrisіmopііso that hrіmatokіvotіo?
How much is the number for doba?
I want a bi number on a different version - Ta Ifela Ena Domatio z Alo Orofo?
Give, be kind, the key - Doste mu then klіdі, paracalo
Be kind, remember the bedtime - Alakste ta sedona, paracalo
I їdu (mi їdemo) - Fevgo (fevgume)
Dyakuёmo for good service - Efcharisto
I vodpochiv dobre- Xekurastika poured feces!

On the beach

Sea - Talas
Island — Nisi
Beach – Paralia
What is the temperature of the water - Ty thermokrasіya exі that nero?
Skіlki tse koshtuє per year.

At the cafe

Water - Nero
Cold drink Anapsiktiko
Mineral water – Metaliko Nero
Soda water.
Morozivo - Pagoto
Sik - Himos
Orange - Portocali
Apricot - Verikoko
Peach - Rodakine
Vinogradniy – Stafili
Kava - Cafe
Solodky — Gliko
Middle - Metro
Trochy licorice - Meliґі Zachary
Without tsukru.
With milk - Megala
Greek cava — Ellinikos cafe
Rozchinna cava - Nescafe
Cold rozchinna cava - Frape
Tea - Tsai
Zukor - Zachary
With lemon - Me lemoni
Chocolate drink.
Beer — Bira
Wine – Beauty
Bile — Aspro (levko)
Chervone — Kokino
Rogeve — Rose
Dry — Xiro
Solodka — Gliko
Nap_vsolodke - Imіґliko
There is a month for the Kurts – Iparhi Horos
De here is a toilet room - Puine and toilet / Puine that bath
Waiter, be kind, Garcon, paracalo
Vіlku — Yena piruni
Spoon - Ena kutali
Tarilku - Ena p'yato
Popilnichku - Tasaki

At the tavern

Obid — Gevma
Supper - Deepno
Waiter - Servitoros
Table - Meals
Stilec - Karekla
Menu — Catalogos
Portia - Merida.
Tarilka - P'yato
Spoon – Kutali
Videlka — Piruny
Nizh - Maheri
Glass - Drink
Servetka - Hartopecet
Yaychnya - Omelet
Kovbas - Salami
Shinka — Zabon
Gribi — Manitar'ya
Sir - Tiri
Maslini - Eliez
Walnut salad - Khor'yatiki
Salad with tomatoes and ogirkiv - Angurodomatosalata
Eggplant salad - Melidzanosalata
Ogirki with chasnik and yogurt – Dzadziki
Spicy salad (cabbage, carrot).
Buryakov salad - Pazarosalata
Salad of syru and hot pepper — Tyrokafteri
Flower cabbage - Kunupidi
Brussels sprouts.
Soup - Soup
Kvass soup.
M'yaso - Creaas
Yalovychyna - Vodino
Veal – Moskharis
Lamb – Arnissya
Pork — Khirino
Shashlik - Souvlaki
Lula kebab - Suzukak'ya
Sausages - Lukanika
Cutlets - Biftek'ya
Meatballs – Keftedes
Potato - Patates
Vegetables – Lakhanika
Liver - Psito
Ribs (lamb, pig) - Paydak'ya (arnisya, khirina)
Kurka - Kotopoulo
Riba Psari
Oiled fish - Tіganіto psari
Vidvarena - Vrasto
Smoked - Kapnisto
Fish on vugilli - Hounds of a hundred kavun
Seafood – Talasina
Krabi — Cavour'ya
Shrimp – Garides
Kalmari - Kalamaria
Oysters – Stridya
Omar - Astakos
Octopuses - Htapodya
Mіdії — Mіdіа
Dessert – Glika
Wine – Beauty
Bottling wine – Khima Krasi
Wine on the resin of coniferous trees.
Anisova Gorilka.
Moonshine - Tsipuro
Here you can have a bite to eat - Boro on cymbiso edo?
Where can I wash my hands?
Do you have a menu of Russian mine - Mipos ehete ena catalog of the old one?
How do you have a branded dish - Do you specialize in traveling?
What do you have for vegetarians - Ty ehete ya hortofagus?
Can you say ... (shchos іnshe) - Boro on parangіlo (like alo)?
Acceptable appetite - Kali orexi
Shche trohi khlib - Ligo psomі akoma
Dostatno - Phtani / Ohi alo
It's also delicious - Polinostimo
Bring, be kind, rahunok - Ferte tone logar'yazmo, paracalo
Tsei pan\pani pay for everything - O kirios
Due to good service - Ephcharist

Night club

Gorilka — Votka
Viski — Uiskі
Icehouse – Me Pago
Tonic — Tonic
Brandy — Brandy
Cognac — Cognac
Champagne - Sambanya
Liker — Liker
Do you want to dance with me - Felis for chorepsis mazima?
Often buvaєte / buvaєsh here - Erkheste / Erkhese sihna edo?
Give me peace - Afiste\Afise me іsіho! (abo іsikhі, yakshcho tse kazhe zh_nka)


Closed — Klista
Vidkrito - Anikhta
Gift, souvenir - Doro, souvenir
Cashier - Tamio
Price — Timi
Rozmir - Numero
Zrostannia – Megetos
Colir - Chrome
Check - Apodix
Groshi - Lefta, hrimata
Odyag - Dіsima
Cloak - Ad'javroho
Costume – Costumes
Pants – Pandeloni
Jacket - Sakaki
Jacket - Bufan
Shirt – Pukamiso
Suknya – Forema
Blouse - Blouse
Spidnitsa - Fusta
Spidnya bіlizna — Yesoruha
Robe – Burnousi
Shoes — Paput'ya
Sandals – Pedila
Slippers – Pandofles
Bag - Zanda
Remin — Zoni
Expensive - Akrivo
Cheap - Fthino
Menі need - Felo
You have є Mipos ehete
Skіlki koshtuє.
Skіlki tse koshtuє Poso kanі afto
I want to buy souvenirs/gifts – Body on agoraso anamnistika
Price is too expensive - I don't have a field
How can I blame you - Poso sas crostao?
Can I get a free tax for tourists - Boro na kano touristik
Can you recommend me - Borite on my subset
For a woman / girl - Ya gyneka / cinnamon
For a man / lad - Ya andra / agori
You can reconcile — Boro on dokimaso
Є schos better - Ehete like a calitero
It's cheaper - Iparhi kati ftinotero
I'll buy a tse - Fa to agoraso

Museums and excursions

About this year the museum is talking - Pote anygi that musio?
Yakі vystavki vіdkritі at once in the city — Ty ektesіs liturgun torah stin poly?
Do you have a guide who speaks with my Russian mother - Ehete can Xenago on miles of Russia?
Skіlki koshtuє vhіdny ticket — Poso kanі Ena Іsitirio?
Here photography is allowed

At the liquorice

Likarnya - Nosokomio
Likar - Yatros
Nurse - Nosokoma
Persha dopomoga – Protes Vites
Shvidko's Helping Carriage – Asthenoforo
Pain Arrostya - Asthenia
Likuvannya - Therapy
Liki - Pharmaco
Rana - Pligi
Trauma - Trauma
Analysis - Exetasi
X-ray - Actinography
Temperature - Piretos
Bil - Diarrhea
Golovny bіl - Ponokefalos
Insomnia - Aipna
Drowsiness - Nista/Іpniliya
Cough - Vihas
Undead Sinakhi/Katarroi
Pechia — Kaura
Nudota - Tasi ya emeto
Bluvota - Emetos
Sea sickness.
Zadishka - Dispnia
Chill - Rigi
Bleeding - Emorraia
Lowering vice - Ipotasі
Moving vice - Ipertasi
Pronos — Dyarria
Constipation - Disillitis
Allergy - Allergy
Cold - Cryology
Sleepy blow - Eliasi
Opik - Yengavma
Inflamed - Phlegmon
Visip — Exantima
Puhlina - Ongos
Swelling — Priksimo
Vivih - Exartrosi
Stretching - Strambuligma
Fracture - Katagma
Dress up - Perastika!

The Greek language of the body is the theme of a great statute, and even a serious scientific achievement, and it can be said without further ado that the Greeks are the champions of gestures in the entire Mediterranean.
I call it not that the stench gesticulates more than the Italians, or, say, the French, but after the fact that here, on the cordon of Europe and Asia, mingled together the traditions and sounds of different cultures, and the 400-ruler. ”, taught the Greeks to speak without words - ice with perceptible ruffles of brows, lips, eyes, trochs, rumpled heads with crossed fingers.

To this very fact, non-verbal signs that get used to the sound of the conversation often tell more and more truthfully, lower words and phrases are used, and sometimes stench can mean something else said.
Bodies, individuals, the hands of the Greeks at the first hour of the roaming are rarely overwhelmed, and the one who knows well the symbolism, guarding them from the great age, can understand the essence of the roman, navit not feeling the words.

Zvichayny tourists are unlikely to get stuck in the world, but still, do not make a memory of a little gesture, so that it is better to understand what is said, to know not knowing the Greek language.

In addition, to allow the unhandled situations of life to disappear, it would be possible to make innocent gestures, which can appear to be rude in the Greek sense of the norms of decency, and to create a mimic image of the mind.

Special space

One of the most important non-verbal signs in the culture of any people is the need for personal distance.

It is especially easy to evaluate, looking at the great line here in Japan, the USA or, for example, in Russia. The Greeks at this table are probably closer to us. For them, the special distance to reach is short: shaking hands, hugging, kissing at the streak and separation, splashing and spitting of the speaker for the hour of the call - here it’s on the right.

Zoro contact

It is also important to look at the eye of a spy and spy, and the sight of the eyes of a killer and the uniqueness of direct contact is a sign of interest, a sign of skritnosti and instilling falsehood.
On the other side, on the edge of the saw, from the other side of the distance, a look can be of differences, like a viklik or a threat.

Negative feedback

Sometimes foreigners ask the Greek the same food, thinking that they are not wise, otherwise they don’t know the evidence. And that one, at his side, marvels at such impertinence: but the sprat has already spoken to him: “Hi! Navіscho anew and anew re-education?
It was unreasonable that the eyes were turned uphill and the trochs were exhaled, the lips were sharply clenched, meaning: “Start, I don’t know!”
Just raise your eyebrows uphill means "Hi!"
If everything is accompanied by a cheeky head back, then it is said: Hi! Zvichano nі! ”, And as it accompanies it with a pinched tongue - it already says here: “Ni! No way!"
Everything can be pierced like a cold, ice-cold fluff, so it’s properly reinforced, so that you put a clear emphasis on expressions.

Sturdna vіdpovіd

Healed down and trochs sideways, the head means in a sort of vipadka "So!"

For a supplementary vision, this movement can be seen with ease, and it can be accompanied by light squinting of the eyes. I'm waiting for the bastards' head hitan! Like it’s been recounted once, everything should be done once, and whoever is disrespectful is the one to blame!


Following the gesture, which means “So!”, the hand is pressed to the heart of the right, showing signs of defiance, as if accompanied by verbal confirmations with close contact.
If the object is far away, then only one gesture is seen.


Strongly clenched lips with tips down and wrapped around the side in a beak penzle of the hand, which guesses with its hand the twisting of the light bulbs, which means a reflection of doubt in what was said, but it’s not insignificant: “Abo so, but so!”


The valley is lowered down and the arms are bent back and forth, pressed one to one with fingers, and sometimes they are accepted by foreigners as a gesture that they should see the sprat of a rock. Really wine means a request to come closer and come back. Before the speech, if you turn your hand upside down, you will become identical to the similar gesture: “Come before me!”


A light tossing with a pointed finger of the lower lip, or splashing on it is often taken as a proposition to wash, although it means directly in the opposite direction: “Listen! Let me tell you!”
With a forward gesture, I proponed to speak and speak.


It is similar to the widening of the viraz, the head of the head is angry-to the right, which often happens to turn from the bottom uphill to the bottom with the great, expressive and middle fingers twisted to the side, pronounce the speaker to repeat, or explain what has been said, otherwise the reason is said to be bulo.
To emphasize this gesture, you can use wide flattened eyes.

Nothing and vulgar gestures

Like in other lands, in Greece they use harsh and vulgar gestures, like in singing situations there are more viraz, lower words. Moreover, the deacons of them are strikingly similar to the widespread living in other lands, absolutely innocent, and sometimes absolutely friendly, positive signs.
To that varto guess about them here, schob to uniquely їh pіd hour perebuvannya in Greece: even then, hardly anyone wants to lose an unfriendly hostility to himself.


Some foreigners, trying to demonstrate the number “5”, lift their hand with rose-pinned fingers into the beak of the caller. Greece has a similar gesture, which predicts throwing a ball into a cat and means completely ignorant, - the seriousness of the image.

Tourists can often walk on motorways, if they don’t show enough water to think one about one, or for an hour of demonstrations on the Constitution Square near the capital, if the protesters express their idea about the order. However, in this situation, it is not special to be afraid, and more familiarly does not mean that people often win such a gesture in special conversations.

Vzagali, with the help of Greek gestures, which I think is the most guessing, and about him it is written an impersonal nebility. Indeed, the history of yoga is said to the roots of the Byzantine, and, perhaps, in the old hours, if judging, I can hang out a blatant znevagu before the convict, dipping my hand into a bowl with ashes, which then rozmazuvav on the person of the wine.

Great finger

Living in rich countries is like a symbol of lamentation, in Greece this gesture is equal to the raised middle finger of the USA and to give expressions.


The stake of the great and expressive finger, which widened widely in the late hour, is a blast to Hollywood cinema, and is also a rude and imaginative gesture, which draws on the homosexual sleaze of a spy. In Greece, it’s necessary to tell someone about your fortune, the next voice said.

Vkazivny that little finger

Deyakі people, taking pictures, often hotly instruct one to one horns. Greece has such a sign, testimony to the spy, without sidely confirming that the wine is a “cuckold”.

Little finger

Funny video: marveling like, constantly gesticulating, the Greeks are moving:

Trochs about etiquette

When staying in Greece and meeting with її inhabitants, do not waste a trio hour to show at least the least respect for the life of people, regardless of what you know about them.

For example, ask about their well-being - “you can’t know”, first of all find out about the road, be there. It is important for the creation of a friendly setting before oneself that the installation of good spirits is far away.

Do not hesitate, but we will tell ourselves, if you can. The Greeks sing to share special details of their lives and value, if they shy themselves.

To better know about you, stink, better for everything, to supply you with special food for an hour of great conversation.
In addition, the Greeks vociferously marvel at everything that they cackle, do not pretend to be, as you are constantly in the center of respect, wherever you go.

The word is valued in Greek culture no less than what is written, and people are guilty of being true to what they seem.
The Greeks, with whom you have enjoyed close quarters, can appreciate that you increase their service and show more loyalty to them, lower others. It’s possible to work those who ask for stench - stink, ymovirno, build up the natomist itself for you.

Sprat of words for the end

Gretskaya is one of the most recent movements, as she made an inestimable contribution to the global culture.
Feeling and moving today: politics, economics, democracy, Europe, theatre, drama, history, physics, trauma…, as well as a lot of other words, few of us know that the stench was indicative of other Greek movies and sounded like thousands of people the land of ancient Helladi is so very, how to sound and at the same time.
For the rest of the twenty-five hundred years, the Greek language has changed significantly less, lower, let's say, the English language for the rest of the five, and the classic old Greek alphabet, by the same token, is a victorious ponin.

It is necessary to say that the language of the Greeks is not easy for marriage and the inhabitants, as a rule, do not recognize that foreigners want to know Greek, that river of English language is here, accept, in tourist areas, enough to get it. Ale, from the other side, the Russians may have a great honor in front of the inhabitants of the greater lands of Europe, even the Greek alphabet, before which the English, the Germans, and the French often give in, with the arrival of Byzantine Orthodoxy in Russia, becoming the basis for words ABCs To read in Greece most of the street writings and names after the least practice is not in stock for you, already turn, no practice. And if you want to learn a few words and zagalovzhivannyh phrases, what a level of knowledge you have not reached, the Greeks will appreciate your susilla by capturing, and you will be rewarded with the status of the great “xenos” - a foreigner to the honorable “philos” - a friend.

58 important words to help you understand the ancient Greeks

Prepared by Oksana Kulishova, Katerina Shumilina, Volodymyr Fayer, Alona Chepel, Elizaveta Shcherbakova, Tetyana Ilyina, Nina Almazova, Ksenia Danilochkina

Vipadkov's word

Ohon ἀγών

In the broad meaning of the word agon in Ancient Greece, it was called a magician, a super girl. Most of the sports events were held (athletic events, haircuts and chariot races), as well as musical and poetic events on horses.

Chariot racing. Fragment of the painting of the Panathenaic amphora. Close to 520 BC. e.

Metropolitan Museum of Art

In addition, the word "agon" had a very important meaning: in the old Greek drama, especially in the old Attic, this was the name of a part of the p'esi, at the hour of the hour, on the stage, a super-chick between the characters was called. The agon instantly rose up, either mizh, or mizh two actors and two pivhoriyas, the skin of which raised the point of view of the antagonist or protagonist. Such an agony, for example, is the super poet of the poets Eschylus and Euripides in the sweating world in the comedy of Aristophanes "Toad".

In classical Athens, the agony was not only a theatrical slogan, but also a debate about the power of the light, which was seen in. The structure of the rich philosophical dialogues of Plato, detracting from the participants of the symposium (most importantly Socrates and his opponents), predicts the structure of the theatrical agony.

Ancient Greek culture is often called “agonistic”, it is important that the “spirit of magic” in ancient Greece permeated all spheres of human activity: the agonal nature of the bula in politics, on the battlefield, in court, shaped everyday life. The first term in the 19th century was Jakob Burckhardt, who led the teachings, having taken into account that it was customary for the Greeks to carry out magic for everything that seemed to be able to fight. The agonal nature of justice permeated all spheres of the life of the ancient Greek, but it is important to understand that not everyone: the agony was an important part of the life of the Greek aristocracy, and the common people could not take the fate of the magicians. That is why Friedrich Nietzsche called the agony of the greatest achievements of the aristocratic spirit.

Agora and agora ἀγορά
Agora in Athens. Lithography. Close to 1880 rock

Bridgeman Images/Fotodom

The Athenians robbed special posadovyh osib - agoranomіv (market watchers), they kept order on the square, took trade houses, collected fines for illegal trade; The market police was ordered to him, which was formed from slaves. They also planted metronomes, obov'yazkoy such bulo stezhit for the accuracy of vag and entering, that sitofilakiv, yak poserigali for grain trade.

Acropolis ἀκρόπολις
Athenian Acropolis on the cob XX cent.

Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

At the translation from the old Greek akropolis - "upper place". A part of the old Greek place was fortified, yak, ringing, roztashovuvalsya on the temporal height and on the back served as a buttock for an hour. On the acropolis there were holy places, temples - the patrons of the place, and a treasure chest was often saved.

The Athenian Acropolis has become a symbol of ancient Greek culture and history. Yogo's successor, zgіdno z mythological tradition, was the first king of Athens Kekrop. The active oblivion of the Acropolis as the center of the religious life of the place was carried out during the hours of Peisistratus in the VI century BC. e. 480 the fate of yoga was destroyed by the Persians, which the Athenians clamored for. In the middle of the 5th century BC. e., for the policies of Pericles, the Athenian Acropolis of re-education for a single plan.

Climbing up to the Acropolis was possible with wide marmur descents, which led to the propyleas - the main entrance, inspired by the architect Mnesicles. From above, a view of the Parthenon - the temple of Athena-Divy (creation of architects Iktin and Kallikrat). At the central part of the temple stood a 12-meter statue of Athena Parthenos, vikonan Phidiem from gold and ivory tassel; її looked at us only from the descriptions of that past heritage. The sculptures of the Parthenon were spared the natomist, meaning some of them on the cob of the 19th century were seen by the British ambassador to Constantinople, Lord Elgin, and at the same time the stench is saved from the British Museum.

On the Acropolis, there was also the temple of Niki Apteros - Bezkryloi Peremogi (the kryl was spared, it is guilty of being left behind by the Athenians), the temple of Erechtheion (with the famous portico of cariatids), which included a sprig of independent sanctuaries to various deities, as well as other spores.

The Acropolis of Athens, which suffered greatly under the hour of the numerical wars of the coming centuries, was revived as a result of restoration work, which was inspired by the XIX century and was especially active in the rest of the decade of the XX century.

Actor ὑποκριτής
Scene from the tragedy of Euripides "Medea". Fragment of the painting of a red crater. V century BC e.

Bridgeman Images/Fotodom

In ancient Greek language, replicas were split between three or two actors. At tse the rule was broken and the number of actors could attack five. It was important that the first role was the most important, and the actor, the engraver of the first role, the protagonist, could take a fee from the state and take a part from the magician for the actor's prize. The word "tritagonist", which signifies the third actor, took on the meaning of "third-rate" and was victorious for the most part like a laika. Actors, as if singing, suvoro podіlyalis on comics that.

There is only one actor on the back of his head, and the playwright himself. Behind the orders, Eschylus sent another actor away, and Sophocles was the first to take part in his tragedies - more than a weak voice. Shards of all roles in ancient Greek were victorious in, the mastery of the actor in the first black was playing in the art of cursing with my voice. The actor may also sleep well, to win over the tragedies of the solo aria. The admission of actors to a different profession was completed before the 4th century BC. e.

In the IV-III centuries BC. e. the actors’ corpses appeared, as if they were calling the name “Dionysus’s craftsmen”. Formally, stinks were respected by religious organizations dedicated to the theater god. They, Crimean actors, included costumes, mask makers and dancers. The carpenters of such corpses could reach a high camp in suspension.

In Greek, the word actor (hypokrites) in new European language has the meaning of “hypocrite” (for example, English hypocrite).

apotropaeus ἀποτρόπαιος

Apotropey (according to the ancient Greek word apotrepo - “to the door”) - this is a guardian, which is guilty of the door of filth, it will pierce and psuvannya. Such a talisman can be an image, an amulet, or maybe a ritual of a gesture. For example, a different kind of apotropaic magic, which protects a person in the face of evil, is known to be rich three times tapping on wood.

Gorgonion. Fragment of black and figured vase painting. End of the VI century BC e.

Wikimedia Commons

In the ancient Greeks, the most popular apotropaic sign was the image of the head of the gorgon Medusa with stained eyes, hanging tongue and heads: it was important that it was more terrible than the appearance of evil spirits. Such an image was called "gorgonion" (Gorgoneion), and it was, for example, an indispensable attribute of Athena's shield.

The functions of the amulet could win over the name: the children were given “bad”, in our opinion, lily names, shards were respected, so that they could be made unacceptable for evil spirits and would be pierced through the door. So, the wreath im'ya Eskhros resembles aiskhros - "liquid", "indulgent". Apotropaic names were characteristic not only for ancient culture: ymovirno, slov'janske im'ya Nekras (which looks like a wider nickname Nekrasov) tezh was apotropaic.

Brana iambichna poetry - ritual laika, from which the ancient comedy grew up, - also victorious apotropaic function: to turn back the quiet, whom you call with the rest of the words.

God θεóς
Erot that Psyche before the Olympian gods. Little Andrea Schiavone. Close 1540-1545 years

Metropolitan Museum of Art

The head gods of the ancient Greeks are called Olympian - on the name of Mount Olympus near Pivnichniy Greece, as the place of their residence was respected. About the journey of the Olympian gods, their functions, mutual and giving, we already know from the early works of ancient literature - we sing Hesiod.

The Olympian gods lay down to the third generation of gods. Out of Chaos came Gaia-Earth and Uranus-Sky, like they gave birth to titans. One of them, Kron, having thrown off his father, having seized power, ale, be afraid that children can threaten his throne, forging their new-born offspring. Yogo retinue of Rey far away vryatuvati less than the rest of the silence - Zeus. Married, having thrown off Kron and established himself on Olympia as the supreme deity, sharing power with brothers: Poseidon became the ruler of the sea, and Hades - the underworld kingdom. There were twelve head Olympian gods, and the list of them in different parts of the Greek world was instantly reborn. Most often, the Olympian pantheon included the Crimean already named gods Zeus squad Hera - the patron saint of the ship and the family, as well as other children: Apollo - the god of prophecy and the patron of the muses, Artemis - the goddess of watering, Athena - the patroness of crafts, Ares - the god of war, Gekovalsky maisternosti and the sign of the gods of Hermes. They were also preceded by the goddess Aphrodite, the goddess of birth, Demeter, Dionysus, the patron of viticulture, and Hestia, the goddess of domestic fire.

The Crimea of ​​the head gods, the Greeks also sang nymphs, satyrs and other mythological facts, as they inhabited the whole world - foxes, rivers, burn. The Greeks imagined their gods to be immortal, who looked like beautiful, physically perfect people, who often live by their very feelings, passions and bajans, like mere mortals.

orgy βακχεíα

Bacchus, abo Bacchus, one of the names of Dionysus. The Greeks believed that they were violating their successors in ritual madness, through the stench they started up in wild unselfish dances. Such a Dionysian ecstasy the Greeks called the word "bacchanalia" (bakkheia). It was also a Greek word for those very roots - bakkheuo, “Bacchanism”, to take part in the Dionysian rites.

The women bacchanted, they were called "bacchantes" chi "menadi" (like the word mania - divine). The stench united in the religious community - fiasi and violated at the mountain. There the stench rose, loosened their hair and put on nebridi - the skins of creatures. The rites were held at night with the light of resin and accompanied by cries.

Heroes of myths are often close, but in conflict with the gods. For example, the name Hercules means “Geri’s glory”: Hera, the squad of Zeus and the queen of the gods, from one side, tormented Hercules all her life, shards were jealous of Zeus to Alkmeni, but she became an indirect cause of yoga glory. Hera sent madness on Hercules, through which the hero killed his retinue and children, and then, in order to calm his guilt, to punish his cousin Eurystheus - himself in the service of Eurystheus Hercules and zdiyasniv his twelve feats.

Regardless of the doubtful moral image, many Greek heroes, such as Hercules, Perseus and Achilles, were objects of worship: people brought gifts to them, blessings about health. It is important to say what was said earlier - the myths about the exploits of the hero or his cult, there are no common thoughts among the scientists, but there are no links between heroic myths and cults of evidence. The cults of heroes were resurrected in the cult of ancestors: people, who sang that other hero, did not always lead their own ancestry. Often the cult of the hero is tied to an ancient grave, which was buried in a yakіy was already forgotten: the tradition remade it on the hero's grave, and rituals and rituals were started on it.

At certain places, heroes began to shovel shvidko on the sovereign level: for example, the Athenians worshiped Theseus, who was the patron saint of the place; in Epidaurus, the cult of Asclepius (the head of the hero, the son of Apollo and the mortal woman, as a result of the apotheosis - that deification - that became the god of rejoicing), shards were respected that wine was born there; in Olympia, in the Peloponnese, Pelops was like the founder of the wandering Pelops (Peloponnese literally means "island of Pelops"). The cult of Heracles was the sovereign in kіlkoh.

Hybris ὕβρις

Hibris in the translation from the ancient Greek literally means “sweetness”, “do not go out of the way”. If the character of the myth shows the hybris according to the date before, it is not necessary to endure the warning: the understanding of the “hybris” is indicative of the manifestation of the Greeks about those that human intelligence and pride lead to disaster.

Hercules wails Prometheus. Fragment of black and figured vase painting. VII century BC e.

Hybris and punishment for a new presence, for example, in the myth about the titan Prometheus, who screeched fire from Olympus and for the price of the cob to the rock, and about Sizif, who in the potoybіchny world forever rolls an important stone near the mountain for those who deceived the gods different versions of yoga hybrid, in the widest wine having deceived and mowed the god of death Thanatos at the lancet, so that people stopped dying for some hour).

The hybrid element may be hidden in the skin Greek myth and an invisible element of the behavior of heroes and the tragic hero is guilty of going through a few emotional stages: koros (koros - “too much”, “excessive”), hybrid and ate (ate - “divine”, “woe "")).

It can be said that there is no hero without a hybrid: he went beyond the limits of what is permitted and the main reason for the heroic character. The duality of the Greek myth and the Greek tragedy is clearly reflected in the fact that the feat of the hero is that yoga karna brilliance - but often one and the same.

Another meaning of the word "hybris" is fixed in legal practice. In the Athenian court, the hybris was pronounced as an “attack on the Athenians”. Before the hybris lay, be it a form of violence, that ignorance of the cordons, as well as the wickedness of the setting up to the deities.

Gymnasium γυμνάσιον
Athletes at the gymnasium. Athens, VI century BC e.

Bridgeman Images/Fotodom

Spopchatka was the name given to the place for taking physical rights, for the boys were prepared for the military service and sports, as they were an indispensable attribute of greater supremacy rights. Ale unbarred, the gymnasiums changed on the right head office center, de physical swayed with the illumination of that intellectual connection. Step-by-step actions of gymnasiums (especially in Athens under the influence of Plato, Aristotle, Antisthenes and others) became, in fact, prototypes of universities.

The word “gymnasium”, perhaps, resembles the ancient Greek gymnos – “naked”, the shards trained naked in the gymnasiums. In the old Greek culture, the athletic human body was adopted as aesthetically accommodating; physical occupations were respected in advance, gymnasiums were changed under their intercession (for us before Hercules and Hermes) and were often roztashovulyalis zі sanctuaries.

The back of the gymnasium was a simple courtyard, sharpened by porticos, but after an hour grew in the complex of critical premises (in which there were branches, lazna toshcho), united by an inner courtyard. The gymnasiums became a significant part of the life of the ancient Greeks and were the subject of the turbot of the state; look after them with instructions to a special posadovtsu - gymnasiarch.

Gromadyanin πολίτης

A member of the community, like a maw, full of political, juridical and other rights, entered as a citizen. The ancient Greeks misunderstood the very concept of “gromadyanin” (the ancient monarchies had less “falsehood”, the rights of which could be infringed by the ruler).

In Athens, the understanding of enormity was especially kindly broken up in the political duma, by a full-fledged gromad, according to the law adopted under Pericles in the middle of the 5th century BC. e., the moment was less than a man (want to understand the hulks with different hoards, it expanded to the women), a resident of Attica, a son of the Athenian hulks. Yogo im'ya after reaching the eighteenth century and after a relativistic review of the trip was brought to the list of the hulks, which was for. Prote, in fact, the entirety of the Athenian's rights was taken away after the end of the service.

The Athenian hulk mav was right and bound, tightly tied one to one, the most important of which were like this:

- The right to freedom and special independence;

- the right to volodya the land of the peasantry - po'yazane z obov'yazkoy її oroblyat, the shards of the bulk endowed the skin of its member with the earth, so that in a moment it could burn itself that one's own family;

- the right to take the fate of the militia, to protect one’s own from the front to the hands of a hulk;

The Athenian hulks valued their privileges, so it was even easier to take away the hulkiness: it was given only to the winemakers for some special merit to the polis.

Homer Ὅμηρος
Homer (at the center) on Raphael's fresco "Parnassus". Vatican, 1511 rec

Wikimedia Commons

It’s hot that the Iliad was written not by Homer, but by another blind ancient Greek. For Herodotus, the author of "Iliad" and "Odyssey" is alive "not earlier than 400 years before me", either in the VIII, or even in the IX century BC. e. The German philologist Friedrich August Wolf in 1795 argued that the Homeric poets were created later, even in the writing era, from different folk sayings. It seemed that Homer is smartly legendary to post on the kshtalt of the words of the Jansky Boyan, and the right author of masterpieces is the “another ancient Greek”, the editor-order from Athens between the VI-V centenary to the stars. e. The deputy of the moment was Pisistratus, who ruled on the Athenian saints by speaking on the backs of others. The problem of the authorship of "Iliad" and "Odyssey" took away the name of Homer's food, and the followers of Wolf, who tried to see different elements in these poems, were called analysts.

The era of speculative theories about Homer ended in the 1930s, when the American philologist Milman Perry organized an expedition to match the Iliad and the Odyssey with the epos of Bosnian epics. It appeared that the mysticism of non-written Balkan speeches was inspired by improvisation: poems are created anew and never literally repeat themselves. Improvisation to sway with a possible formula - every now and then, which are repeated, as if you can change a little on the go, sticking to a small context. Perry and yoga, the scholar Albert Lord, brought that the formulaic structures of the Homeric text are already similar to the Balkan material, and, therefore, the Iliad and the Odyssey were followed by sleep poems, as if they were dictated at the dawn of the winemaking of the Greek alphabet by one or two interpreters.

ἑλληνικὴ γλῶσσα

It is important that the Greek language is richly folded for Latin. It’s true that I would like to see that wine breaks down into a sprinkling of dialects (from five to a dozen - fallow for the purposes of classification). Since ancient times (Mycenaean and Arcado-Cypriot) did not save artistic creations - the stink behind the inscriptions. In the dialect, for the most part, they didn’t say at all: the bula was a piece of language of advice, as if I had collected several regional variants of Greek in my collection. Other dialects in their literary world were tied to genres. For example, Pindar sings, in the native dialect of such an Aeolian letter, writing his work in Dorian speaking. The addressees of this song-praise were moved from different parts of Greece, an ale їkhnіy dialect, like yoga of vlasny, without pouring into the language of creation.

Dim δῆμος
Tablets with the names of the citizens of Athens and the designated demu. IV century BC e.

Wikimedia Commons

Demo in ancient Greece was the name of the territorial district, if only the inhabitants. Naprikintsі VI century BC e., after the reforms of the Athenian sovereign fiend Klіsfen, we became the most important government, political and administrative unit in Attica. It is important that the number of demons for Cleisthenes reached hundreds, but later it increased significantly. Demi quarreled over the number of the population; the greatest atic demes were Aharni and Eleusis.

The canon of Polykleitos panuvav in the Greek mysticism is close to a hundred years old. For example, the V century to the star. That is, after the war with Sparta and the plague epidemic, a new setting was born to the world - we stopped being so simple and clear. The creations of Poliklet's post became important, and the change to the universal canon was replaced by tinkering, individualistic robots and sculptors of Praxiteles and Lisip.

In the era of Hellenism (IV-I century BC. E ..) i.e., as about ideal, classical antiquity, the word "canon" began to mean, in principle, whether or not the collection of unbreakable norms and rules.

Catharsis κάθαρσις

This term is similar to the Greek dialect kathairo (“purify”) and is one of the most important, but at the same time the most important for understanding the terms of Aristotelian aesthetics. Traditionally, it is respected that Aristotle is pursuing the metaphor of the Greek itself in catharsis, with whom he understands in the "Poetics" once and does not give him the desired formal purpose: behind the words of Aristotle, the tragedy "for help, purify that fear" similar effects". For more than one hundred years, the commentators have been wrestling with this short phrase: under the effects of Aristotle, he fears and speaks loudly, but what does “purification” mean? Some people think about the cleansing of the effects themselves, others - about the cleansing of their souls.

Those who know that catharsis is the purification of affects, explain, that the starer, who survived the catharsis at the end of the tragedy, feels relieved (and satisfied), the shards of testing fear and speech are cleared in pain, which they will inevitably bring. The most important list of contradictory interpretations lies in the fact that fear and sleep are painful for their nature, so that in pain you can’t say “impurity”.

Insha - i, maybe, naive - interpretation of catharsis should be given to the German classical philologist Jacob Bernays (1824-1881). Winning respect for those who understand "catharsis" is most commonly used in ancient medical literature and means purification of the physiological sense, to relieve pathogenic substances in the body. In this rank, in Aristotle, catharsis is a medical metaphor, perhaps of a psychotherapeutic nature, and it is not about the purification of fear itself, but about the purification of the soul through these experiences. In addition, Bernays knows one more riddle about catharsis from Aristotle - from "Polity". There you can read about the medical cleansing effect: sacral songs heal people who are weaker to the extreme religious awakening. Here, the principle is similar to the homeopathic one: people who are able to develop strong effects (for example, to fear), heal, experiencing these effects in small, safe doses - for example, in, de stinks, they can feel fear, resting in safety.

Ceramics κεραμικός

The word “ceramic” comes from the old Greek keramos (“rich clay”). So called pottery made of clay, prepared under a surge of high temperature with the onset of cold: boats (broken in the form of a hand or on a potter's stake), flat painted or relief ceramic slabs, with which the walls of buds, sculpture, stamps, seals and weights were lined.

Earthenware vikoristovuvavsya for the preservation of that reception їzhi, as well as in the rituals of that; її brought as a gift to temples and invested at the grave. On rich vessels, crimson figured images, there are inscriptions, tattered or applied with rare clay, - it could be named after the vlasnik, dedicated to a deity, a trade mark or a signature of a potter and a vase-painter.

In the VI century to the stars. e. The largest width of the nabula is the so-called black-figure technique: the red surface of the judge was painted with black varnish, and the other details were torn up or painted with white farboy and purple. Close to 530 BC. i.e., the red-shaped judges widened: all the figures and ornaments on them were filled with colored clay, and the background was covered with black lacquer, and the inner little one was painted with it.

Shards of zavdyaka to the strong vipation of the ceramic judges are more than a stalk to the infusion of dovkil, tens of thousands of their fragments were saved. Therefore, ancient Greek ceramics is indispensable in the case of the established age of archeological knowledge. In addition, in their robotic vase painters, they created wider mythological and historical plots, as well as genre scenes and scenes, so that an important dzherel from history will make pottery like that manifestation of ancient Greeks.

Comedy κωμῳδία
Comedy actor. Fragment of a painted crater. Close to 350-325 rokіv to zv. e. A krater is a vessel with a wide neck, two handles on the sides and a lower one. Vykoristovuvsya for mixing wine from water.

Metropolitan Museum of Art

The word "comedy" is made up of two parts: komos ("fun ride") and ode ("song"). In Greece, this was the name given to the genre of dramatic performances, although they were seen in Athens on the screens in honor of Dionysus. They took the fate of three to five comedians from the magicians, representing skins from them for one song. The most famous comic poets of Athens were Aristophanes, Kratin and Evpolid.

The plot of an ancient Athenian comedy is the sum of a charming fairy tale, obscene farce and political satire. Diya sings in Athens and (or) in some fantastic place, where the main character is breaking for building his grandiose idea: for example, an Athenian to fly on a majestic purulent beetle (a parody of Pegasus) to heaven, to bring the goddess back to the world (bring the goddess back to the world) such a comedy was staged in the river, if a truce was laid in the Peloponnesian war); for the god of the theater Dionysus destroys the kingdom in the underworld and judges there a duel between playwrights Eschylus and Euripides - the tragedies of these are parodied by the text.

The genre of the old comedy is similar to the culture of the carnival, everything is turned upside down: women are engaged in politics, sing the Acropolis and are encouraged to have sex, imagining to commit war; Dionysus climbs into the lion's skin of Hercules; father's deputy son go learn from Socrates; the gods rule before the people of the aftershock, schob home about the renewal of interruptions. Live about the genitals and judge with subtle allusions to the scientific ideas and intellectual superchicks of their time. Comedy laughs from the everyday, political, social and religious institutions, and from literature, especially from high style and symbolism. The characters of the comedy can be historical individuals: politicians, commanders, poets, philosophers, musicians, priests, who may remember the post of Athenian society. The comic is made up of twenty characters and often depicts creatures (“Birds”, “Toads”), personifications of natural phenomena (“Khmari”, “Islands”) or geographical objects (“Mista”, “Demi”).

In comedy, the fourth wall is easily destroyed: the vicars on the stage can make direct contact with the viewers. For whom in the middle of the story there is a special moment - a parabasis, if the choir in the name of the poet turns to staring and judging, explaining why this comedy is the best and it is necessary to vote for it.

Space κόσμος

The word “cosmos” among the ancient Greeks meant “svetobudova”, “svetobudova”, “all-world”, as well as “embellishment”, “beauty”: the cosmos was opposed to chaos and was clearly indicative of statements about harmony, ordering and beauty.

Cosmos is made up of the upper (sky), middle (earth) and lower (underworld) worlds. linger on the Olympus - mountains, as in real geography they are found in Pivnichniy Greece, but in mythology they are often synonymous with the sky. On Olympus, behind the manifestations of the Greeks, there is the throne of Zeus, as well as the palaces of the gods, prompted by the adornment of the god Hephaestus. There the gods spend an hour, enjoying banquettes and drinking nectar and ambrosia - drink and eating the gods.

Oikumene - a part of the earth, inhabited by people, - the cordon of the world from the sides is washed by a single river Ocean. The center of the dwelling is located in Delphi, at the sanctuary of Apollo Pifiisky; the whole place was marked with the sacred stone omphalos (“the navel of the earth”) - to designate this point, Zeus sent two eagles from the different lands of the earth, and the stench streaked itself there. With the Delphic omphalos, there is one more myth: Rhea gave this stone to Kron, as if it had devoured its offspring, the replacement of Zeus, and Zeus herself placed yoga in Delphi, denoting the center of the earth in this rank. Mythological statements about Delphi as the center of the world were known in the first geographical maps.

At the tops of the earth there is a kingdom, de panu the god Aїd (they called the kingdom Aїd) and the dead ones live, over which they judge the blue of Zeus, who exalt their special wisdom and justice, - Minos, Eak and Rhadamanthus.

Enter the underworld kingdom, which is guarded by the stingy three-headed dog Cerberus, is located at the extreme entrance, beyond the river Ocean. Near Adis, there is a sprat river. The most important among them is Lita, the water that bestows on the souls of the dead the forgetfulness of their earthly life, the Styx, the waters of which the gods swear, Acheront, through which Charon to transport the souls of the dead, “the river of crying” Kokit and fire Piriflegeton (abo Phlegeton).

Mask πρόσωπον
Comedyographer Menander with comedy masks. Roman copy of ancient Greek relief. I century BC e.

Bridgeman Images/Fotodom

We know that in ancient Greece they played in masks (Greek prosopon - literally “disguise”), even though the masks themselves of the 5th century BC. e. in the annual excavations, a buv was revealed. Behind the images, one can assume that the masks depicted human beings, created for the sake of a comical effect; before the comedies of Aristophanes "Axis", "Birds" and "Frogs" could be behind the masks of creatures. Changing the masks, the actor in the same moment enters the stage in various roles. Actors were less than human beings, but masks allowed them to play female roles.

The masks were made in the form of sholomіv with openings for the eyes and the company - so if the actor put on a mask, his head was attached to it. Masks were made from light materials: starched linen, cork, shkiri; Peruks were given to them.

Meter μέτρον

Today, the Russian vіrshuvannya sounded prompted by the blacking of shock and naked warehouses. The Greek vіrsh looked different: the new one had long and short folds. For example, the dactyl was called not the sequence "shock - no nudity - nudity", but "long - short - short". The first meaning of the word daktylos is “finger” (por. “fingerprinting”), and the visual finger consists of one long phalanx and two short ones. The widest rozmir - hexameter ("six-dimensional") - was composed of six dactyls. The main rozmіrom dram buv iambic is a two-fold foot with a short first warehouse and a long other. With the help of which, in more cases, it was possible to replace them: for example, at the hexameter, the replacement of two hundred warehouses was often replaced by a long one.

Mіmesіs μίμησις

The word "mіmesіs" (from the Greek dialect mimeomai - "to inherit") is translated as "inheritance", but such a translation is not entirely correct; in most cases, it would be better to say not “inheritance” but “imitation”, but “image” or “representation” - zokrema, it is important that in most Greek texts the word “mіmesіs” does not have a negative image, such a word “native” .

The concept of “mіmesis” sounds associated with the aesthetic theories of Plato and Aristotle, but, perhaps, it’s a bit of a winklo in the context of early Greek cosmological theories based on the parallelism of the microcosm and the macrocosm: it was transferred, that processes and processes are known to people. see similarities. Until the V century BC. i.e., the understanding has become rooted in the sphere of art and aesthetics - the flooring, what kind of illumination of the Greek on the power of "What is such a vitvir of art?" Prote vono saved, zokrema, in Plato and Aristotle, the deacons of metaphysical connotations.

In the dialosis “Power”, Plato affirms that the art can be borne out of the ideal state - the zokrema, to that which is rooted in mimesis. The first argument is based on the fact that whether there is an object that exists in a sensitive world, it is only incomplete like its ideal prototype, which is in the world of ideas. The mirroring of Plato is spelled out like this: I create a woodworker lightly, looking wildly to the idea of ​​a lie; ale be-like zroblen him lizhko zavzhd would be less than perfect like his ideal prototype. Otzhe, be it an image of someone's face - for example, a picture or a sculpture - it would be more like an incomplete copy of an incomplete similarity. That is mystectvo, which inherits a sensitive world, more and more helps us to see the right knowledge (as it can be only about ideas, but not about similarities) and, from the same place, to misbehave. Another argument of Plato is that the art (for example, the ancient theater) for help mimesis zmushui peeping to identify with the characters that speak to them. , viklikan schey real podієyu, but mimesis, stimulating the irrational part of the soul and bringing the soul to the control of the mind. Such an experience is difficult for the entire team: the Platonic ideal state is based on a simple caste system, the social role and occupation of the skin is strictly assigned. Those who in the theater see themselves as different heroes, often "socially strangers", reinvigorate the system so that they can know their own place.

Aristotle responded to Plato at the creation of "Poetics" (or "About poetic art"). In the first place, a human being, as a biological species, by its nature, is slender to mimesis, that is why it is impossible to win science from an ideal state - it would only be violence against human nature. Mimesis is the most important way of learning and mastering the world of science: for example, for help mimesis in the simplest form of a child, I master the language. Painful sensations, which are experienced by a staring eye for an hour, lead to psychological relaxation and, later, may have a psychotherapeutic effect. Emotions, like calling out the mysticism, also confuse the knowledge: “poetry of philosophy for history”, the shards of the first turn to universals, and look at the other only as a vapka. So, the tragic one sings, in order to realistically depict his heroes and call out from the looker of suitable emotions, he is forever guilty of rozmirkovuvat, like a bit of that chi іnshiy character appeared in quiet and other environments; in such a manner, a tragedy is a thought about human character and human nature vzagali. Also, one of the most important goals of mimetic art is intellectual: the development of human nature.

Mysteries μυστήρια

Mysteries - cereligious with rites of consecration or a mystical plant. They were also called orgies (orgia). The most important mysteries - Eleusis - were held in the temple of Demetrius and Persephon in Eleusis, not far from Athens.

The Eleusinian Mysteries were connected with the myth about the goddess Demeter and her daughter Persephone, who took the kingdom from the underground and formed her squad. Nevtishna Demeter achieved the return of her daughter, the Alte Timchas: part of Persephone's fate was to lead the earth, and part - to the underworld. The story about those, like Demeter in the jokes of Persephone, diishla Eleusis, and she herself set up mysteries there, was reported in the hymn before Demetri. Oskіlki myth opovіdaє about more expensive, sho vede in, i turn zvіdti, pov'yazanі with him mіsterії mali secure the consecration of a more friendly potoybіchnu share, nizh that, scho chekala uninitiated:

“Happy are those earthly people who cherish the sacrament. / The same one, who is unaccountable to him, will not be born after death. It's not even clear what it is that you're trying to get away with "like a lot" yourself.

Golovna, what is known about the Elevsinsky mysteries themselves, - this is secrecy: we will consecrate it with a slyly fenced voice, that it was the hour of the priesthood itself. Let's talk about the mysteries of rozpovida Aristotle. For yoga words, consecrated, or vengeance (mystai), under the hour of the mysteries, “they brought good luck.” On the cob of the ritual, the participants, as if by a rite, were allowed to build up the bachiti. The word "mist" (literally "closing") can be understood as "from the flattened eyes" - it is possible, "dosvid", which is taken away, but it appears to be blindness to the sight of blindness and to the sleep of the bird. Before another hour of dedication, the participants were already called “epopti”, those who were “baked”.

The Eleusinian mysteries were famously popular among the Greeks and received a number of sacred consecrations to Athens. At the “Toad”, the god Dionysus is singing in the underworld kingdom of dedications, like spending an hour at the blessed fun on the Champs Elysees.

The ancient theory of music is well known from special treatises that have come down to us. Some of them described the system of notation (for example, there were only few professionals). In addition, there are a few monuments with musical signs. Ale, in a better way, go about short and often nasty saved up urivki. In a different way, we reject the impersonal necessary details, which are in tune with intonation, tempo, method of sound production, accompaniment. Thirdly, the musical language itself has changed, the melodic songs don’t call out to us quiet associations, like the Greeks. For this reason, musical fragments are unlikely to resurrect ancient Greek music as an aesthetic phenomenon.

Chi is not a hulk Rabi, scho pick olives. Black figurine amphora. Attica, around 520 BC e.

Trustees of the British Museum

The basis of the order is a column, which stands on three slabs of foundation. The stovbur ends with a capital, which supports the entablature. The entablature is composed of three parts: a stone beam - architriv; above it is a frieze, embellishments with sculpture or painting, and, nareshti, cornice - a slab that hangs, protecting the life from the plank. Razmіri tsikh elementіv suvoro uzgodzhenі each with one. The loneliness of the world is the radius of the colony - to that, knowing yoga, you can resurrect the peace of the whole temple.

Zgidno z mіfami, simple and masculine dorichny order buv razrakhovaniya architect Іonom pіd hour budіvnitstva temple of Apollo Panionіyskogo. The lightest in terms of proportions is the Ionian type of wine, for example, VII - VI centuries BC. e. in Asia Minor. The mustache of such elements is more richly decorated, and the capital is embellished with spiral-like curls - volutes. The Corinthian order was older than the stasis at the temple of Apollo in Basy (another half of the 5th century BC). A legend about a year-old girl is tied up with a vineyard, as she brought a cat with her favorite speeches to the grave of her vikhovanka. After a deaky hour, the cat pierced the leaves of the roslin, as it is called acanthus. This view of the Athenian artist Kallimachus puffed up the creation of an elegant capital with a rose-lined decor.

ostracism ὀστρακισμός
Ostrakoni for voting. Athens, close to 482 BC e.

Wikimedia Commons

The word "ostracism" resembles the Greek ostrakon - a shard, ulamok, which is victorious for recording. In classical Athens, this was the name given to the voting of the people's congresses, for the help of which a decision was taken about the ignorance of the people, as it represented a threat to the foundations of the sovereign order.

Most of the doslidnikiv vvazhut that the law about the ostracism of the adoptions in Athens for Cleisthenes - the sovereign fiend, which was in 508-507 BC. e., after the felling, proving the city’s low reforms. Prote the first act of ostracism became less than 487 fate to us. e. - Todі z Afіn buv vignany Hipparch, son Harma, relative.

The people's assembly praised the decision, which is necessary to carry out ostracism. As if it was recognized that such a need was, the skin participant of the voting, having arrived at a specially fenced part of the agori, led ten entrances - one each for the skin Athenian file (following the reforms of Klіsfen in the VI century BC, this was the name of the territorial districts). , - and having left there a shard of offerings from myself, on which the boulder was written im'ya people, yak, on the other's thought, it was necessary to correct the vignanny. The one who, having taken away the greatest number of voices, violating the ignorance for ten fates. Yogo mayo was not confiscated with whom, he did not spare himself wine, but he was excluded from political life at times (it’s true, sometimes he turned to the fatherland before Strokovo).

On the back of ostracism maw on the way to save the resurrection of tyrannical power, prote nezabarno pretended to be worthy of fighting for power and vreshti-resht ceasing to zastosovuvatisya. The resurrection of ostracism was carried out in 415 BC. e. The same competing politicians Nikii and Alcibiades could do it one by one, and the demagogue Hyperbole was corrected in the forefront.

Polis πόλις

The Greek polis could be seen as small outside the territory of that population, wanting to go home and turn it off, for example, Athena or Sparta. The formation of the polis fell on the archaic era (VIII-VI centuries BC), V century BC. e. vvazhaetsya hour rozkvіtu Greek policies, and the first half of the IV century to the stars. e. the classical Greek polis survived the crisis, which, meanwhile, did not lead it to become deprived of one of the most important forms of organization of life.

holy ἑορτή

Mustache is holy to Ancient Greece tied to worship. Most of the holy days were held after the singing dates, which formed the basis of the calendar of ancient Greeks.

Krіm mіstsevih holy іsnuvali panellіnskі holy, spіlnі vsіm grekіv - stench originated in arhaїchnu Epoch (. Tobto VIII-VI stolіttyah e) i zіgrali nayvazhlivіshu role formuvannі іdeї zagalnogretskoї єdnostі scho in addition chi іnshomu viglyadі іsnuvala on protyagom vsієї іstorії nezalezhnoї Gretsії, nezvazhayuchi on the political independence of the polis. All saints were married to a different family. At the sanctuary of Zeus in Olympia (in the Peloponnese), skin chotiri rocks passed. At the sanctuary of Apollo in Delphi (near Fokida) the Pifian games were also held once on chotiri rock, the central stage of which was the so-called musical agony - magic. Near the area of ​​the Isthmian Isthmus, not far from Corinth, the Istmian Games were held in honor of Poseidon and Melikert, and the Nemean Valley in Argolis was held at the Nimmeian Games, de shanuvasya Zeus; i tі y іnshі - once in two rocks.

Prose πεζὸς λόγος

There was no reason to prose: only one type of artistic movement was marked with a roman language - poetry. However, because of the origin of writing in the VIII century BC. that is, they began to speak about distant lands, or about the past. The social minds have sown the development of redism: the orators jumped like a reconciliation, and they were pleased with the hearers. Already the first books of historians and rhetors, which were saved (“History” by Herodotus and promov Lysia of the 5th century BC) can be called artistic prose. Unfortunately, behind the Russian translations, it is important to understand, as aesthetically perfect as possible, the philosophical dialogues of Plato and the historical works of Xenophon (IV century AD). The Greek prose of this period opposes its diversity from modern genres: there is no novel, no explanation, no drawing; vtіm, zgodom, in the era of Hellenism, an ancient novel will appear. The title for the prose did not appear immediately: Dionysius of Galicarnas in the 1st century BC. e. Vikoristovu visliv “pishi promovi” - prikmetnik “pishy” also means “(nay) great”.

Satyr drama δρα̃μα σατυρικόν
Dionysus and satyr. Painting of a red glech. Attica, close to 430-420 BC e.

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Dramatic genre, which is composed of satires, mythological characters from the mail of Dionysus. At the tragic spells that passed on, representing three skin trags, they ended with a short and cheerful satyr song.

Sphinx Σφίγξ
Two sphinxes. Ceramic pixid. Close to 590-570 BC e. Piksida - a round box or a screen with a lid.

Metropolitan Museum of Art

This mythological essence is familiar to the wealthy peoples, but especially the image was taken away from the beliefs and mystics of the ancient Egyptians. In the old Greek mythology, the sphinx (abo "sphinx", even the old Greek word "sphinx" - a woman's family) is the birth of Typhon and Echidni, miraculously with the guise of a woman's breasts, paws and body of a lion and wings of a bird. Among the Greeks, the sphinx is the most common - a blood-thirsty monster.

Among the retellings, connected with the Sphinx, in antiquity especially popular was the myth about. The Sphinx pidsterigav the roadside bills of Thebes near Boeotia, asking them an inseparable riddle, without taking away the clues, driving them in - after different versions, either devouring them, or throwing off their bones. The riddle of the sphinx was like this: "Who walks on four legs, in the daytime - for two, and in the evening - for three?" The answer to the riddle of zooming in on Edip is correct: you are a person who, like in childhood, has the strength to walk on two legs, and in old age spirals on a tiptoe. After that, like a myth, the Sphinx rushed from the skeletons and broke to death.

The riddle of that vminnya її guessing - important attributes that are often known in ancient literature. This is how the image of Edip appears in ancient Greek mythology. The second example is the wislovi pіfії, the servants of the famous Apollo in Delphi: the Delphic prophecies often avenged riddles, tensions and ambiguity, like, on the thought of rich ancient writers, the authorities in the promotion of the prophets and sages.

Theatre θέατρον
Theater near Epidavrі. Inspirations close to 360 rock to the stars. e.

On the thought of deyakyh doslidnikiv, the rule was to turn pennies in the century of the politician Perikl in the V century BC. e., іnshі pov'yazuyut yogo z іm'yam Agirriya ta vіdnosit until the ear of the IV century BC. e. In the middle of the 4th century, “spectacular pennies” became a special fund, to which the state gave great significance: in Athens, for a certain hour, having established a law on stratum for the proposition of vikoristati pennies of the species fund for other needs cim fund from 354 BC).

tyranny τυραννίς

The word "tyranny" is not a Greek trick, in the ancient tradition it was first used by the poet Archilochus in the 7th century BC. e. That was the name of the mono-proprietary rule, established by the illegal and, as a rule, violent way.

Formerly, the tyranny of the Greeks in the era of the formation of the Greeks - this period otrimovav the name of the early, or older, tyranny (VII-V century BC. E ..). The leaders of the senior tyrants became famous as prominent wise rulers, and Periander of Corinth and Pisistrat of Athens were called the middle "". Ale, for the most part, the ancient tradition saved the record of ambition, zhorstokіst and svavіllya tyrants. Particularly noteworthy is the butt of Falaris, the tyrant of Akraganth, about whom they told that he had punished people at the middle bik. The tyrannies zhorstok ruled over their ancestral nobility, igniting the most active leaders - their superniks in the struggle for power.

Nebezpeka tyranny - the regime of special power - was inexplicably brought to mind by the walnut masses, and the stench greeted the tyrants. Prote tyranny is of little historical significance: it weakened the aristocracy and at the same time made it easier for the demos to fight for a farther political life, and the triumph of principles in the polis.

At the V century to the stars. That is, in the era of the development of democracy, the setting to tyranny in the Greek society was unambiguously negative. However, in the IV century BC. That is, in the era of new shocks, Greece experienced the rebirth of tyranny, as they call it piznya, but young.

Tyrannovbivtsi τυραννοκτόνοι
Harmony and Aristogion. Fragment of painting a red glechik. Attica, around 400 BC e.

Bridgeman Images/Fotodom

Tyrant-beaters were called the Athenian Harmodius and Aristogion, yak, sponukani in a special way, in 514 roci BC. e. they choked the zmovu with the method of knocking down Pisistratidiv (syniv of the tyrant Pisistratus) Hippiya and Hipparchus. I was far away to beat the youngest of my brothers - Hipparchus. Harmody perished once at the hands of the guardians Pisistratidiv, and Aristogіton was sacked, rolled and stratified.

At the V century to the stars. That is, in the era of the Athenian rozkvitu, if there were especially strong anti-tyrannical sentiments, Harmodius and Aristogіton became the greatest heroes and sharpened their images with a special shano. They erected statues, chiseled by the sculptor Antenor, as if they were taking away the baubles in view of the power of various privileges. 480 roku BC e., at the hour of the Greek-Persian wars, if Athena was buried by the Persian king Xerxes, the statues of Antenor were taken to Persia. A few hours later, new robots of Kritiya and Nesiota were installed in their place, as they had come down to us from Roman copies. The statues of the tyrant-fighters, as it seems, have stuck in the idea of ​​​​the sculptural group “Robitnik and Kolgospnitsa”, as it was due to the architect Boris Iofan; This sculpture was consecrated by Vira Mukhina for the Radian pavilion at the All-World Exhibition near Paris in 1937.

tragedy τραγῳδία

The word "tragedy" and two parts: "goat" (tragos) and "song" (ode), why -. In Athens, this was the name given to the genre of dramatic performances, among which the magicians on other saints ruled. At the festival, which took place at Dionysus, they took the fate of three tragic sings, when they could present a tetralogy (three tragedies and one) - at the result, the gazers marveled at nine tragedies in three days.

Most of the tragedies have not come before us - only their names, sometimes small fragments. The new text of the seven tragedies of Eschylus (having written about 60 of them), the seven tragedies of Sophocles (h 120) and the nineteen tragedies of Euripides (h 90) has been saved. About 30 other poets became tragedies in Athens in the 5th century, and three tragedies, which had risen to the classical canon, became tragedies.

Sound the tragedies of the tetralogy of the boules tied to each other for the zmist. The basis for the plot_v served by the Istorії Here, the Nabіlsh Shockychi Episodi was very vicious, Pov'jazanі zhinoyuy, the bloodstream, Kangіbalіm, the vomit of the І Zuradnittva, Yaki, often found a friend of Odnієї SMM'ї: Daughty, Kbiva Cholovіk, and Potіm її “Oresteia”) of Eskhila), it is known that the friends are on the powerful mother (“King Edipus” by Sophocles), mothers drive their children in order to avenge the people for harm (“Medea” by Euripides). The poets experimented with myths: they added new characters, changed the plot line, brought in those that were relevant for the Athenian soul of their time.

Mustache tragedies obov'yazkovo were written at the top. Acting parts sang like solo arias and lyrical parts to the chorus and accompaniment, and could also be accompanied by a dance. The maximum number on the stage of the tragedy is three. Kozhen їх engraved with a stretch of setting a few roles, shards of diyovih osіb sound more.

Phalanx φάλαγξ
Phalanxes. Modern illustration

Wikimedia Commons

The phalanx is the battle mode of the old Greek pihot, which is a kind of strong post-budding important infantry - hoplites in a sprat of ranks (type 8 to 25).

Goplits were the most important part of the old Greek militia. The latest set of military equipment (panoplya) of hoplites, including shell, sholom, leggings, round shield, written off sword. The hoplites fought at the warehouse of a tightly closed fret. A shield, like a trim at the hands of the skin of the warriors of the phalanx, having curved the left side of the yogo body and the right side of the warrior, to stand in charge, so that the most important intellectual success was the use of this integrity of the phalanx. The flanks of such a fighting spirit were the most striking, to that on the wings of the phalanx they placed a kіnnot.

The phalanx, as you know, Vinicla of Greece in the first half of the 7th century BC. e. In the VI-V centuries BC. e. the phalanx was the main fighting posture among the ancient Greeks. In the middle of the IV century BC. e. King of Macedonia Philip II, having created the famous Macedonian phalanx, having added to it some innovations: he increased the number of ranks, and took the sarisi on the basis of a long list. For the success of the army of John the Great son Oleksandr the Great, the Macedonian phalanx was respected by an unstoppable striking force.

Philosophical school σχολή

Take part in the work of the Athenian ecclesia, among them to pronounce the laws and domagatis їх skasuvannya, could be an Athenian, as she reached the twenty-year age and served. In Athens, during the period of rozkvіtu, the celebration of the national gatherings, like the victory of the state settlements, was paid; rozmіr vyplati zminyuvavsya, alé vіdomo, scho for the hours of Aristotle vіn dorivnyuvav minimum daily income. They voted with the sound of raising their hands or (rіdshe) with special stones, and with gostrіy kism — with shards.

The back of the people's gatherings in Athens took place on, from the V century BC. e. - on the pagorbi Pniks for 400 meters on the pivdenniy skhіd vіd agori, and here after 300 BC. e. the stench was transferred to Dionysus.

epos ἔπος

Speaking about the epic, we should sing about it: “Iliad” and “Odyssey” or, therefore, about the expedition of the Argonauts of Apollonius of Rhodes (III century BC). Ale entrusted with a heroic epic, based on a didactic one. The Greeks loved to immerse themselves in that very sublime-poetic form of a book of brown and cognizant zmist. Hesiod wrote therefore about those, how it is necessary to lead a rural state (“Roboti and days”, VII century BC), Arat dedicating his practice to astronomy (“Phenomena”, III century BC), Nicander writing about (II century BC), and Oppian - about watering and fishing (II-III century AD). In these creations, “Iliad” and “Odyssey” - hexameter - were added in a perfect way, and they used Homer’s poetic mov, wanting their authors to stand in Homer for a thousand years.

epheb ἔφηβος
Epheb with a Mislivsky copy. Roman relief. Close to 180 AD e.

Bridgeman Images/Fotodom

After 305 fate to the stars. e. The ephebian institute has been transformed: the service has ceased to be obov'yazkovoy, that її term has been shortened to rock. Now, up to the number of ephebiv, noble and rich young people entered.

Tse all nіsenіtnitsa, scho sієsta foretold іspantsі. Exactly, the Greeks. Exactly until the first year of the day, the stink lingers alone - "Kalimera!" - “Good morning!”, and approximately after the sixth evening - “Calispera!” - Bazhayut, schob vin proyshov as far as possible.

There are no days in the sky. Tim is better. Kotabasiljevske "At night, children can sleep" here you can calmly paraphrase as "Greeks can sleep in the daytime!" Take a look. Divine tourists, who didn’t arrive before the excursion or looked out at the sea, wander along the quiet streets and stumble on the closed doors and windows: “Quiet, there is no one, go far away.” Flying birds and obіtsyanі evil dogs, at the sight of pictures pinned to parkanіv farmer's fields. Mіzh іnhim, it's not so stingy - just + 23-25 ​​- why don't you smell? It’s even simpler - for those who DON’T WANT.

Dear Greek rank, go, get rid of the Greek! Youmu nikoli - at the new fishing, a mass of beautiful, still inaccessible women. Vіn strike, nareshti! The Greek team went not far from a man: from early to night (with a break for a siesta, it was clear) to chill in the cave, drink a cup after a cup of black, smoke one cigarette at a time, impulsively tremble with a friend. Everyone is alone, write, in miniskirts and sweaty tops, zustrіchaєsh їх or sit cross-legged, or ride on motorbikes.

Sellers in shops and kramnichkas diligently hovayutsya for racks? Do not hesitate, chi tse aborigines. The stench does not like to haggle and on the skin it is recommended to lower the price, but it is worth saying: Fix price (fixed price). A native Greek or a Greek woman is married to you on your way back to the shop and show you that the miracles of the world have not been shown by you, but you have chosen to go on a trip for souvenirs in the evening, God forbid you run into those shops, where your friends have chosen. The stench will be regotati, balakati bezupinno, and it’s not a beastly thing for you to respect. Even a self-sufficient nation. More pack, how many thousands of rokіv behind the shoulders, like only spirits do not dabble in the expanses of the ancient Hellenic... These spirits worked everything so that Greece did not die in the rainy nights, and they sent here vihіdtsіv from the great SRSR. I don’t know if Mr. Gorbachev is aware that Zeus and Sparta helped him, but as a result of the collapse of our great Batkivshchyna, here, near Greece, thousands and thousands of Ukrainians, Moldavians, Latvians, Lithuanians, especially Ukrainians, were in power. True, all stinks are still Russians. It’s fair to respect that there are already more of them here, lower miserable ones, they know, otherwise they buy unruliness, make friends, give children up to school (having taken a sprat of a small place, they didn’t drink) and don’t dare to turn back. They say that it’s good here, it’s only warm all the hour. Well, you can’t do it like that, it’s warm all the hour!”

Come, let it be warm all the hour, otherwise where can we travel so cheaply? Well, it’s not possible, so it’s so ruined? If there is not a small place on the island (and there were close to two thousand near Greece, it is unlikely that the Greeks overran everything), then their acropolis. The price for happiness is to look at the freshly prepared ruins on the mіstsі mythical glory koshtuє from two to ten euros, but now you have to pay, as it seems, dvіchі, like a marvelous order? Greece poednuє in his own non-strict napіzruynovanіst-napіvnedobudovanіst і living miraculously.

On the territory of the museum, which rises above the desert of the sea, everyday life is actively overtaken - cranes, mechanisms (can we make a permanent sіestu?) and only young people who are sensible to give an insight, de photography is possible, but de fenced. Zhodnoї plates with a crossed camera. Thank you. In the distance, see the seas that have stuck into the rocks of the unsightly houses. Closer ruins tezh vrazhayut. A prickly stone, smittya, drіt, the devil knows what ignited and drank, drank, drank. Why in the Susidniy - with a hand of tribute - Turechchini (tsі pіvnyannia inevitably and nezmennі) near the orange trees, which stood on the road, we broke the glittering leaves - they didn’t believe it, it’s not piecemeal, but here the splinter ball doesn’t let the saw blow, the dear earth, what about just a road?

Mabut, for all the wine is eternal siesta and pampered, like that Khokhlushka Galya with a joke, the Greeks. Ta high yoga. Tsієyu panskoy, acquired by thousands of nights and marvel, and enjoy it. Greece is regularly seen by all of Europe, and only Russians love the stench. To that we are brothers and sisters, orthodox - orthodox. The dear bartender didn't want to visit us often, from afar he showed national belonging. It is impossible to impersonate a Greek, having looked up to the new in a cave for a cup of espresso about 11 wounds, and look like a cup or two baileys. For yoga rahunok, ozumіlo. Abo metaxi. Abo white pure wine. In the evening, the hotel red-bartender pours ouzo (cancer) cups for me and myself and pidmorgue: well, movlyav, let's have a charm? And without hesitation, splashing your soul right in the eyes of the administrator. "You can't be robiti!" - I shout with a flicker, frightening, as if guessing, inevitably zvilnennya. "What?" - so at shocі, choking, eating wine. “Well, look at the robot…” - I mumble, already rozumiyuchi, that I look at the holy Greek holy disobedience like a complete fool.

Well, the truth is, the stench is terribly cute, these Greeks. So, if you want to get out for an unreasonable sit down at a table at a cafe at that hour, if you sit, you could learn about their “Russian Traditional Fuck Gris” - it’s like “Russian order about Greece” on the kshtalt. Well, you know: "Have the Greek through the river ..." and so on. They repeated out of satisfaction, radiantly saying "cancer for the hand of the Greek TsAP!" and forever fed: "Here's min?" - "What does it mean?" I had to put together a scary story in a long-forgotten English language about the fearlessness of "elinios" ("Greek" in Greek), about the fearlessness of "elinios" ("Greek" in Greek), about how to fight the "big-big" (great-great) ... lobster (well there was no cancer in the school program!). Then the national Greek pride was lifted from the name to the unattainable, the height and the waiters and the bartenders let us in home, indchuvayuchi, maybe, stench is our fault ... like the same charm and heartbreaking history. From our Russian life.

Mayzhe z neї - intestines. But not our furry Barsiki. Greece has a name for itself. Terribly thin vysnazhenі, absolutely not skhilnі to engraving the same rejection. Do not shout one on one, like a god, across the border of the territory. Quiet, secluded, often ruddy or black, in groups of 7-8 pieces, the guts sat until they happened and abstractly marveled at the life that they were passing. Only the cossacks looked perky as they climbed right out of the gorge in the rock of the nascent mother. It's just marvelous, how far did they go there, smut, to make tourists happy?

There are no chic hotels here: if you go out onto the balcony, you know what you got into. There is no Turkish stubbornness here, no deceit, no haste. Breadth: for example, one waitress, squeezing her hands to her breasts and moving her eyes, spoke about the spring turbot and navit showed a mock-up of the request, catering to the good, that everything is in new good. And so she repaired the skin, who sat at the її tavern. Greek friendliness, easy naїvnіst. Sea. Another one. And then the next day, the exercise is over until the next one. I spit on this devil's saw.


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