Objectives of the main countries of the participants of the First World War. Russia in the First World War

Objectives of the main countries of the participants of the First World War. Russia in the First World War

The plans of the war participants did not sufficiently take into account the increased role of economic and moral factors and were calculated on the conduct of combat operations only due to the mobilization reserves accumulated in peacetime. It was believed that the war would be short-term. The translation of the military economy is not provided for the needs of wartime.

The general headquarters of imperialist states spent many years to develop plans of war.

The general for all plans was that they expressed the gripful aspirations of individual powers, as well as individual warring coalitions; At the same time, they expressed sharp contradictions between individual imperialist predators inside the coalitions, each of which sought more military burden to impose on its allies and grab riches more rags with mutual mining.

Essence of the German Plan (The plan "Shliffene") concluded in the desire to beat opponents consistently: first it was supposed to strike in France and defeat her army, and then transfer the main forces to the East and defeat Russia. In both cases, a bet on a short-term war was made.

In order to bypass and the environment of the French army, the flank maneuver was planned through Belgium, bypassing the main forces of the French army from the north. The auxiliary group had to play the role of death against the possible offensive of the French army. In the East, at the beginning of the war, it was planned to deploy one army with the task of covering the Eastern Prussia from the possible invasion of Russian troops. Active actions against Russia at this time were to lead Austro-Hungarian troops. The main defect of the German Plan was to reassess its forces and the underestimation of the enemy forces.

On the austro Hungarian War Plan The German General Staff provided a strong influence, which was striving to use Austro-Hungarian troops for the fighting of Russian armies during the depreciation of Germany in France. In view of this, the Austro-Hungarian General Staff was forced to plan simultaneous active actions against Russia, Serbia and Montenegro. The main blow was planned to apply from Galicia to the East and Northeast. The Austro-Hungarian plan was built in the separation from real accounting of its economic and moral abilities. This clearly manifested the impact of the German military school - the underestimation of the enemy and the reassessment of his forces. The presence of forces and funds did not match the tasks.

French War Plan It was offensive, but he was awaited, since the initial actions of the French troops were addicted to the actions of the German troops. Only the Larring group consisting of two armies received an active offensive task. The central grouping of the troops in the composition of the same army was assigned the role of the linking link between the Belgian and Larring groupings. Belgian grouping in the composition of the same army was to act depending on the behavior of the opponent.

In case of violation by the Germans of the Neutrality of Belgium and their offensive through its territory, this army must be ready to step in the northeast direction, otherwise she had to step in the eastern direction.

Essence English Plan I came down to the promise to send an expeditionary army to France as part of seven divisions. British ruling circles expect to shift the main severity of war on land to Russia and France. His main task, England considered the provision of domination to the sea.

Russian plan of war Designed in the context of the economic and political dependence of Tsarist Russia from the English-French capital. England and France, representing the royal autocracy of the bible loans, pinned a heavy military commitment to Russia, with whom the General Staff should be considered when developing a war plan. The interests of the autocracy demanded the applying of the main strike on Austria-Hungary. However, due to the dependence on England and France, Russia was supposed to conduct offensive actions and against Germany in order to distract her forces from the West and the weakening of the strikes of German troops in the French army. The desire to satisfy the stakeholders led to the decision to occur simultaneously against both opponents. The North-West Front had to surround and destroy the 8th German army and master East Prussia, the southwestern front was the task to surround and defeat Austria - Hungarian troops located in Galicia.

By the beginning of hostilities in the Western European TVD vs. France and Belgium, Germany launched 86 infantry and 10 cavalry divisions (1.6 million people and 5,000 guns). These forces were opposed by 85 infantry and 12 cavalry divisions of the Franco-English-Belgian troops (1.6 million people. 4640 guns).

Objectives of the state participating States, all the great European powers participating in the First World War have pursued their own, and selfish goals: Germany claimed world domination and expansion of the colonial empire; Austria-Hungary wished to establish control over the Balkans; England struggled against the expansion of the sphere of influence of Germany and sought to subjugate the territory of the Ottoman Empire; France sought to return Alsace and Lorraine, as well as seize the Saari coal pool in Germany; Russia sought to strengthen in the Balkans and in the Middle East; Turkey wanted to preserve the Balkans under his authority and capture Crimea and Iran; Italy sought to establish his domination at the Mediterranean Sea.

The beginning of World War II on June 28, 1914 in the capital of Serbia, Sarajevo, was killed the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne of Ertz-Duke Franz Ferdinand. The Government of Austria-Hungary presented Serbia an ultimatum, according to which the Austrian parts were to enter the territory of the country. Serbia rejected the conditions presented. On July 28, 1914, war began between the two countries. The murder of ERC-Duke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Duchess von Gaenberg in Sarajevo (June 28, 1914).

The beginning of the First World War Russia demanded to leave Serbia alone. Universal mobilization began in the country. In response to this, on August 1, 1914, Germany declared war war. Soon, other major countries entered war: France (August 3, 1914); United Kingdom (August 4, 1914); Japan (August 23, 1914). Manifestation on the Palace Square, waiting for the announcement by Nikolai II of Manifest about Russia's accession to the war.

Military plans of the parties At the beginning of the war, the countries of the Entente (Russia, France and England) opposed Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey. The German "Schlughten plan" suggested the defeat of France in the first month of war, and then strike in Russia. Russia planned active fighting against Austria-Hungary and defense against Germany. England planned to block the coast of Germany in his fleet, and to help the French on land.

The 1914 campaign at the beginning of the war German troops, breaking through Belgium, began to approach Paris. On September 5 - 9, 1914, the French army was able to apply Consturis on the Marn River and stop the German offensive. The Western Front stabilized. Opponents began to build trenches, wire barriers and mine fields. War in the West became "troops". The offensive of the German infantry. The translation of the French infantry.

The 1914 campaign at the request of allies, Russia at the same time started two large offensive operations: in Galicia against the Austrians; In Eastern Prussia against the Germans. Galic operation has brought success. The Russian army blocked Machley - the main fortress of the Austrians. The offensive in Eastern Prussia ended for the Russian army by defeat under Tannenberg. Russian trenches on the Eastern Front.

The 1915 campaign the next year on the Western Front passed relatively calmly. However, in 1915, chemical weapons were applied on the Western Front for the first time in the history of wars. On April 22, 1915, the Germans attacked the Positions of the British Chlorine. Soldiers and officers suffered, of which 5000 died. Gas attack near Iprom (April 22, 1915). German machine gunners in gas masks.

The 1915 campaign on the Eastern Front The Germans decided to bring Russia from the war. As a result of their offensive, the Russian army suffered a sensitive defeat from May to September 1915. She was forced to leave Galicia, Poland, Lithuania, Kurland and part of Belarus. The front stabilized on the line of Riga-Minsk-Chernivtsi. However, they failed to bring Russia from the war. Russian battery on the Eastern Front.

The 1916 campaign in 1916 two main battles took place on the West Front. One of them was the battle under the verte, which was held in the history of the First World War as the "Verden meat grinder". In the period from February 21 to July 21, 1916, both sides lost near soldiers and officers, but the front line has not changed. The Germans could not take the last fortress towards Paris and solve the outcome of the war in their favor. "Verdinskaya meat grinder." Verden after battle.

The 1916 campaign by another major battle that determined the outcome of the 1916 campaign in the West was the battle on the Somme River. From June 26 to October 26, 1916, English and French troops have taken a number of attempts to break through German defense. Losses on both sides amounted to about a person. However, the front line has not undergone significant changes. English Tank times of the First World War.

The 1916 campaign on the eastern front on June 5, 1916, the army of the South-Western Front under the command of General Brusylov broke through the Austro-Hungarian front and took the territory of sq.km. Austria-Hungary was on the verge of a military catastrophe. Only the transfer of German troops from under Verden and Austrian from Italy helped to stop the Russian offensive in Galicia. General Brusilov and the actions of the South-Western Front in the summer of 1916.

War on the sea Since the beginning of the war, the English fleet established the blockade of the coast of Germany. In an effort to reverse the situation at sea, in 1915 Germany began a submarine war. The decisive marine battle of the First World War occurred on May 31, 1916 in the North Sea. Despite the fact that the English fleet has begun big losses, the Germans could not break through the marine blockade. The death of "Lusitania" (May 7, 1915). Etland Battle (May 31, 1916).

Campaign 1917 The course of war on the Eastern Front changed dramatically by the February Revolution in Russia. The discipline in the army dropped sharply. Desertion has become massive. Soldiers began to be buried with the enemy. The Bolsheviks who came to power announced their desire to stop the war and in December 1917 concluded a truce with the enemy. A poster dedicated to the February Revolution. The brother of Russian and German soldiers at the front.

The 1917 Campaign The most significant event of war on the Western Front was the entry into her US on April 6, 1917. A year later in Europe, it was already fought american soldiers and officers. US Entrance to the War, meaning their economic potential and untouched human resources, turned out to be one of the decisive factors of the victory of the Entente. American poster of the First World War.

The 1918 Campaign March 3, 1918, Russia and her opponents signed the Brest World. According to his conditions, Russia: refuses Ukraine, Baltic and Finland; Disarms the army and fleet; Pays confering in brands. The seizure of a huge territory on which 32% agricultural and 25% of industrial products of Russia allowed Germany to hope for the final victory. Caricature on Lion Trotsky, who signed the Brest World. The loss of Russia as a result of the Brest world.

The 1918 campaign in 1918 after the launched the next German offensive in the West the outcome of the war was predetermined. During September-November 1918, the Allies of Germany signed a truce with the countries of the Entente. On November 11, 1918, in the compi forest, German representatives signed a compient truce. On this first world War The completion of the First World War ended.

The objectives of the largest participating States of the First World War can be briefly submitted in the form of a table.

The main participants and the world's largest powers

The country is a military-political unit, on the side of which participated goals
Germany Central Powers The main desire of a young country formed shortly before the results of the Franco-Prussian armed conflict and uniting their lands was to establish their own political and economic domination at the European continent and in the world.
Also, the plans of the German government came the redistribution of peace, in particular, the seizure of the best British, French, Belgian, Dutch and Portuguese colonies, which were needed to expand the market.
In addition, during the war, Germany was going to join the Western lands of Russia (Baltic States and Ukraine), as well as significant European and Middle Eastern (including the Ottoman Empire).
Austria-Hungary by the primary tasks of the Austro-Hungarian government in late XIX. - The beginning of XX was subordinate to Serbia, Montenegro and Bulgaria and the establishment of their own domination in the Balkan Peninsula. Austria-Hungary claimed and the Polish lands.

In addition, she longed for complete control over the black, Adriatic and Aegean seas.
Ottoman Empire The main goal of the disintegrating Ottoman Empire was the desire to take revenge on Russia for defeat russian-Turkish Wars, and return our Crimean Territories and Earth on the Balkan Peninsula.
Russia The Russian Empire, unlike Germany, did not argue war, however, she had their own interests.
In addition, in conjunction with England and France, she sought to prevent the strengthening of a new opponent and a competitor at the European Continent, Russia also counted in the course of armed conflict to increase their importance in the affairs of the Balkan Peninsula and gain control over the Bosphorus Strait and Dardanelles. The latter were very important for the development of trade and ensure the security of the Black Sea coast.
In addition, one of the goals of the Russian state in the First World War is the intention to embody the dream of the restoration of the Greek empire with the center in Constantinople. A new state union should be headed by one of the great Russian princes.

All these "acquisitions" were agreed in secret agreements concluded between the countries participating in the Entente.
In addition, it was planned to join the Russian territory part of the Austro Hungarian lands (Galicia).
France most of all France wanted to return his lands (Alsace and Lorraine), rejected from her after the Franco-Prussian war, ended in 1871. In addition, the French government claimed German lands located on the left bank of the Rhine and the coal copy of the Saari basin.
At the same time, the French Republic itself dreamed of hegemony on the continent and did not want to give up this title of Germany.
In addition, under the contract, she had to get part of German possessions on the African continent and Ottoman in the Middle East.

United Kingdom Increasing its own territory at the expense of German and Turkish lands was the main goal of the British Empire. So, at the Ottoman Empire was planned to confiscate Mesopotamia and Palestine.
In addition, she simply needed to eliminate the main competitor in the struggle for the colony.
The United States announcing its neutrality at the beginning of the world conflict of war, the United States was not initially planned to maintain it to the end. They initially waited for a suitable moment. President of the United States V. Wilson himself explained the entry into the war, as a desire to maintain stability on the European continent. However, in fact, the goal of American states was earning as large as possible money and redoned the world on favorable conditions.

Italy abandoning participation in the Thieves Union, and entering the war on the side of the Antigherman Alliance, Italy extended to expand their territories at the expense of the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman lands. In addition, she needed to obtain domination at the Mediterranean and in the southern part of Europe.
Japan Japan, supporting Annthanta put a goal. Pus out Germany from the Chinese territory and the islands of Oceania.

Not only the major world powers had their own interests in the war. The objectives of other active participants of the First World War can be submitted briefly in the table.

Other participants

Country of the military-political unit, on the side of which came to the case
Serbia is believed that for Serbian, Chernogorsk and Belgian peoples, this war was not imperialist, but liberation. The purpose of the Serbian state was to release its land of the territory of friendly countries from under the protection of the Austro-Hungarian Kaiser.
However, at the same time, Serbia also wanted to become the leader of all Slavic peoples and create Yugoslavia, in which all nations living in the southeastern lands of Austria-Hungary were to be united.
Bulgaria Bulgaria, who chosen the side of the German-Austrian-Turkish alliance, wanted to take possession of the Greek Serbian and Romanian territories and to settle for defeat in the Balkan wars.
Poland Polish The Government, who joined the war only about independence and the union of their lands, which they lost after the collapse of the Commonwealth.

From the tables of the tables it becomes clear that each participant of the First World War had its own purposes for the conflict and the choice of allies.

  • 6. Parisian peace conference 1919-1920: preparation, move, main decisions.
  • 7. Versailles peace treaty with Germany and its historical importance.
  • 10. Problems of international economic relations at conferences in Genoa and the Hague (1922).
  • 11. Soviet-German relations in the 1920s. Rapalle and Berlin contracts.
  • 12. Normalization of relations between the Soviet Union with countries in Europe and Asia. "Band of recognition" and features of the USSR foreign policy in the 1920s.
  • 13. Ruhr conflict of 1923. "Dowes Plan" and its international importance.
  • 14. Stabilization of the political situation in Europe in the mid-1920s. Locarnic agreements. Bakian-Kellog's pact and its meaning.
  • 15. The policy of Japan in the Far East. The emergence of the center of war. Position of the League of Nations, Great Powers and the USSR.
  • 16. The arrival of the Nazis to power in Germany and the policy of the Western powers. "Pact four.
  • 17. Soviet-French Negotiations on Eastern Covenant (1933-1934). USSR and the League of Nations. USSR contracts with France and Czechoslovakia.
  • 18. Civil War in Spain and the policy of European powers. The crisis of the League of Nations.
  • 19. Attempts to create a collective security system in Europe and the reasons for their failures.
  • 20. The main stages of the formation of the block of aggressive states. Axis "Berlin-Rome Tokyo".
  • 21. Development of German aggression in Europe and the policy of "pacification" of Germany. Anshalus Austria. Munich collusion and his consequences.
  • 23. Soviet-German rapprochement and non-aggression agreement of August 23, 1939. Secret protocols.
  • 24. Hitler's attack on Poland and positioning positions. Soviet-German Friendship and Border Treaty.
  • 26. International relations in the second half of 1940 - early 1941. Formation of the Anglo-American Union.
  • 27. Military political and diplomatic preparation of Germany to attack the USSR. Pokering the anti-Soviet coalition.
  • 28. The attack of the fascist block in the USSR. Background of the formation of an antihygler coalition.
  • 29. The attack of Japan on the United States and the anti-Hitler coalition after the start of the war in the Pacific. Declaration of United Nations.
  • 30. Inter-Union relations in 1942 - the first half of 1943. The question of the second front in Europe.
  • 31. Moscow Conference of Foreign Affairs Ministers and Tehran Conference. Solutions.
  • 32. Yalta Conference "Big Troika". Basic solutions.
  • 33. Inter-Union relations at the final stage of the Second World War. Potsdam conference. Creation of the UN. Japan's capitulation.
  • 34. The reasons for the collapse of the antihytler coalition and the beginning of the Cold War. Her main signs. The doctrine "Holding Communism".
  • 35. International relations in the conditions of the escalation of the Cold War. "Doctrine Truman." Creating NATO.
  • 36. German question in the post-war settlement.
  • 37. Creation of the state of Israel and the policy of keeping in the settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict in 1940-1950.
  • 38. The USSR policy against countries in Eastern Europe. Creation of a "socialist community".
  • 39. International relations in the Far East. War in Korea. San Francis Mirny Treaty of 1951.
  • 40. The problem of Soviet-Japanese relations. 1956 negotiations, their main provisions.
  • 42. Soviet-Chinese relations in the 1960s and 1980s. Attempts to normalize and cause failures.
  • 43. Soviet-American negotiations at the highest level (1959 and 1961) and their decisions.
  • 44. Problems of peaceful settlement in Europe in the second half of the 1950s. Berlin crisis of 1961.
  • 45. The beginning of the colonial system colonial and the USSR policy in the 1950s in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
  • 46. \u200b\u200bCreating a movement of non-aligned and its role in international relations.
  • 47. The Caribbean crisis of 1962: the causes of the arise and problem of settlement.
  • 48. Attempts to eliminate totalitarian regimes in Hungary (1956), Czechoslovakia (1968) and the policy of the USSR. "Doctrine Brezhneva".
  • 49. US aggression in Vietnam. International consequences of the Vietnamese War.
  • 50. Completion of a peaceful settlement in Europe. Eastern Politics Government in. Brandt.
  • 51. The discharge of international tensions in the early 1970s. Soviet-American agreements (ASS-1, Pro Agreement).
  • 52. Meeting on security and cooperation in Europe (Helsinki). Final Act of 1975, its main content.
  • 53. Completion of the War in Vietnam. "Guam Doctrine Nixon". Paris Conference on Vietnam. Basic solutions.
  • 54. The problems of the Middle Eastern settlement in the 1960s and 1970s. Camp David agreements.
  • 55. International consequences of the input of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. New stage of arms race.
  • 56. Soviet-American relations in the first half of the 1980s. The problem is "Eurobet" and maintaining global equilibrium forces.
  • 57. M. S. Gorbachev and his "New World Philosophy". Soviet-American relations in the second half of the 1980s.
  • 58. Contracts on the liquidation of rockets of medium and less distance and on the limitation of strategic offensive arms. Their meaning.
  • 59. International consequences of Socialism collapse in Central and Southeast Europe and the unification of Germany. The role of the USSR.
  • 60. International consequences of the liquidation of the USSR. The end of the "Cold War".
  • 1. The beginning of the First World War and its causes. Powers in the war. Military campaign of 1914.

    World War II (1914-1918) is one of the longest, bloody and significant, consequences in the history of mankind. She lasted more than four years. It was attended by 33 countries out of 59, who had state sovereignty at that time. The population of warring countries amounted to over 1.5 billion people, i.e. About 87% of all residents of the Earth. Under gunshot was delivered a total of 73.5 million people. More than 10 million were killed and 20 million wounded. Victims among civilians suffered from epidemics, hunger, cold and other wartime disasters were also calculated with tens of millions.

    The First World War has opened a new reservoir of the national history of Russia, created the prerequisites of the revolution, civil war, building socialism and many decades of disagreement with Europe.

    The reasons why the First World War began a lot, but various scientists and various records of those years tell us that the main reason is that at that time Europe developed very violently. At the beginning of the twentieth century, there are no territories that have not been trapped in the whole world, not captured by capitalist powers. Germany during this period went around the damage of industrial production all of Europe, and since Germany had very few colonies, she sought them to capture them. Capturing them, Germany would have new markets. At that time, England and France had very large colonies, so the interests of these countries were often faced.

    His penetration of the Middle East, Germany created a threat to the interests of Russia in the Black Sea basin. Austro-Hungary, who spent in alliance with Germany, became a serious competitor of Tsarist Russia in the struggle for influence on the Balkans.

    The exacerbation of foreign policy contradictions between the largest countries led to the section of the world into two hostile camps and to the folding of two imperialist groups: a tripal union (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy) and a tripal agreement, or anntite (England, France, Russia).

    The war between major European powers was beneficial to the US imperialists, since as a result of this struggle there were favorable conditions for further deployment of American expansion, especially in Latin America and the Far East. American monopolies made a bet to maximize benefits from Europe.

    Start of war

    The immediate reason for the beginning of hostilities was the murder in Sarajevo heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. The Government of Austria-Hungary with the approval of Germany presented an ultimatum of Serbia, demanding freedom of interference in the internal affairs of Serbia. Despite the adoption of Serbia almost all conditions. Austria-Hungary on July 28 declared war on her. Two days later, the Russian government in response to the opening of Austria-Hungary military actions announced universal mobilization. Germany used it as an exclusion and August 1 untied the war against Russia, and on August 3, against France. England declared war in Germany on August 4th. At the end of August, Japan was performed on the side of the Antena, which decided to take advantage of the fact that Germany would be adequate in the West, and seize her colonies in the Far East. On October 30, 1914, Turkey joined the war on the side of the Entente.

    In 1914, Italy did not enter the war, stating his neutrality. She began hostilities in May 1915 on the side of the Entente. In April 1917, the United States joined the war on the side of the Entente.

    In August 1914, military actions began several theaters in August and lasted until November 1918 in the nature of the tasks of the tasks and achieved by military-political results, the first world war was made by five campaigns, each of which includes several operations.

    Powers in the war.


    It cannot be argued that the officially proclaimed goal is to protect the Slavs Brothers in the Balkans, was only a declaration. At the beginning of the 20th century, pincelly sentiments in Russian society were strong and powerful. But the obvious imperialist goal of Russia was the seizure of Black Sea Straits.


    After the success of the French-Prussian war, Germany has increasingly increasing its military potential. Her desire to become European power No. 1 was obvious. Almost completely the interests of Germany were to maximize the weakening of France and the UK, as the world powers.


    "Patchwork Power", initially unviable, with the help of a victorious war, intended to take control of the south of Europe.


    Gorky lesions of defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, demanded revenge. For decades, France was preparing for a new collision with Germany, increasing military spending and weapons. By 1914, France, objectively, had sufficient potential to resist Germany. I intended to return Alsace and Lorraine, separated from France in 1871 following the results of the war of 1870. Any price sought to preserve their colonies, in particular, North Africa.


    The newly formed state (complete independence since 1878) sought to establish themselves in the Balkans as the leader of the Slavic peoples of the Peninsula. She planned to form Yugoslavia, including all Slavs living in the south of Austria-Hungary in her.


    It was sought to establish himself in the Balkans as the leader of the Slavic peoples of the Peninsula (as opposed to Serbia). It sought to return the territory lost during the Second Balkan War, as well as to acquire territories to which the country claimed the results of the first Balkan war.


    Not had a national state after the sections of the Commonwealth, Poles sought to gain independence and association of Polish lands.


    "The Lady of the Seas" at all did not satisfy the rapid growth of the Navy Germany, did not suit the penetration of Germany in Africa. And in the first and second case, Germany rudely trampled the interests of Great Britain.

    Romania, Turkey and Italy had their own interests and goals, but they were regional and were incommensurable with the objectives of the great powers.

    Military campaign of 1914.

    The warring army was deployed in accordance with previously developed plans and calculations of concentration under the protection of the cover exhibited on the border and immediately began military operations. Comparing the deployments and the nearest tasks of both sides, it is necessary to note the particularly favorable position of the German army compared to the troops of the Entente. The Germans have already won their deployment with their deployment, space and freedom for maneuver. Antena began a war here in unprofitable conditions for himself, forced to parry a blow and lose the initiative for a long time. In the east, Russia's collisions with the secondary forces of Germany and the main forces of Austria-Hungary were coming.

    The main theaters of hostilities in the 1914 campaign were Western European and Eastern European military theaters. The main events in the Western European Military Theater in 1914 were the invasion of the Germans in Belgium, the border battle, the battle on Marne, "Run to the Sea", the battle in Flanders. The main outcome of the 1914 campaign at this theater was the transition to the positional form of war.

    Actions in the Eastern European Military Theater in 1914 included the East Prussian operation, the Galician battle, the Warsaw-Ivangorodsk operation. Also important events of this stage of the First World War were the entry into the war of Turkey t "Craise War".

    The first and main result of the 1914 campaign was a forced rejection of the war in old samples: the struggle was foresaw long, using the entire viability of the state and with the bid on its existence. At the same time, the desire to increase the number of participating states.

    In the field of strategy for the 1914 campaign, there was a complete coup of ideas that were based on the base plans of both coalitions. In the field of tactics in the combat application of the 1914 campaign troops gave a rich experience, which caused his immediate accounting for combat competition on both sides, with the subsequent development of military events. The 1914 campaign nominated the need for large improvised formations during the war itself.

    As a result, the 1914 campaigns, none of the parties achieved the originally set goals. The German plan for the lightning defeat of the enemy first in the West, and then failed in the east.

    Who won (for themselves).

    Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria - suffered defeat. France, United Kingdom, Japan, Serbia, USA, Italy - came out of the war winners. Russia, so much made the allies for the victory, was not in a number of winning countries. She was torn to pieces of fratricide Civil War.


    World War II (1914 - 1918)

    The Russian Empire collapsed. One of the goals of the war is solved.


    The First World War lasted from August 1, 1914 to November 11, 1918. It was attended by 38 states with a population of 62% of the world. This war was ambiguous and extremely contradictoryly described in modern history. I specifically led Chamberlain's words in the epigraph to emphasize this inconsistency once again. The prominent politician of England (Russia's ally in war), says that one of the goals of the war is achieved overall in Russia!

    Balkan countries played a big role at the beginning of the war. They were not independent. Internal influence has provided great influence in their policies (both external and internal). Germany has suffered its influence in this region by that time, although for a long time controlled Bulgaria.

    • Entente. Russian Empire, France, United Kingdom. Allies performed the United States, Italy, Romania, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.
    • Triple Alliance. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire. Later, the Bulgarian kingdom joined them, and the coalition began to refer to the "Four Union".

    The following large countries took part in the war: Austria-Hungary (July 27, 1914 - November 3, 1918), Germany (August 1, 1914 - November 11, 1918), Turkey (October 29, 1914 - October 30, 1918), Bulgaria (October 14, 1915 - 29 September 1918). Altants and Allies: Russia (August 1, 1914 - March 3, 1918), France (August 3, 1914), Belgium (August 3, 1914), United Kingdom (August 4, 1914), Italy (May 23, 1915), Romania (August 27, 1916) .

    Another 1 important point. Initially, Italy was a member of the "Thieves Union". But after the start of the First World War, the Italians declared neutrality.

    Causes of the First World War

    The main reason for the beginning of the First World War is in the desire of leading powers, primarily England, France and Austria-Hungary to the redistribution of the world. The fact is that the colonial system by the beginning of the 20th century collapsed. Leading European countries, who flourished over the operation of the colonies, now it was impossible to receive resources just so, taking them from Hindus, Africans and South Americans. Now the resources could only be reeded from each other. Therefore, contradictions increased:

    • Between England and Germany. England sought to prevent the influence of the influence of Germany in the Balkans. Germany sought to strengthen in the Balkans and the Middle East, and also sought to deprive England of maritime domination.
    • Between Germany and France. France dreamed of returned to Alsace's lands and Lorraine, which she lost in the war of 1870-71. Also, France sought to capture the German Saaro coal pool.
    • Between Germany and Russia. Germany sought to take away Poland from Russia, Ukraine and the Baltic States.
    • Between Russia and Austria-Hungary. Contradictions arose due to the desire of both countries to influence the Balkans, as well as the desire of Russia to subjugate the Bosphorus and Dardanelles.

    Before the beginning of the war

    The reason for the beginning of the First World War served events in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina). On June 28, 1914, a member of the organization "Black Hand" Movement of the "Young Bosnia" of Gavrilo, the principle killed Erzgertzoga France Ferdinand. Ferdinand was the heir of the Austro-Hungarian throne, so the resonance had a huge murder. It was the cause of Austria-Hungary to attack Serbia.

    The behavior of England is very important here, since Austria-Hungary could not start war on himself, because it practically guaranteed the war throughout Europe. The British at the level of the embassy convinced Nicholas 2 that Russia in the case of aggression should not leave Serbia without help. But then the whole (I emphasize this) the English press wrote that Serbs Barbara and Austria-Hungary should not leave the murder of Ersgertzoga with impunity. That is, England has done everything to Austria-Hungary, Germany and Russia do not shy away from the war.

    Important nuances of reason for war

    In all textbooks, we are told that the chief and only reason for the beginning of the First World War - the murder of the Austrian Erzgertzoga. At the same time, they forget to say that the next day, on June 29, another 1 iconic murder took place. French politician Jean Zhores was killed, who actively opposed the war and had a great influence in France. A few weeks before the murder of Ersgertzog there was an attempt on Rasputin, who, like Zhores, was an opponent of war and had a great influence on Nicholas 2. I also want to note some facts from the fate of the main characters of those days:

    • Gaburo principles. He died in a prison in 1918 from tuberculosis.
    • Russian Ambassador to Serbia - Hartley. In 1914 he died at the Embassy of Austria in Serbia, where he came to the reception.
    • Colonel Apis, Head of the Black Hand. Shot in 1917.
    • In 1917, Hartley's correspondence was disappeared with Mostonov (the next Ambassador of Russia in Serbia).

    This all indicates that in the events days there were a lot of black spots that were not revealed so far. And it is very important to understand.

    The role of England in the unleashing of war

    In the early 20th century in continental Europe there were 2 large powers: Germany and Russia. They did not want to fight against each other, because the forces were about equal. Therefore, in the "July crisis" of 1914, both parties have taken an expectant position. English diplomacy came to the foreground. It was submitted to Germany to Germany for Germany and secret diplomacy - in the event of war, England will retain neutrality or takes the side of Germany. The open diplomacy Nicholas 2 came the reverse idea that in the event of the beginning of the war, England will fall on the side of Russia.

    It is necessary to clearly understand that one open statement of England, that it will not allow war in Europe, it would be enough so that neither Germany, nor Russia, for anything like that and did not think. Naturally, in such conditions and Austria-Hungary would not have solved to attack Serbia. But England pushed European countries with all his diplomacy.

    Russia in front of the war

    Before World War I, Russia conducted the army reform. In 1907, fleet reform was carried out, and in 1910 reform ground Forces. The country has increased military spending repeatedly, and the total number of army in peacetime was now 2 million people. In 1912, Russia accepts a new charter of the field service. Today, he is rightly called the most advanced charter of his time, as he motivated the soldiers and commanders to manifest personal initiative. Important moment! The doctrine of the army of the Russian Empire was offensive.

    Despite the fact that there were many positive changes, there were very serious miscalculations. The main one is underestimating the role of artillery in the war. As the course of the events of the First World War showed, it was a terrible mistake, which clearly showed that at the time of the beginning of the 20th century, Russian generals were seriously behind time. They lived in the past when the role of cavalry was important. As a result, 75% of all losses of the First World War were applied by artillery! This is a sentence to the imperial general.

    It is important to note that Russia has not completed the preparation for war (at the proper level), and Germany completed it in 1914.

    The ratio of forces and means in front of the war and after it


    Number of guns

    Of these, heavy guns



    According to data from the table, it can be seen that Germany and Austria-Hungary are repeatedly superior to Russia and France. Therefore, the ratio of forces was in favor of the first two countries. Moreover, the Germans, as usual, before the war, created an excellent military industry, which has been produced daily 250,000 shells. For comparison, Britain produced 10,000 shells per month! As they say, feel the difference ...

    Another example showing the importance of artillery, these are fighting on the line of Duner Gorlice (May 1915). For 4 hours, the German army released 700,000 shells. For comparison, for the entire Franco-Prussian war (1870-71), Germany has released a little over 800,000 shells. That is 4 hours a little less than for the whole war. The Germans clearly understood that heavy artillery will play a decisive role in the war.

    Armament and military equipment

    Production of weapons and techniques during the first world (thousands of units).



    Great Britain




    This table clearly shows weakness. Russian Empire In terms of equipping the army. In all major indicators, Russia is greatly inferior to Germany, but also inferior to France with Great Britain. In many ways, because of this war, it turned out to be so complicated for our country.

    Number of people (infantry)

    The number of warring infantry (millions of people).

    At the beginning of the war

    By the end of war

    Losses killed

    Great Britain




    The table shows that the smallest contribution, both in terms of warming up and in terms of the victims, in the war was introduced by the United Kingdom. It is logical, since the British in large battles really did not participate. Another example is indicative of this table. We tell us in all textbooks that Austria-Hungary could not fight independently because of big losses, and she always needed help in Germany. But pay attention to Austria-Hungary and France in the table. Figures identical! Just as Germany, I had to fight for Austria-Hungary and Russia had to fight for France (it was not by chance that the Russian army was attended three times over the years in the first world by their actions from Paris from surrender).

    Also, the table shows that in fact war went between Russia and Germany. Both countries have lost 4.3 million people, and the United Kingdom, France and Austria-Hungary have lost 3.5 million people together. Figures eloquent. But it turned out that the countries that the most fought and put their efforts in the war were with nothing. At first, Russia signed the infirmity of the Brest world, losing many land. Then Germany signed the Versailles world, in essence, losing autonomy.

    The course of war

    Military events of 1914

    On July 28, Austria-Hungary declares war of Serbia. This resulted in a tripping union in the war, on the one hand, and the Entente, on the other hand.

    Russia entered the First World War on August 1, 1914. Nikolai Nikolayevich Romanov (Uncle Nicholas 2) was appointed Supreme Commander.

    In the first days of the beginning of the war, St. Petersburg was renamed Petrograd. Since the war began with Germany, and the capital could not have the name of German origin - "Burg".

    Historical reference

    German "Schlöffen Plan"

    Germany was under threat of war on two fronts: East - with Russia, West - with France. Then the German command developed "Schlofen's plan", according to which Germany should defeat France in 40 days and then fight with Russia. Why 40 days? The Germans believed that it would be so much to be needed to make mobilization. Therefore, when Russia is unmocated, France will already be out of the game.

    On August 2, 1914, Germany seizes Luxembourg, August 4 invaded Belgium (neutral country at that time), and by August 20, Germany came out to the borders of France. The implementation of the Schliffen Plan began. Germany moved deep into France, but on September 5, he was stopped at the Marna River, where the battle happened, in which about 2 million people participated on both sides.

    North-West Front of Russia in 1914

    Russia at the beginning of the war made stupidity, which Germany could not calculate in any way. Nikolay 2 decided to enter the war, without making a completely army completely. On August 4, the Russian troops, under the command of Rennespf, \u200b\u200bbegan an offensive in East Prussia (modern Kaliningrad). To help her was equipped with Samsonov's army. Initially, the troops were successful, and Germany was forced to retreat. As a result, part of the forces of the Western Front was transferred to the Eastern. The result - Germany beat off the offensive of Russia in Eastern Prussia (the troops acted inorganized and lacked resources), but as a result, the Schlöffen plan failed, and France could not capture. So, Russia saved Paris, though by defeating its 1st and 2nd army. After that, the position war began.

    Southwest Front of Russia

    In the south-western front in August-September, Russia made an offensive operation on the Galicia, which was occupied by the troops of Austria-Hungary. The Galic operation was more successful than the offensive in Eastern Prussia. In this battle, Austro-Hungary failed a catastrophic defeat. 400 thousand people killed, 100 thousand captives. For comparison, the Russian army lost 150 thousand people killed. After that, Austria-Hungary actually came out of the war, because he lost the opportunity to conduct independent actions. From the complete defeat of Austria, only the help of Germany was saved, which was forced to transfer additional divisions to Galia.

    The main results of the military company in 1914

    • Germany failed to realize the plan of Schliffen on the lightning war.
    • No one managed to conquer the decisive advantage. War turned into a positional.

    Map of military events 1914-15

    Military events of 1915

    In 1915, Germany decided to postpone the bulk to the Eastern Front, sending all the forces to the war with Russia, which was the most weak country of Entente, according to Germans. It was a strategic plan developed by the Eastern Front Commander - General Von Hindenburg. Russia managed to disrupt this plan only at the price of colossal losses, but at the same time, 1915 turned out for the Empire Nikolai 2 just terrible.

    North-West Front

    From January to October, Germany led an active offensive, as a result of which Russia lost Poland, Western Ukraine, part of the Baltic States, Western Belarus. Russia went into deep defense. Russian losses were gigantic:

    • Killed and injured - 850 thousand people
    • Captured - 900 thousand people

    Russia did not capitulate, but the countries of the "Triple Union" had a conviction that Russia was no longer able to recover from the lost losses.

    Germany's successes in this section of the front led to the fact that on October 14, 1915, Bulgaria (on the side of Germany and Austria-Hungary) enters the first world war.

    Position on the southwestern front

    The Germans, together with Austria-Hungary, in the spring of 1915, organized a Gorlitsky breakthrough, forcing the entire South-West Front of Russia to retreat. Galicia, which captured in 1914, was completely lost. Germany was able to achieve this advantage thanks to the terrible mistakes of the Russian command, as well as a significant technical advantage. German superiority in the technique reached:

    • 2.5 times in machine guns.
    • 4.5 times in light artillery.
    • 40 times in heavy artillery.

    It was not possible to bring Russia from the war, but the losses and the front of the front were giant: 150 thousand killed, 700 thousand wounded, 900 thousand prisoners and 4 million refugees.

    Position on the Western Front

    "On the Western Front, everything is calm." This phrase can characterize how the war between Germany and France proceeded in 1915. There were sluggish hostilities in which no one was striving for the initiative. Germany implemented plans in Eastern Europe, and England with France calmly mobilized the economy and the army, preparing for the future war. Nobody reap care for Russia, although Nikolai 2 has repeatedly applied to France, first of all, that she moved to active actions on the West Front. It, as usual, no one has heard ... By the way, this sluggish war on Western for Germany is perfectly described by Hemingway in the novel "Goodbye weapons."

    The main outcome of 1915 - Germany was not able to withdraw from the war Russia, although all the forces were thrown on it. It became obvious that the First World War will be delayed for a long time, because for 1.5 years of the war, no one managed to get a reselle or strategic initiative.

    Military events of 1916

    "Verdinskaya meat grinder"

    In February 1916, Germany began the general attack on France, in order to master Paris. For this, a visit to Verden, who covered the approaches to the French capital was carried out. The battle lasted until the end of 1916. During this time, 2 million people died, for which the battle was called "Verden Meat Grinder". France resisted, but again due to the fact that Russia came to the revenue, which was intensified on the south-western front.

    Events on the southwestern front in 1916

    In May 1916, Russian troops switched to the offensive, which lasted 2 months. In history, this offensive was included in the name "Brusilovsky breakthrough". This name is due to the fact that General Brusilov commanded the Russian army. A breakthrough of defense on Bukovina (from Lutsk to Chernivtsi) happened on June 5th. The Russian army managed not only to break through the defense, but also to move into its departures to 120 kilometers. The losses of the Germans and the Austro-Hungarians were catastrophic. 1.5 million dead wounded and prisoners. The offensive was stopped only by additional German divisions, which hastily moved here from Verden (France) and from Italy.

    In this offensive of the Russian army, it was not without a spoon of tar. They threw it, as found, allies. On August 27, 1916, Romania enters the first world war on the side of the Antena. Germany very quickly inflicted her defeat. As a result, Romania lost the army, and Russia received an additional 2 thousand kilometers of the front.

    Events in the Caucasian and North-West Fronts

    In the north-western front, positional battles continued during the spring-autumn period. As for the Caucasian Front, here the main events continued from the beginning of 1916 to April. During this time, 2 operations were held: Erzurmur and Trapezund. According to their results, Erzurum and Trapezund were conquered, respectively.

    The result of 1916 in the First World War

    • The strategic initiative has passed on the side of the Entente.
    • The French fortress Verden rested due to the onset of the Russian army.
    • Romania joined the war on the side of the Entente.
    • Russia held a powerful offensive - Brusilovsky breakthrough.

    Military and political events 1917

    1917 in the First World War was marked by the fact that the war continued against the background of the revolutionary situation in Russia and Germany, as well as the deterioration of the economic situation of countries. I will give an example of Russia. For 3 years of war, prices for major products increased by an average of 4-4.5 times. Naturally, it caused displeasure to the people. We add large losses to this and the grueling war - it turns out excellent soil for revolutionaries. Similar situation in Germany.

    In 1917, the United States is entering the first world. The positions of the "Triple Union" worsen. Germany with allies cannot effectively fight on 2 fronts, as a result of which proceeds to defense.

    The end of the war for Russia

    In the spring of 1917, Germany undertook another offensive on the Western Front. Despite the events in Russia, Western countries demanded that the Interim Government performed agreements signed by the Empire and sent troops to the offensive. As a result, on June 16, the Russian army moved to the offensive in the area of \u200b\u200bLviv. Again, we saved the allies from large battles, but they themselves substantially.

    The Russian army, exhausted by war and losses, did not want to fight. Questions of the province, uniforms and providing supplies during the war years have not been solved. The army fought reluctantly, but forward promoted. The Germans were forced to again transfer the troops here, and the Allies of Russia on Antante again isolated themselves, watching what would happen next. July 6, Germany moved to counteroffensive. As a result, 150,000 Russian soldiers died. The army actually ceased to exist. The front collapsed. Russia could no longer fight, and this catastrophe was inevitable.

    People demanded the exit of Russia from the war. And it was one of their main requirements for the Bolsheviks, who in October 1917 captured power. Initially, at the 2nd Congress of the Bolshevik Party, the decree "On the World" was signed, actually proclaiming the exit of Russia from the war, and on March 3, 1918 they signed the Brest World. The conditions of this world were as follows:

    • Russia enters into peace with Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey.
    • Russia loses Poland, Ukraine, Finland, part of Belarus and the Baltic States.
    • Russia is inferior to Turkey Batum, Kars and Ardagan.

    As a result of his participation in the First World War, Russia lost: about 1 million square meters of the territory, lost about 1/4 of the population, 1/4 of pashneval lands and 3/4 of the coal and metallurgical industries.

    Historical reference

    Events in the war in 1918

    Germany got rid of the Eastern Front and from the need to lead the war on a 2-mind directions. As a result, in the spring and summer of 1918, she made an attempt at the Western Front, but no success was not successful. Moreover, it became obvious to his move that Germany squeezes the maximum of themselves, and that she needs a break in the war.

    Autumn 1918

    Decisive events in the First World War occurred in autumn. Entente countries together with the United States have passed into the offensive. The German army was completely displaced from France and Belgium. In October, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria concluded a truce with the Entente, and Germany remained to fight alone. Her position was hopeless, after the German allies in the "Thieves Union" were essentially capitulated. It turned out at the same thing what happened in Russia - the revolution. On November 9, 1918, Emperor Wilhelm 2 was overthrown.

    The end of the First World War

    On November 11, 1918, the First World War of 1914-1918 ended. Germany signed a complete surrender. It happened under Paris, in the compi forest, at the station Retund. The capitulation took French Marshal Foc. The conditions of the signed world were as follows:

    • Germany recognizes a complete defeat in the war.
    • France's refund of Alsace Province and Lorraine to the 1870 borders, as well as the transfer of the Saari coal basin.
    • Germany lost all its colonial possessions, and also obliged to transfer the 1/8 part of its territory with geographical neighbors.
    • For 15 years, the Armanta troops are located on the left bank of the Rhine.
    • By May 1, 1921, Germany was supposed to pay the members of the Entente (Russia did not relieve anything) 20 billion grades of gold, goods, securities, etc.
    • For 30 years, Germany must pay reparations, and the magnitude of these repairs establishes the winners themselves and can increase them at any time during these 30 years.
    • Germany was forbidden to have an army, the number above 100 thousand people, and the army was obliged to be exclusively voluntary.

    The conditions of the "World" were so humiliating for Germany that the country actually became a puppet. Therefore, many people of that time said that the First World War was though ended, but he was not over the world, but a truce for 30 years. So it ultimately happened ...

    The results of the First World War

    The First World War was conducted in the territory of 14 states. It took part in it, with the total population of 1 billion people (this is about 62% of the total population of the world at that time). And 74 million people were mobilized by the participating countries, of which 10 million were killed and another 20 million were injured.

    As a result of the war, the political map of Europe has changed significantly. Such independent states appeared as Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Albania. Austria-Hungary broke up to Austria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Increased their borders of Romania, Greece, France, Italy. Losers and lost in the territory were 5 countries: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey and Russia.

    Map of the First World War 1914-1918


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