Table on history 1 World War. Causes and objectives of the First World War

Table on history 1 World War. Causes and objectives of the First World War

"Russia in the First World War" - the war finally acquired the positional (i.e. protracted). Dmitry Romanov, Felix Yusupov and Purishevich was killed in December 1916. Antena 1907 England, France, Russia, and 30 more countries. Three-minded Union of 1882 Germany, Austria-Hungary Italy. Takes out of the peasants of the Tobolsk province.

"The beginning of the First World War" - the causes of the First World War. Military political unions on the eve of the war. Great Britain. After. First world War 1914-1918. Flamets in action. On August 4, 1914, the United Kingdom announces the war of Germany. Coal gas mask Zelinsky. On August 1, 1914, Germany declared the war of Russia. German PL "U-15".

"Post-war system of international treaties" - USA. Agreement between Entente and Germany. Signing the first international document. Parisian peace conference. France. Italy. Post-war system of international treaties. Disagreements among the leaders of the winners. Propriety of island possessions. Washington peace conference. Creation of communist international.

"First World War 1914-1918" - Plan Shliffene: Lightning War France Russia. Opening of hostilities in the Black Sea and in Transcaucasia. Objectives of the Parties. Historical inevitability. Outcome 1916: The advantage of the forces of the Entente. Play of Parties. Ending war Murder in Sarajevo Heir to the Austrian throne Franz Ferdinanda. Stabilization.

"The exploits of the First World War" - the dwell is dissected. Gumilev Nikolay Stepanovich. Brousilovsky breakthrough. Budyate Semen Mikhailovich. Russian military pilot. Heroes and feats of the First World War. Crochekov Kozma Firsovich. General Alexey Alekseevich Brusilov. Austrian. Cossack hooks. Tribute.

"Commands of the First World War" - an outstanding Russian commander, General Staff, General from infanteria. Paul von Hindenburg-monetsky Colonel-General. Colonel-General Paul von Hindenburg. Ferdinand Fosh is a French military figure. The hero of the Russian-Japanese and First World War. Russian commander and military teacher. Outstanding military leaders of the 20th century.

Total in the subject of 24 presentations

Lesson: "Russia in the First World War".

designed for grade 11 students in accordance with the basic principles of advanced learning techniques.

Objectives lesson:

    ANDitching the main stages of the First World War, prepare for the war of the opposing parties, to pay attention to the chronological framework; Analyze the effect of the first world to the inner position of the country, the causes of the crisis of power.Find out the goals of warring powers, causes, scope and basic military operations.

    Formation of training skills (analysis of the historical source, comparison, generalization of historical facts, group work skills);

    Formation of informational culture of students;

    Develop communication skills in groups;

    Mastering the skills and skills of searching, systematization and analysis of historical information.

    Promote humanistically value orientations of students on attitudes towards wars as a method for resolving conflicts.

    Promote the development of cognitive skills to relate historical events with certain periods, localize them on the map, group historical events on the indicated sign, determine and argue their attitude and assessment of the most significant events in history.

    Education of patriotism on examples of courage and heroism of Russian soldiers

    To promote the upbringing of respect for history as a science about the past.

Equipment lesson:

tutorial History of Russia (izmosik V.S., Rudnik S.N.)

Atlas "World History",

wall Map "First World War".

Lesson plan:

    Reason, reasons, character of war. Objectives of participants.

    Major military operations 1914,1915,1916.

    War and Russian society.

    Results of war. Lessons of war.

The motivational conversation of the teacher about the role of wars in the history of mankind, about changing their nature in the era of imperialism, complication of the system international relations. The teacher puts the purpose of the lesson, ways to achieve them.

The beginning of the First World War. The reason for the beginning of the war was the murder on June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo, the heir to the Austrian throne, Ex Duke Franz - Ferdinand. The Austrian Prince captured Bosnia to Serbia claimed. Austro-Hungary under the pressure of Germany began a war. Murder in Sarajevo (student message). Students are invited to answer the following questions:

    Why did the young man Gavril the principle deliberately went to murder in anyone's unusual Austrian heir to the throne and his wife, perfectly realizing that he did not live? What did it lead to them?

    How did events develop after the murder in Sarajevo? (Working with a support scheme).

Causes of war: 1. Contradictions between European powers; 2. The struggle for spheres of influence. The war immediately acquired a pan-European character and soon turned into a world. It was involved in 38 states with a population of over 1.5 billion people. Most of the guilt for the incitement of the war lies on the German-Austrian block, which set the big redistribution of Europe and the world. She planned to crush France, and then Russia, to join the Baltic and Polish provisions of Russia, some French colonies in Africa, firmly settle in Turkey in the Middle and Middle East. Austria-Hungary sought to subjugate the Balkan states.

Triple Alliance


What is the surprise and contradiction of the unions?

(Learning is invited to recall the history of Russian-English and Russian-French relations in the X1x century during the period russian-Japanese war; Russian-German relations).

Table: Objectives of participants in the First World War.

Power - the main participants of the war

Which union included

The goals of the war


Triple Alliance

Capture overseas owners of Great Britain and France, Western Territories of the Russian Empire


Triple Alliance

Install the domination in the Balkans and capture the Earth in Poland.



To control the Black Sea Straits of Bosphorus and Dardanelles, strengthen its influence in the Balkans. Implement the imperial idea of \u200b\u200brestoring the Greek Empire with the capital in Constantinople (Istanbul) led by one of the Russian great princes



Return the territory lost as a result of the Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871: Alsace and Lorraine. Annex from Germany to the left bank of Rhine and Saar.



Increase their possessions at the expense of territories, subject to the Ottoman Empire and Germany.

Ottoman Empire

Triple Alliance

Relying on the aid of the allies to take revenge for failures in wars with Russia and restore their possessions in the Balkans


Triple Alliance

Separate part of Greece, Serbia and Romania.



Sought to displace Germany from China and from Oceania Islands



Increase its territory at the expense of Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire

The teacher invites students to get acquainted with the table and conducts workshop.


Determine which countries have pursued the listed goals in the war:

1. Crane colonies and the transformation of Eastern Europe into dependent land.

2. Grome of the main competitor - Germany - and expanding possessions on

Middle East.

3. Preservation of the empire "where the sun never goes."

4. fixing monarchical power. Strengthening influence in the Balkans. Expansion of control over the possessions of Russia.

5. Prior to Alsace and Lorraine, the capture of the Rhine zone. The fragmentation of the enemy's territory into several small states.

6. What goals pursued Russia in the war?

7. Is Russia Russia ready for war?

Review of the second Question start using a wall map and satin. Students under the leadership of the teacher are called countries located in the Balkans, find out what European countries were presented in the Balkans. It is necessary to remind students that Russia refused to participate in the tripled alliance due to contradictions with Austria-Hungary in the Balkans.

Teacher: How did you meet the news about the war in Russia? War was waiting, but she was a complete surprise. In the military registration and enlistment offices stood turns of volunteers. In 1914, 80 thousand officers numbered in the Russian army. Most of them will die in the first year of war. In the infantry among the loss officers will be up to 96%. Young, merry, who could have a future.

The task is to: find the main military operations 1914-916 on the map., To tell about their results using the table:

Table: Basic events first

world War 1914 - 1918.


West Front

Eastern front



The onset of the German troops through Belgium. Battle on Marne. German troops stopped and discarded from Paris. Sea blockade of Germany Fleet England

Unsuccessful onset of two Russian armies (Generals P.K. Renencupfa and A.V. Samsonova) in Eastern Prussia. The offensive of Russian troops in Galicia against Austria-Hungary.

The East Prussian operation of the Russian troops helped the French and the British to stand out in the battle on the Marne River. "Schlifenna plan" failed, Germany failed to avoid war on two fronts. The Ottoman Empire joined Germany and Austria-Hungary.


Active military actions almost did not work. Ruthless underwater war of Germany against the fleet of the Entente. The first in the history of the chemical attack of the German troops in Iprom (Belgium).

The offensive of Germany and Austria-Hungary against Russian troops. Russian army with big losses is forced to retreat. Russia lost Poland. Part of the Baltic States, Belarus and Ukraine. Bulgaria spoke on the side of Germany (central powers).

Germany and its allies failed to eliminate the Eastern Front. Positional ("Equel") War. France and England strengthened their military potential. Nased the military-economic advantage of the countries of the Entente.


The offensive of the German army on the verte. The first application of the tanks with the troops of the Entente and the offensive on the Somme River.

The Russian Army under the command of General Brusylov broke through the Austro-Hungarian Front in Galicia and Bukovina (Brousilovsky breakthrough). However, the success of the Russian army failed to develop.

The battles of Verden and Somme did not give a decisive advantage of none of the parties. It became clear that Germany would not be able to win Austro-Hungary war on the verge of complete defeat.


In battles in the fields of France, neither the central powers nor the Antante could have achieved a decisive victory. Entry of the United States in the war on the side of the Entente.

Revolution in February-March 1917. in Russia. Falling the monarchy. Temporary government - "War to the victorious end!" Decree on the world of the Bolshevik government. The call to conclude the world without annexation and the contracting is not supported by neither Germany neither annthanta.

Huge losses forced the Anglo-French command to stop large offensive operations. Entry into US War led to the economic and military advantage of the Entente. The exhausted war revolutionary Russia could not continue the struggle.


The onset of the German troops in France (P. Hindenburg, E.Ludendorf) to Paris. On Marne, the counteroffensiveness of the Armanta troops under the command of French General F. Fosha. US President V.Vilson proposed the peace plan "14 points." The uprising of military sailors in Kiel was the beginning of the German revolution. The Social Democratic Government concluded a truce with the Entente in the Compi Forest on November 11, 1918.

In March 1918, the Bolshevik government concluded a separate Brest world with Germany.

Eastern Front pretrally exist. Germany got rid of the need to fight on two fronts. Bulgaria came out of the war. Rent Ottoman Empire. Revolutions in Czechoslovakia and Hungary led to the breakdown of Austria-Hungary and her military crash. Completion of the First World War. The victory of the countries of the Entente.

Message about the Brusilov breakthrough.

    Analyze and answer the question: on the Western or Eastern Front were the most intense battles?

    How would you estimate the interaction of allies on military-political blocs?

    What is "Position War"?

1. What methods of warfare are traced on documents?

2. What methods are traditional, and what are new?

Studying the third question to start with the fact that the country was overwhelmed by a wave of Germanophobia.

There is a burst of patriotism. War gave rise to "refugee". From mid-1915, a revolutionary movement is growing, anti-war performances in the army (britany, desertion, etc.), a powerful rise of the strike movement. By the beginning of 1917, the national crisis is called in the country.

Working with the source "From the conversation of the English military representative in Russia, General A. Knox with General-ApartmentSeister P.P. Lebedev October 1, 1915. "

The teacher puts the question of studying: "Whose side do you take in this matter? Argument your point of view. "


In 1917, Russian troops suffer defeat at the fronts of the World War in the context of the revolution. In March 1918, Soviet Russia concludes a separate world with Germany - Brest World at the robbing conditions: Russia has lost the Baltic States, part of Belarus and Transcaucasia. Payment by Russia Contribution, Loss of Fleet DR.

In November 1918, the defeat of Germany and its allies from the Entente.

    House Task

p. 11, make a chronological table "The main events of the First World War".

Objectives of the state participating States, all the great European powers participating in the First World War have pursued their own, and selfish goals: Germany claimed world domination and expansion of the colonial empire; Austria-Hungary wished to establish control over the Balkans; England struggled against the expansion of the sphere of influence of Germany and sought to subjugate the territory of the Ottoman Empire; France sought to return Alsace and Lorraine, as well as seize the Saari coal pool in Germany; Russia sought to strengthen in the Balkans and in the Middle East; Turkey wanted to preserve the Balkans under his authority and capture Crimea and Iran; Italy sought to establish his domination at the Mediterranean Sea.

The beginning of World War II on June 28, 1914 in the capital of Serbia, Sarajevo, was killed the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne of Ertz-Duke Franz Ferdinand. The Government of Austria-Hungary presented Serbia an ultimatum, according to which the Austrian parts were to enter the territory of the country. Serbia rejected the conditions presented. On July 28, 1914, war began between the two countries. The murder of ERC-Duke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Duchess von Gaenberg in Sarajevo (June 28, 1914).

The beginning of the First World War Russia demanded to leave Serbia alone. Universal mobilization began in the country. In response to this, on August 1, 1914, Germany declared war war. Soon, other major countries entered war: France (August 3, 1914); United Kingdom (August 4, 1914); Japan (August 23, 1914). Manifestation on the Palace Square, waiting for the announcement by Nikolai II of Manifest about Russia's accession to the war.

Military plans of the parties At the beginning of the war, the countries of the Entente (Russia, France and England) opposed Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey. The German "Schlughten plan" suggested the defeat of France in the first month of war, and then strike in Russia. Russia planned active fighting against Austria-Hungary and defense against Germany. England planned to block the coast of Germany in his fleet, and to help the French on land.

The 1914 campaign at the beginning of the war German troops, breaking through Belgium, began to approach Paris. On September 5 - 9, 1914, the French army was able to apply Consturis on the Marn River and stop the German offensive. The Western Front stabilized. Opponents began to build trenches, wire barriers and mine fields. War in the West became "troops". The offensive of the German infantry. The translation of the French infantry.

The 1914 campaign at the request of allies, Russia at the same time started two large offensive operations: in Galicia against the Austrians; In Eastern Prussia against the Germans. Galic operation has brought success. The Russian army blocked Machley - the main fortress of the Austrians. The offensive in Eastern Prussia ended for the Russian army by defeat under Tannenberg. Russian trenches on the Eastern Front.

The 1915 campaign the next year on the Western Front passed relatively calmly. However, in 1915, chemical weapons were applied on the Western Front for the first time in the history of wars. On April 22, 1915, the Germans attacked the Positions of the British Chlorine. Soldiers and officers suffered, of which 5000 died. Gas attack near Iprom (April 22, 1915). German machine gunners in gas masks.

The 1915 campaign on the Eastern Front The Germans decided to bring Russia from the war. As a result of their offensive, the Russian army suffered a sensitive defeat from May to September 1915. She was forced to leave Galicia, Poland, Lithuania, Kurland and part of Belarus. The front stabilized on the line of Riga-Minsk-Chernivtsi. However, they failed to bring Russia from the war. Russian battery on the Eastern Front.

The 1916 campaign in 1916 two main battles took place on the West Front. One of them was the battle under the verte, which was held in the history of the First World War as the "Verden meat grinder". In the period from February 21 to July 21, 1916, both sides lost near soldiers and officers, but the front line has not changed. The Germans could not take the last fortress towards Paris and solve the outcome of the war in their favor. "Verdinskaya meat grinder." Verden after battle.

The 1916 campaign by another major battle that determined the outcome of the 1916 campaign in the West was the battle on the Somme River. From June 26 to October 26, 1916, English and French troops have taken a number of attempts to break through German defense. Losses on both sides amounted to about a person. However, the front line has not undergone significant changes. English Tank times of the First World War.

The 1916 campaign on the eastern front on June 5, 1916, the army of the South-Western Front under the command of General Brusylov broke through the Austro-Hungarian front and took the territory of Austria-Hungary was on the verge of a military catastrophe. Only the transfer of German troops from under Verden and Austrian from Italy helped to stop the Russian offensive in Galicia. General Brusilov and the actions of the South-Western Front in the summer of 1916.

War on the sea Since the beginning of the war, the English fleet established the blockade of the coast of Germany. In an effort to reverse the situation at sea, in 1915 Germany began a submarine war. The decisive marine battle of the First World War occurred on May 31, 1916 in the North Sea. Despite the fact that the English fleet has begun big losses, the Germans could not break through the marine blockade. The death of "Lusitania" (May 7, 1915). Etland Battle (May 31, 1916).

Campaign 1917 The course of war on the Eastern Front changed dramatically by the February Revolution in Russia. The discipline in the army dropped sharply. Desertion has become massive. Soldiers began to be buried with the enemy. The Bolsheviks who came to power announced their desire to stop the war and in December 1917 concluded a truce with the enemy. A poster dedicated to the February Revolution. The brother of Russian and German soldiers at the front.

The 1917 Campaign The most significant event of war on the Western Front was the entry into her US on April 6, 1917. A year later in Europe, it was already fought american soldiers and officers. US Entrance to the War, meaning their economic potential and untouched human resources, turned out to be one of the decisive factors of the victory of the Entente. American poster of the First World War.

The 1918 Campaign March 3, 1918, Russia and her opponents signed the Brest World. According to his conditions, Russia: refuses Ukraine, Baltic and Finland; Disarms the army and fleet; Pays confering in brands. The seizure of a huge territory on which 32% agricultural and 25% of industrial products of Russia allowed Germany to hope for the final victory. Caricature on Lion Trotsky, who signed the Brest World. The loss of Russia as a result of the Brest world.

The 1918 campaign in 1918 after the launched the next German offensive in the West the outcome of the war was predetermined. During September-November 1918, the Allies of Germany signed a truce with the countries of the Entente. On November 11, 1918, in the compi forest, German representatives signed a compient truce. On this World War I completed the completion of the First World War.

The objectives of the largest participating States of the First World War can be briefly submitted in the form of a table.

The main participants and the world's largest powers

The country is a military-political unit, on the side of which participated goals
Germany Central Powers The main desire of a young country formed shortly before the results of the Franco-Prussian armed conflict and uniting their lands was to establish their own political and economic domination at the European continent and in the world.
Also, the plans of the German government came the redistribution of peace, in particular, the seizure of the best British, French, Belgian, Dutch and Portuguese colonies, which were needed to expand the market.
In addition, during the war, Germany was going to join the Western lands of Russia (Baltic States and Ukraine), as well as significant European and Middle Eastern (including the Ottoman Empire).
Austria-Hungary by the primary tasks of the Austro-Hungarian government in late XIX. - The beginning of XX was subordinate to Serbia, Montenegro and Bulgaria and the establishment of their own domination in the Balkan Peninsula. Austria-Hungary claimed and the Polish lands.

In addition, she longed for complete control over the black, Adriatic and Aegean seas.
The Ottoman Empire The main goal of the disintegrating Ottoman Empire was the desire to take revenge on Russia for defeats in Russian-Turkish wars, and return its Crimean Territories and Earth on the Balkan Peninsula.
Russia Russian empireIn contrast to Germany, did not craving war, however, she had their own interests.
In addition, in conjunction with England and France, she sought to prevent the strengthening of a new opponent and a competitor at the European Continent, Russia also counted in the course of armed conflict to increase their importance in the affairs of the Balkan Peninsula and gain control over the Bosphorus Strait and Dardanelles. The latter were very important for the development of trade and ensure the security of the Black Sea coast.
In addition, one of the goals of the Russian state in the First World War is the intention to embody the dream of the restoration of the Greek empire with the center in Constantinople. A new state union should be headed by one of the great Russian princes.

All these "acquisitions" were agreed in secret agreements concluded between the countries participating in the Entente.
In addition, it was planned to join the Russian territory part of the Austro Hungarian lands (Galicia).
France most of all France wanted to return his lands (Alsace and Lorraine), rejected from her after the Franco-Prussian war, ended in 1871. In addition, the French government claimed German lands located on the left bank of the Rhine and the coal copy of the Saari basin.
At the same time, the French Republic itself dreamed of hegemony on the continent and did not want to give up this title of Germany.
In addition, under the contract, she had to get part of German possessions on the African continent and Ottoman in the Middle East.

United Kingdom Increasing its own territory at the expense of German and Turkish lands was the main goal of the British Empire. So, at the Ottoman Empire was planned to confiscate Mesopotamia and Palestine.
In addition, she simply needed to eliminate the main competitor in the struggle for the colony.
The United States announcing its neutrality at the beginning of the world conflict of war, the United States was not initially planned to maintain it to the end. They initially waited for a suitable moment. President of the United States V. Wilson himself explained the entry into the war, as a desire to maintain stability on the European continent. However, in fact, the goal of American states was earning as large as possible money and redoned the world on favorable conditions.

Italy abandoning participation in the Thieves Union, and entering the war on the side of the Antigherman Alliance, Italy extended to expand their territories at the expense of the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman lands. In addition, she needed to obtain domination at the Mediterranean and in the southern part of Europe.
Japan Japan, supporting Annthanta put a goal. Pus out Germany from the Chinese territory and the islands of Oceania.

Not only the major world powers had their own interests in the war. The objectives of other active participants of the First World War can be submitted briefly in the table.

Other participants

Country of the military-political unit, on the side of which came to the case
Serbia is believed that for Serbian, Chernogorsk and Belgian peoples, this war was not imperialist, but liberation. The purpose of the Serbian state was to release its land of the territory of friendly countries from under the protection of the Austro-Hungarian Kaiser.
However, at the same time, Serbia also wanted to become the leader of all Slavic peoples and create Yugoslavia, in which all nations living in the southeastern lands of Austria-Hungary were to be united.
Bulgaria Bulgaria, who chosen the side of the German-Austrian-Turkish alliance, wanted to take possession of the Greek Serbian and Romanian territories and to settle for defeat in the Balkan wars.
Poland Polish The Government, who joined the war only about independence and the union of their lands, which they lost after the collapse of the Commonwealth.

From the tables of the tables it becomes clear that each participant of the First World War had its own purposes for the conflict and the choice of allies.


Sought to establish world domination


Control over the Balkans \u003d\u003e Control over the movement of ships in the Adriatic Sea \u003d\u003e To enslave Slavic countries.

It sought to capture Turkish possessions, as well as Mesopotamia and Palestine with their oil holdings

Sought to weaken Germany, return Alsace and Lorraine (land); Separate the coal pool, claims the role of Hegemon in Europe.

It sought to undermine the position of Germany and secure a free passage through the Vyboris and Dardanell in the Mediterranean Sea. Strengthen the influences in the Balkans (by weakening the influence of Germany to Turkey).

I sought to leave the Balkans under your influence, capture Crimea and Iran (raw material base).

The domination at the Mediterranean and the south of Europe.

War can be divided into three periods:

During the first period (1914-1916), the central powers achieved a handle of forces on land, and the Allies dominated the sea. This period was completed by negotiations on the mutually acceptable world, but each of the parties was still hoping for a victory.

In the next period (1917), two events occurred, which led to the imbalance of forces: the first - the entry into the War of the United States on the side of the Entente, the second is the revolution in Russia and its exit from the war.

The third period (1918) began the last major onset of central powers in the West. For the failure of this offensive, the revolution was followed in Austria-Hungary and Germany and the capitulation of the central powers.

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