Egoism and stagnation in inter-socialist young people. Current problems of science and coverage

Egoism and stagnation in inter-socialist young people. Current problems of science and coverage

The problem of lateness in social-psychological literature is no longer new. Riddles about lateness also appear in ancient philosophy in the texts of such thinkers as Hesiod, Democritus, Aristotle, Xenophon. In the world of development of philosophical and psychological science, thinking about delay can be inspired by F. Bacon, R. Descartes, B. Spinosi, St. Frankl, I. Ilyina, St. Bibikhina, etc.

At the same time, the problems of health can be brought to those that have recently disappeared into the subject field of the science of psychology. So, I will first try this training in the field of human psychology - both theoretically and empirically, having earned it in 1997. K. Muzdibaev. U the rest of the time can be seen as a clear substitution of interest before adulthood as a socio-psychological phenomenon.

Indirectly, the problem of diseases is seen in a large number of cases - both domestic and foreign - in the focus of research on which there are interrelated problems. The most significant for the establishment of the essence of retardation as a psychological phenomenon, the characteristics, formation and development of the formation were formulated by L.S. Arkhangelsk, O.R. Bondarenko, N.V. Dmitrieva, I.B. Kotova, V.A. Labunska, etc.

Prote, it should be noted that the dominant approach in the ancient world is based on fragmentation, fragmentation, and “mosaicism.” There is a lack of comprehensive empirical research.

The very logic of the investigation of such a complex socio-psychological phenomenon as a delay dictated the need to move to a larger global theoretical level of its development. Where the greatest productivity can be achieved through a systematic approach, which combines the transformation of fragmentary facts with knowledge of a strictly significant concept, which improves systemicity and the visibility of necessary signs conceptual completeness.

Regardless of those who discover serious problems in the methodological basis of this concept, it is necessary to know that in the rest of the rocks Many social psychologists have become more active in the study of this phenomenon, confirmed by the work of V.A. Labunskaya, K. Muzdibaeva, E. Sokolova, L. S. Arkhangelskaya, U. Lukan, O. R. Bondarenko. The main concern for health is to identify external determinants, and especially internal ones. At the same time, the modification of the socio-demographic structure of the buildings was carried out by only one successor – K. Muzdibaev.

T.V. Beskova, pointing out that it is related to the psychological diagnosis of retardation as a characteristic feature, explains the need for a unified approach to the understanding of retardation as a socio-psychological phenomenon, with different approaches of the authors to this phenomenon. Thus, some authors (Yu.D. Bogdanov, S.L. Bocharov), who recognize the destructive nature of the structures, indicate the presence of a constructive edge in it, while others (T.Ya. Pleshko, Z.G. Zizin, A.L. Emelyanov) the stimulating nature of the zadroshchiv will be noticed. In this case, the authors emphasize their ruinous influence both on their own and on others’ lives.

In addition, lateness in adulthood has a negative connotation and is perceived as socially ignorant people feeling that it leads to suffocation, restriction, masking, and therefore complicating diagnosis.

In the works of K. Muzdibaev, dedicated to the analysis of inter-personal veins, officials can be seen who are pouring in the molding of lateness.

To. Muzdybaev, analyzing the determinants of depression, made a conclusion that the origin of this psychological phenomenon is largely connected with certain factors in the nature of specialness.

The investigation, carried out by K. Muzdibaev, reveals those who are significantly late - their guilt, their particularity - is determined by the article. The author also points out the evidence of gender specificity in the internal determinants of health.

New socio-economic minds have significantly raised the problem of inter-subject relationships. The changes that have taken place over the past decade have led to significant social unevenness and disarray, and the image of success that is associated with the appearance of material well-being or, at the very least, close interrelation with him, actively imposing snakes, paying attention to his part current mass culture. Proper conformity to the ideals of marriage, as an inheritance, will give rise to retardation.

An analysis of current philosophical, sociological and psychological work on this issue has shown that in the scientific literature there is no single approach to the definition of “delayedness”. It is true that the position of the predecessors can be interpreted as “sensitivity”, “stan”, “hostility, the enemy of the enemy”, “vice”, “showing motivation of achievement”, “special characteristic” and others.

At the same time, with a clear advantage, there are significant delays, in which it is interpreted as an emotional state, emotion, almost. Thus, as a universal meaning, one can accept the definition of health as one feels that it arises from a person who is learning a subject (we can also talk about success, achievement, brilliance), which is, at least in his mother, in another person.

Congestion is an invisible element of interconnected fluids, one of their most powerful regulators. The social psychological literature has plenty of research, both theoretical and empirical, on the environmental determinants of health. The internal determinants of this phenomenon have been studied fragmentarily and insufficiently, which does not allow the development of any conclusions about the individual psychological power of people who are weak in adulthood.

Being late is an emotion that is both estical and malicious in its essence. Vaughn is aimed at another person, as Volodya is the one whom the defender expects, with respect for hostility towards someone else and the fear of causing harm to him. The basis of depression as a phenomenon is created by selfish greed and witchcraft. Important components of damage are also awareness of the lack of value in relation to the object of damage and a sense of deterioration as a result.

Zazdry perceives the object of zadroshchі as the one who has an advantage, gladly, since the object of zdroshchі does not bring you complete satisfaction. There is even greater joy in the fact that the object of the reward is to bring your partner to dissatisfaction and pain, which changes in the eyes of the one who delays his advantage, thereby accumulating, in this way, an increase in his self-esteem.

Because The delay will ignite frustration in the delay, indicating his impossibility and hopelessness, in that sense that he has no control over how the pain could be the subject of the delay, it is an extremely sick emotion.

Restraint is a great regulator of inter-personal tensions: the fear of response is streamlined and modified even in abundance.

The fragments of lateness, which give rise to a feeling of dissatisfaction and the singing sense, give priorities, meaning the directness of particularity, and provide a kind of incentive for self-improvement, self-realization, as E.E. Sokolova means, we can talk about constructive inflow of zadroshchiv. In everyday psychology, we avoid the concepts of “white” brains, identified by some authors with the manifestation of joy and burial, and by others with the apparent motivation of achieving specialness, if success is achieved. For our people there is a strong incentive for creative activity and healthy development to the point of creativity, so that , here we speak literally about the peculiarity of growth.

It should be noted that there is clearly no commonality of thoughts among various psychologists. At Rozumina K.K. Platonov, the structure of treasures seems to include components of confusion, suffering from the thought that another important subject may be, as well as a cry of hatred.

L.A. Dyachenko and M.I. Kandibovich lateness is seen as a socio-psychological feature of rice, which manifests itself as dissatisfaction, unkindness in relation to another person, which accompanies luck, who has achieved well-being. Significant authors perceive the delay as showing a bordered mind and a frivolous character. So here we are talking not about delay as a psychological phenomenon, but about the delay of individual power.

E. Abolina sees the delay as one of the manifestations of achievement motivation, with any real and obvious advantages of someone in this or another sphere (social benefits, material values, success, status, yakosti) are perceived by people as a threat to the value of the powerful “I”, accompanied by affective experiences and actions. At the same time, as the author points out, the emotion of lateness can only be seen in just situational appearances. In this case, if stagnation becomes persistent in relation to any object, it almost becomes an emotional attitude.

In the opinion of a number of predecessors, the formation of developments takes place under the influx of a whole series of dynamic, interpenetrating and forcefully one psychological mechanisms for the manifestation of various changes of minds, factors, minds (with subtle features of both the external (macro- and micro-) and the internal environment). Appointed officials determine the specifics of the procedure.

The genetically derived mechanism of development of development is internalization. The important role of the formation of protection belongs to the mechanism of social equalization. This idea, as first expressed by F. Bacon, is supported by all the followers of this problem. On the thought of S.L. Rubinshtein, the analysis that follows additional synthesis leads to the formalization of a new synthesis. This means that alignment, which begins with a synthetic act of interaction between objects and phenomena, leads to the articulation in them of a hidden element (analysis), and the result of a hidden element (synthesizes) phenomeni.

In socio-psychological literature, analyzing the mechanism of social equalization for the formation of developments, transference may be equalized in the dyad “I am the other”, created by the subject as a result of flax. In the first phase, the guilt of social equalization is more automatic, unknown, being “an almost inevitable element of social interaction. In another episode, it is due to the respect of the subject’s performance of singing goals.

The importance of the system “I am the Other” is due to the role of the molded zazdrostі, or, at the same time, the role of Vinyatkov. Equality can operate both as the subject himself and others (fathers, readers, colleagues and others). There is equalization between the subject and the object. As a result of the equalization vibrated in the system “I am the Other” and the external equalization, the Other, in relation to the subject, is assessed as less successful, exceeding or not exceeding him, depending on any parameters.

Compliance with oneself, which occurs in the system “I am real – I am ideal”, is largely avoided from the statements “I can – I want” (reflections of one’s capabilities, the results of one’s activities and its own needs) and reveals the importance of there is clearly a rift between them. If there is a discrepancy between “I can” and “I want,” the subject must immediately carry out an “audit” of his internal and external resources necessary to reach an equally important position between the different “I”. Awareness of the lack of resources and the subject's inability to play the role according to their capabilities can lead to the formation of delay.

When analyzing social equalization as a mechanism for the formation of a positive relationship, it is necessary to take into account what was caused by the negative result of equalization in the “I – ​​I” system, which can be the first and seek for additional time Life in the systems “I am the Other” (“I I don’t satisfy the consumer, but the Other satisfies”) or “The Other is the Other,” and so on (a person can stop the Other, as I may say, even though he had never previously felt the need for it and never thought about it).

A negative result for the subject is social leveling, rejection of different coordinate systems, which can lead to various, sometimes long-lasting socio-psychological effects, one of which is delay.

The psychological mechanism of social equalization is closely related to the mechanism of categorization, which also plays an important role in social development, and even “people equate themselves with just anyone, and especially with individual individuals.” ", which conveys their primary ordering in terms of categories, then through grouping people, objects and conditions were either similar or equivalent to one in the previous setting up to the individual. Using an additional categorization mechanism, objects of social interaction are classified into different groups based on low criteria:

  • a) similarity and dissimilarity to the subject itself at a low level; the choice of which subject is independent;
  • b) the size of the social and psychological distance between the subject and objects. In addition to the categorization of social specificity of the subject of health, it goes to the categorization of objects (things, objects) of others, the main criterion of which is the criterion of their significance or not significance for others .

The molded latency also takes part and the mechanism of causal delusion, the psychological essence of which is important for people to perceive as the reason for their failures and degraded status. The achievements of the Other, objectively not changing the position of the subject on the coordinate axis, subjectively transfer them from the negative zone to the object of transfer.

K. Muzdibaev sees the following warehouses:

  • 1. Social equality is the primary manifestation of the benefits that stem from social motives. Remnants of achievements and failures are the same when other people are discussed by others, and when failure occurs, the thought “what will people say...” is expanded. It should be noted that the subject of wealth is most often material success, which can be demonstrated in marriage.
  • 2. Recognize the problems of another person, which arises at times when the subject and the object of the disease are close (for example, the most important thing is that the sphere of interests is the same). With this understanding, the internal advantages of one person are immediately perceived as a devaluation of another.
  • 3. Experienced annoyance, increased and diminished drive is an emotional reaction to the superiority of the opponent.
  • 4. Dislike, hatred for those who matter most, as in the role of dry mechanisms that mask the seemingly imperious inferiority of rationalization. In this case, a large number of shortcomings are added to the object of protection, which removes part of the emotional stress for the rate of emotional reaction and a decrease in the significance of the object of protection, so The voltage changes.
  • 5. Bazhannya chi really zapodіyannya to the most important mischief;
  • 6. Bazhannya chi is really a relief from an important item of excellence.

In lateness, which is seen as a psychological phenomenon, a regulator of behavior and inter-social relations, and a number of important authorities. For now, we cannot go as far as to explain the motives of our imperious behavior, which seems to be the only motive.

As another important aspect of delays, one can note the formation of this action, almost exclusively in social situations: the delay invariably affects its object or subject, so that people will always feel sick or sick. It is most often noticeable to everyone, except for the delay itself, and the appearance of delays is accompanied by the action of mental seizures.

In front of us, this is the mechanism of rationalization “the fault of no one…”, “this has become worse through...” and the mechanism of projection “this stinks...”, “life is cruel and unfair, that’s all so...”, - indeed, the mass and all the stinks are aimed at only to ruin your self-esteem.

Such a large number of different mechanisms of psychological protection is explained by the fact that recognition and awareness of delay is essentially the same as recognition of power impossibility. Let's talk about what M.S. means. Mirimanova, being late is not a purely negative influence, but it may also be a beneficial impulse. If it were not too late, the people would not have jumped to the point of victory and would not have robbed the vigilantes.

Delay also includes a component of supernity, even if it is taken, one might say, incorrectly expressed: in order to overcome, a person supervises as if in the middle of herself, leading the rakhunok, if her obvious supernik does not suspect about it.

We all know the situation when you have wanted something for a long time, and besides the fact that what you want is already in the water, the craving was even stronger. And the rich man, of course, felt disappointment when the bajans got around to it, and with it came the realization that it was no longer needed, and the bazaar was losing inertia, which was supported by inactivity and this, What do you want to do?

Lateness can be as emotions, and - more deeply, painfully and intensely - as it seems. “Zadrіst”, on the one hand, can appear as an emotion, then. be situational, appearing in another moment, such as, for example, when a problem is too late to overcome (“you are the least fortunate…”), without ever fading and flowing into the drains.

Since being late, being persistent and painfully worried about the success of another or the sum, suffering from the impossibility of reaching the desired one, becomes an inclination, deep feelings, affecting both the nature of mutually exclusive is zagalom.

Delay manifests itself on three levels, including self-esteem and behavior:

At the same time, awareness of its lower position has increased even more successful person It can be taken as a tribute, without causing severe discomfort.

On the level of emotional experience, you may feel a sense of annoyance, frustration or anger as a result of such a situation. It is possible to blame auto-aggression, a feeling of inferiority, injured pride, etc.;

At the level of real behavior, zadrіst can be accompanied by destruction to destruction, removal of the object of zadrіst. Aggression in this case can be expressed both to the object of the problem and to the object that causes problems. On this level, delay begins to emerge as a driving motive for behavior.

Being late at that very hour is both motivation and exchange for the specialness of the envious person. On one side, as if behind the back, the human being is shaking the same thing as Volodya another human being, but it’s likely to turn her into a choke. On the other hand, delay is the main reason between the motivation of achievement and the achievement of the goal, which, in its own way, is the reason for the dissipation of respect and the creation of the situation. Such depletion of motivation may lead to the need for success of another person, which, in its turn, threatens the loss of identification and the emergence of failure to achieve other people’s goals, which will lead to failure ohm

Depending on the stage of emotional influx on the individual, the depth and intensity of the experience reveals a number of types of problems, as well as types of influx of problems on the life of the individual. There are many sides to being late, but we mostly want to talk about the negative side of this phenomenon.

Psychologically, the following forms of retardation appear:

Black stagnation - this type of zadroschiv is characterized by the guilt of protecting the object of zadroschiv or, at the very least, inducing my suffering, equal to what the zazdra itself perceives. One of the reasons for this delay is the phenomenon of “causal error.” the perception of an individual, which has an advantage as the cause of his failures and low status. When we are late, we take responsibility for those who are in our life.

Black stagnation is extremely unproductive and spills over into the health of the worker: his suffering from great stagnation is equaled by harm, as people know, who are the object of stagnation.

Depending on the results of the investigations, the delay is accompanied by the manifestation of somatic symptoms. A person who feels late in life has a low number of physiological symptoms: Peter Kutter noticed that people who are pale in late age due to the sound of blood vessels, are likely to dislocation of the arterial pressure; As another type of somatic manifestation of the behind, the yellowness of the coverings appears as a result of the saturation of the blood. Moreover, such people are distrustful of living with the constant failure of others instead of achieving their success.

Being late has positive aspects both for being late and for your entire success in general. The object of the white dust appears as a symbol of a buried object.

The zadrisnik of this type is a person who will choke on the riches, viciousness and achievements of another person. This kind of protection will prevent any inheritance of the object of protection, if they become so themselves.

How late this or that person will be is determined by the nature of the alignment mechanisms and the structure of the “I-concept”.

So, a person who begins her life is full of hope that she can marvel at a person who has reached a high position, dreaming that it is time to reach it.

If in this kind of development there are two people of the same age with potentially new capabilities, one of which has achieved a lot, and the other - not, then the end will be “black”. This is a kind of dry mechanism, the fragments of one’s strengths are felt by no one else, and the recognition of one’s inability is detrimental to self-esteem. In whose eyes, in response to additional aggression and humiliation of a competitor, the psyche would be blocked.

Of course, it appears:

There is no noticeable delay, as it appears in a woman’s mother, the very thing that is the object of delay, and the evil of which, the witch seems to be missing, is missing.

Late retardation manifests itself in an angry person not so much to the point of eliminating the same as in an angry person to relieve the object of lateness. The appearance of this kind of development is a legacy of imperious failure to reach that same level.

The cause of depression is also a feeling of inferiority, but it is characterized by a sense of injustice and conventionality.

Similar to the author’s concept T.V. Beskov, the structural organization of development as a systemic illumination, a metasystem which becomes distinctive, can be seen as a set of subsystems related to important objects, the subjects of their importance, oneself and their internal th construct of components (cognitive, affective, needs, behavioral and moral), as represented by the component warehouse

This structure of the post-mortem window allows doctors to examine everything between the observed phenomenon and give it a daily definition. Delay is the goal of achieving (success) of another person, achieving goals for an object, an object of importance, and also for oneself, which is accompanied by a complex of negative emotions (ourselves negative), awareness of one’s lower state and goals directly or indirectly neutralize given The advantage and renewal are subjectively perceived by jealousy.

Thus, the formation of health within the social life of the subject is formed by a number of active psychological mechanisms that contribute to one another.

Thus, the analysis of current philosophical, sociological and psychological work on this issue has shown that in the scientific literature there is no single approach to the definition of the concept of “stagnation”. It is true that the position of the predecessors can be interpreted as “sensitivity”, “stan”, “hostility, the enemy of the enemy”, “vice”, “showing motivation of achievement”, “special characteristic” and others.

At the same time, with a clear advantage, there are significant delays, in which it is interpreted as an emotional state, emotion, almost. Thus, as a universal meaning, one can accept the definition of health as one feels that it arises in a person who is learning a subject (we can also talk about success, achievement, brilliance), which in any case, in another person


The main rices are about to get old

1 I understand that I'm almost too late

2 See the colors in the future

3 Delay is equal to other considerations

4 How to stop being late

Empirical research will show signs of delay in people

1 The highest level of the significance of life and professional values ​​experienced

2 Delay between the manifestation of a sense of lateness and business activity and particularity


List of Wikilists

Addendum A

I feel like I'm getting late


The relevance of the investigation seems to be due to the delay, because in the hour the lives of people of these socio-economic processes will begin to flow, which lead to increased inequality in the marriage, Why, in the opinion of many authors of philosophical, psychological and psychoanalytic work, is it delayed as before people, and even to groups.

Among the robot philosophers, the latency is perceived as a global, universal, hidden human phenomenon, the respect for its destructive functions is emphasized, on the representation in various spheres of consolidation as an “unbearable” accumulation of the merits of another person , in the case of an angry mother, those who are due to another and are the subject of concern, and It is important to select, to appropriate the achievements of others.

The object of consideration of the presented research is: inter-personal relationships between people. The subject of consideration is almost old.

Meta coursework: characteristics of perceived barriers as one of the factors of inter-social relations. Management include:

The understanding and reality of life seem late;

analysis of types and rates of health;

equalization of health with other feelings and emotions of people;

Vivchennia appeared almost too late among people.

The course work consists of an introduction, two sections (theoretical and practical parts), abstracts, a list of references and supplements. When writing the work, methods of synthesis, analysis, system, testing, testing and other scientific methods were used.

The basis of the work was guides, companions, monographs of domestic and foreign authors on psychology, as well as a widely used Internet resource.

The main rices are about to get old

1 I understand that I'm almost too late

Great tlumachny dictionary In Russian it means zadrіst as “a feeling of annoyance, annoyance, desire for success, success, well-being of another.” In everyday life, in late life, people often understand hostility, the enemy of wealth, success, popularity, wealth and the social status of another person. At this point, people are reluctant to bring the object of failure to the category of success, and to themselves - to loss, and at this point, no arguments to reason can no longer work, and the psyche is filled with emotions, and even negative ones.

Lateness is like the mirror of an evil enchantress, who turns everything good into trash, the joy of the absent into power, the successes and achievements of others into seemingly powerless depravity. Since most mortal sins (eg, gluttony, pride) bring people contentment, then in the long run they will have to experience a whole complex of negative emotions that will open up their life. It would seem that this sin is so unacceptable and brings only cover - it would be necessary to urgently confess, otherwise it would not be so! There are a lot of options for delaying, and we can get a clear scale of differences. Beginning from dull anger and unkindness towards people (“black late”), to “white” - then with respect for joy for other people. Well, and between them is the whole range of human passions.

Lateness is one of the sins covered by Moses’ “Ten Commandments”; It lies in the fact that people beg the mother of those who are not due to her. The subject of wealth can be both material wealth and intangible speeches (beauty, success, honesty, etc.). The Apostle Paul, in his epistle to the Galatians, includes the delay in the number of “rights of the flesh,” which represents the fruits of the Spirit. In addition, the apostle in his message to Timothy especially means that being late is not necessarily aimed at material benefits. The very real reason for this is the feathery feathers and power. The most striking and tragic example of the delay is the delay of the Pharisees and scribes to Jesus Christ, which led to the death of the Savior on the cross.

It’s a pity, after all, that everyone in this world and the other world is wicked to the point of sin. This means that any person will eventually have many needs that he cannot satisfy, and ambitions that other people will surpass. Since people often flaunt their other sins, they are trying to seize their lateness, because it is obvious that people are powerless to take away those that are in another. And no one knows how to love their own weakness and hopelessness. Restraint is inherent in people regardless of their status, temperament, character (I would like to remember that phlegmatic people have a problem with retarding, like choleric people). In this regard, however, the unemployed, the millionaires, the metal workers, and the stars of show business suffer. It’s true that with age, delays become weaker, according to sociological research. People's income is decreasing, starting from 60 years ago. The greatest dissatisfaction with the division is among young people aged 18 to 25 years. They want “everything at once,” and often they are unable to understand that money, fame and other attributes of success are the result of hard work, and not the gift of blind luck.

There are two versions of the disease: congenital and nabuta. It is possible that the first version is late - this is the genetic program, based on the lineage of the forest, which was inherited from our ancestors and consolidated in the process of evolution. Adherents of this theory respect that those ancient people who gave birth to their fellow tribesmen have little more incentive for self-improvement and little more chances to live and pass on the “genes of health” to their fellows. For example, one old-time thinker kept the other - more happy - alive, and tried to work out a more thorough list of onions for himself, then eagerly followed the species and, finally, came to the tribe as a helper. Or the woman conceived the beauty of the super and tried to transform it - she decorated herself, combed it, tried to prepare a tasty urchin, or was affectionate with a man who suited her - and as a result, she had little children.

The theory, in principle, is logical, but it only describes the constructive, so-called “white” thing, and in no way explains in any way what it is like to torture a person, rather than prevent them from actually winning against a rival. Therefore, the theory of “social initiation” was rejected by many more adherents, which means that a person’s life begins in the process of social life. Apparently up to this point of vision, there is no such thing as congenital dexterity. It’s just that the fathers, with a masterful spirit, begin to equate their child with other children - more successful, from their point of view, as a result of which the stench inadvertently sows the pure soul of the child in the present day of sin. And from this life and fruits grow. For example, they can tell their child that the neighbor’s boy is more intelligent and brave, and another girl is beautiful and more helpful to her mother. As a result, the child begins to equate herself with other children, and equality does not come at her expense. Blame dissatisfaction with oneself - and as a result - a negative attitude towards the one who was taken with the butt - this is the first proof of your delay.

Being late at the same time also provides motivation and support for specialness. On one side, having grown tired, the people are at the forefront of what other people are capable of, or to the point of superiority over him. On the other hand, the delay between the motivation of achievements is the same as that which is already an achievement, as a result of whose respect the situation dissipates, transforming into a pursuit of the primacy of happiness. This decrease in motivation sounds like a desire for someone else's success. This can lead to the loss of identification and the pursuit of other people's goals, and therefore, to the ultimate personal failure.

We all know the situation when you have wanted something for a long time, and besides the fact that what you want is already in the water, the craving was even stronger. And the rich man, of course, felt disappointment when the bajans got around to it, and with it came the realization that it was no longer needed, and the bazaar was losing inertia, which was supported by inactivity and this, What do you want to do? “The price is good for your ruler on the first day and in all other days - for others,” - the importance of the subject often lies with the one who may already be.

The term “zadrіst” may be an emotion, then. appear situationally at the right time, as, for example, if you lose, you may be too late until you get over it (“you were just lucky...”), and then after a short period of time you will be late, as the emotion fades and not harm the hundred-year-olds.

If you are late and painfully worried about the success of something else or the sum about the impossibility of reaching what you need, it takes on the form of an installation, a deep sense of delay and flows into the peculiarity of the zagalom.

The phenomenon of lateness manifests itself on three levels and similarly affects self-esteem and behavior:

Awareness level – awareness of your lower state can be taken as a given and not cause severe discomfort;

The level of emotional experience is a feeling of annoyance, frustration and anger through such a situation, possible auto-aggression, a feeling of inferiority, infringement of self-love and unfairness;

The root of real behavior is ruination, the removal of the subject of deterioration. Aggression is expressed directly to the subject, as the object of the problem may be affected by the problem of the friend. On this level, being late becomes a leading motive for behavior.

Lateness is like a worm that lives in the middle of the human soul, which sleeps until the hour of singing, and only disappears when it entrusts someone else's luck and success. Having woken up, the worm begins to delve into the soul of its master and gradually discern his psyche, disturbing his master to warn the “lucky one” of greater troubles and misfortune. “Chorna” does not give anything back to his friends - even though he spends all his energy only on mixing other people’s successes and on seeing “psychic detoxification”, as he has thoughts directly from his own object There is hostility. Proteus, no matter how much misfortune has been sent to the head of a happy person, all his anger will be lost in himself, contributing to his strength and health. Even being late, as a negative emotion, activates the sympathetic nervous system, causing tension in the muscles, quickening the pulse, increasing arterial pressure and disrupting the normal functioning of the vascular system.

So, first of all, when you get sick, you need to ask yourself: “Why do I want to keep myself healthy? Moreover, I don’t have enough in me that I’ll be too late, but I’ll also waste my health.” If you want to annoy other people who, in your opinion, have taken away too much from life, then no I'll grab a quick one, not healthy, not wine, rich and successful. The axis is on this and the next is to direct all your forces and thoughts.

If you want to get rid of this sin, then firstly learn to control your thoughts, and when the first signs of deterioration are detected, immediately analyze it for its root. So, what do you want more: to get rid of the things that other people have, so that they spend those that they do? If your delay puts you on a new path and achieving success - it’s a miracle, then you don’t need to do anything about it, but if you feel like it doesn’t give you anything, then you need to supply yourself with nutrition: “How can I perceive negative emotions? What can you give me?”

The word “zadrіst” is similar to the word “bachiti”, and those that we bachimo are only a façade of someone else’s life, often nonsense or even embellishment. The old clerk told the head banker that he didn’t know what to do, and this fact of visiting people reveals a wealth of joy in life. A woman admires the beauty of her colleague, her homeless figure and her fashionable recruits, not knowing what she is doing powerlessly at night, because the man is irritating her. There are a lot of such butts that can be used; people who try to do it don’t even think about it. Zgadaymo Mikhail Khodorkovsky - smart, smart, rich. At one time, Russia became the richest people in Russia, and how many thousands of people died and were ready to exchange their shares with it. And today, who is ready to remember his life?

A series of reasonable delays as an unpleasant feeling, a warlock to anyone, and a broader approach, if delay is seen as a phenomenon that manifests itself on three levels: on the level of information - awareness of his burning position, on the level of emotional experience - a feeling of annoyance, annoyance Where anger through such a development and less on the level of real behavior is ruination, the removal of the subject of death. It is evident to this extent that K. Muzdibaev sees the following components of disease that consistently appear one after another:

social level;

perceive the subject's advantages;

experiences of increase, increase, or bring humiliation to this drive;

hostility is set up to bring hatred to the one who overturns;

bazhannya chi realne zapodiyannya yomu shkodi;

bazhannya chi is really not pozbavlennya yogo subject of excellence.

Well, being late is one of the most unacceptable feelings of people who respond to irritation and dissatisfaction with the successes and well-being of other people. Being late has always been considered a sin, one of the reasons for nervous illnesses that seem to be ruining people. Being late is the same thing. They don’t care what people insist that the stink is not bad, it’s not true. Get tired of it. Because being late means that we are constantly equaling ourselves with other people.

2 See the colors in the future

Being late is not always ruinous. In early life you can achieve great success. If thoughts and little thoughts do not console you and do not calm down your delay, try to approach the problem from the other side. Analyze other people's successes and understand what helped people achieve such results. Will? Tenacity? Maybe you should post the news?

Being late is such a special sign of justice. People have always seen such types of treasures as: the bright and the flowerless. Korislyva - “I want there to be nothing in me!”, Bezkorisliva - “I want there to be nothing in me!”

For example, L. Arkhangelskaya sees the emergence of three types of delays in subjects who recognize difficult situations: “Procrastination-viability”, “Procrastination-hopelessness (powerlessness)” and “Procrastination-super” nothing." The type of skin lesions is differentiated by a set of actions, changes that accompany the totality of tears and experiences associated with the lesions. Arrogance-vibrancy manifests itself in increased pressure, intolerance, increased criticism, and calling the partner’s address. Arrogance-hopelessness is accompanied by the appearance of sleep, withdrawal from oneself, self-esteem. Arrogance-supernity actualizes such methods of behavior as hardening, deception, belittling another, appropriating another’s reach.

Also see:

There is no noticeable delay - people want to mother the same thing that is the object of delay, and to turn away, not perceiving the enemy’s feelings.

It's bad that it's late - people don't want to ignore those same things, but rather save the object of lateness. Such delay is created as a result of the seemingly imperious lack of achievement of reaching that same level.

Depressive stagnation also stems from a feeling of inferiority, but it is not characterized by a feeling of injustice, deprivation and addiction.

Following the phenomenon of recovery G.F. de la Mora, from different historical eras, sees two types of deterioration:

Particularly late - it is more likely to feel hidden and to be desired, to be respected. This either opens up aggression towards the target of protection, or other forms of hostility to this person.

Gromadskaya zadrіst - it is characterized by the creation and vikorization of stereotypes (“Penny wastes character”, “In tightness, but not in character”, etc.). These eternal stereotypes “People will die, or else they will die,” fragments of the stench are passed on and spread throughout the marriage, as part of the light. With the help of these stereotypes, one can demonstrate retardedness, calling a person into the obvious object of retardedness.

To the thought of G.F. de la Mora, enormous sophistication is directly directed against individual characteristics. This theory can explain the aggression of unusually intelligent people. Buvaє, what a group of wishtovhuє talented people through unknown delay to yogo rage.

Zazdrіst in Latin sounds like livor, or “blue.” It’s not for nothing that people say they’re “blue” or “green with age.” And in China, being late is called “the sickness of the red eyes,” which, in a word, means being late.

And one of the expansions of the river “There is no white gap, there is no black gap. There’s only one thing left – a bright green color.” Why is that so? Let's take a look at these different types and shades.

It was late. The stance of the emotion is consistent with reach. Some kind of incentive for active actions, bazhanna zmagannya at pragnennya to the goals. In the future, you can adequately accept other people’s successes, analyze your own mistakes and, as a result of healthy competition, improve your own uniqueness. I am creative and healthy, and I have been able to recognize the lack of self-sufficiency of people.

Rozheva zadrіst is shvidkoplinnaya, innocent and over-the-top. You can cry out to the happiness, joy of close people and the successes of people closest to you. Unfortunately, regardless of one’s sinlessness, such stagnation, when often manifested, can develop into blackness.

Green late. The cause of green growth may be the greed and stinginess of people. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all whether people are poor or rich. The zadrisnik does not know his place through the presence of someone who has something beautiful, beautiful, precious, more, etc. The sense of life of such people is material wealth, so the stench is negatively perceived by everything that is due to the visibility of such values ​​in others.

Sera zdrіst - showing the lowest, most primitive rice of human characteristics, the presence of self-esteem and significance. The poor person constantly feels unneeded, finds himself in the middle through his complexes and low self-esteem. This type of depression is characteristic of people who are not at peace with themselves, very restless, neurotic, and prone to self-examination.

It's too late. Most often, the people who would hurt you don’t tell you this openly. However, after sleeping with them, the mood changes, anxiety and images arise. The arrival of lateness shows its signs. The person, as she senses before you, will instinctively follow you: everything you show, wear, carry, will be discussed in detail. You will soon start choking, but you will realize that your burying is unjustified. There may be a better tactic: the people, in order to make you sick, bark and criticize you first and foremost.

Black lateness is a truly negative emotion. It is expressed in a quiet, mundane anger and inactivity. The problem is that there is a great deal of lateness both in families and at work between colleagues. These zadrisniks are primitive individuals and unrealized in no way. If the target is dashingly, then the soul of the host is filled with a feeling of happiness.

Each person has his own lateness, his own reasons. And it seems that it is possible to attribute up to one of the overinsurance types, which are rich in protection. Golovne - the understanding of being late - seems self-destructive. Recognize its reality, understand the reasons and turn the situation to your advantage.

In this way, it is designated that the species and colors seem to be too late to respond to negative messages, colossal destructive inheritances for marriage and mutual understanding, for health, love and happiness of people, and the key to the peace and progress of marriage. Lateness is contrasted with such Christian honors as humility, generosity, kindness and kindness. Next, we will try to find out the similarities and differences between the feelings and emotions of people.

3 Delay is equal to other considerations

Actors have long used the concepts of “zadrіst” and “jealousy” as synonymous. And those who respect jealousy in broader concepts, even if it is too late, are respected for being able to substitute the remaining concept of “jealousy of social equality.” As K. Muzdibaev points out, there is no harm in understanding such mixing, since the fragments represent and regulate different areas of interconnected blood vessels.

Jealousy is a suspicion of a person's preoccupation with the object of deification, associated with greater doubt about his loyalty or knowledge about his infidelity. Jealousy is due to the unsafe waste of a valuable relationship with another person in connection with a real and obvious rival. F. La Rochefoucauld wrote: “Jealousy lives in doubt; “She’s dying, or she’s going to turn into mischief, as only those who doubt turn into death.” In contrast to jealousy, where there are two sides - the one who is to be hurt, and the one who is to be hurt, jealousy attracts three sides into their orbit: the first - the jealous one, the friend - the one who is jealous, and the third - the one (s), before who is jealous, who is perceived as jealous as a rival, claims, as he does, for the love of his father, the cunningness of his boss, etc. Kinsley adds the fourth side - the public, who will always be happy with this, how things work out between partners and super no one

P. Titelman in this way shows the difference between delay and jealousy: it seems that delay arises if the individual does not have what he passionately wants; It seems that jealousy arises if, through the obviousness of a rival, the individual is afraid to spend what is important to him. G. Clenton and L. Smith mean a different kind of responsibility: the employee tries to control abstract and material objects (status, money, etc.), rather than living. The jealous person seeks control over people who are important to you.

As it is late, as it was shown above, in most cases, not a lot of people are respected, then the jealousy that looms in the objective frames, and they feel that they are socially praised, and want to be married.

According to M. Klein, being late is the opposite of love. In her book “Zadrіst i podjaka” she means that zadrіst people are sick and satisfied. I am kind to you when others suffer. Therefore, try to please everyone with the lateness of Marna.

Jacques Lacan emphasizes that one cannot ignore lateness and jealousy. When we are late, it is not at all possible for us to reject another object; as a rule, we do not require what other people are late for. The fragments of other happiness are not hidden on our shoulders.

Destructiveness of lateness lies largely in the fact that, as in jealousy, the main basic emotion is fear. Fear of what? And the one who is “on the same level” with you, hastily snatched away from his order everything that “advances his rank”: an apartment, a car, a dacha, a job in a prestigious place... That’s all that is on the mind of the best (and then, and for unknown reasons), to rob “that lucky guy” at a gathering or another for someone else: this is how you say, “external, formal attributes of power.” But now it’s unknown (again, mostly on the basis of unknown observations) it is certain that the lucky one on the basis of which is already too late to command, manipulate, panuvati - if there is a causal link for such power for the first time and nothing! And since jealousy is the fear of wasting already existing power, then being late is the fear that power over the late will appear “not where it may be”; that “promotion by rank” will be distributed “unfairly” and there is a risk of falling into disgrace.

As has already been described, zadrіst - to hide through someone else's goodness and goodness. She has one unique power - passivity, she doesn’t get to the point of action, don’t be afraid. The prisoner thinks: “You can, but I can’t.”

Actions are still associated with delay from supernity - the destruction of the individual at the same time. Vono encourages people to change, mastering something new. Supernik size: You can, and I can. It's better."

In truth, the basis of wealth lies in equality: I and others. Buried - it’s impossible to stop thinking about how to say to yourself: “And I…” We are intoxicated by the mystique of ballet dancers, the great masters of painting, but we don’t say: “But I don’t dance or paint pictures, because I can’t smell the stink.” Complying with yourself is always bad. As he wrote to Mandelstam: “Do not equal: the living is not equal.” If anyone you respect more than yourself, then follow the logic that you respect more. It is very early on that it leads to a feeling of inferiority, a horrified image, and anger.

The delay is getting worse due to the mother's anxiety. And itself – its specificity. If you just want you to have a little home next to the sea, that’s your home. If you need someone like the Petrovs, you’ll pay for everything, and you’ll spoil these people.

But for example, Yu. Shcherbatikh sees the advance of the “root” at the back of the land. In my opinion, this is a complex psychological cocktail of various ingredients, among which you can see all the main ingredients.


Depression may be based on jealousy. People can be aware of the fact that people are almost wounded and can give up life almost the same way. Such people are especially impressed and encouraged when success is achieved from their closest cleavage, the one who stands “on the same hierarchical convergence.”


Being late is a special, hypertrophied sense of justice: “Everything deserves its due!” or “Everything in whose life is fair!” The problem is that people understand what is “honest” and “fair” in their own way. Tim is no less, for rich people it is very important that wealth and success come in a fair way. They are ready to come to terms with the fact that people have earned a million dollars, they have worked hard on a lot of rocks, and everyone is aware of it, unless a homeless person who won the lottery becomes a millionaire - this is unbearable for them! Over the centuries, people who have grown up from this root often choose the roles of martyrs. They suffer from a sense of injustice, and are tempted to blame the fault of the greater successor. By tempting others to perceive themselves as guilty, their own stench tends to restore justice in the world.

There is a negative focus on wealth and success.

Some people can endure the mortal success of those who are absent, but gaining (from their point of view) wealth is immoral. In this case, we may rightly not have it because of the delay, as with the old ethical attitudes. And such people, even internally, are not ready for wealth, because in their childhood their fathers deeply inspired them with thoughts that “with righteous efforts you will not forget the chambers of the stones,” and “all valuable wealth was plundered by a dishonest way.” Therefore, such people are greatly deprived of the wealth and success of other people, especially if they take advantage of it.

An image to share.

This root of evil grows in those who arrogantly believe in the omnipotence of their share, and weakly believe in the power of power. They will be very bored by the knowledge that other people are happier than they are. It seems to them that fortune, for whatever reason, did not love them, and the stinks themselves cannot contribute anything to anyone’s life without external surroundings. Such people light candles at temples, believe in signs and feng shui, offer prayers and practice magic - with or without varying success.

Negative consideration of other people.

People who feel late for this reason no longer like or trust people. It is possible that this is the result of spiritualization, and perhaps it is the inheritance of some of the ways of life, after which people were formed for the whole world. From hatred to death - one short term, but such a strategy does not give a win in the struggle of life. Even people miraculously sense the pressure placed on themselves and begin to confront themselves even more severely. It’s a closed situation, you can only get out of it if you learn to see the good, bright side in people.


Jealousy and lateness are close sisters. “This is all mine and only mine,” - it seems too late, - and I don’t expect it to be anything else. “I want only you to be your slave, so that you lie only to me,” echo her jealousy, and it is even more important to separate their voices.

Low self-esteem.

People whose lateness grows from this root do not believe in themselves, their strength and vigor. Moreover, it is right not to love them and not to value them. Other people appear to be successful, strong and happy, although objectively this may not be the case at all. We can say that the lateness of such people is one of the components of their inferiority complex.

It is impossible to remove measles from lesions.

Such people have not learned how to properly behave before the lessons that life teaches them. They are eager to accept the smallest defeats in life's struggle instead of putting them before life, like before life. Their overly serious and unrelenting commitment to life creates a filthy heat in them, and a stench in the soul to kill those who live easily and inviolably.

Kirilov A. Avoid being late as a form of showing aggression, but often in soft configurations, so that some of this kind of mood does not transfer to real behavior. Moral-ideological reasons for delay can be both self-destruction (“the individual’s opinion about the power of guilt and the worthlessness of the greater”), and the thought about the unfair nature of the distribution of resources in the past and/or today.

It’s cool that the words “hate” and “zadrіst” are no longer distinguished by prefixes. You can paraphrase the above order and get out - “It’s only a short time from respect to hatred.”

However, lateness cannot be interpreted unambiguously, and it seems possible to show a good relationship with the moral and business aspects of specialness. In this paragraph, parallels were drawn and referenced from later life, such emotions as lack of self-esteem, self-image, superiority, jealousy, frustration, anger, aggression, fear, equality, justice, etc. were felt. are reflected in the moral and physical image and health of people. For the sake of psychologists, further “taming” will be done until it seems late.

4 How to stop being late

Unfortunately, it’s too late and someday you may find out that you will find a kind and decent person. All people, all of us in power, feel the slaughter and emotions, and those who have caught themselves in their late stages will immediately shake off this filthy thought and move on to what is good, beautiful, and good. Realize that our skin is unique and unrepeatable, our skin has its own path and its own history, our skin achieves these and other results throughout our lives. Is it possible that behind wealth, blind appearance and success lies a deeply unhappy person with an embittered specialness, why is it so bad to get sick? As soon as you completely root out the feeling of being late, you will realize what a burden has fallen from your soul. Do not let your heart live beyond goodness, love, honor and goodness!

The range of manifestations of injuries ranges from light injections to the swelling of an explosive cauldron. Regardless of how it manifests itself, it almost feels like it’s ruining your soul. It is most important for people to know their health. You can boast about your various passions - gluttony, greediness, laziness and pride, but not just those who want to make someone laugh. And it’s not surprising: the one who senses aggression, when someone is kind, and who is happy when someone suffers, does not cry out for sympathy.

Our marriage is now a great field for the development of health. During the Christian hours, everyone was jealous, but those who were “jealous” did not demonstrate their wealth. The reasons for the decline are simple - my needs are unsatisfied: for food, popularity, money, a luxurious life, a modern appearance. The girl will never show up late to her friend, who has lost weight, since her figure is normal.

From now on, you can fight for help in reconciling and thinking:

From now on you need to stop comparing yourself to others. You need to tell yourself more often: “I am what I am!” This is my share, my life! I love myself as I am. I don’t want to be jealous of anyone!”

Another way is to discredit for yourself those you despise. For example, my friend lost weight and her health deteriorated. You ask, why do you need thinness at such a price?

Most often, guess about those you are thinking about. For example, if a friend took a step back from planting, say to yourself: So what? “I have a more flexible work schedule, and I can spend time with my children more often.”

Most often, guess the people who live worse, worse than you, who suffer less, worse. For example, your thoughts might be like this: “Lina bought a three-room apartment, it’s good that I have my own one-room apartment, and Katya doesn’t have her own life at all.”

Think about it, what exactly do you need that called for an attack late? Think about it, are your daily needs based on true needs? For example, my friend bought a Mercedes, why do I need it? Even though I can’t drive a car and I don’t have a driving license.” Are you going to spoil your friends? Just try to listen to their best voices about family life, and you will see that there are still problems there. It’s entirely possible that your friends will see great benefits from your single life that you don’t value. Try to analyze, is it really so good there, where there are no us? Since you don’t know the whole happy life, in your opinion, people, then why do you assume that everything in it is incomparably more beautiful than yours? We often hear about people whose material wealth can be overdue, that they develop an addiction to alcohol and drugs, become separated from their families, and waste their lives on bathing. We know, perhaps, unfortunately, that many celebrities have gone through the ordeals of suffering.

Boost your self-esteem. Women often love tiles. Tiles can bring rare satisfaction. Because we ourselves bring the soul out of these roses. This is one of the tools for increasing self-esteem. Just hand out the blunder to all your competitors - and your soul becomes lighter. Tiles can cause ill self-love.

A. Postelnikova demonstrates her ways of “fighting” against delay: stop hurting yourself and get on with the right thing! Even if you, as a special feature, are not worse for the object of your health. You are also intelligent and talented. Do the right thing, as it will be beneficial to you, as it will open up prospects for the development of your mind and talent. Find like-minded people among those who have left you. And your life will act in harmony. Learn to accept your life as it is. Because this is only your life, and you are in the hope of making it calm, peaceful and harmonious, not hurting anyone and not wasting energy on “self-righteousness”. Knowing your shortcomings, your main task is to turn them into advantages and again be deprived of the butt of kindness and generosity.

First and, perhaps, a headache on the way to the exit from behind, according to the thought of O. Prokhachenka – known and true. “If you stop fooling yourself, it will be easier to let that annoying little guy go. Focus on your powerful achievements and don’t compare yourself to anyone else – that’s what will matter in your life.

As much as possible, speed up your sleep with those in whose presence you exhibit an inferiority complex or delusions of grandeur. When you are happy with your friends, let in your inner light those with whom you are bound by mutual trust and friendship. Otherwise, the approaching Salier will inevitably fall into a coma.”

Among the billions of people on the planet, there are bound to be those who will outdo you in many ways, and those who will never be able to achieve your successes. Therefore, being late or late is a complex of someone else’s inferiority, not justified by a healthy mind. Set equal standards carefully, be attentive, sensitive, and then your success will be accepted adequately and with joy. Well, if you, having fenced yourself off with a wall of barriers, don’t want to make contact, screw him up and get rid of him. And the zadrisniks are unfortunate people who don’t know how holy they are.

Tsikava thought of D. Sokolov’s saying from different aspects of development:

How to get rid of the black death? As soon as you are overwhelmed by the horror of the soul, it’s easy to slaughter yourself in this kind of hell. Golovne now - calm down. Find a quiet place, sit down, relax, close your eyes. And realize for yourself where it was good for you: on a dormouse heave in the forest of this summer, grandma on the veranda in childhood, on the streets of an unknown ancient place. Focus on these positive surprises and ignore them until you realize that you have a lot of miracles.

How to get rid of the gray lateness? Let us know in advance that you are about to stop this person. Don’t blame yourself for this - all people sometimes feel a sense of danger, although not everyone admits it to themselves. So, the person you are going to get sick of, I think it turned out to be a beauty. Ale sama “u chomus”. Try asking yourself: why do I want to share with him? Take not just his success in his career, but his expression of a slut, a son of a bitch, who got involved with a filthy company? And the intention is to give back all the good that is in me - a calm homeland, fathers who are alive and well; Yes, what a childhood it was like... And try to understand: why are you calm after such an exchange?

How will white people get rid of death? If you feel the stings of the “white” lateness, start working in the direction where your opponent achieved success. I focus on this activity. Will you spoil your beautiful friend? Take care of your life - choose a diet, exercise, find a good cosmetologist and makeup artist. Maybe you won’t become as beautiful as she is, but you will learn to love your beauty, to recognize the loveliness in it. So, boost your self-esteem. And in the evening I feel like I’m going to step away from my friend.

How can we avoid green growth? If you want to get tired, stream a demonstration of what you hear. Have you been spared? Dedicate details to only those closest to you, those who know everything about you - your downfall, tragedies, failures. Take a look at life for what it gives you health, strength and energy in order to stay on top, and stop looking kindly at those who are deprived.

It is important to fight against delay - E. Karepova respects - the fragments of delay are now disguised as other feelings: aggression, irritation, oppression.

In our opinion, here are some ways to reduce delays:

Active methods - such as self-refinement, searching for new, powerful goals and the possibilities of their implementation;

Passive methods - in people who lack the strength to cope with competition, depression and apathy set in.

A more productive, albeit passive way of relieving lateness is reflection, searching for food, why this item itself is necessary and what you bring for happiness, whose goals and what stinks mean lateness itself: “We I'm getting bored with the drive of what we don't have , which we are happy about because of what is in us.” It is so important to understand the danger of death, which is even more difficult, since it has never occurred to anyone why it is necessary to kill this very person. As a rule, it turns out that there are special hazards that are not visible, but it turns out that these viciousnesses need to be fought. But not everyone is ready for such expectations, and not for the time being. It’s not paradoxical that if you love yourself deeply, you can love someone else.

Well, being late can lead to illness and suffering, and even, being late, the human body begins to wear out: nervous system to be under constant stress, everyone feels that emotions are heated to the edge, internal stability is destroyed. And as it has already been pointed out, a thing that, unfortunately, seems to be strange to everyone, to tell the most orderly and sensitive people, and how to fight it, and how to fight it must depend on the individual skin...

2. Empirical research appears to be late in humans

2.1 The highest level of significance of life and professional values ​​experienced

The active efforts of a daily person to be successful and realize their dreams and needs are often related to their special needs to achieve material wealth. To be successful in everyday life means to be a financially secure person, so the goal of achieving success is based on achieving economical goodness, lower internal harmony associated with seeking ethical concepts.

In the business world, as well as in extreme activity, the need to achieve success is associated with the manifestation of delay to those people who can achieve great material benefits.

To investigate the relationship between health and the level of business activity, we used the “Good-Evil” and “Business” methods. Dolphin. Shark" L.M. Popova. At the beginning stage, in order to increase the level of significance of life and professional values, we used the method of M. Rokeach “Value Orientations” (Appendix A) for testing.

The “Good-Evil” technique directly inculcates moral and ethical orientations of particularity. Considering the characteristics of the two polar orientations of specialness, it is necessary to clarify that under the sign of “good” there is respect for specialness, which means high spirituality, which is reflected in the behavior of human moral standards. Thus, as an indicator of “evil”, it is characterized based on this technique as evil, arrogant, and negatively perceives people who are away from home.

The research was organized by students of ODU, who began studying the specialty “jurisprudence” from 17 to 19, with a total of 20 individuals, of which 11 respondents were girls and boys. .

Analysis of the structure of terminal values ​​using M. Rokeach’s methodology showed that in the hierarchy of values ​​typical for this sample were the following: health (46%), financially secure life (20%), happy family life (11%), food (6% ), piznannya (6%). Also, the majority of respondents first place “health” in the middle of the stated terminal values. The predominance of this value is entirely due to the natural characteristics of the skin, which prevents it from being physically and mentally healthy.

The priority of material values, perhaps, is associated with changes in the knowledge of the younger generation, which were in current activity, then. with dynamic changes in the orientation of marriage towards material wealth. Zokrema, which may be related to the influx of PHI on the knowledge of young people, as they emphasize the power of pennies. Values ​​associated with happiness family life, love, which is also entirely natural, healing the lives of our respondents, the mother’s hymn is most often projected among young people, obviously on behalf of a loved one with a sick condition; Most of all, in this period, respondents are not yet fully aware of what is going on and are not ready to deal with such serious challenges internally. Having shown the value of knowledge, it can be associated with the purpose of taking away new information, and the people who are victorious are taking away knowledge practically in order to achieve material benefits.

Analysis of the structure of instrumental values ​​showed that the most frequently chosen methods for achieving life goals were enlightenment (25%), strong will (18%), vitality (18%), education (11%), (9%).

In the knowledge of values, the highest rank was assigned to illumination; In our opinion, it may be due to age-old peculiarities, during the period of development, and perhaps current minds have become aware of the presence of obstructive tissue.

In this way, the devotion of young people to enlightenment and special kindness dominate the middle of the values ​​​​proposed by the method of M. Rokeach.

2.2 Delay between the manifestation of a sense of lateness and business activity of particularity

Analyzing the results of the “Good-Evil” methodology (Table 1), we found that among the nutritional students, the dominant indicator for all three indicators is the middle rhubarb. Based on the results of diagnostics based on the skin indicator, we found that the indicator “Good” was ranked “lower than average” and “average” (40%). This shows that the middle 40% are characterized as individuals with an average level of spirituality. These respondents show that they are too late to leave. On the other hand, the significance behind this indicator is the average value (20%). These results indicate the presence of some students who show low levels of positive moral and ethical orientations, and these respondents can be seen as showing a low level of positive attitudes specialness. The high and low levels behind the display of “Good” among the last ones have not been revealed.

Table 1. Levels of moral and ethical orientations behind the “Good-Evil” methodology.

RivniRozrisi characterGood-evilAbsol.%Absol.%Absol.%Low--15--Below average840525210Medium8409451050Above average420420525High --15315All1002

Based on the results of the “Evil” indicator, we found that in the first place the frequency of manifestation is in the middle range (45%), in the other place the range is “lower than average” (25%), which is to say about the frequency of manifestation among students the way they loom vaguely expressed by negative characteristics. In third place there is a rise in the number of “above average” (20%), because among the studied students, peculiarities have emerged that may not only show weakness, but young people may seem to be more oh my world. In addition, we are aware that the indicators that we are looking for showed high (5%) and low (5%) levels, which indicates the presence of a group of tested people who may have strong expressions of negative traits (high level of “Evil” ") , and especially in whom this rage is not expressed (low level of “Evil”).

Considering the residual result of the group (population rate), we found that the dominant group is the average (50%) and that among the respondents, the majority of respondents are likely to show lateness.

Let's look at the results of the DDA technique (Table 2). Based on the first scale - the level of business activity that is revealed in activity, we have determined that among the students there is a level of “above average” (50%), which indicates the presence of respondents What are the key to business activity and energy? The awareness of this fact is necessary for students who are starting to major in “jurisprudence.” On the other hand, significance was followed by a high level of activity, which accounted for 30% of respondents. Also, among the experienced students, the level of activity may be high, which indicates the high business skills of the respondents.

Table 2. Rival business activity following the “DDA” methodology

RivnePlants character strengthdelphinaculaAbsolute%Absolute%Absolute%Low------Below average----15Average4202101365Above average1050315525High 630157515all201 0020

Considering the ability to be peaceful with partners in the right, among the “dolphin” indicators, we found that among the respondents there is a high rate (75%), i.e., the majority of respondents have a positive orientation for their high living potential. On the other hand, the trend “beyond the average” grew, becoming 15% of the total number of respondents. Under the “dolphin” display, we are respectful of good-natured characteristics, which seem to show very rarely, since they are reluctant to trust others, such individuals meet the criterion of moral trustworthiness.

The most prominent indicator is a scale that expresses the ethical skill of being aggressive with partners on the right, which is designated as a “shark”. This indicator is dominated by the average of the respondents (65%), which indicates that among the respondents they showed this skill, but not of the average of the respondents. In another place, the indicator “best behind the average” (25%) was found to be significant, so that among the studied students, individuals appeared that may have a given ethical diversity, such people are sophisticated until they are late, and the stench is aggressive, may have a negative social orientation with high living potential.

Thus, the analysis of the results of the “Good-Evil” and “DDA” methods showed that there is a gap between the manifestations of perceived delays and business activity of specialness in the group of the latter. Due to the evidence among the respondents who show a high level of “Good”, we are wary of active, business-like “dolphins” who do not show delays and orientation towards a positive social orientation. Among students, who have a high rating and a rating “above the average” for the “Evil” indicator, we are wary of the risk of character, the powerful “sharks”, who may show delays and are currently oriented towards a negative social orientation Iyu.


Finally, the theoretical and empirical analysis of retardation as one of the factors of inter-related disorders follows. For ́ Vistka is a socio-psychological construct/concept that embraces a whole range of low-level forms of social behavior and feelings that arise in relation to things that may be felt (material or intangible) as we wish riy, but it doesn’t matter.

As a result of the theoretical analysis of the work, a socio-psychological portrait of diseases was formed, as well as information about its universal nature and the persistence of diseases in cultural, historical and social factors. One of the basic characteristics of depression is that it is expressed indirectly, through a complex of connections to other experiences, so that you will never again recognize the subject as being placed before other people. The present situation is previously experienced as a combination of situations (annoyance, frustration, confusion, powerlessness, anger, anger) and is closely connected with such problems as hatred, enchantment, jealousy, contempt. Delayed placement actualizes verbal aggression (lies, slander), strengthens the desire to be hypocritical, take revenge, and suffer from other things, both psychologically and physically.

Among the special reasons that actualize lateness, on the one hand, humiliation, self-neglect, waste of the powerful Self are indicated, and on the other side - protected claims: love before fame, ambition, love of power, love of covetousness. Help, it is possible for Jerel ailoborus that is the fraud, Adja, having become old, the human organism prazu is on the shock: the nervous system is excited in the non -surveying overflow, all the same to get a click to the edge, the inside of the post -ainity is to take off. And as it has already been pointed out, a thing that, unfortunately, seems to be strange to everyone, to tell the most orderly and sensitive people, and how to fight it, and how to fight it must be determined individually.

List of Wikilists

Arkhangelska L. Zazdrist: the road to victory or defeat? / L. Arkhangelsk. – K.: Phoenix, 2011. – 140 p.

Belinska E. Social psychology / E. Belinska. – K.: Aspect Press, 2009. – 476 p.

Bonder N. Kabbalah in the future. Transformation of hatred, anger and other negative emotions/N. Bonder (translation in English by Timur Matrosov). – K.: Sofia, 2009. – 192 p.

Volozh A. Zazdrіst [Electronic resource] / Constructor of success: # "justify"> Vostokova N. Fairs called or Koliskova zazdrіst / N. Vostokova. – K.: David, 2011. – 208 p.

Gorshenina N.V. Experimental research on the relationship between health and the level of business activity // Experimental psychology in Russia: Traditions and prospects. – M.: Vidavnitstvo “Institute of Psychology RAS”, 2010. – P. 786-790.

Zazdrіst [Electronic resource] / Great Tlumachny Dictionary: # "justify"> Zelenkov M. Yu. Conflictology / M.: Dashkov i Ko, 2012. - 324 p.

Ilyin E. P. Psychology of spilting and interspecific drains / E. P. Ilyin. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. – 576 p.

Kazarinova N. Intersocial spilkuvannya / N. Kazarinova. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011. – 512 p.

Karelin A. Encyclopedia of psychological tests. Spilkuvannya. Leadership. Inter-socialist newspapers/M.: AST, 2010. – 304 p.

Karepova E. The phenomenon of depression: the cat and the victim in one sense [Electronic resource] / Psi-factor: #"justify">Kirillov A. The depression of friends is the main mover of vidnosin [Electronic resource] / Feelings and emotions: #"justify">Addendum A

Methodology “Value Orientation” by M. Rokeach

Test of specialness, direct development of the value-motivation sphere of a person. The system of valuable orientations signifies the opposite side of directness of particularity and becomes the basis of its connection to the entire world, to other people, to itself, the basis of the light view and the core of motivation for life activity And, the basis of the living concept is the “philosophy of living”.

The methodology was developed by M. Rokeach and is based on a direct ranked list of values. M. Rokeach distinguishes between two classes of values:

Terminal - recontextualized in the fact that the terminal meta of the individual foundation of the wars in order to step before it. Stimulus material of representations with a set of 18 values.

Instrumental - recontextualized in the fact that any mode of action or power of particularity is the best in any situation. The stimulus material also represents a set of 18 values.

This category corresponds to the traditional category on value - purpose and value-cost.

When analyzing the rejected ranking of values, the psychologist pays attention to their grouping below the last in place of blocks from different bases. So, for example, one can see “concrete” and “abstract” values, values ​​of professional self-realization of a special life, etc. Instrumental values ​​can be grouped into ethical values, fusion values, and justice values; Individualistic and conformist values, altruistic values; the values ​​of self-assertion and the values ​​of accepting others. A psychologist may try to catch an individual pattern. If it is possible to identify the same patterns, it is possible to assume that the respondent’s system of values ​​is not formed and that there is a lack of continuity of ideas under pressure.

The main advantages of the method are its versatility, simplicity and economy in the implementation and collection of results, flexibility - the ability to vary both the stimulus material (lists of values) and the instructions. Its main drawback is the influx of social obligation, the possibility of insecurity. In this case, a special role is played by the motivation of diagnosis, the voluntary nature of testing and the availability of contact between the psychologist and the test subjects. The definition of methods for selection and examination may be even more careful.

Features of the testing procedure:

The respondent is presented with two lists of values ​​(18 per person), either on papers in alphabetical order or on cards. In lists, the last one gives each value a rank number, and the cards are laid out in order of importance. The remaining form of presenting the material gives the best results. From the beginning there appears a set of terminal and then a set of instrumental values.

To achieve social importance and deeper penetration into the system of valuable orientations, we can change the instructions to provide additional diagnostic information and allow the generation of installed mounts. So, after the main series, you can ask the tested player to rank cards that support the following meals:

“In what order and in what way (in hundreds) are these values ​​realized in your life?”

“How did you waste these values, how did you become the way you died?”

“In your opinion, having become a human being, you have gone all out in this relationship?”

“In your opinion, how would more people earn money?”

“How would you have earned 5 and 10 years ago?”

“How would you earn money in 5 or 10 years?”

How would people close to you rank the cards?

It is better to carry out testing individually, or perhaps group testing.


“You will immediately be presented with a set of 18 cards with designated values. Your task is to classify them in order of importance for you as principles that you follow in your life.

Skin value is written on the card. It is important to select the cards and, having chosen the one that is best for you, place them in the first place. Then choose another value after value and place it next to the first. Then try the same cards with cards that you have lost. It is important for Naimen to lose the rest of her loan on the 18th month.

Do not grow in a hurry, but thoughtfully. If you change your idea during the process, you can correct your views by swapping the cards. The final result may support your correct position.”

List A (terminal values):

more active life (repetition and emotional intensity of life);

living wisdom (maturity of judgment and healthy wisdom that can be reached through living wisdom);

health (physical and mental);

cikava robot;

beauty of nature and mysticism (experience of beauty in nature and mysticism);

love (spiritual and physical intimacy with a young person);

financially secure life (including the number of material difficulties);

the presence of good and faithful friends;

great knowledge (of the people who are absent, the team, the work comrades);

knowledge (the ability to expand one’s knowledge, horizons, foreign culture, intellectual development);

living a more productive life (extending one’s capabilities, strengths and abilities as much as possible);

development (work on oneself, physically and spiritually thoroughly);

rozvagi (acceptance, uncomplicated time spent, number of obligations);

happy family life;

happiness of others (wealth, development and thoroughness of other people, all people, humanity as a whole);

creativity (possibility of creative activity);

self-confidence (internal harmony, freedom from internal contradictions, doubts).

List B (instrumental values):

accuracy (accuracy), cleverness in the order of speech, order on the right;

wowness (good manners);

high drinks (high drinks before life and high homework);

liveliness (sensing humor);

diligence (discipline);

independence (the importance of acting independently, decisively);

intransigence to the shortcomings of oneself and others;

sanctification (breadth of knowledge, high culture);

reliability (to be sure, to be careful to say your word);

rationalism (it is great to think intelligently and logically, to make thoughtful decisions, rational decisions);

self-control (strength, self-discipline);

courage in one's thoughts and looks;

strong will (do your best to do your best, don’t face difficulties);

tolerance (before the looks and thoughts of others, forgive others for their mercy and mercy);

breadth of views (intelligently understand someone else's point of view, respect other similarities, appearances, appearances);

honesty (truthfulness, generosity);

efficiency in the right (priority, productivity in work);

Chuynist (dabilivist).

Zazdrіst, as a psychological and ethical phenomenon, attracts the respect of both religious thinkers (“Zadrіst,” 1996; 1998), as well as of various specialties – philosophers, sociologists (S. P. Kolpakova, 1995; A. Yu. Monov, 1989, 1990) ; D. T. Shupilo, 1996) and, especially, psychologists (M. Klein, 1997; E. E. Sokolova, E. P. Akkuratova, 1991). From now on, the main attention will be paid to the psychological aspects of recovery.

The essence of lateness. Delay is most often perceived as hostility, the enemy of success, popularity, moral excellence and the important status of another person (“Dictionary of Ethics”, 1983). Such a great delay in life, as witch, “black”, I'm going to the philosophers. F. Bacon, noting the aggressive nature of defenses: “Whoever does not dare to compete with his neighbor for his merits, tries to get even with him, in every case of his well-being” (1978, p. 369). About the same thing, R. Descartes wrote: “There is no evil vice that spoils the well-being of people, such as being late, because those who are infected will not only become embarrassed themselves, but also, as only they can, darken the joy of others” (1989) , p. 561). Lateness is nothing more than a person's depravity to the point that everything: successes, merits, the cunningness of other people, wealth - were left undisturbed only by him. A. Schopenhauer affirmed that although delay is natural and powerful for people, it is still a vice and, at the same time, misfortune: “Delay shows how unhappiness people feel, how they respect other people’s behavior and become - how they can sum it up” ( 2000, p. Tom , we write, we can marvel at her as if we were the enemy of our happiness and threaten to strangle her like an evil demon.

Just as B. Spinozy (1957) said that delay is hatred, then F. La Rochefoucauld (1971) noted that delay is not reconciled, it is not hatred.

It should be noted that lateness is understood by psychologists ambiguously. Platonov (1984) respects the lag of the senses, the structure of which includes blurring, suffering from the thoughts that in another there are those bad things that he doesn’t have, and he hates us before. L. A. Dyachenko and M. I. Kandibovich (1998) considers delay as a social-psychological feature of particularity, which manifests itself in the dissatisfaction and unkindness of completely different people, who are accompanied by good luck, who have achieved well-being. Stinks are seen as a vice, as a sign of frailty of mind and frivolous character. However, such understanding is sooner conveyed to zadrisnosti like the power of specialness.

According to the dictionary “Psychology” (1990), lateness is perceived as manifesting motivation of achievement, which has real and obvious advantages in the acquisition of social benefits (material values, success, status, special advantages) subject as a threat to the value of the powerful Self and is accompanied by affective experiences and actions. “It’s getting dark,” according to the author of this article, with a negative emotion. However, the emotion of delay can be seen only when it appears situational. If the stance of absolutely any object is delayed, it becomes an emotional attitude, then you will almost feel it.

The order of reasonable deterioration an unpleasant feeling, a witch's setup to someone, it’s a broader approach, if lateness is perceived as a phenomenon that manifests itself on three levels: firstly, awareness - awareness of its lower state, and sometimes on the level of emotional experience - feeling annoyance, frustration and anger through the formation of real behavior - ruination, removal of an object from obsolescence. It is clear that K. Muzdibaev (1997) sees the following components of retardation that consistently appear one after another:

1) social equality; “...In the future there is always a need for equalization, and where equalization is impossible, there is no delay,” wrote F. Bacon (1978, p. 370);

2) perceive the subject's advantages;

3) experiencing an increase, increase, or cause a decrease in this drive;

4) hostility is set up and instills hatred to the one who overthrows;

5) bazhannya chi realne zapodiyannya yomu shkodi;


It seems to me that the main component of recovery has been wasted here. And being late comes down not only to the fact that one has in his order what the delay lacks. It only comes down to the extent to which a person has a keen interest in drinking (Parrott, 1991), which they value highly What is the need? It may be possible for women to wait until they have children; Most often, delay is expected from the one who is delayed (which manifests itself in the delay of his reach), so the object of delay may not suspect anything. There is also a clear manifestation of the developments, in connection with which the eminent physiologist G. Helmholtz said that from the rudeness of the opponents that prevail, one can judge until the end of the day about the extent of power success.

It happens that people, afraid of being late to others, reduce their work energy and enthusiasm, embrace their goodness and achievements, and secretly take advantage of them, not depriving them, in this way, of complete satisfaction.

Being late can be experienced as annoyance, aggression on the one who, as it turns out, has achieved undeserved success, having rejected undeserved benefits, and on the other hand - as image to share with the connection due to an undeserved bad luck with power. The worker suffers from the appearance of inferiority: once I have whoa no - that means I’m proud of him. Yak means P. Titelman (Titellman, 1982), people’s awareness of their lower status is the fundamental cause of lateness. Some people literally become exhausted due to chronic illness. There is a deformation of specialness: the person becomes secretive, anxious, self-pitying, she appears to have a sense of inferiority, permanent dissatisfaction. Lateness often motivates people to attack their object in a malicious way and to kill them (Klein, 1997).

When anger bursts forth, it is called too late.

V. Hugo

To neutralize negative experiences, one goes either to self-destructive fantasies, or to the manifestation of prejudice, cynicism, and despondency, which allows one to avoid the trauma associated with the deficit and from the beginning of your life. Arrogance can degenerate into self-flagellation. Intense self-flagellation during an acute attack of diseases, as noted by P. Kutter (1998), can lead to physiological symptoms: a person is “pale in the face of disease”, as blood vessels are compressed and blood flows There is no pressure, but “the bitterness of death”, the fragments of blood will be filled. In principle, in the opinion of this author, the prisoner is an unhappy person, I regret that he suffers from doubts, obsessive thoughts, due to the presence of the so-called “feeling” of imperious desirability. Some people have a desire to avoid, in some way, the injustice of their uneasy relationship with other people: so that the other recognizes failures, misfortunes, discrediting themselves in front of those who are absent. This hatred, which is stimulated by hatred, often tempts people to engage in immoral activities. Let’s remember A. Z. Pushkin’s tale “About Tsar Saltan”, if two sisters wanted to blame their sister through those who themselves gave precedence to the tsar as a squad, and the legend about Salieri, who disappeared from Mozart’s late life. This legend gave the name to one type of aggression - “Salieri syndrome”, associated with the “black zarstvo”. When you are late, you can be aware of the first sight of youth outrage on the streets, if there are people breaking into parked cars, store windows being smashed, etc.

Officials, so that the guilt of being late will get better, can be divided into external and internal. Internal factors that come to a head are such peculiarities of personality as selfishness and selfishness (Descuret, 1899), marnoslavism and supermundane ambition (Aristotle).

The proximity to the status of the person becoming too late is considered to be related to external factors. The leader, as a rule, equalizes his position and his achievements, his achievements and status, so that he stands close to the social level. Aristotle also stated that “people appreciate those who are close to them for an hour, for a place, for a century, and for glory...” (1978, p. 94). Proximity creates a better mind for equalization, making the lives of other people more accessible to observation. When the distance between the barrier and the object of protection is smaller, the delay is greater (Mises, 1981). Too much valor rarely becomes too late, according to this author and G. Shoik. However, this idea is unlikely to be fair.

P. Kutter, for example, respects that you should not forget about social Hypostases of lateness. “The growth retardation is still on the ground real social injustice, - write vin. - How can we understand the early life of a child with a poor family, and how big is the difference between the capabilities and prospects that open up for other children? How can a robotless lad marvel at the blues of the great bourgeois family, which is the gymnasium? It is possible, so that workers and craftsmen do not spoil the students of institutes and universities, who are throwing away, if they please, may allow them to read, for reflection, to gain profit in order to take part in the discussion and declare about your political position?

Please note that you are late, dictated social injustice can be interpreted inclusively psychological point of view - means to completely limit yourself to one method of investigation. After the date of late development of the most psychoanalytic research, the investigators begin to make peace. At this time of year, it is more appropriate to bring political go straight to those to give all citizens more equal chances” (1998, p. 78).

There are such political doctrines as egalitarianism (of extreme zeal) and democracy, the suppression of “unfair harmony”, to the extreme level, etc. The delay of one edge to the The wealth and prosperity of another land will lead to the Zagarbnitsa wars.

See you late. I. Kant (1965) divides zadrіst into black zadrіst (if zadrіstvo can add to the good of another) and simply unkindness. There are also other types of protection. To speak, for example, about "unloved" in advance, if a person wants to mother those who may be with her, but with whom she does not feel another enemy. As with the “evil” one, so in the “non-evil” future, it is necessary to put away the uneasiness sooner rather than later. Ale, as J. New means (Neu, 1980), in the first episode the person says: “I want you to have more of what you want,” and in another: “I want to give you more of what you want.” This type is similar to that of K. Horny (normal and neurotic retardation). The evidence of evil delay testifies to the delay in reaching the level on which another person is located; without showing his powerlessness. Another reason for “black” lateness is “causal mercy” (Sohoeck, 1969), so that people are aware of what is important, as the cause of powerful failures and low status.

Verify and buried, "white" late, if a person, having become late, does not sense the fortunes of a successful person. For this type of person, “white delay” can become an incentive to get married to another person (Aristotle wrote about the delay of getting married). J. New writes in connection with this: “In times of evil, a person wants to humiliate another (to his equal or lower); Whenever a buried hole is buried, a person needs to raise it for himself (by the way, just like any other person)” (p. 434). However, behind the “black” delay, one of the tasks of the psychologist is to turn it into healthy competition. “Instead of succumbing to someone else’s power and wasting all our efforts in delay,” writes P. Kutter, “we could, following Goethe’s thought, try to independently weed away those whom we hope to rule. It is necessary to critically analyze the situation immediately if there is a risk of underestimating authority and overestimating the capabilities of others. Zadrisnik will gain respect for the power of honor, which wines she does not note, fascination with the thoroughness of the people who cry out to her zazdra” (p. 79). Forming a sense of vitality and strength in one’s own strengths is, in Kutter’s opinion, a way to combat stagnation. Then a person can say to himself: just as I lack what a person lacks in me, then I lack those things that she lacks. We will calmly put ourselves before the dignity of others, without feeling the need to become such ourselves. The delay is marked in due time and may be hemmed.

Zadrіst and vіk. In ontogenesis, lateness appears to be late as a result of the moral self-centrism of the child, the nature of greed, dissatisfaction with the needs of life. Lateness often comes down to brothers and sisters. The young people respect the honor of their elders, and they, in their own way, respect the youth, because their fathers stand before them with great respect and awe.

Suspension of lateness in childish They are aware of the child’s social status, their identification with significant other children, and the presence of positive experiences in the process of sexual intercourse and sleep.

Actors still respect that in our hour, lateness does not manifest itself as intensely and openly as in Shakespeare's hours (Spielman, 1971). Possibly, that's it. However, they are always wary of showing meanness and causing harm from their health.


The article presents the results of an empirical investigation based on an association experiment and data from the author’s orientation questionnaire. There are three approaches to understanding the phenomenon of lateness: positive, negative, neutral (ambivalent). The internal (psychological) and external (social) determinants of healthy behavior in cadet groups were revealed, the positive and negative aspects of health were analyzed. The article analyzes theoretical approaches to the problem of depression from the side of domestic and foreign social psychologists. First, the manifestations of delay are viewed in the context of the initial group of military forces in a complex manner and in the context of inter-social relations. The main subjects of health within the military team were examined; the results of the experiment revealed 4 categories of associations of health: “associations associated with illness”, “associations with deviant behavior” Inkoyu", "associations with status", "associations-sense".

1. Beskova T.V. The influx of characterological characteristics of students into their youthfulness until adulthood // News of the Volgograd State Pedagogical University. 2010. No. 4. P. 99.

2. Gorshenina N.V. Arrogance as a student’s moral and ethical arrogance // Current Research on Social Problems, No. 12. 2012

4. Letyagina S.K. About the problem of health in the aspect of psychology of family life // Vcheni zapiski. 2010. T. 3. Series: Psychology. Pedagogy. No. 4 (12). pp. 38-46.

5. Silina E.A, Balandina L.L. What a stink, children from rich families. Perm, 2005

6. Webster's Dictionary (date of publication 04/2/2015)

7. Kluger J. The Sibling Effect: What the Bonds Among Brothers And Sisters Reveals About Us, 2011

8. Mackie D.M., Silver L.A., Smith E.R. Intergroup emotions: Emotion as an intergroup phenomenon // Tiedens L.Z., Leach C.W. (eds.). The social life of emotions. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 227-245.

9. Sibony D. Lectures bibliques. Odile Jacob, 2006

10. Smith R. H., Kim S. H. Comprehending envy // Psychological Bulletin, 2007, v. 113, p. 46-64.

11. Zizzo, Daniel J., “The Cognitive and Behavioral Economics of Envy,” in Richard H. Smith, ed., Envy: Theory and Research, Oxford University Press, 2008, chapter 11, pp. 190-210.

12. Vecchio, R.P.: Negative emotions in work: Employee jealousy and envy. International Journal of Stress Management 7, 161–179 (2000)

13. Ven N. van de. Zeelenberg M., Pieters R. Why Envy Outperforms Admiration // Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 2011.

In the last decade, the volume of research and publications on the topic of depression, both from foreign social psychologists and from foreign scientists, has increased significantly. Lateness is observed in work teams and at the enterprises of R.H. Smith and S.H. Kim, in internal family relationships: among siblings, E.A. Silina, L.L. Balandinoi, D. Sibony, D. Kluger, and S.K. Letyagina, the student’s middle school is being analyzed by T.V. Beskovy, N.V. Gorshenina. Tim works every hour, and there is practically no work dedicated to the development of health in the military school and cadet groups. This may be due to a number of reasons: firstly, the closure of the military system; in another way, difficulty in diagnosing military service personnel due to the specifics of the initial service activities of cadets, which manifests itself in an irregular training schedule (travel to military training grounds, valni centri tosto). In our work, we are waiting to learn about the delay of these inter-personal bearings from the butt of the initial group of the military university. It is significant that cadet teams have a low level of individuality due to their profession and the special nature of their activity:

  1. There is a heterogeneous age-old single-status group (young people from the 18th to 26th centuries), isolated from active social contacts, as they spend their time in ancient ambushes;
  2. In cadet groups, there is a constant regulation of norms of behavior, rights and obligations, as manifested in the ancient statute and strict discipline in children;
  3. cadet teams are familiar with the closeness of mutual relations, the stability of activity among group members, the discomfort of sleeping in military barracks.

Also, the specificity of the initial service activity of cadets of military lighting installations creates receptive minds for molding that seems late.

The word “zadrіst” is similar to the Latin invidere, which means “to marvel at another with anger.” Delay is associated with ruinous tendencies, such as belittling the merits of other people (Zizzo, 2008), the need to absorb the material speech of other people (Ven N. van de. Zeelenberg M., Pieters R., 2011), a sense of malicious joy, and about' The person who suffers suffers (Vecchio, R.P., 2000) or if the group that suffers recognizes failure, the suffering is undeserved (Mackie D.M., Silver L.A., Smith E.R., 2004).

Purpose of investigation. There is a warning about the delay in these inter-social relations among cadet teams.

Methodi. The follow-up included: “Vilniy associative experiment”, “Orientation questionnaire” (divided by the author).

The study involved 216 cadets (juniors) of one of the military universities of St. Petersburg from 18 to 26 years, who begin in the 1st, 2nd and 4th courses.

The results were discussed

Initially, we conducted a clear and complex analysis of the words - the reactions of respondents in the associative experiment, then differentiated all the reaction words within the group from different substructures. As a result of the analysis of associations, we divided the data into three groups: firstly, associations with the word “zadrіst”, which may have a negative meaning, became larger – 78% in the polled sample; in other words, associations with the word “zadrist”, which may have a positive meaning (13%); thirdly, associations with the word “zadrіst”, which may have a neutral meaning (9%). Before negative associations, we brought up words that have a negative meaning: ferocity (6%), killing, death (7%); agility (8%); image (8%); hatred (23%); negative (9%); hypocrisy (5%); aggression, malice (29%), greed (8%); respect for other people's lives (5%), hopelessness (7%). Before neutral associations, we included words that may have expressed positive and negative semantic meaning: people (6%), conscience (5%), machine (1%). Positive associations: success (2%), good life (1%), fame (3%), wealth, money (8%), more (2%).

Next, having analyzed all the findings from the association tracking results, we divided them into categories.

  1. Associations with illness: “alcohol”, “pain”, “illness”, “discomfort”, “drugs”, “drinking”, “weakness”, “sociopath” etc.
  2. Associations with antisocial behavior: (“war”, “theft”, “theft”, “crooked revenge”, “violence”, “dog”, “breaking nose”, “attack”, “killing”, “death”, "humiliation") » ta in).
  3. Associations with status (social status): “poverty”, “outsider”, “subtlety”, “little people”, “failure”, “meanness”, “demand”, “demand”, “superness”, “success”, “ inferiority”, “good life”.
  4. Associations with feelings: “restlessness”, “hopelessness”, “anger”, “aggression”, “pride”, “sum”, “anger”, “linches”, “leaves”, “hypocrisy”, “hatred”, “falsehood” "", "Vidchay", "hodiness", "jealousy", "dramatism", "glorification", "humiliation".

Then we looked at the internal and external determinants of health. Among the external reasons, the most frequently named were: “conviction” (14%), “personal failure” (18%), “absence of close family” (6%), “material insecurity” (6%), “unfortunate” (7%) , “dislike for others” (7%), “low social status” (18%), “deprivation, demand” (32%), “filthy childishness, family dysfunction” (9%), “hard material conditions” (8 %), “success of others, luck, luck” (18%) and others. %), “inadequate self-esteem” (10%), egoism (5%), “laziness” (7%), “lack of self-esteem” (13%), “conflictivity” (6%), “bad character” (6 %), "aggression" (5%), "fear" (5%), "anger" (5%), "fearfulness" (5%), "pride" (6%), "frustration" (7%) , Pesimism (8%).

Of course, the delay in everyday knowledge is interpreted widely and may be caused by strange reasons. Based on the obtained data, we tried to combine external and internal determinants of health within the group. The main groups of external and internal determinants that provoke the development of diseases in the initial group are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

The main groups of external (social) and internal (individual) determinants that provoke illness in the human population (216 units)

External (social) determinants

Internal (individual) determinants

1. Family disadvantage (specificity of education, one child in the family, bad childishness, etc.)

2. Poor development in the marriage (particular failure, thirst for power, social inequality, lack of education, lack of special growth, low level of development)

3. The filth of mutual relations (the filth of isolation, the presence of close friends, friends, a special life)

4. Composite material development (material insecurity, disadvantage, deprivation, need)

5. Overcoming significant others (boasting of others, social unevenness, success, success, luck in others).

1. Negative risks of specialness (aggressiveness, hopelessness, twitchiness, aggression, fearfulness, pride, egoism)

3. Negative emotional states (linh, fear, disappointment)

4. A negative outlook on life (pessimism, conflict, depravity, etc.).

At the end of the investigation, items of lateness were identified. We asked respondents to respond to the question: “What do you think about why people will get sick in the world?” The results obtained allowed us to see the most significant items of security, as presented in Table 2.

We were asked to rate the cadets whether they were late at all in these subjects on a 5-point scale: 1 - I won’t be late at all; 2 - I won’t be late soon; 3 - I’ll be half late; 4 - I’ll be late; 5 - I'll be very late.

Table 2

Average values ​​and ranks of the main subjects of health in the human race (216 units)

middle meaning

family well-being

success for your new friend

becoming a spouse, status

success in pre-painful patients

Specialist of life

garne of life

external look, physical beauty



success, luck

car, motorcycle, bicycle


material speeches

luck of others, good luck

I'm healthy

popularity among yearlings

As can be seen from Table 2, the young men who start at the military institute (and are at the state's office) are the most delayed " for family well-being"(3, 18), "initiation" (3, 14), "becoming married", "status" (3.13), "success in a bedridden state" (3.01), "special life" (2, 95). People feel it is too late for people who successfully begin to realize what they have realized in their family and may be recognized for their merits in a significant sphere. Obviously, such a hierarchy of experiences among people is connected with the specificity of the closed-type initial mortgage, the age-old and psychological characteristics of the respondents, isolation from active social contacts, and the exclusion of satisfied needs (f physiological, social, spiritual), troubling experiences among numerous one-article groups in the region real importance.

The final point of the investigation was to look at the positive and negative sides of the disease. It was determined that the most frequently named positive aspects of self-esteem are: “motivation” (33%), “self-development, self-improvement” (37%), “superiority, competition” (20%), “why what (8%), “reflection, work on oneself” (18%), “setting new goals, directness of purpose” (14%), “a new look at life” (6%), striving for achievement (5%), “commitment, mobilization of internal resources” (7%).

Among the negative aspects of life, respondents identified the following: “aggression” (9%), sin (6%), “degradation” (5%), “anger” (18%), “negativity” (6%), “hatred” ( 7%), “nervousness” (8%), “selfishness” (6%), “rozpach” (7%), “dramatism” (5%), “ruinuvania” (5%), “stagnation” (5 %), “wornness with others” (13%), “emotional tension” (13%), “fierceness” (5%).


First of all, three types of commitments to delay have been identified: positive (delay as commitment to competition, which is achieved in intelligently maintaining your position and achieving your goals); negatively (stagnation as a result of ruin, disadaptation, as manifested in “aggravation”, “images”, “hatred”); neutral (zadrіst as ambivalent it seems, as it is difficult to differentiate and mean).

In another way, there are several groups of associations with the word “stagnation”: associations with illness, associations with social behavior, associations with status, associations with with almost Chuttami.

Thirdly, it is necessary to completely separate the determinants of depression into external (social) ones: (“familial disadvantage”, “bad life in the marriage”, “bad inter-social relations”, “defective material life”, “transformation”) ha significant other") and internal (individual) determinants that provoke guilt in the cadet initial group (“negative personality traits”, “inadequate self-esteem”, “negative emotional states and sensitivities”).

Fourthly, respondents mean positive and negative sides of being late. The majority of respondents view retardation as more likely to lead to “degradation”, “self-esteem”, “loss of tension with others” and “emotional tension”.


Kulikov O.V., Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Social Psychology, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg;

Gurieva S.D., Doctor of Psychology, Professor, V.O. head Department of Social Psychology, Federal Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg.

Bibliographic mailing

Pylyshina O.V. Statements about staleness in the context of inter-personal contributions (in the application of course teams) // Current problems of science and education. - 2015. - No. 1-1.;
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Psychology of spilting and inter-personal bonds Ilyin Evgen Pavlovich

14.6. Zadrіst

14.6. Zadrіst

Zazdrіst, as a psychological and ethical phenomenon, attracts the respect of both religious thinkers (“Zadrіst,” 1996; 1998), as well as of various specialties – philosophers, sociologists (S. P. Kolpakova, 1995; A. Yu. Monov, 1989, 1990) ; D. T. Shupilo, 1996) and, especially, psychologists (M. Klein, 1997; E. E. Sokolova, E. P. Akkuratova, 1991). From now on, the main attention will be paid to the psychological aspects of recovery.

The essence of lateness. Delay is most often perceived as hostility, the enemy of success, popularity, moral excellence and the important status of another person (“Dictionary of Ethics”, 1983). Such a great delay in life, as witch, “black”, I'm going to the philosophers. F. Bacon, noting the aggressive nature of defenses: “Whoever does not dare to compete with his neighbor for his merits, tries to get even with him, in every case of his well-being” (1978, p. 369). About the same thing, R. Descartes wrote: “There is no evil vice that spoils the well-being of people, such as being late, because those who are infected will not only become embarrassed themselves, but also, as only they can, darken the joy of others” (1989) , p. 561). Lateness is nothing more than a person's depravity to the point that everything: successes, merits, the cunningness of other people, wealth - were left undisturbed only by him. A. Schopenhauer affirmed that although delay is natural and powerful for people, it is still a vice and, at the same time, misfortune: “Delay shows how unhappiness people feel, how they respect other people’s behavior and become - how they can sum it up” ( 2000, p. Tom , we write, we can marvel at her as if we were the enemy of our happiness and threaten to strangle her like an evil demon.

Just as B. Spinozy (1957) said that delay is hatred, then F. La Rochefoucauld (1971) noted that delay is not reconciled, it is not hatred.

It should be noted that lateness is understood by psychologists ambiguously. Platonov (1984) respects the lag of the senses, the structure of which includes blurring, suffering from the thoughts that in another there are those bad things that he doesn’t have, and he hates us before. L. A. Dyachenko and M. I. Kandibovich (1998) considers delay as a social-psychological feature of particularity, which manifests itself in the dissatisfaction and unkindness of completely different people, who are accompanied by good luck, who have achieved well-being. Stinks are seen as a vice, as a sign of frailty of mind and frivolous character. However, such understanding is sooner conveyed to zadrisnosti like the power of specialness.

According to the dictionary “Psychology” (1990), lateness is perceived as manifesting motivation of achievement, which has real and obvious advantages in the acquisition of social benefits (material values, success, status, special advantages) subject as a threat to the value of the powerful Self and is accompanied by affective experiences and actions. “It’s getting dark,” according to the author of this article, with a negative emotion. However, the emotion of delay can be seen only when it appears situational. If the stance of absolutely any object is delayed, it becomes an emotional attitude, then you will almost feel it.

The order of reasonable deterioration an unpleasant feeling, a witch's setup to someone, it’s a broader approach, if lateness is perceived as a phenomenon that manifests itself on three levels: firstly, awareness - awareness of its lower state, and sometimes on the level of emotional experience - feeling annoyance, frustration and anger through the formation of real behavior - ruination, removal of an object from obsolescence. It is clear that K. Muzdibaev (1997) sees the following components of retardation that consistently appear one after another:

1) social equality; “...In the future there is always a need for equalization, and where equalization is impossible, there is no delay,” wrote F. Bacon (1978, p. 370);

2) perceive the subject's advantages;

3) experiencing an increase, increase, or cause a decrease in this drive;

4) hostility is set up and instills hatred to the one who overthrows;

5) bazhannya chi realne zapodiyannya yomu shkodi;


It seems to me that the main component of recovery has been wasted here. And being late comes down not only to the fact that one has in his order what the delay lacks. It only comes down to the extent to which a person has a keen interest in drinking (Parrott, 1991), which they value highly What is the need? It may be possible for women to wait until they have children; Most often, delay is expected from the one who is delayed (which manifests itself in the delay of his reach), so the object of delay may not suspect anything. There is also a clear manifestation of the developments, in connection with which the eminent physiologist G. Helmholtz said that from the rudeness of the opponents that prevail, one can judge until the end of the day about the extent of power success.

It happens that people, afraid of being late to others, reduce their work energy and enthusiasm, embrace their goodness and achievements, and secretly take advantage of them, not depriving them, in this way, of complete satisfaction.

Being late can be experienced as annoyance, aggression on the one who, as it turns out, has achieved undeserved success, having rejected undeserved benefits, and on the other hand - as image to share with the connection due to an undeserved bad luck with power. The worker suffers from the appearance of inferiority: once I have whoa no - that means I’m proud of him. Yak means P. Titelman (Titellman, 1982), people’s awareness of their lower status is the fundamental cause of lateness. Some people literally become exhausted due to chronic illness. There is a deformation of specialness: the person becomes secretive, anxious, self-pitying, she appears to have a sense of inferiority, permanent dissatisfaction. Lateness often motivates people to attack their object in a malicious way and to kill them (Klein, 1997).

When anger bursts forth, it is called too late.

V. Hugo

To neutralize negative experiences, one goes either to self-destructive fantasies, or to the manifestation of prejudice, cynicism, and despondency, which allows one to avoid the trauma associated with the deficit and from the beginning of your life. Arrogance can degenerate into self-flagellation. Intense self-flagellation during an acute attack of diseases, as noted by P. Kutter (1998), can lead to physiological symptoms: a person is “pale in the face of disease”, as blood vessels are compressed and blood flows There is no pressure, but “the bitterness of death”, the fragments of blood will be filled. In principle, in the opinion of this author, the prisoner is an unhappy person, I regret that he suffers from doubts, obsessive thoughts, due to the presence of the so-called “feeling” of imperious desirability. Some people have a desire to avoid, in some way, the injustice of their uneasy relationship with other people: so that the other recognizes failures, misfortunes, discrediting themselves in front of those who are absent. This hatred, which is stimulated by hatred, often tempts people to engage in immoral activities. Let’s remember A. Z. Pushkin’s tale “About Tsar Saltan”, if two sisters wanted to blame their sister through those who themselves gave precedence to the tsar as a squad, and the legend about Salieri, who disappeared from Mozart’s late life. This legend gave the name to one type of aggression - “Salieri syndrome”, associated with the “black zarstvo”. When you are late, you can be aware of the first sight of youth outrage on the streets, if there are people breaking into parked cars, store windows being smashed, etc.

Officials, so that the guilt of being late will get better, can be divided into external and internal. Internal factors that come to a head are such peculiarities of personality as selfishness and selfishness (Descuret, 1899), marnoslavism and supermundane ambition (Aristotle).

The proximity to the status of the person becoming too late is considered to be related to external factors. The leader, as a rule, equalizes his position and his achievements, his achievements and status, so that he stands close to the social level. Aristotle also stated that “people appreciate those who are close to them for an hour, for a place, for a century, and for glory...” (1978, p. 94). Proximity creates a better mind for equalization, making the lives of other people more accessible to observation. When the distance between the barrier and the object of protection is smaller, the delay is greater (Mises, 1981). Too much valor rarely becomes too late, according to this author and G. Shoik. However, this idea is unlikely to be fair.

P. Kutter, for example, respects that you should not forget about social Hypostases of lateness. “The growth retardation is still on the ground real social injustice, - write vin. - How can we understand the early life of a child with a poor family, and how big is the difference between the capabilities and prospects that open up for other children? How can a robotless lad marvel at the blues of the great bourgeois family, which is the gymnasium? It is possible, so that workers and craftsmen do not spoil the students of institutes and universities, who are throwing away, if they please, may allow them to read, for reflection, to gain profit in order to take part in the discussion and declare about your political position?

Please note that you are late, dictated social injustice can be interpreted inclusively psychological point of view - means to completely limit yourself to one method of investigation. After the date of late development of the most psychoanalytic research, the investigators begin to make peace. At this time of year, it is more appropriate to bring political go straight to those to give all citizens more equal chances” (1998, p. 78).

There are such political doctrines as egalitarianism (of extreme zeal) and democracy, the suppression of “unfair harmony”, to the extreme level, etc. The delay of one edge to the The wealth and prosperity of another land will lead to the Zagarbnitsa wars.

See you late. I. Kant (1965) divides zadrіst into black zadrіst (if zadrіstvo can add to the good of another) and simply unkindness. There are also other types of protection. To speak, for example, about "unloved" in advance, if a person wants to mother those who may be with her, but with whom she does not feel another enemy. As with the “evil” one, so in the “non-evil” future, it is necessary to put away the uneasiness sooner rather than later. Ale, as J. New means (Neu, 1980), in the first episode the person says: “I want you to have more of what you want,” and in another: “I want to give you more of what you want.” This type is similar to that of K. Horny (normal and neurotic retardation). The evidence of evil delay testifies to the delay in reaching the level on which another person is located; without showing his powerlessness. Another reason for “black” lateness is “causal mercy” (Sohoeck, 1969), so that people are aware of what is important, as the cause of powerful failures and low status.

Verify and buried, "white" late, if a person, having become late, does not sense the fortunes of a successful person. For this type of person, “white delay” can become an incentive to get married to another person (Aristotle wrote about the delay of getting married). J. New writes in connection with this: “In times of evil, a person wants to humiliate another (to his equal or lower); Whenever a buried hole is buried, a person needs to raise it for himself (by the way, just like any other person)” (p. 434). However, behind the “black” delay, one of the tasks of the psychologist is to turn it into healthy competition. “Instead of succumbing to someone else’s power and wasting all our efforts in delay,” writes P. Kutter, “we could, following Goethe’s thought, try to independently weed away those whom we hope to rule. It is necessary to critically analyze the situation immediately if there is a risk of underestimating authority and overestimating the capabilities of others. Zadrisnik will gain respect for the power of honor, which wines she does not note, fascination with the thoroughness of the people who cry out to her zazdra” (p. 79). Forming a sense of vitality and strength in one’s own strengths is, in Kutter’s opinion, a way to combat stagnation. Then a person can say to himself: just as I lack what a person lacks in me, then I lack those things that she lacks. We will calmly put ourselves before the dignity of others, without feeling the need to become such ourselves. The delay is marked in due time and may be hemmed.

Zadrіst and vіk. In ontogenesis, lateness appears to be late as a result of the moral self-centrism of the child, the nature of greed, dissatisfaction with the needs of life. Lateness often comes down to brothers and sisters. The young people respect the honor of their elders, and they, in their own way, respect the youth, because their fathers stand before them with great respect and awe.

The improvement of a child’s development is reflected by the child’s social status, its identification with significant other children, and the presence of positive experiences in the process of sexual intercourse and sleep.

Actors still respect that in our hour, lateness does not manifest itself as intensely and openly as in Shakespeare's hours (Spielman, 1971). Possibly, that's it. However, they are always wary of showing meanness and causing harm from their health.

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