Lunar calendar 3. Third Moon Day: Astrologue Tips on Active Action Day

Lunar calendar 3. Third Moon Day: Astrologue Tips on Active Action Day

The third lunar day is called the day of Mars. These days are not suitable for passive contemplation and reflection. This is the time of active actions. Today it is impossible to allow passivity and constancy.

The fact is that if you do not spend the energy in this day, which gives man a moon, then she can negatively affect the state of the whole organism and even provoke the appearance of pathologies. You need to get up early in the morning to have time to do everything. On this day, "soil" is prepared for the entire next lunar cycle. About this day you can say: "What we sleep, then you will get enough."

Today you need to defend your own opinion and your interests. It is impossible to allow an extraneous invasion of your territory.

General characteristics of 3 lunar days:

  • Energy of the day: Active day.
  • Symbol of the day: Leopard, Bars, ready to make a jump.
  • Element of the day: tree.
  • Stone of the Day: Pyrit, Ruby, Avenue, Jespilit.
  • Color of the day: yellow and its shades.

Characteristics of 3 lunar days - an active time when risk is allowed within reasonable limits. Today you can realize the most bold ideas and, most likely, they will be successful.

If quarrels and conflicts arise in the third lunar day, then this indicates the unsighted energy of people. To avoid scandals, it is recommended to do business, and not find out the relationship or get involved in gossip.

In the 3 lunar day increases the performance of every person. Therefore, today you can do much more than any other day. In addition, it is easy to get acquainted on this day, because people go to contact well. Therefore, today you can get good business connections.

However, in the third lunar day, the moon may affect people in such a way that they will "wake up" the aggression and the worst parties of nature. Also people today tend to deceive. Therefore, you need to check all transactions and do not give yourself to the adventure. In addition, you should control your mood and not to give anger to take possession of yourself.

In 3 lunar day, anticipate people should be avoided. The fact is that they can draw you into a gossip or scandal that will have the most unpredictable consequences.

In the third lunar day, you can stock up the energy for the entire next period. This is especially true for people suffering from its lack of. It is understood that you do not have enough energy in a bad material situation, the collapsed business and the lack of work.

Compensate its deficit will help long stay in nature. It is recommended to go to the forest for several hours or spend time at the reservoir. If there is no such possibility, you can just stroll through the park or stand for a few minutes from any plant and touch it.


3 lunar day is not the most good time for dates. In love today will have a desire to argue, drop and find out the relationship. Therefore, they are recommended for this day separately from each other. If a quarrel arises between them today, then it can lead to a complete break of relationships.

On these days, it is possible to make marriage of those couples that love to be in constant movement and will not suffer monotony. Their family life will be filled with surprises, surprises and travel. Not always they will all be folded as they count on it, but in their lives there will be no place for boredom and monotony.

Today it is not necessary to draw up the relationship of couples who dream of a quiet family life. Their marriage will not last long. On this day you can plan an unusual and extreme wedding.


In 3 lunar day, you can do the whole most difficult homework. You can arrange general cleaning and start repair.


The 3rd lunar day is the time when it won't get rid of bad habits. You can say goodbye to smoking, alcohol or drug addiction. If these days get rid of these habits, then they will not bother you anymore.

If pathology arises on these days, then it will immediately give yourself a felt and recovery will not come for a very long time. However, it is not difficult to diagnose the diagnosis, so the treatment will eventually give a positive result.

Weak places on this day - ears, headings, throat. Therefore, the therapy of these bodies today is contraindicated. If on these days there will be pain in the nape or in the ears, this suggests that you need to pay attention to the state of the musculoskeletal system.

In these days, any exercise will benefit, will have a positive effect on the body of the body. It is recommended to visit the bath or pool.

Since this day is considered to be the day of Mars, and Mars, as you know, is the God of War, today you can begin or continue to engage in any kind of martial arts.

Work, money, business

The 3rd lunar day is the time when you can implement the most courageous ideas. As a rule, they are successful. The main thing is to believe in your own strength and nothing to be afraid. Where risk required, it is necessary to risk, but only if it is justified.

This day should be paid to businessmen. They can make a profitable deal today and find new partners. They should act in this day. Only, they will be able to achieve a positive result.

On this day it is necessary to actively defend their positions. If this is not done, then you can lose everything that was gone with such difficulty.


Do not cut your hair on this day. All the astrologers say about it. Hair haircut at 3 lunar day will negatively affect the status of the curls themselves.

The new hairstyle will cause abundant hair loss and slow motion.

Hair cut will negatively affect the state of the whole organism and can provoke the occurrence of pathologies, from which it will be very difficult to get rid of.

Characteristics of people born in 3 lunar day

If the birthday accounts for 3 lunar days, then the person has the qualities of the warrior. He will be a real defender - bold and brave. He will be able to stand in any situation not only for himself, but also for his loved ones.

However, people born in 3 lunar day have weak health. Since childhood, they will have reduced immunity and a tendency to the emergence of various pathologies. Therefore, parents need to take care of increasing the protective forces of the child, while he is still in the womb.


Dreams at 3 lunar day most often have no meaning. However, sometimes a dream who appeared to a person on this day, can talk about the state of his nervous system.

Sleep can open his fears and secret desires. Such dreams need to be decrypted with a dream. It will help to understand what is the meaning of sleep and whether it was.

This is a complete description of 3 lunar days. If you spend this day according to the advice of astrologers, then in the future you can change life for the better.

The third lunar day is underway under the influence of militant Mars, and passive pastime is undesirable today. The more active will be the day, the better. In this day, the moon gives a person special, strong energy. If you do not spend it on time, then it can pour into some pathology or unexpected diseases, like a cold or migraine.

Features 3 lunar days:

  • High Activity and Performance
  • A lucky number that can bring good luck - 3 (three)
  • Favorable color of third lunar days - yellow
  • Sensitive parts of the body - head
  • Powerful energy charges have precious stones - pyrite and ruby
  • During the period of third lunar days it is worthwhile to do internal analysis and prioritization.
  • The symbols of third lunar days are leopard and leopards, which prepared for the jump

Mars helps people to prepare the soil for the entire lunar month. Especially lucky today those who were born under the patronage of this militant planet, for example .

At 3 lunar day you can implement original ideas and fantasies, start incarnating far-reaching plans, they will definitely be successful. In addition, Mars encourages risk, but it should not be unnecessary. U especially aggressive natur or Hyperactivity may be observed.

Keep calm and keep yourself in your hands!

Do not give in to the ugliece or get involved in unnecessary quarrels and battles. It will not lead to anything good, and the unsighted energy is best sent to a more peaceful direction. Energy of the day especially favorably active people, today you can do much more than any other days of the lunar cycle. You can also make new acquaintances, since many people become more open and sociable.

In 3 lunar day, you can create an energy supply for yourself in its absence or distortion. You can understand the presence of such energy deformations in the absence of constant work or problems with its search, according to financial troubles, unstable emotional background and so on. It is important to intelligently dispose of the received energy, because Mars passive people do not like!

Beware in 3 lunar day to wish to someone evil or experience sharp negative emotions towards people. Energy of these days is able to repeatedly strengthen the negative promise. At the same time, it is unknown, whether an evil wish will reach the offender, but you will suffer exactly from him. Tested negative emotions will adversely affect your health, they can cause insomnia, melancholy or even cause a protracted depression.

The effect of the moon on a career and work

In terms of work and career, the third lunar days promise success, now you can even take on the risky adventures! But to "fit" in them only if the risk is truly justified. Third lunar days are most favored by businessmen. Both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs can catch a good kush, conclude profitable contracts and find new regular customers. The more active today businessman acts, the more finance will come to him in his pocket.

The motto of 3 lunar days "Think only about positive things!"

Strike or color hair on the third lunar day do not recommend absolutely all astrologists. Hair marked on these days will lose natural attractiveness. Moreover, there may be earlier unnoticed problems like dandruff, hair loss and so on. Also do not wash your head, it is better to transfer all the water and cosmetic procedures for another day.

Third lunar days are time for active and purposeful people who are not afraid of life tests.

The moon during this period of time has a beneficial effect on important business trips and travels. A great time for business meetings and negotiations, as well as to start an unforgettable vacation in an exotic country.

It is worth carefully controlling your thoughts - they are able to influence the future future. A rational and weighted approach to the case will allow you to find a way out of any situation. Creative people of the Third Moonful Day will bring new ideas that will help in their endeavors.

3 lunar day - perfect time to solve important tasks. It is worth only to concentrate on them, and the decision will be done by itself. Do not avoid problems, because in this way you will not be able to get rid of them. All the energy of third lunar days will contribute to the search for optimal paths to eliminate the difficulty. The decision of the pressing issues will give confidence in their own forces and will help achieve high results.

It is not necessary to miss a second of the third lunar days, since each of them is truly invaluable. Time should be actively spending, and not spend it in doubt, laziness and empty chatter. Now it is necessary to act as efficiently and post it all 100 percent.

A favorable time to occupy martial arts and to visit Tyr.

The third day will allow to implement the most fantastic and extraordinary ideas and plans that could not be incarnated for a long time.

3 Lunar day requires careful handling of oil and with other combustible materials. Accidentally spilled oil is an omnation that informs you about possible obstacles and barriers that will meet on the way.

People who have a well-developed intuition say that in this period of time, illuminated in the form of certain characters. You can search for these mysterious signs anywhere - in the clouds, in the form of shadows, in non-standard behavior of the people around.

Wellness and health

If you are healthy and cheerful, then the third lunar days must pass under the motto "Movement is life." The body will tell you a lot. Thank you, if you spend 3 lunar day for active sports exercises - running, bike, warm-up, active sports games will charge you with energy and positive. This is a favorable day to participate in sports competitions and to play football.

What in 3 lunar days occurs with the general condition of the body? During this period, the energy of the mysterious moon begins to update the human body. It can be said that it can penetrate into every cage of your body, give strength and significantly increase immunity. Protecting health on this day, you can forget for a long time about various diseases. No virus will be able to prevent the implementation of the long-standing goals and plans!

If you will be larger in 3 lunar day and prone to depression, you can significantly undermine your own health. Energy is always manifested in activity. If it cannot find a way out, then gradually accumulate in your body in excessive amounts. This will lead to a devastating and negative impact, which will be expressed in poor well-being.

Intimate relations

Third lunar days can bring unforgettable impressions of lovers to intimate relationships and emotions. For a variety in this area, you should try a new posture or a new place. For example, make love in nature. The unusual sensations will help to find the outstanding passion between spouses and discover new subtleties of intimate relationships.

Sexologists and astrologers advise the woman during this period to take everything into their hands - to be a powerful, unprofitable and a little aggressive. It should like your partner.

Do not hide your own feelings and fear to embody the most intimate fantasies into life. Third lunar days will allow a couple in love to feel complete harmony with each other and merge together.

Moon and dreams

Dreams, who dream of third lunar days, can direct you to the right path. Dreams are designed to reveal the hidden human potential. The dreams make it possible to understand how much unrealized energy is inside you. Dreams on the third lunar day are able to demonstrate how efficiently and with the maximum benefit to send their own energy resources in the right direction.

During this period, you can see the symbols in a dream that will talk about the weaknesses of your personality. Be sure to pay attention to it and work on yourself.

No need to ignore night images during the period of third lunar days. Their correct and clear interpretation will help find a way out of a sufficient difficult life situation. It is dreams that are capable of sending a person by the path on which the minimum number of obstacles will meet.

Hair care: haircut and staining

The third lunar day is considered favorable for hair care. The haircut in this period of time can bring a lot of positive emotions, as well as capable of attracting wealth. The moon is in the growing phase, which affects the rapid hair growth.

Mystics argue that hair coloring in the third lunar day contributes to the career staircase.

Unity with the outside world and the arrival of the positive energy charge will give you a hairstyle, as close as possible to the natural one. Holders of long hair can try simply dissolve them. It is worth changing something in your image in order to experience new positive emotions and improve yourself the mood.

Article 3 Lunar day (characteristic) specially prepared for Valtasar site (http: // Site) - fortune telling, horoscopes, mysticism, moon today

Symbol: leopard, leopard, cheetah, ready to jump
Element of the day - a tree.
Happy number - 3.
Happy color - yellow, gold, amber, lemon, saffron and ocher.

Affirmation of the day: I put all the strength and the whole passion in fulfillment of your dream!

Keywords: elevated energy tone, caution, self-control, single work.

Brief recommendations for the day:
It's time to move from plans to action.
Passivity is contraindicated. If you are inactive now, then lose, and you will have to crash up for a very long time. Today you can quickly and easily do what the time will require a lot of effort.
It is today that there is a chance to succeed in the fact that for a long time you did not work.
Show your own will in everything you do. Do not go on other people that you would offer. First, comprehensively analyze these proposals, and agree only if you are firmly confident that you really will benefit.
This day is only suitable for implementing your own plans and desires, not strangers! Making what others need, but does not suit you, you very far drop yourself back, distinguishing your plans for an indefinite future.
Throughout the day, be in good shape - both physical and mental. It is not necessary to strain, but be constantly ready for action.
Be alert so as not to succeed or aggression - today there is such a danger. You need vigilance and feeling of an internal rod. This will give you power, resistance to external influences and invulnerability.
Be sure to find the time for exercise, so intense, as far as it is possible for you (but not before the overwork!).

? Esoteric practices of the day ?
- Yoga, fitness, the beginning of any sports;
- work with joints;
- Massage of the ears and the nape;
- getting energy from trees;
- getting energies of elements through chakras;
- creation of astral protection;
- work with energy fields;
- practices to attract money and good luck with hair;
- Inclusion in the House of Money Tree.

Massage ears (very favorably today)
Take two fingers and gently pull it up first, then a little to the side, then sideways, then slightly down and then horizontally down. When you pull, then slightly deploy the ears of the sink.
Make it 3 times.

Meditation with trees
If you want to charge the energy of the tree, then it is best to do it from 5 to 9 in the morning. At this time, the tree will give you the cleanest and powerful flow of fuel.

Remember that every tree has its own energy. If you want to get the energy of money, it needs to be asked for a birch if you need power, then oak. Lipa will help you eliminate the inner contradictions and give abundance and do it better from 12.00 to 15.00. If you need to get rid of the negative, then the aspen will help you best. With aspen, you need to work from 14.00 to 17.00

Practice "No"
Get on your knees in front of two pillows, hands are folded on the knees.
We connect straight hands into the castle, raise on top and re-touched, behind your head.
Take a breath and in exhale with all the power we hit on pillows with a cry: "No!".
For three minutes, we beat hands on pillows with all the power, every time the hands of your hands as far as possible. Let all emotions leave us, transform into our strength.
Then within 3 minutes just sit in the original posture, in silence, watching internal processes.
This practice helps to work out internal hardness and transform negative emotions into force.

Money bath
Make an infusion from the bark of oak, birch kidney or pine needles. Draw a beryl or citrine crystal into the index symbol, and pour into the bath with a request to the highest forces to give you so much money how much you need. When you go to the bath. Imagine that it is full of money. Bathing in money at least 20 minutes. Leaving the water, thank the highest forces for help and support.

Cash mask for hair

Mix the tablespoon of cinnamon and mustard powder. Fill with hot water. Let stand 10 minutes. After that, apply this mixture on the roots of the hair. Wrap your head towel and keep the mask from 3x to 10 minutes. Then rinse the hair well and rinse them with water with apple vinegar. (1 tbsp. Home apple vinegar on 1 liter of water)

Astral cleansing from negative emotions
If you realized that you are under the rule of negative emotions of fear, anxiety, anger, envy, greed, resentment, pride, etc., then the deliverance from this emotion will be monitored from the beginning to the end. Feel where spasms in the throat, chest, in the intestines, or heat or pulsation arise in the body. Watching the emotion, you leave from under its power, and it disintegrates and disappears.
Suppression of emotions, the contamination of them inside itself, the experience of them alone leads to violations in the physical body.
The fear breaks the kidneys, anger - the liver, greed and envy lick the heart and spleen.

Burning negative energy in manipura
Manipura is a chakra responsible for our emotions and their manifestations outside. It is located in the navel area. If you are not able to manage your emotions and states, it says that you have unbalanced energy in this chakra. To align and make your life managed on this day you need to clean it with fire.
How to do it:
Light a candle and place it opposite your navel.
Breathe as follows. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
Close your eyes and mentally transfer the fire candles to the navel area. You can see and feel light and warmly inside yourself in this area.
Then, scan your body internal eyes. Perhaps somewhere in the body you will see dark places or feel discomfort. Allow these areas with a negative move to the navel area and burn in the fire.
At the end of the meditation, take a deep breath exhalation, pull out the whole body and open your eyes.

Meditation "Leopard"
Leopard symbolizes ferocity, aggression and indispensability. Leopard is warlike and brave, rapidly and heter. In his character, an active hunt for the prey, whatever they imagine. Spots on the light skins of the leopard often compare with the eyes that natural deities look at us.
We have to enter the image of the leopard, to become the same as he, bold and decisive in achieving its goals. We go to the hunt for all that we need, and do not return without mining. Today we growl, defending our opinion, and strive for the goal as experienced predators. Imagine a goal as long-awaited prey, which you were looking for and track down, now you see it. All blood boils in you, your muscles are stretched, and the mind is cold. You feel how the power of a real beast is played, ready to jump. Throw, and also the next! .. From today, the embodiment of your plans begins, and you are decisive as Barz, and graceful and dangerous as Panther. You act and get your own.

Women's meditation of healing and rejuvenation of an apple tree energy.
Apple tree is an amazing female health and energy tree. It was worshiped by Women since ancient times, came to her with their problems and asked for healing. It is especially well she treats the disease of the female sexual area. Apple tree can give women's happiness and heal infertility. If there is regularly her seeds, it prolongs youth and brings women's attractiveness and fertility.
Come to the apple tree and bow to her to the ground.
Exit "Mother Apple Tree I ask you to have health and female beauty, take the disease and failure, give women's happiness"
France to the forehead apple tree and palms. Feel her rough bark. Consider carefully cracks on her trunk. Feel the aroma of her leaves and colors. Make three breaths to the nose, exhausted by mouth, at the same time, that you inhale the interburship area and palms the energy of the apple tree, and exhale to the ground through the feet.
Then turn and click on the apple tree with your back and buttocks, close your eyes. Feel like your body merges with an apple tree trunk. The roots begin to appear out of the legs and intertwining the roots of the apple tree go deep into the ground. Perhaps in the bottom of the belly, pulsation appear, and you will feel a connection with the tree through it. Stay this from 10 to 15 minutes. Then gently open your eyes and look at the sky through the foliage. Admire the sky. Do not hurry. Make some deep breaths exhale. Pull up with all the body. Turn to the apple tree face and hug it. Thank you for healing and help.
Be sure after the ritual meditation, scream under the apple tree in its roots coin as payment.

Practice reprogramming sleep
Put your hands one on the forehead, the second on the back of the head of the headlights.
Remember your dream.
Close your eyes and look again your dream, as if it is a movie where you are a spectrary.
After reviewing in the color version, then make your inner cinema black and white.
Then color again.
And then start changing it.
You can finish the list, when what you see in the inner screen is completely satisfied with you.

3 lunar day in its energy sector is an active day, his element is a tree. From the successful data stones of the day, they call: jespilles, rubies, pyrites, adventurines. Colors of day: yellow, gold, amber, lemon, saffron and shades of ocher. Symbols of the day: Leopard and Bars, who is preparing for a jump. Angelic creature 3 days: Sargo Procurator.

There is a gradual implementation of thoughts in the physical world. The day is distinguished by activity: it is possible that you want to work in creativity or other activities. At the same time, carefully monitor your inner sensations, as well as emotions - there is a risk of losing power over them.

Energy directed in the right track always provides productive result. So try to act with the mind, eliminate negative thoughts from your thinking, as well as forever depressive, angry or envious personalities.

3 Lunar day Characteristic of the day talks about the awakening of creative inclinations. This in turn contributes to unusual, but successful solutions of complex situations.

It is more correct to practice some active activity today. But if you even be engaged in labor, and at the same time will experience many negative emotions - the effect will not please you or other people. Try to stay in a calm, harmonious state of the Spirit, listening to the recommendations of others. Do not let yourself succumb to provocations.

All negative promises of 3 lunar days are repeatedly increased in size, damaging, first of all, to you personally. As a result, physical well-being will deteriorate, depression can begin, the degree of susceptibility of stress and so on.

Refuse to data from the manifestations of passivity and inaction, as they are under the strictest ban! Can destroy your body. The moon now gives a person a certain strength and energy, which should be used for the benefit of himself and the world around.

If this is not done - the energy will look for a way out, which will be fraught with negative consequences. That is why 3 day of the lunar calendar does not allow to show laziness. Only actions, actions and again active actions!

Love, relationship, marriage

It is possible to decide on the conclusion of marriage today only, when you want to fill your marital life with adventures, frequent crossings, unpredictable surprises. Therefore, if you are not ready for such activity - transfer the wedding to other lunar days.

In addition, a non-standard wedding ceremony will be successful at 3 lunar day. In general, now a day ideally suitable for all unusual and extreme.


Full self-dedication is shown, as regards its main occupation (work), that domestic affairs and exercise. At 3 Day of the moon cycle, it should be preparing to prepare the report, arrange the general cleaning of your home, and also to engage in power loads.

Even labor at night will not harm health. The time is ideal to include your inner reserves of the body on the full coil. The most important thing is that you have enough motivation and have no doubts about the activities performed.

Today's day is very active, if you do not use all this over energy, it will harm your health. Without finding a way out, he will head itself, which will destroyably affect well-being.

What does this testify? That vital energy could not pass through the energy channels, did not irrigate them with its healing force, but turned into a "swamp", stagnated. As a result, we can face stagnant processes, which in the bloodstream, which is in the digestion organs.

And, it means, be careful - more correctly in the 3th day of the growth of the moon to recycle, to be thrilled than "re-".

Business, work, money

Now there is an increased productivity in all spheres of life, in particular, in business. Ideally engage in the performance of "breakthrough" events, go to new levels, even risk, but deliberately.

As in the whole other, in business in the third lunar day, activity should be exercised. Finance at this time will visit wallets only those who apply some efforts to receive them, tries and works, and not just mastering themselves with dreams.

Haircut, painting, manicure

For a haircut, this day is ambiguous, but it is better to still time with the shortening of the hair.

As for staining, it is permissible, but only with the use of natural dyes. And even will be favorable - the shade changed today will provide career growth, will help to establish relations with employees and find a solution even for very difficult tasks.

Permissible manicure and pedicure.


Night vision, seen today at night, are designed to tell about whether we use the space energy provided to us. How we realize our energy potential laid in us from the very birth.

Therefore, the dreams can be taken for a landmark indicating the "energy" holes through which the vitality flows. Hold them attention if you wish to increase your energy to always have enough forces to implement everything conceived in life.

In addition, the Greens in the 3 lunar days often demonstrate ways to solve complex tasks, eliminating various obstacles to. But interpret them, taking into account the process of circulating the energy fluxes of the Moon.

Ritual for 3 lunar days

Today you can resort to the practice of astral cleansing. It will help eliminate negative emotions. Therefore, if you feel that such negative feelings, like fear, anxiety, aggression, envy, greed, resentment, pride and others took over you, perform it in 3 days of the lunar calendar.

How to do it:

  • establish the place of education in your body of spasms (throat, chest, intestines, can manifest in the form of heat, ripples);
  • control the negative emotion - when you watch it, it begins to decay and disappear gradually.

Remember that in order to suppress emotions, driving them deep into ourselves and surviving alone with them - unusually harmful. So you gradually destroy yourself. The manifestations of fear negatively reflect on the kidneys, anger - on the liver, and greed with envy are devastating for the heart and spleen.

For gardener and gardener

Time is successful to plant and transplant fast-growing fruiting plants, in particular, such that have edible only the upper ground part.

  • leaf vegetables;
  • legume crops;
  • eggplants;
  • cucumbers;
  • flower and medicinal plants.
  • loose soil;
  • girdle
  • feed plants with mineral fertilizers;
  • delete unnecessary shoots;
  • prepare cuttings;
  • instilling and rooted many types of plants;
  • collect fruits.


Indeed, the third lunar days are filled with all sorts of danger and stressful situations. But it is not worth it for this expense: the moon has a soft, kind energy, she will protect the evil to your life from penetration.

But, of course, with the only condition that you will exercise the most benevolent, positive attitude towards peace and others.

At this day, the lunar cycle will play self-sucking. Therefore, become in front of the mirror and begin to tell yourself what kind of smart, kind, charming and attractive man. Then other people will perceive you, respectively.

Today it is necessary to abandon the manifestations of anger, anger, not to contact conflict situations. Otherwise you will get a headache, other unpleasant symptoms and you can walk to the nervous breakdown. Be careful with your health, it would be nice to spend time in nature, rising fresh air and rested from urban fuss and noise.

However, it is also impossible to keep negative emotions. Therefore, if a desire arose broke a pair of plates - do not neglect them.

Complete 3 lunar days is best surrounded by the closest people. Whatever the day passed, in the evening, gather with my relatives behind the family table, discuss what happened today and, of course, do not forget to hug your beloved cat.

If at the time of your birth was the 3rd day of the lunar cycle

This lunar day gives people the following common features and characteristics:

Mission:learn to own astral (emotional) energy.

The potential given to nature:

- strong emotional reactions;
- the activity of which it is enough for decades;
- high energy potential.

Personal features:

- an extremely wide range of interests;
- excellent implementation as athletes, military, the ability to succeed in professions where pressure and determination are needed;
- fond of extreme sports - parachute jumps, underwater floating, mountaineering, martial arts;
- fond of self-improvement, yoga and various spiritual practitioners;
- Tell them in themselves in themselves the power of the will and the active attitude to life, to remove from extraneous influences and other people's influences already in adolescence (if such qualities have not been manifested in early childhood).

Possible negative qualities:

- in the absence of positive aspects from strong and happy planets - Jupiter and Venus - a person will be weak and passive and will take care of the circumstances; when trying to limit activity, there is a risk of extreme emotional reactions, accompanied by uncontrollable actions;
- It is quite capable of "damage", that is, to break through the energetic field of the offender.


- physically does not endure passivity, it traums his psyche and causes congestive phenomena in the body;
- perhaps will not live for a long time if the energy was not directed into a peaceful direction;
- can constantly hurt the throat, to develop asthma and diseases of the thyroid gland;
- It is useful to handle hardening, dreamed of cold water, walk barefoot on the ground.

General Description of the Lunar Day:

Symbols of the day: Leopard, Bars.
Stones: Carneol, Sarden Red, Ruby, Avenue.

Act - the battle.

From this day, the first quarter begins and it is believed that the moon is growing. The lunar sickle appears in the sky and the days of chaps ended. But this is the day of aggressive energy. This is a day of struggle, pressure. Very nice day for astral warriors. Therefore, this day can be astral attacks and for people without protection and not able to protect themselves in this day, this day is dangerous, suspicion, imperisibility and even deceit are manifested in these lunar days. Those who are engaged in astral energies today must be able to protect themselves. Today it is good to work with the charms or biofield energies.

It was in the 3 lunar day in the evening sky a young month is shown, symbolic marking the appearance of the fact that it was very long in. It is today that the first fruits of the activity we led to the previous two days of the lunar month appear. Desires and actions begin to acquire the material expression, bring results. The energy of 3 lunar days is very strong, sometimes even unrestrained. Therefore, it should be very careful in the manifestation of their aspiration and perseverance, avoid the occurrence of conflict situations and collisions of different opinions. And it is best to send all your activity to creation, because even a terrible atom can serve humanity for peaceful purposes. At 3 lunar day, especially ensure that negative emotions do not take over you, which you do in 3 lunar day, carries a powerful energy charge in itself, so even by chance, the closed word can lead to catastrophic consequences, be extremely careful, The whole negative addressed to others will certainly affect you. From our anger and aggression, first of all, our liver suffers, and during this period the energy is enhanced, and it will be much more difficult for your body to cope with such a blow. But, on the contrary, all the good and positive, that you will make 3 lunar days and wish people, will also return to you in a doubled size.

To curb the energy of 3 lunar days and use it to a maximum for his good, plunge with your head to work, there will be no extra physical exertion, as well as work related to active mental activity.

In 3 lunar day, you should not dream of income and material income, but to deal with difficulties and actively act, make every effort to achieve the goal. Move only forward to the realization of your plans, let it slowly, but only forward. The moon will help fight difficult life problems. It is not worth afraid. Laziness and inaction are not allowed.
Not even very confident people should be sent to people in the right direction. You can proceed to the exercise of your dream, for example, to build a gazebo or pool, if you already have a house. You can engage in "watering of water" - the root of the well. Do not think however, that the road to success is even cloudless. Even with a growing moon, failures and drops are possible. Do not lose prudence and caution.
Direct the energy on the solution of some priority global problems, be sure today you will fine with them or at least prepare favorable soil for further prosperous development.

If you prefer to inactivate in 3 lunar day, your energy will be directed to self-destruction, because it needs to somehow spend. Therefore, you will definitely be thrown at least for some lesson, up to the point that the general cleaning is putting out or go to the jog. If you do not cope with energy, it will take the top over you, and the consequences can be unpredictable. Stop planning, it's time to crime to decisive actions.

Haircut and beauty in 3 lunar day

In the lunar day, it is not recommended to attend the hairdresser and cut hair, as it can adversely affect health, bring harm to the body, weaken its protective reactions in addition, haircut can shake your financial position, attract waste.
Want to be attractive and irresistible - visit the cosmetic salon. Third lunar days are favorable. If you feel the shortage of time or temporary difficulties with finance, it is not scary. You can also go to your appearance at home. For example, apply medicinal plants, use infusions, decoctions, ointments and fresh plants juice.


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