What to do to attract the long-awaited conception. Signs and rites performed to get pregnant soon

What to do to attract the long-awaited conception. Signs and rites performed to get pregnant soon

Note 1. In advance, to the desired pregnancy, buy a small children's thing, for example, a hat, socks. It will help you "visualize the desire", the brighter you will feel the presence of the baby, the faster it will appear.

Note 2. To visit the place of force, contributing to conception, where the energy flows of the earth are connected, where there were many good people with good thoughts. About "special" places of power for future parents

Sketches 3. Try the grandmother's signs:

grow in the house Ficus;

put in the house or wave a few windows of the willow.

Sketches 4. Stay in your own words:

1. Do not use fragile expressions;

2. Do not say "I will never have a kid", "I'm fruitless." Remember - the word financially.

Note 5. Use for the treatment of infertility folk recipes, herbs. Be sure to advise with your doctor. Official medicine has long been known about the benefits of herbage. The doctor will help you choose the correct dosage and reception time. Do not use a boulevard press for self-medication. Some recipes there are just poisonous!

Sketches 6. The desire about the baby can sometimes be executed at the most inopportune moment when you "let him go."

Note 7. Get a pearl thread as a gift - a good sign of future pregnancy.

Sketches 8. Rest with my husband in the south. Many couples "bring kids" from the southern regions. For us, residents of the country, where climatic conditions leave to desire the best, visiting the warm seashore can replace the years of unsuccessful treatment from infertility

Sketches 9. One of the most famous precursors of future pregnancy is the adoption of the baby. Sketches reads - the dear of someone else's child and will appear.

Sketches 10. Widely distributed among believes that promote conception, signs related to various manipulations of pregnant women, for example:

take the things of pregnant;

drink from a glass of pregnant women;

sit on the place of pregnant;

stroking pregnant in the stomach.

Sketches 11. Start attracting "thanks" - good, good wishes in your address. To do this, try to do good sincerely free and then soon there will be a lot of grateful aroma around you, which will help conceit.

Sketches 12. For a quick conception, you can use the practice of Feng Shui and create an "card of desires", where the main role will be rejected by conception and your future kid. To do this, in the center of the large sheet of paper, covered your photo (photo of your family) with a baby. At the edges, you can portray, for example, you are pregnant, guests meeting a happy mommy from the maternity hospital, the first steps of the baby, other attributes, symbolizing family well-being.

You can also make a "scroll of desires." To do this, lay a small notebook (better for a new moon), where you will write down your desire about the baby. Several rules of conducting a scroll:

a) May this notebook be your secret - do not let him touch anyone;

b) your desire must be formulated positively, for example, "I am not blunt" - the wrong wording, right - "with deep gratitude I take my pregnancy from the Universe and the Universe";

c) Write the desire with gratitude to the universe and then they will hear you. Do not forget to thank the universe after the fulfillment of desire.

Sketches 13. The correct adoption of the upcoming conception and the signal that the time of active actions came, is unexpectedly rapidly growing houseplants at your home.

Sketches 14. Very famous sign about kitten. In order to get pregnant in a short time - the shaw of a homeless kitten. At the same time, the kitten must "be born" to you yourself - do not see it specifically.

Sketches 15. Invest the energy in your desire about the moment of conception. It may simply be to use the strength of one's own desire, the energy of prayers and appeal to the holy, helping infertility (for example, Ioakim and Anna, Perth and Fevronia, etc.). But remember that at this particular moment you should not break up for a few desires, otherwise you will not get anything.

Sketches 16. Relax and for a while, make yourself not think about the desired pregnancy. Remember, if the desire goes into an obsessive state, then it will remain with you, you should let him release it for implementation. As it often happens that the couples, the long-time hats for the baby, lowered their hands and begin to just live, and at this very moment and the pregnancy comes.

Sketches 17. Do not think about the bad. Not only are constant negative thoughts simply slow down the work of your reproductive system (after all, her whole work is based on the brain signals), so you also create a negative program around yourself. Real, the right doctors are treated, first of all, in a word - the creation of a positive attitude towards treatment in a patient, such doctors in the office can meet various life-affirming slogans.

Sketches 18. Eat products containing new life embryos - eggs, caviar, crude cereals, nuts, seeds (all of what a new life appears). There are also tips on eating genital organs of various animals. If, for the eastern countries it can be acceptable, then the average Russian can only be warmed from such extreme.

Sketches 19. Try to make your horoscope conception from a professional astrologer. Let it determine the optimal date of conception for you.

Sketches 20. Pei in the cup of Kumsa per day. In our latitudes it is very difficult to find this rare product, but if there is such an opportunity, then why not try?

Sketches 21. Dreams to pregnancy. The pregnancy is shot: Fish (fishing), babies, eggs, jewels as a gift, milk, children's clothing, etc. If you interpret these dreams, it becomes clear that they are all connected either with any pleasant acquisitions, or with the symbols of the new life (eggs, grain), or already directly with the kids themselves.

Note 22. For a successful conception, mentally coming for help from its most prolific relatives, even if there are no longer in this world (for example, a large grandmother). Everyone knows that before almost every family had 4-7 children, so such a relative is easily found at anyone. This belief about the help of "kind" comes from pagan times.

Sign 23. For quick conceptiondo not forget to invite a pregnant girl to your wedding. Being a bride on the wedding day, be sure to hold the baby on the knees. To avoid infertility, do not forget to tie a wedding ribbon on a fruit tree.

Sick 24. You can spend a magic ritual at the healer. Just remember that the ritual should be positive (herbs, sentences). Find the healer, on the recommendation. It is better if it is a real village grandmother, which is not for money, and for the idea :). First of all, it will help you find faith in yourself and a positive attitude.

Sketches 25. Start to confess "extremely optimistic" views on life. Do not communicate with people who are currently more problems than yours. We do not call you to spiritual worn, just for some time before conception you should be focused only on yourself. Do not sit on the forums, where it is customary to cry and test about infertility, that you will attract the negative.

Sketches 26. Take up self-sustaining and meditations. Adjust your body to the right job. Imagine yourself in a very pleasant place to you, for example, at sea, feel a warm summer breeze, fresh, rich air ... Talk to your body. Imagine your reproductive bodies, ask them to work simply, good. Filled with vital energy ... All this is rather called psychotherapeutic technique of self-hypnosis. You can purchase books written by professional doctors dedicated to this topic. Yes, you can use for the treatment of infertility professional "medical" conspiracies :)).

Sketches 27. Another very good "sign" for conception. Try in the time of preparing for pregnancy less work mentally. This has long been written and say, for example, in women who are fully engaged in business, as well as in female students during sessions, often observed failures in the work of the reproductive system (menstrual disorders). If you are forced to load yourself with work, then your brain, which is the "boss" of the entire reproductive system, will not understand that it is time for him to give signals about readiness for fertilization.

Sketches 28. Put the houses several twigs willow (willow). It is known that this is a very prolific tree, which is easily multiplied by even branches. Willow has a special viability and one of the first blooms the leaves in the spring. It is assumed that this tree has protective properties. And willow sprigs, consecrated in Palm Sunday, can be stored for a whole year.

To get rid of infertility, you can eat three knelts with fruit trees, blooming for the first time, or the first fruits of apple, plums, grapes

Sketches 29. Here are some amulets and facing infertility. Alerts: Pestracial carnation, apple tree and other fruit trees. From stones: diamond, amethyst, emerald, malachite, topaz from symbolism - you can use the statues of the goddesses of Venus and Aphrodites. If asuch statuetteit will be presented, then its owner will find the beloved during the year, if the beloved is - it will become pregnant during the year.

Sketches 30. On the day of conception or waiting for the results of pregnancy tests to meet babies - the right sign of pregnancy.

Sketches 31. You can get pregnant with the moon. There are several ways, ranging from rituals, for example, to look at the full moon, ending with the preparation of the "almost scientific" moon calendar of conception. There are also rituals performed on a growing moon. The fact that the moon helps become pregnant knew even in ancient Greece and Rome, where the women who desires become pregnant slept under the rays of the lunar light.

Sketches 32. You can go to the mud resort. It is known that dirt contain hormone-like substances of natural origin, which often helps to normalize the hormonal background and get pregnant

Sketches 33. Do you have sex in order to conceive at two o'clock in the morning. The sign is justified by the fact that this is the time of hormonal peak.

Sketches 34. Drink consecrated water before conception. Pray for a safe conception before the sexual act.

Sketches 35. Acupuncture technique allows strengthening blood flow

The uterus regulates and normalizes the level of hormones in the body. Chinese traditional medicine is just beginning to take off in our country. We cannot talk about any guarantees of infertility cure, so we write about the use of this technique in the article dedicated to non-traditional methods of treating infertility.

Sketches 36. Girls planning pregnancy are not recommended to use cosmetics, wearing extravagant, causing clothes. All this includes the life program of the search for a new partner, and not the program "Maternity".

Note 37. Planning conception should not talk anyone about their intentions. Except, of course, the attending physician :).

Sketches 38. A couple experiencing problems with conception should also conclude a spiritual marriage. For example, to marry in the church, to pass other rites, the corresponding religions of the spouses.

Sketches 39. According to the ancient Slavic tradition, a baby or a newborn doll was first laid on the first marriage of the newlyweds.

Sketches 40. Also, in ancient Slavic practice for healing from infertility, a woman experiencing problems with conception, first took on the hands of a newborn baby.

Make a stock of pads or tampons - to pregnancy. Buy more tampon pads - and they will not suit at least 9 months.

Helps get pregnant photo, capturing you with a pregnant friend, as well as photos with fruitful animals.

To drink water from a pregnant cup.

Before each conception, drink holy water, and also read the prayer before intimate proximity.

To get pregnant to buy a nipple and put under a pillow

To get pregnant, you can also sit on the chair, where the pregnant woman was sitting.

Those girls who will try breast milk will soon become mom. Many, of course, score, but what you will not go for the sake of a cherished dream.

If you raised a gift in the form of a pearl thread - this is a folk sign, according to which you will soon become mom!

Put the willow in the house - this sign went back from our grandmothers. Those families who were very waiting for replenishment in the family necessarily put a few twigs of the Willow in a vase.

If you stroke the tummy already a pregnant girl - will soon become mom!

She will shelter a homeless puppy or a kitten from the street, it is believed that the animal must follow you on the street. Thus, you demonstrate the highest forces willingness to take responsibility and for the child, to take care of him.

Photo with pregnant woman. As soon as you are in the company with a pregnant girl, take pictures for memory. Soon you will show the photo to your baby.

Watch out for your speech: a woman who dreams of a child cannot be used by faded and rude words.

If a man and a woman simultaneously pour tea or each other, they will soon become their parents.

Color the photos with prolific animals (cats, dogs, etc.) Pregnancy will not wait a long time.

Create with your husband the "card of desires" and let everything says that you are ready and very much waiting for the appearance of a child in the house.

Eat products containing germs of a new life - eggs, caviar, crude cereals, nuts, seeds (all of which new life appears).

If you want to get pregnant to get aquarium in the house. Buy fish that are most often divert and take care of them.

Strictly speaking, this sign signals the already coming pregnancy, which the woman herself does not yet guess. In the house in the pregnant woman begins the extremely intensive growth of all home plants.

To get pregnant to stroke the belly of a pregnant woman.

Agat, pearls and other amulets will bring an ambulance pregnancy.

Figurines of "elephants" for pregnancy. Elephant is a symbol of family and fertility. Those who have the statues of elephants or elephants in the house foreshadows an ambulance pregnancy

Start doing good deeds, help people free. Thus, your aura will be cleared and becomes favorable to conceive a child.

That woman who acquires the agate stone, will soon become a mother.

Those who want to get pregnant girl must wait until a pregnant woman gets out of a chair or sofa, and immediately sit down in her place.

In ancient Slavic practice for healing from infertility, a woman experiencing problems with conception, first took on the hands of a newborn baby and soon herself became her mother.

A woman who will spend the night under the right rays of the lunar light, will soon give birth to a healthy child. Try!

To get pregnant, it is necessary to make this desire, standing under the bridge, by which the train goes at this moment.

Baby things lying in your home in a prominent place will help the girl to get pregnant.

The rapid growth and the color of your home plants signals the moment of conception.

That woman who will receive a beautiful pearl thread as a gift, will soon become a mom.

If the calas the belt will conjoin the belt, then a woman in the village will give birth to

When planning pregnancy, buy some kind of children's thing and put on the most prominent place.

Willow twigs are considered to be pregnant. At Verq's Palm Sunday from the Church of the Verq and put it at the head of the bed. Do not throw away until you get pregnant, even if she has time to dry.

Draw two beautiful fish on a sheet of paper and put under the mattress. Pregnancy will not wait long.

If you really want to have a child, buy two flower - "Male Happiness" and "Women's Happiness". These flowers not only "will attract" pregnancy to the house, but also retain the warm relationship between spouses. The only condition is for flowers to be careful with love.

Red thread. Another very beloved in women who want to get pregnant the sign is a red thread. Red string must be tied on the wrist - on the right or left - the values \u200b\u200bdo not play. It is believed that when the thread will unleash, a woman and get pregnant. But remember - the thread should unlease itself, without whose help.

Go to holy places. Visit the church where the relics of Blessed Matrona, the power of the Swirky, the power of Ksenia St. Petersburg and pray. Your prayers will be heard and in your house will soon wonder the children's laughter.

If you got rid of a kitten or a puppy, you should be sure to take it home. This universe sends you signs of future pregnancy. Even appeared signs: shelter the kitten - soon get pregnant. The main thing is not to look for a kitten purposefully. He must find you himself.

If you see in a dream fish, then to the ambulance.

Sit on a chair after a pregnant woman - one of the most faithful will accept. So, as you see that a pregnant girl, somewhere sat down, try to immediately take a "warm" place.

Invite your pregnant girl to your wedding. This sign is also very old. In order for the bride to faced the problem of infertility, you need to invite a pregnant woman to the wedding, who should help a pregnant woman to wear a veil.

A red thread helps to get pregnant if a favorite or close person (Mom, etc.), who you trust, tied it on your hand. It is impossible to shoot it - after the thread breaks, you can get pregnant.

Sew on the place of pregnant.

It is said that the icon "Increasing joy" helps become pregnant. Be sure to buy it and pray it from time to time.

If in your home all plants began to grow sharply and bloom - wait for replenishment in the family!

Ficus from ancient times is considered a family flower, and his appearance in the house promises the appearance of replenishment.

You can get pregnant when the ficus donated to you will let down new sprouts.

To get pregnant faster, a woman should wear dresses and skirts as often as possible.

In advance before pregnancy, buy one subject from children's clothing and imagine your baby in it - in this case, a well-known practice should be done on the visualization of desires.

"Release" thoughts about the desired pregnancy and take themselves a lot of affairs. Based on accepting, the more affairs and interesting sessions you plan, the sooner the conception will enter.

Many women became moms after drank from the glasses of which a pregnant woman had already drank or retreated some kind of dish. It is said that almost 100% acts signs, if you feed the woman with a spoon.

If you do not plan the child in the near future, it will be easy to get pregnant. Schedule a lot of interesting and important affairs, where there is no place of pregnancy - will be pregnant.

Another very old sign is a cat in the house. There are two of its variations - shelter a small homeless kitten, or a homeless pregnant cat. Pay attention - the animal must be homeless - buying a kitten will not give an even account no effect.

To get pregnant need to stop swearing. All mothers and swiss words should be excluded from their lexicon.

Schedule your holidays with your loved one in warm edges. Here and the climate change, with * COP without taking into account the days of the cycle, and the abstractness and the relaxation of a woman will make their job. Very often, two weeks of rest lead to the long-awaited result and replace the years of unsuccessful treatment.

Get a home plant in your bedroom a ficus and take care of him, as if behind the living being. It is desirable that the ficus in the house appear as a gift.

Our grandmothers believed that the ficus flower helps the onset of pregnancy. A woman planning to become a mother must buy a ficus and care for it - water, talk, like a living being.

Dreamed fish - wait for adding in the family.

Food you treat a pregnant woman (she must give you food with your own hands) will help get pregnant.

Empty stroller. The folk sign says that if the woman rolling an empty stroller, she very much "risks" to roll his son or daughter. However, there is another one, absolutely contradictory, a sign associated with a blank carriage - if you roll it, then the child whose stroller will be hurting all the time.

So that God gives young spouses of children, and more, so that in the family there was wealth, in the peasant families in the first marriage night, it was customary to build a bed of heno.

Ask a pregnant woman with her cup and drink ordinary water from it. It is believed that after that a pregnancy will not make himself wait long.

Many women say that after the appearance of Benjamin ficus, a long-awaited pregnancy has come in the house. The fact is that the ficus is a plant that absorbs the negative energy in the residential premises and contributes to the addition in the family. Cooking the pot with a flower, put it in the bedroom. Let your desire fulfill your desire!

Eat products with buds of a new life. Folk Medicine advises a woman who is planning the conception of a child, there are foods such as caviar, eggs, cereal, legumes, nuts - that is, all those that are germs and from which a new life appears.

Suspension "Boy on Karp" - babies bait. Those couples who acquire this magic suspension will soon become parents.

Attract good and grateful words from people. To achieve this, make sincere, good deeds to the attitude of people around you. According to accept, there is a prosperous formed around you for conception.

Pregnancy - an important event In the life of the pair, so many are resorted not only to standard methods, but also to people's ways to speed up conception. Every woman herself should decide what's up to her closer and not be upset if after all the efforts did not come pregnant. A little perseverance and faith in good - and your desire will surely come true! What are the signs for pregnant?

Ritual actions for the conception of the girl

The choice of the floor of the future child is the task that does not depend on the person. But many are confident that some signs can help the child to be the desired floor.

For example, to conceive a girlThe pair can perform the following rituals:

  • put in bed in front of a mirror or comb;
  • sexing under young birch;
  • tie a woman with a little finger on his right hand.

Desire to conceive the heir Pursues most men, especially if girls were first born in their lives. It is the opinion that women with a small weight are less likely to be pregnant with a boy, so before trying to conceive a child, the future mother is worth a little recover.

According to the signs to make love to conceive the boy, you need actively and necessarily in a missionary position. To conceive a boy in advance buy blue booties Or a blue ribbon that will wait for the advent of male baby. Say if near the house put the willow, then the appearance of the heir does not make himself wait long. Also, the future mother of the firstborn must eat a lot of meat.

What to do to get pregnant twins?

Some couples dream of a big family with several children. Approach the desire for execution will help conception twinswhich will give future parents at once two kids.

There are several adoption that attract the conception by the twins. For example, the future mom needs to eat eggs with double yolk or paired vegetables. Sexual intercourse is recommended to conduct twice in a row so the probability of pregnant double Increases. Finally, the twins are more often born in people who decided to acquire children later than the rest. Therefore, if you want twins, you can get a little attempts to get pregnant.

Actions performed on Easter

Spring holiday can help to make a conceived, so women dreaming become pregnant can make the following:

  • put an excess plate next to you on Easter day, put a small piece of the scene and say "cake for children." After a festive lunch, a piece of slices can be raised to birds;
  • in the Easter week, a woman combs her hair and sentences: "God went to me so many children how much hair on a comb";
  • on a festive day, you can make a desire about pregnancy for an apple, which is then required to be sanctified and eat on the same day.

Red thread and pregnancy

The red thread on the wrist has many values, one of which is strong desire to become pregnant. If a pregnant woman causes a thread on your hand, then pregnancy you have to step up in the sooner time. Usually, the story has already flown out, the thread itself reports, which suddenly breaks down. Many girls who have long dreamed of pregnant, remember that you can fulfill the desire to become a mother managed only after they tied red thread on the wristAnd they went with her for a while.

Influence of ficus

Some plants are able to influence the energy that reigns in the house. If a pair cannot have a child for a long time, perhaps in the house lacks some important element. They may become a living plant, namely the ficus, which for folk signs helps pregnancy rather come.

It is enough just to care for the ficus and do not forget to water him so that he activate his magic properties and in the house finally called joyful children's laughter.

Another way to draw fish

They say that sleep with fish - The right sign of pregnancy. Fish can also appear in rituals for the speedy occurrence of pregnancy. In order to activate your desire to become a matter, you need to take a blank sheet of paper and draw fish or several on it.

It is not necessary to show the drawing to anyone, you can put it under the pillow and try to forget about it. Beautiful drawn fish Very soon they will attract pregnancy into your life.

Many girls are trying pregnant in different waysOne of which is the use of households of a pregnant friend or relative. For example, in order to get pregnant to get pregnant, you can ask for a pregnant thing, drink from her cup, causing her decoration. Very effective is considered to sit on a chair on which pregnant pregnant (especially relevant for the office).

"To get infected" with pregnancy, you can also, if pregnant is chisen on you or you stog it on the stomach. Contact with pregnant women has a beneficial effect on a lady that dreams of a child. Another sign is that the pregnant woman must feed with his hands a woman who wants a child.

Sometimes it takes small change of exterior In order for a woman to be pregnant. It is recommended to make the dresses and skirts more often, wearing hair out and try to look attractive.

Even minor changes in appearance will give a result in the form of a reverent relationship of a beloved man and as a result of more fast conception. Also, a woman should be postponed not only for its appearance, but also for the purity of speech. The ladies who plan a pregnancy, it is undesirable to use material words and rudely talk.

Jewelry with agate

There is a sign that this stone helps a woman get pregnant. The more often it will contact agatom, the stronger it will act. Therefore, you can buy a bracelet, pendant or a ring with agate and daily put on the decorations for the implementation of your cherished desire. Separately, you can even just wear a stone in your purse.

Wish visualization

The child will surely come to the house in which he is waiting for him! Therefore, you can prepare your home For a small miracle. For example, buy some kind of children's things or hang in the prominent place of photos of children. Put a beautiful toy in the future kid room.

A constant reminder of the desire will strengthen it and sooner or later it materializes. You can also present your family daily before bedtime. It is advisable to think through everything to the smallest details: what color your hair will be at the kid, how it will talk and in what games you will play with him.

Pearl thread

There is an opinion that pearl attracts motherhood, so every woman dreams of getting a pearl thread as a gift. A gift in the form of pearls should be unexpected, so you should not ask for him to give it, because then the desire may not come true.

Excellent, if such a pleasant and unexpected gift will present a person, fabulous to children. Then his positive energy will necessarily affect and in the family will soon be replenished.

The birth of a new life in itself is miracle and depends on the large number of factors. Large responsibility for the probability of conception lies on a woman. Weight, diet, level of physical activity, the presence of bad habits - it all matters when planning pregnancy. To increase the likelihood of conception and give birth to a healthy baby, the future mom is worth reconsider a lifestyle. Sometimes it is not enough. Then the woman can resort to the help of folk receiving, rituals and rituals.

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      Pregnancy planning

      When medicine is powerless, it helps out the experience of our ancestors who believed in the miracles of people will accept transmitted from generation to generation and help even the most desperate women.

      Folk signs

      Someone skeptically looks at believe, others follow them unconditionally. Without a doubt, 90% of success in the planned case is faith in yourself. Then any miracle will be possible. Therefore, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the following folk signs to get pregnant in a short time:

      • Help stones and minerals

        Competently chosen stones have a beneficial effect on their owners. They bring good luck, soothe, protect, and also help when trying to get pregnant.

        You can choose to help agate. It does not matter in which jewelry it will be: pendant, ring, bracelet. Woman should choose the decoration based on his inner sensations. Wearing it should be comfortable.

        Pearls also comes to help dreaming get pregnant. A woman who received a pleasant surprise in the form of a product from pearls can prepare for motherhood. It will come in the near future.

        It is worth looking to the stone that fits a woman on the sign of the zodiac. Undoubtedly, he will have a beneficial effect on his owner. Suitable stone must always be worn with you.

        Properly chosen plants

        The choice of room representatives of the flora can affect success in trying to get pregnant. There are flowers that fill the house of luck and well-being, attracting a new life, and there are such that they interfere with this. Therefore, it is necessary to seriously treat the choice of domestic flowers, having learned more information about their action.

        The most popular assistant is a ficus. This plant absorbs around itself a negative energy. There are many stories about the speedy conception of the hostess of the house after the appearance of a ficus. It is desirable to put a pot with this healthy plant in the bedroom near the bed.

        There are still very interesting flowers - "Women's Happiness" and "Male Happiness". The names speak for themselves. They say that they quickly attract new life into the house where are located. Another property of these plants is that they improve family relationships. The main thing is to regularly care for flowers, showing love and care.

        If in the house unexpectedly and at the same time began to bloom several indoor plants - this is a favorable sign. He suggests that the family will soon visit the joyful news about adding.

        Miraculous places

        Many couples turn to very expensive treatment, spend a lot of time on it, and there is no result. Often the best way to get pregnant is a banal setting. In a new place and breathe in a new way.

        No wonder many psychologists advise more often to leave their comfort zone. Fresh impressions are open before people hidden before opportunities.


        The ride to the warm coast is sometimes replaced by years of unsuccessful treatment. Therefore, many pairs traveling to the south to relax and recharge, return from there already threesome. Positive emotions during the fees on the trip will also affect the ability to be easier to conceive.

        If there is no opportunity to get to the sea, will help the method-tested by many "lucky" - visualization. This method is enough to pay 10-15 minutes. Include the wave noise record, get comfortable and imagine how the sea shakes on your waves, and warm water takes off the whole negative. Systematic visualization classes help to achieve excellent results in achieving their desires.

        Visiting "Power Places"

        Holy places, or "Power Places" are points where energy flows are intertwined. These are the so-called march places. Having been there, a person can recharge, clean his energy and pray for the fulfillment of the most cherished desire. If it is good, then will be fulfilled.

        Such "Power Places" can be found on all continents. They are associated both with natural phenomena and with what is happening there sometime events. There are ten popular places where the pair pilgrimage is performed, dreaming of finding happiness to become parents.

    1. 1. Alanya, the gate of desires (Turkey). This place is located on the coast of Alanya and is a large natural hole in the rocks. A woman must go through these gates, fading the desire to give birth to a child.
    2. 2. Mount Ullu-Tau in Kabardino-Balkaria. This place is one of the most powerful strong in the Caucasus. It is also called Mother Mother (from Karachay-Balkarian language "Ullu" translates as "mother", and "Tau" - "Mountain"). From ancient times to this day there are many people for meditation and prayers. Ullu-Tau is famous for the wonderful cases of healing and the fulfillment of desires. And in most cases it helps women get pregnant.
    3. 3. Lake of a pregnant woman on Langkavi Island in Malaysia. Langkavi - place of untouched nature and purity. This island is covered with greens and jungle, incredibly beautiful gardens. There you can see two majestic waterfalls. On a small island, Pulau Diang Bunning is located well-known and described in the legends of the lake. They say that the wonderful goddess married a simple person, but their first child died, and Mother killed Mother buried her son in the waters of a beautiful lake. Thus, she sanctified him. Then returned to the sky. Since then, bypassing in this wonderful lake, fruitless women gain the opportunity to give birth.
    4. 4. Sculpture of the Boy France in the Czech Republic. Healing sources of this country are known to many people. There is a legend associated with a small statue of a Boy France, who keeps fish in her hands. You need to touch the fish and several times to talk about my own desire.
    5. 5. Women's monastery in Murom (Russia). Family couples come there, dreaming to conceive a baby. According to legend, Saints Fevronia and Peter lived in Murom, loved each other and died in one day. Since that time, the one who falls towards their relics with prayer will receive healing from childlessness and acquires the joy of a family hearth. The best date for such prayers July 8 is the Orthodox Day of Lovers. It was then that Saints Peter and Fevronia were canonized. It is recommended to bring the consecrated icons of these saints from Murom.
    6. 6. Monastery Kikkos in Cyprus. This monastery keeps the miraculous icon of God's Mother. It belongs to the brush of St. Luke. It is believed that he wrote her right from the Virgin itself. Despite the multiple fires in the monastery, the relic was able to save. Now it is located near the royal gates. Part of the icon is covered with a cloth, it hangs a belt with stones (from infertility). He is put on women who want to heal.
    7. 7. Sacred Gang River (India). Hindus believe that it brings fertility. Girls who do not have to conceive a child must take a bluntness in the waters of Ganges. This can be done in the following places: Gomukh, Gangotri, Allahabad, Benares, Calcutta. Not in vain about the fertility of the Hindus, legends are francued.
    8. 8. Scarab beetle in Karnaca (Luxor, Egypt). The Karnak Temple Complex is famous not only for its incredible architecture. The walls of this temple decorate a huge number of mines of mine - the ancient Egyptian fertility god. There should be a talisman for future father and mother - the beetle-scarab. In order for this charm to fulfill the desire to conceive a child, around him you need to get around seven times.
    9. 9. Monastery pool in Gondare (Ethiopia). Near the capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa spread the city of Gondar. It contains a complex of ancient monasteries in which the shrines of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church are preserved. There is also a swimming pool, sailing in which a woman will heale from infertility. In Christmas, childless girls help to fall into this pool, taking them with ropes.
    10. 10. Church in Calebico (Greece). She is known to many and is in the town called Tsalubico. Located on the top of the mountain. There is a legend that a woman suffering from infertility should spin from the foot of the mountain to the altar of the church. Then in the near future she will definitely become a mother.

    Spend a holiday with benefit

    Many folk signs are associated with the celebration of the New Year and Christmas. On January 31, on January 1, it is always the beginning of a new period in the life of every person when they make plans, outlined goals and leave everything bad in the old year. Christmas is a great sacred holiday, in which prayers acquire incredible power.

    If the dream to give birth to a child already in the new year is very high, it will help a well-known way: write your desire on a piece of paper, burn under the battle of the chimes, and the ashes drink with champagne.

    In Christmas there is a special rite that helps desperate women. It is necessary on the eve of this sacred holiday, putting on the threshold right knee, drink water. Before doing this, it is necessary to read a short conspiracy:

    Mother Most Holy Mother of God!

    I myself on the slats, but no,

    So, senders went,

    Son or daughter,

    I pray you to help me.

    In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

    Now, confessed, in the eyelids.

    Red thread and pregnancy

    The red thread on the wrist is famous and wanted in our time. And, of course, he helps those who want to become pregnant to women. Many remember that it was after they were told a red thread, a good news came to them.

    There are no wisdom to use this charm. The most important thing is that his close person who wishes only goodness. Then the fulfillment of the dream will come in the sooner time.

    Paul baby

    The floor of the future child is that little depends on parents. Whoever appears - a boy or a girl is a great happiness. But if there are five daughters in the family, and everyone expects the heir, the father and mother begin to think about how to influence the next chad. On this account, too, there are many people will accept.

    The ancient Ellity believed that the conception of her son was better to perform on the right side (daughters on the left). The Chinese during the intercourse goes head north if the boy wants. To give birth to a girl, they turn toward the south.

    To conceive a son, popular beliefs advise to put a rifle or ax under a married bed. In terms of our time, a toy machine is suitable.

    It is believed that the mood of the parents affects the sex of the child at the moment of proximity. If a man wishes a son, he should take care that the woman gets more pleasure during proximity than he.

    There is an uncountable amount. Each people they have their own, based on the features of the place of residence, religion, legends. It is important to choose what is close in spirit, sensations. A woman intuitively felt that she would help her.

    It is necessary to remember that the signs are acquired only if you believe in all the souls. Happiness comes when there is a readiness to take it.

Folk signs help people in many areas of life, including them enjoy to conceive a child. They are able to speed up the conception, as well as prompt the floor of the future kid.

Pregnant with a friend - sign

With vain attempts to become pregnant, you can use folk signs for conception. For some of them, you will need a pregnant friend or relative. The main thing is a good relationship between two women. Girlfriend can be pregnant not for the first time, it will not affect the quality of conception. Having agreed with her and guided by the rules that the ancestors left us can begin preparation for pregnancy.

With the consent of a pregnant woman, it is necessary to "eat" from her motherhood energy. This energy will help in conception, bringing all the functions of the body into the appropriate readiness. For "feeding" it is necessary to drink water or tea from a cup, which most often uses pregnant. Assocate for her something sweet. For this, it is ideal:

  • candy,
  • cake,
  • ice cream,
  • sweet fruit.

Effective, the method of fitting her clothes will be. Also sit enough for a few minutes on a chair, which often sits the future mammy. You can ask her toy - a small pupse. Having made such a gift, the girlfriend will also receive the blessing of the Higher Forces. Often asking a woman on the period of eight months to pour on the belly to the girl who wishes to have a child. You can also stroke the belly with a fruit. The above signs for attracting pregnancy are effective during ovulation.

Assist can also be the girl who recently gave birth. To do this, you need to ask her permission to take the stroller. In the stroller should not be baby. According to reference, after a five-minute walk with a blank carriage, pregnancy will not make himself wait.

If you follow the signs at the mark of marriage, you can avoid problems with conception. To do this, you must invite a woman to the wedding on demolitions. To secure the effect, the bride follows a few minutes to hold the baby on your knees. It may be a relative or child girlfriend. The ideal option is if before marriage at night, to the bed of newlyweds, a few minutes will put the baby.

Plants and animals help get pregnant

The fertility symbol is a ficus plant. Salting his sprout and causing him, pregnancy will come in a year. It is important to communicate every day with Ficus, like with a living baby. Plant is needed in the bedroom. According to the conception of the child, it is recommended not to buy a ficus, but get it as a gift. Especially desperate, stealing the sprigs of this plant, guided by another to the fact that the stolen flowers grow better and practically do not hurt.

Caring for an animal, in the hope of the rapid appearance of Chad in the family, is suitable only if the kitten or puppy nailed to the door of the married couple. If you specifically buy an animal - the sign will not work.

Good concern for plants, animals and loved ones is positively regarded by the highest forces. They experience a married couple, watching the newlyweds relate to living beings, and whether they will be able to take care of the future child. But in this case there is a negative side of the belief proven by time. If you begin to take care of the plant, and then forget about him, then for my wife such an act can turn the miscarriage. If the flower or animal was taken, counting on the future addition to the family, then it should be responsible to the end.

The same rules relate to close relatives. Bad relationships with them, refusal to help, slander, gossip and disrespect for their kind are able to leave young individuals without offspring for several years, and lady aged to make a childless forever. If the relationship is undermined, they must be restored. To reconcile with loved ones, repent, ask for all forgiveness, to assist and support. Sometimes it is very difficult to cross over its pride and the wall of perennial disorders, but reconciliation is of great importance in obtaining the opportunity to have a small native soul.

How to conceive a boy or a girl with help

Signals are known for conception of a child of a certain gender. To appear on the light of the boy, during the intercourse, the wife should put on his head of his beloved headdress of the spouse. The headdress must be precisely a man in which the spouse will not go outside. The thing in the style of "Unisex" will not suit.

The spouse can take advantage of an old admission. Before the sexual act, she needs to turn his husband's pants in the form of a pillow, next to decompose his things: shirt, headdress, socks. In this case, you can count on the birth of a male baby.

Not all modern men prefer to wear hats or caps. In this case, the thing needs to buy and ask the spouse to wear her houses for forty days. Thus, the headdress "recharge" male energy and it can be used in the rite described above.

Sketches for conception of the girl advises her husband, during intimate proximity, dress up a beautiful female handkerchief. The more beautiful there will be a handkerchief, the more beautiful there will be a daughter. At the same time, the spouse should take the left side of the married bed. Before buying, the handkerchief needs to thoroughly inspect and make sure that there is no marriage. Unlike a rite with a male headdress, which needs to be used for a while, a female handkerchief should not cover the head until the moment of intimate proximity.

Modern signs of conception

In ancient times, to get pregnant, young wives embroidered. This lesson can help them now. Three angel, image of a small child, children's toys will be suitable as an embroidery patterns. In the event that a lot of time has passed since the wedding day, and the pregnancy has come, embroidered icons, reading prayers.

Pearls, presented by his spouse, also contributes to the appearance of children. You can not buy pearls yourself, it must be presented to those man from which it is planned to give birth. New Year's holidays are well suited in order to make a cherished desire and ask the baby. To do this, it is necessary to dress the tree exclusively toys with the image of children and angels, and under the battle of the chimes from the bottom of our hearts to wish that the family of replenished in the coming year.

Many are used by methods that work "from the opposite" is already a modern belief that has been popular. Its essence is to stop thinking about children and let go of the situation. If everything is done correctly and calm down in your desire, it will certainly come true. The only condition - a person should actually release all obsessive thoughts, tortoy with his position, find himself in a beautiful and exciting lesson. Attempts to deceive themselves will not give results.

In continuation of modern signs, the girls buy the annual margin of tampons and gaskets. As a rule, there will be no purchase soon.

It is known that the blinding clairvoyant from Bulgaria helped many to get pregnant. This is what was the conspiracy from Vanga. On the day, when the moon begins to grow, the girl should stand in front of the mirror in full growth and talk his belly. Stroking the stomach clockwise, pronounce conspiracy:

After that, you should dial honey into the teaspoon and read the words over it:

Halfing Honey to give a spouse to eat half to eat, after which to enter into intimate proximity.

Turning to conceive a child helped many married couple live a full life, rejoicing with their children. For this purpose, you can use all the methods described above and one of them will definitely lead to the fact that the house will be heard a ringing laughter.


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