Rick of the canonization of St. Dominic. Lecture: Dominik and domіnіkantsі - Magisteriya

Rick of the canonization of St. Dominic. Lecture: Dominik and domіnіkantsі - Magisteriya

The founder of the order of preachers, widely known as the order of dominikants, born in Calaroga, Stara Castile, bl. 1170; rozum. 6 sickle 1221 p. Yogo fathers, Felix Guzman and Joanna of Aza (Felix Guzman, Joanna of Aza), without a doubt, belonged to the Spanish nobility, although they were not connected with the ruling house of Castile, as the deacons say from yoga biographies. About Felix Guzman, especially little is known, for the blame of the fact that the fault of all the heads of these saints. Joanna Aza added nobility of soul to the nobility of the blood, as it was in such a way among the people that in 1828 she was canonized by Leo XII. The butt of the fathers could not be thrown into their children in a moment. Not only Saint Dominic, but also his brothers Antonio and Manes were awed by the wine-colored holiness. Antonio, the eldest, having become a worldly priest, who, passing by the brothers, having entered the liquorice, de proving life, helping the sick. Manes, inheriting the butt of Dominik, becoming a Chance-preacher, and beatified by Gregory XVI.

The people and childhood of the saint were accompanied by immeasurable miracles that prophesied his heroic holiness and majestic merit in blacksmithing. From seven to fourteen years of wine, having taken the pochatkovu illuminating under the guardianship of his maternal uncle, archbishop Gumiel d'Izan, not far from Calarog. In 1184 Saint Dominic joined the University of Palencia. Having started here for a stretch of ten years, occupied with such an arrogance and showing such an achievement, that for the lack of foundation of the first pledge of yoga, the readers of the hoards pointed it with the butt of that, which may be a student. that having seen some of the middle ones like a person, in the future one can recognize a lot of something, few people could let it in, for this suvor ovnistyu, the lower heart could hovat, like a woman, like a wine selling his books, for signs, having robbed lighten the camp. starving Palencia Yogo biographer and accomplice Bartholomew of Tridentsky shows that he will finish his two wines and sell himself into slavery in order to take away pennies for the sake of capturing slavery by the Moors. To guess the facts, in order to oppose their cynical and gloomy character, for some reason, non-Catholic authors try to imagine one of the most merciful people. The day of the anniversary of the hanging of the biographies is not guessed, it is not clear even those, in the form of a date for which one can be judged with frequent innocence. In recognition of the wedding of brother Stephen, rector of the province of Lombardy, given to him during the process of canonization, Dominic was still a student at Palencia, if Don Martin de Bazan, Bishop Osmi, calling on him to take part in the cathedral assemblies, to help him carry out reforms (Sthennі Don Martin de Bazan, Osma). The Bishop of Rozumiv, that in order to successfully carry out reforms, the canons constantly have an example of dogged holiness, like Maw Dominik. Do not hesitate to blame the result. So that the members of the assembly became right canons, Dominik was appointed as the rector's assistant. After that, as Don Diego d'Azevedo became Bishop of Osmi in 1201, Dominik became the head of the assembly, otrimavshi title of abbot. Like canon Osmi, he passed nine fates of life, having hid with God and veneration of thoughts, rarely wandering beyond the borders of the gatherings.

In 1203, Alfonso IX, King of Castile, sent in the name of his son, Bishop Osmi, to the Lord of the Marches, an elegantly Danish prince, to ask for the hand of his daughter. At the companion's house in the embassy of Don Diego, choosing St. Dominic. Passing through Toulouse, the stench of podiv and mourning rolled, like a spiritual ruin, the Albigensian nonsense spoke. Dominik the first having accepted the decision to fall asleep the order for the fight against Jesse, spreading the light of the Gospel in all directions of the world at that hour. This journey ended in the distance, and Diego and Dominik suddenly broke up to accompany a luxurious cortege from the betrothed princess to Castile. This journey, however, unhappily ended with the wondrous death of a young woman. Two clergymen could now go wherever they wanted, and the stench straightened to Rome, having arrived there like 1204 p. Diego wants to move in the presence of a bishop, so that he can consecrate to himself the certainty of the unbelievers in the overseas lands. Innocent III, however, did not praise the project, and sent the bishop and yogo companion to the Languedoc, so that, having come to the Sisterians, the stench roared the christian march against the Albigenses. Those who stinks after arriving in Languedoc could hardly have suffocated them. The Sisterians, living in their own way of life, little or nothing did not work in order to exaggerate the Albigensian nonsense. The stench roamed the robot, honing themselves with a luxurious retinue and all the finesse. All the writings of the leaders of the heretics countered the suvorian asceticism, which evoked the slaughter of their followers. Diego and Dominik were quick to realize that the failures of the Sisterians were crying out to the chants for their zvichkami, and they managed to get you to lead a good way of life. And as a result, the number of those who are sure to begin to grow at once. Theological superwomen played a memorable role in the propaganda of heretics. Dominik and that yoga companion did not miss the hour, luring opponents to theological discussions. De it would not be possible, the stench took a whick. Those that the saint had learned in Palencia, now you already needed the help of heretics. Not in a position to oppose anything to the arguments, but if we were to respond to yoga preaching, the stinks directed their hatred at him, gradually demonstrating or threatening to stoke the opposite violence. Raztashuvatsya at Prouille, wines on the basis of pratsyuvav at Fanzho, Montpellier, Servian, Beziers and Carcassonne (Prouille, Fanjeaux, Montpellier, Servian, Béziers, Carcassonne). Nezabar in the apostolic trips, the holy Prujl was able to understand the need for the creation of the order, as if he had protected the women of the district from the vlivu of the heretics. The faceless ones have already turned back to Albigensianism and were the most active propagandists. The stench created the women of the monasteries, where the Catholic nobility often corrected their children, in order to get more - enlightenment, and as a legacy, as if not meta, infect them with the spirit of heresy. So it was necessary, that the women, having turned into nonsense, were robbed from the filthy infusion from their families. For whom Saint Dominic, with the permission of Foulques, Bishop of Toulouse, having fallen asleep at the monastery of Pruille in 1206. For the community of the community, and later for the monastery of St. Sixtus in Rome, having declared the statute and established it, they became the statute of nuns. Saint Dominic.

1208 ushered in a new era in the rich life of the successor. On the 15th anniversary of the murders of P'yer Castelnau, one of the Sisterian legates (Papal ambassador). This stingy malice hastened the godfather's march under the wire of Simon de Montfort, which for some hour has helped the heretics (Pierre de Castelnau, Simon de Montfort). St. Dominic, taking part in the coming conflicts, but still on the side of mercy, having been cast out by the Holy Spirit, just like others, with a sword in their hands, carried death and destruction. Deyakі istoriki stverdzhuyut, scho pіd hour plunder Beziers Dominіk z'yavlyavsya on the streets with a cross at the ruci, interceding for the lives of women and children, for people of a frail age and German. This evidence, however, is based on documents, which Turon (Touron) consider to be unreliable. The greatest hopes of the dzherel show that at the hour of the robbery of Beziers by the cross-bearers of the saint, there was neither in the city, nor in the outskirts. At that hour, following the Catholic army, restoring the faith and clearing the lies of the place, which were abandoned or taken by de Montfort. Ymovirno, 1 Spring 1209 St. Dominik first met Simon de Montfort, and between them a close friendship was born, as if he died before death in the double cross-bearer under the walls of Toulouse 25 worms, 1218 r. Vin accompanies de Montfort at the encroachment of Lavor in 1212, and in La Penne d'Ajana (Lavaur, La Penne d'Ajen). For example, 1212 wines were applied to de Montfort's request in Pamiers, reinforcing the belief that morality. І later, not long before the battle at Muri (Muret), on the 12th spring of the saints present on the viysk’s sake, which took place before the battle, at the hour of the silence of the wines, he shied before the vvtar of the church of Saint-Jacques, praying for the victory of the Catholic military. St. Dominic, in the name of God, for the sake of the virishal, I will overcome the cross-bearer, arguing the chapel in the church of Saint-Jacques, as they said, having consecrated the Most Holy Virgin of the Rosary, that hour was dedicated to the Rosary, Yakiy, for the orders, vouching for Saint Dominic, became zagalnym from that hour . At that period, the initiation of the inquisition by St. Dominic is attributed, and it was recognized as the first inquisitor. Shards of insult and spirn nutrition are not discussed in this work, it would be enough to say that the inkivizitsia was founded in 1198, then for this rokіv before, like a saint, having anointed the apostolic work in the Languedoc, if it is inconsistent with the Osmіnіm_nіmіchay. Like a wine and a real hour of injunctions with an inquisition, then like a theologian who believes the power of convicts to a true conviction. Whether it’s a splash, some kind of wine, fix it on the courts, install a scary one, create a blessing for mercy and indulgence, as you can see from the classic butt of Ponce Roger.

Tim hourly fame, which has expanded, about his holiness, apostolic diligence and supervised veneration made him a candidate for the episcopate. Bulo zrobleno three tried to recognize him as a bishop. In 1212, the assembly of canons of Beziers seized Yogo as their bishop. Then the canons of Saint-Lizier helped to change the wines of Garcias de l'Orte on the estate of Bishop Comminges (Saint-Lizier, Garcias de l'Orte, Comminges). Osh (Auch), wanting to become the Bishop of Navarre, but Saint Dominic navіdrіz navіdrіz vіdmovivsya to accept episcopal honours, seeming that more than vin to fly in the night with a club, below accept the bishopric. with invariable success, until 1214 the fate of the wines did not turn to Toulouse, at the same time, under the influx of yoga sermons and the wondrous holiness of his life, a small group of vіddanikh khilnikіv, ready to drink after him, would not go anywhere. to his own name, having said eleven years to that, to fall asleep, to fight against the heresy and spread the true faith. Now is the right moment for him. Dominik and Yogo's associates took away a small amount of income from the order, if Fulke recognized Yogo as a priest of Fanzho, and in 1215 r. Their community has become the canonical congregation of the yogo eparchy, the method of which was the expansion of true faith, high morality and the elimination of nonsense. It's time for Pierre Seilan, the wealthy hulk of Toulouse, who, having adopted the ceremonial work of St. Dominic, saw his great maetok. So on April 25, 1215, the first monastery of the Order of Preachers was the first monastery. Prote stinks tried more rivers there, having moved to the church of St. Romanus, founded by Fulke. Wanting a small community to complete the task, laying on it, and showing the high yield at the right service of the Church, the successor is not satisfied. Tse bula hoch i nikrascha, ale congregation in the boundaries of one eparchy, the same as St. Dominik dreamed about the order of luminous significance, which rozpovsyudzhuє vіru in all corners of the earth. Prote podії developed in such a way that they could help you to think about it. At the fall of the leaves 1215 r. at Rome mav, an ecumenical council was held “with the method of discussing the food of the plethora of vdachas, the resurrection of the heresy and the serendipity of the faith.” Such is the mark of Saint Dominik Vimagav, who founded his order. With the Bishop of Toulouse, he was present at the discussions at this cathedral. From the first meeting, it was decided that the plan could be successfully implemented. The cathedral was sharply told to the bishops for the inadequacy of the preaching. The tenth canon was violating to send the people of this world to preach the word of God with the light. In their minds, it seemed obvious that Dominik's deception on the basis of an order for the sake of instilling a decision in the cathedral would be praised for the sake of it. Ale wanting a cathedral and wanting to carry out all the reforms, vіn vodnochas under different drives repairing the installation of new orders. More than that, at the preaching, the heads of the bishops marveled like the main heads of the episcopates. Giving yoga into the hands of the innocent and unbelievable simple priests was thought to be unbearable and sympathetic to conservative prelates, like they panned at meetings. And if the prohannya allowed a new one to be established, it would not become a complete failure for Saint Dominic.

Turning around at the Languedoc at the breast of 1215, the founder took his small group of followers and showed that the cathedral did not praise the need for new statutes for religious orders. To this, the stinks adopted the old charter of St. Augustine, which zavdyaks of their arrogance could easily go to whatever form, as if the stinks wanted to give it to you. Zrobivshi tse, St. Dominik again stood before the Pope at the sickle of 1216, and asked again for permission to create the order. For the first time ever, the adoption was more pleasant, and on 22 December 1216, a bull was seen about hardening.

The great feast of saints Dominic of the Prov is coming, preaching at the various churches of Rome, before the Pope and the papal court. At this hour of wine, having taken away the honor and title of the Lord of the holy palace, or, as they most often call him, the Papal theologian. In this settlement, they changed the members of the Order for the hour of the head of the dosі. On September 15, 1217, the fate of the brothers was chosen to the joy, so that the food of the order would be victorious. Vіn boldly ventured to spread seventeen people of a small corral of their relatives all over Europe. Further on, the wisdom of that decision was confirmed, although from a human point of view it was between self-destruction and self-destruction. In order to accept the broadening of the order, on the 11th of the fierce, 1218 fate, Honorius III saw Bulla to all the archbishops, bishops, abbots and abbots, asking him to help the Order of the Prophets. In the next Bull, on 3 December 1218, Honorius III transferred the Church of St. Sixtus in Rome to the order. Here, among the graves on the Appian Way, the first monastery of the order of Rome was founded. Nezabar soon I will enter the Volodinnya church of St. Sixtus, on the prohannya of Honorius, St. Dominic began to file a coffin to the robot for the restoration of the spiritual order, which, on the back of his head, reached out to the midst of the Roman women's communities. For a short hour, the robot was finished, Papi was extremely pleased. The holy dosvіd at the University of Palencia, practical zastosuvannya, like the wines I knew in the battles against the Albigenses, and also the strangely wise needs of the hour, the saint was overthrown, so that for the greatest wildness of the apostolic work, the envoys will make a better life. For reasons of reason, rozpodіlyayuchi brethren at Pruilly, and sent Matthew (Matthew) French and two associates to Paris. Order of Foundations for the State of the University in Zhovtni 1217. Matvey Frenchy was appointed rector, and the occupant was responsible for Michel de Fabra, who became known as the Lecturer. On the 6th of the coming fate, Jean de Barastre, dean of Saint-Quentin and professor of theology, seeing the vast hospice of Saint-Jacques, prompted especially for himself (Jean de Barastre, Saint-Quentin). Having ruled at the University of Paris, Saint Dominic decided to organize a community at the University of Bologna. Bertrand of Garrigua, calling from Paris and John of Navarre, roamed from Rome, carrying the messenger of Papi Honorius with him, with a method to create a bulk. After their arrival to Bologna, the church of Santa Maria della Mascarella was handed over to them. The Roman bulk of St. Sixtus grew rapidly on the flooring, so that the food of the accommodation became very hot. Honorius, a kind of nobleman who won all his power for the needs of the order, handed over to St. Dominic the Basilica of Santa Sabina.

For example, 1218, recognizing Reginald of Orléans as his vicar in Italy, saints, accompanying the dekilkom with his chants, straightening to Spain. On the road of wines, seeing Bologna, Prouille, Toulouse and Fanjo. From Prouille, two cents were sent to Lyon to build a monastery. Shortly before Christmas, the stench came to Segovia (Segovia). By the fierce advancing fate, the first monastery of the order in Spain was founded. Having gone to the pivden, and having fallen asleep, the woman’s monastery near Madrid behind the butt of the monastery near Pruille. It’s quite impressive that in this trip, I especially organized a monastery, an engagement with my alma mater, the University of Palencia. At the request of the Bishop of Barcelona, ​​the monastery was relocated at the same place. I renew, straight to Rome, overturning the Pyrenees and seeing the masses in Toulouse and Paris. Under the hour of their remaining wines, having taken the link of the monasteries near Limoges, Metz, Reims, Poitiers and Orleans, as if it was not a problem, they became the centers of activity of the Dominicans. Having left Paris, straightened up to Italy and arrived to Bologna in the linden 1219 r. Having dedicated a few months of wine to the organization of the community of brothers, like checks of yoga, which we later distributed from Pruil throughout Italy. At the same time, communities were organized in Bergamo, Asti, Verona, Florence, Brescia and Faenza. From Bologna wines went to Viterbo. If you arrived at the Pope's door, then the order became more honored. It is noteworthy that in the middle of these signs of honor, there were a lot of foreign leaves addressed to Honorius Usim, who helped the Batkas. At the birch tree of the same fate, Honorius, through his representatives, bestowed the order on the church of San Eustorgio in Milan (San Eustorgio). At the same time, Bulo was taken away and allowed the Order to act at Viterbo. After the return to Rome, for example, 1219 p. Dominik rozіslav leaves at all monasteries about the first zagalnі collections of the order, which mav came to Bologna on the coming Pentecost. Not long before that, Honorius III, by a special decree, gave his successor the title of Head Master, which he had previously been called only for his unspoken fortune. At the very beginning of the first meeting of the gathering of the coming spring, the saint, after raising the brothers of his leader, planted the head master. I realized that the appointment was not accepted, and the wines were left in the plantation until the end of their days.

Nebobar Pysly Zakinchennya Zboriv at Bologna III Rosislav leaves to all Monastiriv San Vittori, Mansa, Floria, Vallomrosa I Akila, to send Kilkhokhi Pilki for the ears of the saint menacing proportions. For tієї chi іnshої cause Papi's plan did not sink into life. No help was given, and Dominic, with a small group of brothers, rushed to the bey, to turn the heretics anew at the bosom of the Church. Behind deakim vіdomosti 100,000 unbelievers were brutalized with sermons and miracles, like having created saints. It was with Lacordaire that other gerels were preaching in Lombardy the saints having fallen asleep of the Militia of Jesus Christ, or the third order, as it is often called, which is composed of men and women, for the sake of the Church to live in the world, for the protection of the right. For example, in 1221 the fate of St. Dominic turned to Rome in the rise and rise. Here vin otrimav for the order of new and valuable volodinnya. In 1221, in 1221, three bulls were seen in succession, as they entrusted the order to the usual prelates of the Church. On May 13, 1221, I reborn my head at the general meeting of the order in Bologna. After the closing of the meeting, virushav to Venice, in honor of Cardinal Ugolino, who was guilty of goiter for the great number of good deeds. I turned back to Bologna, as if I were not too ill. He died in three days, vinisshi impersonal trials of heroic patience. At the bull, dated in Spoleto, on 13 March 1234, Gregory of the IX centuries, the chanting of obov'yazkovim throughout the Church.

The life of St. Dominic is one of the examples of innocent zusil in the service of God. Moving from month to month, I prayed and preached Mayzha without interruption. Yogo penance was such a power, that if the brothers vipadkovo showed them, then they feared for his life. Yogo mercifulness was boundless, but in no way did he allow you to put on a strict leather bandage, as if it accompanied the skin of yoga bands. If you are guilty and hate nonsense and rob everything for її vikorinennya, then the one who loves the truth and loves the soul is quiet, with some kind of pratsyuvav. Vіn nіkoli without forgetting the difference between a sinner and a sinner. It is not surprising that this athlete of Christ, who, having reproached himself, first of all, corrected others, but more than once, in order to manifest the power of God. Pripinennya pozhezhi at Fanzho, viklikannogo, schob zishishchi dissertation, over some wine pratsyuvav against heretics, and yak trichi threw at the fire; Sunday of Napoleon Orsini; the apparition in the refectory of St. Sixtus at the witness of his prayers - all the whole things are more than deeds from natural manifestations, with which God honored the holiness of His servant. It is not surprising that, signing a bull about the canonization on 13 March 1234, Gregory IX voted that the guilt of the holiness of St. Dominic is no less than that of the holiness of Saints Peter and Paul.

Transcribed by Martin Wallace, O.P.

Santo Domingo de Guzm?
I'm in the world:

Domingo de Guzman Garces


1170 rіk (1170 )
Caleruega, Spain


1221 rіk (1221 )
Bologna, Italy


in Catholicism


at 1234 roci, Gregory IX

Head Shrine:

relics at the Basilica of St. Dominica, Bologna

Memorial Day:

vcheni, Dominican Republic


Head of the Order of Brothers-Proclaimers

Saint Dominique de Guzman Garce?s(1170, Caleruega, Spain - 6 September 1221, Bologna, Italy) - (Lat. Sanctus Dominicus, Vic. Santo Domingo; Domingo de Guzm?n Garc?s ), St. Dominique de Guzman- black, preacher, Catholic saint. Zasnovnik to the Order of Prophets or the Order of Dominicans.


St. Dominik was born to the noble family of Gusman near Caleruezi in 1170. After learning at the school in Palencia, I spent 10 years learning the arts and theology. In his youth, Dominik became famous for his kindness and sympathy, apparently that he sold his valuable books and made clothes to help those suffering from hunger and take the Moors from the full of sympathizers.

In 1196 p. Dominik buv hanging on the priest and becoming a member of the chapter of regular canons in Osma.

In 1203 p. Bishop Diego de Aceveda sent messages from the King of Castile Alfonso IX to Denmark with a diplomatic mission, which is small in the world to reach a Danish princess with a Spanish prince. Dominik buv inclusions before the expedition. Passing through the territory of Pivdenny France, the bishop and yogo companions were enthralled by the expansion of the territory on this territory of the Albigensians. After the return from pіvnіchnoї Єvropi, Bishop de Aceveda and Dominik were left behind from Pіvdennіy France, dedicating to themselves the preaching of the gospel and the fight against єressu from tsomu region. In 1206 p. they founded a community in Pruyla, which was formed from the daughters of Catholic nobles and women, animals from heresy.

The Bishop, without fail, called out to him, but Dominic left France and continued his duties.

In 1209-1213 pp. Dominik is preaching again in Languedoc at the hour of the cross campaign against the Albigensians, Count Simon de Montfort, who has become a little better.

In 1214 p. the first community appears in Toulouse, six of the same mind from the community became the core of the Order of Preachers.

In 1215 p. under the hour of work of the IV Lateran Council, Dominik arrives to Rome and travels to Pope Innocent III with the prohannyam to confirm the Order, prote, the confirmation of the statute of the Order of Buv already in 1216 by the advancing Pope Honorius III at the bull Religiosam vitam. The Order of Otrimav IM'ya The Order of Propovіdnikіv (Ordo Praedicatorum, OP), as a result of this, they began to be called the Order of Dominicans in the name of their successor. The main tasks of the order were the preaching of the Gospel and the teaching of sciences.

In 1217 p. Having moved to Rome, Dominik began to work intensively on the merit of what he had done and the Order, which had grown rapidly. In 1218-1219, the Dominican monasteries visited France, Spain and Italy. On the first general chapters of the order, Dominik, having appointed his structure, zokrema, vvіv gave the order to the provinces.

In 1221, not long before his death, Dominic fell asleep at the monastery near the Roman church of St. Sabini.

Died at 1221 p. near Bologna, the relics of St. Dominica rests at the Bolognese basilica, named after him. In 1234 p. Pope Gregory IX canonized Dominik.

"Yogo was loved by everyone - rich and poor, Jews and pagans" - guessing the contemporary

For instructions, St. Dominik at the monastery of San Sisto in Rome, having resurrected Napoleon Orsini, who fell from his horse and fell to his death

Remembrance Day at the Catholic Church - 8 Serpny. Crimea of ​​Bologna, Catholic churches in honor of St. Dominic sporudzheni in other places, for example, near Turin, Taormina, Chieti, Popoli, Santiago, Oaxatsi de Juarez, San Cristobale de las Casas and others. The city of Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, the patron saint of wines, was named after him, as well as some places in Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, USA, Cuba, the Philippines, a fort in Taiwan.


The tradition of the Catholic Church follows the names of St. Dominika appeared to the Rosary - widely rozpovsyudzhenoi Catholic prayers on the rosary. Behind the legend, the Rosary was given to St. Dominik 1214 r. at the hour of the appearance of the Divine Mary. Another tradition shows the emblem of the Dominican order - a dog that lives, with a burning torch at its teeth - in sleep, in the mother of St. Dominika patted such a dog in advance of the people of her son. It is also possible that the emblem looks like a Greek word: lat. Domini canes- "Psi of the Lord".


St. Dominik is depicted in a white tunic of Dominican chance, a white scapular and a black cloak; iconographic symbols of St. Domіnіka - lily, zіrka on the forehead or above the chol, a book (most often it is written on the side with the words “Idit and preach”), the cross of the patron (patriarchal), the church (Lateran basilica), the dog with tar, the rosary, the club.

The most early interpretations of the image of the saint are the images of the 13th century near the monastery of Santa Maria Novela near Florence and near the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi, as well as the frescoes of the Giotto school near the church of San Domenico Maggiore (Naples).

Cycle of scenes from the life of St. Dominica of representations on the polyptych by F. Train (XIV century) for the Church of St. Catherine in Pisa. A series of spiritualized images of St. Dominic created Beato Angelico (XV century). In the painting by Pedro Berruguete (XV century) is depicted as "Wonderful Fire", what happened in 1207 p. at Fanjo, if it was the hour of the ordeal, the heretical books of the Albigensians were burned, and the book of St. Dominika jumped out of the igneous fire.

The robots of Crespi, Domenikino, Giordano, Tiepolo and other artists depict the image of the Virgin Mary, as if handing over St. The dominica of the reading is a symbol of the prayer of the Rosary.



  • Catholic Encyclopedia. M: View. Franciscan, 2002

Even more important is the role of the Renaissance period, of course, winning the Dominican Order. The development of zahodny blackness has gone far away, not similar to the paths of the development of similar blackness, to the fact that, like on the Skhodі, people basically, starting already from the early hermits, went out into the world to vryatuvaty us in front of their soul, - obviously, the idea of ​​service was laid down by them, - that zahіdne blackness from the very cob was laid on the service of the world, not flowing into the world. Although the boules, obviously, the monasteries and are deprived of dosі, so clausurn, closed, but in a dark place, blackness developed according to the principle of water supply to the world, the axis as a Christian rite of answer to that other problem of the world, starting from Benedict, the devil's zaklavod. We can here guess the Irish Chentsi, as if they were dumb missionaries, the early Middle Ages, and for example the Middle Ages, and even then, we can say, from which the Renaissance is founded, the wondrous order is manifested.

About one of them, about the Franciscans, and, apparently, the deacons of the past, they respect that Francis himself is the founder of the Renaissance, to that he changed the light-gazer, the picture of the world, I cry for the sins of the transition for the joy and favor of God. І another order, tezhzhebrak, vinik practically in parallel, ale, maybe, with a difference in a sprat of roki, - dominikantsi.

The founder of this order, which is also called the order of preachers, is Dominik de Guzman Garces. Vin ispanets. Having come from a noble noble family with Visigothic roots, Ale vin shvidko left Spain and the countryside in France and often in Italy. Dominicans are named, like Franciscans, but not self-named, but named after the founder. The official name is the order of preachers, although some dominicans call it “God’s psi”, because Domini canes is translated in Latin, “God’s psi”. But more affectionately they called them “Lastivki” at other times, because, in the past, the stench carried a good zvіstka, їhnє zavdannya was the preaching of the Gospel, in a word and life, and their clothes, white habit and black cloak: axis tse axis, white and black , similar to lastivok.

Dominik Guzman was born, as I said, in Castile, in Spain, and from the very childhood he was distinguished by special kindness, special religion. Having obtained good enlightenment, loving books, often staggering to the point of assimilation, but it often happens, if we read about some ascetics, especially the middle ones. If you want, perhaps, in what happens about Dominik, it’s not only such a trick of life, but a lot of faith, because life was already laid down, one might say, for life, people knew him well. In 1196 rotsі vіn vyvyachaniy on the priest and becoming a member of the chapter of the regular canons of the city of Osma, so having started the wine just in one of the already obvious orders, we do not think about those who will be the founder of the new order.

Ale, in 1203, he led a diplomatic mission to Pivdenny France, and there they began to speak of the Albigensians. Axis of cі pіznоsrednоvіchnі nonsense, Albigensians, Cathars, the stink of a lot of what was stimulated by the appearance of some new disruptions and reforms in the church itself. The Franciscans also often made calls. Particularly exalted to vigilance, to zealousness, it is not enough to show that the heretics cannot think of a race, as it seems that everyone in the church should be less wealthy. So it is Dominik, even if he has broken his vigilance and started selling his own valuable books, more, to infuriate someone else. The first axis of wines is understanding, that it is necessary to fight against nonsense, preaching the Gospel. It's just that people don't know the gospel, they just don't know how to build up the power of the church, you need to read them, you need a new sermon. Zvіdsi, vlasne kazhuchi, was born in the new idea of ​​a new suspіlstva, a mass of preachers.

Coiledly organizing a small crowd of quiet people, they went out of the Albigensians and turned anew to the church, and having drunk on these wives, they survived the axis of the dosvid, as we once said, of totalitarian sects. But we don’t know if the people were Albigensian totalitarians, but the stars clearly rallied, and step by step a group of six of the same mind was formed, and stench, vlasne, became the founders, the core of the new order.

Dominik, having written a statute, and proving that it is necessary to go to the tat, so, so be moving, declare about those who need to fight against nonsense not with a cross and a sword, but I will preach, moreover, with a word and life. And in 1215, they went to the Fourth Lateran Council and thumped in the nose of Pope Innokenty III, the very same one, who himself accepted the Franciscans and also gave them blessings. Perhaps, having found out about the fact that Francis has already been given such an honor, Dominik can also hurry up to commemorate the fact that the new order of obov'yazkovo is needed by the Catholic Church. And yet another hour has passed, and more than an offensive fate, in 1216 the father, now the advancing pope, Honorius III, blesses the new order and accepts the statute written by Dominik.

As I already said, the main orders of the order were the teaching of science, that order had a lot of teachings. To finish with Dominik himself, die in 1221 in Bologna. His relics rest at the Bologna basilica, named after him. In 1234, to finish the non-trivial hour of the passing of yoga death, in the memory of generations, they knew it well, Pope Gregory XI canonizes Dominika, and, as he guesses, one of the fellows, who described the tsyu podiya, "Yogo was loved by all - riches that bіdni, jews and pagans.

True, post Dominik duzhe tsikava. The figure of Dominic, perhaps, among the singers navit kolakh, was more popular with Francis, although today, perhaps, his popularity is not the same as that of Francis. Prote for the pіzny Serednyovіchchya two axes tsikh evil orders, then z'appeared already іnshi, augustians and so far, the axis tsі two bіdnі, zlidni orders signified two straight lines, after which religious life developed.

And if we are talking about the Renaissance, we are guilty of remembering that the religious warehouse of the Renaissance era is even stronger. Not only love to the paganism of some philosophers, on the kshtalt Marsilio Fichino, which put Plato at the red hutch and folded it, as they said, hymns of that akathist, or shoveled by Hermes Trismegistus, or else kimos, ale new straight [Christian, їtіtse] tezh need to remember.

And yet, for the life of Dominik, the order became rozpovsyudzhuvatisya at the rich lands of Europe. Wines from France, Spain, Provence, Ugorshchyna, England, Nymechchyna. Navіt near Greece and in the Holy Land were Dominican communities. At the same time, the stench was zhenki, but then they became already overgrown with mine, it was bigger at the singing moment, and they collected alms, on which the Franciscans and Dominicans of the first generations lived.

Alas, the Dominicants zbuduvali axis tsyu line osvіti that propovidi, more all the same, the middle sermon bula, zvichayno, more specific. Tse, shvidshe, roll not in the book of writing, but in the book of retelling, at the axis of such miracles, stories, fairy tales, some legends and so on. And Dominik nevertheless sent a message to the bik, a message from the Holy Letter. Zvichayno, mystical storage is also here bula.

The impact of dominance on the culture of Europe and Italy was especially strong in the XIV-XVII centuries. In the 16th and 17th centuries, they shrank, obviously, already, especially in the period of the Reformation. And so the Dominicans, for example, ostracized the chairs of the great universities. Here the stench, obviously, rushed after the Franciscans, to which Francis had recited the vchenisty, and the followers became venerable and were miraculous and theologians, and so on, and the Franciscans themselves occupied a lot of chairs. Here, it was like a super-nativity between the Franciscans and the Dominicans. The admissions at the universities of Paris, Oxford, Bologna and Padua were occupied by the Dominican professors themselves. Three Dominicans have been: Albert the Great, Robert Kilwardby, Petro Tarantesius, Pope Innokenty V, canonizations by the Catholic Church. Ale, obviously, everyone knows the most famous Dominican - St. Thomas Aquinas.

Tsikavo, scho evropejska bіblіїska, Vulgati and os especially preparation of the text until the next year, if already zapratsyuvav drukarska verstat, - usіm tsim was engaged in by the dominіkantsі. Tsikavo, who herself called the University of Paris, the Sorbonne, the name of the Dominican professor Robert de Sorbon, who fell asleep at the Dominican Collegium at Paris, who later, in the light, and reverted to the University of Paris.

Before the speech, among the members of the order of preachers, there was also a lot of mystics. Naivedomish mystics, Meister Eckhart, Johann Tauler, Heinrich Suso, are all Dominicants.

Dominicans developed that mysticism. , About what we have Rozmov in front, wine dominikanets. Well, and a Dominican, obviously, the famous preacher and reformer Girolamo Savonarola. From the dominance of the missionaries, the missionary direct, to that the stench of the first penetrated to the rich lands of Asia, the rich lands of Africa too.

It is possible here to override a lot of the merits of the Dominicans, but I’ll go back to the XX century, to that, until the XX century, for all the ups and downs, they’ve been wounded, the stench survived the reforms in the middle of the order, split and so far, but the stench survived until the XX century as one of the largest and most significant orders. It’s close to 10 thousand here, but at the same time, it’s possible, sometimes it seems to be less, it has dropped to 6 thousand. And from the middle of the past, for example, the famous theologians of the 20th century, tse Iv Congar and Shenu, those people, yakі, ostentatiously, wrote documents for the Other Vatican Council. Therefore, the axis of Dominic until today, this order continues to be even more significant. Well, and, obviously, the most significant period is the period that we can see for you - the whole period of the Renaissance.

But, maybe, I’ll say a few words about the most famous Dominikant - tse Khoma Akvinsky, that Khoma, even though Yogo is often called a middle-class philosopher, vin, shvidshe, having summed up middle-class wisdom, middle-class theology, philosophy 'I".

Ale vin gave and post-development of a new thought, a thought already renaissance, having once again changed one’s mind, saying that not only did one burn the blood, but naturally, the blood, knowledge, and the mind play a great role in theology and philosophy. Possibly, vin to learn philosophy. We remember that among the middle class, philosophy was a servant of theology, and having grown, so be it, the axis of the rational mind with the mind, which takes divine inspiration, giving the opportunity to develop and free philosophy. This is true dominikantsi - this is an even more important element of religious life that directly in the period of the Renaissance.

Zvyanoye, saying about Domіnikantz, hto hto Zgadai izkvіzitsy, і tsuja, the truth, the sama nonsense, ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї iglі izhobsky, aho takhnita, were called the same. in popular literature about it to write. The chain organ at the Catholic Church, like a mav to follow the purity of the faith. And the purity of the vіri, obviously, was trusted by literate people.

Obviously, there were signs of rebirth, to that which the epoch has begun to develop according to the principle of the pendulum: one will be born, then, so let's move, the power of the energy of the shtovhaє Rukh zovsіm in the next world. And, obviously, in order, possibly, with Dominik, who was the one who married his wife himself, so be it, distributing the moustache, other people appeared, as if for the sake of faith they did not spare other people. So it was. Although it was not the Church itself that brought the inquisition into action, the Inquisition only vindicated the verdict, guilty, not guilty, spat, obviously, not the church, spat all the same secular government, but the inquisitors, obviously, were in the same wine. But they put them on the choli themselves, because the stench was the most luminous.

Nevipadkovo Khoma Akvinsky takes the title of doctor angelikus (angelic doctor), that is a person who knows angelic knowledge. Ale, however, again, you can still guess the quiet Franciscans here, they were super-naughty, and Bonaventure, for example, attracted the title of not less cicavia - doctor subtilikus, that is the finest doctor, that is the doctor, which is the reach of success in their knowledge of the subtle world, subtle then matter and so on. So in any case, dominance, but more than once I’ve heard from them, - it’s the more difficult ruh of the middle, which originated in the middle class, but gave even harder spiritually that intellectual renaissance to the Renaissance.

Claudio Coello, Madrid, Museo del Prado (XVII secolo)

Saint Dominik de Guzman Garces (1170, Caleruega, Spain - 6 sick days 1221, Bologna, Italy) - (lat. Sanctus Dominicus, Spanish Santo Domingo; Domingo de Guzmán Garcés), St. Dominik de Guzman - monk, preacher, Catholic saint . Zasnovnik to the Order of Prophets or the Order of Dominicans. Glorification of 1234 to the fate of Pope Gregory IX. The patron saint of the vchenih. The patron saint of the Dominican Republic, the capital of Santo Domingo is named after him. Remembrance Day - 8 sickles.

St. Dominik was born to the noble family of Gusman near Caleruezi in 1170. After learning at the school in Palencia, I spent 10 years learning the arts and theology. In his youth, Dominik became famous for his kindness and sympathy, apparently that he sold his valuable books and made clothes to help those suffering from hunger and take the Moors from the full of sympathizers.

In 1196 p. Dominik buv hanging on the priest and becoming a member of the chapter of regular canons in Osma.

In 1203 p. Bishop Diego de Aceveda sent messages from the King of Castile Alfonso IX to Denmark with a diplomatic mission, which is small in the world to reach a Danish princess with a Spanish prince. Dominik buv inclusions before the expedition. Passing through the territory of Pivdenny France, the bishop and yogo companions were enthralled by the expansion of the territory on this territory of the Albigensians. After the return from pіvnіchnoї Єvropi, Bishop de Aceveda and Dominik were left behind from Pіvdennіy France, dedicating to themselves the preaching of the gospel and the fight against єressu from tsomu region. In 1206 p. they founded a community in Pruyla, which was formed from the daughters of Catholic nobles and women, animals from heresy.

Saint Dominic. Mosaic

The Bishop, without fail, called out to him, but Dominic left France and continued his duties.

In 1209-1213 pp. Dominik is preaching again in Languedoc at the hour of the cross campaign against the Albigensians, Count Simon de Montfort, who has become a little better.

In 1214 p. the first community appears in Toulouse, six of the same mind from the community became the core of the Order of Preachers.

In 1215 p. under the hour of work of the IV Lateran Council, Dominik arrives to Rome and travels to Pope Innocent III with the prohannyam to confirm the Order, prote, the confirmation of the statute of the Order of Buv already in 1216 by the advancing Pope Honorius III at the bull Religiosam vitam. The Order of Otrimav IM'ya The Order of Propovіdnikіv (Ordo Praedicatorum, OP), as a result of this, they began to be called the Order of Dominicans in the name of their successor. The main tasks of the order were the preaching of the Gospel and the teaching of sciences.

In 1217 p. Having moved to Rome, Dominik began to work intensively on the merit of what he had done and the Order, which had grown rapidly. In 1218-1219, the visitation of the Dominican monasteries from France, Spain and Italy was established. On the first general chapters of the order, Dominik, having appointed his structure, zokrema, vvіv gave the order to the provinces.

In 1221, not long before his death, Dominic fell asleep at the monastery near the Roman church of St. Sabini.

Died at 1221 p. near Bologna, the relics of St. Dominica rests at the Bolognese basilica, named after him. In 1234 p. Pope Gregory IX canonized Dominik.

"Yogo was loved by everyone - the rich and the poor, the Jews and the pagans"- Guessing a sochasnik.

For instructions, St. Dominik at the monastery of San Sisto in Rome resurrected Napoleone Orsini, who, having fallen from his horse, was beaten to death.

Remembrance Day at the Catholic Church - 8 Serpny. Crimea of ​​Bologna, Catholic churches in honor of St. Dominic sporudzheni in other places, for example, near Turin, Taormina, Chieti, Popoli, Santiago, Oaxatsi de Juarez, San Cristobale de las Casas and others. The city of Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, the patron saint of wines, was named after him, as well as some places in Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, USA, Cuba, the Philippines, a fort in Taiwan.

The tradition of the Catholic Church follows the names of St. Dominica - the appearance of the Rosary - a widely expanded Catholic prayer on the rosary. Behind the legend, the Rosary was given to St. Dominik 1214 r. at the hour of the appearance of the Divine Mary. Another tradition shows the emblem of the Dominican order - a dog that lives, with a burning torch at its teeth - in sleep, in the mother of St. Dominika patted such a dog in advance of the people of her son. It is also possible that the emblem looks like a Greek word: lat. Domini canes - "psych of the Lord".

St. Dominik is depicted in a white tunic of Dominican chance, a white scapular and a black cloak; iconographic symbols of St. Domіnіka — lily, zіrka on the forehead or above the chol, a book (most often it is written on the side with the words “Idit and preach”), the cross of the patron (patriarchal), the church (Lateran basilica), the dog with tar, the rosary, the club.
The best interpretations of the image of the saint are the image of the XIII century at the monastery of Santa Maria Novela near Florence and at the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi, as well as the frescoes of the Giotto school at the church of San Domenico Maggiore (Naples).

Cycle of scenes from the life of St. Dominica of representations on the polyptych by F. Train (XIV century) for the Church of St. Catherine in Pisa. A series of spiritualized images of St. Dominic created Beato Angelico (XV century). The painting by Pedro Berruguete (XV century) depicts the so-called “Wonderful Fire”, which took place in 1207 in Fangeot, if during the ordeal of the heretic books of the Albigensians they burned, and the book of St. Dominika jumped out of the igneous fire.

The robots of Crespi, Domenikino, Giordano, Tiepolo and other artists depict the image of the Virgin Mary, as if handing over St. The dominica of the reading is a symbol of the prayer of the Rosary.

Fra Angelico. St. Dominic worships roses. Fresco, 1441-1442

Image of St. Dominica at the Basilica of St. Dominica in Bologna

El Greco. St. Dominic at prayer, 1588

St. Dominic (Monastery of Santa Sabina, Rome, Italy)

Pedro Berruguete. St. Dominik, the car-dafé

In the middle of the chapel of St. Dominic

St. Dominik was born approx. 1170 r. near Caleruezi, near the province of Burgos, Spain. Having come from the noble Castilian family of Gusmaniv. Yogo's father's name was Felix Gusman, mother bula bl. John de Asa, yak gave synovі pochatkovu osvіtu. Dominic had two brothers – bl. Manes and Anthony, priest. At 14 years of age, the fathers set yoga up for school at Valencia, de protyag 10 years of wine vivchav, according to the current norms, so sound. “free art”, which means: grammar, rhetoric, dialectics (art of the world), arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music. Less than once, students were allowed to study philosophy and theology, and Dominic, having completed their studies at Salamantsi. After that, in 1196, the vіn buv of hangings on the priest and appointment as canon of the chapter of the cathedral in Osmі. After five years, becoming here the vice-head of the chapter. Dominik zealously worked on the salvation of God and the salvation of his neighbors, who voiced the word of God to them. Vіdrіznyavsya vinyatkovoy kindness character; remember that you are selling your expensive books and getting clothes to help the needy. The girls tried to sell themselves into slavery, in order to redeem the captivated Christians.

King of Castile Alfonso IX sending Bishop Osmi Diego de Aceveda with a diplomatic mission to Denmark. Bishop Diego was a friend of Dominik and to that, having included him to the warehouse of the delegation. The way ran through Nіmechchina and Poland Pomor'ya (on the outskirts of Szczecin). On the way, Dominik was a witness to the raid on Tyuringia of the Polovtsian pagans from the territory of the Ugrian region. On the way back, Dominic came to Rome to ask Papi Innokenty III allowed to preach among the Polovtsians. Tato, however, did not allow such a permit.

On the way to Spain, near Pivdenniy France, Bishop Diego and Dominik sent papal legates sent here to fight against the newly-minted heresy of the Waldensians and Cathars (they were blamed here for the month of bl. The followers of the lie told the most important truths of the Christian faith, including the chant about the Blessed Trinity, about the Exaltation of the Sin of God, the stink they saw St. Eucharist, slub and other rites. Temples and monasteries were ruined, images and crosses were run down. Bishop Diego and Dominik were hostile with a shrug, with which this vile nonsense was spreading here.

Vіdpovіdno to the papal legatіv, Dominіk virіshiv dedicate to himself the pratsy over the beasts of virovіdstupnіv. Before this verse, Bishop Diego comes. And the shards of the heretics in their struggle for the Church attacked her for the richness of life and the richness of the life of the clergy, the bishop and Dominik were violating the lead of the life of the Gospel, for the image of Jesus and Yogo uchniv. The stench went from place to place, from village to village, recounting lies and explaining the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Inokentij III establishing this form of apostolate. At the very center of the widened nonsense, in the small town of Pruy (Prouille ), after rotting between Carcassonne and Toulouse, Dominic fell asleep for the night of the black mass, where the daughters of noble Catholics and women entered, born from the Albigensian heresy. Life in the monastery passed in the perfect evangelical days.

Regardless of the first successes, Bishop Diego called out to the Pope and turned to his own decree, then 11 cistercians came to Dominik, as if they were virish to lead such an apostolic way of life. Tse y became the core of the new black community, which viniklo in 1207 p. However, at the same time, the pope voted a military choir against the Albigensians, to put between the churches, the monasteries and other atrocities, like the stench they did. Without a trace about the truth of such a campaign, the work of St. Dominika Vіn ґruntovno trudniv. I todі vіn vyrіshiv vіrіshiv possiblії fasting і mortvinnya, povіl more pray. Dosvіd having shown that the priests were often not enough for their preparation. Until then, the bagatioh had seen a simple way of life and had become unhanded with him.

Dominik having formed six of his greatest spies, and at the same time with him the stench brought black cloisters from 1214 p. at Toulouse. So Vinik Order of Prophets(Ordo Pr æ dicatorum - OP), which is often calledDominican, on behalf of the principal. The head method of the new order was the voice of the word of God and the salvation of souls. The successor of the vimahaws as twin brothers of the suvoroi zlidniv, he was self-sufficient and far-reaching. The brothers and sisters of the bishop of Toulouse Fulco, here soon two Dominican monasteries died, as they consecrated the Albigensians to themselves. In 1215 p. under the hour of work of the IV Lateran Council, Dominic, together with Bishop Fulk, arrives to Rome and travels to Papi Innocent III to confirm the Order. Having listened to the bishop's thought, the Pope verbally praised the new order, and Dominik, turning from Rome, called out the general chapter (1216), to whom the statute of the order was accepted, the folds on the basis of the rules of St. Augustine and the statute of the Norbertans, as they put themselves like marks. Bulo introduced only a few changes, necessary for the improvement of the specifics of the new order. Upon completion of the capitula, Dominic again broke to Rome, but Pope Innokenty lived no longer fortified (+1216). God pіdkrіv yogo, however, to cryptic dreams: sv. The Apostles Peter and Pavlo preached the preaching of preaching in the whole world of their spiritual blues. To that, Dominic turned back to Toulouse, and rose to 17 of his first brothers to Spain, Bologna and Paris. September 21, 1217 Innokenty's successor, Pope Honorius III, formally approving the new order. More than that, I trusted the bishops to give the new black sim all the best I could. St. Dominik, having fallen asleep in the same woman's order, was confirmed by Honorius III after two rocks.

At the general chapter, which took place in 1220 r. in Bologna, it was praised, on the basis of the full evidence, to include in the statute all those that appeared to be irrelevant. Natomist buli introduced new statutes, among them, zokrema, fence for the order of the mother on a permanent basis, whether it be mine or not, it was attributed to living exclusively on donations. Tim himself, the order, having joined the family of the same orders, as in XIII in. boules Franciscans, Augustinians, Carmelites, trinitarians, servites and the minimum.

In 1220 Albigensian nonsense penetrated into Italy. Pope Honorius III p riving Dominik to a new mission. The same fate card. Gilelmo fell asleep at Rome, at the Basilica of St. Sabini, a monastery for dominicans, who has since become their general house. The Pope, who donated the palace of power to the Dominicans, is no less generous. Same here St. Dominik resurrected the nephew of Cardinal Stefan of Fommanuov, Napoleone Orsin, who, having fallen from his horse, was beaten to death. Not long before the death of St. Dominik accepted from his order and poklav habit on St. Hyacinth (Jacek) and Bl. Cheslav, the first Polish Dominicants. Vіn also sent his spiritual blues to England, Nіmechchini and Ugorshchini.

Dominik had a chance to chant a lot, pronounce the Gospel and read lectures on theology. Vіn creating new monasteries of his order, which is already widened. At 1220 r. Honorius III recognizing Yogo as the general of the order. Then I went to work on Italy's pivdnі, vіn seeing myself exiled and turning to Bologna, de zlіg. Yogo stop with the words of the buli: "Make love, save humility and do not step into evil." Died on the 6 sickle 1221 p. in the arms of his brothers. After the urochist funeral for the fate of Cardinal Hugolin and rich dignitaries of the Church, his body was buried in the monastery church in Bologna, at the wooden trunk, at the crypt, under the head guard. The cult of the saint began to expand once upon a time after death. A lot of graces were awarded, taken away for yoga prayer intercession. To that Pope Gregory IX having begun the canonical process, and already 1234 p. zdіysniv canonization of St. Dominika.

Dominik was inspired by the great righteousness in behavior, the over-the-top indulgence about God's help and the indestructible envy of the spirit. The radiance of the heart and the peaceful mood shattered the new heart of the people. Be stingy with words, richly speaking with God in prayer, but about God with your neighbors. Even more tolerantly, having been a kind of opir and dokori. It’s not surprising that, at the time of the day, “yogo was loved by everyone - the rich and the poor, the Jews and the pagans.”

Name "Dominic" sound like Latindominicus , which means: "of the Lord." Tse im'ya was in the house and earlier, but only after Dominik Guzman became very popular in all of Europe.

The greatest merit of St. Dominica and a monument, which he had poured out on his own account, founded him the Order of Propovidnikov, which gave the Church the impersonal saints. The most prominent of them are: St. Homa Akvinsky, Doctor of the Church (+1274), St. Raymond Peñafortsky (1275), St. Albert the Great, Doctor of the Church (1280), St. Vincent Ferrer (1419), St. Anthony of Florence (+1459), Pope of St. Pius V (+1572), St. Louis Bertrand (1581), St. Katerina Sієnska, tertiary of the order, Doctor of the Church and patron of Europe (+1380), as well as St. Rosa Limska (1617). The Order has great merits in the field of science, from the beginning of which there was an impersonal study of light in the closet of theology, bibliography and liturgics. With the introduction of new overseas lands, the Dominicans were among the first to send their missionaries.

In the name of St. Dominika pov'yazane wide-ranging prayers of the Rosary, like a vin reluctantly recommending the veneration of heretics. Zgidno with orders, readings of the Rosary of St. Dominik took a look at the Holy Mary of the Holy Mary. This topic is dedicated to a lot of prominent pictorial creations.

The symbol of dominikantsiv is a black-and-white dog with a lit torch at his teeth; Dominika patted such a dog in advance of the people of her son.

In the iconography of St. Dominic is depicted in the Dominican habit. Yogo attributes: a star on the forehead or above the head, a miter of white nig, a lily - an hour of gold, a book, a cross for the procession, a club, a dog at black and white flames, who carried a burning torch in the pasture (symbol of the order:Domini canes - "Psi of the Lord"), Rosary.

Cathedral Prayer of the Day (Collecta)

Adiuvet Ecclésiam tuam, Dómine, beatus Dominicus méritis et doctrínis,
atque pro nobis efficiátur piíssimus interventor,
qui tuæ veritátis éxstitit prædicator exímius.
Per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum, Filium tuum,
qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti,
Deus, per omnia sæcula sæculórum. Amen.

Let me help, Lord, the Church of Your blessed Dominic, the merits of that vchennya,
and let us become that intercessor of ours,
who is your truth as a miraculous preacher.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Who lives with You and reigns in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for all ages. Amen.

Murilyo, "Giving the Rosary to St. Dominik"


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