Theodor Herzl: biography, ideas. The creator of the state of Israel, the leading Zionist in history, Theodor Herzl is a Christian, a missionary, a friend of Christians and the enemy of the Jews in the Impossible become possible, if you start living for the sake of your neighbors

Theodor Herzl: biography, ideas. The creator of the state of Israel, the leading Zionist in history, Theodor Herzl is a Christian, a missionary, a friend of Christians and the enemy of the Jews in the Impossible become possible, if you start living for the sake of your neighbors

The thought, why do I want to exalt with whom I create, it’s already old. I'm talking about the rise of the Jewish state. Light, spovneniy beurennya against the Jews, wake up the sleepy thought, crying її on mirkuvannya. I don’t see anything, in which one can easily perekonatisya, so be it, on my eyes from the last of my studies, with a tan, and in the skin point of yogo zocrema. I do not foresee neither the establishment of the Jews, which has become the epitome of history, nor the benefits for the current order. These data, as I convey, are truly understood by everyone and can be understood not with hands. Ale yakby, I want to know if I'm im'yam qiu try the perfection of Jewish nutrition, then I would call it not a fantasy, but "Combination" in the most common sense of the word. For such an understanding, like a utopia, I am guilty of saying a lot of words, chim, well, and I want to protect the superficial old ones like a pardon, stinks can fall into a yak. Indeed, there is no reason why people-loving utopias are written. Navpaki, it would be easier for me to get away from my bajans in such a rank, as if I were my readers, - to whom, if you understand, it would be ok, - I made my plan in front of a non-vibrant description of a novel like a novel, but still it would not be like that. love utopia, yak sounded before and after Thomas More. I’m deeply confused, that the camp of the Jews in different lands is to be summed up, to be summed up, so that from a new work, I’m like a little fritters. In order to understand the difference between my construction and that it seems to be a utopia, I will point out the book of the last fates, twir of Dr. T. Gertska, “Vilna Kraina”. The goal is low to make sense of the fantasies that have been propagated by the current national-economic mind, but so self-stagnant to life, as if on fire of the equator, on which the mass was sown. "Vilna country" - a mechanism with a bagatma with kolіshchatki and cloves, zcheplenie one with one, but nothing else points me to those that they can coristuvatisya; navit and in that moment, if I work for the partnership of the "Vilnoy krajina" already founding, I still respect the price for jart.

In this manner, all the impossibility of these fantasies is clearly remembered from the past. In the project, proponated by me, it is, in fact, the slander of a wicked force. I will only cross the kolіshchatka and cloves for the life of the machine, including in this hope, that there are better mechanics, lower I, yakі, having relied heavily on my bagatarical information and speeding up the material I have proclaimed, I will beat it on the right more often for mine.
I wholeheartedly rely on primus's strength, like on the best dvigun, for in this state of affairs, this strength can be a lot of work. And what about the greatest dvigun, the greatest strength, if not a Jewish need? Adzhe need for guessing is cunning! Who can tell you that this power is not grounded? Varto is less likely to guess about the steam, as the heat is set in the cauldron, in order to comprehend all the meanings of the primus force. Having gathered at Kazan, we lift the lid of yoga and open it up, so as not to know our way out. Tsya couple є tі Palestinian and іnshі suspіlstva, yakі studyuyuyutsya z metoyu fight against anti-Semitism. Later, while we are waiting for us to take up a report on the causes of anti-Semitism, I here repeat only that this is a force, that it may be, that it may be that it looks like it, but it is reasonable to straighten it, it is possible to do it, to destroy a great machine, while watching people and wealth. I am deeply confused by what I am doing, but I don’t know how to recognize my innocence. The first, whom the whole ruh bumps into, is unlikely to shake your own, glory, kinets, but even if you can barely reach, the spirit and happiness of the internal willfulness can be reached. But if it is not possible for this project to suspect utopia, I want to be accurate and in the head details of the resurrection. I am in full preparation before the fact that stupid stupidity will try to caricaturely loosen everything that I sent; navit for the butt not far to go. So, one Jew, to finish the frown on everything else, Jew, to whom I explained everything that was put in by me, saying: “everything is presented, like a future good, there are no more signs of utopia,” but it’s pardon. Be it a minister, for example, finances can be right in their budgets with transferring figures, and not only with such, a prototype of such wines may already be in past fates, but with such figures, as if wines can be removed when a new tax is introduced, more than can you figure out about the budget, not knowing approximately the figures of your income and vitrate, but why do all financial enterprises get utopias, if you know, you can’t accurately calculate the sums? Ale, I put a suvorish to my readers and readers, and if you want, marvelous power. I ask the consecration of people, to which I, with the head rank, am turned and how dear to the interests of the Jewish people, to guess that old thoughts; I'm turning to the bottom of the Jews, as they were actively engaged in the cherries of the Jewish food, preaching to them categorically to know their pardons and non-Jews. In spite of my own ideas, I have to fight with insecurity, because if I grab everything that I can be in the future, then give up, because I myself don’t believe in the possibility of their success, because I say to them against the effectiveness, then everything is worth it, mother, hello , an empty world; To that I hold firm, that I believe in the possibility of conceiving my own thoughts, so I can’t inspire you to know the end form of її. The Jewish state is all the needs of the world, and, henceforth, її will be created. But if there is only one person who thinks about baths, then it’s true that it will be marvelous, and if it’s rich enough for Jews at once, then we can show up as a whole, and vikonanny will not be particularly difficult. All on the right to lie down in a large number of successors, so it’s possible, our young people are old, our young generation, as they have already closed all the roads, and as in a new state, to know the full opportunity to reach honor, freedom and happiness, it’s possible, I say, stink bait about the expansion of ideas.
With the publication of this work, I especially respect my head of the vikonanim, and I will again take up the pen only in that moment, so that my opponents will hesitate to me, or I will again happen to ask for forgiveness. Like those that I write at once, are not yet confirmed; like the suffering of the Jews, it’s possible, it’s not so great yet, and I’m ahead of my hour, then we’ll live and marvel. The Jews themselves are now to lie down, so that their tver does not appear as a guess. If the current generation is still deaf, then come later, lower, better. Jews, if they want to, mother their state, having fully deserved it.


The political and economic outlook of people, as if standing at the center of practical life, we often have little understanding, and only in this manner can we explain why the Jews believe their lack of life and blindly repeat after the anti-Semites: we didn’t have yakbies, we would have had to starve.” This is one of the quiet unfortunate points, on which order our self-confidence is weakened for our unfair skargs. how is it true with these sucidami? How old the physiocratic habitation is, it lies on that childish pardon, which in a rural life, similar speeches are often spoken thickly. We are not so far away from life, so you don’t know that the world is constantly changing the winds of uninterrupted gains from the gallus of knowledge and technology. In our marvelous hour of strong technical successes, and spiritual insecurities, a wise day-to-day man can already guard himself with his flattened eyes for a new spirit - the fruit of an inquisitive spirit. A robot without acceptability - a robot is stationary, old old, a typical butt of such a farming, which is abandoned in the same camp, in which there were a lot of thousands of people under our grandfathers. For rich people, material well-being was less than a zavdyak of inquisitiveness. Now it’s not enough not to be ashamed to know such a banal truth, but yakby, all of us were inclusively accepting, we didn’t need to be zealous farmers. We are not commanded to low fast volodin, and we will conquer all the new new ones every day. Slaves appeared in our place, like a supernatural force, who called out their appearance in the cultural world to the deadly competition of manual labor - I'm talking about machines. True, we need workers and practitioners to put the machines in rush, but for these needs we have enough hands, to make it rich. Only that one dares to harden, that the Jews are not ready for manual practice, otherwise they don’t want to take care of them, who is unknown to become them in the wealthy worlds of Schidnoy Europe. I don’t want to work in this work, be it a Zakhist Jew, for everything is reasonable, like everything is sentimental, and that food has already been taught. Now the mother is not enough arguments for the mind of that heart; the hearer is to blame but the building, first for everything, understand what has been said, otherwise you will be a voice that shouts at the desert, but if the hearers have already gone far ahead, then the whole preaching is marn. I believe that people can reach life, reaching out to the richest opportunities, but I think that it’s better to give in only after the right and most important struggle. Yakby wanted to check, while the middle class was ennobled, about Lessing, if he wrote his "Nathan the Wise", then neither our life, nor the life of our children, they were born and great-grandchildren, but here we are from the other side to come to the rescue the spirit of the hour. The rest of the century brought us a lot of valuable evidence, for the help of technical data, stuffed with practice, and this fabulous success wasted meaning for the people. Wanting to see the distance on the earth's surface is already sunk in, but it suffers from unhandedness, which calls out in darkness. Do not marvel at those now known to be able to sail swiftly and safely on giant steamboats on unknown seas and to be above the bays that will bring us to the top of the mountain, which we could hardly reach with a strong sweat in our legs; don’t be surprised at those who, at the given hour, have seen everything that happened in the lands, if they haven’t yet been recognized, if Europe trimala єvreїv, aggravated by the “ghetto”, and the hour of illumination is now a hundred years old, we are still suffering and tolerant, not knowing the costs for the perfection of the Jewish diet. Chi tse not є anachronism?
Later, I think, that electric light was found not in order to be able to brighten things up in the kitchens, but so that with this light the light of the people's nutrition could grow, for which one and far important is the Jewish one. Allowing yoga, peacefully doing good, not only for themselves, but also for the wealthy of other workers, who are overwhelmed by the hardships of life.
Jewish food is known, and it would be crazy not to recognize it. It’s unfortunate the recession of the middle centuries, for any cultural peoples should now dare to stubbornly with all their magnanimous bajan, as it turned out in the fact that the stench gave us emancipation, but it didn’t bula in the mind only we accumulate in a significant number, de yogo can’t, there to bring yogo emigrant jews. We, obviously, pragmatically, where they don’t follow us, but after our appearance, they insist on being re-searched. Tse trivatime to build in such high-illumined lands, like France, the docks of Jewish nutrition will not be politically superior. It is unfortunate that Jews should now import anti-Semitism to England, just as the stink brought yoga to America. I want to bi-brothers and learn my own anti-Semitism, which seems to be a confusing phenomenon, I see it as a Jew, but without a trace of hatred and fear. I want to understand that in anti-Semitism there is a naked gluzuvannya, a blatant zazdrіst, an early advance, religious intolerance, and that is a clear necessary defense; I am lit up by water, the water paths - the guards of social pitsi relaymim, the nomato is a reason for the same name, I, the virishita of the National Pannnya, the noisy -like yogi sovishi, and the pale
We are a people of our own, a special people.
Everywhere we honestly tried to join in with the foreign peoples, saving only the religion of our ancestors, but we were not allowed to. I’m ready for anything for a while, and in some countries to instill super-world patriots; we donate our blood and bannim to me, like our spivgromadyans; we labor for nothing, glorify our ancestral homes with success in the gallery of refined mysticism and knowledge; we labor for nothing, earning our wealth with the development of trade and industry, everything is fine. In our fatherlands, in which we live a hundred years, they marvel at us, as if they were foreigners, and often navit you, the founders of those still did not think about that country, in which already a little hundred of our ancestors shed their blood for the yak. Whom to vvazhat shvidshe for strangers in the country, maybe, obviously, more will win. Podіbne podіbne podіbnі vzagali vіrіshuє force, yak usі і nіtnаnja, scho vykayut іn masovykh narodnyh iznosinah. Well, I don’t put our good nasidzhene right in anything, if I can say everything, like specialty, that it’s worth the law. Nini and yak can bachiti at the future, the power of panuє over the right. We, father, for nothing everywhere are urged by zealous patriots, like Huguenot boules, who were afraid to hang out. Yakby gave us a calm ...
Ale, I’m crying out that they won’t give us peace. They don’t want to give us peace, but you can’t blame us with pressures and persecutions. Zhoden people in history did not endure the torment and suffering, how many. Individuals, they were stinging in the wrestling, and he was upholstered, our weak -to -worship for their muffins, the firm will of Dama turned to their Korinn, if they were Vikvilhyvannya, they can sparely spasm. to stand spiritually and materially more significantly, showed themselves emancipation zovsіm іnakshe. For such a trivial, politically friendly camp, maybe everyone would assimilate here, but I think that it would be commendable. Brumaden, Yaki Bazh, for the good of his own, Zhvreisko Rasi, is guilty of a blessed to think about the triviality of the nashu, a half -oriented camp, many people in the same time. us. Whoever wants to think about it, whoever wants to change into someone else, let him get to know the spirit of the people closer, in whom all fairy tales and sayings are streaked with anti-Semitism. Truthfully, people, let’s kill the great child, like, well, you can overwhelm, if you need to finish a thorny hour, then, as I already said, it’s better to know better.
Asimilation, according to my mind, it’s not enough to change, for example, cloth, mov or a sound of manners of life, ale and equal in thoughts, in feelings, in rosemary mysticism, it can be with zmishuvanni, which can be allowed to be more useful. At the same time, it is impossible to pinch a similar order to the world with a path of order, circularly. І immediately є apply. The Ugorian liberals, who have recently come to such a rank, are now known to the guards of the Tskavy militias, the guards of respect; you can, again, be illustrated with the first fluke when you eat: christened Jews make friends with a Jew. The struggle, which was carried on for the rest of the hour by the nobles, signifi- cantly stabbed the marriage between Christians and Jews in the Ugrian region, so that she was more naughty, lower brought greed to the confusion of the races. Whoever really bazhaє iznischennya jevreїv, that can bachiti zhulivіst tsgogo in krovosmіshenni, but if jews could so repair, stench may nabouti styles of economic forces, sob cim overpower the old suspіlny zabobon. The butt is the aristocracy, de zmіshuvannya poserіgaєtsya most in vіdomіy proportions. The old nobility gild their coats of arms, aged in the hour, with Jewish gold, and bring Jewish privileges down, but how do they work in the middle classes, where it is important to take care of the Jewish food, slander the Jews? There is not a revenge of Vladi, the RIVEN -Minnoye Census єvrev, also overwhelmed by the Khibny Star, and Yakshcho is now the same, the same screams of the non -renewal of the same anti -Semitiva, then the yangs of the checks of the zero, for the fed zero, are the same. The act of any one cannot be checked, because it would have been involuntarily for a greater minority, as it was recently put in no way, and there is no such thing as the same value in the administrative, nor in the military departments. From that, I think, what is the honor of the Jews in the name to inspire for the great success from the side of other hulks. At that hour, I’ll have time there, de Panuє anti-Semitism, there, de Jews at once, they will feel perceptibly good, there, ymovіrno, they will attack and resent harshly, not waiting for my pardons. Stinks only to believe them, if I see them again slandering and oppression and which used to be anti-Semitism to confuse themselves with checks, then we will appear suvorish. The crowding of emigrant Jews, such a simple one, is obviously safe, like a rush, which blames the middle of the Jewish Jews, loudly sing together, calling out a gurgling reaction. And there is nothing simple for a similar visnovok. But I don’t want to embarrass someone, I’m talking only on the basis of the data, rimmed data, I’m allowed to explain it lower, leaning forward quietly in front of the list and those witches, they can blame me for the middle of the Jews, like they live with the minds of Livikhvilin. For instance, there are, of course, private interests, representatives of which feel humiliated, includ- ingly, due to the coziness of their mind and fear; then you can only go through them with contemptuous slander, because the interests of the people and the oppressed are significantly important. Ale, I try to explain to the skin report yogo rightfulness and good fortune, foreseeing the possibility of such a hellish manifestation, through yak, for example, jews, yakі koristuyutsya now we have blessings and good life experiences, could recognize singing shkoda, as if in the future I have a plan . . Seriously, it will be recounted that I am translating the assimilation of the Jews there, de wanting to bring її at the vikonannya and vrіzat further assimilation there, de yon already vіdbulasya, nastilki, naskіlki I, like a single writer, can change or weaken її. Tse vinikne top rank in France, wanting to check yoga and in other places, but I want to sam in front of the French Jews themselves, shards of stench with the best butt.
How much I do not bow down before individuality, how much I create eminent citizens: artists, philosophers, wine-makers or commanders, so it is just like a significant historical group of people, as we call people, how strongly, I repeat, I do not bow down before individuality, I am still I don’t rely on and I don’t mourn її zniknennya. Who can, if you want, can perish, let that guinea, but the individuality of the Jews cannot, do not want and cannot perish. Vaughn can’t perish to those who’s evil foes cross over, you don’t want to perish, - that she brought 2000 years on the stretch, at the bottom of the valley she was crushed, nareshti, not guilty of perishing, that I will try to bring to this creation rich єvtrayam, Mabut, already every hope. The Jews of the Jews can fall and die, but the tree itself will be deprived of life. If, in such a way, all French Jews protest against what was said so well, the shards of the stench were already assimilated, then I’ll just say that it’s not enough for them to cackle on the right. You are French “Israelites”, miraculous, and on the right, as I pronounce, it’s all Jewish. In such a rank, ruh, to reassert itself, to the greed of the Jewish state, I’m talking about, so it’s not enough to harm the French “Israelis”, as the assimilated Jews of other lands. Navpaki, all I have proponed bring them only mischief, so, only one mischief, because they no longer care about their “chromatic functions”, in the words of Darwin. The stench can be assimilated amiably, for the present anti-Semitism is forever locked up. We must believe that the stench assimilated to the depths of their souls, like stench, if a new Jewish state is really established with its best governance, still get rid of it, de stink now live. Ці асимільовані євреї отримають ще більшу користь, ніж християни, від відходу євреїв, вірних своєму початку, своєму кореню, бо вони будуть тоді звільнені від неспокійної і неминучої конкуренції єврейського пролетаріату, який внаслідок політичних утисків і майнової потреби змушений був перекочувати. from month to month. This bleak proletariat has come to sit down peacefully and the Christian community of the wild, in the presence of more under the name of anti-Semites, can calm down the settlements of foreign Jews. Jewish hromadski dyachі, horribile dictu, which they can’t slay, regardless of those who have been placed in a rich mind. If you want to change domestic evils, assimilate Jews, they are less likely to be attracted to anti-Semitism, or to start hosting an already significant one, more, pіdshukuyuchi raznі koshti, the stench stinks on "charitable" favours, and establish immigrant commisions for It would have been better if the appearance clearly superseded by my words, and it would have been marvelous that the hulks did not give a damn about the needy and humiliating brothers. Ale on the right in the fact that the deacons of these additional comrades do not call Jews to the fury. For nothing about them, stink really think about those, as if I were yaknaishvidshe and yaknaydali saw the poor and unfortunate mandrivniks. In this manner, with a more respectful discussion of food, it is declared that the other obvious friend of the benefactor of Jews is no more than an anti-Semite in disguise. As far as the colonization is like that, then, being itself an expert and a handy witness of the perfection of the Jewish food, it was already wonderfully done. I don’t want and I can’t admit that another Jewish child marveled at the occupation of the colonization, like at the reception an hour spent, that that other Jewish and benefactor, giving the Jews the opportunity to mandrate and move, marvel at the horses and horses , for example, give the opportunity to stribati and stribati. Adzhe on the right is more serious and, unfortunately, more sumptuous. Even though I have called the tsі dosvidi tsіkavimi and ruchnymi, then I mav on the vase of the leaves, shards of stink at the great roses є a practical carrier of the idea of ​​the Jewish state; And the stinks of the stench are painted for us, shards of mi, having shriveled pardons, which we got during the colonization, it is possible to vanish with our great ideas at the great roses. The expansion of anti-Semitism in the new lands, being a necessary legacy of piece-buying Jews, is the least evil; Significantly worse in my opinion are those who have results in quiet, who have emigrated, are clearly unsatisfied, because they stink in such a rite of calling sumniv or induce perekonannya in the unapproachability of the Jewish masses. This sumnіv in case of clarification, it is possible, admittedly, to find a number of absolutely simple ones, advancing one by one argumentation in the family, for example, that which is aimless or unsettled in the “small” still does not guarantee the same result in the “great”, but small under Vіdomі you can be smart, you can be beaten, at that hour it’s a great enterprise with the same minds to bring income, like a clerk, if you’ve poured more than once at the glass, tone in the rivers, de-ply the giant’s floods, no one is rich and not strong flooring, schob relocate the people from one month to another, which, similarly, resettlement can become less than an idea. But it’s important that the idea was born, that the idea of ​​the state is small in its enchanting power, its meaning, but at that very moment, as the sun began to shine for the Jews, the stench of the whole night of their history did not stop and did not stop dreaming about the state. "The advancing fate in Jerusalem!" Tse old, alıchno live bazhannya, as if it doesn’t leave the Jews for the same whilina of the day and night. Now it’s clear, how a bright thought can come from the universe. It is necessary only for everyone to remember from their memories old advances, swindlers, short-sighted appearances, otherwise the minds can easily think that resettlement from a cultural edge to an uncultured, unillumined one. Navpaki, our resettlement is the most pragmatic culture, rising more and more with more and more roses, but not turning to much chives. Our emigrants will switch to living not in huts, but in miracle houses, zbudovani for all modern help; stink not to waste your lane, but only, turning yoga into capital, change a good camp for better, stink not to be separated from your beloved place of living, until you know it again, do not deprive the old house, until you are ready for the new one, you will find. In the new country, destroy those who have a lot of perekonations, so that the flames of this yogo camp will be painted. To begin with, it means, to go back to the beginning of the day, then the poor, then the middle class, and there are already rich people, and in such a rank, the first step by step to reach the safe camp and look out for those who come in good time. Resettlement en masse can always be moved along with the currents, de everything that has been consumed, groaning, rush forward. Zim Jews, scho to go, do not threaten any strong supportive chi main crises of inacceptability, on the other hand, they check for a period of prosperity; and for the hromada-Christians, who have been deprived, the period of resettlement has come to the city, depleted by the Jews. In such a rank, every mighty appearance of the great masses will be without fear, and this cob is already the end of anti-Semitism. The Jews will go like grand friends, and, as if by chance, individuals turned back alone, they in civilized lands, imovirno, will be accepted so very kindly, like other foreigners. Tse resettlement will not be flowing, but, on the contrary, a whole organized transition under the control of the community thought.
Ale, such a roc can not be beaten by only private koshtas, but for your own friendly co-participation of the current orders, as if in the light of this, there is no more susceptibility to greed. Well, up to ideological purity, check with koshtiv on yoga vikonannya, then you can know them in suspіlstva that they make themselves so called “moral” or “legal” personality; and the axis of qi is insulting, understandable, as in the legal sensi they often hesitate, I want to separate. I want a moral person in the Jewish Union, which is the head of all parties, and I will put Jewish Comradeship in order, as I am the head of trade in the industry of the country. As far as the quiet solitary peculiarities, as if to show by looking that we were able to work such a veletensky right, then the stench can be either unfavorable, or obezzhennye people. In this way, the moral character of our idea is formed by the nature of the activity of its members, the wealth of a legal entity is invested in capitals.
Henceforth, for the help of the liquor deposited, I would like in even short words to forget your masses, as if it would be viklikana already with one word “Jewish power”, and there I will try with great calmness to respond to other citations, and what was already shown, having made a report on a new dove, to inspire that vipadku, as if it were not for the selfishness of the tver, the thought of someone is guilty of developing, if possible, more quickly, the head rank, briefly. But if I want to build a new house on the old foundation, then first of all I try to try yoga, and then I will already. Knowing such an order of speeches as a whole reasonable and fair, I will try to understand it, and I will explain the idea in the deepest part of the rose, having sunk into my old age and stupidity of understanding, I will make a plan and firmly establish the political-economic and national minds. Then, at the special part, which is divided into three main branches: the Jewish Union, the consecration of new settlements and the Jewish Comradeship, I will talk about the ways of cultivating our idea, and, nareshti, at the whiskey, I will say a few more words about other possibilities.
My Jewish readers can save patience and read this tvir to the end, and if they will be judiciously overcome, let them come closer to our help.
Then I turn wildly to the point of my mind, wanting to miraculously convince me that the rest is insufficient by itself. Even the old afflicted are reluctant to deprive the place of their aggravation. We know, nareshti, that youth has grown, as we need it so, youth, that we go hand in hand with old age, youth, firmly stand up, youth, visnovok, which are transformed into nathnennu rishuchist.


jewish food

Nothing can be compared that the camp of the Jews is more unenviable. In all lands, de stinks to live in a great number, they are explored by a larger and smaller world. Equality, as if to inspire similarly and was recognized by legislation, may be reduced to their misfortune significantly shortened. Already in the middle, plant at the viysks and other public and private departments inaccessible to them. They try to inspire you to find them from trade, propagating everywhere: “Do not buy from the Jews!”. Attack in parliaments, gatherings, press, at church cathedrals, on the streets, or the hour is more expensive, at the exit from the houses of the hotels, in the cities, in the places of fasting, increasing with the skin day. Reconsideration of qi in different lands and in different camps may have a different character: in Russia, for example, they hang from forces and forces; at Rumunia, on the right, the sound will end with the driving in of the Jewish Jews; at Nіmechchinі in case of good luck b'yut їх; in Austria, anti-Semites are vibrated, terrorizing all the life's necessities; in Algeria, individuals are chanting, like they are preaching the tskuvannya of people; in Paris, so called, the most suspіlstvo zamikaєє, tsurayuchis єvreїv, - in a word, the variations are indistinguishable. But let’s not think, dear reader, or charitable reader, that I want to make them turbulent, we’ll take over the borders, as practiced by hundreds of unfortunate people; I will not be so stupefied in front of lonely vipadki, if there were no important stench; I don’t think so call out to us svіvchutya - everything is cemarno, bezpodstavno and not good. I am satisfied with the experience of the Jews themselves: it’s true that in the krai, we live in a larger population, the camp of our doctors, lawyers, engineers, technicians, and readers of those representatives of other knowledge and mystics is truly unbearable; that the entire middle class among the Jews is in a stingy, menacing camp; that misfortunes of the common people are dragged through our riches; why should our people endure more richly, if there were any other proletariat?
I think scho gnіt є; ale, appearing in the greater versions of the Hebrews only as unacceptable, in the middle versions of the suspіlstva it already manifests itself as an important deaf rubbish, and in the lower versions it’s already worse, like only in the eyes, it’s quite clear. At any time, as if not manifesting all this oppression in different versions of the suspenst, the wine will end up in the same way, getting angry at the fervent cry of the Berliners: “Get out of the Jews!”. I will try to formulate Jewish nourishment from the most recent and clearest traditions: what can we drink now? and where? what else can we do? How long? I’m resting, first for everything, on a different diet: how can we rely on better winds, have patience and with God’s help, who the kings of the people on earth have mercy on us? It's a pity, I'm guilty of confession, that there is no hope. Why? The one that the tsars, as if they were close to our hearts, as if they were hulks, cannot vanquish us. If only to increase the hatred to the Jews, as if to give the rest of them a lot of trouble, if you want to think a little less, if you want to understand less, lower those, to which you may be right, such a great hulk of any people.
Mustache people, with whom Jews live, are clearly disguised anti-Semites.
Sound at the same time there is no plausible statement about the historical development, that wine and cannot mother yoga; you don’t know what the European nationalities are now paying for the sins of the middle class, what we are now, what the “ghetto” has robbed us of, what we have grown especially wealthy to penny operations, less than the one who made us up before them; you don’t know what the same ones are now repeating themselves, that they take us to financial operations, or, using a special term, I’m going to stock the exchange again, curving all other ways before us. But our presence on the stock exchange, our trading operations still serve as a target for new attacks, a new veil for hatred. before that, it is almost unimportant and viroblyayemo middle intelligent class, for which there is no desire for the result, and for that it is the same unsafe element for supremacy, as well as growing capital. Illuminated, albeit impossible, the Jews are now all standing by the lava of socialism, and the social struggle, accepting, may now be known on our backs, more like in the social, so in the capitalist camp we borrow more people.

New tastes for the perfection of Jewish food

Little Priomoi, yaki was stacked by the dosy for half a fluid of the snake of the miserable and heavy camp, the Buli is insignificant, yak, the same columnar, abo -rosema, yak, a set, weapons, weapons, and weed to cross the fields on the fields on the fields on the villages in the villages in the villages in the villages of the villages in the villages of the villages in the villages of the villages in the villages of the villages in the villages of the villages in the villages of the villages in the villages of , then. in the places of their fasting habitation, and what can we truly achieve, as if I were a thousand Jews in another camp, transferred to a foreign country? Otherwise, you will die a thousand, or else you will prosper more. then, with all your might, stand anti-Semitism from the mouth with your own means. before that, we already spoke earlier about all the tests that were practiced and practiced in the future, to resettle everyday Jews to other lands. Emigration in the skin case is unsatisfactory and aimless, otherwise it is directly opposite to the goal; and zavdyaki tsim priyomam vyrіshennya nutrition, scho us tsіkavit, only galmuєєєєєєєєєєі і, it's possible, navіt's hard.
Whoever thinks and wants to turn the Jews into farmers, will have mercy on that wondrous rank.
Peasantry is a very historical category, from which it is easy and handy to change the zvichok and turbot of the peasant, the owner of the one-man and the old, and the її zemstvo znarad. Those and others are absolutely primitive, not disturbed in any way by the sounds of the earthworkers of my ancestors. Vіn ore with the same plow, vіn with your hand, mow with an antediluvian scythe and thresh with antediluvian lancers, not caring for those who have been miraculous earthworkers and machines for a long time. Powerful food for water and machine food and for that way, America, like a great ruler, who devours friable food, overcame Europe. The villager in such a way to stand up to the slandering aphids. How to protect yoga piece by piece, tse vіdbuvaєtsya on the rahunok of political interests, like vin calls to serve. Well, if you create new villagers according to the old recipe, then it’s only divine and impossibly bajan. None of the floors are strong and rich, to forcibly push back the head of culture, and to bring with all the mighty powers of independent powers, yet one zatrimka of culture in a huge camp є unimaginable and overarching tasks, and axis, for such environments, you can’t perechuvati, zmusiti become a peasant of the old cut. It’s so very possible, as if to say to a Jew: the axis of you is a bow and break into war! Yak, I have the right to viguknut vin, with one cibula to veil to voina, if others are provided with small-caliber towels and kruppivsky garmats! Jews, who want to be cold, are quite right, because they don’t destroy the stench for such conditions. Tsibulya is charіvna zbroya, but all the same, I have a place only in the museum.
It’s clear, obviously, the lands, where hated Jews come to work in the fields and can go to work, being engaged in arable farming, but here the head anti-Semitism is noted, here the hatred of hatred is born.
Svіtovі philanthropists, yakі dbayut pro єvreїv i silayât їх to the earth, zovsіm not to take to respect the thought of the rest, and stench, tsі future villagers, who may have the right to express their thought, could even say richly. Land taxes, neuroscience, economic oppression of the great agricultural states, which are cheaper, and especially American competition to shy away the life of a peasant to make it hot. At once about those, it is necessary to remember the factory, the chimney, which cannot be starved, depleted without the necessary bread, because of the political significance of the old days, and the price of grain cannot be inexhaustibly increased. All these hardships are kinder to everyone, and I’ll bring them here only to those who want to tell fortunes, as it’s useless to try a lot and try, to grow in the present day, in the most commendable way, to see the worst. Neither emigration, nor a piece of spiritually empowered forces can help our proletariat, just like a miraculous assimilation, about which I already spoke more.
In this rank, it may be impossible to suppress anti-Semitism; you can’t have a life until the first foundations are a life, and what can you do to remain a life?

Fundamentals of anti-Semitism

I don’t want to talk here about the sound, but about the old zabobons and fools, I want to stumble over political and mine ambushes. Our current anti-Semitism at any other time cannot be compared with hatred and witchcraft to the Jewish religion, which was guarded for by the old hours. Tsya hatred and fortune-telling, founded on the recognition of speech, which dost be guarded in lonely lands. Insha river of that strong move, which is now being borne, - we have a different character. In the great powers, de anti-Semitism is the main rank of calling its own nest, wines and inherited emancipation of the Jews. If the cultural peoples, having commemorated all the non-humanity of the borders, called us, the rest became too tired. Not being emancipated behind the law in quiet lands, de mi lived, mi in our "ghettos" pretended to be a marvelous and unreasonable rank for some kind of middle class, having appeared at once for all others strong competitors, like instilling a zhah. Leaning on sweat rapt, after emancipation, if the bourgeoisie, we are guilty of vitrimati pressure from two sides, from the outer and inner. It’s okay, even if it’s not possible to legitimize already equal rights, for whom it would be better to expand now, even more to expand, not only to those who sin against peace, but also to those who are all Jews, rich and bіdnі to rise up ruined. parties. And if you marvel at the win of the medal, then, well, it’s impossible to say anything especially true against us. For the old clock, the Jews understood them to embellish, diamanti, gold and other; ale yak now otrimati їh ruhome mineno? It’s all in papers, blazing with light, or, perhaps, buried in Christian caps. The truth can be the value of all of these retail, banking and other. shares, chi papers of various business partnerships and other great enterprises can easily be beaten by reductions, and the greatest income and taxes will appear, and the whole mass of a rumpled lane will be in the middle there. Ale, all similar ones can be recognized as Jews, and Christians; where they tried it already, there they once experienced important major crises, as if they weren’t separated by the same rank by Jews, in which they were labeled with the head rank; less arrows were consumed in them, and the result of such impossibility of the Jews is those who grow hatred to a new level. Anti-Semitism among the susidy grows not by the day, but by the season, and this is due to the fact that the reasons for shouting yogo are already well conquered by the people and cannot be kidnapped.
The reason is far away, or causa remota, similar to the order of speeches, is the middle age of the ability to assimilate, the nearest cause of everything, or the causa proxima is our productive overly average intellectual, which is not possible to go downhill, then downhill. I can’t have any healthy ability to transform myself into a lower class, or rise to the top of the ladder of supremacy. Bydnisha, we are establishing the proletariat and creating ruins, that is. the lower staff of the core workers of various revolutionary parties, and at the same time, our penny strength is increasing, as it again instills fear.

Infusion of anti-Semitism

Gnіt, in whom we know, do not rob us of the best. We, let’s say, don’t look at other people in any way, although the truth is not loved by our enemies and oppressions, it’s absolutely right; but only that one can put us at fault, only that one can be reproached with someone else, who himself becomes a helper in such a struggle. This gnat naturally calls out hatred in us, it’s better than setting up to our utiskivs, which from its side calls out gnat again, ducks, and, not able to enter from this cycle, we are spinning like a squirrel in a wheel.
"All the same, the soft-hearted fanatics say, what can be achieved for the help of passionate love."
What do you need less to tell the truth, what are sentimental balacks? Whoever wants, in the current struggle for a foundation, to create reductions in the camps only in the name of the passionate love of people, that lesser is a utopist. Without speaking, obviously, of the whole good of the idea of ​​a wild kohanny, I cannot but agree with that thought that wild love is possible only when the dead; As for assimilation, then, having already talked about it more, I still don’t have the time to say what I want to bi її. Our own I will do it in the house and without any problems, and in spite of everything we will be humiliated too high, so that the death of the yogo, the yogo wretchedness. Ale, perhaps, we could have been everywhere among the peoples who have alienated us, grown immeasurably, otherwise, suddenly, roaring, do not deprive us of our trail, as if we were only stretched out for two generations, we were given a new calm. Ale, they don’t deprive us, but once in a while, after short intervals of an hour, through tolerance, more and more witches come to us. Our well-being, let’s take revenge on our own drastically, for it’s light already with the help of riches to make the sound of bachit in us the most important of the poor, among them, not bad at whom in our own ignorance, but through the evil character we will understand, we will become weaker in our well-being roaring. Only the oppression will lead us to a colossal camp, only the hatred of our susides will terrify us, only the ducks will spur us on volens - nolens to form that historical group, as it is so easy to recognize behind fatal її signs. Mi are a special people, but surround us with such zmushuyuut; we lay down the state with the state, but to what extent they spur us; the enemy is to rob us in such a way against our bazhanya, and ce mi posterigaemo often-densely in history. In misfortune, we are surrounded and unsupported by our strength. So, we have the strength to create a state, and, what good, to inspire a power! We may have all the physical and material supplies that are necessary for similar work, but first, let’s talk about it in a report, first, we’ll bump into our rosy spirits, our spiritual material, so that it would not be easier to get to know the main points of the plan, for which I will create everything.


If there is a simple plan for our main visionary, we will be simple, otherwise we will not understand the skin, who knows him. Our plan, in essence, is as follows: they gave us enough territory in the ambushes of the suzerainty for our just need, having pressed about everything else, we ourselves, then everything would have happened by itself. Blaming a new suzerainty is not funny and impossible; even before our eyes it was going on similarly, we were worried and feared to inspire among the peoples, less powerful, less illuminated, and still significantly weaker. This food could be taken up by the orders of quiet lands, as if they were free of anti-Semitism.
In order to vikonate the establishment, even simpler in principle, it is necessary to create two partnerships: the Union from the Jews and the Jewish Comradeship. Spilka can be a creative organ, and Suspіlstvo is a vikonavchim organ. The sspіlstvo could take care of the liquidation of the rights of people, if they were to emigrate from any country, and on the other hand, it could organize the necessary ruhomy and non-violent equipment at the sites of the new settlement, not allowing the migration of the countryside to the countryside. Hi! Emigratsiy was guilty of the same way, dozens of rocks, Maychi of their own pindican, yaki, the future for the ponder, the Plast of the Mista, the Bridge, the Telegraph, the Blags. post_yym_scem perebuvannya, opratsovuchi tsyu kraїnu.
Your work would create a drink and a proposition, they would call out the markets until life, and the rest would get new settlers, moreover, the skin would be done voluntarily, on the authority’s risk and vitrati. Pratsya, as if stained would be used on a piece of land, raised the value of the country. The Jews would quickly realize that for the sake of their acceptability, to hate and slander so much, a new sphere of activity would emerge, a new volodinnia would emerge. But if you want to create a state, then it is necessary to relocate not en masse, which for hundreds and thousands of years was respected only by us. It is marvelous and unreasonable to turn back to the old culture that the deacons of Sionism are dreaming of. Yakby, for example, we had a chance to clear the country, de teem with wild animals. If only we would work like this, as if we were repairing the Europeans in the fifth century. We would not have used the bear one by one with one list and that sword. but, having ruled the correct round-up, in order to drive the beast in one place, they would send a bomb to you. Abo, yakbi mi wanted to induce us, if we robbed it would be like they robbed before? We would have been smarter and more subtle, we would have done it earlier, because we have everything in us, about like in the fifth, approximately, storichchi and did not dream.
If everything is in such a rank, zavdyaki to our poor class, it would be ready, the middle last and the main class, I’ll change it to the choli with the middle intellectual, which we have for the great superfluous. So let the food about the resettlement of the Jews be put on the line and let the skin hang, but it doesn’t mean that you can get out of the way, because in this fall the whole right can die. Whoever is not fit, that one may be deprived, so it’s the same as baiduzhі zaperechennya okremih osіb; whoever is fit, let him stand under our ensign, with success succeed in word and deed. The Jews, as if they had a good time and came to our idea about the state, to form the Jewish Union, which takes away the encouragement from the rulers and can speak that children in the name of the Jews. If we are not establishing the grain of the state and by ourselves the state will already be founded, and if the other powers are to be prepared for the flooring, so that the Jews in the suzerainty will be a neutral land, then about the adoption of the country's tsієї kraїni and її ustriy by such a new
To the thought in the TSOMU VIPADA to bring two -Teritor, Varti respect, Argentina I Palestine, on the Yaki kneeled the wounded the columnizatiyini, sole, when the principle of vibor was in the same way, he was packed by the ivs , zupinyayuchi, in such a rank, a distant tide of Jews, - that and tsі try zavzhdi ended not far away. Only in that type of emigration can and mother of their raison d'etre, if the foundation will be supremacy.
And in the meantime, as long as the statute for the Jewish Union is vindicated by our present sovereign power and as long as we remain aware of the essence of justice, the Union can be rebuked under the intercession of the European powers. We could vouch for the lower orders for greatness, we could take on ourselves a part of their sovereign borg, lay down trade agreements, as if we ourselves would also need it too. , So in a small power, culture is always more important.

Palestine or Argentina?

Where to go to Palestine chi Argentina? The Jewish Union will be venerable for every klaptik of the earth, which you will be given, a little thought and thought of the Jews could freely hang out in ripeness there. Argentina is one of the richest natural lands, a majestic plain with an insignificant population and a mild climate, most, most obviously, suitable for our purposes. The Argentine Republic is guilty of being forced to give up part of its vast territories. True, the current resettlement of the Jews celebrated their dissatisfaction there, but it was necessary to explain to the Argentine order the suttev of the current emigration in the face of perebachuvana.
As far as Palestine, the center of our unforgettable historical fatherland, then one thing, I already have great significance for the Jewish people for the emigration and colonization of the zocrema. Yakbi Turkish sultan wanted to give us Palestine, we could bobov'yazatisya bring the finances of Turechchini in order. For Europe, we would do something similar to the stronghold there, cross over against Asia, we would bali about the expansion of culture among the unillumined peoples of Asia. Lacking at once with these us powers of Europe in the union, as a neutral power, we would be thus guaranteed for our foundation. As for the places sacred to Christians, then, being isolated, the stench in us could only know the honor of the varta, as if they vouched for their vikonannya with their own reasons. Tsya honored the varta bula b a great symbol of the victory of Jewish nutrition after the eighteenth century, more torment, suffering that utiskiv.

Consume and trade and install

At the front of the division, I said that "Jewish Comradeship is organizing a trading station near the new country." Now I think I need some more explanation, more like a phrase, thrown by, maybe degraded, or borrowed from its foundation, as practice-merchant and finance hang against it. and in the meantime, practical people, being even narrower routiners and it’s not easy to come out of their narrow stake of the old to understand, with their listings, they can already greatly harm any innovation, take on styles, which, for the time being, are not yet able to understand the old, routines can understand . yogo zapastiti, znischiti.
If the airlift appeared in Europe, there were people who recognized the deacons as stupid roads, so that the “post carriage” there is by no means a small sufficient number of passengers. They still didn’t know the truth, which for us now she understood without any need for explanations, but she herself, who didn’t call out to the cost of life, but, on the other hand, the door creates more expensive ones, and, obviously, the need that the doty dreamed, it was the fault of the bula to slip.
To the category of similar outdoor practices, that їх mirkuvan were traced and those that deyakі can’t show themselves, like in a new country, if you need to be less likely to cultivate and cultivate, pribultsy can be created merchandising. A practical person with whom he is guilty of would bula say something like this: it is permissible to give, that you can blame the predilection for resettlement; it is acceptable that the Jews have already migrated to a new country - from what kind of stink jerseys draw their earnings there? On yakі cats stink zhitimut? You can’t just piece together in one day, but be created from the midst of the big masses! And I can only tell you about the cost of piecework trade bills, but I can’t move, even in one day. But if you can’t inspire us, you can control them, then you can still want them. What rank? With the help of trade and industrial establishments, responsible for the special needs of the population. If you need to know, the stench is invariably guilty of calling before life, establish it, as if they were in charge of them, and then the exchange will happen, they will create themselves and carry out trade.
As if the needs of the shortest minds for the Jews are arrogant, as if they were transferring a pledge of satisfaction to similar needs, then. Jewish Suspіlstvo, dosit nebhіdne, then th trade znosini in the new kraїnі povinnі buti svorenі and viroblenі pleased. Zvichayno, on the right of the future, like and the rosette of the salaries of the future, on the right of the future, for the osіb of the thirty rokіv ale, prote, the salaries were, and, yakuvati God, that they did not give respect to the mirkuvannya of the various critics, yak respect yourself even as reasonable and knowledgeable people, more than ever before, we would have spared the quiet vigor and the blessings, as if they were tied to the air.


The Purpose of the Jewish Suspіlstvo

The Jewish Comradeship should be often looked at, as if it were allowed to speak like that, how great a favorable reception, like, without interfering with the tasks of colonization, I can’t, however, the prerogative of the greater power, I’m talking about the Jewish Union. Being properly founded, like a joint stock company, on the basis of the English, our Partnership can immediately comply with the laws of England, and be under intercession. How great can be share capital, I am now unable to say. Vtіm, about tse mozhut think and virahuvati our dosvіdchenі finansisti; But to be more precise, I will name yoga in one billion marks (500,000,000 rubles), if you want, it’s possible, it’s true, you need either less or more, which is heavily stale among the financial resources of the Partnership. So, to sign up, you will need to make a sum of money for skin preparation for an hour of yoga. Vodnochas zavzhd remembrance, scho Suspіlstvo є only timchasovoy setting. Being a purely commercial undertaking and sharply vilifying the Jewish Union, we may think about the liquidation of the unruliness of the Jews that they will emigrate. With this way of reduction, they will be stagnant, fully guarantee in crises, protect the skin's power and at once shelter the resettlement of Christians-communists, about which I have already said.


Under the word unruliness, I will rozumіyu budinki, maєtki and mіstsevі tradіvі establish. The Jewish Comradeship, dbayuchi about the realization of non-violence, we are going to get to know 3 ways to sell them, and then we will more often viroblyat the very realization, so that it will be easy to do it, and without a hitch. Ale, with expanded activities of the Partnership, it may be possible that the prices fall and the implementation will fail. Todі Suspіlstvo to act as an intermediary and, from one side, become the steward of the surplus indestructibility, and, from the other side, become vichikuvati lucrative moment for sale. It is necessary to rent a rent for an apartment, to rent a mother, and to recognize those who are in trade enterprises, and if it is possible, or necessary, then we rent them; with this Suspіlstvo everywhere it helps to make it easier and give the opportunity to these Christian order-holders to get rented from the authorities. Then, step by step, I will replace my servants in the Jewish institutions with Christian officials and persons of free professions (lawyers and lawyers), I will change all the same for Christians, without that prote, so that we would remain nіbi servicemen with the Jews. Look, so be moving, to convince the Christian inhabitants and to witness about those that everything is done correctly, honestly, summarily and that nothing does not threaten the well-being of the population. At the same time, the Jewish Partnership buys or exchanges the same lane, power “at a housewarming place” is only possible, like a stink “at an old village”: for a house, for example, for a house, for a house of mothers. For this exchange for the Partnership there is a wide field for taking away a whole bunch of right and permitted majestic benefits, more, for example, “at a housewarming place” a new garden of houses with a lot of hands, prompting for the rest of the help of hygiene, or for a fee for water, for a fee To him himself, everything is much cheaper, and to the one who gave the earth more cheaply.

Purchase of land

As the Jewish Union, by virtue of international law, it is possible to secure in the visible territory, it can naturally acquire the right of private authority. Ale, in this vipadka, do not go near the rahunki to prepare for the settlement of lonely specialties. We need large territories for our needs and our own power, and it’s up to us to provide ourselves with the necessary land, having bought up the most important land territories from among the minor sovereign lanes. The purpose of this is obviously the one to move “on a housewarming” to a piece promotion of land value; So it is in "on the old village" nerukhomosti sold on the pіlgovyh minds, schob, navpaki, accept the svidky implementation її. Yakshcho Supplism Kero settlements, then a considerable consumer dbati about Ruinivna, I freely zbizhnnia of the land, yak so zbizhny, for the zgoda visual union, the dba -nye did not repeat her.
Suspіlstvo vіdvede vіdvede vіdvede sluzhovtsam pіlgovіh umovyh, land vіdіvnіtstva іnіy good budinkovіv, їmіv їm іm for thії credit wіth progressive repayment borg, аbо virаhovuvatіmеї їхної їхної їхної їхної їхної їхної їхної їхної аbo thіm sums, yakіty аlіmі аlії to pay аbіlі. Let's close the povagi, like your glasses, you'll be a singing world wine-grower for your honesty and diligent service.
Suy and vague vigodi vids of the land of land, then, on my dumka, there is a May Boti is nadiye, which is left to the Svyi Rizik, yak I lean is the right to be the right to be a vigor. ; but in our right, the risk is less tolerant. The mutual financial morality is beneficially affected by financial morality.


Otzhe, Suspіlstvo exchange houses and maєtki, moreover, it can not be ruled to move the earth. Tse skin zrozumilo, who de-nebud or if-nebud posterigav podvischennya tsіnnostі zemlі zavdyaki її її kulturnіnіy obrobtsі. With the best rank, you can stitch on the striped volodin, tobto. on the land included in the foreign land, near the places and villages. The unfinished rіvnina is valued, in the world of cultural processing, she knew for sure. Similar to the brilliant land speculation - "Parisian suspense of the land", like, buying up the sum of the pieces of land, forgot the future of the colo, starting not from the extreme row of the mіsk budinkіv, but from the opposite side of the purchased land. Zavdyaki to such a turnaround budіvel, neimovіrno swiftly grew the land on the value of small budinkovy plots; also a substitute for that, to take the robot to the world of that, like the stench finished near their wakes, the stench began to be anew, but then even after their arguing they stumbled into the center of the place, tobto. on high-road plots.
Well, if Suspіlstvo itself will be able to entrust it to the right architects, it doesn’t matter if it’s possible to work it out in other times, and it’s great to work it out, to that in your order there will be a huge supply of working forces, put in a happy and healthy mind that they won't be able to pay the rent or else. About budіvelniy material, our geologists will chime in, if we choose the earth for budіvnitstvâ mіst. Father, what will be the principle of everyday life?

Application for workers

A place for workers, according to my understanding, a life for various craftsmen, who are guilty of being inspired by the powers that be. I don’t think about those gloomy working barracks, like we see in European places, so it’s about zhalyugidn hutini, that factories are everywhere. Our employment for workers is true, but it’s true that it’s one-man, because Suspility can be about those who argued that it was cheaper, since we should have viroblyat їx in a great number, but okremі budinochki, with their own gardens, they will be at the skin community in the front edge. The natural beauties of the city inspire the free spirit of our young architects, who do not seep into the old routine, and our people, as if they do not understand the greatness of our enterprise, will be easily and freely felt in this nice and welcoming environment. The temple will be seen, on a dark background, far away, like before, like in an important year, our old faith was clearly seen, pulling us together and saving us; For a long time there will be high, bright and healthy schools with new help for our children. and there they gave - galvanized schools with craftsmen classes, like to accustom simple craftsmen to the main specialties, to give them the opportunity to acquire technical knowledge and to get to know machines more closely; and yet they gave a month - for a reasonable rozvaga to the people, about some kind of Jewish Union, we can fight, protecting its morality; vtim, now we should speak less about disputes, and not about those that are in them.
Henceforth, I show that the place for robotics is not expensive to be costly, not only to the one who has all the life materials here in the majestic community, not only to the one who the earth will be sporadzhuvatsya, to lay down to Suspіlstvo, but to the one who will not need pay workers for the work.


Our black-robed, yak, persh for everything, come from Romania and Russia, owe their own lives on the same basis; but if we don’t have a flood, then we’ll have to get out of the tree. With the coming of the year, everything will change, and it is necessary to argue, start, to be replaced by new, better ones. Having known it for a long time, as if it were necessary to be, our black-bearers themselves will inspire their future lives, as if they pass from their power, as if not in spite of it, then in good fortune, in the city for those who stink with the stretching of three fates of a healthy behavior. In this rank, we create our own people, built and know their right, more people, as if they practiced three years for good discipline, singly built up to a working life.
Earlier, I said that the Suspіlstvo tsim chornorob does not pay for the robot. Why do you stink in such a time? If I want to oppose such a system, I think that during the first distribution of land plots, there will be more victories, more Suspіlstvo, making sure about the settlers, not to be informed, for the first hour, and about their food. A similar system is guilty of the main rank in the first roki, and it will be blessed for the workers in the singing world, so that it will make more orendars of s-help of other merchants, the lords, too. Suspіlstvo at once z tim znishchit mozhlivіst zaymatisya rіzniceyu goods at home, as ce praktіkіvalos earlier, vikljuchno through іstorichnі furnish. Suspіlstvo znovu podbaє about piyakіv i sputnikh. What rank can you use for the first hour of the wine city for pratsy? Azhe tse is already a supra-world fee!

Working organizations

To help the workers, as they are now in Paris and other places of France, England, Switzerland and America, even more zhalugidne, minuscule, at the same time, as if from the new one, it would be possible to work truly grandiose. Why does the principle of assistance through the delivery of robots, the principle of the Partnership “Assistance par le travail” in Paris, have more power? Vіn polagaє in order to give an easy job to the skin-needed black-rob, as it does not require special knowledge; so for example, cut firewood, pick up hmiz, for the help of such a fire in the Parisian states. All the same, it’s a prison robot of its own kind, but only to cut off evil and do not drag dishonor behind you. It is not necessary for anyone to go into malice through the need, as if they want to take wine, it is not necessary for anyone to indulge themselves in life through hunger. The rest of the most beautiful flame for the cultural land, on the table riches throw the best clothes on the dogs.
Otzhe, employees of the organization give us a job. Ale chi can stink zbuvati products tsієї work? Ni. Accept not zovsіm. The axis is the reason for the constant consumption of the main organizations, why the stench is constantly pratsyyut themselves on a spree. In every case, the stench is prepared to tsikh zbitkiv, because the stink can be special sums that are added up from the extras, so that they cover the difference between the variance of the given work and the sales fee. Instead, if you want to give your marriage two sous (one penny), it’s better to give it to you as a robot, for which you spend two sous. As far as the unfortunate zhenuka, which turned into an intelligent worker, now you can earn one franc 50 centimes (60 kopecks). For 10 centimes - 160! Tse means decent and reasonable goodness for fifteen times. Tse means fifteen billion out of one billion.
But if the employees of the organization, without a doubt, spend ten centimes, the Jewish Partnership will not spend these billions, but in the meantime, the colossal vigodi, the shards of it, can use the whole product of these workers. Until then, do the moral bik. Already now, we are sure that the really small worker organizations are raising and correcting the morality of the worker, for the time being, for the sake of the work, for the sake of a new job. Today, then, the robots hope to help you, as an intermediary, in your right work organization. All the few but none of the other organizations swear by the fact that the stinks compete with the sellers of wood and in, yakі pidnіmayut rightly cry. This competition in any case is not guilty of being tolerant, so it’s not the same as competing with robots in the field of engagement, because the state is guilty of talking about its mischief and giving them like a robot. In the meantime, it is important for the old branch to set up a framework of activity for similar work organizations, but it is possible in our new one. With our first land robots, with the power of the streets, the growth of vegetation, the cultivation of the earth, with the power of the bay and telegraphs and so on. will be, that and for what will be, compete.

Seven year working day

The most important working day is considered a seven-year one. Ale does not mean that today, only for 7 years, we will chop wood, dig the earth, carry a stone and viconuate other works. Hi, the work will be carried out for 14 years, and the work groups will change one by one through the skin for 3 1/2 years. The organization will be more like a military one: with ranks, promotions and pensions. The stars will be taken in retirement, shown below.
With a stretch of 3 1/2 years, without interruption, a healthy person can work hard. After a break at 3 1/2 years, the consecrated vіdpochinku, sіm'ї, further enlightenment (about yaku pіkluvatimutsya), vіn znovu tsіlkom badiorii. Such working forces can work wonders.
Seven year working day! Vin gives the opportunity to practice for 14 years - more that it is impossible to grow in a day.
We need a seven-year working day, as the all-world went out for the selection of our people, as if by the will of the power of the guilty, come to us. Tse can be true settled in the country.
The one who works for more than 7 years, takes away for the additional year and the additional wine-growing in pennies. Oskіlki all yogo consumption are satisfied, and about the members of the sim's who are not old enough to work, you should establish philanthropic ones, if they moved there, you can take your own money. We want to want to, and so I’ll give our fellow tribesmen a chance to save money, the oscillators of this will make it easier for the worker’s advancement in the future of the household, and the oskelki in such a rank will prepare a great reserve capital for future positions.
A robot over 7 years is not guilty of continuing for more than 3 years, and then only after a medical look at the worker. In the new situation, our fellow tribesmen pounce on the work, and they only sing light, like my pratsyuchy people.
As soon as the Trucksystem will be organized by the settlers, I now very little rozpovsyuzhuyus, as about the unknown details, in order not to get lost in the dribnitsy. Women are not allowed to work and are not guilty of work over the normal hour.
Vagіtnі zhіnki zvіlnyayutsya vіd be-yakої robo, and їх kharchuvannya may be best for the best. For in the future, we need a healthy generation.
Children wiggle about on the cob so, as we believe. About tse now I will not expand.
Those that I said at once, having started from workers' lives, about black-and-white that way of life, are just a little utopia, like everything else. Everything is told and true, only in infinitely small sizes, unmarked, unreasonable. “Assistance par le travail” gave me great services for the perfection of Jewish nourishment, which I learned and learned to understand, if I was near Paris.


At the same time, as peacefully in the new country, our robots, we immediately call out to the life of the tarnka; moreover, on the cob, you will definitely drink only on the necessary living products, like for example: thinness, bread, working cloth, tools, sbr, if you happen to bathe in the sudnіh kraїnah or in Europe, and there you try, yakomozhyshvidshey yourself. Jewish inventions and promises will only surprise you in the light of those nadіy and turnovers, as they appear there. Після цього поступово виявлятимуться більш витончені потреби чиновників, наприклад, або службовців Товариства, до яких відношу також і офіцерів міліції, що становить десяту частку всього чоловічого населення і необхідної проти бунтівників і негідних людей, хоча треба сподіватися, що все, або більшість, принаймні будуть totally peaceful. Tsі vytonchenі consume sluzhbovtsіv, put in a better mind of life, call out, loudly, new, drink, which is constantly increasing, in vibratory and succinct speech. Family people write down their homeland, and unfriendly their relatives and sisters, as only "housewarming" will be ready for them at home. І tse znov still zbіlshit drink ta rinky. And if the Jews, as they have already settled in the new land, do not miss the signing of their relatives, it is even easier to predict when they emigrate to the Pivnichno-American Successful States. Some of them, having enlisted a piece of bread, once pissed their wines to themselves. The sons of the sons of the Jews have begun to burn more mіtsnі, and the Jewish Union of the Jewish Comradeship will more and more accept, so that the sons of the sons creaked and the families approached. Ale, I’m here with the head rank of May on the uvazit the material bik, omitting the whole moral one, which is on the uvazi itself. Otzhe, zі zіlshennyam popіlshіnі і і іlkіst nіbіvі і nіlіnіnіstі іdі, probіvnіh prіtsіvnіkіv, more us іnіbіbnі people. We would like to accept quiet, who is already there, and quiet, who can go there. everything is needed there, everyone needs it, everyone knows oneself "on a housewarming" work that has long been Bazhan batkivshchyna.

See the future

Speaking about the everyday life of a place for workers, I forgot to miss the head view of the houses of the settlements. Now I turn back to them and I want to talk about other vidi for the forces, for example, for the other rulers, for the cities and towns. їх, schob sweat or sell for pennies chi exchange. These beautiful images will be from one side, as if they were accepting propaganda, since the skin can especially change in good-naturedness and in the fact that Suspіlstvo does not need to earn a living every hour of everyday life; and from the other side, the stench will be accepted by the young resettlement, since everything will be prepared in advance, it will be more convenient. So, where are the houses worth? I’ll talk about it at the branch office about “Planning Territories for Settlements”. So, as the Suspіlstvo does not care about anything with these spores of earning money, but only on the ground, then it would have been bad, so that there would be a lot of free architects for private permits. In this way, the value of the settlement is increased, and in the country there is a rarity, which is necessary for us for various purposes, but for the art itself, for industry, and for the fragmentation of great capitals. those wealthy jews, now embarrassed, timidly take their wealth and secretly cope, like when the curtain is lowered, their days are holy, they will be “on a housewarming” freely enjoying everything. If the resettlement is to be restored and our capitals are again to be rehabilitated, then it is clear from the unapplied rights that it is clear and understandable, the stench is necessary; and if wealthy Jews start their castles “at housewarming”, and marvel at such anger and anger in Europe, then they can settle down all the time “at housewarming” and in miraculous houses.

Deyakі vidi liquidation

Later, on the Jewish Suspіlstvo, there was a trace of marveling, like on the successors of the chi, vіrnіshe, the rulers of the Jewish unruly lanes “on the old settlers”. Vtіm, tse zavdannya can easily be vikonat while managing the houses and lanterns, but how can you start managing the trading rights? here you can see different things, which cannot be grouped together in one whole; Prote, however, I don’t create any particular difficulties, so that in a single skin situation, the tradesman of the trade enterprise, once he has decided to relocate, he can put such a kind of liquidation, which is for the lucky one, to the branch of the Partnership. Well, to the most important torgovtsіv, yakі mayut with the head rank of vіdіgrayut special occupation and the quantity of goods is small, if you need to do it right, then you can re-settlement for this type of resettlement in the easiest way. For the special employment of such migrants, the Suspіlstvo creates a superb sphere of activity, the very sales of cars chi іnshih znaryad, if their small material costs can “on housewarming” serve as the basis of a cob credit. A new kind of activity, on the cob owing to innocence, soon you can be grafted by them, so that the Jews vzagali easily wield everything; And with such a rank, all merchants can easily and easily transform into other craftsmen as earthworkers. Suspіlstvo may want to be lucky enough to accept neruhome minely beneficiaries, for kshtalt trade and others.
Well, to the middle class, for whom the trade is so important, as the special duty of the sackmaster, as not more important, and the credit of whom is more twisted, then there is again a stasis of difference, see the liquidation, moreover, the main rank plays the role of sales or the transfer of hiring Christians. Why cause internal resettlement of Christians, I already spoke about the yak. Whether it be a Jew, zalyshayuchi "on the old house" under the protection of the Partnership on the right, or sell yoga, or lease it, take "on the house" a special loan. Vіdkrivayuchi yoma "giro-konto", Suspіlstvo tіm mає mоzhlіst vіkіkuvatі more sruchі vіchі vіchі vіchі vіchі vіkuvat bol'she vіkіkuvatі vіchіkuvat more sruchnoї moment for the sale of iogo kolishnoї manage or vigіdnії transfer і to yоmu manager or arendarіvі, іkіѕ іn thіѕ side уоu саn bе аrе bаtі, аbо іn tо thе sum total, аbо аl аbо tо аn summаply аrе аbоlly summarily In this rank, the Suspіlstvo already itself dbaє through its sluzhbovtsіv and lawyers about the correct conduct of the closed trade and about the accurate payment of the payment of fees, being the curators for the weekdays until the singing of the world. Ale Yakshcho Yakiyasi єvrey is not able to sell his own abstracts to the do -hand of aborchaita aboat, Todi vin is flooded at his own Kolishoma Miss, an anihrchychi of his camp, Baghdokhi of the viva, the vitality of the vita Jewish! stumble. If, from the other side, if a merchant “at a housewarming place” wants to open up and take care of his own right, then he can easily and freely work.
So, for example, there is X, who wants to move to a great fashion and haberdashery store. Vіn declares about the price of the closest vіddіlennyu of the Partnership, stating on the new bazhan mіsce for living, transferring zrazki to their goods, the clients of this new settlement will be bіdnі pershі settlerі; ale step by step, individuals are resettled there, yakі require the best fashionable and haberdashery goods, then X supply new goods, nareshti, newnovishi; And with such a rank, X appears as the ruler of two stores, from which wines the old one is sold or transferred to the management of its Christian protector, and the new one is left behind, as if only Suspіlstvo vvazha tsey new store as a whole power.
The axis is smaller, a little bigger butt: "At the blue" there are large coal mines with heavy mines and factories. How can I fold like a great one and fold it to the right? Here are some ways: first, save with us, what you know with them, you can be redeemed by your power, they will change into a stench; in a different way, the Jewish Comradeship can bring them together, paying with part of the preparation, part of the land "at the house"; thirdly, you can liquidate, having fallen asleep in the air joint-stock partnership "U that syn"; Fourthly, you can continue the survey in the same order, as before, after that, however, so that the hairmen, who moved, if they know for themselves, we need to turn back to survey their volunteers, they would come there, like foreigners, crusting with them with the rights and defense of the civilized country, as well as the reshta. All these things are often bachimo in everyday life. Nareshti, five times and in a particularly visible and in a good way, in my opinion, a moment of bibution of lower knowledge, which I have commiserated for the rest of the fact that in life there is little stagnation, without respect for those that are close to our pretty modern witness. syn” to transfer free of charge their right to the current servicemen; tsі, having entered the Volodinnya with mutual responsibility - they will pay them the necessary amount, like the stench can get either in a huge kasі, or in some other place, and then step by step to calm down their posture.
In this order, the Jewish Partnership is liquidated as small, so great, do it, and at once, as Jews freely emigrate, establishing their own new patrimony, there, as a great legal person, unshakably stand "on the old settler", graciously resettle, protect in support of all the majestic cooking lane for the rule of liquidation and, nareshti, continuing the power of emigruval.

Operations Partnerships

What order will the Suspіlstvo carry out its operations without, however, in the countries that are being depleted, there will be a crisis or an economic crisis? It has already been said that you should get the right Christians to the tsієї, on the one hand, to guarantee your own rightful independence, and on the other side, to have your own mother of national controllers. But be it a power, moreover, there are fiscal interests that can suffer. Vtrachayuchi vіdomiy class pіddanih, unimportant to the social sensi, but even more important, like a financial category, scho to make a great tax and mito, you can vimagati the wine city. We would like to imagine yoga, but only in an indirect way. XIBA NOT HAST WITHOUNDAGORODA of those, CLEAM CALE CALE TRAVELNID PIDPRIMTIT, EXCELLENT OF THE ORDOSHOVIKOVIKIA OF THE MOUSHIC DOTEPNOSTI, HEADS OUR ONENSTISIA, ChOIMIA MISCHIANS, And POMAMA REMALITH SISTERS. The Jewish Suspіlstvo, now, is ready to bring obvious retaliation to the ancient powers, for the sales of the Jews deprived of the lanes and maetkіv can be forgiven on the most powerful minds behind the ranks of the quiet powers, yakі (tobto order) from their own side can quickly become deprived of the wealth of land for the great sovereignty.
The Jewish Comradeship is also willing to come to the aid of the ranks and parliaments, as if they are eager for the internal resettlement of Christians, so it is as if we were crying for great penalties.
The office of the head government next to choose London, oskolki Suspіlstvo, being a private supporter, can obov'yazkovo intercession under the intercession of that zahist great power, free of anti-Semitism; And after that, as we officially recognize it, we are preparing it to function, it will grow widely, having occupied the largest field of activity. Powerful everywhere, they added that, The partnership is functioning there, children can be, without that, we could harm our foundation. Everywhere, it’s obvious to join the ministry of finance, if you want to help them and ease the paths of conducting that majestic and collaborative business, as if the stinks are churning at the good minds of yoga.
Potіm Tovaristvo to transfer the transport of people to that lane. Here, obviously, I’m revisiting two points, but to myself: de zaliznitsy are in the hands of the order, there on the right it’s simpler and wiser, de stink in the hands of private entrepreneurs, there Suspіlstvo takes away the deed, like any great pravnik. In this way, emigruyuchi matimut mozhlivіst proїhat on vlasny rahunok and transfer the baggage yakomog cheaper. Suspіlstvo, zvichayno, could have been richer on freight and on the cost of payment, yakbi transported with wet money, but in the basis of tsієї, you can do the same principle, so that you can turn the windows all the way. Here we blame the food about the expeditionary offices, which are trying to get the best in the hands of the Jews. Being the leader, what the Suspіlstvo needs and at the same time the leader, who will appear uncommon and will be liquidated, these offices, obviously, are tormented by the interests of their lords, but if they remain, they can either enter the service before the Partnership, or “let them settle down”, occupied as I am on my right. Without a doubt, the forwarding offices are not rejected by those who are willing, the shards are even more garna and visible on the right; vtim, it’s impossible to demand to report whether it’s a piece of mass resettlement, shards are tied between themselves, winding from each other; until then, fahivtsy will take care of them, so that they know the paths for the best and handy yoga.

Activity of the Partnership

All the different activities of the Partnership are being re-branded among themselves. So, on the cob for our daily settlers, we will need manufactory wool, cloth, whiteness, and that kind of thing. , Spend nothing, and even if there will be a lot of work, then you can write them off in the account of business, otherwise, in an extreme state, it is impossible to become yoga fighters . And now the emigre committees, continuing their activity on the appointment of the Jews of our Association to the emigres, can give the same amount of melancholy, and for the ways of sleeping help, you can not go far: you can easily know them.
Let the emigres change their clothes to shake a symbol that a new life is dawning for them! Come on, dressed in new clothes, stink to guess what they are getting ready to drink for a new life! and the Jewish Union, from its side, already knows about those who, for the help of public lectures and conversations, know quietly, who are far away from the door, and also at the cost, for the purposes of business, set for the future robots. In a word, the Jewish Union podbaє about those, schob usudi pomіchavsya serious, ale and triumphant mood, more populated krajnoy can be only kraїna pratsі. At one time, the Union was talking about those that our emigrants, when they entered the new land, crossed over, that they didn’t need to conquer this vaunted inhabited land, that these were bad, unfortunate people babbled, that they stink at home.
On the other hand, Suspіlstvo can tell about those, so that the development of manufacturing industry and factory virobnizstva was not taken for nothing, without a song plan; and whom it is easy to reach, like the Jewish Union, to whom the neighbors of the group, the neighbors of the settlement will deliver the necessary supplies, at your side, for a long time, we will tell the Jewish community about the number of immigrants, about the day of their arrival, about them, help us for such a difference and prepare everything you need.

Interested in trade

It is very important for this nutrition to recognize the head of the Jewish Association for the head of the Jewish Union, but in fact these two bodies will go plіch-o-plіch. If the Suspіlstvo is constantly being respected by the moral authority of the Union, either by intercession, or by the turbota of another - constantly shukati koshti youma. At a reasonable development, for example, a manufactory industry can be swayed by a kind of pressure on the dosvіd vanish industrial crisis, and by a similar principle, one can slid into the skin of the eyelids, into a kind of Suspіlstvo to act like a promise; ale instructed іz tsim Suspіlstvo not maє koristuvatisya by the victory of their forces, squeezing private acceptability. Nothing else, like a collective corporation, de tsigo to avoid non-searchable problems of the task; in other respects, it is my fault to accept the desire for a single acceptability with usima її rights. Private authority can develop freely on its own, like the foundations of an independent agricultural practice. Aje mi, do we allow our black-robed people to pretend to be Vlasniks at first? Let the spirit of acceptability panuє in our skin, let the craftsmanship develop with us, start the introduction of a reasonable mind, cheap delivery of syrovin in the correct statistics from її official calls.
And the spirit of acceptability can easily be put on a healthy ground, and even foolish speculation arises. What rank? - Vinikaє new galuz promyslovostі. About tse Suspіlstvo at the same time I debunk, so that if you call someone, after a few hours, you can take on a kind of trade, you can easily take on a new one, without crying out for any crisis. Since the meta of any new initiative will be stunned by the Suspіlstvo, then the mind's otrimannya of this enterprise can be taken to the skin in an hour. A year before the services of the contractors, there will also be taxes on the concentration of labor forces. So, for example, the applicant, after telegraphing to the “bureau, providing employment for workers”, and presenting, if necessary, a payment to the “Self-saving” cash desk, declares that he will need tomorrow, for three days, three days or three months. yatsot chernorobiv. And tomorrow, on the fields of this factory, five hundred people are already working, and the Central Bureau is calling for a sound, de stink, they have been deprived of their work. It went without saying that there were no traces of slaves in their individuals, but people who worked for more than 7 years a day and took care of their working organization so that when they change the month, the hour of service with these cities, i earlier.
Shcracda, Vilniy Pіdpritets, you can, Yakshcho Would I know the same blessed to know the Robitnitviv, Ale of the Yoma Bode Recho, the union is not healing to Tim, the rabids of the Number Nekyvre, the Suvoyaki, is not healing, the Suvoyaki is not the same let’s get the promises, or else it’s difficult to exchange that іn., reach your own mind, so that you will not hesitate to reach the seven-year-old worker and call the seven-year-old practice, then, you’ll still be introduced, if you want with some kind of practice.

Rozpodіl remіsnikіv for settlements

It was fully understood that those who go into black work, it is easier for a craftsman and a factory worker to go into it, so the central bureau will tell about them again.
Why do you check for quiet independent craftsmen and ancient masters, which we so wanted to know about the successes of technology, which we wanted to introduce into the field of technical knowledge, to instill like a stink already in the summer century, and as a result, we would transfer such power to the manager . These independent practitioners could be redistributed for the help of the same central bureau of the Union. RIZNI settlement, demanding the subinths of Remysnik, to be at the Central Bureau of the Bureau of Iz Zavasi, the ї ї ї їmno stilki carpentry, the stilds Sklyv, Slyusariv Ilt. Mіstsya, de їх їх will be required, zalishayutsya there for permanent living, not pressing any competition. There, nareshti, stink to know for a long time the Bazhan road to the fatherland.

penny dzherela

What kind of money can be necessary for the joint-stock Jewish partnership? Maybe a phenomenal amount?
The necessary sum will be, obviously, accurately calculated and installed by the financiers, but, at any time, it is majestic. What rank and de stati її? For whom there are three dzherels, and the Jewish Union, obviously, accept them at the mirkuvannya.
The Jewish Union, which is a great moral character, which kerіvnik єvreїv is built up from our best, best people, so as not to turn it right into a huge pie, pulling yourself together from the new material zisk. The stench will not demand and cannot excite anyone. Wanting to oblige the Union with less of its authority, but also stezhitim for him, to whom from the Jewish people you can and can give credit, pointing at the Suspіlstvo, as it is only in that mood and mother the right to win like acceptance from a friendly, wise, wise, so be moving, upovnovazhivat the Union. Tse Suspіlstvo, henceforth, no company of a few penny aces, like they chose to eat a huge pie. Suspіlstvo will be careful to choose, try, and decide to veer less, what and how it is necessary to prepare that work for a smart and successful victorious plan. Dosledi with unsatisfactory insufficient forces in any case not guilty but admitted; for the first time, the first success may succeed, otherwise, failures can compromise the whole idea for dozens of fates, or inspire us to destroy, robivshi її zavzhdi unimaginable, unsettled.
Qi three dzherela, zavdyaki yakim can get the necessary sum, є: a sovereign bank, a huge bank and a public subscription. From them, obviously, the most powerful bank is a sovereign bank, de pennies can be taken away from the shortest term, easily that swiftly, as the guarantors will be a syndicate of great financiers. The main reason for this advantage is that the milliardi can be taken from the sprat of receptions, even if the big sum will be set at once in one reception; Let's see if we can get credit from these great financiers to secure business. The Jewish financial forces are still dreaming of a rich political ability, which they did not scurried about. The enemies of Jewishness, obviously, represent our financial strengths as they could stink, maybe, small, but really nothing like that. The poor jews feel more than hatred, as if the blame for this sinister financial force, but the suffering does not change, the stench does not take away those coristes, relief, like the stench could take away the fires. It would be good if the great financiers - the Jews succumbed to their political values ​​and gave their unfortunate tribe as a service, served the national idea, if you like. Ale Yakshcho is unnecessary on the Tse, you can know the individuals, zilku is full of his own lamp with a finger on the finger, do not hush namiri, the scho of the dopomogty of his non -shackles, the yaki was unjusted through the adherents of the vast. between them is that of the Jews. You can’t really win over a sovereign bank, for realizing such a great sum of money only in the name of beneficence. It would be worth it, nareshti, with a crazy power to inspire a proposition. The founders of that shareholder of the Jewish Association would have achieved much more, yakby, having released the number of shares in the house, they would have created capital in such a rite. Vtіm, the Jewish Union itself to discuss in a proper way and sort out all the proofs that you need, for the help of which you can easily get to know the plans and the peace of the Partnership. Especially, the Union has bestial respect for those who, as they spread the Jewish emigration, and reported to the Suspіlstvo the whole plan and hіd dіy, from whom they happen to take their fate, and set everything up, with whom they happen to be wise and rahuvatis.
For the help of new statistics about the Jews, which slander everything that is worth the rest, the Union podbaє about the delivery of the Partnership worked out, as they specially made food, similarly to what was practiced in France, if we were to lay down the budget of such a great enterprise.
Maybe, from the side of our great penny magnates, ours is on the right and you don’t know penny support, but in the future we will try through our secret agents and slaves to fight against the Jewish Rukh; then we will accept it with zhorstokistyu viklik and let's say її, as if it were something else, as we happened to know.
Maybe, these penny magnates are satisfied, standing up with a contemptuous smile to our right. Ale khіba tsim stink already zvіlnilis? Nitrohi!… Let’s let another one take the stage

Herzl Theodore (Binyamin Zeev; Theodor Herzl; 1860, Budapest, - 1904, Jedlakh, Austria), the founder of political Zionism, the leader of the Jewish state and the creator of the All-South Zionist organization.

Herzl's tenure as a successor and leader of the Zionist revolution lasted less than ten years, but in his lifetime his specialty became legendary. Vіn having met with the meeting of the prophet and the political leader, the priest and the respectful administrator, the romantic writer and the hard practice, the refined feuilletonist and the inveterate fighter for carrying out his ideas in life. Herzl respected the worker, who, while working on the book "Jewish Power", felt the rustle of secret krills, who did not respect you to explore the detailed plan of the creation of that activity of the "Jewish Suspіlstva" and the "Jewish Financial Company". Deeply believing in the rightness and the realization of their ideals, ignoring the mockery of those who are repulsed, not respecting the names of difficulties, firmly pursuing the chosen path. The very appearance of Herzl in the political arena caused a revolutionary destruction of the national self-confidence of the Jewish people, stimulating, with her blackness, a sharpening of the airy vigor and self-confidence in a skin Jew.

For the first time in the history of the Jewish diaspora, Herzl created the all-world representation of the Jewish people, having pressed a new zmist of Jewish belonging to his own nation, turning in such a rank to Jewishness a lot of assimilated Jews. The main method of the national activity of wines was not to ease the suffering of the Jewish people, but to reduce the camp of the Jews in this other country and the height of the Jewish problem on a world scale.

Herzl's aristocracy, his calmness and self-control called out the suffocation, and sometimes reverence among his followers, and even among such opponents of his political conception, like Ahad-ha-'Am, who wrote after the 1st Sionist Congress that Herzl in. and 20 st. the greatness of the prophets of ancient Israel. The Jewish Masi of Europe were bacheling at the new “royal tribune”, who was called to turn the people back to the greatness of old. In the eyes of non-Jews, the appearance of Herzl destroyed the stereotype of the Jew, which had been created for centuries in the Christian and Muslim world. Therefore, the Volodar of the powers - the Turkish sultan, the German Kaiser, the nobles and the ministers, the Pope of Rome accepted the young journalist from Viden as a recognized representative of the entire Jewish people, regardless of those who did not have and could not have the same refurbishment and may be a great support. The All-World Sionist Organization was created by him for an insignificant minority in the Jewish people. The spiritualities of the Idauyu, Herzl by his strength of his logi, re -pronounce Zomіv, pancakes Bathah, anti -Semitism є not a terrible evil for єvra, and th heavy nurse, the yak will not cease to be a sedimentation of Doty. de vin zmіg b a new way to create spiritual values ​​and improve, like in the past, the culture of the whole world.

After this death, V. Zhabotinsky wrote: “On the first day of the end, it was the day of the anniversary of the opening, and making up the make-up, and the song is not finished - but for the new song, we sleep!”

The State of Israel was voted in early 1948, less than a few months later this date, as if Herzl had delivered it after the 1st Zionist Congress.

Vіn gave the whole people the dream of that meta, like a lot of people having respected utopia. Vіn having said: bazhayte, and your bajannya will become a reality, and not a fable. Theodor Herzl, having become Moses of the new hour, died, not having lived more than a few years before his death.

How everything started

Theodor Herzl (in Hebrew his name is read as Benjamin Zeev) was born in Budapest in 1860 in a Jewish family, trying to adapt to the new world. Wanting such assimilation was again. Theodore's fathers tried not to forget their national traditions, and sometimes they went to the Jewish church. And the young Herzl, as is customary among the Jews, having respected his obligations to take the blessings from the fathers, be it on the right, as if he had begun wine.

The childhood of Herzl's mother, born Diamant, tried to pinch the loves of the boys into German literature. Vіn rіs duzhe svіtskoy child, zauchenoyu to society, and buv even far from jewry, mesіanstvo, anti-Semitism and other problematic food. Until the singing age, I didn’t notice what might be irritated by other children, until I felt one of the vikladachiv sharply anti-Semitic vigilantism during the lessons in the gymnasium. It formed the lining of the flooring, that the walls of the gymnasium were covered with wine.

In 1878, Herzley's family left Budapest and moved to Sunday, de Theodore entered the Faculty of Law of the Vydensky University. Even here, in Austria, the wine is no less having taken away the profession, and the new proof of the negative attitude to Jewish zagalo and to oneself is zokrema. Anti-Semitism flourished, not judged by the court. Theodore stuck with him at the booth, on the street. Having entered before the student association, without a bar of zmusheniya buv yogo leave through the image. Having taken a law degree in 1884 and having been recognized as a lawyer from Vidensky, that was a judge from Salzburg, he was guilty of those who could work here as a carer. The first-time lawyer was directly given the idea that, being a Jew, I would never become a judge in Austria.

Having become disillusioned both in the profession and in the country, Herzl decides to move to liberal France. This country was the first in Europe to adopt low laws that give Jews equal rights with the smaller inhabitants of the country, and Herzl was able to know peace and comfort here. Starting to work with the infuriating newspaper Neue Freie Presse and sing songs of success. Particularly memorable were his publications about the parliamentary life of France, as well as feuilleton and satire. The poignant word, the subtle humor, and the deeper understanding of those viznyali yogo journalistic materials. Vіn becoming nefarious earning, vchiv mova, feeling comfortable dosit yourself until the singing hour. During this period, Herzl's reconciliation, that anti-Semitism can be subdued, that the Jews inherit this butt and assimilate in that suspіlstvі, in this country, in this stench they stumbled. Vіn not suing the Jews, yakі accepted Christianity, and thinking that it was for the Jews. So it was before the ship's notice, as the certificate of a young journalist and that writer turned upside down.

"Right Dreyfus"

Jew Alfred Dreyfus was captain of the French army. In 1894, roci yogo called at spying on the greed of Nimechchin. There was no direct evidence of blame. Part of the evidence submitted to the court was fabricated. How far away to set it up, the spy gun was right. That buv French major Estergazy. Prote's candidacy for the "vacancy of a spy" in the person of a Jew looked beautiful. And the representatives of Vishcho Lanka of the French army, for the sway of the right, found evidence of Estergaz's guilt.

The trial of Dreyfus turned into a trial. In the eyes of Yurby, all the hedges, chases, and the sword were broken.

The process is public and public. The mustache of the French ZMI wrote about it. The court session was accompanied by mass actions pіd budіvlei court. People didn't just shout "Death to Dreyfus!" The stinks chanted "Death to the Jews!"

Tsya hatred not for any specific people, but for the entire Jewish people shocked Herzl. This is how it looks like in liberal France, thinking about what is going on in the heads of people in Germany, Austria, Romania.

Awareness of this boundless and non-personal, non-personal hatred gave rise to one simple and clear thought in Herzl's head: such assimilation does not solve the Jewish problem. No more hanging on a small territory, no more creation of the sovereign Jewish state, recognized by the most powerful powers of the world, building a defense of the Jews in the form of total hatred.

I write the pamphlet "Jewish Power" on 63 sides, write your ideas on 63 sides, you can blame it on some minds.

Country layout

The mock-up of the future country on the back of the cob was at the head of Herzl, and then he would discuss his idea with people, as if they could help with its implementation. The first, to whom I turned my back, were the Jewish millionaires Baron Rothschild and Hirsh. They did not support the idea of ​​a Zionist state. Over there, already unrealistic, unrealistic, was given to him.

Ale Herzl vvazhav іnakshe. Vin sits for the book "Jewish Power. Dosvіd sushasnogo vrіshennya єreyskogo nutriment", scho come out in 1896 roci. On the surface of the pamphlet, here the idea of ​​the Zionist power was described scrupulously and pokrokovo - in the idea to the new implementation, programs, foundations, policies and the economy of the future country. The book was re-translated by five languages ​​and spread throughout the world. And as more people read it, the very idea of ​​the creation of a Jewish state became less Kazkovo.

First Congress of Zionists

In the spring of 1897 in Basel, Herzl and two associates, Oskar Marmorek and Max Nordau, organized the first All-World Sionist Congress, to which they exclaimed their ideas and goals. A heated discussion broke out, where could the Jewish state expand geographically, on some principles it was inspired.

The program of Basel became famous as a bag of super-bags, as it marked the end of the congress - the creation of the state of Israel, of Yeretz-Israel, of the nation of Palestine. At Basel, the decision was praised about the creation of the "Jewish Colonial Partnership", as if it were possible to take up lands near Palestine.

The Basel program became a platform for early negotiations with the Ottoman Empire, where at that hour the lands of Palestine were included, with the Kaiser Nimechchini, who had flowed into the Ottoman Empire, with Great Britain, as little as there were colonies.

Prote negotiations took place very importantly, rozuminnya positions to the congress of zonistiv buv. The position of England became less of a blame, as it began to propagate the alternative territories of Palestine to the Zionists. Zokrema, the project "Uganda" was propagated, which did not break the unity at the congress warehouse.

Herzl wanted to conquer the territory of England as a start to the project, as a temporary shelter for Jews in the middle of Europe, as at that hour they recognized strong attacks. Proteo part of the congress, especially the Russian representation, formed such plans.

Herzl, in order to escape protirich and remembrance, had a chance to remember all and confirm the first plans: so, only Palestine, only Jerusalem can become a reference house for the Jews.

Didn't live...

Usі tsі conflicts, collapsible talks, that titanic robot pierced the weak heart of Theodor Herzl. Vіn died at the clinic Vіdnya.

"I'm not a boyaguz. I'm walking with a calm heart, to those who won't spend the rest of my life for nothing," - saying wine, saying goodbye to friends.

Herzl's commandments after death were to be entrusted by the father at Vidnya, but to perepohovat, like only a few years ago - the independent state of Israel - will be safe.

Meta life of Theodor Herzl was published in 1948. Another world war turned into a terrible tragedy for the Jewish people. But the sacrifice itself, made by the Jews in the war against fascism, led the world's spivtovaristvo to the realization of the idea of ​​​​creating a Jewish state.

In 1949 the ashes of Theodor Herzl were buried in Israel. It's a pity, not having lived up to that, not only "dad power", but yogo child. Herzl's eldest daughter implanted drugs, and she died from them. Sin put his hands on his sister's grave, and the young girl was born at the Nazi concentration camp.

Herzl did not deprive himself of his own blessings, but only deprive him of the right, which he gave happiness to millions of unfortunate Jews in the whole world.

In Israel, the day of Theodor Herzl's death is considered a national day of remembrance. Yogo's portrait embellishes a penny bill. The name of Theodore is the name of the city - Herzliya, not seeming already about the streets, parks, museums. Israel remembers my father.

February 5th, 2015 08:05 am

Mulhouse, the seat of Alfred Dreyfus. Wall painting "Famous residents of the city"

Dreiländereck - the area at the top of the Rhine, where the three lands converge: Nimechchini, France and Switzerland - can rightly be called the rightful point of that strained rush, the result of which was the support of the state of Israel.
Everything started from the fact that the French city of Mulhouse, with which hand fall to i, in 1859 p. a boy was born in the sim of a possible Jewish manufacturer. Vіn wearing the name Alfred and typical for the Jews of Elsas, the nickname Dreyfus (Dreyfus). France was the first European country, as it gave the Jews equal rights, and Alfred Dreyfus, assimilation of the Jews, having created a miraculous military career: gifts, pratsovitiy, healthy ambitions, he was born a captain of artillery.

Captain Alfred Dreyfus. Wall painting "Famous inhabitants of the city" near Mulhouse

Synagogue in Mulhouse

Dreyfus bov at the general staff near the French capital, if there is a tragic turn in the south. In the spring of 1894, a song sheet was sent to the German Atache, as if he was telling the addressee that secret documents about the formation of the French army had been sent to him. The handwriting of the author of the sheet buv nibito is similar to the handwriting of Dreyfus. Nezabarom Dreyfus, the only Jew at the General Staff of the French Army, was arrested for rudely fabricating calls from the state’s defenses and spying on the greed of Nimechchini, just like a rightful spy, having fallen under suspicion.

Alfred Dreyfus (on the uniforms there are zirzan gudziks and zirvani epoleti)

Dreyfus' Gromadyanka Kara, little ones at Le Petit Journal, dated September 13, 1895

So the vinicla is famous for "Dreyfus's right", for the course of which the whole of Europe was strenuously lashing. Anti-Semitism swept over France, the newspapers were filled with anti-Semitic cartoons: "Jewish Dreyfus", "The rich Jews want to suppress Dreyfus on the right" read the headlines. The result of the process of verdicts in advance: the military court found Dreyfus guilty and sued him until he was disgraced and sent to the French Guiana, on the Devil's Island (the skeleton was two miles long and wide in pіvmіlі, the only bags like a soldier were killed).

Dreyfus on the Devil's Island, little ones at Le Petit Journal

On September 5, 1895, on the Champ de Mars in Paris, a rally was held and the so-called “civil punishment” of Dreyfus was called: a sword was broken over his head, a military order was zirvano from his chest. Disruption to NATO, calling out to kill Dreyfus, and not Dreyfus the "prisoner", but Dreyfus the Jew. 3,000 kovtok rushed cries of "Death to the Jews!". Judgment protyag all tsієї zhakhlivoї scenes loudly declaring his innocence and sending the rest of the vibach "dear France". No way, no way (but we’ll turn to the farther part of Dreyfus) I’m not so wise, that there are more evils in that I’m a Jew.
One of the numerous representatives of the press, who were chosen that day on the Champ de Mars, was a Parisian correspondent for the great Vienna newspaper Neue Freie Presse. This correspondent is rich in some ways similar to the convict: mayzhe is the same age as Dreyfus (Herzl was born in 1860), he is also assimilated by a Jew, a native of the Austro-Ugric region, who has created a successful career, not only for a journalist, but for a journalist. Yogo's name was Theodor Herzl.

Theodor Herzl

In his youth, Theodor Herzl realized that the greatest reason for the emergence of anti-Semitism is the assimilation of Jews and their integration with Christian society. Ale zіtknennya іz dіisnіstyu brіvіl yоgo vіru у rіatіvnu аsimilation force. So, in 1884, Herzl, having taken off the degree of doctor of jurisprudence, and for a certain hour propraciuvav at the courts of the Day and Salzburg, but, being a Jew, he could not beat the judge's quarters. So Herzl parted ways with jurisprudence, took up journalism and became a Parisian correspondent for a Vidensk newspaper. In the world of that, like in the political stakes of Paris, the journalist Herzl Dedali often chuv anti-Semitic promotions and speeches, just look at the cherry of the Jewish diet, assimilated step by step. Virishal podієyu, yak struck Herzl to the depths of the soul and radically changed his life, became the stratum of Alfred Dreyfus, becoming a witness to his guilt. Vіn ceased to be aware that anti-Semitism is a thing of the future: “I am crying out that they will not give us peace”, and having only one more day of their deaf kuta - the creation of the Jewish state.

Hotel Drei Könige am Rhein ( "Les Trois Rois") near Basel,
where the participants of the 1st Zionist Congress lived

On February 14, 1896, through the river after that memorable wound on the Field of Mars, Herzl's book “Jewish Power. Dosvіd suchasnogo vrіshennya єvreyskogo nutriment”, as vin vyklav his program. At the same time, translations of books from German into Hebrew, English, French, Russian and Romanian were published. And yet, a second time later, after the publication of the book, from 9 to 31 September 1897, the 1st Zionist Congress was held at Basel.

Memorial plaque at the future casino in Basel on the riddle about the 1st Zionist Congress

On the back it was planned to hold a congress near Germany, in Munich, but it turned out to be impossible through the protidium of the orthodox community of the place: the German Jews, fearing that the coming of the Sionist movement would make the life of Gershko easier, all the Poles changed. Todі vіn arranging the Swiss Basel for holding the congress of border crossings from Nimechchina. Thus, the center of the Zionist movement became a place that is known for only a few dozen kilometers from Mulhouse - the fatherland of the unfortunate Dreyfus. "Geographical circle" closed.
The venue for the congress was the old Casino (established in 1824), a concert hall, which is known by the historical museum at Bärfüsserplatz. A memorial plaque has been installed on the riddle about the journey to the future. The congress participants lived in the Drei Könige am Rhein hotel, or Les Trois Rois in the French way. Today this hotel on the Rhine birch, near the old Mittlere Brücke bridge, is one of the best hotels in the city.

Theodor Herzl on balconies of the hotel "Drei Könige am Rhein" near Basel . Stara leaflet, 1901

The congress was attended by 204 delegates from 17 countries, headed by Theodor Herzl. “At Basel, I created a Jewish state,” writing to a student. - Yakby, if I said today, I would be ridiculed. Possibly, after five years, and, madly, after fifty years of leather, succumb to yourself. In his opening speech, Herzl formulated the main ambush of political Zionism and briefly named the head of the congress - "lay an outdoor stone booth, which will become a shelter for the Jewish people." The first official program of the Zionist organization was praised at the congress, that's how the "Basel program" was called. From 1898 to 1946 Basel has been nine times more, more often than not, it has become another place, becoming the venue for the Sionist congresses. Now you are not surprised that "Richiv Basel" - Baselskaya Street - is near rich Israeli places.

Theodor Herzl on the balcony of the hotel "Drei Könige am Rhein" at Basel. 1901

Herzl speaks with a promo at the opening ceremony of the Sixth Zionist Congress near Basel. 1903

The work was strained to improve Theodor Herzl's health. Vin died on 3 chervnya 1904 due to heart disease. Herzl commanded to transfer yoga gunpowder to the country of Israel - Yerets-Israel, after that, as a Jewish power, appear on the map of the world. In 1948 The state of Israel was created, and the foundation of the founder of Zionism was raised: the 23rd Zionist Congress was stowed away at the sickle of 1951 on the rock of Theodor Herzl’s grave on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. 3 hours of the 1st Basel Congress in 1897. before the creation of Israel passed, as if prophesying Herzl, close to 50 years. The day of Herzl's death, according to the Jewish calendar, Kaf-Tammuz (the 20th day of the month of Tammuz), is celebrated in Israel as a national day of yoga remembrance.

Theodor Herzl's grave on Mount Herzl near Jerusalem.
On the tombstone is written one word "Herzl".

At that hour, as the Zionist movement was gaining strength in Europe, a new turn began at the right of Dreyfus. Mathieu Dreyfus, the brother of the condemned, persecution at the innocence of Alfred, having started agitation for revisiting the trial of 1894, but all of you tried to recognize the failures: the courtship, it was building, it ceased to sound like a process, they talked about anti-Semitism no more. On November 15, 1897, Mathieu Dreyfus, presenting a statement to the Viysk minister, was convinced that he was a spy. by the right author of the sheet, through some kind of condemnation, yogo brother, not someone else, like a major of the General Staff of Estergaz. Mathieu Dreyfus, asking for clarification from my right to addendum. At that moment, just about "fix Dreyfus," passions boiled over again: anti-Semites began to talk a little bit about the Jewish syndicate, which might compromise the General Staff, about Major Estergaz they spoke not otherwise than about the victim of the Jewish snake. Pogromists were running all over the country.

Caricature of Karan d'Ash "The Family Supper", February 14, 1898.
"Let's not talk about the right of Dreyfus!"
From the bottom: “Stink about the new one, they still talked ...”

The court, which took place on September 11, 1898, unanimously praised Major Estergaz for his true blow. The majority of the French, out of almost satisfaction, made an unrighteous decision, Estergaz's henchmen, in their hands, dragged him out of the courtroom. But Dreyfus knew fearless defenders: September 13, 1898. in the newspaper "L" Aurore "appeared a sheet of the writer of Emile Zola "I'm calling", addressing the President of the French Republic Felix Faure. They killed the innocent Dreyfus, hated by him, in order to protect the evil Estergaz.

Edward Mane. Portrait of Emil Zola . 1868

Zola finished his merciful outburst with the words: "I check" (judgment of myself for hardening). Indeed, the opponents of Dreyfus hung against the writer of the ringing at the image of the entire army and the military court. Ignoring the support of the middle of France (writers A. France, R. Rolland, E. Goncourt; the future Prime Minister J. Clemenceau), so for the її borders (in Russia, for example, A. Chekhov joined Zola) , Zola buv vіddany court. February 23, 1898 the jury found Emil Zola guilty of "hardening on the Viysk tribunal", suing Yogo until the end of time and 3,000 francs fine. Pismennik zmusheniy buv termіnovo viїhati do englії.

Anti-Semitic demonstration near Paris

At the same time, new, stronger, anti-Semitic speeches began in France: in Nantes, NATO appointed a postmaster in the name of Dreyfus to act in his service; near the rich places, the Jewish shops began to plunder and ransack, and blood was shed near the French colony of Algeria. The Muslim people of the whole world were hostile to them, which could have been like a mother in the consecration of France, and that hatred before the Jews marked the behavior of a significant part of the French society. It is rich who, singsongly, remembers the book by Oleksandri Brushtein "The Road to Go Far," in which it is described how close to the heart the Russian intelligentsia, which is seen in distant France, took to heart.

Anatole France's Letter to the Dreyfus Zachists

At the same time, there was such a vibe to anti-Semitism, accompanied by scenes such as France had not known since the end of the 18th century, gazing into the eyes of the most far-sighted politicians of the republic, and defending Dreyfus, who began to be called Dreyfusards, with a skin day became larger. Looking at Dreyfus on the right, the former made friends and fellow thinkers, made a difference between them. Of particular importance is the transition to the bik dreyfusars of the leader of the socialist party, Jean Jaurès, who, with extraordinary energy, took up agitation against the "Viysk and clerical dictatorship", who linked the share of Dreyfus with the share of the French Republic itself. The Dreyfusars, following Jaurès, ruled in the country by numerical rallies, but the "vulitsia" had, as before, fallen to the opponents of Dreyfus, as they called zradniks, who doubted their guilt, to the Jews.

Process at Renny's

After changing the Cabinet of Ministers on the right of Dreyfus, it was again accepted before review, on the 7th of September 1899. in Rennes a new process has begun. Dreyfus was taken to court before the court was re-arranged ... May five years, spent on the Devil's Island on its own (it was clear to watchers, it was fenced off from him) and important miscarriages, as well as a tropical lihomania, killed their right. Sorokarіchny, vіn looking old, bovsіm sivy and ledve rozumіv, scho vіdbuvaєtsya. Vіdrіzaniy vіd sоgo svіtu, vin not knowing anything about the “Dreyfus right” from the moment of his hanging. With a greater voice (5:2), the judges blamed Dreyfus for a black accusation, but shortened, however, with the improvement of the circumstances that were revealed, which “to alleviate guilt”, the term of yogo condemnation up to 10 years. Breaking by Dreyfus, for homeownership from the court, sued for appeal (for which the president of the republic E. Loubet, for tribute, pardoned yoga).

Dreyfus (right-handed) among officers after rehabilitation

Leaning on freedom, Dreyfus took up his pen and wrote two books about his experience: “Leaves of the Innocent” (1899) and the memoir “Five Years of My Life” (1901). However, for nothing, in the works of Dreyfus, there is a comprehension of pershoprics dashing, which were followed by him. Behind the high Vistula of Clemenceau, Dreyfus was a single person, so I did not get it from the “right Dreyfus”.
In 1903 p. Dreyfus, still longing for a new investigation, ended up in 1906 in the fall of 1906 with some new truths. The Court of Appeal having voted that the evidence against Dreyfus was absolutely ungrounded and that for this rehabilitation there is no need for a remote court review. Alfred Dreyfus was deafeningly innocent and reaffirmed in rights. Vіn suddenly turned to the army, having taken off the rank of major, without having filed a resignation. Prote scandalous "on the right" did not zabulas: in 1908, at the ceremony of transferring the ashes of Emile Zola to the Pantheon, Dreyfus was wounded by the shootings of the anti-Dreyfusard journalist. At the fate of the 1st holy war, Dreyfus again served valiantly in the French army and ended the war with the rank of lieutenant colonel. Irrespective of the trials that were spent on yoga, Alfred Dreyfus lived to see a long life: he died in 1935, more than 30 years later, having outlived his peer Theodor Herzl.

Remaining photograph of Alfred Dreyfus. 1935

Today France is blessed with its faithful son Alfred Dreyfus. A monument was erected near Paris: an officer in the form of the French army of the 19th century. let's salute the Ulamk Shablis (we guess that the Dreyfus Shchibul was zlaman at the hour of the symbolic "civil strata"). The monument, standing on the back of a small square on Raspail Boulevard, was later transferred to the door of the Jewish Museum. I have a thought that the ashes of Dreyfus should be transferred to the Pantheon, where the visible blue of France rests: Aje Dreyfus was a great patriot of his country, who, without having spent faith in it, winds up at the extreme furnishings.

Monument to Alfred Dreyfus at the courtyard of the Jewish Museum near Paris

The Jewish world has its own view of the peculiarity of Alfred Dreyfus. There is no doubt about the fact that Dreyfus on the right became one of the most important factors, which caused the Zionist revolution to be blamed: it clearly showed that assimilation is not a slander of anti-Semitism. And it’s no less, if it happens a little, that the unfortunate Dreyfus himself was the true father of Zionism, it’s important to wait: Dreyfus was only a victim of history, in that hour, like a hero, one of the quiet, who was appointed to Gerє її hіd, buvіznu .

Theodor Herzl is a writer, journalist, founder of political Zionism. Yogo im'ya is the main symbol of modern Israel, as well as the current Jewish history. Theodore created the All-World Zionist Organization. A lot of boulevards and streets in Israeli places are called a nickname. This article will describe a short biography of the writer.


Theodor Herzl was born in Budapest in 1860. The lad ris at the asimilization of the family, who is not a stranger to Jewish traditions. Tim is more than Theodore's deed was Jewish and learned from Rabbi Alkalay Yehudi. Mothers and fathers of the lad were especially treated by Jewish children. Wanting to young Herzl and passing the “bar mitzvah” ceremony, that circumcision, yoga vddanist to Judaism was done over the top. Vіn not knowing the language, any elementary zvichaїv Israel.


Theodor Herzl was fond of reading literature and writing poetry. On the eve of the study at the gymnasium, the lad published his reviews of the book on vistavi that book in one of the Budapest newspapers. Nezabarom Theodore left the gymnasium, posing as anti-Semitic explanations of the teacher.

In 1878, Herzley's family moved to Vidnya, de yunak having entered the university at a legal department. After six years, Theodore, having taken off the doctor's foot and propratsyuvav deyaky hour at the courts of Salzburg and in the Austrian capital. Ale unbarred, the future writer has taken up jurisprudence.

Literary and journalistic activity

From 1885 to the year Theodor Herzl, quotes from a certain dosi vikoristovuyut richly іzraїltyans, occupied exclusively with writing. Vіn sklav a number of philosophical opovіdan and p'єs. On the cob of the 1890s, a young man earned a reputation in Europe as a brilliant journalist. Theodore's strengths were short ones and feuilletons. At that hour, a single Jewish theme, which, having begun to win, was anti-Semitism. Prote wines, having stolen from Europe a low number of people of nationality, they adopted Catholicism. Herzl spodіvsya, scho pіdshtovhne іnshih jevreїv to mass brutality and brought to the end of anti-Semitism. Ale potim vіn dіyshov vysnovka: like "euthanasia" there is no moral or practical sense.

Right Dreyfus

Nezabar Herzl, the history of the life of any kind of a Jew, having become an adherent of Zionism. The reason for this was Alfred Dreyfus. The rest was publicly celebrated with the rite of “civilian strata”: they took off the orders from the uniform and broke the sword. Theodore was present at this ceremony and shouted out French yurbies. Vaughn called out to beat Dreyfus.

jewish state

The creation of the Jewish state - having saved Herzl with the same thought. The ideas of the writer were spurred on. І її vin virushiv shukati from Baron de Hirsch and Rothschilds - the richest Jews on the planet. Vtіm, tse turned out to be a marny scroll. Ale Theodore, without abandoning his idea, wrote the pamphlet "Jewish Power" to avenge 63 sides. There he reportedly explained why yoga can be done, and rozpoviv, as if to rob.

Development of Zionism

Between the humiliation of Dreyfus and the death of the writer, nearly ten years have passed. For this term, Theodore managed to fall asleep all the head structures of the Zionist movement. In 1897, Basel hosted the first congress of the entire population. With skin fate, a number of its members grew in Jews in Zionism, real political change, a building virishity of their problems.

By stretching the first fate of his activity, Theodore tried to enlist the support of the Turkish sultan (Yerets-Israel having changed his mind). Ale dovgі negotiations were not small success. After whom Herzl won the respect of far-reaching England. In 1917, if Theodore had not been in the world for 13 years, this country literally wrested control over Yerets-Israel from the hands of Turechchini. And in the meantime, England issued the Balfour Declaration, as if it supported the idea of ​​the creation of a Jewish state on this Israeli land.

Theodor Herzl about Russia

The hero of the statute saw our country in 1903. At all the Jewish monasteries of Theodore, the beginning of the Messiah was hovering. So Herzl got in touch with Russian officials and tried to change the pressure on the sultan, so that the company of a writer in Palestine would be successful. Herzl's greatest enmity was to slay Plehve (Minister of Foreign Affairs). Might, the most famous whistle of Theodore about our country, sound like this: “To conquer the world, it is necessary to conquer Russia.” Let's add a few more popular quotes: “Penny - rich, that reception is good, only people piss them”, “The rich can make you famous; but only the poor can make you a hero”, “Nation is the historical unity of people, like the presence of a dead enemy”.

Life Specialist

Herzl that yoga sim had to pay an even higher price for being swept away by Zionism. In 1889 Theodore became friends with Julia Nasauer. Ale, being possessed by a human being, she gave him little respect. In the family of the squad, there were people with mental illnesses. Tse was signified by the share of Theodore's children. Paulina (eldest daughter) died due to drug use. Sin Hans skoїv self-destruction at the day of his sister's funeral. The young daughter Pratsi Mayzha spent all her life at the liquor stores, and ended up in one of the Nazi concentration camps. Aleone overtook the people of the sin. In 1946, Herzl's single onuk put his hands on himself. In this rank, the writer did not lose his downfalls.


The Crimea of ​​the strained struggle for Zionism, Theodor Herzl, the biography of which boulder is presented more, taking the fate of the baked verbal gist of the opponents. This was caused by the aggravation of my heart disease. The situation was aggravated by the burning of the legends. Nezabara became a writer lost, and died at the lime 1904 rock near Jedlakh (Austria).


Theodor Herzl asked the commandment to commend him to the order of the father at Vidnia. And as soon as the Jewish people have a good time, let them transfer their body to the Israeli land. Theodore's remains were transported less at the sickle in 1949. Nin the gunpowder of the writer lies near Jerusalem on Mount Herzl. The day of the death of the founder of Zionism is celebrated on the 20th day of the month of Tammuz.
