Name of Empress Katerini 2. Biography of Katerini II

Name of Empress Katerini 2. Biography of Katerini II

Doctor of Historical Sciences M. Rakhmatulin.

For a long ten years of radyansk dobi, the history of Tsar Katherine II was presented with obvious prejudice, in advance creating the image of the empress herself. On the other side of innumerable publications, the cunning and marnoslav German princess, who approached the Russian throne and was most turbulent to the satisfaction of her sensitive people. В основі подібних суджень - або відверто політизований мотив, або суто емоційні спогади її сучасників, або, нарешті, тенденційний намір її недругів (особливо з-поміж зарубіжних опонентів), які намагалися зганьбити жорстке і послідовне відстоювання імператрицею національних інтересів Росії. And Voltaire's axis in one of his leaves to Katerina II, calling her "Pivnіchnaya Semiramida", likening the heroines of Greek mythology, after them they say the creation of one of the seven wonders of the world - hanging gardens. Tim himself was a great philosopher, having revealed his zahoplennya diyalnistyu empress from the transformation of Russia, її wise rulers. At the proponated naris, a sample of unsupervised rozpovest about the right and individuals of Katherine II was broken up. "I'm doing good vikonal my task"

The crowned Catherine II in full view of the coronation ceremony. According to tradition, the coronation took place near Moscow, on the 22nd of April 1762.

Empress Elizaveta Petrivna, who reigned from 1741 to 1761. Portrait of the middle of the XVIII century.

Having seen his eldest daughter, Tsesarivna Hanna Petrivna, Petro saw the marriage of the Holstein Duke Karl-Friedrich. Your son and becoming the fall to the Russian throne, Peter Fedorovich.

Matinka Katerina II Johanna-Elizaveta of Anhalt-Zerbst, yak hid in Russia to intrigue at the greed of the Prussian king.

The Prussian King Frederick II, to whom everyone has inherited a young Russian decadent.

Science and Life // Illustrations

Grand Duchess Katerina Oleksiivna and Grand Duke Petro Fedorovich. “Khnє podruzhzhya appeared marvelously near.

Count Grigory Orlov is one of the active organizers and victors of the coup d'état that brought Katerina to the throne.

The youngest Princess Katerina Romanivna Dashkova took the greatest fate at the coup d'etat in 1762.

A family portrait of the tsar's friend, tormented by nevdovzі after I ascend the throne of Peter III. The order from the fathers is the young spadkoєmets Pavlo in a similar suit.

The Winter Palace near Petersburg, in which the dignitaries of that nobleman swore an oath to Empress Katherine II.

The future Russian Empress Katherine II Oleksiivna, born Sophia Frederick Augusta, princess of Anhaltzerbst, came to the world on April 21 (May 2), 1729, in rock that was deaf at that hour, Stettin (Prussia). Batko її - the unremarkable Prince Khristian-August - by his service to the Prussian king, having built a nefarious career: the commander of the regiment, the commandant of Stettin, the governor. In 1727, the roci (yomu todi Bulo 42 roki) became friends with the 16th Holstein-Gottorp princess Johann-Elisabeth.

Dekilka is a chimera princess, as little as nevgamovna is addicted to roses and close trips to the numerical and, to the butt, rich relatives, put her family turboti not at first place. In the midst of five children, the first-born Don Fikkhen (that was the name of all the households Sophia Frederika) did not become a lover - they checked for blue. “My people didn’t fly around too much,” write Katerina in her Notes. The domineering and strict fatherland of the bazhanya "beat the pride" often rewarded her daughter with blunders for the innocent child's windings and for the unchildish temperament. Little Fikkhen knew in the air with a good-natured father. Constantly busy in the service and practically not getting involved in the education of children, becoming for them the butt of total service in the state field. “I didn’t swear at all the honesty - like the sensi principles, so it’s like the vchinkivs are people,” say about Father Katerina at the right time, if she already knew people well.

Lack of material resources did not allow the fathers to hire expensive reports and governesses. And here the share generously laughed at Sophia Frederica. After changing the number of nedbalih governesses, the French emigrant Elizaveta Kardel (previously Babet) became a good mentor. As Catherine II wrote about her later, she "knew everything, without learning anything; she knew like her five fingers mustache comedy that tragedy and was even more amusing." The heart’s reverie of the Vikhovanka draws Babet “sharp honesty and prudence - the soul is small in nature, the mind is broken, the miraculous heart; she was patient, lagidna, cheerful, fair, fast.”

Mabut, the main merit of the wise woman Kardel, who had an exceptionally vrіvnovazheny character, you can call those that she scored with her back and secretly on her back (the fruit of a colossal spin) Fikkhen before reading, in which the princess knew the right to malt. Naturally, the legacy of this burial is the lack of interest born for the years of the girl to the serious work of the philosophical zmist. Nevipadkovo already in 1744, one of the consecrated friends of this family, the Swedish Count Güllenborg, zhartom, but not without substantiation, called Fikkhen "fifteenth philosopher". The recognition of Catherine II herself, which brought her to "reason and goodness" richly swallowed up the reconciliation, "Nibi I'm called ugly," which made the princess look like empty worldly roses. And in the meantime, one of the women of the day told: "Vona was miraculously composed, from childhood she was raised with a noble position and she was a vista for her own. accommodating."

However, farther away, the share of Sophia (like the rich German princesses) was appointed not by special advantages, but by the dynastic situation in Russia. The childless empress Elizaveta Petrivna immediately after the reign of the queen began to shukati decline, good for the Russian throne. Vybіr lіg on a single direct successor to the family of Peter the Great, yogi onuk - Karl Peter Ulrich. The son of the eldest daughter of Peter I, Annie, and the Duke of Holstein-Gottorp, Karl Friedrich, was already an orphan at the age of 11. The prince's care was taken up by the pedantic German teachers, the pathologically zhorstky Chamberlain Count Otto von Brummer. The feeble-looking people of the duke's son were often starved from hand to mouth, and for some time they were afraid to stand knees on peas, often hurting more. "I command you so, Sikti," Brummer, breaking into a cry, "that the dogs should lick the blood." The lad knew the breath in the choked up music, addicted to the violin, what a pity to sound. I'm addicted to yogo bula gra in tin soldiers.

The humiliation, like yogo day after day, gave their results: the prince, as the co-workers mean, becoming "fiery, false, loving to boast, accustomed to nonsense." Vіn virіs is fearful, secretive, without peace we will come to mind and a lot of people about myself, as I thought. The axis is a laconic portrait of Peter Ulrich, painted by our brilliant historian V. O. Klyuchevsky: on a child, as if she showed herself to be grown up, in fact, a person has grown up, as if she was forever deprived of a child.

Such an axis "hot" fall to the Russian throne in sichni 1742 to the fate of the future (so that the Swedes did not overdo it, the king of such wines for their ancestry could be the moment of the day) deliveries to St. Petersburg. At the fall of the same fate, the prince was turned against his will to Orthodoxy and was named Peter Fedorovich. Ale, in the soul of the wines, forever having been filled with an unselfish Lutheran-German, who, without showing the desired love of the skilka, must be stubbornly denounced by the language of his new fatherland. Until then, the recession had not been spared in St. Petersburg either. At the head yoga mentor - academician Yakov Shtelin, he was completely free of everyday pedagogical talents, and wines, bachachis, I explained the inadequacy and baiduzhistness of learning, having better respected the late whims of the undergrowth, and did not read yoga with a proper rank to rose-to-rose.

Tim, for an hour, 14-year-old Pyotr Fedorovich was already given a name. What became the initial hour of the election of Princess Sophia by the Russian court? The Saxon resident Petzold wrote from the first drive: being even "from a noble, but from a small family", you will be an ear-witted squad without any pretensions to the fate of a great politician. They played their role when Elizabeth Petrivny was elegiacly told about її love with the elder brother of mother Sophia - Karl August (not long before the wedding he died in the sky), that and delivered to the empress portraits of the pretty princess, yak she was like a feather without haughty modesty, write Katerina II in your "Notes").

For example, in 1743 Princess Sophia was asked (for Russian pennies) to go to St. Petersburg, where she came from the accompanying mother at the fierce offensive rock. The stench blew up to Moscow, where at that hour the royal door was known, and on the eve of the day of the people (9 fierce) Peter Fedorovich is beautiful and clothed (on the same pennies) was named before the empress and the Grand Duke. Ya. Shtelin write about the wider burial of Elizaveta Petrivna after Sophia. And the beauty matured, the statues and the greatness of the Russian queen cast an unforgettable attack on the young provincial princess. They were worthy of one and one judge. Received by the mother of the future named, she wrote to the people that "the Grand Duke loves you." Fikkhen herself assessed everything more and more firmly: “It seems to me that the Russian crown was more like me, lower yogo (adverbs. - M. R.) person".

And it’s true, idyll, it’s like a winkle on the cob, it’s not long. Further, the interplay between the Grand Duke and the Princess showed the same diversity and character, and interests, and that stink of stench was exuberantly one and the same: long-term, broad-shouldered and qualiy namings more and more engraved on aphids over the top of the head. If the Grand Duke had suffered a breath, the guise of the flooring created fresh scars, so Sophia, having swayed her fall, did not streak and gasped at the door. However, it seemed like a smut in another way: Pyotr Fyodorovich’s blatant infantilism stood up to a dial, purposeful, ambitious nature, knowing its own worth of Princess Sophia Frederica, who was named in Russia in honor of the mother of Empress Elizabeth Katerina (Oleksiivna). Tse became of her praise of Orthodoxy on the 28th worm, 1744. The Empress made a gift with a new noble gift - a diamond cufflink and a usisto price of 150 thousand rubles. The next day, when an official commission came, like Katerina brought the titles of Grand Duchess and Imperial Highness.

Assessing the current situation, that the vinicla of the spring of 1744, if Empress Elizaveta, having learned about the lightness, try the graceful to the intrigues of Mother Sophia, Princess Johann-Elisabeth, "(Why naming, how strangely she caught the name, maybe, rejoicing b), Katerina hung her sense like this:" Vіn buv for me may be baiduzhim, but nebaiduzha was for me the Russian crown.

On September 21, 1745, spring ceremonies began, which lasted ten days. Picnic balls, masquerades, fireworks, a sea of ​​wine and fire for the common people on Admiralteysky Square in St. Petersburg turned everything upside down. For the life of the family, young people have begun to grow up. As Katerina herself writes, that after a great evening of that evening, a man, "sleeping down for me, falling asleep and sleeping successfully until the morning." And so it happened from night to night, from month to month, river by river. Petro Fedorovich, like before the wedding, samovidno engraved at the lyalka, training (virnishe, katuvav) I play my dogs, vlashtovuvav schodenly looked at the sweaty company from the court cavalry of yoga and viku, and at night with excitement began "rushniche" exercise. Just the same, the new one showed a transcendent addiction to wine that tyutyun.

It is not surprising that Katerina began to become a nominal person for a physical education, knowing in the air in the reading of the most serious books on the subject of serious books and on horseback (usually, she spent horseback riding until the age of 13 in the booty). The famous "Annalis" of Tacitus, and the new work of the French educator Charles Louis Montesque, "About the Spirit of the Laws" became his bedside book with a strong infusion Vaughn was tarnished by the creations of the French Encyclopedists, and yet intellectually outgrew all the restless ones.

At the same time, the old Empress Elizaveta Petrivna checked the recession and in the fact that she did not declare wine, she called Katerina. By the grace of the empress, at the suggestion of trusting osіb, she ruled a friendly glance, about the results of which we know about the recognition of foreign diplomats: "The Grand Duke was not a good mother of children, who was born in the past, who is used by other peoples in important education." The news about you shocked Elizaveta Petrivna. "Amazed by the sound of a thunder, like a thunderous blow, - write one of the eyewitnesses, - Elizabeth gave herself up, for a long time she could not speak a word, she burst out crying."

However, the tears did not make the empress give a year for a negaine operation, and in case of failure, she ordered the appointment of a distinguished "cavalier" for the role of the father of a possible child. He became "red Serge", 26th chamberlain Sergiy Vasilyovich Saltikov. After two victories (in 1752 and 1753), on the 20th of spring, 1754, Katerina gave birth to the throne, named Pavel Petrovich. It's true, the evil tongues at the court hardly said in a voice that the child should be called Sergiyovich. Doubting with his father and safely surviving that hour because of his ailments, Petro Fedorovich: "God knows, the stars of my squad are taking their vacancy, I don’t even know what my child is and what is my fault to take yoga on my rahunok?"

Hourly at the same time showing the bezpodstavnіst pіdozr. Pavlo has fallen not less than the specificity of Pyotr Fyodorovich's rank, but, more importantly, the peculiarity of his character - including mental neurodevelopment, drativity, silliness to the point of inexpressible vchinkiv and nevgamovna love to the mindless drill of a soldier.

The fall of the people, after the people were received from the mother and the sight of the nannies, and Sergiy Saltikov was sent to the dead in the new Katerina to Sweden with the invented diplomatic mission. As far as the grand duke's friendship, then Elizaveta Petrivna, having taken off her long-term recession, squandered much interest in her. With his nephew through his unbearable windings * and foolish antics, she could not taste "and the quarter of the year, sob not to look around, anger chi prikrost". Vіn, for example, having sounded dirka in the stone wall, the little empress accepted the favorite of Oleksiy Razumovsky, and not only did he himself watch for him, what was going on there, but asked to look at the vіchko and "friends" of his sharpening. You can show the strength of the anger of Elizaveta Petrivna, as she recognized about the wind. Titonka-impressa, in her hearts, often calls Yogo either a fool, or a conniving, or "cursed by a nephew." In such a situation, Katerina Oleksiivna, as if she had secured the throne of the recession, could calmly think about her distant share.

The Twenty-Four Grand Duchess on 30 September 1756 admonished the English ambassador to Russia, Sir Charles Herbert Williams, with whom she spoke in a secret listing that she sang "die or reign". The life of young Katherine's attitude in Russia is simple: to be like the Grand Duke, be like the Empress, be like the people. Guessing about the hour, she wrote: “Indeed, I didn’t ignore anything, so that I could reach: smartness, pokirnist, povaga, bazhannya podatatisya, bazhannya repair like a trace, schira prihilnіst - everything from my side was good before that it was alive since 1764 I know that if I spent my hopes on success at the first point, I fought the susilla, so that there were two remaining viscons, I was given, that more than once I got into another, and the third one was successful for me in all my obsyas, without any kind of exchange for an hour, And, later, I think, it’s good to finish your task well.

Well, Katerina's methods of "confidence of the Russians" did not avenge anything original in her and, for their simplicity, they showed the best mood and equal the illumination of the St. Petersburg world. Listen to yourself: "Attribute this to the deep mind and the long-term enrollment of my camp.<...>And in tracts of cleanliness, and at simple gatherings and evenings, I went up to the old ones, sat on them, nurtured about their health, radiated, how to get used to them in times of ailment, tolerantly heard innumerable rozpovids about їhnі yunіnі roki , about the windiness of young people; she herself nourished them on the right side of the right, and then she swore at them widely. I knew what their pugs, lapdogs, parrots, fools called; knew if it was a birthday girl. For the first day before her, my valet, witav її in my name and presenting the fruits of the Oranianbaum greenhouses. Two fates had not passed, as the nayzharkish praise of my mind and heart felt from the sides of my mouth and spread throughout Russia. With the simplest and most innocent rank, I laid down my own glory, and, if the language came about the occupation of the Russian throne, significant greaterness appeared on my side.

On December 25, 1761, after the old ailment, Empress Elizaveta Petrivna passed away. Senator Trubetskoy, who voted for a long time ago, voted for the throne of Emperor Peter III. As the miraculous historian S. M. Solovyov writes,<...>Bigger sounded gloomy to the new king: they knew the character of the new sovereign and checked for any good. then, being at that hour on the fifth month of pregnancy, she practically could not actively intervene at the crossing of the stairs.

Possibly, for her it was even better - for the pіvroka pіvroku pіvlіnnya Pіtro zumіv nastilki set against himself the metropolitan society and the nobility in general, which practically he himself paved the way to power. Moreover, the setting up to the new did not change the slander of all the hated secret office with її katіvnyami, by the prisoners on one more than sumptuous famous viguk: "The word and the right of the sovereign!" obov'yazkovo state service and give them the freedom to choose a place of residence, to take that right to enter the cordon. The last act of viklikav among the nobility such an attack on enthusiasm that the Senate maw namir navit put up a monument of pure gold to the beneficent tsar. However, the euphoria did not last long, - everyone was overwhelmed by the extremely unpopular in the reign of the emperor, as they strongly stung the national pride of the Russian people.

An angry convict was deliberately advertised by Peter III as the deification of the Prussian king Frederick II. Vin loudly voted for himself as a vasal, for which he took away from the people the honor of "Mavpa Frederick". The degree of suspenseful dissatisfaction was especially sharply increased, if Petro had made peace with Prussia and turned it around without any compensation for conquering the blood of Russian soldiers in the land. This krok is a practical call for Russia to begin the success of the Seven Wars.

Peter III zoomed in on himself and the clergy, shards by his decree on 21 March 1762 began to quickly decide on the secularization of church lands under Elizabeth Petrivna: the clergy were devastated Not only that, the new tsar, having threatened to spare the clergy from their primary food shat, replacing them with black pastoral cassocks, and shaved the beards of the priests.

It did not add glory to the new emperor and a fatal addiction to wine. The incomprehensible ones were not left behind, as if cynically cynically chanted at the day of the mournful farewell to the late empress, allowing obscene squeezing, scorching, loud laughs at її truni ... Behind the words of the co-workers, Peter III did not have a "zhorstokіsh vorog" in those days, I’m guilty myself, don’t care about anything, that in a moment I’ll hurt you.”

It is important to say, if the concrete contours of the mind appeared themselves. With the great frequent imovirnosti yogo vyniknennya can zarahuvat until April 1762, if Katerina after a gentle slope took away the physical possibility of real deeds. The rest of the decision about zmovu, perhaps, was confirmed after the family scandal, which was eating on the cob of worms. At one of the tracts, Peter III met with the presence of foreign ambassadors and about 500 guests at all times, calling the squad foolish. Let's order the adjutant to arrest the squad. And the less stubborn influence of Prince Georg Ludwig of Holstein (when brought to the imperial friend by an uncle) extinguished the conflict. But they didn’t change the name of Peter III, be it in some way to get along with the squads and make friends with the favorite, Elizaveta Romanivna Vorontsova. At the sight of those who were close to Peter, she “barked like a soldier, mowed, smelled badly and spat for an hour when she moved.” Ryaba, tovsta, with an unfathomable bust, she was the same type of woman, like Pyotr Fedorovich, like Piyatika, loudly calling her girlfriend not like "Romanova". Katerina, having threatened the inevitable tonsure at the blackberry.

There was no time to organize a classic movie with a tedious preparation and thoughtful details. Everything turned out to be behind the situation, not on equal improvisation, but the truth, which is compensated by the daring devils of Katerina Oleksiivna. Among them is the Ukrainian hetman K. G. Rozumovsky, the commander of the Izmailovsky regiment, a lover of the guards. Ober-Procurator A.I. Glebov, Feldzeugmeister General A.N. Vilboa, Police Director Baron N.A. In preparation for the coup, the fate of the 18th century was superbly energetic and, in a girlish way, the friendship with Catherine Princess E. R. Dashkova (the leader of Peter III was brought to her by her sister), which is a small big link in the light of the closeness to N. I. Panina and that, Chancellor M.I. Vorontsov was a dear uncle.

Itself through the sister of the favorite, as she did not call out the daily suspicions, before participating in the coup, she managed to get the officers of the Preobrazhensky Regiment - P. B. Passek, S. A. Bredikhin, brothers Oleksandr and Mykoli Roslavlovich. Contacts were established with the most energetic young guards officers through the other channels. Ussі stink th paved Katherine porіvnjano easy path to the throne. Among them, the most active and d_yalny is "27-year-old Grigoriy Grigorovich Orlov, who "has seen the comrades with beauty, strength, youthfulness, comradeship" (having long ago rebuked Katerina's love affair - a boy, who was born with her in 1762 The leader of Katerina was encouraged by two such young guard brothers - Oleksiy and Fedir.

At the film guards, "everything was directed judiciously, boldly and actively" by the future leader of Katerina II, 22-year non-commissioned officer G. A. Potiomkin and yoga of the same age F. A. Khitrovo. Until the end of the red, following the words of Katerina, up to 40 officers and close to 10 thousand privates were "spilniks" in the guards. One of the leading nathnenniks is moving, becoming the guardian of Tsarevich Pavel M. I. Panin. Shchopravda, vіn mav vіdminnі vіd Katherine met: the adoption of the vlady of Peter Fedorovich and the establishment of the regency for his vihoventsya, the young tsar Pavel Petrovich. Katerina knows about it, and, wanting such a plan to be absolutely unacceptable for her, there, without fear of fragmentation of forces, when talking with Paninim, she is separated by a phrase that didn’t goiter to anything: “I’m more dear to mother, lower to the ruler’s retinue” .

Vipadok nearing the fall of Peter III: a careless decision to start a war with Denmark (with an absolutely empty treasury) and to command the troops yourself, wanting the emperor’s absence to the military, celebrate the bula parable in the tongue. Yogo interests here were mingled with love to barvy uniforms, to inexhaustible drill, that mastered rude soldier manners, like wines, respecting the show of masculinity. Inspire the joy of the yoga idol Frederick II - until the coronation, do not violate the theater of the Vijskovyh diy - did not get on Peter the diy. The 1st axis is already a guard, rozpeschen under Empress Elizaveta Petrivna in the life of the capital, and now, behind the tsar’s presence, it is included in the hated uniforms of the Prussian zrazka, taking away the mandate of the term to get ready for the campaign, which is not in favor of the interests of Russia.

With an uninterrupted signal to the cob of the chimneys of the buv vipadkovy arrest on the evening of 27 chervnya of one of the chimneys - Captain Passek. Nebezpeka was great. Oleksiy Orlov and Guards lieutenant Vasil Bibikov galloped fast at night on 28 worms to Peterhof, where Katerina knew. The brothers Grigoriy and Fedir, who were lost in Petersburg, prepared everything for the grand "royal" festivities in the capital. About the sixth year on the morning of the 28th of the Cherry, Oleksiy Orlov woke up Katerina with the words: "It's time to get up: everything is ready for your vote." "Yak sho?" - Vimovlya awake Katerina. "Pasіk zaareshtovaniy" - bula vіdpovіd A. Orlova.

І os kolyvannya vіdkinutі, Katerina with the camera-maid of honor sit at the carriage, de pribuv Orlov. V.I. Bibikov and chamber footman Shkurіn, entrusted on the goats with a coachman - Oleksiy Orlov. Five miles to the capital zustrіcha Grigory Orlov. Katerina is transferred to the yoga carriage with fresh books. In front of the barracks of the Izmailovsky regiment, the guards at the capture take the oath of the new empress. Let's sweat the carriage with Katerina and the NATO soldiers, bewitched by the priest with a cross, straight to the Semenivsky regiment, like a sound to Katerina, we will thunder "Hurrah!" Accompanied by the military, they’re going to the Kazan Cathedral, and at once a prayer service begins and at the litanies “they called out the autocratic Empress Katerina Oleksiivna and the fall of the Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich.” From the cathedral Katerina, already the empress, breaks to the Winter Palace. Here, up to two regiments of the Guards, the troops of the Guards of the Preobrazhensky Regiment came to death and were terribly embarrassed. Opivdnі pіdtyanulisі vіyskі parts.

In the meantime, at the Winter Palace, the members of the Senate and the Synod, other officials of the state, are already squirming. The stench, without being any drag, swore an oath to the empress for our vidkuruch folded by the future secretary of state of Catherine II, G. N. Teplov, to the text. The Manifesto about the succession to the throne of Katerina "for the sake of our supporters" was publicized. Residents of the brewery capital triumph, flow like a river for the official rahunok wine from the lions of private wine merchants. We drink fire, simple people rejoice in the soul and check for the blessing of the new queen. Ale їy still not up to them. Pid viguki "Hurrah!" skasovano Danish pokhіd. For training on their own fleet in Kronstadt, a special person was sent - Admiral I. L. Talizina. Indicate about the change of power by transferring it to a part of the Russian army that was in Pomerania.

And what about Peter III? Chi pіdozryuvav vіn the threat of a coup і scho vіdbuvalosya yogo closest otochenny ugly day 28 chervnya? The documentary evidence that was saved will unambiguously show that you should not think about the possibility of a coup, the kohanní piddanih will cry. Zvіdsi yogo znevaga before earlier came, though foggy, guarded.

Having sat up ahead of the evening at the late evening, Petro on the 28th of the evening comes to Peterhof for the celebration of his name day. And I see that Katerini is not in Monplaisir, - she went uncontrollably to St. Petersburg. Gintsiv was sent to the locality - N. Yu. Trubetskoy and A. I. Shuvalov (one - Colonel of the Semenovsky, the other - of the Preobrazhensky Regiment). However, neither one nor the other turned around, swearing without hesitation to Katerina. And yet, the appearance of gintziv did not add to Peter's rіshuchostі, in the form of a cob of morally discolored povnoyu, from a glance, without a change in the situation. Nareshti decided to collapse to Kronstadt: from the report of the commandant of the fort P.A. Ale while Petro and Yogo people poured to Kronstadt, Talizin I arrived there, to the delight of the garrison, grafting them to the oath of loyalty to Empress Catherine II. So it was about the first year of the night before the fortress flotilla of the ousted emperor (one galley and one yacht) was tempted to turn back to Oranienbaum. Having not accepted Petro and for the sake of the old Count B. Kh.

And at the same time, Katerina once again demonstrates her courage, punishing up to 14,000 troops for artillery to be pulled up to Peterhof. The task of the zmovniks, who have hoarded the throne, is more foldable and simpler at once: to get a "good" decent name of Peter on the throne. On the 29th of the Cherry, General M. L. Izmailov delivers to Katherine Zhalugidna a message from Peter III asking for forgiveness and for the sovereignty of his rights to the throne. Vіn vysloviv also readiness (as if it were allowed) at once z Є. R. Vorontsova, adjutant A. V. Gudovich, the violin and the pug's love for living in Holstein, but he saw a boarding house sufficient for a harmless basis. They were waiting for Peter's "letter and hand-me-down" about the Supreme Commander on the throne "voluntarily, she was not disturbed." Petro buv is fit for everything and in a letter pokіrno declaring "a whole world of urochisto": "In the order of the Russian power for all my centuries I am calling."

Until noon, Peter was taken under arrest, taken to Peterhof, and then transferred to Ropsha, a small palace of zamіsky, 27 miles from Petersburg. There are no more docks here, the docks will be ready for landing in Shlіsselburz. Oleksiy Orlova was named the head "vartovim". Later, for the whole coup, without shedding a drop of blood, it took two more days - 28 and 29 worms. Frederick II later visited the French envoy to Petersburg, Count L.-F. Segur gave such a commentary about podії in Russia: "The presence of masculinity in Peter III brought yoga: allowing you to throw yourself off the throne, like a child, like a child, let sleep".

The situation of the physical adoption of Peter had the most severe and non-turbo top problems. Like a charm, it happened to itself. On the seventh day after the coup, not a whole lot of documents were signed for Peter III's murder cases. The people were officially announced that Petro Fedorovich had died of hemorrhoidal colic, that he had been eating "out of the will of divine Providence."

Naturally, the contemporary, as a matter of course that historians, even said the food about Katerina's accountability to the point of tragedy. Є different thoughts from the first drive, but all the stench will be on guesses and excuses, and everyday facts, which vikrivayut Katerina in every evil, simply not. Mabut, the French envoy Beranger, if behind the hot tracks he wrote: “I don’t suspect in this princess such a stingy soul, to think that she took the fate of the king’s death, of the infamous vіdomosti of the right author of his stingy driving in, the suspicion of that vileness is left on the empress.

Bilsh definitely hung A.I. Herzen: "Very well, that Katerina did not give punishment to drive Peter III. Here it is important to respect that all the participants in the "unfortunate" (as A. Orlov explained in his penitential note to the Empress) the death of the deposed emperor not only did not suffer the punishment, but were then miraculously rewarded with pennies and kripaks. Tim himself, Katerina, involuntarily, took this grave sin upon herself. Possibly, not less than that, the empress showed mercy and by appointment to her recent enemies: in practice, there were not only no administrations for the Russian tradition, which was formed, on the slander, but she didn’t take the punishment. To bring the meter of Peter Elizaveta Vorontsov was no longer quietly settled in the booths of її dad. Over those years, Catherine II became a christened mother of the first. Truly, magnanimity and innocence are the streak of the strong, who will always bring them glory and the best shanuvalniks.

On June 6, 1762, the Senate announced the signing of Katerina's Manifesto about the succession to the throne. On the 22nd of spring in Moscow, which coldly struck її, the coronation of the urochist was held. Thus began the 34th reign of Catherine the Other.

Starting to characterize the long reign of Katerina II and that particularity, brutally respect for one paradoxical fact: the illegality of descending to the throne of Katerina II is small and has its endless pluses, especially in the first years of the reign, if it’s small, be a heavy practice, with great services that sacrifice, redeem those kings of the law can live without praci. Tsya was needed and was often a spring of great and brilliant deeds. " So, having respected as a writer and memoirist M. I. Grech, who should be prosecuted. Vіn more than once, having thought of the illuminated part of the conscience. V. O. Klyuchevsky, speaking about the task , who stood in front of Katerina, as if she took, and did not take away, power behind the law, and signifying the extreme confusion of the situation in Russia after the coup, voicing at the same moment: Katerina needed to be truthful and unworthy of points. Looking ahead, let's say that the promissory note was repaid by her in an hour.

The main Litheaturi is also the main thing is the main grip of Katerininsky "Stolitty Glenditnitvva" (Shchradoda, not all over the Fakhivzi): izlika "Hotila stilki, ogi" iz. Iz. oskolki won’t solve this problem, having lost their strength in lack of torment, then instead it gave a lead for distant wonders by bringing what it didn’t kill. What did it mean that the current state of affairs needed a radical change in social resources in the country?

Deciding the course of her domestic policy, Katerina spiraled ahead of us on the knowledge of her books. Ale not only. The reworking fuse of the empress on the back of the head pіzhivlyuvavsya її її її її її її її її її її yak " yet not razoranoї kraїni ", de best th to carry out reforms. On the 8th day of the year 1762, the entire sixth day of her reign, Catherine II, by a special decree, confirmed the birch decree of Peter III about the fencing of purchases of kripakiv by promiscuity. Vlasniki zavodіv i kopalenі vіdteper vyvinnі are satisfied with the practice of hiring workers who are paid for the contract. It turns out that it’s not enough for us to say yes to the primus’s work and to work in such a way as to free the country from the “shame of slavery”, as if the spirit of Montesque’s veneration was vimage. Ale namіr tsey not nastіlki yet in her zmіtsnіv, sob to be called to such a revolutionary rock. Until then, Katerina is still not small about the Russian reality. On the other hand, as if having respected one of the smartest people of the Pushkin era, Prince P. A. Vyazemsky, if the daughters of Catherine II had not yet become "reports of the old-fashioned deep", she "loved reforms, but actions, transformations, but not cool", without breaking.

Until 1765, Katherine II came to the thought about the need to call out the Commission for bringing "in the shortest order" of the essential legislation and in order to reliably recognize "the need and sensitivity of the shortfalls of our people." Let's guess, try to call a chinny law-making body - I put the commission - they fought more than once earlier, but all the stench through various reasons ended in failure. Looking back at her, endowed with an unabashed mind, Katerina went into the unbelievable history of Russia for a long time: she folded the special "Instruction" with her hand, which she painted in detail the program of the Commission.

Like screaming from the sheet to Voltaire, she vowed that the Russian people are "wonderful soil, on which we grow well; but we also need axioms, we will not be punished for the truth." And the axioms of vіdomі are the ideas of Enlightenment, which she laid in the basis of the new Russian legislation. V. O. Klyuchevsky specially saw the main mindset for the implementation of Katerina’s reworking plans, in a sly way she wrote in the “Instruction”: “Russia is a European power; Visnovok by itself: axioms, that to establish the remaining and the best plaid of the European thought, to know among the people such self-sufficiency".

Literature about "Nakaz" from long ago has an idea about the sumo-compilative nature of the head Katerina's political practice. Obstructing the imitation of the world, sing to the її vosnі words spoken to the French philosopher and educator D "Alembert:" You swear, as there I chose President Montesqui on the melancholy of my empire, without naming yoga. ", divided into 20 chapters, 294 impinge on the practice of the famous French educator Montesque "About the Spirit of the Laws", and 108 - to the work of the Italian legal scholar Cesare Beccaria "About Evil and Punishment". translating the Russian way of creations of famous authors, like a creative rethinking, trying to report the foundations of some ideas to Russian reality.

(Give it to be.)

The golden century, the capital of Katerina, the Great Tsardom, the rise of absolutism in Russia - this is how historians meant and signify the hour of the reign of Russia by Empress Katerina the Other (1729-1796)

“Tsaryuvannya її was in the distance. Like a sum of money, Katerina diligently practiced for the country, like she gave her such a garn and a large garden. Happiness Russia won naturally bachila yakomog greater expansion between the Russian state. By nature, she was intelligent and cunning, miraculously known in the intrigues of European diplomacy. Cunning and gnuchkіst were the basis of what in Europe, calling on the furnishing, was called the policy of the Pivnіchnaya Semiramida, or the wickedness of the Moscow Messalina " (M. Aldanov "Devil's mist")

Rocks of the rule of Russia by Catherine the Great 1762-1796

Reference to the name of Katerini Other Sophia Augusta Frederick of Anhalt-Zerbstsk. Bula, as a daughter, represented “a side line of one of the eight heads of the Anhalt boudinka” of Prince Anhalt-Zerbstsky, the commandant of the Stettin municipality, which was located in Pomeranian, an area under the kingdom of Prussia (today’s Polish town of Szczecin).

“In 1742, the king of Prussia, Frederick II, bazhayuchi annoy the Saxon court, having hoped to see his princess Maria Anna for the fall of the Russian throne, Peter-Karl-Ulrich of Holstein, having quickly become Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich, he began hastily.

For example, the Prussian king had three German princesses for example: two of Hesse-Darmstadt and one Zerbst. The rest of the most came for a century, but about the fifteenth century itself I named Frederick, not knowing anything. They only said that our mother, Johanna-Elizaveta, led an easy way of life and that little Fike was hardly true, the daughter of the Zerbst prince Khristian-August, who had embraced the governor’s settlement in Stettin.

For a long time, shortly, the Russian Empress Elizaveta Petrivna, the little Fike herself, gathered as a squad for her nephew Karl-Ulrich, who became the Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich of Russia, the future Emperor Peter the Third.

Biography of Catherine the Other. Short

  • 1729, April 21 (O.S.) - Katerina Druga was born
  • 1742, 27th of March - for the joy of Frederick II, the mother of Princess Fikkhen (Fike) sent sheets to Elizabeth with greetings until New Rock
  • 1743, sіchen — a loving leaf at the vіdpovіd
  • 1743, 21 December - Johanna-Elizabeth and Fikkhen took off the sheet of Brumner, the guardian of Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich, from the requests to come to Russia

“Your Serene Highness,” Brummer wrote richly, “it’s necessary to be illumined, so as not to understand the true sense of that impatience, with which the Imperial Majesty would like to see you here, so just like your princess, your daughter, about how sensitively made us feel so good”

  • 1743, 21 March - the same day, in Zerbst, that leaf was taken from Frederick II. The King of Prussia ... stubbornly glad to go and keep a secret trip (so that the Saxons would not know before the hour)
  • 1744, 3 fierce - German princesses arrived to St. Petersburg
  • 1744, 9th of February - Mayday Katerina Velika and her mother arrived to Moscow, where at that moment there was a door
  • 1744, 18th of the fierce - Johanna-Elizabeth sent a sheet of people to inform them that their daughter was named the future Russian tsar
  • 1745, 28 black - Sophia Augusta Frederic adopted Orthodoxy and the new name Katerina
  • 1745, 21 scythes - the friendship of that Katerini
  • 1754, 20 spring - Katerina gave birth to a son, falling to the throne of Paul
  • 1757, 9th breast - Katerina gave birth to Donka Hanna, she died after 3 months
  • 1761, 25th chest - Elizaveta Petrivna died. Becoming Tsar Peter the Third

“Peter the Third was the son of the daughter of Peter I and the son of the sister of Charles XII. Elizabeth, having ascended the Russian throne and taking care of him for the line of her father, instructed Major Korf to take his nephew from Kiel and deliver him to Petersburg. Here the Duke of Holstein, Karl-Peter-Ulrich, was turned into the Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich and the Russian language and the Orthodox catechism were changed. Ale, nature was not so hospitable until now, like a share .... Born and born as a beautiful child, miserably endowed with zdіbnosti. Early becoming a complete orphan, Petro in Holstein, having taken nowhere to look anywhere under the grave of an unlit courtier.

Belittling and squeezing everything, acquiring one's own filthy tastes and sounds, becoming draitivly, nіsіnіtnitsa, vperty and falsehoods, gaining summation schilnostі brehat ...., and in Russia getting used to getting drunk. Holstein taught yoga so nastily that they arrived in Russia with a 14-year-old round nevchem and inspire Empress Elizabeth, striking with their non-government. Shvidka changed the situation and the program for the restoration of the vshchent beat a pantelic and without that a German head. Indulging in something else without a link and order, Petro finished it, having learned nothing, and the dissimilarity of the Holstein and Russian situations, without the stupidity of the Kilian and St. ... Winning with the glory of the military and the strategic genius of Frederick II ... " (V. O. Klyuchevsky "Course of Russian history")

  • 1762, 13 April - Peter laid peace with Friedrich. Mustache of the earth, buried by Russia at Prussia at the hour of the turn to the Germans
  • 1762, 29 May - Allied agreement between Prussia and Russia. Russian military handed over to Frederick's order, which called out sharply dissatisfied guards

(The ensign of the guard) “became the empress. The emperor is rotten alive from his retinue, threatening to separate from her, and imprison her to a monastery, and put a close person to him, the niece of Chancellor Count Vorontsov, in the middle of nowhere. Katerina kept aloof for a long time, patiently enduring her camp and not entering directly with the dissatisfied." (Klyuchevsky)

  • 1762, 9 chervnya - at the ceremonial obіdі z in the future, the emperor voted a toast for the imperial prizvische. Katerina vipila kelikh sitting. On the diet of Peter, why she didn’t get up, she confessed that she didn’t respect anyone for the needs, to that the imperial title is all made up of the emperor, from her very son, falling to the throne. “And my uncles, the princes of Holstein?” - after stopping Petro and punishing the adjutant-general Gudovich, standing at the new one behind the armchair, go to Katerina and say a lily word. Ale, be afraid, yak bi Gudovich did not say a word inconsiderate during the transmission, Petro himself wiggled yoga through the steel.

    The Empress wept. That same evening they were punished to arrest її, which, vtіm, was not vikonan for the murmurings of one of the uncles of Peter, the miraculous culprits of the scene. From that hour, Katerina began to listen more respectfully to the propositions of her friends, as they strove, starting from the very death of Elizabeth. The acceptance was marked by the impersonal nature of the great St. Petersburg society, which was specially scribbled by Peter

  • 1762, 28 worms -. Katerina is voted by the empress
  • 1762, 29 worms - Peter the Third was called to the throne
  • 1762, 6 limes - murders at the v'yaznitsa
  • 1762, 2 spring - Coronation of Catherine the Other near Moscow
  • 1787, 2nd day - 1st lime -
  • 1796, 6th leaf fall - death of Catherine the Great

Domestic policy of Katerina Druga

- Changes in the central government: in 1763, the ordering of the structure and renewal of the Senate
- Liquidation of the autonomy of Ukraine: liquidation of the hetmanship (1764), liquidation of the Zaporizhian Sich (1775), enslavement of the peasantry (1783)
- Further ordering of the church of the state: secularization of church and monastic lands, 900 thousand church krіpaks became sovereign krіpaks (1764)
- Improving legislation: a decree on tolerance to rozkolnikiv (1764), the right of assistants to send villagers to hard labor (1765), the establishment of a noble monopoly on distillery (1765), the fence for villagers to give scarves to assistants (1768), the creation of four courts for nobles, townspeople (1775 ) thin.
- Improvement of the administrative system of Russia: subdivision of Russia for 50 provincial deputies 20, subdivision of the province for povitia, subdivision of power in the provinces for functions (administrative, judicial, financial) (1775);
- Renovation of the camp of the nobility (1785):

  • confirmation of all the becoming rights and privileges of the nobility: exemption from obov'yazkovo service, from poll tax, corporal punishment; the right to the non-obligation of disposing of the maєtkom and the land at once from the villagers;
  • the creation of noblemen's camps: povitov and provincial noblemen's collections, as if they were elected once for three years and robbed the povitovs and provincial nobility's gangs;
  • Assigning the title of "gentry" to the nobility.

“Katerina Druga had a good idea that she could stay on the throne, less likely to do well for the nobility and the officers, - abi zapobig chi want to change the care of the new palazzo zmovi. Tse Katerina and rob. All of our internal politics was carried out to such an extent that the life of officers at our court in the guards quarters could be seen and received.

- Economical innovations: the establishment of a financial commission for the unification of pennies; establishing commissions on commerce (1763); a manifesto on the conduct of a general delimitation for fixing land allotments; the establishment of the Free Economic Partnership to help the nobility's business (1765); financial reform: the introduction of paper pennies - banknotes (1769), the creation of two banknotes (1768), the issuance of the first Russian foreign policy (1769); the establishment of the postal department (1781); allowed the plant to private persons druknі (1783)

The current politics of Catherine the Other

  • 1764 - Agreement with Prussia
  • 1768-1774 - Russian-Turkish war
  • 1778 - Reminder of the union with Prussia
  • 1780 - Union of Russia, Denmark. and Sweden with the method of protecting navigation during the war for the independence of the USA
  • 1780 - Defense alliance of Russia and Austria
  • 1783, 8 April -
  • 1783, 4 sickles - the establishment of a Russian protectorate over Georgia
  • 1787-1791 —
  • 1786, 31st of March - trade agreement with France
  • 1788 worm - serpen - war from Sweden
  • 1792 - opening of the border from France
  • 1793, 14 birch - an agreement about friendship with England
  • 1772, 1193, 1795 - the fate of Prussia and Austria at the same time in the divisions of Poland
  • 1796 - war in Persia at the beginning of the invasion of the Persians to Georgia

Life Specialist of Catherine the Other. Short

“Katerina, by her nature, was neither evil, nor zhorstok ... and supermundanely domineering: all her life was unfailingly changed under the influence of one favorite, which, for the sake of joy, gave up her power, intervening at their orders, they showed only their incompetence in the country, , nezdatnіst chi foolishness: there was rozumnіsha and dosvіdchenіsha at the right, lower mustache її kohantsі, for the vinnyatka of Prince Potomkin.
Katerina's nature did not have anything transcendental, around the wondrous summish of the grossest and all the greater with the rocks of sensitivity with a daily German, practical sentimentalism. At her sixty-five fates, like a girl, she suffocated at the twenty-fifth officers and widely believed that the stench also suffocated from her. For a dozen or so years, she cried with bitter tears, if she gave up, nibi Platon Zubov would streak out of her, lower than usual.
(Mark Aldaniv)

The topic of this article is the biography of Catherine the Great. From 1762 to 1796 the empress reigned. The epoch of government was marked by the hardening of the villagers. Also, Katerina the Great, biography, photo, and the kind of activity that is represented by this article, essentially expanded the privileges of the nobility.

The adventures of that childishness of Katerini

The Mayday Empress was born on May 2 (for the new style - April 21) 1729 p. in Stettin. Vaughn was the daughter of Prince Anhalt-Zerbst, who was in the Prussian service, and Princess Johanni-Elisabeth. The future empress was arguing with the English, Prussian and Swedish royal houses. She learned homework: she learned French and German language, music, theology, geography, history, and danced. Exploring such a topic, like the biography of Catherine the Great, it is significant that the independent character of the future empress already appeared among children. Vaughn was a hard-nosed, dopey child, small scaling to rickety, living igors.

Baptism and wedding of Katerini

Katerina at once from mother in 1744 was called by Empress Elizaveta Petrivna to Russia. Here we were baptized for the Orthodox zvichaєm. Katerina Oleksiivna became the betrothed of Peter Fedorovich, the Grand Duke (in the future, Emperor Peter III). Vaughn got married to him in 1745 roci.

Burial of the Empress

Katerina wanted to win the favor of her person, the empress and the Russian people. The special life of її, prote, did not develop far away. The oskelki of Petro were not infantile, there were no stretching out for a long time for friends of friends between them. Katerina hooted at her readers about law, history and economics, and learning about French educators. Її svіtoglyady formed all tsі books. The future empress became a hoarder of the ideas of Enlightenment. So it was tucked away by traditions that sounded like the history of Russia.

Life Specialist of Katerini II

Today we should write a lot about such an important historical person, like Katerina the Great: biography, children, special life - all for the purpose of investigating historians and the interest of riches of our spіvvіtchiznikіv. First of all, we know the Empress at the school. However, those that we know in history lessons are far from new information about such an empress, like Catherine the Great. Biography (Grade 4) omitted from a school tutor, for example, її special life.

Catherine II, on the cob of the 1750s, started a novel from S.V. Saltikov, Guards officer. Vaughn gave birth to a son in 1754, the future Emperor Paul I. Katerina, in the other half of the 1750s, had an affair with S. Poniatowski, a Polish diplomat who became King Stanislaw August. Also on the cob of the 1760s - from G.G. Orlovim. The Empress gave birth to the son of Oleksiy in 1762, who took away the nickname of Bobrinsky. The shards of a stokanka with a man were killed, Katerina began to fear for a share and began to recruit at the court of prikhilniks. The breadth of love її to the fatherland, її arrogance and ostentatious piety - everything contrasted with the behavior of the її person, which allowed the future empress to gain authority among the population of St. Petersburg and the great metropolitan camaraderie.

Voting of Katerini as Empress

Vіdnosini Katerinis with his man prodovzh 6 months of his reign continued to mourn, having become an evil fortune teller. Petro vydkrito appeared at the house of his kohanka E.R. Vorontsov. Vinikla threatens to arrest Katerini and possibly hanging. The future empress was diligently preparing the zmovu. Її supported N.I. Panin, E.R. Dashkova, K.G. Razumovsky, brothers Orlov and others. Like a night, from 27 to 28 chervnya in 1762, when Petro had stayed at Oranienbaum, Katerina secretly came to Petersburg. Vaughn was voted at the barracks of the Izmailovsky regiment by the autocratic empress. Until the last days, other regiments arrived. A message about the Empress's ascension to the throne flew out like a flash. St. Petersburg residents have stricken її іz zakhoplennyam. Messengers to Kronstadt, that army was sent to forestall Peter III. Vin, having found out about those who were trapilos, having begun to overthink propositions about the negotiations before Katerina, but she dismissed them. The Empress set out especially in St. Petersburg, especially the guards regiments, and took away the dear letter from the address to the throne of Peter III.

Report about the palace coup

As a result of the palace coup on 9 lime 1762, Katerina II came to power. Become so. Through the arrest of Pasek, all the guards rose to their feet, grinning, that under the torturas one could see the arrests. It was sung for Katerina Oleksiya Orlova. The Empress at the same time lived on the birthday of Peter III at Peterhof. On the 28th of a chervnia, Oleksiy Orlov ran up to her and told her about the arrest of Passek. Katerina strength in Orlov's carriage, she was brought to the Izmailovsky regiment. The soldiers vibіgli on the square on the drum beat and immediately swore allegiance. Then she destroyed the Semenivsky regiment, which also swore allegiance to the empress. Suprovodzhuvana yurba people, on choli dvoh polkіv, Katerina virushila to the Kazan Cathedral. Here, at the prayer service, the empress was voted. Then she straightened up to the Winter Palace and found there the Synod and the Senate already at the gathering. Voni also swore an oath.

Features and character of Catherine II

Tsikava is not less than a biography of Catherine the Great, but also her special character, which imposed a blow on her domestic politics. Katerina II was a subtle psychologist and a well-known knower of people. The Empress graciously chose assistants, with whom she was not afraid of talented and bright specialties. Katherine's hour was marked by the appearance of impersonal eminent sovereign deacons, and to inspire generals, musicians, artists, writers. Katerina bula at the occasion of her sons, sound like a streamer, tactful, patient. Vaughn was a wonderful spy, she could respectfully listen to anyone. Behind the high knowledge of the empress, creative mind, won't be small, she protested the thoughts that were standing, and allowed them to conquer them in their own purposes.

Mayzhe buv noisy vіdstavok pіd hіvlіnnya tsієї іmpressіtsi. The nobles were not shy to the point of disgrace, they were not sent and were not wasted. An hour later, the reign of Katerina is vowed to the "golden centuries" of the nobility in Russia. The Empress, at the same time, was more like a pihat and valued her power the most in the world. Vaughn was ready to drink for the sake of її savings on whether or not compromises, including at the expense of the power of reconciliation.

Religiousness of the Empress

The empress was ostentatious in piety. Vaughn respected herself with her head of the Orthodox Church. Katerina favored religion in political interests. Maybe, її faith was not deep anymore. The biography of Catherine the Great is marked by the fact that she preached tolerance at the heart of the hour. The same for the tsієї Ії іmpressі pripinovaya Bulo research of the Old Believers. Protestant and Catholic churches and mosques were built. Protéhіd іnshіd vіru z pravoslavіya, like і earlier, caravs zhorstoko.

Katerina is an opponent of the violent law

Katerina Velika, the biography of which we are called, was an inveterate opponent of the serfs. Vaughn respected yoga in such a way that it supersedes the nature of people and is inhumane. A few sharp words from that food were saved at її papers. Also, you can know from them її mirkuvannya about those, how you can likvіduvat kіpatstvo. The protémpress did not dare to roam in this room, be it specifically through the fear of a coup d'état and a noble revolt. Katerina, at the same time, bula perekonana at tsomu, scho Russian villagers are spiritually innocent, to that there is no security in the freedom granted to them. At the thought of the empress, the life of the villagers can be safely finished off by their assistants.

First reforms

If Katherine has ascended the throne, it is too small to complete the same political program. Vaughn was founded on the ideas of Enlightenment and protected the peculiarities of the development of Russia. Consequence, progress, and the appearance of a suspenseful mood were the main ambushes of the current program. Catherine II in the first years of government reformed the Senate (1763). Yogo robot as a result became more efficient. Nastupny, in 1764, the secularization of church lands was initiated by Katerina Velika. A biography for the children of the empress, presented on the sides of the school assistants, it is obligatory to know the schoolchildren with this fact. Secularization significantly replenished the treasury, and made the camp of the faceless peasants easier. Katerina in Ukraine liquidated the hetmanship in a way that was necessary to unify municipal administration throughout the entire territory of the state. In addition, the won asked to the Russian Empire for the development of the Black Sea and the Volga region of the German colonists.

The foundation of the initial mortgages and the new Code

In tsі f roki tsіla low initial mortgages were founded, including for women (the first in Russia) - Katherine School, Smolny Institute. In 1767, the Empress voted about those who, for the creation of a new Code, called for a special commission. The won was formed from the elected deputies, representatives of the current social groups of the suspenst, the Crimean peasants-kripakiv. For the commission, Katerina wrote "Instruction", which is, in fact, the liberal program of the reign of the empress. The deputies did not understand the protests. From the smallest pits, the stench was led by superchicks. Glibokі protirіchchya mіzh social groups appeared pіd h tsikh dekusіy, as well as a low level among rich deputies in political culture and conservatism more of them. A commission was laid on the basis of 1768 and was dissolved. The Empress appreciated this lesson as an important lesson, which he learned from the moods of different versions of the population of the state.

Development of legislative acts

After that, the Russian-Turkish war ended, which lasted from 1768 to 1774, and the rebellion of Pugachov was strangled, and a new stage of Katerini's reforms began. The Empress began to review the most important legislative acts. Zokrema, the manifesto of 1775 was seen to rock, which was allowed to start without borders, be it a business enterprise. Thus, the provincial reform was carried out, and as a result, a new administrative division of the empire was established. Vono was preserved until 1917.

Exploring the theme "A short biography of Catherine the Great", it is significant that in 1785 the empress saw the most important legislative acts. Tse buli salaries of letters to places and nobility. Thus, a letter was prepared for the sovereign villagers, but the protesters did not allow the political situation to be set aside. The main significance of these charters is connected with the implementation of the main goal of Katerini's reforms - the creation in the empire of state-of-the-art camps on the zrazok of Western Europe. The diploma meant that the Russian nobility was legally secured with all the privileges and rights that a new one had.

The Remains of the Unsuccessful Reforms Proclaimed by Catherine the Great

The biography (short zmist) of the Empress, who told us, was marked by him, that she carried out various reforms until her very death. For example, the reform of education was carried out in the 1780s. Katerina Velika, whose biography is presented in this article, has created a lot of foundations on the system of class-lesson school mortgages in localities. The Empress, with the rest of her life, continued to plan a serious transformation. The reform of the central administration was planned for 1797, as well as the introduction of legislation in the country on the order of succession to the throne, the creation of which was based on the representation of the three states of the highest court instance. Prote failed to complete the great program of reforms Katerina 2 Velika. A short biography її would be inaccurate, the yakbees did not guess about everything. In general, the ninth of the reforms were carried out by the reworking, rozpochatyh Peter I.

The new politics of Katerini

Why else is the biography of Katerina II the Great? The empress, following Peter, respected that Russia could actively work in the world arena, pursue an offensive policy, instill an aggressive world in song. After descending to the throne, she broke the allied agreement from Prussia, the provisions of Peter III. Zavdyaki zusillyam tsієї ієї Ії ІІ Biron on the throne of Courland. Supporting Prussia, 1763 the fate of Russia agreed to install Stanislav August Poniatowski, his protege, on the Polish throne. Tse called, at his hand, to the destruction of Austria through those who were afraid of the settlement of Russia and began to destroy Turechchina until the war with her. In general, for Russia, there was a successful Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774, but the difficult situation in the middle of the countryside spurred the world away. And for whom it was necessary to make a lot of money from Austria. A solemn compromise was reached. Poland became a victim of this: the first division was created in 1772 by the rotations of Russia, Austria and Prussia.

Bulo was signed Kyuchuk-Kaynardzhiysky peace from Turechchina, which secured the independence of the Crimea, a vision for Russia. The Empire in the war of England with the colonies of Pivnichnoy America took neutrality. Katerina acted to help the troops of the English king. Prior to the Declaration on Safe Neutrality, created by Panin's initiative, came the number of low powers of Europe. It took away the transfer of the colonists. At a distant fate, the position of our country in the Caucasus and in Crimea was marked, as it ended with the inclusion of the rest of the Russian Empire in 1782, as well as the signing of the offensive rock of St. This was ensured by the presence of Russian military troops in Georgia, that buv and the advent of її territory to Russia.

Significance of authority in the international arena

The new modern political doctrine in the order of Russia was formed in the 1770s. Tse buv Greek project. The main method of yoga was the rebirth of the Byzantine Empire and the stunned by the emperor Prince Kostyantyn Pavlovich, a kind of buv onuk Katerina II. In 1779, Russia clearly established its authority in the international arena, taking a part as an intermediary between Prussia and Austria in the Teschen congress. The biography of Empress Katerina the Great can also be supplemented by the fact that in 1787 the royal court, the Polish king, the Austrian emperor and foreign diplomats went up to the Crimea. Vono became a demonstration of the military might of Russia.

Wars with Turkey and Sweden, further divided Poland

The biography of Katerina the 2nd of the Great continued until she started a new Russian-Turkish war. Russia is now in a union with Austria. Practically at the same time, the same war began in Sweden (from 1788 to 1790), as if trying to take revenge after the defeat in Pivnichny war. The Russian empire has gone into the distance against both of these opponents. In 1791, the war with Turechchina ended. Yasky world of signatures in 1792 roci. Vіn zakrіv vpiv vplіv Rosії from Transcaucasia and Bessarabia, as well as coming to her Krim. The 2nd and 3rd divisions of Poland occurred in 1793 and 1795 in the same year. The stink laid the edge of the Polish sovereignty.

Empress Katerina the Great, a short biography as we looked at, died on the 17th leaf fall (according to the old style - the 6th leaf fall) in 1796 near St. Petersburg. Significant contributions to Russian history, which keep the memory of Catherine II rich in the works of the widowhood and worldly culture, including the works of such great writers as N.V. Gogol, A.S. Pushkin, B. Shaw, V. Pikul et al. Russian revolt and in.

Petro was called abnormal and at the same time impotent. There were days when Katerina thought about self-destruction. After ten years of zamіzhzhya, she gave birth to a son. Ymovirno, the father of the child Sergiy Saltikov, a young Russian nobleman, the first kohanets of Katerini. Petro's oskelki, becoming absolutely incontestable and more and more unpopular with the people and at court, Katerina's chances of falling to the Russian throne looked absolutely hopeless. Petro, Crimea, becoming a threat to Katerina's separation. Vaughan vyrishila organized a coup d'état. At the black hour of 1762, Peter, who at that time had already become emperor, denounced the black shalena idea. Vіn vyrіshiv denounce the war of Denmark. For the preparation of military action wines viїhav z capital. Katerina, who is being guarded by a regiment of the Imperial Guard, flew to St. Petersburg and declared herself an empress. Petro, opposing me with novelty, for arrests and forcings. Count Grigory Orlov and his two brothers were the head spilnik of Katerina. All three were officers of the Imperial Guard. During the years of її more lower than the 30th rule, Katerina significantly weakened the power of the clergy in Russia, strangled the great peasant rebellion, reorganized the apparatus of the sovereign administration, sent the capital to Ukraine, and added over 200,000 square kilometers to the territory.

Even before the winter, Katerina was super sensitive. So, at night, she often engaged in masturbation, squeezing a pillow between her legs. Petro's oskelki became completely impotent and zovsіm not having sex, it was good for the new one at the same time, when you could sleep or play with your favorite toys. At the 23rd, the won was still left unborrowed. Like a night on an island in the Baltic Sea, the maid of honor Katerini lost her alone (possibly, at the request of Katerini herself) from Saltik, with a young companion. Vіn promised to deliver Katherine majestic to the malt, and in truth, she did not lose her enchantment. Katerina was able to give free rein to her sexuality. Nezabara she was already a mother of two children. The father of both children, zvichayav, Petro, wanting one time when they were close, they felt something like this: A friend of the child Katerini died unexpectedly after that, like a right-handed father, a young Polish nobleman, who worked at the embassy of England, and was driven out of Russia from the shambles.

Three more children were born Katerina from Grigory Orlov. Pishnі podnitsі that merezhiva schorazu successfully prihovuvali її vagіtnіstі. The first child was born to Katerina in the form of Orlov for the life of Peter. Near the hour, near the palace, the faithful servants of Katerina built a great fire to bring Peter back. It was good for everyone to see that he was a great lover of such species. The other two children wriggled in the booths of the servants and maid of honor Katerini. These maneuvers were necessary for Katerina, the remnants of her family decided to take over for Orlov, who did not want to put an end to the Romanov dynasty. At the entrance to the spring, Grigory turned Katerina's door into his harem. Prote-won was deprived of the yoma virna tsilih 14 rokiv and was left with a rest in the same time only, if he had calmed down his її 13-river cousin.

Katerina already screamed for 43 years. Vaughn, like before, was becoming more amiable, and her sensitivity and voluptuousness were no longer growing. One of the її vіrnih khilnikіv, officer of the cavalry Grigoriy Potomkin, swore allegiance to his fidelity until the end of his life, and then he went to the monastery. Win did not turn to the social life of the doti, docks Katerina did not denounce him as her official leader.

For two years, Katerina and the 35th favorite led a raging love life, filled with welding and reconciliation. If Katerina nabridla Gregory, vіn, bazhayuchi pozbutisa її, but do not waste your time at court, zoom in on її in that you can change your favorites so easily, as if you were your other servants. Vin Navit swore that he would take care of his selection himself.

Such a system miraculously worked until Katerina blew up. As if the candidate at the favorite was known to be healthy, he could go through one more test - his masculinity was reconsidered by one of the ladies-in-waiting Katerini, as she herself chose for it. The next step, as a candidate yoga, suddenly, having reached, was the universe at a special apartment near the palace. These apartments were located directly above Katerini's bedroom, and there they led the way, unknown to strangers. At the apartments, the leader shukav zazdalegіd prepared youmu znachnu sum. Officially at the court, the leader of the mav posad of the head adjutant Katerini. When the favorite was changed, the "night emperor", as they were called by some, otrimuvav like a generous gift, for example, a large sum of pennies or 4,000 kripakiv.

For 16 years, the foundation of the system of Katerina has changed 13 leaders. In 1789, the 60-year-old Katerina succumbed to the 22-year officer of the Imperial Guard Platon Zubov. Teeth were left as the main object of Katerina's sexual interest until her death at age 67. There were a few people walking around that Katerina died while trying to see a woman with a stallion at the statue. In fact, she died two days after she suffered a major heart attack.

Peter's impotence is explained, perhaps, by the deformity of one of the state members, which could have been forced into an additional operation. Saltikov with his close friends supposedly got Peter drunk and encouraged him to carry out such an operation. It worked so that it could be possible to explain the devil's vaginess of Katerina. It is not clear that there were statues of women with Katerina at Peter's, but after a certain hour, kohankas began to appear at the new one.

Best days

In 1764 Katerina robbed the Polish count Stanislaw Poniatowski, her other kohantsy, who had been driven from Russia, by the king of Poland. If Poniatowski didn’t manage to get in the way of his internal political opponents, and the situation in the country began to come out of control, Katerina simply erased Poland from the map, annexing part of the country and destroying Prussia.

The share of other cochants and leaders of Katerina was formed differently. Grigory Orlov zbozhevoliv. Before his death, he thought for a whole hour that he was following Mayor Peter, wanting to beat the emperor in, planning Oleksiy, brother of Grigory Orlov. Oleksandr Lansky, the leader of the leaders of Katerina, died of diphtheria, having improved his health by the irrepressible treatment of aphrodisiacs. Ivan Rimsky-Korsakov, the father of the famous Russian composer, having used the place of the favorite after turning to Countess Bruce, maid of honor Katerina, to conduct additional "trials". Countess Bruce herself was at that hour a quiet lady-in-waiting, as she "gave the go-ahead" after the fact that, as a candidate for a favorite, she brought her to the point that she could sexually and constructively satisfy the empress. The Countess was replaced by a woman of a larger mature age. Chergovy favorite Oleksandr Dmitriev-Mamonov was allowed to drink his own plant and make friends with the lady of the court. Katerina sulked for three days, and then gave the young people a luxurious spring gift.

The special life and career of Katerini's great leader was fading far away.

Katerina II Oleksivna Velika (nee Sophia August Frederick Anhalt-Zerbstska, nem. Sophie Auguste Friederike von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg, Russian Orthodox Katerina Oleksivna; 21 April (2 January) 1729, Stettin 7 Palaces, St. Petersburg) - Russian Empress 1762 to 1796 rec.

The daughter of Prince Anhalt-Zerbstsky, Katerina came to power in the course of a palace coup, throwing off the throne the unpopular man Peter III.

Katherine's era was marked by the maximum concentration of the peasants and the general expansion of the privileges of the nobility.

For Katerina the Great Cordon of the Russian Empire, they were signifi- cantly rozsunuty on the way (divided the Commonwealth) and on the day (the arrival of Novorossiya).

The system of state administration for Catherine the Other was reformed in an hour.

In terms of culture, Russia still reached the level of the great European powers, which the empress herself took a little, that she was intoxicated by literary activity, that she took masterpieces of painting and lied with French enlighteners.

In general, Katerina's policy and reforms fit into the mainstream of the illuminated absolutism of the 18th century.

Katerina II Velika (documentary film)

Sophia Frederick August Anhalt-Zerbstskaya was born on April 21 (2 January for the new style) 1729 to the same German city of Stettin - the capital of Pomerania (Pomor'ya). Ninі the place is called Szczecin, among other territories it was voluntarily transferred by the Radyansk Union, for the bags of Other Light Poland and the capital of Zahidno-Pomorskoe Voivodeship of Poland.

Batko, Khristiyan August of Anhalt-Zerbstsky, having gone from the Zerbst-Dorneburz line of the Anhaltsky booth and having been in the service of the Prussian king, he was a regimental commander, commandant, then the governor of the town of Shtettin, the future empress appeared on the hill, in balotus. , having finished her service as the Prussian Field Marshal Mati - Johanna Elizaveta, from the Gottorpsky Volodar, fell under the cousin of the future Peter III. Rodovid Johann Elisabeth to go to Christian I, King of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the first Duke of Schleswig-Holstein and the founder of the dynasty of Oldenburg.

Uncle on the mother's line Adolf-Friedrich buve in 1743 appeals to the decline of the Swedish throne, having entered in 1751 under the name of Adolf-Fredrik. The third uncle, Karl Eytinskiy, following the idea of ​​Catherine I, mave to become a daughter of Elizaveta, died before the spring cleansings.

At the same time, the Duke of Zerbst, Katerina got home lighting. Learned English, French and Italian language, dance, music, basics of history, geography, theology. Vaughn grew up a chewy, drunken, empty girl, she loved to show off her body in front of the lads, with whom she easily played on the Stettin streets. The fathers were dissatisfied with their daughter's "floppy" behavior, but they were in control that Frederika was talking about the young sister of Augusta. Її mothers called її in the childhood of Fike abo Fikhen (nim. Figchen - to resemble the name of Frederica, tobto "little Frederika").

In 1743, the Russian Empress Elizaveta Petrivna, who was named for her decline Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich, the future Russian Emperor), guessed about those who, on her deathbed, commanded her to become the retinue of the Holstein brother prince, Rіd. Possibly, the furnishing itself shattered the cup of terezіv on Frederica's greed; Earlier, Elizaveta energetically supported the election to the Swedish throne, and her uncle exchanged portraits for her mother. In 1744, the royal princess, together with her mother, was requested to Russia for friendship with Peter Fedorovich, who was his second cousin. Formerly, she succumbed to her future man in Yeitin Castle near 1739.

Immediately after the arrival of Russia, she began to learn Russian language, history, Orthodoxy, Russian traditions, she began to learn more about Russia, as if she adopted a new fatherland. In the middle of the audience, they see the famous preacher Simon Todorsky (teacher of Orthodoxy), the author of the first Russian grammar Vasil Adadurov (teacher of Russian language) and choreographer Lange (teacher of dances).

Pragnuchi yaknaishvidshe vivchiti rosiyskomu mova, the future empress was busy at night, sitting on the open window on the frosty weather. Nezabara she fell ill on the burning of legends, and the camp became important, that her mother ordered to bring a Lutheran pastor. Sophia, however, was inspired and sent for Simon Todorsky. Tsya furnishing added to its popularity for the Russian court. 28 worms (9 limes) 1744 p. Sophia Frederick Augusta converted from Lutheranism to Orthodoxy and took away the name of Katerina Oleksiivna (the same name after the father, that of Mother Elizabeth - Katerina I), and the next day she was entrusted with the future emperor.

The appearance of Sophia with her mother at St. Petersburg was accompanied by a political intrigue, with her mother, Princess Tserbstskaya, who was mixed up. Vaughn was the chanula of the King of Prussia, Frederick II, and the rest of the victorious victorious її rebuffed at the Russian imperial court to establish his contribution to the foreign policy of Russia. For whom it was planned, for additional intrigue and intrigue to the Empress Elizaveta Petrivna, to see the reports of Chancellor Bestuzhev, who pursued an anti-Prussian policy, and to replace him with other nobles, as if they sympathized with Prussia. Prote Bestuzhev was far away to pick up the leaves of the Princess of Tserbst Frederick II and present them to Elizabeth Petrivna. After that, as the rest recognized about the “ugly role of the Prussian spy”, as if she played at the court of Mother Sophia, then she negainally changed her appointment to her and fell. However, Sophia herself did not get into trouble, as she did not take part in her intrigue.

On September 21, 1745, to the fate of the sixteenth century, Katerina bula povinchana with Peter Fedorovich, I was blessed with 17 years of age and who was brought by my second cousin. The first fates of a sleepy life Petro zovsіm did not chirp with a retinue, and there were no friends among them.

Nareshti, after two nearby vacancies, On the 20th of spring 1754 Katerina gave birth to the son of Paul. The canopies were important, they did not immediately take from the mother of the will of Empress Elizaveta Petrivna, who reigned, and allowed Katerina the opportunity to wiggle, allowing only a little bit of Pavel's bachiti. So the great princess thrashed her son in less than 40 days after the fall. It is low dzherel that the true father of Pavel was the cokhan of Katerini S. V. Saltikov (there is no direct assertion about it in the “Notes” of Katerina II, but they often stink like that). Other - that such a bit of relief was made, and that Peter was ruined by the operation, that he had a defect, which made him unable to conceive. The nutrition of the fatherland vyklikav the interest of the sspіlstv.

After the people of Pavel, the women with Peter and Elizaveta Petrivna were left behind. Petro, having called his retinue "reserve madam" and suddenly starting a kohanka, meanwhile, without respite robit tse and Katherine, who in this period had the heart of the English ambassador, Sir Charles Henbury and Williams, vinik zv'yazok z Stanislav Po Polnyatovsky - the future king. On December 9, 1757, Katerina gave birth to Donka Hanna, who called out more strongly to Peter's displeasure, saying at the sound of the new vagity: “God knows why my squad was newly excited! I don’t care about what I see as a child and what I can take on my baby”.

The English ambassador Williams was during this period a close friend of that trusted special Katerina. Vіn repeatedly pressing їy znachnі sumi yak pozik chi subsidies: less than 1750 rubles. їй 50,000 rubles were transferred, which are two її receipts; and leaf fall 1756 p. їй 44,000 krb were transferred. Natomist vіn otrimuvav vіd neї raznu konfіdentsіynu іnformatsiyu - in usnіy form і for additional leaves, yakі vіn dosit regularly wrote to you nibi in the name of the person (with the method of confidentiality). Zokrema, Nakrikinzi 1756, Pirlya Semirikhichny Viyni Zyssiyu (ally of the Bula Angliya), VILILAMS, YAK VOUSHIC SPECH, ONIMA INFORMINE INFORMISIA London, and also to Berlin to the Prussian king Frederick II. After seeing Williams out, she took away pennies from Keith, his adversary. Often, Katerina's slaughter for pennies to the English is explained by її marnots, through the yak її witrati richly overwhelmed tі sumi, like they were admitted to її utrimannya z karbnitsі. In one of her leaves, Williams was called out, for a sign of sympathy, “bring Russia to a friendly alliance with England, pushing it everywhere and winning, necessary for the good of all Europe and especially Russia, in front of the sleeping enemy, France, the great thing is to become a shame for Russia. I’ll learn to practice it a little, I’ll justify my glory on them and bring the king, your sovereign, the wisdom of my feelings. ”.

Already beginning in 1756, and especially during the period of illness of Elizaveta Petrivna, Katerina blamed the plan to put the future emperor (her man) on the throne with a path to heal, which she repeatedly wrote to Williams. For these purposes, Katerina, following the words of the historian V. O. Klyuchevsky, “asked the position for gifts and bought 10 thousand pounds sterling from the English king, being an honest word for children in the deepest Anglo-Russian interests, began to think about . Elizabeth entered into a secret pleasure with the Hetman K. Razumovsky, the commander of one of the Guards regiments. At this plan of the palace coup, the bestuzhev, the chancellor, who declared Katherine's blessing, was assigned.

On the cob 1758 p. Empress Elizaveta Petrivna suspected Apraksin, the commander-in-chief of the Russian army, and Katerina tried with friendly sisters, and recalled Chancellor Bestuzhev himself. Offended, they were arrested, they recognized the recognition of that punishment; Prote Bestuzhev caught up to arrest all his listing with Katerina, which lied about the re-examination of that disgrace. It's time for calls to England Williams. In this manner, її many favorites were wiped out, and columns of new ones began to form: Grigory Orlov and Dashkova.

The death of Elizaveta Petrivna (25 December 1761) and the ascension to the throne of Peter Fedorovich under the name of Peter III made even more friends. Peter III, having become a witness to life with the kohanka Elizaveta Vorontsova, having settled a squad in the other province of the Winter Palace. If Katerina zavagіtnіla vіd Orlova, it was not possible to explain the vipadkovy chаttyam vіd person, splintering splіkuvannya podruzhzhya pripinilos at that hour absolutely. Katerina prihovuval her vagіtnіst, and if the hour of the people came, її vіddaniya valet Vasil Grigorovich Shkurіn fired his budinok. A lover of such sights, Petro, from the yard, went from the palace to marvel at the fire; At the same time, Katerina gave birth safely. Thus, Oleksiy Bobrinsky was born, to whom his brother Pavlo I was given the title of count.

Having ascended the throne, Peter III created a series of actions, which caused a negative promotion to the new officer corps. So, after having laid a treaty with Prussia, which was not viable for Russia, then Russia won a low victory over her under the hour of the Seventh War, and turning it into a slaughter of Russian lands. At once, Mav Namir at the union of Prussia will step up against Denmark (allies of Russia), with the method of turning her back on Holstein Schleswig, moreover, Mav Namir himself will step up at the march on the guards. Petro, having voiced about the sequestration of the lane of the Russian Church, spoke about the monastic agriculture and shared his plans for the reform of church rites. The pribіchniki of the coup called Peter III also in non-government, bewilderment, dislike for Russia, total lack of prestige before the government. Katerina looked vigilantly at the aphids - sensible, well-read, pious and good-natured team, as if she knew the person's reconsideration.

After that, as a couple of women with a man were still remaining and the dissatisfaction with the emperor from the side of the guard grew stronger, Katerina dared to take her part in the coup. Її comrades-in-arms, the main ones of which were the brothers Orlovi, sergeant major Potomkin and adjutant Fedir Khitrovo, engaged in agitation in the guards' quarters and slew them on their own bik. The immediate cause of the coup was a little bit about the arrest of Katerina and the arrest of one of the participants in the movement - Lieutenant Passek.

Calling on everything, and here it did not happen without foreign participation. How to write A. Troyat and K. Valishevsky, planning to knock down Peter III, Katerina turned for a penny to the French and English, pulling them on those who were going to get out. The French, with distrust, set themselves up to її prokhannya posichiti 60 yew. rub., not believing in the seriousness of his plan, but in the face of the English won 100 thousand rubles, which they gave, maybe, pushed the її setting to England and France.

On the early morning of 28 chervnya (9 linden) in 1762, while Peter III, having visited Oranianbaum, Katerina, with the escort Oleksia and Grigory Orlovikh, arrived from Peterhof to St. Petersburg, they swore allegiance to the guards. Peter III, bachachi hopeless support, the coming day was called to the throne, having been taken under the vartu and perished for the unkempt furnishing. At her leaf, Katerina allegedly declared that before her death, Petro was tormented by hemorrhoids. After death (want to know the facts, what is before death - div. far away) Katerina punished the roztin, so that they suspected about the trouble. Roztin showed (behind Katerini's words) that the hose was absolutely clean, including the presence of dirt.

Vodnochas, as the historian M.I. Pavlenko, “The violent death of the emperor is undeniably confirmed by absolutely false evidence” - sheets of Katerina Orlov and other low facts. Є th fact, which points to those who knew about the preparations for the appointment of Peter III. So, already 4 limes, 2 days before the death of the emperor at the palace in Ropsha, Katerina ruled before the new doctor Paulsen, and like Pavlenko, “It is a demonstrative fact that Paulsen managed to get to Ropsha not with faces, but with surgical instruments for expanding the body”.

After the appointment of a person, Katerina Oleksiivna ascended the throne as the Tsar's Empress in the name of Katerina II, having seen the manifesto, the basis for Peter's adoption was the attempt to change the sovereign religion and Prussia. In order to establish her rights to the throne (and not the fall of Paul), Katerina relied on "the support of all our faiths is obvious and unfeigned." On the 22nd of Spring (3 Zhovtnya), 1762, she was crowned at Moscow. How to characterize the king V. O. Klyuchevsky, “Katerina thrashed her underbelly: she took power from a man and did not transfer it to her sons, a natural decaying father”.

The policy of Katherine II was characterized by the most important savings and the development of tendencies, laid down by its predecessors. The tsar's bula carried out an administrative (provincial) reform, which designated the territory of the country right up to 1917, as well as a judicial reform. The territory of the Russian state was constantly growing with the arrival of the native pivdennyh lands - the Crimea, the Black Sea, and the similar part of the Commonwealth and others. The population grew from 23.2 million (1763) to 37.4 million (1796), due to the number of population, Russia became the largest European country (20% of the population of Europe fell on it). Catherine II established 29 new provinces and instigated about 144 cities.

Klyuchevsky about the reign of Catherine the Great: "The army of 162 thousand people was built up to 312 thousand, the fleet, in 1757, it was formed from 21 ships of the line and 6 frigates, in 1790, having taken 67 ships of the line and 40 frigates and 300 million rubles from its warehouse increased to 69 million, which increased four times more and lower, the success of modern trade: Baltic - from 9 million to 44 million rubles; yew krb.

The growth of the population of a significant world was the result of the arrival of foreign powers of that territory to Russia (there were 7 million people living on them), which often happened in opposition to the city population, which led to the vindication of the "Polish", "Ukrainian" ta- nian food . , the decline of the Russian Empire in the era of Catherine II. Hundreds of forces under Katerina took away the status of the city, but in fact, they were deprived of the villages by sight and kind to occupy the population, the same are worthy of a number of places founded by her (the deacons took off only on the paper, about which the witnesses of the moderns). The Crimean issue of coins was issued for 156 million rubles of paper banknotes, which led to inflation and that significant ruble value; Therefore, in reality, the increase in budget revenues and other economic indicators during the reign was significantly smaller, lower nominal.

The economy of Russia was abandoned by the agrarian one. A part of the city's population in Mayzha has increased, the population is close to 4%. At the same time, low places were founded (Tiraspol, Grigoriopol and others.), Bigger, lower at 2 times the melting of chavun was increased (from which Russia came first to the world), the number of sailing and linen manufactories grew. Usyi to the end of the XVIII century. there were 1200 great enterprises in the country (1767 p. їх bulo 663). Significantly increased the export of Russian goods to other European countries., zokrema through the openings of the Black Sea port. However, the structure of this export did not have ready-made products, only syrovine and beverages, and imports outweighed foreign crafts. Similar to the lands in the other half of the 18th century. the Promislova revolution was enacted, the Russian promislovist was abandoned by the “patriarchal” that krіposnitska, which zigzagged її її vіdstavannya vіd zahіdnoї. Nareshti, in 1770-1780s. a severe social and economic crisis has sprung up, and the financial crisis has become a consequence of it.

Katerina's predilection for the ideas of Enlightenment was marked by a significant world for those who often use the term "illumination of absolutism" to characterize the domestic policy of Katerina's hour. The ideas of Enlightenment really inspired life.

So, according to Katerini's thought, based on the practice of the French philosopher, the great Russian expanses and the severity of the climate are motivated by the regularity and necessity of autocracy in Russia. Vihodyachi zgogo, for Katerini vіdbuvalis zmіtsnennya autocracy, poslennya bureaucratic machinery, centralization of the state and the unification of the management system. Proteideas, vouched by Diderot and Voltaire, the clerk of some kind of bula, did not support the domestic policy. They stood up for the idea that the skin people are free, and stood up for the jealousy of all people, both the adoption of middle-class forms of exploitation and the despotic forms of state administration. In spite of the ideas under Katerina, the camps of the kripaks were moved further away, their exploitation was strengthened, and the nervousness grew due to the granting of even greater privileges to the nobility.

In general, historians characterize this policy as “pro-noble” and respect that the empress sometimes speaks about “unsuccessful turbot for the benefit of all supporters”, the understanding of the great good in the era of Catherine was such a fictitious century, like the XVIII century

For Katerina, the territory of the empire was divided into provinces, many of which were saved to the Zhovtnevoy revolution. The territory of Estland and Livland following the regional reform carried out in 1782-1783. the bula was divided into two provinces - Rizka and Revelsk - with the regulations that were already established in other provinces of Russia. Thus, the special Baltic order was abolished, which transferred more, less from Russian helpers, the rights of the noblemen to work and the specialty of the peasant. Siberia was divided into three provinces: Tobolsk, Kolivansk and Irkutsk.

Speaking about the reasons for the provincial reform under Katerina, N. I. Pavlenko write that she became a witness to the Selyanska war of 1773-1775. under the wire of Pugachov, as revealed the weakness of the mіstsevoї power and their inability to cope with the village riots. Having reformed a number of notes submitted to the order of the nobility, in which it was recommended to increase the measure of the installation of "police watchmen" in the country.

Carrying out the provincial reform in the Left-Bank Ukraine in 1783-1785. led to the change of the regimental structure (the number of regiments and hundreds) in the field for the Russian Empire, the administrative division was made in the provinces and the rest of the establishment of the strong law and equalization of the rights of the Cossack foreman with the Russian nobility. According to the provisions of the Kyuchuk-Kaynardzhiysky treaty (1774), Russia took away the exit from the Chorne Sea and the Crimea.

In such a rank, there was a need for the conservation of special rights and the system of administration of the Zaporizhsky Cossacks. At one time, their traditional way of life often led to conflicts with power. After the repeated pogroms of Serbian settlers, as well as the connection with the Cossacks of the Pugachovsky rebellion, Catherine II punished the formation of Zaporizka Sich, which was consecrated for the order of Grigory Potiomkin about the rooting of the constipated Cossacks by General Peter Tekeli at the Chernivtsi in 1775.

Sich bula was disbanded, most of the Cossacks were disbanded, and the fort itself was demolished. In 1787, Katerina II, at once from Potomkinim, saw Krim, de її zustrіchala was created before the arrival of the Amazon company; The same fate was created by Viysko Virnih Zaporozhtsiv, as a year it became the Black Sea Cossack Viysk, and in 1792 the Kuban was given to them for the eternal corystuvannya, where the Cossacks and moved, having fallen asleep the place of Katerinodar.

The reforms on the Don created a military civil order against the provincial administrations of central Russia. In 1771, before Russia, the khanate of Kalmitska was added to the remainder.

The reign of Catherine II was characterized by an extensive development of the economy and trade, for the preservation of the "patriarchal" industry and the strong state. By the decree of 1775, the fate of the backwaters and the backwaters of the backwaters were recognized by the authorities, ordering that with the special permission of the authorities. In 1763, there was a free exchange of copper pennies for silver, so as not to provoke the development of inflation. The development of this trade was boosted by the appearance of new credit institutions (the sovereign bank and the positional bank) and the expansion of banking operations (since 1770, the acceptance of deposits for savings was introduced). A state-owned bank was founded and the issuance of paper pennies - banknotes was improved.

Introduced state regulation of prices for labor, yak bula one of the lives of important goods in the country. The Senate has legislated the price of 30 kopecks per pood (50 kopecks) and 10 kopecks per pood in the regions of mass salination of ribi. Not zaprovadzhuyuchi state monopoly on torgіvlyu sіllyu, Katerina rozarovuvala poslennya konkurencії ta polіpshennya, zreshtoyu, yakostі commodities. However, unexpectedly, the price for strength was raised again. On the cob of kingship, deyak monopolies were laid: a state monopoly on trade with China, a private monopoly of the merchant Shemyakin on the import of shovka and others.

The role of Russia in the world economy has grown- in England, the Russian window-dressing began to be exported to great countries, in other European lands, the export of chavun and zaliza increased (the supply of chavun in the domestic Russian market also significantly increased). Ale especially strongly affects the export of syrovin: foxes (in 5 times), hemp, bristles thin, as well as bread. The export of the country increased by 13.9 million dollars. in 1760 up to 39600000 rub. 1790 r.

Russian merchant ships began to sail near the Mediterranean Sea. However, their number was negligible among foreigners - less than 7% of the total number of courts, as they served the Russian trade in the beginning of the 18th - the beginning of the 19th century; The number of foreign merchant ships that entered the Russian ports, for the period of the reign increased from 1340 to 2430.

As the economic historian M. A. Rozhkov pointed out, the structure of exports in the era of Katerina did not have ready-made brews, only syrovin and alcoholic beverages, and 80-90% of imports became foreign crafts, which were imported from the country once. So, obsyag vіtchiznyany manufactory virobnitstv in 1773 p. becoming 2.9 million rubles.

Industrialism developed weakly, they had few technical improvements and panuvav strong work. So, the cloth manufactories of rivers and rivers could not satisfy the needs of the army, they didn’t care to let the cloth “on the bik” on the fence, moreover, the cloth was of low quality, and it was necessary to purchase it behind the cordon. Katerina herself did not understand the meaning of the Promislovskaya revolution, which happened at the Sunset, and she affirmed that the machines (otherwise, as she called them, “machines”) rule the power of shoddy, the shards rush by the number of pracists. Only two export galleys of craftsmanship were developed quickly - the production of chavun and canvases, ale obedience - on the basis of "patriarchal" methods, without the adoption of new technologies, which were actively promoted at Zakhod - which brought about an important crisis in both blinds, which Catherine II began with an unbarred death.

In the sphere of modern trade, Katerina's policy went from a step-by-step transition to protectionism, authoritative Elizabeth Petrivna, to a new liberalization of exports and imports, which, in the opinion of low economic historians, became a legacy of the rise of shortfalls. In the early years of the reign, a number of famous trading monopolies and fences for the export of grain were laid down, which led to a rapid growth. At 1765 p. A free economic society was founded, which propagated the idea of ​​free trade and published its own magazine. In 1766 p. a new mini-tariff was introduced, which significantly lowered the tariff rates against the protectionist tariff of 1757 r. (those who have established patronage mites at a view of 60 to 100% and more); even more stench was lowered in the minimum tariff 1782 r. So, in the "pomirno-protectionist" tariff of 1766 rubles. patronizing mites became a 30% ban, and the liberal tariff was 1782 rubles. - 10%;

Strong statehood, like industrialism, developed most importantly with the help of extensive methods (increase in the number of early lands); propaganda of the intensive methods of the agricultural state created by Katerini with the Great Economic Sustainability is not small for a great result.

From the first rokіv tsaryuvannya Katerini periodically sown vinikati famine in the village., Scho deyakі suchasniki explained chronic neuropathy, but the historian M. M. Pokrovsky pov'yazuvav z cob mass export of grain, which earlier, for Єlizaveta Petrivna, bove of the fall, and before the end of the reign of Katerina, becoming 1.3 million rubles. on river The mass destruction of the villagers became more frequent. The Holodomor had a special scope in the 1780s, if they were stunned by the great regions of the country. Prices for bread grew strongly: for example, near the center of Russia (Moscow, Smolensk, Kaluga) stench increased from 86 kopecks. 1760 r. up to 2.19 rubles. in 1773 and up to 7 rubles. 1788 R., then more lower 8 times.

Provodzhenі in obіg 1769 paper pennies - banknotes- in the first ten years of their existence, they became less than a sprat of hundreds of metal (silver and honey) pennies, and played a positive role, allowing the powers to spend their time on moving pennies at the borders of the empire. However, through the marriage of pennies from the treasury, which became a permanent phenomenon, from the beginning of the 1780s, more and more issues of banknotes were issued, which reached 156 million rubles until 1796, and their number increased 1.5 times. In addition, the state borrowed pennies worth 33 million rubles from the cordon. and a few other unpaid internal goiters (rahunki, paid thinly) in the amount of 15.5 million rubles. Incl. the total sum of the borg in the order became 205 million rubles, the treasury was empty, and the budget officials significantly overestimated the income, which, stating Paul I after the succession to the throne. All this gave support to the historian M. D. Chechulin in his economic long-term research about the "important economic crisis" in the country (in the other half of the reign of Catherine II) and about the "outward collapse of the financial system of Catherine's reign."

In 1768, a number of Russian schools were created, based on the class-lesson system. Schools began to actively develop. Under Katerina, special respect was given to the development of women's education, in 1764 the Smolny Institute of Gentry Girls was founded, and the Vikhovna Association of Gentry Girls. The Academy of Sciences has become one of the leading science bases in Europe. An observatory, a physics office, an anatomical theater, a botanical garden, an instrumental workshop, a nursery school, a library, and archives were founded. On July 11, 1783, the Russian Academy was founded.

Introduced obov'yazkove ospripuvannya, moreover, Katerina vyrishila filed taxes on a special butt: on 12 (23) June 1768, the empress herself was robbed of chips. Among the first chips appeared the Grand Duke Pavlo Petrovich and the Grand Duchess Maria Fedorivna. Under Katherine II, the fight against epidemics in Russia began to take on the character of sovereign visits, which without intermediary included in the circle of obov'yazkіv іmperatorskaya ї Radi, the Senate. Following the decree of Katerini, outposts were created, placed like on the cordons, and along the roads, like near the center of Russia. The “Statute of cordon and port quarantines” was created.

Newly developed medicines were developed: there were new medicines for the treatment of syphilis, psychiatric medicines and medicines. We have seen the fundamental principles of nutrition in medicine.

To prevent their resettlement in the central regions of Russia and attach to their communities for the efficiency of coping with state taxes, Katherine II in 1791 established a position between the estates, Behind the boundaries, like the Jews did not reduce the right to live. The birth chart of the bula was established in the same place, de jews lived until the end - on the lands arrived at the result of three distributions in Poland, as well as in the steppe regions of the Black Sea and sparsely populated territories on the outskirts of the Dnieper. The transition of the Jews to Orthodoxy took into account the exchange for living. Significantly, that between the osіlosti took care of the Jewish national identity, the formation of a special Jewish identity at the borders of the Russian Empire.

In 1762-1764 roci Katerina saw two manifestos. The first one - “About the permission of all foreigners, Russia in the 'zhzhdzhayuchim', to settle in some provinces of the stench, and about the rights granted to them," calling out the foreigners to move to Russia, the other one signifying the transfer of the law and privileges to the migrants. Earlier, the first German settlement appeared near the Volga region, introduced for the settlers. The influx of German colonists was great, which already in 1766 had a chance to admit new settlers to the blockade already in 1766. The creation of colonies on the Volz followed the growth: in 1765. - 12 colonies, in 1766 p. - 21, in 1767 p. - 67. For tribute to the census of colonists in 1769 p. 6.5 thousand families lived in 105 colonies on the Volz, which became 23.2 thousand. Cholovik. The future German community will remember the role of the life of Russia.

In an hour, the reign of Katerina to the warehouse of the country took over the Pivnichne of the Black Sea, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, the Crimea, Novorosiya, the lands between the Dniester and the Bug, Belarus, Courland and Lithuania. The total number of new grants, given in such a way to Russia, reached 7 million. As a result, as V. O. Klyuchevsky wrote, in the Russian Empire “the difference of interests” between different peoples increased. Tse, zokrema, at tsomu, scho mayzhe kozhno ї natіonalіnostі power zmushena bula zaprovadzhuvati special economic, tax and administrative regime, So, nіmets'kі kolonіst buli zvіlnenі vіd vydkі vіdtіv і і іншіїі duties; for jews, bulo was introduced to rice osіlosti; from the Ukrainian and Belarusian population on the territory of the colossal Rzecz Pospolita, the per capita tax did not come together, but then it came from half the rose. In the minds of those who were discriminated against, the root of the population appeared, which led to such an incident: Russian noblemen, for example, XVIII - the beginning of the XIX century. like in the city for their service they asked them to “record them in nіmtsі”, so that the stench could be rewarded with special privileges.

On April 21, 1785, two letters of letters were seen: "A letter of rights, liberties and privileges of the gentry nobility"і "Chaluvan letter to the towns". The empress called him the pinnacle of her activity, and historians respect the pinnacle of the “pro-noble policy” of the tsars of the 18th century. How to write N. I. Pavlenko, “In the history of Russia, the nobility has never been blessed with various privileges, like under Catherine II.”

Resentments of letters were left behind the upper camps of those rights, bindings and privileges, as if they had already been given by Katherine’s champions with a stretch of the XVIII century, and they were given low new ones. Thus, the nobility as a camp was formed by decrees of Peter I and also gained low privileges, the right to be free from the order of maetkas; and by the decree of Peter III, it was called out in obov'yazkovoj service of the state.

A charter to the nobility gave the following guarantees:

Confirmed already valid rights
- the nobility was stationed in the quartering of military units and teams, in the form of corporal punishment
- the nobility took away the right to power on the surface of the earth
- the right of the mother of one's own state has changed, the name of one state has changed: not "nobility", but "gentry nobility"
- it was defended to carry out the confiscation of the noblemen's files for criminal mischief; the mother had to be handed over to the lawful scumbags
- the nobles hold the key to the right of power over the land, but “Gramot” does not have a word about the monopoly right of the mother of kripakiv
- Ukrainian elders competed for their rights as Russian nobles. nobleman
- only the nobles, whose income from the maєtkіv will transfer 100 rubles, could only plant the viborni.

Regardless of the privileges, in the era of Catherine II among the nobles, the main nervousness grew strongly: on the aphids of the great economic camps, part of the nobility lost its way. How to witness the historian D. Blum, a number of great nobles of Volodya in tens and hundreds of thousands of kripakiv, who were kings in front (if we were rich, the vlasnik had over 500 souls); at that very hour mayzhe 2/3 of all helpers 1777 p. Mali is less than 30 krіpakіv cholіchої statі, and 1/3 of the helpers - less than 10 souls; rich noblemen, yakі bazhali to enter into the service of the state, not a few koshtіv for the dressing of a vіdpovіdny robe that vzuttya. V. O. Klyuchevsky write that rich children of the nobility in the її tsaryuvannya, become students of the maritime academy and “taking a small fee (stipend), 1 rub. for a month, “in bare feet” they couldn’t see the academy and they were embarrassed, for a report, not to think about science, but about the water, on the boat to bathe the bones for their own money.

During the hour of the reign of Katerini II, low laws were adopted, which destroyed the camp of the villagers:

Decree of 1763, putting the zmist of the military teams, sent to strangle the villagers' protests, on the villagers themselves.
According to the decree of 1765, the fate of the hard work was reluctantly, the helper could send the peasant from the deportation, and from hard labor, moreover, the term hard labor was established by himself; the helpers were given the right to return the exiled from hard labor.
Decree of 1767 to fate having barred the villagers from swearing at their master; disobedient people were threatened by the banishment to Nerchinsk (although the stench could go to court before the court).
In 1783 p. krіpatstvo was introduced in Malorosіy (Livoberezhna Ukraine and Russian Chernozem).
In 1796 p. kripatstvo was introduced in Novorossiy (Don, Pivnichniy Kavkaz).
After the expansion of the Commonwealth, settlements of the krіposnitsky regime on the territories that reached the Russian Empire (Right-bank Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland).

How to write N. I. Pavlenko, under Katherine, “right was developing deep and wide”, which was “an example of screaming super-brightness between the ideas of Enlightenment and rank-and-file approaches to commemorate the kriposnitsky regime.”

With the help of her king, Katerina gave away to the helpers and nobles over 800,000 villagers, setting her own record. The peasants of the state were the ones who were the strongest, and the peasants from the lands that were attached to the divisions of Poland, and the villagers were born. Ale, for example, the number of assigned (possession) villagers from 1762 to 1796 pp. increased from 210 to 312 thousand people, and they were formally independent (sovereign) villagers, but were sent to the camp of kripakiv or slaves. Residential villagers of the Ural factories took an active part in Peasant war 1773-1775 r.b.

At the same time, the camp of the monastic villagers was relieved, as if they were transferred from the Collegium of Economy to the head of the economy at once from the lands. All these duties were replaced by a penny dues, which provided the villagers with more independence and developed the state's initiative. Through the war, the praises of the monastic villagers stumbled.

The fact that the woman was voted by the empress is not small for the same formal rights, giving rise to impersonal contenders for the throne, which obscured a significant part of the reign of Catherine II. Yes, less from 1764 to 1773 r.b. the sim of Lzhepetriv III appeared at the edge(they insisted that they stink - nothing else, like the "resurrected" Peter III) - A. Aslanbekov, I. Evdokimov, G. Kremnev, P. Chernishov, G. Ryabov, F. Bogomolov, N. Khrestiv; becoming eight Omelyan Pugachov. And in 1774-1775 rr. To this list came the "prince Tarakanov's right," who saw herself as a daughter of Elizaveta Petrivna.

Protyag 1762-1764 rokiv. bulo rozkrito 3 zmovi, moreover, two of them were tied to the names of the great Russian emperor Ivan VI, who, at the time of the descent to the throne of Catherine II, continued to live in the Shlіsselburzky fort. The first one took the fate of 70 officers. Another mav place in 1764, if lieutenant V. Ya. The guards, however, obviously, before these instructions, stabbed him to death, and Mirovich himself was arrested and tortured.

In 1771, there was a great plague epidemic near Moscow, which was aggravated by the people's charms near Moscow, and the name Plague Riot was taken away. The rebels destroyed the Miracle Monastery near the Kremlin. The next day, having attacked the Don Monastery, having killed Archbishop Ambrose, who was in the dark, he began to smash the quarantine houses of the nobility. On the strangulation of the insurrection, the troops were sent under the command of R. R. Orlov. After three days of battles, a riot of oppression.

In 1773-1775, a peasant rebellion was born in the village of Omelyan Pugachov. It swept the lands of the Yaїtsky Viysk, the Orenburz province, the Urals, the Prikam'є, Bashkiria, part of Western Siberia, the Middle and the Lower Volga. At the march of the rebels, the Bashkirs, Tatars, Kazakhs, Ural factory workers and the number of kripaks of all provinces came to the Cossacks, despoiled the Viysk people. After the suppression of the rebellion, the deeds of liberal reforms were burned down and conservatism gained strength.

1772 First division of the Commonwealth. Austria took over the whole of Galicia with districts, Prussia - Western Prussia (Pomor'ya), Russia - removed part of Belarus to Minsk (province of Vitebsk and Mogilev) that part of the Latvian lands that previously included up to Livonia. The Polish Sejm was embarrassed to decide on the distribution and redress of claims on the lost territory: Poland spent 380,000 km² from the population of 4 million people.

Polish nobles and crafts adopted the adoption of the Constitution of 1791; The conservative part of the population of the Targovitska confederation turned back to Russia for help.

1793 saw Another division of the Commonwealth, assertions on the Grodno Sejm, Prussia occupied Gdansk, Torun, Poznan (part of the land along the river Warta and Vіsla), Russia - Central Belarus from Minsk and Novorosіya (part of the territory of modern Ukraine).

At the birch tree of 1794, the fate of the rebellion began under the construction of Tadeusz Kostyushka, the method of which was the renewal of the territorial integrity, the sovereignty of the Constitution on May 3, the protege of the same fate was strangled by the Russian army, A. Suvorov, to the command At the hour of resurrection, Kosciuszka was raised by the Poles, who sacked the Russian embassy near Warsaw, and documents were revealed, which caused a great suspense resonance, apparently before King Stanislaw Poniatowski and a number of members of the Grodno Seym at the time of the confirmation of the 2nd division of the Commonwealth, the order took away a penny from the Commonwealth Zokrema, Poniatowski otrimav kіlka thousand ducats.

1795 The third division of the Commonwealth. Austria occupied Pivdenna Poland with Lyuban and Krakow, Prussia - Central Poland with Warsaw, Russia - Lithuania, Courland, Volin and Western Belarus.

July 13, 1795 - a conference of three powers about the fall of the Polish state, it lost sovereignty and sovereignty.

Important directly for the modern policy of Ukraine, Catherine II, was also the territory of the Crimea, the Black Sea and the Pivnichny Caucasus, which were used under the Turkish panuvans.

If the rebellion of the Barsk Confederation was saved, the Turkish sultan announced the war of Russia (Russian-Turkish war 1768-1774), victorious as he brought those who from the Russian pens, following the Poles, conquered the territory of the Ottoman Empire. The Russian soldiers defeated the confederates and began to win one by one victory in the pivdni. Having achieved success in a number of land and sea battles (the Battle of Kozludzhi, the battle of Ryabiya Mohyla, the Battle of Cahul, the Battle of Larzka, the Battle of Chesme and the other), Russia forced Turechchyna to sign the Kyuchuk-Kaynardzhiysky agreement, as a result of which the Crimean Khanate began formally de facto deposits in Russia. Turkey paid Russia's military indemnity in the order of 4.5 million rubles, and also paid the black sea shores of the Black Sea at the same time with two important ports.

After the end of the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774, the policy of Russia around the Crimean Khanate was directed to the installation of a new pro-Russian ruler and coming to Russia. Under the pressure of Russian diplomacy, Shahin Giray, the khan of prayers. The previous khan - the protege of Turechchini Devlet IV Girey - on the cob 1777 having tried to repair the opir, but it was strangled by A. V. Suvorov, Devlet IV vtіk to Turechchini. At once, the landing of the Turkish landing in the Crimea was not allowed, and they themselves forgot to try to unleash a new war, after which Turechchina recognized Shakhin Giray as khan. In 1782, the opposition was saved by the rebellion, as if they strangled the introduction of the Russian army into the country, and in 1783, by the manifesto of Katherine II, the Crimean Khanate was annexed to Russia.

After the victory, the empress at once with the Austrian emperor Josip II set off a triumphal trip by Krim.

The onset of the war with Turechchina was fought in 1787-1792 and was an unsuccessful attempt by the empire of Osman to turn its own lands, which went to Russia during the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774, including the Crimea. Here, too, the Russians won the most important victories, like the land ones - the Kinburn battle, the Battle of Rimnik, the capture of Ochakov, the capture of Izmail, the battle of Focsani, the march of the Turks to Bendery and Akkerman and іn, and the sea ones - the battle at Fidoniska (17 the battle (1790), the battle at Misu Tendra (1790) and the battle of Kaliakriya (1791). As a result, the Osman Empire in 1791 zmushena signed the Yask peace treaty, which secured Crimea and Ochakiv for Russia, and also signed a cordon between the two empires to the Dniester.

Wars in Turechchina were marked by the great military victories of Rumyantsev, Orlov-Chesmensky, Suvorov, Potiomkin, Ushakov, the hardening of Russia on the Black Sea. As a result, the Pivnichne of the Prychornomorya, Crimea, the Kubannya came to Russia, the political positions in the Caucasus and the Balkans were strengthened, the authority of Russia in the world arena was marked.

On the thought of rich historians, and the conquest of the main achievements of the reign of Catherine II. At the same time, a number of historians (K.Valishevsky, V.O. Klyuchevsky and others) and contemporary (Friedrich II, French ministers and others) explained the “wonderful” victory of Russia over Turechchyna not only by the power of the Russian army and fleet, but more to do with weak and filthy organization, which is the legacy of the supra-evolutionary distribution in the period of the Turkish army and state.

Zrostannia Katerini II: 157 centimeters.

Life Specialist of Katerini II:

On the vіdmіnu vіd vіd svoєї poderednі, Katerina did not lead for the needs of a wide tent everyday life. For a comfortable relocation, the countryside won a fence of small kolіyny kolіyny palatsіv uzdovzh roads from St. Petersburg to Moscow (from Chesmensky to Petrovsky) and only for example life was occupied with the buildings of the new zamіska residence in Pelli (not saved). In addition, її turbulent existence of a spacious and modern residence in Moscow and її outskirts. Wanting to get out in the old capital infrequently, Katerina spun out plans for the rest of the Moscow Kremlin, as well as the life of the primist palaces near Lefortovo, Kolomensky and Tsaritsin. Three different reasons for one of these projects were not brought to an end.

Katerina was a brunette of medium height. Vaughn reduced her high intelligence, luminosity, sovereign wisdom and pretentiousness to “free love”. Katerina, with her contacts with numerous kokhantsy, the number of those (on the list of the authoritative katerinologist P. I. Bartenev) reaches 23. The most famous of them were Sergiy Saltikov, G. G. Orlov, film guard lieutenant Vasilchikov, hussar Zorich, Lansky the favorite was the cornet Platon Zubov, who became a general. From Potiomkin, for deyaky tributes, Katerina was secretly repented (1775, div. Vesillya Katerina II and Potiomkin). April 1762 she was planning a hatch with Orlovim, a protege for the comings of time was inspired by the idea.

Katerini's love affairs are marked by low scandals. So, Grigory Orlov, being the leader, at that very hour (according to M. M. Shcherbatov) spivzhiv іz її maids of honor and navіt zі his cousin 13-fold sister. The leader of the Empress Lanskoy victorist, having excitedly increased the "human strength" (kontarid) in Daedalus in larger doses, which, obviously, was behind the visnovka of the court physician Weikart, and became the cause of his unstoppable death in the young vitsi. The remaining leader, Platon Zubov, was three times over 20 years old, but at the same time Katerini had already passed over 60 years old. were previously adjutants, tested their “human strength” by maids of honor, etc.).

Zdivuvannya suchasniki, among them foreign diplomats, the Austrian emperor Josip II and so on, shouted zakholennі vіdguki that characteristics, like Katerina gave her young favorites, let's spare some prominent talents. How to write N. I. Pavlenko, "not before Katerina, not after her, the rozpust did not reach such a wide scale and did not appear in such a swelled form."

Varto indicates that in Europe the "dissolution" of Katerini was not such a rare phenomenon in the midst of the wild slander of the XVIII century. Most of the queens (because of the wine, perhaps, Frederick the Great, Louis XVI and Charles XII) are few in number. However, it is not possible to reach the kings of the queens and the empress. So, the Austrian Empress Maria Theresa wrote about “reason and fear”, like Catherine II, and her daughter Marie-Antoinette was sent to the rest. K. Valishevsky, writing at the link with the cim, poring over Catherine II with Louis XV, “the existence of articles until the end of the century, we think, will give a deeply uneven character to the same vchinkas, marveling at the fact that you can smell like a man and a woman . before that, Louis XV's kochankas had never been poured into the lot of France.

In addition, some kind of vinyatkovy injection (both negative and positive) was given by the leaders of Katerini (Orlov, Potiomkin, Platon Zubov and others.) to the share of the country, beginning on 28 chervnya 1762. and until the very death of the empress, and inspire domestic, foreign policy and inspire the vii. How to write N. I. Pavlenko, to the reproach of the leader Grigory Potiomkin, a kind of glory to Field Marshal Rumyantsev, whose prominent commander and hero of the Russian-Turkish wars was the adoption of Katerina in the command of the army and the turmoil of the birds near the mothers. The second, the middle commander, Musin-Pushkin, on the other hand, having continued to carry out the army’s efforts, disregarding his mistakes in the military campaigns (for which the empress herself called yoga “a real fool”) - zavdya that who helped Katerina win the throne.

In addition, the institution of favoritism had a negative effect on the name of the great nobility, as if it was shoveling the benefits through the woods to a new favorite, it was possible to hold “one’s own people” in the kohantsi before the empress, and so on. II took the fall of the nobility of the tієї epoch, and the historians of the winter are happy.

Katerina had two sons: (1754) that Oleksiy Bobrinsky (1762 - the son of Grigory Orlov), and also died in childhood, Donka Hanna Petrivna (1757-1759, possibly, from the future king of Poland, Stanislav Ponyatovsky). Mensh іmovіrnim є maternity Katerina schodo Vihovanka Potiomkin on іm'ya Єlizaveta, yak appeared in the world, if the empress exceeded 45 years.
