Naming oceans. Holy oceans

Naming oceans. Holy oceans

It covers approximately 360,000,000 km² and is divided into a sprinkling of the main oceans and other seas, moreover, the oceans cover approximately 71% of the Earth and 90% of the Earth's biosphere.

They cover 97% of the Earth's waters, and oceanographers say that only 5% of oceanic depths have been reached.

In contact with


In contact with


Shards of the ocean of light are the main component of the Earth's hydrosphere, vin є an invisible part of life, making a part of the carbon cycle and influencing the climate and the weather. There are also 230,000 species of living creatures living in the same place, but the majority of them have not been bred, the number of underwater species is evenly, more richly, perhaps more than two million.

Adventures of oceans on the Earth are unknown.

Ocean skies on earth: 5 hours 4

How many oceans in the world? For a long time, the rich fates were officially recognized for less than 4, and then in the spring of 2000, the International Hydrographic Organization fell asleep Pivdenny Ocean and marked the yogi between.

Tsіkavo nobility: what continents are found on the planet Earth?

Oceans (from the old Greek Ὠκεανός, Okeanos), form the greater part of the planet's hydrosphere. In order to change the area, they are divided:

  • Quiet.
  • Atlantic.
  • Indian.
  • Pivdenny (Antarctic).
  • Pivnіchny icy ocean (Arctic).

Earth's global ocean

If you want to describe the sprat of the oceans, globally, mutually salty water is sometimes called the Holy Ocean. Before concept of uninterrupted waterіz vіdno vіlnym іnіmіm іzh yоgo parts may be fundamentally important for oceanography.

The main oceanic expanses, listed below in order of change in area, are often distinguished by continents, various archipelagos and other criteria.

Yakі іsnuyut oceans, їхє roztashuvannya

Quiet, largest, stretches across the Pivnich ocean to Pivnichny. Vіn ohoplyuє rozriv mizh Australia, Asia and America and zustrichaєtsya s Atlantic for a day from Pivdenny America on Miss Horn.

The Atlantic, different in size, stretches across the Pivdenny Ocean between America, Africa and Europe to the Arctic. Vіn zustrichaєtsya s Іndіyskimi oceanic waters on the day of Africa on the misi Agulhas.

Indian, third in size, stretches across the Pivdennogo ocean to India, between Africa and Australia. We are pouring into the Pacific expanses of Skhodі, near Australia.

The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of the five. They come to the Atlantic near Greenland and Iceland and to the Pacific Ocean in the Bering protoci and cross the Pivnіchny pole, sticking out of Pvnіchnoy America at Western pivkul, Scandinavia and Siberia at Skhіdnіy pivkul. Maizhe is covered with sea ice, the area of ​​which varies in fallow season.

Pivdenniy - alienates Antarctica, de-pervades the Antarctic circumpolar flow. This sea expanse has only recently been seen in an oceanic loneliness, as it is known on a daily basis at sixty degrees latitude and is often covered with sea ice, which can lie in season.

The stench is oblyamovanі small lying waters, such as the sea, streams and channels.

Physical power

The total mass of the hydrosphere is close to 1.4 quintillion metric tons, which is close to 0.023% of the total mass of the Earth. Less than 3% - fresh water; reshta - salty water. The area of ​​oceanic expanses will be close to 361.9 million square kilometers and cover close to 70.9% of the surface of the Earth, and total water will become close to 1.335 billion cubic kilometers. The average depth is about 3688 meters, and the maximum depth is 10994 meters in the Mariansk depression. Mayzhe half of the light sea waters have a depth of over 3 yew. meters The majestic expanses below 200 meters cover nearly 66% of the surface of the Earth.

The blue color of the water is the warehouse dekilkoh of friendly agents. Among them - organic speech and chlorophyll. Sailors and other sailors have learned that the ocean waters often make visible light, like stretching for many miles of night.

Ocean zones

Oceanography subdivides the ocean of different vertical zones, mindful of physical and biological minds. Pelagic zone includes all zones and may be divided into other areas, divided by depth and lightness.

The photic zone includes the surface up to the depth of 200 m; the whole area, where photosynthesis is being developed, and, therefore, is recognized by great biological diversity.

The shards of growth are dependent on photosynthesis, life, known more, lower in the photon zone; Open the hydrothermal ventilation as the main source of energy in the so-called aphotic zone (depths over 200). The pelagic part of the photon zone is seen as epipelagic.


Cold deep water rises and rises in the equatorial zone, just as thermal water sinks and reaches near Greenland near Pivnichnaya Atlantic and near Antarctica near Pivdenny Atlantic.

Ocean currents strongly influence the Earth's climate, transferring heat from the tropics to the polar regions. Transmitting the warmth or coldness of the fall near the coastal areas, the winds can carry them in the middle of the edge.


A lot of light goods move on ships between the sea ports of the world. Ocean waters are also the main source of syrovina for the fishing industry.

In contact with

Usі іsnuyuchi oceans and svіtu, and navіt seas and rivers occupy approximately 70% of the surface of the planet Earth. The majestic water masses stretch for thousands of kilometers, the stench is mostly deserted and may have a nameless depth of tens of kilometers, there live thousands of diverse characters, many of which are rich in unknown worldly science.

Water plays an important role not only for the climate, geographical features of the planet, but also for all the things that live on it. It seems that without manifestation it is impossible to lead in that other form of life.

Oceans are called the largest water objects of the earth, as they grow in the vastness of the middle of the continents and become so called the Ocean of Light.

Let's take a look at all of the 5 largest oceans (there are super rivers, there are 4 in total) and their main features.

Svitovy ocean

Let us acquaint ourselves with the understanding of the ocean of light before the varto. This term denotes the largest part of the entire hydrosphere, within the framework of which there are the largest seas and oceans.

One of the most important characteristics of this understanding is the salty saline warehouse of all water expanses, which can be entered before the new one. Vin covers 70.8% of the surface of the planet and is divided into the following main parts:

  • Atlantic;
  • Indian;
  • Quiet;
  • Pivnichniy Lyodovity;
  • Pivdenny ocean. According to this point, then wine dosi vvazhaєtsya sprinim, but about it will be said below.

Pokhodzhennya usієї hydrosphere є a riddle for modern science. The first tests to reach the ocean of light began in the 1500s and are actively continued today.

Skilki oceans on earth - 5 or 4

Why shouldn’t you inspire contagion in any way in order to do so, how many great waters are on Earth? The problem here is the inflexibility of the appointment between the skin of them, or, perhaps, the essence of nutrition is known here more clearly?

Historically, it turned out that the vcheni divided all the water spaces into 4 regions and oceans. Such a system began to finish it long, but in the 21st century, it was looked over by fahivtsy, like a diishli visnovka - varto saw and 5 the ocean - Pivdenny, the waters of which earlier were attributed to reshti.

Varto means: so the decision knew its own understanding from the courts of the contributors, but at the present moment it has not been officially confirmed, it does not have legal force, otherwise superechki of that kind are blamed on the ground.

Roztashuvannya oceanіv on the map pіvkul z continents

The continents and the expanses of water are drawn on the map between themselves.

Be it a map, take it to respect the coming between these objects:

  1. The Pacific Ocean is located in Pivdenniy, and in Pivnichniy pivkul. Vin stretches to the shores of all six continents of the planet. The territory of yogo begins with Antarctica and stretches up to the Pivnichny polar stake.
  2. Atlantic, which is also present on Pivnichniy, and on Pivdenniy pivkul, washing the shores of all America, Europe, Africa.
  3. The Indian mayzhe is more likely to be sold less in the middle part of the planet. Omivaє shores of Africa, India, Australia.
  4. Pivnіchny Liodovitiy roztashovaniya near Pvnіchny Pole. It is watered from other great expanses of water and washing the shores of Russia, Canada, Alaska.
  5. There is a Pivdenny Ocean on the edge of Antarctica, and shores are only occupied by rocks.

The map of the currents, which are found in the whole world, allows you to get better appointments.

Pacific Ocean

The largest in terms of area occupied. I took away my name for those who, during the great expeditions of the great mandriving Magellan, here were indiscreet minds and did not succumb to the storm.

The area will be 178 million km2. Here, the middle depth is about 4 km, but here it is roztashovano and the largest deep place on the planet - the Marian depression with a nameless depth of 11 km!

The largest ocean took its name from 1520 roci, and at the very same time it settled down in the practice of the world.

Here life is unfolding and there is a majestic number of ribs, creatures, as well as representatives of flora.

atlantic ocean

Another largest and warmest water region of the planet, with an area of ​​92 million km2.

The average depth in the new is practically the same, like in the Pacific, and is 3736 m, and the maximum axis is three times less - 8700 and is called the Puerto Rican zholob.

To avenge on your territory the faceless volcanic islands, which pass over the belt of instability of the earth's measles.

The life of the Atlantic water basins boil, whether it be fate or not. The capacity for plankton, what is here, is to grow up to 16,000 pieces per liter of water.

There is a large number of different kinds of fish, sharks, corals and others.

At the tropical latitudes sailors are sailing on the most intense winds and hurricanes, like, behind the legends, the majestic oak ships of the building could throw more than one ton overboard.

Indian Ocean

The third largest water object on Earth borrows 20% of the water surface. The area to become 76 million km2. The middle depth is similar to the front one, and the maximum depth is 7.7 km.

Having taken away its name from the land of India, even before our time, it was always respected by the richest region, it attracted foreigners, merchants and colonialists.

Indian waters are famous for their miraculous black and blue colors. Obsyag salt water here is deshchy, lower in other regions of the planet.

So, as the region is already warm in the dark, the water content is constantly raised, and the nearest lands are gradually recognizing bright woods.

Pivnіchniy Frozen Ocean

The least, I can also the least clay. The list of countries to be washed over is also small, and the diversity of life in the Pivnichny Pole region is not so great due to extreme weather conditions.

The average depth becomes 1.2 km, and the maximum is 5.5, to which the whole ocean is viewed as the best.

The ocean took its name from the filing of the Russian navigator Admiral F. P. Litke on the cob of the 19th century. The roses of this water region are not so hostile, like frost, which blows here, pivnіchnі vіtri, the manifestation of the most common forms of life.

The peculiarity of this water-bearing place is important - the wine is the freshest.

Pivdenny ocean

At the moment, the legally legalized Pivdenny Ocean does not yet exist, but there are plenty of others under it that may have some of the other oceans looked at. The maximum depth of the region is 8.2 kilometers, the area is taken at a level of 20 million km2 with a small one.

To this warehouse enter 13 seas, yakі wash the shores of Antarctica. The first try to see this region was well robbed by mandrivers and cartographers of the 1600s.

It is like vysnovok varto to say that everything is looked at by waters in different hours of small and other names, but history has decided to leave behind them the names that are born today.

The youngest of them is the Atlantean one, which has settled after serious tectonic changes, the largest one is Quiet, and the most recent one. The oceans, in the order of the change in area, are indicated in rich dates and tables. It is important to know this information if it is important, even if our earthly cool is such a cіkava and rіznomanіtna.

Traditional geography taught that the world has oceans - Pacific, Atlantic, Ice and Indian.

Prote unfortunately ....

… In 2000, the International Hydrographic Organization united the five parts of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, creating five additions to the list - the Pivdenniy Ocean. I didn’t make a free decision: in this region, the structure of the currents is special, its weather rules are too small. to Antarctica, develop their own specifics, as well as being united by the Antarctic circumpolar current.

The largest of the oceans is the Pacific. Yogo area - 178.7 million km 2. .

The Atlantic Ocean covers 91.6 million km 2.

The area of ​​the Indian Ocean is 76.2 million km 2.

The area of ​​the Antarctic (Pivdenny) ocean is 20.327 million km 2.

The Pivnichny Ice-Wing Ocean occupies an area of ​​approximately 14.75 million km2.

Pacific Ocean, the largest on earth. Vіn buv names so led by the navigator Magellan. The first mandriving man among the Europeans was able to cross the ocean. Ale Magellan was just spared. There are often terrible storms here.

The Pacific Ocean is twice as large as the Atlantic. Vin borrows 165 million sq. m. km, to become mayzhe half of the area of ​​the Light Ocean. The new one has more than half of all the water on our planet. In one place, the ocean stretches for 17 thousand. km zavshirski, stretching mayzhe on half of the earth's kuli. Regardless of its name, this majestic ocean becomes not only black, beautiful and turbo-free. Severe storms or underwater earthquakes irritate yoga. Indeed, on the territory of the Pacific Ocean there are large zones of seismic activity.

Photographs of the Earth from space show the right side of the Pacific Ocean. The world's largest ocean occupies a third of the planet's surface. Yogo waters stretch across Northern Asia and Africa to America. In shallow places, the depth of the Pacific Ocean becomes an average of 120 meters. These waters bathe the so-called continental shelves, as they are the flooded parts of the continental platforms, which start along the coastline and step by step enter the water. To become the Pacific Ocean's deepest depth at an average of 4,000 meters. The depressions at the entrance are deepening in the deepest and darkest place near the world – the Mariansky zholob – 11,022 m. Ale and there, they knew living organisms!

On the Pacific Plate, the majestic expanse of the earth's crust, the ridges of high underwater mountains were planted. Near the Pacific Ocean there are many islands of volcanic activity, for example Hawaii, the largest island in the archipelago of the Hawaiian Islands. In Hawaii, there is the highest peak in the world - Mount Mauna Kea. Vaughn is extinguished by a volcano with a height of 10,000 meters above the base on the bottom of the sea. In opposition to the volcanic islands, there are low-lying islands, studded with coral deposits, as if thousands of years have groped their way on the tops of underwater volcanoes. At this majestic ocean, there are the most manipulative representatives of the underwater world - ranging from the world's largest ribs (whale sharks) to flying ribs, squids and sea lions. On the warm milky water of coral reefs, thousands of species of bright-skinned fish and algae linger. In the cold waters of the deep waters, all kinds of ribs, sea savants, mollusks, crustaceans and others swim.

The Pacific Ocean - the people of that history

The sea roads across the Pacific Ocean have been working for a long time. Close to 40,000 years ago, the natives crossed by canoe from New Guinea to Australia. The century described between the XVI centuries BC. e. that X century AD. e. Polynesian tribes settled in the Pacific Islands, trying to make up for the great waters. It is considered one of the greatest achievements in the history of navigation. Vikoristovuyuchi special canoes with underwire bottom and weaved leaves with vitrils, Polynesian seafarers covered 20 million sq. m. km of ocean space. At the western part of the Pacific Ocean, around the XII century, the Chinese poked their way far into the world of maritime navigation. The stench was the first, who, having begun to win the great ships with a kіlkom with calipers, which are located on the underwater part of the vessel, kermo, and also compasses.

The Europeans decided to reach the Pacific Ocean in the 17th century when the Dutch captain Abel Janszon Tasman rounded Australia and New Zealand on his ship. One of the most famous survivors of the Pacific Ocean is Captain James Cook. Between 1768 and 1779 the fate of the wines was put on the map of New Zealand, similarly saving Australia and the rich Pacific islands. In 1947, the Norwegian mandrake Thor Heyerdal sailed on his raft "Kon-Tiki" from the shores of Peru to the Tuamotu archipelago, which enters the warehouse of French Polynesia. This expedition proved to those that the ancient indigenous inhabitants of Pivdenny America could cross the great sea shores on rafts.

In the twentieth century, the survival of the Pacific Ocean was troubling. The mud of the Mariansky zholob was installed, as well as the sight of sea creatures and roslin. The development of the tourism industry, the zabrudnennya in the middle of nowhere and the dominance of the beaches threaten the natural balance of the Pacific Ocean. Organize the okremikh krajn and that group of ecologists are trying to lead to a minimum of shkoda, which will subdue our civilization to the watery middle.

Indian Ocean

Indian Oceanє third after the size of the Earth and covers 73 million square meters. km. The warmest ocean, lead such a rich variety of growth and creaturely light. The biggest place in the Indian Ocean is a depression, lined up for the day overlooking the island of Yavi. The deep water is 7450 m. At the winter hour, if the monsoons are overwhelmed, the flow is straight to the coast of Africa, and the inlet - to the coast of India.

The Indian Ocean stretches from the coast of Northern Africa to Indonesia and Australia and from the coast of India to Antarctica. The Arabian and Chervone seas, as well as the Bengal and Perska inlets, can be seen to the ocean. The Suetsky Canal receives the main part of the Red Sea from the Middle Earth.

At the bottom of the Indian Ocean there are great deposits of earthly measles - the African plate, the Antarctic plate and the Indo-Australian plate. The destruction of the earth's measles causes underwater earthquakes, like gigantic winds cry out under the name of a tsunami. As a result of earthquakes, new mountain ranges appear on the ocean day. In certain places, the floods are burning above the surface of the water, making more islands spread in the Indian Ocean. Between the mountain ranges lie deep depressions. For example, the depth of the Sunda Trench is about 7450 meters. The waters of the Indian Ocean serve as a habitat for various representatives of the creaturely world, including corals, sharks, whales, turtles and jellyfish. Suffocating currents are majestic streams of water, which crumble across the warm, blue expanses of the Indian Ocean. Western Australian currents carried cold Antarctic water to the tropics.

Equatorial flow, spreading below the equator, circulating heat water from the anti-annual arrow. Pivnіchnі techії lie down in the monsoon winds, which cry out brightly, yakі zmіnyuyut their directly fallow in the vіd pori rock.

Indian Ocean - people of that history

Seafarers and merchants plied the waters of the Indian Ocean for a hundred years. The main trade routes were followed by the ships of ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians, Persians and Indians. In the early Middle Ages, settlers from India and Sri Lanka crossed to Pivdenno-Skhidnaya Asia. From long ago, in the Arabian Sea, wooden ships sailed under the name of dhow, transporting exotic spices, African elephant brush and fabrics.

Near the 15th century, the great Chinese navigator Zhen Ho had a great expedition across the Indian Ocean to the shores of India, Sri Lanka, Persia, the Arabian Peninsula and Africa. In 1497, the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama became the first European, the ship of which rounded the pivdenny edge of Africa and reached the shores of India. English, French and Dutch merchants followed him, and the era of colonial conquests began. Centuries on the island, which lies in the Indian Ocean, new settlers, merchants and pirates settled. A lot of sights of the island creatures, which did not linger more anywhere near the world, died out. For example, a dodo that does not shine blue rose from a gander, that it was in Mauritius, it was a blame until the end of the 17th century. Giant tortoises appeared on the island of Rodrigues before the 19th century. The legacy of the Indian Ocean continued in the 19th and 20th centuries. Vcheni vykonali majestic robot, zavdavshi on the map of the relief of the seabed. At this hour, the satellites of the Earth are launched into orbit to send signs to the ocean, to mimic the depths and transmit informational messages.

atlantic ocean

atlantic oceanє others for the magnitude of that cover the area, equal to 82 million square meters. km. Vіn mayzhe vdvіchі lesser over the Pacific Ocean, but yоgo rozmіri steadily increase. In the middle of the ocean, a strong underwater ridge stretches across the island of Iceland. The peaks of yoga are the Azores and the island of Voznesinnya. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge - the great mountain lance at the bottom of the ocean - becomes broader by about 2.5 cm. Її depth - 9218 meters. Even though 150 million years of that Atlantic Ocean has not yet been, then by stretching the coming 150 million years, they will allow it, and it will occupy more than half of the earth's backbone. The Atlantic Ocean strongly influences the climate and the weather in Europe.

The Atlantic Ocean, having begun to form 150 million years ago, if the usunennia of the earth's measles gave birth to Pivnichnu and Pivdennu America from Europe and Africa. Tsei is the youngest of the oceans of names named after the god Atlas, who was worshiped by ancient Greeks.

The ancient peoples, for example, the Finnicians, rozpochali doslіdzhennya Atlantic Ocean around the VIII century BC. e. Prote is less in the IX century AD. e. Vikings far away from the shores of Europe to Greenland and Pivnіchnoi America. The cob of the "golden century" of the exploration of the Atlantic was laid by Christopher Columbus, an Italian navigator, who had been in the service of the Spanish monarchs. In 1492, a small squadron of three ships, after a long storm, sailed to the Caribbean inlet. Columbus vvazhav, scho vіn plive to Skhіdnoї Іndії, albeit in truth, called the New World - America. Nezabar followed him followed by other seafarers from Portugal, Spain, France and England. The engagement of the Atlantic Ocean continues to the Donin. At this time, for mapping the relief of the seabed, a vicorous sonar (sounds of sound) is used. In the Atlantic Ocean, fisheries are carried out in a rich country. People were catching fish in these waters for thousands of years, but the current species of ribeye was caught by trawlers, calling the fishing shoals to a significant speed. The oblyamlyuchi oceans of the sea are brooding with the entrances. The Atlantic Ocean continues to play an important role in international trade. A lot of important trade sea routes pass through it.

Pivnіchniy Frozen Ocean

Pivnіchniy Frozen Ocean, which is known between Canada and Siberia, which is the smallest and most important among the other regions. Ale wine at the most mysterious, more may I be buried under the majestic ball of ice. Pivnіchny Frozen ocean to divide into two pools the underwater rapids of Nansen. The Arctic basin is larger beyond the area, and in the new one there is the greatest depth of the ocean. It is 5000 m long and located on the front of the Franz Josip Land. In addition, here, the white of the Russian coast, there is a great mainland mile. From tsієї causes our arctic seas, and to itself: Kars, Barents, Laptev, Chukotsk, Skhidno-Siberian - milky waters.

The ocean (ancient Greek Ὠκεανός, in the name of the ancient Greek deity Oceanu) is the largest water object, which is part of the Light Ocean, spreading the middle of the continents, which is the water circulation system and other specific features. The ocean is interrupted by an uninterrupted interaction with the atmosphere and the earth's crust. The area of ​​the surface of the ocean, to which the ocean and the sea enters, is about 71 square meters of the surface of the Earth (about 361 million square kilometers). The relief of the bottom of the oceans of the Earth is folded and varied.

The science that twists the oceans is called oceanology; the fauna and flora of the ocean were divided by biology, the titles of biology to the ocean.

ancient meaning

In Ancient Rome, the word Oceanus denoted the waters that wash the light from the sunset, that opens the Atlantic Ocean. Under this rule, Oceanus Germanicus (“Nimets Ocean”) or Oceanus Septentrionalis (“Pivnichny Ocean”) meant the Pivnichny Sea, and Oceanus Britannicus (“British Ocean”) - the channel of the English Channel.

Modern design of the oceans

The ocean of light is the source of light of the sea water, the main part of the hydrosphere, which becomes 94.1% of the entire area, without interruption, but not a sustainable water shell of the Earth, which separates the continents from the islands and breathes into the salt warehouse. Continents and great archipelagos divide the light ocean into parts (oceans). Great regions of the oceans in the house like the sea, inlets, channels toshcho.

Some dzherela dili the Svіtovy ocean chotirma parts, іnshі p'yat. From 1937 to 1953, the rocks saw five oceans: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Pivnichniy Liodovitiy and Pivdenniy (or Pivdenny Liodovitiy) ocean. The term "Pivdenniy ocean" is considered to be the 18th century, if it began to be systematically extended to the region. In the publications of the International Hydrographic Organization, the Pivdenny Ocean from the warehouse of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific was seen in 1937. Which had its own grounding: at its own part between the three oceans, it’s smarter, at one time you drive, lie down to Antarctica, find your own specifics, and also join the Antarctic circumpolar current. Prote zgoda, in view of the sight of the Pivdenny ocean surrounded by the ocean, moved. In 2000, the international hydrographic organization adopted a subdivision for five oceans, but the decision has not yet been ratified. At the appointed oceans in 1953, there is no fate of the Pivdenny ocean.

At the tables below, the Crimean seas, which can be seen to the oceans, are also indicated by the sea, which lies to the Pivdenny ocean.

Area, mln km²

Total, mln km³

Middle depth, m

Largest depth, m


8742 (Puerto Rico Complaint)

Baltic, Pivnichne, Seredzemne, Chorne, Sargasov, Caribbean, Adriatic, Azov, Balearic, Ionichne, Irish, Marmurov, Tirrensk, Yegeysk; Biskayskaya inflow, Guinean inflow, Mexican inflow, Hudson inflow

: Weddell, Skosha, Lazareva.


7 725 (Zonda zholob)

Andamansk, Arabian, Arafursk, Chervone, Lakkadivsk, Timorsk; Bengalska zatoka, Perska zatoka

It is the same way to Pivdenny ocean: Riser-Larsen, Davis, Cosmonauts, Spivdruzhnosti, Mawson.

pіvnіchny Lyodovitiy

5 527 (off the Greenland Sea)

Norway, Barents, Beal, Kars, Laptev, Skhidno-Sibirsk, Chukotsk, Greenland, Beaufort, Baffin, Lincoln

11 022 (Mariansky zholob)

Beringovo, Okhotsk, Yaponsk, Skhidno-Kitaysk, Zhovta, Pivdenno-Kitaysk, Yavansk, Sulawesi, Sulu, Filippinsky, Koralovo, Fiji, Tasmanovo

It is the same way to Pivdenny ocean: Durville, Somov, Ross, Amundsen, Bellingshausen.

Brief description of the oceans

The Pacific Ocean (abo Great) is the largest ocean on Earth beyond that area. Raztashovaniya between the continents of Eurasia and Australia at sunset, Pivnichnoy and Pivdenny America at the exit, Antarctica at pivdni. On pіvnіchі through the Bering channel you can see the waters of Pivnіchnogo Frozen, and on pіvnі - the Atlantic and Indian oceans. The Pacific Ocean, which occupies 49.5% of the surface of the Light Ocean and contains 53% of the volume of the water of the Light Ocean, the Pacific Ocean stretches for approximately 15.8 thousand km from night to day and 19.5 thousand km from the same direction. The area with the seas is 179.7 million km2, the average depth is 3984 m, the volume of water is 723.7 million km3 . The greatest depth of the Pacific Ocean (and of the entire World Ocean) is 11,022 m at the Mariansky Zholoby. Across the Pacific Ocean, approximately along the 180th meridian, there is a date change line. The development of that development of the Pacific Ocean began long ago before the appearance of a written history of mankind. For sailing by the ocean, junks, catamarans and simple flesh were used. The expedition of 1947 to rock on a raft of balsa decks "Kon-Tiki" under the Norwegian architecture Thor Heyerdahl brought the possibility of crossing the Pacific Ocean at a straight line from the central part of Pivdennoy America to the islands of Polynesia. Chinese junks made trips on the coast of the ocean to the Indian Ocean (for example, it was more expensive than Zheng He in 1405-1433). In the given hour, saving that island of the Pacific Ocean, developing and populating it, is extremely uneven. The largest centers of industrial development are in the USA (from the Los Angeles area to the San Francisco area), saving Japan and Pivdennoy Korea. The role of the ocean in the economic life of Australia and New Zealand is significant.

The other largest ocean of the Earth after the Pacific Ocean, named after the name of the titan Atlas (Atlanta) in Greek mythology or like the legendary island of Atlantis. The wine stretches from the subarctic latitudes to Antarctica itself. Pass the cordon over the Indian Ocean along the meridian of the Golkovy mise (20 ° N to the coast of Antarctica (Land of the Queen Maud). Cordon over the Pacific Ocean pass through the meridian of the Gorn along the meridian 68 ° 04 'W or along the shortest line in the Pivdenny America to the Antarctic Pivostrov through the Drake Channel, from the Ost Island to the Shternek Miss. , then to the Faroe Islands, further to the Shetland Islands and along 61 ° pivnіchnoy latitude to the coast of the Scandinavian Pivostrov. km3 (8.9%) An area of ​​91.6 million km2, nearly four times falling on the inland seas. 329.7 million km3 of water will be able to make up 25% of the water supply to the Light Ocean. The middle depth is 3736 m, the highest is 8742 m (Puerto Rico trench). The average salinity of the waters of the ocean becomes close to 35 ‰. The Atlantic Ocean can be heavily damaged by the coastline with bends in the regional waters: seas and inlets.

The Indian Ocean is the third ocean of the Earth beyond the world, which covers about 20% of the water. The Indian Ocean is the main rank of rotting on the day of the tropic of Cancer between Eurasia at the night, Africa at the sunset, Australia at the descent and Antarctica at the sun.

Yogo area becomes 76.17 million km2, total - 282.65 million km3. At night you pass Asia, at the entrance - the Arabian Peninsula and Africa, at the exit - Indo-China, the Sunda Islands and Australia; Pivdni mezhuє z Pivdenniy ocean.

Cordon with the Atlantic Ocean to pass along the 20th meridian of the old age; from the Pacific - along the 147° meridian of the longest distance.

The main point of the Indian Ocean is located approximately at 30° latitude in the Persian Gulf. The Indian Ocean is about 10,000 km wide. between the main points of Australia and Africa.

Pivnіchny Ice-free ocean (Arctic Ocean, Dan. Ishavet, Norwegian and Nynorsk Nordishavet) - the smallest ocean of the Earth beyond the area, spreading between Eurasia and Pivnіchnoy America.

The area is 14.75 million km2, which is more than 4% of the total area of ​​the Light Ocean, the average depth is 1225 m, the volume of water is 18.07 million km3.

The Pivnіchny Ice-Cold Ocean is the largest of the dry oceans, and its average depth is 1225 m (the largest depth is 5527 m near the Greenland Sea).

Ocean molding

To this day, the scientific community has a version that the ocean appeared 3.5 billion years ago, as a result of degassing of magma and further condensation of the steam of the atmosphere. Most of the oceanic basins of modernity viniclo in the remaining 250 million years as a result of the splitting of the ancient supercontinent and the separation on the side (the so-called spreading) of the lithospheric plates. Vinyatkom is the Pacific Ocean, which is a remnant of the ancient ocean of Pantalasi, which is changing.

Bathymetric camp

According to the bathymetric position and the nature of the relief, on the bottom of the ocean one can see a few advancing rocks:

  • Shelf - depth up to 200-500 m
  • Continental skil - depth up to 3500 m
  • Ocean bed - depth up to 6000 m
  • Glibokovodnі zholoby - glybina lower than 6000 m

ocean that atmosphere

The ocean and the atmosphere are the linnimi middles. The power of these mediums determines the place of the basis of organisms. The flows in the atmosphere contribute to the global circulation of water in the oceans, and due to the temperature, the power of the oceanic waters continues to lie. In its own land, the ocean signifies the main power of the atmosphere and is the source of energy for various processes that take place in the atmosphere. On the circulation of water near the ocean, winds are poured, the wrapping of the Earth, and wind the barriers of the land.

Ocean and climate

The ocean warms up more and more, and the winter comes more. Tse allows you to adjust the temperature fluctuations on land, which is adjacent to the ocean.

The atmosphere takes away from the ocean a significant part of the heat that comes up to it, and maybe all the water vapor. The steam rises, condenses, calming the gloom, like being carried by the winds, and spilling at the sight of the snow on land. The heat of water exchange takes the fate of the surface water of the ocean. Internal (about 95%) do not take part in the exchange.

Chemical warehouse water

In the ocean, there is a nevycherpny dzherel of chemical elements, like to be at the warehouse of yoga water, as well as at the genera, roztashovanih on the day. Ide postyne remembrance of the deposits with brown copalins, the way of falling down, I bring in the bottom of various fallouts and varieties from the earth's measles.

The average salinity of sea water is 35 ‰. Salty relish of water is given by 3.5% of various mineral rechovins, which are found in it, - the main rank with sodium and chlorine.

Zavdjaki to the fact that the water in the ocean is constantly mixed with whirlwinds and currents, the warehouse may be the same in all parts of the ocean.

Flora and fauna

Over 50% of all biomass of the Light Ocean falls before the Pacific Ocean. Life in the ocean is presented in a clear and varied way, especially in the tropical and subtropical zones between the coasts of Asia and Australia, and the majestic territories are occupied by coral reefs and mangroves. The phytoplankton of the Pacific Ocean is most importantly composed of microscopic one-celled algae, which are close to 1300 species. The tropics have especially wide fucus, great greenery and especially red algae, as well as coral polyps and reef-building organisms.

Roslinny svіt Atlantic vіdіznyaєtsya species diversity. In comrades, the leader dominates phytoplankton, which is composed of dinoflagellates and diatoms. Near the fall of the seasonal bloom, the sea of ​​the shores of Florida bleeds into a bright-red color, and liters of sea water pass through tens of millions of one-celled roslins. Donna flora is represented by burim (fucusi, laminaria), green, red algae and some kind of sudine roslins. In the rivers of the rivers, the growth of the morska zoster, or the skuine, and in the tropics, greens (caulerpa, wallonia) and storms (sargassi) algae prevail. Storms of algae (fucus, lisonia, elektus) are typical for the peninsular part of the ocean. Creature's light is breathed in by a great - about a hundred - number of bipolar species, which linger only in the cold and calm belts and during the day near the tropics. Before us are great sea animals (whales, seals, seals) and ocean birds. Sea urchins, coral polyps, sharks, ribeye parrots and ribbi surgeons live in tropical latitudes. Dolphins are often seen near the waters of the Atlantic. The life of the intellectuals of the creaturely world is willing to accompany great and small ships - sometimes, unfortunately, drinking pitilessly climbing twinks. The original inhabitants of the Atlantic are the African manatee and the planet's largest living creature, the blue whale.

Flora and fauna of the Indian Ocean are extremely diverse. The tropical area is seen as rich in plankton. The Trichodesmium (a type of cyanobacteria) is especially rich in one-celled water, through which the surface ball of the water is very turbid and changes its contamination. The plankton of the Indian Ocean breathes in a great number of organisms that shine at night: peridins, some species of jellyfish, comb jellyfish, obolonniks. The siphonophores are brightly streaked brightly, the bran phasalium zocrema. In calm and arctic waters, the leading representatives of plankton are copepods, eufuasides and diatoms. The largest number of fish in the Indian Ocean are dolphins, tunas, notothenia and various sharks. From blunderbusses and sprat species of giant sea turtles, sea snakes, from ssavtsiv - whale-like (toothless and blue whales, sperm whales, dolphins), seals, sea elephants. Most whale-like linger in the subarctic and subpolar regions, devastating intense mixing of waters blame friendly minds for the development of planktonic organisms. The growing world of the Indian Ocean is represented by stormy (sargasov, turbinary) and green algae (caulerna). Lithotaminous algae and chalimeda also develop in a special way, as they take their fate from corals at the same time in sporadzhenny reef buds. Typical for the coastal zone of the Indian Ocean - phytocenoses, mangrove chagars. For calm and near-Antarctic waters, the most characteristic are red and storms of algae, the main rank from the groups of fucus and laminaria, porphyry, gelidium. In the subpolar regions of the pivdenny pivkul, gigantic macrocystis trap.

The reason for the presence of the organic world of the Pivnichny Icy Ocean is the suvori climatic mind. Vinyatki to become less Pivnіchno-Europeyskiy pool, Barents and Bіle seas from їх over the rich creatures and growing world. The flora of the ocean is represented by the leading rank of kelp, fucus, anfeltz, and the White Sea is also represented by zoster. The fauna of the bottom of the seas of the similar Arctic is very poor, especially the central part of the Arctic basin. There are over 150 species of ribs near the Pivnichny Icy Ocean, among them there is a large number of industrial fish (settled, triskovy, salmon, scorpionfish, flounders and others). Sea birds in the Arctic lead an important colonial way of life and linger on the shores. These are represented by seals, walruses, white whales, whales (leading rank minke whales and bowhead whales), narwhals. On the islands, lemings hustle, foxes and deer come in behind the bridges. A representative of the fauna of the ocean is also the white bear, the life of which is connected with drifting, pack ice or coastal fast ice. Greater zvirіv and ptahіv tsiliy rіk (and deyakі less vzimka) may be more or less brightly zabarvlennya.

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Our Earth from space is a black planet. To that, ¾ of the surface of the earth's backwaters is occupied by the Light Ocean. Wine is one, although it is strongly divided.

The surface area of ​​the Holy Ocean will be 361 million square meters. km.

Oceans of our planet

The ocean is the water shell of the earth, the most important storehouse of the hydrosphere. The continents divide the Light Ocean into parts.

In this hour, it is customary to see five oceans:

. - The largest and most recent on our planet. Surface area - 178.6 million sq. km. Vin borrows 1/3 of the Earth and becomes mayzhe half of the Light Ocean. In order to show this magnitude, to say that in the Pacific Ocean it is easy to spread all the continents and islands at once. For this reason, yoga is often called the Great Ocean.

I will call my own "Pacific" ocean to F. Magellan, who, at the time of his navkolosvitnoi, has become dearer, having transcended the ocean for friendly minds.

The ocean has an oval shape;

Pivdenna part of the ocean - the whole area of ​​​​calm, light winds and stable atmosphere. On the way to the islands of Tuamotu, the picture changes sharply - here the area is blown up by the storm and squally winds, which are to cross at the fierce hurricane.

In the area of ​​the tropics, the waters of the Pacific Ocean are clear, the gaps are deep blue. Bіlya equator has settled into a pleasant climate. The temperature here is +25ºC, but it practically does not change by stretching the rock. In the wake of deadly forces, calm often sets in.

The peninsular part of the ocean is similar to the pivdenny, like a mirror-like one: at sunset, the weather is bad with occasional storms and typhoons, at the exit - silence and smoothness.

The Pacific Ocean is the richest for the number of species of creatures and roslin. Yogo waters bag over 100 yew. seeing creatures. Here you can see maybe half of the catch of ribey in the whole world. The most important sea lanes have been laid across the entire ocean, which span across 4 continents.

. occupies an area of ​​92 million square meters. km. The whole ocean, like a majestic channel, crosses the two poles of our planet. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge passes through the center of the ocean, which is famous for its lack of earth measles. Okremi peaks of this ridge rise above the water and make islands, the largest of them is Iceland.

Pivdenny part of the ocean is surfed under the influx of pastors. There are no cyclones here, the water here is calm, that clearness is pure. Closer to the equator, the Atlantic changes. Drive here kalamutni, especially vzdovzh uzberezhzhya. We appreciate that great rivers flow into the ocean near this part.

The late tropical belt of the Atlantic is famous for its hurricanes. Two of the biggest currents are brewing here - the warm Gulf Stream and the cold Labrador.

The peninsular latitude of the Atlantic is the smallest region with majestic icebergs and hard crying seas that protrude from the waters. Tsei region to the ocean is not safe for navigation.

. (76 million sq. km) - the area of ​​the oldest civilizations. Seafaring here began to develop richly earlier, lower in other oceans. The average depth of the ocean is 3700 meters. The coastline is slightly torn, behind the vineyard part, most of the seas and the inflow have been stripped.

The waters of the Indian Ocean are more salty, the others are lower, the shards at the new one are richer than the river. Then, zavdyaki tsomu, stink to be glorified by marvelous transparency and abundant black and blue color.

Pivnіchna part of the ocean - the region of monsoons, in autumn and spring typhoons often settle. Closer to pіvden the temperature of the water is lower than the zavdyaki inflow of Antarctica.

. (15 mln. sq. km.) roztashovaniya in the Arctic and borrowing large expanses near the pіvnіchnogo pole. The maximum depth is 5527m.

The central part of the bottom - tse sucilne peretina of the mountain ranges, between which the majestic gully is sown. The coastline is heavily crossed by seas and inlets, and beyond the islands and archipelagos, Pivnichniy Lodovitiy sits another place after such a giant, like the Pacific Ocean.

The most characteristic part of this ocean is the presence of ice floes. Pivnіchny Ice-falling ocean is abandoned on this day of the least vvchennym, shards of old are respected by those that most of the ocean is attached under the crooked curve.

. . Lead, scho bathe Antarctica, take signs from yourself. Allows you to see into the ocean. Ale dosi sharpen superechki, scho vvazhat cordons. As from pіvdnya intersigned by the mainland, then pіvnіchnі cordons are most often carried out along 40-50 º pivdenny latitude. At such boundaries, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ocean is 86 million square meters. km.

The relief of the bottom is cut by underwater canyons, ridges and hollows. The fauna of Pivdenny ocean is rich, there is the largest number of creatures and roslin-endemics.

Characteristics of the oceans

The ocean of light is already a spear of billions of rocks. The prototype of yoga is the most recent ocean of Panthalassa, which was created if all the continents were one and the same. Until recently it was said that the bottom of the ocean is in the river. Ale z'yasuvalosya, scho the bottom, like and dry land, maє foldable relief with its mountains and plains.

Power of the waters of the light ocean

Russian teachings A. Voykov called the Ocean of Light "the great scorching battery" of our planet. On the right, the average water temperature in the oceans is +17 °C, and the average temperature is +14 °C. The water warms up more richly, but it warms more warmly, lower the temperature, and at this high temperature there are indicators of heat capacity.

But not all things in the oceans are at the same temperature. Under the sun, less surface water is heated, and the temperature drops with depth. It seems that at the bottom of the ocean the average temperature is only +3ºC. And it is filled with water like this through the temple.

Keep in mind that the oceans have salty water, so it freezes at 0ºC, and at -2ºC.

The degree of salinity of the waters changes in a fallow manner depending on the geographic latitude: in the dead latitudes, the water is less salty, lower, for example, in the tropics. At the pivnoch, bring also less salt for the rahunok tannennya ice-dwellers, so that the water is strongly freshened.

Different waters to the ocean and for the transparency. At the equator, the water is clear. Near the world, farther away from the equator, the water becomes more sour, and the micro-organisms appear more. Then the white of the poles, through low temperatures, the waters become clear again. Thus, the waters of the Weddell Sea of ​​Antarctica are most respected. Another place lies in the waters of the Sargas Sea.

View of the ocean from the sea

The main view of the sea to the ocean is at the rose worlds. The oceans are much larger, and the seas are more frequent, less than a part of the oceans. The seas also breeze into the ocean, up to the basin of such a stink to lie, a unique hydrological regime (water temperature, salinity, transparency, a characteristic warehouse of flora and fauna).

The climate of the oceans

Climate of the Pacific Ocean infinitely varied, so the ocean of rotting is practically in all climatic zones: from the equatorial to the subarctic in the winter and the antarctic in the rain. The Pacific Ocean has 5 warm currents and 4 cold ones.

The largest number of falls falls in the equatorial zone. A handful of falling waters overwhelm a part of the evaporation of waters, so the water of the Pacific Ocean is less salty than others.

Climate of the Atlantic Ocean signifies yoga with a great length from pivnochi to pivday. The equator zone is the most part of the ocean, the temperature here is lower, lower at the Pacific Islands of India.

It is smart to divide the Atlantic into pivnichnu and pivdenna, passing the cordon by the equator, and the pivdenny part is colder through the proximity to Antarctica. For rich areas of the ocean, thick fogs and intense cyclones are typical. The strongest stench was in the Pivdenny edge of Pivnichnoy America and in the Caribbean Sea.

For molding climate of the Indian Ocean Nadaє great infusion of the proximity of two continents - Eurasia and Antarctica. Eurasia is taking an active part in the broader changing seasons, bringing a charge to the dry weather, and inwardly reminiscent of the atmosphere of the overworld water.

The proximity of Antarctica means a drop in water temperature near the upper part of the ocean. Parts of the hurricane and the storm are blamed on the equator on pіvnіch and pіvday.

Molding the climate of Pivnichny Icy Ocean swear by geographic roztashuvannyam. Here the arctic winds are panning. The average temperature repeats: from -20 ºC to -40 ºC, on the other hand the temperature rarely rises above 0ºC. Ale lead the ocean warmly for the sake of constant contact with the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. That is why the Pivnichny Ice-free ocean warms up a significant part of the land.

Strong winds seldom come, then part of the fog. Fall down, it’s more important to look at the snow.

The closeness of Antarctica, the presence of ice and the presence of warm currents are infused. Here panuє Antarctic climate with low temperatures, gloomy weather and weak winds. Snіg vypadє protyazh horny fate. Influence of rice on the climate of the Pivdenny ocean - high activity of cyclones.

Injecting the ocean into the Earth's climate

The ocean gives a colossal infusion to shape the climate. Vіn accumulyuє large reserves of heat. Sunny oceans, the climate on our planet becomes soft and warm, but the temperature of the waters in the oceans changes not so sharply and swiftly, like the temperature rises over the land.

The oceans shelter the greatest circulation of the worst masses. And this is the most important natural phenomenon, like a circle of water, providing the land with a sufficient amount of water.


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