Country China: short information and basic facts. Republic of China: economy, population, history of the People's Republic of China deciphering the country

Country China: short information and basic facts. Republic of China: economy, population, history of the People's Republic of China deciphering the country

Many people do not suspect that the world has not one Chinese Republic, but two, even one of them has the prefix “people’s”. That's not all. The 20th century recently saw the birth of yet another Chinese Republic, this time a “Radyan”. Let’s try to figure out which one of them is Kim.


This powerful power is widely known to the world under the nickname “China”. It was approved on October 1, 1949. The capital of the region is near Beijing. a socialist power. As of today, her head is Xi Jinping. Rule the country This country is a permanent member. Moreover, with each passing day, the world’s political power and economy are growing rapidly.

The order of the People's Republic of China has always added about the defense of its land. Today, the PRC has the largest army in the world. In this case, there is a great arsenal of nuclear weapons. The largest are Beijing, Chongqing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin. Regardless of the fact that a large number of people live in this republic, speaking in different languages, they have only one main language - Chinese.

Geographical location and secret information about China

The People's Republic of China is located in Western Asia. Their coordinates: 32°48′00″ subsurface latitude and 103°05′00″ similar longitude. This power occupies third place among the world for its size. Vono occupies an area of ​​approximately 9.6 million square meters. km. Due to the size of the population of the People's Republic of China, no one can help them. According to 2013 estimates, 1366.5 million people lived in this country.

China is washed by the waters of the seas (Skhidno-Chinese, Zhovtim, Pivdenno-China). Its neighbors include Russia, North Korea, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos. Protecting China begins at the border with Southern Korea and reaches Vietnam. It costs 14.5 thousand. km. The time zone of the People's Republic of China is +8. The country's telephone code is +86.

Economy of the People's Republic of China

The People's Republic of China is one of the leaders of the world economy. So, for pouches 2013. її GDP became 7318 trillion US dollars, which in the changeover for the population of the region became 6569 dollars. Gross product (GPP) is 12,383 trillion US dollars. Perehrahunku per capita is 9828 dollars. In breastfeeding 2014 The economy of the People's Republic of China has become the world's first choice for this show.

The national currency of the People's Republic of China is the Yuan (CNY). You are informed by 156. The economy of the People's Republic of China is rich in carbon. At the same time, China is a leading world leader in the production of a wide range of industrial products, such as cars and machinery. Vaughn exports all over the world a large number of consumer goods, so it is often called the “factory of light.” China is the owner of the largest gold and foreign exchange reserves.

Population of China

According to the Human Development Index (HDI) in 2014. China is planted in 91 places in the middle of the world. Vin became 0.719, which is a very high result. Ethno-funerals (names of the people of the singing locality) sound like “Chinese”, “Chinese woman”, “Chinese”.

Dozens of different peoples linger on the territory of the People's Republic of China (56 officially identified). All of them are distinguished by their names, traditions, national costumes, and cuisine. Who among them speaks loudly? All these numerous peoples will become less than 7% of the population of this state. The majority of people living in the PRC are Chinese, who call themselves “Han”.

No regard for those who have been since 1979. There is strict control over the population in the region, and the rapid natural population growth continues to grow steadily. The average triviality of life for the Chinese is becoming 71 rik. At the end of the day, a portion of the towns and villages of the country was almost equal, which testifies to the high rate of urbanization of the region. The population of the People's Republic of China follows the following main religions: Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism.

The hidden history of the discovery of the People's Republic of China

China is one of the oldest lands on Earth. It has been said that the civilization of this power has been around 5 thousand years. The usual letters confirm that in the territory of the People's Republic of China, already 3.5 thousand years ago, there were administrative restrictions with a broken management system. The entire dynasty of rulers that is changing worked on it thoroughly. The economy of this region has always been based on corrupt agriculture.

The introduction of Confucianism as a sovereign ideology and a unified writing system played a great role in the significant Chinese civilization. This happened in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC. Over the course of hundreds of years, the kingdoms and provinces that were located on this territory were either united or disintegrated. During this period, the population suffered from the constant raids of nomads. For their protection, this powerful civilization has been developing, fighting, and assimilating with the alien Asian peoples for thousands of years. Today's China is the result of a variety of political and cultural processes.

Emperors of various dynasties ruled this power for thousands of years. The Republic of China, called Zhonghua Minguo, arose from 1911 to 1949.

02/12/1912 r. the remaining emperor, Pu I, signed a statement to the throne. This power de jure introduced a republican form of government, but in fact, from 1911 to 1949, the period of the “Time of Troubles” continued. In China, various sovereign powers have disintegrated, which is due to the security of provincial army corrals. Tilki 1949 r. The army of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has become a proxy in the huge war that is spreading from its territory. There was a lot to be gained from Radyansky’s encouragement to the Union. The CCP defeated the conservative party of the Republic of China, called the Kuomintang. The remaining rulers fled to Taiwan. There they became the founders of such a power as the Republic of China.

Vote of the Republic

At the spring of 1949 On the territory of the current People's Republic of China, the People's Consultative Council of China began to operate. He himself voted for the establishment of the People's Republic. At this time, the Central People's Rada (PPCS) was formed, the head of which was Mao Zedong. Born in 1954 The People's Republic of China adopted a Constitution that renamed the CNPC to the Standing Committee of the All-China People's Representative Assembly.

In the period from 1949 to 1956. The SRSR strengthened its assistance to the power in the creation of basic industrial production. Nationalization and collectivization were carried out on the territory of the republic. Socialist life began to develop at a great pace. Born in 1956 In the country, a new course of development was announced, because the ideas of Mao Zedong and the policy of “communization” and the “great slaughter” began to be adopted into their lives. From 1966 to 1976 In China, a “cultural revolution” was announced, which led to an intensification of class struggle. In a “special” way of development, the state and the kingdom seized control of commodity and penny stocks, protected non-state forms of power, froze foreign economic ties and controlled public courts.

The cob of an “economical diva”

The one who came to power, condemning the policies of his predecessor and in 1977. Having launched a new campaign, it was called “Beijing Spring”. Born in 1978 At the plenum of the CPC, a course towards a socialist market economy was announced. There is a small specific rice. She was responsible for strengthening the planned-divided and market system for the significant receipt of foreign investments. Chinese enterprises have gained more independence from their government activities. The sovereign sector of the economy was significantly curtailed, including free economic zones. Great respect was given to the poverty of the population and to scientific and technological progress.

Until the end of the 80s of the 20th century, the population of the People's Republic of China was completely provided with food. Due to the fate of the GDP and industrial production, production grew inexorably. Deng Xiaoping's reforms were successfully adopted in life and in his future:

  • since 1993 – Jiang Zemin;
  • since 2002 – Hu Jintao;
  • since 2012 – Xi Jinping.

Sovereign structure of the People's Republic of China

Over the course of history, this region has adopted 4 Constitutions (1954, 1975, 1978, 1982). Together with the rest of them, China is a socialist power of a democratic dictatorship for the people. Its largest body of power is the unicameral Vono, which consists of a large number of deputies (2979), which are subject to 5 regional elections. The NPC meets quickly. Members of the CPC and 8 “democratic” parties, including members of the People's Political Consultative Council of China, are allowed to participate in the elections. The supreme organ of the Vikonau is the State Rada, or (as it is often called) the Central People's Order. This warehouse includes the prime minister and his protectors, ministers, the auditor general, ordinary members, and the general secretary. The highest court instance is the Supreme People's Court. A significant role in the development of the region is played by the local government authorities - the assembly of people's representatives and the victorious order (people's) order.

Today, the legislative authorities are in the special administrative regions, and in Hong Kong and Macau. The head of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, does not accept friendly relations with the aggressor of the USSR - the Russian Federation. With every fate, friendship between the two countries and mutual relations are increasingly gaining momentum. The Embassy of the People's Republic of China of the Russian Federation attaches great respect to the further importance of mutual relations between our countries.

Administrative section

Although China is a great power due to its size and population, it also has a complex administrative section. The PRC maintains control over 22 provinces, including the 23rd administrative unit of Taiwan. This power also includes 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities (places of central subordination), 2 special territorial units. All the stench is called “mainland China”. Its administrative units include Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.

In fact, China has the following equivalents of local self-government:

  • provincial (23 provinces, 4 places of central subordination, 5 autonomous and 2 special regions);
  • district (15 prefectures, 3 aimaks, 286 municipalities and 30 autonomous districts);
  • district (districts: 1455 simple, 370 municipal, 117 autonomous; 857 simple and 4 special districts; 49 simple and 3 autonomous khoshuns);
  • volost (13,587 major and 1,085 national volosts, 19,683 villages, 106 simple and 1 national soum, 2 districts of the provincial subordination and 7,194 street committees);
  • rural (town microdistricts, town communities, villages).

This special administrative region of the People's Republic of China, which came under its jurisdiction in 1997, has a population of over 7 million people. Macau is an autonomous territory (formerly a colony of Portugal) with a population of over 0.5 million people.

Now we need to contact the powers that are on this territory. What is the Republic of China? And nothing less than Taiwan, which the PRC respects as the 23rd province of its territory. This island in the Pacific Ocean is located 150 km from the mainland of China. Between them is the Taiwan Channel. The territory of the island is 36 thousand. sq. km.

The independence of this power was proclaimed on October 10, 1911, and until now there has been frequent diplomatic recognition. The official language for Taiwan is Chinese. Its capital is Taipei. This republic is a democracy with a presidential power system and illegal electoral law. Today, Taiwan is one of the most guilty powers in the region. You must enter before the so-called “four Asian tigers”. The President of this mixed republic is Ma Ying-jiu.

The ensign of the Republic of China has a blue cloth, which symbolizes the Earth, with a blue rectum at the upper left corner, which represents the Sky. The new image depicts Bile Sontse. The ensign of the Chinese Republic first appeared in 1928. from the Kuomintang party.

Taiwan has a population of approximately 23.3 million people. At this GDP per capita in 2013. They collected 39,767 US dollars, which is 11 times more than China for this show. Taiwan's technological industry plays a significant role in the world economy. Moreover, its value increases less with skin cancer. The economy of the Republic of China has been successfully developing over the past decade due to the stagnation of new technologies and the miraculous illumination of the population. The currency of this country is the Taiwanese dollar.

Over the course of many decades, the establishment of the Republic of China has been developing in such a way that it will eventually create a significant economy that grows. Today, the term obligatory basic education has become 9 years old. The remaining time in Taiwan would like to increase this term to 12 terms. The entire lighting system has been largely replaced by the development of technical sciences. As a result of this process, graduates are poised to enjoy one of the most important areas of training in mathematics and natural sciences.

Many people have long forgotten about the era of socialism-communism. Few people know what a power such as the Chinese Radian Republic is. It didn't take long for him to wake up. This small power was created in 1931 under the leadership of the Communist Party in Central China (in Jiangxi). Born in 1937 It was reorganized into the Special District.

The Chinese Radian Republic has its small ensign, Timing order, Constitution, laws, penny signs and other attributes of sovereignty. The council of people's commissars of this republic was admired by none other than Mao Zedong, who later became the baggage maker of the People's Republic of China. The Central Army Group became the military support of this region. Before this warehouse included the military of Mao Zedong and Zhu De. In 1931-1932 rr. There was a reorganization of the Red Army.

The main geographical factors of the Chinese Radian Republic were: the Georgian state, remoteness, and the extent of communication, which hid their protection from foreign enemies. It was inhabited by approximately 5 million people.

People's Republic of China
Capital Beijing
Official language Standard Chinese (Mandarin)
Regional languages Mongolian, Tibetan, Uyghur, Zhuang and others
Square 9,706,961 km2
Population 1,353,821,000 osib (2012)
Population size 139.6 individuals per km 2
GDP US$12,382 billion
GDP per capita US$9,146
Currency Chinese Yuan
Time zone UTC +8 (Moscow +5)
Telephone code +86
Internet domain .cn

People's Republic of China- the most densely populated region in the world, with a population of over 1.3 billion people. With an area of ​​9.6 billion square kilometers, China ranks third in the world, after Russia and Canada. And if you save the land area, then you will have to go to another place, ahead of Canada.

China is a one-party power alongside the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). China includes 23 provinces (including Taiwan, which is not controlled), 5 autonomous regions, 4 central administrative regions and 2 special administrative regions. Taiwan is considered the 23rd province of the People's Republic of China, but as a result of a huge war that has not ended, it is controlled by the Republic of China.

The landscape of China is majestic and varied: the deserted Gobi and Taklamakan with great forest-steppes occupy the beginning and end of the region, in the center of the region there is a well-developed native Skhidno-China Plain, the day is occupied by subtropical forests, the sunset is high and mountainous, here the Himalayas are roamed. on Earth, as well as the mountains of Karakoram, Pamir and Tien Shan. In the north of Tibet, the Yangtze and Huanghe rivers take their beginning - the third and most important rivers in the world after the day. The coastline of China passes along the Pacific Ocean and becomes 14,500 kilometers long (11th place in the world). China is washed by the waters of the inlets of the Bohai, Zhovtogo, and Shidnota of the Powder-China Seas.

The coat of arms of China was created by the architect Liang Sicheng and confirmed on the 20th of June 1950. In the center of the coat of arms is the Tiananmen Gate at the Protected Area of ​​Beijing, which symbolizes the rich Chinese traditions. The gate is depicted on the back of a red stake with five stars, like on the ensign, which symbolizes the Communist Party, which unites the Chinese people. The red circle is framed by a yellow frame with images of sheaves of wheat and rice, which symbolize the Maoist agrarian revolution. At the lower part of the cordon there is a gear depicted, which symbolizes the Chinese warriors.

The anthem of China is “March of the Volunteers,” written by Tian Han in 1934 during the Sino-Japanese War. The music was written by Ne Er in 1935. The song became the anthem of rock in 1949, but was discontinued intermittently during the hour of the Cultural Revolution as an unofficial anthem called “Aliya Skhid”. The official status of the anthem was adopted in 1982, and in 2004 it was added to the constitution of the country.


Geographical position

The People's Republic of China was dissolved from Western Asia. The area of ​​the territory is 9.6 million square kilometers. The People's Republic of China extends for 5,200 kilometers from the start of the day and 5,500 kilometers from day to day. Right away, China is washed by the seas of the Pacific Ocean: the Piddenno-China, the Skhidno-China, the Zhovta and the Bohai fork of the Zhovtoi Sea, which is considered by Chinese geographers to be bordered by the sea. China's coastline is set to reach 14,500 km. On three sides, China maintains a land cordon with a total length of 22,117 km with 14 powers: at daytime with the DPRK and Russia, at night with Mongolia, at daytime with Russia This is in Kazakhstan, at the end – in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan, today - with Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bhutan, and today - with Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam. China also maintains maritime cordons with Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia.


Geology in China is quite varied. China is undergoing changes on the Eurasian tectonic plate. Near the plate deposits one can see the Sino-Korean, Pyden-Chinese and Tarim platforms, which in places appear on the surface of crystalline Precambrian rocks. At the southern border between China and the Eurasian plate, the Indian subcontinent collides, creating in between the Himalayan mountains and the plateau of Tibet. Sunset and descent China is occupied by alluvial plains covered with sedimentary rocks. The Great Chinese Plain is located in the center, with the largest quarter share in the world. The thickness of the siege cover is 10 kilometers. In ancient China there are Vapnyak mountains, composed of Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks. In China, anonymous remains of dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures have been discovered.

Part of China is seismically active. The greatest insecurity of earthtruders was observed in the western mountains: Tien Shan, Kunlun, Altai, in the Trans-Himalayas and even in Tibet, in the provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan. On the plains, the seismic regime is irregular, and there are frequent quiet periods between the earthquakes. It is not uncommon for earthquakes to wander into fields, which, according to geological data, are not to blame for seismic activity. As a result, disasters claim more victims. For example, during the earthquake in the province of Shensi in 1556, over 830 thousand people died.


Relief to China

The relief of China is varied. The main peculiarity is that the landscape gradually descends as you enter the descent. Relief of China formations of the interconnected Hindustan and Eurasian lithospheric plates. This collision gave birth to the Himalaya Mountains, the world's greatest mountain lance. China owns half of Mount Everest, the largest mountain on the planet. Located above the Himalayas is Tibet, in China it is called Qinghai-Tibet. The average height of the mountain range is close to 4,000 m. The Crimea of ​​the Himalayas, the Tibetan plateau is framed by the mountain systems of the Pamir, Karakoram, Kunlun and Qilianshan.

At the top of the mountainous Tibet there is the drainless Tarim Basin, in the center of which is the ruined desert of Taklamakan. The Crimea is deserted, in the Tarim Basin the Turfan Depression has been cleared - the largest one near Shidnya Asia (154 meters below the sea level). Pivnich China, called Inner Mongolia, rises on the Mongolian plateau with an average height of 1,000 m. Most of the plateau is occupied by the deserts of Alashan and Gobi. Today, in front of the Mongolian Plateau, there are the deserts of Ordos and the Forest Plateau. This plateau is rich in fate, even native and susceptible to erosion, as a result of which it is severely cut by ravines and river valleys.

Karst relief in China

China is about to occupy accumulative plains. They become less than 10% of the territory of the region, and most of the population lives with them. In western China there is the Manchurian or Western Chinese Plain, in the central - the Great Chinese Plain, divided by the mountains of Shandong into the Northern Chinese Plain and the plain of the Yangtze River. Today is the day for China to occupy itself with the low mountains that intersperse with the native river plains. The floodplain mountains are composed of vapnyak rocks, and are therefore very susceptible to erosion, which gives rise to a very mountainous karst topography. In the middle of the flooded valleys one can see the valley of the Pearl River (Zhujiang), which forms the great native plain.

Korisny Kopalini

China is very rich in copalini berries. The PRC occupies third place among the world in terms of coal reserves. Kutna ancestry is abundantly produced in central and southern China. That's a lot of stone vugill.

Naphtha-bearing deposits are located on the coastal shelf: near the Bohai Butt and the Powder-China Sea. The most oil-bearing genus in the region is Daqing, which is located in northern China.

There are numerous ancestors of weeds in the snowy and snowy China. It is also the source of manganese, titanium, chromium, tungsten, aluminum, copper, nickel, tin, mercury, zinc, lead, antimony, tantalum, niobium, sirka, phosphates, asbestos, magnesite and many other copalins. In 2007, China ranked first in the world with a bottle of gold.


The lands of China are different due to their hidden geography. In ancient China, native dark meadow soils are widespread, along the Sungari rivers there are black soils. At dawn, the edges are covered with grey-brown desert, Girsky-steppe and Girsky-meadow soils, sirosems. Most often, soils become salinized through an arid climate, resulting in crops.

On the coast of the Yellow Sea, salinity is associated with the activity of the sea. Farming in the delta of the Huanghe River becomes possible after the removal of salts. The plains are characterized by native aluvial soils and chervonozems. The forest plateaus are also native, but are very susceptible to erosion.

The power of China is changing greatly due to the intense growth of people. The destruction of forests and the slaughter of thinness at night lead to the devastation of the lands.

Internal waters

Yellow River in Lanzhou

China has nearly 50,000 rivers and basins over 100 square kilometers. It's time to set over 420 thousand kilometers. Among them, 1,500 rivers flow with pools covering an area of ​​over a thousand square kilometers. Most of the rivers in China flow from the mouth of the Shid and flow into one of the seas. The Yangtze River has a depth of over 6300 km and a basin area of ​​1.8 million square meters. km is the oldest river in China, and the third in the world, after the Amazon and the Nile. Another river in China is the Yellow River, with a length of 5464 km and a basin area of ​​752 thousand. sq. km. Other great rivers are the Amur (Heilongjiang), Zhujiang (Pearl River), Liaohe, Haihe, Qiantang and Lancang. Of great importance is the Great Chinese Canal, proritium in the 7th-13th centuries. along the shores of the ocean between the rivers Haihe, Huanghe and Yangtze.

Approximately 40% of the territory at the end of the border is drainless. The rivers here flow over the ocean, and end at the internal lakes and evaporate in the desert.

China also has great territorial waters, which are located in the waters of the Yellow Sea, the Confluence of the Powder-China Sea and the Pacific Ocean. China has more than 5 thousand islands. The coastline varies and is divided into two types. The former inlet of the Hangzhouwan coast is particularly smooth and shallow, while the latter is swift and rocky.


Roster of Middle Eastern litters

The climate of the surrounding regions of China is determined by the great extent of the region's latitude, and also by the distance of the sea. Days, on the island of Hainan, the climate is tropical, and the weather is calm. Most of the region is located in the zone of moderate climate. To avoid being in a monsoon climate zone. During the day in China, the average temperature ranges from 10 °C in the spring to 28 °C in the lime tree. At night the river temperature difference is greater. In winter, the cold in Heilongjiang province can reach -30 °C. The difference in fall is greater, lower in temperature, and there is no difference depending on the latitude, as well as the distance from the sea. The largest regions of the region are rainy, they suffer from monsoon storms and hurricanes, the driest are rainy, in the deserts of Taklamakan, Gobi and Ordos, which are located here, practically no litter falls. Today China is beset by heavy storms from the Gobi desert, which often reach Korea and Japan.


Bamboo forest near Huangshan

The Russianness of China is already suffering due to the conquest of the lands by humans. There was little loss of forests on the plains; the root foxes were preserved mostly in the mountain regions. At the beginning of China, in the Amur basin, coniferous taiga is growing, mainly from modern and Korean cedar. In Russia, today the leaves of the species are more often sharpened: oak, linden, maple and peas. Sub-tropical foxes with laurel, camellia and magnolia begin to appear in central China. Today's China is occupied by tropical foxes, and sunset Yunnan is covered with savanna. One of the most popular plants in China is bamboo, which is actively cultivated in the reign of everyday life, going to hell.

The back part of the edge is covered mainly with tea leaves and grassy plants. Near the river valleys and mountains there are small mountains. In the mountains of Tibet, countless types of trees grow on the edges, sometimes alpine onions and small coniferous foxes grow.


Great Panda in Sichuan

China is inhabited by countless species of creatures, and the destruction of forests and the hunting of wild creatures is causing great harm. Great creatures were preserved only in highly accessible areas of the city. At sunset, creatures live empty and empty: rodents, gazelle, goitered gazelle, Przhevalsky's horse. In Tibet there are high-altitude creatures - orongo, kiang, Himalayan witch, Tibetan bobak, red wolf. Wolves, martens, hares, squirrels, and the even rare Amur tiger live in the forests.

The creaturely light of the late-setting China is extremely attractive. Endemic to this region are the great and small pandis.


Prehistoric China

Archaeological evidence shows that China was inhabited by people between 2.2 million and 250 thousand years ago. At the Zhoukoudian cave near modern Beijing, the remains of synanthropes were found, which inhabited China between 780 and 200 thousand. rocks before our era, and will be destroyed by fire. In this same cave, the remains of the Smart People were found, who appeared here 18,000 - 11,000 years before our era. During the Neolithic period, China was densely populated: in the 5th-2nd millennia BC, archaeological cultures of the Yangshao group arose in the valleys of the Yellow River and Weihe. The population of these cultures produced painted pottery, as well as stone objects and brushes. In the 2nd millennium BC, these cultures were replaced by the cultures of the Longshan group: with the influx of immigrants from Central Asia, local residents began to grow wheat, breed sheep, cows and cows, They began to work with a pottery wheel, began to cast spells on brushes, and prepare tripods of little ones.

Around 2100 BC, the Neolithic cultures give way to the Yerlitou culture of the Early Bronze Age. Chinese historians regard Yelitou as the capital of the seemingly mythical Xia dynasty, although through a number of letters to Yerlitou, these connections were lost to food. Yerlitou had the largest settlements in all of Western Asia right up to 1500 BC. Their natives made bronze statues, and their rulers built their palaces on foundations made of hardened earth.

Ancient China

The first absolutely reliable Chinese dynasty was the Shang, which replaced the Xia about 1600 years before our era. The Shang Dynasty has 31 kings from Tang Shang to Di Xin. Excavations of the remaining nine capital of Shan, the site of Ying is a UNESCO World Heritage site. A large number of ceramic and bronze virobes, as well as piles of sacrificial creatures with garage inscriptions, were found in Yinsu.

Teracotta Army

Local gatherings of people's representatives are the greatest power in the localities, in the provincial, district and volost regions. Local collections on the provincial and district levels amount to five rocks, on the lower levels - three rocks. Local assemblies confirm plans for economic and social development in their localities, elect a governor of the province (or another section of locality), and control the creation of a constitution and basic laws. During elections of the district council, permanent committees are increasingly created. Deputies of the assemblies of people's representatives of districts, municipal districts, volosts and villages are completely surrounded by the people. Deputies of provincial assemblies of people's representatives are elected as deputies of the lower level. Provincial People's Congresses rob NPC deputies.

Head of the People's Republic of China

Xi Jingping

The head of the PRC (also called the President of the PRC) is nominally the head of state and represents the country in the international arena. The head of the People's Republic of China will turn around at the next session of the National People's Congress in a line for five years and no more than two lines after that. The head of the People's Republic of China can be a person who has reached 45 years. The head of the People's Republic of China signs laws and decrees, first of all there will be decrees, and, according to the decision of the People's Republic of China, the Secretary of State of the People's Republic of China, ministers, foreign representatives of the People's Republic of China ratify international treaties. Since 14 February 2013, the Head of the People's Republic of China is Xi Jinping.

Li Keqiang

Communist Party of China

The provisions on Special Administrative Regions were transferred to Article 31 of the 1982 Constitution. Special regions will be equal to the provinces, send their deputies to the National Assembly of People's Representatives, and will enjoy greater autonomy. Special regions are allowed to have their own constitution, government, legislator and government, issue their own currency, conduct an independent government, tax and immigration policy. The central order of the PRC is responsible for foreign policy and defense.

Hong Kong and Macau

Territorial superchki and separatism

The People's Republic of China has a lot of territorial super rivers. The main one is the Republic of China, which controls the island of Taiwan and two parts of the province of Fujian, located on the islands of Mazu and Jinmen. China also lays claim to the Senkaku Islands and the Diaoyu Islands, which were transferred to nearby Taiwan and controlled by Japan. In 1974, China conquered the Paracel Islands, until then controlled by Vietnam. The Spratly Islands in the China Sea are the subject of a super river between six countries: China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and the Philippines. The PRC controls activities from these islands. China claims ancient Tibet, buried by the British in 1913, and now the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. India, for its part, lays claim to the Aksai Chin region near the Chinese part of Kashmir. Territorial super rivers with the edges of the huge Radian Union of China thanked, having signed the land with Kyrgyzstan in 1996 and 1999, Kazakhstan in 1994 and 1999, and Tajikistan in 1999 and 2011. In 2005, Russia signed a cordon agreement that transferred the low-lying islands on the Amur River to China.

Several Chinese regions have separatist tendencies. In 1959, an anti-Chinese uprising broke out in Tibet. As a result of his strangulation, the XIV Dalai Lama lost China and fell asleep in Tibet in India and was ousted. Behind the cordon there are also the Islamic Movement of the Descent of Turkestan and the All-World Uyghur Congress, which stand for the independence of the Uyghur people. China has these defense organizations.

Zbrojni forces

Tank Type-99

The People's Free Army of China (PNAC) was created by the Communist Party. The current army is formed by the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China together with the Military Commission of the Central Committee of the CPC. The two commissions are identical to the warehouse, so there are no differences, regardless of those that are not separated by law. The country is divided into five zones of combat command, the military-naval fleet into three fleets: the Pivnichny, Shidnogo and Pivdenny seas. The newly-arranged PRC Missile Forces have at least 240 ballistic missiles armed with nuclear warheads. The army warehouse also includes the People's Guard Militia, which is engaged in the protection of important objects and the fight against terrorism.

According to the laws and constitution of China, a court term of service has been established for all citizens who have reached the age of 18. However, in practice, through the greatness of the population, there is a call to volunteers and voters. You should not serve as university students who are undergoing military training.

The Chinese army is the largest in the world in terms of numbers. The strength of the People's Army is 2.3 million personnel, with 1.6 million serving in the ground forces. In wartime, theoretically, up to 600 million people could be mobilized. In truth, however, this number is much less due to the difficulties of providing material support for the great army. There are over 10 thousand tanks, 3 thousand aircraft and helicopters, 63 submarines, 75 great ships and 332 boats in the armed forces of China. The equipment is being modernized, military satellites are being launched, and China's first aircraft carrier is being acquired.


Divided the population

China's population is about 1.3 billion people, making China the most populated country in the world. However, the national population density is not very high - 137 people per km2 (like in Switzerland and the Czech Republic). Behind the low average population size there are great regional differences. China has a small population: the 5th provinces of China occupy 55% of the area, but only 5.7% of the population lives in them. The deserts of Gobi and Taklamakan, parts of the mountainous part of Tibet, are completely deserted. The bulk of China's population is concentrated in the following areas: the Yangtze Valley, the Chinese Plain, the Sichuan Basin and the Zhujiang River delta are the most densely populated areas. The 11 coastal provinces have a population density of 320 people per km2.


On November 1, 2010, the sixth national population census was conducted in China, which is carried out every ten years. Together, in 2010 there were 1,339,724,852 individuals living in the PRC. The sharp increase is 0.47% (156th month in the world). The average triviality of life is 73 rocks. One of the problems is the disproportion of articles: there are 1.18 times more men and fewer women.

China is pursuing a policy of planning nationality, seeing as one family - one child. The campaign is inspired by the overwhelming overvaluation of land and water resources and the poverty of the majority of the population. Since 1979, the Chinese are not allowed to mother more than one child. The details of the policy vary from province to province, but if the rule is broken, fines and surcharges are imposed. Podbacheno low weakening and vinyatkov. There is no limit for national minorities; Because fathers are offended by the same children of their fathers, and because the first child - a girl - is allowed to have a friend. The exchange does not extend to Hong Kong and Macau. After the Sichuan earthquake in 2008, the provincial government excluded from the rules of fathers who lost children in the disaster. Variations in the adoption of children. In total, 35.9% of Chinese families have no more than one child, and the population growth rate of 0.47% is one of the lowest in the world. The negative consequences of the campaign are the aging population, the excess of the number of men over the number of women, as well as the dispensation of children.


The main nationality of China is Han Chinese. The smell reaches 91.51% of the population. Another 8.49% of the population consists of up to 55 small nationalities, re-insuranced by the constitution of the country. The largest of them are Zhuan (16 million people), Manchuria (10 million people), Huiqi (9.8 million), Miao (8.9 million), Uyghurs (8.3 million), Tujia (8) million), I (7.7 million), Mongolia (5.8 million) and Tibetans (5.4 million).

Vidomo Chinese

The Han are the self-described main ethnic group of China. Han is the name of one of the first Chinese dynasties. The Russian name - the Chinese - is similar to the name of the nomads - the Khitans, who inhabited the Pivnichny Shid of China, and were in contact with the Russian mandrians. The Chinese are no longer homogeneous. The diversity of the community is due to the assimilation of various local nationalities and the breadth of settlement. Chinese language has a lack of dialects, accents ranging from slight accents to complete incomprehension. The culture of different regions and provinces is greatly diversifying. There are also Huaqiao - Chinese, who live behind the cordon. There are about 35 million of them in the world, most importantly in the Greater Asia. Huaqiao do not lose their connections with Fatherlandism and play an important role in the foreign policy of China. Another sub-suburban group of Chinese is the Hakka, who live in China today. There are at least 40 million of them. The Hakka are distinguished from other Han Chinese by their special dialect, sounds, traditions and high culture. The Huyts also have disputes with the Hans - they speak the same local dialects, the arrogance lies in the fact that the Huyts adhere to the Islam of the Hanafi shtib.


One of the most complex hieroglyphs

The official language in the PRC is Putonghua (official language). The introduction of Putonghua is due to the fact that in the Chinese language there is a lack of dialects, and those who speak them often cannot understand one another. The main dialects of the Chinese language are Beijing (Mandarin), which accounts for around 70% of the population who live in the evening and evening; dialect Wu (Shanghai), Yue (Cantonese, Guangdong and Hong Kong provinces), Minbei (Fuzhou province), Minnan (Taiwan), Xiang, Gan and Hakka. Putonghua is based on the Beijing dialect, in which TV and radio broadcasts are conducted, and it is broadcast in all schools in the country. The rhubarb of Putonghua is different: the juveniles are more beautiful for a new understanding, while the summer ones speak less with a local dialect.

The writing of China is based on hieroglyphs. Chinese hieroglyphs resemble the fortune-telling inscriptions on the shells of turtles in another millennium BC, their current appearance came during the Han Dynasty in another century BC. e. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the written word was Wenyan, or a long time ago Chinese. The traditional sheet hung downwards, and the columns went right-handed to the left. Over the centuries, the written language has not changed, and has become very difficult to understand, and the grammar is too complex. In the 17th century, during the Ming dynasty, Baihua appeared as an option for recording popular language, and at the beginning of the 20th century, it became the standard and the Chinese Wenyan. In Baihua, records are kept in rows, left-handed, for clarity, foreign words and Arabic numerals are included in the text. The introduction of Baihua allowed the population to become more literate. From the middle of the 19th century, simpler versions of hieroglyphs began to appear that could take less rice and be easier to remember. In 1964, the People's Republic of China passed the law "On the simplification of hieroglyphs", which replaced 2238 hieroglyphs, which are often misunderstood, with simplified forms. The People's Republic of China, Singapore and Malaysia use simplified forms of hieroglyphs for writing, while Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau continue to use traditional hieroglyphs.


Sky Temple

Since 1949, the official ideology of the PRC has been atheism. During the Cultural Revolution of 1965–1976, religious survivals were being eradicated. The Constitution of 1982 enshrines freedom of religion, which reinforces the role of religion in promoting harmonious marriage. An accurate adaptation of the followers of this and other religions is even more difficult, firstly, for large populations, and, secondly, for the syncretism traditional for China. Since ancient times, the Chinese have inherited Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, calling them “three paths to one direction.” With the advent of Christianity, the Chinese were not attracted to traditional religions. Atheists make up 10 to 59% of the population, Buddhists – 8 to 80%, Christians – around 8%, Taoists – up to 30% of the population, Muslims – around 1.5%.


Tsinghua University

Cost-free education in China includes 9 years of education in primary and secondary schools (children aged 6-15 years, six years of primary school and three in secondary schools). The law on mandatory nine-year lighting was introduced in 1986. Due to the large population, it is not possible to provide everyone with a cost-free electricity supply; China faces a shortage of highly qualified personnel; therefore, it is necessary to carry out a consistent lighting reform when the date is older than the date All the same, at the same time, increase the brightness of the light. From 15 to 17 years of age, students can begin at high schools, which attract more students, or enter lyceums and vocational schools.

China has a total of 2,236 initial deposits, with over 20 million students. The competition for entry into universities is great.

Health protection

Folk medicine in Hankou

In 2005, health care reform was carried out in China. Medical insurance costs 50 yuan ($7) per person per patient. 20 of them are paid by the central government, 20 by the provincial government and 10 by the patient himself. The health care system is rich; in the case of the medical system, the state pays 80% of the cost, and in the great medical clinics – less than 30%. About 80% of the population is subscribed to the medical insurance system. Most mortgages have been privatized, which has made it possible to increase liquidity. The severity of life has increased from 35 deaths in 1950 to 73.2 in 2008. Typhus, cholera and scarlet fever have also been eradicated. Because the size of the population and its high density create the threat of epidemics, possibly epidemics of influenza and HIV/AIDS, there is an increase in the obesity of urban residents. A great problem is caused by high water congestion and wind. A great number of people in great places and a great number of Kurts can make savage nobles fall ill.

The foundations of traditional Chinese medicine are becoming very popular. It includes the diagnosis of illness by pulse, headworm treatment, herbal medicine and the preparation of various infusions.


Nanjinglu Street near Shanghai

The Chinese economy ranks second to the world in terms of river GDP and purchasing power parity after the United States. In terms of economic growth, China took fifth place in 2011 (9.5%), the average growth for the remaining 30 years was 10%, sometimes reaching 15%. By 2020, China may overtake the US GDP. China is the world's largest exporter and second largest importer after the United States. In terms of GDP per capita, China ranks 91st in the world. The economic goodness is heterogeneous, the coastal provinces are richer, and the hinterlands of the continent are less vulnerable.

The rapid economic development in China began after 1978, when liberal economic reforms began. The aim was to create special economic zones with a favorable tax and administrative climate, to receive foreign investment and to focus on exports. The State authorities are involved in strategic matters, for example, aerospace and defense. There is a strong influx of power in other countries, for example, in the purchase of agricultural products.

Chinese Yuan

100 yuan banknote

The official currency of China is called Zhenminbi (people's pennies), while the rest of the world is known as the Yuan. The exchange coin is Jiao (1 yuan = 10 jiao) and Fen (1 jiao = 10 fen), fen is not actually vicorized. The symbol of the yuan is the Latin letter "grave" with two rice - ?, and the Japanese yuan has the same symbol. The yuan exchange rate is set by the People's Bank of China according to the currency exchange rate.

The yuan is often convertible. The People's Bank of China allows the price of the yuan to “float” within small limits of the established value. According to international experts, the yuan exchange rate has been reduced by 30-40% to improve the competitiveness of Chinese exports. The guilty countries, especially the United States, are pushing the Chinese government to increase the price of the yuan and make it convertible. China is gradually liberalizing its foreign exchange policy, rather than rushing through reforms, preserving the stability of the exchange rate and the stability of the economy.

Galusi economy

Silk State

Rice terraces

China is the world's largest producer of agricultural products and the world's largest consumer. The rural dominion employs nearly 300 million people. For the development of rural cultures, all the lands of the region will be involved. For cutting, add less than 10-15% flatness to the edges. Productivity is high through intensive farming. A little more, the lower half of the soil is not eroded, a quarter is eroded earth and a quarter is rice fields. Rice is the main agricultural crop of China, with its production being the first place in the world. There is also plenty of wheat, corn, soybeans, potatoes, sorghum, millet, barley, corn and tea.

Creatures are also an important galuzza. China takes first place in the world in pork production, chickens and eggs. And the meaning of a flock of great horned thinness is that of a sheep. Also, China has traditionally been one of the world's leaders in the world. The great anthropogenic pressure on the seas and rivers has led to the fact that now a significant part of the fish is found at special rates. A great threat to the rural kingdom is posed by environmental problems, such as drought, soil erosion. The massive depletion of forests in the recent past is being replaced by great reforestation programs. The main forest producers of the region are the snow-draining and rain-draining provinces.

Due to the development of industry in the villages, less than half of the village residents are now employed by the rural dominion. Rural residents in large numbers are shifting to work in the industrially developed coastal province. The agricultural state will become less than 13% of China's GDP.

Shoe industry

Vugilny quarry

In 2004, China produced 2 billion tons of coal, 310 million tons of lizard ore, 175 million tons of crude oil, 41 million cubic meters of natural gas, 110 thousand tons of antimony. and tin ores, 67 thousand tons of tungsten ore and 64 thousand . thousand tons of vanadium and 20 thousand tons of molybdenum ore. Also important is the quantity of bauxite, borite, gypsum, magnesite, manganese and zinc ores. In addition, China harvested 2,450 tons of gold and harvested 215 tons of gold. The agricultural sector of the economy accounts for less than 0.9% of production, but still accounts for 5.3% of industrial production.

Regardless of the large reserves of brown copalins and the intense species production, the Swedish industrialization of the region attracts imported orchards from beyond the border. China is increasingly buying pine trees from the USA and Australia, and is actively expanding its production in the countries. Є delivery of copalin from Russia and Kazakhstan. The policy of the Chinese government is to diversify the supply of cheese.


Three Gorges Dam (Sanxia)

Since the 1980s, the generation of energy has increased sharply, as well as its growth. Over 80% of the energy is generated by thermal power plants, 17% by hydroelectric power plants and about 2% by nuclear power plants. Most of the energy potential in China has not yet been discovered. The main problem of the energy sector is the remoteness of the main energy sources, which are located at the end of the day and the end of the region, from those who are focused on conservation. The problem is the environmental friendliness of energy. The main source of energy is coal vugilla, which provides up to 75% of energy, and this part is gradually decreasing. The vugilla gradually grows with naphtha and gas, the species of which grow.

Vaulted power plants produce significant environmental benefits, which allows the Chinese government to carry out energy reform. The reform is aimed at increasing the number of renewable energy sources in the industrial sector, as well as at carrying out energy saving campaigns. Hydroelectric power generation is unlikely to take up more than 5% of global production, although the target is to reach 10% by 2020.


Shipyard in Nanjing

Industry and industry account for 46.8% of Chinese GDP and occupy 22.5% of the workforce. Chinese production is becoming 19.8% of the world's production. In 2010, China became the largest producer of industrial goods, overtaking the United States. The scope of the Chinese industry includes the production of almost all goods that exist in the world, starting with the first harvesting of bark copal trees and ending with the most high-tech production: electronics, equipment nuclear energy, aerospace galuz. 30% of the produced goods are planted by state-owned enterprises. The state of Volodya has the largest enterprises of important industry and strategic importance, for example, defense and astronautics enterprises.

Since 2010, China has become the world's largest producer of automobiles, as well as its largest producer, and since 2011, the world's largest producer of personal computers. China is also the world's largest producer and exporter of steel, producing 45% of light steel. The production of automobiles, aviation and space exploration, as well as electronics, is rapidly developing. In the consumer goods sector, the production of textiles and clothing plays an important role, as it becomes an important part of Chinese exports.

Scope of services

In 2010, the service sector accounted for 43% of Chinese GDP, compromising production. And it’s all the same less, lower in other countries. Wholesale and retail trade are rapidly developing, resulting in the absence of shopping centers, shops, restaurants and hotels. Tourism plays an important role.


Swedish trains

China is waving to a friend for a long time in the world after the United States (91 thousand kilometers). Zaliznytsia is the most popular mode of transport in China. The track width is standard (1435 mm), 47% of the track is electrified. China has a good deal with Russia, Mongolia and Kazakhstan, where the gauge is 1520 mm, with Vietnam, where the gauge is 1000 mm wide (at the border of the wagons, change the steam wheels), Eastern Korea has a standard quantity, like in China, is one In the country, when traveling to Yak, you do not need to change the wheels of the bet. It is planned to climb to Laos and Burma, and continue to India. China does not know about other liquid vessels. There will be an active period of high-speed climbs, which will develop speeds of over 350 km/year.

Beijing metro

At this hour there is a subway in 15 Chinese places, there will be more at 18, and there are plans to be there at 20. The largest metro systems are located in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, as well as in Hong Kong.

In 2005, China added 3.3 million kilometers to its road network, of which more than 770 thousand kilometers were covered. Others - gravel or soil. The basis of the road network is national highways (Godao). Years are subject to three-digit numbering. 12 roads of the 000 series are the most important routes of the region, roads of the 100 series are laid from Beijing on all sides, 200 - from evening to afternoon, and 300 - from the exit point. In addition to national highways, in other areas there are toll highways, bridges and tunnels.

Electric moped

China, having become the world's largest market for the sale of cars, more and more Chinese are buying this type of transport, although the number of cars per capita is still much lower than in other countries. The bicycle is the most popular among the Chinese. And although bicycles are used less and less due to transfers to larger roads and prestigious positions, there are still a lot of cyclists in the country. Roads in most places are difficult for cyclists. The type of transport that is gaining popularity is the electric scooter or electric bicycle, with China taking first place in the world: in the middle of the country over 20 million electric scooters are currently being sold And another 3 million are exported. These motorized scooters take about eight years to charge and can travel up to 45 kilometers at a speed of 20 km/year.

An intensively developing mode of transport is aviation. China has over 500 airports and 27 national airlines, which can handle more than 1,500 aircraft. In 2005, the company transported over 138 million passengers and over 22 thousand tons of goods. The largest airlines are Air China, China Eastern Airlines and China Southern Airlines, which serve the majority of international flights.

Vantage Port of Shanghai

China has more than 2,000 ports, 130 of which are international. The global river throughput capacity of Chinese ports will reach over 2890 million tons. China accounts for over 35% of the world's marine imports. China's sixteen main ports have a throughput capacity of over 50 million tons. The Chinese merchant fleet has over 3,500 vessels, of which 1,700 have a water capacity of over 1,000 tons.

In terms of the length of navigable rivers and canals (110,000 kilometers), China ranks first among the world. Rivers and canals have long been the main transport arteries of the region. More than 5,100 internal ports have been developed on the rivers, and the current demand for river transport is 1.6 billion tons. Vessels with a water capacity of up to 10,000 tons can enter the Yangtze River. An important transport route is the Grand Canal, which connects five great rivers, including the Yangtze and Yellow River.

Connections and Internet

Internet cafe

The telephone appeared in China during the Qing dynasty, and the telephone system developed entirely through the war with Japan and the huge war. The revival of the telephone network began after the communists came to power in 1949, until 1963 telephone lines connected all provincial centers and great cities, and in 1986 the first Chinese satellite was launched link. With the beginning of economic reforms in the 1980s, the telecommunications sector began to withdraw significant investments. In 1987, more people in China began to have mobile phones, and in 2003, their number surpassed that of landline phones. Until 2012, the number of mobile phones in the country exceeded billions.

Until 2010, the number of Internet users in China was 420 million - more than the entire population of the United States. Tim is no less, Internet penetration of the population is still low - around 32%. The most popular message exchange system is QQ, an analogue of ICQ, and the most popular search system is



China has over 25,000 newspapers, over 2,200 newspapers and 7,000 magazines. The largest newspaper is the People's Daily (the people's newspaper), which is the official organ of the Communist Party of China. Other great newspapers are Beijing Daily and Guangming Daily. The largest new agency is the government agency Xinhua.

China has over 3,000 radio stations. The largest radio station is the Central People's Radio Station, which has all the channels. The province and municipality are broadcast by radio stations. China Radio International (CRI) broadcasts 38 languages ​​around the world, including several Chinese dialects.

The largest television company is China Central Television (CCTV), which broadcasts a variety of channels, including international Russian and English languages.

Science and technology

Launch of Shenzhou-7

Chinese science is actively developing. China has already achieved remarkable technological successes. Thus, the Chinese nuclear program has been successfully completed, and China has developed technology for the production of nuclear warheads and the creation of nuclear power plants.

The Chinese space program started in 1970 with the launch of the first Chinese satellite. In 2003, with the launch of the Shenzhou-5 spacecraft with astronaut Yang Liwei on board, China became the third country in the world to pilot a space flight. And in 2011, Tiangong-1, the first Chinese orbital station, was launched. China is also launching interplanetary vehicles of the Chang E series before the month.

Foreign trade

Foreign trade is one of the most important areas of the economy. A significant part of production is based on exports, although a gradual reorientation to the domestic market is expected. In 2008, foreign trade increased to 2.4 trillion US dollars.

Since 1991, China has been a member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Union (APEC), and in 2001, after 16 rounds of negotiations, China joined the COT.


Revolutionary opera

China has a very rich and diverse culture. Chinese traditional culture was shaped by thousands of years of isolation. After 1949, culture became significantly richer in the communist influx. From 1966 to 1976, the Cultural Revolution took place in the country, during which traditional Chinese culture was defended and destroyed. Since the 1980s, the Chinese people have embraced this policy and have begun to revive their traditional culture. Current Chinese culture is a mixture of traditional culture, communist ideas and postmodern influx associated with globalization processes.


Chinese architecture is as old as the entire Chinese civilization. Since the Tang Dynasty, Chinese architecture has significantly infused with advanced technologies from Vietnam, Korea and Japan. In the 20th century, China expanded its modern technologies, especially locally. Traditional Chinese people rarely moved beyond three surfaces, and significant urbanization has led to the fact that today's Chinese places have a declining appearance. However, suburbs and villages will most often still rely on traditional technologies.

Palace of Vischoi Purity

Traditional Chinese bells are characterized by bilateral symmetry, symbolizing balance and equality. The Chinese will occupy the maximum of the territory allocated for them, a large expanse appears in the middle of what appears to be the inner courtyards. The middle will be located around the sides of the body, connected by critical galleries. The system of internal courtyards and critical galleries is of practical importance - it protects from dust. Chinese trees are characterized by being slightly wider than Europeans, which tend to be taller. The buildings in the middle are arranged hierarchically: the most important are located along the central axis, the less important are at the edges, the older members of the family live on the far side, the younger and servants are at the front, near the entrance. The Chinese are characterized by geomancy or feng shui. According to this set of rules, there will be a back part to the height, and the front part to the water, there will be a crossing behind the entrance doors, as the Chinese believe that the price will rise only in a straight line, along the way There are talismans and hieroglyphs that bring happiness, good luck and wealth.

Traditionally in China they were made of wood, stones were once rare. Also, the walls rarely sharpen, so you can carry them, so you are forced to carry wooden columns. Determine the number of columns, it allows you to create an unpaired number of columns, and place the entrance exactly in the center. Wooden structures with a minimum of parts are significantly resistant to earthquakes. There are three types of dakhs: flat knuckles are found on the huts of commoners, with step-by-step flowing knuckles they are used for more expensive huddles, and smooth dahs with raised kuts are preferred by temples. and palaces, who want to gather and at the rich people’s booths. Konik dahu is decorated with carved figures made of ceramics or wood, and itself is covered with tiles. The walls and foundations were made of compacted earth and axles, and sometimes of stone.

Painting and calligraphy

"Zimovo Lake"

Traditional Chinese painting is called Guohua (national painting). In imperial times, there were practically no professional artists; painting was done at the discretion of aristocrats and officials. They wrote with black paper and a pencil made from the wool of animals along the seam and paper. The paintings were hanging on the walls or kept burned. Most often, the paintings are painted with verses, written by the artist and how the images are depicted. The main genre is landscape, which is called Shanshui (burning water). The main thing is realism, and the transfer of emotion through the landscape. Painting flourished during the Tang Dynasty and was further developed during the Song Dynasty. Song artists began to paint large, distant objects to create the effect of perspective, and to create deeper contours in the fog. During the Ming dynasty, epiphany paintings became fashionable. With the advent of communist rule, painting turned to the genre of socialist realism, which depicts the life of labor workers and villagers. In modern China, traditional painting is inspired by modern modern styles.

Calligraphy (Shufa, the laws of the sheet) is considered the most important form of painting in China. Calligraphy includes trimming the pen correctly and choosing the ink and writing material wisely. When practicing calligraphy, one tries to copy the handwriting of famous artists.


Side "Travel on the way out"

Chinese literature goes back almost three thousand years. The first deciphered texts are writings on turtle shells during the Shang Dynasty. Artistic literature has a different meaning. The classic literary canon respects the collection of Confucian ethical and philosophical books: the Pentateuch, the Four Books and the Thirteen Books. A thorough knowledge of the Confucian canon was a necessary mental component for the students at the sovereign estate. Traditional dynastic chronicles are of great importance. After the new dynasty came to rule, beginning with the Han, a comprehensive chronicle of the ruling previous dynasty was compiled. Twenty stories are a collection of such chronicles. It also appears that the Seven Books are a collection of stories about the military mysticism, most commonly known as the “Mystery of War” by Sun Ji.

During the Ming Dynasty, the popularity of romantic novels began to rise. Through the eyes of Chinese prose, there are several classic novels: “The Three Kingdoms”, “Richkov Swims”, “The Road to Sunset” and “Dream at the Red Chamber”. In 1917-1923 the rocks of the New Cultural Movement. His writers and singers, in order to be more sensible, began to write in the common Chinese, Baihua, instead of Wenyan, or ancient Chinese. The founder of modern Chinese literature is Lu Xun.


Musicians using traditional instruments

In Ancient China, the social status of musicians was lower than that of artists, and music played a more important role. One of the books of the Confucian canon is the Shi Jing - a collection of folk songs. With the advent of communist rule, such genres as revolutionary songs, marches and hymns appeared.

The traditional Chinese musical scale consists of five tones, including 7 and 12 tones. According to the Chinese tradition, musical instruments are divided according to the material of the element that makes the sound: bamboo, clay, wood, stone, leather, seam, metal.


Peking Opera

The classical Chinese theater is called Xiqu, which combines singing, dancing, stage language and dance, as well as elements of circus and martial mysteries. In its infancy, the Xiqu Theater appeared during the Tang Dynasty (VII century AD). Variants of traditional theater developed in various provinces. The most famous of them is the Beijing Opera - Jingjiu. The Xiqu Theater continued to develop and change both in the Republic of China and after coming to communist rule.


The first film show in China took place in 1898, the first Chinese film was produced in 1905. Until the 1940s, Shanghai lost the main cinematic center of the country, the film industry developed with the help of the United States and experienced a strong American influx.

Following the announcements of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the film industry developed rapidly. Before the start of the Cultural Revolution, 603 feature films and 8,342 documentaries were released. To stimulate children's learning, the great diversity of animated films was taken into account. Under the hour of the Cultural Revolution, cinema was deprived of its rights, old films were suppressed, and few new ones were produced.

In the new millennium, Chinese cinema recognizes the infusion of the traditions of Hong Kong and Macau, after their annexation to China. There are a great number of beautiful paintings. In 2011, the Russian film industry contributed 2 billion dollars to China, ahead of India and the UK, and came in third place after the USA and Japan.

Fighting mysteries

Statue at Shaolin

Chinese martial mysteries are not the methods of battle or battle, but rather a complex of various cultural phenomena. In addition to hand-to-hand and advanced combat techniques, Chinese martial arts include various health practices, sports, acrobatics, methods of self-improvement and psychophysical training, elements of philosophy and ritual as a way to maintain harmony. Illustrations of the people and the extra world.

Chinese martial arts are called Wu-shu or Kung Fu. The main centers of the development of Wu-shu are the Shaolin and Wudangshan monasteries. The battle is fought hand-to-hand, or one of the 18 traditional types of armor.


China has no culinary schools or direct routes. Every province has its own kitchen, and every place and village has its own herbs. The most popular and popular culinary schools are Canton, Jiangsu, Shandong and Sichuan.


China has a vast number of sacred festivals, both traditional and contemporary. The main saint in China is the New River according to the traditional monthly calendar. It starts from 21st Sunday to 21st February, depending on the phases of the month. The Chinese New River officially means three days, in fact – two or more. It is sacred to the important power - the day of the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the 1st of the month, which also means three days. The fragments of these two saints are angry with the weekend, in fact they are meant to last up to seven days, and the saints are called “Golden Years”. Other official saints include the New River, the Qingming Festival, the Holy Father, the Holy Dragon City and the Mid-Autumn Holy. Life is sacred for several social groups: Women’s Day, Children’s Day, youth and military servicemen. The working day of this group is shortened by half. The traditional holy days of national minorities include non-working days in national autonomies.


China has great tourism and recreational resources. Tourism authorities are managed by the National Tourism Administration. China is the third country in the world for attracting foreign tourists; in 2010, as many as 56 million tourists visited the country.

Cultural tourism is the most popular. China has 43 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, most notably the Great Wall of China, the fortified site in Beijing and the Terracotta Army in Xi'an. The beautiful island of Hainan is the center of beach tourism.

Rating of tourist landmarks

To promote tourism in the region and stimulate local government, improve tourist attraction and improve service, the National Tourism Administration has introduced a rating system for tourist attractions. All tourism objects are divided into five categories: from A (lowest) to AAAAA (highest). Categories are based on a number of factors: cultural significance of the site, ease of transport, excursion arrangements, food safety and sanitation, as well as compliance with various international standards. On average, in every province there are a handful (no more than 12) of objects of category AAAAA (in general) and dozens of category AAAA.

Throughout its long history, China has changed its name. Since a long time ago China was called “Celestial Empire”, “Middle Country”, “Kvitne Xia”. The Chinese lost their name to the very same people they had before. In fact, China is one of the most productive countries in the world. Soon tens of millions of tourists come to China to especially enjoy this unique land. China will be a pleasure for any traveler - there is a great number of important monuments, mountain and beach resorts, beautiful nature, friendly residents and delicious cuisine.

Geography of China

China retaliation from Western Asia. At night, China intersects with Mongolia, at daytime – with Southern Korea and Russia, at daytime – with Kazakhstan, at daytime – with India, Bhutan, Pakistan and Nepal, at sunset i - with Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan, and on the day – from Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar (Burma). The total area of ​​the region, including islands, is 9,596,960 sq. km., and the foreign dovzhina of the sovereign cordon is over 22 thousand. km.

The shores of China are washed by three seas - Skhіdno-Chinese, Pivdenno-China, and also Zhovtim. The largest island that China can enter is Taiwan.

The Great Plain of China stretches from Beijing to Shanghai. Today, China has a whole belt of mountains. At the same time, China has small mountains and plains. The highest peak in China is Mount Qomolangma, whose height is 8848 meters.

Over 8 thousand rivers flow through the territory of China. The largest of them are the Yangtze, Yellow River, Amur, Zhujiang and Mekong.


The capital of China is Beijing, where approximately 17.5 million people live. Archaeologists confirm that the place on the site of modern Beijing already existed in the 5th century. BC

Official language to China

The official language in China is Chinese, which is similar to the Chinese language of the Sino-Tibetan language.


The dominant religions in China are Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. In addition, China has a large population of Muslims and Christians.

Sovereign device for China

With a dignified Constitution, China is a People's Republic. Its head is the President, who is traditionally the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China.

Chinese Parliament - All-China People's Congress (2979 deputies who are elected to 5 regional people's meetings).

Climate and weather

The climate in China is very varied, which is due to its large territory and geographical diversity. Mainly in China, the dry season and the monsoon season are more important. China has 5 climate (temperature) zones. The average air temperature is +11.8C. The highest average temperature is observed near Chernaya and Lipnya (+31C), and the lowest - near Sichnya (-10C). The average volume of litter is 619 mm.

Sea in China

The shores of China are washed by three seas - Skhіdno-Chinese, Pivdenno-China, and also Zhovtim. The downfall of the coastline is 14.5 thousand. km. The largest island that China can enter is Taiwan.

Rivers and lakes

Over 8 thousand rivers flow through the territory of China. The largest of them are the Yangtze, Yellow River, Amur, Zhujiang and Mekong. As for the Chinese lakes, then the middle ones, first of all, are called lakes Qinghai, Xingkai, Poyanghu, Dongtinghu and Taihu.

History of China

The history of China spans thousands of years. Archaeologists confirm that intelligent humans appeared on the territory of China approximately 18 thousand years ago. Unfortunately for that. The first Chinese dynasty was called Xiayu. They were representatives of the Cheruvali in China around 2205 BC. e. up to 1766 rubles. BC e.

In the history of China there are 17 dynasties. In addition, 907-959 rocks had a t.z. the era of the Five Dynasties.

The last Chinese emperor (from the Qing dynasty) was proclaimed to the throne in 1912 (or rather, Empress Longyu was crowned in the name of her infant son-emperor) after the Xinhai Revolution ї.

After the Xinhai Revolution, the Republic of China was founded (1912). In 1949, the People's Republic of China was established, which is still in effect.


The culture of China is unique and diverse, so much so that a dissertation needs to be written about it. The basis of Chinese culture is Confucianism and Buddhism.

Tourists in China are advised to enjoy traditional festivals that take place virtually without interruption. The most popular Chinese festivals are “Festival of Likhtars”, “Lichun”, “New River”, “Holy of the Dragons”, “Holy of the Harvest”, “Day of Remembrance” (Qingming Festival), “Holy of Mid-Autumn”, “Winter’s Dream” Tsestoyannya". , "Little New River".

China has very cheerful traditions. The skin is named in China and may bear tears. The Chinese mother begins to cry 1 month before the wedding (or no later than 2-3 months before the wedding). It is a sign of honesty that a girl weeps kindly before her husband.

Girls have begun to cry properly for fun since the 12th century. Mothers of young girls should ask special teachers to help their future daughter begin to cry properly. When the Chinese girls turn 15 years old, they go to visit one by one to find out which of them cries the most, and exchange information about their important food.

When Chinese girls cry about their love, they often sing songs about their “unhappy life.” The threads of these traditions go back to the era of feudalism, since Chinese girls were seen in marriage with their husband.

Cuisine to China

There is no such single Chinese cuisine - Chinese provincial cuisines. The main food product in China is rice. The Chinese had a wealth of ways to prepare rice. Add kvass, meat, vegetables, eggs, etc. to the rice. The Chinese call rice to eat salted cucumbers, bamboo sticks, salted boiled eggs and tofu.

Lokshina is also very popular in Chinese cuisine. The first mystery about the lokshina in China dates back to the Han Dynasty, and during the Song Dynasty, the lokshina became even more popular among the Chinese. The Chinese lokshina can be thin or thick, but it can be thick and long. On the right is that among the Chinese, a long lokshina symbolizes the longevity of human life.

At the moment, China has hundreds of herbs made from loxin, and each province has its own methods of preparing them.

The Chinese love vegetables as well as rice and vegetables, the main food products in China. It is significant that the Chinese value boiled vegetables rather than sir. In addition, the Chinese love to salt their vegetables.

It is possible that more eggs will soon live in China than in other parts of the world. The most exotic Chinese herb eats eggs - salted, high-quality eggs. Soak fresh eggs for 1 month in salted rose brine, resulting in a very tasty product.

Fish is of great importance in the Chinese culinary tradition. On the right is that for the Chinese, fish is important as a symbol of wealth and prosperity. During the holy hour, fish is the main dish on the family table. One of the most popular fish dishes among the Chinese is stewed fish with brown sauce. The fish is abundantly available to the Chinese during the holy day of the local New Rock, because... Bring prosperity to the coming fate.

Another popular dish in China is tofu (soy curd). Yogo is prepared from soy milk. Tofu has little fat, but is rich in calcium, protein and fat. Most often, tofu is served with spices and marinades.

In Chinese cuisine, meat is prominently placed. The Chinese eat pork, cowhide, lamb, poultry, pumpkin, and pigeons. Most Chinese people eat pork. The most popular Chinese meat herb is “Peking style pumping”. Moreover, “Peking style pumping” needs to be done in a special way - it is cut into 120 thin pieces, the skins of which are made of meat and skins.

An important part of Chinese cuisine is soup. When preparing soups, the Chinese vikorista meat, vegetables, loxin, fruits, fish and seafood, eggs, mushrooms and fruits.

  1. “Peking style pitching”, Beijing
  2. Rice Lokshina, Guilin
  3. Bun soup, Shanghai
  4. Hotpot (stewed meat and vegetables), Chengdu
  5. Dumplings, Xi'an
  6. “Dim Sam” (small dumplings of various shapes and with various fillings), Hong Kong.

The most popular non-alcoholic drink among the Chinese is green tea, which has been drunk for 4 thousand years. For a long time, tea in China was used as a medicinal herb. Like everyday drinking tea in China, they began to argue for the time of the Tang Dynasty. The tea itself went from China to Japan, where the famous Japanese tea ceremony arose. Prote, the Chinese ceremony can be compared to it in terms of complexity and symbolism.

The traditional alcoholic beverages in China are rice beer, which is based on various ingredients.

Important things to China

Based on official information, China currently has tens of thousands of historical, cultural, archaeological and ethnographic monuments. Many of them are included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Temple and Tomb of Confucius, Temple of Heaven in Beijing, Cairn Temples of Yungang etc.). In our opinion, up to a dozen of the most beautiful Chinese monuments can be listed as follows:

  1. Great Wall of China
  2. Teracotta wars near Xian city
  3. Temple of Confucius near Qufu Town
  4. Potala Palace near Lhasa
  5. Fuji Confucian Temple in Nanjing
  6. Temple of Heaven near Beijing
  7. Tibetan monasteries
  8. Buddhist stoves Yungang
  9. Shaolin Monastery on Songshan Mountain
  10. Linggu Ta Pagoda in Nanjing

Places and resorts

The largest Chinese cities are Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Tianjin, and especially Beijing.

Due to its geographical location, China has a wonderful mind for a beach holiday. The most popular beach resorts are Qinhuangdao, Beidaihe, Dalian, Hainan Island (and the city of Sanya on this island). Before speaking, the tourist season in Sanya upsets the entire river. However, the entire island of Hainan is a colorful beach resort, where the sea temperature ranges from +26C to +29C. On the island of Hainan, the average temperature is still +22C. The beaches on Hainan Island are made up of white sandy sand.

Most Chinese beach resorts are centers of traditional Chinese medicine, where tourists can improve their health. So there are thermal springs on the island of Hainan.

Many hotels in China have come to demonstrate their spa services to their guests. The expertise of Chinese spa therapists, including massage therapists, is highly rated in many countries of the world. Traditional Chinese spa programs include hot stone massage, aroma massage, ablation, Tuina massage, depletion, Mandara massage, Mandarin massage. A common spa attribute in China is herbal tea.

China also has dozens of urban centers, although there are few foreign tourists there. Most of the city's ski resorts provide insurance for city residents. Prote, a thirsty drinker and a lover of mountain licks, will enjoy visiting Chinese mountain ski resorts. In the future, Chinese mountain resorts will see more and more tourists from Russia, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. Thus, Russian tourists most often go skiing in China to the province of Heilongjiang (the latter part of the country). Tourists from Australia and Thailand give preference to the Beijing-Nanshan ski resort.

The summer season at the mountain resorts in China is exciting from the middle of the chest to the end of the winter.


From China, as souvenirs, tourists are encouraged to bring sewing, green tea, porcelain, folk art (embroidery, ceramics, engravings, etc.), jade, Chinese paintings, parchments with images of Chinese calligraphy, wines and alcoholic beverages, traditions Modern Chinese traditional medicine (with herbs, rhizomes, etc.), zokrema and ginseng.

Godini robotic installation

1.371 billion (

GDP to China. $10.35 trillion (

Roztashuvannya to China. China is a power that has grown into Central and Shidny. On the daytime it is between Russia and, on the approach - from, on the evening - from, on the day - from i, and on the way - from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Administrative division of China. China is divided into 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions and 3 central government units.

Form of government to China. People's Republic.

Head of State China. Head of the People's Republic of China.

China's greatest legislator. Parliament - All-China Assembly of People's Representatives.

The Great Vicon's Organ to China. The State is glad.

Great places in China. Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Shenyang, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Harbin.

State language to China. Chinese.

Religion to China. Taoism, Confucianism, wider Christianity, Islam.

Ethnic warehouse for China. 93% are Han, the largest ethnic group of the Mongols, also inhabited by the Zhuang, Ti Betsi, Hui, Koreans, and Miao.

Currency to China. Yuan = 10 Jiao = 100 fenam.

Climate in China. China is known among three: ,. In winter, the temperature can drop to - 20 °C, and in the summer provinces it is + 15 °C. In flight, the temperature difference is not so great. The most special place is Turfanska, where the temperature in the limestone reaches + 50 ° C (you can fry the eggs on hot stones). The monsoons are pouring in on the flooded coast. This part of China is tame and high, even in the summer.

Corisna information for tourists

The people of China have a strong desire to know, forever, books. The Chinese are in awe of each other. The recipients of their guilty mothers have business cards with them, the text on which they are obliged to be overwritten by the Chinese (mostly golden farb) and English language (but not the red one). The Chinese are extremely economical, trying to quickly accumulate capital.

In China, they dress up extremely, so it’s not good for them to take anything special or extravagant from themselves. For official visits, you will need a jacket and a bed, a suit or a cloth bag. It is best to use small, or heavy, bags or bags with wheels. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to change clothes often, there is a slow season in China.

Increasing the price by speeding up the service of a pedicab is an unforgettable experience. If you want pedicabs that offer high prices to satisfied customers, you often have to pay a high price to ride around the road.

It is not customary to give a tip, but the room or porter at the hotel is not charged 1-2 yuan. The Chinese did not at all value honesty over honesty, but rather foreigners did not value traditional cunning and approachability. The deception of a foreigner is famous as a sign of great intelligence. Therefore, tourists are advised to haggle fiercely and check their money, as the remaining pennies are often counterfeit. It is prohibited to export antiques from the country, it is not accepted to confiscate them at the border, otherwise the buyer will be squeezed out. Handicraft items may be secured with a red label, otherwise problems with the mitnitsa will arise. The process can be determined at a later time, so that you can better enjoy the guide before making future purchases.

- Power, expanded in Central and Western Asia. At night it borders with Kazakhstan, Russia and Mongolia, at sunset - with Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, at sunday - with Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, at daytime - with Laos and B' This is in our name, and in Skhid People's Democratic Republic.

The name of the region is similar to the ethnonym of the Mongolian tribes - the Khitans.

Official name: People's Republic of China (PRC)

Capital: Beijing

Territory area: 9.6 million sq. km

Zagalne population: 1 billion 339 million 735 thousand chol.

Administrative section: China is divided into 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions and 3 central government units.

Rule form: People's Republic.

Head of state: Head of the People's Republic of China.

Population warehouse: The main part of the population is Chinese (Han, 93%), Zhuang, Uyghurs, Mongols, Tibetans, Hui, Miao and In.

State language: Chinese (Beijing dialect "Mandarin" or "Mandarin"), which is independent of various, often completely independent, dialects. In tourist centers, English is used, and the language in the region is often Russian.

Religion: Officially, the entire population is respected by atheists, many of whom practice Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Lamaism, Protestantism, Catholicism, and others.

Internet domain: .cn

Electrical voltage: ~220 V, 50 Hz

Telephone code of the region: +86

Country barcode: 690-695


The climate in China is very varied - from subtropical during the day to a subtropical climate at night. On the colder coast, the weather is characterized by monsoons, which occur through the varying influences of the land and the ocean. Seasonal rains and shifting winds will prevail against a large number of winds in the summer and add to the dry winter. The arrival and departure of the great monsoons signify the volume and distribution of rainfall in the region.

Great RIZNITSI according to Shiriti, dovgoti is the Time in the Teritarian China, the Great RIZNOMANTRITITIONAL TOMENITY TO METEOROLOGICHIC DEVELOWS, NOTED ON THE BILSHSHICTE OF THE BLASHIC of the CREMARY Lie in the Klimatu veil.

The most important province of China, Heilongjiang, is located in an area of ​​peaceful climate, similar to the climate of Vladivostok and Khabarovsk, and the northern island of Hainan is located in the tropics. The difference in temperatures between these regions during the winter month is large, but during the summer months the difference changes. In the northern part of Heilongjiang, temperatures in summer days can drop to 30 °C, with average temperatures close to 0 °C. The average temperature of the lime tree in this galus is 20 °C. In the northern parts of Guangdong province, the average temperature ranges from 10 °C in the south to 28 °C in the lime tree.

The quantity of falls changes with higher temperatures and lower temperatures. On the daytime skhila of the Tsinling Mountains, numerous rainfalls fall, the maximum of which fall during the summer monsoons. As the rain falls and the city sets in, the reliability of the rainfall will change. The snowy and western regions of the region are the driest; in the deserts (Taklamakan, Gobi, Ordos) there is practically no litter.

Pride and similar areas in China often (about 5 times per river) suffer from typhoons, as well as storms, monsoons, tsunamis and dry spells. The snowy areas of China are now beset by wild storms that originate in the desert deserts and are carried by winds from Korea and Japan.


Power in Central and Western Asia. At night it borders with Mongolia and Russia, at daytime with Russia and North Korea, at daytime with Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, India, Bhutan and Nepal, at sunset with Pakistan and Afghanistan istan and Tajikistan, at daytime calling – from Kstan and Kazakhstan. At the same time, the coast of the region is washed by the waters of the Bohai, Zhovtoy, Skhidno-China and Povdenno-China seas (the length of the coastline is 18 thousand km), the edge lies over 3.4 thousand. islands.

China is the third largest territory in the world (9.6 million sq. km). The relief of the region is very varied - it looks like Tibet, framed by the most ancient mountain systems of Asia (average altitude is about 4500 m) at the extreme end of the high plains and mountains of the Skhidny Tien Shan at daytime entry, to the Forest Plateau and the lowlands of Great China.

In the daytime, the low lantsugs of the Manchurian-Korean mountains and Khingan are drawn, and in the daytime - the Nanling Mountains and the Yunnan-Guizhou Mountains. The rocky deserts of Taklamakan and Gobi occupy large plots at night and sunset, and the cultivation of subtropical forests is a late descent to China.

Roslyn's and creature's world

Roslinny world

One of the most popular plants in China is bamboo. More than 300 species of bamboo grow here, which covers about 3% of the entire territory of Chinese forests. Most bamboo thickets are found in the subtropical zone on the Chang Jiang valley. Bamboo is valuable not only for giant pandas, but also as a living material for hedgehogs.

China is also growing a lot of other native plants. For example, azalea, rhododendron, lotus, magnolia, ginkgo, maple, birch, poplar and yalin. The variety and mixture of tropical vegetation and vegetation of the lower latitudes in China are best understood by the cultivating vegetation of Jilin Province in the late afternoon and Hainan Province in the tropics. It is important to know the hidden types of growths in these two regions.

The Chinese diversity of ecosystems is striking: tropical forests in the wild; deserts and steppes at the southern end of China; taiga forests on the border with Russia; mangroves on the shores of the Pivdenno-China Sea. Tropical and dead coniferous forests with evergreen and falling weeds are prominent in the ancient provinces of Hainan, Yunnan and Guangxi.

On the edge of the deserted Gobi there are wide pastures and, at dawn, the remaining great forests of China appear.

At night, the facai plant was fenced off to collect the crops (vegetables that drop moss) in order to eliminate the waste of land.

Creature's world

Indeed, the richness of the Chinese flora is also due to the diversity of the world.

Despite the obvious uneasiness of many, rare creatures continue to survive in the wild and remote areas of China. It is worth noting that among rare species of creatures there are alligators present in central and neighboring China, the giant salamander on the way out, the Chang Jiang dolphin and the horned dolphin. The famous giant panda roams around the area in the valleys of Sichuan.

Walking along the Chinese mountains you can spot antelopes, wild yaks, sheep, numerous species of pheasants and blackbirds. The Pivnichno-Skhidnaya part of China is inhabited by cassava species. Deer, moose, bears, sables and Manchurian tigers hang around there.

In this region there are ducklings, cranes, chaps, swans. Watch out for birds here especially in the spring.

Without a doubt, the tropical day of the Yunnan province, a region with the richest flora and fauna. This region is home to parrots, hornbills, night lemurs, gibbons, the Indian tiger and the wild Indian elephant.

Important reminders

China has everything: the greatest mountains and highlands, lowlands and plains, both shores of numerous seas - ports, beaches and resort towns, famous monasteries, including the legendary Shaolin, ginseng farms in Qing Province Hai, numerous archaeological excavations in the Makan Desert, Mountaineering bases on similar schema of the Himalayas and Karakoram.

Colossal "reserves" of natural monuments - the Yunnan-Guizhou mountain rose garden with the immaculate mountain rivers, waterfalls and deep caves, the unique Taihu and Xihu lakes, the Taishan mountain rose garden (included in the list of treasures) and UNESCO), Dunhuang Kilns, Huangoshu Waterfall (height 74 m., width 81 m.), karst caves and “stone forest” near the Wansheng region, the stoves of Red Flute, Black Buddha, New Water and Dragon of Guangxi, the great stoves of Longgong and Zhijing not far from An near the virgin steppes Inside from Mongolia You can practice the age-old mysticism of horse magic.

The forests of the Great Khingan are covered with wetlands. Harbin regularly hosts festivals of Krizhan sculpture and you can also ride on Krizhan skewers and cowhide.

Walking along the ancient Seam Road, you can visit Xinjiang, where there are three famous canyons, Sanxia on the Yangtze River, Yemei Mountain and the Jiuzhaigou State Nature Reserve. The region is unique in its abundance of flowers - the Lijiang River near Guilin and the five “sacred” mountains, rich in the most beautiful places. Mount Huangshan is revered by the “faces of Chinese mountains,” and Mount Yemeishan is famous for its important accessibility and unique charm.

For tourists there are 99 places of great cultural and historical significance and 750 unique cultural monuments that are under the protection of the state, as well as 119 landscape places. Among them, 19 are listed on the UN List of World Natural and Cultural Disasters.

  • Gugun Museum
  • Tiananmen
  • Shaolin
  • Great Buddha at Gonkonzi
  • Mount She (Sheshan)
  • Place on the water Zhujiajiao
  • White Chapel Castle
  • Mavp Island Nanwan
  • Longhua Pagoda
  • Pechera Reed Flute
  • Pechera Er Wang Dong
  • Guangzhou TV

Banks and currency

The national currency of China is the Chinese yuan renminbi. There are 10 jiao in one yuan, 10 fen in one jiao. They have banknotes in denominations of 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1 yuan, 5, 2, 1 jiao; coins – 1 yuan, 5, 2, 1 jiao, 5, 1 fen.

Banks are open on weekdays from 9:00 to 14:00, on Saturdays from 9:00 to 12:30. Commercial banks operate from 8:00 to 17:00, on Saturdays from 8:00 to 11:30. One hour of work is determined by whichever, a specific bank can set its own hour of work.

Currency can be exchanged at major branches of the Bank of China, hotels, international airports, railway stations and many major shopping centers. If you save the checks that were withdrawn during the exchange, the scraps of the return exchange of yuan that were lost, at the end of the trip you can only redeem them when they are presented. They may be upset by the difficulty of exchanging old and worn-out dollar bills - their sons-in-law may have them.

China accepts American Express, JCB, Visa, Master Card and Diners Club credit cards. You can pay with them at hotels, international restaurants, as well as great power department stores. When purchasing with a credit card, a special fee is charged (calculate 4% of the purchase price), discounts are not extended for such purchases. You can withdraw payment from a credit card at the branches of the Bank of China, and the commission fee will be 4%.

Beijing has a lot of ATMs, but you can only withdraw money from ATMs (Bank of China) or at the airport, ATMs of other banks, but you won’t be able to get money for everything. Look, there are few such ATMs in China.

Corisna information for tourists

The people of China have a strong desire to know, forever, books. The Chinese are in awe of each other. The recipients of their guilty mothers have business cards with them, the text on which they are obliged to be overwritten by the Chinese (mostly golden farb) and English language (but not the red one). The Chinese are extremely economical, trying to quickly accumulate capital.

In China, they dress up extremely, so it’s not good for them to take anything special or extravagant from themselves. For official visits, you will need a jacket and a bed, a suit or a cloth bag. It is best to use small, or heavy, bags or bags with wheels. Be prepared to change your clothes often; the weather in China is cold.

Expanding the price of Beijing by speeding up the service of a pedicab is an unforgettable experience. If you want pedicabs that offer high prices to satisfied customers, you often have to pay a high price to ride around the road.

It is not customary to give a tip, but the room or porter at the hotel is not charged 1-2 yuan.

The Chinese did not at all value honesty over honesty, but rather foreigners did not value traditional cunning and approachability. The deception of a foreigner is famous as a sign of great intelligence. Therefore, tourists are advised to haggle fiercely and check their money, as the remaining pennies are often counterfeit.

It is prohibited to export antiques from the country, it is not accepted to confiscate them at the border, otherwise the buyer will be squeezed out. Handicraft items may be secured with a red label, otherwise problems with the mitnitsa will arise. The process can be determined at a later time, so that you can better enjoy the guide before making future purchases.
