Significance of Martin of Tours in the Orthodox Encyclopedia tree. Martin the Merciful - Saint Martin of Tours Who is Saint Martin

Significance of Martin of Tours in the Orthodox Encyclopedia tree. Martin the Merciful - Saint Martin of Tours Who is Saint Martin


Vidkrit Orthodox encyclopedia "THREE".

Martin the Merciful (316 – 397), Bishop of Tours, saint.

Born at the beginning of the 4th century of Pannonia. From early youth, even from childhood, I dreamed of blackness, looming before me a heroic butt for inheritance in the person of St. Anthony the Great. However, Martin lived in a non-Christian family, and his father served in his military career. He himself was a saint, and having reached Galiya, he carried out his service as an officer. While still a military leader, he once tore off his cloak and gave half of the completely stretched out man. The pious tradition marries this foal to Christ.

When the opportunity presented itself to deprive the army, Martin Pishov was at the Ligugé desert, near Poitiers, where a small monastery was built, which, according to the words of the author of his life, became a hotbed of blackberry activity in Gaul. It is important to note that Martin expanded the traditions of the similar Egyptian monks at sunset, following everything from the Monk Anthony.

By deception (in order to pray for one illness), the saint was called out at the place of Tours and pronounced by the bishop. He himself has never been able to worship the deacon, giving precedence to the more modest position of the exorcist - reading special prayers over the sleepless. Martin was blessed with rare kindness and generosity. Together with the man and the great look of the great army, this especially hid the yoma of people. Martin constantly added about the sick, the foal, the hungry, and for this they lost the nickname of the Merciful. At the same time, the saint did not lose his dreams about blackness.

Having occupied the saintly see in Tours, Martin immediately fell asleep at the monastery of Marmoutier, where the rules that were essential for the similar monkhood were established: sleepiness of the lane, insane hearing, aggravation to the point of insanity, one-time living throughout the day , rough and simple clothes. With particular respect from his monastery, Saint Martin himself often sat down to pray, adding to the feat of prayer and the recitation of the Holy Letter. There were a number of bishops from Marmut who worked hard to expand Christian awareness among the pagan Celts. About the scope of activity of St. Martin is also the one who, at his funeral, had 397 brothers with nearly 2 thousand members (at that time, as with Marmutya himself, the number of brothers did not exceed 80 people).

Saint Martin slept in the Lord during the hour of prayer in Candes, at the temple built above the city of the river Vienne and Loire. The local residents wanted to take him from themselves, and the residents of Tours stole the body, displaying it in the temple, and destroyed the fires with it in the chapels. After the local transition, unconcerned with autumn, flowers opened and birds slept on the path of their follow-up.

Similar traditions were organic to the then Gaul: even Christian enlightenment came from Irenaeus of Lyon, who was a scientist of Polycarp of Smyrna, who, in his own right, was closely related with the Apostle John the Theologian, head of the Church of Asia Minor.

Saint Joden did not achieve such posthumous glory in the Christian Sunset as Martin of Tours. About his daring to witness thousands of temples and settlements that bear his name. For middle France (and Germany) it will be the national saint. This basilica in Type was the largest religious center of Merovingian and Carolingian France, and its mantle (Sarah) was the sovereign shrine of the Frankish kings. It is also significant that the life of his fellow writer, Sulpice Pivnicciu, served as a spectator for all the hagiographic literature of Sunset. First of all, the life of a wandering ascetic inspired the ascetic feat of a soulless generation of Christians. It was for them, after the Gospel, and perhaps before the Gospel, the first spiritual hedgehog, the most important school of asceticism. Before this influx to a low level - at any time, until the "Carolingian Revival" - the pale and mellow school of John Cassian and the controversial traditions of Lerin and Benedict of Nursia. All three remaining ascetic schools are inspired by spiritual “responsibility”, which moderates the extremes of asceticism in the name of an active, brotherly community. School of St. Martina sharply views them with the heroic savagery of asceticism, which sets the highest ideal of strengthened feat. The ascetic idea of ​​the century of Gregory of Tours (VI century) is expressed with the greatest strength and the greatest one-sidedness. And the thoughts of the currents of this idea gradually turn us back to the Turkish ascetic of the 4th century.

Monastir near Liguzha Isnuyu Donina.

Wikoristan materials

Grigory Tursky, "History of the Franks"

The life of Saint Martin the Merciful, Bishop of Tours. // Lives of the saints, publications from the Christian Church of the Saints. Dmitry of Rostov. Zhovten. Day twelve. - Optina Pustin, 1993. (Demetrius_Rostovsky)/Zhovten/12

Fedotov G.P. Saint Martin of Tours is an ascetic ascetic. // Orthodox thought. 1928 No. 1.§ion=4&article=130

At first glance, why not give away the entire cloak? According to the current rules, half of the equipment of the war consisted of the shell of your powerful kosts, and half of the shell of the treasury. Give up your half and give it away!

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Marvel at the darkness, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is MARTIN TURSKY in the Russian language in dictionaries, encyclopedias and guides:

    (335 or 316-397) Christian desert monk, exorcist and preacher, bishop of the city of Tours; patron saint of France. Teachings of Ilarius of Pictavia. Bіlya yogo kelіy...
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    ? St., ed. at 336 rub. at the Lower Ugorshchina, vikhovuvsya at Pavia; from the will of the father, the military tribune, you can find...
    (335 or 316-397), Christian desert monk, exorcist and preacher, bishop of the city of Tours; patron saint of France. Teachings of Ilarius of Pictavia. Holy shit...
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  • TURKISH from the Great Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
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  • MARTIN from the Great Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    MARTIN OF TOURSKY (335 or 316-397), Christian. saint, patron saint of France. Teaching of Ilarius of Pictavia, desert monk, exorcist and preacher, bishop of the city of Tur. Bilya...
  • MARTIN from the Great Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    MARTIN, m. near Slovakchini. 58 t.zh. (1991). Machinery, woodworking, text, food, printing. industry Slovakia. national ...
  • MARTIN from the Great Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Martin Rudolf (1864-1925), nim. anthropologist. Author: anthropological methods ...
  • MARTIN from the Great Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Martin Archer John Porter (1910-2002), English. biochemist and physical chemist. Having developed the methods of subdivision. chromatography: on paper (1941, jointly with ...
  • MARTIN from the Great Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    MARTIN (Martinus), Christian. Church activist, martyr, Pope of Rome 649-653. At the first Lateran Council (649), having condemned monotheletism, she defended the superchids.
  • TURKISH in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    Mitrofan Kuzmich (1840-1899)? forester Having acquired my secondary education in St. Petersburg. spiritual seminary; then finishing St. Petersburg. univ. from the natural sciences faculty...
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    (Turski) Kaspar Mikhailo (bl. 1847-1926), member of the Russian and Polish revolutionary movement. Since 1869 in emigration, organizer of the “Slovenian Gurtka”, member of the editorial board ...
  • MARTIN in the Suchasny Tlumachny Dictionary, BSE:
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I. 1. Most mortals are prone to addiction and gratuitously crave worldly fame. They respect that they will achieve the eternal memory of their name by describing the lives of prominent people in the appropriate style. 2. Such ideas always, when subordinated to the primary plan, lead not to an eternal, but to an even small result, and the memory of oneself, one might say, is empty and grows faint. In addition, everything is based on immodest comparisons with the butts of great men. Therefore, this vanity does not provide the necessary hope for a blissful and eternal life. 3. How will the glory of their creations help them after this century is over? And what good things can you learn from reading about Hector, what else, or the philosophical Socrates? Therefore, they do not only carelessly pursue, but rather resist, it is crazy, because whoever appreciates human life only with mitten actions and with sensitivity, he sentences his soul to death, 4. That’s what to believe, no one human memory is to make them eternal, so People should seek more eternal life, less eternal memory, and not through writing, war or philosophy, but through holy piety and a religious way of living. 5. This pardon, being transferred to the paper, will increase in size, so that either one can recognize the followers of vain philosophy, or it will lead to a mindless zeal for mercy. 6. Therefore, I will respect my work sincerely, as I describe the life of the most holy man, as I will become a model for the coming generations and through the description of any reader, undoubtedly, will be educated to true wisdom, the Heavenly army and the Divine honor notey. Until then, our minds are shrinking so that we trust not in the vanity of human memory, but in the eternal, given by God. Because we ourselves did not live in such a way as to become a butt for others, we did this so that those who would inherit would not be in hopelessness. 7. First, I will begin to describe the life of St. Martin, in order to [show] how he led up to [the dignity of] bishop and after him, although in every case I did not achieve success in this [description]. Even though we don’t know those who knew only a few wines, without sacrificing human glory, Martin richly involved himself and encouraged him to embrace his honesty. 8. There are so many of these who, having appeared to us, we have lowered, respectfully, that they are already destined to achieve this greatness. At the same time, a note about the readers, so that the great quantity of what has been collected does not lead to dissipation. 9. I thank everyone who reads [this book] to trust what has been said, for I myself, especially before writing, have checked and verified all knowledge. And I cried out, I was more than willing to say anything better than to speak [apparently] nonsense.

II. 1. Also, Martin was originally from Savaria, a place in Pannonia, due to the benefits of being Ticinus’s fathers, it was by no means a simple journey and occupied far from remaining a place in this world, and also as pagans. 2. His father was a warrior from the beginning, then a military tribune. And Martin himself, who from his youth devoted himself to military service, was at the lava of the Imperial War - first under Caesar Constantius, and then for Julian, but not for his own sake, for not much from the first fates [of life] The boy was more attracted to the light of the holy child. dedicated to the service of God. 3. So, when I was ten years old, I went to the church from the inveterate fathers and waited there to secure something for myself until they were stunned. 4. By a miraculous rite, I will return to God’s justice, after twelve rocks, Martin, having seized the wife and became a victor, as if he had not become a perishable of the early century. Having once again fermented his spirit to the monastery of the Church, he prepared all his youthful fates, so that he could then consecrate himself to the priesthood. 5. Ale Kolya, a bouv -bourgeon about those, Shini Veteran, to sign up to Vaninv, then the bugs of the Old Man, Velmi of the unsolved yogo [spiritual] exploits, in the vitzi p'ytnadtsiyati, Rockiva Martin, becoming a rejuvenated junction. In his service, he asked for only one slave, to whom, however, he himself served as a master, who often took him away from him and himself thanked him. I'm offended by the stench or however, but Martin often served me. 6. So, having served in the army for three years [before his baptism], he was pure by those vices that people of such rank are liable to sin. 7. And his kindness towards his service comrades was great, his love was marvelous, his patience and humility were greater than human ability. There is no need to praise his dullness, because it became so significant that even at that time he was respected not as a warrior, but as a Chen. With these actions, the tabletops snatched up their comrades, so that the stinks of theirs vanished in what seemed like a great wonder. 8. Even though Christ had not yet created people, Martin, with his kind righteousness, was already doing something like a great baptism, so that he could help the working people, give help to the needy, feed the hungry, clothe the poor, and do not deprive themselves of anything from their paid expenses. m yak on one-day tavern: already then a diligent follower of the Gospel without thinking about tomorrow.

ІІІ. 1. I axis once in the middle of winter, when at that hour there was a suvorisha for the original table, because many people froze in the cold, if Martin had already lost nothing, except for the replacement of a modest military garment, which he had already worn the gates of the place of ambians are completely relaxed foal It was good for passers-by to complain about him, but everyone crushed the unfortunate side. He is a man, filled with God, who understands that he is destined to [create] those for which mercy was not met in others. What can you earn? 2. I didn’t wear anything except a cloak, because I had already spent everything else [long ago] on similar issues. And having withdrawn the sword that he wore on his belt, Martin cut the cloak open and gave one half to the gill, and the part that was lost, putting it on himself again. And at the end of the day, no one laughed, although, naturally, the clothes were cut. In fact, a lot of people, with less callous hearts, even thought that without having done anything like this, they wanted to be able to cope with the unfortunate situation without any special misconceptions for themselves. 3. I axis with the coming of the night, when Martina was sleeping, drinking the wine of Christ, clothed in that half of his cloak, which covered the foal. I was ordered to respectfully marvel at the Lord and recognize the gift that he gave [to the poor]. Nezabar sensed Jesus speaking in a wonderful voice to the faceless angels who stood next to him: “Martin, while still stunned, covered Me with his clothes.” 4. The Lord truly clearly remembers those who said earlier: The fragments you killed one of these little brothers of mine, then you killed me, For the Lord Himself appeared in the form of a poor man covered with a robe. In good faith, Martin has been honored with the revelation that he has accepted a marriage. 5. After this vision, the blessed man did not increase in human glory, but gained God’s mercy from him, and when Martin received eighteen rocks, which came before his baptism. Prote without immediately depriving Martin of his military service, otherwise he would be dissuaded by the rants of his tribune, having therefore been at a friendly party; After completing the term, he promised to direct his planting [still] to walk in the light. Tom Martin, who wore this robe, was formally in the service for almost two years after his baptism.

IV. 1. Now Caesar Julian, when the barbarians invaded the borders of Gaul, took all his troops from the place of the Vangioni and began, as he called, to distribute pennies to the soldiers, for which they called out one by one. The first axis reached Martin. 2. Then, respectfully, the time has come to ask for your release from service, because you cannot respect yourself as an honest person, since you will accept pennies without the prospect of serving the world further. 3. “Dosi,” Martin said to Caesar, “I have served you, now I want to become a warrior of God. Let those who go into battle not take your gift; I am a warrior of Christ: it is not my fault to fight.” 4. Having felt such words, the tyrant seized him, firmly believing that Martin would fight for the world not through his faith, but simply through the fear of battle, as soon as the coming day dawned. 5. A fearless man, even more stubborn and more fearful, who appeared, saying: “If you attribute to me fear, and not faith, then tomorrow I will stand before the formation without armor and in the name of the Lord Jesus, thefts of God.” banners, and not with a shield and shalom, I will dive into the lava of the enemies.” 6. The 1st axis was punished to take Martin under the barbarus in order to verify his words and present him without fail before the barbarians. 7. On the coming day, the enemies sent out after lamenting for peace, trusting [the Romans] with all their [goods] and themselves. Does anyone doubt that this victory was given to the blessed man, so that there would be no fight in battle? 8. And if the merciful Lord wanted to protect His warrior from the enemy’s spears and swords, so as not to burden the saint’s gaze with the deaths of others, having found a reason for this battle. 9. For Christ is not guilty of giving His war any other victories than ordering the enemies in a bloodless way.

V. 1. After Martin had lost his military service, he rushed to Saint Hilarius, bishop of the place of Pictavo, who was a man of experienced and clear faith in the right of God, and is always alive with him. 2. Ilarius tried to tie Martin closer to himself through his ordination to the rank of deacon and service of God. Ale fragments of that already repaired the operation, saying that he respects himself as unworthy, the great man realized that there is only one way to reproach Martin - to give him such a punishment for the servant, which would have seemed unfair to him; thus punishing youmu buti as an exorcist. Martin did not make any decision, so that it would not work out, without losing his humility. 3. An hour later, after having guessed a dream about those who are guilty of leading the place of their youth and their fathers, who were still stuck in paganism, with the doctrinal method, Martin, with the permission of the saint Ilaria, having crashed down the road, is tied up with a lot of sorrows and tears from the bishop , so that you then turn back obligingly. We doubt, as it seems, that Martin, having set out on the road, will instruct the brothers to steadfastly endure a lot of difficulties, so that they can then reap the fruits of success. 4. І axis, going off-road in the Alps, encountering robbers. And if one of them swung a huge sword, hitting him on the head, the other ran over the hand of the other one. Then, as they say, the robbers, having buried him, walked away and tied his hands behind his back. And when the stinks immediately reached a more deaf place with Martin, the stinks began to tell him who he was. 5. “I am a Christian,” says Martin. Then the robbers asked why they were afraid. Martin, with great firmness of faith, was never as calm as he is now, having better known the mercy of God in his previous experiences. Those who succumb to robbery will be much more tormented by those who did not receive the mercy of Christ. 6. And having begun to preach about the gospel, preached the word of God to one of them. What else can you say here? The robber believed and saw Martin, sending him back to the road, with good fortune, so that he could pray for the new God. After this table, he himself returned to religious life, because those things about which they told us were revealed by him himself.

VI. 1. I axis Martin, who followed and passed Mediolan, is at the level of the devil, who took on a human form and rushed to drink him. And if he rejected Martin’s testimony that the Lord called him on the road, then he said to him: “Wherever you go, without timidity, the devil will be your opponent.” 2. Todi Martin spoke with a prophetic word: The Lord is my assistant, and I don’t complain: why kill me, man?. Immediately the enemy appeared behind his eyes. 3. And having subdued the mind and soul of his mother, Martin escaped from the pagan mercy, and his father continued to resist evil. Martin's many butts were spinning. 4. After the Arian nonsense had spread [widely] throughout the world and especially in Illyria, if against the infidelity of the priests it was actually only Martin who dared to speak out and would give away a wealth of evidence - he would publish constantly hanging sharply, and then leaving the place, - Then, going straight to Italy, because in Gaul with the departure of St. Hilarius, whom the heretics forcibly extorted from the exile, the Church, apparently, became weary in turmoil. Martin stood at the Mediolansky monastery. There he was cruelly suppressed by Auxentius, one of the conscripts and warriors of the Arians, and, having recognized many injustices, Martin was expelled from his place. 5. I axis, after ten hours, he was sentenced to be exiled to the island of the rank of Gallinarius, in the company of some presbyter, a man of great honors. There, for many hours, Martin lived on the roots of herbs and vikorista from the hedgehogs, sowing hellebore, and, as it were, weeding out the grass. 6. If one time, having felt under the flood of water that was pouring out over the body, approaching death, then having avoided the inevitable death with prayer, and then all the pain has passed. 7. And after an hour, when Martin learned that Saint Hilary, after the emperor’s fall, was given the opportunity to turn around, heading straight to Rome and heading to this place.

VII. 1. Ale fragments at that hour Ilarius had already left, Martin rushed in his tracks. And he was most favorably accepted by Ilarius, and settled not far from the place in a monastery. There, to a new extent, a kind of stupor became attached, the holy man’s insistence on the faith, and after a few days, he suffered from feverish fever, and fell ill. 2. At that time, Martin was suddenly born and turned back three days later, revealing an already lifeless body: death had come so unexpectedly that without baptizing the public voices from human records. Having gained access to the body, the mournful brethren were already remembering [the deceased] with a mass service, when Martin arrived, weeping and weeping. 3. I, having filled my heart with the Holy Spirit, commanded those present to leave the cell where the dead lay, and, having closed the doors, stretched out over the lifeless body of my brother. Then, having spent a troubling hour in prayer and realized that through the Spirit of the Lord the strength had risen, Martin rose up, fell to the lips of the twinkle and began to count the result of his prayer and the mercy of God. And yet, since perhaps two years had passed, it seemed as if the dead were rapt, having swung all their limbs and froze, clearly showing signs of life. 4. Then Martin called out to the Lord with a booming cry, and the cell was filled with a vigil of duty. Feeling this, those who were standing near the doors immediately ran into the middle. And it became a miracle, because the stench stank alive the one whom they had previously deprived of the dead. 5. The 1st axis of the one who, having turned to life, having accepted baptism, is alive after many more fates and was the first among us to meet and the butt of Martin’s honesty. 6. And you will have to confirm that, having left your body, you will be brought to court and feel the sum of the crimes, the assignments of blacks and commoners. Then two angels told the judges that in front of them was the one for whom Martin was praying. And then, through these angels themselves, it was punished to resurrect the dead, restore the great life and turn him back to Martin. 7. And after this table, the name of the blessed man began to shine, so that he began to venture forth to the saints, his equals, and rightly so, to the Apostles.

VIII. 1. An hour later, when Martin passed along the field of a certain Lupician, an important man and a good layman, he encountered a [great] crowd of people who were driven away and heard mournful cries. 2. And when the warring Martin came before them and asked why such a cry was worth such a cry, it was said to him that every young slave was separated from life behind another noose. Feeling this, Martin had arrived at the business, where the body had been laid, and, having killed everyone who was there, he prostrated himself over the dead and spent a good hour in prayer. 3. Nezabar the rice of denouncing the deceased came to life, and in the presence of Martin, he began to rise from his crushed eyes: completely, with great difficulties, getting up, throwing himself, bowing to the rules of the blessed man, until he was completely established in on your feet. Then the stench spread all the way to the exit of the house in front of everyone.

IX. 1. Around the same hour, Martin began to be asked to become the bishop of the Turonian community, but the fragments were no longer easy to pull from the monastery, which is Rusticius, one of the inhabitants of [Tours], who fell at his feet, but nevertheless achieved his єї friends, to that viyshov [beyond the boundaries of the monastery]. 2. There Martin [literally gathered together by force] especially for the crowd of townspeople who arrived and were not under the supply of deliveries to the place. Everything was similar to the great wonder, because the vast majority of people came not only from this place, but also from their neighbors, to cast their vote. 3. Everyone had the same fear, the same thought and decision: Martin would be a most worthy bishop, and the Church would be blessed to have such a high priest. However, the deeds of the bishops, calling for the protection of the high priest, began to wickedly carry out the operation: the stinks confirmed that this candidacy was suitable for the ignorant, because it is impossible for a person of such a pitiful likeness, with [old] robes and unkempt hair apply for the position of bishop. 4. These people, with a healthy mind, mocked the madness of those who, by saying this, were trying to kill a prominent man. And there was nothing else left for him to do except to do justice for the people of God. However, among the bishops who were there at that time, especially, it seems, they used some kind of Defensor, for which they appeared viciously cursed with prophetic words, for which they later became famous. 5. If the reader, who was supposed to read that day [during the hour of service in the church], did not come, and many of the people crossed him, then one of the chanting priests, having taken the Psalter, opened it to his attention and read the first one. shiy versh. 6. The psalm is like this: The voices are silent and silent, having given praise, for the sake of Your enemies, in order to make the enemies and messengers of the demonless. At the end of the reading [of this verse], the people were victorious [health], and the other side was relieved. 7. It was said that [not casually], but by the will of God, the reading of this Psalm, so that he felt the Defensor of the witness of his deed, revealed by the Lord through the lips of the Nemovlyat and Nemovlyat for the glorification of Martin; and it is shown clearly, and the gate of confusion.

X. 1. With the adoption of the episcopal dignity, Martin has completed everything so much that it is not in our power to know about it. You will become even more jealous of the one you tried before. 2. As before, there was humility in my heart, and inflexibility in my arms. And yet, looming [great] glory and inflow, Martin accepted the episcopal rank, but not in order to deprive him of his deepest aspirations and way of life. 3. So he will live for a long time in a business near a church. Later, when it became impossible to endure the inhumanity of the [numerical] guards, Martin fell asleep two miles from the monastery site. 4. The whole place was somewhat unknown and inconspicuous, so that nothing would disturb the silence of the desert. One part [of the monastery] was built on a ragged rock that juts out from the mountains, and the other part was built up [in the light of the world’s decision] to twist the Liger. There was only one road that led to Tudi, but the road was even narrower. 5. Martin himself built a cell from the decks, and many brothers carried out a similar order. Others, having crossed the mountain, dug their own ovens there. There were nearly eighty novices, and the blessed reader himself was the butt. 6. There, no one maintained their power, everything was in the hands of the infidels. Nothing was bought or sold, as is the custom with most people. What was allowed from the crafts, then the rewriting of books, and before this, was assigned to the young, and the elders offered prayers. 7. It’s rare that someone has lost their cell, even if they go to the place of prayer. No one survived the wine, besides bouts of illness. 8. Many people wore sackcloths: soft clothes and were guilty of misdeeds. And it’s more important to recognize the wonder that a lot of them, being famous for their training, have developed such humility and patience. Many of them later became bishops. 9. Why is there such a place and a church that the mother of the priest would not have been kicked out of the Martin monastery?

XI. 1. Now let us proceed to the description of Martin’s other honors, which manifested themselves during the hour of his bishopric. Not far from the place, near the monastery, there was a place of worship, because there, according to people’s thoughts, there were martyrs buried there. 2. In the same place there were also appointments by the previous bishops. However, Martin did not suddenly, knowing the even doubtful faith of his predecessors, pressed upon the presbyters and clergy to name the name of the martyr and the hour when they recognized the persecution: Martin was crumbling with great doubts oh the one that human memory has preserved for whose drive it is clear song 3. Therefore, after a tenth hour, he defended himself from going out of the way, not relying on any faith, because it was even more doubtful, and not submitting his thoughts to the judgment of the crowd, so that the fears would not become stronger. І axis once, having called a number of people, from now on until this place. 4. Then, standing over the grave, turning up in prayer to God, to find out whose tomb it is and why it’s here. І axis, if you turn left-handed, then you will get tired and thirsty primara. Tody Martin ordered him to identify himself and confess his sin. She told him about the evildoers. If he was a robber, he was wasted for it, but he is likely to emerge through fraud. There was nothing sweet about the martyrs, for the stench was prepared for glory, and the wine for torment. 5. It was like a miracle that those who were present heard the voice of those who were present, but did not recognize him. Tody Martin worked in such a way that the stench [could] hurt him, and ordered him to remove from this place the goods that were there. So Martin liberated the people in the form of slaughterhouses.

XII. 1. However, after a dozen hours it was carried out in such a way that, walking along the road, Martin stumbled over the body of some pagan, as if they were carried to the place of rest in a godless manner. Having stood on the rise of the attack, Martin sank, because everything was so unexpected. There were a lot of them, so it was important to find out what was going on there. 2. A little while ago, he looked at a group of villagers, the shrouds that were blowing in the wind, covering the body of [the deceased]. Here he thought that this was a rite of pagan sacrifice, for this was the name of the villagers of Gaul, who, in their greedy madness, carried around their fields images of demons, dressed in a white robe. 3. The 1st axis then, having crossed their cross, ordered Martin not to break from the place and to lower his burden. Immediately, in a miraculous manner, these unfortunate buds froze, the stone was silent, 4. and then, when with great efforts they tried to continue their journey, they appeared unable to break forward and began to spin on the spot until, until then, until having sat down, they did not lay the body on the ground . The enemies marveled at the stench one by one, trying to understand what had become of them. 5. If the blessed man realized that his intention was simply to claim [the deceased], and not to make him an object of worship, by immediately raising his hand, giving him permission to go and take the body. So Martin, after his wedding, first froze them up, and then allowed them to sing.

XIII. 1. Also, if in the village of Martin, having destroyed an even ancient temple and cutting down a pine tree, which was already roaming around in the nearby surroundings, then the head priest of this place and the other pagans, having gathered together, repaired its foundation. 2. Although the stench from the will of God was calm during the hour of ruining the temple, they did not recognize the depletion of the tree. Martin earnestly urged them that there is nothing sacred in this tree and they would rather worship the stench of the God Whom they must serve, and cut down the tree, since it is dedicated to the demon. 3. Then one of the pagans, who was merciful, said: “Since you are in the presence of your God, Whom you say is mischievous, I am setting up an outpost - we ourselves will cut down this tree, and you can take it for yourself. And if Your God is with you, as you say, God, then you will go [to the uneducated].” 4. Todi Martin, relying on God, having vowed to earn it this way. And the entire crowd of pagans believed in this, respectfully, that it would be easy to fell the tree, since the stench would not hinder the support of the local gods. 5. And axis, if one of the pagans bent a tree in that side where there was a little fall, they put the tied Martin there and deprived him of him under the eyes of the villagers, since no one doubted that the pine would fall on itself. 6. After this, the pagans themselves, with great joy and triumph, began to cut down their own tree. For a long time, they stood there and opened their eyes. And the pine tree had already begun to disintegrate and was already threatening to fall. 7. The Chens, who stood nearby, were in disarray and, clearly unsafe, had lost all hope and faith, preparing to deal with the inevitable death of Martin. 8. And now, impatiently trusting in God, wondering if a pine tree will fall on him with a great noise. And the axis was already hanging over him, the axis was already falling, but he, having thrown off his hand at the right time, created a banner [cross] in a row. Immediately, one might have thought, when the tree was cut down, it turned around on its own - the pine was thrown into the back side so far that it almost knocked down the villagers who stood in a safe distance from the village. 9. The pagans, furious to the sky, screamed and froze, [the enemy] in wonder. The Chens wept with joy, and everyone joyfully shouted out the name of Christ. On that day, there was enough work for the purpose of this locality. For there was no such great number of pagans who, having stirred up wicked deceit, had failed to honor the merciful right-handedness of the Lord Jesus Christ. And truthfully, before Martin, few people recognized the name of Christ, so, in fact, no one [recognized]. And the axis of the table with his butt and the honesty of his great blessed man, so that after Martin there was no longer any need for locality, which I did not know, either the churches were often erected, or the richly populated monasteries. Because there, where pagan temples were destroyed, there were also churches and monasteries.

XIV. 1. The same honesty was revealed by Martin and in other similar information. Bo, when they arrived in one village, it was like an ancient temple and a loud fire, it became so that with the wind the half-moon spread to a row of shattered booths. 2. Having finished, Martin quickly got up on his feet and rushed to the fire, which flared up. And the axis of the half turned against the wind in a miraculous manner, otherwise the struggle between the two elements burned away. So, by the [unforeseen] power of Martin, the fire was extinguished there, where the blessed man punished him. 3. And in [another] village, named after Leprose, he urged Martin to build a temple of the same kind for godlessness, lest he be faced with such a support for a wave of pagans that it would be unfair to be driven out. 4. Then, having walked in the village, dressed there for three days at the hairline, covered his head with dust and given himself up to fasting and prayers, asking Martin the Lord, so that if the hand of man cannot destroy this temple, then let the heavenly power rest upon his tabernacle. 5. And here Rapto’s two angels, surrounded by lists and shields, showed me the image of the heavenly army, saying that God had sent a stink, so that no one would stand against Martin at the hour of the ruin of the temple: he, turning back, would like to complete the letter on the right. 6. The first axis, having reached the village, in the presence of the mindless yurby of the pagans, Martin destroyed the wicked waste, and turned all the treasures and idols into gunpowder. 7. Having obeyed God’s command not to oppose the bishop, the protests and bastards of the villages of Mayzha all believed in Christ, loudly shouting that Martin’s God was to blame for the hesitation, the idols of today’s ills once stink to themselves, [ none of the others] could be captured .

XV. 1. Now I will tell you about what happened in one of the villages of Food. There Martin, who had previously destroyed the temple, and the blind pagans and villagers, became angry, attacked him. And if one of them, the most humorous one, drew his sword and swung it at the blessed man, then the blow struck by the bishop’s fire fell on Martin’s bare neck. 2. Not having killed his pagan, but if he again raised his hand against the bishop, he immediately appeared to be thrown to the ground and screamed with the wrath of God, beginning the grace of forgiveness. 3. There is nothing wonderful about it. More than once, Martina, having thrown off the idols, tried to stab him with a knife, but as a result of whose blow the cut itself fell from [the attacker’s] hands. 4. And having often contradicted the villagers, Martin so touched their pagan souls that, with the light of the truth that dawned on them, they themselves destroyed their sanctuaries.

XVI. 1. And Martin had such great grace that there was no one else around him who, when we got sick again, didn’t immediately know the cure. This is clearly visible from the butt of the attack. 2. This girl from Trevir was so severely paralyzed that for a long time her body could not resist anything from the power of the human body. And she had already died, and life in her was still warm. 3. The martyred relatives have long been in the grip of an imminent funeral. Alya became aware that Martin had arrived in the place. If the father knows about this girl, he will ask for his lifeless daughter. 4. And Martin was already entering the church. And in the eyes of all the people and the rich bishops present there, the elder, in rejoicing, fell at his feet and said: “My daughter is dying, beaten down by a terrible illness, and worse than just death. She is alive only in spirit, but in body she has been dead for a long time. I ask you to come to her and bless her, for I believe that through you you will be healthy.” 5. Martin, getting rich with such words, cheering and making operas, saying that there is no such power in him, that the old man was judged by Milkova, because he was not a good man, Martin, so that through him the Lord would show a sign of such power. The old one has become stronger, cry, pour out and give grace, so as to lead out of breathlessness. 6. Having been told by the bishops that they had left him, Martin went to the girl’s cabin. The majestic army guarded the doors for the servant of God to earn. 7. And just before us, there were family members there, as if everything was necessary during such episodes. Martin stretched out on the bedside at prayer. Then, respectfully respecting the illness, wanting to bring you some oil, because if you bless the girl, then by the power of pouring it from the vust, the homeland will be sanctified. And suddenly there was a scream from afar: 8. After the first one, her limbs began to come to life, and soon she was already standing firmly on her feet.

XVII. 1. Then the slave Tetradia, a man of proconsular rank, was burned by a demon, suffering from severe pain. And when they asked Martin to lay his hand on him, he ordered him to bring his slave to him. However, the unclean spirit did not allow the slaves to leave their business, but he was still alive, and attacked everyone who entered with great cruelty. 2. Todi Zoshit threw himself at the feet of the blessed man, desiring to come to the house in which the demonic possession is alive. 3. I Martin, in order to heal the atheism of the pagan, because Tetradiy at that hour was still entangled in the bonds of idolatry, waiting to come to his home. After whom the proconsul swore an oath that if he were to expel the lad, then he, Zoshit, would become a Christian. 4. I axis Martin, having laid his hand on the possessed, evil spirits flowed in. Having received this, Zoshit believed in the Lord Jesus Christ and was immediately struck down, and then baptized. And once again, Martin became the creator of that marvel and his own story. 5. At that very place, having gone to the house of some [important] father of the family, he found him Martin, standing right on the threshold. And this man has learned that in the atrium of his home he carefully treated the greedy demon. Tody Martin ordered the evil spirit to leave, but then, having buried the owner of the little house, he hesitated and began to torment him and all those who were absent in the most merciless manner. The booth shook, the family was alarmed, and people rushed to flee. Martin rushed to the madman and immediately punished him to death. 6. And when he began to terribly gnash his teeth and open his mouth wide, Martin put his fingers there and said: “Whatever you want, taste it.” 7. And if at this hour they put a baked zap into the gourd, then all the same, how long ago and without any traces, the fingers of the blessed man could stick out his teeth. Then the evil spirit began to flow from the body, seared by pain and agony. However, it was not allowed for him to drink through his mouth; he, having lost the vile trace, was thrown out of his empty womb.

XVIII. 1. Then a message about the uprising and invasion of the barbarians appeared in that place. Martin immediately ordered him to bring the demon-possessed person to him and ordered him to immediately report how true this rumor was. 2. Having learned that there are ten demons sitting in this place, who have expanded the understanding among the people with this, so that they would like to have such a way, as Martin said, to make him flow out of the place: we don’t know about the invasion of barbarians. . And if evil spirits were publicly known to be present, then the place was filled with all sorts of fear and praise. 3. Also, when in Parisia Martin entered the gates of the place in a majestic onslaught, he kissed and blessed the unfortunate leper: immediately all his illness passed away. 4. On that day, shining with clean skin, they came to the church and brought a payment for the healing. It is also impossible to mention those who cut the edges of Martin’s outer garment and, [being laid down] on relaxation, often turned their strength. 5. Also, putting your fingers or placing them on your neck is often a blissful person recovering from suffering from an illness.

XIX. 1. The great prefect of Arborius, a man of great saintliness and strong faith, when his daughter was struck down by the most important fever, an insignia on the chest of the girl who threw herself into the speck, a sheet of [addresses] to Martin, in which the essence of the summed up was laid out Yes, and immediately there was fever vignana. 2. This power directed such strong hostility towards Arboria that he dedicated his daughter to God’s and eternal values. And having sent them to Martin, presenting him with the evidence of his honor, the blessed man was given the power to heal the day [bodily]. Also, Arboria was advised that no one else, but only Martin, was given an unoccupied robe and a dedication ceremony was performed. 3. Paulin, who had already become a man, had [given] a miraculous butt, as if he had fallen ill with his eyes and had already covered her with impenetrable darkness, but if Martin touched his eyes with a sponge, then, immediately seeing all the pain, turning him back to health 'i. 4. The same Martin himself, who once left the refectory and fell through the inequalities of gatherings after gatherings, having recovered from impersonal wounds. And when, suffering from severe pain and even breathlessness, I lay in my cell, then at night an angel appeared to me, having washed my wounds and anointed my clogged place and sin. The next day, Nastya seemed to be in good health, and no one had believed that the day before, they had treated him as if they were unacceptable. 5. It is still possible to overhaul such butts. Chantly, this small number is enough so that we do not miss the truth contained in most of them, and avoid inconsistencies in the description.

XX. 1. And so as not to confuse the small with the great, - although this is typical for our century, in which everything is already twisted and damaged, and it is not the fault of the high priest, who does not work steadily before the secular authorities, - [let’s say that] when many bishops from all ends of the world came to Emperor Maximus, a man with a wise character, brought by the end of the great war, and when the low forest blossomed, and The life of the priestly rank saw humiliation through the arrival of royal clients, then only in Martin. 2. To tell you what kind of trace they were asking about someone before the emperor, once again, without asking. Martin often appeared at imperial banquets, [directly] seeming that he could not share a meal with one emperor having saved the power, and another life. 3. І axis, once Maxim has established himself in power, he buried things not for his own sake, - because by the will of God, the oath of wine on himself, through the warriors of his obligations, is determined to protect the power, and in general, clearly in whom nothing was visible Our will, God's blessing, fragments Thus, with incredible rank, he achieved victory, so that none of his opponents died in battle, then he overcame with final thought or the invitation of Martin to come to the banquet; This served miraculously until the emperor was glorified, which is what she did. 4. At this banquet gathered, mute at the Yuletide celebration, the most important and prominent men, the prefect, also the consul Euodius, a man for whom no law existed, two committees endowed with great power, brother Emperor and uncle. Presbyter Martin walked around among them, and the blessed man himself sat on the king’s chair. 5. Approximately in the middle of the banquet, as is customary, the servant handed over the king’s cup. Having ordered them to hand them over to the holy bishop as soon as possible, they are eager and eager to accept the cup from Martin’s hands. 6. However, Martin, after having drunk, passed the cup to his presbyter, thereby showing that wine does not give the same importance to the one who drinks first after the new one, because it is all the same to whom to give precedence: the presbyter, the king himself, or yogo closer. 7. This Emperor and everyone who was there were already shocked, because Martin and everyone else appreciated them. And Mitya went around the palace, as if he had served Martin at the king’s dinner, since none of the bishops had served on banquets so fairly to the lower ones. 8. And even a long time before, it was conveyed to Maximov that if he were to destroy the country in Italy, where he was planning to go to war against the Emperor Valentinian, then in the first battle he would narrowly win, but after a dozen hours he would be slain. 9. So, as we know, it happened. Due to Maximus's invasion of Italy, Valentinian entered through the river, collecting people, killing the captured Maximus in the walls of Aquileia.

XXI. 1. It is also evident that Martin often spoke to many angels, and they spoke to him, talking about those who so clearly and plausibly stand before the eyes of the devil, who appears either in a powerful look, or in other images [i] gives a taste for all sorts of indecency, boasting under its rich guise. 2. If the devil is wise and we can’t get to grips with him, then he often ticks, as long as he doesn’t manage to lead Martin into deception with his approaches. One time [the devil], carrying a wounded man in his arms, with great noise, rushed into [Martin’s] cell and, pointing to the injured man and joyfully to the deceased villain, said: “Where, Martin, is your strength? I just killed one of yours.” 3. Todd Martin, calling to the brethren, confessed to them what the devil had told them. Then he ordered the shocked [monks] to go back to their cells one by one. Everyone was under attack by this idea. And although at that hour none of the brothers were alive, there was still one villager who had hired himself to transport a load of firewood for a fee. They said that vin pishov is near the forest. 4. Todi [Martin] having punished him so that he should be on his guard. And the axis of the monastery nearby was found even more breathless. With the rest of his strength, he told the Chens the reason for his wound and death, and at that time, as he pulled up the weakened drive of the team of wills, one of them, barking his head, built him into his life. Nezabar after this [villager] died. Chantly, by the will of God the devil was given such power. 5. Martina had amazing things that were not only revealed by us earlier, but also many similar to the kind that had already been lost, having passed on the knowledge long ago or telling the brothers.

XXII. 1. The devil also often tries to squeeze the holy man with his cunning through thousands of steps, sometimes in the most manic forms. Sometimes they appeared, taking the image of Jupiter, most often - Mercury, and often also - Venus and Minervi, against which the fearless Martin defended himself, blessing himself with the banners of God and giving himself up to prayer for help. 2. And often there were faint screams, as if this demon were roaring with unmistakable voices in sum'yatti, ale [Martin], knowing all the ugliness and wickedness of his wickedness, though not stealthy. 3. Also, the deeds and brethren testified that they themselves sensed a demon, who shouted in vile voices at Martin and pointed out the evils of the poor: why in the monastery deeds from the brethren, who splattered baptisms with various benedictions, sweat They were re-accepted into the spilkuvannya. 4. Martin, who fought against the devil, firmly confirmed that great sins are cleansed before the end of life, and through the mercy of God, guilty sinners are forgiven from their sins, as they have ceased to sin. The devil, too, began to assert that mercy does not extend to the evildoers and the greedy ease of God cannot be given to the lost once and for all. 5. Here Martin shouted: “As if you, the poor one, stood up against the oppression of people and repented for your deeds on the day of the imminent Judgment, then I, putting my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, promised you forgiveness.” Oh, how great was [Martin’s] hope in the mercy of God: it was impossible for the [obitsians] to be victorious, then how much love appeared! 6. And then about the devil and his turn there was a little, perhaps, not to be spared, about what to say about those who have little place, because in this case the power of Martin was often obvious, and under Oh my goodness name the miracles and riddles. [Also the trace will be even more] careful with the inheritance, as it should be done today.

XXIII. 1. Htos Klyar, a distinguished young man, then a presbyter, and nini, after his successful death, a blessed one, who, having lost everything, came to Martin, then in a short hour reached the return of the highest faith and all honors. 2. І axis, if, having judged themselves, not far from the episcopal monastery of Khatina and many brothers, there was an order that a new young man had arrived in the name of Anatoly, who appeared under the guise of a humble and innocent person. , and live every hour together with others . 3. Alo axis, after ten hours, it became firm, so that it gathers with the angels. If no one believed anyone, he mixed them up with a lot of evidence. You will find that Anatoly has begun to solidify, the springs will not walk between him and God and will now dare to vote for himself as one of the prophets. However, Klyara was never able to become a believer. 4. Anatoly threatened him with the wrath of God and earthly punishments, still not believing in his holiness. 5. Having said this, it seems, he hummed: “These nights the Lord gives me greater favor, dressed in clothes, I will publicly stand before you, and you will know that the grace of God is upon me; on the one to whom God gives clothing.” 6. There are a lot of people who have gathered and started checking these steps. And the axis, almost the same night, with a great rumble, the earth trembled and everyone began to shake: the monastery stood on the same place, and the cell, in which this young man was alive, shone with a bright light, it had a grim make-up and felt chatter of many voices. 7. And when silence reigned, one of the brothers [in the name of Sabatiy], having moved into the middle, shook the tunic of the young man, in which he dressed. 8. Sabatia’s teachings, having clicked on the solution, approaching the Batter itself, and the autumn light clothes, I will completely clarify everything. It was even softer, with an unusual whiteness, it glowed purple, it was impossible to understand what a similarity it was or what it was prepared for. Protest the respectful look and the twisting of the fingers, appearing no differently than the clothes. At one time Klar urged the brothers to give in to prayer, so that the Lord would reveal to them what was more obvious. 9. Therefore, the part of the night that was lost was dedicated to songs of praise and psalms. When the day came, the brothers decided, taking Anatoly by the hand, to lead him to Martin, knowing that it was impossible to trick him with devilish charms. 10. Todi is unfortunate, so as not to stand in front of Martin, starting to give up and scream loudly that this is blocked. And if you still dared to go all the way, right in the hands of those who trim, the [wonderful] clothes. 11. After this, no one doubted that Martin had been given power so that, having stood before the blessed man, the devil could not take possession of his instructions for long.

XXIV. 1. However, it became clear that at approximately the same hour a young man appeared in Spain, who, having known his wealth of fame and wide fame, went up to the table and voted himself Ilia. 2. And if many are reluctant to believe in him, he will go on to say that Christ is the one. This table led everyone into delusion that some bishop in the name of Rufus began to venerate him as God, as a result of which Nini Mi Bachimo Rufus was promoted to rank. 3. Many of our brothers confirmed that at that very hour they appeared at the Gathering, confirming that Ivan was the culprit. From this we can formulate the idea that with the appearance of a similar kind of false prophets, the coming of the Antichrist is approaching, who through them will destroy the obvious hidden chamber of evil. 4. And, perhaps, we shouldn’t miss a word about those, with what kind of master cunning the devil tortured Martin this very day. For the day, anticipating prayer, embraced by purple light, the brightness of which can be more easily deceived, as well as the aggravation of the royal robes, crowned with a tiara made of expensive stone and gold and in golden slippers, with the advent of With a different smile and acceptance. I couldn’t think of anything about the devil when I stood before Martin’s prayer at his cell. 5. And the fragments of Martin’s head were filled with his sight, then for a long time the stench of both remained in complete silence. Then the devil spoke first: “Find out, Martin, who is in front of you: I am Christ. Even though we are planning to come to earth, I intend to appear to you first.” 6. If at this Martin said nothing and said nothing at the testimony, the devil once again began to show his boastfulness: “Martina,” he said, “why do you allow yourself to believe in those who you teach? I am Christ.” 7. Todd Martin enlightened the Holy Spirit with the one who is the devil, and not God, thus saying: “The Lord Jesus said that He would come neither in purple nor in the world: I will not believe in any other Christ, just as in this igladi , in which He suffered, and in these signs of the cross, which He showed.” 8. At these words, the devil immediately became aware of the smoke and the cell was filled with such currants that we ourselves were deprived of the witness that it was Satan himself. About this fallacy, which I have long described, I felt the taste of Martin himself, so as not to take it all for guessing.

XXV. 1. Since we burned him with the widely known faith, life and sacrifices to the point of honor, then we made a pilgrimage as a sign of dynasty in order to honor him, since then it was in us with a passion to describe his life, about which we often d recognized as new, as far as We allowed ourselves to learn about this, often from those who were eyewitnesses or knew those whom we knew. 2. But at the same time it was impossible to believe, with such humility, with such kindness, having accepted me, acquiescing and pleasing the most of God, who knew more than us, no Well, we earned this at a high price, for sure. 3. For me, unworthy - I [sic] did not dare [to ask him] for a confession - if I was worthy of communion before my holy meal, then I myself poured water for our hands, and in the evening I myself washed our feet. And in no way I could not support or be angry, because I would be so oppressed that I would have to admit my dissatisfaction through sin. 4. Rozmova was with us about nothing else, but about the peace of the world and the longness of secular life; So that we may become children and soldiers of the Lord Christ. And having brought to us the miraculous example of a prominent man of our time, Paulinus - we have already guessed about him - who, with all his might, strived to inherit Christ, perhaps the only one at that time of the end of the Gospel gift; 5. exhorting us to follow him, to inherit him: and blessed is this age, since it is possible to impose a butt of such honesty, if, according to the word of God, the rich and the one who has a lot of what he has, selling and distributing to the poor, so that it has become I can't feel it. 6. And how much greatness there was in the words of Martin and his promotion, how much goodness! How passionate, how tireless it is, how easy and accessible it is to respond to the question that you should write [about him]! 7. And fragments, I know, there are many who are unbelieving [with doubts] about everything that is said, because, melodiously, they don’t believe what I myself have witnessed, then I call on Jesus and [our] deepest hope for testimony, but no can't you feel the movie . , [vicon] so much wisdom, good giving and pure words. And how little praise there is for Martin’s honesty! 8. And it was not surprising that all this was for an unenlightened people, even if they were not shortened [singing] gifts.

XXVI. 1. Already [my] book already looks like it’s finished, it may be completed. And not because everyone who could have heard about Martin died, but because we, like mediocre singers, were almost at the end of our day, suffocated by the great volume of material. 2. Since his actions could otherwise be expressed in words, his inner life and everyday sounds, his soul forever straightened to the sky, - I’ll be honest, can’t be expressed in words. And the same: this is the hardness and dullness of the serenity and fasting, the restlessness during the hour of nightly drinking and prayers, the nightly and, just like that, the day after this. And there was no such break in [turbo] God forbid, if only we had been able to get something to do, to bring someone else to sleep, or for natural needs. 3. And, I confess honestly, since, to be sure, Homer himself was in the middle of nowhere, then this could not have happened at all, since everything in Martin was much more than could be described in words. Never let the wait pass, so as not to go straight to prayer or reading; At the same time, even during the hour of reading or other occupation, I never brought my soul to prayer. 4. Even among farriers, for example, it is called this: at the hour of their work, they hit an empty forge for the sake of repair. So Martin, when he got busy, seemed to be on the outside, praying beforehand. 5. Oh, truly this is a blessed man, who had no guile (from iv 1:47): without judging anyone, without cursing anyone, without giving evil for evil to anyone, but in the face of all injustices, he knew such patience that, once he became a bishop, without any condemnation he endured the disrespect of the lowest clergy, and thus, or kicked them out. more, but still having lost his love, in which I myself [permanently] experienced.

XXVII. 1. No one is in anger, no one is upset or laughs: [w]he will always be jealous. It seemed that heavenly joy, which overturns human nature, will always be in his guise. 2. There was never anything in my heart except Christ, and there was nothing in my heart except piety and mercy for the world. And many of their unkind people, who slandered the innocent and the humble with snake tongues and cruel words, and then called upon them to mourn for their sins. 3. Of course, we are concerned with our honor and life, because we hate those that we don’t know in ourselves and that we don’t have the strength to inherit. Therefore, how godless is the sadness and sorrow of those who are not persecutors, and those who were themselves persecuted by the bishop. 4. It’s not good [here] to call anyone by name, if you want us to bark from behind our ears. It will be enough that whoever reads from them will know that it will become clogged. If we are angry, [to] confirm what has been said about him, then we may be a little respectful of others. 5. We do not turn off those who and we already hate at the same time from this person. 6. I respect beyond measure that this book is worthy of all saints. Otherwise, if anyone reads it shamelessly, he himself will sin. 7. I only know about myself those who, having written, were driven by love to Christ and with faith in [their] cause, publicly displaying the truth without reproach; God's preparations for the city will come, I trust, not for the one who reads, but for the one who believes.

Translation in Latin by A. Donchenko

Saint Martin of Tours ta zhebrak.
Today's baby

  1. Sulpicius Severus. Vita sancti Martini episcopi et confessoris // Sulpicii Severi Opera. Vindobonae, 1866 (Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum. Vol. I). Sulpice Pivnich (bl. 365 – bl. 425) - Latin church writer, a native of Aquitaine, after the death of his friends, he lost the seat of a lawyer and soldiers near the town of Primouliac (the day of France), and fell asleep in the desert bulk. Having repeatedly made pilgrimages to Tours, he became familiar with Saint Martin of Tours. Author of the "Life of St. Martin" (block 396), "Dialogues" (403), which is a continuation of the "Life" and dedicated to the proof of the superiority of Martin of Tours over the Samitniks in Ghent, "Chronicles" in 2 parts (block 401), which includes the history of mankind based on the Old Testament, the final part of the “Chronicle” is dedicated to the history of the Church of the Decline (mainly Spain, conquered Gaul) in the 4th century, as well as a number of leaves.
  2. Desidery - the identity of the addressee is not precisely established. Today, there are two versions: 1) the presbyter of Aquitaine, who appears as the addressee of Blessed Ironim. Possibly, to the same Desideria at 396 or 397 rubles. Sulpice Pivnich and directed “Lives”; 2) the seventh bishop of Nantes.© Translation, notes. A. I. Donchenko, 1998
  3. The Codex of Verona reads: “Be healthy, a worthy brother of Christ, the beauty of all the just and saints.”
  4. Savaria (Szombathely, Ugorshchina) is the administrative center of Upper Pannonia. Saint Martin was born 316 r. (for other data - 336).
  5. Ticinus – the lower town of Pavia (Italy).
  6. The military tribune is an officer (the legion had six of them), who carried out important military-administrative functions in shifts over a period of two months on the river.
  7. Emperor Constantius (337-361) – son of Costiantin I the Great.
  8. Emperor Julian the Advocate (361-363) is held in high esteem.
  9. Holocaust (kathkoЪmenoj) - in the ancient Church of the one who, from paganism and Judaism, coming to the Christian faith and before the adoption of baptism, submitted to trivial preparations through instruction in the truths of the Christian faith .
  10. A veteran is a soldier of the Roman army, who, after completing his service (which amounted to 20 rokas for legionnaires, and 25-26 rokas for soldiers of additional units) has lost his military service and is compensated by numerous benefits. After leaving the honorable display, the veterans took back their land assets and their benefits from the military. Soldiers from other parts were still taking away the rights of the Roman population
  11. Ambiani - a tribe that lived in ancient Gaul on the Samara River (nine Somme). The main center of this tribe is Samarabriva (nine Am'en).
  12. Mt 25:40.
  13. The same with Paulinus (about this marvel, note 2 on p. 239), quoted by de Prato: “Fourth, after the culprit of two fates, five years passed” (Sulpicii Severi Opera ad MSS. Codices emendata. Vol. 1, 2). Verona, 1741-1754 / Et. H. de Prato).
  14. Vangioni - a German tribe that lived on the left birch of the Rhine, near the province of Upper Germany, the main place is Barbetomag (nine Worms).
  15. Saint Ilarius of Pictavia (Ilarius of Poitiers, †367) – great teacher of the Western Church of the IV century. At 353 rub. election by the bishop. Having become famous as the last enemy of the Arians.
  16. Exorcism is the expulsion of evil spirits from the possessed.
  17. Hebrews 13:6.
  18. Auxentius - Bishop of Mediolana (Milana, †374), adherent of Arianism, successor of St. Ambrose. Report of the Div. Pareli A. Holy Ambrose of Milan and the 1st hour. Bergamo, 1991. - pp. 68-77.
  19. Nina island of Galinara, near Genoa (Italy).
  20. In his “Chronicle” (II. 45, 4), Pivnich interprets this episode differently.
  21. This price is small at 360 rubles. And it marked the birth of the first monastery in Gaul, better known under the current French name Liguzhe.
  22. The Turoni are a Gallic tribe that lived in the region of lower Touraine (France), with the head town of Caesaredun (nine Tours). Martyn's return was 371 RUR.
  23. Ps 8:3. The translation of this fragment follows the synodal text and it conveys these words, as the North draws. To the synodal “mesnik” in the Vulgate and in the Life of Martin suggests a defensor of “commitments,” or so the very name of the main opponent of Martin’s restoration to the episcopal throne.
  24. Liger – Nini River Loire (France). It was actually another monastir, founded 372 rubles, - the famous Marmoutier.
  25. The pagan cult of trees was even more extensive in Gaul.
  26. De Prato compares this place with a fragment from the “History of the Franks” by Gregory of Tours (VIII, 15): “... the blessing of Divine mercy for those so that heavenly power destroyed those who could not be thrown off by human zusillas” (trans. V.D. Savukova, who appreciates that this turn of Gregory is directly posited in Sulpice. Div. Gregory of Tursky. History of the Franks. M., 1987. - P. 413).
  27. “Zhodnikh” was added by de Prato. Porivn. Gregory of Tours (II, 29): “Your gods, which you are shaming, are nothing, because they cannot help themselves, nor others”; (II, 31): “... having begun to inhabit you, so as to deprive you of pagan idols, which can bring value to neither themselves nor others” (translated by U. D. Savukova).
  28. The Edus were a Celtic tribe that lived in the territory of Central Gaul between the Loire and the Seine.
  29. Respected by Augustus of Trevir, place in the province of Belgium Persha (nine place of Trir, Germany).
  30. The atrium is the head room of the Roman booth, the first room at the entrance.
  31. Nini Paris.
  32. Pavich Nolansky (353-431) - spiritual scribe, son of a senator, who began with the famous Auzonius, was a senator, consul and ruler of Campania. At 389 rub. takes the priesthood and goes to Spain. At 409 rub. becomes Bishop of Noli (Italy). Having visited a friendly song and leaf with St. Ambrose of Milan, St. Augustine, St. Martin of Tours, Pelagius and Sulpice of Pivnich.
  33. The usurper Magnus Maxim, who is at 383 rubles, is being respected. having seized power from Britain and Gaul. Until 387, he controlled almost the entire advance of the Empire. Having lost 388 rub. at the battle with the troops of Theodosius I.
  34. Signs of the cross, or stigmata (from the Greek st…gma 'prick, scar, sign') - are always to be seen in the wake of the wounds that were torn off by Jesus Christ during the hour of chrade flour.
  35. Toil in the respect of eternal life.
  36. Further, the Verona Codex reads: “The life of St. Martin, Bishop [composed by Sulpice] Pivnicciu, a Cenic of Massilia, is completed. His death 3 days before leaf fall (then 11 leaf fall - A.D.). The sheet begins on this very night.” The Monastic Code No. 3711 “Lives” ends with these words: “The first book about the life of St. Martin, bishop and confessor has been completed. The sheet begins with the Eve of All Day to the presbyter, later to the bishop.”

, 12 autumn, 11 leaf fall (Gal., ROCOR)

By deception (in order to pray for one illness), the saint was called out at the place of Tours and pronounced by the bishop. He himself has never been able to worship the deacon, giving precedence to the more modest position of the exorcist - reading special prayers over the sleepless. Martin was blessed with rare kindness and generosity. Together with the man and the great look of the great army, this especially hid the yoma of people. Martin constantly added about the sick, the foal, the hungry, and for this they lost the nickname of the Merciful. At the same time, the saint did not lose his dreams about blackness.

Having occupied the holy see in Tours, Martin immediately fell asleep at the monastery at Marmoutier, where the rules that were essential for similar monks were established: the strength of the lane, the insane hearing, the burning to the point of madness, the one-time savoring of the same life. days, rough and simple clothes. With particular respect from his monastery, Saint Martin himself often sat down to pray, adding to the feat of prayer and the recitation of the Holy Letter. There were a number of bishops from Marmut who worked hard to expand Christian awareness among the pagan Celts. About the scope of activity of St. Martina is the same as those who at his funeral gathered close to 2 thousand people (even as Marmutya himself had a number of brothers that did not exceed 80 people).

Saint Martin slept in the Lord during the hour of prayer in Candes, at the temple built above the city of the river Vienne and Loire. The local residents wanted to take him from themselves, and the residents of Tours stole the body, displaying it in the temple, and destroyed the fires with it in the chapels. After the local transition, unconcerned with autumn, flowers opened and birds slept on the path of their follow-up.

Similar traditions were organic to the then Gaul: Christian enlightenment also came from Irenaeus of Lyon, who was a scholar of Polycarp of Smyrna, who, in his own right, was closely related with the Apostle John the Theologian, head of the Church of Asia Minor.

Saint Joden did not achieve such posthumous glory in the Christian Sunset as Martin of Tours. About his daring to witness thousands of temples and settlements that bear his name. For middle France (and Germany) it will be the national saint. This basilica in Type was the largest religious center of Merovingian and Carolingian France, and its mantle (Sarah) was the sovereign shrine of the Frankish kings. Even more significant are those that the life of his fellow writer, Sulpice Pivnicciu, served as a visionary for all the hagiographic literature of Sunset. First of all, the life of a wandering ascetic inspired the ascetic feat of a soulless generation of Christians. It was for them, after the Gospel, and perhaps before the Gospel, the first spiritual hedgehog, the most important school of asceticism. Before this influx to a low level - at any time, until the “Carolingian Revival” - the pale and mellow school of John Cassian and the controversial traditions of Lerin and Venedikt of Nursia. All three remaining ascetic schools are inspired by spiritual “responsibility”, which moderates the extremes of asceticism in the name of an active, brotherly community. School of St. Martina sharply views them with the heroic savagery of asceticism, which sets the highest ideal of strengthened feat. The ascetic idea of ​​the century of Gregory of Tursky (c.) is expressed with the greatest strength and the greatest one-sidedness. And the rumors of the currents of these ideas invariably turn us back to the Turkish ascetic.

Monastir near Liguzha Isnuyu Donina.


Troparion, tone 4

You have shone with merciful deeds, like the Lucifer, / You have taught many people the commandments of the Lord, / You have sung to St. Martin, the Merciful Father, / You have enlightened the hearts of the faithful and glorify the Trinity of the Consubstantial One./ Also today, creating remembrance, we cry out to you:/ pray to Christ God// save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2

You have received a merciful disposition, you have appeared gracious/ and given to the poor and the needy, Martina the Inspired by God./ For this reason, the title of the deed is similar,/ enrich you greatly, Christ, the Giver of goodness x:/ To Him, the God-wise Hierarch, be rich, praying // Forgiveness of sins to those who celebrate the holy memory of love yours.

Wikoristan materials

  • Light. Grigory Tursky, History of Frankivs.
  • "The Life of Saint Martin the Merciful, Bishop of Tours", Lives of the saints, publications from the Church of the Fourth of St. Dmitry of Rostov. Zhovten. Day twelve, Optina pustel, 1993:
  • Fedotov G. P., "St. Martin of Tours - ascetic ascetic", Orthodox thought, 1928, № 1.
  • Sekachov Vasil, priest, “Celti: new saints among our saints?”, Nenudniy garden, No. 3 (10), 2004, 17 February 2009:
  • "Service to St. Martin the Merciful, Bishop of Tours" (conducted by the clergy of Odessa, Archpriest.

, Pannonia, Roman Empire - 8 leaves, Candia, Lugduska Galia, Western Roman Empire) - Bishop of Tours, one of the most admired saints in France.


Saint Martin was born at the beginning of the 4th century of Pannonia. From early youth, even from childhood, I dreamed of blackness, looming before me a heroic butt for inheritance in the person of St. Anthony the Great. However, Martin lived in a non-Christian family, and his father served in his military career. He himself is a saint and went to Galiya, where he served as an officer. While still a military leader, he once tore off his cloak and gave half of the completely stretched out man. The pious tradition marries this foal to Christ. He decided to give up the obligation to fight against enemies in wartime, so that a Christian fights with the sword only against the evildoers, and before the enemy goes out with a cross and gives the advantage to himself, he will be beaten, or even killed. When the opportunity presented itself to deprive the army, Martin Pishov near the Ligugé desert, near Poitiers, where suddenly a small monastery was built, which, according to the author of his life, became a hotbed of black-haired activity in Gaul (the monastery opened before nini). It is important to note that Martin expanded the traditions of similar Egyptian monasticism at Sunset, following St. Anthony.

By deception (in order to pray for one illness), the saint was called out at the place of Tours and pronounced by the bishop. He himself has never been able to worship the deacon, giving priority to the more modest position of the exorcist - reading special prayers over the sleepless. Martin was blessed with rare kindness and generosity. Together with the man and the great look of the great army, this especially hid the yoma of people. Martin constantly added about the sick, the foal, the hungry, and for this they lost the nickname of the Merciful. At the same time, the saint did not lose his dreams about blackness.

Having occupied the saintly see in Tours, Martin immediately fell asleep at the monastery of Marmoutier, where the rules that were essential for the similar monkhood were established: sleepiness of the lane, insane hearing, aggravation to the point of insanity, one-time living throughout the day , rough and simple clothes. With particular respect from his monastery, Saint Martin himself often sat down to pray, adding to the feat of prayer and the recitation of the Holy Letter. A number of bishops came from Marmut, who worked to expand Christian awareness among the pagan Celts. About the scope of Saint Martin’s activity, they say that at his funeral, the 397th generation gathered close to 2 thousand (at that time, as at Marmut himself, the number of brothers did not exceed 80 people).

Saint Martin slept in the Lord during the hour of prayer in Candes, at the temple built above the city of the river Vienne and Loire. The local residents wanted to take him from themselves, and the residents of Tours stole the body, displaying it in the temple, and destroyed the fires with it in the chapels. After the local transition, unconcerned with autumn, flowers opened and birds slept on the path of their follow-up. Relics of St. Martina from the 5th century and later at the Basilica of St. Martina at Turi.


Saint Martin of Tours is considered one of the five Catholic patron saints of France.

  • Saint Remigios of Reims
  • Saint Martin of Tours

In pop culture

  • The image of St. Martin is of great importance in P. Verhoeven’s film “Flesh and Blood,” which is popular among the middle-class people.

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  • Grigory Tursky, “History of the Franks”
  • The life of Saint Martin the Merciful, Bishop of Tours. // Lives of the saints, publications from the Christian Church of the Saints. *Dimitri of Rostov. Zhovten. Day twelve. - Optina Pustin, 1993.
  • Fedotov G.P. Saint Martin of Tours is an ascetic ascetic. // Orthodox thought. 1928 No. 1.


  • // Catholic Encyclopedia (English)
  • .

A lesson that characterizes Martin Tursky

Sin smiled slightly.
“I’m not telling you what the plan is, which I praise,” the son said, “I’m only telling you what it is.” Napoleon had already sold his plan for nothing.
- Well, without saying anything new. - And the old man thoughtfully muttered to himself with a quick-cooker: - Dieu sait quand reviendra. - Go to the distant place.

At appointments there is an hour, powdering and grooming, the Prince of Viyshov at the edal, where his daughter-in-law, Princess Mary, m lle Burien and the prince’s architect, was in charge, with a wonderful hint he is allowed to the table, although at his place an insignificant person is not in any way couldn't get insurance for such an honor. The prince, who was firmly rooted in life in the dignity of the camps and rarely allowed important provincial officials to come to the table, rapt on the architect Mikhail Ivanovich, who blew his nose in his jacket in the map of Khustka, bringing to the conclusion that all people Even, and more than once reminded her daughters that Mikhaila Ivanovich Hirsha for you and me. At the table, the prince most often turned to the dumb Mikhail Ivanovich.
At the farthest, majesticly high one, like all the rooms in the booth, the house waiters and waiters who stood behind the skin watched for the prince’s exit; the butler, with a serving dish on his hand, looking around at the serving, the gleaming footmen and the steadily shifting restless glance from the wall anniversary to the door from which the prince would appear. Prince Andrey marveled at the majestic, new for him, golden frame with images of the family tree of the Bolkonsky princes, which hung opposite the same majestic frame with filthy fragments (perhaps, by the hand of a home painter) images of Volodar Prince in the crown, which Mav is like Rurik and was the ancestor . Bolkonsky family. Prince Andrey marveled at this family tree, stole the head, and laughed at this look, which is like marveling at a portrait similar to the ridiculous.
- How can I recognize him here! - she said to Princess Maria when she reached the next one.
Princess Maria looked at her brother in wonder. Vaughn didn’t understand why he was smiling. Everything she had learned from her father destroyed her reverence, which was what had been discussed.
“Everyone has his own Achilles’ heel,” said Prince Andriy. - With yogo majestic rose, donner dans ce ridicule! [succumb to this rubbishness!]
Princess Mary could not understand the savvyness of her brother’s judgment and was preparing to sense her, as they sensed a freshening of blood from the office: the prince entered quickly, cheerfully, as he had always walked, no matter in his whiney manners I showed keep the strict order of the booth.
This great anniversary of the year struck two, and in a thin voice they sang to the other. The prince stammered; From under the hanging thick razor, the shining, stern eyes looked at everyone and focused on the young princess. The young princess felt something like the courtiers at the royal entrance, and then a feeling of fear and honor, like awakening this old spirit in all those close to her. He stroked the princess on the head and then walked her along the street with an unforgiving hand.
“I’m radiant, I’m radiant,” after washing the wine, looking sharply at her, he quickly left and sat down in his place. - Sit down, sit down! Mikhail Ivanovich, sit down.
Having told the bride the place for herself. The waiter slipped a glass for her.
- Go, go! - The old man said, looking at her rounded waist. - I was in a hurry, bad!
He laughed dryly, coldly, unpleasantly, as if he had laughed before, with one mouth, and not with his eyes.
“You need to walk, walk as much as you can, as much as you can,” he said.
The little princess didn’t feel like she wanted a word. Vaughn mumbled and sounded sick. The prince was talking about his father, and the princess spoke and laughed. Having asked her about her old acquaintances, the princess became even more excited and began to confess, passing her bows and small tiles to the prince.
“La comtesse Apraksine, la pauvre, a perdu son Mariei, et elle a pleure les larmes de ses yeux, [Princess Apraksina, poor woman, lost her man and wept with all her eyes,] - said Vaughn, the ladies were more pleased.
As soon as she was desired, the prince marveled at her more and more, and rapt, having sufficiently learned about her and having a clear understanding of her, turning away from her and turning to Mikhail Ivanovich .
- Well, what, Mikhail Ivanovich, Buonaparti, it’s a bad thing for us. How am I Prince Andriy (for the first time calling the son of the third person that way) having told us how we rely on him! And you and I all praised this empty people.
Mikhailo Ivanovich, who didn’t really know when they said such words to you about Bonaparte, but what would be needed to enter into love with his beloved Rosmova, looked with shock at the young prince, not knowing what would come of him.
- I am a great tactician! - The prince said to his sons, pointing to the architect.
And Rozmova started talking again about the war, about Bonaparte and other generals and powerful people. The old prince, it seemed, was not only worried about the fact that all the current active men were cotton men, who did not hold back the military and sovereign justice, and that Bonaparte was a worthless Frenchman, who was the only one who succeeded to the fact that there were no longer Potomkin and Suvorov to stand against youmu; It will be said that there were no political difficulties in Europe, there was no war, but there was a little comedy in which other people played, so to speak on the right. Prince Andrey cheerfully looked at the mocking father over new people and joyfully called out to the father for Rozmova and hearing him.
“Everything looks like it was before,” he said, “but how could Suvorov not eat the pasta that Moreau put in his hands, and not be able to get out of it?”
- What did you say? Saying who? - the prince shouted. - Suvorov! - And he threw up the plate as he quickly took a drink of Tikhin. - Suvorov! ... After thinking, Prince Andriy. Two: Friedrich and Suvorov... Moreau! Moreau would be in full, as if Suvorov’s hands were free; and in Nyogo's arms sat Hofs Kriegs Wurst Schnapps Rath. Damn it's not radium. You will go and find out the Hofs Kriegs Wurst Army! Suvorov didn’t understand them, so why should Mikhail Kutuzov come to his senses? “No, my friend,” he continued, “you can’t get by with your generals against Bonaparte; The French need to be taken so that they don’t know their own and beat their own. The German Palen was sent to New York, to America, for the Frenchman Moreau, - they said, pressing on the request, as it was fate for Moreau to enter before Russian service. - Miracles!.. What were the Potomkini, Suvorov, Orlovs and Germans? No, brother, because there you all went to hell, but I saw it with reason. God bless you, but we'll help you. Bonaparte became a great commander in them! Hm!

In the name of this saint - Martin of Tours, whose memorial day falls on the 11th of November, tens of thousands of churches around the world are consecrated, hundreds of places and villages are named in his honor in the Old and New Worlds, he is revered by one of the five saints patrons of France, patron of the Polish towns of Bidgoszcz and Opyatow, Ugric Szombathely, Utrecht in the Netherlands and Buenos Aires in Argentina. Vin is the founder of the first two monastic monasteries of France, renowned centers of the spiritual life of his era.

Saint Martin of Tours was born around 316 rubles. in Savaria in Panonia (now the place of Szombathely in Ugorshchina) in the family of a Roman military leader, who began his career as a soldier and developed his talents to a tribune. The saint's birth took place in Ticin (in the territory of present-day Italy), where his father was in the translation service. The persecution of Christians began not long before the birth of Martin - in 313, the Edict of Milan, which gave Christians the right to freely proclaim their faith, and Christianity was not yet widely spread among the Roman military and higher faiths of the Suspo. flattery. The cult of Mitri had many more followers among its middle class. Martin's fathers were not Christians. Unbeknownst to us, the boy learned about his Christian faith, and how faith was born in his soul, but his friend, scientist and first biographer Sulpice Pivnich, who called his childhood “sacred,” tells about those at ten rocks, against the will of the fathers, Vіn “ran to the Church”, becoming a catechumen, and about the twelfth “having thirsted… the deserts and the victor of his feast, as if without becoming a perishable of the early century.”

Fifteen years later, with the edict about the children of veterans, Martin was afraid to take the military oath and serve for several years at the Imperial Cinema. From the Epiphany, the bishopric, the preaching of great miracles, the fates reinforced it, and above all, its own miracle - the miracle of a virtuous and ascetic life, a miracle of the firm pursuit of one’s succession of wines that had already been created. All young, having fallen into the army middle, he lived by the laws of his faith, - he had a mother in the service of slaves - he took only one, “... who, however, served as rulers, who often took duck from yogo nіg and himself її thank you I’m offended by the stench or however, but Martin often served you.” Among his estranged comrades, the most important were gallant parties and a dissolute way of life, intrigues and anger were thrown into the air and fame at any price - and in ... perhaps three fates (...) in the army [before his Reservoir], pure by these vices , what kind of sins people like this invite calling. And his kindness towards his fellow soldiers was great, his love was remarkable, his patience and humility were greater than human ability. There is no need to praise his dullness, because it has become so obvious that they already respected him not as a warrior, but as a Chen. They turned their comrades towards themselves in such a way that it seemed like a great wonder that the stench of the yogo was wafting around. And not yet revived in Christ, Martin, with his kind rights, has already found himself like a spragly Christendom, then. by helping the working people, by helping the needy, by feeding the hungry, by feeding the poor, by depriving themselves of nothing from their pay, except for a one-day meal; He is already a diligent follower of the Gospel without thinking about tomorrow.”

Having reached eighteen years, Martin accepted Baptism and wanted to deprive the army, or tribune, who was his friend, asking him to lose another two years, obligingly after the end of this term, follow him and become a Christian Iyanin and Samitnik.

This is when the war between Rome and the German tribe of the Alemanians began. Before the great battle, when the warriors, one after another, called out in harmony to pay them for the next battle, Martin was tempted to take the money, saying: “I am a warrior of Christ: I don’t need to be beaten.” Xia." They called him in fear and that he simply hides behind faith, so as not to risk it. Then, according to the evidence of Sulpice Pivnochi, “... the great fear that has appeared” Martin said: “If you attribute fear to me, and not faith, then tomorrow I will stand in front of the formation without armor and in the name of the Lord mustache, theft of holy banners, and not with a shield and shalom, a thief to the enemy's lava. We understand that, before the hour of battle, we will present him without armor in front of the enemies in order to try and tell the truth. The next day, the barbarians sent parliamentarians to lament about the order of the world. God did not allow bloodshed and betrayed His saint, because “... the merciful Lord wanted to protect his warrior from the enemy’s spears and swords, and so as not to burden the saint’s view with the deaths of others who had found the cause for this battle. For Christ is not guilty of giving the war to his own desire for another victory, besides the bloodless ordering of enemies.”

Having been deprived of military service, Martin went to see Hilarius, Bishop of Poitiers, who had already fallen in love with the young man and wanted to ordain him as a deacon, but Martin believed that he was not fit to take the rank. Once the bishop has ordered a new exorcist, it is not at all honorable and will require great efforts. At this time, the Church became aware of cruel attacks from the side of the Arians. The Aryan lie quickly spread and few rich followers, including the middle rulers and the first people of the state. Ilarius was one of those who energetically fought against Arianism, invariably the prevailing belief about the Holy Trinity. For this they drove him out of Poitiers. Just before the departure of his beloved teacher, Martin set off on his way through the Alps. Whether it was the result of the victory of the Arians, or, as Sulpice Pivnich affirms, he destroyed at the cost of what was already open to him, so if he knows about the brutality of those who lost their way in Gaul, he has the power to will the pagans lose their money? With this new trouble on the way, he was attacked by robbers who wanted to rob and kill him, but they won over them with calmness and kindness, and when one of the robbers found out what was the reason for this faith of the traveler, then having decided to learn more about this faith and become angry again.

Martin's mother adopted Christianity, having listened to the fervent preaching of his son, but her father had lost the firmness of his blessings. Italy was also engulfed by the Arian heresy, and it seemed that mercy was on the way. Here they also chased away the bishops and re-examined those who dared to resist. The one who knows the corner of Milana Martin has been beaten and kicked out. Early evidence suggests that he settled on a fortified island in the Ligurian Sea, living the life of a hermit. The land there was practically barren and infested with snakes, which, however, did not give up the desert desert, and the grub of wine and the handful of ascetics who ate before the new, roots and herbs, not hungry and those that were respected by the desperate . It seems that when the hedgehog was bitter for relish or the sickness cried out, Martin prayed, and the brothers lost their lives.

At 361, when it became possible for Bishop Hilarius to return to Poitiers, Martin also turned there. He settled in a fortified cell all miles away from the place in Ligyuzhi, and soon after that other young Christians arrived, who had strived for their own life and prayer. Monastir, having become the fruit of these aspirations, is considered the first monastery founded in France. It should be noted that Martin took into account at sunset the traditions of the similar Egyptian monks, in this way following the example of St. Anthony.
Apart from the prayers and the search for the treasures of Martin, there was good news for the pagans. Over the course of ten coming rocks, the saints increased the value of Western Gaul, preaching Christ and killing the riches of their ears. Under the hour of Martin's journey, there is little place of anonymous miracles - healing of the sick, resurrection from the dead (Zokrema, resurrection of the catechumen, who died before Christening), miraculous beasts.

On the 371st day, the inhabitants of Tours chose him as their bishop. They say that the saint did not want to accept this post and was not allowed to leave the monastery, and only by deception, having called him to pray over the sick squad of a certain Rusticius, the townspeople decided to lure him out of the monastery and, almost completely Having found Martin, they brought him to the place. They were dissatisfied with the appointments of the new bishop - they thought that his marriage was of greatness, that he should take the rank, that he looked simple and that his clothes were too much of a relationship - as this often happened and is happening, they were arguing the very same thing that we will teach. Christ.

Saint Martin was deprived of the Bishop of Tours until his death, which occurred in the year 397, when he had already passed eighty. Having worked on twenty missionary paths, ferocious pagans and imploringly confidently courageously follow Christ, not being afraid to overcome the injustice of power, kidnapping the poor from Swaville and the rest of the world. Without taxes, the villagers suffered under such burdens. And throughout my entire life, I was accompanied by miracles, so that the sky became the moon of my boundless hope in the Lord. So, with the blameless superechka about those who demand to cut down the pine tree, which was revered by the pagans as a sacred tree, they have no doubt, waiting to lie down in the place where, for the destruction of the pagan victims, the tree will fall, the cross has lined the trunk that is falling on new. , having flared up his back, thereby demonstrating the power of God in doubt. In my opinion, I spent my entire life as a straightforward and fearless soldier, who once said: “If you think that I am afraid, I will go into battle without armor, ahead of the entire army.”

When Tura fell asleep, the Abbey of Marmoutier was another monastery of France that was forgotten in an hour, and even before its ruin by the enemies, they believed in the tragic fate of the terror that had lost the spiritual center of France. Here, having received the butt of the holy life of Bishop Martin, people flocked to joke about the story. He, independent from the judges and suvory from the powerful of this world, the archpastor met with angelic greetings and love, often serving them himself and, like the Teacher, washing their feet.
Particular respect in the monastery, in addition to prayer, was the recitation of the Holy Letter. Over the years, a number of bishops and missionary priests came from Marmut, spreading the Good News among the pagan Celts.

After the death of Bishop of Tours in the village of Kandy, two places - Tours and Poitiers - quarreled about the honor of being the place of his final rest. Gregory of Tours tells about those who at night, tired of the super-chicken, the poor Poitiers slept, and the Turents at that hour brought the body of St. Martin to themselves by river. Along the way they were accompanied by the sleeping angels and, regardless of the late autumn, the flowers blossomed and the birds sang. The relics of the saint and nina rest at the Basilica of St. Martin in Tours.

The cult of Saint Martin arose immediately after his death. About his great popularity can be seen from the fact that at his funeral over two thousand clerics took part, while his powerful subordinate number was no more than 80. From the grave there were countless miracles, such as the generous man who died at the end of his earthly life. The half of the cloak that Martin lost when the other half burned the foal became an expensive relic of the Merovingian family, and then other royal dynasties that came to replace them, and so on. The days of the blue-colored cloak are preserved in the national ensign of France as hopes for those That the saint, like before, pray in heaven for that land which, perhaps 1700 years ago, brought faith in Christ. Respect St. Martin (St. Martin the Merciful) and at the Congregational (Orthodox) Church - here the day of his remembrance falls on the 12th (25th) anniversary.


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