How to make dough lasagna. How to make lasagna sheets at home? Simple homemade lasagna recipes

How to make dough lasagna. How to make lasagna sheets at home? Simple homemade lasagna recipes

If you haven't bought plates of lasagna, let's start with the most laborious - the dough. When you master this stage, everything else will seem like child's play.

Lasagna is the simplest thing if you have everything you need at hand: ready-made bolognese, ready-made béchamel, ready-made lasagna pastry sheets. Then cooking turns into a five-minute affair: collect, fold, put in the oven - and smoke bamboo and peck seeds. Well, or wash the dishes, check the lessons, wash the socks.

But what if you suddenly feel the urge to build a lasagna for dinner, but there is nothing at hand? The answer is simple and obvious: cook. Yes, yes, and twist the meat into minced meat, and brew the bolognese, and knead the dough for lasagna. You can, of course, grumble about the cultivation of dirt, a lot of wasted time, fiddling with flour ... Or you can implement a recipe for lasagna dough in your own performance. Because nothing tastes better than this pasta (and lasagna is nothing but!), Collected independently "from a to z", there is little that happens ...

Let's start with the most time consuming test. When you master this stage, everything else will seem like child's play.

In addition to the undeniable argument that home-cooked food without semi-finished products is always tastier than store-bought food, homemade lasagna dough according to the GOST recipe at home has other advantages. As a rule, industrial lasagna sheets are not cheap. The dough made at home is several times cheaper than the purchased analogue.

Another point in which homemade lasagna sheets win is the ability to resize them as needed. I've never come across a plate that fits perfectly into my baking dish. But you can roll out the dough prepared by yourself as you like!


To prepare the lasagna dough you will need:
  • 600 g flour;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 50 ml olive oil;
  • 100 ml of cold water;
  • a pinch of salt.

It is advisable to choose whole-grain flour - ready-made sheets for lasagna of Italian origin are never made from soft flour.

How to make lasagna dough - homemade recipe

Lasagna dough is not so much a result as a process. In order for everything to work out perfectly, you need to knead for a long time, think about the beautiful, listen to music, sip red semi-dry with tiny sips.

STEP 1. Mix flour, water, butter, eggs and salt.

So, sift flour on the table with a slide. Cool, silky - nice and slightly tickling hands. I would like to pour it from palm into palm and admire the misty cloud in which daytime fatigue drowns, bad mood disappears, negative thoughts disappear.

We make a depression in the center of the slide. We pour oil there - a little greenish, smelling of the sea and the sun. Gently add water - crystal and reflective overflow of oil. We drive in eggs - with incredible orange yolks. Pour in salt - and start kneading the dough. First - by a little combining flour and liquids, then - wider, more decisive, stronger.

STEP 2. Knead the dough.

Do not neglect the thorough kneading of the dough - even when it seems to you that the food is mixed enough, do not stop.

A properly kneaded lasagna dough is one that took at least 15 minutes to cook.

With each movement of the hands, it will become more and more elastic, smooth, soft. Is it getting hard? Add a little water, just a little. Stop when it stops clinging to your hands and becomes completely homogeneous.

STEP 3. Let the dough "rest".

Leave it on the table for 30-40 minutes, covered with a bowl or cling film. During this time, the gluten contained in the flour will completely combine with water, open up and give the dough the most ideal structure.

You can work with such a test.

STEP 4. Divide the dough into pieces and make sheets.

Divide it into 6 equal pieces, roll each into a layer of the required size, thickness - no more than 1.5 mm. Cut off the extra edges at the layers, align. Form 2 more sheets from the remaining dough.

Done, you can start assembling the lasagna.

ON A NOTE. The lasagna dough in the form of sheets can be frozen and stored in the refrigerator, or it can be dried. In the latter case, before use, the sheets will have to be dipped in hot salted water for a minute or two, otherwise they will break.

Italian cuisine is becoming more and more popular in our latitudes. There are many explanations for this. First, the Italian food is delicious. They seem to carry all the warmth and passion of the south. Secondly, the dishes of this cuisine help to preserve the figure: it is not for nothing that the Italian diet (Mediterranean) is included in the UNESCO List as an intangible heritage of mankind. Thirdly, these dishes are very economical both in products and in preparation time. Today we'll talk about climbing. This dish ousted spaghetti and pizza from the position of leaders in popularity among the population. Delicate layers of dough soaked in filling and sauce simply melt in your mouth. Read about how to make lasagna sheets, how much to boil them, and how you can replace those lasagna sheets if you don't feel like messing around with the dough.

What is lasagna

The Italians claim that this dish (or a similar one) was prepared in ancient Rome. But in the New History lasagna was presented to the world by the province of Emilia-Romagna. The capital of this region is Bologna. Over time, each major city in Italy has acquired its own recipe for lasagna, but when we talk about the classics of the genre, we mean "bolognese".

The dish itself consists of three main parts: dough, or rather, six horizontal flour plates, filling and sauce. In the classic lasagna, the minced meat used to shift the sheets is ground beef with spices, tomatoes and wine. Sprinkle the dish with Parmesan cheese on top. In the rest of the country there are innumerable recipes for lasagna: with mozzarella, ricotta, chicken, minced meat, mushrooms, spinach, fish, seafood ... You can also experiment with sauces - try, for example, soak a dish with béchamel or olandez. You can deviate from the classics even in the preparation of dough plates. But let's first take a look at how to make the lasagna sheets classic.

Ingredients for the dough

The easiest way to "assemble" this dish is using ready-made (preferably Italian-made) semi-finished products: plates and sauce. Then you can put your whole soul into the filling. Plates are now sold in any large supermarket. We'll talk more about how and how long to cook them. But for now, suppose we don't have the opportunity to buy ready-made lasagna sheets. The recipe for their preparation is in front of you. All you need is flour, eggs, olive oil and salt. And a couple more strong hands and patience, because you need to knead the dough for a long time and with effort - this is the main secret of delicious and tender lasagna.

Another little trick: the flour should be from durum wheat. Then the dough will not crumble from the abundance of moisture released by the filling and sauce. But, in principle, ordinary white flour of the highest or first grade is also suitable. You can substitute olive oil for sunflower oil.

Kneading the dough

On a clean surface, sift 200 grams of flour through a sieve. This will enrich it with oxygen, and it will be easier for you to knead the dough. Add a pinch of salt to the flour. At the top of the "slide" make a small depression with your finger. Beat two eggs lightly in a separate bowl with a fork. We pour them into a flour "crater". We begin to knead the dough. In the process, add olive oil - literally one tablespoon. You need to knead for a long time, at least a quarter of an hour (or even better 25 minutes), so that future sheets for lasagna come out elastic. In no case should the dough be sticky, but also not as steep as for Russian homemade noodles. If it seems too hard to you, add a little water. If the dough does not stop sticking to your hands, adjust the desired consistency by adding flour. When we manage to form a kolobok, we hit it with force several times on the tabletop. This will make the dough even more tender. Then cover the bun with a damp cloth and let it "rest" for about thirty or an hour.

Lasagne sheets: a classic recipe with variations

If you have already kneaded the dough, consider that 80% of the work is done. Next, you just need to form a sausage from a kolobok and cut it into six parts. Each piece must be rolled very thinly. It is important! If the dough is too thick, it will not cook, and the dish will come out too hard, it will drag on the teeth. The resulting cake is leveled to fit the size of your baking dish. It is also convenient to cut it into wide strips. By the way, in this form, sheets for lasagna are sold in supermarkets.

Since we are talking about semi-finished plates, we must also mention the deviations from the classics. In Italy, you can buy green, orange, red and even dark gray sheets. This means that spinach, bell peppers, tomatoes or cuttlefish ink have been mixed into the dough. Such additives also affect the taste of the finished lasagna. In addition, such a dish looks original.

After cutting, the plates must be slightly dried. We put a large pot of water on the fire. Bring it to a boil. Add salt. Reduce heat to medium, pour a spoonful of any vegetable oil into boiling water. Lower the lasagna plates. It is important that they do not stick together. Therefore, we cook no more than two pieces at a time. Some cooks claim that in some types of lasagna there is no need to boil the sheets first. If you are going to use a filling that gives a lot of juice (for example, minced meat), and add a sufficient amount of sauce, then the thin dough will be cooked during the baking process, it will have enough moisture.

Cooking time of plates

In the culinary art of Italy, there is the concept of "al dente". It is mainly used in relation to the preparation of pasta. This term means that the dough should remain very slightly raw, undercooked. That is, the pasta should chew well, but still be a little harsh. It is in this state that the Italians remove the pasta from the heat, put it in a colander, then bring it to readiness with sauce. "Al dente" - we will answer the question of how much to cook lasagna sheets. It is difficult to calculate the time in minutes - it depends on how thin you rolled the plates. This is usually 2-3 minutes. Then you need to dip the sheets in cold water to stop the heat treatment process. And then dry them for a quarter of an hour on a napkin.

Storage of plates

Lasagna sheets are best used immediately. But sometimes there are situations when the dough comes out much more than is required for the existing filling. Then you can prepare the plates for future use. It is most convenient to dry these flour sheets like pasta. Sprinkle with flour and leave in a well-ventilated area. And then transfer to a glass container with a lid to protect it from moisture penetration.

You can also freeze the plates in the freezer of your refrigerator. In this case, wrap them in plastic wrap. Plates prepared at home have one drawback: unlike factory-made plates, they are very fragile and crumble. Therefore, before use, they must be boiled in salted water with the addition of vegetable oil for two minutes.

"Assembling" a dish

The lasagna has clear norms for laying layers. First of all, you need to pour the sauce on the bottom of the baking dish. Béchamel is usually used, as this gravy is fat enough to keep the bottom cake from sticking, and quite thin to cook until cooked. The first plate is carefully placed on the sauce. From above it is also lightly greased with béchamel. Then the selected filling is placed. Then everything is repeated: sheets for lasagna are layered with minced meat. The dish is poured with béchamel sauce and baked in the oven. It takes 40-60 minutes at 180 ° C. Before the very end of the process, the form is pulled out, sprinkled with lasagne on top with grated Parmesan. The dish is put back in the oven until a nice cheese "cap" is formed. Hot lasagne is difficult to cut into portions. Let her stand for a quarter of an hour.

Convenient cake replacement

If we are allowed to experiment with fillings and sauces, then why not show our culinary imagination in the preparation of plates? How to replace lasagna sheets? You can make (or buy ready-made) puff pastry. It will turn out to be something between Italian lasagna and Bulgarian banica, but also very tasty. An economical option would be to use cooked and not eaten pasta. Simply place them in a thin, even layer on top of the sauce, transfer with the filling and bake. The lasagna made from Italian cannelloni - large diameter dough tubes - looks original. Then the filling needs to be shoved inside the cooked pasta, folded into a mold, covered with sauce, sprinkled with cheese and baked. But the simplest recipe is the so-called "lazy lasagna". Instead of cakes, ordinary pita bread is used.

The fact is that ordinary flour will not work at all, and the taste and appearance of such lasagna can bring one disappointment. You should definitely purchase flour made from durum wheat, the best option would be to purchase flour specifically for making lasagna dough at home (a step-by-step recipe with a photo is attached). Also, whole-grain flour, not peeled, would be a good choice, even if it is not as light as for baking, but on the other hand, it’s just what you need for lasagna. And now we will find out what types of test exist.

Traditional lasagna dough recipe

The recipe will indicate olive oil, since this is what is used in the classic recipe, but you will not feel a big deviation in taste using ordinary deodorized vegetable oil.


Flour - 400 g
eggs - 3 pcs.,
olive oil - 2 tablespoons,
water - 2 tablespoons


There are no trifles in the preparation of lasagna dough, therefore, in order for you to succeed even the first time, you should not neglect any of them when starting the process itself. To begin with, we certainly sift the flour, even if you are quite sure that it is clean without the presence of any foreign impurities.

By doing this simple procedure, you will increase your chances of getting a more pliable and elastic home lasagne dough according to this recipe.

Beat the eggs lightly, dissolve the salt in a small amount of cold water specified in the recipe. We collect the sifted flour with a slide, as we usually do when kneading dough for dumplings, make a depression in the center and pour all the liquid ingredients of the recipe into it: butter, salted water, beaten eggs.

Now, armed with a long wide knife, we knead the dough as usual, with chopping and simultaneously stirring movements in the center of the flour slide, gradually expanding the radius of the flour capture. When all the flour is gone, and the kneading has not yet been done by hand, you can make some adjustments to the consistency of the dough, remembering that it must be quite dense. Usually at this point, the experienced eye already determines whether it is worth adding additional flour if the dough is soft, or water if it is too dry for the final kneading.

Next, we knead the dough manually, taking into account the fact that it is necessary to knead for a sufficiently long time, at least 15 minutes, the secret is that it is initially softer. Having made it easier for ourselves, we knead the lasagna dough at home (video), constantly adding flour so that by the end of the kneading the dough turns out to be steep, but plastic.

The almost finished dough should be covered with cling film, or placed in a container, we leave the dough for half an hour at room temperature, during which time it will finally acquire the desired structure.

Having withstood the dough for the allotted time, we divide it into small parts, convenient for rolling. We roll out each part of the dough thin enough, ideally the thickness of the dough should be no more than 1.5 cm.Each rolled out layer of dough for is cut into plates, the size of which you choose yourself (another advantage of home cooking), based on the size of the mold in which you plan to bake lasagne.

To make it easier to obtain dough plates of the same size, after rolling each one we fold them in half and set them aside. When all the layers are rolled out, we put them on top of each other and cut out the sheets of the desired size using a sharp knife, or a special disc knife for cutting pizza.

Having successfully coped with the task, we enjoy the work of our own hands, then we decide a very important question of what to do with them next. The fact is that lasagna turns out to be especially tasty, tender and homogeneous if the dough has previously undergone some heat treatment.

As a rule, at home it can only be boiling sheets of dough in salted water for 2 - 5 minutes, then they should be dried. By the way, if you decide to boil the dough pieces, then this should be done one by one, to speed up the process, you can use several containers of boiling water.

However, with a lack of time, or a desire to complicate the process of making lasagna dough at home (photo), you can do without boiling, having somewhat sacrificed taste. If you have prepared sheets of dough for future use, then you again have to choose how to store them, it can be simple freezing, or drying like pasta. Dried sheets of dough should be stored in a "breathable" package, cardboard box, or in a paper bag in a dry place.

Diet Lasagna Dough Recipes

The concept of "dietary" is very loose and everyone understands it in their own way, for some it is a complete absence of animal products in a dish, for others only some restrictions. Everyone decides on the filling himself, our task is only to familiarize those interested in making dough for lasagna without eggs, which may well become, for example, the basis of lean lasagne.

Recipe 1


Flour - 250 g
semolina or corn flour - 250 g,
vegetable oil (preferably olive) - 3 tbsp.,
hot water - 2/3 tbsp.,


We mix both types of flour, after sifting, heat the water to 60 * C. Further, all steps for making lasagna dough at home step by step are similar to those described in the previous recipe. The only difference is that we do not add eggs to the groove made from the flour mixture, but pour warm salted water and knead, also described in detail above.

Recipe 2


Flour - 600 g
water - 1.5 tbsp.,
butter - 3 tablespoons,


Bring the salted water to a boil and pour it into the sifted flour, add oil and quickly knead the dough. You can add spinach, red bell pepper or carrots juice to the lasagna dough instead of water, you get a beautiful and effective version of a popular dish.

Sheets of dough for lasagna can be rolled out on a special machine for making homemade noodles, so it will be faster and better. In addition, the ribbons can be made long enough so as not to cut the sheets, but having missed the filling, simply roll them into a roll and bake the lasagna in this original form.

A perfect evening is gourmet lasagna, a glass of red wine and your beloved friends nearby. If everything is pretty clear with the last two points, then lasagna leaves questions. We advise you to cook it yourself to get a real gastronomic masterpiece.

Lasagna is a constructor. The good thing about Italian cuisine is that any dish can be customized and cooked to your liking. So, lasagne can be prepared with minced meat and vegetables. In lasagne, only the dough remains unchanged, and all other ingredients are subject to change. It is this that is the most difficult to cook, but it is better to do it yourself. Firstly, it tastes better, and, secondly, cheaper.

Here's how to make your own lasagna dough. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Opt for a mix of whole grain and wheat flour

Lasagna sheets should be firm rather than soft. The dish will turn out not only tasty, but also appetizing, because the plates will keep their shape. That is why we advise you to choose whole grain flour for making lasagna. It is less crumbly and harder.

Italian housewives prepare lasagna sheets only from such flour. But at home, without a special device for cutting sheets, it is very difficult to roll out such a dough. Add some wheat flour to the dough so that the process is not so laborious.

Sift flour

Good quality flour is sold in stores, but it is also better to sift it yourself before making the dough. What for? Flour is saturated with oxygen. As a result, the dough is more tender and airy. Lasagna from such a dough will turn out to be unusually tasty and appetizing.

Knead the dough well

Process is important in making lasagna dough. The most important thing is not to rush anywhere. If you decide to pamper your guests and family with a gourmet Italian dinner, then take enough time for this.

A lasagna dough that has been kneaded for at least 15 minutes is considered good. This is the minimum you should spend on the dough. In the process of mixing, think about the good, because the dish turns out to be tasty only when the preparation of the food evokes pleasant emotions.

Stop kneading the dough when it becomes homogeneous and stops sticking to your hands.

Let the dough "rest"

Knead the dough? Let it "rest" a little at room temperature, covered with a bowl or cling film. This is a completely natural process for any test. 30-40 minutes will be enough. During this time, the gluten contained in the flour will fully combine with water and open. As a result, the lasagna dough will get the perfect consistency.

Think over the shape of the sheets

Homemade lasagna dough is also good in that it can be shaped to the desired shape. If you have a custom baking dish, simply roll out the dough into plates that fit perfectly into it. Ideally, each lasagne sheet should be no more than 1.5 millimeters thick. This is the optimal size.

Dry the lasagna sheets

If you've made a dough for multiple lasagna preparations, save it. This is very easy to do. You can either freeze in the refrigerator or dry (on parchment in one layer) the lasagne sheets. Before the next preparation of the dish, it is better to boil the prepared dough in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, otherwise they may not "reach" in the oven.

To make traditional Italian lasagna at home (a puff pastry, minced meat, vegetables, sauce and cheese baked in the oven), you need special sheets of thin dough. You can buy them, but not everywhere and not always. But, of course, there is a way out! Having a desire, you can learn how to make lasagna dough on your own, even at home. We offer you as many as five lasagna dough recipes so you can choose the one you like the most.

Italian lasagna dough, classic

Cooking time is 1.5-2 hours.

Servings - 16-19 10x15 dough plates.

Lasagna dough is nothing more than the same pasta made from durum wheat, only in a very specific shape. Roll it out in the form of large and thin sheet-plates, so that it is more convenient to sandwich the lasagna with the filling. Our first lasagna dough recipe is a classic one. To prepare it, only flour, eggs and salt are required, and a little olive oil is added if desired.

2 hours 0 minutes Seal

Bon Appetit!

Advice: If you want to make a classic Italian lasagna, then sandwich it with minced meat stew filling, top with béchamel sauce and sprinkle with grated Parmesan for a beautiful, golden crust. However, in Italy, depending on the region, spinach, tomatoes and mushrooms, ricotta and mozzarella cheeses, as well as bolognese sauce are often added to this dish.

Dough for lasagna without eggs in milk powder

This lasagna dough is prepared without adding eggs, which means that such a recipe is just a godsend for everyone who, for some reason, does not eat chicken eggs. It is also called "dry paste". You will find similar lasagna dough in retail stores.


  • Whole grain flour - 400 gr.
  • Olive oil - 70 ml.
  • Powdered milk - 40 gr.
  • Semolina - 400 gr.
  • Water - 200 ml.
  • Salt - 10 gr.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour milk powder, semolina and flour on the working surface of the table. If you don't have whole grain flour, use any wheat flour.
  2. Make a depression in the slide where add oil and some cold boiled water. Knead the dough, carefully joining the ingredients together. By the way, this is not very easy to do, because everything immediately turns into crumbly crumbs.
  3. Add water little by little to the dough (but not more than 200 ml) and knead the dough until smooth, collecting in a ball.
  4. Knead the dough until smooth and firm. The kneading time is 10-15 minutes. The dough will be ready when it stops sticking to the table and hands, and its surface acquires a slight sheen.
  5. Wrap the finished dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1-2 hours. Another way to let the dough rest and soften, so that it easier to work with the fold, is to leave the dough on the table for 30 minutes under a bowl, which must first be heated strongly in hot water or over steam.
  6. Divide the rested dough into 2-3 parts.
  7. Roll each piece with a rolling pin neatly and evenly until you have very thin plates (1-2 mm).
  8. Cut the rolled sheets of dough into portioned rectangular pieces of the desired size.
  9. Dry the rectangles on the table for 30-60 minutes and immediately before preparing the lasagna, boil them in salted boiling water for 1-2 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to remove the dough from the water.
  10. Collect lasagna in a casserole dish and cook in the oven.

Bon Appetit!

Advice: if you don’t find any original Italian cheeses to add to your lasagna, replace with any local counterparts you like. In particular, it can be such traditional cheeses as Russian, Dutch, Poshekhonsky, suluguni, etc.

Egg and water lasagna dough

For the tastiest lasagna dough, use whole grains rather than finely ground flour. When kneading, whole grain flour swells more, so the dough from it turns out to be denser, which is especially important for making lasagna. In addition, whole grain flour has a richer taste, and products made from it acquire not a white, but a pleasant yellowish tint. It is believed that this flour is healthier than premium flour because it contains a grain shell rich in fiber and vitamins E and B.


  • Whole grain flour - 300 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 2-3 pcs.
  • Water - 100 ml.
  • A pinch of salt.

Cooking process:

  1. On the work surface of the table, sift the flour through a sieve with a slide, add salt.
  2. Make a depression in the slide where you drive in the eggs and pour in the water.
  3. Knead the tough dough gradually, working immediately with a fork, and then with your hands.
  4. When the dough rolls into a ball, knead until smooth and easy to pull off the table and hands. The entire mixing process takes at least 15 minutes.
  5. Next, cover the dough with cling film (or put it in a bowl with a lid).
  6. To rest the dough, place it in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes.
  7. Roll out the dough into several pieces. Roll each part gradually with a rolling pin into a very thin layer (1-2 mm).
  8. Then cut each layer into portioned rectangles (be guided by the size of your baking dish).
  9. Let the rectangles lie on the table for 1 hour and dry; you do not need to cover them.
  10. Then boil each rectangle in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, put them on a dish with a slotted spoon.
  11. Collect the lasagna from the dough, filling and sauce immediately. Sprinkle the grated cheese over the dish and bake in the oven until tender.

Bon Appetit!

Advice: To prevent the lasagna from falling apart in the finished form, each layer of dough in the mold should be laid crosswise in relation to each other. This method of stacking the dough will allow the lasagna to remain firm after baking and can be easily cut into even pieces of any size.

Colored lasagna dough

If you want to make an unusual lasagne, then knead a colored dough for it with the addition of natural dyes. So, together with spinach, you get a green dough, and with the help of beetroot juice - burgundy. Turmeric will give the dough a bright yellow color, and tomato paste will give red color. But keep in mind that each component, in addition to color, gives the dough its own flavor.


  • Olive oil - 100 ml.
  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • Flour - 400 gr.
  • Spinach - 70 gr.
  • Water - 100 ml.
  • Salt to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse fresh spinach, dry and grind with a blender into a mushy mass. It is important that the spinach is well chopped, otherwise the dough will not turn into a uniform green color.
  2. Sift flour with a slide on the table.
  3. Stir the eggs in a bowl with salt and water until smooth.
  4. Pour the resulting liquid into the groove, which needs to be done in a slide of flour.
  5. Knead the dough with a fork, adding a little spinach and olive oil.
  6. Knead the dough until the color is uniform and the dough itself has a smooth, firm texture.
  7. Next, place the dough ball in the refrigerator, covered with cling film, so that the dough rested for about an hour.
  8. Divide the finished dough into 5-7 pieces, roll each to the desired size. Determine the size of the dough depending on your baking dish.
  9. Let the dough pieces dry on the table, and then boil them in salted boiling water for 2-3 minutes.
  10. Remove the dough with a slotted spoon and collect the lasagne with the filling and sauce in a baking dish.
  11. Sprinkle the lasagna with cheese and bake in the oven until tender.

Bon Appetit!

Advice: The filling for lasagna, which is more often called a stew, can be absolutely anything. Most often, several types of minced meat are used, fried with onions and then stewed with various vegetables (tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, bell peppers, etc.). But also seafood, mushrooms with vegetables, and even just fried vegetables with tomato sauce are good for lasagna.

Bread maker lasagna dough

If you have a bread maker, be sure to make lasagna dough with this wonderful kitchen helper. No effort is required from you, because the bread maker is just the very device that allows you to prepare any dough much easier than it is done manually!


  • Vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • Flour - 300 gr.
  • Salt to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Sift flour into the bowl of the bread machine, add a pinch of salt, add vegetable oil.
  2. We close the bread maker and set the "Kneading dough" program. Opening hours - 15 minutes.
  3. After the right time, we take out of the container a perfectly smooth, elastic, but at the same time very elastic lasagna dough and wrap it in cling film.
  4. We send the dough to rest in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes.
  5. Roll out the dough into several thin sheets (1-2 mm thick).
  6. We cut the sheets into rectangles of the desired size (be guided by the size of your lasagna baking dish).
  7. Boil each rectangle in salted boiling water for 2-3 minutes.
  8. Next, we take out the sheets from the boiling water with a slotted spoon, let the water drain and immediately collect the lasagne in the form, smearing the sheets with the filling. If desired, you can add sauce to the dish in accordance with the lasagna recipe.
  9. Sprinkle the lasagna with cheese and bake in the oven until tender.

Bon Appetit!

Advice: classic lasagna sauce is béchamel sauce. However, in addition to it, other sauces are often added to this dish: prepared on the basis of broths, various creamy sauces, as well as tomato ones. For piquancy, sauces are often seasoned with rosemary, thyme, garlic, basil, oregano, and other spices.


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