Pumpkin baked in the oven in pieces without sugar. Delicious Winter Dessert - Oven-Roasted Pumpkin with Sugar

Pumpkin baked in the oven in pieces without sugar. Delicious Winter Dessert - Oven-Roasted Pumpkin with Sugar

Hello dear readers! Did you know that most effective mono diets restrict their followers from eating berries? But, as you know, among the Russian people laws and rules are issued in order to bypass them, and cases with diets are no exception. There is one berry that is allowed in both strict and not very strict weight management systems - this is pumpkin. You can cook it in different ways, and today I will tell you how to bake a pumpkin in the oven with slices.

You can make the pulp of such a berry both sweet and savory, combine it with spices and fruits - in any case, the finished dish turns out to be not only tasty, but fortified and low in calories.

Dessert with honey and cinnamon

Those who decide to exclude sugar from their nutritional system due to the high calorie content of glucose can successfully replace this natural sweetener with the same natural delicacy - honey. I cook baked sweet pumpkin, cut into slices, with honey: this makes the dessert dish not only juicy and sweet, but gives it a special flavor.

In addition, I sprinkle the sweet slices with cinnamon, as I have always loved my "mother's" yeast cinnamon rolls, and when I went on a diet, I had to give up these childhood memories. To make honey pumpkin slices, I stock up on the following ingredients:

  • small pumpkin;
  • a couple of tablespoons of olive oil;
  • ground cinnamon;
  • liquid honey (if honey is candied, then melt it in a water bath beforehand);
  • salt to taste.

In order to prepare a dietary low-calorie meal from this berry, I use a regular baking sheet, which I cover with baking foil. The foil retains the natural juice and natural aroma of the dish.

  1. I cut the pumpkin into thin slices: I prefer to make them like "skibochki melon", so I cut it together with the skin. I cover the baking sheet with foil in such a way as to cover the whole dish in the first few minutes of baking.
  2. I put the slices in an enamel container and add olive oil, a little salt and mix gently, let stand for a while (if the pumpkin is soft, pour oil on it right on the baking sheet).
  3. At this time, I warm up the oven to 200 degrees.
  4. I transfer the oiled slices to the foil, carefully arranging one slice after another in a row.
  5. I sprinkle the slices with cinnamon and pour a little honey on top of each, turn it over and carry out similar manipulations from the second side.
  6. Cover with side halves of foil and send to the oven. After 10-15 minutes, I open the foil so that the pumpkin slices acquire an appetizing color and become covered with a golden brown crust.

I cook the pumpkin in the oven in slices for about half an hour. During this time, it becomes soft and saturated with its own aromas, without losing its taste.

Advice: if such a dessert will also be eaten by family members who do not monitor their weight, then before serving it, you can sprinkle it with powdered sugar. This non-diet baked pumpkin is served with whipped cream, sour cream, vanilla or caramel sauce.

Important: This recipe is not recommended for those with a history of allergic reactions to bee products. For such a category of pumpkin lovers, replacing honey with sugar is suitable, but in this case the finished dish will lose its dietary purpose.

Apple sugar pumpkin

Sometimes you want to serve something unusual and useful at the same time. In these cases, I turn to old Russian recipes, and I found this step-by-step recipe for how to bake a pumpkin in the oven with apple slices in an old Russian recipe. In it, of course, it was about cooking such a dish in a Russian oven and an earthen pot, but I experimented a little and got a pumpkin stew baked in a pot (ceramic) in the oven.

The ingredients for this sweet stew can be found in my refrigerator any time of the year:

  • pumpkin (a piece of about 300 grams or half a kilogram is enough);
  • fresh apples of any kind (as much as pumpkin is taken);
  • 50 grams of sugar (I prefer brown);
  • a quarter glass of water;
  • some walnut.

I am preparing a sweet "stew", observing the following sequence of actions:

  1. Cut the pumpkin pulp into medium-sized pieces.
  2. I cut the apples into slices approximately the same size as the pumpkin slices.
  3. In an enamel bowl I mix sugar, apples and pumpkin, let it stand for a while and let the juice flow.
  4. I pour water into a ceramic pot and send the prepared mixture with apples there.
  5. I send the pot to a preheated oven. How long to bake such a "stew" depends on what sort of pumpkin and what degree of ripeness it is - on average, it is about 35-45 minutes. But it is better to be guided by the degree of softness.
  6. When the mixture becomes soft, take it out of the oven and leave it to cool.

When the pumpkin-apple stew cools down, put it in a salad bowl and sprinkle with chopped nuts on top. Despite the fact that such a stew turns out to be sweet, its calorie content is small, and I can sometimes afford such a dessert.

Would you like to see a gorgeous selection? It's simple!

The video shows a recipe for a caramel pumpkin that can be baked in the oven (the method is very simple!):

Simple Sugar-Free Fruit Dessert

Children often refuse fruits, preferring sweets and candies. Sometimes mothers have to fantasize, experiment in order to feed their child with natural vitamins. For children, you can use the recipe for making pumpkin without sugar and make an original and delicious fruit-pumpkin dessert. This dish will also be useful for babies suffering from diathesis, since sugar and sweets are strictly forbidden to them. Making such a dessert dish is simple, the main thing is to prepare:

  • a pumpkin weighing about half a kilogram;
  • half a glass of water;
  • a few tablespoons of any vegetable oil;
  • apples, pears, quince;
  • lemon juice.

You can take any fruit that is in the house, you can also canned it in your own juice. Considering that this recipe for cooking a dish without sugar, then fruits can be taken and not too sweet, it is possible with sourness.

I prepare such a dish in the following simple way:

  1. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes, mix with chopped fruits.
  2. I mix lemon juice and oil with warm water.
  3. I put pumpkin and fruits in a baking dish (you can mix it, you can in layers), fill it with prepared syrup.
  4. I heat the oven to a temperature of 220 degrees and put the dish with the dessert in it, bake it for about 40 minutes. I check the readiness of the dish by piercing the dish with a knife: the fruits in it should be soft.

It is served with sour cream or low-fat cream. I prefer low fat yogurt.

If you want to try some original homemade dessert, consisting of a minimum of ingredients, and also not requiring much time and hassle, then maybe it's time to get started with pumpkin! Just as the season goes on, you need to experiment. And in this article, you will learn how to bake pumpkin slices in the oven and more.

Someone will say that pumpkin is boring and not very tasty. What kind of desserts can there be from it? And all the beauty lies in the details! We will complement the pumpkin with something sweet (sugar or honey), something aromatic (cinnamon or vanilla), and then bake it all in the oven. As a result, you get such bright caramel things that just melt in your mouth!

Affordable, extremely simple, very fast and infinitely delicious! If you are not particularly fond of pumpkin, then after the proposed options, your opinion about this vegetable will change by 180 degrees! And in your personal piggy bank of delicious dishes there will be another replenishment.

Below are some popular recipes. Everything is described in them in detail, step by step with photos and videos. Be sure to watch videos with other interesting combinations here. And now, after all the words, it's time to get down to business!


Oven caramelized pumpkin with sugar

This is a classic recipe for sweet pumpkin baked in the oven in the form of slices or small pieces. The inside of the pumpkin is tender and juicy, and the outside is covered with a layer of thick and aromatic caramel. A wonderful dessert for children and adults!

By default, the additives here will be regular white sugar, ground cinnamon and lemon (juice and zest). If you wish, you can supplement all this with vanilla extract, some kind of fruit syrup or even grated chocolate.


  • Pumpkin (already peeled) - 360 g.
  • Fresh lemon - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Cinnamon (ground) - 0.5-1 tsp;

How to bake pumpkin in the oven with sugar (pieces)

As mentioned above, we have already cleaned the pumpkin from the skin and seeds in advance. Now all that remains is to cut it. Someone chops into small cubes, someone neat slices. This is at your own discretion.

Now sprinkle the pumpkin with sugar. The amount of sugar is again based on personal taste. Someone does it without sugar at all. I like it sweeter, so I'll add 3 tablespoons of sugar.

Mix everything well, then put it in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Next, take out the baking sheet, sprinkle the pumpkin with cinnamon, rub fresh lemon zest on top, then gently squeeze out the lemon juice. Stir lightly again with a spatula and send back to the oven for 20 minutes.

The pumpkin was baked well, some of the moisture evaporated, and the resulting syrup turned into caramel. Before trying, I recommend letting this dessert cool completely. Then the pieces of pumpkin will remotely resemble some unusual candy, toffee. All in all, it's better to try it out on your own than choosing 1000 words!

By the way, by the way, from the sweet I can also advise you ... There are options with different cereals.

Scented pumpkin baked with honey in the oven (with orange)

In the previous version, it was baked with sugar, but here there is already pumpkin with honey. Also, instead of lemon, take an orange, and add ginger for greater aroma.

The result is a divine dessert: appetizing, delicate, with a deep aroma and warming taste. Not only tasty, but also healthy! Try it yourself, please your loved ones!

Required Ingredients:

  • Pumpkin pulp - 600 g.
  • Sweet orange - 1 pc.
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon (for the formation of juice);
  • Olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • Ground ginger - 0.5 tsp;
  • Cinnamon - optional;

Let's start cooking

Cut the peeled pumpkin into small pieces, then put everything in a deep bowl.

Add a spoonful of sugar and 2 tablespoons of honey. Here is also ground ginger. Next, take an orange, roll it on the table for softness, then cut it in half, and gently squeeze the juice out of the halves. If you wish, you can also grate the peels so that the pumpkin acquires a bright citrus aroma.

Mix thoroughly and leave for 15 minutes. It is important for us that the pumpkin lets out the juice and is thoroughly saturated with honey "sauce".

Put the present pumpkin in a form greased with olive oil, top up with all the resulting juice on top. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, then send the pumpkin into it for 30 minutes.

After a while, remove the form from the oven, gently mix the pumpkin pieces, then put them back for another 10 minutes. At the same time, we set the temperature to 220 degrees.

Here's a honey pumpkin! She baked well, and also soaked in a wonderful honey-orange syrup. You can try right away, but it is better to wait until it cools completely.

And here you can watch a video on the topic

Cooking sweet pumpkin in a slow cooker

If you do not have an oven, but you have a slow cooker, then you can bake pumpkin in it without any problems. Also, this recipe is notable for the fact that in addition to our orange beauty, you can also chew raisins and lemon slices here.

Vitamin Bomb! Such sweetness, by the way, can be supplemented with oatmeal and other boring diet foods. And everything is being prepared literally for one or two!

We need:

  • Pumpkin - 800 g.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Raisins - 1 good handful;
  • Sugar (brown) - to taste;
  • Cinnamon - a few pinches;

How to cook it

Finely chop the pumpkin, rinse the lemon, remove the seeds, then finely chop it too. Rinse the raisins with hot water.

Now we put it all in the multicooker bowl. To compensate for the acidity of the lemon, you can additionally sweeten it with sugar (I advise you to use brown for a caramel shade). Also add cinnamon for a delicate spicy aroma.

Pour in 0.5-1 glass of water, close it, turn on the "stewing" or "baking" mode, set the timer for 40 minutes. This is what the finished dish looks like. The raisins will swell slightly due to the absorption of moisture. Indescribable aroma!

These are today's simple recipes for baked pumpkin with various sweet additives. The general principle of cooking is clear, and then it depends on imagination. You can add apples, pears, some kind of dried fruits, various berries. And every time there will be new impressions! Bon Appetit!

Good afternoon dear friends. Pumpkin is one of the healthiest vegetables you can find. Well, judge for yourself, 100 grams contains only 28 kcal. But not many people like it raw, but most will like it when baked.

You can cook this beauty in different ways, but recipes for cooking in the oven are especially popular. There are just a bunch of options on this topic, but today we will consider only the most delicious and simplest cooking recipes in the oven. We will bake it both in slices and whole and with additional secret ingredients. So if interest has already appeared, it is more likely that it turns to the recipes that are below.

This recipe is very, very old, but it has not lost its relevance today. Since many are trying to monitor their diet and eat healthy foods. We will cook in small clay pots. These pots today can be bought in many stores and cook a huge amount of healthy food in them. But back to our pumpkin.


  • Pumpkin 1 pc.
  • Pots 3-5 pcs.
  • Salt and sugar to taste

Cooking process:

Before cooking, the pumpkin should be washed well and wiped off with a dry towel. Then divide into two equal halves and use a regular tablespoon to remove all seeds and partitions. It is important that no matter what is left over.

Pumpkin seeds are also useful as the vegetable itself, if they are ripe enough, then they need to be washed, lightly dried and fried on low heat in the oven. It will also be very tasty and healthy.

After that, we divide the half into slices and cut the slices into pieces. We make the slices no more than 2-3 cm thick. Try to make the slices the same so that the dish cooks evenly.

Rinse and dry the pots first. Put the chopped vegetable in them. According to the recipe, apply a piece to the very top. And do not worry about this, as in the process of cooking the pieces will noticeably decrease in size.

According to my calculations and measurements for a standard pot, you need 230-250 grams of pumpkin. Which is 1 kg for 4 pots.

Pour ¼ glass of water into each pot. A little sugar can be added at this stage. But I will not do this because at the end of cooking, I will add honey. And at the very end, because when heated, honey will lose all its usefulness.

If you add nothing at all (neither sugar nor honey), then the output will be a fresh pumpkin. So consider this fact.

We put the filled containers on a baking sheet, cover with lids and transfer to the oven. We cook at a temperature of 170-180 degrees for about an hour. But this is not the final time. Since different varieties of pumpkin are prepared in different ways. You also need to take into account the fact of how thick the pieces turned out to be, if small, then the time will be less if large, then the cooking time will accordingly be longer.

After cooking, put it on a plate, pour it with honey and serve. The dish turns out to be very tasty and healthy. In place of honey and sugar, you can use powdered sugar. Bon Appetit.

Amazing Lean Pumpkin with Garlic

This recipe will appeal to those who love spicy food. Since the ingredients will contain fresh garlic and various other herbs. And such a bouquet of spices will make this dish delicious and unique.


  • Pumpkin 500 gr.
  • Garlic 2 heads
  • Olive oil 50 gr.
  • Basil, thyme, oregano.
  • Balsamic vinegar 10 gr.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking process:

Since the average weight of a standard not large pumpkin is about 2-3 kg, then a small half will be enough for us. It needs to be washed and cleaned in the middle. I take this vegetable from the market and they often sell a prepared product there, so sometimes I get lucky and the hassle becomes much less.

And so after the product is ready for further action, it needs to be cut into such slices. Try to make everything the same thickness and size.

After cutting the slices, you can start preparing the seasonings. Pour olive oil into a deep bowl and add a small portion of spices. Basil, oregano, or thyme work best for this dish.

Cover a baking sheet with foil, lay out the pumpkin slices and use a silicone brush to grease each slice with the prepared sauce.

Now for the garlic. It can be passed through a press and added to the sauce, or you can simply peel and put half a clove near each wedge. So when baked, the smell of garlic is transferred to the pumpkin.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and set the baking sheet for 45 minutes. Cooking time may increase or decrease depending on the pumpkin variety and the thickness of the slices.

After cooking, serve the dish while it is still hot. Try the cooked pumpkin in this way to serve with the meat in the place of the potatoes. This is a trick in my family, but do you think your family will like this dish.

Sweet baked pumpkin recipe

This recipe for cooking pumpkin in the oven will appeal to sweet lovers. Since the ingredients will contain honey and cinnamon. And the dish itself turns out to be quite sweet.


  • Pumpkin 1 pc.
  • Honey 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • Cinnamon 1-2 tsp
  • Vegetable oil

Cooking process:

And so before cooking the pumpkin, be sure to wash and peel and remove the insides with a spoon.

Then we cut it into small slices, and then divide these slices into two more parts.

Cover the baking sheet with foil or parchment and place all prepared pieces on top. After each piece, pour honey.

If you only have at your disposal last year's honey that was candied. Then it can still be reanimated. We put it in a bowl and put it in the oven or microwave. We heat it up and when the sugar dissolves, the honey becomes liquid. Then we water our slices with it. Just make sure that the sugar doesn't start burning.

Slices should be coated with honey on all sides. And what would be convenient to turn over to the other side, use kitchen tongs or Chinese chopsticks.

Sprinkle the wedges with cinnamon or ground nutmeg.

Before placing the baking sheet in the oven, lightly sprinkle the pumpkin with vegetable oil. Cover with a sheet of foil and put in a preheated oven to 200 degrees for 30-40 minutes. After 30 minutes, remove the top foil and bake for another 15-20 minutes without foil.

As soon as the pieces become soft, the dish is considered completely ready.

Bon Appetit.

Video on how to bake pumpkin slices with sugar in the oven

This is a pretty easy way to cook sweet squash in the oven. The dish will appeal to everyone, even those who do not really like pumpkin will be delighted. The main thing at the beginning is not to say that this is a pumpkin.

We bake a pumpkin with an apple

This recipe perfectly combines two seemingly different ingredients, apple and pumpkin. The dish is healthy and very tasty. Try it yourself and prepare it for children who really need vitamins and nutrients.


  • Pumpkin 500 gr.
  • Apples 3-5 pcs.
  • Lemon 1 pc.
  • Water 100 ml.
  • Sugar 80 gr.
  • Butter 30-40 gr.

Cooking process:

Peel the pumpkin and cut into small pieces. This dish is best prepared in a deep dish or in a baking dish. Cover the mold with parchment and pour the pumpkin pieces into it.

Wash the apples well, remove the hard center. Cut the apples into small pieces. You do not need to peel off the apple peel, as in this case the apple pieces can turn into a puree.

Send the prepared apples to the pumpkin. Add the juice from half a lemon on top, cut the other half into slices and put it with the rest of the products. Add a little sugar to taste and mix well. Before putting in the oven, fill with water and pieces of butter.

Cook in the oven at 200 for about 30-40 minutes. The dish turns out to be delicious, sweet and very healthy. A great option for serving dessert. Bon Appetit.

Stuffing pumpkin with meat and potatoes

Well, now let's move a little away from the sweet theme and prepare a delicious dish that can be put on the table as the main one. Since it will contain meat and potatoes. And the pumpkin will be baked almost entirely.


  • Medium pumpkin 1 pc.
  • Minced meat 800 gr.
  • Potatoes 3-5 pcs.
  • Bow 1 head
  • Greens to taste
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Cooking process:

To prepare this dish, it is best to choose a small pumpkin, since if you take more, you will need more ingredients and the cooking time will increase accordingly.

You don't need to skin the pumpkin well enough, just wash it well, cut it into two equal parts and remove everything unnecessary from the core.

Finely chop the onion, peel and grate the potatoes. Then it is good to rinse the grated potatoes under running water in order to remove excess starch.

Add the onion and potatoes to the minced meat and mix well the salt and pepper, add to taste. Also add greens to taste. As greens, you can use cilantro, parsley, dill.

Divide the resulting filling into two equal parts and place in the pumpkin halves.

After the filling is completely distributed, cover each half with foil. We put the dish in a preheated oven to 190-200 degrees and leave to cook for 1.5-2 hours.

The dish is considered ready when the pumpkin becomes soft and the minced meat is not red. Best served whole in halves.

Baked pumpkin, two videos of cooking recipes in the oven

Finally, I suggest watching a video of a recipe for cooking pumpkin in the oven. Cooking according to this recipe is quite simple if you know all the intricacies of preparing this ingredient.

As you can see, cooking this product is not so difficult. It is important to understand the small intricacies and everything will turn out delicious and beautiful for you. I think that in this article you can find something useful for yourself. Try to cook pumpkin in the oven and you will succeed.


Oven baked pumpkin and even with honey or sugar, or with olive oil and herbs - one of my favorite vegetable side dishes or main dishes. It is incredibly tasty, and the benefits of pumpkin are not disputed by any nutritionist. If you do not know what to cook with pumpkin, then you have definitely come to the right place. It can be used as an ingredient for or cook from it. also very tasty. Pumpkin dishes are very varied, and pumpkin preparation remains the same in most cases. Today I will tell you how to bake pumpkin in the oven in slices or slices. The most delicious pumpkin will now be on your tables too!


  • - nut, long - 1 medium piece
  • for sweet
  • - liquid - 3-4 tbsp (can be replaced with sugar)
  • for spicy
  • - olive
  • - Provencal herbs

Cooking method

Pumpkin, recipes for which will appear more than once on the pages of my blog, are of several types. Different varieties of pumpkin differ in taste, consistency and preparation method. I recommend choosing the oblong butternut butternut squash, which is the easiest to prepare. In addition, it is the sweetest in taste and the most delicate in consistency. With it, you can use absolutely all delicious pumpkin recipes. Turn on the oven at 220 degrees and leave to warm. In the meantime, wash the pumpkin well from dirt. Cooking the pumpkin also means cutting it. We cut it in half, cutting off the narrow part, and then each barrel in half along it.
In the narrow part, there are no pumpkin seeds, which, of course, is in our favor. It remains to get the pumpkin seeds only from the bottom. You can do it with a tablespoon, but I prefer just with your hand - it's much faster and more effective.
We remove, prying with a small knife for peeling vegetables, the film under the seeds. Now it's time to peel the pumpkin. But I have a little secret. Is it possible not to peel the pumpkin at all? Yes, if it's a butternut butternut squash. Heat treatment softens the pumpkin skin and becomes usable. Jamie Oliver told me about this in his program, for which I am immensely grateful to him. The pumpkin is quickly prepared for further processing, and it turns out just as tasty. We cut the pumpkin into cubes with an approximate thickness of 3 cm, then cut it across into pieces also 3 cm wide.If you prefer pumpkin slices, then we cut the fruit into oblong month-shaped strips with a width, as you guessed it, also 3 cm wide.
Put pieces or slices of pumpkin in an even layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
We put the baking sheet in a preheated oven. Leave to bake for 15 minutes. After the required time, open the oven and slightly extend the baking sheet to pour each piece with a thin stream of honey or sprinkle with sugar. If you want unsweetened pumpkin, you can skip this step. Instead, sprinkle it with olive oil and sprinkle with herbs, for example. By the way, be very careful when opening the oven this time - hot steam will come out of it. In the photo, along with the pumpkin, I also made baked champignons, but I will talk about them another time.
We close the oven and leave the vegetable to cook for another 10 minutes. The baked pumpkin will be ready after this time.
Pumpkin baked with honey in the oven in slices or baked pumpkin slices are incredibly tasty and on their own. But all the most delicious, made from pumpkin, begins with this process. Very tasty and healthy , After all, pumpkin porridge is an excellent hearty breakfast, which, it seems to me, everyone should know about.

Oven baked pumpkin. Short recipe

  1. We turn on the oven at 220 degrees and leave to warm up.
  2. Well, wash the nut pumpkin, cut it in half horizontally, then the resulting barrels in half more vertically.
  3. We take out all the pumpkin seeds from the fruit.
  4. We cut the halves into cubes 3 cm thick, then cut them into pieces also 3 cm wide.
  5. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, and put the pumpkin pieces in one layer on top.
  6. We put the baking sheet in the oven for 15 minutes.
  7. Carefully open the oven door and pour each piece of pumpkin with a thin stream of honey or olive oil, sprinkling with Provencal herbs.
  8. We close the oven, leave the pumpkin to bake for another 10 minutes.
  9. We take the pumpkin out of the oven and place it on the plates.

Now that you know how to cook pumpkin in the oven, I hope you find this simple pumpkin recipe to your liking. Enjoy your meal!

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Many housewives are interested in how to cook pumpkin deliciously and quickly in the oven? Perhaps the easiest way is to bake in slices. Salted, spicy or spicy pumpkin will be used as a side dish, while sweet pumpkin can be added to cereals, salads and pastries.

Orange vegetable has a neutral flavor, so it goes well with additives such as Provencal herbs, basil, rosemary, garlic and cheese. For desserts, sugar, honey, citrus fruits, apples or quince, dried fruits, nuts, cinnamon and vanilla are usually used. The preparation is very simple, you need to cut the pumpkin, put it on a baking sheet and bake with the selected additives (or without them) at 180 degrees for 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces.


  1. Late varieties of vegetables are best suited for baking, with bright orange and juicy flesh. Choose medium-sized fruits. Too large, as a rule, overripe, when baked, they can be tasteless and "cottony".
  2. To prevent the pieces from sticking to the baking sheet, bake on a piece of parchment. Large chunks of pumpkin can be wrapped in foil, so they cook faster, and do not stick to anything.
  3. If you are cooking in a baking dish, pour a couple of tablespoons of water into it so that the liquid slightly covers the bottom, then the pumpkin will not burn and it will turn out juicy.
  4. You can bake a vegetable with or without a peel. In any case, rinse the pumpkin thoroughly first to remove any dirt from the surface, and only then chop.
  5. If the pieces begin to burn rapidly on top, cover them with a sheet of cling foil.

Pumpkin baked in slices in the oven with sugar

Baked pumpkin with sugar is a simple recipe for a light and very tasty dessert that will surely be appreciated by those with a sweet tooth. Can be served with a cup of hot coffee or tea, or milk porridge for breakfast. If you have dark or cane sugar, you can use it, it will taste even better. You can add steamed raisins or half a cup of crushed walnuts.


  • pumpkin pulp 300 g
  • sugar 1 tbsp. l.
  • flower honey 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • lemon juice 2 tbsp l.
  • lemon zest 1 tsp
  • ground cinnamon 0.5 tsp

How to cook sweet pumpkin in the oven

Pieces of baked pumpkin can be served separately or added to cereals, bon appetit!

Pumpkin baked in pieces in the oven for garnish

Unsweetened pumpkin baked in the oven in pieces, with salt and herbs - an excellent side dish for meat. It is saturated with aromas of Italian herbs, with a slight aroma of garlic. Can be used as a base for salad, cream soup, bruschetta.

Total cooking time: 25 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Yield: 2-3 servings


  • pumpkin with peel 400-500 g
  • salt 2-3 chips.
  • garlic 1 tooth.
  • a mixture of ground peppers 2 chips.
  • vegetable oil 1-1.5 tbsp. l.
  • mixture of Provencal herbs 0.5 tsp.
  • pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds 1 tsp.

How to bake gourd snack in oven bites

Can be served alone or as a side dish by cutting off the rind. It goes well with goat cheese, basil and arugula in salads and appetizers; for a contrast of flavors, you can lightly drizzle with honey. Enjoy your meal!


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