Downloads apps without wifi. Waiting for Wi-Fi on Google Play

Downloads apps without wifi. Waiting for Wi-Fi on Google Play

The Android operating system enables the user to run applications on the smartphone that are necessary for work, entertainment and, in general, for everyday life. Google has developed and implemented a very convenient service in the firmware, which contains a huge catalog of games, applications, books and music for every taste. Access to the application repository is one of the most important functions of an Android smartphone.

When the Play Market does not work over WiFi, the phone becomes an almost useless device, because the installation of new and updating of old applications will not be performed. The problem is quite common, it has many sources, but for each of them we will try to find a solution in this article.

Possible reasons

First, you need to understand the causes of this problem. Let's start with platitudes, of course.

  1. Problems launching the app store can be caused by an accidental crash in the operating system itself;
  2. The phone has the wrong time and date;
  3. The phone can be connected to a router, but it does not distribute the Internet due to its absence or due to other problems;
  4. Problems may be on Google's side. A very rare occurrence, however, occurring;
  5. The operability of the store itself may be disrupted on a Xiaomi smartphone or on any other model (specifically, applications);
  6. A third-party application has interfered with the work of the store;
  7. The operating system has violated the settings that are responsible for uninterrupted Internet access.

Analysis and problem solving

We will try to separately analyze each reason, why it arises and how to solve it on our own. First, let's look at simple solutions, it is quite possible that they are the point.

Simple solutions

  1. Spontaneous errors are the motto of Android. Arising out of nowhere, they can significantly affect the performance of both the operating system itself and individual modules and applications. Restart your phone, most often this will immediately fix the error of connecting the Store via Wi-Fi.
  2. When connected to an app store, Google servers check the time and date set on your phone. A slight deviation will not play a role, but it may happen that the time changes by several days, months, and even years. Occasionally, an appropriate notification of a problem appears, but more often the phone leaves the user in the dark. If you see that the date and time are really different from the actual ones, then go to the phone settings, correct the parameters, and to make it more convincing, restart the phone.

Router problem

The problem regarding the connection to the router is quite extensive, so there are many reasons why the Play Market does not work through the WiFi hotspot.

  • Wi-Fi and the Internet are not the same thing. The phone can be connected to a router, but the Internet itself may not be available for distribution. Check the availability of the Internet in general by examining the indicators of the modem itself, or by trying to go from the same phone to any site through a browser (you can even use another phone or computer for these purposes, having previously connected to the same network). If the Internet is not available, then none of the applications will work. Contact the technical support of the provider to restore the network functionality.
  • Is the internet speed sufficient? Play Market is harmful, give it a stable connection with a good speed. A typical symptom is a white screen, a transparent curtain, an ever-spinning loading indicator, the inscription "Waiting for the network", and in the end - a crash with the error "Connection timed out". If the Internet has recently begun to slow down on all devices where it is used, go back to your provider.
  • In the settings of the router, Internet access for a specific connected device may be prohibited. Find the manual for your modem, go to the settings and view the list of MAC addresses for which Internet access is prohibited. Find out your MAC in the settings of Xiaomi (or a phone of another model), in the "About phone" section, look for it in the above list, if you find it, delete it. Restart your router.

  • Check if the password is entered correctly when connecting to a wireless network. Sometimes the wi-fi icon hangs in the curtain active, but the smartphone does not download anything due to an incorrectly entered password.
  • You may need to update the router's firmware, you can download it from the manufacturer's official website.
  • As a last resort, reset the router to factory settings, after saving its configuration as a separate file.
  • The modem may be technically faulty - check the condition of the wires going to the modem, whether the antenna is broken, whether it works at all. Contact the service center for diagnostics and repair, or replace it under warranty.

Problem with the Play Market app

Google Market has a certain set of files and parameters that it needs for stable operation. In the event of serious failures in the operating system, these files and parameters could be damaged, which led to a malfunction of the Play Market. There are several ways:

  • First, try connecting another Google account. What if everything will work with him? This can help if you need online access to the repository, but read the following points anyway.
  • Check the updates for your operating system, suddenly the developers have already promptly fixed this problem. Do not forget about backup, suddenly it gets worse!
  • For users of MIUI 8 and other versions, this is a tricky moment when, in order to download individual applications, you need to increase the limit on the downloaded file size in the system settings. At the same time, the market works, but most often it does not download applications.
  • Restore the application from a backup, if it was once made, for example, using Titanium Backup.
  • Completely restore the entire operating system from the backup. This can be conveniently done if the copy was generated in TWRP Advanced Recovery. "Wipe" all partitions, except for the memory card, and through "Restore" restore the last stable copy.
  • Go to phone settings, "Applications", select the "All applications" tab. Find two entries - "Google Play" itself and "Google Play Services", in each of them clear the application cache and delete the data. Restart your phone and try connecting again.

  • Check if the store is not disabled (frozen) in the system itself?
  • If an unofficial Market is installed (sometimes found on copyright MIUI assemblies on Xiaomi), then, like any assembly or repack, it can stop showing signs of life at any time. Study the author's comments on the assembly in this regard, but it is still recommended to use the original Store - at least for reasons of safety of purchases and the device itself.
  • Reset your Xiaomi (or other smartphone) settings after saving all important data.

Access settings problem

The Internet connection may be interrupted by the access settings that have been set inside the device itself. There are several of them:

  • The most important file through which the device connects to the network is located at "/ etc / hosts". It can be found using a special explorer or the Hosts Editor application (it is useless to search for it in the Market now, so google it). For both cases, you need. Changes to the host file may have occurred if you installed an ad blocker or manually edited it to deny access to certain resources. It is possible that a malicious application also took the trouble. In any case, open this file and delete absolutely everything that is written there, except for the most important system phrase "0.0.1 localhost". Save the file and reboot your device.

  • If Google Play does not work only over a wireless network, but starts over the mobile Internet, then check the proxy settings for the selected network. In the phone settings, open the parameters of the connected point and look at the field in which the proxy is usually prescribed. Most likely, it is definitely not needed there, feel free to delete it and restart your phone. Perhaps the proxy was installed by someone using your phone, or a program intervened with its own charter. Check the latest installed applications for "lice".

  • In the network settings, enable the automatic DNS selection function. The reasons why the entry could appear is the point above.


So, this article presented almost all the problems that can cause the Play Store to not work on Xiaomi phones and not only. The most radical way to fix the problem is to completely reinstall the operating system on your smartphone using a different firmware.

Recently, many owners of Xiaomi smartphones unexpectedly faced a very strange situation. When you try to download an application from the Google Play Store, a regular picture appears with the inscription "Downloading" and a "slider" showing the progress of this very download, but on the right there is a message: "Waiting for Wi-Fi network". In fact, the download does not take place, and the "wait" can last as long as you like. Interestingly, the problem arises both with normal Wi-Fi and when connecting to the Internet via a SIM card over a mobile network. Moreover, its appearance does not depend on either the firmware version or the model of the Xiaomi device.

It is clear that the reason for the error is not at all the connection of the smartphone to the Internet. Experts have found that the culprit is the version of Google Play Store 7.6. To date, we managed to find several ways to solve the problem, and we are ready to introduce you to them.

Method 1: Substitution of the Google Play Store file

To eliminate the error " Waiting for Wi-Fi"try the following procedure on your Xiaomi smartphone:

  • Disconnect the Internet, clear data and uninstall updates of the current version of the Google Play Store through the application menu;

  • Download version Google Play Store 7.3.07;
  • Then follow the path system / priv-app / Phonesky (Root rights are required);

  • Copy the downloaded Google Play Store file to the folder Phonesky(with replacement);
  • Set the rights as shown in the picture;

  • Reboot your smartphone.

Apps from Google Play Store should be downloaded normally, without the "Waiting for Wi-Fi network" error.

Method 2: Firmware Google Play Store via Recovery

In order to use this method, you will need unlocked bootloader and recovery menu. The manipulations to fix the "Waiting for Wi-Fi network" error are as follows:

  • Download .zip file Google Play Store(Android 5.0+) to the device's own memory;

  • Reboot into Recovery;

  • Click on the " Install"and select the previously downloaded .zip file.

After that, applications from the Market should be loaded normally.

Method 3: Turn off download accelerator

1 ... Click on the shortcut " Downloads"- at the top right, you will see three vertical dots;

The process of downloading programs, books and games becomes much easier if you use the capabilities of the Play Market store, which is available for users of smartphones running on the Android system. Internet is required to open a resource. The easiest and most affordable way to connect is Wi-Fi.

Sometimes there are situations when the Play Market does not work over Wi-Fi. As a result, it becomes impossible to download the necessary information and programs, which causes a lot of inconvenience. Why is this happening and is it possible to solve the problem on your own, without the involvement of specialists? This will be discussed in our article.

Why doesn't Play Market work over Wi-Fi?

  • Incorrect setting of the date and time on the smartphone;
  • Violations in the operation of the OS, including its incorrect configuration, which is responsible for access to the network;
  • Failures in the functioning of the installed service;
  • Inoperability of the router and lack of traffic, if the connection with the phone is via a modem;
  • Store errors that Google is responsible for.

Ways to solve problems

If you do not know exactly what the reason is, then it is advisable to first try the simplest and easiest options for solving the problem:

Incorrect synchronization with the modem

If the Play Market does not function only via Wi-Fi, then the reason should be sought in the router settings:

When the methods for correcting software errors did not give results, then the likely reason for the inoperability of the product lies in its failure. There is a wire break, an antenna breakdown, a burnout of modules - what exactly broke, only a repair shop specialist will answer when disassembling the device.

Disruptions in the work of Google Market

Another reason for malfunctioning is software glitches that have occurred in the operating system. How to eliminate them?

There are several ways:

  • Create or log into another Google account, because it may be that the entrance is blocked from your account;
  • Installing updates. It is advisable to make a backup in advance;
  • If you have already created a backup, then you can try to restore the application using it. For this, programs like Titanium Backup are perfect;
  • Comprehensive OS recovery, provided that you have used TWRP Recovery for Xiaomi in advance. All partitions should be discarded (with the exception of the memory card) and restore the last stable copy;
  • Clearing the cache. To do this, go to "Applications" and select "All applications". Your task is to clear the cache of Google Play and its services. You need to re-enter the service after restarting the device;
  • It is recommended to use the official versions of MIUI skins, as there are often bugs in custom firmware.

Difficulties with access settings

If they are performed incorrectly, then it is necessary to correct possible errors, including.

Recently I encountered such a problem that an urgent need to update the application, and there was no available WI-FI network nearby. I decided to update using the mobile network, removed the check mark in the market, but the download still did not start, instead the play market wrote "Waiting for WI-FI network" and the process stopped. In the Play Market settings, of course, there is no option related to the cause of this problem.

Video. Apps are not downloaded from the Play Market without WI-FI on Xiaomi with MIUI 7

Video. Apps are not downloaded from the Play Market without WI-FI on Xiaomi with MIUI 8

Why Xiaomi refuses to download apps and games using the mobile network

In fact, everything turned out to be very simple and understandable, and the play market was not to blame for the problem. The operating system of my Xiaomi - MIUI has such a feature as a built-in bootloader. He is responsible for downloads, updates, their speed, size - well, in general, for everything related to downloading data to a smartphone. In this case, all applications automatically pick up its settings. For example, if the bootloader only downloads via WI-FI, then no matter how you want it, you won't be able to download anything without it. This is exactly what happened, the Play Market simply could not update the application, since the file size during download was larger than the maximum allowed in the bootloader settings.

To be able to download and update applications not only via WI-FI, but also via a mobile network, follow the instructions below.

Xiaomi bootloader setup instructions (MIUI)

First, go to "Tools" - Tools on your smartphone desktop. Here we select the "Downloads" icon - Downloads.

A window opens in front of us where we can view downloaded applications, games, pictures and everything in this spirit. We are interested in the settings, so we click on the button with three dots in the upper right corner.

Menu items pop up, one of which is called "Settings" - Settings. It is he who we need, we click on it.

Now we are looking for the phrase "Download size limit" - the restriction of the mobile Internet. By default, there is usually 1MB. We are not satisfied with this, since we want to install applications with a large size. We tap on this item.

Choose from the necessary options the one that suits us and click "OK".
That's all, now you can safely download and update applications using the mobile Internet.

Note: if you do not have unlimited Internet on your smartphone or you are using up dedicated traffic very quickly, then it is best to choose small sizes for downloaded files, as this can hit your wallet.

Recently, many owners of Xiaomi smartphones unexpectedly faced a very strange situation. When you try to download an application from the Google Play Store, a regular picture appears with the words "Downloading" and a "slider" showing the progress of this very download, but a message hangs on the right: " Waiting for Wi-Fi". In fact, the download does not take place, and the" wait "can last as long as you like. Interestingly, the problem arises both when Wi-Fi is working normally and when you connect to the Internet via a SIM card via a mobile network. Moreover, its appearance does not depend neither from the firmware version nor from the model of the Xiaomi device.

It is clear that the reason for the error is not at all the connection of the smartphone to the Internet. Experts have found that the version is to blame for all this. Google Play Store 7.6... To date, we managed to find several ways to solve the problem, and we are ready to introduce you to them.

Method 1: Substitution of the Google Play Store file

To fix the "Waiting for Wi-Fi network" error, try the following procedure on your Xiaomi smartphone:

Apps from Google Play Store should be downloaded normally, without the "Waiting for Wi-Fi network" error.

Method 2: Firmware Google Play Store via Recovery

In order to use this method, you need an unlocked bootloader and TWPR recovery menu. The manipulations to fix the "Waiting for Wi-Fi network" error are as follows:

After that, applications from the Market should be loaded normally.

Method 3: Turn off download accelerator


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