Mustafa abduldzhemil jemiliv biography. Mustafa Dzhemilov

Mustafa abduldzhemil jemiliv biography. Mustafa Dzhemilov

People's Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada for IX Sklikannya (European solidarity)


It was born on the 13th leaf fall in 1943 in the village of Bozkiy near the steppe Crima, where the yogo daddy bouly was hung from the village of Ai-Serez (now Mezhirichya) in the Sudak region of the Crimean ARSR. On May 18, 1944, at once from the Crimean Tatar people, deportations from the Crimea to the Uzbek RSR.

In 1959, the school graduated from the school and after a while I tried to enter the School Faculty of the Middle East sovereign university near Tashkent. Yomu has been introduced, the comments "will not be taken to the faculty of the Crimean Tatars."

In 1962, he entered the Faculty of Hydrometeorology of the Tashkent Irrigation Institute, from which in 1965 he was involved in insurance "for an unfair behavior", for the attention of the nationalism and antiradians' glances.


Friendship suddenly. From the first whore Dzhemilєv mother daughter Elzar Abduldzhelilova. In 2012, Dzhemil'ev's granddaughter, Dzhanike Amet Abduldzhelilova, died in a heartbreak. At the Ministry of Taxes and Duties they saw that they knew a little girl who was hanged by the barn and the little house of her father.

Friend squad - Safinar Dzhemilova, head of the League of Crimean Tatar women. At Dzhemilєva є priyomny syn Eldar Simmarovich Ebubekirov (born 1974).

Young Sin Mustafi і Safinar Dzhemilovikh - Hayser Dzhemilov (1981 p. n.). U travі 2013 roku having shot Fevzi Emedov, a friend of the family, who was pratsyuvav at the Dzhemilovikh booth near Bakhchisara ... After two months, they were satisfied with the warto psychiatric clinic No. 1 of Simferopol. Mustafa Jemilєv confirmed that he was born in 2008 in the psychiatric clientele of Istanbul, and they were in Thailand, having implanted marijuana and wanting to put their hands on themselves. Mill on May 2014, I’ll be right, I’m re-qualified to “navmisne vbivstvo”, they turned to the prosecutor’s office to Crima.

Kar'ara that huge activity

For 16 years (1959-1961) he worked as a turner, slyusar, electrician at the Mirzachul repair and mechanical plant in Tashkent region, as a turner at an aviation plant.

U 1961 p. Having played one of the pictures, a copy of the publication of the Spilki of Crimean Tatar Youth in Tashkent.

In travі 1966 rock ahead convictions against pivtora rock relief of will per vidmova serve at Radianskiy armies from political motives, pislya Chogo Dzhemilova according to the rules v tabir pid Tashkent ... Stretching 1966-1983 rock_v. buv number (sіm) development of decisions. I have a lot of convictions, having been connected with 15 years for "wider glances, how to play the radiant way".

1969 became one of the founders of the innovative group for the rights of the people in the Radiansk Union.

Pislya completion another term v 1972-1974 pp. having lived let's say administrative visibility v Gulistani, pratsyuchi engineer at radgospi. Per hour of one of the ship's processes 1975-1976 pp. during the 303-day hunger strike in Omsk vyaznitsa (in the last year they spent the Primusovo through a probe).

It’s an hour to return Chergovoy term from Bereznya 1979 to a rock Kolimi at the village of Ziryanka, pratsyuvav on kisnevoi station. Yogi maybutnya squad arrived before Dzhemil'ev Safinar, there spilny syn was born. In the fierce 1983 rock of the band and at the same time, from the squad and the child, they traveled 39 rockets to the Crimea and settled with the famous people who lived near the place of Saki. However, three days later, the stench of a bully vidvoren z pіvostrov, їх ne drove from place to place. Send a message of the Crimean Tatars to Jemilєv’s admission turning to Uzbekistan to the place Yangiyul before the visual MVS. There, pratsyuvav slusarem and riznorobom.

At the same time, he fell asleep as the editor of the illegal "Information bulletin of the creative group of Crimean Tatars im. Musi Mamut".

In 1986, the rotsi bv had a few remnants, and in 1987 they moved to Bakhchisarai. Z 1987 to 1989 Keruvav in the Central Initiative Group of the National Movement of the Crimean Tatars. U 1989-1991 pp. ocholyuv Organizatsiya Krimskotatarskogo national ruch.

At the heart of 1991, the Kurultai of the Crimean Tatar people was chosen, on which the Presidium of the Central Organization - Medzhlis of the Crimean Tatar people. The head of the Mezhlis was turned over to Dzhemilyov, which I will embrace until the leaves fall in 2013.

Z 1999 - the head For the sake of representatives of the Crimean Tatar people.

Dzhemil'ev is a laureate of the international award for human rights established by the municipality of Izmyra (Turechchina) (1995).

1998 p. for legal activity, becoming a laureate of the honorable prize of the UN Supreme Commissariat on the right side of the businessmen of the name of F. Nansen. Two hanging on to the Nobel Prize for the world: 2009 rocky th candidacy by hanging on the First All-Holy Congress of the Crimean Tatars, 2011 rocky - Comradeship to the victor of the driven peoples.


In the mid-1990s, it got close to the People's Movement of Ukraine. 1998 p. for the first time becoming a People's Deputy of Ukraine, joining the faction of the People's Movement of Ukraine. At the parliamentary elections in 2002, he went to the parliament for the number 28 of the vibrating list to the “Our Ukraine” bloc, to the warehouse where the Narodny Rukh entered.

2006 roku becoming a deputy of the Verkhovna For the sake of "Our Ukraine" (No. 45 on the list). At the parliamentary elections in 2007, Dzhemilov made his way to parliament on the 27th choice list of the “Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense” Bloc. By heading the board for food for indigenous peoples, national minorities, ethnic groups, deported peoples and national mens, the BP committee for food for the rights of people, national men and women and international women.

At the parliamentary elections in 2012, after drinking to the parliament for the list of VO "Batkivshchyna" No. 12, it is stated as a non-partisan one. Є Member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee for Nutrition of the Rights of People, National Minorities and International Vidnosin.

At 2014 rotsi on the out-of-date vibors at Verkhovna Rada balotuvavsya for the lists for number 5. On the fall of leaves 2014, the People's Deputy of the Verkhovna for the sake of Ukraine VIII sklikannya.

At the early parliamentary elections in 2019, the fate of the People's Deputy of the Verkhovna For the sake of IX clicks from the party European solidarity, No. 6 on the party list.

Member of the Committee of the Verkhovna for the sake of Ukraine for the rights of the people, de-kupats and reintegration of the territories in Donetsk, Luhansk regions and the Autonomy of the Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol, in the national minorities and ministries.

Member of the Permanent Delegation at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization of the Chornomorsk Economic Community.

Situation at Krimu at 2014 rotsi

Pid hour of the Crimean crisis Dzhemilov borrowing position under-cover cordoniv Ukraine і without visiting referendum. Bereznі 2014 rock provіv phonena rozmova with the President of Russia Volodymyr Putin, who did not simply recognize the presence of Russian visits to the Crimea, and declared that self-annihilation of independent Ukraine did not comply with the norms, that I would transfer the procedure to the exit from the warehouse of the CPC.


Ukrainian political figure, dissident, who fiercely vibrates the rights of his people. For the sake of the political intelligence of the seven developments of the vocations before the court, ale nikoli didn’t win their overcame.

Early rock

On the 13th of leaf fall, 1943, the fate of the seven Crimean Tatars before the hour of being buried by the Crimean Nazi-fascist military forces, Mustafa Dzhemilyov was born. They were resettled at least once, as and most of the native Baghkans in the Crimea, and they were deported to the Uzbek RSR. The end of the day at the school of winners started to play with a sluss on the aviational virobability. In 1962, win zmig pass the revision to the Tashkent Institute of Engineers of the Irigation and Melioration Silskoy Gospodarstvo ale prochchivya there not dovgo. Vіn buv viklyucheniya through criticism of the bik political regime and the condemnation of the dismissal of the Crimean Tatars from the native lands. If in 1966 the rock was called to the service, waving his hand at the command, and the next steps were taken to vyaznitsa. Until 1969, the rock was promoted to the practice of virobnistvі, and even after the death of winners became one of the participants of the "Innovative group for the protection of the rights of the people in the SRCR". Vlada SRCP did not tolerate such activism and the same fate was condemned to three rockets. The prosecutor’s prosecutor’s prosecutor’s prosecutor’s prosecutor’s case was overlooking the evidence that she could use Dzhemilov’s propaganda to expand the propaganda, as she overheard the basic principles radianskoi vlady.


Pislya turned to freedom, 1972 didn’t have a good time at the Moscow State Medical University. Two times later, they again resisted and condemned to one fate the letdown of their will. For an hour, the wines were linked to the screen by broadening the information, as they simply gave me the power, for a few days in 1975 they were ringing in antipolitical acts. On a protest to such a reaction, the uryad on the yogo day was led by a demonstration of hunger. Prodovzh vіn not vіv, adminіstratіtsії brought vikoristovuvati a probe to educate thіs organіzm. I didn’t get up and go free, because they knew that they were condemned to the point of getting stuck once, it was two and a half fate. 1977 rock yogo was released, for the first time he lived in Tashkent, mіstі, as he didn’t love so much. In 1979, they were sent to the court for the fact that they were not attributed to prison. Vignannya took place in Yakutia, in yaku yogo they were sent with a squad and children.

Nedovge turned to dodoma

In 1983, he turned to Crima, he didn’t reach the ale of life in the native lands; Yomu that yogo family has turned to Uzbekistan, and for a decade I am alive at the place of Yangiyul. If you had a chance to blow it away, it happened to be a robot; At the same time, I am actively engaged in an anti-political campaign, having carried out the campaigns and disseminated throughout the leaflets with agitational information. In 1983, they were ringing at a wider information, as a result of the infusion of radian power. A mischievous scandal flared up, if Dzhemilov tried to spend the funeral of his father in Batkivshchyna, then everyone who had been deported earlier was fenced off. Tashkent court of vin_s virok about one more prison virok stretching three rock_v.

Fight for your interests

1986 rock vin, still perebayuyu v'yaznitsa, buv viklikaniy to the court. In the current situation, there is a systematic pro-proponated norms of behavior of prison adherence and disobedience to the administration. Apart from that, having advanced the information, he was fenced in by the laws of the USSR and gave rise to the authority of the governing force. It’s the hour of the ship’s gaze to see how the rights and freedoms of the court are trivial. 1987 rock yogo was made a representative of the indigenous inhabitants of Krima and a member of the Central Innovative Group. Two years later, the winners of that homeland took away the opportunity to live near the native lands, and they moved to Krimu, and settled down near the Bakhchisarai town. Winning the wide range of OKND and taking an active part in the nominee campaigns, which went to the meeting of the Crimean Tatars, who have not yet been allowed to turn to Batkivshchyna.

Permanent representative of the Crimean Tatars

In 1991, there was a rotsi Dzhemilєv with priyav conducted by the Kurultay of the Crimean Tatar people. Yogo active political activity has called for a solid policy with the NRU. Heads of sp_vpratsi with children political organizations he was named as a representative of the Crimean Tatars, and he was recognized as the best candidate. Dzhemilov had already entered the warehouse of people's deputies of the Verkhovna for the sake of Ukraine in 1998. Such a great distinction was imprinted on Dzhemilyov, and only once it was seen from the village, but the role of the people was not broader. Meshkantsi Krimu 2002 again turned the politician into a representative of their interests. The same goes for the win to go to the Verkhovna For the sake of the warehouse of the participants of the "Our Ukraine" social network. Until 2007, the fate of the guilt was robbed by the People's Deputies in the name of “Our Ukraine” team, and it’s not possible for 2012 to go far away independently, but it’s too difficult for some of the participants in the “Batkivshchyna” VO. For the whole hour, having spent some time at the behest of the country, he didn’t respect his principles, but he did not obey the freedom of the rights of the people, which is the idea.

Remaining rocky performance

In 2013, he transferred his new importance to Refat Chubarov, who became the head of the Mejlis. 2014 rock with the ear of a Vysk conflict in Krima Dzhemilov started an active campaign with protests. Win fiercely voiced against the admission of Krim to the warehouse of the Russian Federation and spoke more than once for an hour, saying that maybe we could talk about it, as if it would be similar to going to Chechnya. Dzhemil'ev became one of the first representatives of the power, who had a long time to blockade the Crimea. Russian vlada in order to strangle the activity of Dzhemilov has fenced off to the territory of Russia and Crimea. If they are low, not far away, try to see strong responses from the side of the inhabitants of the Crimean Yomu so and not far into the distance to turn to Batkivshchyna. In 2016, Dzhemilov is a terrorist who is a terrorist, who creates security for the country and obstructs the peace of the hulks.

  • In 2010, Mustafa Dzhemilєv in the 95th position of the magazine "Korespondent" is among the Top-100 most fuel-efficient people of Ukraine.
  • To the booth young sin The head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, People's Deputy Mustafi Dzhemiluv, was given an unhappy vipadok: Hayser Dzhemilov from the negligence of the fire, having driven a man.
  • For tsim, one hobby, on a yak at a new vistach hour - "ritisya" in the Internet.
  • If your squad does not know what you want to do, you should ask for it to be done with chebureks.

Leader of the Crimean Tatars Mustafoy Dzhemilyovim You can get barked, you can bark. Winning the cunning of the disappearance of the policy. Win the old demagogue. He is a fighter for the rights of his people, who is not afraid of God, or of devil, or of Putin. The water hour Dzhemilєv has not been taken into account in especially great corruption schemes; Yak and іnshih Tatars for the persuasion of their business and political ambitions. Dzhemilova is not a match for Dzharti. Ale problems іf сім'єю і в new. Young Sin Mustafi is a drug addict that vbivtsya. Dzhemil'ev's granddaughter - hung up for no reason. Tse abo viprobuvannya of Allah, abo political іgry competition, the blush of Jemil'ev himself. And maybe even less - the decline of that genius. Even for a long time now, whoever has a kind of self-sucking chi vbivtsi, those close relatives, are inevitably experiencing problems with psychiatry.

Dovidka - biography and ORD on policy
Mustafa Dzhemilov was born on the 13th of leaf fall 1943 in the village of Bozkoy near the steppe Krim, where the daddy bully was in the village of Ai-Serez (now Mezhirichya) in the Sudak region of the Crimean ARSR. May 18, 1944 fate, at once from the Krymskotatarsk people, the deportations from the Crimea to the Uzbek RSR. As a turner at the Aviation Plant near Tashkent. In 1969 he became one of the protagonists of the "Innovative Group for the Rights of the People in the Radiansk Union". For the anti-radiance of the provinces at the vyaznitsy, the zagalom is close to 15 years. In the mid-1970s, after the destruction of Chergov's criminal justice, it took ten months for a sign of protest. Zvіlneniy at 1986 rotsі.

1989 to rock Mustafa Dzhemilov at once from his homeland turned to Krim, to the place of Bakhchisarai. Unsuccessfully before the tsih yogo bulo in absentia is reversed by the head of the Central For the Organization of the Krimskotatarskiy National Movement (OKND). At Chervna 1991, the representative body of the Crimean Tatars, the Kurultai of the Crimean Tatars, was selected for the next hour. That was the case with the Presidium of the Central Organization —Medzhlis of the Crimean Tatar people. The head of the Mejlis was turned into Mustafa Dzhemilov. Qiu will put vin ob_ymaє dosi. In the mid-1990s, Mustafa Dzhemilov approached the People's Movement of Ukraine (NRU). At the parliamentary elections of 1998, the people's deputy of the Verkhovna for the sake of Ukraine was rewarded with number 9 of the NRU party list.

At the parliamentary elections of 2002, Mustafa Dzhemil'v proyshov to the parliament on the 28th list of the list to the "Our Ukraine" bloc, before the warehouse which entered the Narodny Rukh. At the parliamentary elections in 2006, I knew I became a deputy of the Verkhovna for the sake of Ukraine from “Our Ukraine” (for the whole time, No. 45 on the list). At the parliamentary elections in 2007, Mustafa Dzhemilov made his way to the parliament on the 27th choice list of the "Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense" Bloc.
Druzhina Safinanr is the head of the League of Crimean Tatar women. Є little girl that two blue.
Behind the tsim with powerful words, one hobby, on the yak at a new vistach hour - "hang out" in the Internet.
Political ambitions
The head of the representative body of the Crimean Tatars, Mustafa Dzhemilєv, will prodovzhu nadavati the most inflow on spivvitchizniks, as well as on a lot of processes, connected with the Crimean Tatars. On one side, as an extraordinary specialty, a veteran of the national movement, a lawyer of the knowledge of the whole family of the leader of the Crimean Tatar nation. From the side, through the system of national samovryadvannya Krimskotatarskogo people. Yogo authority, unaffected by any criticism from the side of yo opponents, unpretentious. Having entrusted the implementation of practical workers to the people, Dzhemilyov left behind him a wide representative function: assistance with ambassadors, VIPs, and among the few of the Crimean Tatars in the international competition, I would like to have the most important unimportant participation.

8 leaf fall 2011 the head of the Mejlis of the Krimsko-Tatar people Mustafa Dzhemilov stating the end of the political kar'єri. "I am old and I want to give way to the young," - having said M. Dzhemilov to the newspaper Leader Medzhlis, I will declare beforehand that it became apparent that President Viktor Yanukovych was in the future about Anatoly Mogilov’s candidacy for the position of Prime Minister Krim. M. Dzhemilov has already two thoughts to sit with his head to the Medzhlis in 2007 and 2009, but a large number of delegates to the Kurultay (national parliament) did not accept the second submission to this submission, but the statutory documents have not been submitted to the medzhlis. However, as soon as the leaders of the Crimean Tatars were able to see them, I know the rules: "One vikhid is not balotuvatisya in the delegate kurultayu, I rob my head from the number of delegates."

Widgets about politics
Levko Luk'yanenko, Hero of Ukraine, People's Deputy of Ukraine, vidomy dissident and pravozakhisnik: “Mustafa Dzhemil'ev is a glorious synonym for the Crimean Tatar people. Prikhilniki in the fight for freedom of the people, the communist empire of the nation was honored by the enemies and punished. Vlada was judged by yogi children from 15 to 15 years, starving and cold evil, by the mind of yo repenting, and being humbled by the struggle, a humble protest at the time that comrade in the number of politicians who had lost their freedom. I spent a little bit of a cob of Gorbachov's wake-up call and talked about politics with Dzhemilyov at Krim, and we all talked to him about ways to fight against communal swavil. We tried to break up the SRCP in one straight line - they reported Zusil to the quick dismantling of the dictator's communist system. Mustafa Dzhemilєv and I saw myself as allies and todi, if dovgy rocky We sat at the concentrators and today, if they went free, and if they had sent them from the vibrations of their nations to the Ukrainian Parliament. We were inspired by the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe ideals of freedom, and also, nevertheless, mind your peoples from the side of Moscow chauvinists, like ours political activity Were to the best of their emperors' aspirations. By now, our ideal of freedom has changed the imperial ideal of colonial slavery. I'm in love, and in our maybutny spіlna dіyalnіst remagatime ".
Politics rating
In 2010, Mustafa Dzhemilєv in the 95th position of the magazine "Korespondent" is among the Top-100 most fuel-efficient people of Ukraine.
Win a henchman-enemy
Mustafa Dzhemilov for: the backward vector of development of the country, Mustafa Dzhemilov against: total russification of the Crimean Tatars

Compromising evidence
The leader of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatars Mustafa Dzhemilov in the plan to change Simferopol to Ak'mesjit, Feodosia to Kefi, Evpatoria to Gezlyov, Sevastopol to Akhtiyar. Through the Fund "Krim", the president of what is called Dzhemilov, that bank "Imdat" was actually stolen from the state as much as $ 1 million, which was directed to help the Crimean Tatar families, as they will independently live their lives. Likewise, from M. Dzhemilyovim, we will tie up the activity of the bandit form of the Crimean Tatars "Imdat", as control over the commercial activity of the Tatars in the Crimea. For the anti-radiance of the provinces at the vyaznitsy, the zagalom is close to 15 years. In the mid-1970s, after the destruction of Chergov's criminal justice, please against Dzhemilov, at the sign of protest he was naked with hunger, as it took ten months during a primus bath through a probe. Zvіlneniyu 1986 rotsі

The head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafi Dzhemilova Hayser five rocky licked at the Lviv psychiatric clientele. Dzhemilov himself is about the process.
Behind the words of the head of the Mejlis, at the time of the lads they sighed, win a drink and become friends.
“And it’s not a long time for a new, mabut, zagostrennaya reigned again. We didn’t want to remember it, ”said Dzhemilov at the commentary to“ Vesti ”. The people's deputy knows about the tragedy from Hayser, if he spent time with Simferopol for a start.
“I rapt me over the phone by calling the blue and saying:“ I knocked a man in! ”. Surely, I immediately visited the dodoma. "
Mustafa Dzhemilov also meant that the lad penetrated through the quatry to the closed office, if he was at the end of the day.
“Taking a towel there with an optical sight and not saying anything about it. Vін mav addiction to zbroї. That day, if there was a tragedy, the blue stood by the wind and got to the rushnitsa. Twisting - twisting ... I, singly, vipadkovo whistling. Oh, well, grief is terrible! And even I myself have asked for a bendy pidzarobiti on my own territory, for the robot could not know it. I kindly pay you for the price. I want to win and see all the brothers pennies ”, - rozpov win.
Behind the words of Dzhemilov, an old mother, a squad of that child, lost his life.
“I’ve just got a drink from the squad of beer kava in our kitchen, but now it’s dumb ... Everything that is possible is impossible for this family,” he shook his head at Medzhlis.
Yak, having seen the "Observer", sinned the head of the Mejlis Mustafi Dzhemilov Hayser vipadkovo hammering in a ludin. An unchaste vipadok was staged at Bakhchisarai as a result of the coastal rainfall. Fevzi Edemov turned out to die, making friends with Hayser.
The head of the Medzhlisu, after seeing the spirits of those who were hammered in, stating that from the side of their motherland, those who were older should hope for the maximum benefit from the previous visits that were made due to those who are often seen to be sensitive to that.
Young People's Deputy of Ukraine (faction "Batkivshchyna"), the head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafi Dzhemilov Hayser Dzhemilov, who is seen at the head of the cholovik, is taken over. For the fact of vvivka vіdkrito krimіnalne provadzhennya under the statute of the CC of Ukraine "navmisne vvivstvo".
As the sector of links is formed from the community of the City Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Crimea, the head of the Crimean headquarters of the militia Mikhaylo Slapanov rozpov, about 4:40 p.m. to the Chergovy district of the Bakhchisarai district house of the city I feel the sound of the building.
Sin Mustafi Jemilova
At the place of the podії, the capital of the GUMVS of Ukraine in Crimea, the experts of the operative group and the criminal laboratory.
The head of the Crimean Militia appeared, that in the course of the first revision, the bulo was established, that was built from the Mislivs' destruction by the cholovik, 1981 to the fate of the people, who lived in one of the apartments of the Bukhara in 1969, as a result of this.
The appraisal is taken into account according to the article 208 of the Crimean procedural code of Ukraine. for the cim fact of being aware of the criminal provision, as before qualifying for part 1 of article 115 of the KK (navmisne vbivstvo).
A complex of first-rate studies is being carried out, among which a low level of expertise is indicated.
Having started singing the journals, the investigation of criminal provision is carried out in an efficient manner, with a clear understanding of the proper legislation of Ukraine.
Tim for an hour, as he visited the website of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, the young sinners of the People's Deputy of Ukraine (the "Batkivshchyna" faction), the heads of the Mejlis Mustafi Dzhemilov Hayser Dzhemilov because of the negligence of the fire in the wild.
On the 27th of May, close to 15.30 at the booth of the young son Dzhemilov, near the town of Bakhchisarai, there was a non-coastal waterfall due to the registered reserve.
For a whole hour the head of the Mejlis is in Simferopoli, about the tragedy that she was eating when she called the senior Sin Eldar on the phone.
Dzhemilyov was at his side, having visited the law-enforcement organizations, who visited the place of the trip.
The head of the Medzhlisu Dzhemilov, stating that from the side of this family and the elderly, they hope to maximize their acceptance of the previous visits, and having caught the reason for those who happen to be seen critically and effectively.
The family of the head of the Mejlis Dzhemilova was able to catch up with the spirits of children and those close to him.
For a choice, such as Hayser Dzhemilov, he was able to participate in the psychiatric class of Simferopol, and the doctors were not able to establish the standard of their conviction. Likari seem to be, there are low reasons, through yak, shvid for everything, the synonym of the people's deputy will be brought to the situation again
About the "Komsomolskiy Pravda", after one of the participants in the medical committee, the site "Krim.Commentari" was handed over.
In addition, the medical commotion is busy with its own clothes, the first role was played by the history of the patient's ailment. From her viplya, as well as rocky in that Hayser passed the psychiatric lykuvannya of Turechchini. Also, the comic stood up, for practically the whole hour of writing, taking medication prescribed by psychiatrists.
Another fact, which doesn’t allow us to blame the residual diagnosis, is because Khaser himself, who is a great drug addict, who smoked marijuana and took cocaine, is wrong. - To be carried out completely adequately, ale the sickness can be pricked up, if it is deprived of it in special minds. Those who do not call their psyche do not call the style, they are dumb. There will be one more demand from the comic. For them, either to supply diagnostics, or to send Hayser to the clinic of Simferopol for two days, or for a second examination to Kiev.
Yak visited the site "Krim.Comments", mutilated the 27th May of the birth of Dzhemilova Hayser from the fires of the zombie, driving a ludin. The new squad lost two children. Due to the fact that the criminal code of Ukraine has been disclosed, as previously qualified for Part 1 of Article 115 of the Crimean Code of Ukraine, there is no reason for it. For the information of Dzhemilov, Hayser suffered at the mental problems and spent a trivial hour in Turechchyna. 28 May the Kievskiy District Court of Simferopol told Hayser that he was going to get lost for 60 days at the Simferopolskiy SIZO.
1 worm by the lawyer Oleksandr Lisovy Boulo filed an appeal on the zapobizhniy zapozhny. The court is not pleased with the 11 worms.

Prompt service

Leaf fall 2011 rock. The head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Dzhemilov in the region negatively placed himself before the appointment of Anatoly Mogilov as Prime Minister of the ARC Krim. Taku a dummy was guilty of a commentary to “Golovkiy”.
30px-Aquote1.png In my own hour, if Jarty died, I judged Anatoly Mogilov's potential candidacy for the post of the Crimean premier. I just like that, and at once I napolyagu: from the most young candidates, I will nominate Krim Mogilov as the premier. Mabut, to my words, they "listened" to Kiev ... Obviously, the President is devoutly responsible, "said Dzhemilov.

Anatoly Krimskiy for ORD 02

Dzhemilov Mustafa Abduldzhemilevich (Dzhemil'oglu, Krimoglu)

One of the leaders of the Crimean Tatar Rukh, a huge that political child, the head of the Organization of the Crimean Tatar National Rukh (OKND), the head of the Medzhlis of the Crimean Tatar people (1991-2013). From 1998 to 2014 R.R. - n People's Deputy of Ukraine six Sklikan (1998-2002, 2002-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2012, 2012-2014, from 2014 to the present). Pislya attributed to Krim to Russia, from serpnya 2014 to rock - at on the right of the Krymsk Tatars on the right of the President of Ukraine


Mustafa Dzhemilov was born on the 13th leaf fall in 1943 in the village of Ai-Serez (Mizhrichya), Sudak region, Krimskaya ARCP near the village's homeland. (For іnshih dzherels near the village Bozkoyu). Father Volodya in a grape plantation, booming cigarettes and hanging out from the Crimea, protesting from the background and then turning to the fatherland.

In 1944, the family of the Dzhemilovykh was deported to the Andijan region to Uzbekistan. After the death of Stalin and the nobility of the people who were oversubscribed, the family moved to Angren, and then to Mirzachul, de in 1959 Mustafa Dzhemilov graduated from high school.

1959 Dzhemilyov entered the secondary faculty of the Middle Asian State University in Tashkent, but he considered that for the Crimean Tatars the faculty was closed.

In 1959 - 1961, he was a turner and a slyusar at the Mirzachul repair and mechanical plant, and later at an aviation plant near Tashkent.

For example, in 1961, fate took on the fate of the asleep youth educational organization "Union of Crimean Tatar Youth", de facto the clerk of the "Historical Viddilu". I sent a message to the organization of the organization and the answer to the criminals of the minds of the robots "for the powerful bazhany."

In 1962, he entered the hydromeliorative faculty of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Mechanism of the Silk State Prize, ale bout of insurance from the third year. Dzhemilov's article "A short historical narrative of the Turkic culture in the Crimea in the XIII-XVIII centuries" became the drive for the victorious.

In 1966, he was convicted by the People's Court of the Lenin district of Tashkent on the occasion of the release of the will for the convictions at the service in the army.

Having connected from the connection of Mustafa Dzhemil'ev, having established contacts with the participants of the right-wing government. Having signed a petition against the foreigners, protesting against the occupation of the Czechoslovakia by the Radians, taking part in the struggle for the protection of the rights of the individual. He got to know from the foreign correspondents, accredited in Moscow, having reported about the problem of the Crimean Tatars, who made it easier to live in Crimea.

In the spring of 1969, Dzhemil'va's rock was re-secured for indictment under Article 1914 of the Uzbek RSR Criminal Code (according to Article 1901 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code) - an extension of those who know the rip-off of the RRFSR. 19 September 1970 Rock Dzhemilєv buv convictions by the Tashkent city court until three rocky releases of will.

Dzhemil'ev settled in Gulistani (Uzbekistan), was trained as an engineer at the radio hospital.

On May 13, 1974, there were 15 dB of convictions for "hooliganism" in connection with the participation in the provocation of the belligerents, confirmed by letters of witness. At the sight of M. Dzhemilov, they voiced their hunger, and for the ninth time they let him go to the grave camp.

22 worms 1974 rock in m.Gulistani Uzbek RSR Dzhemiliv VTK mode. Until early April 19, 1974 rock vidbuvav at ITK-3 m. Omsk. One of the reasons for the harassment was the dismissal of the KDB "operative information" about the mission of Dzhemilova to travel to Moscow for the presentation of the petition of the Crimean Tatars to the President of the United States R. Nixon, who had arrived on a visit to the capital of the USSR.

On April 19, 1975, three days before the sound, against Dzhemilov, they destroyed a new criminal law for the information about the filed documents, how to manipulate the state power and the huge devices, that widened middle of the stuck "knuckles". On a sign of protest, having naked hunger, it took three hundred days. Having known the primus year

On April 15, 1976, the fate of the Omsk Regional Court (Article 1901 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) Academician Andriy Sakharov and Olena Bonner's squad were not admitted to the process, as they specially arrived from Moscow.

In 1977, the rock of Dzhemil'va had a great deal of administrative visibility, having lived near Tashkent.

In the will and in the connection Dzhemilov overpowered his right to live in the Crimea, writing a protest to the Radiansk and international institutes, which were extended by Samvidavi. Vlada repeatedly overshadowed her for an hour trying to visit Batkivshchyna.

In the fierce 1979 rock, M. Dzhemil'ev made a decision for the invocation of the "evil violated rules of the administrative visibility". 6 birch 1979 fate by the People's Court of Zhovtnevy district of Tashkent In view of the participation in the process, the lawyer whom he had referred to was not allowed to get involved.

Possibility to visit Yakutia, near the village of Ziryanka. The end of the term was sent from the linden 1982, from the squad and the child to the Crimea, and three days later, from the seven days at the same time, the vision of the settlements was seen from the administrative sight of the city of Yangiyul Tashkent. Pratsyuvav slyusarem, riznorob.

In 1983, the leaf fall was arrested and condemned by the Tashkent Regional Court under Article 1914 of the CC of the Uzbek RSR (revised Article 1901 of the CC of the RRFSR) until three rockets were released. Yomu incriminuvalosya "folding and distributing documents, sovereign modeі yogo political system", The list of people who know behind the cordon, the recording of the programs of foreign radio stations on the recorder, the list of the Japanese radio corporation NHK about the positions taken by Japan in the periodical supervising reports from the SRSR, as well as the organization of reports on Magadan region(RRFSR).

At the fall of 1986, Dzhemilyov's fate was once again tried not to let loose, they ruined a new (this) criminal law for "the evil disobedience to vimogam of the administrative labor force establish." On the 16th of 1986, the visit was made to the session of the Magadan Regional Court, near the village of Uptar of the Magadan Region, and Dzhemil'va was recognized by her under Article 1883 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Buv of judgments up to 3 years, the will was cleared away from the five-point viprobubal term and the verdicts were sent to the court.

In 1987, the fate of the first All-Union Z''ezd of activists of the Crimean Tatar Movement was reversed to the Central Innovative Group. Becoming the editor of the "Bulletin of the National Movement of the Crimean Tatars"

In 1989, the fate of the Chergov All-Union Organization of Activists of the Russian Ruh was based on the Organization of the Crimean Tatar National Movement (OKND), the head of the Central Committee for the sake of becoming Dzhemilyov. The same fate went from seven to Krim and settled at Bakhchisara.

In 1991, at the National Assembly of the representatives of the Crimean Tatars, named by the Other Kurultaim of the Crimean Tatars, M. Dzhemilov turned his head to the Mejlis - the best representative body of the Crimean Tatars.

In 1996, I became a deputy of the Verkhovna Radi, who had changed several times over the party list of the People's Movement of Ukraine. Member of the committee For the sake of the rights of the people, national minorities and international affairs (since 1998).

At the parliamentary elections in 2002, Dzhemilєv proyshov to For the sake of the warehouse, select the list of the "Our Ukraine" block. At the parliamentary elections in 2006, I became a member of the Verkhovna Rada for the sake of "Our Ukraine". At the parliamentary elections in 2007, Dzhemil'ev made his way to the parliament through the block "Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense". At the parliamentary elections in 2012, having spent some time before Radi for the list of VO "Batkivshchyna".

The trip to Russia from Mustafi Dzhemilov was barricaded to Crimea with a term for five rockies. 22 April Dzhemiliv at once from the defender of the head of the Mejlis Aslan Omer Kirimli in 2019 went from Crimea to Kiev, and when the Russian-Ukrainian cordon went back to the Russian-Ukrainian cordon, Dzhemilov was handed the "Certificate of Appeal

On April 19, 2014, Mustafi Dzhemilov was fenced off to Russia with a term of five rockets (FMS of the Russian Federation no. 140-1301087), 2 street Dzhemilov after trying to get to Krima in transit through the Moscow airport "Sheremetyevo" and through the checkpoint "Virmensk", but did not pass the border control.

20 serpnya 2014 roku President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, naming Mustafa Dzhemilov, will trust the head of state to the right of the Crimean Tatar people .

Dzhemilov about the hunger of Nadiya Savchenko

Mustafa Dzhemilov declared:“Nadya has already achieved what is possible.<...>"You need to take care of your life, go to freedom and fight Russia in other ways" .

To the right of Hayser Dzhemilov

May 27, 2013 rock 32-rychny sin Mustafi Dzhemilova Hayser, after the trail, shot 44-rychny Fevzi Edemov from Batkiv's rushnitsa. The Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine incriminated Dzhemilov the Young by one article of the Crimean Code of Ukraine - Part 2, Article 115

May 29, 2013 rock at the press conference Mustafa Dzhemilov, having seen about the health of Sina at that moment: " I was the most afraid to end myself. Having spoken to my guard, it won’t be a fateful fate for me to feel badly in Thailand.Come to win (Hayser) after the ringing, say as nissenitnitsi, and I quickly came to live, so that I could bring them here. First of all, I was in a new position: I’m not safe from my life, but I’m not at the boats, but I’m only those who are ready for my mother. And protect the Kazav, who have been screwed up for two days, and even ask for a quest, so that everything is good with him.Mi zzumіli, well, not all garazd here і took him to one of the most prestigious clientele of Istanbul, deVinsley diagnosis: psychotic disorder. Reasons for this: I’m talking about those who, being in Thailand, won’t have developed marijuana. .

In the fierce 2014 rock, the lawyer Oleksandr Lisovyi has seen that the right of Hayser Dzhemilov will be examined by the jury.

4 worms on the negotiated verdict of the jury, the prosecutor's office requested 5.5 for Dzhemilov to the fate of the colony.

10 worm 2015 roku Krasnodar Regional Court condemning Hayser Dzhemilov to five years of the colony of the out-of-town regime; Gromadyansky poses of the victim (brother of the driven Fevzi Edemov Aslan) about the contraction of seven million rubles in compensation for the moral of the Shkodi Krasnodar Regional Court overlaid without peering.

H. Dzhemilyov of the direction of the fall in Astrakhan;

On February 12, 2016, it became clear that the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia had filed a request to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine about the prosecution of Hayser Dzhemilov, convicted in the Krasnodar Territory, without satisfaction.

25 fierce Radianskiy District Court of Astrakhan brought Dzhemilov to the Department of Internal Affairs.

28 April the decision was confirmed by the Astrakhan Regional Court.

15 spring 2016 The Radianskiy District Court of the City of Astrakhan has grasped the decision about the administrative visualization of Dzhemilov, apparently before you can live three rock music in the Republic of Crimea.

10 jovt 2016 roku oud in Astrakhan was brought up to Hayser Dzhemilov in an out-of-line fight through those who were convicted of the 22nd confinement and "the convictions of the colony as an evil violator of the rule of law."

On 28 October 2016, Hayser Dzhemil'ev's lawyer, Mykola Polozov, appeared to be filing a jail before the Strasbourg court of Russia and Ukraine.

At the time of the meeting of Dzhemilyov, the consulate of Ukraine will give you a time-consuming document, so that the person (May 30, 2016 Hayser Dzhemilov told the court that the passport of a citizen of Ukraine u new bulo vilucheno u 2013 roci,and the immenseness Russian Federation not having cut off, - approx. "Caucasian University") , Respecting the lawyer.

Behind the words of the lawyer, H. Dzhemilyov, who is an earthly hulk, is unaware of the decision about administrative visualization, I have the right to go back to Batkivshchyna. Like convictions for grave mischief, it is not possible to deny living expenses. Therefore, the maximum term of transferring in Russia is 90 days, for which one goiters are deported.

At the same hour, I’m not safe, "Jemilєva can not let go of Russia ... oskilki win with a hand tool for manipulating yogo dad - the leader of the Crimean Tatars Mustafi Jemilera Coloniemuvl. youmu yakes nove zvinuvachennya ", adding a lawyer.


  1. Life Shlyakh // Memorial, 03/14/2014.
  2. Dzhemilєv Mustafa Abduldzhemil // Website of Politrada.
  3. The Omsk process of Mustafi Dzhemil'va (from the book "Krimski Tatars. 1941-1991") // Krim and Krimski Tatars, 04/29/2011.
  4. The ex-leader of the Crimean Tatars did not enter the court of the right to turn to Batkivshchyna // RBK, 12.02.2015.
  5. Website of the Administrative Office of the President of Ukraine // Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 657/2014 About the Appointment of M. Dzhemiluv We hope that the President of Ukraine is on the right of the Crimean Tatar people, 08/20/2014.
  6. Dzhemilov: Russia could be an honor before the terrorist attack in Paris // Gordon, 01/08/2015.
  7. Before Krim, they started to bring in missiles, to carry nuclear warheads - Dzhemilov // Radio Svoboda, 01/18/2015.
  8. Dzhemilov to please Savchenko with a hunger // "Ukrainian News", 02/09/2015.
  9. Mustafa Dzhemil'ev knew that he had been living drugs // Argumenty Tizhnya - Krim, 05/29/2013.
  10. The jury of the Russian Federation has recognized Sina Dzhemil'ev as innocent in a clever way // RIA Novosti Ukraine, 02.06.2015.

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Not long ago, at the end of the blockade of Krimu, E. came to us. This year we represent the readers of the Tatar leader Mustafu Abduldzhemil Dzhemilov. On the vidminu of the Kolishny Radiansk functionary Chubarov, Dzhemilov has an aura of "martyr for an idea." Well, it’s true, Mustafa-aha, yak call yogo samі Tatars, є for them it was on the wall of Moisei, which was grafted onto the ground. Іnsha rіch, nіshnіy politііkіnіy sіtuіtsіy nіvіt svіtіvіt sіsіnuyu, not deprived of corruption scandals, but thе direct participation іn criminals. Tommy viclademo here is just the facts of the participation of the leader of the Crimean Tatar people among inappropriate podіyah new rockies... However, the role that I have seen for my own people and all of Ukraine cannot be used in the right time. It is not beyond the scope of this, that the heroic power of being a lawyer and a disident cannot be forgotten. The protest of the facts є the facts and from them are simply not seen.

For the deyakoya information, Batko Mustafi Dzhemilov spіvpratsyuvav with the Nazis. There is no documentary support for the whole lot; And the axis of Dzhemilєv himself has developed a conviction, і, for deyakim tribute, the first "walker" of the bool for a call. And even there, at the camps, he was cognized because of the so-called "political", who pounded him to dissent. About tse stating іnshy veteran of the Crimean Tatar Rukha, also the dissident Enver Ametov. It seems that all of Dzhemilov's “walkers” were political. Mustafa-aga himself declared that he was imprisoned for folding and expanding the anti-Radian literature, tobto for article 190-1 of the KK of the Russian Federation. Yak bi was not there, a statute by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council for the sake of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation from the criminal code was tidied up in 1989; Ale ... not vimagav. And here I am, having become on the slime of the road of my opponent Viktor Yanukovych, which is a "two-handed unconvicted" and also quietly, for scho. In the result, the people's voice attributed to him all the mischief. From group zgvaltuvannya to stealing hats. So і Mustafa Abduljemіl, for the idea, mav bi іm'ya stand in the courts, if not for himself, then I would like to be able to remove the speculations. Youmu yak a deputy of the Verkhovna for the sake of zrobiti is also not easy. Yaksho, zvychayno, tse not that vipadok, if dima doesn’t boom without vogne. Vіm, mustache vishchezgadane - just remember the days long gone.

On the ear of the nineties, the Crimean Tatars will turn to Krimu. I immediately fix the so-called "clearing to protest". In order to grab hold of the earth like shmat, wipe meetings on them, and then forget to forget the earth with your small huts. In vipadku, if misceva or central vlada wants to cleanse the self-buried territory, scream the stench, shout the house. Every year, the land passes to the hands of the Kerivniks of the Crimean Tatars, who are selling, and who will be at their booths. And the "glades of protest" will be organized in new places. Tsі actions pіdtrimovav Medzhlіs, the leader of any bouv in tі rocky Mustafa Dzhemіlєv. He declared that the Tatars in their hour, they liberated the land for Stalin, and Ukraine’s core is not about its own people, from і it was brought to the non-merciless Tatars to take the land with such an illegal rite. About myself, I won’t say that I’m a regular rank of Mejlis, and Dzhemil is not particularly honorable to the time of self-burning. The first is nonsense. Below, a photograph is directed to the Mustafi-aga booth, which is located near Bakhchisara. This area is as large as 180 square meters and is worth the same on the same level of self-storage of land.

Breshe Dzhemilov and about those who Ukraine is not about Krimsk Tatars. Even in the mid-90s, a row saw pennies for repatriation. Insha rich, they didn’t get the stench. The stench was deposited in structures close to Mustafa Abduldzhemil - the "Krim" fund and the "Imdat" bank. Fund "Krim" is a collection of large-scale organization, specially set up for additional help to the Crimean Tatars, instead of reorganization from a private fund, which became a one-sided master of things that Dzhemilov himself became. Naytsіkavіshe, which on the balance sheet of the fund was transferred free of charge by the Ukrainian rulership of Budіvlya, in which the Medzhlis is located. With such a rank, Mustafa Dzhemilov belonged to the Mejlis before the annexation. More tsikava history from the bank "Imdat". Kolis so called ethnichne organizovane zlochinne ugrupovannya Tatars, to what Mustafa-aga mav s a bit, bezposeredn vіdnoshennya. Stinks took care of the protection of this particular leader of the Mejlis. And, besides, the Tatars protected one of the leaders of the most recent evil group Oleg Dzyubu (Alik), who took part in the struggle for leadership from the Crimean evil spirits. RAM is mainly in Bakhchisarai, alley small "philia" and in the other places of Krim. The main straightforwardly ugrupovannya - reket that vimagannya among their peers of the same tribe, tobto the Crimean Tatars. Let's enjoy the zusilli, before the speech, Gennady Moskal (Report about new things in the statistics) The gangsters were brought in by Krimu, and some of them were legalized, becoming businessmen and bankers.

It’s easy for Moskal to start talking about it simply - having chosen the wrong one in the wrong office, and having said it, having rejected the unnecessary more importantly, “tata” (“tatom” was named after the current president, Leonid Kuchma). Someone took a vserioz and legalized (yak, for example, Lev Mirimsky, in front of him "correctly" befriended), xtos went to the cordon (V'yacheslav Shev'ev, leader OZU Salem and the head of the party PEVK), siv u v'yaznitsyu for a lot of rockyv (also the leader of RAM Salem Sergiy Voronkov, prizvisko "Voronok"). Well, some of the "sync of the old guard" is also necessary for homeland calls (as you think, why don’t Leonid Danilovich Olen wear the nickname Franchuk? read the report about new from the statty)? Everything is simple - Anatoly Franchuk got his head on the ear of the 90s for Krim, and then he became a people's deputy. Yogo sin Іgor keruvav "Chornomornaftogaz" and a short hour of booning from the heart of Leonid Kuchmoy.).

When the leader of the RAM Іmdat Mustafa Dzhemilєv was not asked for a start. Yogo main sponsors and curators because of the cordon poured "tata" Leonid Kuchma, who fenced Pan Moskal to think about Mustafa.

Here, for example, in the nineties at the Medzhlis, having burst out the scandal, the bandages from the bank "Imdat". On the right, in that, all the pennies, as the state of Ukraine saw the turn and oblast of repatriates, the bully was directed by the certifying Medzhlis through the fund "Krim" to the bank "Imdat". Yakraz hit the crisis of 98th and drew the bank. And all at once, from him, the pennies, seen by the Crimean Tatars, were nailed. In the presence of a tsikava, the role of Dzhemilov himself. Even in 1996-97, the members of the Mejlisu were charged with those who had a problem bank and missed the distribution of a penny in a number of banks. Ale himself Mustafa-aga pishov on the extreme croc. Having declared that a penny will be transferred to the other banks, before the head of the Medzhlis is planted. Alone, after a while, there was a change to the bank with an independent legal company. The results of the reversal did not pop up and were taken from Dzhemilov himself. Tse wicked crisis and specotnі super-links in Medzhlіsі. Tim for an hour the bank viviv pennies in nine private offices that twisted. Nearly 50 thousand Tatar families have been deprived of vip payments. Aleh, right, as if they were hushed up, they didn’t know the winners, Ukraine continued to viplati to the Crimean Tatars, and Mustafa Dzhemilov was trying to get rid of kerma Mejlis. It seems that it’s the same for the new Toyota Camry, all of the new cars.

Ocrema history, in which also the honorable Mustafa Dzhemil'ev - they scandalized about the earthly support. The Turks who are close to them will help the Tatars. So, for example, the huge organization "Mili Firka" (People's Front) from Turechchini, in the individual of its representative Ibraim Aradzhi, two insured the Krim Fund for the rakhunok. Misti Exishekhiri. As a result, the trips were held not in Turechchina, but at Rumunia, and they didn’t turn a penny to the Turks. "Mili Firka" organization is authoritative, it caused the noise, before that the fact of direct scamming from the side of the leader to Medzhlis, which was especially publicly stating that it was a penny. The main organizers of the Turechchiny volunteered no noise, just a little more, they didn’t throw them, but quietly, who needed help, to be the simple Crimean Tatars. As soon as you come to Krimu, then you will, in which evil days live people, especially in the villages. And at the same time, for the extra data from international organizations, for a whole hour they saw the Crimean Tatars for a sum of one before the second billion dollars in the United States. Kudi went for a few pennies, it’s not razor-sharp, but it seems like Mustafa-aga maє rakhunki on Pivnichniy Kipri. І tsimi rakhunkami "keru" especially the head of the Trudovy Bank Turechchini pan Selyami Kachamak.

Mustafa Dzhemil'ev did not see him as his dad, who, as they wrote, could possibly have spoken from the Nazis. Ale vin is sure to blame for his sine - Hayser, who killed a ludin. Tsia history is even tragic in itself. Hayser Dzhemilєv is suffering on mental illness. Win five rooks got along with psychiatric drugs in Lviv. Then turn back to home. One miraculous day, having shot from a towel with an optical sight, a lyudin, who was parading the city near the Dzhemilovyh homeland. So, the grief is terrible, and so, it is impossible to convey to the soul of the soul-sick people. Ale vinikaє food is low. In the first place, why is Lyudin, potentially not safe for the suspension, appeared not in the closed classroom, but in her own little house, and what role was played by those who Mustafa Dzhemilyov is a deputy and how little power to "pull" on the side? Why did Dzhemilov take the fire in the fire in the booth and obviously not in the safe, I know, what kind of sickness is there? First of all, why was it so good for the people who were right to do so, if you want the picture of the evil to be heard from the first sickness and not to get involved in the investigation of the People's Deputies and representatives of the Medzhlis? I would like to nagadati, how the vbivka became at the same time 2013 fate, and the trial of Hayser Dzhemilyovim was also announced by the annexation of Crimea at the same time in 2015 in Russia.

So, it is important to mean that the meaning of the "mentally ill" for Hayser vibrates his father himself. Behind everyone's firmness, who wants to know something from this family, sin Dzhemilova sat on important drugs. In principle, it can be seen in the photograph.

This year Mustafa Abduldzhemil Jemilєv, in fact, came from the right, after passing the Kermo in control of the Medzhlis to his comrade-in-arms Refat Chubarov. It’s not a fact that it’s possible to go to the onset of the term, although it’s not enough for the electorate. All yogo people zalisivsya on that bіk cordon Crim. Skіlki trivatime aneksіya Krim, only Allah sees. Also, I have all the chances to die not on the native land. Adzhe vin is already even lately lyudin, yomu 71 rіk. You can say that there is already history. І, as і be-like a historical character, win maє chornі plami. Kudi without them.

Oleg Kirik, for SKELET-info

Mustafa Dzhemilєv. Dark Tatar passed the light fighter with modes Updated: 17 June, 2017 by the author: Redactor


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