In elementary school for career guidance. Features of the organization of career guidance in primary school

In elementary school for career guidance. Features of the organization of vocational guidance in elementary school

Vlasova Elena Valentinovna,
primary school teacher
GBOU gymnasium number 168
Tsentralny district of St. Petersburg,

Professional orientation is not a student's choice of a profession, one for life, but the formation of his readiness for professional self-determination, the activation of the internal resources of his personality so that, by getting involved in professional activities, a person can fully implement yourself in it.

The question "Who to be?" vital. The answer to it influences the further life of a person. Competently constructed vocational guidance work allows you to solve many problems. Since the list of offered professions is large, it is important not to get confused, to find your place in the world of professions, to realize your potential. In order for students to learn to understand themselves, to objectively assess their success in various types of activity, this work must be started from a young school age.

Younger school age is not insignificant, "passing", from the point of view of vocational guidance. The fact is that there are a number of indicators, moral-volitional and motivational characteristics, for the formation of which it is this stage of age-related development that turns out to be sensitive.

Career guidance work in primary school is propaedeutic, i.e. preceding the main one. At this stage, junior schoolchildren should develop a conscientious attitude to work, an understanding of its role in the life of a person and society, develop an interest in the professions of parents and the immediate environment, an interest in the most common professions. In addition, important areas of vocational guidance in primary school are: teaching students the skills of self-assessment, the development of reflection and realistic self-assessment of children.

The goal of the primary school teacher is to develop the interests and abilities of students.

The tasks of vocational guidance in primary school are as follows:

  • to acquaint with the diversity of the world of professions;
  • give general information about the content of labor of different professions;
  • to form motivation and interest in educational and work activities;
  • develop intellectual and creative capabilities;
  • to cultivate diligence, diligence, accuracy, perseverance in bringing the matter to the end, careful attitude to the results of one's own and other people's work.

Career guidance work in elementary school is carried out in the unity of lesson and extracurricular activities.

The first stage of this work is professional information, when students get acquainted with the professions of people whose work they observe from day to day. The purpose of this stage is the development of cognitive abilities based on different impressions of the world of professions, the formation of a conscientious attitude to work.

At all lessons in elementary school, the importance of educational and work activities is emphasized, a sense of responsibility for their work is fostered. In the lessons of the Russian language, literary reading, mathematics, the world around, technology, fine arts, physical culture, music, students get acquainted with various professions, and the teacher tries to convey their importance and significance to the consciousness of children. When teaching almost all subjects, teachers use active teaching methods - play, project method, research and problematic. All this has a beneficial effect on personality development and preparation for the profiling of students. So, in Russian lessons we use words, sentences, texts related to a particular profession, for vocabulary and spelling work, for dictations and cheating. In mathematics lessons, we solve practical problems (we can be builders, salesmen, scientists, machinists, etc.). In speech development lessons, students can act as journalists (collect information, write essays in different genres, create newspapers and thematic collections). In the lessons of the surrounding world, there is an acquaintance with professions in various industries, food industry, agriculture. Riddles, rebuses, crosswords, short poems about professions, games "Guess by gestures", "Who is more?" Allow to diversify the lesson, to make it more emotionally rich. (name as many words as possible related to the profession), "The tool of labor is a profession" (learn the profession by the tools of labor), etc. A new form of training for us is the solution of a project problem. Children get the opportunity to express themselves in one role or another, to show independence, creative imagination. Very often vocational guidance work goes beyond the scope of the lesson.

A variety of extracurricular activities of junior schoolchildren fully contributes to the formation of motivation and interest in various types of activities, develops the intellectual and creative abilities of students. The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in primary school made it possible to provide our children with a wide range of circles, sections, creative associations for the implementation of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in practical socially and personally significant activities outside the classroom, i.e. organize an appropriate space for social, cultural and professional self-determination, creative self-realization of the child's personality.

Extracurricular activities contribute to a more versatile disclosure of the child's individual abilities, which are not always possible to consider in the lesson, the development of children's interest in various activities, the desire to actively participate in productive activities approved by society, the ability to independently organize their free time.

Extracurricular work on vocational guidance of students begins from the first grade and has a logical continuation in the next classes. We plan and conduct classes on this topic using various forms, such as:

  • conversations;
  • game activities;
  • excursions;
  • quizzes;
  • contests;
  • meeting people of interesting professions;
  • participation in competitions of drawings, photographs, essays;
  • family holidays;
    • protection of projects, etc.

The primary school teacher in the classroom and after school hours works in the following areas:

1) shows students the role of labor in human life;

2) involves students in the implementation of socially significant affairs;

3) holds meetings with representatives of various professions (including parents);

4) involves students in various types of educational and cognitive activities (labor, play, research);

5) introduces students to the world of professions;

6) teaches work on the formation of the "Portfolio" ("Portfolio of achievements").

Primary school students are just beginning to develop an interest in professions. Socially useful activities in which children participate (and this can be caring for plants, making crafts and toys, repairing books, etc.), has a decisive influence on the formation of their interest. When children see and feel that people need their work, they experience great pleasure. For primary school students, visibility and change of activities are necessary and important, the selection of material that is appropriate for the age and interests of the child is very important, therefore the purpose of career guidance in the first and third grade will be slightly different.

So, in the first grade, the purpose of work may be to expand knowledge about work, the formation of a work culture, familiarity with the professions of parents. And in the third grade, for example, getting acquainted with the classification of professions, expanding knowledge about the professions of our city.

As a result of this work, primary school students should:

know and understand:

  • the role of labor activity in human life;
  • the impact of technological processes and human labor activity on the environment and human health;
  • purpose and scope of various machines, technical devices and tools;

own ways of cognitive activity:

  • compare and highlight the features of the content of various professions based on observations;
  • evaluate the results of their activities in accordance with the assigned task;
  • plan your activities and control it;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene and safety when working with materials, tools, electrical appliances.

Game in elementary school "All works are good!"

Objectives: expand, systematize students' knowledge of professions; generalize knowledge on technology (device of tools, technology of manufacturing products); develop an understanding that the knowledge gained from technology lessons contributes to the acquisition of important life skills; instill an interest in blue-collar occupations, work.

Equipment: cards with a picture of the house; paints; brushes; students' work.

Game progress

I. Message topic.

Teacher... Today we have an unusual lesson, a game lesson "All works are good!"

A profession is an occupation, a favorite business, a pile of all life. Therefore, a favorite business is chosen once and for life. But how hard it can be to choose! After all, you want to become a doctor, a driver, an astronaut and a diver, a teacher and an artist. That is why now you need to prepare for a serious choice. What you know about professions, we will find out today.

There are many professions in the world,

But you should only choose the one

What is dearer to you in the world,

To devote yourself to work.

II. Game part.

1. Getting started.

Reader 1.

Warmed by the gentle light

We are on a sunny Earth.

The day comes with dawn

In every city and village.

Reader 2.

The clear morning is calling

In the field, mine, to the factory:

Work begins!

And we have our own concerns.

Reader 3.

We are not wasting time:

So that everything is always clear -

We know mathematics by five,

We love to build, paint.

Reader 4.

We learned to be friends

To cherish a good deed

Grow up - we will all be ourselves

Do with these hands.

I want to learn a lot -

Choose a business on the shoulder.

2. Game "Mysterious Word".


Yes, the professions are countless,

There is time to take a closer look

What do you want to become?

Everyone is curious to know.

The teacher shows cards, each of which has a word written, but the letters are represented in it in the most inconceivable way. Students must guess which word is encrypted:

barks yavsh praov shaknemki

zhirnene yevitol rtomas

(Fisherman, seamstress, cook, bricklayer, engineer, driver, sailor.)

3. Contest of "builders".

Teacher... We invite masons to compete first.


I want to become a builder as soon as possible.

I will learn to build houses and palaces

And schools where children will go.

The task... Make a drawing of a house from a picture cut into parts

Figure: 1. A sample of a picture cut into parts

Teacher. Now painters enter the competition.


It's time to paint the room

They invited a painter.

But not with a brush and a bucket

Our painter comes into the house.

Instead of a brush, he brought

Metal pump.

Splashing paint on the wall

The sun is shining in the window.

The walls have turned blue

Like the sky above

The new home is almost ready

Will accept residents for the holiday.

Attached to the board are drawings of the house made on a sheet of paper. 2-3 students should paint at their own taste at home so that it is beautiful and fast.

Figure: 2. House for coloring

4. Game "Guess the proverbs".

Teacher... While our "painters" are working, I suggest you guess the proverbs. I will begin the adage and you will continue it. Without difficulty - ... (you can't take a fish out of the pond).

Without hunting - ... (no work).

Without craft - ... (as without hands).

To live idle - ... (only smoke the sky).

There would be a hunt - ... (all work will go well).

Without an ax, not a carpenter, ... (without a needle, not a tailor).

Love your work ... (you will be a master).

5. The game "Who lost his instrument?"

The lost property office received many items. Who do you think lost them? Name the profession of the owner of these items:

scissors spatula light bulb

saucepan thermometer sieve

brush tape measure wrench

calculator weight pointer

6. Quiz "Guess the profession".

1) Who plows, sows, harvests bread? (Grain grower.)

2) Who bakes our bread? (Baker.)

3) Who dispenses medicines? (Pharmacist.)

4) Who dresses us in fashion?

Who sews the costume for the day off?

Everyone knows - he is ... (tailor).

5) He comes to us with a letter directly to the house - who is he? (Postman.)

6) Here on the edge he cautiously paints iron;

He has a bucket in his hands, he himself is painted motley. (Painter.)

7) At night, at noon, at dawn, he carries out his service in secret,

On the path, on the shore, blocking the path of the enemy. (Border guard.)

8) He is not a pilot, not a pilot, he is not flying a plane,

A huge rocket. Children, tell me who is this? (Cosmonaut.)

9) Who is most useful in days of illness

And heals us from all diseases? (Doctor.)

10) The elder brother serves the dear Fatherland.

Protects our lives, he is ... (soldier).

11) The ear of the cat hurt, there was a fuss in the house.

Grandfather grumbles, sister whimpers

The soup in the cat bowl is getting cold.

What should I do? What do i do?

Where to treat a kitten? (At the vet.)

12) The frog burst into tears: a speck on the abdomen,

A speck on the leg - be careful!

With whom will we treat this disease? (At a dermatologist.)

13) A speck on the fly got into the eye of a handsome crane.

Guys, which doctor should the crane go to? (To the optometrist.)

14) Sister Dasha was born - our joy, our sorrow.

Doesn't eat bread, spits porridge,

Who should I go to with my sister Dasha? (To the pediatrician.)

15) The girl sits on an iron bird,

He lowers the arrows, raises the weights. (Crane operator.)

7. Competition "Technology Expert".

On the table, under certain numbers, there are products obtained by bending, cutting, gluing, sawing, sewing, knitting, etc. The teacher names the technological process, and the students must choose the corresponding product.

8. Contest "Find the extra".

Words are written in large letters on a board or card. It is necessary to cross out the “extra” word that does not apply to this technological process. For example: needle, thread, nail, tape measure, thimble. (The word "nail" is superfluous, since it is not used when working with fabric.)

1) Brush - glue - ruler - knitting needle - scissors.

2) Yarn - knife - knitting needles - scissors.

3) Saucepan - spoon - grater - hook.

Musical pause.


We love to work very much,

We like to work.

Everyone will cope with a difficult task,

He will cope with any work.

They say I'm fighting

Combat, so what.

My mom is fighting

Well, then who am I?

Clean it yourself once a year

I decided to skillet.

But then four days

Couldn't wash me off.

Ira, Olya, Katerina

Fired up to embroider,

With all their zeal they tried

More orders are accepted.

They say - skillful

The girl is timid.

But any work I do

I will finish it to the end.

We all sang ditties -

Good or bad.

And now we ask you,

For you to clap!

III. The outcome of the game.

Final words of the teacher... Well done boys! Today you showed your skills and knowledge in technology, told a lot about different professions.

As you can see, children, there are many professions - choose this one for yourself,

So that she becomes the work of your whole life,

So that you glorify your land with honest work.

Elena Vasilievna Logvina

Primary school teacher of the highest qualification category,

deputy Director for Internal Affairs

gymnasium number 6 named after Y. Gurova

Theme: « Career guidance in primary school - the first step towards choosing a profession ”.

"When a person does not know which pier he is heading to, not a single wind will be favorable for him."


"The world of professions through the eyes of children."

The relevance of creating a program:

Younger school age is called the pinnacle of childhood. A child retains many childish qualities: frivolity, naivety, looking at an adult from the bottom up. But he already loses his childish spontaneity in behavior, they have a different logic of thinking. Teaching is a meaningful goal for him. It is during this period that the child begins to think about his future profession, he fantasizes about what he will be like.

Purpose of the program:

development of extracurricular activities,

most efficiently

forming in elementary school students

interest in the world of professions

and respect for working people.

  • to create a special environment in the gymnasium, allowing to foster a respectful attitude towards people of all professions;
  • to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe variety of professions in the modern world among younger students;
  • to teach schoolchildren through professional tests practical skills for self-service in the home, gymnasium;
  • develop and provide pedagogical support for the process of vocational guidance work in primary school.

Expected Result.

"The world of professions through the eyes of children" will allow schoolchildren and their parents to develop an understanding of the importance of purposeful early acquaintance with the world of professions and respect for any work, the need to gain knowledge about the diversity of professions, to form an attitude towards people of any kind of work as the highest value of society.
  • Creative contests and projects.
  • Extracurricular activities.
  • Meeting people of different professions.
  • Excursions to production.

1 class

1.Drawing competition: "My parents' professions"

2. Competition of poetry about professions



1. Quiz: "All works are good"

2.Holiday: "I can do everything myself"



2. Nurse

1.To the library

2. To the mail

Creative contests and projects

2nd grade



1.Project "Professions of our dads"

2.Crosswords about a variety of professions

Meeting people of different professions

1.KVN "When you become an adult"

2. Sports and game program: "Young firefighter"



2 the builder

1.To the store

2.To garment production

Creative contests and projects

Class 3



1. Drawing competition: "Kaleidoscope of future professions"

2. Poetry workshop: "Poems about my future profession"

Meeting people of different professions

1.Game program: "Kaleidoscope of professions"

2. Holiday: "All professions are needed, all professions are important"



2. Teacher

1.To the fire department

2.To the medical office

Creative contests and projects

4th grade



1. Test pen - composition: "Who do I see myself in the future"

2.Computer presentations: "All works are good - choose the taste!"

Meeting people of different professions

1. Oral magazine: "In the world of professions"

2. Sports and educational program: "Who to be?"


1. Firefighter

2. Educator

1.To the museum

2.To the telephone exchange

A wealth of acquaintance with the world of professions is lessons of knowledge of the world

Organization and conduct extracurricular activities everyone's favorite direction of pro-forwarding work.

Cool watch.

Holidays. Sports and game program:

"Young firefighter"

In each class, teachers are happy to use the following direction in career guidance work - excursions.

Interesting Conversations with invited experts .

My mother - Notary!

A notary is a very serious and responsible profession. It is not enough to know, but to be able to correctly apply your knowledge.

My mom is a teacher.

For every person, mom is the closest and dearest person on Earth.

For every student, a teacher is a mentor, educator, senior friend ... And my mother is a teacher.


Petrunko Valery

4 B class

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Keep it simple: Use consistent, simple styles and colors whenever possible.

Label all charts and tables.

Astana Office of Education

Gymnasium № 6 named. Y. Gurova



Performed by: student 1 "D" class DANIL MALASHENKO

We create conditions for instilling in schoolchildren a conscious attitude to work, a sense of duty when choosing a profession, love and respect for work and people of work,

respect for public property, natural resources and the environment.

The future belongs to those

A large place in vocational guidance work belongs to younger students. The created program "The world of professions through the eyes of children" allows you to plan work with younger students in such a way that at the first stage, passively searching, the primary professional choice is made. Its goal is to develop the interests and abilities of schoolchildren, create conditions for self-actualization of primary school students, and form the needs of children for professional self-determination. To implement these tasks, it is necessary to increase the number of additional education circles and electives, to involve schoolchildren in a variety of collective creative activities, to organize meetings with parents as professionals in certain areas of work. In addition, it is necessary to create a portfolio and folders of achievements, identify areas of preferred professional interests among junior schoolchildren, conduct outreach work in classroom hours, conduct excursions to enterprises, and organize creative contests.



In modern society, the problem of creating conditions for the successful professional self-determination of graduates of secondary educational institutions is becoming more and more urgent. Its most important aspect is the organization of support for the professional self-determination of students, taking into account their abilities and interests, as well as the needs of society.

In the context of the implementation of the experiment "Creation of a model of network interaction of educational institutions in the implementation of pre-profile training and specialized training in the educational space of the microdistrict", a Council was created that considers career guidance as a system of educational, socio-psychological and educational activities that contribute to the professional self-determination of school graduates modern labor market. In the operating mode of the experimental site, the most urgent task is to work out the option of pre-profile training for students, starting from elementary school. The key idea of \u200b\u200bthe experiment is the formation of schoolchildren's internal readiness for a conscious and independent choice of life and professional path, the creation of a really and effectively operating system for supporting professional self-determination in the context of network interaction of educational institutions of the microdistrict.

A large place in vocational guidance work belongs to younger students. The created program "The world of professions through the eyes of children" allows you to plan work with younger schoolchildren so that at the first stage, passively searching, the primary professional choice is made. Its goal is to develop the interests and abilities of schoolchildren, create conditions for self-actualization of primary school students, and form the needs of children in professional self-determination. To implement these tasks, it is necessary to increase the number of additional education circles and electives, to involve schoolchildren in a variety of collective creative activities, to organize meetings with parents as with professionals in certain areas of work. In addition, it is necessary to create a portfolio and folders of achievements, identify areas of preferred professional interests among junior schoolchildren, conduct information and educational work in classroom hours, conduct excursions to enterprises, and organize creative competitions.

Career guidance program at the I stage school

"The world of professions through the eyes of children"

The relevance of the creation of the program.

Modern society requires a person with a formed motivation for professional self-determination, competently versed in the modern labor market, able to make a conscious choice in favor of a particular profession at an earlier age. Younger school age is called the pinnacle of childhood. A child retains many childish qualities: frivolity, naivety, looking at an adult from the bottom up. But he already loses his childish spontaneity in behavior, they have a different logic of thinking. Teaching is a meaningful goal for him. It is during this period that the child begins to think about his future profession, he fantasizes about what he will be like. This age is characterized by curiosity, curiosity, a great desire and ability to collect information about the world of professions and willingly choose the appropriate role in play.
In the process of studying the difficulties of socialization of children, the main abilities that allow the child to overcome these difficulties were identified. One of these abilities is the ability for professional self-determination, which allows a child to enter into a variety of relationships with the world around him and at the same time remain himself. Through the choice of a profession, the child determines the place in life and the system of relations in which he will feel significant.
The teacher must organize special conditions for obtaining information about the world of professions through play activities. Play pedagogy is a method of pedagogical influence on children through the use of play as a means of teaching. It contributes to the creation of relationships between the subjects of the educational space, relieves stress, increases self-esteem, allows you to test yourself in different situations.

Purpose of creating the program

Development of extracurricular activities that most effectively form in younger schoolchildren an interest in the world of professions and respect for working people.

Determining the capabilities of teachers and parents (methodological, diagnostic, personal and organizational) in the implementation of the program "The world of work and profession in children's perception."

Program objectives.

Create a special environment at school that allows you to develop a respectful attitude towards people of all professions;

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe variety of professions in the modern world among younger students;

To teach schoolchildren through professional tests practical skills in self-service at home, school;

Develop and provide pedagogical support for the process of vocational guidance work in primary school.

Expected Result.

The program "The world of professions through the eyes of children" will help students and their parents develop an understanding of the importance of purposeful early acquaintance with the world of professions and a respectful attitude to any work, the need to gain knowledge about the diversity of professions, and to form an attitude towards people of any work as the highest value of society.

The teaching staff will study the scientific and theoretical foundations and practical experience of vocational guidance work with younger schoolchildren, the possibilities of lesson and extracurricular activities, will allow purposefully and consistently deal with issues of vocational guidance at primary school age;

The student will understand how diverse the world of professions is, what personal and professional qualities must be cultivated in oneself for the successful development of the chosen profession.

Sections of the program:

1 Creative contests and projects;

2 Extracurricular activities;

3 Meeting people of different professions;

4 Excursions to production;

Creative contests and projects



Meeting people of different professions


1 class

Drawing competition

"My parents' professions"

Profession poetry competition


"All works are good"


"I can do everything myself"



To the library


2nd grade


"The professions of our dads"

Crosswords about a variety of professions


"When you become an adult"

Sports and game program

"Young firefighter"



To the store

For sewing production

Class 3

Drawing Competition Kaleidoscope of Future Professions

Poetry workshop

"Poems about my future profession"

Game program

"Kaleidoscope of professions"




To the fire station

To the medical office

To treatment facilities

4th grade

Pen test - composition

"Who do I see myself in the future"

Computer presentations "All works are good - choose the taste!"

Oral journal

"In the world of professions"

" Who to be?"



To the museum

To the telephone exchange




Extracurricular activities according to the program

"The world of professions through the eyes of children"

1 class


"All works are good"


"I can do everything myself"

Class 3

Game program

"Kaleidoscope of professions"


"All professions are needed, all professions are important"

2nd grade


"When you become an adult"

Sports and game program

"Young firefighter"

4th grade

Oral journal

"In the world of professions"

Sports and educational program

" Who to be?"

1 class

Quiz "All works are good"

Goal: Enrich children's knowledge of various professions

1. Introduction.

Every day, millions of people go somewhere early from home. Where are they in a hurry?

Labor brings joy to a person. Work takes a big place in life. Thanks to the work of people, the country is getting richer. Your parents work, and therefore you have the opportunity to dress, renovate your apartment, relax, travel.

What do you know about your parents' work? Tell us.

Tell me, what is needed to go to work with joy and pleasure every day?

To do this, you need to find a job to your liking, choose such a profession,

So that she brings joy. Today in the lesson, remembering people

Of different professions, you will try to determine what you would like

Engage in the future.

Reading by children of V. Mayakovsky's poem "Who to be"

Choosing a profession to your liking is not easy, but you still have time to think and dream about who you will be when you grow up.

During our meeting, you will hear about many professions - try to write down their names, and by the end of the lesson you will have a whole list of professions from which you can choose the one that you liked the most. And the one with the longest list will receive a prize for attentiveness.

The student recites the poem by heart.

What is the first thing

Will the cat learn?

Grab it.

What is the first thing

Will the bird learn?

To fly.

What is the first thing

Will the student learn?

The kitten will grow up to be a cat

The same as everything in the world.

And the children read

And children dream.

And even their dad and mom don't know

Who the children will become, who will grow up.

Quiz 1.

Reading different books, we meet different heroes who became famous for their profession. And you, of course, will recognize them and will be able to name the characters and authors of these works.

1.The world's best nanny-governess, who once flew on an umbrella from nowhere

(Mary Poppins, P. Travers)

2. A teacher who had a very high opinion of herself. “With me,” she said, “both children and dogs become silk” (Freken Bock, A. Lindgren)

3 Of the three queens, one became a queen, the other a weaver, and the third?

(cook A.S. Pushkin)

4. The most famous postman living in the village of Prostokvashino

(Pechkin, E. Uspensky)

6. Fabulous veterinarian

(Aibolit K. Chukovsky)

Quiz 2

"Tell me a profession"

1. In a sea of \u200b\u200btreacherous goods and prices

The business ship is driven by ... ... a businessman.

2. Our computer is clean from malicious viruses,

Programs and files were saved by ... ... a programmer.

3. Solve problems clearly, quickly

The government should be ... ... ministers.

4. The fairest of all, friends,

Disputes will be decided by ... ..the judge.

5. Tall, slender, like a spruce

In a dress fashionable top ... ..model

6. Here's a drawing, where each size of a new part

Gave …… an engineer.

7. The viewer freezes in fear

In a cage with a tiger ... ... a tamer.

8. Hollow and den, house of foxes and birds

The forest is guarded reliably ... ... by a forester.

9. The oven hums like a samovar,

The steel is brewed in it ... ..the steelmaker.

10. And she did it to me yesterday

Two shots …… nurse.

11. The elephant or the mouse has a fever

They will be saved ... ... by the veterinarian.

12. Tear wiper

In our group ... ..the educator.

13. The kids know for sure

The food is delicious ... ... the chefs.

Quiz 3

Rhymes are written on the sheets. Compose poetry.

Traffic light - chauffeur

Talent - musician

Cheese cashier

Cucumbers - sellers

Quiz 4

What profession are people talking about?

They still argue about how the knowledge of schoolchildren should be assessed. In Russia “5” is the best mark, in Germany the best mark is “1”, in France there is a ten-point grading system. What is the name of the profession? (teacher)

People have faced environmental problems for a long time. Somewhere forests are being cut down mercilessly, somewhere the surface of the earth is polluted with debris. Who deals with these problems? (ecologist)

The imaginations and abilities of these people are endless. For example, one furniture factory produced a bed for those who have a dog at home. It has a special niche for a pet. This is very convenient for both the dog and the owner: the beloved dog sleeps next to him, but does not put its weight on his legs. (furniture designer)

Quiz 5

Try to come up with funny stories about what would happen if people of completely different professions did some work.

  1. ballerina swept the yard
  2. lessons at school were taught by a tiger tamer
  3. buns peck doctor
  4. a diver put out fires
  5. the librarian treated the sick
  6. the writer built houses
  7. the gardener brought letters to the house
  8. costumes sewed sailor
  9. the books in the library were given out by the janitor
  10. the artist cooked porridge and soup
  11. the musician was fishing
  12. children in kindergarten were raised by a stewardess
  13. a chimney sweep performed in the circus
  14. a pastry chef wrote the news to the newspaper

And at the end of our lesson, we need to determine who made the most complete list of professions (a prize is awarded) Calculate how many professions are on your list.

Holiday "I can do everything myself."


  1. foster respect for people of any profession;
  2. show the importance of work in human life;
  3. to acquaint students with different professions.

W: Dear guys! Today we will talk about labor. What is labor? Let's look at SI Ozhegov's Dictionary.

“Labor is a purposeful human activity aimed at creating material and spiritual values. Labor is work, occupation. Labor is an effort aimed at achieving something. Labor is the inculcation of skills and abilities in some professional, economic activity ”.

And according to the “Explanatory Dictionary” of Vladimir Dal, work is “work, occupation, exercise, business, everything that requires effort, effort, care”.

What is a profession? (the word “profession” is written on the board)

D: This is the work that people choose for themselves for life.

W: What professions do you know?

(children list the professions they know)

W .: What do you dream of becoming?

(students read the poem by Lev Kuklin "When we become adults ..")


Hurry to become us adults
Quite, very serious!
What do we dream about, what?

Student 2: - I will become a miner!

Student 3: - I am a photo reporter!

Disciple 4: - And I ... And I am a dentist!

Student 2:

Professions are wonderful, earthly and heavenly!
There are none in the world!

Disciple1: - I will be an engineer!

Pupil 2: -I am a policeman!

Disciple 3: - And I…. Still a secret!

Student 4:

When we become adults
Skillful, serious -
Then everything will be within our reach!

Student 3: - I will become an agronomist!

Disciple1: - And I'm an astronomer!

Student 2: -And I ... I will fly into space!

Student 3:

Comrades parents!
Here we are growing - builders.
And time speeds up the run ...
And the future is with us

And glorious deeds
We will meet the twenty-first century!

W: Of course, if you want to become someone, you have to learn a lot. It is not for nothing that the people say: “Learning to read and write is always useful. (the text of the proverb is on the board). What proverbs about labor do you know?

D: - He who loves work, people honor him.

Small business is better than big idleness.

It is not enough to want - you have to be able to.

Patience and work will grind everything.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

He who loves to work cannot sit idle.

Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.

W .: Let's imagine for a while a life without work: in school and at home, no one does anything, in shops, hospitals, factories, factories, on farms, everyone has a rest.

(Children are reading poetry. They are in the costumes of a dressmaker, doctor, driver, teacher, baker. Editing is recorded in the form of a film plot.)

Student 1:

Think what it would be
When would the tailor say:
- I don't want to sew dresses,
I'll have a day off!

Student 2:

And all the tailors in town
They went home after him.
People used to walk naked

Down the street in winter!

Student 3:

Think what it would be
When the doctor would say:
- I don't want to pull my teeth,
I will not, even though you cry!

Student 4:

Sick medical care
There wouldn't be any.
And you would sit and suffer
With a tied cheek.

Student 5:

Think what it would be
When would the driver say:
- I don't want to carry people, -
And he turned off the engine.

Student 6:

Trolleybuses, buses,
Covered with snow.
Factory workers
We would walk.

Student 7:

A teacher at school would say:
- Me this year
I don't want to teach children
I won't come to school!

Student 1:

Notebooks and textbooks
Would roll in the dust
And we would be uneducated
They grew up to old age.

Student 2:

Think what would
Suddenly trouble happened!
But this is the only way no one will ever do it!
And people will not give up the necessary work!

Student 3:

Teacher required
Will come to class the next morning.
And the bakers diligently
The bread will be baked for us.

Student 4:

Any business will be done
What do not entrust them
Tailors and shoemakers
Chauffeurs and doctors!

Student 5:

We are all a friendly family
We live in one country.
And everyone works honestly
In place in its place!

The guys perform the song "Joiners", lyrics by O. Vysotskaya, music by M. Krasev.

D: Prepare to listen carefully to the riddle poems, they will help to identify experts among you professions.

1 It is not easy to shoot animals.
The hare asks: - Hurry!
- I will inject, - the hedgehog threatens, -
If you don't send a picture! (photographer)

2 Paint yellow, lilac
I will dissolve in a bucket
And new clothes for the houses
I will give it to the housewarming! (painter)

3 Again lights over the street
Green fire traffic light
And in every booth he worries
Reliable companion ... (chauffeur)

4 Even in gloomy weather
These people are getting into the water!
The lamp on the back is shining -
The man is at the bottom! (diver)

5 Lays brick by brick
Floor by floor is growing
And every hour, every day
Higher, higher, new home. (builder, bricklayer)

6 Let the medicine not need to drink
Let the injections hurt a little,
You will come to her sick and sad -
You will leave healthy and cheerful. (nurse)

7 put dexterous two hands
Heels on shoes.
And heels on the heels -
Also the work of these hands! (shoemaker)

The "Shoemaker" scene is played out.


Equipment: high chair, stool, hammer, awl, large needle and thread, tube of glue, apron, pair of shoes, sneakers, other shoes.

A shoemaker in an apron sits on a chair, next to it is a stool on which tools are laid out. A shoemaker taps a shoe with a hammer.


Hammer knock knock knock!
All day to this knock
The shoemaker surprises everyone
The skill of skilled hands.

(Dasha appears with shoes in her hands.)

Dasha rushed to him.


My shoes are asking for porridge.
See them soon,
If possible, fix it.

Leading (walks up to the shoemaker, looks over his shoulder, watches what he is doing):

The master took the shoes in his hands,
He knocked with a hammer.
Sewn it up here and glued it there
And gave them back.

Dasha (having received shoes, gasps, presses them to himself and runs away):

Shoes just don't know
Even to wear for a holiday!


Then friend Vovk limped,
One sneaker on my feet.

Vovka appears in one sneaker. The presenter laughs and points to his bare foot.


I love football very much,
Only I succeeded in the goal
How the sole fell off
I barely got here to you.

(Gives the shoe to the Shoemaker, oversees the repair.)


Well, he will help Vovka too.

Shoemaker( holds out sneakers to Vovka):

Get your sneakers
Put them on quickly
Play more carefully!

(Other children come up to the Shoemaker, give him the shoes one by one, and leave.)

This is how the people walk all day
Different shoes carry:
Shoes, boots, boots -


The master has no hitch.

(She looks over the shoemaker's shoulder again.)

Cuts, glues, sews up,
He puts shoes on everyone again.

(Children appear, receive “ready-made” shoes back.)

From under these good hands

Only heard: "Knock-knock-knock!" Everyone goes out to bow.

Children sing the song "There is always a job for skilled hands!" muses. A. Alexandrova, lyrics M. Ivenson or "Harvest" muses. A. Filippenko, lyrics T. Volgina.

W: Guys! Let's see what skillful hands you have!

Contests are held: 1. "Peel the potatoes"

2. "Sew a button"

3. “Get your little sister for a walk”

4. “Hammer in the nail”.

Children perform the song “I can do everything” muz.A. Lepina, lyrics S. Mikhalkova

D: Well done! You are familiar with many professions. They guessed them correctly, recognized them. You can do a lot with your own hands. This can be seen from the exhibition of your works.

Pupils perform ditties:

Every city, every house

Created by joyful labor.

No job, no labor

You can't build a city. (The last 2 lines are repeated twice)

A crash is heard under the ground -
Then the miner went into the face.
No job, no labor
Ore will not be obtained.(last 2 lines are repeated twice)

The excavator started walking -
Will dig a channel in the steppe.
No job, no labor
Water will not go into the fields. (The last 2 lines are repeated twice)

The machines knock in the bodies -
The man is glad to work.
Singing, whispers rye:
-You can't live without labor!

That's over, guys. (The last 2 lines are repeated twice)
Student 1:
A story about professions.
You will choose sometime
Suitable for you.

Student 2:

But let's not rush
One can only dream.
Everyone needs to learn a lot,
To become a specialist!

Student 3:

So that they are proud of you later,
By your labor grasp,
To be masters
You are in any profession!

D: Dear friends! We spent a wonderful holiday with you. While preparing for it, you learned a lot about the work of adults.

Only he is happy who pleases others with his work. It is very important that each person chooses a business they like. They say about such a person that he is a master - golden hands. I wish you the right choice of your path in life. Remember,that all professions are needed, all professions are important!

2nd grade

KVN "When you become an adult"

Goal: expand knowledge about professions.


Guys, Muravishka, attending school, became so cheerful, resourceful, quick-witted that in his anthill he organized the “Club of the cheerful and resourceful”. And today he and the Wise Turtle are conducting KVN on the topic "All professions are needed, all professions are important"

Do you want to participate in it?

Guys, each of you dreams of becoming someone, getting some kind of profession. You will become adults and do your own thing. At home, you drew pictures in which you portrayed yourself as adults. (Students go to the board, show their drawings, and pin them to the board.)

We looked at your drawings and found out what kind of adult you will be. But this will be in the future, and now we are starting KVN!

Are the teams ready? (3 rows - 3 teams)

  1. Warm-up competition.

Who has been to all seas?

Who was in control of the wheel? 1 team

He is familiar to you all for a long time,

He is called ... (sailor)

Who comes to paint the house

With a long brush and a bucket? 2 team

This master is familiar to everyone

He is called ... (painter)

In a snow-white cap,

Soiled in flour

Butter rolls bake 3 team

And he gives it to the guys.

Salesperson or pharmacist?

No, of course it's ... (baker)

4. Competition "Start with the letter P".

The teams are named one after another for one profession, which

Starts with the letter P (carpenter, baker, postman, hairdresser,

Programmer, salesman, singer, tailor, pianist, poet, ...)

  1. Contest "Guess"

Who sits at the patient's bedside? 1 team

And he tells everyone how to be treated;

Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,

Those who are healthy are allowed to take a walk. (doctor, doctor)

He teaches kids

To love nature,

Respect old people. (teacher)

Tell me who is so delicious

Cooking cabbage soup, team 3

Smelling cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes. (cook)

We get up very early, 1 team

After all, our concern is

Take everyone to work in the morning. (driver)

Will guide a glass eye

Click once - team 2

And we remember you. (photographer)

We must fight with fire -

We are brave workers

We are partners with water. 3 team

Everyone needs us very much.

So who are we? (firefighters)

  1. Competition "Show your profession"

The commands show the movements corresponding to the intended profession. Other teams guess.

  1. Competition "Overtake"

The teacher reads the description of the profession. The task is to determine as quickly as possible what kind of profession it is. If the answer is incorrect, the right to answer passes to another team.

a) Eyes run wild from the many colorful covers. How to find among such an abundance of books the most interesting one with the most beautiful pictures? This person will help you choose a book. He asks what you like more: fairy tales or stories about animals, adventures or funny poems? He will lead you to the shelf where these wonderful books are. (Librarian)

B) The puppy is sick. Yesterday he was barking loudly and gnawing at Daddy's slippers. And today he has given up food and does not want to play. He put his sad little face on his paws and lies, indifferent to everything. A doctor who treats animals knows how to help your friend. He will carefully examine the sick baby, touch his nose, feel the stomach and give medicine.


C) This work is difficult and dangerous. This is a rare profession. Only real men choose her. Strong, courageous, resourceful. They are called underwater craftsmen. They have a lot of work to do. They build piers and bridges, fortify sandy shores, and examine the seabed. And, of course, they save people and ships that have been wrecked.


D) It seems that the forest grows by itself and the owner of the forest is everyone who wants to come to it. But this is not the case. The forest has a real owner. He grows and protects the forest, looks after it. He has many concerns and responsibilities. On barely perceptible paths, at a leisurely pace, he goes around his forest quarters. Notices where the storm has dropped trees, where many forest pests have appeared. He looks for sick and dead trees and if there is a smell of smoke: a forest fire is a disaster. He knows what kind of animals and birds live here. (Forester)

  1. Competition "What is it and who needs it?"

If you throw it into the river, it doesn't sink,

If you hit the wall, it doesn't moan.

Throw you on the floor -

Will fly upward (Ball)

We are nimble sisters

Craftswomen run fast.

We lie in the rain, we run into the snow.

This is our regime. (Skiing)

I do not wander through the woods

And through the mustache, through the hair.

And my teeth are longer

Than wolves and bears. (Comb)

Will not agree

She lie to no avail

Who knows the craftswoman

Diligent ... (needle)?

In a field of black a white hare

He jumped, ran, made loops.

The trail behind him was also white.

Who is this hare? (a piece of chalk)

I'll tell you a secret, without boasting,

I am steel, angry, toothy. (Saw)

  1. Captains competition.

The bag contains various tools. Children feel the object and name it.

  1. Summarizing.

The results of the competition between the teams are summed up.

The tractor drives ... the tractor driver

Electric train ... driver

The walls were painted ... by the painter

The board was carved ... by the joiner

The light was spent in the house ...

... a chauffeur is working in the mine

In a hot forge ... a blacksmith

Who knows everything ... well done

Sports and game program "Young firefighter"

Goal: consolidate the knowledge of children on fire safety,

Introduce the profession of firefighters,

Promote the formation of life safety skills.

Leading: The fire! Millions of years ago, people learned to mine it. He played an extremely important role - he warmed in the cold, helped to get and prepare food, and protected from wild animals. Primitive man first learned to preserve fire, then to extract it and control it. Without fire, people would not only not have survived, but they would not have become people in the true sense of the word. Yes, fire is man's old friend. But we often forget about fire as a friend. But with its help, many useful things are done. It serves in everyday life and in production. And the guys are ready to defend the fire as our friend.

1. We are without good fire
You can't do a day.
He is reliably friends with us.
Drives cold. Drives darkness.
He's a welcoming flame
Raises like a flag.
All good fire is needed.
And for that he is honored,
That the guys are warming dinner

Cuts steel and bakes bread.

Leading: Steelworkers, electric welders and people of other professions have learned to use the beneficial properties of fire.

2. Have you seen how he controls the fire?
He is wearing an iron mask.
Here is a house being built - look in the morning,
He sits in the wind in a quilted jacket.
He cooked the supports of mighty bridges.
He cooked vessels from huge sheets ...
He can weld iron with iron!
He is a good wizard, what can I say.

Leading: With careless handling, fire often turns from a faithful friend into a merciless enemy, which in a matter of minutes destroys what was created by long years of hard work. It sweeps away everything in the way, and it can be difficult to stop it.

3. He is always different,
Amazing fire
That ugly brawler,
That quiet from quiet.
Then he is a hasty snake
The bark glides on dry.
That shaggy red mane
Blazing at dawn.

4. Here on a match, as on a branch,
The blue leaf is shaking.
Here, breaking the bars of the cage,
The predator makes a throw.

5. Yes, fire is different -
Pale yellow, bright red.
Blue or gold
Very kind, very angry.

6. In case of fire, in case of fire
Every citizen knows:
In case of fire, in case of fire
Dial "01".
And now the cars are red
They hurry to dangerous places
Passers-by keep away -
Firefighters are in a hurry.
(Knock on the door)

Leading: Let's see who came to us? (An adult walks in in a fireman costume)

Firefighter: Hello guys!
We must fight the fire
We are partners with water.
Everyone needs us very much,
So who are we?
Children: Firefighters.

Firefighter: Well done guys, guess who I am. Now you will learn a lot of new and useful things for yourself. Very brave and brave people - firefighters - are sent to fight fires. Throwing themselves into fire, smoke to save people, property, they often forget about their own lives. Firefighters now have modern technology at their disposal. Since fires occur in different places, at different objects that are completely different from each other, the fire fighting equipment is very diverse. And now I invite you to train.

Leading: Dear Guys! Today we dedicate our relay race to people whose work is connected with fire brigades. The firefighter is a hero, he is in a difficult service and risks his life every minute. The tasks that will be given will help you test your strength, knowledge, dexterity, skills. If you cope with them, then you can be considered a fire assistant. For winning the competition, you will receive a star.
(A boy dressed as a fireman comes out and reads a poem.)

7. I don't want to be a new Russian,
I don't want a convertible.
I will be brave a fireman -
There will be no troubles in the city.
People will smile
and say thank you,
And fires and alarms
Bypass the side.
Firefighter's work is not easy
He is dangerous and harsh.
If you want to be a firefighter
Be ready for everything!
The alarm clock sleeps in the middle of the night
You are flying on the pavement:
Someone's house is on fire
The gray smoke is a wall.
In the silence the siren howls
Calming down in the rain
Unknown heroes
Bravely fighting fire.
The smoke is gone, the fire is extinguished
A new challenge lies ahead.
People are sleeping, the firefighter is putting out.
So days run after days.
People, be careful!
Take care of your hearth!
I want in your house
Pain and darkness did not stay.
After school by all means
I'll go to the fire department.
I will be strong, dexterous, brave-
In life I will not be lost.

(Students perform ditties)

We gathered here today
To show agility.
Learn to be a firefighter
And do not create a fire

Very hard work -
Wear a gas mask.
You all the guys learn
He will help you out more than once.

That matches are not a toy
Everyone knows, everyone knows.
Don't give matches to children
Otherwise it will be a big trouble.

When you leave the house
Don't forget to check again
Has everything turned off the appliances,
Will there be a fire

Light a fire at home
It is strictly prohibited,
So how can that fire
Spill over to the house.

If you suddenly see smoke
Something lights up
Call 01,
Everything will be settled right away.

It is appropriate to remind everyone here,
That you can't joke with fire.
Do it everywhere
These are the rules, friends!
(Everyone is singing)
Do it everywhere
These are the rules, friends!

Firefighter: There are two teams participating in our competition. I will ask them to introduce themselves.

Team "Sparkles"
The motto "In case of fire as one we dial 01"

Team "Lights"
Motto: "A boy and a girl know matches are not toys for children"

Competition 1 "Call for firefighters"

Leading: Help will come on time
If you make the right call.
Dial the required number,
And show me how to do it.

Firefighter: "Zero-One" to be able to dial.
And to name it later
City, street and house
And the apartment where you live
And with what lock it is.
And also say: “I give you my surname,
Also phone number,
With whom I stand. "
Terms of the competition: Run to the phone, pick up the phone, shout: "01" Come, we're on fire! " Return back in a straight line, pass the baton. 5 people from each team participate in the competition.

Competition 2 "Gathering the fire brigade"

Leading: Firefighters have special clothing to protect them from fire. Imagine that you are a fire brigade. You need to quickly put on overalls (in this case, conditionally, it will be your personal outerwear)
each in turn runs up to the “hanger” with clothes and quickly puts them on, returns to the team, handing over the baton by hand. Whose team will complete the task faster? Two people from each team.

Firefighter: And now I invite the fans to play the game “Make no mistake”. I will name the words, and when you hear a word relating to fire, you should jump up and clap your hands. (Fireman cake, saw, fire extinguisher, package, brush, helmet, fire hose, music notes, fire, matches, 01, bandage.)

Leading: I invite team members to take part in the next competition, which is called "Salvation". Children's soft toys are tied to the bar of the gymnastic wall (according to the number of team members). At the signal of the leader, the first player of each team runs to his own ladder, climbs, unties one of the toys, returns to the team and passes the baton to the next player. Whose team will complete the task faster?

Competition 4: "Everything is in smoke"

Firefighter: When rescuing, firefighters have to move along a smoky corridor. To avoid getting carbon monoxide poisoning, they use gas masks. Along the length of the hall, the facilitator's assistants hold the hoops - this is the corridor along which you need to run. On the opposite side is a gas mask for each team. The first participants have them too. At the command of the leader, you need to put on a gas mask on yourself and run after another to bring it for the next member of the team, when the second student puts on the GP-5, holding hands, they pass through the hoops. The first removes the gas mask to stay on the safe side of the smoke, and hands it to the second, who must pass it on to the third. The action is repeated.

Competition 5 "Power outage"

Leading: In order to extinguish the fire, the electricity must be turned off. If this is not done, then electric shock is inevitable. Water is a conductor of electricity. Each participant must climb the Swedish ladder to remove the rope from the upper crossbar (disconnect the harness). Rope segments are connected together. The jury compares the length of the ropes.

Competition 6 "Fire extinguishing"

Firefighter: To defeat the fire
It must be extinguished quickly!
Buckets of water stand near the teams. Empty buckets on the opposite side.
The hosts have disposable cups that will be passed from hand to hand to the next participants. With a glass you need to collect water and, without spilling it, bring it to another bucket. Who will bring more water?

Firefighter: All of you put in your strength
And you put out the fire.
It was hard, hard.
But skill and dexterity
It saved us from disaster.


Leading: {!LANG-178e8f5a2b0794561c3a866c80995e82!}

Firefighter: {!LANG-bbc206dece82f7b9064db9531b9728b1!}












Leading: {!LANG-58447ab4d841a14e8224073950ae49cc!}


Firefighter: {!LANG-f06ef38f5015ff7d49c803eb6ea841bc!}



{!LANG-0c4e93268b623a91d1dc6564e57519db!} {!LANG-6439ce1b1116cd97f3f4dc7f32ae6c70!}


{!LANG-406f05f2b234992cdf5233fbb893b786!} {!LANG-64ebcd1fbc068931680e02161ff59eee!}




Goal: {!LANG-e66c15fe3534049ea15217844ff264d3!}


{!LANG-39cb3cbc0bf8eaebd190d011bced9548!}{!LANG-b9716caa96737f4980a75bcdb64568a8!} {!LANG-fea7019c89791acc37fa006e8655dcf8!}
{!LANG-02929823c4063a06e2e058f93efb2aa5!}{!LANG-13529dd7dbc178a26970a61521801dce!} {!LANG-77ed58ef15ba9c7b468078e45660f7c1!}







{!LANG-989b4455f6f190d626e45d6565c2e2c4!} {!LANG-1f520bc3f152c354c7373120860b1275!}


Heels on shoes.



























{!LANG-4d5bc03e6a8503513a3643df1b3b7346!} {!LANG-083a1a55ce5be392dfbce786817d2912!}
















































































Every city, every house

Created by joyful labor.

No job, no labor




No job, no labor




No job, no labor































































{!LANG-384384012da1cc04e6f022bcf59cc4e8!} {!LANG-3f9f30eb05e3ec7642e98c24396055b6!}

Will guide a glass eye




Smelling cutlets,





Everyone needs us very much.


























- {!LANG-1f0a73193e131269c1070809806c6fa2!}{!LANG-d0da5eabde7db7a5879c1be9e38b2415!}







I'll have a day off!



People used to walk naked





I will not, even though you cry!




With a tied cheek.




And he turned off the engine.




We would walk.




I won't come to school!




They grew up to old age.

























Oral journal







  1. {!LANG-36a5e093c63c28888cc1d02733bfb79f!}




I'll have a day off!








I will not, even though you cry!




With a tied cheek.




And he turned off the engine.




We would walk.




I won't come to school!




They grew up to old age.























  1. {!LANG-6e3b7e5d2932539ab72bcfe67f87b92f!}






  1. {!LANG-d5111001d8d3232d952edb5b0f79d004!}










  1. {!LANG-c4be5124ddcd252c8e692cd2225d05c9!}










  1. {!LANG-eb06e0c39de32a7a86bf28d526e93adf!}





  1. {!LANG-88e82681fdc9d98449915412662db5ae!}

























  1. {!LANG-8d49314e0dc30b8a13ae9b739ba044cd!}
  2. {!LANG-c0cd748224fcc6086f8ed2e6f3664a23!}
  3. {!LANG-f74bcb757d234ade0866441542c9569d!}



















































  1. {!LANG-99ae1568cd8c7b3c8ec1b4a4c58f996b!}
  2. {!LANG-73354e0e9bc5ec47ae3530b1816f2aa5!}: {!LANG-01579a5fb7406bbd814ec2add550d575!}
  3. {!LANG-164212731fdaddfce7d3e684ae050537!}
  4. {!LANG-8672dbd97b50bdccc3ce89e9c44935e1!}
  5. {!LANG-0b8b4d08081ae171f79b0f79575a3290!}



















































  • {!LANG-64f549399446970e2f92d1d3baa96f8e!}
  • {!LANG-096cee5f45914130d2b0f09ed22396a1!}
  • {!LANG-b40093a7085d21e71fd80d1fc03ca738!}
  • {!LANG-d53849b61254eb6ca3f801ddeb957cda!}
  • {!LANG-399d7180139db85582fe60db35350216!}




























  • {!LANG-6caf5b2d9930385821d244b6cb4a6453!}
  • {!LANG-088458af7712d6fd7d949ee334b6e1a2!}
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