What does it mean if the chief is dreaming. Dream Interpretation: What does the boss dream, see the boss what means

What does it mean if the chief is dreaming. Dream Interpretation: What does the boss dream, see the boss what means

Such a dream shows not only your working relationships, but also career prospects in activities, relationships with a specific profession. By how he behaves with you, communicates, someone scolds or praise, it is possible to determine what kind of vision means in a dream.

If you want to understand the meaning of the dream why you dreamed of the boss, pay attention to the situation and the situation. As far as it can be real and possible in life. That's what the chief is dreaming most often.

Normal dream

Head, even in a dream, rarely calls to himself "on the carpet" just like that. As in life and in reality, his words can be important and prophetic to your promotion, work and well-being. Whether the dream will come true or not, largely depends on the likelihood of various events in reality.

If you know the various shortcomings and flaws or trying to cover the imperfection of your actions not only in a dream, but also in reality, the dream that the chief is dissatisfied with you and scolds, can become a literal omen.

However, there are rare, self-critical personalities who are more accused of themselves what the boss makes it. As a rule, such a dream may decline to an increase or an unexpected additional task and a good premium.

Therefore, the same dream in which the Chef is dissatisfied and scolds you, Dream Interpretation pushes in different ways, as well as the usual dream. Criterion become the usual or unusual event, as well as its real probability in reality. If it is predictable, it is clear and justifies your premonitions or fears are justified, then this dream has a great probability to come true, as in a dream.

However, see bright, as if extended paintings or feel emotions, can not come true at all and become the result of reflections or fears. In reality, they may not come true and stay in memory until the next day, when it becomes clear that everything goes to the usual one.

Unexpected appearance

What dreams of the head unexpected for you, who behaves very strictly and even so, is trying to give you instructions in a rough form or scold for disadvantages? Such a dream most often foreshadows you anger and trouble. See that he is Hmur, dissatisfied or says that you no longer work - a bad sign. It can be the beginning of a real dismissal. Such a dream foreshadows you a serious and unpleasant conversation that may end up not as you want.

What dreams of the head affectionate and frivolous? Dream Interpretation writes that he can see him excited as your own ambitious plans, the desire to see a man in it, even if he is happily married and his real intentions. If you do not make any plans and hopes on it.

Kissing him in a dream to what dreams? See how it hugs, especially in the elevator, reflects not only an erotic subtext, but also a complete understanding, good performance and work. If you see in a dream, what is interesting to him, as a woman, in reality, he will show interest to you, but not erotic, but the usual one.

Most likely, you will find yourself an ideal employee. Sometimes kissing with him foreshadows an unexpected and quick increase or supply of hands and hearts or intimate relations from him. But such a dream dream interpretation is so only if you do not have an intimate interest or desire to get married for a rich and secured man.

Kissing with him in the car or under the presentation of awards - to an unexpected increase. If he thanks and hugs you on some ceremony or presentation - wait for an unexpected offer that can contribute to your career. If the boss is a woman, then such a dream foreshadows you to improve relations with the boss and confidence in it.

See that the Chef embraces the other, while you have an intimate relationship - to betrayal and the break of relationships with him. Also, after such a dream, there is a possibility of dismissal.

What dreams of the chief is affectionate and attentive, as before, while you broke out all the relationship with him? He remembers you. If the relationship is not finally spoiled, it is not too late to change everything. Try to learn about it or establish a relationship with him, although, after such a vision, you can unexpectedly meet him or learn news from common acquaintances.

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Head in a dream: What do dreams say

Popular dream interpreters provide such decodents of dreams about the boss:

Who dreamed of the head

A dream in which the girl is looking for his boss, but can not find, says that the dream is experiencing some feelings towards the head. Sleeping should not clearly show the signs of attention to the head, because her feelings are unrequited, and excessive obsession can lead to dismissal. The manager gave too many tasks? In reality, sleeping is tired of work and needs vacation.

If a woman becomes the boss, then her appearance in a dream indicates the uncertainty of the dreams in itself and its attractiveness. If the manager was too aggressive, it means that the girl should be attentive to work and not allow mistakes.

According to Freud's dream book, the boss, appeared in a dream of a woman - a sign that the dream reviews him as a sexual partner. For a man, such a dream indicates envy to the head and the desire to take his place.

A man who saw a woman head in a dream can prepare for a romantic meeting. Relationships will lead to marriage. If the boss in a dream dismissed the dream, it means that it is waiting for it to increase his service and increase wages.

Details of dreams

The head of the man dreams in the event that the leadership is soon to be changed. The old authorities will be retired, and the director's seat will take someone from the close people of sleeping.
If the boss came home to the dream, then this suggests that he pays little attention to the family

If a woman performed in the role of the head, it means that the dream should prepare for important changes in fate. The dream, in which the dreams came up with the boss, foreshadows the change of work, which will cause dissatisfaction with the current manager.

See your boss along with the leaders of other companies - to the rapid marriage.

What did the boss looked in a dream

Remember, in what form a manager appeared in front of you:

  1. Drunk. Sleeping feels his superiority over the boss and is capable of putting pressure on it. Such a vision promises a quick increase. If a woman saw a dream, she should be afraid of harassment from the chef.
  2. Naked. Sleep points to the awkwardness of the dream. As a rule, such a vision often comes to people who have just changed the work. Also, such a vision can be an impetus for changing the scope of activity.
  3. Dead. The enterprise on which the dreams works will soon go out, so the sleeping is worth looking for a new job.
  4. Giving orders. Such a dream promises a slight improvement in the material position of sleeping.
  5. Swearing. The dream is waiting for a small premium.
  6. Evil. The relationship of sleeping with the beloved is filled with difficulties. It is worth preparing for parting or start to pay more time to your partner.

Saw in the chair of the head of the new leader? You should be more resolute if you want to achieve success.

The pregnant boss, rewarding in a dream, will lead to sleeping pleasant changes. It is worth expecting adding in the family if the manager appeared in the dream house. If the boss was in the workplace - wait for income.

What happened in a dream

To more fully decipher the night vision, you need to remember what actions were made in a dream:

Saw in a dream office director? You will be expected to increase the service and price salary.

The dismissal of the chief in a dream indicates that the dreams dreams of take his place. If, in a dream, you saw yourself in the director's chair, it means you are a very ambitious and purposeful man. If you fulfill your work qualitatively and conscientiously, then soon sleep will be reality.

Dreams of the boss may foresee different events. However, if the head began to appear in night vision too often, it means that you should pay attention to loved ones. Probably because of the immersion in the work you completely forgot about your loved ones.

Learn from online dreams, what is the head of the head, reading below the answer in the interpretation of the authors of the interpreters.

Leader what dreams in a dream?

Dream of the XXI century

What does the leader dream and what:

The head - the CEO of your concern or a firm with you foreshadows you quick promotion or promotion. Being them yourself - you have a good earnings, do not miss your chance. Deciding with him production issues - to participate in an important conference or a business trip.

To dream of his head - a good sign, you will reach the goal. Talking with him - you may be raised or transferred to a higher paying job.

Having dreamed, the head (immediate supervisor) - the head of the complex situation at work, discuss with him production issues - you will have the possibility of additional earnings.

See in a dream of a big businessman - to the upcoming big expensesrelated to the organization of some event, possibly family.

If in a dream you are the head or owner of a restaurant or a hotel, then such a dream promises you a lot of money, an unexpected winnings or an emergency profit. Being in a dream by the owner of second-hand or commission store - it means that if you soon take the wrong or erroneous solution, it will turn for you with great problems or financial losses.

If in a dream you considered yourself a free person and suddenly the owner appears, then such a dream is a reflection of your incompetence in the work.

If in a dream you are a leader of a group of people or an informal organization - such a dream foreshadows you trouble because of your stubbornness, pride and pride. Being in a dream the leader of the criminal group - means that you need to be especially attentive when communicating with people, so as not to say something too much. Head in a dream the mafia structure is the foresight of the problems because of friends or relatives, and you will have to help them be released from a dirty case or big trouble.

Dream Wander (Terentia Smirnova)

Interpretation of the head from your sleep

The head is the order of the house and at work. Himself be a manager - closer, rushing the events; discontent with the course of affairs. Manage you - to be a slave of your passions, on a walk in someone's game. See add. Command.

Today, almost any vision can be expanded. After all, each symbol in Guest bears important information, sending for sleeping, and if they decipher it, you can learn a lot about your reality in reality.

For example, you saw in the dream of your own chief. What is it for? Agree that the bosses dream of infrequently, and most likely, it is not at all what I would like to see in Gresses.

Not only have to deal with the leadership in reality, which is not always nice to us, so also in a dream it's not to get rid of it! Of course, the bosses are different, sometimes they even cause sympathy. But in dreams, even this image is symbolized, and is unique.

Upon learning what the chief is dreaming, many will be surprised. Since often such dreams are connected by meaning with something, not at all dealing with work and to this person directly.

To find the right interpretation, you need to choose the right option from those that offers a dream book:

  • Just see the boss in a dream.
  • Dreamed his head, real, as if in reality.
  • Former director appeared in a dream.
  • See in the Gresses of a stranger as a leader.
  • Be in this role yourself.
  • It seems that the boss is a woman.
  • Familiar man, relative, friend in a dream as bosses.
  • I had to kiss in gold with the boss or he hugs you.
  • Meet the director in a dream, kissing, or marry him.
  • Dream drunk director.

Whether the former boss had dreamed, or even if it was necessary to kiss in Gres with the head, or he appeared suddenly in a dream before you drunk to the disgrace, it is not surprising. And even more so you do not need to feel naively that exactly the same events are waiting for you.

These are symbols, and they have their own meanings, pure metaphorical. In addition, a drunken boss or hugging you may testify in addition to all other things about your thoughts about him.

So, before you look for, what dreams of the head, you think and answer honestly, and does he occupy your thoughts, especially before bedtime? If so, then look for values \u200b\u200bin the dream room there is no great point. In the rest of the same cases, the answers will help you in reality and will open a lot of secrets.

What is preparing fate?

Most often, it was so necessary, the image of the chief itself is not joyful and positive. Such cases when someone relates well to their own guide, rather are exceptions in our everyday life.

But, nevertheless, if the chief is dreaming, a real or ex, this is nothing wrong with the promise. Such dreams are often associated with the working sphere.

And also often the dream book hints at the position of the dream - or he suffers from the need to obey, or, on the contrary, he lacks it. Read more Dreambook will describe each plot.

1. To see the head in the Gresses, as the dream will say, foreshadows irritation, annoyance or anger. It does not promote some particular troubles or misfortunes, but something will cause you such emotions - and think if there are real foundations for them.

After all, these sensations, if they are frequent and excessive, can lead to stress, and still - spoil relationships with others. Be calmer.

2. Such a dream in which the boss appeared by your real, as if alive in reality, indicates your fear and uncertainty before this person. It is worth understanding that he is not a beast, and try to call him confidence. Your fear is unfounded and nerazenumen, he not only does not decorate your working days, but also does not give you to develop in the business sector.

3. If a former director appeared in a dream, the dream book hints at your past. It remained some incomplete cases, maybe you left a certain former project, without bringing to the end, and he can bring success. Think what is worth returning to?

4. To see an unfamiliar person in the role of the head in the role of the head, this is a symbol that you have lacking a guide. You are too independent, and would not hurt (in moderation and reasonable) to play the role of a subordinate - not in work, but in the personal sphere too.

This is especially true for which it is reasonable and wisely obeyed a man. This is a need to disclose your female nature.

5. And if you were in a dream in this role, the dream book says that your ambitions are really justified, there are foundations for them. Introduces more effort and labor, and then you will achieve much.

6. Snovidice to see that her bosses in a dream is a woman means one thing. You yourself are unsure in your femininity, and subconsciously consider that other fair sex representatives are stronger and better than you. It is worth learning to develop self-confidence, develop your female strength.

7. Saw in a dream by the head of his friend a person (this can be anyone, even though a husband, at least a relative or neighbor)? This suggests that it becomes influenced and even the pressure on you of this person is too large.

8. Dream interpretation knows what it means to kiss with his own director in Gresses. It is possible that your secret fantasies are being projected about this man, and it will not be worth thinking about it.

If you are perplexed and you would not even have to kiss him with him, then this means that in reality you need that the man is stronger than you, and led in your pair.

9. If you meet with the boss in a dream or even walked under the crown - know that the work takes you too much space, and your personal life does not have almost time.

10. And a drunk director in a dream is a special sign. This is a symbol of your disrespect and dislike. If a drunken head appeared in a dream, think about your real attitude towards him.

After your interpretation is found, do not hurry with conclusions. Think about how to use knowledge now to make life happier. It is in your hands, and let the dream book helps! Posted by: Vasilina Serov

Relationship with the boss in a dream can have two interpretation options:

1. Dear a person who is not related to your work, for example, a spouse (a), a native brother or sister, one of the parents or a close friend becomes your boss. If someone from the "non-working" environment becomes the boss, most likely, you think that this person has excessive pressure on you and too controls your life; With your secretly permission, the relationship with this person is transferred to the plane of the dominant control from its part. The place of action of such a dream can be both a place of work and a completely distilled atmosphere. And the place where you work and your new chief is associated with the area in which you experience excess control on its part.

2. Consider the opposite transformation - your boss becomes your brother or sister, my spouse / spouse or someone else, who is completely far from the role of the service mentor. If the boss breaks into your personal life in the image of a loved one, it may have come time to evaluate his work: workolism is the destroyer of many families. If your job filled the place allotted in real life Other people, most likely, it's time to evaluate emotions embedded in it. A positive aspect of such sleep can be the collegiality of the collegiality or warning to exhaust emotional resources caused by your work.

In conclusion, let's say that if you dream your boss in the usual working environment, it means that for any reason you are in the work of stress. Generally speaking, see dreams about his work - especially if it is no noticeable dream in the present temporary gap - this is a sign that you have earned or do not cope with the work on time.

Interpretation of dreams from Loffa Dream

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See the head of the head

Interpretation of dreams from a cannel depression

What does dream bossary mean

Conduct with the boss or himself to be a boss - the dream promises success in all matters under the patronage of an important person.

Imagine that you are with the boss on a friendly leg. You are together on one party and drink wine on Brucershaft.

Interpretation of dreams from Simeon Simeon Simeon

See the boss in a dream

The victims of the boss - a sign of his care in reality from his post in connection with the increase, moving, retirement, illness or death.

There will be many applicants for the vacation place, but sleep predicts that you can take this place if you initiate the initiative.

Interpretation of dreams from Dreamnoy Rommel

What do dreams mean the boss

The boss is to see his own, as in reality - the fear of this man lives in you, achieve his trust, and your fear will pass.

The unfamiliar - you lack the boss "over".

Look for a subordinate position or role, and you will feel more comfortable.

See yourself by the boss - your ambitions are fully justified, and if you attach a little strength, they will be satisfied.

Son talks about the unresolved problem of subordination.

Interpretation of dreams from Esoteric Dream

Value of dreams Head.

If you dreamed that you are talking to your boss, then in real life you will experience a lot of trouble and excitement.

They received a reprimand from the boss - a profitable deal will be held in reality. To the young leader, this dream foreshadows great success in all matters.

He dreamed that you were the director themselves, - soon you will be caught by surprise. Perhaps you have to fight for the implementation of plans that are not destined to come true.

If a young woman sees in the dream of his head Nagim, then her financial situation will not improve too much.

I dreamed that you are with your director in an informal setting, - no one will help you in a difficult situation. You have a very strong opponent and circumstances are not in your favor.

D. Lofoff wrote so much about such dreams: "Relations with the boss in a dream may have two interpretation options.

1. Dear a person who is not related to your work, for example, a spouse (a), a native brother or sister, one of the parents or a close friend becomes your boss.

If someone from the "non-working" environment becomes the boss, most likely, you think that this person has excessive pressure on you and too controls your life; With your secretly permission, the relationship with this person is transferred to the plane of the dominant control from its part. The place of action of such a dream can be both a place of work and a completely distilled atmosphere. And the place where you work and your new chief is associated with the area in which you experience excess control on its part.

2. Consider the opposite transformation - your boss becomes your brother or sister, my spouse / spouse or someone else, who is completely far from the role of the service mentor.

If the boss breaks into your personal life in the image of a loved one, it may have come time to evaluate his work: workolism is the destroyer of many families.

If your work filled the place allotted in real life to other people, most likely, it's time to evaluate emotions invested in it. A positive aspect of such sleep can be the collegiality of the collegiality or warning to exhaust emotional resources caused by your work.

In conclusion, let's say that if you dream of your boss in the usual, work environment, it means that for any reason you are in the work of stress for any reason. Generally speaking, see dreams about her work - especially if it is no remarkable dream in the present temporary € m - it is a sign that you have earned or do not cope with work on time. "

Interpretation of dreams

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