How to write a telephone conversation on Samsung J5. How to write a conversation on samsung galaxy

How to write a telephone conversation on Samsung J5. How to write a conversation on samsung galaxy

There are such situations when, for example, talking to the interlocutor on the phone, he dictates some number, and there is no place to write down, because there are no handle or pencil at hand. Or on your phone called Ham. If you record telephone call With him, in the future it will be possible to attract administrative or criminal liability. The whole question is whether it is possible to write a conversation on the phone? We will try to find an answer in this article.

Record by means of "android"

How to write a conversation on the phone? This issue was asked many users of gadgets. Some, reading the necessary information on the Internet and trying a couple of programs, considering their quality, threw out this question, others continued to search, and the third began to develop programs.

But is it unknown, how to record a telephone conversation on the phone? It is known. However, it should be borne in mind that some states prohibit the recording of a telephone conversation at the legislative level, which is carried out by deleting those drivers that ensure the execution of this function. Therefore, if you are a "happy" owner of such a gadget, then you can only install drivers yourself, for which the root access will be necessary.

Record on the voice recorder

How to write a conversation on the phone on the voice recorder? During the call, the buttons are displayed at the bottom. Among them, you can try to search for the "Record" or "Recorder" button. They may not be displayed clearly, but the "still" button may be present, and in the menu that opens, one of these keys may be present. For some models, you need to open the menu with the button on the phone and select the appropriate entry there, it should be borne in mind that the recording "voice recorder" can be reduced.

Conversations are saved in the Call Recording directory located in the root directory. You can listen to the record through the call log. In front of the recorded call, images of the voice recorder coils must be displayed, when you click on the icon of which you can listen to the record.

Thus, we disassemble the easiest way to write a conversation on the phone on Android.

Record on Samsung phone

Among the most popular phones are samsung Models. Therefore, a reasonable question arises: "How to record a telephone conversation on Samsung phone?"

Consider this feature on the example of the phone S5.

The "Enable Record" function by default in this phone is deactivated. You can go through the most simple way by downloading the appropriate application, and record through it. At the same time, it is necessary to realize that the use of such an application, like any other, can be unsafe on the phone.

In addition, this entry can be implemented by activating hidden function on the phone. To do this, you can use Xposed or the instructions below.

It is necessary that the factory firmware be on the phone and you have root rights.

Open a file manager.

We open or, if there is no, then /system/csc/others.xml.

Add a string between Featureset and / Featureset in the place you like: CSCFEATURE_VOICELL_CONFigRecording\u003e RecordingAllowed.

Close this file, keeping changes.

So we answered the question: "How to record a conversation on samsung Phone

Application "Record Calls" for Android

Play Market has enough applications that help answer the question: "How to write a conversation on the phone on" Android "?" One such applications is the "Call Record". It was developed by the Appliqato programmer, which has a fairly high rating in "Google" - Magazine. Through Play Market, install this application. Choose your favorite topic. Next, we note "add a call volume" and, if necessary, configure the cloud to store the records made. This will lead to the fact that any telephone conversation will be automatically recorded. In the menu of this application, the perfect record can be seen, you can save it, delete or repeat the call, as well as listen.

This program allows you to record any incoming and outgoing calls, store them on a gadget or in the "Google" cloud.

This program makes a request to the user at the end of the conversation about the need to save the record. In this case, you can define contacts, saving the recording of conversations with which will always be implemented.

According to reviews, the recording quality in this program is not always very good. If the interlocutor speaks very quickly, then it can be difficult to understand when listening to the record. Smartphones Lenovo and Samsung can hide at all.

Therefore, if you do not have side effects from using this application, you can stay on it, and we will go to look next how to write a conversation on the phone.

Application of the same name from another developer

In the program settings, you can choose from where the record will be recorded is a microphone, voice, line, etc. Select the quality of the recording, as well as its format. As the latter can perform MP3 or WAV.

This program allows you to save records not only in the Google disk, but also in the dropbox cloud. In addition, the recording encryption is provided with the help of a PIN code in order to prevent third parties for which this entry is not intended.

On each page of the application settings there are prompts. Each recorded record can be accompanied by a text note.

According to user reviews, this application copes quite well with the features inherent in it.

Call Recorder application

When answering the question "How to record a conversation on the phone?" It is impossible not to mention this application. After installing it, you can select synchronization in the settings that can be carried out with the clouds that have been characteristic of the previous application under consideration. Here recording conversations is provided automatic. The file saving format is already possible one of three. Recording can be carried out only one of the voices of people talking on the phone, or both at once. Recording can be protected by a password.

For each model, you need to try out different options for saving files, record one or two votes. With different formats, the recording may be intermittent. To avoid this, you need to experiment with formats.

Application "Call Record" from Lovekara

We have already considered several ways to write a telephone conversation to the phone. As can be seen from the review, the developers do not differ in a rich fantasy on the name, so the orientation needs to be carried out according to programmers.

Here, during installation, a warning will be issued that not all phones support call recording. The program implements the last automatically recording, it will be displayed in the application menu. According to user reviews, the program has proven itself quite well.

Callx - Record Calls / Talk

We will finish the review of the ways to write a conversation on the phone. This is due to the fact that the programs are many and consider them all within the same article is impossible.

In this program, automatic recording can be activated and deactivated. You can play with the format and quality of recording. Recording with unchanged settings is located in the CallRecords directory. You can save it in the cloud. Reviews about the program are mostly positive.


Thus, the recording of a telephone conversation can be carried out both by means of the phone itself and using third-party programs. These applications can help the user in the initial definition of programs that are much more described in the article, but other applications are similar to the functional described and often the same names.

How to enable a call for a conversation on the phone This is one of the questions of owners of mobile phones and smartphones which is always up to date, and the answer is not found even on the Internet, more precisely, it is not always fully consistent with reality.

Around the topic of recording telephone conversations, many myths have accumulated - in the context of technical and legal and even there is an opinion that no one can save telephone conversations without the consent of the interlocutor.

Do you really can't save a conversation without the resolution of the subscriber? Let's remember that before we record a telephone conversation conducted by you with another person, you should take into account all aspects related to this fact.

Note: On some Android smartphones, especially Xiaomi, Huaway, Meza, Honor can still have an automatic recording of a telephone conversation during a conversation (about it below).

Record telephone conversations on the phone Android - Introduction

Recording telephone conversations when in use were mostly classic mobile phones with a small display and keyboard and without any operating system It was not a big problem.

You were enough to select the phone call or call yourself and click on the corresponding button on the keyboard - the conversation was saved.

  • By the way, you are sure that your phone does not have a built-in telephone recording feature - sometimes it is just hidden. Here.

Of course, there were our limitations there, first of all because of a very small memory cell - time was strictly limited.

One record could not last longer than a few tens of seconds. But in general, it was enough.

Now smartphones appeared and despite the fact that in many respects they definitely have to make your life from the point of view of recording telephone conversations easier - it turned out on the contrary, everything was complicated.

Now, for example, for Samsung Galaxy A3 or J5 with Android OS 5.1 or Android 6, it is impossible to include this feature (without interference in the kernel).

Fortunately, there are applications that are capable of writing a signal from the speaker in the smartphone. Of all I liked the four. When testing, I paid attention to the following aspects:

  • On automatic recording of all calls and manual activation of the record.
  • To limit length.
  • To set the sound parameters.
  • On the preservation format.
  • On the ability to create your own name.

How to enable a telephone conversation entry built-in Android

Most recently, this method was accessible to almost every smartphone. All you need to dial the number to subscriber and click "Menu", in the right side or center screen.

Then click the "Record" button and "write a conversation". To stop the recording function - in "Menu" click "Stop".

To play in the internal memory, we find the "PhoneRecord" folder and find the file you need.

Today, especially in the phones, Samsung Galaxy does not roll such an option, although smartphones with the factory output initially can maintain such a function of calls.

You must remember however, that the record is illegal to some extent in most jurisdictions, so this function has been deleted to avoid legal problems.

How to activate it. To do this, you must get root rights and install Xposed Framework.

Then you need to edit the file: /System/csc/others.xml, adding between tags The string is lower.


Programs Enable Talk Recording on Samsung Android

On the playing market will find programs with the name "Record Calls" from the developer "Appliqato", "C Mobile", "Lovekara" and the application called "CallX - Record Calls / Talk" with a bunch of various settings.

Why not one program, but a few. Because I am not able to analyze all Samsung Galaxy smartphones, not to mention hundreds of other developers.

Therefore, it is better to try everything, check and leave one most efficient - it is possible that some on your phone may not earn at all.

Conclusion about recording a telephone conversation

Recording phone calls have not only technical aspects, but also equally important legal.

The widespread opinion is that from a legal point of view, we can write a telephone conversation only if we get consent from the subscriber.

It does not quite correspond to the truth. If you do not write down the conversations of other people, but only those who speak with you on the phone and do it for personal purposes - the law does not impose a responsibility for you to inform the subscriber about the record, without its consent.

The only thing that without the consent of the caller causing you should not publish or distribute the saved conversations. Successes.

All users of smartphones and tablets know that these devices are created not only for calls or surfing on the Internet, but also makes a lot of interesting opportunities and useful features. About the "Standard Set" is known to all: Calculator, voice recorder, radio, calendar, and so on. But all users know that you can even make a recording of a telephone conversation. Today we will talk about how to write a conversation on the phone of the famous brand Samsung.

How to record a telephone conversation?

Samsung phones best selling over the past few years. The excellent quality of the devices and the practical Android OS will not leave any owner indifferent. Many of them do not even suspect the potential of their device. It has a lot of built-in features, and if you equip the phone and third-party applications - it can become an indispensable assistant in work and in everyday life.

Sometimes we have to record telephone conversations. Perhaps you dictate some step-by-step guide, and you will need to listen to it again, or report important information that you can not forget. In any case, such a procedure is possible on all phones running "Android" OS using its own resources. How to write a conversation on the Samsung phone? Very simple. For this:

  • During a telephone conversation, you press the "More" button with the arrow;
  • In the drop-down menu, click on Dick.
  • After that, the record will start.

On some phones "Samsung" in order to write a telephone conversation, you need to press the "Menu" button during it and then select "Disc."

How can I listen to the recording of a telephone conversation?

To do this, open the graph of the last calls and select the one that was recorded. You will see an icon that means that the record has been recorded. When you click on it - you can listen to the conversation again.

If you are interested in a specific folder in which the audio file has been preserved, it also has. Go to the "Task Manager" and find the "CallRecording" folder there. Most often, the folder is stored on a memory card, but in some cases it can be found in the phone's memory.

If the method described above, making a telephone conversation is not coming out or it is not entirely convenient for you - you can use special utilities. Such programs for the most part free and do not take a lot of memory.

How to record phone call on Android

In your life can be or not to be when you need to write a phone call. Although we will not explain why you can do it, we will say this: it is very simple. Let's do it.

Although there are many ways to recording a phone call, we will focus on two different methods: Google Voice and Call Recorder application - ACR.

How to write a telephone conversation on android

Is the right to register?

Before we proceed to how to do this, let's talk about possible legal issues that may arise here. I know, I know, this is what you do not want to hear, but this is important, and we must show due diligence so that you know what it is.

First of all, the recording of phone calls is not legal in all countries, so you will need to check the rules in your area. To get a little more detailed, it may also vary depending on your specific state in the United States. Some require both parties to know that they are recorded, while others require one side to know what is happening. The latter can be a little gray, but assuming that you live in one of these states and you Know that the call is recorded, probably it is safe. Nevertheless, unlawful public use of phones is always prohibited. For getting for more information You can verify Wikipedia about this, as well as the draft law on digital media.

How to record phone calls using Google Voice

If you are a Google Voice user, it is very simple. If not, you can always customize account Google Voice and become a user of Google Voice. Then this method will be very easy for you! Hooray.

Before you can write a call, you must first enable call recording feature. You can do it both on the Internet and in the Android application, and the steps are essentially the same in any case. I use the website here, but I will indicate something else in the Android application.

First, start the Google Voice and open the "Settings" menu, sliding in the menu on the left side and selecting "Settings".

On the Internet, click "Calls". IN android application Just scroll down the page until you see the "Calls" section.

The last option on the Internet is the "incoming call parameters" in which you can enable call recording feature or start a conference. To do this, use the slider.

In the Android application you need to click "Advanced call parameters", then enable the incoming call parameters.

It is also worth mentioning that this feature is synchronized between devices, so you only need to do it in one place or in another - after switching on it will work anywhere. Nevertheless, it will work only if a person calls you - you cannot record a challenge when you are the one who initiated it that, to be honest, just strange.

In any case, the next time you need to write a phone call, just press "4" on the keyboard during the conversation. The audio invitation will allow both users to find out that the call is recorded. To stop the record, simply press "4" again - in another hint it will be stated that the record is turned off.

The audio file will then be saved on your Google Voice account. Booya.

How to record phone calls using ACR

Although Google Voice is simple and understood, it also does not have some functions that require many users, for example, to automatically record calls immediately after their launch. It is here that ACR plays: it does not have many functions, but it will not notify both users they write. Therefore, if you want to secretly write a call, this is the tool you want.

There are two versions of this application: free and premium. The latter removes all ads from the application, and also adds multiple useful features, such as the ability to record contacts, the beginning of the recording in the middle of the conversation, saving records in the Dropbox or Google disk and much more. As always, however, I recommend first trying a free version to make sure that it matches your needs.

Taking into account the above, let's start.

Immediately after starting the ACR, you will have to accept its conditions - a rather long list compared to most applications, but right. After you accept the terms of the application, you must provide him with everything you need to fulfill your task: contacts, microphone, telephone and memory. There is nothing unusual for such an application, so go ahead and allow it across the board.

From there, the application will add notification to the shadow showing that it is included. The second thing you do or get a phone call will start recording. You literally should not do anything - it records all the default challenges.

However, if this is not your style, you can change it if you have a premium application. Open the application, then open the menu on the left. Select "Settings" and then "Record".

There are many options in the menu, but scroll down until you see "start recording" and change it to "manually". Ready.

there is lot More functions under the hood ACR, so I definitely recommend digging in it if you want to do more than just write conversations. Again, keep in mind that you have to pay for more complex functions, but I think it is easily worth $ 3 requested, if this is what you will use often. In addition, it is really well designed, which is difficult to find in the store filled with dozens of applications that make similar versions of the same thing.

Cameron Summerson It is a solid android fan, Chicago Bulls, Metalhead and Cyclist. When he does not knock on the keys in HTG, you can find how he spends time with his wife and children, turns his legs on the bike, breaks off on a 6-string or disappointed in bulls.

Did you know

The reason why most people are torn when heavy motion is painful due to the fact that the symptoms of motion diseases (dizziness, disorientation and problems with the balance) imitate symptoms of poisoning, and the body is trying to clear themselves from any remaining toxins in the body as a measure of self-defense .

"ACR Call Recording" is a free application, with which it is convenient to record telephone conversations in the Android OS. In this mini-review, we will tell you how to record a conversation on the phones of such brands like Samsung and Huawei.

Note: Keep in mind: the hidden recording of telephone conversations is illegal, and in many countries - punishable. By installing ACR on the phone, you agree to the terms of use of the application and so that the recording of conversations in the country where it is produced is permitted.

How to write a conversation on the smartphone (samsung)

As soon as you call a subscriber or take a call, recording and saving a file to a mobile device. Since the record on the phone turns on automatically, no additional action From the user is not required.

Where in the phone find the recording of the conversation

Go to Settings -\u003e Record -\u003e General Settings -\u003e Folder for Records. Most often, the following way is installed as a save place in ACR:

/ Storage / Emulated / 0 / acrcalls *

(* Information, at a minimum, is relevant for sAMSUNG smartphones and Huaveway).

ACR is available for sorting by contact data, file size. Saved entries are grouped by the date of creation. Old and short audio files (a few seconds) are removed automatically.

How to listen to a telephone call record

Audio recording of telephone conversations are stored in the folder specified when saving (see above). You can listen to any audio player for Android. In addition, it is convenient to listen to records directly through the ACR program, tabs are available on the main screen.

For convenience, the records are grouped - all incoming (someone called you) outgoing (you called someone), it is important (a user marked by the user who require special attention).

  1. Do not use the ACR application simultaneously with other programs for recording telephone conversations. This can lead to an Android system conflict or an error of saving audio files.
  2. Do not record conversations with subscribers who do not allow this agreement. This is especially true of countries in which the hidden recording of telephone conversations is prohibited by law.
  3. It makes no sense to indicate the highest quality preservation format; MP3 or M4A is abuse to record conversations.

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