Is it possible to fake the results of the exam. How to buy a delivery service

Is it possible to fake the results of the exam. How to buy a delivery service

On Tuesday, the main wave of the USE started in Russia. Exams pass more than 900 thousand graduates. For technology eMEEThe processing and analysis of information is responsible for the Federal Testing Center, subordinate to Rosobrnadzor. It is here that the delivery data is flowed from the whole country.

To get into this "selection" organization managed to our observer, who was talking to the Deputy Director of the FTST Oksana Reshetnikova.

So, on May 26, graduates 2009, accompanied by officials authorized from their schools, will come to the items of examinations to pass computer science and biology. Consider a passport, each will receive an individual set of examination materials. What's inside?

Technology practically eliminates not only the leakage of examination materials, but also the possibility of fluid the results of the EGE

There are a control measuring material on the subject and three blanks. The registration form displays the name, name, patronymic and passport data. Blank N 1 is used to record short answers to the tasks of parts A and B - where you need to select one of the options. And on the letter N 2, the answers are recorded on the tasks of the part of the C - the most that are written in arbitrary form. This bilateral form, but if this place is not enough (let's say, a person sked, because there is something to say on this topic), it can be issued an additional form.

Anonymity guaranteed

How is the equipment in the shortest possible time to analyze what was given in paper form?

Our forms are not simple, but machine-readable. After the exam, they are scanned, and all information displayed on them takes electronic view. This significantly reduces the timing of the results of the results.

In general, it should be noted that compared with previous years, when the exam summed up in the order of the experiment, the technology was significantly upgraded and supported by software. For the participants themselves, it may be imperceptibly, for the organizers in the field - too. Probably, even at the level of regional information processing centers, the difference compared to what was before, not so tense. But here, at the federal level, we seriously strengthened and secured the whole process. Now it is reliably protected and is a monolithic, efficiently operating automated system. The technology practically eliminates not only the leakage of examination materials, but also the possibility of fluid the results of the EGE.

In Tatarstan, a couple of years ago, as a result of a collusion of officials of the local media procession and employees of the regional information processing center, it was possible to remove the blanks of several students and replace them with new, rewritten. Similar today is possible?

I am sure that there is no. Since then, the technology of the EME has seriously advanced in terms of providing information security. Today, every examination material with which the graduate works, has its own special barcode. At the same time, they are combined with each other, forming the same individual set. It immediately marks the possibility of replacing materials: a form with a "stranger" bar code will not correspond to the rest of the forms in the kit and therefore cannot be processed. In addition, it allows the graduate of the graduate props with his answers, which is very important. The components of each set are processed in different places and are again connected together only at the federal level - already here in our center.

That is, answers to test questions are now analyzed without binding to the personality of a specific examiner?

Yes, in this and the whole essence. The first to us usually comes from the regions data from the Blanks N 1: the minimum work is required here, including verification. The second appear forms of registration. And, finally, the latter comes information on the results of the assessment by experts of responses to Part S. All this is programmatically connected in accordance with the barcodes, and only then it becomes clear to which particular person belongs to this individual set.

Unlike past years now we are working with the subjects of the Federation in a single distributed database. Therefore, you always note any attempts to interfere with the system. All such cases we will immediately inform Rosobrnadzor, and measures towards those who will try to do this will be accepted the most radical, up to criminal.

"Keys" of happiness

Parts A and in centrally checked with special "keys". At what point these "keys" are loaded into the database?

"Keys" are faithful answers to all tasks. There are no them in the regions - they are available at the federal level. And their loading to the database occurs after the exam passed throughout the country, when all the results of the processing of forms from the regions were transferred to the federal level.

Unlike parts A and B, in part with the examiner checks not the machine, but as many as three experts from the Regional Subject Commission. Moreover, if the opinions of two subject specialists in the assessment of a particular work differ significantly, the position of the third expert becomes the verdict. Are there any loopholes here for abuse?

No, it is absolutely excluded. The experts themselves do not know which of them is the first, who are the second, and who is the third, so do not even guess whose verdict is final. Works for verification are received in an automated order, the form comes in a trimmed form, and they themselves do not know whose specific knowledge is checked. As you can see, everything is thought out to the smallest detail.

After the regions received answers to all the questions of examination tasks, here in Moscow, work begins on the preparation of protocols with the final results of the EGE. What criteria are you analyzing statistics?

The main criterion is accuracy. Our software makes it possible to cover with monitoring not only every examination item, but also every audience, where the exam is surrendered. Everything is thoroughly analyzed, including on the subject of abnormal results, both overestimated and understated. For each such case, a service investigation can be carried out, up to the cancellation of the results, there is such a function from Rosobrnadzor. And if in the end the facts of exceeding official powers on the ground, which led to the distortion of the results, the perpetrators will be strictly punished.

I remind graduates and their parents that, on the basis of a statistical analysis of the results obtained this year, a certain threshold will be installed on a stubbling scale, overcoming the successful delivery of the final exam.

Seven times dead, and then appeal

And if a graduate does not agree with the evaluation of work, when can he be able to appeal?

After the scaling procedure, when we determine which score received for each exam every participant, protocols with the results of protected communication channels come from us to regional information processing centers and then brought to educational institutions. From now on, the period comes when the graduate has the right to appeal. For example, he may not agree with the assessment according to S. or wants to make sure that the car counted his answers in parts A and V.

What does it look like in practice?

The appellate in the conflict commission is printed by the image of the information that he has written itself, and the recognized machine is displayed this form. And in front of a graduate, the answers merge on the subject of whether the car correctly recognized his tags, in those places they stand, where he put them.

Errors happen?

Hardly ever. Works a very high quality recognition system. When we run through it, our experts specifically filled the blanks so that they were extremely difficult to consider the supplied tags. But the car still disassembled them! Therefore, errors as a result of improper recognition are minimal. And if the graduate comply with all the symbol writing algorithms, they are practically excluded. But if he displaced the answer not by printed letters, as required, and became interested in and wrote with his roasting handwriting, then difficulties may arise. But this is already, sorry, his responsibility. After all, each member of the EGE subscribes under the fact that he studied the rules for holding the exam, where black on the white is said, as it is to display symbols on paper, and even samples are given.

There are nuances and when applying for an appeal to Part S. Graduate may not satisfy the assessment of a separate task of this part or all in the aggregate. If he does not agree with the opinion of experts, re-consideration is appointed. The conflict commission attracts subjects - and not those who have already checked his work, and other specialists who once again evaluate his answers. And, I must say, the revision of the results does not always end in favor of the graduate. Let's say if he appeals to the part with the general, then as a result of a re-examination for one task of this part, the score can increase, and for the other, on the contrary, to lower. At least such cases were also.

Already, no first year there is a practice of rechecking abnormally high results by the Federal Subject Commission. And many such cases were associated just with the appeal, right?

Yes it's true. At the stage of experiment on the examination of the exam, the appeal was often used for abuse and attempts to solve the problems of specific graduates. Suppose a graduate on the exam received for one of the answers part C, relatively speaking, one score. And suddenly, according to the results of the filed appeal, instead of one point he becomes whole four. And so - for a number of tasks. Such cases are always identified, and similar works are sent to the recheck of the Federal Subject Commission. And I can report that 80% of the work analyzed by it was revised towards the decline in the score.

Is it possible to fake the results of the EGE-2009?

Andrei Chernakov

On Tuesday, the main wave of EGE starts in Russia. Exams will hand over more than 900 thousand graduates. For the technology of the EGE, the processing and analysis of information is responsible for the Federal Testing Center, subordinateRosobrnadzor. . It is here that the delivery data is flowed from the whole country. To get into this "selection" organization managed to our observer, who was talking to the Deputy Director of the FTST Oksana Reshetnikova.

question: So, on May 26, graduates 2009, accompanied by authorized schools, will come to the items of examinations to pass computer science and biology. Consider a passport, each will receive an individual set of examination materials. What's inside?

Technology practically eliminates not only the leakage of examination materials, but also the possibility of fluid the results of the EGE

answer: There are a control measuring material on the subject and three blanks. The registration form displays the name, name, patronymic and passport data. Blank N 1 is used to record short answers to the tasks of parts A and B - where you need to select one of the options. And on the letter N 2, the answers are recorded on the tasks of the part of the C - the most that are written in arbitrary form. This bilateral form, but if this place is not enough (let's say, a person sked, because there is something to say on this topic), it can be issued an additional form.

Anonymity guaranteed

in: How with the help of technology in the shortest possible time to analyze what was given in paper form?

about: Our forms are not simple, but machine-readable. After the exam, they are scanned, and all information displayed on them takes electronic view. This significantly reduces the timing of the results of the results.

answer: In general, it should be noted that compared with previous years when EGE Delivered in the order of the experiment, the technology is significantly upgraded and supported by software. For the participants themselves, it may be imperceptibly, for the organizers in the field - too. Probably, even at the level of regional information processing centers, the difference compared to what was before, not so tense. But here, at the federal level, we seriously strengthened and secured the whole process. Now it is reliably protected and is a monolithic, efficiently operating automated system. The technology practically eliminates not only the leakage of examination materials, but also the possibility of fluid the results of the EGE.

question: In Tatarstan, a couple of years ago, as a result of a collusion of officials of the local media procession and employees of the regional information center, the forms of several students managed to replace them with new, rewritten. Similar today is possible?

about: I am sure that there is no. Since then, the technology of the EME has seriously advanced in terms of providing information security. Today, every examination material with which the graduate works, has its own special barcode. At the same time, they are combined with each other, forming the same individual set. It immediately marks the possibility of replacing materials: a form with a "stranger" bar code will not correspond to the rest of the forms in the kit and therefore cannot be processed. In addition, it allows the graduate of the graduate props with his answers, which is very important. The components of each set are processed in different places and are again connected together only at the federal level - already here in our center.

in: That is, answers to test questions are now analyzed without binding to the personality of a particular examined?

about: Yes, in this and the whole essence. The first to us usually comes from the regions data from the Blanks N 1: the minimum work is required here, including verification. The second appear forms of registration. And, finally, the latter comes information on the results of the assessment by experts of responses to Part S. All this is programmatically connected in accordance with the barcodes, and only then it becomes clear to which particular person belongs to this individual set.

Unlike past years now we are working with the subjects of the Federation in a single distributed database. Therefore, you always note any attempts to interfere with the system. All such cases we will immediately inform Rosobrnadzor, and measures towards those who will try to do this will be accepted the most radical, up to criminal.

"Keys" of happiness

in: Parts A and in centrally checked with the help of special "keys". At what point these "keys" are loaded into the database?

about: "Keys" are faithful answers to all tasks. There are no them in the regions - they are available at the federal level. And their loading to the database occurs after the exam passed throughout the country, when all the results of the processing of forms from the regions were transferred to the federal level.

in: Unlike parts A and B, in part with the examiner checks not the machine, but as many as three experts from the Regional Subject Commission. Moreover, if the opinions of two subject specialists in the assessment of a particular work differ significantly, the position of the third expert becomes the verdict. Are there any loopholes here for abuse?

about: No, it is absolutely excluded. The experts themselves do not know which of them is the first, who are the second, and who is the third, so do not even guess whose verdict is final. Works for verification are received in an automated order, the form comes in a trimmed form, and they themselves do not know whose specific knowledge is checked. As you can see, everything is thought out to the smallest detail.

in: After the regions received answers to all the questions of exam tasks, here, in Moscow, work begins on the preparation of protocols with the final results of the EGE. What criteria are you analyzing statistics?

about: The main criterion is accuracy. Our software makes it possible to cover with monitoring not only every examination item, but also every audience, where the exam is surrendered. Everything is thoroughly analyzed, including on the subject of abnormal results, both overestimated and understated. For each such case, a service investigation can be carried out, up to the cancellation of the results, there is such a function from Rosobrnadzor. And if in the end the facts of exceeding official powers on the ground, which led to the distortion of the results, the perpetrators will be strictly punished.

I remind graduates and their parents that, on the basis of a statistical analysis of the results obtained this year, a certain threshold will be installed on a stubbling scale, overcoming the successful delivery of the final exam.

Seven times dead, and then appeal

in: And if a graduate does not agree with the evaluation of work when he can file an appeal?

about: After the scaling procedure, when we determine which score received for each exam every participant, the protocols with the results of protected communication channels come from us to regional information processing centers and then brought to educational institutions. From now on, the period comes when the graduate has the right to appeal. For example, he may not agree with the assessment according to S. or wants to make sure that the car counted his answers in parts A and V.

in: What does it look in practice?

about: The appellant in the conflict commission is printed the image of the information that it has written himself, and the recognized machine is displayed by this form. And in front of a graduate, the answers merge on the subject of whether the car correctly recognized his tags, in those places they stand, where he put them.

in: Errors happen?

about: Hardly ever. Works a very high quality recognition system. When we run through it, our experts specifically filled the blanks so that they were extremely difficult to consider the supplied tags. But the car still disassembled them! Therefore, errors as a result of improper recognition are minimal. And if the graduate comply with all the symbol writing algorithms, they are practically excluded. But if he displaced the answer not by printed letters, as required, and became interested in and wrote with his roasting handwriting, then difficulties may arise. But this is already, sorry, his responsibility. After all, each member of the EGE subscribes under the fact that he studied the rules for holding the exam, where black on the white is said, as it is to display symbols on paper, and even samples are given.

There are nuances and when applying for an appeal to Part S. Graduate may not satisfy the assessment of a separate task of this part or all in the aggregate. If he does not agree with the opinion of experts, re-consideration is appointed. The conflict commission attracts subjects - and not those who have already checked his work, and other specialists who once again evaluate his answers. And, I must say, the revision of the results does not always end in favor of the graduate. Let's say if he appeals to the part with the general, then as a result of a re-examination for one task of this part, the score can increase, and for the other, on the contrary, to lower. At least such cases were also.

in: No first year there is a practice of rechecking abnormally high results by the Federal Subject Commission. And many such cases were associated just with the appeal, right?

about: Yes it's true. At the stage of experiment on the examination of the exam, the appeal was often used for abuse and attempts to solve the problems of specific graduates. Suppose a graduate on the exam received for one of the answers part C, relatively speaking, one score. And suddenly, according to the results of the filed appeal, instead of one point he becomes whole four. And so - for a number of tasks. Such cases are always identified, and similar works are sent to the recheck of the Federal Subject Commission. And I can report that 80% of the work analyzed by it was revised towards the decline in the score.

In the Ministry of Education and Science, they argue that the leaks of answers and tasks for the exam was not since 2013. However, in the first days of examinations in 2017, the department transferred a list of more than 200 sites and groups in social networks in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in social networks, where fraudsters sold tasks from the test.

How much are the answers to 100 points, what will happen if the student will come for a schoolchildren, and for which the group money receives, free answers? "Paper" I learned who and how he earns at the desire of students to successfully pass exams.

Ready answers. Up to 10 thousand rubles

In groups in VKontakte, more than 11 thousand communities with the words "replies of the EGE" in the title. In five of them there are more than 100 thousand people.

Most often, the Administration Group offers to translate money on details bank cards And electronic wallets, there are and suggestions to pay by Bitcoins. Then schoolchildren should send a password to access the site, where, according to the administration, place the answers.

Prices in various groups change depending on the exam and the desired number of points. So, the answers to 60 points can cost up to 3 thousand rubles, and 100-point - up to 10 thousand.

In the largest group with the answers for the exam in VKontakte now consists of 300 thousand people. In groups with similar coverage, the answers are often placed free of charge. Administrators explain This is the fact that every schoolboy after the exam can voluntarily transfer money to the community wallet.

At the same time, such groups often place advertising. As a specialist in advertising is one of them, the cost of one advertising placement - 1-2 thousand rubles. On average on the day, the community hosts two or three advertisements.

Most of these groups are positioning themselves as "assistants when delivering unfair exams." In many groups, there is even a "black list of scammers": they have already blocked communities, which also offered solutions to the exam tests.

Of 15 respondents "Paper" Graduates who consist in such groups, the answers bought only one. The young man anonymously told that he spent 2.5 thousand rubles on the literature tasks to check if they really were true.

Of course, they turned out to be linden. But there were tasks, sharpened for new requirements of the 2017 exam, and not 2016. It helped me a little, but I still lost money.

According to the graduate, he is not known whether someone else has bought answers to the exam in his school, but he believes that there are no such.

On request "Paper" Only one group replied. The head of the 20th thousand community agreed to give a comment if the editors pay it 15 thousand rubles.

Microathers and a crib watch. Up to 15 thousand rubles

Some online stores offer "hidden wireless communication with your assistant on exams, negotiations, interview and on a date." So, one of the similar stores in St. Petersburg with 18 thousand subscribers writes: "You do not have time for diligent exam preparation? There is a way out - buy micro-handpie for exams! ".

The price of a micro-handler with a Bluetooth headset varies from 2 to 15 thousand rubles. Some online shopping offer the rental of the microeushnik for 500 rubles a day.

You can also buy a crib, on the screen of which text files are played. Their cost - from 2.5 to 7 thousand rubles, rental - 600 rubles per day.

On the sites of most such shops, there are also instructions for using the micro-handfish on the exam.

We do not do anything illegal. People want to use micro-handflaps, and they buy them. This is just a question of demand and suggestions, - anonymously explains the head of the group "Vkontakte" "Micronassic St. Petersburg".

He stressed that in front of the exam, several parents themselves ordered microchones for their children. At the same time, he, like other respondents "Paper" Entrepreneurs, specific figures refused to call.

Microns and clock-cribs are not separately regulated by law. But their use, like any other cribs on the exam, falls under the article on the "non-compliance with state final certification", which provides a fine of 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

Still man for delivery. From 10 thousand rubles

In the Tor browser, which opens access to the Dark Web (anonymous and not indexed by conventional search engines of the Internet), a number of sites offer to schoolchildren to come to the exam for them.

Judging by the information from one of the sites, unknown, fake documents, can pass the exam for a student. To do this, you must pay at least 10 thousand rubles and transfer a copy of the documents without specifying the series and the numbers into the built-in site chat.

How exactly the student will take the exam, it is not specified. It is noted that the result is from 80 to 100 points. What kind of exams can pass for the student, also not specified.

On the question "Paper" The site has not answered in the chat. None of the respondents "Paper" Graduates did not use such services. They all claim to hear about such a service for the first time.

The passage of the state exam for another person falls under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "fake official documents". So, in 2015, in Nizhny Novgorod, for 10 months, the tutor tried to pass the exam for his student for 10 months. He wanted to go through a schoolboy's passport, in which his photo was pasted.

Fake certificate of delivery. Up to 45 thousand rubles

Fake EGE certificates are from 10 to 45 thousand rubles, depending on the exam results and the year of delivery. Their selling is often accompanied by the sale of diplomas about higher education.

Large sites draw up an order using embedded online services. On the site clients promise to execute a request for two working days and provide courier delivery and payment upon receipt.

None of the certificates selling with "Paper" It did not agree to talk. As buyers told the correspondent, now sell only EGE certificates until 2013 (since 2014, all the results of the EE are stored in the electronic basis - approx. "Paper").

Representatives of the service explained that for the buyer it is "absolutely safe", and instructions are attached to the ordered document on how to use it without trouble. "

On the other site "Paper" They said that they produce certificates of the exam and modern sample, that is, after 2013, but do not correct the results of the exam in the e-database.

Many sites selling certificates in St. Petersburg celebrate that they work from 2000-2005. At the same time, the sites do not hide that the purchase of a certificate is illegal. Some of them even describe the punishment threatening for its purchase: a fine up to 80 thousand rubles, correctional work for a period of one year or imprisonment to three months. The use of such a diploma is also regarded as a crime.

The technology practically eliminates not only the leakage of examination materials, but also the possibility of fluid the results of the EGE.

On May 26, the main wave of the exam was launched in Russia. Exams will hand over more than 900 thousand graduates. The Federal Testing Center subordinated to Rosobrnadzor is responsible for the technology of the exam, processing and analysis of information. It is here that the delivery data is flowed from the whole country. To get into this "selection" organization was able to observe the Izvestia, who was talking to the Deputy Director of the FTST Oksana Reshetnikova.

- Each graduate is receiving an individual set of examination materials. What's inside?

There are a control measuring material on the subject and three blanks. The registration form displays the name, name, patronymic and passport data. Blank N 1 is used to record short answers to the tasks of parts A and B - where you need to select one of the options. And on the letter N 2, the answers are recorded on the tasks of the part of the C - the most that are written in arbitrary form. This bilateral form, but if this place is not enough (let's say, a person sked, because there is something to say on this topic), an additional form is issued.

Anonymity guaranteed

- How with the help of technique in the shortest possible time to analyze what was given in paper form?

Our forms are not simple, but machine-readable. After the exam, they are scanned, and all information displayed on them takes electronic view. This significantly reduces the timing of the results of the results. In general, it should be noted that compared with previous years, when the exam summed up in the order of the experiment, the technology was significantly upgraded and supported by software. At the federal level, we seriously strengthened and secured the whole process. Now it is reliably protected and is a monolithic, efficiently operating automated system.

In Tatarstan, a couple of years ago, as a result of a collusion of officials of the local media procession and employees of the regional information processing center, it was possible to remove the blanks of several students and replace them with new, rewritten. Similar today is possible?

I am sure that there is no. Today, every examination material with which the graduate works, has its own special barcode. At the same time, they are combined with each other, forming the same individual set. It immediately marks the possibility of replacing materials: a form with a "stranger" bar code will not correspond to the rest of the forms in the kit and therefore cannot be processed. This allows the dilution of a graduate props with his answers, which is very important. The components of each set are processed in different places and are again connected together only at the federal level - already here in our center.

- That is, answers to test questions are now analyzed without binding to the personality of a specific examiner?

Yes, in this and the whole essence. The first to us usually comes from the regions data from the Blanches No. 1: the minimum work is required here, including on the versification. The second appear forms of registration. And, finally, the latter comes information on the results of the assessment by experts of responses to Part S. All this is programmatically connected in accordance with the barcodes, and only then it becomes clear to which particular person belongs to this individual set. We work with the subjects of the Federation in a single distributed database. Therefore, you always note any attempts to interfere with the system.

"Keys" of happiness

Parts A and in centrally checked with special "keys". At what point these "keys" are loaded into the database?

- "Keys" are faithful answers to all tasks. There are no them in the regions - they are available at the federal level. And their loading to the database occurs after the exam passed throughout the country, when all the results of the processing of forms from the regions were transferred to the federal level.

Unlike parts A and in part with the examiner, it does not check the machine, but as many as three experts from the Regional Subject Commission. Moreover, if the opinions of two subject specialists in the assessment of a particular work differ significantly, the position of the third expert becomes the verdict. Are there any loopholes here for abuse?

No, it is absolutely excluded. Experts do not know which one of them is the first who are the second, and who is the third, so they do not even guess whose verdict is final.

After the regions received answers to all the questions of examination tasks, here in Moscow, work begins on the preparation of protocols with the final results of the EGE. What criteria are you analyzing statistics?

The main criterion is accuracy. Our software makes it possible to cover with monitoring not only every examination item, but also every audience, where the exam is surrendered. Everything is thoroughly analyzed, including on the subject of abnormal results, both overestimated and understated. For each such case, a service investigation can be carried out, up to the cancellation of the results, there is such a function from Rosobrnadzor.

I remind graduates and their parents that, on the basis of a statistical analysis of the results obtained this year, a certain threshold will be installed on a stubbling scale, overcoming the successful delivery of the final exam.

Seven times dead, and then appeal

"And if a graduate disagrees with an evaluation of work when he can file an appeal?"

After the scaling procedure, when we determine which score, each participant received for each exam, the protocols with the results of protected communication channels come from us to regional information processing centers and then brought to educational institutions. From now on, the period comes when the graduate has the right to appeal. For example, he may not agree with the assessment according to S. or wants to make sure that the car counted his answers in parts A and V.

The appellate in the conflict commission is printed by the image of the information that he has written itself, and the recognized machine is displayed this form. And in front of a graduate, the answers merge on the subject of whether the car correctly recognized his tags, in those places they stand, where he put them.

- Errors happen?

Hardly ever. Works a very high quality recognition system. If the graduate complies with all the symbol writing algorithms, the errors are practically excluded. But if he displaced the answer not by printed letters, as required, and became interested in and wrote with his roasting handwriting, then difficulties may arise. But this is already, sorry, his responsibility. After all, each member of the EGE subscribes under the fact that he studied the rules for holding the exam, where black on the white is said, as it is to display symbols on paper, and even samples are given.

There are nuances and when applying for an appeal to Part S. Graduate may not satisfy the assessment of a separate task of this part or all in the aggregate. If he does not agree with the opinion of experts, re-consideration is appointed. The conflict commission attracts subjects - and not those who have already checked his work, and other specialists who once again evaluate his answers. And, I must say, the revision of the results does not always end in favor of the graduate.


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