The emergence of universities. The first universities of medieval Europe

The emergence of universities. The first universities of medieval Europe

In the XII century as a result of the increased need scientific knowledge And people, they possess, - scientists - the process of education on the basis of Cathedral schools in the largest cities of Western Europe of the Higher Schools - Universities. Initially, the concept of "university" (from Lat. Universitas - a set) meant the corporation of teachers, professors and students, "Scholarov", the purpose of which is to study and the increase in the Unified Christian Knowledge.

The first universities appeared in Bologna (1158), Paris (1215), Cambridge (1209), Oxford (1206), Lisbon (1290). It was in these educational institutions that the basic principles of academic autonomy were formulated, developed democratic rules for the management of the highest school and its inner life. So, universities had a number of privileges given to the Roman dad: issuing permits to teach, awarding scientists by degrees (previously it was the exclusive right of the Church), the liberation of students from military service, and the seductive institution itself was elected at the university Rector and deans.

In the XIII century. Another 25 universities opened, including universities in Prague (1347), Pisa (1343), Florence (1349) and others. By the XV century. In Europe, there were about 60 universities.

Usually the university structure included four faculties: artistic, legal, medical and theological. A hierarchy was installed in medieval high schools: the Senior was considered theological faculty, then legal, medical and artistic faculties. On this basis, the artistic faculty, where "seven free arts" was studied, in some historical and pedagogical studies are called younger or preparatory, at the same time the rules of the university did not assume this. At the Theological Faculty, they studied mainly the Holy Scriptures and "Centralization" Peter Lombardsky(beginning of the XII century. - 1160), the training lasted for about 12 years, students, continuing training, could teach themselves and occupy church positions, at the end of the training they were assigned the title of master theology, and then licratations (teacher who admitted to lectures to read, but not yet defending his doctoral dissertation).

The Faculty of Law considered Roman and Catholic law, after four years of study, students received a bachelor's degree, and after three years - licrates. Training at the medical faculty included the study of the works of hippocrates, Avicenna, Galen and other famous doctors. After four years of study, students were assigned a bachelor's degree, and for two years they had to practice medical practices under the leadership of the master. Then after five years of study, they were allowed to take exams for the title of lic net.

Based on the trivium school year-based students, students of the artistic faculty studied the quadrium, especially in detail geometry and astronomy, in addition, a study was considered scholasticism, the works of Aristotle, philosophy. Two years later, students received a bachelor's degree, the Master's preparation lasts from three to ten years. The main purpose of training at all faculties was the achievement of academic degrees.

Inside the faculties, students on national signs united in ecstudies, a decisive role in the award of scientists, teachers played a decisive role. The University of State Rector relied on the activities of the Supervisory and Scientific Councils, the latter was elected from among professors and masters. In some universities with the XIV century. The right to election of professors has passed to the cities. Gradually by the XV century. State universities appear.

Classes in universities lasted for a whole day (from 5 h in the morning to 8 h). The main form of training was to read a professor of lectures. Due to the insufficient number of books and manuscripts, this process was time consuming: the professor repeated the same phrase several times so that students could remember. Low productivity of learning partly explains its duration. Once a week, a dispute was conducted aimed at the development of independence of thinking, students were required to attend disputes.

Strictly speaking, the very first university that appeared in the Western world can be considered by Constantinople, founded in 425 AD, but the university status received in only 848. Students studying in it received knowledge in the field of medicine, rights and philosophy. In addition, one of the mandatory disciplines was rhetoric - the ability to express their thoughts. From the IX century, other natural sciences began to study in this school: astronomy, arithmetic, geometry and music. But since Constantinople, so the city, which is now called Istanbul, is located on the border of Europe with Asia, many are inclined to give the palm of championship to the University of the Italian city of Bologna, which was founded in 1088 AD.

To this educational institution, the first in Western Europe was issued by Charter from Frederick I Barbarossa in 1158, by that time for 70 years at the university, the students studied the course of theology and civil law. The Charter gave the university right to implement his research and educational programs Regardless of either from church, nor from secular power. From this time, the program of grammar, logic and rhetoric was included in the program. The University in Bologna is the oldest educational institution that has implemented an academic degree represented and represented by its graduates. Currently, it is the second largest from Italian universities. Today, about 100 thousand students are trained at its 23 faculties.

Other oldest universities in Europe

In 1222, former teachers and students of the University of Bologna, conflicted with his leadership, in another Italian city - Padua, a new educational institution was founded with a university program and level of education. This university had two branches, on one students studied theology, civil and canonical law, on the other - medicine, rhetoric, philosophy, dialectics, grammar, astronomy and medicine.

In the English-language world the oldest university Oxfordsky is recognized, the year of its foundation is 1117. Initially, the theosophical education of the English clergy received the walls in its walls, but since the XIII century it began to study the highest one. Currently, students-humanitarians, mathematicians, physicists, sociologists, physicians, botany, eologists, etc. are being prepared in this educational institution.

Another oldest European University is French Sorbonnery, founded in 1215. At first it was an association of church colleges, but since 1255, in this institution, young people from a poor families have received the right to learn theology. From the XVI century, the University of Sorbonnery is considered the center of European philosophical thought.

Despite the fact that the first university in Russia, the teaching in which was arranged in accordance with Western European standards, was opened in St. Petersburg, the history of higher education begins not with it. The first in the Moscow kingdom was the Slavic-Greco-Latin Academy, which was preparing the mainly translators who owned the languages \u200b\u200bof neighboring major powers.

First university in Russia

The first university arranged on the sample of Western European educational institutions was the St. Petersburg State University, the date of organization of which is considered on January 28, 1724. However, the first time of the university did not specify the university, and soon because of the lack of students, he was closed and resumed his work only in 1819.

The official version states that the current university leads its pedigree from Petrovsky, although many scientists adhere to an alternative point of view. According to an alternative view, the University of Modern St. Petersburg State University was created on the basis of the Chief Pedagogical Institute, which, in turn, was a reorganized teacher seminary founded in 1786.

However, the myth of the continuity of the current University and the institution created by Peter I was established in Soviet times. The current leadership of the country and the educational institution also adheres to the same point of view. Thus, according to official history, the first university in Russia is precisely St. Petersburg. In 1999, the 275th anniversary of the university was solemnly celebrated. So the legend of the first university in Russia was confirmed by summit. Despite the difficulty with the definition of the historical championship, the University of St. Petersburg remains today one of the most prestigious higher educational institutions in the country.

History of Moscow State University

Despite the fact that the university in Moscow was organized for thirty years later by Petersburg, his story, unlike the first, was not interrupted. Thus, there can be no doubt about the date of its foundation, which is reliably established on the basis of the decree of the empress Erisabeth Petrovna, signed on January 24, 1755. On the day of the founding of the University, students celebrate every year Tatiana Day, which is considered the holiday of all Russian students. Across the official point of view, some historians are confident that the first universities in Russia correctly consider Moscow.

The first building of the university was on Red Square, on the site of the modern historical museum. Since in the eighteenth century the university was state institution, he submitted directly to the Governing Senate, and for his professors, there were special conditions for the court and dismissal.

Already in the XVIII century, the university acquired his own press, gymnasium and in 1791 he received the right to award scientists by degrees. However, the number of students at the time of the founding of Moscow State University was only a hundred people.

Significant changes in occurred in 1804, when a new charter of the Imperial Moscow University was adopted. They should now be managed by the University Council, headed by the rector, who, however, claimed the emperor personally.

Modernity of Moscow University

The history of Moscow State University has always been inextricably linked with Moscow and its intellectual elite. Today, the university is the largest and one of the most prestigious universities of the country. At the disposal of the university there are more than six hundred buildings and structures, the most famous of which is considered the main building on the sparrow mountains.

In 2017, there are forty-one faculty in the university structure. We actively function and develop research institutes working in close tie with scientific structures of the Academy of Sciences.

In addition to Moscow corps, there are also branches of the university in cities such as Sevastopol, Astana, Yerevan, Baku, Bishkek, Tashkent and Dushanbe. Each branches make a significant contribution to the development of the intellectual environment of the cities in which they are located.

Kazan and other universities

Was opened in 1805 and immediately turned into one of the most important centers scientific centers. In addition, not the most central position on the Russian map made it possible to maintain a certain level of freedom, which made Kazan the center of attraction for freedom-loving students.

At the end of the nineteenth century, Kazan University became the center of a socialist movement due to several student circles in which young Vladimir Lenin took part. It was in his honor that the university was named in 1924.

In addition to universities, based on the order of this or that Russian monarch, others existed in the Russian Empire higher Schools. For example, Derptic Imperial University was organized by order of the Swedish king of Gustav LL in 1632, when Derptte, the current Estonian Tartu was under the rule of Sweden.

Until 1710, the university was taught exclusively in Swedish, after which the dominant position in the city and the university was taken by immigrants from German lands, and, therefore, teaching was conducted in German. However, the history of the university was interrupted in the middle of the eighteenth century. He renewed his work only in 1802 by decree Paul L, who forbade sending students to study abroad. As in other universities Russian EmpireTeaching in a new educational institution was conducted in Russian.

Derptic University in the XX century

After the fall of the autocracy and defeat of Russia in the First World War in Korpte, they began to persecute the Russian-speaking professors and students, and the university himself was evacuated to Voronezh.

It was on the basis of Derptsky and a Voronezh State University was created. And the Voronezh Art Museum of the Kramsky was created on the basis of the collection of the Derptic gallery.

After joining Estonia to the USSR, teaching at the university resumed in Russian, it was this time that was a period of flourishing local science. Worldwide Fame The university brought the activities of Yuri Mikhailovich Lotman and his philological school, who was in history under the name of Tartus.

Modern Derpt University

After the independence of Estonia and the proclamation of the Estonian single state language, teaching at the university is conducted in Estonian and English.

The university is well integrated into the European and international education system. It has many international exchange programs on the European program "Erasmus".

In which year, the first university was opened, you will learn from this article.

Where was the first university opened?

Education plays a very important role in the life of every person. The first universities were discovered for this purpose. Educational institutions have a long history.

The oldest universities in Europe:

  1. italian University of Bologna, opened in 1088,
  2. english Oxford University, open in 1100 (in the photo),
  3. english University of Cambridge, open in 1200,
  4. french Monperel University, opened in 1220.
  5. german Hydelberg University, opened in 1386,
  6. american Harvard University, opened in 1636,
  7. japanese Ruegysky University, open in 1639
  8. Tokyo University, opened in 1877.

But the world's first university was founded in 372 in the Cogure State. He wore the name "Thahak" or "Kendan." In 992 he was opened state university "Kugzhgham", in which scientists and feudal officials were taught. Today he is known as the University of Light Industry.

When did the first university opened in Europe?

In Constantinople B. 425 year Opened the first higher education institution. But he received the status of the first university in 848.

Also interesting factIn 859, the University of Al-Kowan was founded in Morocco, which continuously acts from this year and to today.

When did the first university opened in Russia?

The first university in Russia was opened on January 12, 1755 by decree of Empress Elizabeth. He was called Moscow University. Interestingly, he was opened on St. Tatiana's Day, so modern students consider her patroness and celebrate this day as a student's day. For the university allocated the building of the pharmaceutical house, which is located near Red Square near the Resurrection Gate. The founder of Moscow University is a famous scientist

The need for specialists who could no longer satisfy the monastic schools led to the emergence of new institutions. Thus, urban schools appear in the cities (magistrates, workshops, guilds). Here for the first time began to train children in their native language, pay attention to the message of useful knowledge.

But the institutions giving higher education. Therefore, non-caring unions of scientists begin to develop. This is how a medical school has arisen in Salerno, legal schools in Bologna and Padua.

The need to appear new forms of education understood and power.

Starting from the 12th century, the first universities appeared. They were created as senior educational institutions. The name went from the Latin word "Universum", i.e. community. To become a university, the institution had to get a papal bull (decree) about its creation.

His Bulla Pope brings these schools from under the control of secular and, partly, local church power. Pope legalized the existence of the university.

The most important privilege of the university was the right to assign scientists of degrees (lincyaths, doctors, etc.). Of course, other institutions issued diplomas about their graduates: academies, various schools, etc. But they recognized only where the power existed, preclosed by these institutions, for example in their hometown. And university diplomas were recognized by the entire Catholic world. A person who received a diploma could teach and work in any Catholic country.

It should be noted that the middle eyelids it was not known that the importance of the university, which we use now. For our time, the century, as a rule, the University is a totality of all sciences as opposed to special higher education institutions. In the average century, the term "Universitas" meant not the versatility of learning, but any organized union, any corporation. For their designation, the words of Corpus, a collegium were also applied. These associations thus included people with common interests and independent legal status. In Bologna, Padua, Montpellier existed actually several universities, but they considered themselves parts of one "universitas". Only at 14-15VV. The university will become a separate academic institution.

The medieval university, undoubtedly, was a product of Western European medieval civilization. In a certain sense, his predecessors were some educational establishments Classical Antiquity: Philosophical School in Athens (4 V. BC), School of Law in Beirut (3-6VV.), Imperial University in Constantinople (424-1453). Their organization and the program of individual courses resemble medieval. For example, in Beirut, there was a mandatory five-year academic course with certain cycles, in Constantinople in the same center, grammar teachers, rhetoric, philosophy and law were collected. Here also studied quadrium and trimium. Greek language was naturally used as the main one. There existed a whole system of schools. But these schools were rigid enough to state. About any autonomy, and, therefore, there was no freedom of thought of speech.

The practice of obtaining education among individual secular scientists was widely developed.

But only in Western Europe there was a university as a special organization for education.

Its specificity was determined three of most important points - Autonomy, the election of the authorities and the discussion as the basis of training and science. The most important honors from the university was its significant independence from various authorities, whether church or secular.

The power in the university was chosen, and the authority conquered in discussions was played a big role.

The university possessed a number of rights and privileges:

the right to study not only seven free arts, but also the right (civil and canonical), theology, medicine.

the right to receive part of beneficial church income for training.

the right of the owner of the degree from one school to teach in any other university without additional exams (Ius Ubique Dolendi).

special jurisdiction for Scholyarov - in its choice or in front of teachers or local bishop instead of a common jurisdiction to urban judges. So in Paris, they were subject to the court of rector or Parisian Preview (Royal Paris Vicer), but not a local court of citizens.

the right to publish its laws, statutes and orders regulating the remuneration of labor to teachers, techniques and methods of training, disciplinary norms, examination procedures, etc.

In the total mass of medieval universities, the so-called "maternal" is allocated. These are Universities of Bologna, Paris, Oxford and Salamanca. These were the largest and prestigious universities of that time. They were considered the most important in their own country. Moreover, they enjoyed great authority in the whole "Christian world" (of course, Catholic).

So Bologna University was considered the most famous and prestigious legal admission. And the Paris Theological Faculty provided a huge impact on the politician of the Church and the French state. It was his representatives that made the cessation of the Great Schism, who was able to force applicants for a papal throne to agree on each other. They put forward the ideas of the Council of Cat and the Galikanism of the Church.

Oxfordsky was famous for the fact that theological problems were presented here to a lesser extent, but more attention was paid to natural sciences.

In Salamanca, the literature of Arabs and Jews was most actively studied. It was believed that black magic is actively learning here.

The rest of the universities were largely imitated. Particularly imitated to the Paris University, who even nicknamed in the Middle Ages "Sinai Schools".

The first European university traditionally considered the University of Bologna, which arose on the basis of the Bologna law school. The year of its foundation is called 1088 year. The founder is considered the famous lawyer of the time Irnery, who first became the Roman law in a wide audience.

It is believed that it was he who put in the practice of lawyers of the code of Justinian, a set of laws where much attention was paid various types Property.

Lectures of Irneuria were very popular, and students began to flock from all europs.

But the authentic increase in the values \u200b\u200bof the Bologna school begins with the middle of the 12th century. In 1158, the German Emperor Friedrich I Barbarossa captured one of their richest cities of Lombardy - Milan and convened on the Ronkalian field (on the r. By, between Piacense and Parma), the Seimas in order to impose Seimilian cities new order Control. In grateful to help from Bologna professors, in the same year he issued a law on which she took under the patronage of those who travel to scientific training, especially the teachers of the Divine and Holy Law "; Bologna Scholars were released from a circular place in the payment of taxes and from the subordination to the city courts of Bologna.

These privileges strengthened the influx of listeners. According to the evidence of contemporaries, by the beginning of the 13th century, up to 10 thousand people were studied in Bologna from all over Europe. The famous Bologna professor Azo seemed so many listeners that had to lecture on the square. Almost all languages \u200b\u200bof Europe were presented here. The school began to be called General. It was in Bologna for the first time that the so-called nations (ectery) began to appear.

Another type of association is represented by the University of Paris. Here the union began not to schoolary, but teachers. But these were not ordinary teachers, but students of senior faculties, have time to finish preparatory faculty. They were simultaneously masters of seven loose arts, and students. Naturally, they began to oppose themselves to other teachers, rubber-preparations and citizens, demand the definition of their status. The new university developed rapidly, unification with other faculties occurred gradually. The power of the university has grown in a fierce fight against spiritual and secular authorities. The foundation of the university dates 1200, when the Decree of the French King and Bull Pope Innokentia III, who freed the university from the subordination of secular power. The autonomy of the university was fixed by Bullah Dad 1209, 1212, 1231 years.

In the 13th century, Oxford University arises. Like the University of Paris, he arises after the mass of conflicts with the city and church authorities. After one of these clashes in 1209, students in protest went to Cambridge and there new University. These two universities are so closely connected with each other, which is often combined under the general name "Oxbridge". The feature of Oxbridge is the presence of so-called colleges (from the word "board"), where students not only studied, but also lived. Education in hostels led to the emergence of such a phenomenon of a decentralized university.

Pride of Spain is a university in Salamanca (1227). On the basis of it, it was finally announced in the diploma of the King Alfons X in 1243.

In the XIII century, the mass of other universities arises:

1220g. - University in Montpellier (the university privileges received, however, only at the end of the 13th century).

1222g. - Paduan (as a result of Scholyar's care from Bologna).

1224g. - Neapolitansky, because The Sicilian King Friedrich II needed experienced administrators.

1229 - Orleans, Toulouse (local authorities seduced Scholyarov in that it is possible to listen to forbidden Aristotle and rely on stable prices for wine and food).

Many universities appeared in 14-15 centuries:

1347 - Prague.

1364 - Krakowsky.

1365g. - Viennese.

1386 - Heidelberg.

1409g. - Leipzig.

By 1500, there were already 80 universities in Europe, the number of which was the most different. In the Paris University in the middle of the 14th century there were about three thousand people, in Prague, by the end of the 14th century - 4 thousand, in Krakow - 904 people.


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