Kuzma Derevyano General Victory. DREAM SAPITY Japan accepted! Soviet warlord, lieutenant-general, hero of Ukraine

Kuzma Derevyano General Victory. DREAM SAPITY Japan accepted! Soviet warlord, lieutenant-general, hero of Ukraine

(1 (14) November 1904, p. Tosenovka of the Uman County of the Kiev province - December 30, 1954, Moscow). Ukrainian. From the peasants. Member of WCP (b) since 1927 Hero of Ukraine (May 7, 2007, posthumously).

In 1917 he graduated from church-parish school, in 1919 - three classes of Ukrainian gymnasium in Uman. Then he worked worked by Kamenotes, since 1921 he studied in profagroskol in p. Talianki, now the Talnovsky district of the Cherkasy region, which he graduated in 1922

In the Red Army: On August 25, 1922, he studied at the 2nd Kiev School of Chervonny Starin (from October 1923 - the 5th Kharkiv United School of Chervonny Starshin), after graduation in September 1924 - the platoon commander from September 1925 - The commander of the regimental school platoon, from October 1926 - commander of the 6th company of the 297th rifle regiment of Ukrainian. Since January 1930, Head of the Military Cabinet and the acting position of the Chief of the Cherkasy House of the Red Army. From April 1931, Assistant Headquarters of the 296th Rifle Regiment, from January 1932 - Assistant Chief of the 2nd Department sector, from March 1933- Assistant Chief of the Boa Training Department of the Ukrainian headquarters. From April 1933 on school on Eastern (from 1934 - Special Faculty) of the RCKA Military Academy. M.V.Fruunze.

In military intelligence: Since 1936, he was in a special business trip to China, headed the transshipment base at Sary-Ozack station, was engaged in transit transport with arms for the Chinese army. Then he held positions:

  • Head of the 12th Department (administrative) intelligence of the Red Army (June 1938 - July 1940), participated in the Soviet-Finnish War, Chief of Staff of the Separate Ski Detachment of Special Appointment of the 9th Army Northwestern Front;
  • Deputy Chief Department of Department of Staff of the Baltic Special Military District (from June 22, 1941 - North-Western Front) (July 1940 - June 27, 1941), in January - March 1941 performed a special task in Eastern Prussia;
  • Head of the Department of Staff of the North-West Front (June 27, 1941 - May 1942);

From May 1942 at staff: Head of the headquarters of the 53rd army of the North-Western, Steppe, 2nd Ukrainian Fronts, from December 1943 - the 57th Army of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, from March 1944 - 4 GW. Army of the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts. From May 1945 - a representative of the Soviet military command in Austria. From June 1945 - Head of the headquarters of the 35th Army of the Primorsk Group of Troops of the Far Eastern Front. In July 1945, he was recalled at the disposal of the BGK bet. From August 1945 - a representative of the Chief Command of the Soviet troops in the Far East at the headquarters of the Allied Troops in the Pacific Ocean. September 2, 1945 on behalf of the Soviet government signed an act of the surrender of Japan. He participated in the inspection of the consequences of nuclear strikes in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where apparently, received a dose of radioactive irradiation. From January 1946 - Member of the Union Council for Japan from the USSR.

From August 1950, he was at the disposal of the head of the 2nd Main Department of the General Staff Soviet army. From September 1950 - Head of the Department of Armed Forces of Foreign State of the Higher Military Academy.

  • Head of information GRU General Staff Sun USSR (December 1953 - December 30, 1954);

Died from pancreatic cancer obtained due to radiation sickness.


  • Captain (December 30, 1935);
  • Major (February 17, 1938);
  • Colonel (February 20, 1940);
  • Major General (May 3, 1942);
  • Lieutenant General (April 19, 1945);

Awards: 2 Ordena Lenin (March 1938, 1947), 2 Order of the Red Banner (May 3, 1942, November 3, 1944), Order of Suvorov II degree (September 13, 1944), Kutuzov I (April 28, 1945 G.) and II (August 27, 1943) degrees, Bogdan Khmelnitsky I degree (June 29, 1945), Red Star (May 1940), medals.

Foreign Awards: Order "Magyar Sabadshag" (Hungary), "Honorary Legion" (USA), other awards.

Other photos:

Listener of the Military Academy. M.V.Fruunze

During the Soviet-Finnish war. Need to wear a mustache and beard - the result of frostbite

Everyone knows that Marshal Zhukov took the surrender of fascist Germany, and General MacArthur (USA) is the surrender of Japan. But rarely who (except for the front-line and Far Eastern) knows that the act of surrender of Japan has signed from Soviet Union Lieutenant-General Kuzma Nikolayevich Derevko.

I was always tormented by questions. Who is he? Why did you choose it, and not someone from the Marshals of the first Sherng? What is his fate? Where and when did he finish earth days? Our encyclopedias are undeservedly silent about this now an undoubtedly historical personality. Let's try at least a little talk about this wonderful person.

"Comrade Supreme Commander! Lieutenant Lieutenant General of Japan's surrender accepted! " These words of Kuzma Nikolayevich could well utter September 30, 1945, when he reported by I.Stalin on the fulfillment of the responsible order.

Before Stalin, there was a sudidal man with a very characteristic biography for his time.

Kuzma was born 14 November 1904 in the village of Cospace of the Umansky County of the Kiev province Russian Empire. Now this is the Umansky district of the Cherkasy region of the Republic of Ukraine. From three to nine years, he lived at Vologda, where (to Veliky Ustyug) was exhibited in 1907 by the Father for participating in revolutionary events.

In the Red Army since 1922, having a church-parish school behind the shoulders, several classes of gymnasium and a large work experience (Kamenotes, handyman, PAHAR). Fundamental education received in the army. Kiev, and then Kharkiv military schools, and after 10 years - Military Academy. The usual and even to the career academy is the platoon commander, the company, passing the shelf. In 1936 he is just a captain. But a number of responsible special orders put forward by K. Derevyankko to the beginning of the war with Germany. During the war, he has already chief of the headquarters of several armies (53,57,4th Guards). Participated in the Kursk battle, in the battle for the Dnieper. Made a significant contribution to the successful completion of the Corsun-Shevchenkovsky operation. His headquarters organized the defeat of the enemy in the Yoszo-Chisheneous operation. Participated in the liberation of Budapest and Vienna.

One of the few generals awarded by all three orders of the name of the outstanding commander - Suvorov, Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky. Not just a dry warrior, but a living person with bright feelings and preferences, courage and exposure. Determined in intelligence, and then in the School of his fifteen-year-old son twice successfully running to the front from the deep rear (Chelyabinsk). He loved music. In yet the incompleteness of the liberated Vienna, he instructed his son to find the graves of the great composers, and when he found a cemetery, where Strauss was buried, Schubert, he gave money and instructed to buy large bouquets of live flowers and impose them to these graves. Very regretted that Mozart's grave is unknown.

He graduated from the war in the West General Derevyanko headquarters of the 4th Guards Army of the 3rd Ukrainian Front (Commander-General Lieutenant Capture N.D.). In connection with the upcoming war with Japan, it was translated into the Far East to a similar position in the 35th Army. But in August (in Chita), he was ordered to leave the train and arrive at the Commander's bid by the Soviet troops in the Far East of Marshal Vasilevsky. There he was awarded the telegram Stalin and Nachgestaby Antonov on appointment by the representative of the General Command of the Soviet troops in the Far East at the headquarters of Maccatur.

On August 25, the headquarters of the American Armed Forces were stationed in Manila, the headquarters of the American Armed Forces in the Pacific Ocean was deployed from Vladivostok. It was necessary to fly through a number of binding zones of Japanese anti-aircraft artillery. It cost ...

Already in Manila on August 27, he received a telegram order for re-charged by the Supreme Commanding rate and authority to sign an act on the unconditional surrender of Japan on behalf of the Soviet Supreme Command.

On August 30, along with MacArthur and representatives of the Allied countries, Derevyko arrived in Japan, and on September 2, 1945 he took part in the signing ceremony of the act of surrender.

The ceremony took place in Tokyo Gulf, but on the American territory - on board the Missouri aircraft carrier at 10 o'clock in Tokyo time. The Soviet delegation, in which, except K. Derevianko, included the Vice-Admiral Statsenko (from the fleet) (died on November 24, 1960) and Major General of the Voronov Aviation, the aircraft carrier sailors arranged ovation.

From Japan, the ACT of the surrender was signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs M. Sigmitsa and the head of the General Staff of Umguz.

On behalf of the Allied powers, the act signed at the beginning of General MacArthur, and then other representatives, including K.N. Derevianko.

After that it was time to fulfill another order. With a huge health hazard, General is visited by the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, recently subjected to American atomic bombing. As a detailed report, he, together with the album, photographs presented it to the General Staff, and then personally Stalin under the report on September 30, 1945. Ukrainian biographer of General Doctor of Historical Sciences V.Shevchenko argues that the materials K. Derevianko on atomic bombing were used during the development of Soviet atomic weapons (the Ukrainian newspaper "Day" No. 201 of 2.11.2002)

Let me allow myself a few considerations about why Stalin's choice fell on a wooden.

First, the corresponding status was required, and easier - the general title. It was also well deserved. He received the first general star in difficult times - on May 4, 1942 (simultaneously with the appointment by the head of the headquarters of the Army of the North-Western Front and awarding the Order of the Red Star). Representations did the Comfront N.F. Vatutin and Zametschgestaba A.M. Vasilevsky. The second general star K. Derevianko received on April 19, 1945.

The second is knowledge of English and Japanese. The last Kuzma was interested in the Kharkiv school of red stars, where he studied at the beginning of the 20s. Son Hero - V.K. A wooden, who wrote about the father of the book "Soldier, General, Diplomat,", claims that, according to colleagues (I. Yissachenko), Kuzma, Kuzma, he already said to release and wrote in Japanese. (Promiin Publishing House, Dnepropetrovsk, 1971, p.13). It is not by chance that at the Academy named after M.Frune, where he did in 1933, English and Japanese were chosen for study.

I do not think that in the Red Army in 1945 there were many generals who were at the same time English and Japanese. After all, they sent a wooden to the MacArthur, and then to work in Japan, and not just to represent.

The third quality is wooden - he is a headboards and an analyst who knows how to observe and act in the detachment from the mainstream. These qualities were required in Japan. And they manifested themselves for a long time.

In 1936-38, the captain Derevyanka performed a secret operation for supplying weapons of Chinese troops who fought with Japanese aggressors. The Order of Lenin for it was in the Kremlin personally "All-Union Older" Kalinin.

During the Finnish War (1939-40), the volunteer Major K. Derevianko - Head of Staff of a separate special ski brigade. It was a reconnaissance - a sabotage division, formed mainly from the students of the Lengrad Institute of Lesgupta Physical Education. He himself was engaged not only by planning. When the ski squad of the Master of Sport V. Magkova (posthumously - the Hero of the Soviet Union) fell into the ambush Belofinnov and was crushed, Dresanko, at the head of another detachment, made the wounded and dead squad softly. For Finnish war, a wooden station was awarded the Order of the Red Star and out of turn became a colonel. From August 1940, K. Derevyanko - Deputy Invoice Deposit Baltic Special Military District.

In January-March 1941, he performed a special task in Eastern Prussia, and from June 27, 1941 - the head of the Department of the North-Western Front headquarters. In this capacity, in August 1941, he headed the raid in the rear of Hitlerists during which about two thousand of our prisoners of redarmeys was released from captivity under the old Russa, many of them replenished the troops of the front.

Psychology of true headquarters - special. If you send the "clean" commander to the MacArthur - psychological conflicts are inevitable, the pride will be needed to humble, the desire for leadership and other qualities of the first leaders. And the head of the headquarters is already used to being in the shade, work in a team.

In the fourth, it has a small, but the experience of the diplomat. After the war, he represented the USSR for a while in the Union Council on Austria.

I think that it was the rare set of the above-mentioned professional and personal qualities and led the general of Derevko first to the table, where the act of surrender of Japan's surrender was signed, then on radioactive ashes of Japanese cities and for post-war diplomatic work in Tokyo.

In December 1945, in Moscow at a meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Great Powers-winners, an agreement was reached on the formation of the Union Council for Japan with the location in Tokyo. This agreement was published in the newspaper "Izvestia" No. 304 of 28.12.1945.

The purpose of this body was the date of the Soviets of the Commander of the Occupational Forces on issues relating to the implementation of the capitulation, occupation and control over Japan, as well as the fulfillment of directives that perform these conditions.

The Chairman of the Allied Council was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Onceths of General MacArthur, and a member of this few Council from the USSR by the decision of the USSR SCC dated January 2, 1946 - General Derevko. (Previously, fifteen days after the new year did not resist). In addition to them, there were another 2 representatives in the Union Council: from China and from the United Kingdom (this member of the Council was also represented at the same time Australia, New Zealand and India).

About this period of work Son K. Derevianko writes this way: "Many important issues of MacArthur decided to independently, without coordinating them with other members of the Council, even if these questions directly affected the interests of one or another state.

In such a difficult situation, with the connivance of other members of the Council, it was necessary to work as a representative of the Soviet Union. Kuzma Nikolayevich Derevyko firmly and consistently conducted the line of our government. The range of issues to be solved at the next, and sometimes extraordinary meetings was very wide. Only for the period from April 1946 to January 1949, he prepared and issued 33 applications and recommendations, including the questions about the elections to the Japanese Parliament, about the accounting and activities of the former Japanese officer corps, on the reorganization of the Japanese police, on the creation of the Japanese government of the Commission on Investigation of the causes of war and the defeat of Japan, about the withdrawal of the fascist, militarist and anti-union literature and many others. However, according to the fault of General Makatur, they did not find a positive solution. "

It seems that this period of work is still waiting for its research. For Sakhalin and Kurilican, it is very significant that it is after the appointment of K. Derevianko in the Union Council General MacArthur 01/29/1946. published directive No. 677, which was prescribed to the Japanese government to stop exercising or attempting to implement the "state or administrative power in any area outside of Japan" (claim 1) and for the purposes of this directive from Japan, Kuril (Tsisima) of the island, island group were excluded Habomai (Habmague) including Islands Yuri (Yuri), Akiyuri (Anunaughter), Syboota (green), Tarak (Polonsky), Sycotan (Shikotan) (see clause 3, PP. B).

The Union Council ceased to exist with the conclusion in 1951 the San Francis Peace Treaty. K.N. Derevyankhenko translated into Moscow, where he worked at the Military Academy by the head of the department of the Armed Forces of Foreign States, and then the head of the Department of Information of the General Directional Management (GRU) of the General Staff.

As a result of nuclear irradiation, obtained during the visit to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the health of K. Derevianko seriously deteriorated and after a long and severe illness, he died from cancer on December 30, 1954. In the necrologists that appeared in the "Pravda" and "Red Star" (31.12.54 No. 310) was not (due to the specifics of the service), the last position of Kuzma Nikolayevich was not listed and foreign orders are not listed (American "for merit" and two Hungarian). But the two orders of Lenin (the second - in 1947), two orders of the Red Banner, the above-mentioned commander orders - said and speak for themselves. Signed necrologist Defense Minister - N. Bulganin, outstanding commander - Novukov, A. Kasilevsky, V.Sokolovsky, I. Koniev, S.Timoshenko, R. Malinovsky - Seven Marshals and a number of prominent generals.

He was buried by Derevko Kuzma Nikolayevich on January 3, 1955 at Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow. It seems that there are grounds to perpetuate his memory in the Far East.

Sergey Ponomarev,

deputy of the Sakhalin Regional Duma,

coordinator of the deputy unpractice

associations "For Russian Chickens!"

"Blessed peacekeepers,
for they will be identified
Sums of God "
from Matthew GL.5 Tes.9

"From the USSR, the act of surrender of Japan was signed by Lieutenant General Derevko K.N.." Why on a wooden k.n. Mounted such an honorable duty - to put your signature under the document, which meant the end of World War II? Who is such a wooden k.n.?

Fifty one year ago - January 3, 1955 - At the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow under the bias of the Army Salute, the head of the Information Department of the General Intelligence Department (GRU) General Staff of the USSR Lieutenant General Kuzma Nikolayevich Derezko was buried. The necrologist published in the central newspapers, in connection with the death of the "little-known General", signed the most outstanding commander of the Great Patriotic War - Marshals G. Zhukov, A. Kasilevsky, V.Sokolovsky, I. Koniev, S.Timoshenko, R. Malinovsky and a number of famous generals .

Conclusion 1: Lieutenant General Derevko K.N. It was not so "unknown."

Conclusion 2: Lieutenant General Derevko K.N. Made for his homeland not so little at 50 years.

Biography: Beginning.

Kuzma was born on November 14, 1904 in the village of Cospace of the Umansky County of the Kiev province of the Russian Empire. Now it is the Umansky district of the Cherkasy region (Ukraine). His father is Nikolai Kirillovich - fellow villagers respected deeply: he mined the bread pressing grave, but so the right work of Kamelotes. And he was a passionate fighter for the national and social laws of countrymen. For an active part in the revolutionary events in 1907, N. Derevyko arrested and exiled to the north of Russia - to Veliky Ustyug (now the Vologda region). His wife's wife Gerasimovna with sons - a three-year-old Kuzma, his brother Stepan, a daughter of Zina - I went after my husband. Only five years later they were allowed to return to their native cospace. In the autumn of 1912, Kuzma went to the local christmas school. And in 1917, by collecting the last penny, the parents sent the capable young man to study in the first Ukrainian gymnasium. Boris Grinchenko in Uman. Need more than once forced Kuzma to interrupt their studies to help the family to make a living. From the third grade, because of poverty, he was forced to leave the gymnasium and, together with his father, worked with Kamenotes in granite careers and at the construction sites of Shevchenkovsky Territory. And when it was necessary - Pakhl, sowed, collected the harvest, performed by Malas, blocked the huts.
In 1922, with Kotomka, where there was no good food, cooked by Mom, and "Kobzar" of his beloved Taras Shevchenko, in the pants from a homework, painted elderly, the young man entered the Kiev military school. After disbanding the last, Derevyanko among the most capable cadets is translated to further continue their studies in the Kharkiv school of red elders named Woicke. In the Kharkiv School of Military Strins Kuzma, Kryuko became interested in Japanese and was already told to release from school and wrote in Japanese.
After studying - the commander of the platoon, the company, the assistant chief of the headquarters of the regiment, the assistant chief of the department of the Ukrainian Military District. He served as a wooden woman, after a year of command, the platoon received the first award - a nominal silver cigarette party who kept all his life. From 1933 - Listener of the Military Academy. Frunze in Moscow, in 1933, entering Military Academy them. M. V. Frunze, he chose English and Japanese to explore.
. Friendly, cheerful, attentive to comrades, Kuzma not only learned well, but he was the initiator of various sports competitions, he entered the national team of the Academy of Football, headed the bike ride on the route Moscow - Kharkov - Dnepropetrovsk - Lugansk - Stalingrad - Vladimir - Moscow. And especially he loved to sing. Balayku took into the hands and together with his wife (she played the guitar) and the Son (Mandolin) sang Ukrainian songs that comrades were hearing, command, incl. Head of the Academy Marshal B.M. Shaposhnikov, his assistant General Yu.O. Scramidko ...
In 1936, K. N. Derevyanko graduated from the Special Department of the Military Academy. N.V.Frunze, after which he was aimed at work in the RKKA intelligence department (predecessor GRU). On the new post He was waiting for a long-term business trip. From October 1936 to May 1938, he was engaged in transit transport with arms from the Soviet Union to the Republic of China - through Tien Shan and Gobi. At that time, the Soviet Union was the only country that provided China to essential assistance in the fight against Japanese aggression. For work in China, the thirty-year-old intelligence officer was awarded the Order of Lenin. It is notable to remember that the Order of Lenin in those years was exceptional rare. In the summer of 1938, after returning from China, Derevko was appointed to the position of "Sanatorovo-resort" - the head of the 12th administrative and economic department for the material support of the RKKA Research ..

Conclusion 3: Could not study not examine chinese, let the conversational.
Biography: Repressions
In the fall of 1938, two of his native unidie - Job and Matvey are repressed. For participation in gangs during civil War! Another uncle - Radion - died in battle against the red on Art. Christinist in 1919. And about Uncle Savve, on whose farm, the son-in-law became a fist, did not forget. And about Brother Stepan, convicted for 4 years for the lubrication. They came to come where it was necessary that his father before the revolution was a fist (it was a deliberate lie), and the gangsters helped with gangsters with products and horses. These "facts" were checked by commissions, and another inspecting and confirmed them! And all this was necessary to refute. One item from charged charges was enough for a person to be excluded not only from the list of a secret organization, but also from the list of alive. However, this did not happen. When Kuzma Nikolayevich figured out that the injury was arranged with the filing of the leadership of the RU, and found out that "the head of the political waste t. Ilyichev demanded from the separation of" z "of negative data," he turned directly to the defense profession.
Kuzma Nikolayevich described this way then his experiences: "The chilling heart is indifference to the heads and subordinates, friends and comrades, there is nothing unreasonable suspicion, undeserved distrust turn me out of a healthy, cheerful, ready to work for the work of any difficulty, ready to give life for socialist homeland at any time. A person in the insignificance, in the animal, hopelessly sung out and having a powerful look at the sight of a height of his head. "
According to the dates we see that several waves of bloody "cleaning", who passed along the Red Army, survived, while in China. And in the autumn of 1938, the People's Commissar of the Interior of Nikolay Jesova changed the Lavrenty Beria. It seems that our hero has pleased between the teeth of the repressive car. It is difficult to say where and at what level "his question" was decided in fact, but it is known that only on April 9, 1939 a positive characteristic appeared, signed by the leadership of RU: "It is well coping with work. A good administrator, enjoys an authority, in his personal life it is set aside. Politically and morally stable, the posts fully correspond to. He examines English. Further use is more appropriate at the intelligence work in the troops or in the District Department (Department of Deployment) ... can command the regiment ... "

Biography: Finnish War

During the Soviet-Finnish war (1939-1940), the volunteer Major K. Derevko - Head of the headquarters of a separate special ski brigade. It was a reconnaissance and divergent division, formed mainly from students of the Leningrad Institute of Physical Education. Lesgafeta. He himself was engaged not only by planning. When the ski squad of the master of sports V. Magkova (posthumously - the Hero of the Soviet Union) fell into the ambush Belofinnov and was crushed, Derevyko, at the head of another detachment, made the wounded and dead. For Finnish war, a wooden station was awarded the Order of the Red Star and out of turn became a colonel.

Conclusion 4: A strong man, hardy, bold, decisive, who knows how to find the right solutions in difficult situations.
Biography: Between Wars
From August 1940, K. Derezko - Deputy Head of the Department of Baltic Special Military District. In January-March 1941, he performed a special task in Eastern Prussia
Biography: Great Patriotic War
From June 27, 1941, Derevko K.N. - Head of the Deposit Staff of the North-West Front. In this capacity, in August 1941, he headed the raid in the rear of Hitlerists during which about two thousand of our prisoners of redarmeys was released from captivity under the old Russa, many of them replenished the troops of the front.
On May 4, 1942, the head of the 53rd army of the North-West Front headquarters was appointed headquarters and awarded the Order of the Red Star. At the same time, he was assigned the rank of general (on the representation of the Complerte N.F. Vatutin and Zamenchgensteb A.M. Vasilevsky).
Under his leadership, fascists near the city of Demyansk were surrounded and defeated. Since the summer of 1943, as part of the steppe front participates in the Kursk battle, the liberation of Kharkov.
From December 1943, Derevko as the head of the 57th Army headquarters, and then - the 4th Guards Army participates in the battle for the Dnieper. He made a significant contribution to the successful completion of the Korsun-Shevchenkovsky battle. In particular, the German group of Shhenderman was destroyed by a well-directed strike of the guardsmen in the area of \u200b\u200bShenderovka and Lisyanka, who was trying to escape from the environment.
The headquarters headed by the Army headquarters skillfully organized the defeat of the Nazis during the Yassine-Chisinau operation, during a breakthrough announced by Hitler's "impregnable" defense line "Margarita" in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Balaton in Hungary, Liberation Budapest and Vienna. Not once, his name as a skilled commander was called in the orders of the Supreme Commander. All combat associates noted that Kuzma Nikolayevich was a smart, hard, caring military leader. And when it is necessary - then with weapons in the hands directly included in the battle. So it was on Lake Balaton, when the fascists broke through to the headquarters of the army. Doodle under these conditions organized defense and retained management. April 19, 1945 K.N. Derevyko assigned the title Lieutenant-General (40 years old!), After the end of the war in Europe, the USSR adequately represented in the Union Council on Austria.
Conclusion 5: K.N. Doodle possessed the analytical warehouse of the scout. It rarely combined the qualities of military practice, theorist, the organizer. The ability to work independently, without controling from above.
Biography: Mission in Japan.
In connection with the upcoming war with Japan, it was translated into the Far East to a similar position in the 35th Army. But in August (in Chita) received an order to leave the train and arrive at the Commander's bet with Soviet troops in the Far East of Marshal Vasilevsky. There he was awarded the telegram Stalin and the head of the General Staff of Antonov on appointment by the representative of the General Command of the Soviet troops in the Far East at the headquarters of MacArthur. A few days later a group of proven persons who know English wells were formed. From the Navy - Council Admiral A.Stessenko, from the Air Force - Major General N. Voronov. In Vladivostok, a plane was prepared for a long flight via China and the South China Sea to the Philippines with a landing at a military airfield under Manila. After a long flight, a wooden arrives at the headquarters of the Union troops in Manila (Philippines). When the time came to sign the act of surrenders of Japan, it was he who was instructed to do this on behalf of the USSR, although others were preparing for this mission.
August 30, 1945 K.N. Doodle together with D. Makartur Armor arrives in Japan. On September 2, 1945, a boat with the highest military ranks approached the American Linkar "Missouri", which stood in Tokyo Gulf. Tapping the cane of the metal ladder, the Emperor of Japan's authorized by the emperor, Minister of Foreign Affairs M. Sigmitsa, climbed on the deck of the ship, the head of the General Staff I. Umgazu. In full silence, they signed an act in which the defeat of Japan was recognized, and its troops and the people were committed immediately to stop military actions, certainly fulfill all the requirements and instructions of the allies. Then this document wrote in writing representatives of the winning countries. When the Plenipotentiary Representative of the USSR General K.N. Derevyanko, American sailors were shaken. This moment was then able to see in the newsreel and in photographs, hear about it on the radio, read in the newspapers and magazines the inhabitants of the entire planet. Doodle in life became legendary. In the future, it was appointed by the USSR representative in December 1945, the Allied Council for Japan with Location in Tokyo (the chairman of the Allies, General MacArthur, was appointed by the Chairman of which the Commander-in-Chief).
next week September, after signing the act, was engaged in negotiations with Makartur, the head of his headquarters by General Sezerland, from which the trips of Derevyko in Japan depended on Japan, dating the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki destroyed by atomic bombs.
Began Kuzma Nikolayevich with Tokyo. The first thing to be done is to move from Yokohama to the capital of Japan, in the building of the USSR Embassy, \u200b\u200bmiraculously preserved after American bombing.
September 27, Kuzma Nikolayevich received encryption from Moscow: to arrive with a report on the situation in Japan. Subsequently, he recalled: "After two days he was in the capital of our Motherland. Stalin asked me to report on the situation in the post-war Japan in general and more details to highlight the questions of the Japanese relationship to the Allies, the state of the Armed Forces of Japan, especially its navy.
When the report was completed, Stalin asked the consequences of the explosions of atomic bombs, dropped by the Americans to the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I was ready to answer, because I managed to visit the affected cities and saw everything with my own eyes. The album of the photos, which were captured by destruction ... The next day I was informed that the report in the Politburo was approved and that my job in Japan received a positive assessment.
Kuzma Nikolayevich Derevko was in Moscow for long. In December 1945, the Union Council was created for Japan with a place of stay in Tokyo. The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR appointed Lieutenant-General Derevyanko member of this Council.
It is impossible to say that all initiatives of the Soviet representative in Japan were crowned with success, but Darychko did a lot so that the neighbor's country would get on democratic rails, refused the militarist peasants. Unfortunately, not everything that was scheduled, he managed to do.
The Union Council ceased to exist with the conclusion in 1951 the San Francis Peace Treaty.
K.N. Derevyanko transferred to Moscow. He returned to a mortally sick person. Derevyko worked at the Military Academy by the head of the department of the Armed Forces of Foreign States, and then the head of the Department of Information of the General Research of the General Directional Management (GRU) of the General Staff.
Due to the nuclear irradiation, obtained during the visit to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the health of K. Derevianko has seriously deteriorated, and after a long and severe illness, he died from cancer on December 30, 1954.
Why Stalin did not instruct the sign of this document by Marsham Zhukov, Vasilevsky, who defeated the Kwantung grouping of the Japanese troops and was not far?
In the war with Japan, the Americans captured the championship, apparently as more affected. (Philipins, Per Harbol). The capitulation initiative proceeded from Americans. They were joined by the United Kingdom and China on the Berlin (Potsdam) conference was published a declaration on behalf of the United States, Great Britain and China, which contained the requirement for Japan on unconditional surrender. The Soviet Union declared Japan's war on August 9, and on August 14, Japan capitulated. The Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in the Pacific Ocean was appointed Army General (December 18, 1944) Douglas MacArthur (Higher Military Title in the USA).
You can say a lot about Douglas Maccharge. Everyone was the well-known insane vanity of Luzon Napoleon. His ambitions reached the point that he dreamed of an oval office.
Here is "at the beginning", or rather under the command of this person and should have been marshals of Zhukov or Vasilevsky. By the way, they were also very vain and ambitious. Rightly decided Stalin Soviet Union tired of the war. And MacArthur and Zhukov "will not agree without a fight." So you need a general. Less than the army general but not less than Major General. And there this person will go there not to represent the USSR, but to "fight" for the USSR. So he should know and be able to. Must know English, Japanese, Chinese should have an analytical mind, courage, courage, wisdom, exploration experience, the experience of diplomatic work, be able to work and find the right solution to specific problems knowing only the general direction of policies. Now we'll see how many generals knew English - a lot (even despite cleaning), and Japanese - not so much, but it was enough, and both immediately - already enough fingers of two hands. And the experience in intelligence, but the experience of working work, and the experience of diplomatic work. And then it does not start up. It turns out one - Darytko Kuzma Nikolayevich. "Frames decide everything" said Stalin, and the personnel service under Stalin was at a very strong level. That's why Derevko Kuzma Nikolayevich was in right place at the right hour.

"Their noble names we will not be able to list here,
So they are much under the protection of granite,
But know, listening to these stones,

No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten. "
O. Berggolts.

Hello dear.
In the times of the Soviet Union, yes, and nowadays the formula "Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten" used (s) all who are not too lazy. A line from the piercing poem of the talented poetess-blocks of Olga Berggolts, written for the stela of the Piskarevsky memorial cemetery, began to be replicated by the state in a truly space scale. But remembering close, remember their relatives, and the state, by and large, anyway. We always appreciated the dead heroes more, and even then they didn't really straighten with him for the reward.
Yes, there were several heroes, around which a whole cult was built, but in general, they were not very good. I do not even touch the delicate theme of the fate of not buried soldiers. How many more of them, put their lives for their homeland, still lies in the forests and swamps ... :-(
We write historical miniatures with you (just like that, by the loved word V. Pikul, I called our works) and often in one way or another remind of heroes of that Great War, Make it look close to them more or just remember. So everything is not in vain ...

Pisarevkie Memorial Cemetery

Today I will tell about two interesting people - Ivan Susloparov and Kuzma Derevko. Do you know these heroes? But these people left a bright mark in the history of the Second World War.
Major Major Ivan Alekseevich Susloparov signed on behalf of the USSR the first act on the surrender of Germany in Reims on May 7, 1945 (was also the second, but about it later), and Lieutenant-General Kuzma Nikolayevich Derevko as a representative of the Soviet command - the act of surrender of the Japanese Empire September 2, 1945. Let's start, perhaps, from Kuzma Nikolayevich.

Kuzma Nikolayevich Derevko

Born future hero November 14, 1904 in the village of Cospace of the Kiev province. Father, Nikolai Kirillovich was Kamenotes and actively participated in the revolution. Mother, Schalet Gerasimovna, although the daughter of a simple peasant woman was smart and competent. In addition to Kuzma, there were 2 more children in the family - Stepan and Zinaida (later there will be 4 more).
In 1907, Nikolai Kirillovich had a lot of problems because of his revolutionary activities and was exiled to the north of Russia - to Veliky Ustyug. Wife and children went behind him, it was possible to return to their native places only five years later.
Kuzma since childhood was inquisitive, and new places, familiarity with the poms were misunderstanding interest in the world.
Returning from the north, the parents identified Kuzma to the local church-parish school. He studied there as well that the local decek teacher advised the parents to teach the boy further. In the boy, a chain mind was discovered, an extraordination. He walked perfectly in all subjects, but he also loved the literature, "Kobzar" Taras Shevchenko knew by heart.

"Kobzar" T. Shevchenko

Parents collected the last money and in 1917 sent Kuzma to the first Ukrainian gymnasium. Boris Grinchenko in Uman. But the time made their amendments, education was interrupted, and in 1920 Kuzma was finally forced to leave her studies - it was necessary to help the family. For 2 years, he mastered the profession of Kamenotes, was a handyman, an assistant miller, built the roofs ... He was given the profession of Hlebugod, many believed that he would grow a good specialist. However, the soul was still sought to know knowledge.
In 1922, Kuzma tried to enter Kiev Military School, and he succeeded. However, the school was soon disbanded, but Derevyanko was among the most capable cadets transferred to the further continuation of studies in the Kharkiv school of red elders named after VTCIK.

Kharkiv School of Red Starin. Release of 1925.

He studied hardly not better than everyone and suddenly decided to learn foreign languageYes, not any, but ... Japanese. I can assume that at school, someone from the teachers-Warsetovs was a fan of the East, and may have taken captive during the First World War. Whatever it was, but after 2 years, Kuzma Nikolayevich not only spoke in Japanese, but he also wrote.
At the end of the study, the career was successful: the commander of the platoon, the company, the assistant chief of the regiment headquarters, the assistant chief of the department of the Ukrainian Military District. The bosses looked at it not only proletarian origin, but also abilities, perishability, dilapidation. Among the comrades, he was a soul of the company. Focusing football, infected this game the entire regiment. Then went bike, gyrene sport.

FDUNZE Academy Graduate Icon

Kuzma had a nice voice and a musical hearing. He loved the guitar to himself a good range, which became a wonderful wife.
It's time, and Kuzma Nikolayevich nominated to study at the MV Military Academy Frunze. There he, along with Japanese, took over study in English. At the Academy, Dresses attracted the attention of the reconnaissance department of the Red Army (the future of GRU) and since then was associated with military intelligence. Of course, we will not know about all its operations, but we can tell something. It is known that in 1936-1938 he was engaged in the organization of the Supply of the Chinese Army. A transshipary base was organized at Sary-Ozack station in Kazakhstan, and Varniako sometimes drove caravans with weapons and supplies to Urumchi, Cyanju, and even through Sinjiang. For his service, the Highestly was marked by the highest award-order - the Order of Lenin, who personally handed him in the Kremlin "All-Union Older" M. I. Kalinin.


Events developed in the spirit of time. In 1939, 2 denuncations were written on Derezko, where it was argued that he hides his "Lord's" origin and is associated with Polish intelligence. Donos did not work - the authorities quickly understood everything. And B.
The beginning of the "unfamiliar winter war" was traveled by a volunteer at the front. Scientific bitter experiences, the Soviet command began to create military detachments of skiers on the basis of the Ladget Institute named, combining them subsequently into a special ski brigade. The headquarters of this brigade was appointed Major Derevko. It is also known that, together with his skiers, he directly participated in hostilities. When one of his detachments, under the leadership of the Hero of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union was entrusted to the Finns and was destroyed, she personally took the wounded and killed from the battlefield.
The command highly appreciated the actions of Kuzma Nikolayevich. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star and received the title of Colonel (bypassing the lieutenant colonel).
The Great War approached ...
To be continued.
Have a good time day

Participated in the Kursk battle, in the battle for the Dnieper. Made a significant contribution to the successful completion of the Corsun-Shevchenkovsky operation. His headquarters organized the defeat of the enemy in the Yoszo-Chisheneous operation. Participated in the liberation of Budapest and Vienna. In 1945, he signed from the Soviet Union to the Capitulation of Japan.

Kuzma was born on November 14, 1904 in the village of Cospace of the Umansky County of the Kiev province of the Russian Empire. Now it is the Umansky district of the Cherkasy region (Ukraine). From three to nine years, he lived at Vologda, where (to Veliky Ustyug) was exhibited in 1907 by the Father for participating in revolutionary events. He graduated from church-parish school, several classes of gymnasium and a large work experience (Kamenoten, handyman, Pakhac).

Since 1922 - in the Red Army, where the basic education was received: Kiev, and then Kharkiv military schools, after 10 years - Military Academy. In the Kharkiv School of Military Strins Kuzma, Kryuko became interested in Japanese and was already told to release from school and wrote in Japanese. In 1933, entering the Military Academy. M. V. Frunze, he chose English and Japanese to explore.

Being in 1936, only the captain, by the beginning of the war with Germany K. Derevyanko nominated by the service, performing a number of responsible special orders.

In 1936-38 Captain Daryotko performed a secret operation on the supply of weapons of Chinese troops who fought with the Japanese, for which he received the Order of Lenin, handed over to him in the Kremlin personally "All-Union Older" M. I. Kalinin.

During the Soviet-Finnish war (1939-1940), the volunteer Major K. Derevianko - Head of the headquarters of a separate special ski brigade. It was a reconnaissance and divergent division, formed mainly from students of the Leningrad Institute of Physical Education. Lesgafta. He himself was engaged not only by planning. When the ski squad of the master of sports V. Magkova (posthumously - the Hero of the Soviet Union) fell into the ambush Belofinnov and was crushed, Derevyko, at the head of another detachment, made the wounded and dead. For Finnish war, a wooden station was awarded the Order of the Red Star and out of turn became a colonel.

From August 1940, K. Derevyanko - Deputy. Head of the Department of Baltic Special Military District.

In January-March 1941, he performed a special task in Eastern Prussia, and from June 27, 1941 - the head of the Department of the North-Western Front headquarters. In August 1941, he headed the raid in the rear of the German troops, during which about two thousand prisoners of Red Armyians were liberated from the concentration campaign under the old Russa, many of them replenished the troops of the front.

Best days

During the war, the head of the headquarters of several armies (53rd, 57th, 4th Guards). Participated in the Kursk battle, in the battle for the Dnieper. Made a significant contribution to the successful completion of the Corsun-Shevchenkovsky operation. His headquarters organized the defeat of the enemy in the Yoszo-Chisheneous operation. Participated in the liberation of Budapest and Vienna.

On May 4, 1942, the head of the 53rd army of the North-West Front headquarters was appointed headquarters and awarded the Order of the Red Star. At the same time, he was assigned the rank of general (on the representation of the Complerte N.F. Vatutin and Zamenchgensteb A.M. Vasilevsky). April 19, 1945 - he is already a lieutenant-general.

He graduated from the war in the West General Derezko Head of the headquarters of the 4th Guards Army of the 3rd Ukrainian Front (Promadarm - Lieutenant-General Capture N.D.). Some time was represented by the USSR in the Union Council on Austria. In connection with the upcoming war with Japan, it was translated into the Far East for a similar position in the 35th Army. But in August (in Chita) received an order to leave the train and arrive at the Commander's bet with Soviet troops in the Far East of Marshal Vasilevsky. There he was awarded the telegram Stalin and the head of the General Staff of Antonov on appointment by the representative of the General Command of the Soviet troops in the Far East at the headquarters of MacArthur.

representative of the USSR K.N. Derevianko puts his signature under the act on the surrender of Japan

On August 25, the headquarters of the American Armed Forces were stationed in Manila, the headquarters of the American Armed Forces in the Pacific Ocean was deployed from Vladivostok. Already in Manila on August 27, he received a telegram order for re-charged by the Supreme Commanding rate and authority to sign an act on the unconditional surrender of Japan on behalf of the Soviet Supreme Command. On August 30, together with MacArthur and representatives of the Allied countries, a wooden arrived in Japan, and on September 2, 1945 he took part in the signing ceremony of the act of surrender.

After that, on behalf of the country's leadership, with a great danger of health, General several times visits the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, subjected to American atomic bombing. As a detailed report, he, together with the album, photographs presented it to the General Staff, and then personally Stalin under the report on September 30, 1945. He himself recalls:

"Stalin asked the consequences of atomic bomb explosions ... I was ready to answer, because I managed to visit the victims of the city and saw everything with my own eyes. I passed the Stalin and the album of my photos, which were captured by destruction ... The next day I was informed that the report in the Politburo was approved and that my work in Japan received a positive assessment. "

Ukrainian biographer, doctor of historical sciences V. Shevchenko, argues that Materials K. Derevyko on atomic bombardment were used during the development of Soviet atomic weapons.

In the future, Derevko was appointed representative of the USSR in the Allied Council of Japan created in December 1945 (the chairman of the Allied Commander-in-Chief of Allies, General MacArthur).

The Union Council ceased to exist with the conclusion in 1951 the San Francis Peace Treaty. K.N. Derevyanko transferred to Moscow, where he worked at the Military Academy by the head of the department of the Armed Forces of Foreign States, and then the head of the Department of Information of the General Research of the General Directional Statement (GRU) of the General Staff.

Due to the nuclear irradiation, obtained during the visit to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the health of K. Derevianko has seriously deteriorated, and after a long and severe illness, he died from cancer on December 30, 1954.


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