How to teach Chinese hieroglyphs on the keys. How i study chinese alone

How to teach Chinese hieroglyphs on the keys. How i study chinese alone

Not enough vocabulary to communicate with your Chinese friends and colleagues? Then this article is specifically for you. We will give you a few useful Soviets To replenish vocabulary. Be sure to use a few of them, and then your lexical stock will play new paints.

Successful promotion in the study of Chinese depends on many factors, it is important to replenish the lexical stock. The larger than the words you possess, the richer is your speech, and the more competent you set out your thoughts.

Many chitaists are interested in the question: how to teach Chinese hieroglyphs? Today we will give you effective recommendations that will definitely replenish your "Active" stock of words.

  1. To begin with, we advise you to learn the basic vocabulary. Namely, "Greetings", "Shopping", "Family", "Travel" "Account", etc. After all, this is the very first thing we use on arrival in someone else's country.
  2. Words and phrases that you need for study or work.
  3. If you often see movies and serials, you can safely take a lexics from there. Just do not advise you to start with the viewing of the ancient Chinese TV shows and films, often vocabulary in such films or shows is used very rarely, and is not enough in everyday life.
  4. Ask the advice from experienced teachers, they will definitely tell you where to start.

Do not learn vocabulary not related to your area of \u200b\u200bactivity. If you are a musician, no washed away to delve into medical terms.

Many students use cards in the study of hieroglyphs. Advantages from such a way a lot: no need to spend money and, of course, convenience in moving, because you can take them in any place.

True, a replacement appeared in the form of a program. It greatly simplifies the process of the workpiece of new cards.

Make cards with words.

  1. On one side we write the hieroglyph, on reverse transcription and translation. You can also add an example of using this word if the place remains.
  2. On the one hand we glue the picture and on top we write hieroglyph, from the reverse side. Translation and Pinin. This method suits people with associative thinking.
  3. On the one hand we write a word in Chinese, but with a Russian context. On the other hand, translation.

The method is very good, especially if you want in the shortest possible time to prepare for the exam. It is important to remember that words at a certain time are forgotten, so we recommend periodically repeating the cards passed.

This method is suitable for those who do not particularly want to spend time on cards. The method of proven in centuries, many students and studying foreign languages \u200b\u200boften use it. Start the notebook is not very small and not much more, something average. Write down new words in three columns: word, transcription, and translation. Try to ensure that the translation does not occupy more than 50% of the width of the notebook. So that the vocabulary flows into the active vocabulary, do not forget to repeat it periodically. This will help you with the article "How to repeat to not forget anything."

Use adapted literature.

On the Internet is full of such textbooks. These textbooks are good in that they can be disassembled not only, but also the words themselves, as well as ways of their use in one situation or another.

It is no secret that online the Internet appears more and more new and more. You will only remain sorted by interests for yourself. And it starts at the storming of the fortress named "Chinese language".

Use Mind Map (intelligence card)

It has long been known that the MIND MAP cards are not only applicable in the training environment, but also well applicable to the study of foreign languages. For example, Chinese. After all, such cards give a common picture, looking at it immediately can be understood to what theme are those or other words. Plus, when you create something, the memorization process increases at times.

Nowadays, the phone not only connects millions of people around the world, but also serves as a training platform. Every day a new application appears, in particular in the field of studying foreign languages. In the initial stages, we recommend that you use Trainchinese or Anki.

In Chinese, apply the principle of associations is a bit more complicated than in english languageBut you can still. As you know, the Chinese language has nothing to do with the Russian language. However, there are words that were borrowed from foreign speech, and which the Chinese themselves often use, for example: 咖啡 coffee, 口口 口乐 Coca-Cola. Etc. There are words that will seem unusual for hearing the type "马马虎虎 so-so" such words are very good and

Commit yourself dictations from the words studied.

For these purposes, use a notebook dictionary. Close the bar transcription and translation, leaving only the hieroglyph. Thus, pass through all words, while immediately in your head, try to remember how this word is applied. Next, close the column with the word, leaving the transcription and translation, try to write a hieroglyph on paper. The last stage is to close the hieroglyph and transcription, leaving only the translation. Pronounce everything out loud, and be sure to write hieroglyphs on paper, because muscle memory is 60-70% of all types of memory. This is very important especially in Chinese.

Use stickers, and clate them everywhere where you most often stay. In particular, the words that you fly. It has long been known if one or another information comes across the eyes, the better it is remembered, because our brain begins to perceive it as very important. It would also be nice to use a computer and a phone by setting the necessary wallpapers with words or phrases.

The more you read, the most likely you meet new words. Thus, the words themselves are remembered, and so that the effect is even higher reading books out loud. We advise you to start learning from simple adapted and gradually move to more complex.

For these purposes, find familiar Chinese, preferably in interest. For example, it may be calligraphy, or Chinese checkers. Or maybe you are attracted by Chinese literature or history? Believe me, in China there are quite a few people interested in the culture of their country, they gladly share knowledge with foreigners. It will also be useful to read this article "". This article also contains a lot of useful tips, to raise conversational skills.

Preparation for the exam only contributes to the study of a new vocabulary, plus you can get a long-awaited certificate. In China's universities, this is a mandatory certificate for foreigners when receiving a diploma on the end of the educational institution.

I hope our tips will help you replenish your lexical stock. And do not forget to apply at least a few tips from this article in practice and see what method works for you.

Translation of Lingholic article

When I started learning Chinese in 2009, I went on the "traditional" way of learning a foreign language. I visited the classes, made the record, was sitting in a close apartment in the center of Taipei, pursuing hundreds of hieroglyphs. The training was moved, but I was exhausted, I was bored. There was not enough motivation to go to classes, knowing that each of them ends with a homework from a variety of written exercises. Familiar situation?

I was already preparing to quit learning when one day accidentally heard the conversation of one-logbook about the online podcast, which they listened. It turned out that there are 3 or 4 programs that are createdvirtual training classes.They are going to master Chinese. I tested these programs and they liked so much that in 2-3 years I created a virtual Chinese class for myself.

Now I will share with you some ways to create such virtual training rooms. I hope this will help return motivation, optimizes training and gives you pleasure on the way to free possession of Chinese. Agreed?

8 sites and programs for learning Chinese - learn Chinese independently from scratch

In the world, where smartphones and high-speed Internet are in clicking from the user, the study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bhas changed. Today it is not necessary to study in classes; mobile applications And sites make it possible to learn at any time and anywhere. So there are no more excuses about the shortage of time!

I used the next eight ways on the way from zero knowledge of Chinese to almost free possession after a year. Why don't you experience them and make an opinion about them?

So, let's begin.

  1. Chinesepod.

If you seriously took up the study of Chinese and still do not use this portal, then miss a lot. Chinesepod thought as an ordinary podcast, but then there is a converse of a popular platform that contains diverse content. In the archive of chinesepod 3500+ lessons with dialogues and grammatical comments, exercises on vocabulary and grammar. Present online teaching. Among such a number of lessons is easy to find you need. It's nice that they are all based on life situations - buying a SIM card in the store, booking hotels.

Listening to podcasts on Chinese an order will improve his perception. In addition, this is an excellent option to fill the time on the way to work or study.


ABCS OF CHINESE - Website using the method of memorizing hieroglyphs using pictures. This method is an alternative to a bunker and an infinite cloud of calligraphy on paper.

Here's how abcs of chinese talks about yourself:

"The fundamental idea of \u200b\u200bthe ABC OF CHINESE training program is that hieroglyphs are pictures (images). When looking at, you understand that this is not a random set of lines. This is a stylized pictogram or symbol. Lighten the basic elements (bricks) of which most of the hieroglyphs consist, and then go further. "

Visit their channel on YouTube - there is a lot of cool.

  1. Pleco.

Learning foreign language is needed dictionary. This is vital for studying Chinese. Pleco app - favorite among dictionaries. The number of settings and functions in it over the head surpasses competitors. And the best thing is that it is free on Android and iOS.

The word articles Pleco provides the following information: a number of words, examples of use in context, writing order. The user saves the word as a card if he wants to repeat it later. Pleco has another wonderful thing - he knows how to recognize the hieroglyph when the camera is hovering and gives the instantaneous translation.

  1. Nciku.

Next in the list of steep dictionaries - This is a simple online dictionary, but this is what attracted attention: when looking for a word, he led an example of its use. It was very useful for me when I studied Chinese, because it was often confused in the contexts of using a certain word. I prefer to use Nciku on a computer and pleco on a smartphone on a trip.

Some of us are stunning abilities to memorize information, but most of the people are missing. Here Anki comes to the rescue. These are applications for memorizing information on cards. Anki analyzes user responses and decides which cards need to be shown more often.

In Anki, you create a set of cards on topics, languages \u200b\u200band so on. I had topics on the names of animals, fish, food, slang and words, using which in life I had difficulty. On the cards you can add pictures, sound and articles. Taki useful application available on computer, Android and iOS.

  1. Language Exchange.

The more spoken speech, the better knowledge of a foreign language. Facebook is constantly held events called "Language Exchange" - a place where carriers with studying foreign language are talking. Therefore, use the social network to find the desired event and go!

Besides Facebook. There are still pair of platforms for communication. Livemocha presents learning in the form of levels of the stages of studying a foreign language.

My Language Exchange. - My favorite site. It registered 1 million people from all countries.

Looking for a class application with communication on foreign language? Try Hellotalk..

Tip: Do not forget about chinesepod lessons when communicating with the Chinese. Print 2 copies of the lesson and learn it together! It will be excellent practice, besides, you do not have to sit for boring textbooks.

  1. Television broadcasts and movies

I will not say how many hours I spent watching Chinese cartoons, female talk shows and other pavement telecasts. Whatever tedious and unpleasant these television shows - their viewing increases the vocabulary, improves grammar without memorizing the rules, improves the skills of perception of rumor and gives an order of a better understanding of the language.

Here is a nuance. Surely you will not want to watch video with technical orientation. Choose video with dialogs. If an unfamiliar word is found, then put the transmission of the roller pause and look at the translation into the dictionary. Remember frequently used phrases.

Look for videos and movies on Youku. and TudouThese are two large portals. This is how I'm looking for a video:

  1. Perapera

With this plugin, I confidently used Chinese sites and even paid bills (as remember, I live in Taiwan).

I hope that the sites, programs and applications offer me will use you in learning. Even if you are engaged in a teacher, these methods will speed up the study of Chinese.


See the video about the methods of studying Chinese.

What is useful in this article?

  • Memo "Do you know what they have contacted";
  • Two approaches to the study of Chinese (with recommended materials);
  • And the most burning: How much time should I learn Chinese? Is it worth teaching hieroglyphs? How many hieroglyphs need to know? Do I need to learn to write them from hand?

And you already know what they were contacted?

Check yourself on the list that each beginning in Chinese should know!

  • Pinyin - this is Chinese transcription;
  • Tones - In Chinese 4 tones, with whom words are pronounced, and one neutral. Tones are needed in order to distinguish hundreds like sounding words;
  • Traditional and simplified hieroglyphs - The first are used in Hong Kong and in Taiwan, the second - on the mainland China;
  • Dialects - In addition to the standard Putunhua (Eng. Mandarin), there is a bunch of dialects, and the bulk of the Chinese just speaks at one of the dialects. Sometimes the differences in pronunciation interfere with the Chinese to understand each other. Usually, Putunhua is studied, because all the Chinese understand it (in writing);
  • Special Chinese Keyboard There is no, but there are input systems, the most popular of which uses Pinyin, others - keys / radicals
  • Keys, radicals, grafts - They are called differently, and their 214 pieces. These are the components from which hieroglyphs consist.

If you know about the existence of these concepts - congratulations! You are ready to start :)

There are two ways to approach this impregnable wall: academic and anti-academic.

Academic - These are textbooks (Most likely, boring and fundamental Condrashevsky, Zadrenko, Karapetyanz), It is a study of hieroglyphs and their diligent prescribing them from the first days, this is working for tones. Spoken skills are not in the first place. At the university, the courses are most likely it is waiting for it.

Me closer and nail anti-academic approach. He also suits you, if your goal is to speak Chinese. "Right Chinese" can throw in me with sneakers, but I'll tell you anyway :) At least you will have a choice! Especially relevant my experience will be for other self-taught.

So, an anti-academic approach.

If you are not bad in English, then you are damn lucky. Free access is a lot of magnificent materials in English to explore the Chinese. (Russian materials are inferior to them by what, in my opinion, too academic).

In this case, # 1 is the famous chinesepod. Beautiful podcasts whose number has long exceeded 2000 pieces for all levels and all interests. Once you are new, you need a newbie level.

I have 300 very first issues for beginners. Even this amount you are more than enough to get a brilliant start in Chinese and quickly begin to understand simple things for rumors.

I do not exaggerate - the first 3-5 months of my study of Chinese, I only did what I listened to chinesepod, which gave me audience, a new vocabulary and grammar (yes, they affect it!).

Also English-speaking will appreciate the beautiful, divided by grammar levels from AllseTlearning. (). This is a project of John Mestern, the famous lead from Chinesepod. . The creators made explanations of the capacious and as simple as possible, so this is perhaps the best choice.

If you do not understand English by rumor (in general, the TeaNynyno has scripts of dialogues, you can translate ourselves), you will have to take some tutorial.


  • so that the author / co-author was a Chinese - so you will protect yourself from mistakes;
  • so that there were explanations in Russian, and not the whole textbook in Chinese;
  • to have an audio (and how to train pronunciation?);
  • to be modern textbook, not the 80s;
  • so that Pinyin was, not Russian transcription (in general there is such a palladium system, but I do not advise you to communicate).

In many textbooks, examples of proposals are given by hieroglyphs without transcription - how is it infuriates newcomers!

I myself was engaged in textbooks only when I went to courses. She herself did not master - very boring! Although I tried different textbooks.

I had a thin benefit by the method of Ilya Frank - "The Express Course of the Chinese" was called, there were 16 everyday situations with two dialogues for each. I learned from there a lot of everyday words and hieroglyphs, although the first dialogue, for example, was boring me, and I missed him.

Speaking of books on the method of Ilya Frank. I also have Chinese fairy tales according to his method, and at the beginning of training it was too difficult, just inappropriate. (But later they were very useful for me -).

In fact, you can extract different textbooks - I advise you to choose those where many dialogues - and see if the tongue clear is written, whether you are interested in topics.

I personally start to yawn immediately when in a row goes the themes "How many people you have in the family" (yes, it is now the most relevant topic, of course), "What item in school you like", "What is your profession".

The problem is that the hieroglyphs are at the very beginning to be remembered with difficulty. And here - Batz! - The topic "Profession" and pieces of six professions, and they do not need and uninteresting at all.

I personally would like to know how to say "I like", "I want", "I have", the main pronouns, pieces of the type "there is", "drink", "to sleep", "learn", "buy "

I propose to flip textbooks, stopping only on those texts in which there are interesting words to you.

Dial the first 100-200 words of important vocabulary will help the site Memrise.- There is a flash card system and the mass of courses (all for free), mostly English-Chinese, but also the Russian-Chinese can be found. See the list of words, choose an interesting course for yourself - and go ahead!

I immediately say - only make sure that these are words and not separate hieroglyphs. And then there are 1-500 most common hieroglyphs, which include graphs, and in the end it is possible among their first 400 hieroglyphs to learn many non-existent "words".

Training video from the Chinese television site CCTV.

This site is more likely to fans of an academic approach, but it is worth knowing its existence.

A huge number of videos in different languages \u200b\u200b- there are programs about the culture of China, attractions, kitchen - the Chinese tell about all this in Russian!

But we are interested in training courses and serials. My IMHO, on the site damn leg leaving (or I figured it out so badly), so keep a reference to the training course:

What is this academic? It is often given a grammar, which is not needed at a low level. Little conversational words, many complex and formal words. Much attention is paid to Chinese culture (I just like it).

Minus site - it slows down, like many Chinese sites outside the country. But the issues of the program "Learning Chinese" can be found on YouTube.

Other training sitesFluentu. and Yabla . Although they are paid, there are free content. Their idea is very good - video is given with Chinese Sabs, Piniin and Translation into English (plus all sorts of bonuses like working out words).

Couple words about serials.

Series - cool source of stable phrases and useful words. In addition, you will remember the correct pronunciation of the most frequent phrases (still, they will always be in your ears).

Important: Taiwanese TV series more entertaining and conversational, often foolish (and in them traditional hieroglyphs!), "Mainland" TV shows are usually more serious.

But I would not advise watching the series (even with subtitles) at the very beginning of the study of the Chinese language. I tried, and after 20+ series I remembered no more than 10 words / phrases.

At the initial stage, you need to understand well - To learn how to talk with the right tones, will leave for many more months, but it is important to understand their essence at the beginning. I just have one good lifehak on the tones :)

Do not bother in grammar - Her at the initial stage is needed quite a bit. Cumbling words can also be postponed - you have no sufficient vocabulary in order to use them.

Roughly speaking, all you teach - should immediately go into active use. If you can not immediately start it in speech (create your examples with these words or this grammar) - it means that it is still irrelevant.

On the phone I use Anglo-Chinese Dictionary Pleco.. In addition to the functions of the dictionary, it can still translate proposals (Clip Reader), translate individual words in any text on the phone (Enable the SCREEN Reader function). It also has an animation of the sequence of writing the features of any hieroglyph (in a paid addon; in the demo version is not for all hieroglyphs).

And in it you can draw the hieroglyphs with your finger. I constantly enjoyed it in China when I saw unfamiliar hieroglyphs, and I needed to look at them in the dictionary.

(By the way about dictionaries: BCRS is considered the best Russian-Chinese online dictionary. Still not bad Zhonga).

How else can you be unimportantly learning the hieroglyphs of your level? Using reading on simple Chinese! Very short articles for any level offers the application Decipher Chinese. .

A small addition from me: When you are charming Chinese, sometimes you hang on blogs and videos, where other people tell how Chinese teach. Or how traveling in China. It's all very interesting, but does not improve your own Chinese;) I know on my own experience that this is a very attractive trap. But while you are reading blogs about Chinese, someone else swinging and gets Level-Up;)

Everyone who decided to chinese - 加油! ("Forward!")

Getting Started by the Chinese language, you should immediately accept the fact that you have to form a completely new one that is significantly different from the usual system of thinking. However, due to sufficient motivation, correctly selected materials for learning, as well as diligence and hard work, master Chinese from scratch independently possible.


In Chinese, there are about 80 thousand hieroglyphs. For a free understanding of the press, it is enough to master 4 thousand, and it will take at least 6-8 thousand to read the artistic literature in the original.

There is a clear order for writing features and keys. The key is a kind of simplest hieroglyph having a certain semantic value. Some of them are used in its pure form, but in most cases the keys are part of a whole hieroglyph. Starting to learn Chinese from scratch yourself, you need to remember them. A good base will continue to continue the successful masking of this system.

According to a certain rules for writing hieroglyphs, each trait is written from left to right and top down. In order for the study of Chinese from scratch (independently) successfully, it is important from the very beginning to memorize the correct order of drawing. This will help to navigate in the dictionary, since the alphabet usual usual us is not in the Asian languages, the words are located in a certain order of the appearance of hieroglyphic elements.

Of course, to remember Chinese words, you need to pay a lot of time to prescribe hieroglyphs. But there are original memorization methods. Chinese words are not just code, it is an image. Many hieroglyphs depict the subject or phenomenon whose value they hide in themselves.

The translation is: the first line - fire, wood, sun, moon; The second line is man, mouth, doors, mountain.

Sound system

The study of Chinese from scratch (independently) will require much more effort than when working with a Roman-German group. One of the features that distinguishes Chinese from the rest: intonation is not an emotional function, but senseless. There are four tones plus one neutral:

  • 1 tone is pronounced with high level and pulled intonation;
  • 2 tone resembles a question intonation, pronounced upwards;
  • 3 tone is also called low: intonation is first reduced, then rises;
  • 4 tone falls, starting from a high note;
  • neutral is still called light and usually falls on unstressed vowels.

In some cases, the tones may change. For example, if two third tones are located nearby, the first syllable acquires the intonation of the second tone. For example, in the word NíHǎo (Hello).

The same combination of sounds spoken with each of the above tones is carried out different meaning. To get used to such a system, it is important to listen to the speech of the native speakers as possible and try to repeat it out loud. For this reason, the study of the Chinese language from scratch independently quite difficult. The best option would be immersion in the language environment combined with intensive learning (many hours of daily lessons with representatives of the PRC). Such study would bring tangible results for two years.


Everyone who begins to master Chinese from scratch on their own, have to face perfectly new system. In this language there are no habituals to us, decline. And the facet between times is not always catching. However, the syntax plays a very important role. The same word can take the role of different parts of speech depending on its location in the proposal.


In Chinese, as in many others, there are many dialects. Each of them has its own characteristics. And the differences sometimes are so significant that representatives of different regions of China can hardly understand each other's speech. If you do not put a goal to move to any particular city, then the optimal version will be the study of the overall literary adverb, called Putunhua (普通话).


Anyone who wishes to learn Chinese from scratch on their own, will face a system called Pinyin (拼音). This is a latin transcription, which is designed to facilitate the reading of hieroglyphs. In addition, the corresponding tone is prescribed over each syllable. Over time, you will learn to read original texts Without Pinyin, but at the beginning of training, transcription is extremely necessary.

Learn Chinese from scratch yourself

  • One of the important principles of successful training are the power of will, the diligence and regularity of classes. Any secrets of how to learn Chinese on your own from scratch without special difficulties, simply does not exist. This goal can be achieved only due to sincere interest to the subject studied and hardworking.
  • Another advice: Knowledge is better fixed in memory with intensive learning. A couple of lessons per week will not give good results. This also applies to other languages.
  • To get used to speech, in addition to working with textbooks, you also need to watch the series and listen to audiobooks and songs in the original. Do not worry that some phrases remain incomprehensible. It is very important to get used to the sound.
  • Do not be afraid to ask for help from the Chinese. Many of them are glad to help foreigners to master the language.
  • For self-test it is recommended to pass an international exam for foreigners, called HSK (Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì). The exam is divided into six levels. For the successful passage of the first level, knowledge of 150 words is required, and the sixth stage implies the ownership of 5 thousand words.

Everyone who decided to master Chinese from scratch on their own, will have to make a lot of effort. However, this is a great opportunity to plunge into a striking world, different from us.

Chinese do not unreasonably consider one of the most difficult languages Since to study it, it is necessary to constantly memorize not only pronunciation and phonetic record, as well as the pictorial component - hieroglyph. Consider how to quickly memorize Chinese hieroglyphs, methods and practices.

For people learning Chinese, regardless of the degree of their knowledge and practice, memorizing hieroglyphs presents some difficulties. Often those who are just starting to study Chinese, provided themselves. Nobody explains them how to teach these hieroglyphs.

Action Plan - how to memorize Chinese hieroglyphs

  • Study of the features and graphem
  • Procedure for writing
  • Method
  • Observation of hieroglyphs in the textbook
  • Fiberglass hieroglyphs
  • Method
  • Standard prescribing
  • Prescribing "swarming"
  • Combination (two-layer prescribing)
  • Method "History"
  • Calligraphic study of hieroglyphs
  • Traditional
  • Modern
  • Fonts
  • Jeroglyph Painting
  • Audial memorization
  • TSO use ( technical means learning)

What you need for this:

  • Ink
  • Feather or feathers
  • The pencils
  • Brushes of different diameters
  • Paper
  • Preparations for rover hieroglyphs
  • Glass and table lamp

Thought why there are no pens in the list of equipment? The handle is one of the main enemies for the hieroglyph. Chinese hieroglyphs, in contrast to Russian letters, have a line thickness that affects not only the aesthetic perception of the hieroglyph, but often in meaning, so it is not recommended during the memorization to prescribe hieroglyphs with a handle.

Study of the features and graphem

For the successful memorization of hieroglyphs, it is necessary to know the components from which they consist of: features and grafts. Each hieroglyph consists of a graph, which in turn out of the hell. Having mastered the basic traits, you should go to the study of the graph. Grafts allow you to speed up further reading and recognition of the hieroglyph.
Features in Chinese hieroglyphs:

The sequence of writing hieroglyphs

The features in the hieroglyph are not written in an arbitrary order, but in the historically prevailing. One of the versions of the purpose of the sequence of writing is not to blur the hieroglyph and do not hurt it with your hand (do not leave a stamp with a brush).

The procedure for prescribing the hieroglyph 文:

Fibergust method

The essence of the method: prescribe hieroglyphs on existing stencils. Depending on the stencil stand out two types of glassware: traditional and derivative.

Traditional prescribing - Literally glassware. A sheet with already written by hieroglyphs is taken, put on the glass, on top of this sheet put a blank sheet on this sheet, feed the light under the glass and copies the hieroglyphs according to the silhouette.

  • Pros: Accuracy in memorizing hieroglyphs.
  • Minuses: Materials and complexity in the organization.

Derivative presision - Using on a special stencil. This method is often used in Chinese textbooks. You provide a "bloated" hieroglyph, which you need to fill in the features.

  • Pros: accuracy in memorizing hieroglyphs.
  • Cons: difficulty in constant use.

The "glass transition" method is useful at all stages of memorizing Chinese hieroglyphs.

Pressing method

The most popular method of studying hieroglyphs in the world. It is this method that the Chinese are used to memorize hieroglyphs at school. The method is simple - multiple repetition of writing one or another hieroglyph. By the location method on the sheet, you can select two main types of words: in the line and swarming.

Putting method in the line is the most standard. In the notebook or on special sheets for the prescription, the hieroglyph is repeatedly prescribed.

  • Pros: Practice of writing, use of arbitrary memory.
  • Minuses: Physical exercise, individual memorization strength.

With multiple prescribing, the hieroglyph is remembered for a long time, But also for multiple prescribing, colossal volitional efforts are needed. The effectiveness of this method is 100%, but the main question: "How many repetitions?".

  • Use special recipes.
  • If you write in the notebook - prescribe in a cell 2x2.
  • Do not make gaps between hieroglyphs.
  • Adjust the word completely, and not for composite hieroglyphs.

Sheet example For recipe:

Specifying the gasser - prescribing hieroglyphs in arbitrary places on the sheet. This method is best used for people with visual memory.

The method of combination of glassware and prescribing is the so-called two-layer pass. Everything is clear here.

Method "History"

The method of history requires the presence of an already defined base and experience in the study of hieroglyphs. The essence of the method: Each hieroglyph is considered as the sum of the graph, and is remembered as a small story out of the meaning of these graph.

Pros: Associative Study, Fast Heroglyph Recognition, Memoring Strength.
Cons: durability of memorization.

Calligraphic study of hieroglyphs

Chinese language teachers very often ignore the fact that hieroglyphs are not only a semantic unit of language, but also the subject of artistic and cultural value. . Hieroglyph - a small picture in which logic is captured associative thinking Chinese people. The essence of the method: Prescribe hieroglyphs based on the semantics, but on the artistic value of the image. Two types of calligraphic study can be distinguished: traditional and modern.

Modern calligraphic study You can split on fonts and picture image. Traditional calligraphic study The hieroglyphs implies the study of the ancient canons of writing and standard techniques of the letter.

Calligraphic writing of the traditional hieroglyph "龙".

Audial memorization

The basis of the method is "sound" of each feature. When you prescribe a hieroglyph, in addition to applying lines on paper, you also produce sound. This sound can also be memorized.

TSO use (technical training)

Exists a large number of programs for both the computer and portable devices for the study of the Chinese language. The essence of the method: entering hieroglyphs using capital input. There are a large number of programs for IOS, Android platforms and PCs that can help at all stages of studying hieroglyphs (dictionaries and special games).

On a note, the study of hieroglyphs is a complex process of multidimensional memorization and communication of the value and graphic image. For durable memorization of hieroglyphs, you need to use different methods of memorization, combine them and develop individual approaches to the study. Now you know how to remember the Chinese hieroglyphs.

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