Business without borders. Why you can not believe myths about women leaders

Business without borders. Why you can not believe myths about women leaders

What unites Successful women? Do they have extraordinary abilities, can lead people or they just successfully married? And maybe they are united by the fact that women Business Leaders Are not afraid to take leadership posts, contrary to the opinion that the manager still should be a man? W. Elissa Sangster, executive director of the company Forte Foundation.engaged in the promotion of women in business, in particular with the formation of MBA, on this matter is their opinion. For many years, Forte publishing publishes materials about women - first persons of various companies and offers readers advice of successful business women on how to move through the career ladder. Today, women - general director occupy only 4% of the total amount, according to Fortune magazine, and only one place (and not always) from four on the Board of the Board of Directors of the Company belongs to a woman. Nevertheless, in recent years, the percentage of MBA students exceeded 1/3, and business schools Harvard and Wharton. Generally close to an equal ratio of the number of men and women. However, the scales bowl will not soon reach its equilibrium.

As once said the scientist and inventor Robert Jarvik: "Leaders are well-known, who have a poorly developed feeling of fear and which are not at all disturbing trouble." Having experience with the first persons of many world companies, Sangster came to the conclusion that women's business leaders are distinguished by several other features that will be useful to careerists of any sex to take a note:

Know yourself. Banal? - may be. True? - always. All successful women argue that, only having understood well in themselves, you can search for perspectives of career growth and self-improvement. Do not know how to hold self-analysis? The questionnaire in the Cosmo magazine or the horoscope you are not helpers. Find an experienced mentor and get ready to get criticized to your address.

Do not be afraid to temporarily slow down, but at the same time do not overdo it. Often successful women business leaders know how to collect together all the puzzles of their lives. Birth and education of children is more prerogative of women than men, and in most cases it is a woman who has to take a temporary break in work. But, having today before your eyes an example Marissa Meyer., CEO. Yahoo., Which in 2012 became the first pregnant woman who headed a large company included in the Fortune 500 list, working mommies (and daddy too), do not have to pretend that work is their main goal in life. Learn the attitude of your employer to this issue to easily steal on the high-speed highway called Life.

Do not refuse to help. Taking someone else's help, whether it is a full-time nanny or a clinical service that will put in order your apartment, you will save your normal mental state. "We are not discussing, but just we remove," says the slogan of one of the companies offering cleaning services that can become your reliable assistant. "Recently, my friend who holds the top manager in the financial sector admitted that for a long time the whole salary went to pay for a nanny for a child," Sangster says. "Nevertheless, having a 30-year-old work experience, this woman has not yet regretted those times, because thanks to this she kept her successful career."

Culture is more important than strategy. Sangster has repeatedly tried to hear from women top managers that a successful career depends on whether they could correctly find their place in life. Sometimes your position, duties and even salary go to the background, when you find such a job that really complies with your spiritual values \u200b\u200band beliefs. Listen to the bearer of your heart.

Do not wait for someone with someone approving them on the shoulder and say: "What are you well done." We are talking about your career, and not an indicative dance at school. Studies show that very often women are waiting for the moment when they are noticed, by no means showing the initiative in this matter. Meanwhile, women's successful women find ways to achieve their achievements to become public.

Build trust and long-term relationships with people. The highest guide from the number of women with whom Sangster happened to communicate, does the emphasis on this. Your social network dating a lot means if you plan to build a long-term relationship in a business environment where the necessary ties and contacts that are often fundamental to find a profitable transaction or for a successful partnership. Some men or women will seem that Networking is associated with conversations in the sidelines, but it is not at all. It is only social and professional activities aimed at using the circle of friends and acquaintances as quickly and efficiently solve complex life tasks. Do not think that in this case you will only take something, you must also be something useful to your friends.

Learn to negotiate. As believes Susan Fleming Cabrera, Researcher Johnson.Graduate.Schoolof.Managementa T.Cornell., women are not so often or not so effectively as men can negotiate. Most likely, the reason for this is socialization, stereotypes or discrimination. Successful women business leaders know about it well. They also know that the ability to negotiate is well a favorable effect on their income. Cabrera refers to research, according to which only 7% of women who received MBA were asked to increase their salary, compared with 57% of men. What follows from this? And the fact that the starting salaries of MBA graduates are 7.6% higher than that of women.

Do not plan in advance. Successful women top managers claim that their most successful steps in terms of moving through the career ladder have never been planned in advance. It follows from this: Be always alert, but do not plan your life for many years ahead, because something unexpected can happen. Many successful women leaders believe that it was the training in a business school that has become a turning point for them. These women acquired new skills and significantly expanded their range of dating, which changed their career. As the MBA graduate said once: "For two years of study, I received so much knowledge, self-confidence and respect, no matter how much I would never get, just working in my own place. Now, having a MBA diploma, I am out of competition. "

And here is a bonus: You have already noticed that all of the above tips are equally like women and men. After all, what is good for a man, it is good for a woman. In other words, if the vacant place is not related to gender stereotypes, which is negatively affecting satisfaction from work, it is safe to talk about gender equality.

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Alla Chirikova

Chirikova Alla Evgenievna - Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Chief Researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

What is standing behind the permeability of power structures for women? Gender stereotypes or unwillingness of women themselves to make a career in power? Prejudice of man-leaders? Features of corporate culture or conservatism of power institutions? Why do women easier achieve success in business than in politics? A comparative analysis of the situation in Russia and France made it possible to identify general trends and features of gender asymmetry in the power structures of the two countries.

Over the past decades, disputes do not subscribe about why in the highest hierarchy of power around the world so few women. According to analysts, the representation of women in leadership posts in the executive authority on average in different countries of the world is at the level of 8-10%, and only in Scandinavia this figure is significantly higher and is 25-40%. In parliaments, women are presented better than in the executive, their share varies from 21.2% in Europe to 41.4% in Scandinavia. Traditionally, gender researchers are inclined to interpret this fact by the presence of a "glass ceiling", to overcome which women are not easy. Is there a "glass ceiling" in Russia and in France, and if there exists, what is it and how much to surpass?

In Russia, according to the register of state positions of federal employees, men at the turn of the centuries occupied 94% of higher, 85% of the main and 68% of leading positions, while women were in positions that did not assume decision-making. Thus, the group of "senior" workers, represented by the heads of the unacceptable structural divisions, their deputies, consultants and advisers, half consisted of women. Even above, the proportion of women in the "youngest" group, where they amounted to 80.6%. Over the past decade, the representation of women in the structures of the Russian government has grown a little. However, talking about the change in the current order when women prevail on the lower floors of the government and their number decreases as it moves along the hierarchical staircase, while prematurely.

The constituent entities of the Russian Federation under all regional differences are generally repeated trends that have consolidated at the federal level.<Очень долго> The proportion of women in the structures of regional power remained unchangedly low, amounting to 6-9%. At the urban level, women are presented better than regional. However, among the mayors of cities, their share does not exceed 8-10%. France along the scale of the representation of women in the legislative power occupies a median situation between the countries of the North and the South of Europe. In the 2000s The proportion of women increased significantly in parliament (18.5% in 2009 compared with 12.5% \u200b\u200bin 2002), in representative bodies of the local level, as well as at high posts in the executive. However, despite the fact that women are widely represented among civil servants (58%), only 12% of them are in leadership posts. In this regard, the question arises: what is standing behind the permeability of power structures for women? Gender stereotypes or unwillingness of women themselves to make a career in power? Prejudice of man-managers or the desire to prevent women to leadership positions? Features of corporate culture or conservatism of power institutions? Since similar phenomena are observed in different countries, I would like to understand which of the listed barriers are a purely national phenomenon, as they act in various political systems and how much is overcome.

We tried to find answers to the questions set in the study, during which two national cases were compared - Russian and French. Comparative analysis expanded the boundaries of the study, made it possible to identify general trends and features of gender asymmetry in the power structures of the two countries.

As part of our study, the Russian case was considered on the example of two regions: Tambov region and the Perm region. In the course of the study, interviews were taken from women leaders of the regional and urban levels of government, personnel administrations and regional experts. The choice of constituent entities of the Russian Federation as a research field was determined by the polarity of the regions. Tambov region - Agricultural region with traditional patriarchal structures characteristic. In economically, this is a weak territory, depending on the revenues from the federal budget. The Perm region, on the contrary, has rich natural resources and a diversified economy. Among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the region is known for the developed political culture and democratic traditions. For all the differences between the regions, they have a well-known similarity regarding the representation of women in power: in the Tambov region and the Perm region, women occupy responsible posts in the executive authority, but weakly represented in regional parliaments. Russian data were compared with the materials of interviews obtained in France in women politicians, as well as men, heads of administrative and party structures.

Purpose of the study He consisted in the study of real practices to promote and consolidate women in senior guidelines in the system of executive and legislative power in Russia and France. Separately analyzed the styles of leadership men and women in power and business. In Russia, the object of the study was the regional level of government, the state power was analyzed in France. The findings of the study were designed on the basis of materials of copyright interviews, as well as analytical materials obtained by French and Russian researchers in different years.

Objectives of research

In the course of the study, we analyzed the following processes:

a) analysis of types of career promotion of women managers in the executive and legislative power of different levels in Russia and in France;

b) analysis and description of the barriers to the promotion of women in power on the example of Russia and France;

c) Estimation of the distinction style of leadership in power and business between men and women in Russia and France.

Source parcels, information base and research methods

A distinctive feature of this study is the desire to identify general and special trends in the fall and consolidation of women at the highest posts in the systems of executive and legislative power in Russia and in France. In the process of work, two types of analytical data were used: materials of official state and regional statistics; Interview materials with executive and legislative women leaders. The Russian situation was analyzed on the materials of 45 copyright interviews in two Russian regions. The French case was studied on research materials previously conducted by French scientists, as well as 12 copyright interviews conducted by Natalia Lapina, one of the participants of the project in France (Paris).

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe study was based on the assumption that official statistics allows you to record the processes taking place in the authorities at the macro level, while interviewing materials allow to evaluate microstrates from entering and holding women in power.

The use of the technique of deep interviews gave the opportunity to consider the processes from the inside taking place; Assessing how much trends viewed in statistical materials are reflected in the subjective assessments of respondents.

At the same time, attention should be paid to the methodological limitations of this study, which were difficult to avoid primarily due to the unequal availability of respondents in Russia and in France. As a result, the Russian case was studied using the example of regional authorities, whereas in France interviews were conducted with politicians and civil servants representing the highest level of power (Lower Chamber of Parliament and the Ministry). In addition, according to its volume, the materials of a field study conducted in France are inferior to Russian, as a result of which, far from all the issues studied managed to obtain a full level of comparisons.

Depth interview method Allowed to build a conversation with respondents, the maximum given not only the objectives of the study, but also the interests and opportunities of the person himself, who gave consent to the interview. According to speech stylistics, target orinette structure, the interview made it possible to close as much as possible to the system of meanings of those persons with which it is conducted. A similar type of interview in which blocks of basic topics are distinguished, makes it possible to maximize the advantages of the respondent, considering it not only as a "person informed", but also as an expert in the area of \u200b\u200bthe problem under study. Despite the possibility of deviation from the interview scheme, we tried to get those estimates as fully as possible, which were fundamentally important in the study of the study.

When analyzing materials interviews, we used not only the model of "typing positions" of respondents, but also made an attempt to analyze the diversity of approaches. This made it possible to see the problems under study in the complex and estimate the boundaries of the variability of the studied situations and positions.

1.1. Power in power: Accident or career project?

Among the researchers of the Russian authorities, the introduction is common that the occupation of the leading positions is determined by the proximity of the appointee to the first persons of the authorities. As a result, to get into power, a person is not enough to have professionalism, but it is necessary, firstly, to understand that he is waiting for the first person from him, and, secondly, to maintain the team loyalty, even if it is diverted with his own ideas .

Is this the opinion of the real state of affairs? How are women today turn out to be at the highest posts in power? Is their career promotion by the result of a conscious choice or a consequence of a solution taken at the top? What drives women when they agree to take leaders in power: ambition or desire to make their own business well, prove to yourself and others that they do not get worse than men? How different women's promotion models differ in leadership posts in Russia and France?

Analytically, based on the materials of the interviews, at least three possible models of promotion of women in the Russian and French authorities can be allocated: model of gradual growth, parachute model, inheritance model.The first two models are common in both Russia and in France, the third model is characteristic of a French case. The first model - model of gradual growth It is implemented both in the executive and in the legislative (representative) power. Inside the executive, it involves the gradual conquest of influence zones due to the professionalism and efficiency of management steps. The condition of its implementation is the successful and long experience of working inside the executive structures. The applicant, moving within the framework of the gradual growth model, is usually dependent on the choice of the leader and do not show career zeal even if there are pronounced professional achievements. The initiative from higher managers is never accidental, and the decision on high appointment should be "earned" throughout the previous activities. "Each new movement horizontally or vertical has always followed the initiative offer from the outside. I, in principle, led by. But on the empty place offer do not come. Throughout my life, I started not with a senior position, and then gradually before it was growing. Every time I discretely looked out for myself the next step. "- Vice-Mayor of a major city notes in an interview.

This model is also carried out within the legislative power. In this case, the career is made gradually - "STEP by STEP".

In France, the model of gradual growth is also in demand. We are talking about careers of professionals who are moving through career ladder in the executive. However, unlike Russian women, French women have a conscious career-oriented strategy that can be implemented thanks to clearly existing personnel selection and promotion mechanisms in public service. In a representative power, a gradual growth model is implemented using the extension mechanism. This mechanism turns out to be effective for women representing the structures of civil society. Among them are quite a few people employed in the social sphere (doctors, teachers, nurses, social workers, educators). First, activists are progressing within the framework of political parties and public organizations, elected at local and regional elections and during the successful circumstances later become deputies of the National Assembly or Senate. This is how the P. Creson, a deputy of the National Assembly of France from the French Socialist Party: "In order not to be disappointed in politics, it is better to start your political career" from below ", from small things. At first I was a member of the municipal council (since 1977), then deputy mayor. I passed a long way before my party colleagues were asked me to set the candidacy for parliamentary elections ". The nomination mechanism assumes that the political career is done slowly - for fifteen - twenty years.

Second model - parachuting model - built on the involvement of candidates for a high post in the executive authority from the outside. It suggests the presence of developed social capital in the form of ties and dating, as well as management experience or public recognition. Unlike a gradual growth model, this model is characterized by the speed of implementation. In Russia, the condition of "parachuting" on a high position is a trust relationship with the first persons. It is so for ministerial posts in the Russian government women ministers who are familiar<тогдашнему> President D. Medvedev for joint work on national projects. In the Perm region<теперь уже бывший> Governor O. Chirkunov appointed to the ministerial posts of women known to him in joint work in commercial structures. In modern Russia, "parachuting" in the executive power of the business is quite common. In Perm Territory, the main role was played by the fact that the governor made a career in business. Colleagues who have proven themselves in the previous work, he invited to work in power, despite the fact that they did not have experience in power structures.

In France, the term is often used in relation to the executive. destinationWhile parachuting implies a proposal to run in the elections, during which the candidate victory is virtually secured. Formally, the appointment to a high post in the executive authority is open to women who have completed prestigious educational establishments, such as the National School of Administration or Polytechnic School, which prepare the highest personnel of the public administration system. But in practice, informal relationships play a large role in the process of appointment (friendships; entry into the close chart of first person). The French elite differs significantly from the Russian. First, the segment of the state elite in France is homogeneous, which is ensured by similar conditions for socialization, education and career promotion of its representatives. Secondly, professional and social capital in France should be supported by capital political. "Make a political career outside the party, -recognizes woman politician , - almost impossible". This way, S. Royal, Candidate for the presidential election (2007) from FSP, came to the large policy.<…> Minister of Justice R. Dati. Women themselves prefer this way to a large policy participation in the elections, however, experts emphasize his unreliability, since the appointment always depends on the decision of the men in power.

Model of inheritance It assumes that political capital is transferred inside the family or her close friends. With regard to women, this model of promotion works mainly in France. Here, belonging to the family of notables allows the heir to either be elected to local, regional or national elections, or reveals him the road to the executive power. To political heirs, surveyed experts include<бывшего> Minister of Health and Sports R. Bar<-Наркен>, whose father was a deputy;<бывшего> First secretary of the FSP, now the mayor of Lille M. Obry, the daughter of the famous French Socialist J. Delora; The son of President N. Sarkozy, who made a career inside the Soyuz for People's Movement Party. The model of inheritance in modern France, as analysts consider, is applied less and less. The policy increases, if we take advantage of the expression of P. Rosanvalon, the share of "female individuals", which are moving on high posts exclusively thanks to their business qualities, and not supporting the nearest environment or family.

In Russia, where new political institutions have emerged recently, the inheritance model is only formed. Nevertheless, the transfer process by representatives of the elite of its authority is inherited becomes noticeable. This is what one of the respondents think about this: "Many zones of influence are inherited. I will not call last names. But we know exactly that in the regional Duma there is a deputy that keeps a significant part of the business in the car service, his nephew is a deputy of the city Duma. City Duma We have an "orphanage". Influential fathers sit in the regional Duma, and sons or nephews - in the urban. Thus, entire networks are built, thanks to which power is held ". Unlike France, in Russia the inheritance model is most often implemented on the male line, while women prefer business policies. Nevertheless, cases of inheritance on the women's line are recorded, although today it is a rarity, and we are talking about inheritance of political capital, not the position.

The analysis of materials Interviews suggests that in Russia, firstly, women's ingredients remain random and, secondly, career growth is not the result of the purposeful efforts of the women themselves, but a consequence of a decision taken by the leader, most often a man. The dependence of career growth in power from the direct supervisor is so great that the own intentions of women are simply not taken into account. Often, the situation is developing in such a way that the assignments are not entitled to refuse the boss. No less important for a woman is not only the authority of the head, but also an internal understanding of those functions that it will have to be executed in new post. Women who achieved success in the framework of a gradual growth model, more often talked about the decisive role of professional qualities, which they were helped to defeat the current practice of appointments. "The" glass ceiling "exists in power, but I did not make it specially punched. I came to work as a rash member to the city administration, gradually made his way to the deputy vice-mayor, although it was not specifically such a task, everything worked. Men, as a rule, are recommended for leadership positions. Therefore, a woman to be in a high post, you have to be really a professional. "- the vice-mayor believes. However, as if the women themselves insisted on the importance of professional capital, it is impossible to forget about their personal qualities and the resulting education. Russian regions for the last decades live in a state of uncertainty, and this, in turn, makes increased demands on the forecast leader skills. Research materials show that those women leaders who do not have a strong character, professional curiosity and a tendency to solve difficult tasks, cannot be held in power, even if they managed to rise to a high step in the authority hierarchy.

In Russia, it is difficult to talk about the predominance of a certain model of promotion into power. Nevertheless, we will highlight three determining points:

1. To date, the bureaucratic path is dominated by the bureaucratic path to the top, whether it is about the gradual cultivation of candidates for high posts within bureaucratic structures or coordination in them. The result of such a policy, as many researchers noted, in Russia 2000s. It was the strengthening of the positions of the bureaucratic segment of the elite.

2. One of the most characteristic features of Russia is the transition to the power of business representatives. In the near future, this trend is likely to gain further development, since the promotion of successful personnel from business into power structures is considered by the current Russian leadership as a way to solve the problem of personnel deficit.

3. Parties in Russia did not turn into an effective social elevator. In our study, this feature revealed particularly brightly, if only because representatives of the executive branch of the authorities were the main object of our study, which is not formed on a political principle. In perspective, this situation may change, because The authorities are made efforts to turn parties into vertical mobility channels. This should be considered a new procedure for nomination on the governor's post of candidates from a party who won the regional election, as well as the creation of a "United Russia" of its own personnel reserve.

In France, initially in progress on high posts in politics acted informal mechanisms (friendly, family connections, entry into the close chart of first person). With the adoption of laws on equal access to women and men to elected and public posts, formal mechanisms for promoting women in politics and power began to be approved. Today in France at the same time there are various social elevators. Some experts argue that the most effective of them is the public service, motivating its position by the fact that the basic principle of civil service is equality in promotion over the career ladder for men and women. This thesis is confirmed by statistical data: in 2005, 61% of women and 39% of men were adopted for the public service competition. Others are called the Institute of Political Parties as the best social elevator.

If you compare the promotion of women to power in Russia and in France, it is allocated both coincidences and differences. As in Russia, in France, mostly the path of women in the authority is based on the scenario "Long Career". This is evidenced by the fact that the average age of women deputies of the Lower Chamber of the French Parliament, according to experts, is higher than the age of men. If we talk about differences, then the main thing is that French women show greater activity in building their political careers, and in their promotion, they are less dependent on men. The proportion of women who come to politics through active work in civil society organizations and party structures, considers the French expert, will increase. This contributes to new elections legislation and a proportional voting system adopted at regional and local elections. "The promotion of women in politics is gradual growth. The more women will sit in municipal and regional councils, the more women will appear in politics, and this in the future will lead to the election of new women's deputies to the National Assembly ", "believes one of the French respondents.

Russian women make their career more randomly, not having a pronounced readiness to fight for their place under the sun. The absence of institutional conditions guaranteeing women representation in the legislative power leads to the fact that it is this branch of power that is the most closed for women. However, women themselves, like Russian society as a whole, do not perceive the current situation as an unacceptable. Survey conducted by the organization "World" (2008), showed that in Russia only a third of the population (35%) considered it very important that women would have rights, fully equal with men, and 17% believed that it was not too important (for comparison, in France, opinions were distributed as follows image: 75% and 2%). Partly, that is why Russian women have not yet managed to turn the situation and increase the level of its representation in the structures of power.

1.2. Barriers on the way of promoting women in power

French and Russian researchers, analyzing obstacles to the promotion of women in power, focus on the preservation of cultural and gender stereotypes in society and the socio-psychological restrictions of women who prevent them from doing their career. How important ideas meet real practices? What do women themselves think about this? Do they want to hold the highest position in power?

The analysis carried out by us allows us to say that those identified in earlier studies, incl. In our own, ideas that it is provokes by the closure of power structures for women managers, should be, on the one hand, are expanded, on the other, rethought under the influence of changes occurring in the structures of modern Russian authorities. The barriers to the power can vary and coincide, if it comes to two levels of power: representative and executive.

Representative power. In Russia, if you follow the materials of the interview, the most serious obstacles for women in election to the regional legislative authorities are:

High level of competition;

A weak representation of women in the business elite of the region;

Non-formation of women promotion channels in legislative power;

Sociocultural stereotypes of electoral behavior of voters;

Weak activity of women themselves.

The most serious barrier to promote women in the legislative power of the regional level, according to women deputies and experts, is competition from men engaged in business and have serious financial resources. This is what one of our respondents, working in the regional parliament, is thinking about this. "It should be understood that the Legislative Assembly is a competitive environment, a club of influential people. Deputies are in order to find in it. Many questions are resolved here in addition to legislative. Transactions are performed, mutually interesting business projects are born. Weak players will not be allowed here, they just are not interested in anyone. " The validity of this position is confirmed by the fact that in the 2000s. The social composition of the legislative assemblies in Russia has changed significantly: they were left by representatives of the social sphere (doctors, teachers, social workers), and their places were taken by representatives of the business today from 65 to 85% of deputies. A situation in which the legislature reflects the structure of the business elite of the region. And from this it follows that while women will not become significant economic actors of the regional level, it will be enough to move to the regional legislative power. This opinion shares the Tambov expert V. Penkov: "Knowing the structure of small and medium-sized businesses, I can say that until the active visit of women in the business, they will not have political influence levers. Spontaneous arrival of women in politics is unlikely to expect ".

At the same time, the shifts are already taking place: women are present in business, and in politics, however, while in small cities, where the level of competition is low. Whether this process will spread in perspective to regional capital, and after them to regional parliaments will show time: "Today the process of women's entry into business and power has already begun. Take the chairmen and deputy city councils. Among the chairmen of the district councils of women There were quite a lot, but their status is small. They were allowed there only because it is a non-competitive niche for men ", is convinced by Professor Tambov state University Political scientist D. Selzer.

An equally important factor for Russia is the reduced political activity of the women themselves, on which N. Bayandina is insisting, the head of the Department of Interaction from the Media of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory: "Women themselves do not show proper activity. There are no noticeable active women in the region. Perm region - the industrial region, at the head of all important enterprises there were always men. With the advent of business, this tradition began to be gradually blurred, but still strong. Women have not yet shown and did not prove the elite that they can be worthy players, including politics. ".

The reduced representation of women in the regional legislative power is often explained by gender stereotypes of voters, incl. Women who are not ready to vote for women politicians. The unwillingness to allow women to power from the electorate some of the experts tend to interpret envy to other people's success and mental constraints of female electorals. "Voters are actively involved in elections - women. They are the first to throw women from lists. Motivation of rejection is different and, as a rule, irrational. First, there is irritation from someone else's success, secondly, the women's audience, providing a decisive impact on the results in the municipal elections, consists of people aged from 35 to 60 years. The promotion of women in politics is not included in their value system. Thus, women refuse to choose women. Biological floor becomes "Ceiling" in politics "- V. Penkov continues his reflections.

A serious obstacle to the promotion of women in politics and power is the limited recruiting channels into legislative power. Party channels still do not work, although the party themselves, and especially the "party of power", claim the status of "elite incubators". Weak remains such a channel as public organizations. The mechanism of involvement in the legal authority of the region of women with experience in the urban Duma has not been formed. Why is this happening? According to the respondents, the parties and social movements are not yet engaged in the cultivation of women leaders. "The task of growing leaders and the promotion of them in the authority of women's public associations do not perform. I do not see them such a goal. We have in the 1990s. There were audible organizations, they were engaged at the local level by solving social problems. But the tasks of growing their leaders in front of them were not set. Growing a female movement is a very serious problem. We do not have young leaders. "- T. Margolin, authorized by human rights in the Perm region. Similar estimates sounded to political parties. Study participants noted that women are involved in parties, as a rule, at the stage of pre-election campaignBut then for unknown reasons in the finals, the races do not fall. "If you analyze the lists that were offered in the elections of the deputies of the regional Duma on a proportional system, then women were more than enough. They were declared as an element of element campaigning in the lists of the LDPR, the Communist Party, United Russia, the Motherland. But as soon as it came to count the chickens in the fall, some roosters turned out to be in the lists., "said the expert.

It can be assumed that over time, party and public organizations will perform the function of social elevators. Especially today there are parties, thanks to which women are moving into power. "The party resource is becoming increasingly significant, so many women join the party today. The easiest to the woman to advance in the framework of the Democratic Party. In EP or LDPR, other principles, although they have more women today elected to the State Duma. Women in the party is not easy. For example, in our Perm, the origins of the creation of the EP had one active woman, but the leadership of the party is now gradually arguing ", "says one of the respondents. Some participants in the study do not hide that for them work in party structures can become a "spare airfield" in case of failure in elections. "In the party, the framework for women expands, although in the governing bodies of women a little. It seems to me that women in the party easier to show themselves and move. I even decided for myself: if the next time I won't move forward in the election, I will do the party construction, and then I will go to the Zemstvo collection, " - says the head of the district.

In the future, the parties become open to women, it is necessary to more rigidly regulate their activities, claim some experts. "We must create strict legislative conditions for political parties that could become a real mechanism. After all, when the first dozen list of candidates from the party occurs, women are practically submitted. Movement in the batch of business sweeps in its path of women, however, as men from the budget sphere that do not have the necessary resources. Requires the wording of clearer conditions of women in power. "- Magolina cited above is convinced. However, it should be recognized that in the context of Russia, the invasion of the state in the activities of parties and non-commercial organizations today has already become a serious problem. And therefore, additional regulation of their activities is unlikely to be considered as a recipe for the involvement of women in socio-political life.

On the need to make legislation that ensures equal access of men and women to elective posts, other participants in the study also said. But at the same time, the respondents did not have a general vision of measures that could be accepted. The surveyed politicians and experts are mostly not supporters of the legislative introduction of quotas. Some even believe that in practice, this measure can lead to a deterioration in the qualitative composition of the Legislative Assembly. "There is an opportunity to increase women in party lists, but for this not to avoid quota. These may be domestic party directives. But with formal quotation, the qualitative composition of the deputies will obviously suffer. Therefore, I am against - expresses his opinion one of the men.

A serious obstacle to the promotion of women at higher positions in power is the lack of a mechanism in modern Russia to nominate politicians who have made a career on the grassroots, in particular urban, level. As a result, women with experience in political activities at the urban level cannot move to the level of regional authorities. There is a logical question: why does this happen? Experts believe that for such a transition, women lack initiative. But the Women's Deputies themselves of the City Duma emphasize that the Regional Duma - "This is a club of rich people"Where the path is closed for them.

In general, in the Russian regions, chairs remains most difficult for women in the regional parliament. Suffice it to say that only one deputy of a woman sitting in the regional parliament of the Tambov region and the Perm Territory. City representative power for women is more open. Our study revealed a large inner readiness of women to work at this level of power. Some participants of the study explain it "Sober assessment of your capabilities", others - a good knowledge of the urban environment and everyday problems faced by residents. With regard to women who came to the city representative power from business, there is a pragmatic interest: it is the urban level of power to provide them with a proper level of protection, because most often women represent a small and medium business. So far, entering the regional legislative power is too expensive, and most importantly, it does not correspond to the scale of the problems that women entrepreneur faced.

Executive. Women from executive and also recognize that barriers that prevent them from coming and growing in the highest executive power of the region and the city exist. First of all, this is the curse of the power institutions in which the fate of the female career is most often determined by the higher supervisors who are not always convicted of women's leadership: "The ceiling of a woman in power is determined by the higher management, namely, as specifically, the boss in his little Mirka refers to a woman as an employee. If it relates normally and it does not matter for him who his colleague or subordinate is a man or a woman, then everything is fine. And if otherwise? It all depends on the specific chief. The growth of women in the administration depends on the position of the governor. The fate of women in governing posts in the center depends on the policies of the president. Any ceiling depends on who supports it with its top. "

As in the case of a representative authority, the executive authority did not formed a personnel nomination mechanism from the city to the regional level. It does not have to be surprised: in the post-Soviet period, the rigid confrontation between the governors and mayors of regional capitals did not subside in the post-Soviet period in the Russian regions, which was often worn personified. In this situation it is difficult to imagine the regional power "opened the doors" for persons from the competing team. The current situation is extremely negatively affected by personnel potential, since the most business, aggressive and advanced applicants, without seeing prospects in the region, are leaving to work in Moscow or occupy their niches in business.

Other obstacles to which women indicate, in their nature, paradoxical: Women themselves do not seek to grow up, on the one hand, on the other - unable to unite to protect against the "male" chauvinism in power: "Why can't we break upstairs? The first answer is - we all suits all. The second option - such conditions are created within the power when all women survive in it alone. It is very difficult for us. However, I am sure that as soon as we begin to form women's support networks, men will instantly reveal in their informal channels and consider it a conspiracy. In the intrigues they are strong. If women begin intrigue into power, then cry the guard. It is possible that it stops each of us. ".

Experts, in turn, associate this not with the "plot of men", and with the inability of women to agree with each other and the painful perception of the success of their comrades, whom women themselves are perceived as rivals: "Women harder to arrange among themselves. Women someone else's success perceive as their own failure. " However, not all analysts are so critical in relation to female psychology. Some of them believe that the reason here lies somewhat in another, for example, A. Pufflin,<экс->the chairman of the election committee of the Tambov region, claims: "There is no conspiracy, according to which men do not want women to let power. Maybe he was once, but now it is not, now the playground is open. The only thing is not - these are a system for promoting women in power, no quota. I am against him. A natural selection should act, in which women are quite capable of winning. But natural selection is an element of chance. Motivation of the appointment of women in the power absolutely different ".

Whatever external barriers to the promotion of women in power we analyze, the question remains open: what heights would be to achieve those women who already occupy leadership positions? And would they like to be at the highest steps of the power hierarchy? The study suggests that women are rather focused on to keep your position in powerthan increasing them. Explanation of this simple: too high loads and wide scale activity. Often, participants in the study referred to the lack of experience, which slows down their career ambitions. "I am today the Deputy Prime Minister, before that he worked as a minister of social development. But if I asked me if I want to be the governor, I would answer "no". Because you need to be able to count the forces at the distance. Now I do not feel such strength ", "says one of our respondents. It is characteristic that the greatest doubts for women cause the post of governor, requiring the huge tension of physical and moral forces, which, as women think, they have no. In addition, women honestly admit: the life is not limited to work, there is a lot of other in it. "The governor is better to let a man be. The load is very high. A woman has purely physical restrictions for the highest position. Especially since the woman is parallel with the family. The governor needs stunning mobility. It can only withstand the trained man, and not anyone. I do not need it. In addition to careers, health should also be preserved. There are other interests that are no less important than work. It is necessary to be able to maintain inner harmony, life at work does not closes ", - High-ranking head argues its position.

Some of them refer to the mercy of the sacrificance and do not want to change their personal beginning: "It is difficult for me to plan the future. But any step up is necessarily the victim. For his personal life. With its space. With your affections. It is always a choice. Although, if I want, I will not be special obstacles at our regional level. Today I have the level that I have ", "believes one of our respondents.

There are also women who have their reluctance to grow further, to higher frontiers motivate age, although it is possible that other, more complex motives are hidden behind such a statement, such as reluctance to compete with their leader for power: "I'm not going anywhere. I have no excessive ambitions. I am not a competitor to my leader. I can not say that I am not ambiguous, but why do I need it? To change one straps to others, you need to have a reserve of age. Each itself determines how much it works, how much to relax. I am 58 years old, I do not put such tasks in front of him because I really really appreciate the situation, " - the influential politician, deputy chairman of the urban representative body, believes.

Another status official cannot give a rational explanation to its reluctance to grow above the ministerial position, honestly admitting that it does not want this: "It seems to me that I have a certain limit of my possibilities. Do not want and that's it. You asked me, and I did not think I answered:not. Why I do not want, it's hard for me to say. I am quite satisfied with my level today and what I have. To some extent, I am ready to start all the time. But as long as it did not stand in front of me as an inevitable need, I will not want to do it. "

There are also women who belong to professionals experts and deliberately narrow the space of their influence with the boundaries of a particular industry: "I think that a woman in her career is much better to remain a professional and limited to a certain industry. May come the moment when you will not be in that team. Remaining at the position of the professional, you always evaluate more objectively, you are much more in demand, "- believes one of the ministers of the regional government.

Analysis of obstacles that arise in the way of promoting women in politics and power in Russia and France, indicates their comparability. In France, over the past decades, the attitude towards women politicians from the mass layers of voters has changed. However, this does not mean that the traditional mood of the electorate is completely outside. In a number of interviews, the topic of "female anti-heartminism" sounded when the French women voters refuse to vote for women politicians and are particularly critical to those who made a career in power. "Sexism is manifested not only in the behavior of men, but also in the behavior of women themselves in relation to women who occupy high posts in power. The demonstration of agricultural workers was remembered when the Minister of Agriculture was Ediths Creson. Then women went outside with posters: "Edith, in bed you are better than at the ministerial post" "- remembers one of the research participants.

Certain difficulties arise from French women and within party structures. "I think that the election of women deputies is not a problem of voters, but the problem of political parties, which are not yet attached to this issue,"- considers the deputy of the French Parliament P. Krezon. The fact that women are not always adequately perceived within the party structures, male politicians said. Member of the Central Committee of the French Communist Party (FCP) R. Martelli is convinced that French women are very difficult in the men's party surroundings: "It's hard to move to women in the party. In France, the People's Culture "Macho" is still preserved, for which the worship of power is characteristic. In politics it is valid until today: you need to be able to resist, be strong. Nevertheless, today women manage to climb up the party hierarchy, although it is difficult for them. Much to do in terms of changes in cultural representations. While we are still far from solving these problems. "

A certain exception is French ultrasound parties, in which, according to the tradition of women, leadership positions occupy. The lack of manifestations of sexism inside the Trotskyist movement spoke in his interview with A. Krivin, many years led by the "Communist Liga": "Sometimes during the meetings of the General Directorate of women, which make up half of the leadership, demand to suspend the discussion and are deleted to the consultation to develop a consolidated position. Women forced men to take these conditions. Today, none of us would have decided to object. Any sexist reaction causes a rigid rejection in the league. This became possible thanks to the struggle of women for their rights. And I think it is very good. "

The barrier on the way of promoting women in Power in France is recognized as a system of elections for majority districts. "Until now, political parties do not recognize the legitimacy of women in elections in single-member districts, this is due to the fact that over the years in the same districts, the same men and the same men are running. The winner in the Majoritarian District is the strongest candidate, i.e. He who has the most resources. In women, resources are usually less than that of men. " Some political parties are trying to compensate for the unfavorable situation by fixing the fixed part of the districts in parliamentary elections for women (FSP). We are talking about "complex" districts, conducting an election campaign in which takes a lot of effort and time. "There is order in the FSP - there isfemale districts. Today there are 40% of the total number of districts throughout France. It is far from the best districtsAnd sometimes they simply cannot be defeated. The allocation of "female districts" was made specifically: if it were not, only men became candidates for deputies. It was an internity solution that became possible due to the fact that there are very strong women in our party, who over the years have been struggle for women's rights, "- Shares his reflections to the deputy from FSP.

The unfavorable situation in the elections to parliament is balanced by the advantages that French women managed to achieve in the elections on the proportional system. In the party lists in accordance with the law there must be an equal number of men and female candidates. but "This legislative norm is -says French politician, Trotskyist A. Crivine - hypocrite: if you do not keep the rule, you must pay a fine. It's like the Kyoto Protocol - you can pollute the environment, but pay for this money. "Practice shows that many political parties do not comply with the legislative norms, preferring to pay a fine.

Women are more likely elected in those elections that are low in the men 'politicians, first of all, we are talking about the elections to the European Parliament, as well as the elections to municipal councils. Political parties, notes in this regard political scientist M. Sinno, easily nominates women's candidates in municipal elections, however, as soon as it comes to elections to the National Assembly or Senate, the number of obstacles increases.

Is it possible to achieve a gender balance in the authorities by introducing a quotation mechanism? Like their Russian colleagues, French women politicians demonstrate an controversial attitude towards the principle of quotation, although they recognize that the law on equal access to elective posts has significantly increased the representation of women in the legislative power of France. "Now the career women will be made more quickly thanks to the laws of quotas. Ideally, I would like the events to develop naturally so that men and women who make up the human race would have come to understand the need for equality in politics. Quotas - this is not the best solution to the problem. Although today mayors can no longer say that "we have no women." When lists were prepared to municipal elections, women were found everywhere. Quotas apply only to a proportional election system. And it will take time for this system to be applied to the elections to the National Assembly and Senate, "- reflects on the French political system P. Creson.

Many high-ranking women in France do not share the principle of quotation. Against him, for example, performs<бывший министр иностранных> France affairs M. Al<л>io-Marie. Like many of her successful colleagues, she believes that a woman should be approved in politics through its abilities and personal qualities, and not on the principle of gender quotation. A French business representatives are opposing the quotas, nevertheless, recognizing that it is very difficult to advance without quotas, and in business, it is very difficult for women.

So, in Russia and in France, barriers to the promotion of women in politics and power are preserved. However, these barriers differ in their height, and most importantly - in both countries, society and power relates to their existence. Despite the established barriers, in France over the past decades, serious efforts have been made to eliminate obstacles to the promotion of women in politics and power (election legislation, parties' activity). In Russia, society and power continue not to notice the accumulated problems and do not make conscious steps to relieve accumulated contradictions. The party channels of promotion of women in power remain weakly working; Informal practices and backstage coordination, as a result of which women do not fall into the number of finalists in regional elections, remain dominant, which is essentially closes the legislative branch of power for women.

Along with external in France and Russia, internal restrictions on the way of promoting women in power are strong. They are associated with the upbringing of girls who are prescribed by traditional female behaviors; understated self-esteem of women; overstated fear can not cope with the tasks assigned; Women's disinterest in their own career growth. It will take time to raise a generation of women, more confident in yourself, and most importantly - self-sufficient. In France, politicians and intellectuals reflect on these problems, they are concerned about society. In Russia, a new type of women is formed by spontaneously mainly in a business environment.

The pretended analysis makes it possible to conclude that the barriers to the moves and promotion of women in power in Russia and in France are in many ways similar to each other. However, French women advanced in defending "equal opportunities" with men much further than Russian women. Special attention in Russia, when considering the possibilities of mitigating the barriers to the ingress of women, the factor of reducing competition for places in the power, which experts speak. It makes the power of selectively more permeable for women, however, such barriers such as overload and fear before unsuccessful, women still remain. Barriers in many respects could be softened if public organizations were engaged in growing personnel, if the system of promotion from the municipal level was not destroyed - regional and if the women themselves showed a great interest in career growth.

1.3. Features of male and female leadership: Are gender differences so great?

The scientific environment has long been a discussion about the differences in the female style management style from male. An employee of the management school at the University of California J. Rosenger, who studied the female style of the company's leadership, approves: "The first women managers took the rules of behavior characteristic of men, and this led them to success. However, the second wave of women - the leaders of the highest echelon achieved success, not by using a male style, but creating and developing their specific female management style. Women - the second-generation managers achieve success not contrary, but thanks to the properties of the character and the peculiarities of the behavior that were previously considered female and unacceptable in the leaders. " The statement of this fact is not better demonstrated that women not only seize the technologies of successful management, but also produce their own, which are adequate to the conditions in which there are power and business. The study conducted by the International Women's Forum showed: in the management styles between men and women there are both differences and coincidences.

Traditionally, women attribute their power not to status, but such personal characteristics, as an increased intuition, the ability to establish contacts with people, diligence. In this regard, there are no exception to the evaluation, data during our study by high-ranking women from power. "Women are more perfected and rational. They make the most severe painstaking work in power. Men are more lazy, more often than women, allow themselves to do nothing at work. " The study shows that psychologically women are more than men-leaders, prone to collective decision-making, are more willing to stimulate the participation of employees in general. "I'm closer to the approval style of management. I will collect everyone, I listen to all opinions, and then decide. The coercive style is now the most efficient "- One of the respondents is convinced. If you continue the line of advantages, women willingly men share information, believing that such an exchange creates an environment of confidence in the team. Women managers encourage self-affirmation of employees, which motivates them to effectively fulfill the tasks. Many women actors who participated in the study emphasized their subordinates in the success of a common cause. At the same time, they often understood their own role. Moral support for subordinates and their encouragement -wear features of female management. Attracting subordinates to decision-making is not the only method of women's leadership. Experience shows: when this method does not work, women successfully make solutions solely.

As interviews are shown, women consider the ability to painstaking, requiring increased attention and diligence. "A woman is more than a man inherent in the desire to come to the smallest detail, to do a lot. This gives certain advantages afterwards. When you have the result, you know how it was achieved. In this case, not only time is reduced, but also brains train. And the man is not interested. " The case, however, not only in the commitment of trifles, but also in the ability to see a smallest grid of problems, possession of the softer ways to solve them. "The woman is softer, she can create a more flexible system, life and stable inherent in its essence.".

However, the focus on the little things as the dignity of female management is recognized as not all women leaders. Some of them are convinced that it is more likely to be about a lack that reduces management potential. These respondents are convinced: the highest positions in the power of a woman are not under power: "Men are less deliberate and faster make a decision. Women do it slower, they are so drowning in the trifles. The strategic thinking is clearly lacking, and in the authority, the strategy and principles are needed. Women due to their nature are subject to doubt, they are very afraid of mistakes. This slows down the process. I am convinced that the head of the administration, his deputies are a male role. A man with this copes better ".

The lack of women's management participants also include increased emotionality, although it is possible to join the opinion of V. Penkov's expert that intuition and emotionality are needed to all leaders: "Intuition and emotionality are important, they need all, and men, and women. But when the intuition dominates all the rest and as a result, a million of torment arises, it does not benefit. Emotionality is also very valuable and needed. But when emotional displaces rational, it is not good. Knowing women, representatives of business and power structures, I understand that success is achieved by those who find some kind of golden middle. "

Some research participants rightly believe that the search for shortcomings and advantages on gender signs is a low-job task. "Differences in management between men and women should not be considered as advantages or disadvantages. It all depends on the degree of inner freedom. It seems to me that the significance of gender specificity is overestimated. In general, I do not find a gender component in my work "- I am convinced by the head of the Department internal politicians Administration of the Perm Territory S. Neganov.

Research E. Michel-Alder actually confirms the expressed point of view. She, relying on scientific data, one of the first offered not to carry out tough differences between male and female management. Despite the fact that the role of the head is enshrined behind a man historically, the researcher is convinced that the woman does not blindly copy male style Management, but creates its own style based on the use of traditional role-playing functions of the mother, sisters, helpers. The study we carried out several years ago, actually confirmed the conclusion that the specifics of the male and female leadership should not be overestimated. Effective management does not have gender. The head to achieve success must have a double repertoire of management technologies - and male and female. Moreover, if the head has pronounced male or female leadership styles, the likelihood that he will achieve success in controlling less than if he implemented a mixed management style.

Previously, the conclusions have found confirmation and during this study. The frequency of statements indicating that the biological floor is not as important in manual, over the past five years has increased significantly. If one quarter of respondents adhered to such a point of view before such a point of view, now more than half of the respondents have been convinced that it is hardly legitimate to share management on male and female. "I would not divide professionals on women and men. For me there is a concept smart or a straight person. For the managerial, the same as the biological floor he has. When you work in a team, you do not pay attention to that man is this or a woman, just there are partners, work is going. Important: You can work with this person or can not. " Some of the respondents directly said that sometimes they lose the inner sense of their own sex when making decisions: "I am internally felt myself and a man and a woman, although I have an intuition obviously female"- Notes a young woman head of high rank.

It is important that, describing women in power, respondents are reminded not only about the presence of male features in the mental structure of a woman manager, but also about the acquisition of women's damns. "Brutality", according to men themselves, can not only help, but also interfere with management when high flexibility needs, sometimes it provokes unpleasant women's features ( "The whims are associated with women. But they are peculiar to both men in power. Himpanity implies after one year of inefficient management rolling in whims ").Some of the experts go even further, indicating that men, psychology and ways of achieving success of which are a psychological mixture of male and female traits are increasingly appearing in power and business in leadership posts. I know many men with women's features that achieve success. I can call dozens of such surnames in business and in power. They demonstrate the primeness, humility, excessive emotionality, junning. They can arrange to themselves, to understand the state of the other, and then take advantage of all this, having received their benefits. They are a barrel. The biological floor in power and business is gradually erased. These areas need people with different psychological skills - both men and women at the same time"One of our experts is convinced.

Is leading leadership in power from business leadership? Can women managers in business be successful going to work in power? Is it possible that these leadership niches require different psychological traits from women? Interview materials make it possible to assume that, despite the available differences, leadership in power and business has a similar nature, although management in power is an even more complex and interesting task than business management. " Power more complicated business. In business, the tasks are more specific, but it is more interesting to work in power. True, the result is in power very stretched and the responsibility is different. Transparency less, although they talk a lot about her"Is convinced by the vice-mayor of one of the regional capitals. Despite the available difficulties and the remoteness of the result, the power attracts women no less business. " I seriously attracts the need for all the bureaucratization of the authorities to take absolutely different solutions in various fields per unit of time. In power, management tasks are much higher than in business"," Says the former top manager of a large trading company, and now the Minister of the Regional Government. Some of the women who come to the power of the business are convinced that the power is more open experiment and innovation than business, so it gives an opportunity for internal growth. However, along with the advantages, power has its drawbacks that make work in this area more difficult than in business. These main disadvantages are two: the mightyness of power and a weak orientation for the result.

But not only the speed of decision-making and the orientation of people on result, power differs from business. One of the most significant differences is the difference in subculture, in the methods of selection of personnel, in the requirements of efficiency: " Power places the requirements for corporate and devotion. Business requires an effective economy: it exists for making money, and if there is no income, such a business is not needed to anyone"Is convinced of one of the entrepreneurs who looks at power from his professional niche and does not find advantages in it compared to the business. With the position of the business representative is solidized<экс-министр регионального развития> Perm Region P. Blusch: " Power in performance loses business. Business has clear goaling and efficiency, even the opportunity to measure it. I have no power».

Despite the fact that each of the niches has its advantages and restrictions, some of the experts rightly remind that the separation of power and business as the fields of management today is wrong with the best case, but a woman in business is still easier than in power. " The traditional delimitation of the sphere of power and business is erroneous. Power today is a business. Dividends are in power more than enough. What is the power still different from business? In business, with all the difficulties of formalities and informalities, it matches some competitiveness. In the sphere of power there is no competitiveness. And women are more successful in the competitive environment.».

French entrepreneurs are also convinced that both in business, and in power the woman is not easy to manage. That is why excessive rigidity of women in power and business is rather a forced answer to the rigidity of the task set, and not the characteristics of the woman's leader: "I would not pedal the story regarding the peculiarities of female leadership. Moreover, I would not say that a woman is a softer leader "- says O. de Tyuen, entrepreneur, head and creator of the female forum.

Existing French politicians join the opinion of the business representative, emphasizing that there is no special type of female leadership: "Do not think that women deputies are always better men. Sometimes they are much worse than men, sometimes they are simply unbearable. However, like men ". A high-ranking French official adheres to a similar position: "I love working with women, especially when they are beautiful and smart. But I do not agree with the fact that they work differently than men ".

We note at the same time some features that distinguish Russian leader leaders from Frenchwoman. In an interview, Russian women, as already noted above, said that they allow themselves to enjoy femininity. Femininity is used by them in order to be confident that they will not seem to "a man in a skirt", which they really would not want. "I sometimes connect women's coquetry. We must not forget that you are a woman. And it helps me, it happens an additional argument. Woman should be different, multivariate is very important not to sign a woman with a sledgehammer ". Often, Russian participants of the study were recognized that they could demonstrate weakness in the interests of the case. In France, everything else. Whatever image eager to create a French woman-manager or politician, she will never allow themselves to show weakness: "In France it is unthinkable, because women won their positions in a fierce struggle". And besides this, a woman in the responsible post "Wants to show that she is able to fulfill the political functions that she is a professional. We are in the top spheres of power. People here mainly respect the established rules ".

Thus, between leadership in power and business, the differences are expressed stronger than gender differences. Power as a management area, according to respondents, more interesting to business, but it has significant structural limitations - a low decision-making rate, reduced efficiency, weak focus on the result that most respondents are regarded as a less competitive environment in which the clandiness continues to dominate. But another thing is important: no matter how great institutional differences between power and business, women who came from business in power and having leadership potential are in power no less effective than in business. The analysis of the leadership styles of men and women in power and business allows you to make sure that the specifics of female leadership compared to male exists, but it should not be overestimated. Much more reason to say that effective management in power is increasingly losing the traits of biological gender. Effective managers are forced today to master the double repertoire of management technologies, and they fully cope with this task. The advantage of female management is still a support for intuition, the ability to work with the "fine grid of problems", attention to people.


Compare political life in Russia and France is not easy. France is a country with long-standing democratic traditions formed by the party system and developed civil society. Formally, all this in Russia exists. But at the same time, the parties have little in common with classical political parties, some of them have been created by the state bureaucracy in order to maintain the existing political regime; Elections are held using the administrative resource and "dirty technologies", and civil initiatives, as in general, any opposition activities, meet the authorities from the authorities. The non-formation in modern Russia institutional mechanisms for promoting women in politics and power leads to the fact that Russian women are more "followed by" the situation, and their entry into power is the result of a coincidence of favorable circumstances, and not thoughtful career strategy. In France, the existence of open political institutions and well-established social elevators gives a woman the opportunity to consciously build its personal strategy to promotion through the career ladder, which is an unconditional advantage. In Western world, France in the level of representation of women in the authorities occupies the average position. Russia lags behind France not only on the representation of women in the authorities, but also by the degree of understanding by the society of gender issues. The deafness of society, political institutions and political actors themselves to the topic of gender inequality in our country is obvious.

In France, political parties play a special role in the formation of the political elite. Political activity is the most important condition for the promotion of women in power. Most of women politicians in modern France began their careers in party structures or civil society organizations. In Russia, institutional conditions for the promotion of women in politics and power are just beginning to be formed. The function of the vertical mobility mechanism is mastered by political parties, primarily "United Russia" and "Fair Russia". In the process of party construction, the involvement of women becomes a successful PR-move, allowing parties to create an attractive, more "human" image. "United Russia" and "Fair Russia" were created by bureaucracy, and "selection of personnel" in them is conducted on a bureaucratic principle. Among women deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, persons with the "Nomenclature Past" prevail. Among them are few representatives of civil society, youth and female organizations. It is difficult to imagine that in the bureaucratic principle of the parties have developed a serious and creative discussion of the problems of gender inequality in politics. Neither party leadership, nor the women politicians themselves, for which, apparently, the topic of introducing quotas is not relevant. The democratic parties are more open for women and discussion of the problems of gender imbalance, but they are not represented in the current composition of the Russian parliament. All this suggests that Russian women politicians for the most part have not yet been formed as political actors - they are not worth a socio-political project, which they could and sought to implement.


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Chirikova A., Krichevskaya O. Woman-manager: Business strategies and image I // Sociological research. 2000. №11.

Femmesetpouvoirex écutifdanslemonde.url: http: // femmes_politiques.html

An example of such an inheritance is the appointment to the post of Deputy Governor, and then the representative of the Orlovsk region administration in the Council of the Federation of M. Rogacheva, the daughter of the former governor of the Oryol region E. Stroyev (in 2009, dismissed). "Heiress" of the former mayor of St. Petersburg A. Sobchak is his widow, L. Distow,<экс-сенатор> From the Republic of Tyva.

Hama-Golutvina O. Political elites of Russia. M., 2007; Hama-Golutvina O. Russian Elite during the presidency of V. Putin ... P. 72-96.

Conseil Concomique et Social, Op. CIT. P. 197-202; Royal S., Toureine F. Si La Gauche Veut Des ID ES. P.: Bernard Grasset, 2008.

Ivazov S. Russian elections: gender reading. Pp. 234. [AIVAZOVA S. ROSSIYSKIYE VIBORY: GENDERNOYE PROCHTENIYE. S. 234.]

<В настоящее время> The "Communist League" is transformed into an anti-capitalist party. - approx. Auto

Only in 2004, the Proprepsy Union for the People's Movement paid a fine of 4.2 million euros, FSP - 1.6 million euros, FCP - 123 thousand euros.

Sinneau M. Quel Pouvoir Politique Pour Les Femmes? Etat Des Lieux et Comparaisons Européennes. In: Les Femmes Dans La Prise de Décision EN FRANCE EN EUROPE / SOUS LA DIR. De Gaspard F. P.: Harmattan, 1996. P. 95.

Chirikova A.E., Krichevskaya ON Woman leader: Business strategies image I // Sociological research. 2000. №11; Michel Alder S. Women's Style. Lecture. Higher commercial school. MVS - M., 1991.

Rosener J.B. Women Lomen Lead // Harward Business Rev. 1990. Vol. 68. No. 6. P. 74-85.

Women in business / near Ed N. Pavlova. M.: Inion RAS, 1993. P. 39.

Michel Alder E. Women's Style. Lecture.

Chirikova A.E. Woman and man as top managers of Russian companies // Sociological research. 2003. №1.

Suffice it to say that during the 2007 parliamentary elections. The highest representation of women was recorded in the lists of parties of democratic orientation: an apple - 26%, ATP-25%. See: Ivazov S. Russian elections: Gender reading. P.38-39. [AIVAZOVA S. ROSSIYSKIYE VIBORY: GENDERNOYE PROCHTENIYE. S. 38-39.]

From different places, oddly enough. Political career is a business of particularly gifted people. Many people believe that one set of qualities, desires, opportunities and energy is not enough in order to become a successful politician, especially the highest level. Many are convinced that for this you need to have a purpose. We agree with this. Political leaders at any modes, at all times so unexpectedly arose from the most different environment - from the power structures as the current president, from a professional trade union environment, as a former, from acting, like Reagan, and it is even impossible to list, from where people and what ways are people Reach higher political power. It is impossible to even say that they are united by understanding and a sense of time - they themselves create time.

Perhaps their only common feature is the Power Power and the ability to rule over the minds and emotions of people. That is why we agree with the opinion that the political leader of a large scale is a predetermined path of man to a large extent.

But along with leaders who are little classification and definition, due to their exclusivity, there are professional policies, smart, far-sighted, everydays sophisticated, no doubt, bold and creative people. Who are they and how are they?

We ask them. As for such issues to Russian politicians, they are very cunning. The technology of hitting a large policy is the know-how, which is updated and changing every day. We passionately want to find out the secret of success, but we catch only the tops. The main thing remains hidden. Perhaps one of the reasons is that technologies are very diverse and change often. In addition, each policy has its own secret.

Mandatory conditions for political career:

- Experience in public organizations

- Huge work on promotion in sidelines

- Durable ties in high circles based on mutual interest.

- Very big money.

Exceptions are extremely rare, and they usually learn more than many years after leaving the scene, a policy that does not fit into this scheme.

But some patterns are still traced, and the quality needed for quality policy, and possible political careers can be described.

As for our Russian, reality, our politicians come from everywhere. Among them are technocrats, ideologists, humanities, representatives of power structures. Maybe it depends on time? Or, as we said, political leaders themselves define it? Determine or not, it is difficult to understand. But that the leader becomes exactly the one who is capable of it is for sure.

So, 1989 began a new era in the country and at the same time put forward a powerful pleany of politicians. An engineer came to replace Humanitariyev (M.S. Gorbachev - lawyer).

The previous takeoff of Yeltsin was in 1977, when he went to the first round of the nomenclature (Sverdlovsk region in his possession), in 1989 he experienced a new takeoff, having wanted superpowers in Moscow. Friendship or a host of two leading classes defines all the most important events of our closest future. That is why eight crisis years in power were humanitaries. First, Lawyers of Lukyanov and Gorbachev with the historic Yakovlev, then the economists of Gaidar and Khassbulatov, lawyers of Shahri and Zhirinovsky, Journalists of Anpov and Poltrany, Directors of Gubenko and Govorukhin, lawyer Sobchak, Philosopher Burbulis, etc.

Vladimir Schukeyko and Yuri Yarov - Designers Engineers, Viktor Chernomyrdin - Engineer-technologist, Oleg Soskovets - Metallurgist Engineer, Yuri Luzhkov - Petrochemistry.

It is quite obvious that there are no special rules and patterns.

It can be assumed that the politicians become those who managed to successfully overcome all the steps of the administrative career, and keep the desire to go further.

At the most tops, where the boundaries of all types of careers are blurred, the most successful, most purposeful, most ambitious and experienced are remained.

These people do not want money (mostly they have them), they do not seek to stroke the money, although actually politicians do it. The main thing that they need is power.

Well, when politician understands what he will do with it. Well, when it is intelligent and decent.

Most citizens believe that such politicians are rare. But it was exactly that they would like to see them. Just the fact that the current president impresses precisely such a person, and is due to its real popularity.

If we talk about how it is arranged political system In Russia, it is a parliamentary-presidential system of power, which is approved by the 1993 Constitution.

The Federal Assembly, which is actually the Parliament, is a bipotable legislature, which is selected by direct vote for a period of four years.

It consists of two chambers. Upper is the Federation Council, which consists of 178 executive executive officers in the regions and heads of regional legislative authorities.

The Lower Chamber is a state Duma in which 450 seats. Deputies are chosen by party and territorial districts equally.

The head of state is the president, which is chosen for a period of four years and cannot be elected more than two terms in a row. Presidential elections are held in one or two rounds. The second round is carried out if none of the candidates receive more than half of the vote from all those who voted. The winner of the second round there will be one of the two collected the greatest number Votes for whom more voters will vote.

In the event of a resignation, illness or other reasons, when the president ceases to work early, the Prime Minister for 90 days is obliged to conduct early elections, and until the end of this period, the functions of the head of state. In many states, these powers have a vice president, but in Russia this post canceled in 1993.

The President is a guarantee of the Constitution and is responsible for the work of the Cabinet of Ministers. He forms this office, and appoints the prime minister as his successor. The Duma claims or rejects his candidacy. The proposal of the candidacy of the Prime Minister can occur three times, then the president can dissolve the Duma and appoint new elections. All bills are made by the President and the Government for the consideration of the Duma, and become laws after discussion, additions and their deputies. The Duma and herself can make the bills for discussion, but the president has the right of the veto on them.

The powers of the president are great, but not endless. The Duma takes a budget that the government is preparing in the form of a project, she has the right to express a vomor distrust to the government. Theoretically, the Duma can shift the president, but practically it is little.

To resolve conflicts between different branches of power, there is a constitutional court.

Russia is a federation. In this regard, many problems are associated with the remoteness of individual regions and subit to the center.

Despite the imperfection of the party system, the public opinion of the Russian Federation is characterized by a wide range of political orientations from the right to left. At the extreme right flank there are neo-Nazis and monarchists. They advocate the introduction of dictatorship and against market reforms; It is usually xenophobes and anti-Semites. Neo-Nazi movement exists in the central industrial area around Moscow; Neonazists have a great influence also in the North Caucasus. The most famous ultra-free Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), headed by V.V. Zhirinovsky (in the election in the Duma of the third convocation in 1999, is registered entitled "Block Zhirinovsky").

The right wings party are most popular in large cities, especially in St. Petersburg and Moscow. These parties are based on intelligentsia, students and entrepreneurs. The leaders of the right wing occupied the highest posts during the presidency of Yeltsin (including former prime ministers A.T. Gaidar and S.V. Kirienko, former Foreign Minister A.V. Kozyrev and former Vice Premieres A.B .Chabis and B.E. Enerts), but, failed in carrying out reforms, lost the support of the population.

Parties of the Center supported Russia's transition to a market economy and a democratic state, but are expressed for a more moderate and controlled reform process. The centered position occupies the party "Our House - Russia" (broke up after the elections in the Duma 1999) and the "apple". The Party "Our House - Russia" (NDR) was created by Prime Minister Chernomyrdin to participate in the elections in the Duma in 1995 and quickly took the position of the party of power. The heads of the NDR formed a union with financial elites, leaders of large raw materials and executive authorities in the regions. After the resignation of Chernomyrdin NDR lost his influence. Apple - Democratic Party, headed by G.A. Evalinsky.

Left from the center is a group of social democratic parties and industrial lobbyists. These parties supported liberal political reforms, but opposed the transition to a purely market economy, speaking for the diversity of ownership forms and the broad participation of the state in the economy. Until 1998, none of the major parties could consolidate in the left-center niche of Russian politics, while Moscow Mayor Yu.M. M. Lugovkov did not organize the new political movement "Fatherland", which entered into a coalition with the Union of Regional Politicians "All Russia".

Extreme left positions in Russian politics are occupied by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (Communist Party), led by G.A. Zyuganov, and its allies at the National Patriotic Union of Russia (NPSR).

To date, the current president is conducting a number of reforms and transformations in various directions of power. Institute of Presidential Representatives In the Regions, the most important sectors of production, the state is trying to return to their control, attempts are made to put in order what was called privatization, the fight against shadow economies of various means is being carried out, the national currency is strengthened, in one word, the political situation in the country involves significant opportunities To put forward new political figures on the large arena of Russian politics.

And although the old Chinese curse translates approximately "so that you live in an era of change," you can confidently say that:

The era of change is the birth time of new politicians.

Image and popularity

Image policy is directly related to the number of votes that will be filed in the elections for his candidacy. Therefore, it is usually paid great attention to him.

In general, this chapter is designed not only for politicians. The image matters for any person who has to perform in front of a large audience. Apparently, the ability to properly build relationships with the press and the ability to make it profitable to sue for any careerist. But there are professions in which these skills are very important. Politicians, actors, those who are busy in show business, finally, the journalists themselves and media workers.

If you switch to a little bit of truth, it is obvious that those who help this image create, too, people are not alien to the process of creating an image of a political figure to express their personal attitude towards him.

Any television reportage is the installation of those frames that seemed to the Creators of the transfer relevant and successful. The perspectives in which those or other public persons are shown are those personnel that are consistent with the program concept. No one needs to explain how a simple selection of personnel can set the same person in completely different qualities. A completely ordinary, normal person can appear extremely pretty, or, on the contrary, repulsive and unprofitable, depending on how the author of the program has conceived.

In this case, it is impossible to say that this is always the result of evil intent or order. Directed by the program, journalist, TV presenter - a creative person with his attitude, perhaps even biased or paid. The ability to conquer the sympathy of the press - already half of the case.

From that time ago, as the first newspaper gave task to his first correspondence to make the first in the history of the report, since then the representatives of the media tirelessly began to pursue public figures to learn the facts from their lives as much as possible.

From these same time, public figures had to learn to communicate with the press - to comprehend science to skillfully hide, quickly run away, evade questions, skillfully lie, speak or too much or be able to report exactly so much to satisfy the desire of the journalist and make him remove it.

In this game, some journalists look stronger, others are weaker. The same can be said about public figures - some look much more winning than their colleagues.

And you and the press need each other. You need it in order to create the opinion of the Company you need, urgently distribute the information you need. The press needs you as in the source of fresh facts. Therefore, in your public life you should strive to establish as more favorable relationships as possible and with correspondents, and with the publishers and companies they represent.

You can experience the press as love and hatred. Its representatives may spy for you, to translate your words, put on facts, can publish inaccurate information and even harm your reputation. But you can also hide information and create an opinion about yourself through the same press, and even such as you need.

The press can be annoyed around you, invade your personal life, they can ask you questions that seem offensive.

In recent years, the press has become much stronger - and, as a result, much more dangerous for the political figure. One part of society believes that everything should be aware of the personal life of deputies and presidential candidates, in order to analyze it and create their legends, another part of society believes that many aspects of human life must be hidden and the press goes too far pursuing people with This purpose. Do not think that if at this moment you are not a candidate for a selected position, then you will be completely delighted with the attention of the press.

Therefore, you constantly need to establish good relations with the press representatives. You yourself or your trusted persons must work out a policy of communication with the press, working on both of you and on journalists. Use any chance to cooperate, but do not harm yourself. If the press printed the material about you, containing false information about you, as quickly as possible, in printed in truthful materials.

Correction of false facts should pass, as quickly as possible, while the incident is still fresh in the minds of the public.

Effectively use the press capabilities to influence millions of people who are otherwise, do not even hear you. And it doesn't even matter what time you pursue the goal, to defeat the elections or sell the vacuum cleaner.

In other words, communicating with the press every time, you will get a chance to tell people what you think or what you want to say.

As a person with contact with the press, you will be drawn into many situations associated with the media. Use mass media information to cope with all imaginable and unthinkable, expected and unexpected situations.

You can bring some examples of situations in which you may be:

- Speech pronouncement.

- Participation in a press conference.

- Representation at a club meeting or some society.

- Reading the course of lectures.

- Court of Arbitration.

- Interview for the newspaper, magazine, etc.

- Conducting a seminar.

- Participation in debates on a vital topic.

- participation in the tour.

- Meeting with a political opponent face to face.

- carrying out a very important telephone conversation. (Obtaining work, approval in printing a new book, receiving money for charity goals, etc.)

- participation in teleconference; Participation in the radio conferencing.

- Thirtienesecond statement in the discussion.

- Appearance as a guest on radio or television.

- Organization of any serious campaign.

- Answers to hostile questions.

- "Attack" reporter with a microphone on the threshold of your home.

- Reading the official statement - it is possible that in the midst of a crisis or natural disaster.

- An expression of gratitude to administrators or just persons who supported you.

Thus, you seem to have direct contact with the press, however, your activity will be in the field of view of other members of society and can become the property of journalists.

Press conference

As a public figure, you can be invited to one of the press conferences, which in excess of the rapidly spreading news in our days. There you can declare to set up your candidacy for a public office, tell about a new breakthrough in medicine or a story with the press on the consequences of a national disaster.

Nowadays, almost any organization is spent from time to time a press conference.

The company can convene a press conference to justify or explain in the situation unfavorable for it - for example, with charges of pollution accusations. ambientAfter what happened in the production of the explosion, after the release, which was harmful to the buyer of products, etc.

Representatives of power, in turn, also organize press conferences. City authorities can hold a press conference to provide the mayor with the opportunity to answer questions of the press and tell the people of the truth about something burning at the moment. He can clarify the policy of hiring to work, invite the press representatives to visit the newly open library, etc.

Celebrities - such as actors, athletes, writers - being drawn into litigation, arrange their own press conferences to find out the differences that have arisen with the law, trying to incline the press to their side.

Having dealing with correspondents, do not forget that they are accredited by their editors with one goal only - in order to mining the necessary information. Televishers simply need to record at least a brief statement to run it today on the air. Writing journalists need information for reflection, won from which the necessary facts, they could write an article.

However, all journalists need "fried" news, we need shocking details, we need sensations and actual statements.

Get ready for a press conference as closely as possible. You need to have a ready statement that you can extend or simply read into the microphone before the cluster of the press representatives. In your statement, first of all concern the most important points. After reading or distribute the application, you can answer the questions of correspondents.

Try to predict the questions you will be given and relete your answers. Think on top of what information you want to see the next day published in the press. Make the role of the leader, answer the questions accurately, authoritatively and confidential. Decide that you are going and what are not going to talk, and persistently adhere to the decision.

Try to suit your suit that matches the situation and the audience that you will perform. Use the style most appropriate for this case, taking into account the fact that you have to have an official interview or confidence conversation. Whatever style you have been chosen, the answers to the questions should be calm, truthful and, if possible, brief.

Treat the press conference, as the case to convey the truth to society. Honesty is sometimes perceived painfully, but remember: the truth always goes out, so it's better to adhere to honest relationships with representatives of the press from the very beginning. Remember - trust is difficult to earn, but it is even more difficult to preserve it. The persistent silent of facts undermines faith and forces journalists to search for other sources of information, and dig deep in search of parts and facts. Do not try to lie and falsify facts.

Cheating public or media simply will not pass. If you want to hide or distort the facts, you will need a lot of applications to make your lies plausible. You just can't think of how to keep the mass of these false statements in the head.

Society should trust you, should believe your words. This faith can not be abused, it is impossible to betray it. The precious equilibrium of trust and faith is very fragile and needs permanent care and protection. One should once lose confidence, it will be very difficult to return it.

Do not feel about journalists with contempt, thinking that you can tell everything you want, that they will believe everything. Do not try to throw the "duck" for the sake of attraction of attention. Throw out from the head of the illusion that the public is a trusting and pounce on dubious information - people want to know the truth, and they deserve it.

Even before the press conference, you should know what you want to say the press. Think in advance about the compressed statement. Come on the main points, formulating them in several words. You can rehearse with a stopwatch and a tape recorder to determine what you will be able to communicate for ten, twenty and thirty seconds. Write the quotes in advance - abbreviated, as in the telegram, so that, if necessary, the ready-made application fails to easily pop up in your memory. Answer questions directly and without confusion. Determine your strategy and avoid surprises.

Journalists, by the nature of their activities, it is necessary to issue news, but the nature of their classes is such that they cannot confine themselves to one bare facts, it will look uninteresting.

When the chief editor "kicks out" the correspondent on you, as to the news source, he must return to the editorial board with something unique, such news that should be competitive in the newspaper space.

Correspondents have to work extremely tense to see their material in the newspaper or on television. As a natural consequence of this, they ask tough and ingenious questions. Journalists are extremely persistent in their requirements; Many of them will never accept "no" response. Some journalists even work hard to achieve the reputation of a rigid reporter, and then try to support their image. Usually journalists have access to materials about you and your family and about all that it seemed to be in the background. Therefore, you should be very good to prepare, planning in advance what information about yourself would like to see published, as well as how your replica will sound in the news. You must foresee the basic and most trusted questions that correspond to you can ask you. You can not afford to be annoyed, as well as fuss.

Each of us had the opportunity to observe as candidates for deputies, actors or other public figures, lost their composure when they were directly asked about members of their family, about their personal life, about non-delegate actions in his youth, about financial scandals or other mistakes of the past. It doesn't matter if you consider such questions with nonsense or not, reporters ask these questions and will ask, and the one who ask should be ready to answer or parry the question, without showing neither excessive anger, no surprise, no offense.

If you were asked an unpleasant or provocative question before answering, make a small pause to give yourself the opportunity to carefully pick up words. If necessary, you can win a few seconds, repeating the question and commenting on it, for example: "Oh, this is a serious problem," or something like that. Then give a well-thoughtful answer that would like to see in the headings of tomorrow's newspapers.

Try to turn communication with the press for yourself. Get rid of the belief that you can always expect unnegrill alone from the press. If you have to give an instant answer to a question, you need to see the journalist in the eyes and say some simple thing - it can even be regretted that this time you can not answer this question, as it deserves special attention .

If you have mastered the art of communication with journalists, if you correctly assess yourself and know that you will benefit, and what is not, you can even benefit from the press, creating an advertisement. However, do everything in your power to avoid the bustle. It is worth meeting those journalists who are most important to you. Representatives of the lobby, public relations service, spokesperson, and the likes are made in incredible efforts to, understand the background and the style of reporting in print and on television, try to learn about all sorts of preferences of the leading reporters of publishing houses and studios. Each journalist has its own opinion, addiction, position, sympathy and antipathy. But, as a professional, it should get rid of all these emotions and be impartial. Nevertheless, it is obvious that journalists for some public actors are better than others.

Some famous figures meet journalists as personal friends, inviting them home. Such people, no doubt, enjoy the press.

But most often, social figures relate to the press hostile and incredulously - and their discomfort when communicating with correspondents is obvious.

You do not need to seek close friendship with the reporter, but there is nothing reprehensible in such a pleasant "hood" acquaintance with a journalist, with whom you encounter or accidentally, or to discuss professional issues.

During various interviews, press representatives often ask delicate or tricky questions.

Think if you should not start a notebook with tear-off pages, in which you would record questions that you specify most often, and in which you could record successful and accurate answers, thought out in advance. In this book you can also make facts, numbers and dates related to the subject occupied by you.

Take the most dangerous questions to the first page that reporters can ask. List complex, important and slippery questions that you are afraid, the wrong answer to which may have undesirable consequences. And also include questions, the answers to which require knowledge of specific technical data or acquaintance with extensive actual material. If necessary, make a book alphabetic pointer.

After each question, write a thorough and accurate answer. Even if you are a recognized professional in your area and are quite competent, in order to competently answer the question, you can simply be confused at some point and cannot be able to clearly formulate the answer. To avoid this, you need to see the replies prepared in advance with the reporter. Without such a book, you can make a wrong statement or look uncertain - and on television it may look and more terrible.

Remember that the answers recorded in your notebook should be oriented rather on listeners or viewers than on correspondents. Therefore, you must define the key points of your position, and repeatedly return to them in your speech. Depending on the situation, you can vary the answers, but the main line must be all the same.

Public figures in cities often ask the same questions. It is necessary to give an identical response, but, if possible, state in different style.

Constantly update the records, entering information from the video and current articles related to the case. Your staff can provide you with great help add-on to your book. Enable statistical data, quotes and results of relevant research or surveys that strengthen your position.

The auxiliary material can be compressed to the size of the book that you will be in your pocket. You can look at such a book on the road and refresh my memory. You will feel comfortable and easy.

If you are preparing a statement to publish it in the evening news, then appoint the conference time so that the journalists have the opportunity to arrive at it, then return to their jobs and edit the material for the air. The right choice of time is very important.

Traditionally, after the official part of the press conference, journalists gather around her organizers. They want to ask their personal questions, find out the material for special notes or hunt for statements for evening news.

Be careful when you criticize some organization or a specific person during a press conference or simply in humans. If these statements are subjective, it is possible that your words will hit you. Later, they can not remember that you specifically said, but it will be great to remember how "Merzko" you behave in relation to some person or such an organization.

When you are publicly criticized or when trying to confuse your opponents, you inform about your own weaknesses, and nothing more. Similarly, your opponent who, working as a public, deliberately leads you to confusion, just envies you. Kopania should be avoided in "dirty underwear" and throwing false accusations - this may have adverse effects for both sides.

If you still poured mud, try to hide your anger, save calm, call for help a sense of humor.

In this case, you will not only avoid anger of the public, but also be able to conquer her sympathy, and if you make a graceful move and offer your opponent, discuss the problem that has arisen, having met face to face, the public will carry you on your hands.

By becoming a candidate for a selection position, you immediately fall into the bright rays of glory, immediately begin to enjoy popular with the press. The public wants to know everything about you. Journalists are starting to interview your teachers who were in school and at the institute, your friend, your mother. They search for information about you in old school records, and will definitely discover that you had an apple an apple in my youth, and the ears were sticking out. They will try to find out, and didn't you show in the past of unhealthy ambitions, for example, egoism at the age of five, and did you ever write off ever on the exam, and they will not be confused to learn that you are not you, and your first husband has been doing cooking all the time Food.

They will be interested, and whether there was no such moment in your life when you became much richer or, on the contrary, did you feel, did you ever be arrested for a fight or for violating the rules of the road, did you hurt your income when filling Tax Declaration. What if you are under the influence of the grouping and protect it certain interests?

As a candidate for public figures, you immediately move from the back plan to the center of the Arena. First of all, you must remember: everything you do should be an honest game with the press. It even despite the fact that your political opponents may try to reduce your political advantages using all the funds available to it. Note: Everything you said now or someday may appear in the morning newspaper.

If you have something significant that you need to hide, it is better not to enter into a political arena at all, since you will not be able to control each trifle concerning secret information. Consider: the scandal, which remained in the distant past, will be removed on the light of God, and will work in the election campaign against you. If the difficult situation begins to develop threateningly, be frank and honest and try to immediately neutralize the danger - as far as it is possible. Keep your personal life in secret, but be prepared for the fact that it can be invited at any moment.

As a candidate for public figures, you can fall into different unusual positions. You can be in a very interesting situation, for example, to perform with the head of a truck or even with an even more exotic "tribune", you may be asked to get up before any symbolic scenery, put on a stupid hat or inappropriate, in your opinion, a sports sweater.

You will take part in numerous conferences that differ in duration. You will keep speech on countless lunch, lunches, banquets, and possibly on larger festivals, fairs, parades, etc. You will have one and the same terrible dinner at many times, and then with surprise and fright learning, What store sellers in which you buy products, do not vote for you.

You may find that pronounce the same speech four times a day - and almost for the same audience. You will learn how to quickly change the words of your speech, focusing on the interests of each particular group without changing the main positions. You get used to the fact that in one place you will be applauded, they will be lit in the other. Your own emotional state will fluctuate from depression to Euphoria.

During the campaign, you will be surrounded by the crowd of advisers, consultants and voters producing for you additional information. You can doubt the real need for such a number of people around you, you will not be clear to you, why hired one or something. The horrible thought will come to mind that now you can never stay without a large company of people.

Nowadays, a candidate for public figures must spend a lot of time to communicate with their helpers who mining additional information in order to parry sudden press attacks. After all, it depends on your relationship with the press, including the frequency of appearance on television ... In fact, the press has such power that she wish she - and seemingly successfully speaking candidate, will appear in public less and less. The phrase "Press Rearrange" means that before anyone is not known, almost having a chance of victory, if it starts to use the press effectively, it can become the same famous as a well-known official, and moreover, may even defeat him in elections .

From how skillfully you will communicate with the press, the success of the entire election company depends. You must appropriately dress, competently speak - to do everything right. A pleasant, well-supplied, frantic voice is a valuable quality. The experience of debate, voice classes and speaking practices will help you acquire an advantage in public speeches. You will need a well-selected wardrobe. Your publications, your election speeches, your press conferences should be well thought out and carefully worked in advance.

Before declare your nomination, think about it, maybe you should change your image, to say, gestures. When the campaign is already gaining momentum, it is difficult to explain to society and the press a change in hairstyles and hair colors, the release of beard and whether a sudden weight loss, lessons of oratory or plastic surgery. Do these things in advance - long before you find yourself in the lens of the media.

Similarly, when you are going to announce the nomination of your candidacy for a selected position - this is not the right time to change the name. If your name and surname are long and intact, or very complex for pronunciation, try making changes, but do it long before the election campaign.

Always, even in the shortest speeches, remember the post to which you apply.

As it has already been said earlier, you should always remember that all that you say is written on the film and can be used against you. This is especially important to be aware of the political candidate. If you did not say something, then you will never have to deny or explain it. Remember, you will never be completely able to correct unsuccessfully said. Your correction or qualitative application update will never be able to compete with the initial option. As a candidate, you should strive to radiate trust, power, self-control and ability to cope with the post you achieve.

Press conferences of the presidents are usually prepared very carefully and rehearsed in advance. The president's staff leads a special book for records - up to the day of the conference - and puts all questions there, which you can expect from the press. The president has a scheme showing where each of the correspondents will be sitting during a press conference. He can also carefully inspect the room to get close to the arrangement of the press seats.

Modern press - especially the agency of television and telegraph agencies - grab the information about each little of the earliest event very quickly. It is only worth looking at the Creators of Public Opinion, especially in the pre-election period.

In our rapidly changing world, when men and women achieve high professional posts in a rather young age, when politicians suddenly appear at the political chain and also suddenly disappear when careers are created and rushed due to random (or deliberate) comments that sounded in the evening News, you can not afford to be in the role of a person who would not hear for one reason or another.

And yet, there is a general denominator, which equalizes all the media. This is a human factor - this is you like a public person. The ability to effectively dialogue remains essential and necessary, despite the fact that the general approach has changed somewhat. Communication with the public and press is art. It can also be said so: the higher you rise by the public staircase, the more expect from you, and the more you will need to develop your abilities for communication.

Communication with the press is important.

Journalists can be both obstetricians and the gravers of a public person, remember this!

Who are you? Maybe you work in your first position or got an increase, and now think about how to put yourself in front of people. And maybe even so: you have been very successful in your professional activities, and you are constantly invited to participate in the jury, speech, present awards, give interviews on radio and television. Maybe you are applying for a selected position, and you do not satisfy how you look, appearing on the TV screen. Maybe you are a young successful director of the company that you hope to expand. You were asked to hold a responsible presentation, and you did a few mistakes: do too short haircut, you wear a bright red "personifying power" a tie with a black suit and a white shirt, are a presentation with a presentation scratched on the scattered sheets of paper, or suffer from acute fear Scenes and do not know how you calm down until no one noticed your condition. Whoever you are and whatever you do, the truth is that you can always improve your image.

Very often an insurmountable barrier between a particular person and all the others are some annoying trifle.

As a person who seeks to create his own image, you must fight for being truthful towards yourself when analyzing your abilities and goals. In order to acquire popularity and make a significant contribution to the development of society, it is not at all necessary to be a "written handsome". The main thing is that you have - these are your knowledge, qualifications, experience that has brought you to one of the first places in your field and put the public before the unwarting eyes.

Let's look at those people who have made a significant contribution to the development of society. They are all with a different appearance, with different education and prosper, but there is one general specific feature - the ability to give, learn, learn, communicate - which brought them into the first rows, as will withdraw you.

It has already been said that the opinion about you is created in the first minutes of communication. In other words, we can say that the appearance is very important. However, just to have the appropriate appearance is not enough. It is necessary that you yourself feel comfortable, and that your confidence is passed to the audience. If you know that you are well dressed, successfully combed, are in full of physical form, then you will radiate confidence. If you feel that you have something wrong with you, something does not match your own standards, you will involuntarily focus on this detail. Even if others believe that you look great, you know that you are far from the best form, and involuntarily convey your negative feeling to others.

We waste your efforts not so much to make the impression on the part of the opposite sex, how much to be removed yourself to increase your own self-esteem. People are literally transformed when they discover for themselves, which gives them the opportunity to look better.

Many popular personalities and literary characters have some essential details of clothing that have become, as if their business card. The moral of this story is as follows: your appearance, your choice of clothing is largely affected by the fact that others think about you, and what you think about yourself. Of all the goods here, you can make this conclusion:

The man, by the nature of his activities, was forced to be in sight, owes in any situation to move gracefully and with dignity, while maintaining complete confidence. He should always feel "well packaged" and not doubt that his preparation is at the proper level.

If not sure what style should be chosen, stop on the classic. He always talks about the good taste of his owner. The outfit must be elegant and free. Simple restrained clothing - support for you. Among other things, it allows the viewer to see you, and not what you wear. Thus, you unobtrusively express our individuality. The manner of dressed will tell a lot about you - about your education, about what you imagine and what to seek what.

Women can also dressed conservatively and simply, but at the same time use small details that unobtrusively emphasize their individuality.

If you are sure that your clothes work on you and matches your image, you can completely forget about it, focusing only at your work.

That is why it is so important for everyone.

In privacy, you can give the advantage to your preferences and fantasies and wear what you want, but a person engaged in public activities is obliged to think differently.

Before choosing a suit, stand up before a large mirror and "take a picture" in full growth. Inspect yourself from all sides and from sides, and from the back. Do not dear with you relative to the advantages and disadvantages of your appearance. Based on his past experience, you, of course, already know what you are coming, and what is not. Take, for example, women.

The choice of clothing length is strictly individual. Do not change the length of the skirt every season, as it dictates fashion. You can determine the perfect length, based on what you have growth, weight, preferred style.

Now let's talk about men. Your costume should be not only the best quality you can afford, it should also be sewn from the tissue of the best quality and the color that you go. He must be perfectly sitting on you. When you sit down, the edges of the trousers should not rise so that the skin strip open between the trousers and socks. Boots must always glisten! The shirt should also sit well, and in no case should be too narrow. Full men! Remember that there is nothing inconsistent than the type of shirt diverging on the stomach! Your tie, if it is not smooth, should have a discreet drawing, not "cut" eyes. If you do not feel colors, ask someone to choose your tie.

Some colors and drawings of fabrics, a brilliant metal in jewelry and glasses rims, bright flowers make an undesirable effect called visual vibration. This feature must be taken into account if you have to play on television. Try to always be open eyes. This applies to especially women. Open eyes help convey the meaning of your speech to the audience.

Your face must be expressive. After all, the audiences are primarily looking at him.

If you are going to appear on television, it means you have to deal with powerful sophods, when using which it is rather difficult to keep the balance of some colors. This especially concerns contrasting colors such as white, black and red. Red color in particular contains, what causes visual vibration. You see the red stain long before you see the person himself. Fashion designers who seek to create advertising with their products often cloture their customers into red products. However, the red is unstable, it "spreads" outside the contours of the image and disrupts the focus. In a group of four people, you immediately see the red color: a suit or tie, but do not see the person himself.

On television, there can be merged and vibrate and some drawings of fabrics, such as strips, polka dots, rainbow divorces, cells, motley patterns can be merged. As a viewer, you could pay attention to strange flicker, which occurs when a TV journalist decides to put on a striped shirt, a tie in a small peas or a checkered jacket.

For the same reason, on television, decorations from the glass and other beads should be avoided, as they reflect the light and create the game glare. Can blind and shiny tissue.

And a small advice: shortly before you go to the TV studio or some other public place, quickly look like yourself in the mirror, half a closer. If any of your accessories eclipses you, remove it. Remember, viewers must see you first.

When the ray of light passes through the prism, it is refracted, splitting on the color spectrum. In accordance with the wavelength, they are located in a strictly defined order. You see these colors in the rainbow, on the table of the scientist, on the artist's easel and even on the grid setting up your TV. The extreme colors of your spectrum are black and white.

The eye or chamber is difficult to combine the extreme colors of the spectrum. Therefore, photo or cameras have problems with playback of combinations: white face, black dress, black face, white suit or contrast black and white fabric pattern.

Dark colors absorb light and visually reduce the image. Some colors, for example, red and orange vibrate are too sharp and dominant. Yellow and green throw the gloomy drop on the skin.

If you choose colors for a scene or television studio, it is better to look for them in the middle of the spectrum. The closer to the middle of the spectrum, the better the color will look, the more he will go. The best looks gray, blue, pearl tones. Consider some colors.

Blue and lilac. Blue is undoubtedly one of the most pleasant colors, as it is stable, and is in the middle of the spectrum. It suits blue-eyed people. Denim blue looks great at all, from babies to Cowboys. Pale blue shirts and blouses in photos look white. For women, the most suitable as for performing in front of the chambers and for all other cases, the best dark blue suit, in combination or with a smooth blouse, or with a blouse of fabric with a vague pattern of grayish tones.

Without doubt, the diverse shades of purple look great. Pinkish-purple, saturated purple with a purple color color, which is often called royal, dark purple, dull purple, dark lilac, lilac with a reddish tint, plum color - all this is very winning colors.

Green. Bright green color is not too good for clothes, the same can be said about the different shades. But, nevertheless, some may be quite suitable. Jade color containing shades of gray, dark emerald or olive (close to the khaki color) is simply amazing.

Red. Red lifts mood. However, as we have already talked, it is a very strong dominant color that suppresses you and your environment. It should be considered absolutely not suitable for the presentation before the public.

Orange. It is "hot", vibrating, sparkling color - heavy and inappropriate for almost all shades of skin.

At the same time, "earthy" tones close to orange, but on a brown basis, are a good choice. These are such colors as a terracotta, apricot, brick color of foliage.

Yellow. This is a bright, attracting attention, color. He throws a gleam on the face, giving the skin a yellowish, unhealthy shade. It is said that when the presenter enters the studio in yellow, you can hear the operators to creak.

Brown. Do not immediately stop on this color, especially if there are shades of red. On the other hand, a deep chocolate brown looks good in conjunction with dark hair, dark eyes and dark-skinned skin. Lighter shades of brown (beige, rust, clay) are quite acceptable neutral colors.

Grey. This is a calm color, and therefore is one of the preferred colors when performing before the public. Each of us you need to have one well-stitched costume, made of natural wool, which can always be put on, if you have nothing more at hand. Gray at all attracts attention to himself, but it benefits from your appearance. He gives a feeling of strength. Gray symbolizes calm, trust, success and authority.

Gray is very good for both men and women.

For men. Imagine yourself in a dark gray suit (something average between steel and coal, in a light gray shirt and in a tie with an imperious greenish or bluish pattern. You can also add vest, a golden pin for a tie, a brighter blue handkerchief in the breast pocket, Or something like that. In any case, such an appearance is a business worthy and boredom, nevertheless, does not lead.

For women. Imagine yourself in gray, color pigeon wings, suit, out of natural fabric (wool, suede, dense silk, or even an artificial suede) with a blouse of muted blue or grayish-pink color with some unobtrusive pattern. You can choose a blouse and one-photon tissue, but at the same time revitalize it with a color scarf. It will be nice to look at the neck of a long gold chain or hematite beads, or thread of artificial pearls.

You can not doubt, the audience will appreciate your elegant and discreet outfit.

White color. As already mentioned, white color throws glare and visually increases things. Do not hesitate, white dress or shirt will definitely add you a 2-3 extra kilogram of weight. Light gray or blue shirt is always better than pure white.

Black color. Black things are used to "disappear". That is why dumbers always dress in black when they want to stay unnoticed. This color is too contrasting for most skin shades.

So, we disassembled colors. Let's talk about the clothes itself. Let's touch the clothes of women and let's stop in more detail on men's clothes.

Clothes for women

We all live in our country "in the world of men", but this does not mean that women should and dress like men. Fortunately, with the help of accessories, even a strict hard suit can be made uniquely feminine.

It is believed that a female entrepreneur, a politician woman, a female doctor should look more conservative than a woman lecturer, advocating to representatives of charitable organizations, or a decorator meeting with its clients.

Dear women! First of all, you need to complete the inventory of your wardrobe. Update it within reasonable. You will have to get rid of things that are already outdated that you have become small, etc. Instead, take some flawless, classic toilets that should be perfectly sitting on you.

It will cost quite expensive, so "clothes in the light" need to acquire very carefully, bearing in mind that it has to play a very responsible role.

It is very important that the clothing is well sitting. Let it be a little more free than too close. If the thing is small to you, then the transverse folds that will be fulfilled you. Women need to remember: Never when performing before the public it is impossible to appear in clothes with short sleeves, even in the summer - short sleeves look, to put it mildly, too informally. Long sleeves give harmony shape and make your kind of more professional.

You should be comfortable in your clothes. Never, leaving the public, to put a new suit for the first time. It should be "trying out" it first in everyday life. You must rate in advance what your outfit looks like when you go, sit, stand.

Harmony colors. Selecting the minimum wardrobe for all occasions, you should consider the combination of colors so that you can vary various details of clothes. About how a woman should pick up accessories, we have already spoken earlier.

Footwear. I want to say a few words about shoes. Show me a woman with wrinkles from pain around the eyes, and you can assume that most likely, she has grazing legs. High heels were not created for long walks, and I feel sorry for a woman who is unnatural walking walk, perepping, along the street. Thus, it is very important to wear comfortable, well-sitting shoes with so low heels, as far as it is acceptable for you. Spend as much money as you can afford to buy simple beautiful comfortable shoes and contain them in excellent condition. Low heel boats are the perfect option.

Buying several pairs of high-quality natural leather shoes of monophonic colors - not only reasonable, but also a useful investment. Pick the color to your clothes.

Invalid shoes with bright or motley color or heels of unusual forms.

Several additional tips. Leave the neckline for film festivals. The neckline must fit the form of your face. You can lengthen the face of the U-shaped or soften its outlines using the scarf. Scarf can be tied or wrapped around the neck in different ways. If you have a short neck, avoid bows, high collars and collars like "clamp".

Making a front door, remove the coat before entering the room - you should not do it in front of the honorable public.

Men's clothing

All clothes are certain information. So, with a short-term acquaintance, people have a steady judgment about you, your suit must be selected correctly, so that you look a prosperous, confident and authoritative. You must dress for yourself. During the speech, you need to feel comfortable. Your suit must be immaculately crocheted, out of good fabric. It is worth spending so much money as you can afford.

In the clothes, avoid "bold" drawings, cells, strips, screaming colors - all that distracts attention from your face. Suit Troika will be a good choice. Since the shoulder line is framed by your face, the jacket must sit on you immaculately.

Shirts. For men who strive for a sophisticated-elegant style, a variety of one-photographic gray shirts are ideal, often appearing in men's clothing stores. A gray shirt looks with a dark suit better than white, since in this case there is no sharp contrast.

Always wear long dark socks, as naked legs look very unattractive, when you put foot leg, recreated in the presidium, or at a meeting, or on TV studio and the table of the table does not cover you.

Your boots should be black, simple style, sit good on the leg, should always be studied and not broken.

Tie Men is a declaration of its independence, his opportunity to express themselves. You can wear what you want in privacy, but for public speaking choose a calm neutral tie, which will not distract attention from your face. Avoid ties of catchy drawings, as well as checkered, striped, in polka dot, bright colors and brilliant materials. Red ties, black, white ties are also invalid. Select the color of the tie from the average spectrum. For example, a person with blue or gray eyes need to have several simple ties of graphite-blue gray colors. Together with a gray shirt and a dark gray costume, this elegant combination is still forces you to watch your eyes. Dark eyes look better with dark ties - there are such colors such as wine, burgundy, graphite or dark blue.

Handkerchiefs. Many men like to insert a silk or cotton scarves into the chest pocket. It can look gorgeous and fashionable, and maybe - cheap and defiantly.

One basic rule must be remembered: the scarf in the breast pocket should not be bright or light, as in this case, it will distract attention from the face. The handkerchief needs to be chosen in such a way that it is perfect to suit the costume and a tie, besides, it should be neatly folded, and not too hang out.

In front of the camera

If you have the first visit to television, then you, naturally, are very concerned about how you will look. When speaking on Television, makeup is absolutely necessary. This applies to both women and men, regardless of whether you will be made independently or use the services of a grimer.

Television makeup is designed to compensate for the impact of two factors - bright upper light and increasing lenses. Both of these factors are able to make up you for ten years and add you five extra kilograms of weight.

Sofites are mounted high under the ceiling of the studio. One of the problems is that they cast shadows on the face, and the sensitive optics of the cameras shows their shadows. Merma allows you to cope with these problems and gives you the opportunity to look most naturally.

Camera - X-ray eye. Modern optics possesses high power and sees much more than the naked person's eye. When switching to close-up, the camera retains sharpness, unlike the human eye. Approaching the camera continues to increase small parts that are not available to the human eye.

Cameras enhance the gradations of light, emphasize the bristles (even if you just shared), freckles, circles under the eyes, moles, any skin irregularities. Natural skin lubrication gives the nose, forehead, chin chin. Bald heads shine like signal buckles. The smallest traces of varnish, who fell on the face, are visible.

In addition, the face seems fully from bright lighting. Pink or reddish skin hue will look even more. And this is just what will happen to your face. Imagine how strange you can look like your clothes.

Hairstyle also plays a very important role in your image. Hair must adequately framing the face. They should not dominate your appearance, shading attractive features or attract undesuctable attention.

It is necessary, if possible, avoid the non-human hair.

Your hair is your purely personal matter. You yourself must feel what style you are most. To emphasize the features of your face, you only need to contain your hair with neat, well tonsured and laid. It looks good hair that falls back on the collar.

Treat hair like a natural background as a facial frame.

When broadcasting on television, the ears do not look at the most attractive part of the head, therefore it is usually better to cover their upper part with her hair. The ears are expanding the face, it bluses when you strain, there are often traces from a hair retainer. A good photographer will not take off the head of the face, he will most likely ask you to turn so that only one ear can be seen in the photo.

For bald, there are several ways to reduce bald. For example, you can slightly throw your head to show mainly face, not bald. Well, it is obvious that when you lean, the opposite is happening. Never try to comb your hair back, across or forward bald. The curl combed in this way is rarely in place, it requires constant special attention. A similar inept attempt to hide Lysin will not deceive anyone, she will simply reveal your vain and vanity to their appearance.

It should not let go of long hair, because it destroys the symmetry of the face.

Never jump on the lock right on the skin. The lock contains varnish and clogs the pores of the skin, after that no powder and no make-up to it. It is also strongly gluing under sunlight and under artificial light sophisticate. To hide the shortcomings of your hair, there are wigs, but still the best wigs look artificially. Hair has different shades - wigs transmit it is not very successful.

Being a bald - by no means repulsive feature. What you have, you make your dating, your professionalism and your personality, and not the presence or lack of hair on your head.

You should never come to business meetings, a meeting with customers, to a public speech with dandruff on the shoulders of the jacket. All those around you mechanically want to shake it - since you did not do this.

On television dandruff looks like crystals of sparkling sugar sand. Usually, studio makeupers are removed in advance of dandruff, but do not count on it. Perceive the fight against dandruff, as the holy obligation of the public figure.

Your hands are very striking on the TV screen, and not only on the screen, so they need to take care well about them.

Points are also a vital component of your appearance, as the contact "eyes in the eye" depends on them. It is important that people can see your eyes even through glasses. The barrier between the audience and your eyes should be reduced to a minimum, glasses should not attract attention.

If, looking at himself in the mirror, you see first glasses, and then your eyes, you need to do something. Look not too massive, not too cumbersome, not too shiny rim. The design of the rim should be simple, should not darken eyebrows or distort the expression of the face. Look for soft metal glasses. Brilliant rims are not allowed. If you wear only reading glasses, it will be nice to look at it, if you, referring to your marks, put them on, and then, having finished reading, "you will remove.


Many people have achieved success in a considerable degree thanks to their vote. As well as appearance People judge a person and in his voice. The voice is the tool with which we denounce your message to the audience. The voice can attract people to your side, convince them of something, conquer sympathy and trust. Can charm us, but may also push. Human voice is a powerful tool. We live in the age of satellite and microwave, and an unpleasant voice may be a achilles fifth of your image. He can cross all your advantages. Imagine a mighty athlet with a squeaky voice. Such people could achieve more if they could improve their vote.

There is another category of people whose voices cause traditional admiration. These are speakers of classical musical radio stations. These people often possess a pleasant pronunciation. Despite the fact that many of them have pleasant voices from nature, they are much and deliberately working on them.

No matter what voice from birth. Thanks to the practice, you can purchase such a voice that your professional skill is deserved by justice and your bright individuality. You can get rid of a foreign or local accent if you will strictly follow the correctness of the pronunciation. You can get rid of the bell sounds, if you skillfully use the voice apparatus. You can learn to clearly articulate and correctly pronounce sounds. You can develop resonant fluctuations in the chest and learn to speak so that you are heard in the very last row of the audience without the slightest voltage on your part. Finally, you can learn not to burst, but turn into an eloquent, skillful speaker. All this is really in your power.

So, our voice is not just "comes from the hole on the face." Voice is something invisibly more. With the right use of the voice, the whole body is involved, from the top of the heels. The whole body is like a musical instrument that generates your voice.

Sunday lower. In each of the four cavities, located just above and slightly below the eye, it is placed around a teaspoon of air. They provide high notes of your voice, and correspond to about flute-picollo in the orchestra. Together with the nasal cavity, they provide an important part of the voice formation process.

Posture and gestures

You must control your posture all the time: when walking, sitting or standing. With a good posture, the back should be straightened, head raised.

When you go to the scene, you must go confidently, firmly stepping and straightens in full growth. Straighten the neck, keep your head high so that the chin line is horizontal. Breathe deeply, not to test the lack of oxygen. No need to walk cowardly, too unclosed or artificially. Focus on walking relaxed.

Adjust the microphone height on your height.

If you are a little good, then you'd better stand next to the tribune or department, which can be too high for you. You can increase your height if you imperibly bring and put a metal box under the department.

Put your documents on the department, but do not touch her, do not put your hands on it, do not learn about it. If you lean to it, your body line is twisted, the jacket sleeves are frozen. This also makes it difficult to breathe. Remember always that you need absolute freedom to breathe "from the lower back" and say "from the most heels." With a straight posture, the stomach is drawn, and the chest is lifted. If during the report you are sitting at the table, you can put your documents on the table, but in no case do not learn him and do not put your hands on it. Even sitting, you must save a straight posture and firmly resting the feet to the floor. Do not keep your hands on the table so that they are not visible against the background of your shape and face. The face is much more important than hands. In addition, hands are something that can give what you want to hide. Even if the rest rest on the table, you must sit straight, freely, in the tightened and at the same time free, pose.

If you are sitting in a chair - at the table or without it - do not hold the leg leg and do not overtake your hands on your knees. It too many hands on the show and does not give you the opportunity to breathe calmly and deeply. Also, remember that this posture expresses protection and rejection. Sit in the chair freely, ignoring the back and armrests, pulling the legs a few times and pressing the heels to the floor. It may happen that you are sitting in a soft chair, which threatens to completely absorb you. In this case, sit on the edge of the chair and lean a few forward. Try to cross your legs at the level of ankle, balancing the body weight on one leg. See how it looks in the mirror. Many people have firmly rooted the habit of sitting, putting his leg to the leg. But, although some succeeding politicians sometimes are unconsciously sitting this way, this posture cannot be considered appropriate. Those who deliberately studied the language of gestures or owns an intuitive understanding of them, will understand that you are critically tuned or unresponsible to the opinion of the interlocutor. If you agree with this posture, it looks unfulstly, be sure.

When you are on stage or podium, you take some specific space. Try to measure this space. Imagine it as a small oasis, like a security island where you can calmly settle down and from where you say your words.

If you left confidence, or you felt hostility, apply the reception of the "Car Glass" - imagine that you are in the car, and mentally "lower the glass". It will be easier for you to endure a critical attitude towards your performance or person at all.

All your movements and gestures must be performed in the visible space. Perceive this space as a reliable shelter and feel at home.

Body movements open a lot. They talk about you that you sometimes cannot express consciously. Your body has its own silent language, completely independent of what you say out loud.

When you are calm and control the situation, you pass this feeling of well-being your listeners. If you are experiencing obvious stress or awkwardness, the listeners are unwittingly surprised that you do at the stage at all. Your body language can show your location to the audience hall or your hostility. Watch the behavior of other speakers sitting at the table and waiting for their speech. See how each of them responds to the rapporteur. Pay attention to the gesticulation of those who express disagreement with the speaker. Pay attention to how the spectators express their approval when they really like this or another speaker. "Language of the body" you report your mood, attitude to the audience. If you crossed your hands on your chest, put the jaw forward and sit in a tense posture, then that means "don't come to me." If you sit straight, but freely, calmly placing your arms and legs and, slightly filed ahead, then all our views express our openness. If you are feeling concerns and deductions, your body is unconsciously trying to set the distance between you and other people. Naturally you are striving to become next to friends and separate yourself from a simple formal friend or someone else's person.

By making a report, follow the gestures and faithful students. Maybe they disconnected and wait when you finally finish - or listen to you with restless attention? Manage yourself as a person attentive to others. Let all your behavior indicate that you care about your listeners and understand their feelings. As it was already repeatedly said earlier, see people in the eyes - this will help you convey your words to them.

Learn to stand calmly. This is a very difficult science. If you are constantly concerned about your movement, worrying about where to give hands or legs, then you radiate the feeling of inconvenience and loss of self-control. You need to move your movements to a minimum.

Your gestures and facial expressions should express the desire, and not down. Imagine two coaches of football teams after an important match. The defeated head is lowered, eyes look into the ground, the shoulders have been missing - disappointment and anger is expressed in every feature. Next to him is the coach of the winning team - head raised, a wide smile, a straight back - joy, self-confidence, driving the key energy directly written on it.

This, of course, an extreme case, but nevertheless, you need to learn to take a position on the stage in accordance with the principles of creating a positive, not a negative image, be benevolent, and not sullen.

Speaking on television constantly remind that they should look up, on the light, smile, and not frown, and try to look so that they would be nice to them. One of the reasons for this is that the sophytes give sharp light and create deep shadows, especially around the eyes and wrinkles at the mouth. When you find your photo, removed in a similar way, then find that you look like "old and sick" in it. Such distortions need to be considered regardless of whether natural lighting or light sources are used above the scene. Remove your vigorous look in front of the mirror.

Let us summarize everything previously said. To make a good impression, you need to remember the following:

- Try to look a winner, with a raised head, a slight smile, an open look.

- straighten your body completely.

- Hands should hang out freely and calmly.

- When they say with you, lean forward.

- The facial expression should be clear.

- Be always ready.

- Support a high aesthetic level.

- hug the whole room.

- In order not to make a bad impression, do not:

- Looking a defeated, born, frowny, with head-headed head and glance.

- Sitting, lean back with crossed legs.

- Sleep your hands nervously.

- ignore others.

- look indifferent and sullen.

- Watch in the floor.

- Take a handkerchief, glasses or pen.

- rhythmically tapping or swing foot.

- To look into the space, bored, fool.

- Take the hair, combing their hand back or constantly remove them from the eye.

- yawning, chew a gum or your own lower lip.

- hide.

- remove from the listeners.

Gestles must strengthen the meaning of the words you want to convey to the hall. Gestures should be natural and efficient. They have to strengthen the effect of your message, clarify the meaning, allocate important moment. You can, with the help of gestures to express feeling or mood - anger, impatience, indifference. The gesture, made during the pause, can be eloquent words.

In relation to gestures, you must trust your a little. In order to improve the use of gestures, learn the spontaneous movements of your hands. Then you can hone moving and make them more sophisticated and professional. Nevertheless, gestures should always be simple and restrained.

Compressed fist expresses hostility, while the open palm expresses greeting and openness. Hand-crossed on his chest repel on a person looking at you, then the hands outstretched forward call him.

Get rid of unnecessary and annoying gestures, remembering that these habits can only intensify with a public speech (for example, usually click on the nails, rolling with fingers, combing the beard of five, play with hair, rub the forehead, click the knuckles of fingers.) Little, almost imperceptible habit. May become an annoying disadvantage.

In public, gestures should be limited clearly and clearly defined hands. On the stage you need to focus on the movements of the hands taken from the distance from your chin to the chest. If you raise your hands too high, they close your face and distract the listeners. If you make any gestures too low, then they are badly visible and generally, they create a sense of the direction "down", and not "up". Breast gestures are the best. They create a feeling of strength, calm power and confidence. Touching hair, face or body create an impression of concern and uncertainty.

Try to keep your elbows close to the body. If you do not do anything with your hands, do not keep them in sight - let them either calmly hang along the body of the body, or they will be folded. No need to disturb yourself with the thought of what to do with hands. Let your gestures be a natural continuation of what you say.

Try to rehearse in front of the mirror or in front of the familiar. If you have such an opportunity, view video recording of your speeches and analyze your gestures and facial expressions. You may see something that you will not like, because the camera shows all the flaws, but at the same time is an excellent assistant.

If you constantly fight for good taste, simplicity, restraint, will soon find that they become an integral part of your appearance.

In relations with the press, unpretentiously strengthen your own reputation and the authority of a specialist in your chosen activity. You must constantly have accurate and reliable facts and numbers in your hands to give them the press on the first request. Always keep in your head at the ready any information that can be expressed in a nutshell.

Do not forget to develop ties with press representatives. For example, if you are a specialist in any area, find reporters related to this specialty competent in this area and get acquainted with them. As soon as they recognize you, bring your name in your notebooks, to learn to trust what you say, they will perceive you as a valuable source of news and, in need of information, will certainly contact you.

People see and hear you as you look like.

Politician is a protrusion.

He should look decent.

Responsibility and solving problems

It cannot be said that this feature is responsibility - is characteristic of all politicians, but it is necessary for a successful career. In the literature and history, the topic of responsibility of the policy in solving complex problems in the sense is repeated many times in the sense that the total benefit is involved sometimes harsh solutions that are unfair and cruel relative to the part of society. This is a difficult multifaceted problem, which can be spent for a long time and give many historical solutions.

Perhaps there are problems that have no positive decisions, and the responsibility for such a decision lies on the leader. It is sometimes very difficult to determine whether the evil generated by this decision was the smallest. And, probably, in such matters, any opinion is subjective. But the solution sometimes cannot be accepted. Responsibility for him lies with the policy that he accepted. Even if he is not punished or convicted obviously, he will not lose his post, will not lose reputation, and, therefore, the career will not lose, then the load of the fault still no one will take off his shoulders.

Do you feel guilty for such solutions in fact, if they are even sure that they donated the smallest? This is the biggest mystery of politicians, even bigger than the path to the heights of power. I do not think it is possible to hear a truthful response from the original sources. And is it possible? In the life of every person there are moments, the memories of which are associated with such a bitterness, shame and a sense of guilt that we even forbid you to think about it. So in life, politics exist such moments. We want to think that they do not care that the toppers of our fate in the same way are painfully experiencing them, just like everyone else. In fact, of course, we all understand that this is not always the case, or because of the weak presentation of these tragedies, or due to the awareness of your own security and exclusivity.

But in any case, this is a very difficult cargo, and in order to carry it with the dignity, you need a great courage. And even more so, if after aware of his inability to bear such a cargo large politician itself leaves the stage, it is a courage worthy of admiration.

Those people who play political parties and their natural desire is the desire to win - I wonder if the struggle for power thinks do they really think about it? I think that yes, but hoped to cope with it. And if someone from them realized that it was unlikely, would such a politician refused to fight?

And if our system worked clearly on the system of checks and counterweights, as in the United States, would this choose this choice of the leader and would there be the inevitable evil less? The answer can be found in the decision of the Iraqi issue.

So it turns out that the most important question is the question of what is better - sole solutions or collegial - also does not have a unambiguous answer. Anyway, the final decision takes, or must take, the leader, and he knows himself who is responsible even for the smallest evil, admitted for the whole good. And since the answer to this very important question, which characterizes how suitable man is suitable and useful to society in the role of the leader, society will never know, it turns out that the choice of the majority is still there and does not mean its correctness. But those who seek the heights of a political career very soon begin to correlate with them the one who previously known to them is only theoretically, the fact that the court of stern history and is not always fair.

But for people from the breed of politicians, especially high level, it is always important. After all, it is in order to play a role in history, choose this most dizzying view of the career.

Personal life policy

The life of a public person does not have a sweat. Politician is visible around the clock. It is very uncomfortable and difficult. To understand how much, look at the program "Star Factory". As far as a person is uncomfortable to live under the closer attention not only fans and supporters, but also those who cannot be called well-wishers. And although personal life policy does not apply directly to his professional activities, it can how to help build a career and failing it. Examples of this so much that we can talk about direct link between the family of a political figure and his success.

It is safe to say that among those who have achieved success, and not only in politics, the majority had supported in the face of spouses or parents.

Alexander Macedonian mother brought up the great ruler, and was always his right (or guide) hand.

The mother of Peter the Great - Natalia Naryshkin - directed the irrepressible energy of the offspring for the creation Russian Empire. It was she who was engaged in the upbringing of the son, defined by him teachers, and its only opinion could change the decision of the young king.

Male Margaret Thatcher made a possible career of "Iron Lady" with its financial participation, advice, and purely human respect for her personality.

Jacqueline Kennedy was a worthy partner and face with her husband. Nancy Raigan became the "All-American Grandma".

Victoria Brezhnev was supporting and stabilizing factor in the life of Leonid Brezhnev, Raisa Gorbachev was a companion and the adviser Mikhail Sergeevich.

It would be possible to give other examples when trouble in the family destroyed the career of political figures or simply interfered with her. These examples so saved the press that we will not lead them. In addition, we do not strive to list all the spicy facts that are known about public person and their families.

Although if you look at this closest, then there is nothing that would not happen in ordinary families, it does not happen to politicians. What is the nature of interest and other, higher, standards for assessing public high-ranking persons? Fascivically declared a beautifully applied version of the authority, example, moral image of the policy as a reference.

This is an example of an ideological cliché, which, in general, plays a positive role. If the voter learns (and he is pleased that it is considered to be extent to such an extent), which may require his chosen one to match the highest samples, then this is a real method of monitoring the political leader through the same voter. This medal, like everyone in the light of good things, there is a reverse side, which is very uncomfortable for politics.

His personal life does not belong to him, moreover, she can cause the loss of its independence, and sometimes lead career to the collapse. We all know that sometimes it is difficult to influence personal life, or some of its circumstances cannot be changed. And everyone can imagine how it would take to speculation, the goat and an attempt to pressure on it through such circumstances.

But, choosing a political career, a person must be ready for this. Moreover, his family should also be ready for this. Sometimes we are witnessing the way of dramatic events in the life of political figures. The way they behave in circumstances like not quite fresh, but loud history with Clinton, can serve as a lesson for many. In front of the whole world, events were launched in which his wife with such dignity demonstrated the one who in the president's family is a real personality that no one has doubts that the person number is one. Imagine the courage and wisdom of this woman who found the only relatively decent way out of the situation, prevents full collapse! Now imagine that it felt. And relate it with your own opportunities.

Imagine what will happen if the press representatives will spread the camp at your home and will wait for your exit? They can be equipped with a striking manifold of technical means - lamps, cameras, microphones, and so on. They can wait for hours when you, the desired news source, finally go out and rinse through their row, seeking to hide in your car.

It can also happen that they will live from your home many, many days - exchanging food, newspapers and stories, taking an interview with your neighbors, and poking on you every time you leave the house, even in order to bring the dog .

To which a person can bring such things, showed the dramatic history of the princess Diana, which literally "related from great love." How do people generally cope with such interference in their lives? Differently.

Even rumors, like some of the besieged, cold winter night, have come to reporters and operators of coffee and sandwiches, but at the same time they did not answer for any question and did not say any words at all, taking care only that the press representatives do not froze. This kind of wonders usually happen on Christmas Eve and under the New Year. Reporters themselves are not happy and fit when they get a task to spend holidays away from the family in the cold and darkness, but they are obliged to fulfill their professional debt and deliver fresh material for the morning newspaper or mount the clip for morning telenodes.

Reporters can spread the camp camp not at your home, but to concentrate all their equipment at the main outlet of the office or in the place you often visit, they can get together around your car. Usually, the press representative clearly knows what he wants from you and knows what questions to shout. You may be surprised by this situation: it comes out of the corner the reporter and the microphone is in your face and asks the very question that you hoped to hear throughout the day, but until now I did not hear.

Count in advance that reporters generally want to learn from you why they are guarding you, and what they will ask about. Try to predict particularly unpleasant and tricky questions. Prepare the answers based on the advice of your official assistants and consultants.

If you are the subject of picketing or you have a press everywhere, it is very important that the situation controlled. If you have defined in advance that they intend to say, tell me only it - and not the words more.

Do not waste time and words on the complaint that the press pursues you. Do not rude them if you have nothing to say. Passing by, just nod and tell me: "Hi!" "And keep moving, or stop and say politely:" Sorry, but I can't give any comments. " In short, even if in the current situation you feel irritated or malice, always try to demonstrate calm and friendliness.

On the other hand, if you have the information that the press would tell, use the convenient case and do it.

Caution and security

In addition to the difficulties of the psychological plan, which accompany the life of a political leader and similar to the complexity of the participants in the window of the window, only with a much more lenses, there are difficulties associated with security. After all, the security accompanies the public person and his family around the clock! Imagine that someone is watching you for a whole day, and you cannot, like a child, neither escape, neither hide, because there is a real danger from which you are guarded. How people live with the awareness of this danger - probably in different ways. Someone gets used to someone experiencing stress and fights him, because the work of politics is not only in the fight against stress, but, actually consists in completely different things, and his personal stress is just his personal matter.

The structure of security activities is well developed in our country. We would flourish if everything else was in the same condition. But the problem of choosing protection always remains. To calculate a person, especially such a profession, is quite difficult. So the security can protect rather from non-professional and poorly organized attempts, but at the policy level where big money circulate and we are talking about power, the rates are very high. Therefore, it is difficult to say that there is a way of absolute protection.

And this is also what the political career needs to know, even if he is just a chairman of the trade union committee, because who knows ...

Pierre Cass reflects on the differences in male and female leadership and reveals the non-for stereotypes that are often found in this topic.

Controversial issue

The researchers have long argued about the differences between leaders and leaders men and women leaders, especially with regard to their basic beliefs, values \u200b\u200band feelings. In addition, questions are open (or disagreements?) As for their behavior and ways to achieve corporate efficacy and business success.

Evaluate key differences between leaders and leaders men and leaders are impossible, without answering the main question - what is good leadership?

Is it possible to say (as many are still doing) that leader men are better operated by the facts and conduct an objective diagnosis, and women skillfully manage emotions and interpersonal relationships?

Risching to be accused of stereotypical thinking, we are still convinced that this is true. We invite you to read the statements below and decide based on own experiencewhether you agree with them.

  • Men and women are really somewhat suitable for management (I agree - I do not agree - I do not know)
  • Men are completely different fighting for power than women (I agree - I do not agree - I do not know)
  • Ambitious women who want to climb the career ladder are forced to pay for it a high price (I agree - I do not agree - I do not know)

Based on our research and experience, we have made the following conclusions.

Yes, men and women perceive in different ways and lead guidelines at least at the beginning of their careers. This does not mean that some are more effective than others. This is a matter of compliance with the natural features of each sex with the requirements of the situation. So, for example, most often, the men are much more relying on the contribution of each individual employee, and women are on the collective (team) side of work.

Yes, most men really enjoy the struggle for power and not at all against bluffing towards the top, while women are usually more focused on their competence and achieving expected results. Thus, we see that men receive an increase based on their potential, and women - based on their achievements.

Yes, ambitious women wishing to build a career are forced to adapt to the men's system of values \u200b\u200b(because in most organizations, men still dominate) and hard risk losing their female feelings, look at things and behavior. But this should not be! With any doubt, women leaders need to develop their own approach and find a way to influence the value system of valuables in their organizations. She must - for his own good and for the success of their teams - change the current approach to management, management and joint work.


We believe that there are really confirmed differences in the leaders and leaders' men and leaders, and it is very good to maintain balance in the workplace. The cumulative benefit of these differences is necessary for the success of the organization. Synergy from male and female approaches is the key to efficient work. Only one question remains: Is the current leaders of both sexes be able to preserve and take advantage of obvious gender differences at work?

The article is written in conjunction with Nevenky Krasnar Peargar, Director of NP Consulting (Slovenia).

The analytical center of Ranjigs conducted a study of the image of an ideal political leader. Scientists have identified what requests from society and power to have political leaders, as well as specific characteristics and criteria for the success of the policy. The survey was conducted among representatives of the field of public administration and politics, scientific and business communities. The study showed that in Russia the ideal policy does not require a variety of qualities, it is enough to be purposeful, to have a political force of will, be decent and honest. He must also be a patriot of the Motherland and put public interests in the first place, and not personal success. According to the authors of the study, "Father's features" are present in the image of the political leader.

"Studying the image of an ideal policy is, of course, the concentration of researchers on the expected characteristics of the political figure. In public and expert opinion, these expectations are formed not only by real examples of effective figures or effective management decisions, but also mass culture, including fiction and films, "say the authors of the report.

The survey participants were invited to specify which associations they arise when they hear the phrase "political leader". Most experts gave a number of positive associations: authority (67%), dedication (58%) and power (58%). A smaller part of the experts noted negative associations: demagogue (10%), intrigue (9%), puppet (5%).

According to the authors of the report, in all periods of the Russian policy, personal factors were very significant, regardless of the qualities of specific leaders, their shortcomings or merits, from whether the leader Harisma possessed or was a simple bureaucrat. At the same time, the most significant personal characteristics, from the point of view of the expert community: dedication, perseverance and the power of will (26%); leadership and organizational qualities (23%); decency, honesty, selflessness (19%); mind, intelligence, education (18%); Charismatic and sociability (16%).

Among the professional characteristics, the leading positions occupied: professionalism, competence, experience and work experience (39%); Analytical abilities, the ability to make decisions (24%); Management abilities (20%).

But not only professional qualities determine the position of the leader. These are also the tools that the leader uses for the implementation of the authorities and the situation with which it faces.

In the peculiarities of behavior, it is important to note such characteristics as: openness (27%), determination (24%), responsibility (19%), activity and energy (15%), humanism (15%) and leadership (13%).

Also, the leader must have the following convictions: patriotism (49%), activities for the benefit of society (35%), the hardness of their personal beliefs (19%), humanism and tolerance (18%), religiosity (11%).

It is worth noting that experts from the United States who have conducted similar studies in America revealed the importance of the following important characteristics for the policy: understanding the problems of Americans, honesty, strong leadership abilities, as politician shares the values \u200b\u200bof citizens, the ability to manage the state. Thus, the US President's rating is significantly influenced by its promotion. Unlike American respondents, with all the importance of social problems in society and the request for a socially oriented political leader, the Russian respondents still dominate State-Centric political views (patriotic and conservative). At the same time, the political leader in Russia is associated with authority, purposefulness and authority.

According to experts of the center, the presence of this set of characteristics can serve as evidence of patriarchal culture, within which the Russian model of political leadership is developing.

To the question: "As you think, with what kind of people people go to politics begin to engage political activities? " - Experts preferred the following goals: the implementation of their ambitions, career, lobbying their interests, earnings.

"That is, on the basis of the data obtained, it can be concluded that politicians are primarily passionate about the implementation of their career activities and personal interests, and not the realization and promotion of public. Nevertheless, there is a certain request for a leader, which is focused on the use of power mechanisms not for personal purposes, and socially significant, "the authors of the study are noted.

Most respondents noted the following success criteria Policies: Professionalism and competence (74%), political force and will (68%), the ability to convince other people (59%), activity and energy (55%). This is an indicator that the business qualities of the policy prevail, then there are already behavioral and personal, which, in turn, suggests that respondents see the competent professional in their business - a person who does not just represent one or another political program, A planned, strategically correct in its direction.

"If you draw up the image of an ideal policy, according to the expert community, it will be targeted, with the political power of the will, very decent and honest. He must be a professional in his business, active and energetic. This list retains the structure of the image, but also forms the framework for its further perception, - the authors say. - The communication system of the leader should always be clearly and to work in bilaterally. Support and recognition The political leader can be obtained by direct contact with society, that is, with the help of an ordinary dialogue, without spending big funds on PR campaigns and various PR shares. This method is one of the most effective for improving electoral activity and combating the electoral abssent of citizens. "

An important criterion in today's Russian reality experts see patriotism.

"We can talk with complete confidence that the country needs a patriot leader. In the leader who will serve as a public and national interests of the country, since patriotism represents a significant part of the public consciousness, manifested in collective moods, feelings, assessments, in relation to its people, his lifestyle, history, culture, state and system of fundamental values \u200b\u200b" , - Studies in the report.

In a professional plan, the perfect politician must be competent with analytical and managerial abilities. It is important that the perfect policy should have sufficient experience and work experience.

"The study clearly showed that the public has specific requests on the perfect politician. Many indicators and characteristics occupy the leading positions that are marked by the majority. This says that the image of the policy of the expert community is far from blurring, but, on the contrary, a structurally pronounced, logically reflecting Russian political reality, "the study says.

According to the President of the Center for Strategic Communications, Dmitry ABZALOVA, submitted expert assessment of requests for ideal policies needs more specific and division into groups.

It is necessary to targeting in groups, because the policy is different. There is a public policy - these are parties and specific speakers. There is administrative management - for example, the head of the device. These are all different competencies. There is a segment of technologists who do not know how to speak and will not be able to flamely tell their concept, but they do not need it, because they, for example, develop a scheme for managing financial markets, "said Abzalov. - In each segment there is its own part, and it is necessary to track and remove it. In general, the problem is delivered right enough. People go into politics for the sake of a certain strengthening of the direction they are engaged in, but people should understand that they should change something.


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