Wolf Paw Tattoo On Neck. Wolf Tattoo - Wolf Tattoo Meaning and Sketches

Wolf paw tattoo on neck. Wolf Tattoo - Wolf Tattoo Meaning and Sketches

Very often you can meet people with a wolf tattoo, mechanically you have to think about what it can mean. The wolf itself has a dual nature; it can be both calm and aggressive, independent and devoted. It is because of such designations that many prefer such an image.

The meaning of a wolf tattoo

This sketch is preferred by people with a strong spirit, brave and aggressive natures. But also do not forget that the image expresses family, cultural values. You can choose an image if you want to express love for people, for nature. Do not forget that by their nature these animals are predators, they even once competed with humans in obtaining food. Here's what an image can mean:

  1. In some cultures, the wolf is perceived as a divine mythological creature.
  2. But in ancient times, this predator was a symbol of evil, the embodiment of cunning. But this perception is due to the fact that humans and wolves were competitors.
  3. It was once believed that the beast can communicate with ghosts, evil spirits. People thought he was communicating with the other world at the moment when he howled. You can even find information that the beast is possessed by the devil.
  4. Many are of the opinion that this beast is symbolized with devotion, courage, the ability to become part of the pack.

Why choose?

Without any doubt, we can say that such an image has gained particular popularity. They admire the wolf, they are afraid of the wolf, many bow before his courage, skillful hunt. Independence, loyalty - these are the qualities that are inherent in wolves, as well as people who choose such tattoos. There are many myths, legends about wolves, because of this, a lot of attention is riveted on them. It is not surprising that such an image is chosen by people who decide to make a tattoo. It is clear that sometimes through such a picture they want to express courage, aggression, but in most cases the meaning is family, spiritual values, love for people.

A simple and pleasant tattoo of paw marks has found its distribution more in women than in men. Tattoos "Paws", as a rule, are mostly felines, interesting because, although unusual, but rather inconspicuous, not subject to the whims of fashion and can be easily replaced if necessary. If the symbolism of the tattoo is important to you, then the "Footprints" tattoo personifies passion, even bestial, "an animal in bed". The cat's paw symbolizes strength and self-confidence. Tattoos "Paws" have no definite meaning, they are rather a positive, unobtrusive decoration. As a rule, women use the image of cat paws (all types of cats are used in this case), but men like the use of symbols of wolf, bear, lion's paws or claw marks. Of course, their sizes are also different. For men, paw marks are rather a symbol of strength, success, fearlessness.

As already mentioned, paw tattoos are more in demand among women. The use cases are countless, from a lone paw image to a track of footprints. Colors, shapes and styling are also plentiful. However, it is necessary to warn that too small paws should not be made. This is due to the fact that the contour of any tattoo can "float", and if, in comparison with large tattoos, it is imperceptible, then tiny legs can turn into spots.

The question arises - where to get a tattoo? The most painless option, of course, is a "bracelet" on the leg, for example. But such a tattoo on the chest is a rather painful process. On the other hand, a cat's foot track on the shoulder will look pretty sexy. Men tend to choose the chest and shoulder for this tattoo. She undoubtedly adds some charm or vice versa brutality to a man.

Some tribes of Indians, whose totems were such animals as wolves, bears, painted their faces in the form of wolf faces, and black, sometimes bloody prints of bears' claws and paws were always adorned on their chests. This gave them confidence in fighting warring clans and was used to attract the attention of women. It was believed that the most powerful warrior and worthy husband should have had a real bear's claw print, obtained in the unequal fight between man and beast.

For many years people live next to wolves, admiring their strength and beauty. These animals are difficult to tame, like their closest relatives, dogs. A domesticated wolf will still remain a wild beast, capable of showing its essence at any time.

Due to the piercing howl and the habit of hunting in the dark, many peoples associated wolves with dark forces. In Celtic culture, these animals were considered guardians of forest spirits. The most popular Celtic style wolf tattoo is an animal howling at the moon. Such an image can mean love of freedom, the strength of a predator. Many associate it with loneliness, the desire to start a family.

In ancient Egypt, wolves symbolized the afterlife. Here you can see many images of the wolf-headed Gods.

A wolf skull tattoo means that the person wearing it has encountered death or knows its meaning. Many people get a tattoo with a wolf in order to enlist its patronage.

In many sketches, wolf eyes stand out. This is not surprising, the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Anyone who at least once crossed eyes with a wolf will never forget the feeling of anxiety. His gaze burns through, as if reading all human thoughts. A tattoo with a wolf that looks into the distance means that the owner is prudent and attentive to the environment. Such a person hates lodges, it is almost impossible to deceive him.

The tattoo of a wolf's paw looks very interesting, through which his hungry eyes look.

A tattoo with a grin of a wolf symbolizes the fighting qualities of its owner. Such people know how to attack and defend themselves. If you touched their feelings, they will definitely remember it. Therefore, you should think carefully before offending such a person.

Of course, one of the main meanings of wolf tattoos is loyalty and devotion. These animals remain faithful to their flock and mate for the rest of their lives. Willingness to protect your family and, if necessary, give your life for it is the main rule of wolves. She-wolves also protect their babies, protecting them from the cruel wild world. Therefore, a tattoo with a wolf is not only an expression of love, but also care.

0 If you are looking for a small but still incredible meaningful tattoothen consider getting a paw print on your body. Despite their simplicity, these tattoos are individual for each user, and can symbolize many things. Starting with a beloved pet, an individual character trait, to the idea of \u200b\u200ba whole culture. Paw print tattoos are a great choice for many people.
However, before you continue, I would like to advise you to take a look at some of my educational news on the topic of tattooing. For example, how to understand the Ostrich Tattoo; what does Owl Tattoo mean; the meaning of the Panther Tattoo; what does Tattoo Parrot mean, etc.
So let's continue paw print tattoo meaning?

One way to tattoo a paw print can make especially personal sense if the footprints perpetuate your pet's memory. Whether you have had a cat, dog, rabbit, bird or lizard, you can take a paw print of this animal to capture in the memory of your pet. As you get older, these past pets paw prints can become a related design, such as a pattern on your shoulder or chest. If you have a premonition of death and while your beloved pet is still alive, you can personalize your tattoo even more. Just make a print of his paw by dipping it into paint, and then place it on a sheet of clean white paper, and go with it to the tattoo artist. This will be enough to make a unique design out of this footprint. You can position the paw prints along your back, thigh, or other part of your body.

Paw print a particular animal can also symbolize certain characteristics of that creature that you want to embody. For example, in many Indian cultures, people are associated with their totem animal, many of them have paws that are perfect for a tattoo. The wolf is especially notable in the culture of the Native Americans, they consider it the first animal to realize and experience death, making it a symbol of the afterlife. Wolves are also known to be great protectors of their little ones, and also as one of the most sociable and expressive creatures.

For members gay communities a bear paw print can symbolize the culture of the "bear". Gay men who belong to this culture often stand out with their facial and body hair, and many of them are quite muscular and stocky. Although the bear is often seen as cruel and scary, gay bears are often quite kind, polite and friendly - but they will react if provoked!

More generally, drawing a paw on your body may indicate that you are trying to move forward, accept change, and achieve your goals in life. Having a chain of paw prints along your foot can indicate your passion for running, and placing a paw tattoo on a scar can indicate that you are moving past this particularly painful incident in your life.

Paw prints are also a great way for mothers and fathers to represent their children. Getting a single footprint for each child, along with their first or last name, makes the cute design around the wrist or ankle especially unique. You can also let your kids contribute by coloring each footprint in a child's favorite color.

Meaning of paw print tattoo

As described above, there are many different meanings attributed to paw tattoos and what they represent in a particular culture. In general, paw print tattoos represent the following meanings:

  • Pet memory
  • Moving / moving forward
  • Member of the "bear culture" in the gay community
  • Totem animal
  • Ferocity
  • Strength and durability
  • Children and their upbringing.

Common animal tracks

Paw print tattoo options

There are many variations of paw tattoos, almost as many as there are animals in nature. Here you will find some of the most popular paw print designs and tips on how you can personalize them to suit your own personality or cultural background.

Dog Paw Print Tattoo

A dog is truly man's best friend, and for any devoted dog owner (or just a dog lover) getting a paw print tattoo is a great way to show their love for this animal. Dogs are loyal, friendly and playful making this tattoo suitable for anyone with a similar temperament. A great way to personalize this tattoo even more is to write your dog's name around the paw print. If you like the idea of \u200b\u200ba print tattoo dog paw, but if you want something more, you can bring a photo of your dog and get a sketch of your pet on the body. While most tattoo artists have no problem with tattoos like this, not all of them are photography experts, so take a closer look and find a great tattoo artist who has tattoo experience with real photography. If you are crazy about these four-legged human friends, read an interesting article on Dog Tattoos.

Cat paw footprint tattoo

If you prefer companionship with felines, or simply admire their independence, and also believe that they have a lot to do with the devil, then getting a cat paw drawing or a series of paw prints is an excellent choice. Sleeker than a dog paw print tattoo, this design is more subtle and feminine, and can either perpetuate a favorite pet or showcase individual feline traits. Cats are known for their aloofness and seeming indifference to others, but they also have some wonderful, often overlooked, traits. Domesticated cats are able to live both indoors and outdoors, they are useful as they trap mice and other rodents, and can be extremely loyal to their owners. As with a dog paw tattoo, consider personalizing your cat paw print tattoo. For example, add your pet's name, a schematic drawing or even a realistic design made from a photo of your pet. These options will ensure that your tattoo is unique and completely personal! Take a look at my new article on Feline Tattoo.

Wolf Paw Print Tattoo

Wolf print mystical tattoos are very popular among people with Native American roots or those who are simply close to the culture of Native Americans. The wolf paw print is different from other paw tattoo designs in that it will have claws, clear signs of the wolf's violent and powerful nature. One way to further customize the design is to sketch the paw print in tribal style. It can associate a wolf paw print with a specific tribe, or simply convey your individual taste. To further push the connection between the wolf and Native American culture, another design option would be to have a chain of paw prints around the wolf totem. If you don't want the tattoo to be large or complex, you could instead include the totem in the paw print itself. Find out more about the Wolf tattoo.

Bear paw print tattoo

As noted above, getting a bear paw tattoo can symbolize your own bear culture in the gay community (a subculture of gay and bisexual adult guys with noticeable hairiness and the mandatory presence of a beard and mustache), but it can also represent your status. partner as a bear, or your affinity for bears in general. If the paw print represents your partner, you can write their name over or around the print to add a more personal connection. Another way to make the bear paw tattoo unique and relevant to the gay community is to flood the paw tattoo with rainbow colors. This will demonstrate pride in your personality and also show a clear connection with the gay community. Check out the more detailed article on Bear Tattoo.

Paw print tattoos for kids

Getting a paw print tattoo to associate with your kids is cute and interesting way make them become a part of you forever. Even after a long time after they leave their father's house and create their own families, this tattoo will remind of the time when they still walked under the table! Ask them to contribute to the design, would they want a cat, dog, or other animal's paw to represent them on your body? Do they have a favorite color that they think will work for your paw print? You can create a cute bracelet or bracelet design if you have multiple kids, or include their paw prints in a heart tattoo to show your endless love for them.

Paw & Heart Tattoo

This is a great option for couples or spouses looking to celebrate their relationship with each other. This tattoo can be done in several different ways. Some prefer the foot to be made in the shape of a heart, while others choose to shape the foot and toe pads made in a heart design. Another option - getting a heart with paws in it - is a great option for a couple, especially if your initials are written on each heart. Be sure to pay attention to the simply huge article on the topic of Heart Tattoo.

Paw print tattoos are a great choice for men and women, and their highly customizable designs mean you can work with a tattoo artist to make sure your paw print or paw print series is completely unique. For a custom design, you can visit us in the "tattoo" category to get new ideas.

After reading this publication, you learned paw print tattoo meaning, and now you can make your final choice.

There is an opinion among tattooists that a paw tattoo is a manifestation of the hidden animal essence of a person. If we talk about girls, then such tattoos are inherent in passionate fiery natures. A cat's paw is a symbol of self-confidence. If the sketch shows several tracks, then you can not bother looking for symbolic meaning this tattoo. Most likely, it was packed purely for aesthetic reasons.

The tattoo community is not content with cat paws alone. Tattoos with paws of wolves, lions and bears, very often with claw marks, are very popular among guys. Such a male tattoo is considered a symbol of fearlessness in the face of impending danger. If you are characterized by such qualities as courage and inner strength - consider getting a tattoo with a predator's paw.


There are many options for making paws tattoos. The most popular are monochrome cat footprints. But there are many alternative compositions - both colored and monochrome. At the same time, it is important to take into account that a too small detailed drawing will "float" over time. So choose the place and size of the tattoo correctly. We decided to stuff our paws - stuff them, at least, in natural size, and in some cases, you can make a larger tattoo.

Let's note the most successful styles for such a tattoo:

  • Traditional;
  • Minimalism;
  • Trash polka.

As for the locations, we consider the following as the most suitable for girls:


We offer you some original animal footprint tattoo ideas. Let them inspire you for a truly great bodypainting. Here they are:


The stars love cats, but they are skeptical about tattoos with cat footprints. However, we managed to find people who have a soft spot for cats and express this through body art. Among them:

  • Allison Greene;
  • Katy Perry;
  • Miley Cyrus.

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