Tattoo skull with a knife. What does knife tattoo mean?

Tattoo skull with a knife. What does knife tattoo mean

Indian tribes and ancient Egypt. Archaeologists have found tattoos on the embalmed bodies of emperors, high officials and other people. Drawings on the body divided the population by caste, social status, in some cases, generic tattoos were applied, denoting a relationship to a particular tree. In the ancient Indian and African tribes there was a cult of drawing on the body the image of their totem animal - a wolf, a falcon, a fox, a snake and other animals.

Skull Tattoo

Skull tattoos are very popular because they have many meanings in occultism and in various ideologies. Most often, such a drawing is applied to remind that no one is eternal and that we all will someday die. Simply put, the skull is a symbol of death. In some occult directions, such a drawing, on the contrary, is a symbol of immortality.

Tattoo "Skull" in ideologies

And yet, consider what a Skull tattoo is. Its meaning in many ideologies can be deciphered as "devoted to this system of views until his death." In this case, he is often depicted with cobwebs, mainly on the shoulder and elbow or chest. Skinheads and Nazis have the Skull tattoo - a symbol of hatred, a sign of readiness to kill in the name of their ideology. One of the variants of the "fidelity tattoo" is a skull with roses, knives and brass knuckles.

Also, this picture is one of the favorite symbols of punks. Tattoo "Skull" on the shoulder, chest, back or arm of such a person means the phrase Punk not death ("Punk will never die"). The adherents of this subculture firmly believe that their ideology will live forever, despite the fact that it is still quite young.

What does the Skull tattoo mean in the underworld? Such a tattoo, or rather a tattoo, is often stuffed with large thieves with a thirst for power. Still such representatives of criminality are called thieves in law.

Even the military sometimes uses the "Skull" tattoo. The value of such a tattoo in people in uniform can often be attributed to the type of troops. For example, the US intelligence services have a skull emblem with wings and lightning. Therefore, many officers who are dedicated to work stamp this image on their bodies.

What does a tattoo mean in the occult?

In some religions, a skull with bones (as on a pirate flag) is a symbol of absolution and cleansing of the soul. Therefore, supporters of such religious views were tattooed "Skull". They did this as a sign that they had forgiven all their sins and started life from scratch.

Another spiritual meaning of the Skull tattoo is the memory of a deceased relative or loved one. Then a rose and a ribbon with a name are added to the main element. Such a symbol is often stamped “under the heart”, in the lower part of the left half of the chest.

Sometimes people tattoo their bodies with their zodiac signs. One of the signs is supplemented with a skull. Specifically, cancer. What does such a tattoo mean? It is a symbol of masculinity. It is usually applied to the chest, it is a "magnet" for attracting success and strength.

The symbol of wisdom and immortality is considered a tattoo in the form of a skull, from the eye socket of which a snake crawls out. Sometimes the reptile can wrap around the main element.

Fans of gambling stuff the skulls with bones (for backgammon) or dominoes. This tattoo also suggests that life is a game with a sad end. Or it could be a reminder that fun with death is very dangerous.

In Indian tribes, a skull applied to the body is considered a talisman. The Indians believe that this symbol should confuse death. She decides that the person is already dead and just walks by. Nowadays, racers and motorcyclists use this technique, applying skulls and bones to their equipment and vehicles.


Now you know what a skull tattoo on an arm, leg or other part of the body means. As you can see, in fact, every tattoo, be it a chanterelle or a card, has many meanings. It is impossible to say for sure, exactly what this or that drawing symbolizes. First of all, the meaning is created by a person himself when he decides to apply an image to his body. For some, the skull on the shoulder is just a drawing, but for others it is a whole story. If you stuff yourself a bird, then someone may see this as a symbol of freedom, and you have put the meaning of beauty in it.

In any case, the main thing is to remember about safety, so avoid applying tattoos and portacas in non-sterile places.

On the bodies of modern people, you can find images of absolutely any objects: from the most commonplace to fictitious things. Therefore, no one will be surprised now by a knife tattoo on the body of a young guy. Naturally, such a drawing, like any other, carries a certain semantic load, which must be known for those who want to make a similar tattoo for themselves.

A bit of history

Today it is very difficult to imagine our life without knives. But, which is understandable, they did not exist during the entire history of mankind. The first semblance of knives appeared in the Paleolithic period, when people tried to sharpen stones in various ways in order to use them as cutting objects. The situation changed significantly when metals and methods of their processing were mastered. This is how the first products made of copper, bronze and even gold appeared. Knives received the most familiar form already in the Iron Age.

Today, more products are made from carbon steel, which is highly durable and durable. You can also find knives made of cobalt and titanium alloy, but they are not widely used. It is worth noting here that the meaning of a knife tattoo does not depend on what material is depicted on the body.

Classification of knives

Many people now consider knives to be quite common and simple things. Moreover, not all of them know that there are certain classifications of them according to various criteria.

First of all, knives are divided according to the type of design:

  • folding;
  • with a fixed blade;
  • with a removable blade;
  • skeletal.

If knives of the first three types can be easily recognized based on their name, then the fourth type is familiar to few. Characteristic feature skeletal products, it is that both the blade and the handle are made of a single piece of metal. That is why such items are highly durable, but may not be very convenient to use.

According to the classification by purpose, the following types of knives can be found:

  • weapons;
  • kitchen;
  • tourist;
  • universal;
  • others (for example, a scalpel).

Well, here you need to understand that the meaning of a knife tattoo can vary depending on what type of product is shown in the picture.

Tattoo meaning

As a rule, any image has many options for meaning, a knife tattoo is no exception. So, the main meaning of such a picture is as follows:

  1. Loneliness. It is this on the hand that can be deduced based on the fact that it is people who are closed in themselves prefer to do it. Most often, such a drawing is made in the style of minimalism.
  2. Strength and freedom. One of the most common options for the meaning of a knife tattoo for men.
  3. Willpower and courage. Given the fact that this is a melee weapon, such a value option could not be avoided.
  4. Striving for power. This meaning of the picture is also explained by the fact that it depicts an object that can harm other people.
  5. Revenge. A knife on the body can also symbolize the fact that its owner harbored a grudge against someone and plans to take revenge.

As we can see, there are different options the meaning of this tattoo, but the specific meaning depends mainly on what exactly you put into the image on your body.

Knife tattoos with other elements

As you know, adding additional elements to a tattoo can significantly change its interpretation. The same thing happens when the knife is depicted with something else in the drawing. So, you can find the following options:

  • A knife with a skull symbolizes death.
  • If blood is dripping from a knife, then a person is ready to act under any circumstances.
  • The object in the teeth of the skull has a meaning similar to the previous version, because such a tattoo means that a person is ready to give everything to achieve their goals.
  • A product piercing the heart symbolizes betrayal, in most cases it concerns love relationships.
  • The meaning of the tattoo of a rose and a knife is very interesting, because these two elements combine the opposite meaning - the aggressiveness of the knife and the passionate beauty of the rose. Thus, we can say that this tattoo symbolizes the combination of opposites in the soul of its owner.

Zone value

It should be clear to everyone that the drawings ordinary people and tattoos on the zone are two big differences. It would seem that a harmless image on the loose can be a serious problem if a person ends up behind bars. As for the meaning of a knife tattoo on the zone, first of all, this image symbolizes the increased aggressiveness and cruelty of its owner. It is believed that a person with such a pattern is ready at any time to grab a knife without hesitation, if it becomes necessary for him. A fairly common option is the image of a knife in the neck, which indicates that the prisoner previously knew how to handle cold weapons well enough and, most likely, stabbed someone. If the knife is shrouded in barbed wire, then such a crime was completely human when he was in captivity.

Thus, the owner of a knife tattoo can have serious problems behind bars if they have not committed such crimes. When this information becomes disclosed, most often a person is given several days to get rid of this image on his body. Otherwise, he is subject to more severe sanctions.

Tattoo girls

Given all the above situation, it is not surprising that a tattoo with a knife image is not very popular among the fair sex. Very often they are repelled by the aggressiveness and strength that are inherent in the meaning of this picture.

Nevertheless, this does not mean at all that you will not be able to meet a girl with a knife on her body. As you know, there are many representatives of the fair sex, whose vitality and courage many men can envy. That is why for them a tattoo is a great way to express or emphasize their special attitude towards life. Moreover, do not forget that the addition of certain elements can significantly facilitate the meaning of a knife tattoo, which we saw on the example of a tattoo of a cutting object with a rose.

Where to stuff?

It is quite understandable here that knife tattoos can be of completely different sizes. That is why they can be done on almost any part of the body. But given the characteristic shape of the knives, the most popular options are arm, leg, chest, back. The choice of a place mainly depends on the wishes and preferences of the person who makes the tattoo. Separately, it is worth mentioning here that the meaning of the picture does not depend on where it is located. In other words, the meaning of a knife tattoo on a leg, arm or any other part of the body will be the same. Only the image plays a role here. For example, the image of a kitchen knife on the arm will have one meaning, while the meaning of a butterfly knife tattoo in the same place may be completely different.


As we have seen, knife tattoos have a certain meaning, which limits the circle of their owners. In simple words, such a pattern is stuffed on their bodies by those people who are full of courage, determination and even moderate aggression. On the other hand, the meaning of this drawing can be significantly customized by adding various elements to the piercing-cutting object.

0 Daggers are often perceived as a ruthless and dangerous weapon, in contrast to the sword, which is much longer, sleeker, and is mainly used in battle. On the other hand, the dagger is often used as a secret weapon in covert murder scenarios, since it is smaller than a traditional sword and can be hidden on the body until it is time to act. This small, hidden weapon can be tattooed on its own, or this sketch can be part of a larger design. Both of these options will allow you to personalize your design with size, shape, pattern, color dagger, and any other images that you want to include in it. Before continuing, I want to advise you to check out a couple of news on the topic of tattoos. For example, what does Claw Tattoo mean; what does Bee Tattoo mean; meaning Tattoo Barbed wire; what is the Star of Russia, etc.
So, let's continue, the meaning of Tattoo Dagger?

The meaning of a dagger tattoo

Since these tattoos can be highly personalized, there are several different meanings behind the dagger. Some of them you can see below:

  • Death
  • Heartache
  • Goal / Ambition
  • Disobedience
  • The duality of life
  • Overcoming obstacles
  • Great sorrow
  • Betrayal
  • Fearlessness
  • The danger
  • Intimidation

Dagger tattoo options

Daggers are great on their own, but they can also become more meaningful when combined with other symbols and images. Also, these tattoos can vary according to size. While the dagger is not as large a weapon as the sword, it can still be represented as a large tattoo that can cover the entire arm or leg, in addition to smaller designs on the wrist or back of the ear.

Heart and dagger tattoo

It's a classic combination of two incredibly powerful characters. The heart symbolizes the love and inner desire of a person, while a dagger can mean death, destruction and betrayal. Place these two images together and you have a complete symbol of heartache, devoted love, or personal sacrifice. One way to personalize this design is to reposition it. A dagger going straight through the heart can show a slight break with the person, while a jagged edge can indicate a feeling of tearing pain that still remains with you. Another way to make this design unique is to add an inscription on a white scroll that goes through the heart. It can be an inspirational or uplifting phrase (for example, “what doesn't kill makes us stronger”), or it can be the name of the person who betrayed you. Read the detailed article on what the Heart symbol means, and I also strongly recommend that you read the huge article on the Heart Tattoo.

Skull and dagger tattoo

Another powerful combination of symbols is the skull and dagger. If the daggers intersect behind the skull, this design comes from the well-known Jolly Roger, the black and white flag that pirates raised when approaching foreign ships. This flag served as a “surrender or die” warning, and remains a recognizable symbol of danger or intimidation in modern culture. The dagger and skull combo can also be a hint of hard reprisal, and placing the dagger in the skull, for example, behind the skull or right over the top, can create some personalization of this design. However, this tattoo has another potential meaning, getting rid of the fear of death. Placing the dagger through the skull may indicate that you have already killed your fear and personal death no longer bothers you. Find out more about.

Snake and dagger tattoo

The snake wrapped around a dagger is considered a common symbol of healing and medicine, and thus is a popular tattoo among medical professionals around the world. But the combination of these two symbols is also a designation for Mercury, the Roman god of messages and communication, who was also responsible for the transfer of souls to the underworld. Thus, the image of a snake and dagger tattoo can represent an affinity for Roman mythology, and your personal connection with this god of deception, luck and travelers. To further personalize this tattoo, include a quote in Latin (the language of the ancient Romans) in your design. For a clearer idea of \u200b\u200bthis tattoo, I recommend reading the article What does a Snake Tattoo mean?

Rose and dagger tattoo

Rose and dagger tattoos can symbolize the duality of human life through the seemingly opposite meanings of the two images combined in this design. Rose means beauty, love, friendship and vitality, while a dagger means death, betrayal, destruction and deceit. To effectively convey this meaning, one can add the vine along with the rose and the dagger, demonstrating that they can exist side by side. If you wish to indicate your knowledge of the dark side of life, apply a dagger piercing a rose with a few drops of blood for added effect. You can easily personalize this sketch with a dagger design, rose color, or add a personal quote on a white dagger scroll. Read the detailed article What does the rose symbol mean?

Dragon and dagger tattoo

By linking one of the greatest mythological creatures, such as a dragon, with a small melee weapon such as a dagger, it can demonstrate a person's ability to defeat any obstacle or enemy, regardless of their size. Thus, a dragon and dagger tattoo is a great design choice for those who have conquered or hope to win, presenting a daunting challenge to their enemies. You can make this tattoo unique by including a personalized hilt on the dagger, or by designing your dragon to evoke memories of a particular fear or obstacle that you have overcome. This can be expressed through the expression of his face, color, or through the pose the dragon is in. Learn more about Dragon Tattoo.

Dagger in a garter

This is an increasingly popular design for girls, and placing it around the thigh can be incredibly sexy and feminine. While the look looks pretty enticing, the drawing itself shows the strength of women. In early times, daggers were often hidden by women in garters to serve as a means of protection, for example, if they were in danger and when they were attacked, they would not hesitate to kill the rapist. You can brighten this juxtaposition of graceful and powerful by creating an incredibly sophisticated and feminine garter design paired with an especially sharp and menacing dagger, perhaps with a few drops of blood left over from the final victim. Use your imagination about color and design and you can personalize this tattoo to suit your own unique personality.

Dagger tattoos come in a variety of sizes and numbers of elements, making them ideal for those who need a huge sketch for the back or for someone who wants to place a small image on the wrist or ankle. Daggers are becoming increasingly popular among men and women for their powerful symbolism, potential for personalization, and connection with other powerful symbols. As always, work closely with your tattoo artist to make sure you have a tattoo that is truly unique !. Perhaps you will find something sensible and stylish for yourself.

After reading this short publication, you learned the meaning dagger tattoo, and now you can finally make a choice in the direction of one or another "tattoo".

Knife tattoo has many meanings, such as: betrayal and loneliness, precision in action; can be a symbol of military service, duality, suffering, freedom, achievement, revenge, dexterity, power, determination, resilience. The sketch of such a tattoo is not difficult and any master can easily complete it.

In addition, the meaning of a knife tattoo depends on the combinations with which the tattoo is combined. A tattoo, on which blood drips from a knife, takes on the meaning of a willingness to take any action, without looking at the consequences. The combination of a knife and a skull personifies death or is a talisman-talisman.

A knife in the heart means betrayal in a love relationship. Often this symbol has the meaning of cruelty and vindictiveness. The combination of a knife and a human head matches the tattoos that were pierced during the hostilities. A tattoo with a knife and meat means cynicism or an insult.

Quite often, a knife in combination with various elements is stuffed in places of detention. For example, a demon that is pierced with a dagger would have the meaning of an anti-Semitic tattoo. The dagger, which is entwined with a snake, is the personification of a thief or the leader of a thieves' group.

Remarkably, the Aztecs used knives to honor and honor their many gods. Quite often, the knife was a symbol of high status. In Buddhism, the knife personified liberation from material ties and bonds. If you think materialism is evil, then a knife tattoo will help get rid of materialism and greed.

There are people who are engaged in collecting collections of knives and from the very beginning do not understand why they chose such an unusual hobby, but over time, many begin to adore their collections, enjoying the purity of the blades, the shine of metal.

Previously, such tattoos were applied in dark or black shades. At the moment, these tattoos are already done in color, most often in the style called "old school". In addition to the knife itself, there are sketches combined with roses, a snake, a heart, and various inscriptions.

Knife tattoo helps to express the feelings of people. But you should beware of tattoos in which the knife is the personification of sacrifice. Often, a knife tattoo is done by people who are in the role of a victim or have goals for which they are even ready to die.

And remember: whatever the sketch of the tattoo, the knife - the main thing is that it is unique! And below are photos of knife tattoos from different masters for your inspiration.

The art of tattoo (tattoo) is a language system, where each part of the applied drawing is a kind of letter, or rather a hieroglyph that carries some meaning. The owner of the tattoo, going to apply a tattoo on the body, thinks about its meaning as a whole and its individual parts, so that another knowledgeable person, looking at him, could learn a lot about his fate and character. There are many examples of how, thanks to the language of tattooing, people found like-minded people and made friendships or love relationships with them.

The dagger tattoo is a purely male symbol. Girls rarely fill themselves with such an image, but there are exceptions.

The main character of the dagger is spiritual or physical stamina, betrayal or treason. The scattering of meanings (from pride to betrayal) is the main disadvantage of a tattoo, however, it is easily corrected with additional symbols, for example, a snake for correct reading.

Let's analyze the values \u200b\u200bbelow.

Dagger tattoo for men

The man is the main bearer of the dagger tattoo. By stuffing such a tattoo (tattoo), men lay the following meanings:

  • The betrayal or betrayal of a loved one is depicted in the form of a heart pierced with a dagger, usually with drops of blood - a symbol of emotional sediment.
  • A dagger that pierces the heart can also mean vengefulness and cruelty, however, such a meaning is rarely laid in a tattoo and is more often found in prison symbols.
  • An obsolete meaning worth mentioning is a guard against robberies. A skull is depicted, next to which is a dagger.
  • To tell people about their cynicism, they often stuff a dagger with meat. Also more common in prison symbols.
  • A laughing skull with a blade in its teeth speaks of the owner's fearlessness, readiness for the most desperate actions. A history of this significance goes straight into history, when such a symbol was depicted by pirates on their flags.

The shape of the handle and blade also makes sense. A long blade speaks of the spiritual, moral strength of the wearer, and a short (often wide) blade reflects the physical strength of a person. The cruciform handle symbolizes the bridge between our world and the world of the dead.

Dagger tattoo for women

Women rarely stuff a dagger on their bodies, but there are always exceptions to the rule. For girls, there are no separate meanings, so they often lay down the values \u200b\u200bof betrayal and fortitude described above. Such a value.

On the zone

On the zone, a tattoo, or rather, a tattoo, displays the status and reason for the convict's term, as well as the number of his sentences and years. They have an important role for the dagger:

  • A dagger entwined with a snake, or piercing through the skull, means that its bearer has lived a life of struggle, stealing. More often crowded with the leaders of thieves' gangs and gangs. Thieves in law are stuffed with a crown over the head of the snake.
  • A dagger entwined with a thorny rose means that its owner is a murderer who shed blood for treason, and not only a woman can be killed.
  • The rose and the dagger, depicted on the bars, speaks of the convict's article - hooliganism.

This is the meaning of this tattoo (tattoo).


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