What is a trimester during pregnancy. Pregnancy in trimesters: development of the fetus and sensation of a woman

What is a trimester during pregnancy. Pregnancy in trimesters: development of the fetus and sensation of a woman

The most important, happy period in the life of a woman lasting 40 weeks or 9 months is pregnancy. Throughout this period, a woman and her future kid will have to go through a difficult path before meeting with each other. This time is customary to divide for three periods, which gynecologists are called trimesters, each of them has its own characteristics.

First trimester: 1-12 weeks

An important and difficult period in which all systems and organs of the fetus occur, as well as the formation of the placenta, which will deliver all nutrients from the mother, oxygen. On this period of pregnancy, the female organism faces difficulties (toxicosis, weakness, fatigue), gets used to its new state. The first trimester is a dangerous period, it is at this time 70% of all miscarriages occur.

Future development

In the first days of development (embryogenesis), the embryo is called Morula. In shape and size, it looks like a raspberry berry. For the tenth day, it reaches the uterus cavity and makes attempts to escape into the mucous membrane, but it is possible to reach only on only 24 days. By this moment, it has more than 200 cells. After implantation of the embryo into the mucous membrane, the process of improving the life support of the embryo is launched.

In the second month of intrauterine life, the embryo is formed by a heart. The fruit is growing rapidly and develops, it weighs about 4 grams.

In 5 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus already beats the heart. For 8 weeks, he makes his first attempts to move the limbs. By the end of the trimester, the baby already will be formed a cardiovascular system, a gastrointestinal tract, spine, lych. Its weight is approximately 20 grams, and height is 10 cm.

Woman's condition and sensations

In the early period of pregnancy, the future mother can be observed:

  • termination of menstruation;
  • brewing of the mammary glands;
  • toxicosis (nausea, vomiting);
  • decline (increase) appetite;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • constipation;
  • clearance, mood change;
  • elevated urination.

The female body begins to get used to the new regime, the endocrine system, lungs, heart and kidneys are preparing to work on wear, and blood volume is gradually growing.

In the early periods of pregnancy, nausea and vomit urge are manifested in most future mothers. Some feeling of illness lasts throughout the day. The psycho-emotional state of the woman is subject to a sharp change of mood, spontaneous contusion or irritability. The future mother feels constant drowsiness, scattered, forgetfulness and infrequent dizziness.

During this period, it is extremely important to start taking a complex of vitamins (Elevit, Vitrum, Physibion), as well as folic acid preparations, iodomarine. But they should be accepted only after consulting the doctor.

In the body of a woman begins to produce hump hCG (chorionic gonadotropin), which is one of the main indicators of prosperous fertilization. Now it becomes possible to determine the pregnancy. To do this, you can hand over blood for determining the level of hCG ( for 1-2 weeks, it is equal to 25-156 honey / ml, for 3-4 weeks - 1110-31500 honey / ml) Or buy a special fast test in the pharmacy.

In the first trimester on a woman lies great responsibility. After all, it is from her way of life, a diet and nutrition during pregnancy, the normal development of the fetus and, subsequently, the birth of a healthy child depends. A woman needs to visit the gynecologist to register for pregnancy and childbirth.

Often in the first trimester, a woman faces complications:

  • the threat of spontaneous abortion;
  • low placenta location;
  • undeveloping pregnancy;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • bubble skid.

Second trimester: 13-27 weeks

At this stage, changes continue to occur in the female organism. The stomach increases in size, which becomes noticeable to others. A woman becomes closely in their usual clothes, so you should think about the acquisition of comfortable things that will not make movements. Most of the future mothers passes toxicosis, increased fatigue, improves well-being, cheerfulness and activity appears.

By the end of the second trimester, the uterus increases markedly in size. There is a severity in the stomach, the constant sensation of heartburn, cramps in the legs in a pregnant woman.

During this period, the fruit is actively growing and developing, its organs and systems are fully formed. The placenta is also fully formed, protecting the fetus from harmful effects from the outside and ensuring the supply of oxygen.

The most frequent complications in the second trimester can become:

  • premature childbirth or late spontaneous abortion;
  • eastic and Corval failure;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • intrauterine fetal infection;
  • gesters (swelling);
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • gestational pyelonephritis.

In the presence of risk factors, the doctor prescribes prevention and treatment. The main thing is to timely identify problems.

Future development

The fruit is growing rapidly and dials in weight. At the beginning of the second trimester, its weight is about 140 grams, and growth reaches 15 cm. Its dimensions still allow it to be actively swimming in the oily water, move the handles and legs.

In the middle of the second trimester, a woman can for the first time to feel weak pushes of his child. The connection of the fetus with the mother becomes more durable. It is already able to feel the physical and mental state of the mother. The pace, rhythm and the movement force of the fetus depends on these sensations. Therefore, a woman should be worried about and thinking only about good.

In the second trimester, the urinary system begins at the fetus. It makes the first respiratory movements, the substance is beginning to be produced in the pulmonary fabric, which is responsible for obtaining and absorbing oxygen. The digestive tract also begins to work. It swallows the oily water, of which the nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine, and the rest goes into the colon and remains there, forming the Mekonia (original feces). During the day, the baby is able to glue to 500 ml of amniotic fluid. Such exercises contribute to the development of its digestive system.

On the skin of the fetus, the original lubricant is formed, protecting it from the permanent effects of spindle water. And under the skin accumulates fat, allowing it to keep it warm. Thin hairs and lano appear on the head and eyebrows (flush hairs) throughout the body.

On this time during the ultrasound, you can already determine the sex of the child.

By the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, all organs and systems in the fetus are already fully formed. All the remaining time they will continue to actively grow and develop. The baby is already weighted 700-900 g and rose to 35 cm. Weight and growth depend on genetics and pregnancy.

Third trimester: 28-40 weeks

This is the final stage of pregnancy. During this period, the female organism begins to be actively preparing for the upcoming birth of the child. The pregnant woman enhances the risk of developing complications (hemorrhoids, varicose veins, heartburn). The fruit becomes large and can no longer move into the mother's womb, which is why the character of his stirring changes. Now the future mother feels only jams with handles and legs.

Future development

At this stage, the fetus is performed by all systems and organs. In the brain increases gyrus. He starts to function by the senses - he sees, hears the sounds, feels taste. Already enough accumulated under the skin of fat, the folds are spread, the body becomes proportional, the marigold grown on the fingers.

The fetal has already developed respiratory, sucking, swallowing reflexes. Its entire body is still covered with a lubricant, which will begin to decrease by the end of the third trimester. The number of gun hair (Lanugo) is reduced, and by the end of the deadline they will disappear. Cricheers of ears and nose are becoming elastic.

On the eighth months, boys occur the testicles in the scrotum. Girls have large sex lips closed small.

At 37-40 weeks, the fruit ripening processes are completed, it is already completely ready for life outside the mother's body. By this deadline, he ranks the final position in the uterus and is preparing for childbirth.

By the end of the third trimester, the weight of the fetus is an average of 350 gr, the growth is 55 cm.

State and sensations of pregnant

During this period, the female organism is experiencing increased load due to a large size of the fetus. The uterus begins to squeeze the neighboring organs - the woman becomes hard to take a deep breath, it bothers it the frequent urination, the venous outflow is hampered from the legs, which leads to swelling, gravity. Because of the big belly, the future mother becomes difficult to move, the back and pelvic bones begins to hurt.

The burdens on the kidney increases, because the fetus is gaining a fruit in weight every day. From 31-33 weeks, training contractions become frequent phenomenon (Bracston Hicks). So the body is prepared for the upcoming birth.

On the eighth month in the body of a woman there is relaxing, a hormone, which makes a pelvic ring more stretchable.

In the third trimester, a working future mother goes on maternity leave. Now she has a lot of time to acquire a birthday, to equip a place and assemble a bag in the maternity hospital.

The problems with which the future mother may encounter:

  • gestosis (late toxicosis);
  • placental insufficiency;
  • dyspnea;
  • insomnia;
  • constipation;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • hemorrhoids.

Every trimester of pregnancy is beautiful in its own way, although they carry some difficulties for the future mother. But with no matter how difficulties she faced, there will always be positive moments. After all, it is interesting to keep track of how the kid grows, the body changes, new sensations arise, the first movements appear. And when the long-awaited baby is born, then all the difficulties of the course of pregnancy and childbirth are eclipsed against the background of this.

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The entire period of tooling the fetus gynecologists are conditionally divided into trimesters of pregnancy. One such temporary gap includes 3 calendar months. For each period, their features of the development of the baby are characteristic. In order to assess how pregnancy proceeds, doctors compare these indicators with the norm.

How do pregnancy trimesters?

It has been established that on average, the period of carrying the baby from the moment of conception before the appearance of the light is 38-40 weeks. Such a breakdown is due to different methods of calculations: obstetric and embryonic. In practice, doctors use the first, counting the duration of pregnancy from the date of the last menstruation. In the embryonic method, the term is calculated from the moment of conception.

In obstetrics, doctors consider pregnancy duration for 40 weeks. Based on this indicator, the entire period of gestation is made to divide by 3 trimesters.

If we consider specifically the trimesters of pregnancy for weeks, then such a division will look like this:

  • 1 trimester - 1-13 week;
  • 2 trimester - 14-27 weeks;
  • 3 trimester - 28 weeks and before the time of the delivery.

Development of the fetus in trimesters of pregnancy

Young women are often wondering how the child's development occurs in trimesters of pregnancy. For many, this process is comparable to magic, when a full body is developing from two genital cells. To the emergence of all organs and kids systems are fully formed, but some of them are in the infancy. The body itself continues to grow and improve and after the appearance of the world.

Fruit development in the first trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most important and difficult one. Directly at this stage there is a bookmark of all the axial organs of the future infant, and the further development of the fetus will depend on the correctness of these processes. In some cases, the violation of the process of embryonic development leads to the death of the embryo, which ends with a spontaneous abortion, therefore this is the most dangerous period of pregnancy.

In order to understand which changes undergoes the embryo when the first trimester goes, we call it the highlights of weeks:

  • 1-2 weeks - The body is actively prepared for conception: matures and ovulates the egg, which happens by the end of the second week;
  • 3 weeks - the fruit egg reaches the uterus and fixes in the endometrial layer;
  • 4-5 weeks - Formation of the nervous tube, which will then give the origin of the nervous system. At this time, the fetus begins to shrink the heart;
  • 6-7 weeks - The spine, the hemisphere of the brain, the facial part of the skull is actively forming: eyes, ear sinks, as well as liver, stomach, thyroid and pancreas;
  • 8-9 weeks - the primitives of the genital organs are formed, intestines;
  • 10-13 weeks - The baby begins to carry out the first movements, notes appear on the fingers. The heart is fully formed, the endocrine system starts the synthesis of hormones.

Fetal development in the second trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy is an active continuation of the process of fetal development. Nervous kid cells at this stage are already able to perceive and analyze information obtained from the external environment. The fruit learns to perceive the sounds, to have a space surrounding its space. The blood formation organs synthesize red blood cells and platelets, the urinary system begins to work. By the end of the 13th week of development, bundles and muscles begin to develop. In the bone system, changes are also observed: by this time, the fetus in its infancy has 20 dairy teeth.

For 2 trimesters of pregnancy, the baby is transformed outwardly. On the surface of his body, the first small hairs - Lanuga appear. They protect the body from overheating or supercooling. As the date of birth, Lanugo is completely disappeared, remaining in small quantities on the shoulders. The skin's skin at this stage is still very thin, so blood vessels are shone through them. They give the skin a bright red shade. By the end of the second trimester, the fruit has a body length of 15-16 cm, and its weight is 135 g.

Fruit development in the third trimester of pregnancy

When it begins, the rapid maturation and improvement of the nervous system is observed. Nervous fibers are gradually covered with myelin shell. In the brain there is an increase in the number and depth of the sorus. This contributes to the normal functioning and development of senses.

By this time, the baby hears good, feels taste, able to recognize the voice of mom. By 32 week there is a significant increase in weight. The kid accumulates a large supply of subcutaneous fatty fiber. The kidneys and the liver are finally formed. Baby weight by 32 week reaches 1700 g, growth - 40-41 cm.

Pregnant weight in trimesters

With an increase in the period of gestation, the mass of the body of the future mother increases. For 1 trimester of pregnancy, weight gain is insignificant: external signs are practically absent, the stomach is rounded slightly. In order to control the process of gestation, each future mother should take into account the rate of weight gain, which are painted on weeks and trimesters. For all pregnancy trimesters, a woman is gaining 8-14 kg (10-12 kg - the average). In general, weight gain depends on the following factors:

  • type of women's body constitution;
  • features of the diet;
  • the rate of metabolic processes in the body.

Special attention to the obstetrices turn to the rate of weight gain by the future mom. Normally, this should occur as follows:

  • 1 trimester of pregnancy - 1-2 kg;
  • 2 trimester - 250-300 g weekly (3-4 kg in general);
  • 3 trimester - 3-4 kg.

Food for pregnant in trimesters

In different periods of pregnancy, the female organism needs additional inclusion in the diet of additional products and substances. An erroneous is the opinion of those women who are confident that with the onset of pregnancy they need consumption 2 times more food. Experts found that to fully cover the nutritional needs of a pregnant woman, it is necessary to increase the calorie content of its diet by 20%. So, in the first half of pregnancy, the future mother should consume 2500 kcal, and in the second - 2900.

Separate attention is paid to the power mode. There are doctors recommend at least 5-6 times a day, small, fractional portions. The break between meals must be 3 hours. It is important to monitor the weight set. It should increase by 250-300 weekly. However, it is necessary to take into account the initial constitution of the body of a pregnant woman. Slender women can gain for pregnancy and 14 kg, then as complete is allowed to add 7-9 kg to not increase the burden on the body and the fruit.

Food for pregnant in the first trimester

Food in the first trimester of pregnancy should be the most balanced and useful. Directly during this period there is a bookmark of the internal organs of the kid. Food consumed must be rich in vitamins. Especially important at this stage of gestation are:

  • vitamin B9 is contained in the liver, spinach, legumes;
  • vitamin B12 - contains in meat, dairy products, egg yolk;
  • zinc - it contains sprouted cereals, seafood.

Food with pregnant in the second trimester

2 trimester of pregnancy is characterized by rapid development and growth of the fetus. The kid actively function its internal organs and systems. For their proper operation and development requires constant flow of vitamins and minerals along with food. Special attention of the doctors recommend to future mothers to turn to iron and calcium. For normal fetal growth, a daily mother should consume 1200-1500 mg of calcium. This trace element is present in such dairy products as:

  • cottage cheese;
  • cheeses;
  • milk.

So that the calcium is fully absorbed by the body, and the second trimester proceeded without complications, the presence in sufficient magnesium and phosphorus is important. They are contained in:

  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • meat;
  • bread;
  • fresh vegetables.

To prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia, it is important to use the required amount of iron. This trace element in sufficient quantity is contained in:

  • turkey;
  • veal;
  • beef.

Food with pregnant in the third trimester

3 Trimester of pregnancy is a period of active training of the body to the upcoming birth, so it is important to pay attention to the correct combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In the daily menu of pregnant, there must be full proteins that are a good building material for a growing fetus. A large amount of protein is contained in dairy products of low fatty. To saturate the body, carbohydrates are recommended to use food rich in food fibers:

  • cereals;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • bran.

Screenings for trimesters of pregnancy

Screening is a comprehensive examination aimed at establishing possible deviations in the development of the fetus. The study is carried out three times, 2 times in each trimester:

  1. In the first trimester - 3-4 week of pregnancy (implantation), 8-12 weeks (there is a hormonal restructuring in the body of a pregnant man).
  2. 2 trimester - 18-22 weeks (active growth of the uterus can cause anomalies of the placenta attachment).
  3. Third trimester - 28-32 weeks (high risk of late gestosis, placental insufficiency, placenta detachment).

Pregnancy - an important period in the life of every woman. What happens at this stage? How long does the 3 trimester begins? How to develop a menu? We will answer all these questions in our article.

Pregnancy and its current

Becoming Mom is a big responsibility. It is for this reason that the appearance of the first child causes a huge number of questions. How to protect yourself? What can be used to develop a child normally?

It is worth noting that such issues with the second pregnancy does not arise. An experienced woman already knows what and how to do so that the baby be born is healthy.

There are several main stages of pregnancy:

  • 1st trimester;
  • 2nd trimester;
  • 3rd trimester.

Thus, the entire service life of the child is clearly divided into trimesters. Before determining, from what week 3 trimesters begins, we will discuss the first two.

First trimester of pregnancy

As a rule, not every future mother knows the exact time and day of the child's conception. It is for this reason that the first trimester for each woman doctors consider special care. This will allow not to miss important events in the development of the fetus.

The first trimester begins with the 1st week and lasts until the 13th. It is considered the shortest, although for some women it stretches for quite a long time. This fact is due to subjective sensations and changes in psyche. The body of the future mother during this period is adapted to a new state.

Note. In the early period of pregnancy, the woman is extremely careful about its body.

And it is right, because not only emotional bursts appear, but also other mental states. They also observe unusual they can be painful, because the egg cell is already beginning to grow, and the fruit in it is to develop. There may be tingling at the bottom of the abdomen. All this is considered normal to a certain degree of pain syndrome, especially at an early stage of pregnancy.

Important. If painful sensations in the abdomen are observed, doctors recommend to make a physical examination.

This will help identify various pathology of pregnancy and eliminate them. During the course of the first trimester, a woman should regain into the clinic. As a rule, the production begins with the 4th week.

Features of the first trimester

During this period, the origin of the baby occurs and the initial development of the baby. Fertilized egg movement moves in the uterine pipes. In the uterus it turns out to be 7-8 days after conception. Then the active formation of the embryo begins. By the end of the third week, the size of the future child is 2 mm. On the fourth - a heartbeat listens to the embryo.

On the sixth week, the rigids of the nervous and digestive systems are formed. Also during this period, the initial elements of the brain begin to develop. At the eighth week, the baby already appears limbs, head and licho.

Note. At this stage of the development of the child, doctors recommend to pass overall analyzes and do ultrasound. This will allow you to identify various deviations in the development of the fetus and to eliminate them in a timely manner.

The ninth week is the development of kidneys. Already on the 12-13th weeks, the kid actively flexs and extension his limbs.

Dangerous periods of this trimester - 8-12 weeks. If the placenta has a woman does not develop, the fruit may die. To prevent these irreversible consequences, you must constantly observe the doctor. Now such a deviation in the body of a woman is perfectly treated with medicines.

Second trimester

It is considered the most interesting stage of pregnancy. How long does the 3 trimester begins? If the second trimester begins from 14 weeks and ends the 25th, then it is from the last point of the reference that you can prepare for childbirth. On 26 weeks and the last trimester begins.

During this period, a woman has a swelling of the mammary glands. In some cases, pain syndromes in the abdomen are observed. It is determined by the fact that the child is stably and correctly developing, and the uterus increases in size. So that it fit, the internal organs are slid slightly.

Council. With any pain syndromes, you need to seek advice from the doctor.

On the second trimester, you can already unmistakably determine the floor of the future child. The fruit begins to move that sometimes it gives a lot of trouble. Especially at night.

The baby receives all the necessary vitamins, enzymes and food from mothers. It is now that a woman begins to use much more food. It should be borne in mind that a normal weight gain during pregnancy is 8-12 kg. Sometimes it can reach 14 kg. It all depends on the physique of a woman and its body.

Features of the second trimester

This period can also pass with the development of various pathologies, both placenta and baby. Sometimes there is a discharge, pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen. To avoid negative consequences, you need to immediately consult a doctor.

Third trimester

At this time, the woman's body is effectively preparing for generic activities. How long does the 3 trimester begins? From the 25th week you can already count the days before the toddler appears. The end of the 3rd trimester is the 42nd week.

By the 27th week, the baby's weight is about 1 kg, and the height is 35 cm. When a woman already has 28-29 weeks of pregnancy, the child is effectively gaining a mass, he appears subcutaneous fat. You can forget about a calm dream, because the baby is actively moving.

Dangerous weeks during pregnancy in 3 trimester

If the development of the fetus proceeds normally, it is not worth afraid of something. Especially under the supervision of an experienced physician. Despite this, it is worth being vigilant, since a new dangerous period is 28-29 weeks of pregnancy. It can last until the 32nd week. It all depends on the characteristics of the female organism.

The doctor must assess the state of the placenta and the intrauterine development of the fetus. This can be done with the help of ultrasound. If there are some deviations, prescribed medication treatment. It will not hurt the child and help keep pregnancy.

It is worth noting that at this stage in some cases premature labor is observed. The child can already survive, especially with the qualified help of doctors.

Power supply during pregnancy

To properly compile a diet of the future mother, it is necessary to clearly know when pregnancy trimesters begin and ends (the table is given above).

In the first trimester, the diet of a pregnant woman is no different from the usual. It is necessary to comply with some recommendations that will help to avoid toxicosis.

In the daily diet, you need to include green salads with vegetable oil. It is also necessary to use fish that is rich in phosphorus and other minerals. It is necessary to ensure your body with iodine, vitamin C and folic acid. They contribute to the proper development of the fetus at an early stage.

Coffee is better to exclude from the diet, as it helps to increase the pressure. It is better to drink green tea, but also in limited quantities - up to 3 cups per day.

Important. The use of citrus, exotic fruits and berries should be minimized, as they are potential allergens.

Menu - 3 trimester of pregnancy:

  • vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins;
  • special vitamin complexes based on folic acid;
  • minerals - iodine, calcium;
  • vegetarian dishes;
  • boiled poultry and fish meat;
  • non-fat meat broths;
  • bakery products in limited quantity.

Do not forget about the use of liquid. It is better to limit its number to 1-1.5 liters, since the kidneys are already servicing the body not only by the future mother, but also the baby. You need to try so that the child be born healthy.

In this article:

From the moment of conception and until birth will take 9 months. For convenience, they were divided into 3 months for 3 months - trimesters. Ideally, if my mother succeeds in making a kid over time, up to 39-41 weeks. If the childbirth will begin before, be sure to call an ambulance. Today, even strongly premature children manage to save, go out in hospital conditions. It increases the chances of the life of every child.

All the time of pregnancy, a woman should lead the right lifestyle, observe the power conditions and not drink alcohol, drugs. Otherwise, the child may have development pathology. The first trimester is considered the most important. During this period there is a rapid growth of the fetus, its organs and tissues are formed. It is still very small - just 10 centimeters. At the end of the second trimester, the crumb begins to hear the sounds - it's time to talk to him, read him. Mom's voice soothes the child, even if he is in her tummy.

9 months of pregnancy - three trimesters

Pregnancy lasts 9 months, or 3 trimester. During this time, just incredible changes of the baby occur: from a tiny cell to the child formed weighing 3500-4000 g. From conception, it takes an average of 240 days from conception, and every day there is a threat that the mother's body will begin to reject the fetus. But also every day is
constant development of the baby in the mother's abdomen.

Today, before the birth of crumbs, not 40 weeks can pass, but only 28: even at such a small, the doctors learned to save the kids. Of course, he will be born greatly prematurely, but alive and ready to fight for his life. Doctors give mom a list of recommendations, performing which can be avoided premature birth. Even if today we can save and learn such crumbs, it does not mean that all premature births are successful. It is better to follow all the rules of pregnancy and convey your crumb to the end of the term.

First trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most important. The development of the embryo begins at the moment when two cells merge. They immediately begin to share, and the embryo is rapidly increasing in size. In just a few days from conception, this is already a large cluster of cells, which is constantly increasing. Often the first 1-2 months Woman does not even know what is pregnant. If the cycle was irregular, then a small lag does not confuse it. And this is the most dangerous for the fetus.

A week after conception, he moves to the uterus and attaches to its wall. Now the fruit eats through the blood of the mother, getting all the nutrients and vitamins from it. But also through blood, he can get real.

If a woman consumes alcohol, smokes, takes drugs or just drinks strong medicines, it often destructively affects the embryo.
So that it does not happen, you must follow the cycle and plan a pregnancy.

What happens to the baby

In the first trimester, the most important thing is that the bookmark of all organs, bones and tissues is. The baby already has a heart, which beats. You can hear him on ultrasound. As well as stomach, intestines, nervous system, blood, liver and kidney. All bodies are tiny, as well as he himself.

Now you have the child is not the calm time: Mom toxicosis can adversely affect it. Sometimes due to severe toxicosis, the development of the fetus goes on the wrong path. So that this does not happen, attend your doctor, watch your meals. For the right development of crumbs, vitamins, calcium, folic acid are needed.

By the end of the first trimester, the growth of the child reaches 10 centimeters. Mom's tummy is already clearly visible, she feels like pregnant. It remains for another 5-6 months. The most important thing for the baby is already there, and now the daily development of the body and organs will continue until the end of pregnancy.

Second trimester

In the second trimester, the mother becomes much easier, because toxicosis almost passed. Your food habits are returned to normal. And for the first time you will feel how your crumb is pushing in the stomach. First, these are light touches, small shocks. The bigger
the size of the child, the stronger they felt. In the end of this trimester, he can even interfere with you.

Now time for the development of the nervous system and brain. Nervous fibers germinate from the brain to all organs. The period begins when the crumb not only feels, but also sees, and hears. At the end of 4 months you can start talking to him - he remembers the mother's voice, hears the knock of her heart. Now the skin is formed and the subcutaneous fat is recruited. In addition, now you will learn half a child. He may not immediately show you myself, but by the end of the II trimester will definitely be known, the boy is or a girl.

Now you need
calcium, and dairy products - a good source.
Choose those who like: cottage cheese, milk, rippy, kefir, yogurt. Your child's bones are growing, compacted and take a lot of calcium from the mother's organism - in this woman they often suffer due to the destruction of the teeth. Therefore, it is very important to provide yourself with calcium so that it is enough for you both.

In addition, the future mother needs to be prepared for the appearance of sudden "training" cuts of the uterus. It's not a fight and not childbirth - Just your uterus tries his strength, learning to work. They can last only 10 seconds, starting suddenly and without any consequences to end. This is a common phenomenon, so do not be afraid. Reduction should be painless, without bleeding. If you hurt, immediately call an ambulance.

Third trimester

Starts III trimester, And this is already global preparation for childbirth. The baby fully formed: he has already handles and legs with fingers, all organs and fabrics. The task of the following 3 months is a gradual development, "ripening" organs. But
the most important thing is that at the beginning of the III trimester, the baby is already viable, if it is born ahead of time. Mom should be very careful, do not wear gravity, not nervous. Now her tummy is already impressive.

The child is active in the evening, can kick much. Every day he swallows the accumulative water and then pisses. So there is a "training" of the bladder. The gastrointestinal tract also starts work before the birth of crumbs.

Mom feels

When 1-1.5 months remains before birth, pregnancy is already ceased to be comfortable. With a big belly, you especially do not use a comfortable position. The back hurts, legs swell. It is important to remember that you often go to the toilet, sweating, which means there is a lot of fluids. Therefore, you need to drink at least 1 liter of water per day.

How does the baby get ready for childbirth?

When only 1-2 weeks left before birth, the baby goes closer to the outlet of the uterus. His head begins to pressed the neck. Here mom can feel some relief of his position. The child's development is even now not stopped: the lungs and brain are still formed. Already at 40 week you can give birth - the baby is completely ready.

Knowing what is happening with the baby in his stomach into each of the trimesters and being aware of the peculiarities of its body at a particular stage of pregnancy, the future mother will be able to prevent complications in the process of childbirth, spend all 9 months in a positive mood.

The trimesters of pregnancy (for weeks the process of carrying a child of a child decided to classify doctors - gynecologists in the last century) - this is the result of the conditional separation of the 9 months of forming the fetus in the maternal womb for periods, each of which lasts 3 months.

During all 3 trimesters, not only the physical development of a small person occurs, but also the constant transformation of the body of a pregnant woman. For the convenience of tracking the state of future mothers, gynecologists brought a number of standard indicators by which they give an assessment of the health of a woman and her child on with a planned weekly inspection.

Pregnancy trimesters for weeks are shown in this table.

These estimory factors include:

  • the weight of the fetus (determined by the medium of ultrasound);
  • body mass of a pregnant woman;
  • child body length;
  • the volume of the abdomen of the future mother;
  • the presence of female edema, pains of different character, insomnia, and so on;
  • results of general urine and blood tests;
  • visual inspection of the state of the cervix (in the absence of complaints from the future mother, produced by gynecologists only in the first and third trimester);
  • the heart rate of a small man located in the maternal womb;
  • arterial pressure of a pregnant girl.

Thanks to the generally accepted indicators, upon deviation from them in each trimester, doctors can diagnose the appearance of pathology in time and prevent it without harming the health of the mother and child. The most dangerous is the first trimester.

It is during this period that the risk of a sudden cessation of pregnancy due to the inattentive relationship of the future mother to his body (pregnant women do not always learn about their position from the first days, continue to lead the usual way of life, raising gravity, without paying due amount of SNU, neglecting the principles of proper nutrition etc).

Separation of pregnancy for trimesters, months, weeks

During these few weeks, ovulation occurs, the fertilization of the egg, as well as its "implantation" in the fallopian wall, followed by the establishment of the basis for the further construction of the human body. The first trimester lasts until 12-13 weeks.

If there was no pregnancy interruption during this period, then, subject to the absence of pathologies in a state of health, a sudden loss of a child before the expected date of birth is unlikely. From 13 weeks, the second trimester begins, which, by analogy with the first, has a duration of 3 months. At this time, the child actively gains weight and increases in growth, acquiring the human appearance.

At the second stage of pregnancy, the woman begins to feel the first movements of his baby, as well as in some cases, after a planned ultrasound study, its gender can already know (in the second trimester, the sex system is already fully formed, which allows the uzist doctor to visually assume that a woman is waiting for a woman - Boy or girl).

From 28 weeks of pregnancy begins the third trimester.

At the final stage of the launching of the child, the woman usually begins to experience uncomfortable states associated with a sharp increase in the load on its body (the weight of the child on the period under consideration already exceeds 2 kg, and the volume volumes required for the normal nutrition of the placenta feeding the vital kids inside the womb, extremely high).

To simplify the perception of information on the separation of pregnancy for periods, gynecologists recommend that future mothers use a generally accepted table.


Trimester Months Weeks
  • first;
  • second;
  • the third.
  • from 1 to 4;
  • from 5 to 8;
  • from 9 to 12-13.
  • fourth;
  • fifth;
  • sixth.
  • from 14 to 17;
  • from 18 to 21;
  • from 22 to 27.
  • seventh;
  • eighth;
  • ninth.
  • from 28 to 31;
  • from 32 to 36;
  • from 37 to 40.

Changes in the body of the future mother and child for each trimester

Pregnancy trimesters (for weeks a child not only increases in size and increases its weight, but also acquires new skills necessary for subsequent life outside the maternal womb) determine the state of both the fetus itself and a pregnant woman.

Understanding what changes in the body are coming during the next trimester, the future mother will be able to morally prepare themselves for possible difficulties and take a maximum effort to prevent discomfort.

Trimester Changes in the body of pregnant Changes in the body of the child
  • the emergence of signs of toxicosis, which is most often manifested on the 5-7 week of pregnancy (nausea, vomiting, changes of taste preferences; dizziness);
  • increase breast size;
  • increasing the sensitivity of the mammary glands (in some cases, at this stage of the baby, pregnant women complains of pain and a feeling of breast resistance);
  • the increase in the occurrence of urinary urges (the uterus with the "implanted" fruit presses on the bladder);
  • drowsiness;
  • excessive overwork;
  • excessive emotionality caused by the restructuring of the hormonal background.
  • the formation of a nervous tube (the basis for the future central nervous system);
  • begins to function the heart muscle;
  • the beginning of the formation of the spinal column, the brain and its hemispheres, in particular;
  • laying the foundations for the future formation of eyes, ear-sinks, limbs, gastrointestinal tract and thyroid bodies;
  • formation of genital organs, fingers on the upper and lower limbs;
  • the beginning of the production of hormones by the endocrine system, as well as laying the adventures of dairy teeth in the gums;
  • the child begins to move inside the maternal womb.
  • increase in the size of the abdomen;
  • possible occurrence of painful sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt and the thoracic spine;
  • discomfort in hip joints;
  • the probability of the development of varicose veins (due to rapidly growing weight).
  • an increase in the growth and mass of the body;
  • the end of the formation of sexual and bone systems of the children's body;
  • active development of musculature and brain;
  • motor activity growth.
  • an increase in the size of the uterus to its maximum size;
  • difficult breathing associated with increased pressure from the bottom to the organs of the respiratory system;
  • sleep disorders;
  • frequent urges for urination;
  • excessive overwork;
  • the emergence of "false fights" (peculiar preparation of the uterus to the upcoming generic activity).
  • the final formation of all vital organs and body systems;
  • improving the skill to perceive information through hearing and produce respiratory movements;
  • appearance of taste perception;
  • active hair growth on the head;
  • the formation of lubricant throughout the body, intended to facilitate the child's passage for generic paths during the appearance of the light.

Fetal development for weeks and months

Tracking how the fruit develops on each month or week of pregnancy, contributes to a decrease in overall anxiety from the future mother, as well as strengthening its parental feelings against his child.

First trimester


A week
1 — 2 Based on the fact that the beginning of pregnancy is customary to consider the first day of the menstrual cycle, the first two weeks of the baby tool are conditional, since the actual conception has not yet happened.
3 The fertilization of the egg occurs, as a result of which the color of the eyes and hair of the future child is determined at the gene level. The egg starts its division and moves towards the uterus.
4 (end of 1 month of pregnancy) The fertilized cell is implanted to the uterus and increases to the size of poppy grains.
5 The embryo grows up to 2-3 mm in length, while purchasing two poles, where the lower and upper limbs will begin in the future. 3 functional layers are formed, which are a basis for further formation of vital systems of the body of a small person. A nervous tube appears.
6 The formation of the upper and lower limbs of the child and an increase in the growth of the embryo.
7 An increase in the size of the embryo to the proportions of the berries of black currant or raspberry. Separation of a child's brain into 3 functional departments. Active formation of limbs and laying the foundations for the formation of ears and nose.
8 (end 2 months of pregnancy) Formation of external features of the face, limbs and vital organs. The beginning of the motor activity of the fetus.
9 Increase the size of the embryo to the dimensions of the plum tree. Formation of a gender system of a small person.
10 Active brain development. The film membrane disappears between the fingers of the upper and lower extremities. Increase the strength of the bone system.
11 Increase the size of the fetus and its weight. The gradual acquisition of his body of a human proportional view.
12 The child increases to the size of a small orange. External genitals are formed. Nail plates appear on the fingers and legs.
13 (end 3 months of pregnancy and first trimester) The brain departments and the bodies of the child are actively developing. In the gums, the kid appears the fasteners of dairy teeth. On the head slowly begin to grow hair.

Second trimester


A week Fruit development at a particular stage of pregnancy
14 The endocrine system begins to generate hormones. The strength of the chest increases. As the upper heaven ended in the child's mouth, it acquires a sucking reflex.
15 The production of specific proteins of a particular blood type begins. The emergence of skills to change the expression of the face. Motor activity increases (the future mother most often does not feel the movements of the fetus).
16 An active weight gain occurs, mucous membranes are formed. If a frozen fruit is a girl, then at week 16, a small man will begin the formation of its own eggs - the bases for the reproductive system.
17 (end 4 months of pregnancy) The first fat deposits under the skin of the child appear. It actively increases its growth and weight indicators, continuing to practice high motor activity.
18 The appearance of the ability to perceive the world's surrounding hearing organs. The formation of an emotional relationship between a small man and his parents begins (the child gets used to their votes, hears the mother's heartbeat and so on).
19 Under the recent milk teeth begin to form natives. A special mucus that contributes to the right thermoregulation appears on the child's body.
20 Final formation of a child's face. The appearance of taste perception.
21 (end 5 months of pregnancy) The bone system is actively developing and the bone marrow begins to function.
22 Changing the color of the skin (becomes whiten). Forming hair on the face (in particular, eyebrows and eyelashes).
23 The brain and the central nervous system is actively developing. The end of the formation of vital organs.
24 The end of the formation of an optic perception organs, despite the continued lack of pigment (the eyes of colorless). The child begins to practice a variety of movements, thus studying his body.
25 (end of 6 months of pregnancy and 2 trimester) The ripening of the gastrointestinal tract and education in the intestine of meconia.

Third trimester


A week Fruit development at a particular stage of pregnancy
26 The child is formed its day mode, independent of the time of wakefulness and rest of the future mother. The active respiratory organs form, preparing for functioning outside the maternal womb.
27 The child learns to open and close the eyes, reacting to the bright light. The kid calms down and falls asleep when smoothly swaying (pregnant at this time can be in public transport, walk or do homemade chores). The amount of hormone produced is increasing.
28 Increase growth and weight.
29 (end of 7 months of pregnancy) Active brain development. A child during sleep begins to see dreams, he appears emotions - he learns to be afraid and have fun.
30 The child begins to actively convey the mother to his attitude towards external circumstances. For example, he may begin to kick if a woman is near the noise source.
31 The child increases in all respects, in parallel reducing its motor activity.
32 The fruit is located as it will lie in the abdomen of the mother until the appearance of the appearance of the light that determines the type of upcoming generic activity (natural childbirth or cesarean section).
33 (end 8 months of pregnancy) The child begins to adapt to the mode of his mother's day, repeating the periods of activity and recreation behind it.
34 The end of the formation of respiratory organs.
35 Significant increase in the weight of the child. The lubricant on the body acquires a more dense consistency, which will help a small person less painfully overcome the generic paths.
36 The final stage of the formation of the nervous and immune system. The subcutaneous fat accumulates.
37 The end of the formation of all systems and organs of the children's body.
38 - 40 (end 9 months of pregnancy) With a head presence, the child's head is descended into the pelvis of a pregnant woman, which is a sign of the preparedness of the body to the upcoming birth.

Sensations of a woman as the fetus develop

The trimesters of pregnancy for weeks the development of the child is determined not only by the physical, but also the emotional state of the future mother. In the first trimester, pregnant defend the manifestations of toxicosis (nausea, vomiting, dizziness). Most women in the first months are very thin and do not feel emotional attachment towards their child.

Because of the hormonal restructuring of the body, they often cry, you laugh unfortunately, become more irritable and requiring increased attention.

As the fetus develops, to the second trimester, the toxicosis ends, and the stomach acquires a rounded shape and increases in size, which allows the woman to start enjoying his position. The psychological background is aligned and emerged with an emotional connection with a small man in his stomach (usually it is especially strengthened after the first sense of the future mother of the impetus to his baby).

In the third trimester, despite the newly emerging physical discomfort (swelling, insomnia, frequent urinary calls), the future mother is stable in his emotions, waiting for meetings with the child and enjoys pregnancy. At this stage, the girls usually visit 3D ultrasound to take a photo of a child in memory of the period of his stay in the womb.

Possible deviations

Pregnancy lays the foundation for the future state of the health of a small man. Knowing what deviations can be identified at a specific week of the intrauterine life of the fetus, the future mother will be able to prevent their appearance by adjusting their lifestyle on each trimester.

Most often doctors in the pregnancy process are diagnosed:

  • down syndrome (chromosomal mutation leading to dementia and serious delay in child development);
  • syndrome Pataau. (Genetic mutation, owners of which rarely live longer than the year. It provokes deafness, delay of mental development and a number of other serious pathologies);
  • heart disease (Some of them are subject to surgical correction, others allow you to live a person, forgetting about their existence);
  • pathology of the development of limbs or vital organs (Not congenital and arise at the stage of laying the basics of the body systems during pregnancy).

First trimester

When conducting the future mother of an improper lifestyle, the first trimester is laid the base for the subsequent development of diseases.

They are:

Second trimester

The second trimester is dangerous for a small man by development:

  • brain pathologies and organs of vision (with a lack of Lutein entering the mother's body);
  • irregularities in blood circulation (in the absence of routine-containing products or synthetic vitamins in the diet);
  • dysfunction of mucous membranes (to prevent this pregnant, vitamin complexes should be taken with an increased content of vitamins of group A);
  • infertility (if the female-free fruit is a girl);
  • bone marrow pathologies and bone system of the body as a whole.

Third trimester

During the third trimester, the wrong lifestyle or insufficient vitamin enrichment of the diet of a pregnant woman can lead to a child's development in some pathologies.

For example:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • the pathologies of respiratory organs (for example, an insufficient number of surfactant - a substance that impedes the lung sticking);
  • circulatory disorders;
  • diseases of the central nervous system.

Despite the almost complete formation of the children's body and its partial readiness for functioning outside the maternal womb, a pregnant woman during the third trimester should still be extremely attentive to their health.

Premature births in the last months of the nursery of a small man rarely have a fatal outcome, but may cause a predisposition to serious diseases in a child (for example, pathologies of lungs or heart fluctuations).

Features of the lifestyle of the future mother in every trimester

Trimesters of pregnancy for weeks determine the lifestyle of the future mother. Despite the presence of the features of the formation of a children's body at each stage of intrauterine life, gynecologists recommend pregnant women, to avoid development of pathologies, adhere to standard recommendations throughout the entire period of the baby tool.

They are:

Pregnancy trimesters determine the condition of not only a small man located in the maternal womb, but also the most pregnant woman.

Carefully examining changes in its body on each of the weeks of having to wear a child, the future mother will be able to think over the options for facilitating possible physical and moral discomfort safe for themselves and their baby in the way.

Article clearance: Lozinsky Oleg.

Video about the features of the trimesters of pregnancy


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