Leaves on seedlings. Sometimes seedlings are sold with apples hanging on branches. This is normal? Saplings of fruit trees

Leaves on seedlings. Sometimes seedlings are sold with apples hanging on branches. This is normal? Saplings of fruit trees

Autumn - Suitable time to land new trees in the garden. We talked with the candidate of biological sciences by Raisa Matveyeva and asked her questions that are often arising from amateur gardeners.

We hope, after reading this material, you will not doubt your strength and no problem "set" new tenants in the garden.

1. What should be the roots at a seedling? What to pay attention to when buying?

From how well developed and viable roots, the further fate of the plant depends. The length of skeletal roots in seedlings of seed and bone crops should be at least 25-30 cm. Plants with very short roots or do not take root at all, or they are very bad and lagged behind in growth. Short roots after landing do not go deep into, and spread in the upper soil layer, which is characterized by an unstable water regime. Also on them are formed less growth points.

Associated with arah or burner

That's how they look for tomatoes to give delicious and juicy fruits. After landing, seedlings must be plowed to provide support. The work is done, as bushes are loaded with fruit and become harder. Wooden poles 1-1 long, 2 m are introduced to Earth next to each plant in the north.

How often do you need to water just planted seedlings?

Binding is performed using twine, fabric strips or other textile material, just below the leaves surrounding the stem, so the fruits will grow. This is done 6-7 days, depending on the degree of drying of the Earth. In the spring and at the beginning of the summer, tomatoes are wet in the morning, so the earth is warmed during the day, and the plants will not suffer from the cold overnight. In the summer, watering is spent in the evening and at night when the soil will cool down. Water should be taken to roots, and not directly to the plant. The water used should not be cold, but slightly heated in the sun.

In addition to the length on the quality of the root system, its structure indicates - seedlings with a rod root system and poorly developed side roots are good. Plants are significantly better and faster, which in addition to large roots have many thin, converting (urine) roots.

Roots from quality seedlings should be healthy, without signs of frozen and drying.

Remember! It is better to buy a seedling with an insufficiently developed crown, but good roots than with a strong above-ground part and a well-formed crown, but with short cropped roots.

2. Sometimes seedlings are sold with apples hanging on branches. This is normal?

With leaves and especially with the fruits, buy seedlings!

3. How to save a seedling after shopping?

It is not enough to choose a good varietal seedling, it still needs to be carefully delivered to the garden. Any young plant, whether it is an apple tree, a pear, cherry, cherry, a currant or gooseberry bush is a living organism. When such a sapling dug out of the soil, the roots are already stopped supplying it with water, and the leaves continue to evaporate.

Often you have to witness how purchased seedlings deliver to the landing site: in best case The roots are wrapped with newspaper paper, or even just bare, branches are not connected.

How to do? First of all, take care of the roots: sow them with a moistened burlap, a rag, grass (not only outside, but also inside the beam), and then pack into any material.

If the leaves remained on the saplings, immediately tear them off, without damaging the kidneys, and the branches in the seedling beam tightly tight the soft twine. It is desirable and the entire bundle of seedlings (stem, branches) to wind at least paper. With long-term finding seedlings on the way, be sure to water their roots and branches with water so as not to allow drying.

4. What should I do if the plant dried during delivery?

In this case, the seedling needs to be rooted in water for a day.

5. Do you need to trim roots when landing?

In all cases, when digging seedlings in the nursery roots are damaged, their ends are warm and twisted. Therefore, before planting, young plants and first of all the roots need to carefully inspect: they must be fresh. Dry, frozen, drunk, affected by mold roots should be cut, durable - shorten to healthy parts. Healthy root on cross-cut white color, and frozen and dried - brown.

Crop the roots with a sharp knife. Secators do not give a smooth cut, knead the root.

After preparing the roots, it is worth a dip in the clay chatter and to the landing temporarily to touch the seedling into a wet land.

6. What depth do you need to plant fruit and berry cultures?

It is very important at first to provide a young plant with a very shortened when digging from nursery roots the best conditions for the observing and growth of new roots.

Landing Pits for the correct and uniform development of roots is better to do round with the sheer walls. Pits, narrowed to the bottom, is not the best option: they will be crushed in them and grow in the middle of the pit.

7. How often do you need to water just planted seedlings?

After landing, as soon as the roots are covered with a layer with a thickness of 10-15 cm, 2-3 buckets of water pour into the landing pit. The soil discharged by water fills the generated emissions around the roots, which in these conditions are better at all.

When the moisture is absorbed, the pit falls asleep to the top and the plant is no longer watered. The upper soil layer remains friable and breathable. In the future, the need for irrigation depends on the weather and the degree of drainage of the soil. Garden cultures are needed not frequent watering, but moisturizing the soil to the depth of the root system.

8. Is it necessary to drive into the landing pocket count?

Landing sphere for a young seedling. He protects it from the wind and does not allow to swing and bend. In the first years, such a backup also serves as the basis for winter strapping from Zaitsev or the actions of frost.

If you plan the standard sapling without curvature of the stem in the windless corner of the site and are sure that the hares will not be on it, then the installation of the landing cola is optional.

9. Do I need to mulch the place of planting a sapling?

Mulching delays the evaporation of moisture from the soil, improves the temperature and soil structure, protects the Earth from weighing, suppresses the development of weeds. The layer of organic on the surface of the soil is not recommended to touch the whole season. Plants whose competitive circle is closed, almost twice the fastest and better develop, especially in dry years (in comparison with untreated).

10. How to climb the garden?

The rich circles of fruit and berry trees can be mulched by cardboard, compost, dung-raw, fallen leaves, cheese, sawdust, humid, freshly adhesive grass.

Fresh sawdust, chips can be made like a mulching material under raspberries and other berries without adding nitrogen fertilizers.

Strawberries on the winter period can be stolen by a cheese, and in the summer it is used as a mulch. The needles is an excellent mulching material. And for strawberries, it is also the protection of slugs and snails.

11. Is it possible to plant fruit seedlings in place, where were the garden beds?

Can. The main thing is that the soil waters on the site for planting fruit crops are not too close to the surface of the soil. The minimum allowable depth is 1.5 m.

12. In the summer, the hurricane broke the apple tree. Is it possible to put this autumn in her place a new plant?

If the old apple tree was uprooted, it is not recommended to plant a new seedling into this place. No other place? Then before planting it is desirable to completely replace the soil in the volume of landing pit (at least 1 × 1 m).

13. How to fix a small or deep planting of trees?

Fruit trees, especially apple tree and pear, react sensitively to the landing depth. A small landing, when the root neck is located down a bit above the surface of the soil, they carry painfully, but it is easy to correct and does not cause much harm. In this case, the roots just planted wood can be sprinkled with soil from the aisle. In addition, after planting to the rolling circle of wood, manure, humus, and the rolling croups are mulched. And with autumn resistance, the soil is somewhat shifted towards the root neck.

It is more difficult to fix an excessive root of the root neck. This happens when when landing does not take into account the subsequent settlement of the soil in the landing pit. As a result, the root neck is significantly lower than the soil surface, which disrupts the relationship between the above-ground part of the plant and the root system. The tree seeks to compensate for this violation of excessive vegetative growth and significantly later enters into fruiting.

Thus, correct the error is better in the year of planting. To do this, cutting off the com, the tree pull up to the desired height so that the root neck is somewhat higher than the surface of the soil, under the bottom of the coma bent the nutrient soil. At the end of the work, the tree watered well.

14. Do I need to beat the winter just planted seedlings?

Young trees with smooth breed bark not only not useful, but to some extent it is even harmful. The whitewashed trees grow worse, they slowly thicken strains, closed pores in the cortex, gas exchange slows down. Lime solutions are particularly harmful to whitewashing adhesive (difficult) substances to them. In this case, the plants may even occur serious burns and kids.

On the other hand, the strains and the founding of the skeletal branches of fruiting trees need to be blocked by using a solution of fresh lime. Folds, cracks and roughness of the coastal bark of adult trees serve as a winter shelter for garden pests. Autumn (in October), the redcomers helps to destroy them and, besides, is a disinfectant, destroying mosses and lichens that are in the crust.

Recipes for preparing a solution of fresh lime: 2 kg of lime, 0.5 kg of copper mood and 2 tbsp. Milk dilute in 10 liters of water or 3 kg of lime and 1.5 kg clay dilute in the same amount of water.

And this processing protects the bark from solar burns and from temperature drops (the glasses acts as a kind of thermal insulation "fur coat", thanks to which the trunk of the tree does not overheat the winter day and does not freeze at night).

Buy healthy seedlings, transport them to a plot in a suitable package, plant cultures for all the rules and take care of them with the mind. Perhaps these are the main rules that will help grow a gorgeous and well-fruitful garden.

The dispute about when planting seedlings continues until now. Therefore, I think my considerations will not be superfluous for beginner dacnis.

Previously there was a network of public nurseries. They used well-deserved authority, as they served as the "guarantor" of the variety. They had instructions according to which saplings-ducts, for example, had to have a strab of at least 50 cm (the distance from the roots to the lower side branch), with a diameter of at least 3 cm and at least three side branches. When digging seedlings, their roots should be omitted to the clay boltushka and wrapped with a chore.

To dig seedlings for sale in the fall of nurseries were obliged after the leaves of the leaves. If the warm October stood and the leaves did not want to fly away, they should have been ochshed and removed from seedlings.

When the tractor, the roots of the plants sucked with a special bracket. After that, they were chosen from the soil manually and entered the "touch". They were planted and watered them again, only not at the distance from each other, but all together, a bunch associated with the varieties in the bundles. From there they went to the realization, and non-soldered remained in a touch until spring. In the spring, the saplings arrived again on sale, and if by the time they began to bloom the kidneys, they were not yet sold, then the remaining seedlings were burned.

Thus, the instruction implies that it is best to plant and transplant trees during the period of deep peace, but this is hampered by a freeze earth. However, experienced gardeners are left on the places to the future trees a heap of manure, removing which, even in winter in the non-surprise soil.

In plants, all nutrient elements are consumed by leaves. Now suppose that the plant died in the fall to the naturally discharge of the leaves. In the preliminary period, the leaves are rapidly produced by soluble sugar, which, entering the roots, stems and the bark is deposited in them already in the form of insoluble and neutral starch capable of resolving low temperatures in winter and insulation of plants.

Knowing about this property, you can easily determine the quality of the cuttings. To do this, it is necessary to drop on the bottom of the iodine solution. If the cutting surface is painted in blue, it means that the starch content is high, high-quality cuttings. If not, then plant such a plant is meaningless. He is not from what will form roots and dissolve the leaves in the spring.

In the fall, the leaves at the last moment form a layer of the nobody plug in the place of attachment to the stalk. And, naturally, falling out, leave behind the closed "window". All biochemical processes slow down sharply, and the plant proceeds to wintering.

Dropped with leaves in the fall of plants continue to "work", the reaction of biosynthesis goes, the leaves consume water. Very quickly, they suck it out of the roots, if they were omitted to the bolt, then from the stem cells. All this wrinkles and dry out.

Then dry and leaves. They are firmly attached to the stalk, so the cork layer is not formed. The kidneys in the sinuses of the leaves are underdeveloped, the starch in the core has accumulated little - such plants will be bad for the winter.

If the seedlings for transplanting are dug with leaves late in spring, then the processes in them proceed are the same as autumn only spring leaves synthesize the fiber to build young organs and water consumes in this period even more than in the fall.

If earlier nurseries were guided by a very reasonable instruction, then the current "businessmen" from gardening is exclusively profit. From here, their desire to dig a seedling for sale as early as possible to get ahead of competitors. Understanding their desire to sell seedlings in the spring as long as possible, not paying attention to the fact that they were blocked for a long time. It is advantageous to sell a sapling that does not come true: an illiterate gardener next season will come again for a new one.

If you still bought a seedling with leaves, it can still be fixed. In the fall, if the leaves have not yet dried, immediately wash them, spending along the stem with a hand from top to bottom. A seedling with dried leaves can also come in handy ... to dry the fire.


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