Draw what the surface of our edge looks like. Presentation on the topic "Ground surface of our region"

Draw what the surface of our edge looks like. Presentation on the topic "Ground surface of our region"

  • According to their observations, as well as using the edge map and local history literature, describe the basic forms of the earth's surface in your area. Do not forget that the plains are flat and hilly, and the mountains are different heights.

You already know that ravines are found on the plains. They have cool, sprinkled slopes. There are usually no plants on the slopes of ravines.

The formation of ravine begins with a small crystrine on the surface of the soil. Those and rainwater streams are blurred, and therefore the ravine gradually increases. At the same time, it ruins large areas of fertile soil.

Over time (after many years), the slopes of the ravine become gentle, overgrown with grass, shrubs, trees. The ravine ceases to increase. So it turns into a beam. The beam is a deepening with gentle plants with slopes.

  • If you have seen a ravine during an excursion, tell me about it. Are there many ravines in your area? Is there a beam in your area? Tell about the one you have seen on the excursions.
  • Think, where it is easier to build cities, settled, lay the roads, process the land - on the plain or in the mountains. How do people use the surface in your area?

Is it necessary to protect ... surface?

Maybe this issue will seem strange. It is necessary to protect plants, animals, purity of air and water. And the surface of the edge? .. Does anything threaten her? Let's grow out.

During the excursions, you probably paid attention to the beauty of the surrounding area. What do you feel when you go out to an open place where you can see far around? Probably feel joy and pride in native land. How beautiful it is!

But it also happens that instead of these feelings, feel bitterness and insult. For example, an abandoned career. Once there was sand, clay or coal. Now the quarry is a wound on the ground surface. But people had to fall asleep him and at this place to plant a forest or turn a quarry in a fish breeding pond.

In another place, the builders were erected by new homes and left a large landfill. Here are broken bricks, and shards of glass, and much more. People who worked on this construction broke the law that prohibits garbage from throwing away. And how many similar landfills urged the surface of our earth!

The tractor driver does not receive a host, if he swallows the land on the slope so that the furrows descend along the slope. For these furrows, after the first rain, water flows will flow - here's the beginning of the ravine! It is possible to plow only across the slopes. And the steep slopes can not be swallowed at all.

To stop the formation of the ravine, small rods are buried and in this place sow grass. Along with a small ravine put low laders from IV's stakes and rods. Over time, the stakes are rooted, and a reliable alive barrier for water flows is formed. At the edges and slopes of the ravine, trees and shrubs are planting.

You can also participate in the protection of the surface of your edge. Survey together with adult neighborhoods of the city, villages. If you find an abandoned quarry, an illegal landfill, unpacking along the slopes, a fish, which can turn into a ravine, report it to the Nature Protection Society. Take part in the cleaning of garbage, in the fight against ravines.

So it turns out that the earth's surface must be protected no less carefully than water and air, plants and animals.


What are the cases of an irresponsible relationship of people to the surface of their edge you know? Is it possible to refund damage caused by nature in these cases? How to do it?

check yourself

  1. Tell about the surface of your edge.
  2. How do the surface use in your area?
  3. What does "guard the surface" mean?
  4. What participation in the protection of the surface of your region can schoolchildren be accepted?

Jobs for homework

  1. Write in dictionary: ravine, beam.
  2. Draw what the surface of your edge looks like. You can cut out of plasticine, clay or raw sand layout of some kind of it (hill, ravine, mountain range).
  3. If there is a ravine in your area, ask for adults, whether it exists, as it has changed during this time, what people do to stop his growth. Think than you can help adults.

Pain of nature

Mountains that should not be

In some areas of our country, there are many minerals from the depths of the earth, the mountains have grown up. They grown not by themselves, people hung them. Having extracting minerals, processing them, dumped all waste - an empty breed - in heaps. Heaps grew, grew ... And it turned out that people, living on the plain, were ... in the mountains.

Tercons are not without harmless. After all, under them were huge areas of fertile land, taken away from agriculture. The areas themselves spread around themselves clouds of dust, which pollutes the air. It happens that groundcons light up, spreading caustic smoke. And flowing from them after the rains polluted water poisoned the soil and reservoirs.

People are struggling with tercrions. Somewhere they are aligned, they bring the soil and plant plants. In some places they have learned to extract valuable substances from the embrace rocks. So the mountains created by people gradually disappear.

Yes, before these mountains were not. It is necessary to really try so that they are not left in the future.

In the next lesson

We learn more about the aquatic riches of the native land, about their meaning in the life of a person, about their protection. We will learn to describe water objects His edge on the plan proposed or independently.

Remember what sea, lakes, rivers are in Russia. What do you already know about the water wealth of your edge?

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Annotation to the presentation

The presentation "The Earth Surface of Our Territory" describes options for using the surface of the earth's crust by man (lands, career, dumps, etc.), as well as environmental problems arising from the activities of people, the dangers that they cause and possible options Fight.

  • Physical map of Russia;
  • Mountains and plains of Russia;
  • The use of the earth's surface by man;
  • Ravine and beam;
  • Careers and groundcocks;
  • Dumps.


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    • For the lesson by the teacher

Slide 1.

Slide 2.

Physical map of Russia

  • Slide 3.

    Plains of Russia

    • the East European Plain
    • West Siberian Plain
    • Medium-Siberian Plateau
  • Slide 4.

    Hilly plain

  • Slide 5.

    Mountains of Russia

    • Ural Mountains
    • Caucasian Mountains
    • Altai
    • Sayans
  • Slide 6.

    • Sayans
    • Caucasian Mountains
    • Altai
    • Ural Mountains
  • Slide 7.

    How people use the surface of our region

    • Build cities, villages
    • Make expensive
    • Treated land
  • Slide 8.

    Pain of nature

  • Slide 9.

    • The ravine is steep, sprinkled slopes.
    • Beam - gender slopes, cropped grass, shrubs and trees.
  • Slide 10.

    How the ravine and beam are formed

    • The formation of the ravine begins with a small crystal, grooves on the surface of the soil. Those and rainwater streams are blurred, and therefore the ravine gradually increases.
    • Over time (after many years), the slopes of the ravine becomes gentle, overgrown with grass, shrubs, df perforations. The ravine ceases to increase. So it turns into a beam.
  • Slide 11.

    Slide 12.

    How ravines are formed

    One of the reasons for the formation of ravines is the irregular disintegration of land!

    Slide 13.

    How to break the soil on the slopes

    It is possible to plow only across the slopes.

  • Slide 14.

    Fighting ravines

    • Little rods bury, sow grass.
    • A across a small ravine put low laders from IV's stakes and rods. Over time, the stakes are strengthened and form a reliable alive barrier for water flows.
    • At the edges and slopes of the ravine, trees and shrubs are planting.
  • Slide 15.


  • Slide 16.

    How can I use abandoned quarry

    • Fall asleep the quarry and at this place to triple the field or plant a forest.
    • You can turn into a pond and breed fish in it.
  • Slide 17.



    • Spread around the clouds of dust, (air polluted)
    • Light up (spread caustic smoke)
    • Poison soil and reservoirs (after rainflows contaminated water)
  • Slide 18.

    Territory Control Measures

    1. Tercons level, bring the soil and plant plants.
    2. Extract valuable substances from the embrace rocks.
  • Slide 19.


  • Slide 20.

    Than dangerous landfills

    • Occupy huge spaces of land.
    • Pollize air and soil.
    • Light up.

    Measures to combat landfills:

    • Sorting and processing of garbage at special factories.
    • Running, fall asleep the earth, plant plant.
  • Slide 21.

    Game "Learn Me"

  • Slide 22.

    Used resources

    • Physical map of Russia.
    • Tutorial A.A. Plaiskova " The world" 4th grade.
    • http: // Site /
  • View all slides


    Primary school teacher:

    Objectives lesson:


    During the classes

    1. Organizational moment

    Theme and objectives of the lesson are reported.

    2. Check knowledge and skills

    Slide 2.

    Slide 3, 4


    Slide 5.6.

    Slide 7.

    3. Work on a new topic

    Slide 8.

    Slide 9.10.

    (This is a hilly plain.)

    . .)



    Slide 11.


    Slide 12, 13


    Slide 14.


    Slide 15,16

    B) Career

    Slide 17,18.


    What is dangerous heatcrow? )

    Slide 19.20.

    D) Dump

    4. Fastening studied

    Slide 21.

    Game "Learn Me"

    I have a sole and a slope, and my peak rose so highly into the sky that I even had to wear a white hat. (Mountain)

    I also have a sole, a gentle slope and top. (Hill)

    I created a man, I spread the clouds of dust and I can burn. (Heat)

    I am the deepening of the earth's surface, I have a gentle slope, my grass and shrubs are covered. (Beam)

    I am on the edge of the field, and was formed from the wrong decaying of the Earth. (Ravine)

    5. Outcome lesson.

    6. Homework.

    Abstract of the lesson of the surrounding world in 4th grade on the topic "The surface of our region" using the presentation (according to the textbook Pleshakova A.A. "The world around")

    Primary school teacher:

    Objectives lesson:

    To form students an idea of \u200b\u200bthe surface of the native edge. Learning to work with a card.

    To acquaint students with concepts: ravine, beam, quarry, heat, landfill. Talk about the reasons for the appearance and measures to combat them.

    Develop the cognitive activity of children, observation, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

    Relieve careful attitude towards nature.


    Tutorial Pleshakova A.A. "The world".

    Presentation "The surface of our edge".

    During the classes

    1. Organizational moment

    Theme and objectives of the lesson are reported.

    2. Check knowledge and skills

    Slide 2.

    Guys, consider carefully physical map of Russia. What relief do you see on the physical map of Russia? (In Russia there are lowlands, plains, platea and mountains.)

    Slide 3, 4

    - Show on the map of the plain and the plateore of Russia.

    What color are they designated on the map? (Plains - Green, Hills - Yellow, Plateau - Light Brown)

    Where is the territory of our region? (The territory of our region is located on the East European Plain)

    What are the form of relief? (On the Eastern European Plain there are plains and hills)

    Tell us about the building of the hills. (Hills have a sole, a slope, top.)

    Mountain also has a sole, a slope and apex. What does she differ from the hill? (Mountain and hill differ in height.)

    If we speak more precisely, the height of the lowlands from 0-200 m, elevations - 200-500 m, the flatter - 500-800 m.

    Slide 5.6.

    What mountains are in Russia? Show them on the map.

    Slide 7.

    How is the territory of our region? (Cities, villages, villages are built; roads are paired; land is processed.)

    3. Work on a new topic

    Slide 8.

    Consider carefully photos (waste, abandoned careers, landfills in ravines, hotcase). What feelings do you experience, looking at these photos? (Disappointment, sadness, etc.)

    Guys, places on Earth, this is the pain of the planet. We are talking about the protection of rare plants and animals, about the protection of water and air. Should I save the surface of the earth? (Children's responses)

    And to do you, so that there are no such places on earth? (Children's responses)

    Today we will try to find out where they appear on our planet?

    Slide 9.10.

    A) we live with you on the Eastern European Plain. What is it characterized? (This is a hilly plain.)

    On the hilly plane we can meet the ravine and beam . Consider illustrations of ravine and beams, compare them. ( Rasp and beam have a slopes. The slopes of the ravine are cool, squeezing. The slopes of beams - gentle, smoking grass, trees, shrubs.)

    What do you think the ravine is formed? (Education ovraga Starts with a small crystal, grooves on the surface of the soil. Those and rainwater streams are blurred, and therefore the ravine gradually increases. At the same time, it ruins large areas of fertile soil.)

    Over time (after many years), the slopes of the ravine become gentle, overgrown with grass, shrubs, trees. The ravine ceases to increase. So it turns into beam.

    Slide 11.

    What do you think a lot in our area of \u200b\u200bravines and beams? ( In the Museum-Reserve Kolomenskoe has a voice ravine. Let's look at him.)

    Slide 12, 13

    Another cause of the appearance of the ravine is the wrong decay of lands. Compare illustrations. How can irregular disintegration lead to the appearance of ravine? ( It is possible to carry out the molting of land on a hilly plain only across the slope so that the rain and melt water do not wash the soil on the furrows.)

    Slide 14.

    What methods of fighting ravines would you take? �. (- Little rods bury, sow grass.

    - across a small ravine put low laders from IV's stakes and rods. Over time, the stakes are strengthened and form a reliable alive barrier for water flows.

    - on the edges and slopes of the ravine plant trees and shrubs.)

    Slide 15,16

    B) Career- This is a huge wound on the ground surface. Once in the career, sand, clay, limestone, coal, and other minerals were mined. After the end of development, the quarry remained abandoned.

    How can I use it? (Fall asleep the quarry and at this place to triple the field or plant a forest; you can turn into a pond and breed fish in it)

    Slide 17,18.

    C) the unusual mountains appeared on our planet for human fault. Such mountains are called tercons. They were formed from waste (empty rocks) during mining.

    Unfortunately, they do not adorn our planet at all, but on the contrary - they disfiguring it.

    What is dangerous heatcrow? (They occupy fertile land, air and water pollute.)

    How do people fight them? (Tercons are aligned, bring the soil and plant plants. Remove the valuables from the embrace rock.)

    Slide 19.20.

    D) Dump - Places of land engaged in construction garbage (broken brick, shards of glasses, plates and many others) Similar landers urged the surface of our Earth.

    With landfills, it is also necessary to fight: to sort garbage and process it at special factories; Running, fall asleep the earth, plant plant.

    4. Fastening studied

    Slide 21.

    Game "Learn Me"

    I have a sole and a slope, and my peak rose so highly into the sky that I even had to wear a white hat. (Mountain)

    I also have a sole, a gentle slope and top. (Hill)

    I created a man, I spread the clouds of dust and I can burn. (Heat)

    I am the deepening of the earth's surface, I have a gentle slope, my grass and shrubs are covered. (Beam)

    I am on the edge of the field, and was formed from the wrong decaying of the Earth. (Ravine)

    5. Outcome lesson.

    When you grow guys, try to do everything so that our native land becomes more beautiful, and there were no such places that cause pain and insult.

    Summing up the lesson. Estimation.

    6. Homework.

    Download Abstract

    Type of lesson:study of new knowledge.

    The purpose of the lesson: to form students an idea of \u200b\u200bthe surface of the Moscow region.

    Tasks lesson.

    To acquaint students with concepts: ravine, beam, quarry, heat, landfill.

    Talk about the reasons for their appearance and measures to combat them.

    Develop the cognitive activity of children, observation, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions, work with the card.

    Relieve careful attitude towards nature.

    Methods and methodical techniques: conversation, cards with an individual task and for work in pairs, questions, visual material, story based on the results of observation.

    Equipment: Projector, Screen, Presentation "The surface of our region", the textbook "Surrounding World" A.A. Pleshakov, tests on the topic "My Edge", the workbook "surrounding world" A.A. Pleshakov, cards for work in pairs.

    During the classes

    I. Organizational moment.

    One two Three ( children chlo in your hands)
    Listen and see ( apply your hands to the ears and eyes)
    Three, two times ( children chlo in your hands)
    We start now ( put hands on the parties).
    We will remember everything
    To receive five!

    II. Repetition of the material studied earlier.

    What big section began to study? ( Our land)

    What is the name of our land? ( Moscow region)

    What is part of our region? ( Moscow and Moscow region)

    Work with a map. Slide.(Attachment 1)

    What color is our edge on the administrative map of Russia? Show it on the map. (The student at the board shows the territory of the region).

    III. Check your homework.

    What did you need to prepare for today's lesson on the topic "my edge"? ( Write a letter to a friend abroad about your edge)

    Reading letters to friends abroad.

    Some students work with tests on our edge. (Appendix 2)

    IV. Introduction to the subject of the lesson.

    Today we will continue the conversation about the Moscow region, but first let's remember:

    What forms of the earth's surface do you know? (Plains, hills, mountains, lowland, plateore)

    How are they indicated on the physical map of Russia? (Plains - green, elevation - yellow, platea and mountains - light brown and brown)

    Work with a physical map of Russia . Slide.

    Show on the map of the plain and the plateore of Russia.

    What mountains are in Russia? Show them on the map.

    And where is the territory of our region on the physical map of Russia? (On the Eastern European Plain)

    Remember what kind of plain? (Hilly-flat)

    What do you think we will talk about today in the lesson? ( Student responses)

    V. Message Topics lesson. Slide.

    Today in the lesson we will talk about the relief or the surface of our region, environmental problems and the protection of the surface of the Moscow region.

    What will help us better know the terrain of our region? ( Map)

    Vi. Work on the lesson. Acquaintance with the physical map of the Moscow region. Slide.

    Before you, the physical map of the Moscow region. Carefully consider it.

    What can you say about the surface of our edge, looking at the card? ( Student responses).

    Summary of answers with display on the map: The relief of the Moscow region is predominantly plain: the western part is occupied by hilly hills (above 160 m) - Klin-Dmitrovsky ridge and Smolensk-Moscow elevation, and the eastern part occupies an extensive meshchersky lowland.

    Work on the relief of the city of Moscow.

    And where do we live with you?

    What do you know about Moscow? ( Located on the Eastern European Plain, the capital of Russia)

    What do you think, what kind of relief will be in Moscow? ( Student responses)

    Moscow also has hills and lowlands. According to the ancient legend, Moscow stands on seven hills: Borovitsky, Sretensky, Tverskoy, three, Schwien, Round, Lefortovo and Vorobyevsky.

    The highest point in Moscow is located near the metro Teply Stan, where the trade union street and Novo-Saysenvsky Prospect are intersect. Height above sea level here is 255 meters.On the divided lawn of Novoyasenevsky Avenue, there is a big boulder. This is a symbolic sign of the highest point of the city.

    But the lowest point in Moscow is near the bented bridge, where the Moscow River leaves the city, and rushes to the country expanses of the Meshchersk lowland. Height above sea level here 114 M. And also symbolically marked with a large boulder.

    Consider the difference in heights in Moscow. ( It is about 140 m)

    What are the forms of the earth's surface in our region? ( Hills and plains)


    Continuing the work on the lesson. Acquaintance with the form of the surface of the ravine and the beam.

    But besides the hills and lowlands in our region, you can meet other forms such as - ravine and beam. Slide.

    Which of you saw a ravine or beam? What can I tell about them? ( Student responses)

    The largest ravine in Moscow is located in the Kolomenskoye Museum. It is called voice ravine. Slide

    Somewhere his slopes are relatively gentle, but somewhere coolest. In places there are even installed anti-laminated barriers - retaining walls. In some places, stairs are installed on the slopes - without them, even at dry ground, rise oh how difficult.

    Below in the ravine flows the stream. Water in the ribbon creepy. Its temperature is the same all year. According to reference, water from the springs and the stream is healing.

    Slide. Work on the textbook.

    And now let's work with the textbook to better get acquainted with such surface shapes as a ravine and beam. ( Reading the text of the text on the ravine and beam)

    Work in pairs on cards.

    Now, using the material of the textbook, find similarities and differences between the ravine and beam and fill in the cards with the table that you have on your desktop. (Appendix 3)(Check job on slide)

    Do you think, the benefits of our edge are applied to the benefit or harm? (Student Answers)

    The ravines are lightening large areas of fertile land. Therefore, people are fighting with ravines.

    Little rods buried and sow grass in their place.

    At the edges and slopes of the ravine, trees and shrubs are planting so that the ravine does not grow up.

    A across a small ravine put low laders from IV's stakes and rods. Over time, the stakes are strengthened and form a reliable alive barrier for water flows.

    What other forms of the surface are found on the territory of our region? (ravines and beams)

    Slide. Work in notebooks. Fastening the material.

    Now we write everything in the notebooks that you learned about the surface of our Moscow region.

    (The surface of our edge is flat and hilly. On the surface there are ravines and beams).


    Continuing the work on the lesson. Environmental problems of the Moscow region.

    And how do people use the surface of our region? (Student Answers)

    Slide. Summarizing answers : People build cities, roads, handle the soil under the crops, miner minerals in quarries.

    As a result of the use of the earth's surface, serious environmental problems arise. What are these problems and how are they solved in our region?

    Problem number 1. Slide.

    The quarry is a huge wound on the surface of the Earth. Once in the career mined sand, clay, limestone. After the end of development, the quarry remained abandoned, and over time he can turn into a ravine.

    How can I use it? ( Replies of students).

    Generalization: Flip the quarry and in this place to triple the field or plant a forest; You can turn into a pond and breed fish in it.

    Problem number 2. Slide

    Building landfills - places of land occupied by construction garbage (broken brick, fragments of glass, stoves and many others.) Similar landers occupy huge spaces of land, pollute the air and soil, light up.

    Measures to combat landfills:

    Sorting garbage and processing it at special factories;

    The dumps are spilled, fall asleep the earth, plant on their places of the plant.

    Problem number 3. Slide

    Wrong decay lands on the slopes of the hills. If the grooves are descended along the slope, then rain and thawed water will be descended, and this can lead to the formation of the ravine. Therefore, the lands on a hilly plain open only across the slope so that raindrops and thareme water wash the soil on the furrows.

    Problem number 4. Slide.

    Look at the unusual mountains that appeared on our planet for human fault. Such mountains are called tercons. They were formed from waste (empty rocks) during mining. Unfortunately, they do not adorn our planet at all, but on the contrary - they disfiguring it.

    Think what are the hotcock? ( Replies of students)

    Summary of Replies: they occupy fertile lands, pollute the air and water, light up.

    How do people fight groundclocions? Slide.

    Tercons level, bring the soil and plant plants. Extract valuable substances from the embrace rocks.

    VII. Fastening the material. Game "Learn Me!" Slide.

    And now check how you know the shape of the earth's surface and what of them are in our Moscow region?

    VIII. The outcome of the lesson.

    What did they talk about in the lesson?

    What forms of the earth's surface are in our Moscow region?

    How do people use the surface in our region?

    Do I need to protect the surface of our edge?

    (Yes, not to break the beauty of the earth, prevent the appearance of ravines and landfills, I hope that when you grow up, you will try to do everything so that our Moscow region will become more painful, and there were no such places that cause pain and insult) .

    Installing estimates for work in the lesson.

    IX. Homework. Slide.


    1. To form students an idea of \u200b\u200bthe surface of the native edge.
    2. Learning to work with a card.
    3. Develop the cognitive activity of children, observation, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

    Equipment:physical map of the region, photos of ravines, quarries, landfills.

    During the classes

    1. Organizational moment, message topic and lesson purposes

    Over Russia, the sun shines,
    And rains are noisy over it.
    In general, the light in the whole light
    No country of her relatives!

    Why in general there is no relatives of the country? ( Russia is our homeland, the country in which we live. This is our home that is impossible not to love )

    Today I invite you on a journey through our native land. We will pass the territory of our region from the east to the West and from the north to south.

    2. Work on a new topic

    We have a satellite, together with which we will travel.

    Learn it!

    Good, good,
    On all people looks
    And people for themselves
    It is not necessary to look.
    (The sun )

    Of course, this is a sun! It will travel with us in our country, and more precisely, we will be satellites.

    We start our journey.

    (The sun is fixed above the Eastern European Plain).

    Where did we stop now? What can you say by studying the card?

    (We stopped at the East - European Plain. This is plain, because on the map it is shown light green color. And on it, like patches, yellow spots).

    We will try to open the mystery of yellow spots (viewing slides).

    What special did you notice in the relief of this plain? (Here the surface is uneven, there are hills)

    So what is the mystery of yellow spots? (This is a hill).

    Yes. This is a hill and hills, so this plain is called "hilly plain".

    And now keep the path to the capital of our Motherland. (Sun is fixed over Moscow).

    In the European part of Russia, in the transraction of Oka and Volga, we see a bright circle - the capital of Russia - Moscow is indicated. Around Moscow is the Moscow region. Her borders are shown in yellow.

    It is located in the Moscow region very convenient - in the center of the land and river roads, which come from the north to south and from the west to the east. Moscow is not only the capital of Russia, but also the main city, the regional center of the Moscow region.

    The Moscow region covers an area of \u200b\u200b4,700 square kilometers. It is more than the territory of such European states as Belgium, Denmark or Holland. It borders the Moscow region with seven regions.

    Guys, look at the Moscow Region map, show and name these seven areas. ( Yaroslavskaya, Vladimirskaya, Ryazan, Tula, Kaluga, Smolenskaya, Tver region).

    Guys, consider the card and determine which form of the surface is in the edge, as they are called.

    (Sun is fixed on the northwestern part of the Moscow region).


    The surface of the Moscow region is mainly flat and is part of the Eastern European hilly plain. The highest, hilly part of the Moscow region is North-West and West. Here are Smolensko-Moskov kaya hilly plain, elevation. On this hill hills, as it were, form a chain, ridge. On the the territory of the Moscow region is called Klianco - Dmitrovskaya.

    Guys, I want to add.

    Indeed, the Moscow region is located in the center of the East European Plain. The North of the region is occupied by a wetlated Uppervolzh lowland. South of her is a hilly Smolenskoye-Moscow elevation. Here, near the city of respect is located the highest point of the region (310 m above sea level). The northwest edge of this hill is known as Klin-Dmitrovsky Ridge. Rivers, originating to the north of her, fall into the Volga, and those that begin south - in OKU (with the exception of Yachroma).

    Guys, where is our sunshine? (Our sunshine located in the south of our region).

    Taking advantage of the scale of heights, determine which forms of the surface are south. What are their names?


    The south-western and southern part of the region is occupied by the weak-haired Moskvoretsko - the Oka Plain, on which a small elevation is distinguished - Teplostanskaya.

    You said that the south-western part of the Moscow region occupies Moskvoretsko - the Oka Plain. It belongs to the heat-station hill on which is located the highest point of Moscow is 253 m.

    Guys, our sun is located? ( northeast).What is the surface in this area of \u200b\u200bthe region?


    North and East of the region occupy flat plains. In the east, this plain is very frozen and is part of the Meshcherskaya lowland Meshchera.

    Klyazma River in Vladimir Meshrereg. . Petushki

    Well done boys! That's right you said. I would like to add only the fact that the Meshchership lowland, Meshrora, is an extensive plain located in the Central Federal District, which occupies the eastern part of the Moscow Region, South-Vladimir and North-Ryazan regions. This is distinguished by: Meshörier near Moscow, Vladimir Meshchera and Ryazan Meshör. In the north of the lowland, the height above sea level is 120 - 130 meters, falling up to 80 - 100 meters in the southern part of the lowland. In the center of the lowland from the city of Yegoryevsk to the city of Kasimova, a small hill is drawn, folded by sands and soglinkami - the Meshchersky ridge, its average height is about 140 m and the maximum - 171.8 m (Aryushina at the village of Savinskaya Orekhovo - Zuevsky district).

    3. Fizkultminutka

    Blowing the wind to us in the face
    The village was hardened.
    Wind quieter, quieter, quieter,
    The tree is higher above.

    4. Continuation of a new topic

    The surface of the Moscow region is composed in the main sand and clay. These substances are easily blurred by water. Therefore, there are many ravines everywhere in our area. And how are ravines formed? (Children's responses).

    The ravines destroy fertile lands. This is not harmful to the auction, so people are fighting with ravines.

    Name several methods of combating ravines.

    Paramonovsky Ovrag

    The ravines are very much in our area. One ravine is located in our area, near the river Klyazma in the city of Korolev.

    And what is the surface of Moscow? Look at the map of Moscow ( by most of the surface is flat).

    Right. Most flat, strongly wetched plain. Extensive and especially shadow swamps occupied the entire eastern part of Moscow. On the site of the modern squares of theatrical and revolution there was a swamp "Pogatan Brod". The territory of modern VVC was very wetrated. Only the southern part of Moscow is a hilly heat-bearing plain, which is closer to the center goes to the Mountain Sparrow. But these are not real mountains, but one of the highest places in Moscow. Common opinion that Moscow stands on seven hills, not quite accurate. These are just elevated, steep banks of the rivers. For example, Borovitsky and Vagankovsky (on it there is a building of the Russian State Public Library - House Pashkov) The hills are located above the Moscow River, Tagansky - over Jauza, three-thorny - over the River Presnya.

    5. Fastening

    1. What is plain?
    2. What is the plain depicted on this scheme?
    3. Name the causes of the appearance of the ravine.
    4. What feelings do you experience, looking at these photos? (I propose to consider photos of the wasterees, abandoned quarries).

    6. Summing up

    1. What did we know today in the lesson?
    2. What do we call the native edge?
    3. Where is our area?
    4. What is the surface of our area?
    5. What harm brings ravines to people?

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