Povna skoromovka lived 3 Chinese. Three Chinese tongue twisters lived

Povna skoromovka lived 3 Chinese. Three Chinese tongue twisters lived

We are developing a modern child's apparatus not only with simple, but also with folding carts. Regardless of those who are children, it is easy to memorize great obsyagi іnformatsiї to remind you, get out of the satisfaction and do it carefully to remember the folds, ale cіkavі texts. For example, enough Vіdoma skoromovka LIVED BULI THREE CHINA,Children remember for 8-10 repetitions, wanting to grow up a person "mova zlamaє", namagayuchis shvidko vimoviti words tsієї koromovki. My son-preschooler, bazhayuchi swear at granny, having memorized the words tsієї koromovki literally from the summer and reciting її shvidko, practically without hesitation.

There lived three Chinese:
Yak, Yak-Cidrak,

There lived three Chinese women:
Tsipka, Tsipka-Dripka,

Yak on Tsiptsі,
Yak-Tsidrak on Tsiptsi-Driptsi,
on Tsiptsі-Driptsі-Lampamponi.

Children were born:
Yak has that Tsipki - Shah.
Yak-Tsidrak has that Tsipka-Dripka - Shah-Sharakh.
At Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidrak-Tsidroni
and Tsipki-Dripki-Lampamponi -

Yak bachite, koromovka ZHILI BULI THREE CHINATSI to make the smart-witted at first glance, but the child's dope mind grasps the text as a whole is richly simpler. Cleverness for a child - tse podlannya of the singing step, a new side for an uninterrupted development. The child feels more impressed, so that he can correctly formulate his thought and hang his thought. Fahіvtsі often equate the rіvіn іn zagalny rozvika little lyudina with іvіm vykoristannya her mov. Vaughn trains memory, respect, in the presence of it, it’s also to lie on the scales of the child’s memory, everything will be remembered for what comes if the child is enthralled. The fathers should give special respect to the molding of the yoga machine. Skoromovka about Chinese for a small child, milking is foldable. It’s even easier to learn about him at once, children of the box, you will know about them below.

With skoromovki you can learn how to correctly move words and control your voice. Vibrantly, clearly and with a singing swidkistyu, express your thoughts out loud, without slurring words. If you care that the child's vim is correct, we won't take practice of skormovov for perfect diction. A robot with small cheerful vertices will bring a lot of joy, with its own blackness, to remember the form of a good memory. And it’s wrong to say something wrong, to call out laughter, without everyday slander.

It is merry to tell the carts, but from the beginning to the end of the selection, you are serious. Not until the end of the formations of the movniy apparat degraduvatime, as if to pronounce children vivchiti not those phrases. Here there is a trace of individual peculiarities. On the back, choose small rims of cleanliness, in an hour you can make things more complicated - below you will find another option for a box about the Chinese. Give respect to the wadi near your child to your little one, and choose the rhymes for the sounds, as if you were straying. Skoromovka I’m not guilty of being tedious, stories are hovering around with zmistom, let them have 4 words.

Ditina is guilty of taking the robot with cleanliness and sacks like a grue. Just say a phrase in a commanding tone, vimagati - you will achieve a salutary effect (it’s more if it’s not easy for you to remember the phrase), to lower the self-esteem of the little one. Striking when trying vimoviti koromovka translate zhartom, but it didn’t look like a gluzuvannya. Such a folding container, as presented above THERE LIVED THREE CHINESE to go for the children of a school age, and for the little ones, to remember simply, in one proposition, the pantry.

Be it, to make the least progress in the vimov is to be blamed for praise. Let the wine rozpovіst koromovka on the wound, or else, whoever came to you at the guest. The child is guilty of knowing what is being written about him.

It is possible to start practicing with skoromovki on specific sounds, if you can hear the little ones, and even if you don’t sing in some very words, it’s better to work.

Another version of the box about the Chinese "There were three Chinese" for the development of a mobile device and diction.

Once upon a time there lived three Chinese: Yak, k-Tsidraku,
There lived three Chinese women: Tsipі, Tsipі-Drippі,

All the stinks got married: Yak on tsip, Yak-tsidrak on Tsipi-dripp,
Yak-tsidrak-tsidrak-tsidroyu on Tsipі-drіppі-drіppo-pіy
And they had children: Tzipi - Shah, Tzipi-Drippі - Shah-Sharah, Tzipi-drіppі-drіppo-sing - Shah-sharakh-sharasha-sing
Nothing to go to China, all the same you drive.

And the simplest containers for little ones:

Tsіkavі dityachі pantry for the little ones.

Mova without tassels, ale tse do not respect yoga lamati with wimov skomovok. In Russia, if the speeches were called by their names, the pantry was rightly called a mover. The stinks vikonuvalsya spіvakami and clowns for the sake of fun, parіvnі s cheerful parts. Dozens of years have passed. People have seen the crests of power in their movers, endowed them with literate appointments and learned the regions, where it is impossible to get by without carts.

Tongue twisters and de stinks are needed

Why are pans so popular? Advice from the appointed:
This is a complicated phrase, with a set of sounds that are rhythmically repeated. Primushu pratsyuvati movnі organs, stimulating special zones of measles of the brain, vіdpovіdalnі for mova.

Skoromovki train not only memory, but also improve the robot's brain. With help, my language becomes beautiful, sung by that clear. The axis of which was given to them to the right place at the training apparatus.

If a great person can sometimes relax and allow his own language to be paid, then in some areas of professional activity I threaten to slander and slander. To that, put the pantry on the zamіtsi in ...

A Logopediv.
Calling speech therapists to correct the defects of the language. І skomovki mіtsno zmіtsnilis at that practice. To improve the patient's age and other language problems, speech therapists individually select trays to improve the quality of care of patients.

B TV presenters.
Victims to the screen spend most of their lives under the chimney glance of thousands of eyes. Engage with TV presenters - give NATO a boost. And why don’t you get rid of the IQ values, but become overgrown with cliques of nonsense: “The squad knocked out the teeth of you, that’s why the letter N is to blame, becoming the letter Sh.” And as a TV presenter at heart, it’s not Jim Carrey, such roses of wine can be buried, keeping the language in good shape.

On the Internet, there are a lot of videos, TV presenters of news, shows and programs, and they promote the most affordable carts. Why only the text “Liguria” from the Viconan Svitlana of Tulskaya and Deer Solomino.

In Aktoriv.
For the appearance of the character, the actor is guilty not only of stamping his foot at the right moment, but of making a grimace at the face. Ні, він plays the role with our body and voice.

With a general glance, the actor moves the language at a tragic moment - he does not engage in monotonous readings of the script, but changes intonation, tempo, voice for significance, and timbre. It is impossible for such a robot to grow up, as language is being filled, for that labourers can successfully get into the actor's practice.

G ZMI commentators.
Vіdmіnna rice komentatorіv - Shvidka, literate movement, practiced to automatism. Let's take a look at sports commentators. We often have to play the folded names of athletes, voice them at the same time. The yakbi commentators sorted out the nicknames according to warehouses, until the stink they got only to the end of the gris (magannya).

D Politikiv.
It seems that the hesitation of my troop increases respect. The deputy of comprehension of information, the hearers mumble on the current pardon. Speak out politicians who are not guilty of revenge pardons, otherwise the text and the politician himself will instill significance in the eyes of people.

Yaskravy butt - politician Vitaliy Klitschko, in illogicality, hesitation in my small vocabulary, which created a bad reputation for him. People began to hear not SCHO wines, but YAK. Star parodies and Internet toads on yoga performance. In such situations, you will be helped to get to a speech therapist, which will provide you with an individual program for solving problems and, of course, do not forget about koromovki.

Skoromovki and humorous

Tongue twisters are no less good for developing language. The stench raises the mood and can become a garland rose for children and grown-ups. Russian humorists navit roam the pantry with a partial program:

  • “Yan is shucking an apple in Yandex, and Ruben is shucking fish in Rambleri,
    Tanya chats with Khachik at the chat, and the khachik is drooling, chayuchi in the Cherokee ... "
    (Garik Martirosyan. Comedy Club).

Heroes of Comedy do not change the repertoire, which they say, looking for specific flavors and colors.

  • “There is a parade in the yard, I will radiate radium, I will go to the parade, I will take a camera”
    (Team Polygraph Polygraphic. KVK).

A simple skoromovka, but the members of the jury appreciated it.

  • “Once upon a time there were three Chinese:
    Yak, Yak-Cidrak, Yak-Cidrak-Cidronі
    There lived three Chinese women:
    Tsipa, Tsipa-Dripa, Tsipa-Dripa-Lam-Pomponi.
    Yak on Tzipi,
    Yak-Tsіdrak on Tsipi-Dripi,
    Yak-Tsіdrak-Tsidronі on Tsipі-Dripі-Lam-Pomponі. Children were born to them:
    Yak with Tzipo Shah,
    At Yak-Tsіdrak with Tsipoy-Dripoy Shah-Sharakh,
    At Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidronі with Tsipoy-Dripoy-Limpompon Shah-Sharah-Sharony They lived, lived and died Sharakh, Shah-Sharah-Sharon.

The text of the box-carriage "Once upon a time there were three Chinese" by Vikon Sergiy Svіtlakov on the TV program "Pіvdenny Butovo", which deserved to be flooded with splashes of the gazing hall.

Tsya koromovka does not have a specific cost. It’s hard to see the fantasy of the one who says that there are carts about three Chinese, it’s easy to transform into a cart about three Japanese.

Svіtlakov's version of the short story about the Chinese (Japanese) is short and simple. By typing in the search system “the fast box lived three Chinese”, you can know at least 5 options for different folding and binding.

It was sung, the mova was staged, vikliche the povage of the lonely: like enemies, and friends. Povaga - the first step to success. Navіt yakscho won't show up at your damp inner world.

Do you want to learn how to speak clearly and speak beautifully? Vivchit kіlka simple, ale tsikavih skomovok, for example "Once upon a time there were three Chinese." Such a cheerful virshik positively infuses the development of a mobile device. Reshape Vimova’s quotation at the hoarse group “Who to talk to whom”, and after a certain hour remember that your Vimo’s diction has significantly improved.

In Ancient Russia, people were blessed with blasphemy and spivaki, like folds for remembrance, and ale merriment. Prote duzhe soon remembered everything, scho rozuchuvannya foldable phrases to finish the chorus. Skoromovka "Once upon a time there lived three Chinese" is highly popular. It is not known for certain who first came up with and developed.

So let's take a look at the appointments. Skoromovka is a small verse, or a phrase, made up of similar sounds that are often repeated. All folding is in the fact that it is necessary to move її more clearly and more rhythmically. If a person rozpovidaє rozuchenu koromovka ahead of time, її movnі organi pratsyut povnu force, akkremіzuyutsya okremі zone measles of the brain, yakі vіdpovidat for promotion.

Vimov's rhythmic verses are korisna like for children, ale and grown-ups. Skoromovka "About the Three Chinese" or about those, like "Sasha Sushinnya" to make your promo beautiful, clear, inspired. Dodatkovo pokraschitsya memory and brain pratsyuvatime aktivnіshe.

To whom obov'yazkovo is necessary to read the carts?

Whether a person is guilty of fasting thoroughly, pratsyuvati over the beauty of his mother and mother. Skoromovka lived a bula three Chinese would be like a skin. However, there are a few professions, representatives of which cannot afford a language that “gets paid”. It is necessary to take care of the constant rozuchuvannyam and the vimova sledge of obov'yazkovo:

  • Speech therapy. Fahivets tsієї profesії podpomagaє people pozavlyatsya defects mov. Vіn is guilty of nobility no less than 3 special virshikіv, so you can learn from the patient, to help him get rid of problems from vim's okremіh zvukіv.
  • TV presenters. At the announcer, who speaks on the live air, millions of TV viewers marvel. Such a person cannot afford to allow a fuzzy promo. You can put the least guard on a TV presenter on your car. To the very fact that the announcer does not want to become a wild laugh, he is guilty of regularly exercising his promo - to make the most savvy pantry.
  • Actors. In order to better convey the character of the character, the actors often have to win the voice without power. Vimov's special verses will help you learn how to quickly regulate the pace of movement, voice, timbre. The monotonous reading of the monologue put an end to your acting career.
  • Commentators. The language of such fahivtsiv obov'yazkovo can be clear, crisp, practiced practically to automatism. For example, sports commentators before the hour of the match often have to show the folds and achievements of athletes, describe their actions on the playing field. Reading language without hesitation is the main tool for making money as a commentator. For a successful career, it is necessary to constantly train one's own apparatus for help with the pantry.
  • Politics. It has been brought to light that the movement is quiet and indistinct; Do you want to convey your ideas to a great number of people? To do better, read your text, change your mind, in a new way you don’t get pardons, otherwise you won’t be taken seriously. The beginnings of politics are often spoken incorrectly, and they become objects of jarring and knowledge. Occupying with a speech therapist and learning colloquial phrases will help you correct the problems and accept the career growth.

It is important to give special respect to the development of the movie from the early years. As if your child is filthy making words, you can’t make twinkling sounds, take care of her at home, make a bag about three Chinese, or else. As if the virshiki did not help, they obov'yazkovo turned to the doctor.

Find home bins for humorists

The comedian and actor Sergiy Svitlakov, a rich story about the Chinese, was shown on the air of the TV show “Pivdenne Butovo”. Glyadachi tsey vistup already vouchsafed and remembered, that's why the version of the virshik began to grow up practically everywhere.

Irrespective of those who don’t want to do it, you can win without everyday folding. Try to grow at the same time from a child, and sing, it’s fun, it’s fun, it’s flamboyant. Deyakі words are not so easy to remember, for example "yak tsindrak". As a reminder, the text can be folded for you, you can twist the shortened version of the verse, the axis of the buttstock:

Residents of the Comedy Club often delight the public with specific fast food for their performances. You can easily find “pearls” from Garik Martirosyan “Shukay Yana apple in Yandex, and Ruben spur fish in Rambleri”, commands “Poligraph Polygraphic”, Svіtlakov about Chinese and other.

We are developing a modern child's apparatus as simple as it is with folding pantry. Regardless of those who are children, it is easy to memorize great obsyagi іnformatsiї to remind you, get out of the satisfaction and do it carefully to remember the folds, ale cіkavі texts. For example, enough Vіdoma skoromovka LIVED BULI THREE CHINA,Children remember for 8-10 repetitions, wanting to grow up a person "mova zlamaє", namagayuchis shvidko vimoviti words tsієї koromovki. My son-preschooler, bazhayuchi swear at granny, having memorized the words tsієї koromovki literally from the summer and reciting її shvidko, practically without hesitation.

There lived three Chinese:
Yak, Yak-Cidrak,

There lived three Chinese women:
Tsipka, Tsipka-Dripka,

Yak on Tsiptsі,
Yak-Tsidrak on Tsiptsi-Driptsi,
on Tsiptsі-Driptsі-Lampamponi.

Children were born:
Yak has that Tsipki - Shah.
Yak-Tsidrak has that Tsipka-Dripka - Shah-Sharakh.
At Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidrak-Tsidroni
and Tsipki-Dripki-Lampamponi -

Yak bachite, koromovka ZHILI BULI THREE CHINATSI to make the smart-witted at first glance, but the child's dope mind grasps the text as a whole is richly simpler. Cleverness for a child - tse podlannya of the singing step, a new side for an uninterrupted development. The child feels more impressed, so that he can correctly formulate his thought and hang his thought. Fahіvtsі often equate the rіvіn іn zagalny rozvika little lyudina with іvіm vykoristannya her mov. Vaughn trains memory, respect, in the presence of it, it’s also to lie on the scales of the child’s memory, everything will be remembered for what comes if the child is enthralled. The fathers should give special respect to the molding of the yoga machine. Skoromovka about Chinese for a small child, milking is foldable. It’s even easier to learn about him at once, children of the box, you will know about them below.

With skoromovki you can learn how to correctly move words and control your voice. Vibrantly, clearly and with a singing swidkistyu, express your thoughts out loud, without slurring words. If you care that the child's vim is correct, we won't take practice of skormovov for perfect diction. A robot with small cheerful vertices will bring a lot of joy, with its own blackness, to remember the form of a good memory. And it’s wrong to say something wrong, to call out laughter, without everyday slander.

It is merry to tell the carts, but from the beginning to the end of the selection, you are serious. Not until the end of the formations of the movniy apparat degraduvatime, as if to pronounce children vivchiti not those phrases. Here you need to rely on individual features. On the back, choose small rims of cleanliness, you can make things more complicated in an hour - below you will find another option for a box about the Chinese. Give respect to the wadi near your child to your little one, and choose the rhymes for the sounds, as if you were straying. Skoromovka I’m not guilty of being tedious, stories are hovering around with zmistom, let them have 4 words.

Ditina is guilty of taking the robot with cleanliness and sacks like a grue. Just say a phrase in a commanding tone, vimagati - you will achieve a salutary effect (it’s more if it’s not easy for you to remember the phrase), to lower the self-esteem of the little one. Striking when trying vimoviti koromovka translate zhartom, but it didn’t look like a gluzuvannya. Such a folding container, as presented above THERE LIVED THREE CHINESE to go for the children of a school age, and for the little ones, to remember simply, in one proposition, the pantry.

Be it, to make the least progress in the vimov is to be blamed for praise. Let the wine rozpovіst koromovka on the wound, or else, whoever came to you at the guest. The child is guilty of knowing what is being written about him.

It is possible to start practicing with skoromovki on specific sounds, if you can hear the little ones, and even if you don’t sing in some very words, it’s better to work.

Another version of the box about the Chinese "There were three Chinese" for the development of a mobile device and diction.

Once upon a time there lived three Chinese: Yak, k-Tsidraku,
There lived three Chinese women: Tsipі, Tsipі-Drippі,

All the stinks got married: Yak on tsip, Yak-tsidrak on Tsipi-dripp,
Yak-tsidrak-tsidrak-tsidroyu on Tsipі-drіppі-drіppo-pіy
And they had children: Tzipi - Shah, Tzipi-Drippі - Shah-Sharah, Tzipi-drіppі-drіppo-sing - Shah-sharakh-sharasha-sing
Nothing to go to China, all the same you drive.

Turn to head side


Do you want to learn how to speak clearly and speak beautifully? Vivchit kіlka simple, ale tsikavih skomovok, for example "Once upon a time there were three Chinese." Such a cheerful virshik positively infuses the development of a mobile device. Reshape Vimova’s quotation at the hoarse group “Who to talk to whom”, and after a certain hour remember that your Vimo’s diction has significantly improved.

In Ancient Russia, people were blessed with blasphemy and spivaki, like folds for remembrance, and ale merriment. However, soon everyone remembered that the development of colloquial phrases is to make it boring. Skoromovka "Once upon a time there lived three Chinese" is highly popular. It is not known for certain who first came up with and developed.

So let's take a look at the appointments. Skoromovka is a small verse, or a phrase, made up of similar sounds that are often repeated. All folding is in the fact that it is necessary to move її more clearly and more rhythmically. If a person rozpovidaє rozuchenu koromovka ahead of time, її movnі organi pratsyut povnu force, akkremіzuyutsya okremі zone measles of the brain, yakі vіdpovidat for promotion.

Vimov's rhythmic verses are korisna like for children, ale and grown-ups. Skoromovka "About the Three Chinese" or about those, like "Sasha Sushinnya" to make your promo beautiful, clear, inspired. Dodatkovo pokraschitsya memory and brain pratsyuvatime aktivnіshe.

To whom obov'yazkovo is necessary to read the carts?

Whether a person is guilty of fasting thoroughly, pratsyuvati over the beauty of his mother and mother. Skoromovka lived a bula three Chinese would be like a skin. However, there are a few professions, representatives of which cannot afford a language that “gets paid”. It is necessary to take care of the constant rozuchuvannyam and the vimova sledge of obov'yazkovo:

  • Speech therapy. Fahivets tsієї profesії podpomagaє people pozavlyatsya defects mov. Vіn is guilty of nobility no less than 3 special virshikіv, so you can learn from the patient, to help him get rid of problems from vim's okremіh zvukіv.
  • TV presenters. At the announcer, who speaks on the live air, millions of TV viewers marvel. Such a person cannot afford to allow a fuzzy promo. You can put the least guard on a TV presenter on your car. To the very fact that the announcer does not want to become a wild laugh, he is guilty of regularly exercising his promo - to make the most savvy pantry.
  • Actors. In order to better convey the character of the character, the actors often have to win the voice without power. Vimov's special verses will help you learn how to quickly regulate the pace of movement, voice, timbre. The monotonous reading of the monologue put an end to your acting career.
  • Commentators. The language of such fahivtsiv obov'yazkovo can be clear, crisp, practiced practically to automatism. For example, sports commentators before the hour of the match often have to show the folds and achievements of athletes, describe their actions on the playing field. Reading language without hesitation is the main tool for making money as a commentator. For a successful career, it is necessary to constantly train one's own apparatus for help with the pantry.
  • Politics. It has been brought to light that the movement is quiet and indistinct; Do you want to convey your ideas to a great number of people? To do better, read your text, change your mind, in a new way you don’t get pardons, otherwise you won’t be taken seriously. The beginnings of politics are often spoken incorrectly, and they become objects of jarring and knowledge. Occupying with a speech therapist and learning colloquial phrases will help you correct the problems and accept the career growth.

It is important to give special respect to the development of the movie from the early years. As if your child is filthy making words, you can’t make twinkling sounds, take care of her at home, make a bag about three Chinese, or else. As if the virshiki did not help, they obov'yazkovo turned to the doctor.

Find home bins for humorists

The comedian and actor Sergiy Svitlakov, a rich story about the Chinese, was shown on the air of the TV show “Pivdenne Butovo”. Glyadachi tsey vistup already vouchsafed and remembered, that's why the version of the virshik began to grow up practically everywhere.

Irrespective of those who don’t want to do it, you can win without everyday folding. Try to grow at the same time from a child, and sing, it’s fun, it’s fun, it’s flamboyant. Deyakі words are not so easy to remember, for example "yak tsindrak". As a reminder, the text can be folded for you, you can twist the shortened version of the verse, the axis of the buttstock:

Residents of the Comedy Club often delight the public with specific fast food for their performances. You can easily find “pearls” from Garik Martirosyan “Shukay Yana apple in Yandex, and Ruben spur fish in Rambleri”, commands “Poligraph Polygraphic”, Svіtlakov about Chinese and other.

Skoromovka is one of the best tools for correcting diction. Sound them to the children, so that they more easily mastered the peculiarities of the quiet and other sounds and letters. Progressive and collapsible, and even more so, the texts actively began to win and mature for the constant practice of diction and the reduction of rhetoric. In today's world, a box about the Chinese is obov'azkovymi for announcers, orators, actors and presenters. You can take them on the occasion and the rows of coristuvachi, as if they learn to learn to speak in a different way, to speak fluently.

What is more folding, Tim tsikavіshe

Regularly busy with wimov and dosing folding bags to refine the style. In the course of time, the language becomes virtuous and pure. On this day, there are impersonal carts - and comedy "folk", and vivirenikh "professional". Chim won't be folded and cunning, Tim tsіkavіshe rozuchuvati. From the right position a box about 3 Chinese people is an ideal option! Try її to read at an accelerated pace! Don't seem to be talking about those who need to remember. let it be and come up with it, it’s unbelievable, like it’s folded with a skin offensive word:

There lived three Chinese:

Yak, Yak-Tsidrak, Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidron.

And three more Chinese women: Tsipa, Tsipa-Dripa, Tsipa-Dripa-Lampompon.

Yak on Tsipi became friends, Yak-Tsidrak on Tsipi-Dripi,

Yak-Tsіdrak-Tsіdron-Tsіdronі on Tsipі-Dripі-Lampomponі…

Axis they had children:

At Yak with Tzipoyu - Shah,

At Yak-Tsidrak with Tsipoy-Dripoy - Shah-Sharah,

At Yak-Tsіdraku-Tsidronі-Tsіdronі with Tsipoy-Dripoy-Lampoponі -


Cіkavim fact є those that, on the vіdmіnu vіd grown up, the little ones remember її shvidko. Adzhe tsya is right not only foldable, but tsikava.

Report about zmist

If you delve into the essence of the koromovka about the Chinese, then you will become aware of how simple its structure is. Once upon a time there were three Chinese (their names were re-carried out more), after thinking about three ladies of nationality (also for growing - Tsipka, friend-Tsipka-Dripka and the rest of Tsipka-Dripka-Lampompon). If happy dreams fit between the heroes, there is no short cut option. And the koromovka about the Chinese is true - it’s the same, where after the slyubu the people are slapped. Skladnіst have tsomu, scho to change the names of friends (who with kim pіshov pіd vіnets) that yogo offspring, for example Shah-Sharah-Sharah-Sharoni, mayzhe is impossible. Ale, children memorize the words literally from the beginning, only after 5-6 repetitions, and immediately start reciting її without hesitation.


In the alternative version of the carousel-lichniks, the replacement of the names of the Chinese is introduced, starting from the third person's name: Cidron-Cidronia stands - Tsidrak-Tsidroyu. Let me know the change of women's names. Tsypa staє Tsipi, Tsipa-Dripa change their ending from “a” to “i”, the rest of them change the ending of the first and other words, obviously, from “a” to “i”, and also from “a” to “ nі”, the name was changed again for example from Lampompon to the following sound: -Drippo-Sing. "Befriended" smoothly into "moved over." Dali zmist text is repeated after it only because it sounds like other names, the sequence of grouping of these three pairs does not change. And the axis of the children in the lichils was born only from the Chinese women, they don’t take part here. The names of the first two dіtlakhіv sound like in the first variant, and the axis of the rest is taken away by the other name for the end: - Sharonі stay - Sharasha-Poi. Well, and add to the meaning of the completion of the lіchilka, ring out for the children, when choosing who to drive.

Mova yak new side at the rose

So the power of the world, that the dopeful rozum of a baby in the age of 5-6 years and older accepts the text of the box for the Chinese without problems. It’s right to speak about the greed of such people and in life, even if you speak for a child, a new side to his uninterrupted development. And fakhіvtsі, in their turn, slander on the vіdpovіdnostі zagalnogo rіvnja rіvnі rіvnі rіvnі movlennya malyuka. Little merry men train not only because of the rules and the rules of the box about the Chinese. The child is not only able to learn how to correctly use words, but to control his capture the whole range of intonations.

Smіh without pretense

Work with carts to bring joy and merriment, even if it was wrong to move it, it was better to laugh, without bait! Here and join the group of the most popular pantry about the Chinese! Only obov'yazkovo is necessary to give special respect to be-yaki vadi at vimov.
