Right in view of the zaїkuvatostі of children and grown-ups. Right for dyhalic gymnastics when closing Right for movement smoothness when closing

Right in view of the zaїkuvatostі of children and grown-ups. Right for dyhalic gymnastics when closing Right for movement smoothness when closing

Good day everyone! Do you know what you have the right to bring about 50% of the result in the treatment of diseases in children? Golovne here regularity to take that obsession. Ale, if you want a child to win over, why don’t you want to? That one-manality yogo rot. Ale w hіd є! And now I'll tell you about the new one.

Ale schob the little ones vykonuvav їh іz happy, yogo zatsіkaviti is necessary. Chim? Well, I'm thundering! It’s better to say to him, not: “Let's get a loan,” but: “Come on, let's get a loan!” And so that the little ones do not get tired of single-manhood, it is necessary to work so that the games are different.

  • Articulation.
  • M'yazovoi (learn to relax).
  • Dihal gymnastics

    Vzagali, dihalna technique - the thing is already corny. Vaughn helps with zaїkuvatostі, and I will speed up the process of becoming promoted. The widest is Strelnikova's charge. The bottom line is that, under different physical conditions, the little ones breathed in and watched the rules. There were a lot of manipulations, contributions to relaxation, and control of the breath, and the development of current zdіbnosti.

    For such a large-scale technique, I can suggest the simplest options, but the effectiveness of any of them is not reduced.

  • Splashing sponges one on one, like fish.
  • Let's see, what a tongue, what a toothbrush! Ask the baby to brush his teeth with his tongue with his mouth closed.
  • M'yazova gymnastics

    And now vchimosya speak loudly and vpevneno. For an hour, you have the right to ask the little one to trim his head straight and marvel right at your eyes. Aje tse is so important with roses! Zoro contact. If the child is called, it’s nothing to consider stinginess and soromitis.

  • The sounding of the quiet voices themselves only changes not the loudness, but the intonation: angry, affectionate, summarily, cheerfully.
  • Uyavnyy 'yachik b'єtsya about a pіdlogu zі sound MO, about the wall zі sound ME then.
  • I nasamkinets vіdreguluєmo almost like tact in the movie.

    Rhythmic gymnastics

    I remember that in the 5th grade I started teaching high school dance lessons. There they chose according to this principle: the teacher tapped the melody with the key, and they repeated it. Axis schos is more robimo and in the case of splendid zaїkuvatostі.

    We start from a simple one. Knock 2 times, then 2 more. Let the child repeat. Now we make the task easier: knock 2, then 3 times.

    vidi right

    Zaїkuvatіst, tse serozna movna ailment, yak not vіdrazu pіddaєtsya therapy. I likuvannya is richer here. In fact, it is necessary that the child not only learned how to speak correctly, but also scribbled many skills. And you can only work harder for the help of poor manipulations.

    Tse is simple! Adzhe is right in case of zaїkuvatostі in children directing to the development of offensive systems:

  • Dyhal.
  • Voice.
  • Development of a little bit of rhythm.
  • Bachete, how does a great robot need to be robbed? There is no mention of single-manhood and movi! Well, now, if it’s clear, you can tell a child about the essence of the skin technique.

  • Let the little one lay on his back. Put youma on the tummy of a soft toy. Now it is necessary to breathe in, inflate live. The toy rises up the hill. After that, I see it, smooth with the sound “pfff”. At the same time, the breath of the equal and calm one is reached.
  • Duєmo cotton balls. Raise small breasts from the wool, and blow at once from the little ones. More manipulation can be done on a smooth table. And then let's make the task easier: lay a terry towel. Shmatochki cotton wool are chipped by the villi. Tim himself has a sporting interest in the little one, we gain more time, and we breathe more.
  • And millions of bubbles! Well, like a child їх not to love to start up? I have fun, and it’s bright at the hour!
  • Through a straw you can dmukhati near the water. Do you see how many sacks you bring to the little one?
  • Tell me, do you know if you still apply it? Share? Well, for now I’ll tell you about articulation!

    Articulation gymnastics

    Articulation gymnastics in case of constriction is recognized as one of the most effective. Wow! Aje here train m'yazi articulation apparatus! See for yourself:

  • Inflate cheeks, let's go down. Now we can inflate the skin of the cheek.
  • With a tongue, it is pressed either on one, or on the other side of the cheek.
  • Inflate the cheeks and close your mouth. Now we strike on the cheeks with fists, so that again it comes out of the noise.
  • Bite your upper lip, sweat your lower lip.
  • You can ask a child for a cream, with an open mouth, cough a sprat once or call. Golovne, look after the system! And do not forget about complexity.

    Pom_chali, like a baby, which one starts to roll? Go hurriedly, but do not try to say a word differently. And with whom, yoga m'yazi begins to strain, be it: individuals, shii, shoulders. Moreover, there is no significant reason for the illness.

    Well, you need to learn to relax. Ask the child to strain, be it a part of the body, for example, clench your fists for 5 seconds. Now ask to relax as much as possible. Those same work with the other part of the body.

    Voice gymnastics

    Rule a small vistava less for the members of this family. Then you can ask for friends, you know well what kind of little ones. This method helps to learn not to be afraid to speak loudly and openly to the public.

    Order from tsim zastosovyte іnshі simple dії:

    • Spіv vowels: ATІЄ, be-yakі іnshі combinations. With whom, adjust the volume: loudly, quietly, loudly, now everything is quieter and quieter.
    • Instead of sounds, you can caress with your little hands under the top. For example: “HAZYAKA THROW THE BUNNY. ". take it easy and easily forget the verses. So, fakhіvtsі to please the people's songs and potishki to sleep.

      With constant and painstaking work, similar logopedic training will give a remarkable result. Dear grown up, the very mind of our mood is to lie down a healthy baby! Virte and see everything!

      And now tell you how to get rid of ailments? Yakі іgrovi right know? Leave comments and become pre-payers to the blog. Until the new season. Docks!

      Card file with speech therapy on the topic:
      Corrective games for the adoption of zaїkuvatostі in preschool children 4 - 7 years

      Front view:

      Corrective games for the adoption of zaїkuvatostі in preschool children

      In this robot, there are games for the correction of constipation in children of preschool age. Recommended games based on the improvement of didactic principles, the nature of the game activity, the age and individual characteristics of children, the stages of corrective work and lexical topics. Giving games is one of the aspects of the pedagogical impact on children in the complex method of adoption of education.

    • MOVEMENT STAGE (moving and whispering mode)
    • The task of the stage: the development of children's primal and dovilnoy motility and m'yazіv individuals in a way of victorious relaxation of the right, articulatory gymnastics, speech therapy rhythmics; vіdpratsyuvannya movnogo dyhannya: trivality, smooth vidihu; vihovannya auditory respect and auditory memory, Zorovoi respect and Zorovo memory; a sufficient order for the development of special qualities: vytrimki, serendipity, heritage through the teaching of igor, rules igor, elements of creative grey.

      4th week - "Children's garden", "Igrashki"

      Tsіlі. Zyattya supra-worldly alertness. Turn off the speedy icon and the wrong movie. Prepare the nervous system of children to form the correct novice. Vihovannya patience and perseverance. Igri-Movchanki helps create a protective regime and relax yoga for children less tight.

      To put a grown-up on a chіlne mіsce pіsochny year and deafen: “For a long time balakav tongue. Win tired and lock. Whoever is the first to speak, from that - a phantom. During the singing hour, the children pronounce the moves, calmly engage in painting, sticking, picking up puzzles. The child, that she missed, is guilty, for a previous reason, of falling in love with a toy, or a badge, etc. A grown-up hovaє fant, and then we see yogo as a win at the attacking grі.

      "The good enchanter sleeps"

      Wash the gris barking like a fairy tale: “... The good veleten has worked hard for the people, sowing the fields, inducing the garni of the boudinka. I got tired and fell asleep. Therefore, people around the whole place are quiet, they don’t speak to anyone. Axis and you don’t wake up yoga, play little boys in toys, find a place with cubes. Become a designer. Paint on this good command, how you manifest it ... ". On the desire of children it is possible

      assign the title of "Honorary Wart" or bestow it with the "Enchantment Wand"

      The grown-up proponuє іtinі іnshі mind the gri-movchanka: “…Now we are going to the theatre. At the hall for peeping people, sit calmly, do not talk, so that you do not inspire others ... ”At this hour, the child marvels at herself or shows her pictures to her fawns. Naprikintsi gri hopes for the title of "The Shortest Stare".

      Mature rozpovidaє about the library and podomlyaє mind gris: “... At the reading room, all people read the language. You can’t move if you don’t respect others ... ”Children can be inspired to rule the library of their toys. Put a book in front of the skin, it is necessary to read it (look over). For example, a child will take away the title of "Vidminniy chitach".

      “... By the seas, on different clays, in the arc of a cicava: marvelous ribs swim there, ridges of algae, corals grow on the skeletons, and majestic crabs hover under the stones ... Smiling scuba divers in masks sink to the bottom of the sea, little darts curl up on the sandbags. You can’t move under the water - otherwise you can drown ... ”To the plot of the good, give the game props: turtles, fireplaces, drink algae, ribs, underwater inhabitants, or zaproponuvat all the cost of painting and vizati. For example, a child will take the title of "The Best Scuba Diver".

      The grown-ups tell children about photo-pollution and know the rules of fire: “... especially thoughtful - the stench comes from the forest not with a towel, but with a camera. The stench roar the signs of wild creatures. For whom you need to go quietly to the creature. You need to remember the move, sit quietly in the cloakroom, check, if the cicada birds appear. You can’t talk at once - the photoelectric field begins ... ”You can prepare a camera, marvel at the illustrations of books and magazines. Tell about the sounds of wild creatures. A child can make a photo album "My Poluvannya", so that you can paint paper creatures on the edge of the Arkush. For example, a child is honored with the title of "Umily Photo Shooter".

      “... Mandrivniki walk with girish stitches. Nearly lowered peaks. Tse arcane garni, ale unsafe mist. It’s impossible to move: at the sound of a voice, hats can rise from the snow that hangs, a collapse begins. Near the mountains, at important crossings, it’s always quiet again ... ”Here you can win a backpack, a club, a compass, sportswear. At the "halt" you can sleep in a song, listen to a reading (recitation) of an adult. For example, a child is entitled to the title of "Vdvazhny tourist".

      “...Let's wonder if all your toys are healthy. The axis of the vedmedic's paw is moving. The hare, zdaєtsya, hurt wuha. It is necessary to follow them. Who can rob? You? Dobre! So, you are a doctor! Your toys have fallen ill - now they need silence ... Doctor calmly rejoicing toys. For example, a child will take away the title of "Kind Aibolit".

      In front of the cob, a mature rose says: “It’s too early for the vrants to sit on the birch of the river from the sound of fishermen. Put the worm on the hook, throw hair near the water. Sit quietly, so that the ribs do not get caught, and marvel at the float. Like a fish, more often than not, a worm's beak, a float zavoruschaetsya і pіde pіd water. Then the fisherman wins a wudka and on a hack of a city for moving that patience - a silver fish. You, fisherman, movchki, and calmly catch the fish, and for example, let’s catch your catch and look at the fish at once.”

      Movchazni іgri can be carried out behind the plots of literary works, like reading grown-ups. The child hears the mimic, imitates the character's voice, and imitates the surrounding words and sounds. Movchki draw or majstrue virobi on the subject of the eavesdropped.

      Games for the development of auditory respect

      Tsіl. Vznachennya straight to the sound.

      Settlement. Dzvinochok (dzvinochok, bryazkalce)

      Hid gri. Children sit with flattened eyes, the speech therapist gives a quiet signal with a little twinkle. Having flattened their eyes, the children marvel at the speech therapist, after the yoga team, there is only one who directly shows what they sensed.

      Tsіl. Vihovannya galvanic reactions.

      Hid gri. The speech therapist tells the children how to show off, choose, calmly think about the astronauts, she tells the children not to win anything without a signal. For example, the word "vicone" is taken as a signal. Speech therapist pronounces children to sit, stink. Let's keep vimovlyaє: "Vikonite" - the children get up. Abo: "Raise your hands uphill" - children sit quietly. "Raise your hands up, wink" - the children follow the commands.

      Tsіl. The development of coordination of movements and a sense of rhythm.

      Hid gri. The speech therapist taps the bubo quietly, then loudly and loudly. Vidpovidno before the sound of a tambourine, children vibrate ruhi: a quiet sound to walk on toes, a loud sound - a lower crock, a bigger loud sound - to run. Whoever has mercy, that flock, for example, of the colony. The most important ones show up ahead.

      Tsіl. Development of coordination of events.

      Settlement. Small bright toys.

      Hid gri. Children stand pіvkolom. Speech therapist showing a toy, like a stink hovatimut. The leader of the child comes out dead, and at the same time the teacher takes a toy from someone of the children behind his back. Behind the speech therapist's signal: "It's time" leading to the children, as if they were softly caressing at the valley. In the world of that, like a leader, it approaches a child, in which a toy is buried, children caress more loudly, as if moving away, the bells subside. per

      the strength of the sound of a child knows who it is possible to go to. Once the toy is found, another child is assigned to the water.

      "Sun and rain"

      Tsіl. Development of coordination and pace of development.

      Hid gri. Speech therapist even to children: “At once we were walking. I can't wait. The weather is good, let's choose leafing. You walk, and I will ring a tambourine, you will have fun walking under yoga sounds. As soon as the boards start, I will knock on the bubo. And you, having felt it, are guilty to go to the hut. Listen carefully."

      Tsіl. Molding of the diaphragmatic breath.

      Hid gri. The child, who is in the recumbent position, lays down the diaphragm area. Mature growing up rimuvannya:

      The hippos lay, the hippos went wild.

      Then the tummy rises (inhale),

      On the right, you can sit in a sitting position and accompany rimuvanya:

      The strength of hippopotamus, tucked their tummies.

      Then the tummy drops (vidih).

      "Ribka on the whiffs"

      Whole gris. Molding of a diaphragm type breather.

      Hid gri. Children perebuvayut at the position lying on the back. The child's hand should lie near the upper part of the abdomen (diaphragmatic area). A toy fish is put on the living. Speech therapist pronounces children to steal a fish, instead of spitting on the fluff. The respect of the child is directed at those who live “good rest”. On the right, 2-3 whilins, vikonuetsya without zusil, so that hyperventilation and the increase in m'yazovy tone disappear.

      Whole gris. Vihovannia correct dyhalnoy tempo.

      Hid gri. Children sit in Turkish, hands on the ceiling. Calm breath, pause for three seconds, nahil ahead - see. Turning at the exit, the camp is in. Repeat 3-4 times.

      Whole gris. Formation of the correct dihal rhythm.

      Hid gri. Children stand straight, raise their hands uphill, to reach an apple from a high tree - inhale. Pause for three seconds. Aja apple needs a lot and a charge. Lower your hands, heal the body forward and down - see. An apple needs to be put in a cat. Repeat 3-4 times.

      "Singing on the harmonica"

      Tsіl gri: shaping the correct rhythm of the breath.

      Children stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. Breathe in, pause for three seconds. Nakhil on the left side - more visible. The right beak is roaring like an accordion. At the exit position - inhale. Pause for three seconds. Nakhil at the right bik - more visible. The lewy bik is roaring, like an accordion. Repeat 3-4 times.

      Meta gri: virobity smooth, uninterrupted repetition of the strum.

      Hid gri: the children pronounce for a long time blow on the feast so that it is smoothly breathed out.

      Meta: the development of a moving breath, the formation of a vmіnnya robiti smooth and trivaly visible (not getting around).

      Obladnannya: leaves of spring trees.

      Children sit on chairs at the table. Speech therapist following the directions: “They took the maple leaf in the right hand, brought it to the mouth, blew, not puffing out the cheek, let the leaf in. The stinks descended on the table. They took the oak leaf in their right hand. And now leafing wasps. birch. gorobini. and etc.

      Meta: fluctuation of evenness of breath and smoothness of vision.

      Children inhale through the nis and smoothly see through the mouth, neither warming the hands. Repeat 3-4 times.

      Meta: shaping the smoothness of the vision.

      Hid gri: a speech therapist puts a picture in front of the children, or a mock-up of a pit with wives of a thin red paper. The children are taught to spread the “fading out” of the bagattya, breathing in through the nis and quite breathing out through the mouth.

      Meta: twisting of a tri-rolled stumen.

      Obladnannya: bulbs with a narrow neck with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm.

      Hid gry: a skin child is given a bulb, after the signal “Sasha has boiled a kettle” one of the children (Sasha) opens the bulb, whistle whistles. For whom it is necessary, so that the lower lip hangs on the edge of the neck, and the strum is strong.

      Purpose: vibration of a trivial, straightened mouth vide, activation of the lips.

      Ownership: figurines of birds, made from thin paper and brightly ruffled.

      Hіd gri: put two birds on the table near the very edge on the vіdstanі 30 cm, one per one. Two children sit opposite the bird. At the signal “The birds have flown!”, the children start flying on the figurines of the birds. Mature to follow him, so that the children do not puff out their cheeks, if they blow on the paper birds. The child is ahead of the fact that it is possible to change the figurine only on one video, but it is not possible to change the figure once.

      Meta: vibration of a thriving uninterrupted oral vidihu.

      Obladnannya: 2-3 papery brightly embroidered blizzards (tie a thread of 50 cm long to the skin blizzard and attach it to the lace on the length of 30 cm, one in one;

      Head gry: children sit on the chairs, and the speech therapist says: “Look, how beautiful the blizzards are: red, yellow, black. Yak їх rich. Look how alive! We wonder if our snowstorms can fly. (Blow on snowstorms.) marvel, they flew! Try and blow it! What kind of snowstorm is farther to fly?

      The child gets up and beats the blizzards on them. It is necessary to keep the child standing straight, not raising her shoulders while breathing in, blowing on one sight, not getting wind, not puffing out her cheeks, and her lips hanging slightly forward. The child is guilty of no more than 10 seconds with pauses, so that the head does not spin.

      Meta: improve the function of the normal breathing, master the first steps of the breathing exercises.

      M'yakі іgryashki small rozіru for іlkіstyu children.

      Hid gri: for children, as if they are resting at the lying position, put a light toy on the life at the diaphragm. Mature growing up rimuvannya:

      Goydalki uphill (up)

      Goydalka down (vidih),

      Mіtsnіshe ty, friend, tremajsya.

      Meta: virobiti glibshiy vdikh and truvalіshiy seen.

      Possession: ball z wati, cubes.

      Hid gri: zі shmatochkіv vati download a bag - "m'yach". Gate - 2 cubes. Child dme on "m'yach", trying to "score a goal" - cotton wool is guilty of opinitis between cubes.

      "My povitryana bag"

      Meta: virobity deep in the breath and thrive in sight, activate the m'yazi of the lips.

      Posladnannya povіtryanі kulі.

      The children are guilty, inflate the windbags, picking up the wind through the nis and quite exhaling yoga through the mouth. The teacher accompanies the diary with the text:

      My checked bag, one, two, three.

      Light, like a mosquito, look.

      I breathe in with my nose, I won't hurry,

      I follow my own path.

      Today I blow into a bag

      I chakly over my breath.

      Bag I inflate pragna

      I am the strongest flock.

      Games for relaxation

      Tsіl. Teach children to relax their hands, fixing their respect at the receiving station of relaxation.

      Hid gri. Children sit on chairs, hands lie on top, legs slightly apart.

      The speech therapist shows that it helps to take a calm posture for children. Let's help the speech therapist help:

      hands on knees,

      Mіtsno, mіtsno, with tension

      The great finger is pressed down to the reshti.

      Fingers are squeezed harder -

      The speech therapist approaches the skin child, lifts and throws a relaxed hand.

      Know, girls and boys:

      Show your fingers!

      Metagri: teach children to relax their hands, fixing their respect at the receiving station of relaxation.

      Children sit on chairs. The speech therapist seems to say: “It is obvious that my deer (raise crossed hands with wide-spread fingers above the head). The axis is like a deer's antlers! And raise your hands like that! Tension them (show the tension, with the force of stretching your fingers). The hands became hard, like the antlers of a deer (the speech therapist is reviewing the degrees of tension in the skin of a child). It is important for us to trim our hands like that. The tension is unacceptable, suddenly lower your hands, let them in on your knees (hands no longer cross). Hands loosened up, vodpochivayut. Listen to that work, like me. I see it! (twice)"

      The speech therapist reads:

      Marvel at: my deer

      The wind blows on us! And now - a few lines ...

      The wind is quiet, Hands are not strained

      Let's fix the shoulders and relax.

      Speech therapist with a light hand of fingers to carry out along the hands of the skin child from the shoulder to the tips of the fingers.

      Reveal our fingers!

      - Axis and ended our game. The three of them recovered, calmed down, learned to listen respectfully, and, more smut, they heard, as if it were acceptable, if the hands were not strained. You have understood, how to relax them, to excite them with soft ears!

      The speech therapist asks the children to put their feet on the heels and for an hour of listening to the text by the speech therapist with the force to press the scribbles to the foot of the tongue.

      What wonderful springs

      rest on the slippers?

      Lower your shkarpetki

      Press on the springs

      Mіtsnіshe, mіtsnishe push,

      There are no springs - check it out!

      The legs are not tense but relaxed.

      Tsіl. Relaxation of m'yazіv nіg.

      Hid gri. Sitting on the tables. Speech therapist. Show that your feet are dirty. (Speech therapist shows how to pull your legs forward, sitting on the chair.) Legs lift, trim… Legs tensed up! (Speech therapist goes up to the skin and changes the tension of my tongue.) Now let's lower our legs, repeat to the right. Children hear the text and read it right.

      We miraculously smile

      Raise your legs more!

      Trimming... Trimming... Stretching...

      (Legs sharply lowered to the floor.)

      Legs are not tense

      Axis i ended our game. You calmed down, calmed down, understood, like relaxing your legs.

      Meta gri: teach children how to relax.

      Children stand pіvkolom. The speech therapist tells children to pretend to be cognac. Children-konyachki should stand in the cold for a long time, they need to warm up. Children hold their hands in front of their chests, tensely, stand on one leg. The other leg is bent at the knee, with the toe of the foot. Drop your relaxed hands, change your leg. Turn around at the exit position. Repeat 3-4 times.

      Metagri: development of coordination and accuracy of movements.

      Children under the bubo are marching, with more powerful blows, the rocs are beaten. One hard blow - hands to the sides, two hard blows - hands uphill, three deep blows - sit down, bubo lock - zupinity, hands on the belt, children move from sock to heel - “goydalka”.

      "Let's go for a walk"

      Tsіl gri: vihovuvati tchіst ruhіv.

      Children stand side by side. Speech therapist: We are going to take you for a walk. Stay rainy weather. Show me that we are overbearing "Children get up, show how and what they stink

      they will be dressed, and whispers will be called clothes. Take parasols from your hand. The speech therapist continues: “We went over the top, and then there was a plank, like a lot of kaluzh. What are we going to work for?" Children show with their hands, how they stink, open their parasols and carefully walk along the kaluzhas: softly, on scarpets, bypass the big kalyuzhi, through the small ones they re-string.

      Meta gri: teach children to relax their hands.

      Children sit on a bed or on chairs. The speech therapist tells him how strong the hands of boxers, paddlers are, showing how to win the right (strongly clenching his fingers). Children repeat. Speech therapist rozpovidaє far away, like boxers and paddlers strongly rest with their feet, give a shrug. Children tightly squeeze their fingers, pressing them to the soles. And then the athletes vomit. Children with the power to straighten their fingers and nig і relax, letting go of their hands, lifting the coat and pulling their legs. Vіdpochivshi, "sportsmen" will start training again.

      Purpose: correction of impaired motor skills through relaxation.

      Hid gri: They took an important weight with their right hand, lifted the mountain, lifted it, kicked it, shook it, threw it. (Children, with an effort, lift their right hand uphill, then loosely throw a її vzdovzh tuba, those - with their left hand.) We lift an important barbell with two hands.

      They got sick, took the barbell, lifted it, lifted it, stretched their arms uphill, trimmed the barbell, threw it. (Children calmly throw their hands in the air of the coat.)

      We are strong. (Children with an effort bend their arms in their elbows and press the fists to their breasts.) We are weak. (Hands helplessly fall down. Repeat 2-3 times.) We need to remember after charging. Sit on the chairs with your hands. Hands lie on top. Close your eyes, look up. We got it. Eyes open, marvel at me. Look at me, Sashko, look at me, Dimo. Good luck. (The speech therapist step by step translates children from a relaxed state into unspan.)

      Have the right to activate non-verbal ways of communication

      - Picture early autumn. In early autumn, the move is easy, the guise is more fun. Vaughn is radiant, generous, kind, garne. Depict the life of autumn: the life of autumn is sumptuous, sumptuous. Picture the autumn that is crying.

      - Morel mushroom was brewed. Wrinkle your face. Show me how they looked, pumping the majestic fly agaric. Vityagneti rebuke and open your mouth. Raise your eyebrows. When lowering the brows, the eyes widen out, when lowered, they may curl up.

      - We clean and їmo tsibulyu. In the sight of the cybuli, the eyes are fading. Wine girky. The garden was lapping. Show: you slapped the city slap. Picture scary lapping, that the mustache birds snarled at you.

      - Be satisfied with the pleasant smell of sunflower jam, the smell of trojand, the aroma of an apple.

      Licorice apple. Pass on the emotional state: viste apple licorice, licorice grapes, sour lemon, tart persimmon chi quince.

      Virazity your camp in situations: scatter a worm near an apple, a worm grize over an apple.

      The apple fell on our heads.

      - Show me how the creatures are getting ready for winter: the little frog climbs into the burrow; wedmіd shukaє sobі sіsce for barloga, and then go to bed; a squirrel stores cones and mushrooms near its comor.

      - Depict the gardener's work: digging holes like a vine, planting fruits of a tree, thrashing trees, cutting a tree, trimming a tree thinly.

      - Convey the mimicry of that ruh behavior of the animals: the male raccoon is rinsing near the water, the borsuk is hovering in the hole, the hedgehog is whispering in the place for winter sleep, the elk is walking in the swamp, the squirrel is greasy.

      Witch at Barloz. Autumn. Vedmіd chooses a place for barloga, kicks and zasina. Winter. Vedmіd znahoditsya at the winter sleeper. Spring. Vedmіda prokidaєtsya, turn his head, on the cherzі vityagє legs, pozіhaє, stretch, and then go out of the barlogs. Leto. Vedmіd lasuє raspberries and catch fish.

      Vedmezhata that bjoli. Vedmezhat honey shukali, amicably tree goydali. Show me how the tree will grow. Picture how a witch climbs on a new one, launches a paw at the vulik, there is licorice honey, drooling with satisfaction. Bjoli attack and pity the bear, it hurts you more. Show how the witch acts, lives, and then we swipe at the water. Picture: you Skoda Vedmedya.

      Repeat and depict mimics and gestures. My eyebrows are puckered and puckered. The teeth are clenched. The lips are tightly compressed. The hips are widened and three. I clench my fists.

      Teacher. Show yourself what you have to the kazkovy fox. New bag has a lot of wild creatures. Depict a hare, a wolf, a fox, a bear, a dog, a gut, a toad. And now we are transforming into fairy birds and flying freely, waving wings. We have strong wings. Birds fly freely and easily.

      - "Rozmova through the slope"

      Children are divided into two groups. One is at the store, the other is on the street. The stench forgot to think about those that you need to buy, and leave at another local store. Їх podіlyaє tovste sklo (showcase). You can explain more with gestures. The head of the group in the store will guess what the other group should ask to buy.

      The game is right for establishing a contact for help of current and non-moving benefits

      - Right "Friendship starts from laughter". Children, who sit on a stake, hold hands, marvel at the sus_dov in their eyes and bestow on you a smile that they will find a smile (by heart).

      - Gra "Let's welcome." At the signal of the teacher, the children randomly collapse in the hall and hang out from the mustache, who are streaking on their way. You need to walk in a singing order: one head - children are hovering by the hand, two heads - hovering with their shoulders, three - hovering with their backs.

    • Zavdannya etapu: vyhovannya received wimovi, movnogo dihannya; subdued vidihu, soft voice delivery, anger of vocal sounds in sound stimulating and words,

      prosodic side of the movie, heritage, activity, elements of creativity through the teaching of the rules of the game Correction of impaired motor skills and sound.

      1st week - "Vegetables"

      2nd week - "Fruit"

      3rd week - "Autumn"

      4th week - "Trees"

      Obladnannya: paper boat, basin with water.

      Hіd gri: put a light paper boat into the basin with water, blow smoothly and for a long time, so that the boat is watered. Mature wimovlyaє rosіysk people's order:

      Wind, wind, pull the windshield!

      Zhenya's ship to the Volga River.

      Material: sprat of fluffy cotton wool.

      Hid gr: the speech therapist shows a piece of cotton wool to the children: “The weather is wonderful on the streets today. The snow is falling! Olya got dressed and went for a walk. A great harn and a snizhinka fell on her (blowing on a piece of cotton wool), and the snizhinka flew. Do you want to go for a snowflake? The grown-up one gives the child small fluffy clothes of wool and shows it like a dmukhati needs. To the right, wink 2-3 times.

      Settlement. One zapashnaya voucher or perfumed nose hustka.

      Hid gri. Children walk up to a vase with a ticket and sniff it. On vidikha pov'yazano with a speech therapist they say: Good; Much better; Dzhe priemny smell; Even a fragrant flower and so on.

      Hid gri. Vihіdne position: children raise their hands in front of them, imagining a tire. On the video, the children are seen by a speech therapist, they sound the sound “Sh-Sh-Sh”. Hands at whom it is necessary to cross, to that the right hand lies on the left shoulder and navpaki. The thorax at the moment of sight is squeezed. Occupying the rest of the camp, children shy away inwardly.

      Tsіl. The development of the movable dihannya and the received wimovie.

      Hid gri. I. p .: raise your hands to kill and troch to move back, mute krill, roar in the breath. Vidihayuchi, the children imitate the speech therapist: "F-F-F", lowering their hands down. Occupying the rest of the camp, the children will not hesitate to sigh in their breath.

      Hid gri. I. p .: put your hands on the belt. Fully heal the toelub in front, without lowering your head down. Vimovlyayat pov'yazano with a speech therapist: "G-a-a." Accepting the camp, grow in the breath.

      Games for the development of a prosodic bok movie

      Purpose: shaping the rhythmicity of the movement.

      Hid gri: children stand at the stake. The speech therapist tells the children to stand by the telegraphers for a short time: “I will send you a message by telegraph, and you receive it.” Speech therapist splashes different rhythmic babies, children repeat after him.

      Tsіl. A development of rhythmic movement, coordination of movement with movements.

      Hid gri. The children were treated by a speech therapist to imovlyayat a lichilka and b'yat a ball about a pidlog (on a row of skins - hit the ball with a ball).

      Mi lichilku vchili,

      They beat me with a ball.

      Purpose: shaping the rhythm of the movie, development of fine motor skills.

      Children sit on the chairs, hands on the chest, the fingers of the right hand touch the fingers of the left. Children with their fingers (starting from the great ones) strike the rhythm of the verse, which they imitate at once from a speech therapist.

      Jocks, geese and turkeys

      I demolished the house.

      Children stand side by side. The speech therapist tells the children to “transform” on the drums, as if: “Wonder how I work and then repeat with me at once”, mimic “Bam-bam-bam-bam” properly, on the skin warehouse - blunt along the cheeks with the right and left foot, then the pace of Vimovlennya quicken.

      Tsіl gri: normalization of the tempo of the movie.

      Head gry: children stand as a pivkol, speech therapist - in front of the children. The speech therapist tells about those that, if there are boards outside the house, small children will break the board - drops. Listen to our rule: "Respectfully listen, don't disrespect others, and then repeat it with me at once." (Speech therapist and children repeat the rule.) Children at once from the speech therapist promulgate the text (the speech therapist is given a gap in front):

      Kraplya - one, kraplya - two. adequately

      Kraplya I’ll do it right: step by step

      They began to catch drops, to the middle

      Kraplya kraplya nazdoganyat: i shvidkogo

      Obladnannya: balls for skin babies.

      Head gry: children sit on their backs, a ball lies on the skin in front of the skin. Taking the ball with one hand, with the other hand, the children tap on the new rhythm of the verse, moving it at once from the speech therapist. Speech therapist is responsible for correctness.

      My cheerful, dzvinky ball,

      Where did you rush off?

      Chervoniy, Zhovtiy, Blakytny,

      Don't overtake you!

      Playing for the formation of a rational voice and voice recognition

      Head Grid: children are divided into groups. One of the groups is the "moon". The first group of children voices at the same time voice sounds (a, o, u) and voice sounds (ay, wa, oa, uy) from the speech therapist. The other group ("moon") at once silently repeats from the speech therapist. Then the groups change roles.

      Material: a picture with dabbing with a flail, or a flake layout, pictures of creatures (dog, gut, piven, beetle, mosquito).

      Hid gry: in front of the children on the board there is a picture with a dabina painted on it, or a model of a dabinsky. In the course of the grill, the speech therapist puts the figurine of the singing creature on the skin crossbar. Children, together with a speech therapist, imitate sound reproduction, changing the height and strength of the voice. The speech therapist starts a speech:

      “There is a dagger in the yard. There are five gatherings on it. At the lower gathering, having cut the dog and barking (children at once from the speech therapist wiggle in a low and deep voice: av-av-av.). On another meeting, the gut shrieked and zam'yaukala (children at once from a speech therapist move in a quiet and high voice: meow-meow-meow). On the third meeting, the pіven gathered and fell asleep in a loud voice (children sing in a deep and high voice: ku-ka-re-ku!). On the fourth gathering, a beetle arrived. Sіv і zadzvenіv: f-f-f-f (children win low and quiet

      Hid gri. Children stand, backs straight; on the hands trim lyalki. The speech therapist shows how you need to call the lyalka, drawlingly, on a soft attack, singing: "A-a-a." Speech therapist vikonuє right at once from children.

      Tsіl. Podolannya firm voice attacks.

      Hid gri. The speech therapist shows a picture to the children, on which image they pull, how far they go. The speech therapist shows how quietly and lingering buzzing pulls: “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuum”.

      Obladnannya: Lyalka-bibabo (or soft toys), vovk and witch. Vovk and Vedmedya masks. Letter "U".

      Children sit on chairs. The speech therapist seems to say: “See that we came to the fox. (With a gesture of proponing to the children, they should bring them to the chairs.) A strong wind has arrived at the guest to the trees, and I go out. It is shown how the tree twigs are going and the wind is buzzing in them. (Children disperse, raising their hands above their heads, humming low, drawn out, muffled: woo.) And far, far away is the train. (Speech therapist is a good teacher for children.) In front of the train is a steam locomotive. V_n pull the mustache wagons behind you. The pipe of a steam locomotive is similar to the letter "U". (Show the card with the letter.) And you should destroy everything with a tube and sip the fun dog of the locomotive. And this one was carrying the passengers. Bringing wine from forest lіsorubіv іz sokirami. (The train is rattling with a gesture.) The fox-cutters immediately picked up the sokiri and started to work: “Uh-uh!” (Chop firewood at once, then - one at a time.) And in the dense forest, a little nezgrabne vedmezha walked (pulling a lyalka on his hand), so baiduzhy. Walk, roll over (show the baby, and then we must have children). "A sensible child is my vedmezha," said the mother of the medical profession. I named her baby after the biggest white bear (like children don't guess, speech therapist guess) Umka. Malyuk Umka feels: the wind is blowing, the locomotive is hooting, the lumberjacks are chopping. (All children are apparently depicted as children.) Even snarky. Stuffing the head with paws, bobbing, in fear of even more waddling, curt in a thin voice: "U-u." (Lyalka shows.) I want Umka to go home to the barlig, but in fear I forgot the way home. What to work Umtsi? The first axis goes to the aid of Umka, the friend of the vovchenya on the honor of U. (as children don’t come up with a nickname, the speech therapist suggests - Ulka, putting on a lyalka-vovka on the left hand). Ulka rushed to the vedmezh, taking yogo by the right paw (showing on lyalkas) and the stench curled together in unison, lakayuchi lіsorubіv: "Uuu!" Umka cheered up, trying to raise her voice more and more terribly. It became fun for the animals. Umkin's fear is known. And the stench danced together (lyalkas spinning, rhythmically pіdribuyuchi, converge, disperse): “І-їх! Oooh!"

      Hid gri: children stand at the stake. The speech therapist begins to tell the story, the children walk one by one along the stake (when the sound is heard, the children sing, turning to the faces at the stake).

      “Once upon a time there were two girls: Mashenka and Dashenka. They went to the forest for mushrooms, took baskets and went. We walked along the forest road, the stumps passed. Mashenka stumbled on a stump, fell and beat her foot. Third Masha score a number and say: "A-a-a-a-a." (Children sing at the same time from the speech therapist: “Aaaaa.”) Let Mashenka and Dashenka go away. We went to the yalinka, and there the great fly agaric stood. The girl cheered: "Ooooh." (Children and speech therapist: “Oooooh.”) Let the girls go. Raptom can smell the buzz: "Uuuuu." (Children and speech therapist: "Uuuuu".) But the locomotive. They crossed the girl’s doorway, they went to the galyavin, they patted the house. Dasha's grandmother lived there. The girl began to click її: "Ay, grandmother!" (Children and speech therapist: "Aw, granny!"). And the young girls felt: "Wa-wa-wa." Tse was crying sister Marina. (Children of that speech therapist: “Wah-wa-wa.”) The grandmother gave the girls milk to drink, often patties.”

      Material: 2 pictures, on one image there is a light wind that hits the grass, flowers, and on the other - a strong wind that hits the tree.

      Hid gri: children sit on the chairs, the speech therapist shows them pictures like this: “Send us a fly for a walk to the forest. Idemo field, shine a little sun, make a light wind and more grass

      that quotation. Vіn dme quietly, quietly, the axis is like this: "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (The speech therapist quietly and for a long time makes the sound “U”.) Then we continue the speech: “We came to the forest, scored the tickets that yagid, chose to go home. Raptom blew a strong wind, roared loudly "u-u-u". (Children at once from a speech therapist loudly and for a long time chime the sound.) Children repeat at once from a speech therapist, like a light wind and like a strong wind. Speech therapist to beat, so that the children would finish their voice.

      Hid gri: children stand at the stake, the speech therapist seems to say: “See that we went for a walk and pumped the axis of such a miles mikhur (children shy about big), we got to the new one, and burst: shshsh (pause) shshsh (pause) shshsh (Children at once with a speech therapist repeat with given pauses). They took the pump and pumped mihur sss (pause) sss (pause) sss. I vіn becoming bigger (children will resound the colo again).

      Right that game for the development of paralinguistic subsystem

      - Blow autumn light breeze: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuum," (Quietly). Leaflets (fingers) are more likely to break. A strong wind has blown: “U-u-u-u-u-u!” (Guchno). We got lost in the fox, shouted: “Ay!” (Slowly, loudly, then quietly).

      - Gras "Vovchata": the children sing the sound woo loudly, drawlingly, then quietly, etc.

      - Gra “Echo”: one part of the children shout loudly: “Ay!”, And the other part speaks more quietly. Let's go to sleep.

      - To the right "Skhodinki". The rise of that lowering of the voice when voiced sounds are voiced.

      The game is entitled to the development of gross motor skills, coordination of movements, relaxation

      Head Grid: I. p.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. The speech therapist explains to the children that the stench can lift an important barbell. Children sneer, take a barbell, straighten their arms in the mountains. We sweat, our hands hang freely, relaxed.

      We are getting ready for the record,

      Let's go in for sports. (Nahil)

      The barbell with pidlogs is lifted ... (Open up)

      Speech therapist torkaetsya m'yazіv shoulder that in front of the children, giving them respect for the strain and away from relaxation.

      Our m'yazi did not get tired.

      I have become more hearing!

      We become aware:

      Meta gri: teach children to relax the hands, not the body.

      Children stand pіvkolom. The speech therapist seems to say: “Show me who is on the ship. Download. In order not to fall, spread wide legs and squeeze them to the floor. Keep your hands behind your back. The deck rocked - it was pressed to the right leg to the right leg (Speech therapist gives a sign to the right: the right leg is strained, the lion is relaxed, the troch is bent in the knee, the toe is standing upright). We just stood up! Relaxed! It hit in the next beak (the left leg was strained, the right leg was relaxed). Straighten up, listen to that rob, like me. I see it!"

      The deck began to swing.

      Squeeze your leg to the deck!

      Mitznishe presses your foot,

      And let's relax!

      It is right to win the heel for the right leg, then for the left. Speech therapist gives children respect for stress and relaxation

      “Now sit down and listen. (Speech therapist to speak correctly and calmly)

      I call hands on knees,

      And now - a few lines ...

      I relaxed all the body.

      Our m'yazi did not get tired and became more hearsay.

      Our game is over. You trochs recovered, calmed down. We understood how you can relax your hands, your legs are all body.

      Tsіl. Relaxation of stomach ulcers.

      Hid gri. Speech therapist teaches children to show that the stench inflates the sack.

      I. p .: sitting, hand on the stomach. Children roar inhale. The speech therapist shows how the abdominal wall rises - “the bag is puffed up”, and explains how it lives. Shoulders are not lifted at any time. Let's see the children see, the life goes down.

      Axis like a bag inflate!

      And we revise it by hand. (Throw inhaling.)

      The bag burst - apparently,

      Our minds are relaxed!

      Breathe easily… evenly… deeply…

      - Our game has ended. You trochs recovered, calmed down. We understood how you can relax your hands, your legs are all body.

      Tsіl. Relaxation of m'yazіv body.

      Hid gri. The speech therapist reads the verse, the children imitate Masha the baby.

      And we have a lyalka Masha,

      Ganchirkova lyalka is ours,

      Lyalka m'yaka, yak cotton wool,

      Hardness in niy obmal.

      Purpose: The development of general motor skills by means of relaxation, the development of a moving mind.

      Children stand in front of a speech therapist. Speech therapist tells children about those who at the same time stink at the same time transform into growing beds. “It’s been a long time since I’ve finished the board, and the growth has withered. The heads drooped down, then the leaves, and then all the stalks bent to the very ground. Show how the vegetables withered. On the “one” rahunok, the children lower their heads, on the “two” they throw their hands in the top of the coat, on the “three” they squat on the hips. Raptom dripping wood, and the vegetables began to come to life. (It is right to repeat in the reverse order.) As soon as the weather began to blow, the stalks began to tremble and chatter. Marvel, children, as if you needed to grow (demonstrate a calm breath without raising your shoulders and trivaly seen from the voiced sound sh). The breeze has blown (children raise their hands above their heads), the stalks rustle (hitting their hands, children make the sound sh), the wind has subsided (children calmly lower their hands down).

      Meta: development of coordination, switching of movements.

      Children stand in front of a speech therapist. The speech therapist says: “To become an astronaut, you need to be strong and vitrivalim. Let's work out.

      Speech therapist to carry out with children rozlablyuyuchi have the right to poddnanny s dychalnye:

      · five at once, shkarpetki at once, bend in the back, inhale, shake the hands of mlyn, put your hands down, see;

      Sitting down, back straight, hands lowered in a tuluba, lifting smoothly on the scarves, inhale, lowering on the hips, see;

      · Hands on the waist, smoothly podnіmayuchis on skarpetki, inhale, stand on skarpetki - pause, sinking on the same foot, see.

      Speech therapist. To become an astronaut, you need to be respectful. Perevіru, respect you chi nі.

      Quietly strike the tambourine, the children walk along the stake, change the beat - change straight ahead. Bubo lock - children zupinilis.

      Hid gri: speech therapist chooses a guide leader:

      Bіlya Livarny Bridge

      I have drunk a whale in Neva,

      Hiding for the end

      Z'ila yoga gut.

      Helped two cats -

      From now there is no whale.

      Don't you believe others?

      Get out of the stake.

      Under the sounds of a tambourine, the children pass the ball one to one, the sounds stuck - the children put their hands behind their backs. The speech therapist at once from the leader seems to say: “Well, show your hands. M'yachik you have, tell me? The child, to the point where the leader has turned wild, opens the arms in front of her. Like a leader, having guessed a child with a ball, that one should be led, and the leader stands on a yoga place. As if the leader didn’t guess, the children with the speech therapist seem to you: “Be more respectful, but now I’ll lead you again,” and the leader with the speech therapist turns to another child.

      Tsіl. Development of the coordination of movement with the hands

      Hid gri. Children lead a round dance. Having listened to the speech of the speech therapist, the children at once repeat the text from it and make the necessary moves.

      Dme, dme wind, dme, blow. (Children snarled and stole from side to side with their hands raised uphill.)

      Zhovtі leaves from the tree zrivaє. (Children are circling on the mist.)

      I fly leaves, circle along the road. (Children on scarpets pass around the colo.)

      Leaves are falling right down to us. (Children, turning sideways to themselves on the mission, squat.)

      Games - dramatization of verses

      Tsіl. Vihovannya viraznostі ruhіv ta movi, full respect.

      Hid gri. Having played roles for the help of a lichilka, children put on hats-masks of mushrooms: fly agaric, chanterelles, quinoa, morel, porcini mushroom. The words of the role of skin are repeated by a speech therapist.

      Leading. Top-top-top, 5 coats. (Children walk along the stake, zupinayutsya.)

      The fox has five mushrooms. (Show the skin mushroom to yourself. Amanita crocuses, raising his head in an incredulous way.)

      I am a red fly agaric! Mushroom is not safe. (Wag your finger.)

      (The little fox runs on scarves.)

      And the other is a fox, ruda pussy.

      The third mushroom is a whiff, an erysipelas. (Showing with his hand, shaking his head).

      (Zmorshok go, stepping forward, spread his killer arms wide, chuckle.)

      And the fourth mushroom is a smorshok, a bearded didok.

      (Biliy mushroom, stepping forward, wide spread his arms, kill, smile.)

      The fifth mushroom is white, it is bold.

      S. Marshak "Mittens".

      Spent kocheny, killed kocheny,

      On the road, mittens knew mittens

      I came home in tears. I laughed, came home

      - Mom, mom, vibach, - Mom, mom, don't be angry!

      We can not know, To the one who knew,

      We do not know the modem

      - Did you use your gloves? - Did you know mittens?

      The axis of the filthy cat. Thank you, cochens.

      I won't give you a pie today. I'll give you a pie for that.

      Meow-meow, I won’t give, Mur-mur-mur, pie!

      Speech therapist gives respect to children for intonation voices for playing the roles of the intestines and the cossies, for playing the ruhives in the small cossies and the intestines in different moods.

      "At the guest's before grandma"

      Tsіl. Learn the elements of creative makeup.

      Settlement. Khustochka, stick.

      Hid gri. One of the children is put on a coat, and given a stick in their hands.

      Speech therapist. The grandmother turned around. Mashenka and Dashenka, play with your grandmother.

      Speech therapist to teach children to conduct a dialogue in this situation, giving the skin movement an eye. For example, a speech therapist: “Hello, grandmother!” Masha and Dasha to speak from a speech therapist:

      "Hello, grandma!" The speech therapist, turning to the grandmother: “Hello, onuchki!” Child with a speech therapist: “Hello, onuchki!” І etc.

      Tsіl. Navchannya creative Gri.

      Hid gri. The speech therapist tells children about the sheep shop, shows pictures, tells them about the store and reads the talk about vegetables. Let's have children with a speech therapist prepare a game space, choose a salesperson. A speech therapist from children promotes options for dialogue between purchases and sellers.

    • The task of the stage: the rewriting of the recorded movie; work on the phrase and the prosodic components of the movie, the development of motor skills (mindful relaxation of the mind); continuing education igor and rules igor; vihovannya dovіlnoї behavior.

      1st week - "Mushrooms"

      Day 2 - "Wild Creatures of Autumn"

      3rd week - “Odyag. Vzuttya. Headgear"

      5th day - "Food products"

      Games for the development of dihannia

      Material for sound-monitoring

      Tsіl. Rozvitka movny dikhannya.

      Nahil down, hands at the castle: "Wow!".

      Start the motor. On vidihu they wiggle: "R-r-r."

      Pump up tires. Vidikha vimovlyat: "shhh - shhsh"

      Litaki buzz: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-u-uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...

      Joiners work with a planer. Vidikha vimovlyat: "Dzіn", "Dzіn", "Dzіn".

      Slusars are working on the verstat. Vidikha vimovlyat: "zhzhzh!", "zhzhzh!", "zhzhzh!"

      Work on the phrase ta її podovzhennyam

      Culinaries try baking. On the vidikha it is said to say: “Ah, delicious!” "Even more delicious pіskové tіstechko."

      Sailors fight the mud of the river. Vidikha vimovlyat: "Duzhe deep!" "Duzhe deep river!"

      The chauffeurs look out onto the road. On vidihu: "It's too slimy!" “It’s already a slimy snowy road!”

      Fox cutters raise the deck. On vidikha vimovlyat: "Oh, how important it is!" “Oh, those important pine logs!”

      Hid gri. At the command of the speech therapist, the children inhale with their nose, live vividly, and at the sight they roar from 1 to 5.

      Tsіl. Rozvitok movnogo dihannya, podovzhennya phrases.

      Settlement. A vase of fruit, I’ll stock up on a ticket or a scented chick.

      Hid gri. Children walk up to the vase with fruit and sniff it. On the video they repeat after the speech therapist: “Good”, “Better good”, “Better smell”, “Better fragrant flower”.

      Tsіl. The development of a modern dihannya, a twisting of a broken vimovi.

      Hid gri. Children shy deep breath, trim down, in front of the eye repeat the order after the speech therapist:

      It’s warm when the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

      Games for the development of prosodic movie components

      Purpose: shaping the rhythm of the movie.

      Head gry: between children, roles are played (ogirok, tomato, cabbage, carrot), the speech therapist plays the verse, after which the children repeat the words after him and splash the rhythm.

      We brought a lot of vegetables for the children.

      Our harvest is rich, marvel, lads.

      And I, children, are a tomato, round and red.

      I dressed up the suit on a satin suit.

      I am a green ogirok from the city garden,

      I've had a holy meal before you, hello, lads.

      Cabbage juiced up in a hundred clothes,

      all the clothes are without zippers, and the clothes are thick.

      And I, children, my sister, yellow carrot,

      I sing all over, like a firebird, and I dance quietly.

      For the sake of me, lads, we ate to the child's garden.

      Dance, have fun here today leather radium.

      Meta: shaping the pace of promotion.

      Children stand at the stake, trembling by the hands. The speech therapist will read the verse again, the children stand, listen. Then the speech therapist reads in a row, the children repeat this leather row. From the beginning of the reading, the verse of the children to lead a round dance, the speed of the movement, to the tempo of the movie:

      Ledve, ledve-ice is right

      And sweat, sweat, sweat, shvidshe

      All big, big, big!

      All shvidshe big, big, shvidko

      Carousel around, dovkola! more

      Hush, hush, don't hurry!

      The carousel is ringing. adequately

      Obladnannya: toys "tsutsenya", "shield"

      Hid gr: speech therapist to talk about those who brought a puppy to children (show a toy). Tsutsenya on the street was roaring, brooding, it needed to be cleaned. The speech therapist gives the installation: "Hear and marvel at the beginning, remember everything and repeat." The speech therapist follows the rule in lower tones of the voice, the trochs are corrected. Children repeat. The speech therapist shows how it is necessary to clean the tsutsen, moving at a different pace (on the right, then at the peace, swidko): “I clean the tsutsen with a brush, I brush my sides.” Shvidkіst ruhіv vіdpovіdaє tempo vymovi. Children repeat.

      Grie's purpose: Development of coordination of movements, strength of voice, vihovannia of rhythmicity of movements.

      Hid gr: Speech therapist chooses a leader, who will be your own. Other children repeat after the speech therapist:

      Quietly: "Owl, come to us!" Owl do not break, sleep.

      Guchnishe: "Owl, come to us!" The owl gets up, looks around on all sides, waving its wings.

      Guchno: "Owl, come to us!" The owl will fly, and the children will applaud in time with the “krill” waves.

      Tsіl. The development of the tempo and rhythm of the movie, the coordination of the movie with the rukhami

      Settlement. Balls on a skin child.

      Hid gri. Children, following the speech therapist, repeat the lichilka and hit the ball on the pidlog (on the skin row - chotiri hit).

      Board, board, ti no li,

      Tee us, board, fool,

      Mi hochemo z m'yachem grati

      І lіchilku rozpovisti.

      Tsіl. The development of the tempo and rhythm of the movie, the coordination of the movie with the hands.

      Hid busy. Speech therapist reads chotirivirsh. Children repeat yoga and splash at the valley to the beat of the verse (on the skin row - chotiri bavovni).

      Autumn at the guest has come to us,

      Quiet out, baby,

      Decorated our garden

      Hid gri. Children, following the speech therapist, repeat the text of the verse and hit with heels about the subtext (on the skin row - chotiri strike).

      One two three chotiri,

      The cherviks helped us:

      We banged with heels.

      Metagri: Development of coordination of movement and movement, tempo and rhythm.

      Hid gri: children stand one by one, speak for a speech therapist and beat the ruhi.

      They went, they went, they made a lot of snow, they sat down, they made snow, they threw it, they went again. They walked, they walked, they walked, they knew, they stood on their faces: one-two, one-two, waved one hand, waved the other, and came home.

      Hid gri. The speech therapist asks to show the children how the birds scream:

      "Cows and Calves"

      Hid gri: children are shown the plot picture "On the Luz". Children are divided into 2 groups. The speech therapist goes to the first group: “Cows graze in the meadow, the stink of their calves. What is their name?” Children of the first group repeat. “The calves were empty on their bows and flowed far away. How do they smell to cows? The speech therapist goes to the children of the other group, gives a glimpse, speaks in a high, quiet voice: mu-mu-mu. Children repeat. Then the groups change roles.

      Tsіl. A development of the intonational zabarvlennya mov.

      Hid gri. Children sing a little potish from a given intonation (smartly, radiantly, with pity, zdivovano).

      Schob did not go out.

      Tsіl. A development of the intonational virtuosity of the language.

      Hid gri. Speech therapist to ask to repeat the phrase, supporting the seen words.

      The girl is playing in the garden with a doll. (graє girl, not a boy).
      The girl is playing in the garden with a doll. (And not just took її Tudi).
      The girl is playing in the garden with a doll. (And not near the park, not in the forest).
      The girl is playing in the garden with a doll. (And not with another toy).

      Purpose: shaping the pauses of the movie.

      Head gri: in the process of gri, the skin child learns the same roles. Ditina, listening to the language of the speech therapist, repeats at once with her in order:

      Tovstopuzy tomato climbed over parkan.

      Yak cheerful red sack, (pause, inhale)

      Rest in the bazaar, (pause, inhale)

      Obіzhav for a number of rows, (pause, breath)

      On the go put on a bathrobe, (pause, inhale)

      having taken the place of the seller (pause, breath)

      Bilya uncle-ogirka. (Pause, inhale)

      "I sell tomato juice." (Pause, inhale)

      "Come play with us!"

      Tsіl: Vibration in the mine is chirping in a thick voice.

      Obladnannya: Іgrashkovі vedmedika, bunny, fox or other animals.

      Hid gr: At a distance of 2-3 meters from the children, the speech therapist arranges toys and something like: “The medical doctor, the bunny and the fox are tedious to sit alone. Poklichmo їх grati together with us. So that the stench smelled us, you need to call loudly, the axis is like this: “Vedmedic, go!” Children, according to the vision of a speech therapist, sound like a veterinarian, a bunny and a fox and play with them. Speech therapist follow him, so that the child clicked the toy loudly, but did not scream.

      Games on m'yazova relaxation

      Tsіl. Relaxation of m'yazіv shiї

      Hid gri. I. p.: sit. The speech therapist asks the children to turn their heads to the left in such a way as to make it clear. M'azi tension. Then the children turn around at the outer camp, the minds are relaxed. Then the children turn their heads to the right, observe the tension of their shoulders, turn to the outside position.

      And then let's go forward -

      There are a few things here.

      And Varvara marvel at the height!

      Now look down

      M'yazi shii tensed up!

      Shia is not tense.

      - Axis and ended our game. You trochs recovered, calmed down.

      Tsіl. Relaxation of the m'yazіv of the moving apparatus (lips).

      Hid gri. I. p.: sit. The speech therapist asks the children to pull the lips with a “proboscis”, and the child respects those who, as the lips strain. Let the teacher ask the children to turn their mouths to the outside of the camp.

      I inherit the elephant:

      Guby "proboscis" pull.

      And now I let them in

      I turn on the mist.

      Lips are not tense

      Hid gri. I. p.: sit. The speech therapist shows the children the movement of the lips, which shows the articulation to the sound of that. Fixing the respect of children on the pressure and relaxation of the lips.

      Tyagnemo ruin right to the ears!

      The axis is suitable for toads.

      I'll pull and stop.

      I won't get tired of antrohi!

      Tsіl. Relaxation of the m'yazіv of the moving apparatus (lower slit).

      Hid gri. I. p.: sit. The speech therapist shows the children how to clench their teeth, the children repeat. Turn the children's attention to the tension of the gap, which is unacceptable.

      Let's ask you to open the cracks.

      Teeth mіtsnіshe mi stisnemo,

      And then we will spread them.

      The lips of the troch are being made,

      Everything miraculously relaxes.

      Games for coordination of movement

      Tsіlі. Development of coordination of movements, tempo and rhythm of the movie.

      Hid gri. Two children melt one by one. The first one walked along the stake with great croques and repeated after the speech therapist: “Uncle Styopa, long-legged, straightened the road.” The other one runs after him on a stake and repeats: “The boy with a finger along the road followed the uncle.”

      First. Uncle Styopa looked around, but without saying a word.

      Other. The lad chuckled with a finger - he overtook uncle Styopa.

      Tsіlі. Development of coordination of movements, tempo and rhythm of movement, fine motor skills.

      Hid gri. The speech therapist reads the beginnings and pronounces to the children, curling up the fingers, frying the fruit.

      The skin finger is folded,

      Friendly apple vvazhemo:

      One apple, two apples

      Three apples, chotiri apples,

      Five apples, six apples,

      Sim apple, visim apple,

      Nine apples, ten apples.

      "We will follow you to the garden"

      Tsіl. Coordination movi with rukhami, development of rhythm and tempo.

      Hid gri. The speech therapist reads two lines, and the children repeat yoga and repeat the ruhi, apparently until the next day.

      Let's go with you to the garden,

      There will be more leaf fall.

      Blow the wind to us in disguise,

      Hmara plyve across the sky,

      Bring us a haze of rain.

      Dosch dripping and llє,

      We are not allowed to walk.

      We made our parasols,

      They screwed up the board.

      Hid gri. The speech therapist reads the verse, and the children imagine how the hanging trees come to life, and in the fall they throw off the leaves. Let's repeat the stench rightly: promote the text, accompanying it with rocs.

      Trees come alive in spring

      Nirks swell on them,

      Leafing on them virostaє.

      Autumn leaves are falling.

      Wind dme - leaves are circling

      I quietly kick on the ground.

      Tsіl. The development of the coordination of the movement with the movements, the pace and the rhythm of the movement.

      Hid gri. The speech therapist reads the verses, at the same time showing the parts of the body in his own name. Then the children repeat after the grown-up skin row and also show parts of the body.

      We call the words:

      Forehead, sweatshirt, head,

      Neck, shoulders, fingers, nails,

      Fists, doloni, likti,

      Nіs, live, kolіna, p'yati,

      Gubi, that shoulder blades are quilted.

      Parts of the body vivechaemo,

      Parts of the body are called.

      Tsіl. Development of coordination of movements, rhythm and tempo of the movie.

      Hid gri. The speech therapist reads the verses and pronounces to the children the vikonati ruhi, which are described in the new. Let's let the children repeat the verse after the speech therapist.

      Mi vzimku at the snіzhka is graєmo, mi graєmo, mi graєmo.

      By kuchugura mi krokuєmo, mi krokuєmo, mi krokuєmo.

      I on licks mi bizhimo, mi bizhimo, mi bizhimo.

      On kovzan on ice kovzaemo, mi kovzaemo, mi kovzaemo.

      I Snіguronka sticky mi, sticky mi, sticky mi.

      The guest-winter is loved by me, loved by me, loved by me.

      Hid gri. At the bakery. Children play the roles of cashiers and buyers. The speech therapist gives the words of the movie. "What do you want to buy?" The cashier repeats. Speech therapist. "I want to buy a bun for 5 rubles." The buyer repeats it again.

      Tsіl. Continue teaching children Igor and Igor ruled. Start talking with a partner, smarten up for the defeat of others. Vihovannya dovіlnoї behavior.

      Hid gri. The roles of mothers, tata, children are divided. Mother gives orders to children: prepare insults. For whom it is necessary for him to go to the store and buy the necessary products.

      Under the care of a speech therapist, children conduct dialogues with a cashier, a friend with a doctor, a mother and a tat, like praising children for their work.

      Hid gri. Speech therapist to know children with the words: polyclinic, doctor, viklik, helper. Then the situation “the call of the doctor to go home” is played out. The speech therapist shows the lyalka from being tied up with a whistle and seems to say: “Masha can’t go to the child’s garden. Her ear hurts. It is necessary to call the doctor”, give the call to the doctor by phone. Children vidbito repeat. At the dialosis of a child, like a call to the doctor, showing the name of that name, vіk, to the address of that illness. The situation "Likar comes" is coming: you look at the sick, hear, put a thermometer, write a prescription.

    2. Task of the stage: Progression of the work on prosodic components of the movie; twisting a trivial vidihu, a soft voice, an angry vim phrase, a correct pause, tempo, rhythm, intonational virtuosity; vihovannya vminnya to support a new phrase, in a word, a robot over a dialogical promo; development of special aspects: activity, initiative, independence, creativity.

      1st week - "Winter"

      2nd week - "Winter Birds"

      3rd week - "Creatures of cold lands"

      4th week - "Creatures of spicy lands"

      5th week - "New River"

      1-2 tizhnі – Holidays

      3rd week - "Winter Fun"

      4th week - "Furniture"

      5th week - “Budinok. Budivnitstvo»

      Tsіl. A development of phrasal movement. Correct pobudova phrase.

      Settlement. Plot pictures.

      Hid gri. The plot picture is shown. The teacher reads a short phrase before her (two - three words), then teach the children to complete the phrase with one new word. The skin of a Wicklican child will repeat the phrase one more word.

      For example, grown-up, it seems: "Tanya is gray." The child repeats the proposition and adds: "Tanya is playing on the street." The offensive repeats the proposition and adds: "Tanya is playing on the street near the kennel."

      Tsіl. Correct pobudova phrase. Improved orientation in space.

      Hid gri. The children are given the task of naming their own right-handed judge. Speech therapist: “Vanya, who should sit right-handed in front of you?” The child says: "Sonya has the right to sit for me." I etc.

      Tsіlі. Development of coordination of promotions with rukhami.

      Improvement of the space organization of the revolutions.

      Zakrіplennya navichki podіlu slіv in the warehouse.

      Work on the warehouse structure sl_v.

      Vіdpratsyuvati navitchki vіdbivannya m'yach vіd pіdlogi obom hands.

      Hid gri. Children stand at a time and pass the ball one to one, with which they turn the lichka:

      Together with the boy we play

      І dress (be it a topic) is called.

      The child, on a sort of ball, names, whatever the object of clothing is in warehouses and determines the number of warehouses in the ball about the charge, then we pass the ball to the child, what is the charge. The attacker names the other object of the garment, then on the stake.

      (back, trousers, kurt, shirt, pіzha, scarves too)

      "Krokuєmo on the road"

      Development of the tempo and rhythm of the movie.

      Walking sideways with a crochet.

      Settlement. Gymnastics tsipki on the skin.

      Hid gri. Perebudov on the colonies in twos. On the train, children lay tracks from gymnastic cycles and will be on the cob of the track.

      Children imovlyayat rimovaniya text that go uzdovzh paths side by side with an attached croc.

      Sideways, sideways on the road

      I'm crying, look.

      Having passed the path, the children turn to the colony with the words:

      My little ones didn’t get tired,

      I can still get through.

      Tsіl. The development of the promotional movie, the movie's run down the drain. Consolidation of the concept of "right-left".

      Settlement. Leleka hat, basket.

      Hid gri. One child depicts a leleka. Youmu put on a leleki cap. For sprat krokiv vіd nygo cost іnsha child with a cat. Vin got lost at the fox. After pumping the leleka, the child is furious to the new:

      Leleka, leleka long-legged,

      Show me the way home.

      Stomp with your right foot

      Stomp your left foot

      I call with my right foot,

      I renew - with my left foot,

      Pislya - with the right foot,

      Pіslya - with the left foot,

      Axis then come home!

      A child with a cat wins all the ruhi, it’s leleka to talk about yaki youma, and then we sit on a plate.

      Tsіl. Vihovannya viraznosti movi and vmіnnya change the timbre of the voice.

      Settlement. The mask of the bear is that kind of other creature (wolf, foxes, hare and other.)

      Hid gri. The teacher chooses two children: one will be a vedmedem, the other, for example, a Vovkom. Children go home alone. Under the hour, there is a dialogue between them:

      Vovk. Where are you going, witch?

      Vedmіd. At the place, yalinka to be surprised.

      Vovk. That navischo you out?

      Vedmіd. It's time for a new river.

      Vovk. Where will you put її?

      Vedmіd. To the fox I will take, to my life.

      Vovk. Why didn't you swear at the fox?

      Vedmіd. Sorry, I'll bring more.

      "Visiting the Queen"

      Settlement. Cap-mask of the gut.

      Hid gri. There is a dialogue between two children:

      “Was your child today, kitty?”

      - The Queen of England!

      - What did you do there at the court?

      — Bachila bear on kilimі.

      - De bought vie, signiore,

      Whole red tomato?

      - Otse nevіchlive zapitanya!

      Tse miy vlasny nіs!

      - I'm going home.

      Siry vovk at the thick fox

      Zustriv ore fox. (Fox and vovk to go alone to one nazustrich.)

      - Lizaveta, hello! - Dogs.

      - How do you do it, toothy? - Chi is alive, dear kumanek?

      - Nothing to go to do, - slowly stretching his legs.

      the head was still intact. - Like yours, fox, do it right?

      - De ti buv? - I was at the market.

      - To the market. - What did you do there?

      - What did you buy? - I loved the jock.

      - Pigs. - Skilki Bulo?

      - Did you take skils? - Seven of the eighth.

      - Vovni are squeezing, - Has it become Skіlki?

      pulled off the right beak, - Zhodnoy.

      the tail was grizzled by the fighter. - Where are the pitching?

      - Who's got it? - I'm in my slack.

      Tsіlі. Development of coordination of movements, tempo and rhythm of the movement, fine motor skills, orientation in space.

      Hid gri. Children stand on a stake. One child trims the ball, grown-up asks: “Where are you throwing the ball?”. The child throws the ball to the right (levoruch), stalely, depending on what the skin wants from them, and then through the colo to anyone, with whom they seem: "I throw the ball to the right, I roll through the colo"

      Purpose: shaping the victorious victoriousness of a different pace of movement, development of a high voice.

      Obladnannya: masks of a bear and a hare, a toy yalinka.

      Head gry: roles are divided between children (witch, hare). Words zazdalegіd rozchuyuyutsya. Speech therapist seems to say: “The great witch, clumsy, from now on, he speaks properly, unhurriedly, in a low voice. And the hare is spritny, it means that you speak to me in a high-pitched voice.” The scene plays out.

      - Where are you going, witch?

      - Take a look at the place of the yalinka.

      - De ti put її?

      - Before hati, I'll take it to my living place.

      - And what about you out?

      - A new river of sounding the hour.

      - Why didn’t you swear at the fox?

      - I'm sorry, I'll bring more.

      Tsіl gri: usunennya suputnіh ruhіv vykonannya tіlesstramovannyh ruhіv.

      Speech therapist. Guess, children, like a bird saw at the warm edge. You are migratory birds. Ty, Alyosha, what kind of bird will you be?

      Alyosha. I will be nightingales.

      Children can say: “I will be a swallow”, “I will be a zozule”, “I will be a crane”, and so on.

      Speech therapist. For a long time, the bird's rump was trained to fly, then they raised the krill, then lowered it. (Children smoothly raise their hands to the level of their shoulders and lower them, bending their hands in their elbows, imitating the wings of krills.) (Children squat, get up. Sweat, standing on one leg, kicking with their foot back and forth, bending in the knees. They kick with their other foot. Sweat on scarpets to run on a stake, at once imitating ruhi krill with their hands.) we have run out of winters. While the children are waving, the speech therapist will give them food: “Where did you see? New? What are you eating?

      Meta: usunennya suputnіh ruhіv and rukhovih cunning in the way of vikonannya tsіlespryatvovanih.

      Hid gri: the speech therapist tells you that it is already cold on the street and in order to go for a walk, you need to dress warmly. The speech therapist behind him, the children “dress up” a fur coat.

      Speech therapist. What did I wear?

      Children. You put on a fur coat.

      Speech therapist "dresses" chobots, children repeat. The speech therapist again asks: “What am I wearing?” Children respond. І etc.

      Meta gri: shaping the vmіnnya vіnnya vіdchuvati rіmіchіchny malunіk vіrsha.

      Children stand at the stake. Yak leader - teacher. The new one has a ball in his hands. You start the proposition and throw the ball - the child will finish the proposition and turn the ball to the grown-up one:

      My favorite toy...

      My best friend….

      My favorite busy….

      My love is holy ....

      My love cartoon.

      My beloved fairy tale ...

      My beloved song….

      Children stand pіvkolom in front of a speech therapist. The speech therapist seems to say: “We will go as a guest to Masha's baby doll by bus. Who will drive the bus?

      Children. The bus is driven by water, water.

      Speech therapist. Choose water.

      Children steal water. That one sits in the cab of the zbudovanogo stiltsiv bus, the children-passengers reshta get on the bus, buy tickets, conduct dialogues.

      1st passenger. Pass, be kind, the conductor, five rubles.

      2nd passenger. Be kind, take a ticket.

      1st passenger. Thank you.

      2nd passenger. Please.

      Speech therapist. Who checks the ticket?

      Children. Tickets are reviewed by the controller.

      Speech therapist. Igor, you will be the controller, rewrite the ticket.

      Igor. Your ticket?

      1st passenger. Please.

      Igor. Thank you. Your ticket.

      "Preparation for National Day"

      Children sit on chairs. The speech therapist tells you that in one of the children it’s not a bad day for a birthday (for example, with Dasha), and all children (including Dasha) need to be prepared until that day, everyone should go to the store. The role of the seller is a speech therapist. To put questions for children: “What do you want to buy? For whom do you choose a gift? What kind of toys do you like? Dasha, what will you treat the guests to? What will you buy?

      Hid gr: Speech therapist: Children, let me know that we came to Christina on National Day. What do you need to work if Christina will open doors for us? Listen, chi is correct I think. It is required to be welcomed from Christina.

      Speech therapist: Required її privacy.

      Speech therapist: You need to immediately give a gift.

      Speech therapist: As soon as I do not loosen up, all at once we hand over my gifts, Christina will be ruined. Tse vilyadatime is not urochisto. Give a better gift later at the room. Let's think about how we can once again welcome Kristina. Singing, you can read the little verse. How do you think Christine is worthy?

      Speech therapist: I'm going to say the following rows:

      Happy People's Day Happy People's Day

      In the afternoon, that oven is varnya!

      Speech therapist: And now repeat at once, do not forget.

      Children Happy birthday, happy birthday. In the afternoon, that oven is varnya!

      Speech therapist: Now we are ready, you can call to the apartment.

      Children imitate the sound of a ring. Step іmіtuє vіdchinennya doors. Then the children sing verses in chorus.

      Christino, cheer for the lads and call them out. Say: “Dakuyu, lads. Come in, be kind, loosen up."

      Children to pass, imitate children: roar gudziki, wear outer robes, hats, shoes.

      Speech therapist: Kristin, you need to show the lads where you can put your coat. Say this: "The coat can be hung here."

      Kristina: You can hang your coat here.

      Speech therapist: Savelya can’t reach the hanger, shout to help him: “Saveliya, let me help you.”

      Kristina: Savelli, let me help you.

      Speech therapist: Axis mi i loosened up. Hristino, you need to ask the boys to the room. Say this: "Boys, come in, be kind to the room, spread your hand"

      Well done Christino! Ti bula more than what with the lads. Їm mustache was more than worth it. The stench tells you that I will come again with the guest.

      "Zvernennya to the crossroads"

      The purpose of the gri: molding the suspіlnyh vіdnosin.

      Hid gr: Speech therapist: Boys, yavіt, it's time for us to go on a visit, but it's bad to sleep. Let's think about it, how to recognize, zapіznyuєmosya chi ni, as we don't have a birthday. Without a doubt, you need to turn back to the passable. Are you okay?

      Speech therapist: I will be transitional. Andriy, ask me about an hour. Ask like this: “Tell me, be kind, what time is it?”.

      Kirilo: Tell me, be kind, what time is it?

      Speech therapist-transitional: Without ten.

      Kirilo: Like hell!

      "Zvіdki stіl priyshov?"

      The leading one (steel) is chosen, follow the text of the victorious ruhi.

      - You tell me, tell us, steel,

      Have you received the stars?

      (Children walk along the stake, holding hands.)

      - I came from the forest.

      - Why are you fox dead?

      - Buv I'm a creaky tree,

      Wind leaves gravel,

      Birds on the needles I hitav.

      - Like on the backs of the birds of the goydav?

      I am on the wings of birds.

      (Sneak from side to side.)

      - How did you become a table?

      - Fox cutters came and sawed me down with a saw.

      How did they cut you down with a saw?

      - Axis so, axis so,

      I was sawed down with a saw.

      - What then became of you?

      — We’ll soon bring a lіsovoz and take me to the factory.

      - How do you like wine?

      - Otak, otak

      Vіn to the factory vіdvіz.

      (Children beat the stake.)

      - What happened to you?

      - And then, and then

      I became a beautiful table.

      - How much did you spend from the factories?

      At the booths, having become to live,

      Tsіl. Vihovannya zlitoї vimovi phrases, correct pauses, tempo, rhythm, intonational virtuosity of the language. Work on a dialogue promo. Development of coordination of promotions with rukhami.

      Hid gri. Children lead a round dance. Mature at the role of winter, enter, bow, turn to the children, the children wrestle with the text, conduct a dialogue:

      - From I came to you as a guest!

      - For goodness sake, scho have come!

      - Tell me, lads, how did you spend your day?

      - Everything is in order. Zranka was charged!

      - And then we ate for a snack, everyone ate without excess.

      - They began to pull up their fur coats, together they all went for a walk

      - Axis so and axis so, schee so and axis so.

      - And then we took the shovels, raked the fluffy snow.

      - And then we took the whisks, threw away the fluffy snow.

      - Then we caught wet snow, we made snow from it.

      - Then we rode on licks.

      - We pulled out of the sled, pulled one, and one carried one to the new one.

      - Then we were called to the group, they cleared our clothes.

      - We had a meal and fell asleep mіtsnim sleep.

      - Well, I'm running, ditlahi, you had a nice day. Good bye!

      - For goodness sake, they came. Come tomorrow afternoon, we'll give you a pisenku.

      - The axis is so and the axis is so, so it is so and the axis is so (they sing to a well-known song).

      - But I won’t hurry. If you ask, I'll sleep!

      Download all together.

      "Preparation for the New Rock"

      Children go near the store to the yalink bazaar. The role of the seller is a speech therapist. To put questions for children: “What do you want to buy? Where is your yalinka worth? What kind of toys do you like? If any child wants to go to the "winter forest" for the yalinka. Preparation before the campaign: zasovuetsya for additional food, what to take with you to the fox, how to prepare lizh, sledges, what to put on backpacks. Under the hour, the speech therapist helps the children to develop a game situation. For example: "Come, carry important backpacks" - children imitate the movement of people, like carrying a load. “I guess. Rubaemo g_lki, dry bitches, bred rich. Grієmos bіla vognishcha, p'єmo hot tea from a thermos. Children play designated situations. Then we prepare the place for the name, pull the yoga, rest at the name. If you need to go to the foxes;

      commemorate what depths of snow, what birds and animals were commemorated by the snow fox. The children chose to go to Galyavin and the nutrition of the speech therapist to tell who is good.

      Speech therapist encourages children to encourage children to take a walk to the winter forest. Children, responding to the speech therapist’s food, tell, like stench, they go out for a walk: put on winter clothes, take lizhi, sledges, thermoses with hot tea thinly. Children come out of the child's garden on licks.

      Children walk in alternating steps, imitating walking on licks, chanting the text:

      We're on the licks,

      We rush from the fire,

      We love fun

      A speech therapist leads children to the winter forest:

      - We went to the river, on that birch, our forest. And at once we will pass the river on kovzan. About what to ring the forge?

      Children win ruhi and seem:

      We bіzhimo, bіzhimo forward,

      On prozory mіtsniy lіd,

      Speech therapist. We went to the fox. Snow on a galyavin of fluffy, shrill, so ask for hands, let's get warm at the snow. (Children play music.)

      Speech therapist. For the time being, you played, pishov snig, listen, as if in ide:

      Shurkhotili and snarled.

      They hung and rattled.

      Motorcycles crackled and caressed.

      - I shov snig hush for all. (Children throw up their hands ubik, lift up the disguise, why drops fall on them.)

      Speech therapist. Veyshli to the knots, we go down to the river, we ride on the sanchats. (Children get up in pairs one by one and “ride” on the sledge, then we stick to the snow woman. They froze, warmed up the fire, drank tea, it became warmer and turned home on the licks. They grew up, they came to the group.)

      Speech therapist. We took a good walk with the fox. What did you ride?

      - On licks, sleds, kovzan.

    3. STAGE OF INDEPENDENT MOVE (14 - 18 days)
    4. (rewriting of a prepared independent mov on the materials of retelling and rewriting of an independent mov on the materials of an explanation)

      The task of retelling an independent movie on the materials of the retelling: the preparation of a verbatim retelling of the prepared text with an offensive dramatization, the retelling of the subtitles, the retelling of the materials of the different Igors; variation of activity, self-reliance, good behavior in all types of games.

      1st week - “Ludina. Yogo Budova"

      2nd week - "Sim'ya"

      3rd week - "Professions"

      4th week - "Army"

      2nd week - "Home Creatures"

      3rd week - "Domestic Birds"

      4th week - "Spring"

      1st week - "Flying Birds"

      2nd week - "Cosmos"

      3rd week – “Transport. Road Rules"

      4th week - "Misto"

      5th week - "Theater"

      1st week - "Komahi"

      3rd week - "Ribi"

      4th day - “Kvіtuchі trees and chagarniki. Kviti"

      5th week - "School"

      Hid gr: Speech therapist even to children, that the book with verses fell into a lie, and from the rest of the rows of verses the words fell out, ask the children to help turn the words on the place. Gives instructions: “Listen to the verse, choose from as many words as you need - those who follow the rhythm and the zmist.”

      On the poles, poles, on the dakha

      Nests in the wines, de vishe,

      There are toads that got caught

      Z dzhobom dovgy, white ... (parrot, leleka, swan)

      The different seas stink to be found

      And not safe, as if you know the order.

      You can save the bottom in the style

      It smells like real, - ... (fish, whale, shark)

      Who is waving wings there

      І vouchers of another garnish?

      I looks like a bug

      Ballerina ... (birdie, blizzard, grandmother)

      Meta gri: independent movement, correct pace of movement, contented behavior.

      Hid gri: a speech therapist teaches children to take a flight from the cosmos. To become an astronaut, you need to be a kmіtlivim. The speech therapist chooses a black one, like youmu: “On duty, conduct a game“ What will the cosmonaut take to the flight?

      Chergovy distributes pictures: a parasol, a shoe, a rocket, a yearbook, a book, a lyalka, a spacesuit, an olive, a sholom, a toothbrush, a tape recorder, a sports suit. Children make it necessary for an astronaut to fly and make a statement, for example: An astronaut will fly with a rocket. Boodinok Youmu Rocket. And the cosmonaut takes books, papers, a pen from his budinok. Vіn u kosmosі poserіgatime for zіrkam i zapisuvatime. If you get exhausted, try to read the book, change it, listen to the music. The astronaut needs to go out into space. For someone else, he has a spacesuit and a sholom. To be strong and healthy, an astronaut in space to do exercises. Youmu needs a tracksuit.

      Speech therapist. Bach, you are strong and trained, respectful and smart. But astronauts have been in space for a long time, stench is alone there, and it is important, so that stench could fire, make one another laugh, not give up confusion. Axis, I wonder at once, who rozpovіst naymіshnіshy vіrsh chi potіshku.

      Children can tell the following:

      Anu, children, everything is fine!

      Sleep an hour long ago

      Outside is already dark.

      And the owl - to the children:

      Get ready for bed early!

      Nothing at the fox - get up for an hour!

      Zaychenya, sit on me - I'll ride!

      No, no, I don't want to, uncle hedgehog, I don't want to!

      On the parking lot, feltings uphill dried up with their feet,

      It means that the felt boots were wet with their feet down.

      Eh ty, zlyakavsya hare, what a grizzly cabbage!

      So I'm not bachiv a hare, I'm snarling crunchy.

      Children appreciate whose sweat turned out to be the most ridiculous and the most copper.

      Speech therapist. І rest of the trial. Cosmonauts receive calls from the Earth and on TV and radio. Speak the stench of guilt clearly, clearly, so that they could sense them on Earth. I will revise and you at whom I have tested.

      On the aspen, dewdrops shone with mother-of-pearl.

      On the vіknі kryhtu midge sprytno to catch the paw of the gut.

      In Khariton's aquarium, there are crayfish and three newts.

      Yashka at the kashket їde on turtles.

      There was a call.

      Thirty-three trumpeters trumpet loudly.

      Chok-chok, the heel jumped on the knot.

      At Senya and Sanya in a chain of som іz vusami.

      Quiet, honey, whale on the dash.

      Tsіlі: navchannya retelling, dpracticing pauses on the material of the written text.

      Khіd gri: speech therapist kazhe: Let's show what we did from the very wound. Is it necessary to hold a group?

      Children: Marinkini do it

      Speech therapist: Masha, start it!

      Got up early

      The skin of a child is victorious, one has the right to relax my hands, nig, shi.

      Speech therapist. Dobre namagavsya robiti your right Mishko. Mishko, continue the exercises.

      I got up early,

      Mishko: And the axis is like this (showing). Nayakuratnishe veiled lightly Igor. Igore, keep exercising.

      Igor: And the axis is like this (showing). Sashenka was most sympathetic. Sashenka, continue the exercises.

      Sasha: Vaughn robbed like this (Imituy vdyagannya cloth). Everyone dressed correctly, but Dima dressed the best.

      Got on the bus.

      Speech therapist: Guess what Marinka did. Whoever guesses by the right of Marinka, that one will tell us.

      The children are told, the speech therapist helps them with food, what to induce, and then ask for a skin assessment of the friend’s order.

      Tsіl. Read the order with additional supporting pictures.

      Hid gri. Reading the speech, the speech therapist puts little things on the doshtsi subject. Children with the help of supporting pictures develop independently. Violating the skin proposition, children create this rhythmic-intonation baby: put your hand on the stiffly beaten knee and sway your fingers lightly when the skin word is voiced, the cream of unions and leads (method of L.Z. Arutyunyan).

      This is our street. On one side of the street stand a bagat-overhead booth. Tse living houses - they linger people. On the other side of the street, roztashovani raznі install. Axis grocery store here to sell groceries. Axis perukarnya here robbing zachіski. The axis of the clinic, people rejoice here. The axis of the cinema, at the new one to marvel at films. And they gave an oschadbank, they save pennies from him. The school entrusted them, children learn here. In the middle of the street - a part of the road, cars drive through it. And the axis of the sidewalks for pedestrians. Our street is beautiful and beautiful.

      Hid gri. The speech therapist reads the rozpovіd and vіdpovіdno to її zmіstu lay out the pictures on the playing field. Children retell yoga. Violating the skin proposition, children create this rhythmic-intonation baby: put your hand on the stiffly beaten knee and sway your fingers lightly when the skin word is voiced, the cream of unions and leads (method of L.Z. Arutyunyan).

      Tse road. Cars go on the road. Axis їde bus, vіn transport people. Behind it there is a self-skid, it is possible to transport vestages. Behind him - a fuel truck, vіn transport gasoline. A milk truck crashes behind a fuel tanker, carrying milk. And the axle is a passenger car, at the new one - the road police. She follows the order on the road. There are a lot of different types of transport on the street.

      Hid gri. Reading the speech, the speech therapist puts on the doshtsi the little ones from the images of wild creatures. Children with the help of supporting pictures develop independently. Violating the skin proposition, children create this rhythmic-intonation baby: put your hand on the stiffly beaten knee and sway your fingers lightly when the skin word is voiced, the cream of unions and leads (method of L.Z. Arutyunyan).

      The grown-up creatures and their children were walking with the fox. The children got lost and lost their way. Creatures began to shukati їх. Vedmіd znayshov vedmezhat i povіv їkh at the barlig.

      Vovk znayshov vovchenyat i pov_v їkh at lіgvo. The fox knew the cubs and led them to the hole. The squirrel knew the children and led them to the hollow. Badger knows borsukіv i povіv їх at nirku.

      Creative retelling from a distant dramatization

      "Fox, rabbit and piven"

      Tsіl. Read the children to convey the change of the tale sequentially, harmoniously, with the addition of the prosodic components of the movie: pause, intonation, soft voice delivery. Develop vivaciousness, activity, viznistnost ruhіv in grі-dramatizatsії behind the motives of a fairy tale.

      1. Reading by a speech therapist of the fairy tale "Fox, hare and piven".

      Asking for children. Where did the fox and the hare live? Yaka hut bula at the fox? Yaka hatinka bula at a hare? What was the fox hanging from the hut? To whom did the fox ask? What did the fox do with the hare? Who helped the bunny? Who vygnav fox?

      2. Retelling urivkіv z kazki.

      Speech therapist. They went, they went, they went, they knew the hut. Whose won?

      Children. Tsya hatinka hare.

      Speech therapist. Why did you swear like that?

      Some of the children retell the tales of the fairy tale about the hare hut.

      Speech therapist. And the axis is another hut. Whose won?

      Children. Tya hut fox. (Retelling a different passage from a fairy tale.)

      Speech therapist. Children, wonder what lies near the stump?

      Children. Here is a cat, and in a new cap.

      Speech therapist. We ate with you to the Cossack fox. You, Sashko, turn around at the pivnik and change. (Children pretend to be characters in a fairy tale.) I will also turn around and transform into a kazkarka.

      3. Children stage a fairy tale.

      Good at the fox hanging,

      Ale, we'll have an hour to get home.

      One two three chotiri five,

      Become children again.

      Children circle and wear masks. Speech therapist to put nutrition, retelling the episodes of fairy tales on how children are.

      The task of independent mov on the materials of the description: read the children of the description of the description, the description of the memory, the creative description.

      “What did the leaf-bearer bring us?”

      Settlement. Toys, parcel.

      Hid gri. The toys are placed in a box - a parcel. The leaf-bearer comes and brings a parcel. The first to get a toy is a teacher. The speech therapist tells you what she won: name the object, describe, designate the form, color. You can say how to play with them.

      Let's let the children take each toy and draw the boxes and give them away for a reason given by the teacher.

      "When are you going?"

      Settlement. Image of nature in different times of rock.

      Hid gri. Children classify pictures according to the seasons of rock, giving them descriptions: "There is white snow in this picture - it's winter." "Leaves are yellow, go to the wood - tse autumn." І etc.

      Settlement. A series of pictures "Zoo", arranged in different areas of the city.

      Hіd gri Speech therapist proponuє children virushiti to the zoo. Children go out onto the street, sit down to the bus (children play the roles of the conductor, passengers, water). The bus from the children goes to the zoo, get off the bus, go to the box office, buy tickets and, having shown them to the controller, enter the territory of the zoo. The teacher leads the children to the skin cells of the creature, gives an eye to the description of the creature, then the children independently put together the evidence.

      Tsіl. Read the children, write down the description of the description.

      Settlement. Picture from images of pike.

      Hid gri. The speech therapist tells the children to make a speech about the pike. Help for wine consumption.

      There is a pike in front of you. Tserichkova fish. There's a hut - eating ribs. She has a head, a zyabra, fins, a tail, sharp teeth. The pike is slick. From pike you can cook a yushka and cook cutlets.

      Settlement. Images of objects necessary for the doctor.

      Hid gri. The speech therapist puts on the board pictures from the images of the subjects needed by the doctor, and propagates to put together a description about the new one.

      The profession of a doctor is very important. The doctor rejoices people. Vіn practices in polyclinics and likarni. The doctor needs: a bathrobe, a cap, a thermometer, a syringe, faces, prescriptions. Ailments come to the doctor, tell about your illness. The healer helps the sick.

      Tsіl. Fix the habit in children of opisal description.

      Settlement. Image of tickets.

      Hid gri. Children sit on the table, on which the little ones lie, little ones down. One child is a gardener. We remember all the children and say: “I have a great garden. Come to me, Dimo, look ahead.” Child, like a gardener, vyklikav, choose your own picture, marvel at it and describe it in such a way that the children guessed that it was zirvana.

      Let's sweat the child, who draws the picture, becomes a gardener. Grab doty, docks will not be sorted all images.

      Rozpovіdі z memory

      "How we lived our warriors"

      Orientation analysis based on collective evidence.

      Tsіl. Read an independent explanation.

      “Until the Day of the Protector of the Motherland, we prepared for a long time. They embellished the group with bags and ensigns. Then we painted vital leaflets for tat ta didusiv. And we painted big little ones for the guests. I painted a tank - a tiger. Vіn buv is great, with the barrel of that hatch. My little one was worthy of tatov. I marveled, chuckled and said thank you to me.

      Let's let the children play with the defenders of the Vitchizn, share roles, create military professions, whoever needs it.

      Zrazkovі rozpovіdі on the basis of an individual report.

      “At the weekend, I went to the circus with my mother and that tatom. We came there, got loose. There were a lot of people at the lobby, everyone was taking pictures with various creatures. Then we went to our place. Vistava bula tsikava. Acrobatics, gymnasts, clowns, dogs, parrots performed there, as well as other tigers. I stink the most. The stench vikonuvali commands tamer. I was more than worthy at the circus.

      Hid gri. The speech therapist teaches children to pick up a backpack to school and tell them about how the stench works.

      I’ll throw a lie, I’ll fall, I’ll fall down and I’ll dress up. I'll dress up... Then I'll put school supplies in my backpack. I'll put... Let's fasten my backpack. I'll put on my shoes and fix the doors. I'll see from home. By the road I will go to school.

      Zrazkovі rozpovіdі on the basis of vikonan roboti.

      Tsіl. Read the planning functions of the movie, retelling about the vikonan robot.

      Hid gri. The speech therapist teaches the children to make a silhouette of a cow and tell about the vikonan robot from geometric shapes.

      I made a silhouette of a cow from geometric shapes. The figures are made from cardboard.

      There are 11 figures in total: two squares, two tricots and five rectangles - one big one and some small ones. For the coat, I took two squares; for the tail - one trikutnik; for shi - also one tricoutnik; for wuh - two trikutniks. For mordi, I took a great straight cut. And for the nig - chotiri small straight-cuts. I took the figures, and the cow came out.

      Settlement. 11 geometric figures (the stinks emerge from a square with a size of 10 × 10 cm).

      Hid gri. The speech therapist encourages the children to make a silhouette of a koshen from geometric shapes, then we will tell about the vikonan's work.

      I made a silhouette of a cochen from geometric figures. The figures are made from cardboard.

      There are 11 figures in total: two squares, two tricots and five rectangles - one big one and some small ones. For the coat, I took two squares, for the head - chotiri tricutniks, for the legs - chotiri small straight-cuts, for the tail - a great straight-cut. I took off my figures, and there was mow in me.

      Themes explain from memory: "Cicava Prigoda", "Semeyne Holy", "Excursion", "Walking", "New Book" toshcho.

      Tsіl. Vihovannya independent movie.

      Hid gri. Speech therapist teaches children to come up with a story about summer.

      Summer has come. The sun began to grow stronger. It grew richly colorful. A lot of comakh appeared. The stench is everywhere: in the windows, on the ground, on the trees, near the water. The stench is flying, fluttering, fluttering, calling, shouting. Birds sleep for a while. The stench is to catch the coma and rejoice in their fowls. Children and adults swim near the rivers and look at the birches. Stinks go to the forests for mushrooms, berries and quince. Vltku people vіdpochivayut. Tse most beloved time to rock.

      "Visiting the astronauts"

      Tsіl. Vihovannya independent movement, vminnya to lead a creative game, vihovannya activity, initiatives.

      Hid gri. Speech therapist. To become an astronaut, you need to be strong and vitrivalim. Let's work out.

      five at once, shkarpetki at once, bend in the back, inhale, shake the hands of mlyn, put your hands down, see;

      sist, back straight, arms lowered in the air of the coat, lifting smoothly on the scarves, inhale, lowering on the hips, see;

      hands on the belt, smoothly raising on the scarpets, inhale, stand on the scarpets - pause, lowering on the full foot, see.

      Speech therapist. To become an astronaut, you need to be respectful. Perevіru, chi vi respect chi nі.

      Quietly strike the tambourine, the children walk around, change the tact - change the straight line. Bubo lock - children zupinilis.

      Speech therapist. Well prepared. Our cosmonauts were going to fly into space. There they trapiled name-brands, and you can think of them yourself.

      Tsіl. Vihovannya independent movement, activity, initiative, creativity.

      Hid gri. Speech therapist teaches children to come up with a story about a deserted planet.

      Yakos - two friends: Mikita and Aristarchus were taken to the cosmodrome. There, a space ship was getting ready to go. The boys wanted to wonder what was in the middle of the ship. The stench crept onto the ship indefinitely, littered themselves and did not remember, like a ship angry. If the lads have passed, the ship has already arrived to the other planet. The astronauts went out, the children also jumped out of the ship without memory. Here the boules are on fire that pіsok. The children went up to the high mountain, and on the contrary, they were cold and cold, like a dog. The dog grafted children to his masters. They were robots. The stench looked kind. The children were babbling, that they were roaring about in a right way. It appeared that acidic woods were going on their planets, and as a result of which robots were rusting and breaking. The boys wanted to help the robots. The stench died to the cosmonauts and all rose to them. The astronauts got angry with the boys, then helped the robots and gave them protection. And they took the word from the lads that the stench would no longer tick without the permission of the grown-ups.

      They decided to name the planet "Zalizyaka".

      "Polit on Venus"

      “The last spaceship arrived to Venus.

      Considering that Venus is deserted, the astronauts wanted to take a sample of the soil and rocks from the surface of the planet. Ale, before the hour of travel, the astronauts were tucked in by the bags of the planet Venus - istots, covered with stone armor. The values ​​turned out to be unfriendly. The cosmonauts could not defend themselves and ended up on the ship. It was very important to lift the space ship under a hail of stone. But the friendly robot of all members of the team helped them to turn around and turn around like stars to the ground.

    5. Belyakova L. I., Dyakova E.A. Logopedia. //Zaїkuvatіst. Primary handbook for students of defectology faculties of higher primary pledges. Vidannya 2nd, supplemented and remade. - M.: V. Sekachov, View of EKSMO-Pres, 2001.
    6. Volkova G. А. - M., 1983.
    7. Vigodska I. B., Pellenger E.A., Uspenska L.P. Book for speech therapists. - M. "Prosvita", 1993.
    8. Mikhailova Z.O. Igrovі tsіkavi zavdannya for preschool children. - M.: Prosvitnitstvo, 1985.
    9. Nishcheva N. V. The system of corrective work in speech therapy group from severe underdevelopment of language. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRES, 2003.
    10. Rizdvyana V.I. Vihovannya movi preschoolers who zaїkayutsya. - M, 1960.
    11. Seliverstov V.I. Modern games with children. M: VOLODOS, 1994.
    12. Smirnova L.M. Speech therapy for the hour of zaїkuvatostі. Occupation with children 5-7 years at a child cage. A guide for speech therapists, fosterers and fathers. - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2006.
    13. Chevelova N.A. Correction of constipation in children. - M.: Prosvitnitstvo, 1964.
    • Let's talk about psychosomatic disorders Psychosomatic disorders (psychosomatic disease) - disorders of the functions of various organs and systems that are blamed for the influx of a psychotraumatic factor. The role of the rest can have stress, conflict, crisis. The stench rushes in from the frequency […]
    • Instructions for zastosuvannya "Phenibut" for children and children in 3 years: dosing and shorter analogues of the drug Often, the child is not sick. During this period, the fathers are worried about the health of the little one, trying their best to help you. For the help of prescribing medicines, you can ease the camp of a baby, but in some cases [...]
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    • Lіkuvannya lie down due to the causes of illness. As a psychological cause, it is necessary to change the way of life, to eliminate the annoying factor. Іsnuyuet folk recipes, scho zastosovuyut in neuroses. The stench can calm the day, normalize sleep. Hypo-abo […]
    • Zavdannya at zaїkuvatostі Good day everyone! Do you know what you have the right to bring about 50% of the result in the treatment of diseases in children? Golovne here regularity to take that obsession. Ale, if you want a child to win over, why don’t you want to? That one-manality yogo rot. Ale w hіd є! And now I'm talking about a new […]
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    • Fear of walking on the same street I am a girl, size 170, weight 50 kg. I'm afraid to walk the streets in the evening, constantly blaming the thoughts that if you are a smart people, if you want, you can rob me, beat me and beat me. And yakscho you rely on hand-me-downs - to plant. Sob they saw me off the day home, […]

    Good day everyone! Do you know what you have the right to bring about 50% of the result in the treatment of diseases in children? Golovne here regularity to take that obsession. Ale, if you want a child to win over, why don’t you want to? That one-manality yogo rot. Ale w hіd є! And now I'll tell you about the new one.

    Zaїkuvatіst, tse serozna movna ailment, yak not vіdrazu pіddaєtsya therapy. I likuvannya is richer here. In fact, it is necessary that the child not only learned how to speak correctly, but also scribbled many skills. And you can only work harder for the help of poor manipulations.

    Ale schob the little ones vykonuvav їh іz happy, yogo zatsіkaviti is necessary. Chim? Well, I'm thundering! It’s better to say to him, not: “Let's get a loan,” but: “Come on, let's get a loan!” And so that the little ones do not get tired of single-manhood, it is necessary to work so that the games are different.

    Tse is simple! Adzhe is right in case of zaїkuvatostі in children directing to the development of offensive systems:

    • Dyhal.
    • Articulation.
    • M'yazovoi (learn to relax).
    • Voice.
    • Development of a little bit of rhythm.

    Bachete, how does a great robot need to be robbed? There is no mention of single-manhood and movi! Well, now, if it’s clear, you can tell a child about the essence of the skin technique.

    Dihal gymnastics

    Vzagali, dihalna technique - the thing is already corny. Vaughn helps with zaїkuvatostі, and I will speed up the process of becoming promoted. The widest is Strelnikova's charge. The bottom line is that, under different physical conditions, the little ones breathed in and watched the rules. There were a lot of manipulations, contributions to relaxation, and control of the breath, and the development of current zdіbnosti.

    For such a large-scale technique, I can suggest the simplest options, but the effectiveness of any of them is not reduced.

    • Let the little one lay on his back. Put youma on the tummy of a soft toy. Now it is necessary to breathe in, inflate live. The toy rises up the hill. After that, I see it, smooth with the sound “pfff”. At the same time, the breath of the equal and calm one is reached.
    • Duєmo cotton balls. Raise small breasts from the wool, and blow at once from the little ones. More manipulation can be done on a smooth table. And then let's make the task easier: lay a terry towel. Shmatochki cotton wool are chipped by the villi. Tim himself has a sporting interest in the little one, we gain more time, and we breathe more.
    • And millions of bubbles! Well, like a child їх not to love to start up? I have fun, and it’s bright at the hour!
    • Through a straw you can dmukhati near the water. Do you see how many sacks you bring to the little one?

    Tell me, do you know if you still apply it? Share? Well, for now I’ll tell you about articulation!

    Articulation gymnastics

    Articulation gymnastics in case of constriction is recognized as one of the most effective. Wow! Aje here train m'yazi articulation apparatus! See for yourself:

    • Inflate cheeks, let's go down. Now we can inflate the skin of the cheek.
    • Splashing sponges one on one, like fish.
    • With a tongue, it is pressed either on one, or on the other side of the cheek.
    • Inflate the cheeks and close your mouth. Now we strike on the cheeks with fists, so that again it comes out of the noise.
    • Let's see, what a tongue, what a toothbrush! Ask the baby to brush his teeth with his tongue with his mouth closed.
    • Bite your upper lip, sweat your lower lip.

    You can ask a child for a cream, with an open mouth, cough a sprat once or call. Golovne, look after the system! And do not forget about complexity.

    M'yazova gymnastics

    Pom_chali, like a baby, which one starts to roll? Go hurriedly, but do not try to say a word differently. And at the same time, yogo m'yazi will start to strain, be it: disguise, shoulders, shoulders ... Moreover, the reason for the illness is unimportant.

    Well, you need to learn to relax. Ask the child to strain, be it a part of the body, for example, clench your fists for 5 seconds. Now ask to relax as much as possible. Those same work with the other part of the body.

    Voice gymnastics

    And now vchimosya speak loudly and vpevneno. For an hour, you have the right to ask the little one to trim his head straight and marvel right at your eyes. Aje tse is so important with roses! Zoro contact. If the child is called, it’s nothing to consider stinginess and soromitis.

    Rule a small vistava less for the members of this family. Then you can ask for friends, you know well what kind of little ones. This method helps to learn not to be afraid to speak loudly and openly to the public.

    Order from tsim zastosovyte іnshі simple dії:

    • Spіv vowels: ATІЄ, be-yakі іnshі combinations. With whom, adjust the volume: loudly, quietly, loudly, now everything is quieter and quieter.
    • The sounding of the quiet voices themselves only changes not the loudness, but the intonation: angry, affectionate, summarily, cheerfully.
    • Uyavnyy 'yachik b'єtsya about a pіdlogu zі sound MO, about the wall zі sound ME then.

    I nasamkinets vіdreguluєmo almost like tact in the movie.

    Rhythmic gymnastics

    I remember that in the 5th grade I started teaching high school dance lessons. There they chose according to this principle: the teacher tapped the melody with the key, and they repeated it. Axis schos is more robimo and in the case of splendid zaїkuvatostі.

    We start from a simple one. Knock 2 times, then 2 more. Let the child repeat. Now we make the task easier: knock 2, then 3 times.

    Instead of sounds, you can caress with your little hands under the top. For example: "HAZYAKA THROW THE BUNNY ...". take it easy and easily forget the verses. So, fakhіvtsі to please the people's songs and potishki to sleep.

    With constant and painstaking work, similar logopedic training will give a remarkable result. Dear grown up, the very mind of our mood is to lie down a healthy baby! Virte and see everything!

    And now tell you how to get rid of ailments? Yakі іgrovi right know? Leave comments and become pre-payers to the blog. Until the new season. Docks!

    Molding of smooth motion in children from zaїkannyam

    (various regimes in Moscow)

    1. Regulation of the emotional state.

    (relaxation right for the hands, nig, body, relaxation right for the mimic and articulatory m'yaziv.)

    3. Development of coordination and rhythmic movements. (Right to regulate the m'azovy tone, right for the development of a little tempo and rhythm, right for the development of the coordination of the movement with the hand, spіv)

    4. Molding of a movable breath (setting a diaphragmatic-costal breath and molding a trival vidihu through the mouth; molding

    trivial phonation vision; moulding)

    5. Formation of the skill of rational voting and voice consciousness

    6. Development of prosodic bok movie

    7. Development of the planning function of the movie

    (development of received, written language, correct nutrition, independent description of pictures, retelling of the text, spontaneous language)

    1. Galvanization of pathological recurricular mechanisms

    Organization and trivality of these regimes should be kept for a long time, according to the type of person, in which the correction of the work is to be carried out, and then the speech therapist. "Special security regime", as a rule, is organized on the cob of corrective work with zakayuchim.

    The "special protection regime" is understood as a health regimen, against the background of which the "movie dewatering regime" or "movement regime" is running. The health regimen, which is sparing like in adults, so in children includes a clear daily routine, which in general rhythmizes the activity of all functions of the body and helps them normalize. Zaїkuєtsya proponuєtsya more years for recovery, with additional years of sleep, it is recommended to live with even enough vitamins. Tsі come straight to the health improvement of the body.

    In the process of implementation of the regime of subsistence mov in preschool children, who zakayutsya, it is recommended to organize special Igor-"Movchanka".

    1. Regulation of the emotional state

    Relaxation right for mimics

    that articulation m'yazіv.

    Right #1. Slightly tilt your head back, strain the mind for 5-10 s, let your head loosen forward.

    Right #2. Wrinkle your forehead, raising your eyebrows for 5-10 seconds.

    Right #3. Strongly frown for 5-10 seconds.

    Right #4. Shchіlno close povіki for 5-10 sec.

    Right #5. For 5-10 s. clench your teeth.

    Right #6. "Sbirnik" - laugh widely and show your teeth for 5 seconds.

    Right #7. Vityagnut ruin with a tube and smoke for 10 seconds.

    Right #8. Press the tongue to the front teeth for 10 s.

    Right #9. Pull the language back 10 s.

    Right No. 10 Relax easily, deeper, deeper. On the offensive position, flatten the eyes and stretch the m'yazi mouth and throat.

    Right #11. "Years" - MOV back and forth, ubik.

    Right #12. "Bumps" - with the tongue at the cheek.

    Right #13. "Konika" - my clap.

    Right #14. “Punish the unhearing tongue” - bite the wide language.

    Right #15. "Dzvinochok" - tap my upper alveoli - la-la-la.

    Right #16. "Hammer" - tap with your tongue on the upper alveoli - dddddd.

    Right #17. "Tubule" - we move - Oh, "smile" - we move I.

    At the dynamics, at the same time, insulting sounds ОІ, ІО.

    Right #18. Rozkriёmo sprat opened wide mouth.

    Relaxation right for the hands, feet, body.

    Tin soldiers and ganchir'yan lyalki

    For the image of the tin soldiers, stand straight, clench your fingers into a fist, show respect for the tension in the hands, and the body. To roil sharply turn the whole body to the right and to the left, the stability of the neck, arms and shoulders is saved. Feet on the floor stand unmoved.

    Having made a sprat of turns, throw off the tension, having depicted a lyalok. Turn the toulub sharply right-handed and left-handed, with which the hands are passively turned around, roblyachi circles around the body. The feet of the nig on the floor stand unruly.


    From the sitting position, navpochіpka povіlno rise uphill, showing that the burulka "grows", raise your hands uphill and, moving on the scarpets, pull up the yakomoga more strongly, tensing the whole body - the burulka "grew". Following the speech therapist’s command: “The sun warmed up and the burulka began to fade,” lower your hands, relaxing your whole body, go down, sit on the bed, and then lie down, becoming more relaxed, - “the burulka rose and turned into a Kalyuzha.” Return your respect at the reception to see the relaxation.


    Stretch uphill, lifting your arms and straining the whole body, imagining, like "a flower of growth and stretching to the sun."

    Slowly let the brushes in, imagining that "the sun has fallen, and the head of the flower has drooped", relax in front of the cry, bending the hands in the elbows - "the stalk has broken", and, throwing off the tension from the m'yazіv of the back, neck and upper shoulder girdle, passively heal forward , kolіna - "the ticket withered".


    Zrobiti nahil ahead, show that you are lifting an important barbell, pulling it right up to your chest, and then lifting it over your head.

    Rightfully spend 10-15 seconds. Gain respect for the tension at the hands, feet, coat. "Throw the barbell" - having hacked ahead, hands hang freely with it. Return your respect at the reception to see the relaxation.

    Kolodi - motuzochki

    Raise your hands to the kill, having slightly healed ahead. Tension m'yazi hands, clenching your fingers into a fist like a "kolod". Let loosened hands in. Turn back your respect, as the stench passively walks by itself like a “motuzochki”.


    Transfer the heaviness of the body from the p'yat to the scarves when kidnapped back and forth. Hands lowered down and pressed to the body. The heaviness of the body is carried forward, on the front part of the foot, do not lift the toes. All the body of the troch is swaying forward. Potim vaga tila be transferred to five. Shkarpetki vіd pіdlogi not vіdrivayutsya.


    Sit right on the tip of the table. After the command “demo on a racing car”, pull your legs forward, lightly lift them up, pull your hands and clench your fists - “it’s good for the kermo”, the coat of the troch was pulled back. Gain respect for the tension of the minds of the whole body. After 10-15 seconds, relax, sit straight, put your hands on your knees, lower your head slightly, show respect at the reception a little relaxed.

    Lyalka got tired

    Deeply sighed, stretched, raising your hands uphill and rising on your toes, seeing to relax, lower your hands, shaking your head forward.


    Raise the shoulders of the yakomog higher, and then freely lower them down.


    In a sitting position, let the head in on the right shoulder, then on the left shoulder, twist, and then let it go forward. To the right win 10-15 seconds. For example, have the right to exercise respect at the reception when you see the relaxation that is blamed for the relaxation of the mind.

    1. Development of coordination and rhythmic movements

    Speech therapy rhythm includes various rukhovi right in the offensive sequence:

    1) rhythmic warm-up

    The method of rhythmic warm-up is the development of rhythmic movements for music, during the process of which the coordinated movements of the hands and feet are specified, and the tempo and rhythm of the movement are formed in the meantime. The rhythmic warm-up victorious is also for the organization of children, setting the mood for a singing kind of activity.


    1. Free marching to the music with a change of direction.

    2. Zaїkayuchi walk on the ring for music and change directly for the command "Forward", "Back", "To the center", "Right", "Left" and so on.

    2) right, scho regulate m'azovy tone

    By the method of this mind, it is right to reduce the m'azovogo stress, redistribute the m'yazovogo stress, vihovannya plasticity ruhіv. Vikoristovuyutsya spetsіlnі pravai napruzhu that rozslablennya m'yazіv: squeezing and rubbing the hands, transferring the vag of the body from one side to the other side (pendulum) thinly.


    1. Zaїkayuchi stand on the stake. Under the music, it is free to hit both hands forward and backward, hit with the right hand and kill with the foot; hit with the left hand and foot killed.

    2. Zaїkayuchі vykonuyut so ruhi: strainedly pull offending arms to the sides, the hand is clenched into a fist (1st bar of music). The hands are loosened raptom, and the hands fall down (2nd bar), the hands freely hit, roaring at home to the music.

    3) right for the development of a sense of tempo and rhythm

    Metoyu tsikh right є rhythmizatsiya ruhіv in the simplest to the most complicated - articulation. Vikoristovuetsya walking, slapping and strumming at different musical tempi and rhythms, and then playing warehouses that words on the given rhythms.


    Splash with your hands the rhythmic little ones of the familiar song after the demonstration of the teacher (the song “Pivnik”).

    Pe-to-shock Pe-to-shock Zo-lo-ta gre-be-shock

    4) right in the development of coordination of promotions with hands. Rhythmization of the motor functions of the body with the rhythmization of the movements of the body, the main method of which is right is the rhythmization of the movement. For whom vikoristovuyut rukhovi right under the music with an one-hour promo voice, step by step, the steps of my day are being put together. The middle musical tempo-rhythm is backfiring, which will allow those who sing to speak the words of words, phrases, verses, and more prose texts.


    Under the music, they promote the performance of the text, at the same time accompanying the words with the like movements.

    In front of us is a wide meadow - spread your arms wide kill.

    And above us is a tall oak - they rise on scarves, raise their hands to the top.

    And pine above us, or

    Their heads began to chatter - rhythmically roaring to the sides, cunningly raising their hands uphill.

    Grimnuv grim - roil the bavovna.

    The pine tree has fallen - to roar the sickly ahead and down, lowering your hands.

    Only goydala with their heads - rhythmically kidnapping with lowered hands.

    Step by step, the tempo-rhythm becomes more complicated and changes. For zaїkayutsya z neurosopodіbіbіbіbіbіbіbіbіbіbіbіbіbіbіbіbіbіbіbіbіbі mu movnoї'' patologiії po_dnannya movi ruhami є muzykoi є є important zavdannya і neproє treval'no opratsyuvannya. Zaїkayutsya with a neurotic form of zaїkuvatostі to do it quickly and get it right.

    5) spiv

    Metoyu spіvu є correction of the pace of the movement and the normalization of the movement of the breath. For whom, rhythmic and melodic songs are chosen. Step by step, the processes of work are picked up by songs with folding tempo-rhythmical characteristics.

    6) gra

    right, scho regulate m'azovy tone

    1) Children sit by the cole on the bed in Turkish. On loud music, strike with the palms of your hands, on quiet music, sway light claps in front of you.

    2) Children stand at the stake with tambourines at the left hand, for loud music - hit the tambourine with their right hand, for quiet music - take the bubo from the right hand and easily shake it.

    3) To the full music, the children walk along the stake, to the quiet - they collapse on their own shkarpets, to the full music - to walk along the stake, waving their ensigns, to the quiet - they sink down on one knee thinly.

    4) Children go in pairs to the full music along the stake, to quiet - bets are made and go one by one. With the inspiration of rich music, I will again converge in pairs.

    5) Divide children into groups of 3-4 individuals. The stinks disperse with their booths (kuti zali). The skin has a club, which depicts a horse. To loud music, children ride horses one by one on a stake, to quiet music - go to their homes. With the inspiration of the loud music, I will again jump on the stake.

    1. Molding of a wash dish

    (preparation for the development of a diaphragmatic type of breath, setting a diaphragmatic-costal breath and molding a trivalent vidihu through the mouth; molding a trival phonation vidihu; molding a moving vidihu)

    Right that game from preparation to the development of the thoracic (diaphragmatic) type of breathing, which is performed at the first stage of the work



    Ownership: soft toys of small size.

    The children, who are resting at the lying position, put a light toy on the life of the diaphragm.

    Instruction: Let's put a toy on life and marvel, how it rises, if you are robish in breath, and lower yourself, if you are robish seen. Breathe in and see robimo through nіs.

    It is necessary to follow the instruction of the child's teacher to scour the eye for the lowering and lowering of the toy following the shortness and relaxation of the diaphragm. The respect of the child is directed at those who become “alive”, as if they were breathing with their stomachs. You can rightly support the rimuvannyam that you are a speech therapist:

    I swing the fish on the wind,

    Then uphill (inhale),

    Then down (vidih)

    Plyve on me.


    Goydalki uphill (up)

    Goydalka down (vidih),

    Mіtsnіshe ty, friend, tremajsya.

    2. Hippo - 1

    Target: to improve the function of the normal breathing, to master the primary methods of breathing exercises.

    The child, who is in the lying position, puts the bottom of the area of ​​the diaphragm, tobto. the robot's diaphragms are caught by him like a star, and tactilely (he sees the bottom).

    Instruction: “Lay the crown on the plate, earlier there was a toy, and see how alive it rises, if you are robish in the breath, and sink, if you are robish, you see it.”

    The hippos lay

    The hippos went wild.

    Then the tummy rises(inhale)

    That belly drops(seen).

    3.Hippo - 2

    Target: to improve the function of the normal breathing, to master the primary methods of breathing exercises.

    The child, who is in a sitting position, puts the bottom on the aperture of the diaphragm. The work of the diaphragm continues to be controlled with a fine and tactile manner.

    Instruction: " Sit down, put your palm on your life and see, as if you are rising, if you are robish in breath, and lower yourself, if you are robish, you can see.The right is accompanied by rimuvannyam

    Sat hippos,

    Tummy tucked.

    Then the tummy rises(inhale)

    That belly drops(seen).


    Target: to improve the function of the normal breathing, to master the primary methods of breathing exercises.

    The child, who is in a standing position, puts the bottom on the aperture of the aperture. Right vykonuєtsya in front of the great mirror.

    Instruction: "Stand in front of the mirror, put your palm on your life, marvel at how it collapses, how you breathe correctly."

    5.Pirnalniki for pearls

    Tsіl : improve the function of the sour breath, increase the strength of the wild m'yaziv.

    Instruction: “On the seabed lies the most beautiful perlin. The distance is possible for the one who is able to trim down.

    The child in a standing position to rob two calm breaths and two calm breaths through the nis, and with the third deep breath, she closes her mouth, squeezes her fingers with her nis and squats until the bajannya robiti sees.

    6. Dihannya

    Target: to improve the function of the foreign breath, to master the nasal breath.

    Ownership: little ones from images of birds, creatures, people, roslin. The child is in a sitting position.

    Instruction: “Breathe in through the nis and see through the nis. Breathe in and out of the skin row.The right is accompanied by rimuvannyam:

    I breathe freely with my nose,

    Quieter - louder, as always.

    There is no life without a soul,

    Without breath, darkness is light.

    The birds are dying,

    Dikhaєmo vin, i, i ti.

    The game is right for the development of the thoracoabdominal (diaphragmatic) type of dihannia, which is vicorated at another stage of work

    The development of "sweet breaths" with different elements of dichal gymnastics O.M. Strilnikova.

    1. Dogs (base right)

    Target: navchannya children vykonanny podvіynyh "shvidkih breaths" through nіs standing.

    The child is standing in front of the speech therapist, lifting the trochs up, shoulders straightened, hands on the belt, feet shoulder-width apart.

    : “Smell is noisy, swishy, ​​like dogs. Sniffing twice: "sniff-sniff" and that is clear. Marvel at me and hear how I sniff the air.

    The teacher demonstrates inhaling, with which there is a distinct noise, and it is clear that the nose is approaching the nasal septum. It is right to win the teacher at once from the children, that child will win the “sweet in the air” in front of the mirror. It is necessary to increase the respect of those children, so that in the breath they are not accompanied by the hands of their shoulders, but when they see it, they are satisfied, without being hushed.

    2. Bears

    Target: navchannya children vykonanny podvіynyh "shvidkih breaths" through nіs standing.

    Instruction: “Behind my signal - to the swedish movement of the hand uphill - we see “shvidki in the air”.Some of the children cannot understand, if you need to work “shvidki in the breath”, then the speech therapist will accompany the hand with words"sniff sniff".

    The right is accompanied by rimuvannyam:

    Bears lead a round dance,

    A whale sleeps on the sofa.

    I bear dance

    Raptom babbled Syrian whale

    (two short “shvidki in the breath” at the signal of the speech therapist).

    “The whale has sniffed us! Hooray!

    Break up the fools!”

    Abo Behind the cursed door

    Wait for the medical officer with pies.

    Hello, Mishenka - friendly,

    Let me smell the pie

    (Two short "Shvidki in the air" after the signal of the speech therapist).

    3. Bunny jokes

    Target: navchannya children vykonanny podvіynyh "shvidkih breaths" through the nis at the position of standing, as well as at the head of the head.

    The child is standing, lifting the trochs up, shoulders are straightened, hands are on the belt, feet are shoulder-width apart.

    “Everyone remembers how dogs sniff around? At once, the dogs will sniff every once in a while, in order to know the bunny, what it is. On the back of the hand, you can smell it again right-handed.(The teacher turns his head right-handed, to rob a couple of "sweet breaths".) Let's see. Let's sniff again the levoruch.(The teacher turns his head left hand and robs a couple of "sweet breaths".) Let's see." (Turn your head at the outside position, see.)

    The teacher shows the right, not zupinyayuchis on other positions. You can rightly accompany the rimuvannyam:

    One two three chotiri p'yat!

    Where are the bunnies?

    Maybe right-handed under the booth?(Turn the head to the right, two "sweepy breaths", turn the head at the exit position)

    Perhaps, a lion-hander behind a deck?(Turn the head to the left, two “sweepy breaths”, turn the head at the exit position)



    The child is standing, lifting the trochs up, shoulders are straightened, hands are on the belt, feet are shoulder-width apart.

    Instruction with a step-by-step demonstration is right:“In order to know the bunny, we will marvel now right-handed, then left-handed, listen and smell again.

    We turn our head to the right and apply it to the left ear, sniff-sniff.

    Let's see. We turn our head to the left and apply it to the right ear, sniff-sniff. Let's see."

    (Turn at the exit position and see.)

    5. Turn your heads

    Target: navchannya children vykonanny podvіynyh "shvidkih breaths" through nіs at position standing, as well as at poednanny s head and hand.

    Instructions with a step-by-step demonstration are right: “Raise your head uphill and smell it again: “sniff-sniff”. Let's see.(Turn at the exit position and see.)Raise your head uphill and sniff again: “sniff-sniff”. Let's see."(Turn at the exit position and see.)

    Target: navchannya children vykonanny podvіynyh "shvidkih breaths" through nіs at position standing, as well as at poednanny s head and hand.

    The child is standing, head straight, lifting the trochs up, shoulders straightened, hands on the belt, feet shoulder-width apart. The teacher shows the right whole.

    Instruction with a step-by-step demonstration is right:“We hit our head to the right shoulder, we smell it again: “sniff-sniff”. Let's see.(Turn at the exit position and see.)We hit our head to the left shoulder, we smell it again: “sniff-sniff”.

    Let's see." (Turn at the exit position and see.)

    7. Dolonky


    The child is standing, the head is straight, the head is lifted slightly, the shoulders are straightened, the arms are raised on equal disguise, the legs are lowered, the legs are shoulder-width apart. The teacher shows the right whole.

    Instruction with a step-by-step demonstration is right:“Robi is short, loud, active inhale and clench your fists at once. Vidikh robi is smooth, fluent through nіs abort, fingers expand, hands are relaxed.

    8. Belt

    Target: navchannya children vykonannya "shvidkih vdikhiv" through nіs at the position standing, as well as at the head and hands with the hands.

    The child is standing, the head is straight, the head is lifted slightly, the shoulders are straightened, the fists are clenched and pressed to the waist, the legs are shoulder-width apart. The teacher shows the right whole.

    Instruction with a step-by-step demonstration is right:“At the moment of a short noisy breath in with your nose, by force, shov your fists to the point, you can’t throw it out of your hands. Under the hour of the post, open your fists and open your fingers. We turn to the vidikha at the vihіdne camp.

    9. Uklin

    Target: navchannya children vykonannya "sweet breaths" through the nis at the position of the shawl of the coat, as well as at the head with the head and hands.

    The child is standing, head straight, lifting the trochs up, shoulders straightened, arms lowered, feet shoulder-width apart. The teacher shows the right whole.

    Instruction with a step-by-step demonstration is right:« Slightly swaying forward, rounding the back, lowering the head and hands. At the end of the bow, a timidly short, noisy breath, nibi sniffing a pidlog. Let's sweat smoothly, freely see through our mouths, turn around at the exit position.

    10. Gut

    Target: navchannya children vykonanny podvіynyh «shvidkih vdikhiv» through nіs pіd hour sіdannya that turning the tuluba, as well as at the hands of the hands.

    The child is standing, the head is straight, the head is slightly lifted, the shoulders are straightened, the hands are on the level of the belt, the elbows are bent, the legs are shoulder-width apart. The teacher shows the right whole.

    Instruction with a step-by-step demonstration is right:“Mobile light, springy squatting, turning the toulub now to the right, then to the left. When turning with an one-hour short galasliv (“shvidkiy”) in the breath, robbed with hands, “throw off” ruh ubik (before the intestines want to go to the bird). At the vidikha - we turn at the vihіdne camp.

    11. Marching


    The child is standing, the head is straight, the head is lifted slightly, the shoulders are straightened. You can pick out a group of children who stand at the column one at a time. The teacher shows the right whole. At the first lessons, instructions are not given, so as not to complicate the task of the revolution, but not to show respect for the correct vikonnannya vdikhiv. Call the children to beat marches, bending their hands lightly in their elbows and not rushing them. Marching trivaє 3-5 khvilin.

    Instruction with a step-by-step demonstration is right:“On the first rock, we smell again: “sniff-sniff” - one. Potim robimo three kroki - two, three, chotiri. Krokuvatimemo under my claps in the valley. Tobi (you) do not need to splash. Marvel - (ti), as I crouch and sniff the air.

    Scheme: 1st crochet - two "shvidki vdihi"; 2, 3, 4 kroki - vidih.

    12. Marching with head turns

    Target: development of the abdominal type of breathing in the process of walking.

    Instruction with a step-by-step demonstration is right:“On the first crochet, turn your head right-handed and smell it again: “sniff-sniff”. Let's marvel straight, we'll sleep three crocodile and vodpochivaemo. And now robimo krok and turn your head with a left hand, sniffing again: sniff-sniff. I start marveling directly, robimo three crocodile and vіdpochivaemo. All the rushes are victorious under my beauties at the valley. You don't need to splash. Marvel at how I cringe, turn my head and sniff the air.

    Scheme: children stand one by one;

    on the rahunok "time" - krok with a turn of the head to the right and two “shvidki breaths”;

    shodo "two three chotiri"- Turning the head at the exit position, walking to the beat, seeing freely;

    shodo "razіv" - krok with a turn of the head to the left and two “shvidki in the breath”;

    to the rahunok "two three chotiri"- Turning your head at the exit position, walking to the beat, you can see it.

    13. Listen, sniff

    Target: development of the abdominal type of breathing in the process of walking.

    The child is standing, the head is straight, the head is lifted slightly, the shoulders are straightened. You can pick out a group of children who stand at the column one at a time. The teacher shows the right whole.

    Instruction with a step-by-step demonstration is right:“We listen to the first rock and smell it again, like a dog: “sniff-sniff”. Let's lower our hand, rob three crocodile and let it go. All the rushes are victorious under my claps, you don’t need to splash. Marvel at how I croon, listen and smell the air.

    Scheme: children stand one by one;

    on the rahunok "time" - krok with a turn of the head to the right with the application of the left hand to the ear and two “shvidki in the breath”;

    to the rahunok "two three chotiri"- turn the head and hands at the exit position, continue walking at the beat, see it;

    on the rahunok "time" - krok with turning the head levoruch from the application of the right hand to the ear;

    shodo "two three chotiri"- Turning the head and hands at the exit position, continuing walking to the beat.

    14. Splashing in the valley

    Target: development of the abdominal type of breathing in the process of walking.

    The child is standing, the head is straight, the head is lifted slightly, the shoulders are straightened. You can pick out a group of children who stand at the column one at a time. The teacher shows the right whole.

    Instruction with a step-by-step demonstration is right:“On the first rock, we turn our heads to the right, we smell again: “sniff-sniff” and at once we splash at the valley. Let's marvel straight, quietly and clapping at the valley. And now we turn our head to the left hand, we smell again: “sniff-sniff” and at once splashing at the valley. We marvel straight, quietly, and clapping at the valley. Marvel at how I croon, listen and smell the air.

    Scheme: 1st krok - turning the head to the right (levoruch), two "shvidki in the air" and a bavovna in the valley;

    2nd krok - the head is straight, visible, bavovna in the valley;

    3rd krok - the head is straight, visible, bavovna in the valley;

    4th krok - the head is straight, visible, bavovna in the valley.

    15. Fox walk


    Instruction with a step-by-step demonstration is right:“At the fox it became even colder and needed to warm up. Raise your hands to the level of your shoulders, bend them at the elbows. To win, hug yourself by the shoulders. Turn your hands at the outward position and, without stumbling, grab yourself by the shoulders again. Turn your hands in the outward position. Have you hung out? Remember that that hand, like you have an infection with the beast, is guilty and then be the beast, do not change your hands. The hands feel soft but not tense. Don’t lower your lect, and widen your hands, I’ll show you lower, don’t spread.”

    The teacher shows the right and continues:

    “And now we’ll kill qiu right at once. At the rahunok "one" - shvidko hugged her shoulders, she turned her hands at the outer camp. At the rahunok "two" - the shoulders were again shvidko, and they turned their hands at the exit of the camp. We lower our hands and look at the rahunok “three”, “chotiri”, “five”.

    16. Hugs

    Target: away from the training of the abdominal breathing and the improvement of the legen.

    The child should stand with his feet shoulder-width apart. Bent at the elbows, the arms are raised equal to the shoulders, the front of the shoulders are folded horizontally in front of the breasts, parallel to each other. At the maximum zvedennі of the arms of the child, he swells the shoulders with the palms. The girth of the shoulders is repeated two times without a pause, then the hands turn at the outside position. The teacher should be lashed behind the hands - the stench of no fault of disperse to the side wider, lower in the outward position, and fall from the shoulders to the level of the breasts. The hands of the hands are not supernaturally strained. Rhythm and tempo of ruhіv is set by the teacher rahunk chi clapping at the valley.

    Instruction with a step-by-step demonstration is right:“On the rahunok“ once ”- shvidko hugged her shoulders and sniffed around. They turned their hands at the outward position, but do not lower them. On the rahunok, "two" - they crushed such a ruh with their hands and sniffed it again. We lower our hands and look at the rahunok “three”, “chotiri”, “five”.

    For children, as they cannot get a couple of “sweet breaths” from their hands, an individual work is carried out.

    Scheme: "one" - girth of the shoulders, "sweet in the air", out of position (the hands are less on the level of the shoulders);

    "two" - girth of the shoulders, "shvidky in", out position;

    "three", "chotiri", "p'yat" - hands go down, see.


    Target: away from the training of the abdominal breathing and the improvement of the legen.

    The child is standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered, hands clenched, palms clenched with a stick (pump handle).

    Instruction with a step-by-step demonstration is right:“Inflate the tire and smell the breath. They took the pump by the hand, timidly a small brazen ahead - "scent" - time. The trochs stood up. Shche nakhil - "scent" - two. Now they straightened up, apparently - three, chotiri, five.

    The teacher shows the right and sets the rhythm and pace of the movement for the help of the fluff or the bottom in the valley.

    For children, as if they can eat "Sweets in the air" with hands, an individual work is carried out.

    Scheme: “once” - naughty ahead, “sweet in the air”, trochs viprostatisya;

    "two" - smart ahead, "sweet in the air";

    "three", "chotiri", "p'yat" - out of position, seen.

    Viroblennya trival silent vidihu.

    1. Revisited football

    Target: away from the training of the abdominal breathing and the increase in the legen, the vibration of the more deep in the breath and the more trembling vision.

    The child is in a sitting position at the table.

    Ownership: "m'yachi" wati, cubes.

    From shmatochkiv vati download a bag - "m'yach", gate - 2 cubes.

    Instruction: “Blowing at the“ ball ”, trying to“ score a goal ”- cotton wool is guilty of falling between the cubes.”

    2. Leaf fall

    Target: away from the training of the abdominal breathing and the increase in the obligation to lie down, the vibration of the greater deep breath and the greater trembling vision, the activation of the lips.

    Ownership: virizani from thin double-sided colored paper yellow, red, orange leaves; viderce.

    The teacher puts leaves on the table, telling the children about autumn.

    Instruction: “Reveal that it’s autumn at once. Chervone, yellow, orange leaves fall from the trees. The wind has risen - spreading all the leaves on the ground! Let's blow the wind -let's blow on a leaf!

    The teacher at once from the children to the leaves, the docks of all the leaves do not lean on the bad. When it is necessary to take care of the correctness of the oral vision, and also for it, so that the children do not get tired.

    « All the leaves on the earth... Let's take the leaves from the cebro"

    The teacher children pick up leaves. Let's keep repeating again.

    3.Autumn leaves

    Target: away from the training of the abdominal breathing and the improvement of the legen, the beginning of a smooth, free vision, the activation of the lips.

    Ownership: autumn maple leaves, vase.

    Instruction: " Marvel at the garne leafing with us. The axis is yellow leaf, and the axis is red. Poslukhaєmo how to scribble leaves? Let's think about them."

    The teacher at once with a child, or a group of children, on the leaves near the vase, gives my respect to those who seem to see the leaves.

    4. Snowfall


    Ownership : "snіski" s vati

    Zrobiti z vati drіbnі kulka - "snіzhinki", put the child on the palm.

    Instruction: "Let's blow the "snowfall" - blowing snowflakes from the valley."

    5. Ship

    Target: away from the training of the abdominal breathing and the improvement of the legen, the vibration is more deep in the air and thrive in sight.

    Ownership : paper boat, basin with water.

    Launch a light paper boat near the basin with water.

    Instruction: "Let's blow on the boat smoothly and for a long time, pouring wine."It is right to be accompanied by rimuvanni (Russian folk order):

    Wind, wind, pull the windshield!

    Zhenya's ship to the Volga River.
    6.Liti, feast!

    Target: away from the training of the abdominal breathing and the improvement of the legen, the vibration is more deep in the air and thrive in sight.

    Ownership: pіr'yachki small rosemіru.

    Lay the child on the bottom of the feast.

    Instruction: "Let's think about the feast so that it will fly."

    7. My checked bag

    Target: away from the training of the abdominal breathing and the improvement of the legen, the vibration is more deep in the air and the breath is more visible, the activation of the lips.

    Posladnannya povіtryanі kulі.

    Instruction: "Let's inflate repeating the kuli, gaining repetition through the nis and properly exhaling yoga through the mouth."The right is accompanied by rimuvannyam:

    Option 1.

    My checked bag, one, two, three.

    Light, like a mosquito, look.

    I breathe in with my nose, I won't hurry,

    I follow my own path.

    Option 2.

    Every day I blow into a bag,

    I chakly over my breath.

    Bag I inflate pragna

    I am the strongest flock.

    8.Liti, blizzard!

    Target: away from the training of the chest-abdominal breath and the increase in the obligation of legen, the development of a troubling uninterrupted mouth vidihu; activation of labial m'yaziv.

    Ownership: 2-3 paper panicles, tied on threads with a length of 20-40 cm and attached to the cord on the sing line, one in one. The cord was stretched so that the panicles hung on the equal individuals of the child to stand.

    Instruction: " Marvel, yakі krasivі raznokolorovі blizzards! We wonder what the stench of litati is able to bear. teacher show children blizzards and dme on them.

    « Look, let's fly! How alive! Now try blowing. What kind of snowstorm is farther to fly?

    The child gets up and beats the blizzards on them.

    It is necessary to keep a watchful eye, so that the child stands straight, does not lift her shoulders when she sees it, blows at one sight, does not reach the wind, does not puff out her cheeks, and her lips hang slightly forward.

    9. Wind

    Target: away from the training of the abdominal breathing and the improvement of the legen, the development of a strong smooth mouth vidikha, the activation of the lips.

    Ownership: paper sultans - attach the hues of a colored paper to a wooden stick. You can vikoristovuvat thin cigar papri, otherwise yalink embellishment "boards".

    Instruction: “Let's play with brooms. Reveal what an enchanting tree is. The wind has risen - and the leaves rustled on the tree! Ax so!(The teacher should wear paper bags, and then we will propagate to blow the children on them).And now you blow!

    10. Kulbaba


    Ownership: Vіdtsvili kulbabi

    Instruction: " Let's think about kulbabi! Blow once, but strongly, so that the mustache fluffs fly. Marvel at the fluffs flying, like little parachutes.

    11. Turntable

    Target: away from the training of the abdominal breathing and the improvement of the legen, the development of a smooth tremulous vision through the mouth, the activation of the lips.

    Ownership: spinner toy.

    Instruction: " Let's get some wind - let's get on the turntable. The axle is spinning! Blow harder- the turntable spins faster.

    12. Fun bags

    Target: away from the training of the abdominal breathing and the improvement of the legen, the development of a smooth tremulous vision through the mouth, the activation of the lips.

    Ownership: light plastic bag.

    Option 1 . Child sit at the table. On the table on the stand 20 cm outside, put a bag. The teacher shows the back of the head, as if by the force of blowing on the bag, it leaned on the opposite end of the table. Then let's tell the children to blow on the bag. Another participant in the grill is to catch an olive on the protilezhny table. You can continue the game, sitting opposite one to one, and moving one to one sheep from one table to another.

    Option 2. Child sit at the table. On the table there is a line - "cordon"

    The teacher puts the bag in the middle of the table (on the line). Two children sit at the table facing each other, each side of the bag on the line.

    Instruction: " Required to blow on the bag so that the vagrant leaned on the stretch Yu beak table. And you need to try hard, so that the bag does not waste on your part of the table. You need to blow harder. Start!”.Let the one who zooms inflate the bag over the line onto the opposite table.

    13. Bulki


    Ownership: a flask half-filled with drinking water, cocktail tubes of various diameters.

    Instruction: " Let's have a lot of fun bulbs! Take the tube and blow the water bottle. Like blowing weakly - small bubbles appear. And if you blow hard, then a storm will come out! Let's blow the storm!

    By the "storm" near the water, one can easily assess the strength of the vidihu and yoga trivality. On the cob to take the diameter of the tube is to blame buti 5-6 mm; Like a child, trimming a tube in his lips, he sees it again through his nose, then carefully squeeze his nose with his fingers and instruct him to blow again.

    14. Grow, pina!

    Target: away from the training of the abdominal breathing and the increase in the obligation of legenivs, the development of a strong oral viduha, the induction of breath through a tube, the activation of the lips.

    Ownership Cabin: a bottle of water, cocktail pipes of various diameters, a place for serving dishes.

    Instruction : Gras is held with a child after that, how to learn good dmuhati through a tube into a flask with water (do not drink water, do not bend the tube). "Now I'm running hocus pocus! I take home for dishes and dripping water ... Now I'll start - tari-bari-top-top-top! I take a pipe and blow(voice gurgling).Look what happened! A chain of small and great bulbs! Now try blowing."If the pini becomes rich, you can blow on it.

    15. Million bulbs

    Target: away from the training of the abdominal breathing and the increase in the obligation of legenivs, the development of a strong oral viduha, the induction of breath through a tube, the activation of the lips.

    Ownership: a bulb with a miles of roses, a frame for wiping bulbs, tubules of different diameters - cocktails, from a thin paper, a plastic platter with a perforated bottom.

    Instruction: “At once we’ll play with you with miles of bulbs: I’ll see the bulbs on the back, and you’ll watch and catch them. Then you will try to see the bulbs on your own.”

    16. Whistles

    Target: away from the training of the abdominal breathing and the increase in the obligation of legenivs, the development of a strong oral viduha, the induction of breath through a tube, the activation of the lips.

    Ownership: children of ceramic, wooden or plastic whistles in front of different birds and creatures.

    Instruction: “Wonder, like a garni of toys-whistles! The axis is a bird, and the axis is a deer. Let's have a powerful fox concert - leather from animals and birds sing your dog!

    17. Blow the pipe!

    (one of the largest folding rights for the development of dining room)

    Target: away from the training of the abdominal breathing and the improvement of the legen, the development of a strong smooth vision, the activation of the lips.

    Ownership: various wind musical instruments: pipes, nozzles, horns, harmonicas.

    Instruction: “Let's have a musical concert. Take the pipes (or other tool)- Let's play again.It is necessary to stitch, so that you can see through your mouth with a strong voice and sip it like a trumpet in the trumpet, for which it is necessary to squeeze it tightly with your lips: you can’t come out through your nose again.

    The game is right for the development of the phonation vision, which is played at the third stage of the work

    1. Drink with me


    The child is standing, picking up the troch, raise your hands, your hands on your belt, your legs may be shoulder-width apart.

    Instruction: “At once spіvatimemo sound A(Sounds O, U, I, E are victorious later).

    It is necessary not to shout, but to sleep loudly, for a long time. Robimo takes two breaths: “sniff-sniff” and sing: “A-A-A ...”(The teacher robs a couple of “sweet breaths” and sings the sound A on a soft attack). Now you are sleeping, and I will listen, like a garno and you will sleep for a long time. Stitch behind my hands.

    On the back, the teacher’s hand is suddenly raised uphill, which is a signal to win the bet “Sweet breaths”, then at the process of sounding, the hand is lowered properly.

    2.Sounds around us

    Target: the development of a phonation (voiced) vision, the activation of labial m'yazyv.

    Instruction: "In light around us, different sounds are heard. How is the little one crying? "A-A-A!" And how zіthaє vedmezha, if it hurts in a new tooth? "OOO!" Litak in the sky buzzing: "U-U-U!" And the steamboat on the river buzz: "I-I-S"! Repeat after me.

    The teacher gives respect to the children, those who imitate the skin sound for a long time, one see.

    3. Girls sleep

    Target: the development of a phonation (voiced) vision, the activation of labial m'yazyv.

    Ownership: pictures from images of sleeping girls - clearly marked articulation with voiced voice sounds [А], [О], [У], [І].

    Instruction: "Look at the pictures and guess what kind of sound the girl is singing."The teacher distributes to the children one baby at a time and pronounces to sleep such a sound.“Now we sleep with a sleepy dog. Spivatime to the one whom I will point with a stick. Make sure that the dogs are long.

    “Let's sleep piseni. The axis of the first song: "A-A-A-U-U-U!" Dial more repeat - the dog is guilty of staying long. And the axis of a friend's song: "U-U-U-A-A-A!"

    Postupovo kіlkіst and variant "song" can be increased. Let's keep playing, repeating the images of the girls who are sleeping.

    The teacher instructs two pictures: the girl is singing I, the girl is singing A, and she is telling guesses, how the girls are sleeping like a dog - IA - and repeat її.

    The substitution of pairs of vocal sounds can be different.

    4. Speak sound L

    (the game is carried out, as if the child correctly plays the sound [l]).

    Target: the development of a phonation (voiced) vision, the activation of labial m'yazyv.

    Instruction: “At once, we are quietly moving, quietly inhaling and raising our hands uphill. Let's sweat down the hands and for a long time and beautifully sing the sound [L]. Look and listen as I sleep.(The teacher points to the right).Now let's sleep together."

    5.Steam locomotive

    Target: the development of a phonation (voiced) vision from the serpentine power of the voice, the activation of the lips.

    The child is standing, picking up the trochs, raise your arms, lower your legs, let your feet be shoulder-width apart.

    Instruction 1: “At once, we buzz loudly, like a great steam locomotive.

    Listen, how can I get in.(The teacher victoriously sings with his mouth at once from the arm of his hand up in the air, lowering his hand correctly, vocally singing the sound [U]).And now we’ll hum together like a great steam locomotive. ”

    Instruction 2: “And now it’s humming quietly, quietly, like a small steam locomotive.

    Listen, I'm dying.(The teacher victoriously sings with his mouth at once from the arm uphill. On the video, lowering his hand correctly, quietly sing the sound [U]).And now we’ll make a sound at once, like a small steam locomotive. ”

    6. Great witch and little witch

    Target: the development of a phonation (voiced) vision from a serpentine voice, the activation of lips.

    The child is standing, picking up the trochs, raise your arms, lower your legs, let your feet be shoulder-width apart.

    Instruction 1: “At once we will growl, like a great witch, in a low voice. Listen, how can I get in.(The teacher victoriously sings with his mouth at once from the arm of his hand up in the air, lowering his hand correctly, singing the sound [І] in a low voice).And now it’s blamed at once, like a great witch. ”

    Instruction 2: “And now it’s blameworthy, like a little vedmezha, in a high voice. Listen, I'm dying.(The teacher sings the sound [І] in the air with the mouth at once from the arm up and in a high voice in a high voice).And now it’s blamed at once, like a little vedmezha.

    The sounding of other vocal sounds should be carried out in a similar way.

    7. Charivna mova

    Target: development of a phonation (voiced) vision from a different intonation, activation of the lips.

    The child is standing, picking up the trochs, raise your arms, lower your legs, let your feet be shoulder-width apart.

    The trivality of sleep is not fixed.

    Instruction: “At once I sleep a charming word, and you listen.(The teacher victoriously sings with his mouth at the same time with his hands uphill and at the sight, lowering his hand correctly, at once singing a number of voices: AOU).And now we are sleeping together. Now let's try to sleep with my charming voice and voice sounds, but with the intonation of the soul, joy, skarga "

    8. Fox abetka


    Ownership: baby or Lisovik's toy

    Instruction: “Before us, the guest came Lisovik and uttered “Lessons of the forest alphabet”. Let's repeat after Lisovik the sounds of ta dії. So we will master the “Fox alphabet”: “U-U-U” - go unkind people, you need to drive away(stomp your feet). "A-U-U" - mandrivnik lost his way, you need to show the way(splash your hands on the quilts, nіbi knots tremble)."I-Y-Y" - the hour has come for us to pick up on Galyavin(splash in valleys).

    9. Duє wind (group gra)

    Target: development of phonation (voiced) vision, auditory and oral awareness, fine motor skills, activation of lips.

    Instruction: "Today we are going for a walk." Get up one by one and rush forward like a snake. On a signal - zupinyaєmos and vykonuєmo ruhi:

    The golden sun is rolling across the sky

    To laugh from the wound,

    And smiles-changes are hotter(Children open their fingers on their right hands, imagining a “sunny” and stand at the stake).

    The sun has gone haywire(Children squeeze the fingers of their left hand into a fist, imitating a “blink”).

    Raptom pov_yav vіterets,

    And gudіv vin like this: U-U-U(Children wobbling their noses in and out at the sight of this sound).

    10. Mosquito (the game is carried out, as if the child is correctly playing the sound [z])

    Target: development of a phonation (voiced) vision, activation of lips.

    Ownership: subject image "mosquito".

    The child is standing, brushes up to the shoulders, it is easy to be kidnapped in the field.

    Instruction: “Wait a minute, let’s try to make the sound “z” for a long time. Robimo inhaled and in vidihu we say: "Z-Z-Z ...".

    Z-z-z - a mosquito fly,

    Z-z-z - a mosquito ring.

    11. Beetles (the game is carried out, as if the child correctly plays the sound [zh])

    Target: Target: development of a phonation vision, activation of the lips.

    Ownership: subject image "beetle".

    The child is standing, hands on the belt, the body is turned to the right-levoruch.

    Instruction: “Turn around, try to move the “g”. Robimo inhaled and in vidihu we say “F-F-F”.

    Graduated with rimuvannyam:

    Mi f-zh-beetles, mi f-zh-bugs, mi f-zh-livingly white rivers,

    Mi litaєmo and buzz-zh-zhzhim, dotrimuєmosya its dir-zh-zhim.

    12. Vzhalka (the game is carried out, as if the child is correctly playing the sound [p])

    Target: development of a phonation (voiced) vision, activation of lips.

    Instruction: Children are afraid, who is more likely to shout at one video.

    “Robimo two calm breaths and two calm breaths, and after the third deep breath, rightly looking with your nose, make the sound “R-R-R”.

    13. Snake (the game is carried out, as if the child is correctly playing the sound [sh])

    Target: development of a phonation (voiced) vision, activation of lips.

    Instruction: "Let's play with the snakes! The snakes have gone out of their way and are basking in the sun. The snakes hiss: "SH-SH-SH!"Let's hope for the children that they should breathe in more and more and hiss for a long time and for an hour of troubling the sound [w] it is not possible to get it again.

    14. Cook porridge

    Target: the development of a phonation (voiced) vision, the activation of the tongue of the lips, the mental activity of the collective.

    Ownership: children of style, set like a stake.

    Instruction: Children with a teacher cook porridge and play “roles”: milk, zukor, cereals, sil. To the words:

    One two Three,

    Gorschik, vari ! "Products" according to the call enter at the colo - "miner".

    Cook porridge.

    Children, vipyachuyuchi alive and gaining breath in the chest, roar in the breath, lowering the chest and pulling in alive - seeing and mumbling: "Sh-Sh-Sh."

    Add fire.Children chirp: "Sh-Sh-Sh" at an accelerated pace).

    One two Three,

    Mountaineer, don't cook!

    15. Michalka

    Target: development of a phonation (voiced) vision, activation of lips.

    Instruction: Children are worried about those who are more likely to “play out” on one video.

    “Robimo two calm breaths and two calm sights, and after the third deep breath, rightly looking with your nose, make the sound “M-M-M”.

    16. Blow off the bag


    The child stand, having spread his arms wide, he killed - wiyshla kulya.

    Instruction: " Let's play at the bag! Spread your arms to the sides - the axis is so! Robimo deep breath. The axis is like a great cooler. A little girl hid herself at the kultsi with a rapture, and became puffed up...( You can see it again smoothly, it is not possible to get it again).Come out again from the bag: F-F-F! Bloated bag!

    17. Pump-s-s

    Tsіl : development of a phonation (voiced) vision, activation of lips.

    Instruction: Who among you loves to ride a bike? What about a car? All to love. But sometimes the wheels of cars and bicycles pierce and swell. Let's take pumping and pumping up the wheels - the axle is like this; "S-S-S" - practice the pump!

    The teacher shows the movement of the pump and explains that you should breathe in more and more, while the pump is working, and then step by step smoothly see yoga, moving the sound [s]. It is not possible to get a second time for the sound. The pump can continue to work after a pause, if the child is crushed in the breath. It is necessary to keep the steps so that the children do not overwork during the hour.

    The game is right for the development of a modern dihanna, which is won at the fourth stage of the work

    1. Charm warehouse

    Tsіl : a development of a moving mind through the movement to a video of one move.

    Instruction: " “At the same time, we are moving away the charms of the warehouse. Charming stinks to those who stink words. Listen, how I will build an enchanting warehouse.(The teacher sighs in the air with an one-hour swedish rush of the hand uphill, then on the video, properly lowering the hand, humming the warehouse, for example, “MA”).And now let’s move together.”

    Vykorist warehouse, that zі zvіvіv are added, sho are good children (MA, MO, MU, MI, MI; ON, ALE, NU, NI, NI; TA, TO, TU, TI; SO, TO, DU, DI; BA, BO , BU , B, B).

    2. Cheerful dog


    Ownership: lyalka or matrioshka.

    The child is standing, picking up the troch, raise your arms, lower your legs, let your feet be shoulder-width apart (or more).

    Instruction: " The same day before us, Katya came to our guest. Lyalka dances and sings a song: “LA-LA-LA! LA-LA-LA! Let's sleep together from Katya!

    I spent an hour sleeping, so that the child would sleep three movies on one video. Step by step, you can learn to sleep on one video of your dog - sleep 6-9 warehouses.

    3. Vesela is more expensive

    Target: the development of a moving dihannya through a vote to one vidihu of a large number of warehouses.

    The child is standing, picking up the troch, raise your arms, lower your legs, let your feet be shoulder-width apart (or more).

    Instruction: “Do you like to raise the price? Raise your hand, as if you were riding in a car, now raise your hand, as if you were riding a train.(The teacher shows how the machine is - walking around the room, twisting the kermo, and the child repeats yoga.)And now let's pretend to be trains - "TU-TU!".(The teacher depicts a train - twist with hands bent at the elbows straight forward - backward, and the child repeats yoga dance.)

    It is necessary to keep a watch, so that the child could watch the memory of two movies in one video. Step by step, it’s easy to compose and we’re going to see a larger number of warehouses in one place: BI-BI-BI! TU-TU-TU-TU!

    4. Birds move

    Target: the development of a moving store through the formation of one vidihu of the same number of warehouses.

    The child is standing, picking up the troch, raise your arms, lower your legs, let your feet be shoulder-width apart (or more).

    Instruction: " Let's play with the birds. The birds were shooting at the Galyavin and they began to roar. “KO-KO-KO” - like a chicken, “KU-KU! KUKU!" - shout zozulya. "QUA-QUA-QUA!" -quacking pitching, "KU-KA-RE-KU!" - the piven is poured. "CHIK-CHIRIK" - tsvirinkaє gorobtsiv.

    The teacher sponkaet the child to repeat the rose of the birds after you. Under the hour of sound-tracking, so that the child would watch them on one video, without getting around.

    5. Draw a creature

    Target: the development of a modern dihannya through a single vision of a large number of warehouses, a body narrowed by ruffles.

    The child is standing, picking up the troch, raise your arms, lower your legs, let your feet be shoulder-width apart (or more).

    Instruction: “I read the verses, and you represent the creatures with sounds and movements.

    I love teasing pigs, sheep and toads.

    All day long I go after them and keep repeating, repeating:

    Kar-kar, woof-woof, ju-ju,

    Be-be, me-me, qua-qua."

    6. Pivnik scream

    Target: the development of a moving mind through the voice of a single word (behind the warehouses) of a wrecked body.

    The child is standing, picking up the troch, raise your arms, lower your legs, let your feet be shoulder-width apart (or more).

    Instruction: “I read the verse, and you repeat the ruhi after me. Remain the word "Kukareku" lingeringly on the video:

    Quiet all around(Sit on the hips)

    Mustache fell asleep

    Pivnik alone gathered(Get up, hands up in the air)

    Having woken up the good lads: (Climb on scarpets)

    "Ku-ka-re-ku-u-u!"(Vimoviti on video)

    7. Enchanting words

    Target:the development of a movable dihannya through the voice of one vidikha of a two-three-syllable word (behind the warehouses).

    The child is standing, picking up the troch, raise your arms, lower your legs, let your feet be shoulder-width apart (or more).

    Instruction - 1: “At once we put together from the charming warehouses of the word and we move it. Listen, how can I get in.(The teacher winks in the air with an one-hour sweeping hand on the mountain, but in the sight, lowering his hand, singing the word, for example, “MA-A-MA-A”)

    The words are drawn: MAMA, MILA, MILA, NOTI, KONI, CHILDREN, etc.

    Instruction - 2: At the same time, we put it together from the enchanting warehouses of the word and we move it away. Listen, how can I get in.(The teacher sings in the air with an one-hour sweeping hand uphill, and in the video, lowering his hand, humming the word, for example,"MA-A-LI-I-NA-A") . And now let’s move together.”



    Target:the development of a moving mind through vimova on the video of sounds, warehouses, words.

    The child is standing, picking up the troch, raise your arms, lower your legs, let your feet be shoulder-width apart (or more).

    Instruction:“I call the sound (warehouse, word) in a voice, and you repeat yogo (їх) quietly.(The teacher sings in the air with an one-hour shvidky hand uphill, and in the video, lowering his hand, imitates the voice sounds of those days, fold, two trifold words without a lot of voices (“A”, “AU”, “MOM”, “ CUBE"). And now - navpaki - I call quietlysound (warehouse, word), and you repeat yogo (їх) loudly.

    9. Trains


    Ownership:schemes of words - "wagons"

    The child is standing, picking up the troch, raise your arms, lower your legs, let your feet be shoulder-width apart (or more).

    Instruction - 1:“At once we say one of the words, as we learned earlier, then we come to another word and there will be a phrase. Viide, let's start the train and the trailer at the same time. Listen to me, how I grow.(The teacher sings in the air with an one-hour swedish rush of the hand uphill, and in the video in a sing-song voice he sings a phrase, for example:"MA-A-MA-A MI-I-LA-A"). And now let’s move together.”

    Quote phrases, which include two-fold and three-fold words, for example: “MOM MILA”, “MILA SHILA”, “MASH YALA”, “CHILDREN DRINK”, etc.

    Instruction - 2:“And now we have come to the train with new wagons - words.”

    The teacher, naming the skin word as a wagon, shows the scheme of the phrase or small її on the doshtsi. Potim, pointing with his hand at the leather "trailer", proclaim the phrase:

    "Mom dear Milu"

    The teacher promotes the text at once and smoothly, gently raises his hand in front of the ear of the phrase (in the breath in the mouth) and lowers his hand to the end of the phrase (see):

    Mom is dear to Milu.

    Now we say together:

    Mom is dear to Milu.

    The introduction of the right of the new phrase is given by the instruction:

    “And now it’s also smoothly and at once we say:“ MILA ЇLA KASHU ”.

    There are phrases that include two words, for example:


    Instruction - 3:similar to the data in the instructions - 2.

    Mom is sweet Milu is cute.

    Quote phrases, which includes two words, for example:


    10. Train

    Target:the development of a modern dihannya through the voice of one vidikha phrase, like two, three and two words.

    Ownership:schemes of words - “wagons”, subject pictures from the series: “Players”, “Vegetables” and іn.

    The child is standing, picking up the troch, raise your arms, lower your legs, let your feet be shoulder-width apart (or more).

    Instruction:"I guess that before the cob of the phrase it is necessary to sing in the air and the phrases are to be moved in one video."

    The teacher shows a subject picture and promotes the phrase:"Tse apple"and install two wagons.

    The children are encouraged to complete the phrase with one new word - add “trailer” to the train. For example, a child can say:"Tse big apple."

    Potim child can add:"Tse great red apple."

    On the skin added the word come trailer.

    Important - before the cob of the phrase, it is necessary to deepen the breath.

    11. Two verses


    Ownership:schemes of words - "wagons"

    The stanzas are written to the children of A. Barto, Z. Marshak, Z. Mikhalkov and others.

    The child is standing, picking up the troch, raise your arms, lower your legs, let your feet be shoulder-width apart (or more).

    Instruction:The teacher promotes the phrase, for example:

    “Our Tanya is crying loudly,

    Let a ball into the river"

    show the scheme or zamalovuє її on the dosh (the place of the skin word in the scheme is indicated):

    Look at the diagram. Now look at me. I'll show you how I'm right."

    The teacher winks his mouth in the air with an one-hour swedish rush of his hands on the mountain and observes:"Our Tanya...", then lowering your hand properly, finish the phrase:"... loudly crying ...". A small pause (1-2 seconds). The teacher suddenly raises his hand, robs inhale through his mouth and sings:"... let the little boy into the river"drop your hand at the same time.

    The child pov'yazano with the teacher repeats phrases 2-3 times, then I repeat them independently - at the signal of the teacher (pidyom of the hand).

    12. Chotiri vіrshovanі phrases

    Target:the development of a modern dihannya through vim's two perfect phrases.

    Ownership:schemes of words - "wagons"

    Vykoristovuyutsya in the home of children vіrshі chi urivki їх.

    The child is standing, picking up the troch, raise your arms, lower your legs, let your feet be shoulder-width apart (or more).

    Instruction:The teacher promotes the phrase, for example:

    “Our Tanya is crying loudly,

    She let a ball into the river.

    Quiet, Tanechko, don't cry,

    Don't drown in rich ball.

    “At once we continue to rozuchuvat verses. Give respect to those who now have two little engines with us, and the stench will go one by one.

    (Spіvvіdnosyachi kozhne word zі scheme, teacher vymovlyaє kozhen vyrshovanogo text, vykonuyuchi in front of the cob kozhne kozhne koshy mouth in and out of the hand.)

    And now let's say all at once:



    Hush, Tanechko, don't cry,


    Play and play the right to develop a moving dihannya in the process of simulating a prose text


    Target:the development of a modern dihannia in the process of developing a text, which consists of two, three, or two phrases.

    Ownership:schemes of words - "wagons"

    The child is standing, picking up the troch, raise your arms, lower your legs, let your feet be shoulder-width apart (or more).

    Instruction - 1:“At once, we say at once about the apple. Listen to me."

    The teacher shakes his mouth in the air with an one-hour sweeping hand uphill, and lowers his hand in the video and repeats the first phrase.

    "Tse apple."(Small pause: 1-2 seconds)

    "The apple is big and the red."

    Now we can see everything at once on my sign:



    In addition, as a child, together with a teacher, it is right to vibrate clearly, you can go to independent (not connected) to the text following the signal of the teacher.

    Instruction - 2:“And now we will report more about the apple.Tse apple. The apple is big and the red one. Juice that licorice out there.

    The teacher shows the scheme or zamalovuє її on the dosh (the place of the skin word in the scheme is indicated).

    The teacher reads the text, typing in front of the cob of the skin phrase with a swedish mouth in and out of the hand.

    "Now we can see it all together."



    Juice out and licorice.

    2. Fruit

    Target:the development of a moving mind at the process of developing a text, a skin phrase of some kind you need to complete, naming the presentation of an object or a subject picture.

    Ownership:layouts or subject images of fruits.

    Instruction:“At once you will pick up the word and complete the phrase yourself: “There is an apple on the TABLE and ...”The teacher shows a pear. The child says:PEAR".

    .What to lie on the table?

    Target:the development of a moving mind in the process of independent promotion of a text when a picture is presented to the subject material, automation of a moving mind.

    Ownership:layouts or subject pictures of fruits, vegetables, etc.

    The child is standing, picking up the troch, raise your hands, lower your legs, let your feet be shoulder-width apart (or rather).

    Instruction:“At my signal, tell me what to lie on the table.”(The teacher waves his hand, and the child begins to name pictures and objects).

    The teacher smoothly lowers his hand into the world of pronouncing a child's words.

    4. Polit on culture

    Target:the development of a moving mind in the process of voicing the rows, the rhythm and the variety of the move, in the process of moving the move along with the moves.

    Ownership: different colors balls

    The child is standing, picking up the troch, raise your hands, lower your legs, let your feet be shoulder-width apart (or rather).

    Instruction:Children collapse on a stake with balls to their hands and make up the text. The row of skins is turned into a vidikha, before the voices of the advancing row, fight in the air:

    Mustache children fly in dreams.

    (Children climb on scarpets and pull their hands with the ball burn down).

    Until dawn, fly and sleep.

    Mi podrostaєmo, docks litaєmo.

    (Children collapse on a stake with balls in their hands).

    Mi pіdrostaєmo, docks mrієmo.

    (Children climb on scarpets, reach for the ball on the mountain and shy the wrap around themselves).

    5. Have fun

    Target:the development of a moving mind at the process of vygoloshennya vyrshovanyh ryadkiv, vminnya movu s rukhami.

    The child is standing, picking up the troch, raise your hands, lower your legs, let your feet be shoulder-width apart (or rather).


    I love playing football

    Score a goal at the gate.(Imitation of a kick on the ball).

    I play basketball(Imitation of throwing a ball at the ring).

    I, of course, have volleyball.(Imitation pass to volleyball).

    6. Pulls

    Target:the development of a moveable speech in the process of voicing the lines, mimicry, vminnya to move the language with the hands.

    The child is standing, picking up the troch, raise your hands, lower your legs, let your feet be shoulder-width apart (or rather).

    Instruction:Children sing the text, accompanying yoga with the hands. The row of skins is turned into a vidikha, before the voices of the advancing row, fight in the air:

    Sip my darling.

    The scabbard is heavy, the hand is heavy.

    (Pidnimannya stop on skarpetki, hands disperse through the sides uphill).

    Sleep better, go, strength, come.

    (Hands tensed, bent at the elbows at the position of the raised bar).

    Smile, friend, even once.


    1. Formation of the skill of rational voice presentation and voice awareness (voice right)

    Right to work over the voice.

    Right #1. Vimov to the sound A, M (inhale through nіs, these sounds

    Right #2. On the same breath, introduce the sound of M with three voices -A, O, U and I, E, Y. Namagatisya all sounds of the same height.

    The length of the sounds characterizes the song melody - "rozpovsyudzhena intonation".

    Right #3. At one height, it is necessary to try to improve the sound of the M from the trio, be-like voiced, then the new breath - and the new day.

    Inhale through the nose;

    On one video - MA, MO, MU;

    Inhale through the nose;

    On one video - MI, ME, MI.

    Right #4. At one height, it is necessary to say to the sound of N with three voices, and then a new breath - and a new day. The sequence is right itself, as in the right No. 3.

    Right #5. See one video like this in a voice: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ (The sound Zh is closer to the chest sound, Z is the middle, Hb is the upper, head, facial).

    Right #6. At the sound, the whistle of three motor ships is heard: a large one, a medium one and a small one. The sequence of beeps of baiduzha. May be three different heights of voice.

    Right #7. Take a manifest ball, designate your own vin size and start “grati”, hitting it on the subtext. When you raise it up to 10, hitting the ball on the skin of the skin, hitting the ball, shob vіn vіdskakuvav vіd pіdlogi. Keep in mind that the sound is not strained.

    Right #8. The dog vt_k, yogo need to call home. We will call three times: once from faraway places, then from near ones, and, come, the dog will be a child. Repeat the name of the dog sprat once at a swedish pace, krіm of the rest (the dog was a child). The height of the sound changes.

    The sequence is right:

    Remember the word "Bobik" 10 times on one breath (the dog is far away). Zupinka.

    Remember the word "Bobik" 10 times (the dog moved closer).


    Repeat the name of the dog sprat once, but even more correctly.

    Right #9. Rakhunok up to ten one dimension in three different heights;

    After a skin rash of up to 10, it is necessary to grow a tooth, so that you can take it down and you will almost step in height.

    To the right No. 10 In the air, smell the scented hustka, in the sight, take the word

    good. Vimova can be calm, povіlna for warehouses: ho-ro-sho. Let's use the vidikha to remember the phrase two or three words: "It's good," "It smells good."

    Right #11. Smell an apple, an orange, a tangerine, etc., then the child is guilty of guessing the phrase and remembering it on the video.

    Right #12. “Baykaemo Lyalka” - heavy A - ah-ah-ah-ah-ah. Vimovlyaetsya quietly and loudly.

    Right #13. “Teeth hurt” - tyagnemo Oh - oh-oh-oh-oh-oh. The sound moves quietly, loudly.

    Right #14. I wrote inhaling on a smooth vidihu through the voices pulling "a, o, u,

    e, s, and ”-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Right #15. Then breathe in on a smooth vidihu, pull on two voices - aaaaaaoooooo,

    ааааааааууууууу, etc. Three -hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Right #16. On one smooth video, pull two voices twice - aaaooooaaaoo, uuuuuuuuuaaa, etc.

    Right #17. "Cow torment" - inherited cow torment - MMMUUUU with a different voice power.

    1. Prosodic Boku Movie

    Let's seize the sound of the diaphragm in the air and on the vidikha vimoviti dovgo, stretching for the whole vidih, the sound "a". The sound is obliged to move easily and freely, beyond the middle level of sounding voice. The mouth can be wide open, its sound “forces” forward. Follow the steps, so that the zakayuchi did not move the sound to the “surplus” video, tobto. so that the cob of vidihu and phonations ran around the hour. Let's just pronounce the voice “o” in such a way. To explain the rational articulation of the vocal "pro" you can win the image: "Ping-Pong bag in the mouth."

    When the voiced "y" is voiced, respect is given to those who are blown forward, with "i" - the lips are stretched out in a grin, with the sound "e" - the mouth of the troch is drunk, etc.

    Under the attack of the sound, the ear of the sound is awakened, tobto. included to robotic vocal folds. Attack to the sound to lie in the distance of the zmikannya of the vocal folds and the strength of the vidihu. Establish three types of attacks on sound: firm, soft, and subdued. During aspiratory attack, a slight noise is heard in the back of the ear, and a sound similar to “X-A-A-A” is heard. With a soft attack, the moment of closing of the vocal folds and the moment of vidihu on the cob are reduced. The sound comes out soft, rich in overtones. With a hard attack, the voice folds stubble on the arm, and then the visual folds appear. The sound comes out hard, often sharp.

    Zaїkayuchi navchayutsya vygoloshennya dermal voice s "soft" voicing, or attacks. The speech therapist gives a "hard" attack, tobto. a sharp on the cob vocal sound that “m'akoї” attack, or a soft “infusion” of the sound. If you want to correct yourself at the sound of the soft attack, the voice of that day, that letter of the word and phrase, that start from the voice sound.

    On the very cob, the robots above the voice begin to vicorate the chest resonator, so as to reduce the tension of the vocal folds.

    When the sound of the chest resonator is started, the voice sounds are given in the offensive sequence: A, Pro, U, I, E. Such a sequence is due to the fact that the sound A avenges its own resonance as high and low tones; sounds O, U are heard to resonators of low tones, sounds I, E - to resonators of high tones.

    To children, in a playful form, to sing sounds in a low and high voice, victorious with the right to play.

    "How is the great engine buzzing (to the sound of U-U-U), but how is the small engine?" and etc.

    "How to grumble the great witch in a low voice (to the sound I-I-I), and how to grumble the little witch in a high voice?"

    When setting the voice, it is important to call out at the sight that it is zakaєtsya, “open the throat”, as if it closes when the vocal sounds are voiced. It is important that the lower slit was loosened. The vibration of the diaphragmatic breath, the vibration of the lower resonator, the sound of the “open throat” that relaxed lower slit allows the voice to flow freely and easily. At this stage, a robot is being developed over the development of intonational and melodic characteristics.

    Before zakayutsya put zavdannya, victorious a number of vocal sounds, change the height of the voice, give it a moving intonation of food, sound, zdivuvannya; to convey with the voice of different emotions become joys, confusion and ing.

    Work on intonation starts from the formation of voice modulations. Such training for the first stage is carried out on the materials of the vocal voice. Navchannya spochatka vіdbuvaєtsya for the eye, what a speech therapist pronounces. A number of vowels are pronounced intonationally, with which one of the vowels is especially seen for help

    voice, for example: "A-`o-u-i." Seeing the stressed elements of the vowel row can be combined with the intonational modulation of the voice or the intonation design of the given vowel row. So it’s right to begin with the voice of one vowel voice, incrementally increasing their number (up to 4, 6, 8 voice standards are combined at once). Tse mozhe but intonation nutrition, vіdpovіdі, completeness, incompleteness.

    Whoa? Whoa!



    Tsya novichka is transferred to the anger of short syntagmas. Then we will work on the intonation articulation of the text. For children of the preschool age, the following work was carried out on the materials of the written texts from a short stanza and prose texts, which are made up of short phrases.

    1. Development of the planning function of the movie

    Such a work is accepted to be started by learning to speak about oneself. Internal promotion (according to A. A. Leontiev) gives the opportunity to choose the necessary vocabulary and grammatical constructions to the "inclusion" of the language, which organizes the internal-movement planning as a whole (zocrema and motor program).

    The education of children of the preschool age, the planning of the modern development, starts from the elementary modern tasks. The program of the movable speech will be based on the improvement of the movable speech, proponated by a speech therapist from the studing of the scientific-situational material.

    Like a butt, you can put it right.

    Right 1

    Repeating at once, and then after a speech therapist one word with an one-hour display of scientific material. The name of the object in the picture may begin with a voice sound (Kachka. Anya. Leleka).

    Right 2

    Response to nutrition: “What is it?” when demonstrating the same scientific material. When you repeat the vocabulary of the front right, adding to the catchy borrower "Tse" ("Who is it?" "Tse pitching" "Tse leleka").

    Right 3

    At the vidpovіdі dіtini nutrition “What is it?” two previous phrases are combined with the presentation of the same scientific material (“True, but whole”).

    Right 4

    At the speech therapist’s diet, the child can independently name the subject, the inscriptions on the picture (“What is the water of the river?” “Chovna”).

    Right 5

    At the speech pathologist’s speech therapist, the child should make a phrase, vikoristovuyuchi vocabulary of nutrition, independently adding a new word that designates the subject (“Who is the water of the river?” “According to the river, the river is choven”).

    right b

    The next stage is the aggravation of the movnoї zavdannya, in which they will be combined in the practice earlier than the speech, and the phrases will be combined in order that the words may be the same, but the names are different. The children are propagated by relevant background material, which helps to formulate a phrase like: "The boy is going, and the girl is going."

    Right 7

    Two phrases are combined in the children’s speeches, earlier they used to be okremo, like to avenge the same names, and ale different words (“This bird is to sit, and this bird is to fly”), and then examples are introduced (“This bus is red, and this is blue”).

    Right 8

    Two earlier practiced phrases are united to avenge different names and different words ("The fox lives, and the bird flies." "Kolya rushes in, and Svitlana recoils"), based on preliminary material.

    Right 9

    Compilation of a small explanation on the basis of earlier propositions (“Tse Kolya, and tse Svitlana. Kolya rushes in, and Svitlana starts counting”).

    Right 10

    Okremo carried out the training of the child and the folding of the information from the picture. Tsya robot may have the same stages, as described earlier. To help the child, you can pronounce a graphic image of the phrase, as you can put it together:

    “Tse girl. - - The girl is playing. - - The girl plays with the dog. - - -

    The girl plays with the dog in the Galyavin.

    • Thoracic type of indigestion - a great role is played by intercostal m'yazi
    • Cherevny type of dihannia - a great role is played by the diaphragm

    When zaїkuvatostі, as a rule, posterіgaєtsya superficial, thoracic, vessel breathing. The zakayuchy has a lack of separation of m'yazi, yakі zdiisnyuyut chervilny type of indigestion. It is especially noteworthy for people with a great experience of zaїkuvatostі, yakі, before that, they do not go in for sports. It should be noted that in case of frequent, superficial, thoracic and sudomal types, the anxiety of the current and the dycal nerve centers (like richly in which they associatively shift) moves. Navpaki, with a deep pharyngeal diarrhea, the anxiety of these centers decreases.

    Because of this reason, it may be understood that in the complex therapy of constipation, it is necessary to attach great importance to the development of dihalic ulcers and the formation of a stereotype of a deep, worm-like indigestion.

    Here crying out for deeds of phenomena, tied to zakanyam. The first one - positively embeds active sports into the language, the oscillators without intermediary develop the mental illness, and also increase the life expectancy of the legen. The other one positively embeds spiv into the movement, which no less effectively develops the diaphragm and other dyhalny m'yazi, and also forms the correct dyhalny stereotype, if the dyhannya becomes deep and most often the most common type. Glybok cherevne dihannya is called diaphragmatic.

    Diaphragmatic breathing decreases the variance of zaїkuvatostі

    І є one of the main principles of yoga jubilation. One of the widest pardons for robots is the formation of a diaphragmatic breath and the supra-worldly overlap of legends in the air for an hour in the right. Too great, in the air, I am creating an overworld tension of dyhal m'yaziv, that we can call out the timchas' mourning, about which our front-payers write about, as if they are engaged in dyhal rights. At his own hand, too weak in the future will be insufficient and may not be effective.

    Dihal gymnastics Strilnikova

    The paradoxical dichal gymnastics of A. N. Strelnikova is the most widely known. There is a large number of interpretations of gymnastics, and it is difficult to learn the original technique at once. When vikonannі tsієї gymnastics, it is necessary to remember the main principles:

    1. Robimo rhythmically noisy inhaling through the nose, concentrating only on them
    2. We don’t think about seeing - we see it freely, by mouth, may be noiselessly
    3. We work a series of breaths of 8-10 times with a frequency of 1 breath per second (1Hz), then we take 3-5 seconds and continue
    4. Children for one child work around 200-500 breaths, grown-ups 1500 breaths
    5. You can vikonuvaty at any place: standing, sitting, lying down
    6. The work of the day is close to two days and periodically repeat

    Deyakі fahivtsі z tsієї gymnastics vvazhayut, scho in the camp lying down the efficiency of the body. In other publications, various interpretations of Strelnikova’s dichal gymnastics are published, it sounds like you are gaining right, where at once with rhythmic noisy breaths you need to collapse with your hands, feet, squeezing or squeezing your chest. If you want to try it, you can easily know what is right, in our opinion, it’s ok. You can do dyhal gymnastics without losing your rights, just taking care of your rights.

    Vykonuete a series of inspirations for these principles - change the aperture and other mental m'yazi.

    As bulo is assigned, krіm dikhalnyh has the right to the development of m'yazіv, scho in dіhanny, it also positively adds spiv and active sports, especially track and field athletics. Okremo next to take care of children: self-sufficient chi sleeping with fathers spiv step by step form the correct breath.

    History from our prepayers

    1) Technique of diaphragmatic (moving) breathing.
    1. Vdikh is carried out through nіs (mouth closing), vidikh - through the mouth.
    2. Inhale may be short and silent. Vidih is guilty buti trivalim that zdіysnyuvatisya without zusil. Mіzh vdikhom and vidihom not guilty buti pauses.
    3. When inhaling, the abdominal wall rises, nibi gains more. When you see the wall of the abdomen falls off - you have to come out again.
    4. Under the hour of the diaphragmatic breathing in, the shoulders, collarbones and chest are left unruly, relaxed.

    2) I remembered the axis, I started 2 months ago to win the dychal right and I started to control the breath, and it seems more like it changed. dikhalni right and those who ask the psychologist. And not like this: one day you rob, the other you don’t rob, on the 3rd day you start forgetting and then on a new one.

    3) I’ve been doing dyhal gymnastics all the time, I don’t know how the result will be, nevertheless I passed over my mustache, but I know for sure - I give confidence in myself that you can do everything. You start breathing with the diaphragm. I don't rob all. At the very beginning of the day, if I roll over - "pump", "hug your shoulders", "great pendulum" - leather 96 times. Naprikintsі days vikonuyu for shi - "turn", "vushka", "small pendulum" - leather 96 times. Until then, I read a book aloud every day, I have "War and Peace" for 2-3 chapters. I’m already finishing part 1 of volume 1) Tilki forward!

    4) Strilnikivska dihal gymnastics helped me in my time. There is a complex right there. After that, as I began to wince, I began to wake up on my own, on my back with strong hesitation, then I was clearly normal. It is necessary to fight against fear and slowly gain reassurance.

    5) Diaphragmatic voice - if, when you repeat it, you see it from the lower limbs, your diaphragm is actively working. Such a voice knows the current spasms, but before that, you know that for the need to speak for a long time. Dihal gymnastics of Strelnikova is a great way to develop a diaphragmatic voice.

    When folded statti vikoristano _information:

    • Dikhalni m'yazi Z. Z. Mikhailov BME goal. ed. B. V. Petrovsky
    • I.M. Kochetkov. Strilnikova's paradoxical gymnastics.

    Stuttering - Independent site about zaїkuvatіst

    Your own speech therapist

    Description: Discussing different methods of solving zaїkuvatostі.
    Collaboration with representatives and authors of methods.
    Moderators: Incognito, Skif

    Added after 36 seconds:

    Added after 54 seconds:

    So, you can, at least, slightly change the zaїkuvatіst. especially, not only the topic is shanuysh, but also, yak, they discuss the independent work on oneself.
    And the axis, according to the pіvgodini, say the day of the pantry and that's all - which is clearly not enough. On the right, in that your current device is in order, it will crash on the equal centers of Brock and Wernick, if the emotion is not controlled (that is not controlled by you) the awakening of the blocking process of your movement in the other world. And here you need to go from two sides: 1. Improve the mental process, 2 Strengthen control over the nervous system.

    This topic has a lot of brown i for the first one, i for the other. And the axis of the new year on the day you need it, or on the anniversary of the vranci and in the evening - no one can tell you, you are guilty of listening to your thoughts.
    Mustache people make their own particularities. Wait a minute, as if on the forum, say - read in your voice 22 hvilini after the program “Hour” and after 22 days you will know a zakanya - it will be marvelous.

    Igoryok, I'm a lad in a flash. And through no one did you think so?

    I've been thinking for days about why I got stuck (at school, I didn't have any particular problems), what arose and what appeared in my life, what stuck in my language. Virishiv vivchiti virsh (vіrshi not vchiv sche zі school). It has become easier to speak.

    Added after 23 hvilini 52 seconds:
    Reading out loud to rob the effect, spіv vzagalі 0 effect. In the next hour I'll try to borrow from whom directly; maybe I’ll go to a speech therapist, then I’ll write it down, so there will be success.

    Oh, probach So, after thinking about it))

    From the heart of the great frequent imovirnosti, be nervous.

    If you just sleep, then it’s small, it will be good. it is necessary correctly at tsimu dihati.

    And I murmured for 6 days, they were less embarrassed, they taught me less according to the method of regular language, I saw 2 times on 3 and 5 days. She lived with her grandmother - she communicated with her notes. I spoke a little, then I began to read literally behind the warehouses. even better, step by step and more step by step hurry up. Everyone at school marveled marvelously at me; in the degree of separation of the mobile apparatus and the brain itself, and in part in the mind. If I'm calm and don't think about my promo, I speak without hesitation. More on certain words, I’ll have some hesitation and it’s more important to speak them. You can, and it’s true, it’s necessary to develop yourself in your own mind without getting into your own apparatus. zavzhd obіrkovuvat your vіdpovіd (especially the cost of zaїk). but think not about those who speak, but rather about those who need to speak?

    Added after 5 whilin 25 seconds:
    For the time being, I myself am focusing on the production of voice, the development of articulation of the mobile apparatus, the alphabetic arrangement of various letters and folds, wild gymnastics, reading and retelling of texts or urivkiv.

    Added after 20 whilin 31 seconds:

    Correction-developing games and the right for preschool children with impaired speech (with the permission of the corrective work of the teacher-speech therapist)

  • Correction of impaired smoothness of language in children from zakanyam. Logorhythm in the correction of movement disorders.
  • Methods for molding intonation and virtuosity of language in preschool children with an erased form of dysarthria.
  • Vykoristannya theatrical activity in the formation of emotional vocabulary in preschoolers with movement pathology.
  • Play the game right at the lessons of the teacher-speech therapist.
  • The logorhythmic twist can be seen in 2 main lanes:

    1. The development of spriynyattya that correction of non-moving processes, and itself:

  • auditory respect;
  • auditory memory;
  • open spaces;
  • zorovogo orientation to the spymaster;
  • movement coordination;
  • feel the tempo and the rhythm of the rush.
  • 2. The development of the movement and the correction of the current damage:

    • Vihovannya tempo and rhythm, dihannya and move, oral praxis,
    • phonemic hearing, correction of movable disturbances depending on the etiology of mechanisms,
    • symptoms, discord and methods of yogo usunennya.
    • The system of logorhythmic injection proponuє:

      Vihovannya and development of the pace and rhythm of dihannia (especially in zaїkayuchih, with takhilalієyu, bradilalієyu, spotikannyam, dysarthria.

      The tempo and rhythm of the breath is created in the process of the rukhovykh right on the cob without a move, that buv with a promo. For example, calm walking on the lower foot on the stake, the signal of the teacher to raise your hands uphill (inward) - hands down (to the right); іnshiy ruh - spread the hands of the kill (in), get back your own (see). You can rightly spend it with a promo, starting with the voices and the voices of those days, then with the victories of the rhythmic mov, pererakhuvannya rahunka, vіdminyuvannya.

      For example, when walking on a stake on a signal - raise your hands uphill (in), lower them down (draw lingeringly -a-), day a-i, a-i, a-i, rahunok -1-2-3, days of day i .etc.

      1. Development of oral praxis.

      For a thorough oral praxis, it is necessary to achieve on the basis of heredity and right - dynamism, flexibility of the upper hand, hands, feet, head, motor and sensorimotor coordination, bringing the hand to automatism. On this basis, there are ruhi and on the articulation position.

      For example, it is suggested to show with mime the fun of a sum of people, a person who tastes sour lemon, licorice apple.

      In the process of development of mimetic m'yaziv, the tasks become more complicated: it is suggested to show anger, bіl, joy, sorrow, baiduzhіst, guilefulness for the music. The world has the right to turn on sound-sounding, which express wiguk (ah, oh), sorry (ah, ah), zdivuvannya (oh, y), bіl (ah, oh, she).

      The articulations are right.

      For example, for 1 time - ruin the laugh, for 2 times - fight.

      On the logorhythmic lessons of articulation, you have the right to fold with your hands.

      For example , spread your arms to the sides and make a sound (a), bring them back in front of you in the form of a hoop (o).

      2. Development of prosody.

      The development of prosody will be based on the development of tempo and rhythm, breath, voice, article. apparatus, to the ear. Give respect to the obvious accent. The most effective - sleep.

      3. The development of phonemic sprinyattya.

      The process of development is developed through the spriynyattya of music, a different mood, richness of rhythm, the emergence of similar associations between the sound and the melody, which enhances the sound of the sound by ear. Vimova under the music of the text to develop the development of ear differentiation of phonemes.

      4. Correction of current injuries.

      Здійснюється як з урахуванням рухових можливостей дітей, так і при цілеспрямованій добірці мовного матеріалу для логоритмічних або музично-ритмічних занять, моторної сфери та членороздільного мовлення (вік), при усуненні функціональної дислалії, звертається увага на ступінь сформованості звуковимови та наявність порушень фонематичного сприйняття.

      The main tasks of logarithmic rights are:

      • clarification of articulation - the setting of the lips, tongue, teeth for the hour of speech and sound;
      • development of phonemic expression and phonemic manifestations:
      • expansion of vocabulary;
      • development of auditory respect and mental memory;
      • thorough gross and fine motor skills;
      • rozrobka clear coordinated ruhіv at the link with promo;
      • the development of melodic-intonation and prosodic components, creative fantasy and manifestation.
      • Of particular importance in corrective robots is given to children who suffer from zaїkannyam, tk. follow show:

      • motor impairment is one of the main symptoms that characterize the zaїkuvatіst.

      In case of zaїkannі damage mainly:

    • static, dynamic coordination of movements, proportionality, improvement of movements
    • degrees of severity of motor damage during freezing to fall into the organic component of the disorder.
    • In connection with cym, physical rhythmic dysarthria is distinguished, if there are failures on the level of rhythmic syllable division, during the transition from one language to another. Tse go with the rukhovy discoordinations for an hour of walking, running.

      In the event of a further breakdown of the stuttering of the unemotional rhythm, stumbles are guarded by the high-pitched percussion warehouses, which is an obstacle to the transition to the phrasal prose movement (our children have a musical ear, rhythm. This species can be recognized as dysrhythmic disprosod. Shards of the warehouse rhythm are broken, the task of corrective training is to be brought to yogo vibration.

      Zvіdsi viplivaє zmіst logarithmіchnyh take:

      - walking, marching at different straight lines;
      - Right to the development of dihannya that voice;
      - Right, scho regulate m'yazovy tone;
      - have the right to activate respect and memory;
      – lіchilnі have the right to form almost a musical tempo;
      - rhythmic right;
      - Spiv;
      - Right on musical instruments;
      - Independent musical activity;
      - Igrova activity;
      - Entitle to the development of creative initiatives.

      Elements of logorhythmics are responsible for all the fahivts of the DND (something more world, some less).

      Methods for molding intonation and virtuosity of language in preschool children with an erased form of dysarthria.

      Beautiful mova, if you get out, like a glass,
      To live in the middle of the stone is clean, not watery.
      І ti ready to hear її potіk
      І vigukuwati: - Oh! What a garna!
      Є. Shchukina

      Even in the old days, before the advent of movi as a way of communication, people tried to convey information for help cries, sounds of different heights, that strength, gestures and mimics. Navit at once, listening to an unknown language and not understanding її sense, we can easily recognize how a person is put before us, we can understand її a little and experience.

      Navit a child, like ice to stand on your feet, maybe “tell” a lot about what: why did you sleep well? Why radium? embarrassment chimos? And the miraculous building is not able to guess the voice of the mother among other voices, understand, get angry, you are pleased with him!

      Nature has endowed us with a miraculous reward to convey our feelings and moods for a helper intonation.

      The main method of educating children is the development of preschoolers to learn to create different types of intonation design. With all the stink of guilt, one must learn to vikoristovuvat іnnovatsiіynі іnnovіnі іnіnіvіnі іnоvіdno іnоnіkаtivіnії sprаvіvannostі, zі zmіstom vyslovlyuvannya yogo emotsіynogo znachenie.

      The process of corrective-logopedic injection has great respect for the formation of physiological mechanisms of intonation.

      Speech therapy work transfers the implementation of upcoming tasks:

    • development of a modern dihannya;
    • learning a sufficient change in the strength and height of the voice, expanding the melodic (frequency) range;
    • development of diction and articulation;
    • development of rhythmic building, sprynyattya and creation of various rhythmic structures.
    • The work for the development of a modern mind is carried out in the following sequence:

    • Molding of the diaphragmatic (lower costal breath).
    • Vіdpratsyuvannya correct sіvvіdnoshnja vdihu that vidihu, directness vidihu.
    • Increased trivality of the moving vision.
    • Vihovannya vminnya koristuvatsya dobor povitrya on pauses.
    • The development of strength, height, modulation of the voice, expansion of the yogo range, expansion of the modern timbre.
    • How do you have the right to victorious like this:

    • raising and lowering the voice at high voice sounds;
    • the rise of that lowering of the voice in the presence of two and three voice sounds;
    • singing known melodies without words, with a changed height of voice.
    • 6. Practice diction.
      7. Rhythmic right.

      Rhythmics have the right to prepare children for the creation of intonational virtuosity, create rethinks and master the verbal, phrasal and logical voice.

      The results of logopedic work can be seen in those who have formed the skills of the correct verbal speech, voice consciousness, diction and articulation create friendly rethinks in the development of children's ability to precisely vykoristovuvat intonation in the process of communicative activity.

      Literary material already zatsіkavlyuє children, stench from the satisfaction of that hoarding hear, retell, act out the stsenuvannya. Like this, moving on with your hand, it develops that striking sound to the voice, enriching the same technique - intonation zabarvlennya. Fairy tales give a positive vihovenny infusion on a child, start її vindicate good from evil, courage from fearfulness, truth from nonsense.

      Vykoristannya theatrical activity in the formation of emotional vocabulary in preschoolers with movement pathology.

      We receive a horn-cheeked smile peanut, and not a slut with blue in the face of the cry of the guise. The axis of mi th is said: "Keep it down, don't act like that, you'll be punished!", "Don't make noise, granny sleep!", "Finish the jump rope, stitch the threads!" and so on. What a hello? The language of children often breaks down, the stench gets soaked up, they get sick.

      Let’s grow up, that it’s not the children’s fault to experience any special problems, and we are led to be angry, jealous, and confused. Ale child also spends in a twisted situation, but also, I have the right to feel.

    • Engage in the automation of the production of sounds in the sonic dialogue and monologue movement.
    • Develop in the mind of hearing and a little bit of a child and grown up, practice in a team of children, actively join in the creation of images in a single plot line, vicorist linguistic and paralinguistic skills of speech.
    • Pratsyuvati over the emotional aspect of the language.
    • To form new beginnings of a sufficient concentration and remembrance of respect (for additional change of images, solo choral spivu).
    • Dodoskonalyuvati pochutya rhythm pіd hour vykonanny vіrshiv, song, prose monologue.
    • To develop the skills of the prosodic components of the mov when promoting and spiv.
    • Vchiti coordinate the movement and ruhi ditini.
    • Develop in the mind to orient yourself in space, shape the space in reality.
    • Emotional tension is often blamed, if it is necessary to praise a positive decision, with which the characteristics of the movie change:

      1. - The quality of the language can be raised or lowered;
      - speed up the pace of promotion;
      - 50% increase in the number of pauses;
      – the language is interrupted by zіtkhanny, the phrase is not completed.

      It’s all about talking about the need for a timely correctional injection, the task of which is:

    • vvchennya and clarification of emotional states, accessible to the vіku;
    • development of non-verbal communication skills (mimics, pantomimes);
    • forming emotional vocabulary;
    • the development of a variety of connections and communication.
    • One of the most important methods for us is the theatrical activity.

      Qiu robot mi we start with nursery groups.

      In the skin of us in childhood, we had our own lovers of lyalkas, and everything with them was played out and was a kind of theater: the toys talked, talked and drank in different life situations, if the plush lover or the lyalka come to life, feed on more is available and understood by children, lower explanation for grown-ups. Axis and at once vikoristovuyemo finger lyalki, cones, mittens, lyalki - mittens, lyalki for padding, flat painted lyalki.

      The work is composed of three main stages:

      1st stage - direct creation in children with positive motivation to the process of mating with adults. All activities were carried out in the most accessible and accessible form - the form of the theater and in a different way, in mutually grown up and children, an additional comunicant (theatrical crib) was included, for the help of which and the contacts between grown up and children are improved.

      2nd stage - molding in children for the age of consumption in mating with grown-ups. For whom to take up, the task is to be turned on on the basis of the knowledge of the children of the city, as if they need help for help to the grown-ups.

      The 3rd stage of correctional work of interventions for molding in children of activity and initiative in the process of mating with adults. It is necessary to create such a situation, in such a grown-up way you demonstrate your insipidity and the need for animals for help to children. It is important that the children themselves jumped in to help.

      Correction of work with children is impossible without the sleep work of all specialists of MDOU: tutors, speech therapists, choreographer, psychologist, specialist in art.


      Right for the voice under the hour of zaїkuvatostі

      Right #1.

      Vimov to the sound A, M (inhale through nіs, these sounds are shown in the video).

      Right #2.

      On one dihannі to lead the sound of M with three voices - A, O, U that I, E, Y. Namagatisya all sounds of the same height. The length of the sounds characterizes the song melody - "rozpovsyudzhena intonation".

      Right #3.

      At one height, it is necessary to try to improve the sound of the M from the trio, be-like voiced, then the new breath - and the new day.

      2. On one video - MA, MO, MU;

      4. On one video - MI, ME, MI.

      Right #4.

      At one height, it is necessary to say to the sound of N with three voices, and then a new breath - and a new day. The sequence is right itself, as in the right No. 3.

      Right #5.

      See one video like this in a voice: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ (The sound Zh is closer to the chest sound, Z is the middle, Hb is the upper, head, facial).

      Right #6.

      At the sound, the whistle of three motor ships is heard: a large one, a medium one and a small one. The sequence of beeps of baiduzha. May be three different heights of voice.

      Right #7.

      Take a manifest ball, designate your own vin size and start “grati”, hitting it on the subtext. When you raise it up to 10, hitting the ball on the skin of the skin, hitting the ball, shob vіn vіdskakuvav vіd pіdlogi. Keep in mind that the sound is not strained.

      Right #8.

      The dog vt_k, yogo need to call home. We will call three times: once from faraway places, then from near ones, and, come, the dog will be a child. Repeat the dog's nickname kilka once at a swedish pace, krіm of the rest (the dog was a child). The height of the sound changes.

      1. Remember the word "Bobik" 10 times on one breath (the dog is far away)

      3. Remember the word "Bobik" 10 times (the dog came closer).

      5. Repeat the name of the dog sprat once, but even more correctly.

      Right #9.

      Rakhunok up to ten one dimension in three different heights; After a skin rash of up to 10, it is necessary to grow a tooth, so that you can take it down and almost step on it.

      Right #10.

      In the air, smell the scented hustka, in the sight, take the word of good. Vimova can be calm, povіlna for warehouses: ho-ro-sho. Let's use the vidikha to remember the phrase two or three words: "It's good," "It smells good."

      Right #11.

      Smell an apple, an orange, a tangerine, etc., then the child is guilty of guessing the phrase and remembering it on the video. For example: "It's already overgrown with an apple."

      Right #12.

      "Baykaёmo Lyalka" - heavy A - ah-ah-ah-ah-ah. Vimovlyaetsya quietly and loudly.

      Right #13.

      "Teeth hurt" - tyagnemo Oh - oh-oh-oh-oh-oh. The sound moves quietly, loudly.

      Right #14.

      PISLAL VDIHA at a smooth vision in the end of the GOLD “A, O, U, E, Y, I” - AAAAAAAAOOOOOOOUUUUEEEEIIIIIIIIIII.

      Right #15.

      Then breathe in on a smooth vidihu, pull on two voices - aaaaaaoooooo, aaaaaaauuuuuu, and so on. Three times - aaaoooooo in different days.

      Right #16.

      On one smooth video, pull two voices twice - aaaooooaaaoo, uuuuuuuuuaaa, etc.

      Right #17.

      "Cow torment" - inherited cow torment - MMMUUUU with a different voice power.

      Correction of voice impairment in children with dysarthria

      The article presents information about the structure of the defect in dysarthria, the main directions of corrective work in case of damage to the report are described right, directing to voice correction in children with dysarthria.

      The problem of various aspects of corrective work in case of dysarthria is becoming more and more relevant today, but the prevalence of manifestations of dysarthric disorders in the middle of the child population becomes close to 6% and this figure is constantly growing.

      Dysarthria- this is one of the widest and most importantly corrupted disruptions of communication, which are seen at the shortcomings of the movable side of the mov, maddened by the inaccurate innervation of the m'yaziv of the movable apparatus.

      A leading defect in dysarthria is damage to the sound-producing and prosodic side of the language, associated with organic lesions of the central and peripheral nervous systems. This microorganic damage can be blamed on the result of low perinatal factors: improper management of the slope, weak slope, asphyxia and hypoxia of the fetus as a result of umbilical cord entanglement on the neck, perinatal encephalopathy, neuroinfection and other. and leading the damage to the innervation of articulation, dichal.

      In this way, the structure of the movement defect in dysarthria becomes damaged on all sides of the movement.

      For most forms of dysarthria, a change in the tone of the tongue of the musculature is characteristic. Zvuchay zmіni tone may fold pathogenesis, po'azaniya as іz localization of the lesion, so і z folding disintegration of the entire reflex rukhovy and movement development. Therefore, in other languages ​​of articulation, the tone can change differently.

      The clinical and speech therapy picture and the method of speech therapy work in dysarthria were described by many authors: M.B. Eidinova, O.V. Pravdiva, K.A. Semenova, E.M. Mastyukova, O. G. Prikhodko, G. V. Babina and others.

      Modern therapy for dysarthria is based on tight unity with approaches directed at the development of rukhovy functions. The first moment of modern therapy is the need to achieve maximum mucosal relaxation, both in articulations and in skeletal mues.

      The disorder of the respiratory system is partly in dysarthria, especially in hyperkinetic and cerebrovascular forms, and there may be a complex pathogenesis. Clinically disturbed breathing in children with dysarthria is in discord with the rhythm and depth of breathing, especially suffering from the possibility of active vision.

      A characteristic feature of dysarthria is the damage to the voice, which is a significant world to lie in the pathological state of the m'yazіv larynx, especially the ring-thyroid, which strain the right voice folds. When struck by these m'yaziv, the voice becomes weak, non-melodious.

      All the movements of the larynx are tied with the movements of the movement, the bottom of that lower cleft, that damaged voice, that articulation discord most often come out at once. For the voice, the vibration of the vocal folds is of great importance. With weakness, that paresis of the voice apparatus, the vibration of the vocal folds breaks down, so the strength of the voice becomes minimal. Spasmodic shortness of the voice apparatus sometimes makes it difficult to vibrate the vocal folds.

      The impairment of voice production in dysarthria indicates the need for the conduction of moving therapy, especially respect for giving a statement to the voice and the sound of sounds. Accept the production of sounds as the main ones in speech therapy and the meaningful world are grounded on the lower coordinated movements of articulation, dihal and phonation m'yaziv. Therefore, with the help of that automation of sounds, it is of great importance to orthophonic exuberance, founded on the rukhovy therapy of the voice for the help of articulation and dichal rights.

      The traditional method of speech therapy work in case of dysarthria consists of massage, special speech therapy gymnastics, modification and automation of articulation skills and work on violations of the lexical and grammatical mode of the language.

      Massage for dysarthria

      Folding massage mechanism. Vin is formed not only from a direct mechanical injection on the tissues that are being massaged, but also from a nerve-reflex and humoral injection. In speech therapy robots with dysarthria, it is necessary to stagnate with massage, as a weakening strain on the spastic groups of tongues, and so lead to a teasing of that nerve-malignant movement apparatus.

      For a horned frenzy to the estum, Rososlannes, Treaselly Service Spokіin: the perishens of May Boti Teplim, Ditini Nicho is not a guess of Vidvolikati, Vona is guilty of the sideli abedly, without zoserodzhuvati, the Acts are able to reach the reaches. other psychotherapeutic approaches. You can add calm music or a commemorative cartoon.

      Massage should be carried out with warm, dry hands in mittens, vicorist lightly stroking, necessary singing m'yazovy group. With a tonic massage, on the other hand, it is recommended to use more intensive and sharp flurries of rozminannya, splashing, beating. The massage of the affected m'yazovoi group was followed in front by pouring into the entire neck-shoulder plate to increase the blood flow of the lymphatics. When probing massage is stuck, the instruments must be carefully sterilized by a special manufacturer.

      To achieve the best result of corrective robotic massage, it is necessary to increase the right to passive and active articulatory gymnastics, as it allows you to teach the child to relax all spastic pains, to reach the full amplitude of the affected lips, to reduce the damage. with one articulation posture in foreign language.

      As a rule, the complexes are right to be selected individually according to the improvement of clinical manifestations of dysarthria, degree of virulence, age of children, specialness, intelligence and other. moving breath finds it difficult to settle like a voice, and moving noises.

      Normalization and development of voice in dysarthria

      One of the direct correctional works is the normalization and development of the child's voice. With this method, a series of rights is carried out, as if directed to the call of a strong voice and on the modulation of the voice behind the height and strength. Tsіkavі right you can zapozichuvat z robіt Yermakova I.I., Lopatinoї L.V., L.I. Bilyakova and others.

      The development of dihannya can be started with training in the morning to gain as much repetition as possible (as if the belly is inflated) and training for a smooth long-term vision. On the right, we recline at the lying position, and then we sit and stand. Put the child on her back, lay a light soft toy on the child’s tummy, and ask her to inflate her tummy “like a bag”, and then “inflate the bag”, with which the toy rises and falls. If the child learns to “pump the toy on the stomach”, the child begins to “puff up and inflate the tummy” while sitting and standing, controlling it with the hand. Then we will form the boys for a long time, with this method you can blow candles for half a day, or on special “fountains”.

      Let's start the stages at the development of a dynamic breathing, it is possible to have a complex of rights behind the method of "paradoxical gymnastics of A. N. Strelnikova". This gymnastics allows you to carry out a further development of the thoracic-abdominal type of breathing, the development of the friability of the diaphragmatic meat, to increase the breath, to inhale.

      Special respect is given to such minds:

    • active respect for the child turns up to the phase in the breath; exercise less inhalation: sharp, short, galaslivy. Vidikh vіdbuvaєtsya pіslya vdihu independently (through the mouth). Vidikh do not hinder and do not vishtovhuvati. Breathing in - more active through the nose, seeing - through the mouth, not strange and passive.
    • vdikh zdijsnyuєtsya at the moment of physical urgency;
    • everything has the right to be carried out at a handy, natural pace for children and rhythm.
    • Right for correction of voice impairment in children with dysarthria

      Children can pronounce the following rights:

      Stand up straight, arms bent at the elbows (elbows down), and dolonki forward - the pose of the psychic. Standing in this position, the next robit is short, rhythmic, loud in the breath through the nis, with which the palms are clenched into fists (the so-called hapalnі ruhi). Without a pause, grow 4 rhythmic, sharp breaths through nіs. Let's lower our hands and then for 4-5 seconds. Let's keep quiet 4 bells, short breaths and a new pause.

      2. "Shoulders".

      Vikonuetsya standing, hands clenched into fists and pressed to the stomach, less on the level of the belt. When inhaling, it is necessary to sharply shovk your fists down to the bottom.

      Standing upright, the legs of the troch are narrower than shoulder width, arms below. A slight shriveled up (stretch your arms to the fold, but don’t sway), while the other half of the sagging is short and fluffy inhaling through the nis. It will end in the air at once from the cheeky. Trochs rise, but I don’t refill, and again I’m sick + inhaled. You can show that the child is pumping up a tire in a car. They are sickly beaten up easily and rhythmically, they don’t heal low, it’s enough to heal up to the level of the belt.

      5. "Hug your shoulders."

      Standing up, arms bent and lifted up to the level of the shoulders. It is necessary to throw your hands strongly, or you want to hug yourself by the shoulders. І with a dermal rush to fight inwardly. Hands under the hour “hug” are guilty but parallel one to one; duzhe widely killed not varto.

      The offensive complex of developments for the activation of the musculature of the shin, the outer and inner larynx and the preparation of the vocal apparatus for phonation.

    1. out of position - hands in the lock on the potilitsi. Removal of the head with a light support of the hands;
    2. out of position - clenched into the fist of the hand vpirayutsya in the chin. Nahili heads forward іz light support of the hands;
    3. out of position - the palms of the hands cover the vuha. They shook their heads to the sides to the shoulders with the support of their hands;
    4. rush the lower slit down, kill, ahead. Squeezing gap;
    5. cheek puffing;
    6. distributing with a kіnchik movi soft pіdnebіnnya;
    7. pіdnyatya m'yakogo pіdnebіnnya at pіhannya.
    8. Voice right

      1. The voice of the sound [m] is short with a calm position of the larynx, directing the sound in such a way that the wine is like a bi “hitting” in the hard bottom and calling out a great resonance of the greater empty ones. If you don’t have the right to say difficult things, you can go to the warehouses ma, mo, me, mi ...

      2. Vimova pairs of warehouses with a voice in another warehouse: ma-ma, ma-mo, ma-mu, ma-me, ma-mi; na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na.

      ma-mu on-well, etc., and the movement of warehouses with blows.

      3. Vimova closed warehouses: mom, mom, mum, meme, mime.

      4. Remember the voice sounds of that yoga day: a, ao, ay, ae, ai, aow, aoe, aoi, aouei, aoui toshcho.

      Fixation of the formed vocal cues

      1) Show that you got lost in the fox. You stand and shout: "Au-au." Vimovlyat sounds need to be done loudly and clearly.

      2) Children join the bet. One of the paris made phrases in a booming voice, and the partner spoke softly, like the moon. Potim partners change missions. For the right to zastosovuetsya phrases from different tales.

      3) It is proponed to children as bi crokuvati at gatherings, moving phrases First on top, another on top ... somy on top, step by step moving your voice.

      4) The children are encouraged to read the text: “They caught me lazily on my line, / For me they caught a tench, / For the kohannya, they sweetly prayed for me / And in the fog of the estuary they beckoned me.” on the back in a high voice, then in a characteristic height for them, in a low voice and lowering the voice from row to row.

      5) For children, follow the fast track "Our Polkan from Baikal lakal", seeing the word through the skin. Then let's call the lads proponuёmo vodpovisti given fast food for food:

      Sounds of barking Polkan?

      Whose Polkan from Baikal Lakav?

      What Robiv Polkan?

      9) Texts and emotions are taught to children, as if they were following these texts.
