Put down your anger. Zagalny primer - an introduction to the method of learning to read

Put down your anger. Zagalny primer - an introduction to the method of learning to read

New description

In the article and tables of representations, there is material that can be used as quotes:

1) for learning to read;

2) for revealing gaps in knowledge and novice;

3) for koriguvannya hibnih novice;

4) for the development of the skill of denoting the softness-hardness of the voices and the correct choice of vowels;

5) for mastering the current rules of the Russian language (ЖІ-ШІ, CHA-ShCHA, CHU-ShCHU and in.)

The article mentions the practical background of reading and sound-letter analysis of preschoolers by the teacher-psychologist Vorobiova N.F.

Comments to quote table:

1. To win, the table of grown-ups is guilty of helping the child learn all the voices, structured in such a rank (read according to the words):

Possible options:

option 1: B, C, G

option 2: D, D, W

option 3: Z, K, C

option 4: L, M, F

option 5: N, R, W

option 6: R, S, C

option 7: T, F, F

option 8: X, H, W

option 9: W, Y, C

3. Bazhano, that the reading of warehouses-zlittiv was brought to automatism.

4. Rarely are the warehouses-zlittya seen in a dribbling font.

5. To fill gaps in learning reading or correcting inadequate learners, it may be enough to read more than one of the most important problems and tables. For example, a child is getting help to help (make it soft) and you will hear, as if they are always filled with hard. Mean children at times do the reading of the tables of the letters Zh, Sh, Ts.

6. Zvichka to read hard and soft sounds in pairs (for example, TA-TYA, TO-TE, TU-TYU, etc.) from sound to letter.

Table 1(B).

Table 2 (B)

Table 3(D)

Table 4 (Y)

Table 5 (G)

Table 6 (Z)

Table 7 (J)

Table 8 (K)

Table 9 (L)

Table 10 (M)

Table 11 (H)

Table 12 (P)

Table 13 (P)

Table 14(C)

Table 15 (T)

Table 16 (F)

Table 17 (X)

Table 18 (C)

Table 19 (D)

Familiarity with the concepts of “voice” and “good” sounds.

We are analyzing the word "leleka". We can see the first sound [a].

- Take a looking-glass and draw out the first sound of the word. How to go out again when the sound is voiced - is it possible for a change? Sounds, when repeated, pass freely, without reshkod, call voiced. The stench rises for a helper voice, they are called voices. On the diagram, the voice sound is indicated red square. Let's say the last sound of the word. Take a mirror and trichi protractedly sweep the sound of the word. How to go out again when the sound is voiced - is it possible for a change? Sounds that, when voiced again, pass, sounding a shift, naming give voice. The stench rushes to help the voice and the noise. On the scheme, the voice sound is meaningful blue or green square.

Right at the designated sounds: voice chi voice sound?

Uzagalnennya: what did you know about the sounds? How to make a voiced sound look like a voiced one?

Work with subject pictures and with the word "smoke": fold-sonic analysis. (p.16-17)

Skіlki u slovі svarіv? What warehouse is shock? What sounds are made up of the first warehouse? Another warehouse?

- Let's say the first warehouse again: ku-. How many sounds can you hear? What are the sounds? How do these sounds vibrate - at once chi okremo? Warehouse, for which a voice-like sound is angry with a vowel, it looks like one sight, it is called angry. On the scheme, zlittya is denoted by a rectangle, dividing two parts: . Analysis of words from sides 16-17.Acquaintance with the understanding of the "alphabet".

- Before you are the letters of the Russian alphabet. Yakі z tsikh letters you know?

Reading verses about the alphabet, letters (material from Volina's books "Cikave alphabet learning", "Vchimosya, roaring").

- Alphabet - chain order of Russian letters. All your names are written in alphabetical order in my journal. Alphabetical order is necessary for the library to know the book well.

The word "alphabet" came to us from Greek language. The first letter of the Greek alphabet was called "alpha". Zvіdsi th name. In the old Russian language, the first letter was called "az", the other - "beeches". The name of our book is “Abetka”. The Slovyansk alphabet was presented to us by Kirilo and Methodius (Showing the monument on side 2, 215). On the side 210 - Old Slavonic alphabet (Display).

Uzagalnennya: What does "alphabet" mean? What wine do we need?

Topic: Organization of lessons in reading and writing in the preparatory period for learning to read and write.

The entire period of acquiring a diploma is subdivided into:

1. Preparatory;

2. Basic (alphabetical, alphabetic);

3. Pіslyaazbukovy.

The preparation period is divided into 2 steps:

1. Letterless;

2. Familiarity with five voice sounds and signify them with letters: A, a - [a]; About, about - [about]; І, і - [i]; s - [and]; U, y - [y].

At what stage are such tasks violating:

1. Prepare children for literacy;

2. accustom them to the robotic school regime before the end;

3. Understand with understanding “sleep” that “letter language”, “proposition”, “word”, “warehouse”, “voice”, “sounds” and “angry”, “alphabet”.

The central place in all lessons is to analyze the movie, what to sound. At another stage of the preparatory stage, a great work of syllable-sound analysis of words is carried out. The teacher is guilty of teaching children to read voice letters in an isolated position.

During the period of literacy, there are 3 types of lessons:

1. Lessons in literacy (reading);

2. Lessons in learning to read and write from grade-by-grade readings (17-20 khvilin);

3. Sheet lessons.

2. The structure of the lessons in the preparatory period (another stage). Poednannya nauchannya literacy іz zakladtâm pozaklasnym chitannâm at the lesson at the preparatory period.

Outline of the lesson on literacy (reading)

1 . org. moment;

2 . Informed by those goals of the lesson:

Today we get to know the new sound and letters.

3 .Knowledge with sound (right for seeing, seeing, characteristics and sensitive sound):

1. Seeing the sound [a] of the words astra and kavun for additional syllabic-sound analysis:

What is the name of the ticket shown in the picture? Let's analyze the word "aster". Conducting a re-analysis (picture and scheme on the board). Take a mirror and three times remove the first sound from the word "aster". What is the sound? (characteristic)

2. Gra “Smell a new sound”: the teacher names the words, for which there is a sound [a] and for which there are none. As the sound chirps, children caress at the valley (similarly, the “Gate” is carried out - hands close and open the gate).

4 . Familiarity with the letter (naming, looking at and reading, right in the mentioned reading):

1.- The sound [a] can be written in letters (Showing great and small letters - A, a). Find in your cash desks qi letters and show me. Who knows this letter? A great letter is necessary in order to write down names, nicknames, an ear of a proposition.

2. Gra “What does the letter A look like?” vyschipuvannya letters, drukuvannya in zoshiti and on doshtsi, the meaning of letters in the text.

3. Praise poetry. (Virshi for the letter A - the law of associative similarity) Robot z skoromovki. (Agrafeni and Arina grow geraniums and geraniums.)

4. Comparison with old Slavic letters.

5 . Fizminutka (material of Volina's book "Tsikave ABC Science");

6 . Work from texts on p. 24-25 "Russian alphabet". Differentiated work:

reading prislіv'їv i vіrshіv children, what to read, and reshta run your finger through the text and whisper the letter BUT. Work on changing texts Whispering moment.

7 . Robot from the plot picture:

Look at the image. Are the heroes of a fairy tale depicted here? Who is the author? Name the heroes whose names have a sound [a]; name objects, the names of which have a sound [a];

8 Work for the development of a movie: conversation and folded evidence from plot illustrations.

a) “What is the sound of doctors? Who will rejoice before the new one? With what words does the sound [a] grow?”,

b) “Is the heroine like a fairy tale? Why are you crying? Fold the proposition";

c) Reading letters at the isolated position.

Look at the letter. Recognize and name. Read the whole proposition";

d) Tell the children of the fairy tale "Fox and Vovk";

9 . Work behind the side 26 "Ukrainian abetka":

analysis, work behind the schemes, name the colors, the meaning of the sound [a] in words;

10. Work zі strіchki letters.

- Empty clitins will have stashed letters, as if we knew it was far away. To open up a letter language, you will need to recognize a lot of letters. And we "settled" in the first week.

11. Podsumok lesson.

What sound did we get to know? What letters designate this sound?

After reading lessons, write lessons.

1. Lighting.

Painting, streaking, preparing children for writing. Children take on the shape of an object and spread it out in the open air, directly conquer the hands of the hand when the object is depicted. Gain understanding: right-handed, left-handed, down, uphill, in the middle. The shading of the little ones is done to the beast down, angry to the right. The strokes are due to be prepared to the right to the image of the elements of the letters. Children paint the borders with colorful olives, ovals, arcuate lines in a row. Pretty sure the stench will conquer the graphic grid of the zoshita: the working row, the inter-row space, the upper line of the working row, the lower line of the working row. The left side is zoshita, rights, fields. Master the letter elements and letters.

2. Developing.

Through the stretching of the lessons of the sheet, the sleep communication of the movement of students, the friable muscles of the hands, caution, respect develop.

3. Vikhovny.

At the lesson, the moral values ​​of the scholars sway: pragmatism, staging before speeches, neatness is thin.

During this period, it is necessary to shape the sanitary-hygienic habits: the position of writing on the desk, smarten up the pen correctly, sit at the desk.

Lesson structure:

1. Org. moment.

2. Reinforcing those goals to the lesson. Zvyazok іz lesson reading. Por_vnyannya drukovanoї and letter letters.

3. Preparation of hands before writing. Vikonanny viserunka at the smoothie.

4. Element sheet of letters.

5. A sheet of letters with a hook.

6. Vikonannya logical rights, the rights of the fixed one.

New description

This training is part of the training cycle on our website. Cycle of commitments to home tutoring for beginner reading. Training can be similar to the fathers of a preschooler, and to teachers.

Warehouse-zlittya - tse poddnannya vociferous and offensive voice, or poddnannya vociferous and soft sign. Such a letter is the most important and important element of learning to read. The systematic presentation of the material in our article is optimal for learning to read. In the sleepy movі pіd hour of reading at once two sounds of hiba sho rage up to one for a suitable and vocal one, but the firm voice becomes m'yakim.

Below is the same table of the widest warehouses-zlittiv.
































































































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Tables have seen and re-armed warehouses, for some children it is more common to give pardons. This table is attached as a starting point for reading, as well as for controlling the mastery of the material.

Like a child knows all the letters - it's easier to read in steps, lower in rows. The grown-up is guilty of control, so that the reading of warehouses-zlittya was carried out by the child as if "automatically". Reading can be done in parts. It is recommended that we grow up to grow up and work out the number of working copies in the tables, vikreslyuyuchi during the training and control of the warehouse-zlittya, which child recognizes that it is easy to read (so that the novichka is brought “to automatism”).

For the purpose of starting reading, we have disassembled the development of the reading of warehouses

Marvel at the same article:

Learning to read and write as a special step in speaking as a learning progress in the systematic development of the Russian course. During this period, the learners themselves turn to the sound, phonetic structure of the word.

Orientation at the sound side of the word prepares the child to acquire the literacy of written language.

D.B. Yelkonin pidkreslyuvav: “In addition, as a child, the sound reality of the language will be recognized, the sound form of the word will be found, as if literacy has been mastered, and the language will be assimilated - grammar and spelling with it” .

Those who often give themselves to the elementary grown-up, do not lead them to a child. The assimilation of new phonetic understanding is most often less likely to be on the level of the primary and the wild manifestation. To that, as a child of literacy, I will remember to help with the support of knowledge, which will be stagnant in the course of the game's initial activity. Tse zorovі images - symbols of "sound cholovіchkіv".

The ethereal look of their skin is logically connected with the singing characteristic sound powers. The golden symbols of “sound people” are easily remembered, unambiguously associated, helping to acquire the necessary phonetic features, easily set with letters - signs of the Russian alphabet, so they can change their look - the robe of the “clothes”:

The sound images of the vowels of “sound people” help us to practice their articulation, the shards at the basis of the letter forms of the language lie the positional principle, and we, like a child, orientate ourselves in front of the vowel sound.

Aje itself, in any case, I will accept the spelling promotion with articulatory units:

  1. angry (good + vocal)
  2. primikannya (sounds of poses to angry people)

The voice sounds (phonemes) have a round shape - stinks like “peas” are free to pass through the passage of the moving apparatus; the stench of a red color - like the foundation (ceglinka) of the sound-letter budinochka "Abetka", even if it's the main role, like a magnet, it's easy to subdue the voices of the zlitta and warehouse. The red color is the head one! (Chervona area - the head area of ​​the edge of the chervonoy tseglin)

(The red-voiced sound is a harmonic, loud, attracting other sounds to itself).

The skin-voiced “sound man” has a red “mouth to speak”, which makes it easy for us to guess that sound - a dog.

The sound “І” is a charming, maє green color of the Enchanter of the Smaragdovy Mista, the wine is kind, always laugh, with an angry voice, turn yoga into a childishness - charming, light of a fairy tale, rob kind, small, lower, soft.

Suitable sounds make a square shape, to that with their little coils they cling to the mouth, teeth, lip, tongue, lips - they sound the perestroika.

The stench of a different rozmіru and color.

Great - blue(strict, cold like krizhinki) - solid;

Small - greenery(good, lower, like hanging grass) - soft;

With twinkiestwinkies;

Have a dropletdeaf.

Rozpovіdayuchi children "Fairy tale for Y" A. Shibaev know z "yotikom" - which is more hotіv buti and vociferous - like a charming "І", and we will sing. That is why the round shape guesses the shape of the voices, and the color of the whole greenery is enchanting, like those of the voices, which signify soft sounds, especially the "horns" in the mountains, which chimes with the passage of a moving apparatus, and to that it is nevertheless spiable with a group of voices sound. Win strongly, if you want to stretch your dog. The voice of the new one is ringing, perhaps like that of the voice "I" - but nothing comes out, the wine is shaved off and that way the letter was called the I-short.

Rice. 12 a, b

Letters that do not make sounds “Ъ” and “b”, are presented as empty judges - lucidity, but with additional little ones.

If the sounds come in, then behind their "backs" - we can sing in color, de voice - de voice, de voice zhorstki - de voice m'yaki.

In the world of acquaintance with new voiced sounds, children easily choose and designate their images.

The next tables show the illumination of a single articulation: angry, admiring.

Cunning voices (podvіyni) of another category are presented especially.

Rozpovidayuchi tale about їhnі cunning, on the "sound cholovіchkah" it is clearly demonstrated (curved), like a ticking "Yotik" and one sound is left out.

Pznіshe zakrypimo z dіtmi, zlittі cunning voices mean 1 sound, and 2 sounds are close.

Yakscho bachimo A, O, E, U, S

Sounds chuёmo firmly!

Yakshcho bachu E, E, I, Yu, I

I can smell the sounds.

On the place of the sound, we put a graphic sign - the letter i, focusing on the letter, and "opening the mouth" of the symbol we begin to read.

At some point in the world, all the letters are populated at the sound-letter (dynamic) booths of “Abetka”.

The foundation has two tops. 1 over - voices of the 1st row (stinks signify the hardness of the vocal sound in the anger). 2 over - voices 2 rows (stinks signify the softness of the vocal sound in anger).

Cunning E, Yo, Yu, Ya, charіvna I may be especially green afterward, like helping children to guess about their secrets.

More often on blue and yellow surfaces live in a voice of letters. On the blue ones - twinkles with a twinkle (such as burulka, spring strings, a flood woodcutter), on yellow ones - deaf with a droplet (wooden, yak Pinocchio, straw, yak Scarecrow”).

Particularly live the guys prigolosnі for dzvinkіstyu - deafness. Vikna pairing.

The skin tone has its own sound (color) curtains - green, blue, or green, or only blue (which indicates the characteristic power of hardness and softness).

Letters that do not mean sounds b, b live in dahu. Kozhen maє his pipe. "Kommersant" has a trumpet with a blue outline. U "b" - a pipe with green circles.

Knowing the children with anger and familiarity, fixing the reading of articulations of loners through the different visions of robots with cubes.

Postupovo in the course of the Russian translation of language input "Spelling signals".

Well, the colors of the din and the spelling signals are victorious at the scheme "Pomilkovo for the unsafe places of Russian language"

The idea of ​​the table was taken from the "scheme of a minefield" by T.V. Shklyarova "How to teach your child to write without pardons" (help book for fathers)

Tables of the selection of orthograms clarify and help to fix in the memory of schoolchildren the laws of Russian spelling.

Choice of primal symbols (signs), basic schemes and representations of accuracy:

    • improve the sound of the movie;
    • spray normalization of vimovi;
    • ensure the skills of sound analysis and synthesis;
    • improve respect and memory; train thoughts;
    • move readiness to start reading that letter;
    • ahead of time about pardon and safety of the word;
    • developing spelling skills;
    • activate Rozum's activity;
    • help to keep the first available and sing the croc on the way until the written movement is mastered (reading that letter)
    • ahead of time to understand the sounds of that letter.
    • help to acquire:
  1. scho between the two sights - with sounds and letters to sing songs and staleness;
  2. that sounds do not combine with their letter designations and can be conveyed by different letters, and at the same time that same letter can be used as a way of graphic designation of different sounds;
  3. that a lot of essences of authority (characteristic intensity) of the same sounds are graphically transmitted not by one, but by a number of letters, to help systematize the phonetic and phonological knowledge of scholars

How to teach a child an angry sound at the hour of reading warehouses

The greatest folding for children, as they learn to read, to become mastered by the warehouse-zlittya. Under the hour of reading the children directly to the warehouse, it is important to add the stench of the exercise, literally to the warehouse structure. Understanding the principle of anger is supported by different receptions: prolonging the first vocal sound with a stepwise transition to the onset voice, reading with the preparation of the articulation apparatus for the voice sound, memorizing the warehouse, reading the warehouse according to the analysis.Reveal the “secret” of angry sounds at the warehouse, children can make themselves. But with whom it is impossible to command їх articulation actions, to the fact that ruinuє їhnі movlennєvі novice, deautomatize їх. It is more necessary to organize the guarding of children over their damp articulations with their oversized frills.

Orientation fragment of the lesson.

Teacher: Let's say the word FLY in warehouses.(FLY.)

What is the first warehouse? (MU.) What sounds do new people have? (Sounds [m] ta [y].)

How to get ready for the sound [m]? (squeeze your lips.)

Get ready to say [m]. (Children make the sound [m].)

And what is needed for the sound [y] (pull up the mouth with a tube.)

Get ready and wash the sound [y] (Children are moving.)

How did you say the sounds [m] and [y], at once or one at a time? (One by one.)

And how did you get ready for them, I’ll do it for you? (Throughout.)

Say once more mov MU. (Children wink.)

How to sound [m] and [y] at the warehouse, one at a time? (Singing.)

How do they get angry? Let's try to find out. Get ready to read the warehouse of MU, but don’t speak, but only marvel one on one and turn it over, so you were well prepared before reading the movie of MU. (Children marvel.)

How do you destroy, razzhatі chi stislі? (stylistic)

What sound did you squeeze? (For sound [m]

And what did you do with your lips? (Vityagli them with a tube.)

For what sound did you destroy the cradle? (For the sound [y].)

How many sounds did you prepare for, up to one chi two? (We prepared up to two sounds.)

Good get ready again and give voice. (MU)

And how many sounds did you say? (Two.) Yaki? (sounds [m] ta [y].)

How did you say, one at a time? (Singing.)

And how did you get ready for them, according to the devil chi one day to two? (We prepared once before two sounds.)

The very same stench and angry. After the sound [m], it is not necessary to prepare before the sound [y]: mi yogo was prepared twice, at once s [m]. To that, for example, the sound [m] begins to sound already in preparation for the sound [y] and the stench gets angry, stuns the end [m] and the ear [y].

Get ready one more time for two sounds. Give a voice! (MU)

The axis is so mimovlyaemo and inshi warehouse: we prepare at once until we hear two sounds, and the voice is given once, even if the sounds are poured into the warehouse.

And now get ready to MOVY MOVY MO. What kind of sounds do you need to get ready for right away? (Before sounds [m] ta [pro].)

Before what kind of sounds do you need to get ready, so that the stinks get angry? (One to two sounds.)

(The same work is carried out in the warehouses of MI, MI, MA.)

And now look at me. Guess from my lips, until what kind of movie did I prepare? (To the warehouse of MU.) And now? (To the MI warehouse.)

And now? (To the MO warehouse.) What kind of warehouse? (MI.)

And at once turn one to one and move, with some lips guess one to one in any order put MI, MO, MU. MI, MA. (Children guess warehouses, prepared with sus_dom by party.)

The axis is so we say and іnshi fold: we prepare in a row up to two sounds, and the voice is given once. Say warehouse LU. (Children seem.) What sounds does he have? (Sounds [l] ta [y].)

How to get ready to [y], we already know, and how to get ready to (l) (Press the tongue to the upper teeth.)

Get ready for two sounds of the movie LU. Give a voice! (LU!)

(This is how the robot works with warehouses NU, ALE, NI. NI ta іn.)

On the plantsi of the doshka, warehouses are placed from the letters of the pink alphabet, for example: MU, MO, MI. MI, MA, LO, LI, LI. LU, LA and in.

Children in chorus and individually get ready one time up to two sounds for the teacher’s statement and read straight in a warehouse, adding a whole word to them.

So, children, under the teacher’s erudition, reveal the way of making the sounds of the mov in their mind and transfer the assimilation of the way from the act of promotion to the act of reading.

Further, you can go to reading behind the warehouses of two warehouses of the LU-NA type. ZI-MA. LI-SA, MA-MA, PA-PA, SA-NI. RO-FOR and in. zі know with those new voice letters. At the same time, it is necessary to do so, so that the children read the first two-storey words at will and in full, according to the warehouses, but even on the same breath, without pauses between the warehouses and the powerful visions of the shock hay.

In order to ensure smoother movement of two sounds in succession, the beaten tablet, like letters collapse.

The situation is being aggravated by the arrival of one letter as a guest before the next. On this scheme, at the end of the week, you can see. At the end, a voice letter is presented. Warehouses are read.

In order to teach children to read closed warehouses, you can change the table by adding one more right hand. Reading the warehouses with a big voice on the cob of the warehouse will help the table with the end of the word. The work with the table won’t end. According to the tables, it is right to carry out the following:

Poshuk warehouse for zavdannyam (old-grown name, child to know, show, name);

Reading lansy in warehouses - behind the vowel (MA - NA - RA - LA - PA -...)

At such a table, a child should be able to find the number of warehouses - ZhI, SHI, CHYA, SHCHYA, CHU, SHCHU. Possibly, you will become the first crochet of the mastered Russian spelling.
