Profesiya - “Shvachka. Presentation "Professiya seamstress" My profession seamstress presentation

Profesiya - “Shvachka. Presentation "Professiya seamstress" My profession seamstress presentation

Vminnya dress people
ancient craft.
In the mustache of the boules
exciting professions
seams and laces.

From history

First people sewed clothes
with the help of the oxen alive with a stone
or rib'yacho tassels.
Pіznіshe zavіlasа lіzna golka i bagato
ten years was the head
seam tool.
In the XVIII - XIX centuries the first appeared
sewing machines.

For the help of a modern sewing machine, you can:

Overcast loops
Forgive the gasket
Sew on gudziki

Where is the seam?

Individual zamovlennya (shvachka
vikonu all operations
sew by myself)
Atelier (small team at
skin footwear)
Factory (Shvachka member of the great
team, cutting fabric
some sigh, others
sew, third prasuet)

Individual booking



fashion designer

Explore models

sewing machine operator

Practice on
factories or in
see robot


Practice in the atelier. Vіn dopomogaє
for the deputy to choose the style of the viroba,
know from the new world, reveal

Kravets for clothes repair

Pratsiuє at the master's repair
clothes. Vin is engaged in repairs
whiteness, upper clothes.


Pratsyuє in the studio, workshop, on
sewing factory. Vikonu prasuvannya
other details or ready

Shvachka is guilty

Talk to people
Mati relish
Pratsyuvati neatly, relatively



Seamstress on the right: navch. for 5 cells. specialist. (corrected) utvar.
Installations of the VIII type / Kartushina G.B. Mozgova G.G. - 4th kind. -
M.: Prosvitnitstvo, 2007. - 160 p.
[Electronic resource]. -
The author of styles: Naumenkova S.P. cob teacher
class SOGO Dukhovshchinsky special
/correctional/ boarding school №1 VIII type

Kravets is a craftsman for textiles, a specialist in sewing clothes. Kravets - creating and gaining more popularity of the profession in the labor market in the sphere of public services. In the profession of beauty, you can see a number of specializations: fakhivets z sewing an upper garment, a light garment, virobiv z shkir, hutra and іn. About the profession in a flash

the first kravtsі vinikli at Ancient Greece of the III century BC. e. The stinks practiced in the mains, often victorious and worked as slaves. Kravets-meister was the head of such a team and was especially engaged in shitty viroba. Reshta robbed the preparation of the work - shaping the material, drawing, pressing. In the middle of Europe, the beauty was taken in by the shanovo people. Maistri's garnis have the honor of dressing the kings themselves and those queens. Until recently, people in the profession were working as fashion designers. The profession acquired a special status around the 15th century, when the concept of “fashion” was born. In the Middle Ages in Europe, the beauty was in vazhavsya as a noble person. And of course, the kings and queens were dressed in the best maistris. History of profession

Vymogi up to professії kravtsіv Assortment, design, warehouse parts, details of production, ways and means of acquiring machine, manual, cleaning and pressing robots, vimogi up to their quality, priyomii adjustment and adjustment of machines, attachments of tools. Necessary knowledge of mathematics, armchair, painting, anatomy and physiology of a person.

People, like chasing this robot, risk not being good enough to the buyers, as if the party’s clothes are not sewn on a promise. In addition, it may be possible to send the material through incorrect modeling or incorrect preparation of patterns. Ale, good beauty is badly earned, oskolki people buy clothes independently in the face of the economic situation in the country. The work of the kravtsya is not connected with "shkidlivistyu" or a threat to life, but it is psychologically foldable, the shards should be brought to a steady pace for the purchases, which are changed, due to which you are very tired. Risks of the profession

The demand for healing from the city and the country is already high. Without people, these professions would not be able to dress up properly.

A person with a profession is beautiful in any settlement, in which there is a garment factory, atelier, booths, or a sewing machine for repairing clothes. At such undertakings, one can work from one to the rich professional skills. Dosvіdcheni fahivtsі often start their own right, hiring helpers and starting to win individual prayers. A lot of people, who seem to look good, turn to such masters-professionals. Spravzhnіy kravets is guilty of being a creative person, mother fantasy and awake, but at the same time, mother of special knowledge, beginners of work with possession.

Kravets is a person from the average special lighting. Such a specialty can be obtained in schools near the rich places of the country. The smut in the beginning of the craft is the practice, how to become a significant part of the beginning process. Kravets is guilty of being assiduous, tolerant, guilty of being able to concentrate respect on the singing process. Good sir and hand coordination are also important. Є y professіynі vomogi for kravtsіv. Obov'yazkovі knowledge of the assortment, construction, warehouse parts, parts and a lot of other things.

The unforgettable day of the people was celebrated by the katerinburzka priyomnitsya Irina Putts. At the exhibition "Mi - pіdpriєmtsі!", which was shown in the regional local museum on the 14th leaf fall, since our heroine was born, one of the stands of dedications to the ancestors of Irina - the founders of the dynasty of the beautiful Makrushin. The exhibition presents the products of ten out of 60 Ural imperial dynasties, which oppose the roots of the pre-revolutionary era. The first family of Makrushinh is one of them. Why is there a cicava? Makrushini already needed a hundred rokiv to wear clothes. Yak rozpovida Irina Putts, before the revolution of 1917, Yegor Makrushin rozd the fate of business, who propraciuvav all his life near the Udmurt village of Lishtanka, Kiznersky district. Father Ivan Makrushin continued on the right and became a miraculous master of a woman's cloth and a human costume. At that time, acceptance, like faith with God, did not exist in Russia. Prote, rozpovidaє spadkovka kravchinka, party kіstyak place squashed his eyes on those who Ivan went to the church for a week: after all, his suits were sitting on whether or not to stand. Family dynasties: Sim'ї Makrushinykh

Tsya profession is more than a cicava, here is a copy, an important and foldable. You need a smaller profession, so that you can become even more popular with it, and a great fashion designer. I want to continue the dynasty of kravtsiv. I want to become like my mother. What makes my profession beautiful

V. Yudashkin V. Zaitsev P. Cardin I. Saint Laurent

Virobi V. Yudashkina Virobi S. V. Hot

state treasury illuminating mortgage of the Rostov region special (correction) illuminating pledge for uchnіv, vihovantsіv z obrazheniye opportunities zdorov'ya special (correction) central lighting boarding school VIII mind stanitsa Grushevskaya Aksaysky district

Classical ceramics worker Balashova N.M.

Pratsya shvachki at our place

Tse is important, necessary work,

Shvachka is fashionable and beautiful

Shiє clothes usіm marvelously!

The first sewing machines appeared at the 18th century. A handful of stench was beaten out by only the simplest operations from the sewing of the edges of the fabric, and step by step the mechanics brought in all the new improvements to the power of sewing machines. І axis behind the help of a sewing machine, it became possible not only to sew, but also to sew, wrap buttonholes, sew a lining and sew on gudziki. The first garment factory appeared in the 19th century - the very profession of seamstress became in demand.

Take your profession:

Sewing craftsmanship can be acquired at vocational schools or at special courses. Of course, you can learn sewing craftsmanship directly in practice at garment factories, marveling at how professionals practice.

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Captions before slides:

The history of the formation of the profession "Shvachka"

For a long time, the women sewed the skins of the creatures, so that it was warmer.

"In the light of a song, in the face of a slimy sweat - In the eyes of the roaming imla. Pratsuy, pratsuy, pratsy Bjoloy, sho zapnyuє stіlniki, Poki from the fingers from the nalota Not a ribbed neck! , pratsyuy, pratsyuy, - sleep, flying, neck, - A drop of the rest of the sweat On the pale cheeks lay down!

The profession was required. Mustache wanted to dress fashionably and beautifully. The wealthy and noble nobles had special talents.

The sewing machine Shila and dreamed, What became a right machine. Do not carry a naked, Thread, vest. And the rulers drive, Rush through the white world. Here fell from the police Knives with a ringing, Broken head, Chuti zіtkhannya and stogіn.

It is not the Gods of the mountaineers who burn.

World leaders

Vіdomі models of Russia

Features of the quality of the seamstress To become a professional seamstress, it is necessary to be neat, sedentary, sprytnoy, tolerant, passionate, emotionally stable and not be afraid of monotonous and one-man work. Fahivets is to blame for mother vіdminny okomir, miraculous coordination of hands and garniy zіr.

Behind the topic: methodical developments, presentations and summaries

Working program of the professional module for the profession "Operator of the sewing department. Shvachka"

Work PROGRAM PROFESSIONAL MODULYAPM.02 Vikonannya works with the processing of textile assemblies from various materials.

A SET OF CONTROL AND EVALUATION DATA for carrying out a sub-bag certification of professional training for an adapted program of professional training for a profession: 19601 Shvachka (VIII type)

The final position As a result of the mastery of professional training for an adapted program of professional training, the readiness of the initial to independent training works and professional training.
