Presentation "Profession - "Seamstress" presentation before the lesson from the advanced world (middle group) on the topic. Presentation "profession seamstress" presentation before the lesson on the topic Profession seamstress presentation for children of the senior group

Presentation "Profession - "Seamstress" presentation before the lesson from the advanced world (middle group) on the topic. Presentation "profession seamstress" presentation before the lesson on the topic Profession seamstress presentation for children of the senior group

This is such a profession that the modern world cannot do without. Tsya profession is called "sewing". Today we wear clothes, as a rule, without worrying about quiet people, like they are for us. About those, how long ago the profession of a seamstress appeared, how it has special features and such tools as a seamstress, we will talk at once.

Ever since the first epoch, people demanded clothes to protect themselves from the cold. The stench clung to the pieces of the animal skins for help living creatures. Open in the skins of the ancient people pierced with thin gostrimi stone heads. With a year of clothes, becoming not only a zahist in the cold, but embellish it with an object. And if people learned how to work the rope, the stinks prepared the needles of the sewing needles, the needles from one point and the eye for pulling the thread from the third point.

For a long time, the sewing needle was the main tool for stitching and all clothes were sewn by hand. Behind the help of the collars, pieces of cloth creaked, with a collar on the cloth they robbed a garna of embroidery, and they sewed the gudziki to the finished garment.

Traditionally, women were engaged in sewing, because for sewing it is important for women to be so powerful, like neatness, attention to detail.

If the industrial era began and the first machines began to appear, the sewing machine was also found, and the sewing machine was relieved. And modern sewing machines, as if controlled by a computer, can not only sew the details of clothes, but also work with folding sewing operations, including embroidering different-colored little ones on fabric.

But, regardless of the development of sewing technology, sewing by hand is worth the dossi and profession of a seamstress - one of the most demanding and shamanic in the workplace.


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Behind the topic: methodical developments, presentations and summaries

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Synopsis of an occupation with knowledge of the professions "Profession of a seamstress" (from a variety of interactive boards for children of the older age)

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Authors: Beldi Natalia, student of 9th form. (VIII species); Oleksiy Galochkin, 6th grade student (VIII species); Voronina Svitlana, 6th grade student (VIII species); Kuzminska Viktoria, student of the 6th grade (VIII species); Sweden Anastasia, student of the 6th form. (VIII kind). Kerivnik: teacher-psychologist Paskal Viktoria Viktorivna.

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Shvachka dresses us in a coat, and a winter coat, in autumn, and in spring, giving us garni of cloth and sundresses, backs and blouses, coats and jackets. In ancient times, if the first people wore clothes made of animal skins, the stench learned to sew them for the help of oxen alive. And the first head was thin, almond, a pointed handkerchief with a stone. Too late, a steel head and a thread appeared, and for ten years the stinks were left behind as the head tool of a seam. With their help, maistri sewed shmatka shkiri, hutra, fabrics. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, the first sewing machines appeared. A handful of stench was beaten out by only the simplest operations from the sewing of the edges of the fabric, and step by step the mechanics brought in all the new improvements to the power of sewing machines. І axis behind the help of a sewing machine, it became possible not only to sew, but to sew, sew loops, sew a lining and sew on gudziki.

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Why does the robot have a shvachka? At the same time, it’s too rich in what to lie down in order to de pratsyuє shvachka. Chi shi vin clothes for individual (so single, okremim) zamovlennya, pratsyuє in the studio or at the sewing factory. If a master works in an atelier, then go to the warehouse of a small brigade, in some kind of leather, wear your own shoes. Some of the cuts are made by hand for additional needles, a knife, a piece of crady, some work on sewing machines - the last detail of the clothes for additional seams and lines, some of the work with the right cloth, a coat of blouses. It is important, that the rich was ready to please the deputy! Like a sewing machine, it works at a sewing factory, here it’s out to enter the warehouse of a great team. Clothes are sewn in factories in great batches, and models are made by fashion designers. The design of the fabric is handed over to the brigade: one of them zmіtuyut її, іnshі zshivayut, the third prаsuyut.

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Let's think together with you, how do you draw the character needs shvachki? Comradeship - it’s easy and strong to talk to a deputy, to hear and understand, how you want to make your new coat chi cloth. And I also need relish, remember to practice neatly, relatively, doing thoroughness, so that people say: "They have golden hands!"

History of the profession

  • Kravets is already a long-standing profession, as it is already popular. None of us are called their designers.
  • Kravets (type of other Russian port - nariz or shmatok of cloth, clothes; old Swiss, shvachka) - a handicraft profession from making clothes from textile cloths.

History of the profession

  • In ancient times, people learned how to sew animal skins for the help of oxen alive. And the first head was a thin, almond sharpened plate with a stone. A steel head and a thread appeared richly late, and for ten years the stench was covered with head tools. With their help, maistri sewed shmatka shkiri, hutra, fabrics.

cicavia fact

  • The first kravtsy were people. The stinks were more reticent at their craft and did not tell the women the secrets of their craftsmanship. In the meantime, those navichki were passed down from father to son.

Kravets or shvachka

  • Kravets is blown away shvachki more highly qualified, you can work out all the details on the cob and to the end, even as a seamstress specializes in one of the sewing operations - for example, you can process all the details or a sewing machine operator on a sewing machine.
  • As a rule, beauty works in a repair studio and sews clothes for individual sewing, and a seam is in the minds of mass production at a factory, and all operations of the sewing process are clearly divided among practitioners.

Kravets can work independently or in a brigade, working on sewing, restoring and converting sewing machines. Taking part in the development of new models, volunteers of manual and machine vykonannya robit z sewing variobiv in different groups for different categories of clients. He designs clothes, prepares patterns, is engaged in the preparation and processing of parts of sewing fabrics, the production of ready-made fabrics. Just as with the individual tailoring of the workpiece, all technological operations are performed by myself, then when sewing the workpieces by the brigade method, the operations are divided among the members of the brigade.

Wimogi until you know that vmin

Qualifications Kravets is guilty of nobility:

 mathematics, chair, painting, anatomy;

 classification of fabrics for sewing garments;

 the technology of processing parts, the basis of modeling clothes, the technology of robots on the sewing machine.

Qualifications can be counted :

 respect technological possessions;

 draw sketches of models, prepare patterns and adjust models in

zalezhno vіd іndіvіdualnykh pobazhany zamovnika;

 Organize the work space, comply with the safety rules.

Features of the quality of kravtsya

  • bezdoganno pochutya style;
  • scrupulousness;
  • tolerance;
  • vіdpovіdalnіst;
  • communication;
  • stress resistance;
  • building up to the chair that painting;
  • volume okomir;
  • yaskrava vyava;
  • creativity;
  • perseverance;
  • neatness.

Prospects for career growth

Possibly paths for the development of healing:

Kravets can improve your qualifications, and

also master the sum of specializations,

like this: master of weaving, fashion designer, technologist of sewing weaving.

You can become a professional of the highest class only after completing the highest initial mortgage in one shortest VNZ of light industry of Russia, up to which to lie:

  • Moscow State Textile University named after O.M. Kosigina;
  • St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design;
  • National Institute for Design
  • Moscow State University of Design and Technology.

Description of the presentation with four slides:

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History of the profession Kravets is an ancient profession, as it is already popular. None of us are called their designers. Kravets (type of other Russian port - nariz or shmatok of cloth, clothes; old Swiss, shvachka) - a handicraft profession from making clothes from textile cloths.

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Description of the slide:

History of the profession In ancient times, people learned how to sew animal skins for the help of oxen alive. And the first head was a thin, almond sharpened plate with a stone. A steel head and a thread appeared richly late, and for ten years the stench was covered with head tools. With their help, maistri sewed shmatka shkiri, hutra, fabrics.

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Cicavia fact The first reds were people. The stinks were more reticent at their craft and did not tell the women the secrets of their craftsmanship. In the meantime, those navichki were passed down from father to son.

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In the XVIII-XIX centuries. first sewing machines appeared. Only the simplest operations for sewing the edges of the fabric were beaten out of the head of the stink, and all the new improvements were made step by step by the mechanics at the power of the sewing machines. І axis for the help of such a machine, it became possible not only to sew, but also to sew, sew on loops, sew a lining and sew on sewing gudziki.

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Кравець або швачка Кравець відрізняється від швачки вищою кваліфікацією, він може відшити виріб від початку і до кінця, тоді як швачка спеціалізується на виконанні якоїсь однієї операції швейного виробництва - наприклад, обробляє всі деталі або лише певний вузол швейного виробу на швейній машині ( швачка-мотористка ). As a rule, beauty works in a repair studio and sews clothes for individual sewing, and a seam is in the minds of mass production at a factory, and all operations of the sewing process are clearly divided among practitioners.

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Description of the slide:

Utrimannya diyalnosti kravtsya can work independently or in the brigade, working on sewing, restoring and reworking sewing machines. Taking part in the development of new models, volunteers of manual and machine vykonannya robit z sewing variobiv in different groups for different categories of clients. He designs clothes, prepares patterns, is engaged in the preparation and processing of parts of sewing fabrics, the production of ready-made fabrics. Just as with the individual tailoring of the workpiece, all technological operations are performed by myself, then when sewing the workpieces by the brigade method, the operations are divided among the members of the brigade.

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Description of the slide:

Vymogi to know that vmin Qualifications Kravets is guilty of nobility: mathematics, armchair, painting, human anatomy;  classification of fabrics for sewing garments;  the technology of processing parts, the basis of modeling clothes, the technology of robots on the sewing machine. Qualifications Kravets is guilty of: koristuvatisya technological possessions;  to draw sketches of models, to prepare patterns and to make models fallow in the form of individual favors of the zamovnik;  Organize the work space, comply with the safety rules.

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