Understanding the great servants of Russia. Sovereign (municipal) servants (robots)

Understanding the great servants of Russia. Sovereign (municipal) servants (robots)

Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State University. 2012. No. 1 (255).

Right. Vip. 31. S. 36-38.

Є. N. Malanin


The criteria are being considered for the public services that are awarded by the federal authorities of the sovereign power, the authorities of the sovereign power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, and the organs of local self-representation. Goloshuyutsya on the nedolіka dyuchoї vіtchiznânoї system nadannya public services, proponuєtsya low concrete visits šchodo їsunennya.

Key words: public services, sovereign services, municipal services, classification of services, subjects of public services, register of state and municipal services.

Classification (lat. classis - rank, class and facio - roble, rozlady) - a richly step-by-step logical commitment to understand, or be it the totality of individuals on the sub-ordering system to understand abo classes of objects, the method of which . - gestures1. Classification is one of the most important tools in the methodology of the theory of law, which allows you to order the impersonal legal phenomena and processes, to reveal their essence, to show in them all the vipadkove and subjective. The Russian legal science has repeatedly tried to determine the significance of the public servants by seeing such criteria as the subject of the payment of public services, the collection of public services, the foldedness of public services, and so on.

One of the most wide-ranging classifications of community services is the classification of the fallow in the region, demonstrating their implementation. At the boundaries of the designated classification, medical, lighting, communal, informational, financial and other services are seen.

A.V. Nesterov propagates a small number of possible approaches to the appointment of public servants, one of them is based on the principle of demand. To this kind of service lie:

necessary services (before them, you can zarahuvat pobutovі, financial, communal);

legal (the stinks are obov'yazkovymi for subjects, to give services, for example, services, to bind to the data of land plots from public authority, to register the rights to non-ruhoma mine that pleases him, to put the object of non-violence on the state cadastral oblіk );

realization (real) services2.

Introduced more positions do not slander all legally significant criteria for the classification of public servants, but, insanely, represent the singing scientific interest.

Today there is no single classification of community services, but only a few days of theoretical research on the purpose of their parameters. However, public services are the same legal category, as they really have, maє stіykі signs and vmagaє sevnoї systematization.

First of all, see the public servants, you must see the specific figures of the assigned legal category. Due to the succession of the community services, one can see the following signs:

public services directed to the satisfaction of supremacy interests (security of supple security, economic interests, constitutional arrangements);

the order of giving public servants is established by the path of sovereign-legal regulation;

for the nadannya hromadskih servitors rozroblyayutsya and provadzhuyuyutsya standard їх nadannya;

Public servants are given special upovnovazhenim by those bodies and institutions to the non-federal stake of subjects.

By assigning significant signs of community services, you can go to their classification. We can classify our public services according to the definitions of subjects that should be given:

1) services that are given by the organs of sovereign power (sovereign services);

2) services that are given by the organs of self-regulation (municipal services);

3) the servants of the non-state sector (they rely on commercial organizations (individual enterprises) or public organizations).

According to the subjects, how to count the services, the following are distinguished:

1) services, created for the satisfaction of the interests of physical services (communal services, utility services, social services);

2) services, directed to the satisfaction of the interests of legal entities and individual businesses (registration of legal entities and individual businesses, providing licenses as such);

3) services, creations for the satisfaction of interests both physical and legal (registration of rights to non-destructive mine, cadastral appearance of objects of non-destructive mine and others)3.

It seems to be such a sign of public servants with an important economic look, as if it was a dream of their finances, the shards of all public servants may be singing varst. At zv'yazku z tsim traditionally see services, yakі є paid for obedzhuvacha and bezkoshtovnі services.

The transfer of paid services was appointed on the federal level, to become nineteen groups and є vycherpnym. Before paid services, for example, lie down: - sovereign environmental expertise; sanitary and epidemiological examination, investigation, obstezhennya, follow-up, testing, toxicological, hygienic and other types of assessments; sovereign expertise of the reserves of brown copalins, geological, economic and environmental information about the subsoil plots that rely on the brown copalin; state expertise of project documentation4.

Prior to the organizations that give paid services, federal agencies of the victorious government (in the cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation), federal states establish and federal state unitary enterprises. Paid services cannot be provided by other organizations. Vihodyachi zgogo, you can sprobit vysnovok about those, scho іnshі servitors mayut but nadanі on a free basis. Non-koshtovnі oderzhuvach service can be financed with additional expenses of the state budget of all equals, the municipal budget, state budgetary funds - the same rank of budgetary services.

Nareshti, let’s classify, yak, yak, we respect it, it’s very important when spiv-

setting registers of sovereign and municipal services, and, apparently, to become the most practical interest. Vіdpovіdno to her public services can be divided into vidi fallowly in the gallery of їх nadannya:

1. Services in the sphere of earth-raising. Before them, one can add services from the grant of land plots to the people of the community and legal persons from the state and municipal authorities, such as placing land plots on the state cadastral appearance, whereby registering rights to land plots.

2. Services in the sphere of nature conservation, for example, state expertise of stocks with brown copalins, geological, economic and environmental information about data from corystuvannya delyankah and others.

3. Services in the sphere of pіdpriєmnitskoї dіyalnostі, for example, state registration of legal and іndivіdualnykh pіdpriєmtsіv, giving permits (licenses) for zdіysnennya pevnyh vidіv dіyalnostі.

4. Services in the sphere of social services (social services). Zalezhno in the recognition of social services, with their own dignity, they can share such a view: socially-pobutovі, creations for supporting the life of the hulks; socio-medical, directing to support and improve the health of the community; socio-psychological, which transfer the correction of the psychological state of the population for their adaptation in the middle of life (suspіlstvo); socially-pedagogical, directing to the prevention of care in the behavior and anomalies of the special development of clients in social services, the formation of positive interests in them, including in the sphere of health, the organization of health care, acceptance of family health; social and economic, directing to encouragement and improvement of the life of the citizens; social and legal, creations for the improvement of legal status, legal assistance, protection of legal rights and interests of citizens6.

In this way, the complex investigation of the legal nature and significant signs of community services allows us to classify them for dekilkom with the criteria we have designated.

Such a classification seems to be necessary for the minds of the intensively developing legislation, regulating the legal system, connected with the duties of public servants on the federal level and only on the level of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Adoption of the Federal Law of April 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ "On the organization of the nadanny of state and municipal services"7 and other normative legal acts that regulate the procedure for the nadanny of state and municipal services, promoting the relevance of the search for scientifically grounded criteria and methods of their classification. At that very hour, the scientific activity of the clergy of law enforcement officers has been established by the criteria for public servants at the beginning stage of a collapsible, and, as it turns out, important process. The achievement of a clear classification of public services is allowed to overcome the obvious lack of system and super decency in the work of the legislator to further develop the mechanism of legal regulation of state, municipal and other

div services in various spheres of the life of the household.


1 Div: Sociology: encyclopedia / comp. A. A. Gritsanov, V. L. Abushenko, G. V. Evelkin, G. N. Sokolova, O. V. Tereshchenko. M., 2003. S. 325.

2 Div: Nesterov, A.V. vlada and mіstseve samovryaduvannya. 2005. No. 11. P. 12.

3 [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http://www. consultant.ru/law/interview/dukanov2.html

4 of the Decree of the Council of the Russian Federation “On the transfer of paid services, which organizations rely on the method of giving by the federal authorities to the power of state services” dated December 2, 2009 No. 984 // Collected. legislation of the Russian Federation. 2009. No. 49. Art. 5983.

5 Land Code of the Russian Federation dated 25 July 2001 No. 136-FE // Ibid. 2001. No. 44. Art. 4147.

6 Div: Social services for the population. The main types of social services. GOST R 521432003. M., 2004.

7 Federal law "On the organization of the nadanny of state and municipal services" dated 27 March 2010 No. 210-FZ // Fig. gas. 2010. 30 lime.


UDC 316.33:321; 316.33:34.

S. I. Nedilko, I. A. Murzina, S. N. Egorov


This article is dedicated to the recognition of the essence of sovereign service as a category of sovereign administration and support for social and social services. The authors analyzed the main types of services, giving special attention to the specifics of state services and proponing their generalized classification.

The current world remembers the trends of the new rozumіnnya role of the state, its leader and functions, mutually synergistic support of that body of sovereign power.

At the same time, the existence of the state and її social recognition є virishal in the designated directness of the activity of the state, її tsіley that task. The state has its own functions to lie in silence, as if to face the future at this stage of development. Zavdannya and from them the functions of the state are sufficient, the stench is to fall in line with the development of the economy, its economic possibilities, the demand for the interests of the population and other officials. At the first stage of the development of the state, the state itself begins to signify what is socially significant for the new one, what it entrusts to the state, like functions it puts on it, and the category of “state services” is introduced, tobto. the system of vіdnosin gromadyans, i juridical іz sovereign structures.

The concept of "servant" for legislation is not new. Vono means a way of satisfying the needs of the bulk of the population and legal systems. The Constitution of the Russian Federation defines the concept of “service” as a type of material activity (Art. 8, 74); as an object of civil rights - in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 128, 129); as the minimum state standards - in the Budget Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 6, 65) and in. From the main forms of the vodnosin, the hulk, the legal entity and the power, the de state is accepted as a “postman of services”. In this manner, the entry of the term "sovereign services" into our lives is due to the changing role of the state's role in the service, from the establishment of new values ​​and priorities.

To assess the position, as if borrowing state services from the system of current state government, which follows the strategy and tactics of management, we propose a model, is shown in Fig. 1. Depending on the model, state regulation of the socio-economic development of the region will be based on the regional strategy. A comprehensive program of social and economic development, which is accepted on a її basis

The development of the region is determined by the task of standing in front of the regional system of state authorities. A comprehensive program of social and economic development is developed through the implementation of the functions of the state service, and legislation on state civil service in the Russian Federation and normative legal acts that regulate the state services are added to the formulary and warehouse of such services.

Rice. 1 Model of the implementation of state services in the system of state administration of the region

It is important to vrakhovuvat and the very process of granting sovereign services, which conveys the quality and comfort of the services.

The analysis of foreign and domestic data on state services allowed to designate a system of needs for comfort and comfort (accessibility) of services, which they possess, which include groups of informational, functional and emotional needs (Fig. 2).

Within the framework of the work on the state contract with the Council of the Penza region "Development and implementation of a system for monitoring the availability and quality of the state servants of the Penza region on the basis of the viconnance of administrative regulations and standards of comfort and quality" a sociological study was carried out. The follow-up was carried out by the method of mass questionnaire survey for the place of residence of the respondents. How doslednitsku tekhnіku vikoristano method of formalized interview. The amount of the vote: 500 mesh workers in the Penza region. Characteristics of the selection: quota (according to the place of residence of the respondents, according to the statute and century), the middle quota - vipadkova. The settlement structure of the sample represents the demographic profile of the population of the region. It is possible that there is a statistical change in the frequency of vibrating in the range of 3-5%. The processing of the results of mass testing was carried out with the help of a modular, fully integrated, which may have all the necessary capabilities of the 8P88 software package. Analysis of secondary sources of information, given by ex-

early and mass experience, allowing the designation of a system of main factors that give a negative impact on the quality and comfort of state services (Fig. 3). Thus, the availability and quality of state services (power services) are negatively affected by the lack of administrative regulations on the work of state services, the existence of standards for the quality and comfort of state services, the presence of system monitoring of the quality of work of state services. At the same time, the lack of information of the population, the lack of professionalism, the weak reputation of ICT reduce the level of accessibility and the quality of the process of providing state services.

Information needs

Functional needs

Satisfaction Accuracy

customer and accuracy

Emotional needs

Rice. 2 The system of demand for services regarding the quality and comfort (availability) of services

Rice. 3 The system of factors that negatively affect the quality and comfort (availability) of state services

As a result of the sociological investigation, the main claims were revealed to the point of taking away the state services (Fig. 4). According to the respondents, the most dissatisfied with the process of dismissal of services is the absence of a rich office (77%), great clerks (76.5%) and road services (75.5%). The least significant were the claims that are manifested in the availability (non-stay) of the possession of a place for cashing (60.7%) and the availability (non-stay) of the necessary information (60.2%). Planomirne usunennya tsikh claims become a suttєvim clerk znyatta bar'єrіv at the availability and quality of services.

Vіdsutnіst (short) necessary information

Vіdsutnіst (non-stacha) possessing a place for ochіkuvannya

Low staff culture

Insufficient professional salary for the staff

The presence of a competent consultant Dorozhnech services (mit, payments)

Great Chergs

Walking a bagatma by cabinets - the presence of the "one window" system

1 1, 160,2% % 64,8% %

50,0% 55,0% 60,0% 65,0% 70,0% 75,0% 80,0%

Rice. 4 The main claims about the exclusion of state services for the tribute of mass education (Penza region, 2007)

The order of the term "sovereign services" is often synonymous with the terms "communal" and "social" services. However, it is not possible to understand more clearly, shards of stench from different sides characterize the services that one hopes for. At that very hour, that yogo was given a pardon, tk. one and the same service can sometimes be national, community, social. Sovereign's service characterizes the subject, which is given service: the state's organs.

The empiric pіdkhіd polagaє in really vikonuvannyh vіdomstvami i yogo stanovіv functions. Here, servants are called the servants of the serfs, who rely on the authorities of vikonavchoi power and their regulations for direct interaction with the hulks.

Theoretical approach emerges from the typology of goods, like a sing-song set of powers.

You can see the following signs of community services:

Bezpepechuyut diyalnіst zagalno-significant directness;

Mayut uncircumscribed by the number of subjects, yakі koristuyutsya them;

Zdіysnyuyutsya either by the body of the sovereign and municipal authorities, or by another subject;

They are based both on public and on private authority

The first two signs are characteristic of the hromadas, and the ale and sovereign services, the two other signs are wider, the lower signs of the sovereign services, which give an insight into the sovereign services and the services of the state as a whole. The remaining, fourth, sign is not independent and resembles the third sign. Oskіlki hromadskі servitov zdіysnyuyutsya either by the body of the state authority and municipal authority, or by another subject, then it is quite obvious that the salary of hromаdskі services can be based on any form of authority.

Перший з наведених ознак громадських послуг - характеристика їх як діяльності загальнозначущої спрямованості - показує наявність громадського інтересу у здійсненні такої діяльності та дозволяє зробити висновок: незалежно від того, який суб'єкт (державний орган, муніципальний орган, недержавна організація) у конкретному випадку їх виконує , public authority can secure their vikonannya. Even though the private sector was not able to give public services to the noble family, there were no obvious reasons why the private organization could not afford it, then the sovereign, sovereign body is guilty of taking the sack of wine. And if there is no congestion, then the body of public authority either forms such an interest, or sorts out the service of public service.

It should be noted that the sphere of suspіlno significant services may be near the zone of respect of public authority independently of the subjects, yakі їх to impose. Prote form the participation of the state bodies to sparsely in every way, to go about the state's chi public services. Sovereign's servants are admitted without intermediary supervision by their sovereign structures. As far as public servants, state organizations can: win over them independently; to delegate їхнє vikonannya to the bodies of the local self-regulation; organize their victories by commercial and non-commercial organizations (outsourcing principle).

Social services are seen in this sphere, in which services are seen (health protection, culture, enlightenment, science), which by itself shows their significant directness and put them at a low level with public services. Social services can be given by both sovereign and municipal structures, as well as commercial and non-commercial non-state organizations, being, apparently, sovereign and non-state. Therefore, for example, in the light of the stench can be characterized as follows: 1) a public sovereign social service; 2) a huge non-state social service.

In connection with the novelty of understanding, there is no longer any officially accepted classification of sovereign services, and there are only a few different author's approaches.

Accordingly, to the classification, advocated by Professor Yu. A. Tikhomirov, sovereign services are divided into public and administrative.

Sovereign's services, created for the noble (hundred state) clients, are called sovereign public services. Sovereign public services can have a primus character, imposing binding on physical or legal osіb to enter into cooperation with the main drive from the sovereign body in order to avoid sanctions or other negative effects.

As well as state services are directed by other state authorities and municipal bodies, all stinks are respected by state administrative services. Before such services lie the preparation of documents for state bodies, employment, representation. In whom you can see the visible signs of sovereign administrative service: individuality of nadannya; zv'yazku z realizatsii rights and obov'yazkіv coristuvachіv sovereign services to the sovereign body; the service is paid without intermediary to a sovereign body, if the resulting services cannot be transferred to commercial or non-commercial organizations through objective social and economic reasons.

As part of the proponated approach, the classification of sovereign services can be presented in such a way:

1. For the appearance of a temporary result: the sovereign service is simple (maє on the uvazі a one-time resignation to the higher authority of the sovereign power with the end of the final result); sovereign service is collapsible (maє on uvazі mnozhinnennya to vykonavchy body (authority) of the sovereign ї vlady z otrimannymi prozhіzhnyh results, scho mayut independent value).

3. Behind the minds of the mind: software; regulatory legal.

4. According to the helpers: the bulk; for entrepreneurs (legal and physical individuals).

Vodnochas razrіznyat elementary state services and composite (international) state services. Elementary sovereign services - services, as if they were supplied by citizens, business or other departments, which are realized within the framework of mutual relations with one department. The butts of such services are, for example, giving evidence of a nationality or a passport. Composite (international) state services - services, like a few elementary services, tobto. vyyavlyayutsya by different departments.

For the practice in the minds of clear legal foundations for the granting of sovereign services, the sovereign body itself appoints (in essence, appoints) the service of services, makes decisions on the provision of services to the category of cost-free or paid (for the blame of services), which is a paid execology, for example rozroblyaє system tsіnoutvorennya, the order that form of nadannya servits just. As a result of such fictitious organs, the vikonavchos ruled over a wide range of fictitious and superfluous sovereign services. Persha maє on uvazі service, installed in the normі-

tenth -legal act, ale non -depth at the real practice of Dianosti Organized Viconavcho Vladi, a friend - SOSTEU, Privatni Vitrati Vid Vidjuyuy, for Masterdariyuyu, pydpada pind ogi ogi oligodi vigodi vigodi.

A. V. Nesterov designates what servants can be, if they are necessary, but there are no servants. From the other side, є servants, as if prone, but the servants of obediences will not be required. Such servants are called obligatory. Nav'yazani paid services, like the stench relying on the resources of the higher authorities, may be liquidated.

One more thing to understand zayvih, tobto. duplicating, servants, like a sprig of servants. The first one has the strength, zatsіkavlenі in іsnuvannі such servitors, the cause of which is the rent-oriented behavior of the subjects who are called іz by such servitors. In another opinion, the reason for this class of servants is inertia, perhaps the same social reasons. In the third case, if for one servant there is no servant, or two servants give one servant, the reason is the situation that has developed, or the transitional period. Obviously, Suspіlstvo and power are zatsіkavlenі in that, shchob mittevo or step by step turn off all superfluous obov'yazkovі services, or by way of their transfer to the class of neob'yazkovih or by their own blame.

The presence of superfluous and duplicative services of the sovereign bodies of vikonavchos should be brought to the point that these bodies provide resources for vikonannie necessary functions. In addition, the sovereign servants, mayuchi administrative resource, po'yazany z nayavnistyu vladnyh ponovanzheny, may be able to establish vigor and impose sanctions for їх nedotrimannya. Since vikonavchi organizations actually own monopolists in the case of providing these services, it is important that for the sake of saving resources, one type of service can be one servant. Zim important to wait, tk. the servant can have a single (standard, unified, standard) procedure, but the access point to the service can be rich. At this point of access to the service, there is a point where the service is dependent on the service. Tsya access point is guilty of being alone for obedience to the servants of the sensi, it is not guilty that you have to go around to take away this service (for example, go take a photo, take off the advice).

Vykhodyachy from the concept of "accessibility" (physical, informational, financial accessibility), one can see available services (acceptable for all citizens) and inaccessible services (acceptable for singing categories of people).

Sovereign services are due to the mother of power, universality could up to all observance services (the absence of discrimination), and technologically the process of giving universal services is not to blame for creating technological barriers (the productivity of the service is to be blamed for the safety of the day). Vignatkom maybe less than a penny number of osіb, appointments from the legislature.

Fallow in the cause of the atrocities for the sovereign service, they can be added to the mind of that voluntary service. At the same time,

the service is due only on a gratuitous basis, for the vinnyatk of the service, to realize legally significant deeds, if the sovereign mito is contracted. Slid podkresliti, scho in the ideal about the previous days of binding obligatory services to the state and social services can not be moved, more about payment for these services. Dani see the service of guilt is given only on a voluntary basis and a free of charge basis. On the right, holders of social services are liable to confirm their right to this type of service, and holders of sovereign services are liable to submit documents that identify them. But, unfortunately, today the state does not give such an opportunity, and a fee has been transferred for the provision of services.

It is necessary to differentiate between the payment and the payment of services. Free services cannot be taken, but free services can be. Navit as a service without a cost for obedzhuvach services, won obov'yazkovo owe but is equivalent to vodshkodovana either from the resources of the state budget, or an insurance company, or a sponsor's help.

Vyhodyachi z tsiley oberzhuvachiv services for the law, they can be divided into three types: free services that implement the constitutional rights of citizens; bezkoshtovnі services, scho secure the appointment of servitors in the implementation of their legal obov'yazkіv; services that fulfill the legitimate interests of obediences on a paid basis.

On the basis of the foregoing, the classification of sovereign services is emphasized (Table 1).

Table 1

Uzagalnen classification of services

Criteria Type of service

1. In terms of data - public; - social (suspіlnі); - administrative

2. For the obviousness of the intermediate result - simple; - folding

4. Behind the minds of the mind - Programs; - legal and regulatory

5. By mutual agreement with departments - elementary; - composite (international)

6. On the basis of the data - Payment; - bezshtovnі

7. For the practice of zastosuvannya - Nadlishkovі; - fictitious; - imposed

8. For the purposes of servitors - to realize the constitutional rights of the citizens; - what is to be done to secure the servitude of servants in the sale of their legal obov'yazkiv; - realize the legitimate interests of servants

The end of the table. one

9. Through the beast - Vimusheni; - volunteer

10. For availability - Available; - inaccessible

11. For quantity - mass;

poslugootrimuvachiv - individual

Irrespective of all the various services, importantly and necessary, so that the services were given as far as possible on the level of the administrative department, which is the closest to a good person. It is even more important to raise the dignity of the sovereign servants for the additional support of the sovereign servants in the presence of those who give them; reach such a level of professionalization of the state service and the state apparatus, with any decision to be accepted in the proper way to decent legislation and for the help of clear, insightful and objective procedures; modernize the management system in such a rank, so that the managers take all the necessary information and carry the responsibility for their actions, as well as for the formation of politics and the implementation of state programs.

List of references

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Sovereign (municipal) service (robot) - a service (robot) that is trusted (vikonuetsya) by the state authorities (bodies of self-regulation), state (municipal) institutions and regulations, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, other legal persons. At the link with the curiosity of the laws of the Russian Federation of similar terms and understand, it is necessary to distinguish between the understanding of the services that are expected to comply with the Federal Law of April 27, 2010. No. 210-ФЗ “On the organization of the granting of sovereign and municipal services” (hereinafter - the Federal Law of April 27, 2010, No. 210-ФЗ), the services that are given in the context of the Federal Law of 08.05.2010 No. 83-ФЗ.
Federal law dated April 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ regulates the duties of state (municipal) services by the authorities in the course of their implementation of their functions when deposits are made on them, or transferred from a lower level of renewal (for example, having seen permission to work, having signed a note from the register of an indestructible lane).

The supporters of these services are only physical and legal persons (with the vindication of state bodies and those territorial bodies, bodies of state budgetary funds and these territorial bodies, bodies of self-regulation).
The servants are expected to apply for appointments of osib (applicants) in accordance with administrative regulations.
In addition, the Federal Law of April 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ governs the legality of the duty of service, which is necessary for the duty of state (municipal) services in the context of the law (for example, having seen the conclusion about the state of health, as is necessary for the removal of the state service "kind of consecration of water" ). Such services may be applied to the applicant, including, on a paid basis, subject to the provisions of Article 9 of the Federal Law of 27.07.2010 No. 210-FZ.
Powers the Federal Law of VD 05/08/2010 No. 83-FZ, Yaku Rodil OFIL OFITICH SITE MINFINA ROSISE WITH DOSSENT, YAKI Naday not organize, but PIDVIDIMECHI, ​​Set in the framework of the Voznutski Retan (recovery, monitoring medical assistance, collection of archival documents). The supporters of such services are physical and legal persons and authorities.

It was accepted such a clever podіl of sovereign services and sovereign robots:
Service - set the result of the activity on the merit of the first physical (legal) individual - otrimuvacha services (for example, the implementation of the illuminating programs of the middle professional education, the primary medical and sanitary assistance, the library service of the librarian).
The work is the result of activity, set on the merit of an unknown number of osib chi suspіlstva zagalom (for example, the creation of a theatrical production, the organization of exhibitions and zmagan, landscaping of the territory).
For the "servant" is characterized by the number of spontaneity and the uniformity of the service, as a result, the obligation to pay for the service can be reduced, and the standard for the amount of money can be paid for one unit of the service. For "robots" it is important to evaluate the exact number of spontaneous people, and the robots themselves are significantly appreciative of their own story, after which the standardization of the number of workers per unit is, as a rule, impossible.

Vіdomchі perelіki servіts (robіt) nadanih (vykonuvanih) podvіdchimi federal agencies vykonavchoї vlady soverzhnye statutes, in the main sphere of activity.

Sovereign orders to the federal state establishment are formed on the basis of the transfer of services (robit) of the tribute (victory) given to the federal authority by the state authorities (hereinafter - the transfer of power).
That is why the sovereign task (and as a legacy, subsidy for financial security of yogo vikonannya) expands only on those services (work), as it is included to the leading transfer.
Paragraph 4 of the Rosiyski Federals of the Federal Penitentiary Service 09/02/2010 No. 671 Counted, the FZIV, ShO Zdiysnoye of the Viroblennya Poliytika, the regulatory regulatory spheres, May, the right to harden the bases (Galuzhev) (winned) by federal regulations in the established spheres of activity (hereinafter referred to as the basic lists). With this in mind, it was determined that the indications of the main resemblances can be supplemented and detailed, but not due to superfluousness of the indications of the basic relics.

Also, the functions of the base and the main changes:
Basic transfers can ensure the sameness of similar services in all leading transfers.
Vіdomchі perelіki are formed by the federal agency vikonavchoї, scho vikonuє functions and novation of the principal on the basis of the base (as it is so confirmed in the vіdpovіdnіy sphere of activity) and viznayut services (works) vikonuvani state regulations, pіdvіdchimi їm.

According to paragraph 3 of the Decree of the Council of the Russian Federation dated 02.09.2010 No. 671, the federal authorities of the Vikonavchi government formed and approved the Vdomchi translations, distributed them on the Internet.
You can find out about s and s, placing them on the Internet on the official websites of the federal bodies of the victorious government, which will create the functions and the introduction of the founders of the federal state institutions.
Decisions about the formation of replicas of sovereign (municipal) services (robit), which are given (recovered) by sovereign (municipal) institutions of the subject of the Russian Federation (municipal education) are accepted by the subject of the Russian Federation (municipal institutions).
In order to implement the provisions of the Federal Law of 08.05.2010 No. 83-FZ of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, I recommend that the higher authorities of the federal government of the subject of the Russian Federation apply one of the two recommendations below:
1) molding of the court structure of the transfer of services, which is formed from the galuzovy transfer of services and the leading transfer of services. Such a pіdkhіd can zastosovuvatisya in different countries, as in the regions of the Russian Federation, the regional program of social and economic development has been split up, and the position of the Galuze bodies in vikonavchoi authorities has been expanded in the regional political spheres;
2) the molding of a single shift of services, at times the shift of services is formed by the founder with the method of distant molding of the head for the moving installations. The transfer of services is confirmed by the legal act of the founder.

Possibility of granting paid sovereign (municipal) services.

According to the provisions of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, I have the right to give services on a paid basis only on a given day. Established no right to act in the capacity of the victor of the state (municipal) zavdannya on the merit of hiring services on a paid basis (Article 69.2 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation at the editorial board of the Federal Law). Above the established task, the establishment has the right to give services, which lie up to the yogo main duty, for a fee to physical and legal persons on the same minds with the given servants themselves. Wherefore, for budgetary institutions, the principal establishes the procedure for assigning the assigned payment, even though it is not otherwise transferred by federal law, and for autonomous institutions, the procedure for the provision of such services is not transferred by federal laws.

Federal State Budgetary Lighting Establishing Higher Lighting



Faculty of Management

Specialty / direct training of the state and municipal administration

Specialization / profile / program of state service

Department of State and Municipal Administration


from disciplines:

Organization of the nadanny of sovereign and municipal services

on the topic:

Municipal services as a type of community services

4th year student

groupi Gb-113

full-time education

Melentyeva L.M.


Doctor of Sciences, Professor

Annin A.G.

Volodymyr 2016


1. Public servants: understanding that day…………………………………….……..4

2. Classification of community services………………………………………………..……7

3. The essence of municipal services as a type of public services…………………...12

Conclusion……………………….……………………………………………………… 17

Bibliographic list………………………………………………………..……19


Having voted for itself a social power, the policy of which is a direct creation of minds, as if it will take care of the day of life and the free development of people, Russia has taken upon itself the goiter of zdiyasnyuvaty necessitated by the state's security of the people's services. It is obvious that the duty of this kind of service is the activity of public authorities of various equals: federal, regional, municipal. These services are usually called the most sovereign and municipal services.

Municipal service is the basis of economic and social benefits for people of municipal education. The following are the main characteristics of the municipal service: - її korisnіst that satisfies the needs of the inhabitants; the fate (beyond the middle is mediated) of the organs of the militia's self-regulation at the process of її nadanny. The very bodies of the municipal self-regulation are charged for those who could take care of all the necessary services on the territory of the municipality.

Meta vyvchennya - characterize the municipal servants as a type of public servants.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to complete the following tasks:

· Give the meaning of the concept of “suspіlnі services”.

· Vivchiti osnovnі klasifikatsії hromadaskih servitors.

· Appreciate the status of municipal services.

The object of education is municipal services, which are given by the organs of self-regulation.

The subject of the event is the activity of the organs of the municipal self-regulation of the provision of municipal services.

Public services: understanding that reality

The concept of "serving" means committing to the transfer of goods by one person at the expense of another. In a special meaning, the service of a community means the introduction of a subject to the satisfaction of the needs and rights of others. For these people, the first is the legitimate interest of the citizen of that legal entity, which is the correlator of the bonds of government services, organizations and organizations that are satisfied with the borders of their competence. Nadannya servitor zavzhdy orientovan spozhivacha. Therefore, there is a legal construction - the client may have the right to take away services, the body of goiter must give.

The concept of “great services”, which slanders the concept of “sovereign services” and “municipal services”, is closely related to the concepts of public power, may without intermediary reference to the goals, tasks, forms and results of the activities of state bodies and municipal government. Issnuvannya Publnichny of Vlain at the seniority of that suspension of Ostilki, and the deprived of the same rank of realization of the puppy of the Pubblechyov, Simy, the organized ib. community management.

The reward of the hromada services by the hromada power may be of great sovereignty and social significance. Sovereign services associated with the document provider and changing records in them may have legal significance for the status of a person (status of an individual, professional status, etc.). State-guaranteed medical services (the order of medical assistance) є through the implementation of constitutional guarantees for the protection of the health of the people. Public servants, related to the provision of the population with water, electricity, gas, and from the provision of the provision of transportation, that reworking is too thin. bud., playing a significant role in the economic and social development, and as a matter of fact, the necessary intellectual functioning of the settlement, territory. There are impersonal groups of public servants, and all the stench is matimut high legally and factually significant for the life of people and suspense zagalom.

Громадські послуги – це реалізована у межах публічного управління у громадських інтересах діяльність органів публічної влади та результат такої діяльності з предметів, що перебувають у винятковій компетенції публічної влади або у випадках, коли дефіцит або повна відсутність приватної ініціативи у наданні такого роду послуг за умови їх особливої Social tan/Abo of right -handedness, Important to the Publichna of the Lord Nadannya, the Chih obedient, is organized by one realized to the state of legislation, hidden on post -it is regularly surpassed by the most consumer organs) .

As a sign of public service, one can call it this:

· services related to the satisfaction of specific needs, related to public interests;

· The subjects are obedient to be placed to the vicranial competent vipads, if the defіcite is all the same for the privatiyativist for such obedience for the most important thing, the purity of the right of the brother is the brother nadanny,

The following principles of giving public services are seen:

· The principle of accessibility of public services for the target audience of those who support such services;

· The principle of continuity and succession of public services;

The principle of efficiency;

· The principle of nadannya hromadskih servitors nalezhnoї kostі, scho vіdpovіdat zapovіd zapravom spozhivachіv;

· The principle of pіdzvіtnostі organіv publіchnoї vlady, yakі nadavaet hromadski services;

· The principle of prevailing public interests over private ones.

The reasoning and interpretation of the concept of “community services” changed indefinitely depending on the specifics implemented by this particular power during the period of the system of principles and approaches of the community administration. Public services were given by authorities from the most recent hours: services from the life of the water supply systems of settlements, the life and maintenance of roads and bridges, the grinding of grain on state-owned mines, help in the development of crafts and other. maintaining the rule of law and fighting against evil, functioning of the police, protection and defense of the territory of the state from the outer gates, anti-holiday protection, sanitary and epidemiological visits at the time of the epidemic and etc.). In the course of time, the values ​​​​of the vagary of the hromadsk services were changed for the slanderous obsyazі vlady vlady organіzacіyno-dіyalnіsnogo goods, the internal structure of the obligation of the grievances of the hromadskіyno-dіyalnіs goods, and the mehanіzmi їх аdannya was aggravated. This was connected with the change of minds, which were given (sold) public services (changes in the state's tax-paying policy, demographic crisis

The Concept of Administrative Reform, approved by the Order of the RF Order No. 1789-r, emphasized the promotion of the quality of state services and the availability of their population. For the tribute to the Fund of the People's Thought, more than 70% of Russians negatively assess the activity of the state servicemen from the work of the people's services.

The category of public servants is not broken up by the Russian legal science. The analysis of special literature allows us to see such approaches to the designation of "superior services" and their separation from sovereign and social services.

Vidpovidno up to one position of sovereign services - all services that are given by the organs of sovereign power to a skin-smooth individual, who has turned on them.

Public services is a broader term that includes also services that rely on an unfettered stake for the satisfaction of the public interest. Organi vlady can no longer take care of their duties, and not impose on their own.

With the help of the following criteria, the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the laws on obligatory acts of the authorities to give services, to ensure their duties, were established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Public servants may have characteristic signs. stink:

1) to ensure the activity of a critically significant directness;

2) to be immeasurable around subjects, as if they are rooted by them;

3) zdіysnyuyutsya by bodies of sovereign and municipal authorities chi other subjects;

4) they are grounded both on the public and on private authority.

The first sign points to those who are independent of the subject (the body of sovereign power, municipal authority, non-state organization), who give services to a specific skin type, public authority of goiter is to provide security for them. What does it matter, if there is a need to reinforce private capital for public services during the day, the public authority can independently implement such a socially significant service (viviz smittya, vіdkhodіv, water supply). When transferring functions to other subjects, public authorities are responsible for controlling the implementation of public services and ensuring the rights of the population to their removal.

Vidpovіd nutrition about the possibility of a new state of power in view of the duties of the servants of the singing galuzi to lie due to the nature of the public service. If such a service is rendered necessary for the realization of the constitutional rights of the citizens (the right to health care and medical assistance), then the state cannot have the right to act in this way.

You can divide the services in this way. Before sovereign services (services of power) one can see non-costly services, as if, according to the law, they rely on the upliftment of servants to zatsіkavleniy persons, as if they were voluntarily returned.

vydpovіdno to the regulations and standards of state services that rely on the money of the resources of the state.

To the public servants, there are free services for the public, addressed to the whole society, which are awarded for the competition by the servants for the rahunka of the public funds and, obviously, to the regulation of the duties of the public services.

Before public servants, there are significant fees for obedient services, the number of which is regulated by the state, which are charged by commercial organizations, apparently up to the regulations of public services.

Nareshti, the following signs are typical for public service:

1) for the sake of it, as an individual, tobto. addressed to specific subjects;

2) it is good, tobto. appear without a primus on the side of the state, less with the initiatives of the hunkers and legal osіb;

3) neobov'yazkovy character.

These concepts are supplemented by retailers to the draft federal law "On the standards of state services", distributing state services in the sphere of public power, goitre and pressure, and individual directivity2. The sovereign of the obedience is the viconnya of the vikonnnya of the vimogi Gromyan Chi organized about the vast, the way, the serpent of the abundance of the mother’s rights, and such nutrition, which is included to the competence of the supreme authority of the sovereign authority and included in the Register of sovereign services.

Dane is appointed to look at the public services of the most important, Crimean category of public services, addressed to an unknown number of osib. The most correct is the first pidkhid, the oskilka of the regulation of the services given by the bodies of public authority to an unknown number of osib, may be even more important in the implementation of the idea of ​​a social power enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

These problems clearly demonstrate the need for a clear and systematized regulation of the nutrition of public servants with a method of ensuring the implementation of the constitutional principle of social power.

An analysis of the legal regulation of public servants among the sensi (tobto. given as an unidentified stake of subjects, and specific officials) at the federal, regional and municipal levels allows us to see such problems.

1. Decree of the Order of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 2005 No. 452 “On the Model Regulations of the Internal Organization of the Federal Bodies of Vikonavchos Power” for the federal bodies of Vikonavchos, the obligatory language of the development of administrative regulations for the state functions and the assignment of state services was transferred, as well as appointing administrative procedures for them, as well as the transfer of services to them. It is also said that the statute of state services can be based on the standards of state services, thus establishing the necessary level of their capacity and availability.

Prote transfers of services, which we hope, are not divided, not accepted and standards of sovereign services. The provisions on the high authorities of the federal government and their administrative regulations on the granting of state services are not structurally visible.

Until then, with the method of real security of providing the necessary services to the population, it would be better to install on the legislator’s level a single sovereign transfer (registry) of services that are provided by the authorities of vikonavchos vlady, zokrema on a paid basis. Similar translations are found in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova.

The services, which are included before the transfer, are due to follow the arbitrarily divided criteria; next to protect the thoughts of the hromdyans and the organizations - the helpers, and also to express their interests of the hromadas and professional associations.

2. The distribution of state functions for the types of federal bodies of the past does not mean the end of the administrative reform. Hundreds of sovereign services at the offensive stage may be seen by the bloc of services, as they can be transferred to sovereign and non-state organizations. It is also important to change the criteria for evaluating the dotality of such a transfer (improving the efficiency of the implementation of the transferred functions, increasing the level of availability and quality of services), the criteria for blaming a non-state structure, singling out the transfer. At the need to redistribute part of the public services, I will reconsider the approval of the European Union: for the sake of one of the remaining supplements of the European Commission, after the introduction of competition in the public services sector, the end of the end of the end of the last century.

3. In order to regulate the performance of public services by the authorities of vikonavchoi authorities and their institutions, it is possible, following the legislator, to designate signs of the transfer of services to the category of paid ones, as it is broken in the legislation of low foreign countries. So try it out in the draft federal law “On the Standards of Sovereign Services”: the crime of paying the sovereign mita, the obedient servants transferred the payment of services, which are hoped for by persons in connection with their business activities, with the method of covering taxes on them; In addition, one more type of service is promoted, which is based on a high level of quality (advancement to the level of standard level of service and comfort of a poachergo vikonnannya).

4. Necessary shvidka and those at the same time thought out the distribution of transfers by the resolution of the Council of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 2005. No. 452 of the standards of state services (with a wide discussion on the provisions of the draft federal law "On the standards of state services"). Well, it is clear that the binding of the obov'yazykovy minimum could, which are consistent with the standard, on the federal level, allow guaranteeing all the citizens of the state's servants equal rights and the possibility of their otrimannia, and navit the quality and availability of services. Subjects of the Russian Federation, depending on their abilities, can improve the minimum.

So far, the regulations, divided by the federal bodies of vikonavchos, are important to regulate the order of looking at the animals of the hulks. The establishment of clear, systematized administrative procedures for the performance of public services on the legislator's level added to the authority of the public authorities of a suvoro legal, strict and permissive nature, and also gave the opportunity to interchange and usuvati sufficient dії.

Closely related to the problem of standardization of services is the problem of the lack of responsibility of officials for improperly performing public services. At the link with zim korisnim, you can be sent to foreign lands (for example, England, it is clear that the standard rules have been approved by law, an official can be fined, as a hulk can be scarred on an overworld trip while standing near the devil).

5. At this time, a clear statement was made about the obligations of renewed importance, laying on the authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation by federal legislation. It is necessary to report on the regulation of the activities of the bodies of the constituencies of the subjects of the Russian Federation, to carry out public services. As one of such direct regulation, it is possible to see the expansion of rights given to the authorities of the state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, endowing them with additional competence, funding sources and additional authority. It is possible to put together a register of renewal of the state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which can be used to designate changes in the bulk (sovereign) services of the bodies of vikonavchos' power, as, for example, in the Novosibirsk region and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

6. When it comes to the duty of municipal services, it is necessary to indicate the vagueness of the formulas that Federal Law No. 131 provides for the medical significance of the skin for the type of municipal institutions. The law of victorious different terms: “organization”, “safety of minds”, “combination of minds”, “fate”, “safety”, “confidence”. Try the confusion of these terms, which can be different, which makes it difficult for a clerical pouch to sign off on the obligatory duties of municipal services for a given skin type.

7. When evaluating the fidelity of the order of budgetary expenses, which are directed to the taxes of the public, as well as municipal services, it is to blame for such displays: the form of drinking and the needs of the public; care of the quality of services; steps of contentment, that thought of the bulk, yakі took away the servants; clarity of planned results.

Establish the following regularities of the service economy:

- the feasibility of economic growth is ahead of us a camp and a development of galleys in the sphere of public services;

The human factor turns into the main factor of economic growth;

The role of the state in the creation of labor resources and the formation of human capital is being promoted;

Nadayutsya new opportunities for the implementation of macroeconomic theories in the face of sovereign regulation of the economy, the sphere of services;

The nature of social needs is changing, the dedales are more often used for permanent needs, for example, maintaining health, preventing illness, without interruption of education;

An active position of the organization of the sphere of public services is being restored to support the molding of drinking their products;

There is a differentiation, individualization of the needs of the population, the transition to the dovostrokovy vіdnosiny mizh spozhivachem that virobnik hromadskih services;

Intensified international competition for the sake of reserves to improve the efficient functioning of the economy, zocrema in the private and state sectors of the sphere of public services;

Under the influence of the process of globalization, the trend of typification (standardization) in the development of the sphere of public services is being established.

You can divide two groups of community services:

1) community services for members of the society, at the expense of the development of the society as a warehouse of the sphere of services;

2) services to the clergy, to groups in the presence of social assistance to help them to overcome the functions of households.

The existence of public servants of the first group is significantly dependent on their role in the formation of human capital, the main factor in the development and influencing of the success of the economy in the formation of human capital. Such a look at the public services of the common uniformity is seen as a sign of their directness to one result - the growth of the human capital of the individual, which allows him to win over his labor potential, increasing income.

The most important storehouses of human capital are the capital of health, the capital of enlightenment and the capital of culture. The sustenance of the public servants of the greatest rіvnya є ekonomіchnі vіdnosinі vіdnosinі shkodo moldovannya i razvitku capital osvіti, zdorov'ya capital and kapital culture.

The peculiarity of public servants is their duality. At the process of hiring public servants, it is necessary to save and accumulate overnight, moreover, it is impossible to cremite one for one. To this end, in the development of the sphere of public services, to be of an investment nature, the shards ensure the accumulation of human capital.

The public services of another group should be properly called the services of social assistance to the population, as well as financial, transport, and other services of socially unprotected citizens to support a normal life. Tsi Sutters Suvoro Indivіdualni I recognized for the quiet group of people, Yakim is not -hungry of pre -disco, the stench is pushed by the Social Socials of the Organized Sovereign Management of Social Social Delights, Social Delights, Social Demogs, Social Delights, Social Delights, Social

The groups of public servants are examined for their economic nature and method on a par with the welfare of society (Fig. 1).

Rice. one. Vidminnosti in the economic nature of community services

Zocrema, to the social sphere, to lay down social security, social support for looking at individual community services and the activity of providing collective community services. Such a pіdkhіd allowing the structure of the social sphere to see:

The sphere of public services (collective public services) as part of the sphere of services;

The sphere of services of social assistance should serve as a guide to the functions of household services (individual public services) as a warehouse of a non-virgin sphere;

Social assistance in penny and commodity forms.
