Maintenance, transportation and storage ap. What basis is the charge for servicing

Maintenance, transportation and storage ap. What basis is the charge for servicing

The editorial office of our newspaper addressed the chairman of the board of house number 26 on the street. Volodarsky Gennady Panfilovich Zenkinn and told about his attempt to understand the establishment and payment of the general mechanism of thermal energy accounting.

In January 2014, the owners of apartments in this apartment building received receipts for housing and communal services, where they are among the other services to be paid, it was separately indicated "Installation of Acritical Energy". The question arose: why is this amount?

In February 2014, the representative of the initiative group G.P. Rubnkin on behalf of the residents of the house for the first time turned into the MUP "Heat Nets" for clarification of the cost of installing the meter. There he was denied, explaining that this information was not subject to confidential and disclosure.

G.P. Rubnkin appealed to the court. Gatchinsky City Court in the claims to issue an act of adjustment to APM and estimate to the Installation of AP. Rubnkin refused, explaining that the plaintiff was entitled to "demand from the MUP" Heat Networks "of Gatchina a written response with confirmation documents, containing information on the cost of purchased OPU, its delivery, installation and commissioning, in the provision of which the defendant does not have the right to refuse . That G.P. Rubberin and was done. However, the "thermal networks" of Gatchina refused to give such information.

Meanwhile G.P. Rubnkin was elected Chairman of the Council of House No. 26, after which he just did not addate, but did not add clarity. The distrust of the inhabitants, and did not receive the answer, it would seem, the simple question began to grow, and with it the number of questions. "Perhaps the owners of the apartments are fully paid and self itself, and its installation, and now, deprived of the right to know and understand what is happening, to control how testimony is removed, they pay for the general service expenses of thermal energy and the cost of servicing appears even behind the employers of municipal apartments and tenants non-residential premises. Where is justice? ", - Gennady Panfilovich is indignant.

A year later, the Chairman of the Council of the House decided to bring the case to publicity and connect the media. Our editorial office took up to help figure out. Collecting the correspondence G.P. Rubnkin with utilities and the protocols of the court, we turned to the MUE "Thermal Networks" of Gatchina.

The head of the legal department of the MUE "Heat Networks" Gatchina Oksana Nikolaevna Goldov is responsible for the questions of our reader.

- Why did they put without the consent of the owners?

In the federal law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency" established the obligation of owners of residential and non-residential premises apartment house (MKD) Ensure the installation and commissioning of generalical metering devices (aspass) of cold and hot water, thermal and electrical energy, natural gas. In the event that the owners of the premises in an apartment building did not ensure the installation of OKU until July 1, 2012, such an installation is carried out by a resource-supplying organization. The Federal Law of the residents was allocated quite a long time - three years, during this time the accounting device could be installed independently, by choosing and supplier, and the contractor for carrying out work, the tenants did not use this right. Therefore, there is a duty of a resource-supplying organization for installation in an apartment building of a general-friendly (collective) metering device.

- What basis did the accounts of the owners of the premises?

In case before January 1, 2013, the owners of the premises themselves did not establish an OKU, and at the same time the general accounting device was established by a resource supply organization (on the basis of part 12 of Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Energy Saving"), owners are required (in accordance with paragraph 38.1 of the rules No. 491) Pay for the cost of installing such a metering device on the basis of accounts. This duty is established by law, we did not "invent" anything alone. Submitting only to federal legislation and taking into account the tenants do not have sufficient legal literacy, we do not refuse the clarifications to anyone if a person comes to contact and adequately perceives his duties as the owner, we are always ready for a dialogue. The law is clearly registered in the case of disagreement of the owner with those or other provisions.

- And if the owner does not agree with the score?

In disagreement, the owner of the premises is entitled to contact the organization that made the installation of such a metering device and the exhibiting account, with disagreements. That is, justify your calculations and prove why he believes that the score was unreasonable. If in this case the disagreements will not be settled, it is entitled to appeal the invoice in court.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that in accordance with paragraph 12 of Article 13 of the Federal Law No. 261, in case of refusal to pay for expenses in a voluntary procedure, a person who has not fulfilled the obligation to equip these objects of objects of taking into account the energy resources used, should also pay Expenses incurred by these organizations due to the need for forced recovery. Thus, the owners are not dependent on their desire to carry the costs of installation and the content of the OK, by performing the federal law.

The owner is entitled to know why he pays exactly so much. Where to get information to check the calculations?

Control over the actions of the MUP "Thermal Networks" Gatchina is fully implemented by specialized bodies authorized to conduct inspections of the work of resource-supplying organizations. MUP "Thermal Networks" Gatchina was held a competition for the right to conclude a loan agreement for procurement. All information is in public domain on the Internet on the official website of the State Transportation: In order to find the information you are interested in, it is enough to go to the site and gain the name of the organization, or its INN.

Accounts for the payment of expenses on the installation of the OPP are set to the general amount of the costs of installing such a metering device and the share of spending, the burden of which the owner of the room (based on its size). To check the calculations, information about the area of \u200b\u200bpremises in a particular apartment building can be obtained from the technical passport of an apartment building. This document should have each house, in the case of its absence, a technical passport can be ordered in an organization that carries out the inventory of facilities, such as BTI Gatchina.

In house number 26 on ul. Volodar owners are owners of apartments and a municipality, which has residential and non-residential premises. The share of the costs of the municipality for residential premises located in hiring, and non-residential (shop), which is leased, was paid in September 2013. Citizens-owners of residential premises in this house pay the installation of an op of thermal energy from January 1, 2014.

- So the municipality paid himself immediately, and the citizens are given an installment?

Yes. In Part 12 of Article 13 of the Law No. 261-FZ contains the possibility of providing citizens to the owners of premises in apartment buildings installments of payment of RSO expenses to install accounting devices. Payment is made in equal shares for five years, starting from the date of installation of the OKU, provided that citizens are not expressed by the intention to pay such expenses at a time or with a smaller installment period.

Given the requirements of the law on installments only to citizens-owners of premises, RSO sets accounts to pay the full amount of expenses for the installation of instruments of accounting for the owners of premises - to legal entities (including local governments) without any installment payment.

- How are the testimony of a general-purpose accounting device are removed?

Calculation of the magnitude and cost of consumed MKD No. 26 on the street. Volodar thermal energy for residential and non-residential premises is made according to the testimony of OUT from January 1, 2014. Indications are removed 20 numbers of each month remotely by means of a modem connection.

The magnitude of thermal energy, based on which the size of the board is calculated by the owners and tenants of residential premises for heat supply services, decreases by the amount of thermal energy consumed by non-residential premises, calculated in proportion to the area of \u200b\u200bthese rooms (220 m2). The calculation of the size of the fee for a citizen is produced in the settlement and cash center of the MUE housing and communal services of Gutchina. With a tenant of non-residential premises located in the specified MKD, a direct contract for the release of thermal energy is concluded.

Thus, all owners of the residential premises pay only their share of expenses both on the installation of the opa and its maintenance and the services of heat supply.

Calculation of a fee for the installation of op and its service for home number 26 on the street. Volodarsky:

The cost of installing a general-purpose accounting device, taking into account installments - 482,024 rubles 40 kopecks;

The cost of servicing as a month - 2,823 rubles 74 kopecks;

Total area of \u200b\u200bresidential and non-residential premises - 2 469, 6 sq.m.

Calculation for the installation of Op: 482024, 4/2469, 6/60 months. \u003d 3 rubles. 25 cop. from 1 square m.

Plus Calculation of the cost of maintenance: 2 823, 74/2 469, 6 \u003d 1 rub. 14 cop.

Total, the owners of the housing are paid per month: 3, 25 + 1, 14 \u003d 4 rubles. 39 kopecks with 1 square. m.

The reader of the Leninsky district of Chelyabinsk asked for the editorial office of our portal with a request to help her understand - what will the specified amount in the receipt go on and on what grounds is the installation of cold water?

The second question arose that's why: how famous is

"Ancommunication can be installed by a residential building developer - during the construction of an apartment building, or within the framework of implementation federal Law dated July 21, 2007 No. 185-FZ "On the Fund for Fund for Reforming Housing and Communal Services" during the overhaul of an apartment building, or as part of the implementation of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 23.11.2009. No. 261-FZ "On Energy Saving ..." until July 01, 2012. - By decision of the general meeting of the owners of the apartment building, and after July 01, 2012. - MUP OBRA "(information from the MUP website).

As the reader explained, the house in which she is the owner of a one-room apartment, buildings of 1965 and never carefully repaired. Accordingly, the engineering networks of the building are in the best condition. Do not have residents to pay water leaks on the general purpose?

But back K. first question:

In the receipt it is indicated that payment goes for the installation of the OPU, and for the general water metering device will need to pay again?

The receipt looks like this:

Appealed for clarification in department of settlement centers LLC RCC Chelyabinsk by phone 211-55-11. Experts explained that the calculation is made not only for the installation of the OPU, but also for the general purpose of water metering.

MUP "POW" offers pay off in two ways:

1) Pay in a one-time payment up to the 20th day of the month following the calculated, thus submissive the costs of installing its share for (aspass) without payment for installments.

2) Payment of payment for 5 years or a smaller installment period. In granting installments, interest is charged to the balance of the unpaid amount in the amount of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which is valid for the date of charge. Percent accrual will be made with the 2nd receipt.

When paying the receipt by installments, the owner can make any amount, but at least the payment specified in the string "The minimum payment amount (by installments for 5 years).

The value of the form and the costs of its installation did not seem. But please consider that this is the Leninsky district of Chelyabinsk, a specific house in which about 120 apartments. What will be paid in your home will show your receipts.

Second question - The validity of the installation is clearly failed. Unfortunately, at the specified number to contact the lawyers of the company MUP when it was not possible to get clarifications - no one raised the phone. We will dialize.

Answers to the most popular questions on general-purpose counters (apart):

Why is the installation decision make not at the General Meeting?

From 01.07.2012 According to the Law No. 261-ФЗ, the resource-channel organization (MUP Obv) is obliged to establish an ap at homes. At the same time, the owners of the premises of the house have the right to make a decision at the general meeting of the owners of the premises of the house on the installation of the ODA, the choice of a contract organization, the value of the installation of the OUT, the procedure for calculating the installation of the OPU, obtaining technical conditions for the installation of OPM in the MUP and provide a general meeting in the MUP about the decision taken.

Why not notified the owners of the installation of Op?

MUP Obvy in receipts on payment for the services of the HPW and on places information on the commissioning of the OKA and the volumes of the released water to the house in the estimated month.

What documents confirm the installation of Op? Why were the owners not invited to sign an act of commissioning Op?

A document confirming the establishment of ancient is an act of commissioning APA, signed by representatives of the resource-supplying organization (MUP of the RAV) and a housing organization serving an apartment building.

The housing organization serving an apartment building is a person authorized by the owners of the apartment building of an apartment building, so the owners are not invited to sign an act of commissioning an ap.

Is there an agreement on the installation of the OPU? What is the amount of installation ap? Who will pay for this installation of OK?

The contract for the installation of the ODA concludes a person, on the initiative of which the installation is made.

The expenses for the installation of the OPU include the cost of the accounting device itself, the cost of equipment included in the metering unit and the cost of installation work. The cost of installation of claims, depending on the brand and caliber of the accounting, is from 20,000 rubles. up to 50,000 rubles.

When installing an order by the developer of the house - the installation is made at the expense money Developer.

When setting the OKU according to Law No. 185, the installation is made at the expense of budget funds allocated to the overhaul of the house.

When setting as an order by solving the owners of the houses of the house - the installation is made at the expense of the owners of the premises (including at the expense of the "Repair and Service" article).

When installing the OKU according to Law No. 261, the installation is made at the expense of the MUE MUP, followed by the reimbursement of expenses by the owners of the houses in a one-time payment or by installments, taking into account interest for providing installments in the amount of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for a period of no more than 5 years.

Who removes the testimony of OK? How are the testimony transmitted? Can the owners attend when removing the testimony?

A housing organization serving an apartment building, monthly from the 20-23 number, removes the testimony of the OPU and transmits them into the MUP. MUP occurs periodically makes removal of control testimony of APA in order to control the reliability of the transmitted testimony ap.

The Chairman of the Council of the Apartment House, elected by the decision of the General Assembly of the Owners of the premises, is entitled to attend when removing the testimony of Ap.


- Marina Vsevolodovna, in the receipt there is a string "For servicing service equipment." Where did this tariff come from? Does the service of communicable metering not included in the concept of "repair and housing content?"

- The line "For servicing communications of general service instruments" (OPU) appeared in the receipt since 2013. The introduction of the tariff was coordinated with a single tariff body of the Chelyabinsk region, approved by the decision of the head of the Emangelian city settlement. Charging the service charges, the calibration of accounting devices is made after installation and commissioning device. Of the 180 houses that serve LLC "UKHK LLC", 28 are equipped with water metering devices, four - heat (12 houses in the HOA "Zarya" are equipped with an opaque water, one more - in the HOA "Rainbow" - approx. Author). Despite the fact that the general apparatus of water meters relate to the common property of an apartment building, the fee for their maintenance did not begin to the tariff for the maintenance and repair of housing, since the general meters of accounting are not installed on all homes.

Maintenance is based on monthly removal of indications, data processing, checking the integrity of seals, performance, checking the accounting device. In addition, the re-replacement of a general-friendly metering device will also be carried out at the expense of these funds if the device is not damaged intentionally. The tariff is 11 kopecks from a square meter per metering device. For example: Verification of water is from 400 to 1000 rubles, and replace the water metering device to a new one - from 10 thousand rubles.

Recently, we turned to the houses of house number 2 on Titov Street - considered that the difference between the testimony of a general-purpose metering device and individual testimony was too large. The device was removed, sent to verification (another device was installed on this house). Verification showed that the device is working, in working condition. And a significant difference between the testimony of the aspass and individual accounting devices means that either the inhabitants are inexplicitly transmitting the readings of the instruments of accounting, or there are apartments where no one is registered, there are no individual water meters, and actually lives more.

The concept of "servicing communicable accounting instruments" includes both the processing of data of the AP and other costs.

- Question from residents of house number 35 on Lenin Street: how to find out how to find out how much money on the account of their home, what is the money spent?

- All data on personal accounts is on the website of the administration of the Yemalange urban settlement (LCD section). Any owner can go to the site, see how much money is credited, how much and where it is spent, the residue on the personal account. If there is a representative of the board of the house, any owner - they can come to the management company - we will also print this information from the site.

- How often in apartment buildings should be made of cosmetic repairs?

- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491 "On approval of the rules for the main property ..." determines the requirements for the content of common property. The total property should be kept in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation (including the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, technical regulation, protection of rights) in a state providing:

a) compliance with the characteristics of the reliability and safety of an apartment building;

b) Safety for life and health of citizens.

Legally defined the minimum list of services that must be performed at an apartment building. Regardless of the wishes of the owners, it is:

- Mandatory inspections of engineering systems and elimination of minor problems, planning-preventive work;

- emergency dispatch service.

All other work on the current repairs are made in the presence of funds on the personal account. Emergency work is carried out necessarily, regardless of whether there are funds on the house or not. Sometimes the cost of restoration work exceeds the amount of charges in several months. Repair of common property in an apartment building can be compared with repairs in its own apartment. There are funds - I can do annually, no - according to once in 5, or even 10 years.

- Residents say: they say, we pay, from each apartment for 2-3 thousand per month - where do this money go?

- Owners mean the total amount of the board, which includes heating, water and housing services. For repairs and housing content there are 20-22 percent of this amount. And the tariff also includes the fee for the downtown consumption of electricity - according to which the funds of LLC "UKHK LLC" lists energy, regardless of whether residents paid or not.

- Today we are promptly visible, what orders received from the inhabitants, what problems are, - says the director of UK UKH LLC M.V. Valueva. - In the morning we get the daily report of the dispatcher, it immediately processes the control and technical inspection. The report noted, which applications have already been completed, as you need more serious work.

When applications arrive, the dispatcher calls the emergency service, which goes promptly. In general, the dispatching service copes, at least there was no complaints from the inhabitants.

Prepared Larisa Berezhnov

Each month comes receipts for paying for consuming services. They are awarded a citizen living on this residential area. They indicate how much we pay for gas, light, water, etc. New samples are characterized by a set of abbreviations, color (for example, in St. Petersburg - pink payment, in other regions-agel), etc. Example of the receipt will be shown below. In the case of accrual of illegal amounts, which means if two receipts came, with a double size, etc., then it is necessary to complain about the authorized bodies.

Who forms receipts to pay housing and communal services

When answering this question, some aspects should be taken into account. So, according to the legislation in the apartment building of the receipt for payment of utilities and shape managers. They are authorized to calculate the consumption of the following utilities:

  • for water supply;
  • for an apartment (depending on the number of persons prescribed there);
  • for overhaul, etc.

Separate receipts Citizens come for gas supply and power supply. This is due to the fact that the organization's data are direct service providers, therefore they take a board directly.

What does the receipt for utilities look like

The housing and communal payment is as follows: this is a written document in which the services are listed for which the fee is charged. Tariffs are also indicated.

The accruitment act has the following content:

  1. Indication on the payer.
  2. Address and location of residential premises.
  3. The name of the service provider and its bank details.
  4. QR code.
  5. Data on supplied services.
  6. Tariffs that are applied when calculating.
  7. The total amount payable.

Depending on the management company, the receipt may also include services for garbage collection, for drainage, for general-purpose needs, for heating, etc.

Housing and communal services - what is it and what is the difference

Before dealing, what is the difference between these concepts, it is necessary to understand the decryption of this abbreviation.

Under the utilities, housing and communal services are understood as a branch of the economy, engaged in the study and formation of a complex of services necessary for the normal life support of the population.

The LCA is housing and utilities, that is, a specific resource provided to citizens - electricity, hot water, etc.

The concept of utilities is much wider than the concept of the LCA, and includes in addition to the list of services, other significant provisions, norms of legislation, regulations, etc.

What is included in the rent, utility payments and on the basis of what the amount of rent in receipts is formed

Depending on what basis, a citizen owns housing, various elements can enter the receipt. This is the fee for hiring, for the peak and current repair, for the LCA, etc.

It is important to determine and then, on the basis of what is the formation of a common amount to pay. First of all, the impact on the formation of payments is subject to contracts concluded by citizens and government organizations (for example, social hiring agreement). Special attention should be paid to the regulatory acts adopted in the region on the provision of utilities. In the calculation you also need to take tariffs operating in the subject of the Russian Federation. Very important is the testimony of counters established by citizens in the apartment.

What is included in utilities when renting an apartment

In this situation you need to reveal exactly what rent takes place. If this is a social hiring, the housing rental fee is also included in the communal service.

In situations, when there is a civilian vehicle, the rent is directly to the landlord, and the tenant can also pay for it. These conditions must necessarily be spelled out in the contract. The possibility of reference order of calculation is allowed.

Legal regulation

In housing and utilities legal regulation Includes such legal acts as:

  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  2. Housing Code.
  3. Privatization law.
  4. Government Decree in the Housing and Utilities.
  5. Contracts concluded in private.
  6. Regional legal acts.

It was in these legal documents that tariffs for utilities are reflected, the procedure for payment of debt obligations, etc.

As a rule, regulation is most often happening at the regional level, therefore special attention should be paid to the regulatory legal acts of the subject of the Russian Federation.

Decoding cuts in receipts

Receipt for utilities includes a mass of abbreviations that need to be decrypted and deal with them. Each abbreviation is indicated by a set of letters and has its own name. We will deal with some of them.


This is pretty a specific graph in utility bills. SEON is deciphered as a unified public informing system. As a rule, it comes to transferring reports to citizens about imaginary natural cataclysms, etc.


This one of the most common graph in the payment. Deciphered by the phrase "content of generalic property". She obliges citizens to pay compulsory spending on the needs of the common property in the house. In soyse comes:

  • the content of stairs;
  • entrances;
  • elevators;
  • attic and others.

The size of the soybean fees is determined by the contract between the tenants and the management company.


This payment applies only in those houses where the intercom is installed. Abbreviation and deciphered: " turning device ". In some cases, the ROM fee is issued by a separate receipt.

Citizens are obliged to pay for its maintenance and maintaining a normal technical condition.


Physical needs - this is an analogue of soy. These are also spending on the mainstream content. There are no differences in these abbreviations, it all depends on how the set of letters the management organization will indicate in the payment data costs.


UWE in the receipt is responsible for providing heat energy into the apartment. It reflects how many resources were delivered and for what rates the fee is calculated. The inclusion of UWE occurs depending on the season.
Decoding abbreviation: evil metering of thermal energy.


Deciphered as " additional cable software systems". This graph is in the payments not in all regions. It is a fee for providing telecommunication services, the maintenance of the general antenna, etc.

DSKPT can be appealed by a citizen in that situation when he uses cable TV and antenna.


In order to understand what it means to turn to the standards of housing legislation. This is an additional fee for providing heat in the apartment. A pair of letters is attributed to this abbreviation, for example, TX.


The APPS involves payments by citizens the development and content of systems that protect the house from a sudden fire. Such systems are protected by an apartment directly, but entrances, stairs, attics, etc.


AUR is also a specific row of expenses in payments. This includes a set of payments aimed at ensuring the work of the administrative and administrative apparatus, for example, a management company.


An opacity includes the volume and types of data costs, repair and installation of various accounting devices, such as water or gas meters.


This is a "day consumption of electric member." As a rule, this consumption is not specified in all regions. A separate line can also be indicated by the night consumption of ELDT.


The TPP includes payment for water - "coolant".


Deciphering this concept includes the provision and maintenance of gas equipment on the territory of the house (but not apartments). The inventory includes pipes, valves and other gas supplies equipment. Citizens are obliged to pay for examination, repair and maintenance of these things.

PD number

Water disposal in housing receipts

Citizens are obliged to pay the same for the discharge of wastewater. The fee for it takes every month. I discharge the management company such a receipt, it also bills for the lead.

Water supply

A separate graph is indicated by DHW and Hyl. It is essentially supply in the apartment of hot and cold water. This is done by shared pipes.


DHW denotes the provision of hot water supply. Filling the graph should be in accordance with the requirements of the legislation. For consumption of hot water in that situation when the column is worth the house, the fee is not charged.


This is a feed in the apartment of cold water. Charge charges occurs according to general accounting devices (general a) or individually worthy of the apartment. The calculation is formed for a certain period.


Abbreviations for heating have already been considered above. It should be noted that the provision of this service is seasonal and, for example, in the summer, the fee for the heat is not charged.

Example of receipts for utilities

The form and form of payment notification (account) is a written act, which includes the name of the organization, personal account, indication of the consumer and the description of the LCQ (housing and communal services).

Receipt for overhaul

As a rule, a separate receipt for overhaul is not printed. This line of expenses is included in the overall receipt. The amount of contributions is determined by regional legislation or the contract with the regional operator. As a rule, these are small amounts of money.

Receipt for gas supply

This document is published separately. The law establishes the tariff, after which the consumption rate is determined. It can be calculated on the basis of apartment departments or general-made installed in the basement.

Tariffs installed by the total consumption rate in the region can also be applied.. In that situation, when the use of gas cylinders takes place, the gas supply fee is not charged.

Norms and meters testimony

They play a huge role in determining the amount of payment. The devices should reliably mean how much of this or that resource was consumed. Periodically, the testimony of authorized officials occurs.

In that situation, when the device is faulty, accounting for consumed resources occurs according to the general standards provided for in the region of residence of a citizen.

Mistakes in receipts housing and communal services - what to do

In this situation, you need to contact either the management company (in the one that sent you this receipt with an error), or to a resource-supplying organization. As a rule, a written claim is written to recalculate.

If this did not help, the citizen has the right to complain to Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office or the court, which will affect the unscrupulous organization to correct their mistakes.

Payment decline application

The decline in payment may occur on various grounds, for example, due to the fact that the family is poor, a citizen-disabled citizen and others lives in the apartment. The application has a written appearance. It can be submitted both directly to the organization that supplies the service and through the multifunctional center. The application may fill in the tenant or a representative.

A sample application for recalculation (decline) of payment for utility payments is possible. ⇐

Rules for reducing the amount of rent

In this issue, the following points should be taken into account:

  1. You can reduce the fee in the provision of low-quality services.
  2. In the absence of necessary maintenance of accounting devices.
  3. With illegally overestimated board.
  4. In situations where the board exceeds 20 percent of the total income.

Only in these situations can indeed count on a decrease in the amount of utility fees. Everything happens exclusively by the written petition of the person, since the decline is solely applicable.

Thus, the receipt includes a variety of alphabetic characters and codes: IPU, Ind, CPU, ADS, AZU, AKH, Bula, Vic, ASPZ, AHR, ICU, OID, SOP, GUP, etc. In essence, this is the same same name of different utilities. For example, OID and SOFF are applied to the common property of the MCD, IPU and Ind. - mean a fee for metering devices, PSP and ADS - also to the accounting devices in part of filling.


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