What girls like Azerbaijanis. Men-Azerbaijanis, what they are: appearance, character, type, religion, social and family relationships

What girls like Azerbaijanis. Men-Azerbaijanis, what they are: appearance, character, type, religion, social and family relationships

"They are complacent."

Azerbaijani TV host Gynel Musevialiving in the United States published its opinion about Azerbaijani men in the online magazine "Every Azeri".

Oxu.az. Represents readers this article:

If you meet a man similar to Mexican, Araba or Englishman, most likely, this man Azerbaijani. In fact, I can not come up with a certain image to describe the Azerbaijani man.

There was a time when Azerbaijani lands were in possession of Ottoman, and then the Russian Empire and if you delve into details, we can remember that we have Albanian and other roots.

If you intend to meet with Azerbaijani man, then I want to celebrate several nuances that you can expect from them. But I will ask you to note that everything written by me is a generalized opinion and can not be applied to everyone.

Let's start.

There will always be another woman between you!

I ask you not to be nervous by reading this title. Under another woman, I meant his mother. You must be ready to share your love with his mother.

Remember one thing, his mother is always right. His mother never lies, does not enjoy his capabilities and either shears intrigue. All bad qualities and actions are inherent only to you, of course, everything is good inherent in his mother. In any case, each of us loves its parents, but the Azerbaijani son loves a little more.
Azerbaijani Men self-satisfying!

I do not say that they are complacent, they are just very confident.

Azerbaijani man is always pleased with the work he fulfilled, and even if he didn't fulfill her very well, he would never allow him to speak poorly. Azerbaijani man always walks with a highly naked head, and demonstrates his self-confidence, proudly walking, putting his hands in his pockets.

Azerbaijani men owners and love to rule.

When it comes to a woman, Azerbaijani man can be the owner. You must live according to his rules. If you are looking for free, open, carefree relationships that would allow you to do, all that will do, then once again review your desire to meet with the Azerbaijani man, as he does not agree with these conditions.

If he gave you his heart and won yours, then you have already become His property. He will not share you with anyone, and sometimes even with girlfriends. Just understand that this is part of Azerbaijani culture! God to help you!

He loves beautiful poems.

Beautiful and high-quality things, fashionable clothes, breathtaking perfume, clean shoes, neat hairstyle, a freshly dried face - all this and many more are very important for Azerbaijani men. Azerbaijani men are interested in fashion in parallel with women and seriously follow their appearance.

In a word, you will never see Azerbaijani man to come to a date with a girl in a torn shirt or with dirty shoes, while in America it is sometimes a normal phenomenon.

We remember, Azerbaijani man is always right!

If even, you are at the hundredth time right and the end of the world has come, there is no strength in the whole galaxy that would prove the Azerbaijani man that he is wrong! Remember, he is always right (just do not let him and silence). Just accept this and believe that then he will appreciate it. If you do not believe, then read the paragraph of self-confidence above.

If you need, for you, he will get the moon from the sky.

Let's now tell you about the positive qualities of Azerbaijani men, that is, what you can enjoy.

If you are ready to escape, reading all of the above, first spend a minute and read it, and then make a decision.

Azerbaijani men are considered the most caring. They know how to make the woman felt happier and beautiful. Believe me, he will love you at least as much as Mother loves and will take care of you. Azerbaijani man well understands the needs and desires of a woman and has a force to highly appreciate it.

And at the end I want to note one of the important points. Azerbaijani men are very beautiful and attractive, I think that you have already understood.

I have one friend. She Lyuto hates almost all the representatives of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples, publicly calls them by prostitutes and slabs. The reason for such a great hatred, which sometimes comes to racism, I do not know and therefore we lose in guesses. Most likely, there is a purely personal reasons for that, maybe she or her close girlfriend, what kind of Slavs hurt, I would not assign it, but most likely it happened. But me, like a terry liberal, always confuse such statements in the style of the 3rd Reich. Well, it is impossible to generalize the whole people. However, there is some truth in everything and I think this question should be analyzed. First, you do not dispute the fact - Azerbaijanis is really a pant in Russian ladies. They have exactly what they can not find in Azerbaijani. Most of them follow themselves, they are not so inferior, they are blondes. Secondly, for a typical Azerbaijanis, love is something purely physical. Came, section, inserted. That's all love. This is like the level of the 15th teenager. The trouble is that, my brothers on the floor, often remain so teenagers up to 50 years. They will never grow up, never know real love. I frank them frankly. So they run to Russian and Ukrainians and should not be sad by my friend. Well, these are not worth these cheap love, do not stand.

However, I would like to write exactly about the real Azerbaijanis. This Azerbaijani can only love this Azerbaijani. This is not racism, in no case. We just belong to the type of peoples that are traditionalism in the blood. This is not a notorious mentality or religious views, which everyone often do not care when the hormones in the blood play. This is something else. Normal, healthy, educated Azerbaijanian not suffering from sexual perversions, in my opinion personal opinion, may be happy in marriage only with Azerbaijani with similar qualities. I will not explain it in detail, I just say that the life of a person in the family is not only sex. Life together is conversations, discussions, finally conflicts. You imagine what kind of insanity it turns out when the husband shouts on Azerbaijani and a wife in Russian or even worse in Ukrainian.

Why do I write so not standard for myself? In the morning I felt like a little love with us. All my acquaintances marry exclusively, with no intention. I want to say that you need to love and marries only the right and you need. Do not be deceived by physical imposition, love all parts of the body, souls and mind.
I kiss and run away.

Instruction 1 Take the faith of the future husband. Before marrying, very often a woman has to change their religion on Islam. True, there are cases when relatives are not configured so categorically and allow the bride to not take their faith. Also, a prerequisite for the wedding is the voluntary consent of the bride and its relatives. 2 Listen to the guy's opinions. Where to marry Azerbaijanis, each Russian girl should know that she will have to settle at home and keep a household. Plus, the choice in clothing always remains for her husband. If the young people live in the guy's homeland, then the girl is obliged to wear a handkerchief, covering the face and head, with a small closet for the eyes. 3 Respect each other's principles. The girl should listen to the opinion of the guy and care for him in everyday life. Azerbaijani, in turn, must take care and materially ensure his beloved.

Marriage of a Russian woman and Azerbaijanis - an objective look


And on this happy period in the life of their family ended. Of course, Muslim came to pick up Marina with his daughter from the hospital, brought flowers and thanked doctors and nurse. But at home I erased a smile with my face, as a mask removed, and said: "You will give birth to one girl - Plyaia."

I need my son, heir, support in old age. I will not forgive your second daughter. Marina heard the marriage of Azerbaijanis and Russian girlfriends, that many men react to the birth of girls. One such, they told, fought his wife to a divorce and other punishes before the unfortunate gave birth.
twin. Girls twins. Oddly enough, the happy father is now only and breathes, it is completely forgetting about the desire to have a son. So everything is swing, it is formed. Muslim calm down and love the baby. Moreover, called her the name of Mother - Aziza. True, I did not consider it necessary to consult this with my wife.
If Marina is offended, then about.

Very hard young, beautiful woman to become "just a housewife" and try to like only your husband. We have forgotten those times when they were driving along the termes. Erased "gene memory." - I would, maybe I would leave, divorced, but where? How can I live? There is no formation, there is no profession, I don't want to live with my mother, and I have no one else.
Get married again? So who will take me with two children? My girlfriends are jealous of me, I see. Now I have at least a head about food and clothes for girls does not hurt. Muslim is a marriage contract in marriage and brings. And what rarely happens at home - so is he alone? Others and money do not give, and at home do not spend the night.

And I hope that the third child will finally be a boy. Then everything will change. Alien monastery? I did not turn the language to say Marina, that nothing will change if she herself will not change.

Marry Azerbaijanis

In any case, the Muslim did not make special precautions and, it seemed, even sought to "stand up with political". And most likely it was deeply indifferent to him: if a woman can contact him, then let her think about the consequences. Marina learned about what was happening literally under her nose, almost a year later.


Aziza was a child fragile, often sick, and Marina just did not have enough strength to think about something. Moreover, Nina Andreevna worked, to leave the place of the older economist in the bank was not going to nurse with his granddaughter from morning to evening it was not part of her plan. Somehow, Marina woke up from crying daughter. Dressed her in dry and wanted to go to bed again.

But I really wanted to drink, and she went to the kitchen. The lack of her husband in the married bedroom did not surprise her: Muslim was often returned at dawn, but he did not come to sleep at all.

We, you know, with women will especially not noun. Only to the mother with all respect, she deserved. And for the wife, for the sisters the word men - the law. Therefore, there are almost no divorces. - It was necessary to marry Muslims. Yes, and Moscow here, here, you can not lock the castle on the castle and straighten.

Why the castle? Why paranda? Just need modest. I got married - I answer it. Dress down, shore, feed. By the way, I bought all products, my wife in the stores is neither foot. There is offended. Let the girlfriends call to himself if he wants to boast of dresses, rings. He herself will want to visit the girlfriend - she will take the car. But after all, it is necessary to reckon with me, right? If not a mother-in-law! And on Muslim, I was married for the first time. Everything is fine, only she did not have children, I had to divorce. I loved Marina, got married, she loves me. Nothing, give birth to a son - wearing a bird on your hands. Marina also vinyl mother. Although.

Marriage of Azerbaijanis and Russian

Russian women who suffered marriage with Azerbaijani men begin to live according to the new rules. At the same time, each side of this union will have their own rights and, of course, duties. 555 First, a man must provide a family in a material plan. Secondly, he is obliged to pay his wife attention, take care of her, as well as its spiritual education and, of course, development.
A woman should be unquestioned to listen to the spouse, right up to the selection of outfits. In such marriages, there are also divorces, but they can only be due to the fact that someone from the partners (husband or wife) does not fulfill duties. First, the spouses are given time on meditation, during this period they live separately, and then they will be divorced officially. Time will be waited by another goal, namely, to identify the pregnancy of the spouse. Children are a protected population in Azerbaijan.

How to marry Azerbaijanis

Do not jealous guy to his wives. It often happens that the guy has a wife in his homeland. In this case, he is obliged to adequately contain the first, and the second wife with children. The newlyweds can live both in Russia with the change of citizenship in her husband and in Azerbaijan, together with relatives. five

Learn his native language. This is a prerequisite for marriage, as the girl will have to communicate a lot with numerous guy relatives. 6 Get used to Azerbaijani food. Since it is very sharp and fat, it is better to begin to get used to her before the wedding, because this people have hospitality in the blood and they always arrange huge feast. 7 Refuse tobacco and alcoholic beverages. In the event that the girl sometimes allowed himself to smoke a cigarette other and drink a glass of wine, and the stack of vodka, when meeting and subsequent family life, she will have to forget about their preferences.

Neither then nor subsequently Muslim felt guilty: - If he had behaved like our women, nothing would happen, I swear by Allah! What am I, who would not find a woman? And then a blonde walks at home, you see, the bathrobe is short, transparent, the figure is normal. And herself flies with me, the eyes build, the sponge smears. I am a normal man, not saint and not a patient - why refuse? - Yes, he just raped me! - then argued by Nina Andreevna. -


Said: "Raare, if you do not give." It will be from him - it would be killed like a chicken. And it turns out, I am guilty that I went at home in a bathrobe. Summer, heat - what else to walk? In Paraj,? Or in this, like her, in Chadra? So we, thank God, not in Iran.

But it was said later, much later. And first Nina Andreevna praised the son-in-law to all his friends and acquaintances: the daughter was lucky with her husband, say nothing. Marina gave birth to a daughter.

Marrying Azerbaijanis - Dangerous Union?

If you do not like it surround, it will listen to countrymen, and not you and not your heart.

  • Azerbaijan with southern blood and high hormonal background can be an attractive male, and not only in your eyes. Driven by hormones, he will not refuse himself in closeness on the other, if such a chance falls out.
  • In this regard, Azerbaijani, like all Muslims, in principle relates to a woman as a thing. In their culture, the cult of men is dominant, while the feet of a woman to fulfill his whim, and a homely focus. You can hardly have the right to vote, and even at all you will not be informed about any events, on the basis that you are a woman.
  • Any Muslim between Allah and you will choose the first one. This is an axiom.

And secondly, it was very interesting, intelligent, well-brought up man with a quiet, ingratiating voice, almost European manners and, apparently, considerable means. That is, not son-in-law, but the dream of any mother-in-law. Actually, Marina itself would rather be without maternity blessing: old fashioned! But this was hard to insisted with Muslim, saying the young and frivolous bride: - Without the parent blessing, a happy family will not be. It is a pity, of course, that neither my father nor your your lives before that day.

But mother in this case is the head of the family. My mother sent a letter, she agrees. Now you need to ask yours. Of course, Marina all told the mother before to acquaint with Muslim. And thereby introduced it in the best light: Parents now 10 years of marriage, what a wedding is spoiled by the respectful attitude of children to the opinion of the elders.

Still, in Eastern traditions there is something unpatched attractive.

As by the Russian law, marry Azerbaijanis

If the marriage concluded the Russian and Azerbaijani, after which they moved to live home her husband, then the girl would have to get used to the new state, the custom, which, at first glance, may seem slightly unusual, perhaps even wild. First, if a husband with his family lives not in a big city, then the wife will have to be constantly at home. As you know, in the village, many girls do not learn and do not work, that is, local representatives of beautiful sex do not self-realize and does not develop.

What then are the fair sex in Azerbaijan? They lead the economy (if there is no housekeeper), raise children, go to visit (since the spouse is not against), they are engaged in a garden and garden. Persons in the country are men. As a rule, they are busy in the field of buying goods, trade. Secondly, it is difficult to get used to the embezzlement of believers.
How to marry Azerbaijanis Recently, international marriages in Russia have become almost the norm. Russian women often marry foreigners who come here to study or earnings, or are looking for a groom from another country through marriage agencies or special dating sites. What pushes a Russian woman to get married, for example, for Muslim? Is it really missing their local grooms? Not one article is devoted to this issue on the website intdate.ru. There is such an opinion that the popularity of foreigners as future husbands is explained by the fact that Russian men are in many ways disappointing their compatriots. They do not seek to win a woman with caress and tenderness, do not recognize long romantic courtesies, and in family life they behave themselves in their family life, they do not show due respect to their wife, and often they are in touch with alcohol.

It's no secret that Azerbaijani men are the most beautiful ... Several secrets about them, as well as the rating: the 10 most beautiful Azerbaijanis ... If you meet a man similar to Mexican, Araba or Englishman, most likely, this man Azerbaijan . In fact, I can not come up with a certain image to describe the Azerbaijani man. There was a time when Azerbaijani lands were in possession of Ottoman, and then the Russian Empire and if you delve into details, we can remember that we have Albanian and other roots. If you intend to meet with Azerbaijani man, then I want to celebrate several nuances that you can expect from them. But I will ask you to note that everything written by me is a generalized opinion and can not be applied to everyone. Let's start. There will always be another woman between you! I ask you not to be nervous by reading this title. Under another woman, I meant his mother. You must be ready to share your love with his mother. Remember one thing, his mother is always right. His mother never lies, does not enjoy his capabilities and either shears intrigue. All bad qualities and actions are inherent only to you, of course, everything is good inherent in his mother. In any case, each of us loves its parents, but the Azerbaijani son loves a little more. Azerbaijani Men self-satisfying! I do not say that they are complacent, they are just very confident. Azerbaijani man is always pleased with the work he fulfilled, and even if he didn't fulfill her very well, he would never allow him to speak poorly. Azerbaijani man always walks with a highly naked head, and demonstrates his self-confidence, proudly walking, putting his hands in his pockets. Azerbaijani men owners and love to rule. When it comes to a woman, Azerbaijani man can be the owner. You must live according to his rules. If you are looking for free, open, carefree relationships that would allow you to do, all that will do, then once again review your desire to meet with the Azerbaijani man, as he does not agree with these conditions. If he gave you his heart and won yours, then you have already become His property. He will not share you with anyone, and sometimes even with girlfriends. Just understand that this is part of Azerbaijani culture! God to help you! He loves beautiful poems. Beautiful and high-quality things, fashionable clothes, breathtaking perfume, clean shoes, neat hairstyle, a freshly dried face - all this and many more are very important for Azerbaijani men. Azerbaijani men are interested in fashion in parallel with women and seriously follow their appearance. In a word, you will never see Azerbaijani man to come to a date with a girl in a torn shirt or with dirty shoes, while in America it is sometimes a normal phenomenon. We remember, Azerbaijani man is always right! If even, you are at the hundredth time right and the end of the world has come, there is no strength in the whole galaxy that would prove the Azerbaijani man that he is wrong! Remember, he is always right (just do not let him and silence). Just accept this and believe that then he will appreciate it. If you do not believe, then read the paragraph of self-confidence above. If you need, for you, he will get the moon from the sky. Let's now tell you about the positive qualities of Azerbaijani men, that is, what you can enjoy. If you are ready to escape, reading all of the above, first spend a minute and read it, and then make a decision. Azerbaijani men are considered the most caring. They know how to make the woman felt happier and beautiful. Believe me, he will love you at least as much as Mother loves and will take care of you. Azerbaijani man well understands the needs and desires of a woman and has a force to highly appreciate it. And at the end I want to note one of the important points. Azerbaijani men are very beautiful and attractive, I think it's already understood))

We talked about how to live with our compatriots at the Volga expanses of Russia. Now it's time to find out with whom they live there. Although what to find out there - after all, everyone has long been known that a little-old self-respecting Azerbaijanita is inhibits (even marrying) in Russia precisely from Russian. I do not want to choose as a cosmopolitan, but still I emphasize - not with Tatar, not with a kidity and not even with Azerbaijani (and there are a lot of them), namely from Russian. Why does this happen? What kind of highlight find hot Caucasian guys in Russian beauties? How do the northern arrows pierce oriental hearts? I will try to clarify how a person also turned out to be pierced by such an arrow.

1. With Russians easier. They do not break like ours, do not feed their price. The golden rule works - be easier, and you will reach out. Here to them, the lords, and the Azerbaijani (and not only Azerbaijani) men are drawn.

2. Russian girls do not try to seem better than it really is. Even prostitutes, if you come out on the street and ask - work? They will answer you as it is. If you, God forbid, went to a decent girl, then she just says that you confused her. And if you come on the street with the same question to ours, even a five-walked b ..., then she will arrange such a stir, which will not seem little. And in the end it turns out that the Virgin Mary will not be compared to her clean and impossible with it, and you will be disgraced on the whole street.

3. With Russian fun. They are much more compatible than Azerbaijanis. Maybe with you and easily drink a couple of bottles of beer, and then what is stronger. I'm not talking about to smoke herbs. And our boil together with you except in the toilet or in the basement of any bar. The main thing - together with them you can easily view football - you have any jokes about 22 idols, chasing the little ball.

4. They are unpretentious. Only with them you understand your own significance as a simple guy. And not a wallet with money. They even are ready to pay for themselves in the restaurant, not to mention public transport or taxis.

They don't care about your social status, you are interested in as a person and as a capable man. And on the contrary, we are rarely what Azerbaijani you will be needed without a home and car.

5. They are more affectionable, more loving. They do not need to start gifts, for them you yourself are a gift. And what kind of man do not like to feel your relevance and significance. They do not need "Shampots" or "Daidai" - they need just that the person was good! Isn't that the Lord? So, girls, do not want to dare in old virgins - follow the above five points!


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