Lotte South Korea company. Services for applicants

Lotte South Korea company. Services for applicants

Parent company Lotte Holdings. [D] Affiliated companies Lotte CultureWorks. [D] and Lotte Duty Free. [D]

Lotte has about 60 thousand people.


The first enterprise founder of the company Sin Goek Ho forms in Japan in 1946. The history of the group of companies Lotte in South Korea begins in 1967 the foundation of the first major confectionery plant Lotte Confectionery. In South Korea. The name of the company dates back to the name of the main character of the novel Goethe "suffering a young vertera" Charlotte.

Now Lotte Group is a major South Korean conglomerate, the Group's companies operate in various sectors of the economy, including: the production of food products, retail, tourism, petrochemistry and construction, as well as the financial sector. Corporation branches are open in the largest countries of the Asia-Pacific region: USA, Japan, China, Russia, South Korea, Vietnam, India and the Philippines.

In the 1970s, a company for the production of food and alcoholic beverages were established under the Lotte brand. The group has developed a chain of coffee Angel-in-us and fast food restaurants Lotteria. Several restaurants in Korea on the franchise of the American network of Fastfud T.G.I. Friday's.

Lotte manages networks of shopping centers, hyper- and supermarkets, cinemas, round-the-clock and online stores (department stores Lotte Department Store., supermarkets Lotte Super, hypermarkets Lotte Mart., mini-markets 7-Eleven, clothing stores Uniqlo).

Lotte Group is also engaged in Internet commerce using the virtual shopping center (estimated - about 11 million buyers) and the "store on the sofa" Lotte Home Shopping (purchases using phones, cable television, catalogs and via the Internet).

In Russia, Lotte Group is represented by a subsidiary Lotte Rus Since 1997. In 2007, the Lotte Plaza shopping and office complex built by the company was opened at Novinsky Boulevard. In the Kaluga region there is a factory for the production of snacks, drinks and sweets.

In the 1970s. Lotte Group management decided to build its first hotel in Seoul. So, in 1972 it appeared Lotte Hotel Seoul.. A few years later, a subsidiary Lotte Hotels & Resorts turned into a network of six hotels located in the largest cities of Korea. Seventh hotel network - Lotte Hotel Moscow. - opened in 2010 in Moscow. At the moment, 30 hotels are working under the brand.

In the period 2015-2017, Lotte Group planned to invest about $ 500 million to Russia, including the construction of hotels in St. Petersburg (opened in 2017) and in Samara (opened in 2018). About the development plans of the company said the chairman of the board of Lotte Group Sin Don Bean.

Lotte construction objects portfolio also includes a large indoor recreation park. Lotte WorldMusic Hall Lotte theater. in Seoul, resorts Lotte Jeju Resort., Lotte Buyeo Resort., Lotte Sokcho Resort.; Duplicate boutiques Lotte Duty Free..

In the financial sector, Lotte has a variety of services, including the release of credit cards and insurance. Financial structures Lotte Card, Lotte Capital and Lotte Insurance provide a full cycle of financial services to individuals and legal entities. Service companies Lotte Data Communication and Lotte Data Center provide IT accompaniment and technical support.

The largest South Korean conglomerate, uniting more than 60 companies of various focus. This company has grown from a small confectionery company with a state of 10 people to a truly global enterprise with billions of assets. Being the leader of the retail sector, Lotte Manages networks of shopping centers, hyper- and supermarkets, cinemas, round-the-clock and online stores (department stores Lotte Department Store., supermarkets, hypermarkets Lotte Mart., 7-Eleven mini markets, fashion stores, but available at Uniqlo clothing). Lotte Group. Provided by an innovator and in the field of Internet commerce - the services of a virtual shopping center Currently, more than 11 million buyers are used, and "Shop on the sofa" Lotte Home Shopping Allows you to make purchases using mobile phones, Cable and IP television, catalogs and the Internet.

Founder Lotte - Mr. Born in 1922 in Korea, in the city of Ulsan, in the peasant family of medium wealth, in which there were ten children. Having left for earnings in Japan., he worked by a loader, a delivered milk, at the same time studying in technical University Vozhad to Chemist. The money earned during the years of study, he founded the company in 1948 Lotte, and under the Japanese name - Sigamitsa Tayo., he did it because of the fact that at the time to conduct business in Japan, Korean was seriously doubly.

Being a chemist on education, began to experiment with chewing elastic. Having released some successful parties, it creates its own small production, and after a while it opens the bakery, where he begins to produce candy, cookies, cakes and chocolate. 12 years of hard labor and company Lotte began to compete with the two largest confectionery groups Japan - Maidie and Morinaga. In 1965, after the normalization of relations between Japan and Korearemembering his Korean roots, moves the center of his company in South Korea.
Creating a global enterprise
The basis of his business put two important principles: the first is to satisfy the needs of people in a wide variety of areas of life, and the second is to use all the advantages of the global market, not limited to local production.
Realizing the idea of \u200b\u200ba global enterprise LotteWith much less resources, in comparison with other South Korean conglomerates, it begins to enter world markets. Opening production, albeit small, outside Korean Created a bridgehead for the development of his group in the future. First production outside Japan and Korean It was opened in the United States in 1978, for the production of cookies and chewing gum. Then followed the opening of confectionery products in China, Indonesia, Philippines, India, Pakistan and Poland (in particular, Poland bought the largest confectionery brand "WEDEL" from Kraft Foods).

In Russia Lotte Group. Presented by a subsidiary Lotte Rus Since 1997. Now income from business abroad brings Lotte almost big profit than business in Korea and Japan.
Having created one of the largest confectionery firms, became interested in other types of business. He created construction companyBy making it part of the concern. And here it remained faithful to his principle - to quickly go to the world arena. One of the first major construction projects Lotte Implemented in Russia in 2002. Construction of the complex began in the center of Moscow. The calculation was justified: due to its location still keeps in the top ten most expensive office buildings of Moscow, and in addition, a hotel was attached to the complex. To take such a favorable place for the hotel, now it would be much more difficult than in the distant 2002.

Having created one successful business, always switched on something new, connecting to Lotte All new parts. Now the business concern includes confectionery, construction, entertainment industry, chemical industry and IT.
Special attention is paid to large-scale, iconic projects that are designed to emphasize the status of a corporation as a global enterprise. So in 1989 Lotte Opened to the public the world's largest indoor amusement park (you can read about it in more detail), which is attended by about 8 million tourists annually.

Now it is Lotte Early the highest building Korean - 123 storey skyscraper Lotte Super Tower (height 555m, sixth in height building in the world), which should be one of the main attractions

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Lotte Group.
A type

The Republic of Korea Republic of Korea: Seoul

Number of employees

Lotte manages networks of shopping centers, hyper- and supermarkets, cinemas, round-the-clock and online stores (department stores Lotte Department Store., supermarkets Lotte Super, hypermarkets Lotte Mart., mini-markets 7-Eleven, clothing stores Uniqlo).

Lotte Group is also engaged in Internet commerce using the virtual shopping center (estimated - about 11 million buyers) and the "store on the sofa" Lotte Home Shopping (purchases using phones, cable television, catalogs and via the Internet).

In Russia, Lotte Group is represented by a subsidiary Lotte Rus Since 1997. In 2007, the Lotte Plaza shopping and office complex built by the company was opened at Novinsky Boulevard.

In the 1970s. Lotte Group management decided to build its first hotel in Seoul. So, in 1972 it appeared Lotte Hotel Seoul.. A few years later, a subsidiary Lotte Hotels & Resorts turned into a network of six hotels located in the largest cities of Korea. Seventh hotel network - Lotte Hotel Moscow. - opened in 2010 in Moscow.

In the period 2015-2017, Lotte Group plans to invest about $ 500 million to Russia, including the construction of the hotel in St. Petersburg (opening scheduled for 2017). About the development plans of the company said the chairman of the board of Lotte Group Sin Don Bean.

Lotte construction objects portfolio also includes a large indoor recreation park. Lotte WorldMusic Hall Lotte theater. in Seoul, resorts Lotte Jeju Resort. and Lotte Buyeo Resort., duplicate boutiques Lotte Duty Free..

In the financial sector, Lotte has a variety of services, including the release of credit cards and insurance. Financial structures Lotte Card, Lotte Capital and Lotte Insurance provide a full cycle of financial services to individuals and legal entities. Service companies Lotte Data Communication and Lotte Data Center provide IT accompaniment and technical support.

Social projects of the Lotte Scholarship Foundation Corporation and Lotte Welfare Foundation exist since the 1980s. The program "Lotte School" works.

Lotte Group announced its development plan until 2018, in which the Corporation seeks to become a leading international brand in all areas of its activities.

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Fragment characterizing Lotte

- How will have, Rostov answered. - Karai, Fuit! He shouted, responding with this appeal to the words of Uncle. Karai was an old and ugly, bordian dog, known by the fact that he was alone biral a wolf. All steel in places.
The old graph, knowing the hunting of the Son, hurried, and did not have time to drive up to the place, like Ilya Andreich, cheerful, ruddy, with shaking cheeks, on his merry, rolled down the green to the lazes left him and, racing the fur coat and putting the hunting Shells, got to her smooth, sweat, Smirny and Good, Dressed as he, Voflyan. Horses with shivers sent. Count Ilya Andreich, although not a hunter in the soul, but who knew firmly hunting laws, drove into the edge of the bushes, from which he stood, disassembled the reins, recovered on the saddle and, feeling ready, looked back smiling.
His vintage, but a ridiculous ride, Semyon Chekmar stood beside him. Chekmarier kept three dick on the joint, but also the heated, like the owner and horse, - wolfhounds. Two dogs, smart, old, smalleled without svop. The steps on a hundred way in the edge stood another steady graph, Mitka, desperate ride and a passionate hunter. The graph on an old habit came out before the hunt of the silver charm of hunting casserole, bored and washed off his beloved Bordeaux.
Ilya Andreich was a little red from wine and driving; His eyes, filled with moisture, especially glittered, and he, wrapped in a fur coat, sitting on the saddle, had a kind of a child who was going to walk. Lucky, with drawn cheeks, settled with his own business, looked at the Barin, with whom he lived 30 years old soul in the soul, and, understanding his pleasant arrangement of the Spirit, waited for a pleasant conversation. Another third face went carefully (it can be seen, it was already scientuated) because of the forest and stopped behind the graph. The face was an old man in a gray beard, in a female hood and a high cap. It was the jester Nastasya Ivanovna.
- Well, Nastasya Ivanovna, - winking to him, said the Graph, - you only outflow the beast, you will task.
"I myself ... with a mustache," said Nastasya Ivanovna.
- Schshshsh! - stuck the count and turned to Semen.
- I saw Natalia Ilyinichna? He asked the seeds. - Where's she?
"They have got up with a roaster from the heads from the heat," the Semyon answered smiling. - Also ladies, and the hunt has bigger.
- And you are surprised, Semyon, how she goes ... and? - said the count, at least a man at the time!
- How not to divide? Boldly, deftly.
- Is Nikolache where? Over lidovsky riding? - The column asked the chopot.
- So accurately with. They know where to become. So subtly ride know that we are taking Divo with Danila, "said Semen, knowing what to please Barina.
- Well goes, and? And on the horse, what about what?
- Picture to write! How to make me from Zavarzinsky Biananov pound fox. They began to jump, from the hassiness, passion - a horse a thousand rubles, and there is no price sedoka. Yes, such a well done to search!
"Search ..." repeated the count, apparently sorry that the seed speech soon was over. - Search? - he said, turning the floors of the fur coat and getting a tobacco.
"Judge, like a dead in all regalia, I got out, so Mikhail then Sidory ..." Semyon did not agree, hearing a clearly distributed gon-in-air gon with the upset of no more than two or three hounds. He, tilting his head, listened and silently looked around Barina. - I flick on the brood ... - he whispered, right on the Lyadovskaya.
Count, forgetting to erase a smile from the face, watched in front of him in the jumper and, not silent, kept a tobacco car in his hand. Following the dog's dog, a voice was heard in a wolf, filed in the bass horn of Danil; The pack joined the first three dogs and could hear how the voices of the hounds were roaring with the bay, with the special impact that served as a sign of Gon on the wolf. Daezzhing was no longer pusually, but they hug, and because of all the votes, Danil's voice was played, then the bass, then piercingly thin. Danil's voice seemed to filled the whole forest, went out of the forest and sounded far in the field.
Listening to a few seconds, silently, the count and his strive was convinced that the hounds crashed into two flocks: one big, rising especially hotly, began to be removed, the other part of the flock rushed along the forest past the graph, and with this pack was heard of the Danil's ullyukne. Both of these Ghons merged, shimmer, but both were removed. Semyon sighed and bent, to fix the cloud, in which the young male is confused; The graph also sighed and, noticing in his hand tobackerka, opened it and pulled out a chin. "Back!" Shouted Semen on a dog, who made the edge. The graph shuddered and dropped tobacco. Nastasya Ivanovna tears and began to raise it.

In 2006, the founder of the Lotte Group Sin Kek-Ho handed 6.2% of the company's shares of SI Mi-Ken, their daughters of Sinu Mi, and their older daughter Sin Yong. This operation was carried out without paying taxes. Now the 94-year-old Patriarch of the South Korean economy is suspected of evasion from paying taxes in the amount of 600 million вон ($ 550 million).

The civilian wife of the founder Lotte Group will be the second member of his family, which will appear before the court.

In July 2016, his eldest daughter on charges of embellished her money, bribery and abuse trust.

On September 26, the South Korean Prosecutor's Office also requested the arrest warrant of the chairman of Lotte Group Sina Don Bina - the youngest son of the company's founder.

We remind you that since June 2016, the South Korean authorities began large-scale inspections at the Lotte Group headquarters, its seven branches and houses of her senior staff. It was connected with suspicions of the company's management in the embezzlement and bribery of influential persons.

The first victims appeared in this story. Vice President Lotte Group Lee In-Von was found dead in the morning of August 26. According to the police, the top manager Lotte committed suicide by hanging on a tree with a tie.

According to Yonhap agency, 69-year-old Ying Von should come to interrogation in the framework of the general corruption investigation.

Searches seriously violated the working plans of the group. In particular, it was postponed IPO Hotel Lotte which, according to experts, could be the largest since the fall of 2015.

According to media information, one more problem destabilizes the company from the inside. In the Lotte Group manual there is a struggle For the power between the operating chairman of the board of Sin Don Binin on the one hand, as well as his father and elder brother, on the other.

We remind you that founder of the company of Sin Kek-ho and his eldest son of Sin Don o, ultimately lost key posts in the company .

Sin Kek Ho founded Lotte in 1948. Now the conglomerate includes more than 60 different companies engaged in retail, construction, production of beverages and food, insurance, the provision of financial services.

In Moscow, Lotte Group built a Business Center "Lotte Plaza" and a five-star Lotte Hotel Moscow. The group also builds a hotel in St. Petersburg, which should open in 2017. In the next three years, the Corporation planned to invest about $ 500 million in projects in Russia. Whether these projects will be implemented against the background of events occurring in the group's manual will show time.

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