Druzhinin's psychology of hidden zdіbnosti has been seen all over the world. Peredmova

Druzhinin's psychology of hidden zdіbnosti has been seen all over the world. Peredmova

Psychology of hidden possibilities. Druzhinin V.M.

3rd type. – St. Petersburg: 2007. – 368 p.

The meta of the book is a statement of the theoretical foundations of the psychology of human abilities (intellect, knowledge, creativity). She analyzes the most important models of intelligence (R. Cattell, C. Spearman, L. Thurstone, D. Wexler, J. Gilford, G. Eysenck, E. P. Torrance, etc.), as well as data from new classics them experiments in the field of researching hidden abilities, the current tools for psychodiagnostics of intelligence and creativity are described.

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Vantage: Rghost

Peredmova until the third appearance 3
Author's view 5
Author's view 7
History of research and development of problems of psychology of specialties... 9
Problems of hidden abilities (intelligence, awareness, creativity) 14
Literature 17
Factor models of intelligence 25
Ch. Spearman model 26
Model L. Thurstone 29
Model J. Gilford 30
R.B. Cattell Model 31
Other hierarchical models
(S. Barth, D. Wexler, F. Virnoi, L. Humphreys) 35
Monometric approach 37
Cognitive models of intelligence 41
Model R. Sternberg 42
Other cognitive models 47
The concept of mental awareness by M. A. Kholodnoy 49
Literature 54
Psychometric respect 56
Progressive matrices by J. Raven 63
D. Wechsler test 66
Intelligence structure tests 77
Literature 84
Psychogenetics of hidden zdіbnosti 85
Infusion of middle nature into the development of intelligence 98
Development of intelligence and special skills
learning experiences throughout life 106
Literature PZ
Psychophysiology of intelligence 112
Model A. N. Lebedev 115
Functional asymmetry of the brain and flexibility 117
Russian school of differential psychophysiology 122
Values ​​of women and men 125
Features and intelligence 131
Literature 138
Primary theories of specialness and phenomena about intelligence 140
Investigation of emergency manifestations about feasibility 144
Psychosemantic model of representation of values ​​in Svidomosti 149
Literature 156
Creativity and activity 158
The problem of creativity before creativity.
The concept of reducing creativity to intelligence 170
Creativity is the same life path 173
Creativity and diagnostics 185
The concept of creativity by J. Gilford and E. P. Torrance 185
Concept by M. Wollach and N. Kogan 190
Concept by S. Mednik 193
"Theory of Investment" by R. Sternberg 198
Approach V. N. Druzhinina and N. V. Khazratova 201
Literature 210
Psychogenetics of creativity 213
Formation of creativity and creativity before beginning 219
Knowledge, creativity and intelligence 241
Literature 244
Great intelligence and school success 247
Zagalny intelligence professional activity 250
Zagalny intelligence and creativity 252
“One-world model” 254
Structure of the hidden intellect. Implicative model 257
Chotirivimirna model 261
Dependency of initial success as a result of the development of subsequent components
intellectual properties 264
Diagnosis of the structure of intelligence (R. Amthauer test) 278
Diagnostics of nonverbal creativity (short version of the Torrance test) 283
Diagnostics of mathematical intelligence (test of mathematical analogies) 312
Diagnosis of verbal creativity
(adaptation of S. Mednik’s test - juvenile and adult variants) 324

Zdіbnosti- this is the individual power of particularity, which is the subjective minds of the successful implementation of a successful type of activity. Values ​​should not be reduced to the individual’s apparent knowledge, skill, or skill. The stench is detected in fluidity, water and hydration by methods and techniques of singing activity and internal mental regulators, which determine the possibility of their addition. In human psychology, the largest contribution to experimental research has been made by B. M. Teplov.

B. M. Teplov speak about the activities of the mind and the formation of properties. It is impossible to recognize natural qualities by themselves. Vrodzhenimi may lack the makings. The makings of thermal intelligence as a function of anatomical and physiological characteristics. Inclinations form the basis for the development of abilities, and abilities are the result of development. Since creation itself is not congenital, it is formed in postnatal ontogenesis (it is important to pay attention to those that Teplov defines the terms “congenital” and “slump”; “congenital” - appears from the moment of birth and is formed during influx slump, so i median factors, “slump” - which is formed under the influx of slump factors and which appears both immediately after the birth and at any other time in a person’s life). Values ​​are formed from activity.

In this way, those who are responsible for their daily activities are brought to this level. This reflects the success of this activity. Reality begins to emerge more quickly from activity. You may show up as soon as your day-to-day activities have begun. Moreover, the benefits appear in activity. There are stench in her place.

The skin of a person has its own individual needs, and the success of its activity is determined by the presence of one or the other. Some differences can be replaced by others - similar in their manifestations, but different in their similarities. The success of one or the other activity may be influenced by different features, so the presence of one feature may be offset by the presence of another.

Virtues and weaknesses

Skill is a motivational component of activity. Therefore, without the obviousness of skill, singing activity can be sprouted, and validity will certainly not be formed. On the other hand, if there is no successful activity, the cleverness of people will not be recognized.

Options can be divided into outdoor and special areas. The following types of special features are recognized:

1. basic and creative

2. rose and special

3. mathematical

4. constructive and technical

5. musical

6. literary works

7. artistic and creative

8. physical abilities

Rivne development of developments:

1. reproductive

2. creative

Stages of development of capabilities:

1. Makings

2. Zdіbnosti

3. Giftedness

5. Genius

Rivne development of developments:

§ reproductive

§ reconstructive

§ creative

Well, since we have written in our literature clear names of those whose theories we are guilty of knowing, we will focus on them.

B.M. Tepliv

The understanding of the date lies three signs:

First of all, we understand the individual psychological characteristics that differentiate one person from another; We don’t talk about wealth there, where we talk about power, so that all people are jealous.

In other words, not all individual characteristics are called assets, but only those that may lead to success in conquering any activity or a variety of activities.

Thirdly, the concept of “createdness” should not be reduced to the knowledge that a given person has already acquired.

Further, it is necessary to emphasize that creation in its essence is a more dynamic concept. Reality is less important in Russia than in development. From a psychological point of view, it is impossible to talk about creation, as it is understood to the cob its development, so it’s impossible to talk about the achievements that have reached their full development, that it has completed its development.

It is impossible to overcome the position of a specific specific activity.

Apart from this, it is not easy to be consistent with each other and independently with each other. The skin quality changes, and a clearly different character emerges depending on the stage of development of other abilities.

It is impossible to go straight from the extremes to the possibility of successful conquest of this human activity or any other activity. This transition can only be achieved through a different, more synthetic concept. Such concepts do not mean “giftedness,” which is understood as a clear recognition of the potential for achieving greater or lesser success in both this and other activities. news

It is important to understand the “giftedness” and “excellence” of those who are seen as powerful people who, at first glance, can see what other practical activities represent to them. You can’t talk to him about his giftedness. You can only talk about being gifted for something, for any activity.

The gift of success lies in the victorious activity, beyond the possibility of achieving it. Between the psychological side of nutrition, we can say that for the successful pursuit of any activity, it is necessary to be gifted, i.e., the presence of a unique combination of abilities, and necessary skills and knowledge.

An attempt at systematization and analysis of cognitive features was first carried out by V.M. Druzhinin. Within the framework of the theory of hidden abilities, the remaining ones are seen as psychometric intelligence (the ability to create knowledge with the understanding of existing knowledge), creativity (the ability to transform knowledge with the participation of and fantasies), learning ability (ability to acquire knowledge).

Regulations of the Druzhinin:

Including intelligence, creativity and excellence in the structure of global abilities, we were based on a three-component model of the cognitive process.

Any cognitive act is liable to include addition, stagnation and transformation of cognitive information. The productivity associated with knowledge can be identified with the beginnings, the productivity of knowledge with knowledge can be identified with hidden intelligence, and the transformation of knowledge with creativity is associated with creativity.

Creativity and creative intelligence are the abilities that signify the process of a successful mind task, but play a significant role at various stages.

Theoretical and experimental data allow us to develop evidence that creativity and intelligence are orthogonal factors, so that they are independent of each other. Nowadays there are operational stench of bed sores: situations that are conducive to the manifestation of intelligence, similar in their characteristics to situations in which creativity is manifested.

In this way, the differences that are to be avoided in experiments, in the correlations between intelligence and creativity, are explained by what methods are used to diagnose these powers, and more precisely, at some points of the mental continuum “regulation- freedom" techniques are placed and how to stand between them. For this reason, it is theoretically possible to understand the different values ​​of the correlation between the methods, since the “stand up” between them is indicated.


The success of activity depends on capabilities. Apparently, intellectual creativity is defined as an individually specific power of particularity, which is the intellectual success of a major task (problems): the ability to reveal the meanings of words, create a spacious figure from given elements, identify patterns in a number of numbers and geometric images, demonstrate endless options for the variation of a given shape It is superb in a problematic situation to formulate a new approach for any subject problem.

In her model, Kholodna expands Druzhinin’s concept of the aspects of wealth. Vona sees that there are main aspects of the functioning of the intellect that characterize the different types of intellectual abilities: convergent versatility, divergent versatility (or creativity), creation and development Valny styles. In the context of the proposed approach, the skin of intellectual abilities is seen as the power of the intellect, similar to the peculiarities of the warehouse and individual mental intelligence.

Convergent versatility is revealed in the indicators of the effectiveness of the process of processing information, first of all, in the indicators of the correctness and speed of finding a single possible (normative) type according to the possible specified situations. Convergent validity is characterized by such an adaptive capacity of individual intelligence from the point of view of the success of individual intellectual behavior in regulated minds of activity.

Convergent capabilities are represented by three powers of intelligence.

Relative to the power of intellect - characterize the current level of development of cognitive mental functions (verbal and non-verbal), acting as the basis of cognitive imagery processes

Combinatorial power of intelligence - characterize the structure to identify different types of connections, relationships and patterns. The word has a broad meaning - it is useful to combine different elements of the problem situation and power knowledge.

p align="justify">Procedural powers of intelligence - characterize the elementary processes of processing information, as well as operations, adoptions and strategies of intellectual activity.

Convergent intellectual abilities - in the form of simultaneous, combinatorial and procedural powers of the intellect - characterize one of the aspects of intellectual activity, direct in search of a single correct (normative) result. the bottom is up to the task of minds and vimog activity.

Divergent creativity (or creativity) is the ability to generate a variety of original ideas from unregulated minds of activity. Creativity in a narrow word is a divergent mentality (more precisely, the operation of divergent productivity, according to J. Gilford), an essential feature of which is the readiness to present in an equal world of correct ideas one of the same object. Creativity in the sense of the word is creative intellectual versatility, while creativity brings new insight (F. Barron), creativity is generated original ideas in the minds of posing new problems (M. Wallach), the ability to recognize gaps and wipes, and also formulate hypotheses about various elements of the situation (E. Torrance), the ability to be seen as a stereotypical way iv myslennia (J. Gilford).

As criteria for creativity, it is necessary to thoroughly examine the complex of important powers of intellectual activity:

1) fluidity (the number of ideas that come out in one hour);

2) originality (the ability to generate “rare” ideas that emerge from conventional, typical types);

3) responsiveness (sensitivity to the smallest details, loss of insignificance, as well as readiness to easily and quickly switch from one idea to another);

4) metaphoricality (readiness to work in fantastic, “inconvenient” contexts, skill in using symbolic, associative ways to express one’s thoughts, as well as cleverness in the simple and, however, in the complex – simple).


The statement about learning as a manifestation of the level of intellectual (zoom) development was in the context of the concept of “zone of closest development” (L.S. Vigotsky). Under the zone of closest development is the process of psychological development of a child, which takes place under the guidance of an adult (first of all, the teacher who gives him individualized pedagogical assistance).

Signature styles

The concept of “cognitive style” emphasized the respect of predecessors on individual values ​​in the ways of understanding reality. It is quite characteristic that from the very beginning the individual abilities of these methods of intellectual activity (styles) were in principle assigned to the individual abilities of success in intellectual activity (the ibnosti).

First, the criteria for the validity of styles and values ​​were formulated by G. Witkin, which then, over the course of several decades, was safely accepted by most of his successors (Witkin, 1967).

1) Excellence characterizes the level of achievement in intellectual activity (it is also an effective characteristic). Style stands as a way of expressing intellectual activity (that is, it is a procedural characteristic). Apparently, different styles can ensure, however, high success in singing.

2) Value is a unipolar world (individual indicators of value vary on a vertical scale from minimal to maximum). Style is a bipolar dimension (individual indicators of style are displayed on two poles of the horizontal scale, which can be seen with the help of such a statistical criterion as the median).

3) Values ​​will always have a valuable context (increasing value will always be good). Before stylistic phenomena, there are no stagnant evaluative judgments, as long as any pole of one style is equal to another in terms of the possibility of effective intellectual adaptation.

4) The duration of the hour (the level of possibility changes depending on the age, light, etc.). Style is a persistent characteristic of a person, consistently powerful at different stages of ontogenesis and in different minds of socialization.

5) The property is specific to the exact location of the specific activity. Style appears generalized in Various types mental activity.

Cognitive styles are individually-specific ways of processing information about the current situation (methods of perception, analysis, categorization, evaluation, etc.)

fallowness - fallowness. Representatives of the field style place more trust in their visually conscious counterparts when assessing what is expected, and forcefully continue to visualize the field when it is necessary to detail and structure the situation. Representatives of the field style, however, are based on internal clarity and easily emerge from the flow of the field, quickly and accurately seeing detail from the whole spacious situation.

Impulsivity-reflectivity. People with an impulsive style are quick to formulate hypotheses in situations of alternative choices, in which they allow a lot of flexible solutions to identify perceptual objects. For people with a reflective style, however, who are characterized by a greater speed of decision-making in such a situation, they apparently allow little compromise when identifying perceptual objects due to their reflexive forward analysis zu.

Narrow – wide range of equivalence (or analytical – synthetic). Representatives of the pole of a narrow range of equivalence (analytical style) are more oriented towards the importance of objects, paying close attention to their details and prominent signs. Representatives of the pole of a wide range of equivalence (synthetic style), however, are more strongly oriented towards similar objects, classified from the arrangement of certain categorical substructures.

Intolerance – tolerance to the point of being unrealistic. This cognitive style manifests itself in unimportant, ambiguous situations and characterizes the world of accepting hostility, which does not indicate or suggest the symptoms that a person has, which he perceives as correct and obvious i. Tolerant subjects evaluate their actual characteristics, while intolerant subjects are assured of knowledge, in which the output is consistent with their ready-made knowledge.

Cognitive simplicity – complexity. Some people understand and interpret those that come from a simplified form based on the fixation of the surrounding set of facts (the pole of cognitive simplicity). Others, however, are more adept at creating a richly diverse model of reality, seeing it as having independent mutual sides (the pole of cognitive complexity).


The importance - the power of functional systems, to implement in addition to mental functions, may have an individual world of diversity and success and obvious speed of mastery and the implementation of activities. In a historical context, values ​​ensured the importance of the individual in natural minds.

Values ​​are not formed from deposits. The benefits and inclinations of authorities, the first – of functional systems, and the others – of components of these systems. As the system develops, the powers that be are considered elements of the system and their connections change. St – va functional systems – system components. The power of the system may appear indefinitely in warehouses.

Anxiety is one of the basic components of the psyche, on the other hand, which includes knowledge about the objective world and experiences. To be specific hidden power the brain can absorb objective light, bringing to light other mental functions. (Remember, this is just according to Shadrikov).

Structure of buildings:

The structure is uniform in all aspects and is similar to the structure of activity. There is a single structure of activity that multiplies in the structure of neighboring activities. This single structure is implemented by the entire brain as an organ of the psyche, which is functionally determined by the method of activity and motivation.

The significance of what is meant by the position systemic approach as the power of the functional system and that unit of diagnostic analysis, on the basis of which it is possible to induce the entire system of cognitive abilities as a system of power of the functional systems of the brain, which implement a different function.

The development of activities as generic forms of activity allows us to bridge the gap between mental functions and activities, to reveal the structure of activities from the position of the structure of activity. And here the realities begin to come into play as a part of the subject of activity. Natural basis The differences are the natural strengths of the individual, the power of the functions of systems that implement other mental functions.

Having shown the potential, like natural abilities, it is mediated by the valuable orientations of the subject of activity, the processes and mechanisms of planning, programming, decision making and regulation of activity.

The development of vitality occurs in the process of life and activity of the subject (primary, work, gaming). Jerelom their development is rubbing between the ready-made level the development of opportunities and the possibilities of activity.

The development of capabilities is a process:

· Development of a functional system that implements a specific mental function, in totality of its components and connections

· Development of operational mechanisms

· Development of efficiency in the system of functional and operational mechanisms

· rejuvenation of the subject with his cognitive abilities through reflection and rejuvenation of operational mechanisms in terms of specific mental functions

Looking at the development of developments, one can see 3 factors of cultural determination:

· Children need to develop their functional systems, this process itself will be determined by the environment, and then they will develop in the cultural environment

· Smells are determined by social forms of activity

· Individual values ​​are also determinants. An individual's values ​​and meanings will indicate a clear specificity of the values ​​that are stored in them, which a person learns and remembers

The diagram, which is even more important, reflects the structure of Shadrikov’s activities, unfortunately, in a different format, we know that he happened to take this photograph.

The meta of the book is a statement of the theoretical foundations of the psychology of human abilities (intellect, knowledge, creativity). She analyzes the most important models of intelligence (R. Cattell, C. Spearman, L. Thurstone, D. Wechsler, J. Gilford, G. Eysenck, E. P. Torrance, etc.), as well as data from new and classic experiments in the field of researching hidden abilities, the current tools for psychodiagnostics of intelligence and creativity are described. The supplement contains the original methodical development cerated by the author of the laboratory of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The informative richness, the correctness of the report, the integrity of the scientific position of the author, it is insane that this book will earn the respect of everyone who cares about psychology, pedagogy, and sociology.

Extraordinary intellectual capabilities.
The term “intelligence”, in addition to its scientific meaning (as the skin theorist has his own), like an old cruiser with turtles, has acquired an endless number of everyday and popularizing arguments. Abstracts of the work of the authors, who have worked on this subject in other ways, would take up hundreds of pages. Let's do that short look And we will choose the most pleasant interpretation of the concept of “intelligence”.

The main criterion for viewing intelligence as an independent reality is its function in regulating behavior. If we talk about intelligence as a creative activity, then the main focus is on its adaptation significance for humans and great creatures. Intelligence, as W. Stern thought, is the secret source of the creation of new living minds. The pristosuvalny act (according to Stern) is the ultimate living task, created by additional action with an obvious (“mental”) equivalent of the object, by additional “action in the mind” (or, according to Ya. A. Ponomarov, “on the internal plane ї "). Therefore, the most important problem of the subject arises here and now without any new behavioral tests correctly and one-time: tests, testing of hypotheses take place in the “internal plan of action”.

Peredmova until the third appearance 3
Author's view 5
Author's view 7
History of research and development of problems of psychology of specialties 9
Problems of hidden abilities (intelligence, awareness, creativity) 14
Literature 17
Factor models of intelligence 25
Ch. Spearman model 26
Model L. Thurstone 29
Model J. Gilford 30
R.B. Cattell Model 31
Other hierarchical models (S. Barth, D. Wexler, F. Verna, L. Humphreys) 35
Monometric approach 37
Cognitive models of intelligence 41
Model R. Sternberg 42
Other cognitive models 47
The concept of mental awareness by M. A. Kholodnoy 49
Literature 54
Psychometric respect 56
Progressive matrices by J. Raven 63
D. Wechsler test 66
Intelligence structure tests 77
Literature 84
Psychogenetics of hidden zdіbnosti 85
Infusion of middle nature into the development of intelligence 98
Development of intelligence and special skills
learning experiences throughout life 106
Literature PZ
Psychophysiology of intelligence 112
Model A. N. Lebedev 115
Functional asymmetry of the brain and flexibility 117
Russian school of differential psychophysiology 122
Values ​​of women and men 125
Features and intelligence 131
Literature 138
Primary theories of specialness and phenomena about intelligence 140
Investigation of emergency manifestations about feasibility 144
Psychosemantic model of representation of values ​​in Svidomosti 149
Literature 156
Creativity and activity 158
The problem of creativity before creativity.
The concept of reducing creativity to intelligence 170
Creative peculiarity and this way of life 173
Creativity and diagnostics 185
The concept of creativity by J. Gilford and E. P. Torrance 185
Concept by M. Wollach and N. Kogan 190
Concept by S. Mednik 193
"Theory of Investment" by R. Sternberg 198
Approach V. N. Druzhinina and N. V. Khazratova 201
Literature 210
Psychogenetics of creativity 213
Shaping creativity and learning 219
Knowledge, creativity and intelligence 241
Literature 244
Great intelligence and school success 247
Great intelligence and professional activity 250
Zagalny intelligence and creativity 252
“One-world model” 254
Structure of the hidden intellect. Implicative model 257
Chotirivimirna model 261
Dependency of initial success as a result of the development of subsequent components
intellectual properties 264
Literature 266
Diagnosis of the structure of intelligence (R. Amthauer test) 278
Diagnostics of nonverbal creativity (short version of the Torrance test) 283
Diagnostics of mathematical intelligence (test of mathematical analogies) 312
Diagnosis of verbal creativity
(adaptation of S. Mednik’s test - juvenile and adult variants) 324

Psychology of hidden possibilities. Druzhinin V.M.

3rd type. – St. Petersburg: 2007. – 368 p.

The meta of the book is a statement of the theoretical foundations of the psychology of human abilities (intellect, knowledge, creativity). She analyzes the most important models of intelligence (R. Cattell, C. Spearman, L. Thurstone, D. Wexler, J. Gilford, G. Eysenck, E. P. Torrance, etc.), as well as data from new classics them experiments in the field of researching hidden abilities, the current tools for psychodiagnostics of intelligence and creativity are described.

Format: pdf

Size: 25.7 MB

Vantage: Rghost

Peredmova until the third appearance 3
Author's view 5
Author's view 7
History of research and development of problems of psychology of specialties... 9
Problems of hidden abilities (intelligence, awareness, creativity) 14
Literature 17
Factor models of intelligence 25
Ch. Spearman model 26
Model L. Thurstone 29
Model J. Gilford 30
R.B. Cattell Model 31
Other hierarchical models
(S. Barth, D. Wexler, F. Virnoi, L. Humphreys) 35
Monometric approach 37
Cognitive models of intelligence 41
Model R. Sternberg 42
Other cognitive models 47
The concept of mental awareness by M. A. Kholodnoy 49
Literature 54
Psychometric respect 56
Progressive matrices by J. Raven 63
D. Wechsler test 66
Intelligence structure tests 77
Literature 84
Psychogenetics of hidden zdіbnosti 85
Infusion of middle nature into the development of intelligence 98
Development of intelligence and special skills
learning experiences throughout life 106
Literature PZ
Psychophysiology of intelligence 112
Model A. N. Lebedev 115
Functional asymmetry of the brain and flexibility 117
Russian school of differential psychophysiology 122
Values ​​of women and men 125
Features and intelligence 131
Literature 138
Primary theories of specialness and phenomena about intelligence 140
Investigation of emergency manifestations about feasibility 144
Psychosemantic model of representation of values ​​in Svidomosti 149
Literature 156
Creativity and activity 158
The problem of creativity before creativity.
The concept of reducing creativity to intelligence 170
Creative peculiarity and this way of life 173
Creativity and diagnostics 185
The concept of creativity by J. Gilford and E. P. Torrance 185
Concept by M. Wollach and N. Kogan 190
Concept by S. Mednik 193
"Theory of Investment" by R. Sternberg 198
Approach V. N. Druzhinina and N. V. Khazratova 201
Literature 210
Psychogenetics of creativity 213
Formation of creativity and creativity before beginning 219
Knowledge, creativity and intelligence 241
Literature 244
Great intelligence and school success 247
Great intelligence and professional activity 250
Zagalny intelligence and creativity 252
“One-world model” 254
Structure of the hidden intellect. Implicative model 257
Chotirivimirna model 261
Dependency of initial success as a result of the development of subsequent components
intellectual properties 264
Diagnosis of the structure of intelligence (R. Amthauer test) 278
Diagnostics of nonverbal creativity (short version of the Torrance test) 283
Diagnostics of mathematical intelligence (test of mathematical analogies) 312
Diagnosis of verbal creativity
(adaptation of S. Mednik’s test - juvenile and adult variants) 324

We are aware of the importance of the fact that the main complexity of the development is due to the fact that it is connected with the significance of the development. On the everyday, pre-scientific level, the understanding of values, in order not to become difficult. However, over the scientific understanding of the problem of vitality, the thoughts that formed in the earlier period still weigh heavily on the singing world. Even from the time of Aristotle and the Middle Ages scholasticism, vigor was seen as the addition of “sweetness,” “strength,” “substantiality,” etc. Behind the details there is an element of mystery.

And in 1923, Édouard Claparède, a professor at the University of Geneva, tried to date the significance of the work, speaking about the complexity of this work and declaring that “in the most formal form, work is possible mean as if it were more mental and physical power Individuals, taken under this gaze practical zastosuvannya(Realizations),” then 20 years later the Radyansky psychologist B. M. Teplov wrote: “I do not allow the scientific theory of giftedness to be developed, I do not allow the development of any hypothesis about what such a theory may be. At this time it is still not possible to go to bed. Moreover, everyone tries to formulate theories and hypotheses about the nature of giftedness, given that the supply of positive knowledge, which we believe, is scanty. Zagalna theory The legacy of a great work can be created from the learning of specific facts and private laws. With the researched talents, Radian psychology is only just getting to this point, and the scientifically collected material that we have is still very small.”

Another famous Russian psychologist S. L. Rubinstein at the same time wrote: “The features... in the initial arsenal... often served to address the need to reveal the patterns of progression mental processes. Therefore, today scientific psychology has grown into a significant world in the fight against the psychology of differences... Looking at this, as we introduce the concept of “discretion” into the system of psychological science, it is also necessary to dub it the right thing.”

The monograph by V. N. Druzhinin, dedicated to the problem of hidden properties, was prepared within the framework of the project “Individualization based on a specially oriented initial plan behind-the-scenes school" was published in 1995. After this, the two girls received the most favorable assessment from both the academic community and the practical people of the world.

This book contains unique material from the characteristics of the main approaches to the development of profound intellectual qualities with a deep author's interpretation and assessment. The author examines theoretical and experimental diagnostic approaches to understand the essence of the structure of intelligence, creativity and diagnostics, and the development of creative abilities.

The book concludes that, written clearly and scientifically, it describes the current diagnostic tools for intelligence and creativity and will be valuable for anyone interested in psychology.

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor,

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. D. Shadrikov

Kviten, 2006


This book is based on a course of lectures that I read at the Faculty of Psychology of the Moscow State University. Lomonosov and faculties cob classes LNA.

However, I tried not to get involved in popularization or explanation of the “basics” at all. This book is part of a continuous dialogue between members of the professional community. Basically, it was written for faculty psychologists and for 4th-5th year students. I have tried to exclude the facts, venturing into theoretical interpretations only as necessary. How long have you come to this point? Readers judge.

The foundations and development of psychology as a scientific and directly scientific psychology in the Radian period are in front of B. M. Teplov and his school. It is impossible not to give due credit to the complexity of the investigators, the wealth of factual results and methodical findings.

Another name is the name of K. K. Platonov, whose book “Problems of Reality” has long been deprived of the main treasure for compilers and practicing psychologists. Although K. K. Platonov was a great popularizer, a theorist, and a great practitioner, an experimenter and a methodologist (which appeared on the basis of his monograph), the role of his work in the modern world is supported The interest of psychologists in both psychological and applied problems is even greater.

In the 60-70s, the previous work in the field of psychology was divided into a number of private areas: the development of mathematical, psychological, literary and other areas. Who has a clue about V.D. Shadrikov. Vietnamese psychology The need is due to the development of low-level pre-existing programs for professional and extraterrestrial people, and the problem is due to updated work from the understanding of the theoretical framework of the psychology of extraterrestrial activities.

One could name more than a dozen Russian pre-students who made their contributions to the development of problems of psychology and psychodiagnostics of personality traits. Partially it is divided at the bottom. The authors, whose work I somehow and unexpectedly didn’t recognize, I’m sure they’re going to screw me over.

The book is dedicated, as the title implies, to the problems of psychology and psychodiagnostics of special abilities, and there is no trace in it of the development of psychology of special abilities, psychology of professional abilities, etc. Less I would like to pay attention to the hidden problems of psychodiagnostics. It was practically impossible to clarify the problem of the beginning. The author does not make any mistake about it, but rather the work of domestic and foreign educational psychologists provides sufficient reliable information.

The author belongs to the graduate students and academics of the Laboratory of Psychology of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, whose research provided the material for the book: E. G. Aliev, A. N. Voronina, T. V. Galkin, N. M. Gnatko, E. Yu. Samsonov, N.V. Khaz-ratova, L. G. Khusnutdinova, A. E. Chernina, F. M. Yusupova.

I especially want to thank A. B. Barsukov and E. for their assistance in preparing the manuscript. V. Tolokonnikov.

Although commercial motivation is now natural for the Russian scientist, before the preparation of another type, such merchandising was developed. First of all, some of the material will inevitably become outdated and will require additions, new interpretations, etc. Over the course of the remaining 5-6 years, psychologists (both in our country and abroad) have found new results in the area of ​​creativity, creativity, and intelligence. The laboratory of psychology of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences actively worked in this direction for the author of this book. In addition, fundamental monographs by V. D. Shadrikov, V. S. Yurkevich, E. A. Golubeva, M. A. Kholodova and other authors, as well as collective works edited by M. A. Leites, D. B .The Epiphany, which is to complement and indirectly polemicize from the place of the book presented to your respect.

In another way, I heeded the critical considerations expressed by my colleagues, and made corrections to the text, and completely rewrote and added new material to the lower sections. I also included the low, unjustifiably categorical assessments and concepts that were present in the text of the first edition: tolerance, unfortunately, comes with fate.

In 1996, the publishing house “Academy” published the book “Psychodiagnostics of the Unseen Things,” which is a shortened (about one-third) version of the first edition of the “Psychology of the Unseen Things.” This text is written by the very few people who have already written about it.
