Dragon age inquisition gears on clay stitches. "Convergence" short look

Dragon age inquisition gears on clay stitches. "Convergence" short look

On April 11, 2015, new plot additions for the Inquisition appeared. "Skhodzhennya" tells us about the steps that are found on earthen stitches and about the past of the children of the stone.

Everything starts from the fact that a sheet from Orzamar comes to the Inquisition to help them. We are suddenly thrown to the rescue. In order to get on clay stitches, we need to visconate the plant on the tables on the side of Ferelden:

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

As only we have come to the place where we have come to know the chronicler Valten, I have asked for help with marvelous earthlings. And together with a new acquaintance we descend to Glibinn Stitches, where a group of the Legion of the Dead checks for us.

Whom can we shoot under the ground? Naturally spawn darkness. Krіm zvichnyh us genlock і Harlock mi zstrіnemosya z screechers again. Step by step, vibrating creatures in the company of the leader of the Legion of the Dead and Valten, we will descend more and more. All we have to do is go down 6 levels:

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

The deyakі rivnі mаtіt іt іn а bunch of prihovanі mіstsya, you can dine on yakі only vykonavdannya on ekpedіtsіonnoy table. We have a place to show up on the first level, there will also be a shop with resources, a station for preparing and replenishing the collection of possessions. Zagalom, such an axis is a small tabir in which everything is. Here you can turn around at any moment to pick up, sell out, replenish stocks of zillya / bombs, so that you need to change the bend and return back to the depths of darkness.

It is necessary to change clothes carefully and usually. Cut your shave, cut it off. So you need to fight and fight carefully, so as not to fall down.

Crime of the ringing of the enemies, we should be told to choose the rusty gears. There are a whole row of mechanical gates on the stitches, behind which artifacts are hidden, as it is necessary to turn Orzamar. The gears are lying around in various nooks and crannies. Sob all їх_brothers, that y schob open all the doors, it is necessary to vikonate the head of the table on the table. In the meantime, we will be picking up rusty moths, along the way we will be eating collections of collections.

There are also two logical riddles, though the stench of the flooring is primitive, which is simply ridiculous.

In one room, it is necessary to extinguish the correct torches, in order to open the sarcophagus: two distant ones are ignited, two central ones are extinguished.

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

І gra ceasing the pyramid for children of three fates for the people:

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

Descending lower and lower, driving in the birth of darkness, along the way knowing unique objects from them (more about them below), we will get to the old lirium mine. Here the story becomes more clear. Valta rozpo_st about titans. And the axis in the depths of the mine will strike us as wondrous dwarfs - sha-britolly. How the stench lives here is a mystery. That same stench is a real mystery. The obladunki are folded with the body in one whole. The cream of the wondrous dwarfs glimmered with the deathly cretals.

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

We descended from the bag in a marvelous place, where it was not just light, but where the right blue light was.

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

Here you can find the dzherelo of all bid - the heart of a titan. How to speak, the titans are alive. In fact, burn, and the lirium of the whole blood. As soon as we get to the heart of the attack on us Zahisnik. The final boss is on one space. The majesty of the gathering of stones guesses the stone known to us by the spirit. With his own "hands" the winemaker hit the ringing stake. Vseredinі vіn b'є vіdrostkami "legs". In the same way, an hour at an hour, along the old stake of the earth, the stones thorns climb, it’s better to trim closer to the tentacles-low.

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

After we won over Zahisnik, we marveled at the final video. Why everything ended was not understood in essence, then why do we check the chergovy "luminary", then what the hell do you know.

Unique dribnichki, sho shot:

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

"Convergence" short look

story quest

You yourself need to go to this territory in order to gain access to the dwarfs in the place of Orzammar, so you should entice the gnomes to come to your aid in the battle with the Spawn of Temryavi. A group of myslivtsiv behind the heads, in a warehouse like a magician, attacking you at a cost, as if you came to this map for the first time, but the stench is unlikely to be a problem for you.

In fact, you don’t need anything for admission to Orzammar, you don’t need anything - go to the gate, listen to the guards’ list with Loghain’s envoy Imrek, voice about your mission, go to the place, then either kill Imrek, or let him go to Orzammar .

non-plot quest

Behind the entrance to Orzamar, not far from the merchants, one of the magician's teachers is walking, to whom you need to give a sheet about the call.

In the Frosty Mountains, there is one zі skhovanok, which you need to see according to the line of Denerim's quests "Services to the people of the castle."


story quest

Passing through the Hall of Heroes and escaping into the inhabited part of the city, you won’t become a witness to the scene between Belene and Harrowmont (for which you can already know badly, like a noble dwarf). Having talked with the head of the varti after the fact that everyone is scattered in different sides, you know that they ate to the dwarves at the wrong moment - after the death of the king of the endrin, the Assembly cannot be blamed, who is to blame pіdmogi vіd gnomi vіysko chekat not be brought, bоnіhto not vіzme vіdpoіdalіnіst vіysko vіysko on surfіnі, іn іn іdіnіnі іѕ little nіhto wіyna going on.

It is not necessary for you to be a genius to grow whiskers - you need to work all you can, so that one of the contenders for the throne becomes the legitimate ruler of Orzammar. Yakiy same - virishuvati you, great roznitsi tse can not (if you want, if you are a noble dwarf, you can have special rahunki with one of the applicants).

Respect: you can talk to the representatives of both applicants and take care of the heads of both, but only win one of them - that applicant whom you have chosen to support. If you vikonaєte all of them, then insulting representatives virishat that you have become on the side of the opposite party and will not speak to you any more.

Regardless of which side you chose to take, for the first time you will be asked to convey your loyalty (and that you are not the spy of the opposite grouping) to the victors of a small dedication.

If you wrote about the story of Lord Harrowmont, then you should talk to Doolin. Yogo can be found in the Harrowmont Mansion in the Diamond District or in the Mystic Tavern. If you decide to go to the Assembly first, then speak to representatives of both applicants, then Doolin will rip you off at the exit. To test your loyalty, you will be asked to take a part in the magic in the Arena. Try it out as the champion of Harrowmont. Sprats of yoga fighters were unwilling to take part in the magic, so that along the way it would not be good for you to explain why this behavior was caused (want to complete the task it was not necessary).

Go to the Arena. Bize, one of the fighters of Harrowmont, will share his problems with you, as you have an excuse for Navik Reconnanny. As you know the fault, the fault is folded into a love affair with a foreign woman, and the representatives of Belen, as if in a rite of taking off the leaves of a dead couple, threaten to rob them of the vomit of the bulk. The leaves are found on the screen in the closed room of Myadzhali - one of the battles of Belen - right there, in the Arena, and you can either just open the lock, which means you can open the door, or steal the key from Myadzhali himself and open the door in this way. If you see Bayzil leave, you will be able to fight for Harrowmont.

The other fighter of Harrowmont, Gwiddon, was informed that Harrowmont had taken positions and would give up the throne of Belen, but the strikes were carried out only in order to allow you to “save your disguise” when you were. You can entice him to take a part in the magic, having reconquered (with the obvious evidence) that Harrowmont is not going to get back.

After that, as you finish everything, go to the Order of Areni and slander that you are ready for the fight. You will have a series of battles, and the first three you will need to fight on your own. In the fourth, you are allowed to choose one of your companions as partners. In the rest of the battle, after you have defeated Byse and Gwiddon to step on the side of Harrowmont, the stench can come to you if you want to - or you can take your own great group.

If you finish all the fights and you are voted champion, you can find yourself facing Lord Harrowmont face to face. Unfortunately, there is not enough victory in the Arena to reconquer the Assembly in the rights of Harrowmont to the throne, so that you happen to get a little better.

As you saw the support of Prince Belen, then you can know the representative of Vartag either in the palace or in the Assembly chamber. As a confirmation of your loyalty, I ask you to deliver two leaves, for which you scream, that Lord Harrowmont declared for support one and the same city to two different persons. For the very same persons - Lord Helm and Lady Daisy - you should bear the leaves. Lord Helm is staying in the mystic tavern, and everything that you need - tse give you a leaf. Lady Daisy, if she wants to be embarrassed by the news, she doesn’t have the right to make similar decisions herself, and then after her, you should be told by her father, Lord Daisy, who knows the clay stitches. Lady Daisy to see you a map so that you could dine in the necessary teig, and yourself - the Edukan teig.

Lord Daisy is located in the western part of the teig. In order to get to the new one, you will have to break through the kіlkіz znachnost brіznі dvorzhennja temryavі, glіbіnіh Pereslіduvachiv (drіbnіh kіlіnіkі with vemіmi gostryi teeth, іkі adore nakidatіtsya іz іzіzіdі in downright indecent kіlkos) і іnshіh meshkantsіv pіdzemel. If you come to Lord Daisy and help him deal with the attackers on his group of monsters, you can help him get a leaf and take away the zapevnennya, which will help him to take down Belen.

If so, turn around to Vartag and you will take an audience with the prince in the palace. It’s a pity that your susilla played more than two for Belen - which is not enough to reconsider the entire Assembly, and for that you need more than a few more crumbs to secure the throne for you ...

Regardless of who took the side of Belen abo Harrowmont, your steps will be absolutely the same, and the first of them will be the head of the mafia mafia on the name of Jarvi, in view of the usual life - especially in Kurny Mist.

Head to Zaporosheniy Misto. If it’s your first time to see an important city, then it will be marked by an attack by local bandits. If you are a gnome-commoner, then you can see your old friend Liska here, but you won’t be reminded of any brown wine. To get the necessary information, talk to the feline in the name of Nadiya, the local merchant Alimar or the dwarf in the name of Radek. (Most likely, you should speak for everything with Nadiya, so it’s not necessary for you to pay - whatever you yourself want to reward - don’t zastosovuvat special minds.)

Whomever you choose, you know that you can get into the lair of Jarvi for the help of special talismans, as if Jarv's helpers carry with them. Go to the budinok in the most important part of the district (you could have been there earlier and didn’t know anything about it). However, this time you will be checked out there by a whole group of bandits. If you know all the life of a gang, you will be grateful for mercy. You can drive it in, or let it in, but in the event of a fall, you take away the talisman from the look of a stone finger, which is your own key to the league of Jarvi. Now go to the "Pidozriloy Door" to the pivnich from the booth with the bandits, and if you are stunned, then take away the option to stop the talisman and now you can calmly pass through the middle.

Lіgvo Jarvi is already teeming with gangsters of all possible sorts, under the skin - with spiders, and also, like a skin-respecting bandit den, it is full of numerical shepherds, so I recommend to go there with a robber. Jarve herself is in a hidden room, and if you didn’t choose the option of dialogue with her, as a result, you will have to fight with her. Beware of the pastas - in this room there were a lot of them, although in fact all the stinks are concentrated in the other half of the room (you can remember them by the number of barrels placed next to each other).

If you are a dwarf-commoner, then you will bring Liska together with Jarvi. If you care for someone else, then Liska will sit in a cell in one of the front rooms, and you can call him if you want.

Having got out of Jarvi, without breaking pastures and having finished looking around the stone, go into the corridor to the pivnіchno-shіdny hut - through the new you can go to the Unknowable district through the trading shop, without turning around through the whole brothel and Pilniy Misto.

If you tell Harrowmont / Belen about the success of your mission, you will immediately be entrusted with one more task - to go to Glibin Stitches and rozshukat there Paragon (Doskonalu) Branco, about the yak you could have been quite a bit of the inhabitants of the city. Branca at the moment is the only living Paragon of Orzammar, and її podtrimka singsongly provide a podtrimka to the candidate at the elections. (In that vein, as Branca made a smart throw at earthen stitches, you need to know if you want to know the remains.)

On the way out of your place, Ogren is waiting for you, for which you, perhaps, you already shot earlier - but perhaps, you don’t, but you don’t play any role. Branca is the yogo retinue, and that wine will come to your group. You are not obligated to take yoga with yourself at once, so you can wait for yoga proposition, but at the singing stage of wines, everything will automatically come to your group. (Ogren is a berserker warrior who specializes in double-handed weapons.)

non-plot quest

For Orzammar, information about the place was given - pick it up, and you will be given the money for the belongings in the House of the Assembly. Kozhen district of the place to take part of the information you need, so you need to see: Hall of Heroes (near the entrance to Orzammar), Viprobuvan Arena (in the room on the day from the main hall), Zaporosheniy Misto (not far from the Alimar shop), Diamond above entrance) i Neznatny District (document on the bridge leading to the Arena). After you go to the Assembly and in the next order with Vartag you will know the screen with the city - kilts, add 2 to all characteristics.

This quest is shown to you by Orta in the archives in the Diamond District. You need to go to Glibin Stitches and prove there that you can live up to a noble family. You can prove it in the screen in the Orta teig in front of the bridges, where spirits and golems are known. (You will be found there, so you didn’t take the quest.) In the city, you take 5 gold from Orti, if you see it in the Assembly chamber. If you look at the city and turn to it later (you need to leave Orzammar and Frosty Gori), then take 10 gold from it.

This quest is available only, as your GG is a dwarf of noble charisma of a human being and as a wine proving nothing from Mardi in proloz. Now she has a son (your), and yet, since you were voted a Vignan and you got your own castes, then you are a child also outside the caste. You can ask Belen abo Harrowmont (in the fallow land, according to the one you have adopted) to take your son into their family. It’s better to work before you leave Orzammar after the king’s betrayal (it’s best to talk to him right after the coronation), otherwise the child will be deprived of non-castes.

You can take this quest from Rogek in Kurny Mist. We can tell you to deliver the contraband lirium to Godwin in Basht Magiv (as you have already passed Vezha, you can remember yogo - the same slapping pan, which was in the wardrobe on another version). To recover the lirium and pay Rogek 50 gold coins (40 for high perekonannyam) and you have a penny of guilt in your presence. As soon as you talk to Rogek, without spending the money you need, you can get away, and the quest will be spent. Also, you have already completed the quest for Vezhi Magiv and have become on the bank of the templars, you, obviously, cannot deliver the contraband to the addressee.

If you have delivered the lirium to Godwin, then you can calculate about the new one from 50 to 65 gold plus a dagger in the fallow, considering how high your Perekonannya is. Tell Rogek about the vikonannya zavdannya, and you will take in the city from 10 to 25 gold pieces.
If you can't complete the quest (for example, if Godwin is dead), then you can sell the lirium to merchants (if you don't want to use your beats again).

You can also drive in Rodekos. If you say that you can’t deliver the goods for confession, to those who simply didn’t have enough magic in Basht, you’ll blame, that you are going to inflate and attack you. You will also be attacked, as you will threaten to see Yogo Vlad for smuggling. (Rodeco can be beaten in and out, without bothering with the quest, but in such a state of mind you take only 20 gold pieces from your corpse.)
If you feel in yourself a moral goiter to smuggle lirium, another way to get it is to tell Gregor about it in the Basht Magiv (Moreover, you can get it even if you took away pennies from Godwin.)

In the archives, one of the Guardians of Milldrat will tell you that a valuable book was stolen from them. Go to Zaporosheniy Misto and talk to Korebit. Vіn attack you. You won’t find a book from someone else, but you’ll find a receipt on it, so you can make whiskers, that you’ve already sold the goods to someone at the Arena Viprobuvan. Go to the Arena and talk to Gredin. Vіn attack you. Having taken the book back from the yogo corpse, you can either turn її Milldrat, or sell the specialty named Gertrin right there, in the Arena, for a couple of gold pieces.

This quest will show you Nagov Boermor Catcher in an ignorant Region. After that, as you take it away, in every place you appear naked - even a cicava will help a patsyuk and a pig. You need to deliver them to Boermor. The quest will be completed after the delivery of the most important goal, but you will see pennies for a skin step, and if you know all ten, then you will take away the additional reward.

In Kurny Mist, a female wife on behalf of Zerlind will tell you her bag of history, and if you want it, you can help her. You can inspire him to try happiness on the surface, or talk to his father, who is staying in a tavern, and reconcile him and take his daughter and onuk back. Once you have completed Brother Berkel's quest and the branch of the Church has opened in Orzamarr, you can send it to us (or talk to Brother Berkel yourself and ask for help for Zerlindy). You can also perekonat її throw the child on clay stitches, so that і vmagaє її sim'ya.

This quest sees you Dagny in an obscure area. Won't you learn in Basht Magiv, but I think all її leaves with prohanny about acceptance are overflowing without confirmation. Head to Vezha. If you have already completed the quest "Rozirvane Kolo" and have become on the side of the templars, then Gregor will guide Dagny to the її prokhanny. If you have become on the bіk magіv, then Irvіng will be lucky to accept її in studies, and everything that you have left - tell Dagny news. One more option - you can lure Dagny out of Orzammar, as a godfather. How can you help Dagny to get a job in Vezha, my father, the guardian of the brothel store, you will be so embarrassed that you should be able to sell you your commodities.

You can take this quest earlier or later in the fallow land, depending on the one you took towards Belen or Harrowmont. If you saw the support of Belen, then you can go to the necessary part of the palace in a second time after the first love with him, and if you support Harrowmont, then you can only call for it after the first coronation.

In one of the bedrooms in the back part of the king's palace you will know the ailment of a woman, and if you know the order of the doctor to explain that she is broken and only a little stronger, you can ruin your life. Vin will give you a recipe for protiotruti (which needs the most potion-making rhubarb). Everything that you need to work - to prepare an anti-truth and give yoga ailments. You do not take away the richness of the cream of the recipe itself, rub it (as you can vilіkuvat in paralysis and sleep).

You will take this quest from brother Berkel in the ignorant District. Brother Berkel mrіє vіdkriti in Orzammar Church of the Creator, scho importantly, oskolki conservative dwarfs shanuyut ancestors-perfect and no less inspired by the prospectus like a new religion. If you believe to help brothers Berkel, then talk to the Head Guardian in the archives and reconsider him to allow Berkel to open the philanthropy of the Church in Orzammar. (You can also help brother Berkel, saying that you can’t get involved in the religious affairs of the gnomes.)

This quest takes you to Filda in an obscure Region. Kіlka rokіv nazal її svіd vіdvіv z ekspeditsієyu Glibinnі Stezhki i vanished obscurity there. Yogo can be known in the Orta teig, but for the past, the rocks and yoma were tasting the bіdolakh Ruk, changing so much that they don’t even want to go back. You can cheat Filda, who is dead (this option is available only, so you talked with Ruk about his mother and wine by asking you to cheat) or tell the truth. If Filda recognizes that the Hand is alive, then he will be corrected until the new on Glibin Stitches, but in any case, the quest for which will be completed. You can also drive in the Hand, if you want. If you keep yoga alive, you will win trade functions for you.

You will accept this quest in the Jarvi region. Mayzhe, on the very cob of the card, you will know Jammer's wallet, for which you know what wine you have hidden here belongings. Three screens were distributed to the undergrounds, and from the skin it is necessary to take one - the found one - an object (a cold bottom for opening envelopes, a silver ring, a pomegranate dribnichka). If you pick up the wrong object, you take away the injury. If you have all three items in your presence, you can check the screen with your belongings in the penny part of the map.

If you talk to Boermore and Leliana in a group, you will remember that it is not appropriate for you to be naked. Talk to her after that - you will say that you would like to take a good goal. If so, you will speak with the holy day of the Dwarf in the Kurny Mistі, you will be angry with you for a little silver coin of a “pretty naga”, which you can present to Leliana as a special gift. If someone naked will be found in your camp.

At the throne room of the king's palace, you can solve a small riddle. Stand two of your companions on the tiles at the sight of the arrows in the pivdenno-zahіdny kutі and place the third on the central tile in the front hall, after which activate the throne with the fourth (be ready before the battle). Having entered, they turned out to be a monster, and you take away the court sword in the city. This quest needs to be allowed before the coronation of one of the applicants.

You will find a black vial at the royal palace in one of the other rooms. This is one of the bottles, which calls for a revenant, as if you were rozіb'єte.

At the royal palace in the pivnichno-hidden part, if you go up there, a group of dwarves-robbers will appear in front of you, who have appeared in this corridor of peace. You will not have any other option to kill them, because the stench will attack you negainno.

In the Arena Viprobuvan you can take part in unofficial strife (for the honor of Harramont, you will fight not alone, but as a group). If you win all the chotiri, then you take away in the city a ring for the Blood Mage.

As soon as you activate the Wall of Memory in the archives and if you know anything and activate the roaming around Orzammar and Glibinnym stitches of the three runic slabs, then if you turn to the Wall of Memory and activate it again, you will take away access to the city. (Runic slabs - instructions from the head of the miners at the exit from Orzammar to Glibinn Stezhki, in the pivden-skhidnіy oven at the Crossroads of Karidina and in the back-central hall in the Dead Ditch.)

Since you choose the side of Belen abo Harramont, you will be attacked a few times by groups of enemies in the opposite party.

If you turn to Jarvi, if you turn into the Sporification of Misto, you will be attacked by Jarvi's followers.

At the screen in one of the rooms of the royal palace you will find the Love Leaf, you will need it to complete the quest "Correspondence Overwhelmed".


story quest

In order to know Branka, you need to go through a whole series of tags and dungeons. For the cob, go to the Crossroads of Karidina, which is guilty of appearing on your map after moving from Harrowmont / Belen. You will see the new one in the most populous point, and your meta - reach the exit to the most populous place. A straight path of blocking by blockage, so you can get around it either through the entrances of the oven, or through the exits. Zahidni ovens were filled with Temryavi's vineyards, and skhіdnі - mainly by Glibin's resurrections.

Having made your way through the crisis of numerical opponents and leaning against the snowy exit, now, if you go to the map of the clay trails, you will see a new place - Orta teig.

Teig Orta is stuffed with Temryavi's wyplodok and spiders, as well as spirits, golems and other, however, unfriendly baggies of mystic dungeons. Your meta is to break through into the pivnіchno-shіdnu part of the teig, where Branko's stalker can be found. Be careful - if you reach a place with a child, you will lie with a barefoot - the queen of spiders. I recommend that you give it as soon as you appear, to that one in the fall you will follow you and you can get away with an hour-long battle with other spiders, which will appear later. The queen has risen a sprig once, if you know the singing height of your health, but soon enough to turn around on the battlefield. Having sorted out with her and other spiders, read Branko's book. Now, if you go to the map of the Dead Paths, you will see a new location - Dead Row.

Having enjoyed the view of the army of Temryavi spawners at the entrance to Dead Riv, you will soon come across the Legion of Death, which mimics the attack of the spawn. So, just as you all need to go through the place and the attacking gates, in order to continue your mission, you can help the dwarves in battle, or you can move forward along the bridge and take all the enemy on yourself (in such a situation, I recommend walking carefully and looking back, more a group of advancing wyplodok temryavi to collect numbers and tie up a bіy z usіma vіdrazu maybe not so wisely - wanting everything in any case to lie down in your group and your equal.)

If you clear the place and the territory behind it, then the Legion of Death will follow you, so that you can trim the defense on a new line, and then you won’t get through the stench, so you happen to rely on the power of the forces. Push through the map, surmounting the hordes of spawning darkness - in some days you will be checked by a small number of the army - for example, in the pivdenno-central part in the sight of the orange barefoot - Maystri Forge - together with the elite Alpha HARLOK and numerous "bіli" opponents. The best way to turn the rozvіdku your rozbіynik - pasta here tezh є.

Podolavshi all pereshkodi, you dine on Hespіt - Captain Branko. She’ll just show up in front of you hour after hour, saying in a loud voice to finish the motor verses, and then you can talk to her in a special way. You can explain that Branca, judging by the mustache, is still alive, and that with the accompanying її dwarfs (especially with women) it became vinyatkovo zhahlive - but, in general, especially intelligent 'Yes.

Passing through the cave from Hespіt, you will see into the expanse of the hall, where you will be checked for sprats of ogre. Having cleared the hall from the enemy, you will reveal that one of the doors is closed and waving the key. Go to the pivdennu door, de vie sing the spirits of the legionnaires, and pick up the key of the Legionnaires in the end of the corridor. The spirits of the next to become soothsayers, so be ready before the battle.

Now you have the key to unlock the Likhovisnu Door. Go through it and the corridor and finish soon you will come across a majestic and all-clear looking barefoot of this mass. Otzhe, now you know, as if looking at the Queen of the fertile Temryavi, as if turning them into the light.

The uterus cannot be destroyed from the moon, but the tentacles (skin - elita) can znikat and appear de want, and moreover, it can spit on the big one in a practical way in the night in the oven. If you look around, then mark two corridors along the sides of the uterus - you can transfer your group there, so that it doesn’t bother you with its especially tight spits. If you stand in the very center, then the tentacles will not be able to attack you in the middle, for some reason, only the very cob of the corridor can appear. Kіlka razіv for bіy Uterus will click on Temryavi's fertile buds for help - for good luck, the best ones, not the elite.

If you become tentacles with її tentacles (and the stink of the zvichka znikati, if you are sure to їїї її її shkodi and appear three times later, so you can take an hour), then the uterus itself will no longer be such an uneasy opponent. You can pretend її z vіdstanі, you can work in close combat (cou-de-gras - a blow of mercy - I look even more effective in close combat), just send it on your way, sho, yak and ogri, you can zahopit the enemy and start shmatuvat yoga shmatochki right in front.

Having recovered from the uterus, go to the hidden corridor. If you need to stock up on bills, or sell a kind of boot, so that you can put a bag in your backpack, turn around at once - after that, as you move the cordon of the offensive territory, you can’t turn around if you want.

After that, as you enter the map of the Trails, you will see a new location - the Forge of Porozhnechi. If you enter it, your group will automatically receive Oghren (as you won’t be able to get to it) and you will be able to change the decision in your warehouse, if you want.

At the abstract, you will find Branca and take away information from her, what became of her and її dwarfs. After breaking up with Branka, you will have to fight against a number of attacks by Temryavi's wildcats. Having broken through them, go along the corridor to the room with golems. It is filled with jet gas and, to turn it on, you need to turn the chotiri vazela in the center of the room. The golem will come to life, if you get too close to them, so that the sense can enter the stone, as if the first golem is activated, deal with it, repeat the procedure until the room is cleared from the enemy again, and then turn on the gas and go further.

And they gave you another room to sound and again with golems - yak, for diversity, they will be activated in pairs (want not all golems to come to life in this moment, deaks will be so full of statues). Also on pіdlozі in tsіy kіmnati є pasta.

Go further, and you will come across a wondrous attachment that will guess a giant head, honed with chotirma in vvtary, beating the skin with such a spirit. If you become spiritual, you need to activate yoga vіvtar. You need to repeat the same procedure of chotiri razi, if the chotiri of the strongest spirit appears, but the principle is to lose the same - after the death of the skin from them, activate yoga vіvtar. If you get along with the other four, try to find a way out of harmony and you will be able to go far.

At the final furnace you will see Karidin himself. Vіn roz'explain, by what order of vіn zmіg your time to create galm and why now shkoduє about tse. In the end of your rozmova Branca will appear and you should take a decision: stand on the book Karidina or Branco. If you take the side of Branco and you have Shale in your group, you will go over to the side of Karidina and you will have to fight with him. If you take the side of Caridin, then - as if it was the next thing to score - spend a lot of points of praise from Ogren (I want them to have no less wine on your side in the battle).

Regardless of the fact that they took the side of Branko or Karidina, the lirium lived around to gain respect for the rozkidani. I warmly recommend that you fawn over them more often - first, without any cost to improve your mani and health, but, in a different way, if you don’t thrive, your opponents can speed up with them. So, as you have had difficulties with the battle, I can recommend that you, as a rank of timchas, unruly the head barefoot (for example, Silovim Polem) and deal with the golems in the first place. Do not forget that the golems are more sensitive to magic, and the dwarves are not.

After the battle of Branca / Karidin create a crown for you, as you can give to the pretender to the throne. As soon as you stood on the bik Karidina, then after some wine ask you to find Kovadlo Porozhnechi and throw yourself into the lava, having completed your bagatovik's foundation with this rite. As an option, you have sided with Branko, you can change you in the wrongness of її vchinkіv - in which way out, giving you the crown, throw yourself into the lava, in front of the Kovadlo Porozhnechi. Now you can turn back and present the crown to Harrowmont abo Belen. If you give the crown to Belen, you won't punish the stratites of Harrowmont. As soon as you hand the crown to Harrowmont, Belen and his compatriots will rise up right in the Assembly chamber and you - for the help of the new king's followers - will happen to kill them all. It is not necessary for you to give the crown to that applicant, whose quest you have won - just as well, you can save him and give the crown to his opponent.

Have some kind of mood after that, the new king will tell you to support the war on the surface, and your quest will be completed.

Note: if you chose the side of Branko and you lost your life, then at the final battle your army will also have to die.

Since you have chosen the king, upon leaving the Assembly, you are given a cardolus - the commander of the Dead Legion. If you know how to reconcile Yogo to help you on the surface, then you will appear at the hour of your battle with the Archdemon, in order with Eamon and others.

non-plot quest

Find three bears with parts of the demon's body on earthen stitches and take them all together. The first bear is located in the Edukan teiga in a small cave with Temryavi spawned approximately in the center of the map; If you take all three bears, crash into the Orta teig and activate the vіvtar in the south part in front of the bridge with spirits and golems. When you see a demon, you can drive it in, or you can let it out of the world, calling in front of the new swag in 25 gold pieces. If you do this, then it’s obvious that you’ll miss the magic sword or armor, but in the most vipadkiv you don’t take away anything morally satisfied.

Behind the Dead Moats, they gave away some of the possessions of the Dead Legion. If you take all of them, then you will see the purpose of the sarcophagus, from which you can take the friend of the Dead Legion and bring it to the Archives. As you grow up, the Legion of the Dead will be repentant caste. Three parts of the possessions are found in sarcophagi in the central and pivnichniy part of the Dead Ditch, and the remaining part - on vvtar in the haunted room. You will find your friend in the sarcophagus in the corridor beyond the Evil Dverim.

Obstezhte chotiri purchases of stones at the Crossroads of Karidina, in order to know the treasures of treasures. You need to buy a bag: near the front entrance, at the front entrance from the bridge from Alpha Harlock, in the central part, at the exit from the stove from Glibinniy pereslіduvachіv. If you obstezhuєte all chotiri, you will have a badge on your card indicating the place of belongings in the main part of the card. If you take away the belongings, then complete the Danish quest.

You will find a wall with a list of the names of the dwarfs at the Kovadlom Porozhnechi in the oven with Karidin, as they voluntarily agreed to sacrifice themselves and become golems. If you know a copy of this list, then you can write to the Head Guardian in the archives to increase the memory of the valiant gnomes.

Collect together the Sword of the Grounder. For whom you need to know all three parts of yoga. One is known to the emissary of the Gerlocks in the middle part of the Karidina Crossroads. One can be found near a vase in Ruka's oven in the Orta teig. The rest falls from the Ancient Rode of Darkness in the central-central part of the Dead Ditch teiga Orta). If you take away all three, go to the grave in the Orta teig, as to appear on your map, and if you activate it, then take away the sword of choice (even a disgraceful single sword with three slots).

If one of your group members will be dressed in the Dead Legion's Possessors (all parts), then if you activate the Dead Legion's Relic in the Haunted Room and in the evening, a monster will attack you.

Like Hell I Will!

So, I and my gamanets were taken into slavery before EA I wanted to, and I bought a new DLC for "Inquisition" for a star. Nadiya is dying to the rest, as it seems. Well, what would it be good to raptom?
Until then, my Gnome as a whole could have been cicavo on clay stitches.

Later, it became unkind in Orzammar: the earth coward, the lirium mines were covered, and here the dwarfs spawned, and they began to marvel at what was being seen. Inquisitor spivtovarishi, as if already moving on all maps and building your ensigns everywhere, so go and figure it out! All the same more adzhe to no one. On the elevator with music behind the painted pedestal, my GG Kadash went down (as a result, a couple of propositions were said about її budinok), Dorian (there was a lot of such roses), Blackwall (otherwise, with a raptom by the right Guardian, he thought up the article) and Varrik (more, more dwarfs! ). Dorian is indignant at the sudden descent and presence of music. Flute there yak-nebud
Blackwall: Guessing, under the earth, how will I end my life.
Kadash: Not finished yet.
Blackwall: It's not evening yet.
In the past, a group of adventurous people made two venerable gnomes: the chronicler Valten (she has a very sharpened stone) and the commander of the Legion of the Dead - Rennes (a nice dwarf, with which my GG could get to know each other better).
Well, send the stench to the whole company deep down, to find out, like a bastard for the vlashtov earth coward. By price they took trophies, gears (needed to open the doors at the quest and replace the fragments) and dwarves of the dress (as many as possible). The spawned temryavi were replaced by mischievous dwarf-dwellers in lirium armor (earthshaker sha-britolov, about the yak!), which grew to the shkiri, (there are angry), like they nailed Rennes (bastards!), and the mist fauna. Behind the obscene pictures on the skeletons, written in ancient gnomes, we slowly learn about the Leviathan Titan who sculpted this world. Zahisniks drink yoga blood, something like a pack of lirium. The axis of the next is based on plot calibrations. We know the titan in my pouch (in miraculous, miraculous missions), we can remake any yogo zahisnik.
At the battle, Valten curtains with a sirim lirium, in view of which she manifests magical vibes (my Kadash with a temporal specialization is already wary of what to put). But in general, it’s so good there, that there it was lost, having reconquered the Inquisitor, that the Titan її was called (to the PMP, maybe).
So do it. Nuff said.

IMHO: In the forward DLC about the big-headed Inquisitor, no one has a history of the Crimean Orlesians. Here we took it more close to what (want and unreasonable, now? I don’t have a direct injection on the plot), seasoned with folding fights.
Maybe it’s like a vpline on the foot of the DLC (for a bit - stop)?

* It's bad with dialogues. New dwarfs linger over the plot, and old party members sometimes see nothing meaningful replicas. So it seems that the voice actors just ran through the air, they harnessed a couple of replicas to voice.
* Easter eggs from Biotvar. Naga king.
* Lots of new "violet" junk, just like anyone else needs it.
* Enemies are evil. Kusyuchi. Їx already rich!
* Jigsaw puzzle type Hanoi vezhy! The YES series didn’t have anything else
* My Kadash was hacked by Kunar! Why else would you ask such food about gnome sounds?!

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