Presentations reading mom in kindergarten. Project "Reading Mom" \u200b\u200bMethodical development (average group) on the topic

Presentations reading mom in kindergarten. Project "Reading Mom" \u200b\u200bMethodical development (average group) on the topic


"Mom" "

General experiences and general reflections of a confessional nature are the best facilities of the family. Time passes, the child will become an adult. They will discuss the authors and stories, but the charging voice of the reading mothers will remain in the memory of the heart forever and will find a place next to the conscience.

I.I. Tikhomirov


The book in the hands of mom is the main educational force, with which neither moral centlence, nor the system of punishment and promotion. What has been opened by a child from the pages of the book, reading Him in early childhood, becomes part of him, is forever associated with the warmth of the mother's voice.

Directing and accompanying the thought and mental movements of children in response to read images, Moms developed creative abilities in them, awakened natural talent.

Maternal reading - the task is not easy. It requires not only patience, effort, time, but also certain skills, knowledge, skills. It requires from mother:

Readership and pedagogical culture;

Mastering methods for choosing the best children's books, the in-law of the child;


Ensure the child's right to read childhood by reviving the traditions of maternal reading, to form a positive image of the reading mother in society.

Improve on the foundation of maternal reading the quality of family relationships - the most important condition for improving the quality of life in general.

Create an attractive image of my mother in the public consciousness reading your child.


Education of young mothers about the value of the child's admission to a book and reading from infant age.

The formation of a mother reading repertoire for early and preschool age.

Development of integrated measures aimed at learning practical skills to read the child loud and organizing communication on this basis.

Familiarization Mom S. different species Children's literature, taking into account age-related decades of the child.

Acquaintance with the sources of the best books to read the child.

Family integration with libraries, bookstores and other social institutions for the successful implementation of the child's development.

Attracting mothers as volunteers for reading children out loud to Dow.

Ensuring library assistance to maternal reading.

According to the members of the participants: Group

In terms of implementation: Short-term (from 05.05.2017 - 01.06.2017)

On target installation: Practically orientative

Expected Result

1. The performance of the interest of children and parents to the artistic literature.

2. Treatment of the tradition of home reading.

3. Meeting and dissemination of family education experience on the introduction of children to the artistic literature.

4. The competence of family members in the education of the competent reader.

The main content of the project

Modern system preschool education Uses a large number of variable and alternative programs for learning and raising children. The approaches to the education and education process of preschoolers are very diverse, but the main goal of these programs is to upbringing a kind, intelligent, creative person who can relate to people to people, to the world around the world, that is, lay the foundations of this person.

The development of the identity of the child, his creative abilities;

Acquisition of children to universal values;

Formation of creative imagination;

Development development, as the basis of cognitive activity.

For successful implementation The project was solved by the tasks that need to be addressed in the family and children's garden.

In family

In kindergarten

daily reading for children of artistic works;

daily reading of artistic works, conducting conversations for the content of the work, the formation of a child of the ability to express their own opinion about the read;

use in the process of home reading handwritten books and magazines created by children;

enter into a circle of reading children's periodicals;

enter into a circle of reading children's periodicals;

control the family reading process. Give recommendations to parents on family reading;

follow the selection of children's literature, talk about read, on literature, about the benefits of reading;

develop individual literary preferences in children;

integ children with reading with a continuation, encourage keeping the content read;

attract children to creating their own books, handwritten magazines, use them in the group reading process;

teach the child to the right handling of the book, concentrate his attention on what a book was created, as it is called who illustrated it;

intensify the work of the kindergarten library (discussion of individual literary works, exhibitions of books with illustrations of different artists in one literary work);

create a children's home library, learning to use the book and the magazine Fund of the Public Children's Library;

develop the need for daily communication with fiction, teach children to respect the book, aware of its role in human life;

The project offers a variety of forms, methods and techniques for working with children: Preparation for perception by the story of individual episodes from the biography of writers; retelling entertaining episodes interrupted in the most interesting place; Expressive reading of the parent (educator);

Children are offered a wide range of games:

Plot role-playing games "Library", "Bookstore", "Binding Workshop";

Games for read books, quizzes, crosswords;

Games - Dramatic - a child, fulfilling the role as an "artist" independently creates an image with the help of a set of means of verbal and non-verbal expressiveness. The word is associated with the actions of the characters. Threaded texts are played in these games;

Theatrical games - dramatization briefly educate expressiveness of movements and speech, imagination, fantasy, creative independence, the attention of children, visual perception, imitativeness, as the basis of independence.

In addition, their impressions of the read books are displayed in productive activities: modeling and drawing.

The project implementation suggests:

Joint activities parents and children;

Interaction of the teacher with parents;

Interaction of the teacher with children;

The interaction of all subjects of the educational process: teachers - children - parents.

Organizational stage.

(First Week of Project)

1. To include methodic-pedagogical literature on this topic.

2. Suspens the abstracts of educational activities, scenarios of literary holidays, quizzes, tournaments.

3. Develop a prospective planning for working with children in educational activities and regime moments.

4.In the survey of parents.

5. Develop a prospective planning for interaction with parents.

6. Navigate the developing environment. Conduct pedagogical diagnosis with children at the initial stage.

Practical stage.

(Second - the third week of the project)

1. District promising planning for working with children in educational activities and regime moments.

2. Add new forms of work with children.

3.Tride perspective plan Interactions with parents.

4.Instate workshops, consultations for teachers in order to increase professional competence in the attachment of children to fiction.

5. The workshop workshops, consultations for parents in order to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence in the upbringing of the competent reader.

6. Consider monitoring the project implementation.

The final stage.

(fourth week of the project)

1. Will the pedagogical diagnosis of children at the final stage.

2. Processing the results of the project.

4. The presentation of the project within the framework of the Garden Competition "The reading mother is a reading country".

5. Form aware of the competition "Book with your own hands"

Project results

1. Methodical products

A project "The reading mother is a reading country", oriented to families, raising preschool children;

A promising plan for interaction with parents to educate a competent reader has been developed;

A promising work plan has been developed with children in educational; activities and regime moments for the introduction of children to fiction;

Summarized the experience of family education for the introduction of children to the artistic literature.

2. Informational and practical products

Created presentations: "The history of the book; As a book came to us; Detailed biography of authors in presentations "

Placed information (photo materials, reports) on the site of kindergarten on the Internet;

Creative report on the introduction of the project "The reading mother is a reading country";

Publication of the project of work Internet site "Pedagogue of the XXI Century"

II. Social effect


Daily support family reading traditions;

Increase the interest of the child to the artistic literature;

Expand the circle of children's reading due to the introduction of new thematic columns;

There are respect for reading and belong to him, as a serious and very important and necessary lesson.


Know how to independently select artwork for family reading;

Know how to properly handle the book, lead conversations about read, analyze the text at an affordable level;

An interest in literature is formed as a type of art;

The moral qualities of the child are formed;

Developed the need for daily communication with fiction;

III. Perspective

Based on the educational project "The reading mother is a reading country" to introduce a tradition to introduce children of preschool age to fiction through the annual holiday "Iminic books".


1. Gritzhenko Z.A. Put your heart at reading - M.: Enlightenment, 2000g.

2.Gurovich L.M., Coast L.B., Loginova V.I. Baby boy and book. - M.: Enlightenment, 1992.

3.Shukova GD Parental Assembly for Children's Reading. - M: Russian School Library Association, 2007

4.zhukova G.D. Family reading per year of the family. - M: Russian School Association, 2007

5. Nezhdanova L. I., Kichenko E. A. Working with family and promotion of family reading - M.: Education, 1996

6. Holiday book and reading. Collection of scripts to attract children to read and work with information. Russian State Children's Library. -M: School Library Reading Support Program.

7. Summary literature for preschool children Recommended by the organizers of the competition "Reading Mom - Reading Country"


to the project "Reading Mom - Reading Country"


for children of preschool age and parents

"Book with your own hands"

Interaction from kindergarten with library.

Parent meeting B. preparatory group

"We are the reading family?"

Productive activities of children.

Photo report

"The reading mother is a reading country."

Common experiences and common reflections
Confessional character - the best facilities of the family.
Time passes, the child will become an adult.
They will discuss the authors and stories,
But the charging voice of the reading mothers
will remain in the memory of the heart forever
And find a place next to the conscience.

I.I. Tikhomirov

The initiator and organizer of the project:

Association of School Librarians of the Russian World (RSHBA)


The feature of the crisis of the children's reading of the XXI century in Russia is a weak readership: the child is growing surrounded by unreadful adults and in the absence of high-quality children's literature funds in home and school libraries.

Project idea:

The project is intended to unite the Russian traditions of attracting reading with foreign developments, in particular, with the experience of Chinese teachers in Shanghai, where 15-year-old schoolchildren occupied 1 place in the international study of Pisa for reading quality. The secret of their success in a unique reading program organized in all Shanghai schools, where, except the teacher, parents are open, which are named after rooms for mothers. There are clubs of reading mothers, classes on psychology and pedagogy of children's reading are held. Every Friday in all schools Shanghai Moms are read aloud specially selected works from children's classics or modern children's literature, and children determine the best mom of the month. The project has become an information reason for the media, including for television where the educational show is held. It should be noted that another hundred years ago, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe training practice of maternal reading was implemented by a well-known teacher and chief editor of Children's reading magazines and "Education and Training" Viktor Petrovich Ostrogorsk (1840-1902). During the crisis of children's reading and teaching literature at school, which was observed in late XIX. Century in Russia, he took up the organization of maternal readings. Through their magazines, he sent letters of learning mothers, as at home to help children in literary education.

As Irina Ivanovna Tikhomirova notes, the main developer of the "Reading Mom" \u200b\u200bprogram, the Methodological system of maternal reading, developed by V.P. Ostrogorsk, on the experience of which all Russia studied and spiritually developed, today needs revival. It sounds especially modern in the context of the tasks of the Russian Literature and the National Support Program for Children's and Youth Reading Russian Federation. Special attention in the project is addressed to young mothers, whose childhood has passed in the 1990s, when, due to social reasons, parents could not pay due attention to children, and they rose without book vaccinations during their matters. Most of the current young women did not experience the happiness of emotional intimacy with her mother on book and reading material. Absence own experience Communication with a book in orphanage led today novice mothers to the lack of understanding of his true value, adversely affected the children, created a shortage of warmth family relationships. For Russian moms, this project will make it possible to create a kind of hobby club, club reading mothers, Mom communities who want to develop themselves and develop their children.

Project objectives:

Ensure the child's right to read childhood by reviving the traditions of maternal reading, to form a positive image of the reading mother in society.

Strengthen the list of library into the reader's universality system of young mothers and increase parental competence in child reading.

Popularize the best pedagogical experience of upbringing children in the family by means of books and reading, use the diversity of forms of inclusion of mothers in the implementation of the project.

Project tasks:

Organization of PR-campaigns, resonant measures to popularize maternal reading.

Development of modern approaches and technologies to overcome the functional illiteracy of schoolchildren and their parents.

Formation of the interest of the parent community in the revival of the best traditions of family reading.

Development and broadcasting in the parent environment of information, technological, consulting and management programs and methodologies of maternal reading.

Directions of project implementation:

Improving the qualifications of project participants through clubs "reading mothers", school parental meetings, seminars, contests, network sites on the Internet.

Creating a software and methodological support for the project.

Creating special experimental sites in organizations additional education Children and schools.

Organization of cooperation between libraries, schools and other social institutions in promoting maternal reading.

Creating a bank of innovative advanced training programs for project participants.

Social project "The reading family is the reading nation", which started in 2017 in Yakutsk, went beyond the capital.
Relay and project symbol - Mudraova Owl - transferred to the Ministry of Culture and Spiritual Development and uluses representatives.
Protation of the results took place in the Republican Media Center.

« Thank you for the granted mission. We will definitely give this symbol to those who will implement the project with us. This is, first of all, the National Library, as well as a library for blind and visually impaired. I think they actively pick up the relay", - said Deputy Minister of Culture and Spiritual Development Vladislav Levochkin.

Also "wise owls" transferred to members of the Public Chamber representing Neryungrinsky, Middle Elekolum, Olekmin district and the central regions of Yakutia.

In addition, six Yakutians received diplomas of "Children's Persons" diplomas. This status obliges them to work on the promotion of children's reading in their municipalities. Among them - a children's writer Valentin Egorov, adviser to the head of the republic Tatyana Tarasova, main project initiator Lena Efremova and the school librarian of the city classical gymnasium Besakayeva Oksana Musabievna -Promed !!!

On the round table Chairman of the RSBA RS (I) - Gusevskaya Elena Vladimirovna.
She told about the fact that the school librarians of the republic are also struggling with the crisis of children's reading. These "fighters of the invisible front" are currently working as leaders not only to children's reading, but also attract moms to reading their children.
There are about 600 school libraries in the republic.
And they work in the teachers librarians. IN last years School libraries are transformed.
From libraries where textbooks and books on the program are issued to centers of culture, upbringing, information, family reading centers.
It is not by chance that in new standards of education (GEF) the library in the school highlighted the role of the subject area in learning.
Adopted Professional standard By upbringing, where librarian teachers play an important role!

All school libraries of the republic work on family reading.

Since 2015, Yakutia graduated from the Russian project, "reading mother-reading country."

How many excellent benefits released RSHB to help parents.

This and the magazine "Cartayka" - the best modern and

Soviet works for children, with the adult tip tab (what questions to ask the guys on readable works).

Irina Book Ivanovna Tikhomirova "Dobre will open the heart of" -shkol developing reading - written for reading Mama to children. Short works of Soviet writers on spiritual and moral topics. And questions for each work - for conversations with children.

We read with mom. Digest of the best competitive works on the topic "Reading Mom - Reading Country"

Compiler I.I. Tikhomirova. - M.: Rshba, 2016. - 232 p. (Professional Library of the School Library: Annex to the Journal "School Library". Series 1; Vol. 5.) - ISBN 978-5-9908635-2-1

Addressed to assist teachers-librarians and a wide range of parental public, digest of the best competitive works on the topics of the All-Russian RSBBA project "The reading mother - the reading country" is the development and implementation of interactive programs for teaching parents of preschoolers and schoolchildren the basics of children's reading organization at home. Digests present different approaches to understanding the role of the school library in the development of the readership of mothers, their awareness and orientation in the field of children's fiction, the formation of skills together with the child reading out loud, the ability to captivate his book and reflect on her, taking into account the individual development of the child and his interests .

Digest included 16 best competitive work performed on the nominations "family reading methodist", "Researcher" and "Pedagogue". Digest sections are formed by the compiler on the thematic principle. They selectively represent individual fragments of competitive works, the most significant for teachers-librarians in theoretical and practical terms. In addition to substantive novelty, the reader will find in the material presented many interesting statements of great people about the role of the book and reading in the lives of children and adults.

  • Download Edition (.pdf)

Tatyana Agapova
All-Russian project "Reading Mom - Reading Country"

The reading mother is reading country [

"Read the children not notation, but books"

Everything starts with the family.

Sometime in childhood early

I opened the door to the bookmark

Reading mom.

Poems in the morning. For lunch - story,

And at night - a miracle fairy tale.

And filled each time

Our house is warm and caress.

I'm on her knees

Sitting could have a clock.

For this reading together

I grate my mother.

She gave me love,

Putting me with your hands.

I am listening again and again

I remember that magic sound,


And in the dance of black letters

The world of heroes was born.

He is our souls brake

Plots stories

And we laughed from the soul

And cried from grief.

And it was clear: you want to become

After all, life is empty without a book.

And this memory of children's years

In me lives stubbornly

After all, my reader ticket

I wrote my mother.

T. Side

Once in his youth, reading the poem of Tatiana side, popular children's writer, I decided for myself that I would certainly read my child book. For many years, I learned that from 2013 throughout Russia, the action "The reading mother is a reading country" passes throughout Russia, and decided to participate. It all started with my daughter, I came to class on Saturdays and read, then defended my project in the Fock "Gagarinsky" with class teacher daughter. In the future, the proposal to hold this campaign in our kindergarten is not left without attention. The action began in February 2018.

The world of the child begins with the family. The first steps, words, books ... and the habit of reading is born, first of all, in the family. A good book in the hands of parents and their child is a good sign that the reader's atmosphere will reign in this family, spiritual unity. Unfortunately, not all parents understand that the joint reading is not only awakening. Pacific and joyful moments of childhood, joint reading of books, spiritual proximity with mom can become a man supporting in a difficult life path. It is important not to confuse this family and books. And to strengthen it so that it is transmitted from generation to generation to read the family.

Moms who participated in this project were invited to the preschool department for reading children. Moms of pupils read out loud excerpts from the works of children's literature, or the work of the whole, at the same time they received an unforgettable feeling and unique emotions from communicating with children. Children listened carefully, answered questions, and the final result was the performance of the task (sketching or drawing a discerning from the work).

After all, the book in the hands of mom is the main educational force with which nothing compares.

Publications on the topic:

Questioning of parents "We are reading family" "We are reading a family" (parental survey) Objective: Promoting the upbringing of love for reading from senior preschoolers and their parents 1. What more often.

A brief report with the presentation on the project "Reading Mom" A brief report with the presentation on the project "Reading Mom" \u200b\u200bLyudmila Rudenko. Common experiences and general reflections of a confessional nature.

Quest "Mom, Dad, I am a reading family" with children of senior preschool age State budgetary general Education Samara region primary School "Harmony" p. T. Beznchuk Municipal District.

Scenario of the holiday "Mom, Dad, I am reading family" Topic: Family holiday "Maima, Dad, I am a reading family" It is in the family that the child's personality is raising and without reading here is not to do.

What is needed in order for reading to become a good family tradition and delivered joy and adults, and children? How to encourage a child to love.

If, from childhood, a child is not brought up by the book, if the reading did not become his spiritual need for the whole life - in the years of adolescence.

Project "Country of Health" "Country of health" (for the second younger group) Project passport: 1. Topic: "Health Country" (travel) 2. Project authors: group teachers.

Published: August 16, 2018 Created: August 16, 2018 Views: 6390

Everything starts with the family.
Sometime in childhood early
I opened the door to the bookmark
Reading mom.

Poems in the morning. For lunch - story,
And at night - a miracle fairy tale.
And filled each time
Our house is warm and caress.

Bokova T.

What kind of child does not want to fall asleep for an interesting story told by Mom? But modern parents sometimes lack time for full-fledged communication with children. And reading at night or day dream is the perfect reason to become closer to each other and strengthen the inner connection. Thanks to such a strong emotional attachment, confidence relations between the child and parents are ensured, as well as the cultural habit of listening and reading books.

Since 2018, our kindergarten has become a member of the All-Russian Draft Mom project, which should ensure the right of a child for reading childhood by reviving the traditions of maternal reading, to form a positive image of the reading mother in society, to increase parental competence in child reading and popularize the best pedagogical experience of upbringing Children in the family by means of books and reading.

In the framework of the project, book exhibitions were created, where the child could get acquainted with a variety of children's works, Polystay the book and choose the one that Mom will read.

Despite employment, the limitations in time Mom of our pupils turned out to be very responsive and gladly agreed to participate in the project. So, in the preparatory group of Rainbow, the guys listened to the fairy tale S. Kozlova "Lions and Turtle". After reading the "reading mother" asked the children questions, everyone was actively involved in the discussion of the fairy tale.

Summing up the year, we noted that parents like such projects, participating, they feel their need and importance in building an educational process. And, judging by the reviews of moms and children, the project will live next year!


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